There's No Need To Worry

by Michael Hudson

First published

Fluttershy has always known anxiety, but what would the shy mare be able to do if, even for just one night, it said farewell?

After being under her own depression, anxiety, and stress for so long, Fluttershy decides to try drastic, magical methods to try to take back control. The fact that the methods may come with some sexy consequences is just a nice little bonus.

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A Boost In Confidence

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Fluttershy swallowed hard as she sat on her bed, staring at herself in the mirror. She was currently in a large, soft, pink robe that she’d had made years ago. It was light enough not to overheat her, thick enough to never be seen through, and she had trusted it with her in her own home for years now. Possibly even a century. It had made sure a surprise visitor didn’t see something through a window, or that any of her animals caught a peek at the girls other than Angel.

And she hated it now. Hated all of it. Hated the fact that she had been hiding so much, and was always thinking about stuff like that. What if the pet feed guy looked at her ass? What if she asked for a collar and someone thought it was for when she was at home in private instead of for a new pet someone had asked her to train? These fears had only been getting louder over the past few years as she did more and more and more ponies stared at her. As she was thought of more, she thought about them more.

And her friends… No, all of Ponyville had seen her break down screaming because of it. In the center of it all, she had lost control, with her body shaking. She… She remembered every instant, even though she claimed to her friends that she didn’t. That she had concussed herself when she had slammed her head into the ground. That she didn’t know why she did that…

She tucked her legs in against her, her body becoming cold again. It had been happening a lot over the past few days. Ever since she had decided that she’d never leave her home again. That she couldn’t take people asking if she was okay and saying she was when that wasn’t the truth. She couldn’t burden them with her problems though. She couldn’t… Couldn’t do anything.

And then her eyes glanced over to the two vials on her bedside table. They were clearly labeled, tested, and Twilight had guaranteed her that they worked. There wouldn’t be any mishap if she took them. In theory, one was a confidence booster, while the other took away the effects of the first, with there at least being a week’s time before she had to take it, and that was arbitrary as Twilight believed that it could do it at any time in her life. A week was merely the longest a subject had gone before taking it and returning to normal.

Her friends had been the ones willing to test it, and she’d spent the past week looking at their testimonies and stories. From Rarity walking around town in only her underwear to model new sets of it to the town to Pinkie making Fuck Friday at Sugarcube Corner it was… harrowing to say the least.

They all talked about keeping their minds, but also a need to do more. To show off their ‘confidence’ so they would do things that excited them. Things that made them happy that they’d considered before but could never do, especially sexually, just like Twilight had pulled from Twilight’s brain when she demanded to be allowed to help the shy pegasus.

And even Twilight’s notes admitted that if she took the bottle, she’d likely no longer be a virgin in roughly a month. Not because of compounding or exponential effects, but simply because of how the potion and spells pushed the user.

She didn’t know if she wanted that to be the case, or, maybe she could… Do it faster? Her cheeks grew hot as she even admitted she could think about that, but she was almost thirty and had never even been with another pony, mare or stallion, while listening to her friend’s stories about both sex. Even Twilight was a master when compared to her and they were willing and able to talk about it, while all she could do was run away so nopony judged her for her thoughts on it.

Even when all her thoughts on it were that- Her chest froze, almost collapsing on herself as her mind screamed at her. Yelled at her that the second anypony heard about that, she’d be constantly hounded. Constantly shunned. She wasn’t that sort of pony after all. She’d be just hated, and that would be the end of it all. End of all the effort she’d ever put into having friends, a life, and any sort of freedom.

And it was because she hadn’t left her house in two months that made her drink the vial, because she’d already lost that freedom, so it didn’t matter. Not when this could at least-

We should leave the house. We ran out of treats for Angel a week ago, and he's been there for us since were a child. Now that he’s so old, he should be spoiled, don’t you agree?

Fluttershy blinked at the voice, but it wasn’t the only part of it. The tightness in her chest was pushed back on as a flow of warmth went into it, and she felt what was like a wave of… Of joy crashing down her body. It brought shelter and a force against the tension in her muscles, all while heating the slender, soft limbs. And it broke on her pussy, making it quiver as she moaned from the sweet taste of the thin fluid.

It was an immediate effect that had her panting on her bed. Her mind buzzed as she considered taking the other potion already. After all, the potion would get stronger over the next couple hours supposedly, and if this was how it was to begin with…

I understand, I promise. I’ll be waiting here if you ever decide to pick me up, and think you’re more than strong for having even tried me, and perhaps stronger for the fact that you want to say goodbye to me.

