A Light To Dance To

by Israel Yabuki

First published

A clopfic between you and Moondancer

You lost your life in a terrible accident when an avalanche swallowed you up in an icy prison and now you find yourself in a magical land, homeless and alone with no one to turn to, until one day, a beautiful mare with red hair and purple stripes takes you in and shows you the ropes about the kingdom of Equestria, but you later you find yourself falling in love with this mare, let's hope she feels the same way towards you

Taken By The Light

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A Light To Dance To

Written By Israel Yabuki

Co-written by NineTailBeastBall

Everyone goes through their own problems, but most problems are far more unbearable than any other one out there. For instance, most of the problems are common to a lot of people, stuff like divorces, unfaithful spouses, alcoholics, drug users, you name it. However, none of those problems applied to you.

After your 20th birthday, you chose to move away to a beautiful cottage up in the snowy mountains to escape the city where crime occurred on a regular basis. Your parents hardly ever had the time to spend time with you.

Your father was a pretty harsh prosecutor while your mother was always helping him at work. They would constantly leave you with a babysitter every time they spent countless days working at the office. The only time they did take time off work was back when you were nine. To be honest, it wasn’t your best experience. Your father gave you a ruthless spanking and your mother being a coward just watched him punish you.

The situation wasn’t even that bad, all you did was spill a few drops of pain on the wall when you were making a picture for your parents. Of course, they never found time or place to even have the time to look at your artwork. Because of their neglectfulness, you began to grow bitter and cold towards them. By the time you were old enough to take care of yourself and earn enough money to move out, you called them out on how lousy they were at parenting.

Your father was the most cross with you. He blathered on about how ungrateful you were when he “raised” you. That’s where you called him out and told him that he never took the time to raise you, nor did he even care. Same could be said for your mom. You called her out for not being there to comfort you.

What you said next really made them snap. You told them that the babysitter that looked after you was more of a parent than both of them put together and that you were ashamed of having them around in your life. Your father wanted to choke you when you spouted all of that in his face. Naturally, your cowardly mother didn’t even bother to stop him. That was alright, because you gave him a beating of a lifetime. He was left with a black eye, small blood droplets running down his mouth and his solar plexus sore.

And this was all on the day you were leaving your “home.” After paying your father back the pain tenfold, you gave your mother a hostile look. She had never seen you turn this hostile towards her, nor did she want to look at you anymore, judging by the fear in her eyes.

There was no point in bothering with her, you already did what you wanted to do, so without another word, you walked out the front door and never returned to that dreadful place again. Your new life up in the snowy mountains was a much better improvement compared to the hell hole you escaped. Sadly, there wasn’t any wifi up in the mountains, so you had to resort to purchasing some old movies, whether they were on VHS or DVD.

Of course, you also purchased a few books to pass the time whenever you needed a break from your movies. Most of the time, you only read them anytime the memories of your neglectful parents popped into your head.

As a courtesy, the man who sold you the cottage also included a built-in telephone. Thankfully, your father doesn’t know your home phone number, and of course you weren’t going to tell him. Having officially cut ties with your parents, you had nothing to say to them. You put up with their neglect long enough, but that doesn’t mean that you’re gonna be bitter and cruel like they were.

Right now, on a beautiful day such as this, you went outside of your cottage and went over to the side of your house where you had a stack of logs piled on top of each other. You took an axe with you so you could chop up some wood for your fireplace. The only problem with chopping wood is your lack of experience.

Not to mention, you could barely be able to lift your axe over your head. Hopefully with a little practice, this will become second nature to you. You grabbed at least two logs and set them on a stump you had near the front porch. You lift your axe and aimed it towards the middle of the log. With one mighty downwards swing, you chopped the log in half. You took one half of the chopped wood and readied repeated the process.

Now that you were done, you were beginning to feel a bit hungry from all the work. Just then, out in the distance, you noticed a doe was caring for its baby. It was a nice sight, but upon closer inspection, thanks to your binoculars, you noticed the doe’s baby’s leg was stuck under a giant boulder, crying for help.

This didn’t look good. At anytime, there could be an avalanche and the ones out here were said to be extremely lethal if you stayed outside. Without hesitation, you ran towards the doe and her baby, only to scare off the mother. The baby deer was crying in fear and squirming to get free. The ground below your feet started to rumble. There’s no turning back now.

You kept pressing on and reached the baby in time. You grabbed the bottom part of the boulder and used up whatever strength you have left to lift it up. Due to your exhausted log-chopping exercise, your arms felt like jelly. But nevertheless, you still tried as hard as you could to free the little baby deer.

It soon felt like your efforts were paying off. The boulder started to move and was lifted high enough for the baby to make its escape and run towards its mother. You look up at the mountain peaks and notice an avalanche making its way towards you.

There wasn’t much time left before it swallows you up. You fled as fast as you could, attempting to reach your cottage. The only shelter to take was only a few feet away, yet it feels like you weren’t getting anywhere. Sadly, in that very instant, your body was swept away by the avalanche.

You only had a few seconds to register the horrible pain before you lost consciousness. The only thing that captured your vision now was the dark, endless abyss. You felt cold and wanted to hug yourself in the vein hope of warming yourself up, yet your body was numb. You couldn’t move, not even an inch. Your body also felt weightless.

Is this it?’ you thought with whatever time you had left. ‘Is this how my life has come to an end? I suppose wherever I end up now, I can rest easy, knowing I sacrificed myself for others.

Those were the last thoughts you were able to process before your mind completely shut down. Lord knows where the avalanche will be taking your body. Or whatever will be left of it.

Moments later, you heard the sounds of other people panicking. You couldn’t open up your eyes, but you can hear what they’re saying.

“...He’s freezing, we gotta get him to the hospital! MOVE, MOVE!!!” said a male voice.

“Keep pressure on that wound of his!” Another male voice said.

But after that, they sounded echoed and distorted. Your aching body felt like it was being carried but what hurt the most was your legs. You don’t think you want to even know what you looked like after being swept up by that avalanche.

You felt like you could finally open your eyes, but when you did, you were hit by a blinding light and closed them back up, groaning. You of course were still shivering from being in all of that snow for who knows how long. Just then, your body was laid down on what felt like a bed and were wrapped up in some kind of warm, electric blanket. The warmth from the blanket felt so good, you passed out.

This time, instead of drifting into darkness, you found yourself hovering over the snowy mountain that swallowed you up earlier. You looked at your hand and saw that you were see-through, like a ghost. Looking down at the ground, there was an investigation team that dug up your body. So much skin has been ripped off from your predicament.

But out in the distance, you can see the doe, looking over in the direction of your corpse. It was like the doe was mourning over your death and the baby deer just as sad. And yet, somehow you could tell that deep down, the deer was smiling inside, relieved to have her baby brought back to her safe and sound.

That was the last thing you saw before a bright light engulfed your vision. You soon regained consciousness and looked up at a ceiling. You heard the sound of a monitor beeping on your left hand side. You look in that direction and saw that you were hooked up to an I.V and a machine that checks your heartbeat.

