Wild Growth

by Macro Zecora

First published

Zecora was a reclusive student at Canterlot High, generally ignored due to her love of nature and her peculiar speaking patterns. But when she's exposed to a strange new potion she invented, the side effects are quite transformative.

Zecora was a reclusive student at Canterlot High, generally ignored due to her love of nature and her peculiar speaking patterns. But when she's exposed to a strange new potion she invented, the side effects are quite transformative, and will not only change the course of her life, but of the whole world. All characters are of legal age.

Kinks: Macro, Growth, Insertion.

Wild Growth

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It was the day of the school science fair at Canterlot High, and all throughout the school, students and teachers were running to and fro, trying to get prepared for the annual science for. Well, all of them except one. Zecora, who sat by the side of the school, meditating to herself, trying to drown out all the noise.

While she was very outgoing, friendly if approached, and very wise-she was also very reclusive as well. Nature was her first friend, even more so for her than Fluttershy. And that girl loved nature. She wasn't one for going to large events, or even host the small-scale ones for that matter. But she was forced to create some sort of experiment for the fair and more importantly, for her grade. In truth, she was really stressed out by it. So for the moment she meditated trying to get her mind clear before snapping back to reality as someone yelled in the distance.

“Ugh…” She rolled her eyes as she tried to regain her inner-focus, but her mind kept wandering all over the place. From the noise of school, to the horns of trucks on the highway, to planes flying overhead. There was no end to the cacophony of noise that assaulted her senses. “Stars above! I can’t hear myself think! All this noise is driving me to the brink!” She grumbled and rubbed her forehead.

While she sometimes appreciated all the convenience of technology, she could not stand all the noise, noise, noise, NOISE! She almost wanted to burst, but kept her cool all throughout, taking deep breaths slowly but surely. “Heaven’s sake, quit with the sound! I want to stick my head in the ground!” She frowned, giving up her meditation as she stood up and took a deep breath. Even though the day wasn't a great start, she still didn't have her spirit crushed as she remembered her project and smiled. A natural way to make herbs and other plants grow to massive, through the help of herbs themselves, including a very peculiar blue flower she had seen growing near the statue in the school courtyard. It seemed so simple, and yet so perfect. She would get an easy A for sure. Even she was impressed with how quickly her brew seemed to make things grow.

Zecora walked over to her booth and got out her grinding bowl. She then began mixing various herbs and the strange blue flower together into the concoction she recently discovered. She hoped at the very least she would be able to make a good showing at the science competition with this. And with an entry that wasn't some sort of technological gizmo like everyone else around her had. But as she finished grinding it up, a student with a clipboard walked up to her. “Hey… um. Is that your project? Because this is the technology section. If you’re doing something botany-based you’ll have to move to section B, over there.” He pointed across the campus green.

“But… That’s so far out of the way! My work will be hidden and not on display!” Zecora protested.

“Sorry. Those are the rules.” He shrugged.

Zecora grumbled and poured her potion into a beaker, before sealing it up with a cork. She was very careful not to get any on herself, as she had no idea what this stuff did to humans. Suddenly someone in the crowd bumped into her, sending her sprawling towards the ground, the vial shattering against the ground, and splattering her chest with the solution inside.

“Gah!” She gasped as she was coated in her potion.

Rainbow Dash looked down at her and gave an apologetic wave. “Oh, hey there Zecora. I didn’t see you there.”

Zecora, quite justifiably angry. Not only had Rainbow destroyed her science project, but she was often one to mock her because of the way she spoke. She stood up and growled, standing almost a full head taller than the athlete. “You clumsy silly little oaf! You’ve just destroyed my potion of growth!” She said as she pointed at the blue skinned woman, her finger touching her nose as it was easily larger.

“Erm… Damn. That sucks…” Rainbow blushed. “B-but hey. It's not like you can't just go ahead and make another one, right? I mean… it can’t be that hard, right?” She rubbed her hair awkwardly, as she noticed Zecora was now standing almost a full head taller than her, which was curious, because Rainbow was almost half a foot taller than Zecora normally. “Erm... Z? What exactly was in that stuff?”

“It shouldn't be that hard to surmise, what you just spilled was a potion of size!” The shaman growled.

“Size, huh?” Rainbow asked, as she was starting to break out into a nervous sweat. “I mean, it's not like you're gonna be giant or anything… right?” She said jokingly as Zecora's face was unmoving. Rainbow gulped. “Oh come on you can't be serious-” Immediately was she cut off as Zecora grew another foot in height as she towered over the smaller girl.

“I’m afraid it is no laughing matter, those were rare herbs you caused me to splatter.” Zecora said as she crossed her arms. “Prepare yourself, Rainbow Dash, for the full might on my backlash!” Once again, gaining another foot as she rose up to meet the second-floor window. And almost as importantly, she began to change. Slowly sprouting black and white fur from her skin and growing a equine-like muzzle from her face. She was still humanoid in nature, but for whatever odd reason, she was taking on the traits of a zebra.