Fluttershy blinked a few times, before whispering, “Who… are you?”

I’m somepony who could treat you how you needed, but not as a bitch or force you to. If I wanted to do that, I’d talk about how you’re worrying too much, or insult you until you cried so I’d stick around longer. That’s not my purpose though. I’m supposed to make you enjoy life more, and so I mold myself to what you need to hear by analyzing you. That’s part of what that first flood was for.

Fluttershy blinked at the words, considering the fact that they honestly sounded like Rainbow Dash, and she wondered for a moment if they sounded like somepony else for the others. If she really thought about it, she could even guess, from Spitfire for Rainbow, to Maud for Pinkie. Ponies that cared about them, but would push them to seek that happiness. Rainbow had been having to deal with that for so many years now…

Her mind went entirely blank for a moment, cutting off the rabbit hole that it was about to go into before Rainbow’s voice came back into her mind. Come on. We have some errands, and a need to introduce everypony to the new Fluttershy. I even know the perfect outfit for it. The exact opposite of this frumpy robe. What do you say?

And Fluttershy swallowed hard as she whispered, “Sure.” She then didn’t move, but her body did. It reacted to the desire, rather than her actual thoughts. Her actual thoughts wanted her arms and legs to be too heavy. For her not to move, not until she was certain she was ready to go, but her body ignored it. No, she ignored it, a thought that sent shivers down her spine.

For a moment, her body moved towards the door after dropping the robe, but her mind screamed violently enough to stop that, a desperation that was met by a chuckle and an, Okay, okay, sorry, from the voice in her mind before she moved to her closet. There, her hands rifled through her clothes, throwing most of them on her bed as the voice kept saying no and looking for something specific that it wasn’t letting Fluttershy know.

But… If she really thought about what the voice wanted, she could guess what it wanted, and so stopped it then. She took back control of herself, her body shaking before another wave of warmth ran over her and steadied her nerves. Steadying her steps was another task entirely, but the fact that she could walk at all was a miracle. Then again, so was her being naked in her bedroom, not that she noticed that right now.

Instead, she reached under her bed and pulled out a small shoebox. It had been where she’d stuffed a ‘clubbing’ outfit that Rainbow had once bought her. She remembered the day she’d gotten it and how she passed out because of it, and had almost forgotten about it, which was probably why the voice couldn’t find it. Or… Maybe it didn’t have complete access to her as a safety measure? To make sure that if she went somewhere too far, she did it as herself like… Like right now.

She let it take control now though, too terrified to actually open the box herself. Not when she knew what was inside. Not when she was actually considering finally wearing it. What was wrong with-

She blinked, her mind coming back as she stood in front of the mirror in her room. Looking back at herself was… Well, it was her. There was no other mare it could have been of course, but… It was still… She didn’t know what to think of herself. Or for that matter the fact that the potion-

I can only do this so much. Get you ready for what you desire. To give you the confidence to be at the threshold. My creator gave me memories of what your friends did testing this, and while I made the sign, while I put Rarity in front of her door, they were the ones to reveal their hidden selves to the world. As your world, your bubble stops here, this is all I can do, at least for this step.

And Fluttershy almost cried at that. Not because she needed to put the final step forward, but because she did. Because Twilight had that sort of forethought. Because this was still her choice, no matter what the potion did.

It was her, just… A new her, just like the potion said. A her that wore shorts that cut off halfway down her ass, showing off every inch of her long, lithe legs, trained from years of running, making them be in an even better shape than Rainbow’s. Not that her smooth stomach matched the toned muscles. No, it showed that she was soft and squishy, and was in full view for the world. Then again, especially when she considered how tight the shorts were against her, this may as well have hid nothing.

Because she didn’t wear a shirt, or leggings. No, there were three pieces to this. The first were the shorts. The second was a bright, pink thong that clashed with her fur to make sure guys noticed it. It was also raised so high that it stuck up above the shorts, and she could feel the string that was supposed to cover grind against her pussy. The final piece was a ‘bikini top’ that was just a few strings and two patches. Her areolas were still showing, while her nipples were outlined by the fabric. It literally hid nothing, but back then Rainbow had claimed that that was part of the design. That…

That it was for her twenty fifth birthday, and Rainbow had wanted to finally get Fluttershy laid so she could stop being so afraid.