“Where am I?” you groaned.

“You’re in the hospital, of course,” said a nearby masculine voice. You turned to the left and noticed a man in some strange, royal clothing that you failed to recognize.

“Who are you?” you asked again with a blank, unimpressed tone.

“Just call me Nebula. My brother-in-law and I found you out in the snow earlier. You’ve been asleep for 7 hours. Are you still hurt?” he asked.

“Hurt?” you asked. You checked yourself, noticing two casts wrapped around your legs. “What happened to my legs, am I gonna be immobilized permanently?” you tried not to panic. Usually you’re a calm person, but seeing an injury like this was a lot to take in.

“Don’t worry, it’s only a temporary injury. The doctors said you’ll be back on your feet in a matter of a month. Unfortunately, those gashes in your legs were pretty serious. But, it’s a relief they weren’t taken clean off.”

A huge stone had fallen off your heart. You felt relieved you would be able to walk again. Too bad you had to settle for a wheelchair for a whole month. Then again, something still didn’t click.

“Wait a second, how can I still be alive? I saw my corpse being dug up from the avalanche! How can I still be alive?!” It was at this point you had lost your composure.

“Hey, whoa whoa, take it easy. Just lay down and relax. I don’t know what happened to you, but if you want, I’ll ask my wife if she can be of some help. Just try not to panic when you meet her, I really don’t want to see you have a heart attack.” Nebula said.

“Y-Your wife?”

Just then you heard a clanking sound from outside your hospital room. The door opens up and in comes an anthropomorphic horse with blue fur and eyes. She had on a black and blue dress that just barely contained her wholesome bust and made her look like a goddess.

Continuing to observe her, you saw she had wings that were probably 9 feet wide as well a horn. Her hair was midnight blue and looked as though it were blowing in the wind and sparkled like the night sky.

“W-What in the Sam Hill?!” you exclaimed, causing the horse to raise an eyebrow.

“Is this the human you mentioned, dearest?” she asked Nebula before walking closer to you.

“Yes, hun. Unfortunately he’s a little shaken up,” Nebula answered.

“I see.” She observed you, never breaking eye contact with you. It felt like the more you stared into her eyes, the entire universe would stretch and widen for all eternity, maybe even longer. Just then...

“To think that after so much heartbreak, you gave your life doing the right thing. My sincerest apologies for your unfortunate accident up in the mountains.”

“T-Thank you, but who are you?” you stuttered causing her cheeks to heat up with embarrassment.

“Where are my manners? My name is Princess Luna, I’m the ruler of the night,” she introduced. “You, of course, met my husband, Prince Nebula.”

This was still too much for you to understand. “So... if you’re suppose to be the ruler of the night, who’s the ruler of the day?” you asked. “Also, I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, but how is it possible for a human to marry a ho-”

“Uhh, before you finish that sentence, the correct word is “pony.” And I can assure you, the land you’re in right now is much different from your hometown,” Nebula said.

“Right, okay then. But I still want to know where I am now,” you said as you looked out the nearby window. You saw that it was quite a nice city. The city was filled with tall buildings and piles of snow atop each building and on the streets.

Luna giggled as she was sure her husband would have already told you that. “Dear subject, you are in the great city of Canterlot which is the capital of our land, Equestria,” she explained placing a gentle hand on your shoulder as you continued to look out the window.

“Equestria? Canterlot? I don’t want to sound rude, but that sounds like a child’s paradise if you ask me. Though I will admit, the city is beautiful to look at. It’s a lot better than where I used to live, that’s for sure,” you said bluntly.

“You’re free to explore if you wish,” Nebula said with a smile. “If any of the residents give you any trouble just tell us.”

You gave it some thought, it would be boring to just stay here in this hospital all day after all. Turning away from the window, you asked Princess Luna what this world uses for money, you highly doubted even if you had your wallet, Equestria takes dollars.

“Oh, American currency doesn’t work in Equestria. We mostly use these...” Nebula reaches into his pocket and shows you a couple of gold coins.”...in case we need to buy something. They’re called bits here in Equestria.”

“Bits? Well, I got no use for this cash in my wallet except to keep them as a momento,” you said with a sigh. In a big city like Canterlot, there’s a lot of ideas of where you could work. You might as well start looking.

“Nebula, I still want to know: is there any kind of job here in Canterlot that I can apply to?” you asked.

“That depends on what you specialize in. Canterlot is a complicated city with different jobs that require employees who graduated from high-paying universities. Although, the Canterlot Library will take just about anyone. The head librarian might be able to show you the ropes if you’re interested in it.”

You nodded with a small smile before and were about to head out when Luna stopped you. You saw her horn start to glow and she presented a small bag to you.

“This amount of money should help you for the time being, use it well. My husband and I will take care of your hospital bill when you’re discharged. The nurses should bring your wheelchair momentarily as well,” she said sweetly.

“Thank you. I’ll make sure I use these bits well,” you assured, putting the bag in your pocket.

You continued to wait in the room patiently until the doctors came in. As they promised, Luna and Nebula took care of the charges and you were also presented with a wheelchair. You thanked the prince and princess of the night before carrying yourself into the beautiful, rich city of Canterlot.

Once outside, you breathed in the smell of the fresh, cold air and exhaled. It was so cold, you could see your breath. Quite coincidental, since it was cold back in your world as well. Luckily, you had been provided with warm clothes before you left.

As you steered yourself through the large city, you came across some snobs, who held their heads up at the sight of you. You paid them no mind and kept strolling through the streets, looking for the Canterlot Library.

However, you weren’t familiar with this new city, nor did you know which direction you should go to find your destination. But then, you accidentally bump into someone who was carrying a stack of books and one of them lands on one of your feet.

“GAHH!!!” you shouted, gripping your foot and rubbing, though it didn’t help much. “Damn it, that hurt like hell!”

The pony you bumped into turned around to apologize to you as she was picking up the books she dropped. “I’m so sorry! Are you alright? You’re not hurt too badly, are you?” she asked.

Looking at her, you noticed how beautiful and intelligent she looks. She had vanilla fur and wore glasses that looked like they had broken at some point, judging by how the middle of her glasses had tape wrapped around it. Her eyes were purple and she had long, red hair with a light and dark purple stripe running down from each tip. She also had a horn sticking out of her hair and wore a blackberry colored button-up shirt and a matching skirt reaching down to her knees.

“Just a little, but it’ll heal,” you said, still rubbing your leg. True to what you just said, the pain started to dissipate.

“Hmm,” the mare said, inspecting you. “You don’t seem to be from around here. Are you trying to look for something?” she asked.

“Yeah, I’m looking for the Canterlot Library. I was hoping to apply for a position at the library so I can find some work,” you explained.

“Oh, I see. Well, if you want to look for some work, I can show you the way to the library and give you an application you can fill out. We’re a bit short-staffed at the moment, so if you pass the interview, you can start working immediately.”

“Wait a sec... does that mean you’re the... head librarian?” you asked putting two and two together.