“Oh crud, oh crud!” Rainbow gasped and turned to run, only for Zecora to tackle her to the ground with ease. “Aw come on, Z! Let me go, darn it!”

Zecora looked at the crowd all around her and smirked. “I'm afraid you will not escape, now watch as I start to reshape.” Her body surged in all directions once again, with surging muscle and rippling flesh tearing through her clothing, leaving her stark naked in the middle of the fair, allowing the entirety of the student body to gaze upon her naked new body. “Yes... The whole class, will get to see me add to my mass!”

The crowd gasped as the unbelievable even unfolded in front of them, first her height, then her transformation, and now her nudity. Quite frankly they didn't know how to feel about it all, some were scared, others panicked, and a few pleased. Zecora once again began to grow, smiling as she went. By this point, the crowd started to panic and began running away from the growing Zebra as she smirked, admiring the power she was obtaining from out of nowhere. She took a step forward, missing a few students running away in panic. The cement easily broke apart under her weight. Zecora stood up, and began wandering around, easily crushing the other science projects as she continued onwards.

Principle Celestia stepped forward to try to bring some order to the chaotic scenario, but even she didn't know if she would be able to calm the 50-foot-tall student. “Zecora, calm down! Listen to me! You can't just stomp around like this!”

Zecora turned around and smirked. “Oh Celestia, don't be a liar, I can do whatever my heart desires.”

“A-and what is that…?” Celestia gulped. “What exactly do you plan to do with your new size?”

Thanks to the power of my size amplifier, I will set this school afire!” She stomped down on one of the school buses before turning towards the main building.

Celestia jumped out of the way as the massive student walked right at her, her foot hovering over her for a moment as she brought it down. If it weren't for Celestia’s quick reflexes, she likely would have been underneath it.

Zecora then started to tear into the school, which was thankfully empty due to the science fair. As the dust rose to the air as Zecora smirked at her handy work. One part of the school was missing completely gone within moments, and her sole continued to crush the structure beneath her. for the moment, as she purred at the feeling of stone underneath her, all while she kept growing and growing!

“Zecora! No!” Celestia gasped as the rest of the school vanished beneath her feet. The giant zebra now standing at around 500 feet tall by this point. Even as the police moved in to intercept her, it was clearly too late at this point to do much to stop her. She was far too big.

Zecora knelt down over the school's remains, the timid officers looking up at her with their weapons drawn, many who had their eyes gazing right on her lewd bits from between the strands of her tail. “Hello there, my boys in blue. A pleasure it is to meet all of you. I would listen to your thoughts of fear, unless you wish to meet my rear!” She moved her hips over them and smirked, now noticing that she had a pair of strange spiral-like suns on her cheeks.

The officers were mesmerized by her hips and only stared aghast. Their mouths opened wide as they w lowered their weapons. “Erm… W-we…”

Zecora looked back at them. “Please go ahead and speak, before your tongues become too weak.” She giggled as she brought her rear even closer.

The chief, hypnotized not only by the swirls on her buttocks, but also the plump rear itself could only stand in an entranced daze. “Y-you're beautiful…”

“While I suppose I must thank you, your flattery is easy to see through.” Zecora grinned as she descended.

The cops all gulped and backed up as she brought her rear closer and closer to them until it got to the point where they could literally touch it, and many of them chose to do so. “Erm… S-sorry ma'am...”

“I am not pleased, not one bit. Now go ahead and worship it.” The zebra wiggled her massive rear.

“Th-thank you, ma’am… We will…” The cops gulped.

“You are most wise to give me thanks. You cannot stop me, even with tanks.” The giantess smirked.

“You're not doing to sit on us... are you?” They gulped.

“I'm sure you'll be able to handle my ass. Or at least hide in the crevasse.” She raised her hips, and then got ready to bring the full might of her giant rear down in the police force.

Many of the officers turned to run, but it was too late as her gigantic striped rear fell out of the sky like a fleshy meteorite. As she brought her ass down, Zecora couldn’t help but start laughing as she felt them squirm underneath her buttocks. “Oh my, denying your enjoyment will be hard to try. But at least you’ll have fun before you die!” She laughed, completely high on her own power, her eyes even glowing blue with divine energy as she moved her bum from side to side, making sure the tiny officers felt her full weight on them. Luckily, they were fine for now, or at least as fine as one pinned underneath a massive zebra could be. They weren't dead yet thanks to the softness of her fur and the large surface area of her buttocks. But the weight was still tremendous, and they would likely start popping in the next few minutes unless something drastic changed. Zecora in the meantime, only purred with delight from the feeling she was getting from their tiny movements.