Fuck. I mean, I know I’m also you, but man, this is almost too much for me. If you need to back off-

Fluttershy cut it off with a small giggle, noticing the small tones of her own voice that had crept into it as tears began to wiggle into her eyes. Was her neurosis this bad? Was it so strong that it could even beat Twilight’s magic?

She… She couldn’t let that be. Not looking at herself like this. Not when she was already looking like a whore, and knew what every stallion and mare would think seeing her.

And how much it warmed her heart after so many weeks of being cold.

So Fluttershy stepped out of her home, letting the spell take over from there. It was… rigid, and she honestly couldn’t blame it. It could only do so much after all when there was a part of her that still screamed about this. Still was so strongly against letting Ponyville see the little slut she could look like, but it was pushed back. It was kept back so her arms could stay at her sides, and she could put the smallest sway into her hips. She could en… Yes, she could enjoy this.

Even as the first eyes were laid upon her, she kept walking. In fact, she even took over minor control, forcing herself to look at Caramel, whose mouth was wide open at her, and gave him a small smile as one of her hands placed itself onto her bare chest. Her breasts were so warm like this, and she could feel his eyes drilling into them. He wanted to be able to touch them like she did now, and it was a thought that sent cold stabs into her chest, just before the spell flushed her system with warmth and clears.

It didn’t make her move towards him though. He was too open about it, too candid, so she bit her lips as she turned away, taking a slightly longer route to the store she needed to go to. Not that many ponies were going to be out right now, and she was still on the outskirts. Maybe she would even pass by the fountain on the way.

Maybe even swim with the ducks? You’re already dressed for it some would say.

Fluttershy blushed at the suggestion, one of her hands sinking into her chest as she swallowed hard. It was a lot more embarrassing now that her bosom wasn’t covered, as before it was a reminder that she was safe. That she was beautiful, but that she was modest and safe in her sweaters and dresses. Like this though… She panted as she felt her lower lips heat up with the magic of the spell as it stopped her from screaming with a brief mind wipe.

Don’t push yourself too far. You’re doing wonderful already, and this is a good first step. We’re just on errands after all, nothing more if we don’t want to.

Unlike the last time the voice pulled her back, this was pure Rainbow Dash, and she knew why. It was the reason why she was the voice at all. It was also why Rainbow Dash had bought a pair of handcuffs the same day she bought Fluttershy this outfit, so that if she ever wore it, she would never be separated from her. So she’d be safe.

Back then it hadn’t been enough, but right now…

Oooh, is someone really thinking about going out in public naked?

Fluttershy’s face turned beat red as she stammered out, “Sh-shut up!”

“I’m sorry. I’ll be quieter.”

It was a soft, quiet voice, but one Fluttershy recognized. After all, she liked hanging out with Rarity, and that meant seeing Sweetie Belle and her friends a lot. And that night, on a bench by the fountain in the park, Button Mash sat with his head hanging down. Immediately, Fluttershy’s heart lurched at the broken voice, recognizing it all too well, though it began triggering her own fears until the spell on her calmed her back down.

A fact that helped her notice the abandoned roses next to Button. The suit that was a size too small for him. She even noticed the staining on his red tie from the tears he’d been shedding for… She’d guess half an hour from the fact that he was able to talk at this point. He looked like he was gone from the world though as he stared at the ground.

She bit into her lip as she stepped back. She couldn’t help him like this. Sure, he was eighteen by now, but he was hurting, probably just had his heart shattered for that matter, and that called for ice cream, hugs, things…

Things that you can provide in part right now.

Fluttershy considered it for a moment, before shaking her head. She wasn’t going to do everything for him. She was still too afraid to let a stallion into her bed to hold tight and the like, but maybe, just maybe, she could help his mood. Give him thoughts and such to help override the one that likely dominated his mind. It wasn’t going to be permanent, sure, but she knew how crucial it could be to take someone’s mind off of something like this, even if just for a moment.

It also made her heart race, but not her loins. Well, not as much, but this was what she hated when she thought about sex, because she didn’t care about Rarity, Applejack, or Twilight talking about their romances. She liked it when Rainbow talked about leaving a guy with a smile, or how Pinkie Pie could get a mare to giggle by hanging upside down with her tits covering her face due to sheer gravity.

And now, Fluttershy, as she had wanted to for the longest time, would be able to do what they did. Make ponies smile even at their darkest times by using natural responses and forbidden acts. Show kindness in a way she had for the longest time.

And, you know, probably get off at the same time, right?