“Yes, my name is Moondancer. I’m in charge of the entire library. In fact, I’m the only one who’s working at the library. However it seems that’s about to change,” she said looking at you with a big smile. However, she looks down at your feet, making her smile disappear. “But maybe I should wait until you make a full recovery before I let you work at the library.”

You shook your head. “No thanks, I don’t care if my body is busted all over. If I do pass the interview, I want to start working as soon as possible.

You showed Moondancer the bag of bits you got from Luna. “The princess gave me a generous amount of bits, but it won’t last forever. I can assure you, my legs won’t be a problem.”

Moondancer thought for a moment and then nodded. “Very well then. But where are you going to go when you finish working? Canterlot houses aren’t cheap around here.”

She’s right. Not even your small bag of bits was enough to purchase a house. You didn’t plan ahead on where you were going to sleep. You managed to keep calm so you could think about it. However, Moondancer spoke up before any ideas could come to mind.

“I have a suggestion. After we’ve taken care of the formalities, I’ll let you sleep at my place. I’ll tidy up the place a little and set up the couch, so you’ll have a place to sleep. Does that sound okay to you?”

You nodded at her proposition. “That’s not a bad idea, thank you. But, are you sure you want me to crash at your place, even if I am a human?”

“I’ve been living in Canterlot for years and with all the humans dropping into Equestria, they’re not so strange once you get use to them. I mean, hey, we have two humans who are married to the princesses.”

Jeez, how many human have dropped into Equestria over the years?’ you thought. “I guess that explains why you’re so calm around me. I thought you’d actually freak out when you saw me,” you admitted causing Moondancer to laugh.

“Not at all. Anyway, my library is not to far from here,” she said as her horn began to glow and the books around you were lifted into the air. “Please follow me.”

You pushed the back wheels on your wheelchair forward, following Moondancer to the library. While following her, some of the snobs who passed you by gave you these rude chuckles as if you were struggling to keep up with her. Still you refused to let it bother you, as it’s probably an act caused by self-hate.

After about a ten minute stroll, you and Moondancer arrived at a large building which was no doubt the Canterlot Library. For a library this size, you could only imagine the number of books they had inside. What was even more surprising is how Moondancer has to work here all by herself, but like she said that hopefully is about to change.

Now the bigger challenge was to push your wheelchair up the stairs. Moondancer turned around and raised an eyebrow at why you were taking so long and quickly got her answer.

“Would you like some help?” she asked. After trying a few more times, you sighed and nodded. Moondancer used her magic to levitate you up the stairs with her and finally let you down near the entrance. She opens up the door for you, allowing you to go inside. She follows you close behind and closes the door.

“Please follow me,” she said motioning you with her hand.

As she lead you, you looked around at the many shelves that were in the library. Back in your own world, you weren’t particularly fond of reading, but you felt that was yet another thing that was about to change in your life. You can only imagine how tired Moondancer must get every day when she finishes her daily shifts.

“Moondancer... this place is huge! You’re telling me that you worked in this gigantic library all by yourself every day?”

Moondancer couldn’t help but blush at your praise. “As crazy as it sounds, yes,” she answered.

“Well, call me impressed. I’ll bet you’re paid a good salary every month.”

“I guess you could say I’m well-compensated. Anyway, how about we save the praising for another time, we still have to get your application filled out.”

You nodded and followed Moondancer to the back of the library, still admiring the impressive display of books as you did so.

Moondancer walked into her office for a few seconds and then walked back out, giving you a few papers and a pencil. You moved your wheelchair up to a table and began filling out the application while she sat next to you and waited patiently.

It took awhile, but after you finished writing down every bit info on your application, you gave it back to Moondancer, who took it with a warm smile. She guides you into her office and starts the interview.

Naturally, having answered all of her questions honestly, you passed the interview with flying colors and were given the job as Moondancer’s assistant. It wasn’t going to be an easy task to keep the entire library organized, but the two of you would be working as a team. That’s better than working alone.

“We can start first thing tomorrow. For now, let’s head back to my house and fix you up a room. You’ll need all of your strength for tomorrow,” she said.

You didn’t object to her suggestion. You followed her out of the library after everything was sorted out.

Just like before, all the snobs kept laughing at you for being in a wheelchair, but you kept ignoring them and kept thinking that they got no class. Compared to how your parents treated you back home, this was nothing more than childsplay. Moondancer thought so, too.

Soon, you arrived at Moondancer’s place and followed her inside her house. Just like the library, her house is stacked with books, but it her house was a bit smaller than you anticipated. With how dusty it is, you wondered if she ever did any Spring cleaning at all.

“Sorry about the mess. I get so caught up with work, I barely have enough time to tidy house. I hardly ever find time to eat, too because I’m always exhausted after work.”

“It’s alright, I was a bit of a slob, myself,” you admitted. “Compared to my old bedroom, this feels just like home.” you pushed yourself over to the couch in the living room and laid down. The couch was remarkably softer than you expected. You snuggled into the couch cushions, earning a giggle from Moondancer.

“A little tired, aren’t we?” she asked playfully, causing you to chuckle.

“I’ve had a bit of a crazy day,” you replied and Moondancer placed a hand on your shoulder.

“Like I said before, you should make sure to get plenty of rest.”

“I will, and thank you again for your hospitality, Moondancer. I’ll make sure to pay you back for your kindness when I’m able to get back on my feet,” you assured.

With a nod, Moondancer left the room and turned off the light. Letting out a sigh from today’s experience, you closed your eyes so you could drift off to sleep. Though it’s only been nearly a whole day since you got here, you can already tell this brand new life was an improvement over the old one you had.

A Friendly Outing

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As you predicted, your first days on the job at the Canterlot Library proved to be difficult, mainly due to your legs. It was a good thing you weren’t working alone.

Moondancer was even kind enough to lend you a helping hand whenever you were having a bit of trouble with a couple of your tasks. On your first days as the assistant, you spent most of your time organizing the bookshelves that were mostly your sitting height.

It’s kind of funny, when you first arrived in Equestria, you never really were interested in reading. Now these days when you weren’t working, you spent the majority of your free time educating yourself on Equestria’s history. You were especially interested in the stories of how Princess Luna was corrupted by jealousy and turned into Nightmare Moon.

Time flew by faster than you expected because eventually, a month passed and you were free to walk again. You took this opportunity to take off your leg casts and slip back into your shoes. At the moment you were sitting at a desk reading a book from a series called Daring Do. This pony resembles Indiana Jones all too well and you found the stories to be both amusing and entertaining.

“You know, having somepony else working in the library has proved to be kind of fun,” Moondancer said, causing you to look up from your book with a smile.

“That’s true. I’ll be honest, at first, I wasn’t exactly too fond of reading, but now I think of it as a way to help pass the time and a hobby,” you said.

“I’ve always thought about reading as a hobby, ever since I was a little filly,” she said.

“Really now? Well then, maybe when our shift is over, you can tell me all about it,” you replied.

“Sounds like a plan. But for now, we should keep organizing the library and checking books in and out. Business is really skyrocketing today.”

“I couldn’t agree more.”