As Zecora teased the cops under her rear, she felt an up-welling of energy from the earth below her, which caused her body to grow once again, doubling and then tripling in size. Crowd of fleeing people ended up finding themselves pinned to the earth with the officers, trapped between the ground and the massive tanned buttocks of the giant zebra. “More and more, I continue to rise. Is there a limit to my size?” Zecora cackled manically.

She looked down at the fleeing crowds and reach out for them, picking up a handful in her fingers. The people in the crowd screamed, but their little squirms were no match for the zebra’s powerful fingers. They were hoisted up in the air and brought before Zecora’s glowing blue gaze. “Look at all you girls and boys, reduced to ants before my eyes.” A few walked towards the edge of the hand before deciding they would rather see what the giantess had in store for them, rather than risk falling off.

Zecora smirked as she looked over the scores of people in her hand. She started feeling a deep connection not only to the earth, but to all the tiny souls around her. Not only in her hand, but below her rear as well. It was a strange empathic feeling. Almost as if she could feel what they were feeling! “Oh my. I can now sense what you sense! Goodness me, you're all so tense! Between this power, and my new bodice, I must have ascended into a goddess!” She bared her teeth to the little people in her hand, feeling the fear dripping off of them, knowing just how small and helpless they were.

The people in her hand shivered in terror, thinking the giant zebra mean to eat them alive! They all huddled up in fear, when suddenly Rainbow Dash ran to the front of the crowd. “Zecora! Please don’t do this! I’m sorry… I’m sorry I spilled your project, okay!? I’m sorry for everything!”

Zecora gasped and her eyes stopped glowing as her inner peace one again returned to her soul. She shook her head and addressed the crowd before her. “There is no need for fear and panic, despite the fact I am quite titanic.” She said as she opened her hand and let them slide into her palm, the crowd surprised by her sudden change of heart and tone as they looked up in awe, “My mental state had been restored, I’m sure we can meet some sort of accord.” She nodded to Rainbow.

The tiny people in her hand also felt a bit calmer. Not only because they were no longer going to potentially be food, but because her voice and speaking method was quire soothing and calm, and had not a hint of cynicism as well, almost as if her powers worked in reverse as well, letting them feel her emotions as well as she could feel theirs. “Heheh. No problem, Z…” Rainbow chuckled. “I woulda been nicer to you all these years had I know you capable of becoming something like this.”

“All is forgiven, my little Rainbow Blue. I will not hold it against you.” She smiles. “Of course, there is still some stress in my mind. May I request that you all help me unwind?”

“Erm... unwind?” Rainbow gave her a worried look. “I'm not quite sure what you mean by that...”

“Even though I am fair and just. A goddess still must sate her lust. And so when I have the desire for sex, I will call upon my subjects.” She said with both loving tenderness and divine authority.

“But wait… D-does that mean you plan to use us as... sex toys!?” Rainbow stepped forward in awe. “That’s crazy! You can’t do that, we’ll be smushed!”

“No.” said Zecora. “I am a goddess, I am life’s keeper. I have more power than the reaper. If you all do as I say, then I will keep death at bay.”

“Well… what if we don't wanna be used as... such things?” Asked Rainbow, putting her hands together, hoping Zecora wouldn't be too angry about her question.

“Your goddess has needs, and she will employ, whatever it takes to bring her joy.” She grinned. “Besides, my powers by any measure, will make it so you can feel my pleasure. No harm will come to you, there's no need for fear. So who among you wishes to volunteer?” She spread her legs and held the crowd over her glistening sex, which was starting to look awfully inviting as they felt just how much lust the zebra had in her. The idea of making her happy started to seem very inviting.

Rainbow gulped but before she could even respond, she heard the cries of “I'll do it!” behind her. With all manner of students stripping out of their clothes in order to score a chance with a goddess.

“Excellent,” Zecora said as she plucked up the tiny people and dropped them towards her pussy lips. The students screamed all the way, but now out of fear, but rather enjoyment and adrenaline

“MMm… Anyone else?” Zecora asked, and Immediately the group began to jump up and down. Zecora scooped them and sprinkled them all over her privates. “It pleases me, that for people so meager, all of you seem very eager.” Zecora chuckled. “It's good to you you're all prepared. It will allow me to be unimpaired.” The goddess Zecora had become continued to sprinkle people all over her tits and genitals, before gently rubbing her glistening sex. “Mmm... That really does feel quite good, but please rub harder, if you could?”

They obliged without question as they continued to squirm and massage her as they gave her more and more pleasure. Making her slowly begin to moan as she felt the love from them. And they in turn felt her love right back, creating a lovely cyclical force. She felt the urge to push but she resigned herself from doing such as she wanted to feel their efforts, not simply masturbate.