Fluttershy shut her eyes, only a light blush coming to her cheeks as she stretched out her back and got into the fountain. She could already feel the spray, but another step got her bosom, presented front and center, into the water. The crash of the water changed with that as her own body broke the streams, thoroughly soaking her almost instantly.

She didn’t care as she let out a long, deep moan. It was meant to catch Button’s attention, but now it was more authentic. She blamed that on what felt like a thousand small fingers grasping at her body before they slid down. They made sure she knew every curve that was exposed. Every bit of muscle a guy could enjoy, all while they pounded into her softer parts. Her neck was massaged by the water’s patter, her ass being almost assaulted as a stream tried to pull off her shorts, but above all else, like everypony thought with Fluttershy were her breasts. The covers over her nipples had slipped off almost immediately, leaving them bare to take on wave after wave of water that cascaded over the long curve of her breasts. That broke against the soft mounds, dragging them down before a sway of her body brought them out of the water and back up.

Not that they needed that to have a bounce to them. Fluttershy almost danced in the water, her body on fire as she moved. Back and forth her hips swayed as for a moment she just enjoyed herself. She forgot about most of the world, just imagining the smiles she would give like this. Dancing like only a few ponies that needed it were watching. Like she wouldn’t be against someone outside of her window seeing that she too enjoyed her body.

Her breasts followed this attitude. Normally they were kept down by practical tape, but now they moved with pure freedom. Up, down, side to side, they were given all they could ever desire as they danced over her ribs, smacked down heavily on her stomach, and almost threw her off balance from their heft and weight. They were so heavy in fact that when they crashed down, they squished themselves onto her stomach, flattening a little as her erect nipples shook from the force.

And every jiggle, shake, and slam burned a brighter fire in Fluttershy. The spell stoked it, keeping the thoughts that screamed at her away while her eyes were shut. She could just enjoy it. Just focus on her own pleasure.

Maybe even a little too much. Fluttershy’s steps began to slow as one of her hands undid the top button of her shorts, letting the water in to run over her already moist pussy. The feeling of it running down her nethers, of it mixing with her arousal… It sent shivers down her spine as she moaned out loud.

Her other hand moved up, gripping one of her fat breasts, her body trembling as she stopped moving. She wanted to just enjoy this. To fall in love with the lust, even if just for a moment, but finally the spell couldn’t hold it back. In fact, it couldn’t by design, because her mind was using it to entirely shut out reality instead of as a brief pause.

Twilight hadn’t made it for that sort of purpose. Not when she hoped to expand it beyond just her friend.

And so Fluttershy’s mind screamed at her as the spell almost vanished for a moment. It demanded she open her eyes to stare at the barely adult stallion who was actively masturbating to her. Who had forgotten reality himself as she had come on the virge to showing him her pussy. To show him how she masturbated. To show anypony who came by.

Let’s go home. This was a good start, but we can both agree that this was too far. Right?

And Fluttershy was all too willing to agree with it as she ran. She… She didn’t cry, no matter how much her body shook, and she blamed the spell for that. It was sending wave after wave of warmth through her system. It was trying to make sure she didn’t just collapse. Not until she was home. Not until-

“There you are!”

Fluttershy stopped, looking up from where she had been running to see Rainbow Dash in the doorway. Not the Rainbow Dash in her mind, but actual Rainbow Dash. And she looked… Worried. No, she looked downright scared as the two looked at each other. Why was she here? Why was she so concerned?

Maybe it’s because of me. Maybe she heard about what you did tonight, and that’s okay. She knows about me, and you can show her that this is you. You can-

And in that moment, she knew she would need to tell Twilight the spell needed adjusting, as Fluttershy’s fears were beating it. Turning it against her, while she turned her mind off purposefully. Tonight was about a new Fluttershy after all. A Fluttershy that wasn’t so afraid. That didn’t worry so much, and if she was going to make an acquaintance smile, well…

She was going to make the mare she loved moan, and she felt the spell send a wave of warmth down her in encouragement. Felt her pussy leak in anticipation, and for a moment she froze as she stepped up to Rainbow Dash. She could just hide her breasts and get a hug from her friend. It wasn’t too late. She could…

Do it. The worst that happens is Rainbow Dash stays just your friend.

And Fluttershy leaned in, grabbing Rainbow by the shoulders as she slammed her face forward, Instead of a sensual, soft kiss though, she cracked Rainbow in the nose and sent the athletic mare back. “Ah, Fluttershy, what the hell was that?”