After your little chat, you put the Daring Do books back where they belonged and put back all the books that were checked in. Moondancer was at the front desk checking out books to a couple of ponies.

It was just two days ago where your legs had finally healed. Now it feels like your legs were never injured to begin with. Because of this, you could use now perform tasks such as using the ladder in order to organize the top shelves. Though at the same time, you took Moondancer’s advice to be careful when handling such tasks.

A few hours later, it was time to take a break and grab some lunch. Since a month had passed, you received a pretty big check for all of your hard work. You made sure you use your hard earned bits carefully, buying things that were actually necessary.

Moondancer accompanied you out of the library and guided you through the city. She started to mention this very good restaurant that even the princesses enjoyed. She mentioned the name of the restaurant she calls “The Tasty Treat”.

As you were looking around for the restaurant, you failed to watch where you were going and ended up bumping into someone.

“Sorry about that. Here, let me help you,” you said, grabbing the bag of groceries. Looking up as you gave the bag to the one you bumped into, you saw he was another human. Next to him was a beautiful orange mare with purple hair. She seemed to be carrying and gently rocking baby back and forth in her arms.

“Honey, are you alright?” the mare asked with great concern. Apparently she had what sounds like an Indian accent.

“I’m fine, I’m fine,” he assured looking at the mare with a smile before turning to you and Moondancer. His smile didn’t go away, which proved that he wasn’t mad about the little accident.

“Sorry about that, we’re just kind of in a hurry to get some lunch,” you answered rubbing the back of your head with a chuckle. “We’re looking for this restaurant called the Tasty Treat. Do you know where we can find it?” you asked.

The couple looked at each other with amused smiles, causing you to raise an eyebrow. It was clear, you didn’t know who you were talking to.

“As a matter of fact, my husband and I work there. My name is Saffron Masala, this man here is my beloved husband, Rasoiya. We work as the chefs in the Tasty Treat,” Saffron explained.

“A pleasure to meet you. And of course, this little bundle of joy is our handsome little boy who we named Agni,” Rasoiya said, gesturing his wife to show you their baby.

You looked at the baby who was sound asleep in his mother’s arms, causing you to smile.

“Aww, he’s so precious!” Moondancer exclaimed.

“I bet you guys feel pretty lucky. He could grow up to become a fine young man,” you said before your stomach began to growl. Moondancer smiled as her own stomach began to growl.

“Why don’t we continue this discussion over lunch?” Rasoiya suggested with a chuckle. “After all I can’t stand the sight of hungry civilians. Follow us, we’ll help you find the restaurant.”

With a nod from both you and Moondancer, you allowed Rasoiya and Saffron to lead you on the direction of the Tasty Treat. It was about a seven minute walk when you finally arrived. Rasoiya opened up the door and let you and Moondancer walk inside before them. Saffron went into the back area of the restaurant to put her sleeping son in his crib.

“Welcome to the Tasty Treat. I’m Coriander Cumin and I’ll be your host today. What can I get for you two this afternoon?” a husky orange stallion asked as he came to your table. Like Saffron Masala, Coriander spoke with an Indian accent.

“Yes, I think I’ll have the vegetable curry with white rice and a glass of ice cold water, please,” you said giving Coriander your menu.

Moondancer read through her own menu and then told Coriander, “I guess I’ll have the vegetable style enchiladas along with a cup of water, please.”

“It’ll be right with you,” Coriander said with a smile and left to give the orders to Saffron and Rasoiya. A delicious smell filled the restaurant, as the food was prepared.

While you and Moondancer waited for your food, you decided to strike up a conversation. “In a funny way, it’s lucky that I bumped into one of the chefs of the Tasty Treat. Have they always been this popular in Canterlot?” you asked.

“Unfortunately no. I heard that when they first opened up here in Canterlot, business wasn’t going so well because of how ponies would only eat at restaurants that had a 3-hooved rating by this former food critic named Zesty Gourmand. They never got a lot of customers, so Coriander would always close up shop extra early,” Moondancer explained.

“Seriously? That’s messed up. What happened afterwards, did things turn out alright for the Tasty Treat?” you asked.

“They did, thanks to Pinkie Pie and Rarity. They helped draw in a crowd and showed them that hoof ratings aren’t all that important. Pinkie and Rarity even inspired all sorts of other cooks in Canterlot to go back to using their own methods of cooking instead of going by Zesty’s example.

Tapping on the table a couple of times with slight impatience, you decided to change the subject since the food still wasn’t ready. “Tell me Moondancer, why is it that you preferred to run the library all by yourself?” you asked.

At that question, Moondancer’s smile dropped and she looked away with hesitation. You raised an eyebrow, hoping you didn’t say something that had offended her.

“Well... you see...” before she could say anymore, you heard the doors open and turned to see Saffron and Rasoiya bringing your food.

“Okay we have your vegetable style enchiladas and the vegetable curry with white rice,” Saffron said cheerfully as she set the food down on the table. Rasoiya on the other hand, poured some nice, cold water into both of your glasses.

“If you need anything else, don’t hesitate to ask. Please take your time and enjoy yourselves,” he said.

“Thank you very much. This food looks delicious,” you said as you looked down at the vegetable curry in front of you.

“Mmhmm, this looks great,” Moondancer said as the two of you unwrapped your napkins and set the utensils that were inside beside your dishes. Unable to stand the rumbling in your stomach any longer, you began to dig in, though you still remembered your manners and ate at a calm pace.

“This is incredible,” you gasped after swallowing your first bite. With a slight giggle, Moondancer began to eat as well and was just as impressed by the taste. You and Moondancer took the time to savor each bite you took from your delicious meal. You could tell that Rasoiya and Saffron are overjoyed that you love their cooking.

Moondancer accidentally got some food stuck on her cheek. With a smirk, you took a napkin and wiped off the little smudge off her face. This caused her face to turn a deep shade of red, and you definitely could see it because of her naturally bright fur.

With a chuckle, you went back to your own food, hoping you wouldn’t make the same mistake. You can hear Saffron and Rasoiya chuckling at how sweet you’re being with Moondancer. Let’s just hope they don’t get the wrong idea. You have to admit that Moondancer is a beautiful young mare, but rushing into things might not be such a smart idea.

Once you and Moondancer finished your dinner and paid the check, you made your way back to the library. The walk was quite awkward, as neither you nor Moondancer spoke to each other. You actually were kind of afraid she was mad at you for the question you asked earlier.

“A-Are you mad at me?” you forced yourself to ask. Moondancer stopped walking and turned to look at you. She shook her head, but averted her eyes away after doing so.

“No, I’m not. You were just curious, and I don’t blame you. Still, there is something I have to tell you and this is a very personal matter,” Moondancer said. You nodded and listened closely as Moondancer began her story.

“Alright, here it is. The reason why I work at the library is for a couple of reasons: My old employees wanted to pursue their own careers. They only took the job because of how good the pay is. When they earned enough, they all up and left. The other reason was because no one would take me seriously because I was younger than most of my employees. They said they never liked the idea of “taking orders from a rookie.”

“They what?” you asked, surprised.