“Ooooh...” The zebra goddess shivered as her, for lack of a better term, worshipers continued to rub and please her. “That's it... You see... There's no need to run and cower. Just come forth and bask in my power.” She purred, leaning back and letting her worshipers do their work as she surveyed just how much damage she had caused by laying down. It was not a small amount, but what could one expect from a being as big as her?

Without a doubt, she had crushed much of the rural areas of her town. Especially the school, which was just a pile of rubble and this point. Some of the more suburban areas leading to the countryside were al flattened as her massive body stretched out. Houses were crushed, roads cracked under her weight, and even the ground itself seemed to move to the whim of her mind in order to make her comfortable. Such were her powers as a goddess.

“Mmm... The rest if the city will have to wait, first I must get my lust set straight.” She groaned, feeling her worshipers slipping deeper and deeper into her sex, massaging areas and nerves she didn't even know existed. Or maybe they didn't before her ascension to godhood. Who could say? Maybe she had grown new nerves? Or her old ones had become more sensitive? All Zecora knew was that the sex was amazing, and she was loving every second of it. Her legs squirmed and flailed, bulldozing even more of the neighborhood to smithereens.

Those inside of her where now even more mystified by her sheer enormity. It seemed to be impossible for her body to be even more impressive than what they had already seen, and yet there they were in the depths of her awe-inspiring pussy. As they walked deeper and deeper inside, they fueled the power of the orgasm that was growing inside the depths of Zecora’s lust. The smell of her sweet mare nectar filled the air and the gentle heat from her marehood sweltered all around them as well.

It was too much for Zecora. Her body felt like it was on fire. She had never felt pleasure like this in her old form. Her was pussy fluttering as she felt the tiny people moving around inside of her. Her nipples tingling from similar worship on her tits, and her clit throbbed as more of them gently rubbed it with their whole bodies. She began to moan loudly, her eyes tightly shut, her fingers curling and uncurling as an orgasm ignited deep within her body, fanned into an inferno of lust from those deep within her sex. “I can feel dopamine in a great dose, a sign that I am very close...” She bit her lip and shivered.

Those inside heard her voice, shaking them to the very fabric of their core. They could feel the changes happening to the zebra as her lust built up to its crescendo. As the smell in the air grew more intense, and and the ground moistened, they looked up and was a tsunami of white fluid rushing towards them. Some began to run away already dreading the choice they made, others ran towards the great wall, wanting to embrace. Whatever their choice, it mattered little, as the mighty wave swallowed everyone without discrimination. Zecora’s moaning could be heard from miles away, all the stress and fear exiting her body as she exhaled, her chakras now in perfect balance.

The flood of her arousal spilled out onto the streets, depositing all of her followers from the depths of her sacred realm back to the mortal world. The giant zebra just lay there panting, her chest heaving up and down, unaware of what was going on between her legs, for everywhere that her pussy juice landed, plant life seemed to sprout, whether it was trees, moss or flowers, not one area his by her flood remained barren, with trees bursting out of the middle of intersections to fill the void.

Those that came out as well where drenched in her juice, but not immune of effects either of her juices, not that they seemed to be all that bad. Rejuvenation was one effect, those that who were old looked to be in their early twenties again, and those that were young felt refreshed and energized, as if they had just woken up from a good night’s sleep. Those who were injured were healed. Rainbow noticed that the bruised knee she had gotten from soccer practice was no longer bothering her.

Of course, they were still drenched from head to toe in the zebra’s thick fluids, which made it a little difficult to move, but they weren’t complaining.

Zecora finally managed to sit up and looked down, at her followers “Thank you all for being my toy. I hope this also brought you joy.”

“Heheh. I... I think it's something we can looks past.” Rainbow smiled and bowed down, pleased to see Zecora so happy. “After all. Forgiveness is important, right?”

“Indeed so. As I’m sure you well know.” Zecora smiled and stood up, only to hear a great deal of cheering from those who had been trapped beneath her body. “Oh right, I almost forgot. I kind of sat on the whole parking lot.” She rubbed her mane.

Suddenly, a much younger-looking Principle Celestia ran forward. “Thank you so much for this, Oh great goddess Zecora!” She bowed down. “You have cured the sick and brought life to this old campus with your incredible powers. You get an A+ for sure!”

The compliments felt quite genuine as the tinies once again bowed their heads respectively towards her. Zecora blushed. “Thank you. I hope to be a goddess who is fair and just, and I thank all of you, for your trust.”

The crowd nodded, and started to preach the miracles that the goddess could do, greatly increasing the number of Zecora's worshipers over the next few days. Henceforth, the massive zebra goddess became the undisputed ruler over the Earth, using her divine powers over the elements for the benefit of all mankind. She loved being a goddess and helping people, but she never forgot where she had come from, knowing deep down that the reason she had attained such power, was because of Rainbow Dash.