“Oh my Luna! I’m so sorry!” Fluttershy ran forward, her words coming out in a babble. Her mind didn’t default to her normal words though, like her wanting to check on something she thought she saw in between Rainbow’s teeth, or that she spaced out. No, instead, they were a stream of… The truth. Of her mind going on autopilot and letting it all out. “I was trying to kiss you, probably push you against the couch and finally be able to eat you out like I’ve always wanted. To be even half of as brave as any of the mares you’ve casually fucked because I love…”

Fluttershy blinked as Rainbow’s wide eyes stared at her, and she let out a soft, whimpering, “”

The spell couldn’t hold back any of it now. It crumbled to decades of anxiety and fear as she called herself a dumb whore. That she didn’t deserve Rainbow Dash. That how could she confess after such a colossal fuck up. Why would she bring up all of Rainbow’s fuck buddies? What was wrong with her in general?

I’m not that useless you know. Twilight made me as an assistant, and while I even think what I did is stupid because I am meant to mirror your mind, well… I cut you off from noticing what Rainbow has been doing.

Fluttershy blinked back to consciousness just as she felt the first lap at her lower lips. Her shorts were gone and Rainbow was right between her thighs. Fluttershy tried to stammer out something, but Rainbow just glanced up. “Ah, good, you woke up. That stupid spell of Twilight’s did something similar to me after my brain short circuited from walking into the male Wonderbolts locker room naked and saw all of them fully erect. I can only take so much after all.”

Fluttershy blinked again, her body on fire as her mind screamed and she managed to shout out, “Yes, but what are you doing? You don’t eat mares out!”

Rainbow looked up at Fluttershy, her eyes as hard as steel, but glowing hot with something that made the shy pegasus’s heart skip a beat. “No, I don’t eat mares out unless I love them. Now, shut up, let me make you pass out, and tomorrow we can go thank Rarity properly for letting me know what you did with Button. Oh, and, shut-”

Rainbow never finished it, deciding to make sure Fluttershy didn’t put up any more resistance to what she was doing by pushing her tongue deep within her marefriend. Fluttershy’s eyes rolled back as her body almost shuddered into a climax just from the first moment of Rainbow’s tongue writhing inside of her.

She… Was she actually doing this? At this point, she didn’t know, not as she kept climbing higher up on the ladder towards her climax. Or, more properly, as Rainbow kept Fluttershy from climbing over the last rung by pulling her tongue out. That didn’t stop the brazen pegasus’s hot breath though, or how her hands dug into Fluttershy’s fat, toned ass. Every writhe of her body made those digits dig into her rump, which in turn made her writhe more.

After everything else that had happened that night though, Fluttershy was desperate. Desperate… Desperate for a lot of things actually. Desperate for sleep after how much her energy her libido and anxiety had burned through together. Desperate to be allowed to cum by Rainbow’s naughty lips. And, possibly most of all…

Desperate for someone to help her continue doing all of this way, because it was the happiest and most excited she had been in a long time, and she found one of her hands reaching down. It didn’t reach for her breast, or even her pussy though. Instead, it found the top of Rainbow’s head and grabbed it, much to the racer’s surprise.

And then Fluttershy shoved her into her crotch with all the force she could muster as she screamed. As her eyes rolled back, her mind not caring if anypony heard her. Not caring about if anypony could see her arousal spray and cover Rainbow’s face. No, she was back in the moment. Back in the way she had been in the fountain. The free spirit with a cause, but this time… This time it was her own happiness. Her own well being, and her need to embrace it.

Rainbow Dash coughed as Fluttershy finally let go of her head. Her marefriend’s pussy was good, sure, but she’d started having a hard time breathing with just how hard Fluttershy had been pressing into the back of her head. “Hey, you need to…”

Rainbow Dash was quiet for a moment when she saw Fluttershy, as cute as she ever had been, fast asleep now. So, instead of teasing the girl or waking her up for her own turn, she helped her to bed, and went to sleep right next to her.

A position that the two would rarely leave for the next week while Fluttershy recovered from going too far too quick, and then back again. Besides, she could start trying being more brave by eating her marefriend out with the window open.


And at night.

It was a start, and one that didn’t push her into a panic attack again, okay? And Rainbow Dash wasn’t about to complain as she finally got the answer to the thing she’d really wanted to do when she’d tested the spell for a week, and the whole reason she’d stayed away from her now marefriend during that entire time.