“I just felt so powerless. I’ve had to live with their neglectful attitudes for so long and I felt like everypony wanted me out of their hair. I even had plans of giving the library to somepony else. They almost won over me. But then...” Moondancer paused, wiping her tears away.

“What happened?” you asked putting a hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

“You came along. I was about to cave in, but when you told me you wanted a job at the library, I felt like I was given another chance to show Canterlot that there is someone out there who actually does take me seriously. And for that, I just want to say “thank you.” I... I don’t think I could have survived without you...” Moondancer leans in and gives you a big hug.

Now it was your face that was beginning to heat up. Though in all seriousness, you felt sorry for Moondancer. For a long time, ponies here never gave her the respect she deserves just because she was far too young for them. It was absolutely disgusting of how this city may look beautiful, but it’s only to cover up the disgusting snobs that judge others in the worst way possible.

You then wrapped your arms around Moondancer, returning her warm hug. She hummed in approval, letting the warm feeling coarse throughout her body. The nobles of Canterlot didn’t like the sight they were witnessing, but you don’t see any reason why you should care what they think.

“Well I’m not going anywhere,” you said with a smile as you rubbed her back. Moondancer pulled away with a small laugh and pushed her glasses up. After your heart-warming embrace, you and Moondancer made your way back to the library to resume your shifts.

“Moondancer, I think you should hear this: I’ve also had my fair share of neglect,” you began as the two of you continued walking. “Ever since I was just a child, my mom and dad hardly paid any attention to me. The only one who actually cared and raised me was my babysitter. One time, I accidentally got some marker ink smudged on the wall. My dad overreacted and gave me a brutal spanking. My mom didn’t even bother to stop him. She just stared at me with that cold, cruel gaze of hers. It even hurts just thinking about it.”

“What? You were neglected, too?” Moondancer asked with shock.

“I was. It was hard growing up. My babysitter was the only person close to resembling a real motherly figure. Eventually, her job as my babysitter came to a close when I finally turned 18 years old. Now, it was just me and my so-called parents. But I made a plan that never turned my back on. I saved up my money and bought myself a nice little cottage up in the mountains. Of course, before I left, I told off my parents for screwing up as parents.”

By this point, you and Moondancer had arrived back at the Canterlot Library. Of course, that didn’t stop you from telling your story.

“What happened after that?” Moondancer asked as you opened the door for her.

“I got in a fight with my dad. He might have been tough when I was kid, but when I turned 18, I had a more stronger build and gave him a beating 10 times worse than how he first beat me. My mom was scared that I might attack her, but I didn’t. I just left her and my dad and told them this. “My babysitter was a far better parent than you two will ever be. Stuff that lesson in your brain the next time you handle another case,” you explained.

“Another case? What do you mean?” Moondancer asked, quirking an eyebrow.

“My father was a prosecutor and my mom was his secretary. They work with the law, busting criminals and landing them behind bars.”

“I see. Well, I’m really sorry you had to go through that,” she said sympathetically placing her hand on your shoulder. You responded by patting her hand gently.

“It’s okay, I cut ties with them years ago. Now, I’ve got a new home and a new life thanks you and the rulers of Equestria. And also thanks to you, I’ve got myself an amazing job,” you said, smiling at Moondancer.

Moondancer giggled and then finally, you two arrived at the library. You opened up the door and let Moondancer walk in first. You went inside afterwards, letting the door close on its own. She went back to her front desk and got back to checking in all the books that were returned. You, on the other hand, moved around the library, stocking the books in their designated shelves.

While you were doing your job you couldn’t help what you were thinking at the moment. You couldn’t explain it, but there was something about Moondancer that you were starting to grow fond of, and not just as a friend. It felt a lot stronger than that. Every time she appears on your mind, your heart would skip a beat and your face would heat up.

Though these thoughts did occur back at the Tasty Treat, you still intended to be patient. Glancing over at Moondancer as she was still checking through her returned books, you still admired the fact about how beautiful and adorable she looks. Letting out a sigh, you smiled and got back to work.

Happiness Under The Moonlight

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About 9 months seemed to go by faster than you realized. However in those passing months, you and Moondancer were gradually growing closer to one another. As you had told one another during your first days on the job, working as a team proved to be both efficient and somewhat entertaining.

Of course while living in Canterlot you took the liberty to become friends with a few of the residents. It didn’t take long for you to befriend Rasoiya and his family, as they enjoyed having you come over as a customer. You’ve also visited the castle a few times to have a nice chat with the royal family.

Speaking of royalty, at this moment you and Moondancer were waiting for the train which would take you to a town called Ponyville. Moondancer has told you about one of her closest friends named Twilight Sparkle, who is also the princess of friendship. You were looking forward to this visit as while you see both Celestia and Luna often, you rarely got to see Twilight.

The first time you met Twilight, was when she came to Canterlot two months ago. Upon meeting her, you learned that she too was married to a human who she called Beau. They also had a daughter named Moonlight Sparkle who became quite fond of you when you met her. You could already picture the smile she’s going to have once you arrive in Ponyville.

You were shaken out of your thoughts by the loud noise of the train that was approaching. Despite your excitement, you patiently wait for the train to come to a complete stop as well as for the passengers to exit.

“Well this is us,” Moondancer said, pushing her glasses up with a smile.

“No offense, but I’ve noticed how often those glasses slide. Have you ever considered getting a new pair?” you asked as the two of you board the train. Instead of getting offended, Moondancer let out a giggle.

“I could never part with these glasses. You might not know this, sometimes there are certain gifts we’re given that we can never part with and these glasses are my most valuable treasure. They were given to me as a gift by my friend, Twilight. This was back when I was still a student at Princess Celestia’s school for gifted unicorns.”

“You studied under the princess? That must have been tough.”

“A little, but I still remember the time when I was studying with Twilight. She used to be Princess Celestia’s star student until the day she became the Princess of Friendship. When she came back to see me, I wasn’t exactly pleased to see her.”

“Why not?”

“Because, there was this one time when she was still in Canterlot when she chose books over her friends. I was so upset with her, I didn’t want to have anything to do with her. But she never gave up on me. I’m really glad that she never stopped trying to make things right with me.”

You smiled and nodded as that makes sense to want to keep a very special gift given to you through childhood. Especially if it was from a close friend. You can relate to that, as there was this one time back when you were kid. Your babysitter had taken up time in her schedule to knit you a nice sweater, which you wore all the time until you grew out of it.

Even though you were too big for your sweater now, you still kept it as a momento to remember your babysitter for all the times she made your life better.

It was also nice to hear that Twilight felt sorry about leaving one of her best friends. Losing such a close friend would have been no joke. Especially if you’ve known them since childhood. Thankfully, the ghosts of the pasts have been laid to rest a long time ago in Moondancer’s case. Whereas you’re just barely burying your ghosts of the past right now.

The conversation continued with you and Moondancer telling each other stories from each other’s past. Funny enough, the two of you became so wrapped up with your storytelling you almost forgot to get off at your stop. You got off your seats and walked out of the train. Tomorrow was going to be another busy day at the library and thanks to the teamwork you demonstrated, Moondancer was going to be hiring some new recruits.

It was practically impossible not to see where it is that Twilight lives since her home is a huge castle of crystal. Twilight had told you about her castle during her last visit to Canterlot, but there’s a huge difference between telling you and seeing it with your own eyes. It made you wonder how she makes the bits to pay for such a fancy place.

On your way to the castle, Moondancer was still fresh in your mind. You wanted to confess to her right here and now, but as always, you were patient and waited for what you believed would be the right moment.

Finally, you and Moondancer reached the castle front doors. Moondancer knocked on the door a few times and backed up, waiting for them to open.

Not a minute later, the door opens up, revealing the Princess of Friendship herself: Twilight. Standing next to her was her daughter, Moonlight, but she quickly left her mother’s side to come and give you a big hug.

“Aww, well aren’t you sweet,” you chuckled, patting Moonlight on the head as she squeezed your legs.

“I think she gets it from her father, so she’s a hugger by nature. It’s nice to see you again, Moondancer, and you too.” Twilight turns her attention to you.

“The pleasure’s all mine. Where’s Beau at?” you asked.

“Oh, he went with the other guys to go bowling. They’re probably gonna be there all night. It’s one of the joys of having a husband.” Twilight rolled her eyes.

“Mommy, when do you think daddy’ll be back? He promised to take me to auntie Fluttershy’s so I can play with Warm Breeze and Trusty,” Moonlight asked as she went back to her mother.

“I don’t know when he’ll be back, but if he doesn’t make it, I’ll take you to Fluttershy’s. After all I know how much you love playing with Trusty.”

“Trusty is so cute! He’s like a big fluffy pillow!” Moonlight said, hugging herself and smiling widely.

“Aww...” Moondancer said, placing her hand over her heart.

“Yes, I know. Now how about you help me make some tea for our guests here?” Twilight asked kneeling down to look her happy daughter in the eye.

“Okay, mommy.” Moonlight said, happily. Twilight felt her hand being grabbed by her little bundle of joy as she pulls on her, anxious to make tea.

“I’ll be a while, so just go ahead and make yourselves at home,” Twilight said. You took her advice and sat yourselves down on the couch in the living room, enjoying the warmth coming from the fireplace.

“This castle sure is huge. I’ll bet it must have been like a maze to Twilight when she first moved in,” you said as you turned your eyes to look at the high ceiling.

“I would probably struggle just to find my way out of the place. I’m both jealous that Twilight lives in such a beautiful castle, but I’m also thankful that I even have a home. I might not have the fanciest house, but it’ll always be my home. Like my mom always told me: Stay true to your roots and never forget where you came from.”

“Hmm, you know... I don’t think I’ve ever heard about your parents,” you said.

“Well, I can tell you that they’re still alive. But sadly, they got divorced. My father had a gambling addiction so my mom filed for a divorce. He was so upset he ended up quitting gambling and resorted to drinking. He doesn’t get violent with anyone but himself because of his vices. My mother stepped up and raised me on her own as a single mother. It was hard, but she’s a very strong woman. I love my mom very much.” Moondancer explained.

“Where is she now?” you asked.

“She’s living peacefully in Manehattan. She has a pretty promising job helping other couples file divorces, and each one she took was given a fair trial. As for my dad, he’s still trying to find a way to win back my mom’s heart.” Moondancer said.

“Ouch. The poor guy must be suffering. I’m so sorry,” you said softly and then placed a hand on Moondancer’s shoulder.

“It’s fine. My mom’s working on a solution to solve the crisis. Even they’re divorced, I still found a way to spend time with my father. He’s a very kind and loving stallion, it’s just hard to tame his urges.”

“Understandable,” you said. At that moment you heard the front door open and turned to see Beau. He looks in your direction and waves at you and Moondancer.

“I was wondering when you two would show up. Has my little girl been giving you any hugs since you got here?” Beau asked as you walked over to shake his hand.

“I guess you could say that she did, but can you blame her? She’s a real hugger by nature. A real sweetheart,” you replied.

Beau chuckled at your response. “That’s my little girl, alright. Anyway it’s great to see you again. You too, Moondancer,” he said nodding to her.

“It’s nice to see you again, too, Beau. How was your bowling trip?” Moondancer asked.

“Eh, I had to cut it short. Bolt had a little too much hard cider and passed out when he was on his 3rd turn. Scored a gutterball right on the spot. The other guys and I couldn’t stop laughing our butts off.” Beau explained, trying to suppress his laugh.

The laughter died down as Twilight came back with Moonlight. “Just in time sweetheart,” she said walking up to give her husband a sweet kiss. Beau then leans down to give his daughter a kiss and then picks her up, making her giggle.

“You promised to take me to see Fluttershy!” she reminded cheerfully.

“Yes I did, and I never break a promise. Come on, I’ll take you there as soon as possible,” Beau said, booping his daughter on the nose.

“Have fun Moonlight. And Beau, make sure to come back home safely. I’ve got special plans just for the two of us,” Twilight said with a wink.

“I’ll keep that in mind, my cute little bookworm,” Beau retorted with a wink of his own before walking out of the house with Moonlight. The front doors close, leaving Twilight, Moondancer and you the only ones inside the castle.

“Let me guess, you’ve got plans to...” Moondancer paused and quirked an eyebrow at Twilight and gave her a sly smirk. Moondancer knew what Twilight was gonna do with Beau and this made Twilight blush.

“Shhh! You’re embarrassing me!” Twilight exclaimed, trying to hide her blush, giggling.

You and Moondancer bursted out laughing. It was easy to read Twilight like a book, which was ironic because of how she likes to read books.

You enjoyed every moment of your visit to Ponyville, getting to know Twilight and Beau and all of their other friends. During the whole visit, they told stories of how they helped save Equestria countless times from a lot of dangers that lurked around. One of them happened to be one of Twilight’s good friends, Starlight Glimmer.

They explained that long ago, Starlight was trying to stop Rainbow Dash from helping the others get their cutie marks because her old friend, Sunburst had left her to go to Princess Celestia’s school for gifted unicorns. But after Twilight talked things out with Starlight after countless time traveling jumps, Starlight came to her senses and started helping her friends.

Eventually a few years later, she ended up getting married to a human who went by the name of Chance and have 3 beautiful children.

After your visit, it was time to head back to Canterlot. You and Moondancer headed back to the train station and boarded the train, waiting patiently to go home, admiring the scenery.

Looking next to you, you saw that Moondancer had fallen asleep during the train ride and you took a moment to take in her beauty. The sunlight coming through your window shined nicely on both her mane and coat.

You reached down and gave her hair a gentle stroke and admired how soft it felt. Running your fingers through the locks a few times, you pulled away so you wouldn’t disturb her. At that moment, she began to lean onto you, causing your face to turn red. While you knew there would be some confusion when she woke up, you decided to leave her where she was and went back to looking out the window.

The train had arrived back in Canterlot after about a half hour and Moondancer was awaken by the loud steam whistle. Noticing what it was she was laying on, her face flushed red and she sat up.

“Did you... have a nice rest?” you asked, avoiding eye contact. Pushing her glasses up, Moondancer slowly nodded while still blushing.

Putting the awkwardness behind you, the two of you made your way off of the train. Right after that, Moondancer held your hand, making the both of you blush but smile at the same time.

“Would it be alright if I called you Lunar?” she asked.

“Hmm, Lunar?” you asked.

“It’s my nickname for you. Also, there’s something I want to tell you. It’s been bothering me for a while and I really need to get this off my chest...” Moondancer said quietly. You nodded and allowed her to continue.

“For 9 months now, you’ve always been there for me, even when you were still in a wheelchair, broken and bruised. You never expected anything in return for your kindness. I feel like I can be tell you all of my secrets and not be judged by you. You’ve never given into despair and always looked on the bright side of things. And for that, I just want to tell you that... I love you so much, Lunar.”

Her confession made you blush intensely, but you smiled at her. “Moondancer, to tell you the truth, I’ve started developing feeling for you over the past 9 months. You’re a strong, young and beautiful, independant mare. Others may have overlooked you, but I know that deep down in my heart, you’ve always been the one mare I love the most.”

With that said, the two of you leaned closer and closer... until your lips touched. Moondance held onto you as much as you held onto her. The sun setting in the distance made it even more perfect than it already was. A few minutes later, you and Moondancer broke the kiss and stared into each other’s eyes with warm, passionate smiles.

“Moondancer?” you said.

“Yes, Lunar?” she asked.

“This might sound like an odd request, but would you like to dance?” you asked, brushing her soft, furry cheeks.


“Actually I was thinking tonight... under the light of the full moon…” you finished whispering into her ear. Your reasons for dancing in such a manner were obvious. Moondancer even found out about it, which made her blush, but she never stopped staring into your eyes.

“Imagine that: You asking me, Moondance, to “dance” with you under the light of the “moon.” Though it’s been so long since I danced with anypony. I’m not sure if I still have it in me after a couple of decades,” she admitted.

“Oh don’t say that. We’ll take it slow, I’m sure you’re actually a wonderful dancer.”

Moondancer felt more relaxed hearing your vote of confidence and gave you one more big hug. You of course returned the hug and followed with a peck on the cheek.

Later on that night, the moon was high up in the night sky and most of the nobles of Canterlot have settled into their homes, retiring until tomorrow morning. Meanwhile, you and Moondancer were in the town square by the fountain.

You had a hunch that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were watching over you with their warm and supportive smiles.

Tonight was the night you and Moondancer would dance your cares. So without further ado, you took Moondancer by the hand and wrapped your other arm around her, slowly dancing around, being careful not to lose your footing.

Moondancer looked up at you with an adorable smile with an added blush. The light from Luna’s moon made her fur glow so brightly and it also seemed to make her eyes twinkle beautifully. You fell head over heels in love with her even more. Without her even realizing it, Moondancer danced with you in a slightly faster pace. When she did realize it, she felt happy that she still had the ability to dance so wonderfully.

Very soon, you and Moondancer were performing the most elegant waltz you ever thought was possible. Not once did you avert your eyes away from one another, nor did you stop smiling. How could you? Being here in the middle of Canterlot, dancing with the mare you’ve been crushing on would cause you to skyrocket to the moon.

After your wonderful dance with Moondancer, you both walked home, ready for a good night sleep and for a busy day at the library tomorrow morning.

Just as you were about to head off to your room, you felt Moondancer tug on your shirt gently. Naturally you turned around to ask her what was wrong.

The moment you saw the blush appear on her cheeks, you quickly got the idea and began to blush yourself. “Oh…” you said softly.

“I... I’ve never done something like this before, Lunar. But, if it’s alright with you... I... I want my first time to be with you...” she whispered.

You let her take your hand and lead you to her bedroom.

Once inside, you did what any good gentleman would do and turned yourself around and let Moondancer undress herself while you undressed yourself at the same time. You first took off your shirt and then your pants. Afterwards, you took off your socks and shoes. Lastly, you took off your boxers, leaving you completely naked.

“You finished, Lunar?” she asked.

“Y-Yeah. I am...” you said, a little nervous.

“Okay... I’m done too...” she replied just as nervous.

This was your cue to turn around, which you did so immediately. Once you had your eyes on Moondancer again, she was completely naked, but had her arms covering up her ample bosom. She was probably a D or an E cup. She still kept her glasses on of course, and she had a big red blush on both cheeks.

“Promise you’ll be gentle...?” she asked to which you nodded slowly. You then kissed her blushing cheek, making her smile. Moondancer then laid herself on her bed, spreading her legs out wide and opened up her marehood entrance. You gulped and got on the bed, leaning down and gazed at her beautiful flower.

Without even thinking, you gently started licking her marehood and a sweet vanilla flavor landed on your tongue. Moondancer let out a gasp in surprise. You were worried that you did something wrong just now.

“A-Are you okay?” you asked, worried.

“I... I’m alright. I-It just feels good, that’s all. Go ahead. Keep doing what you’re doing,” she reassures you.

You nod and go back to licking her sweet, dripping marehood. She let out a bunch of cute moans and adorable whimpers from how good you were making her feel. You kept licking her outer lips, making her squirm. You pulled away for a moment so you could speak.

“You’re adorable, you know that Moondancer?” you said with a teasing smile. Moondancer covered her blushing face.

“Lunar, please! You’re embarrassing me!” she pouted making you chuckle.

“I rest my case,” you smirked before going back to pleasuring your new marefriend. The squirms and moans continued as your tongue explored Moondancer’s flower. Only this time, you explored the inside of her flower, slurping up any juices that were stuck in her inner walls. Moondancer squirmed even more, letting out more cute moans.

You kept going and even massaged her long, slender legs, causing her to shiver. You of course made sure to be as gentle as you could as you touched her. The way she kept smiling at you was a sign that you were doing a good job. To make her feel even better, you swirl your tongue inside her inner walls in a circle.

Moondancer was in absolute bliss and she moaned adorably. Her breathing was also starting to get a little heavy, which probably meant she would reach her climax very soon. You kept pressing on the pleasurable assault and tried sending her over the edge my sucking on her love button above her flower lips.

She yelped when you went for her most sensitive area. She arched her upper body back out of sheer bliss. You kept pulling off this combo of slurping up her love juices and lucking her love button until she moaned as loud as she could, spraying your face with her love nectar.

You drank up as much of her juices as you could until her orgasm reached its end. When she finally calmed down, her body went limp and you sat up, wiping your face. You looked down at Moondancer and leaned closer until her lips were inches away from your own.

“Oh come here, you tease,” Moondancer giggled before she reached around your neck to pull you toward her lips. She added a little more tongue to the kiss, exploring every inch of your mouth and vice versa. She started getting more adventurous and reached down, grabbing one of your butt cheeks. You didn’t mind it at all.

Sadly, you had to break away from the kiss for oxygen.

“Lunar, there’s something I want to try out, if you don’t mind.” Moondancer said, blushing again.

“Sure, what do you want me to do?” you asked.

“First, I want you to sit on top of me and lay your shaft in between my breasts. Then, I want you to thrust you shaft in and out of them.”

“Um okay…” you said unsure where this was going. Following Moondancer’s instructions you gently sat on top of her, making sure not to apply all of your weight onto her delicate body. After that, you placed your rock hard shaft between her breasts. She grabs both of her large melons and mashes them together, trapping your manhood in between.

As instructed, you thrusted in and out of her breasts, suddenly feeling good. You felt your body tingling when something wet was touching the tip of your phallus. You looked down to see that Moondancer was licking your shaft. Beforelong, she began sucking on your manhood each time you thrusted in and out of her breasts.

You started moaning from how good she was making you feel.

“Now who’s cute?” she asked in a teasing manner. She giggled before going back to sucking on your giant sausage. You kept moaning every time her tongue swirled around the tip of your shaft and sucking as much of your pre-cum as she could.

You instinctively increased your movement between the tight confounds of Moondancer’s bust. She let out a hum while enjoying your giant, meaty stick. The humming sent vibrations throughout your whole body and your moaning grew louder as a result.

“How does it feel Lunar?” Moondancer asked in the sweet tone that you loved so much.

“A-Amazing...” you stuttered as you continued moving through her cleavage. It wasn’t long that you felt some pressure in your groin. Moondancer picked up on your heavy breathing and loud moaning and sucked on your shaft more hungerly and moved her breasts up and down on your hard stick.

You weren’t gonna last much long and then before you knew it, the feeling of your release felt so good to you when you came inside of Moondancer’s mouth. She swallowed as much as she could, but the rest landed on parts of her face and hair. Even as messy as she looked, she was still beautiful in your eyes.

Moondancer took a few moments to clean herself and you waited patiently the whole time. After about five minutes she looked into your eyes, which told you what the next step was. You placed a hand on her cheek since you could sense her nervousness of losing her virginity.

“It’s okay, Moondancer. If you don’t want to do it, I understand. However if you still want to go through with it, I promise to be as gentle as I possibly can. It’s all up to you, though,” you reassured her. Next thing she does catches you off-guard. She took off her glasses and set them on her nightstand and then turned around, bending over and presenting her lucious round behind.

“I’m more than ready. I trust you wholeheartedly, Lunar. If I’m gonna give my virginity to anypony then I want it to be you. You’re the only person I love the most.” she said, shaking her booty left and right slowly.

You nodded and got close enough to her. You grabbed one of her soft butt cheeks with one hand and guided your shaft into her dripping marehood. You made sure to insert it inside her as gentle as possible. Moondancer arched up, moaning softly. With the help of her dripping mare juices, it was easy enough to slide in.

But when you broke past her hymen, her eyes widened in pain, followed by a loud gasp. Moondancer began to shiver because of the pain. You saw blood leaking out of her pussy and you started to panic.

“A-Are you okay? Does it hurt?” you asked.

“Just... a little, but I’m okay...” she said, biting her lower lip. You can tell from the look on her face that it was painful to finally lose her virginity, but when you saw her beautiful smile, it was enough to tell you it was worth it. You smiled back at her and started thrusting in and out of her deflowered marehood.

“Oh Lunar!” she moaned loudly from the feeling of you thrusting into her. You even felt pleasure from massaging Moondancer’s soft, round butt cheeks. Her fur felt like pillows against your hands as you gently squeezed.

“I-I can’t believe we’re doing it… I love you Moondancer…” you said softly as you leaned onto her back and hugged her around the stomach. The cream coated mare smiled at how affectionate you were being and a single tear fell from her eye.

“I-I love you, too, Lunar! Oh sweet Celestia... your cock is so big, but it feels so... good!” she moaned, almost screaming in pleasure. She looked so beautiful when she was acting horny.

An idea popped into your head and you pulled out of Moondancer, much to her confusion and disappointment. However you cut her off before she could complain.

“Please turn over onto your back honey. I want to look at my marefriend’s beautiful face as I make love to her,” you instructed with a loving expression. After Moondancer did as you asked, you put your shaft back into her wet marehood, making her gasp.

She wrapped her arms around your neck, slowly pulling you into a full-blown make-out session while you began thrusting in and out of her dripping marehood, plunging your shaft deeper inside of her. The bed wouldn’t stop shaking from your powerful thrusts, but neither you or your cream-coated lover cared.

“A-A little f-faster Lunar...!” Moondancer shakily begged and you did as she requested. You began pounding her insides more quickly. Her moaning got more throaty and she had a wide goofy smile that you couldn’t help thinking how cute and sexy she looks right now. You went ahead and grabbed one of her soft breasts and circled your hand on it. Though you made sure to do it in a gentle manner.

“O-Oh yes! Touch me any way you want! I’m all yours!” she moaned loudly. You couldn’t help yourself when you leaned down and nuzzled Moondancer against her neck, making her giggle.

“Who’s my cute and pretty little pony?” you whispered in her ear, causing her ear to flicker adorably. She decided to play along.

“I-I am!”

“Good answer.” you said, kissing her on the cheek and resumed making love with her. She moaned loudly as your waist met hers at a remarkable pace and gripped your head tightly.

“H-Harder! Buck me harder!” she begged. You did as she asked and put more power into your thrusts, rutting her like crazy. Moondancer was in heaven as she held onto you, moaning loudly than ever before. Her breasts were pinned against your bare chest and she locked her legs around your waist.

Pretty soon, the pressure in your groins made themselves known again.

“M-Moondancer! I… I feel another big one coming!” you grunted.

“D-Don’t pull out! Go as deep as you can! Fill me up!”

“A-Are you sure?! What if you...” Moondancer kissed you deeply, cutting you off.

“I-It’s okay! If I do end up becoming a mother, that’s fine! As long as it’s your baby!” she assured after pulling away.

You couldn’t hold it in any longer. With one last thrust, you moaned loudly and released your load deep into Moondancer’s marehood. She moaned with you and felt your cum reach all the way inside her and filled up her womb. Your climax felt like it was going on forever. You could feel Moondancer’s belly starting to bulge a little.

As soon as your climax ended, you nearly collapsed on top of her as she sprayed her nectar all over your shaft and went limp once again. You took out your now limp manhood and leaned onto the side of the bed, panting heavily with your lover.

“Oh wow... I really went overboard.” you said sheepishly. You were really sweating up a storm as you glanced over at your equally exhausted lover.

“It was... amazing... Lunar.” Moondancer said, turning her whole body towards you. She then scooted closer and laid her head on your chest. You chuckled and gently stroked her hair and rubbed her cheeks.

“You know Lunar, I’m really glad to have you as my boyfriend. But imagine how great it would be if we were husband and wife.” she said, nuzzling into your chest.

“I look forward to when that day arrives. Until then...” you paused and kissed her on her forehead and let a sigh. “...Goodnight, Moondancer. I love you.”

“I love you, too... Lunar,” she said snuggling closer to your chest. Soon, exhaustion had taken over and the two of you were sound asleep.