Harsh Lessons


First published

Canterlot State was full of some surprising things I wasn't ready for, especially at the ending of my college career.

I remembered the time like any other in my days of college at Canterlot State. It was real laid back at the time and not a lot of things happened as you would expect from a school of such stature, well unless you're the specific type that got the attention for it, whether you liked it or not.

And for me, it happened when I started slipping in my math class, where I began to learn a harsh lesson in my reality.

Inspired by Harsh Punishment by Glacial Spectre

Picture made by Kasaler. Used without permission on a non-monetized project. Under artist's request, I'll replace it. :twilightsmile:


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It was another sunny evening with Ms. Harshwhinny in her math class. Not in a way that you would expect when you hear these types of stories. We were just two adults together in a classroom, her the teacher, and me the student. It was just like any other regular day than it was before; she focused on toning everypony’s minds to take in more thought than they usually could, giving them a larger aspect on their ability when it came to working on a job that needed that type of brain power, who could come up with numbers quickly and accurately.

I was one of the top students in her class at that time. I was fully content on making college well worth the money I paid to slowly progress towards graduation, which was growing nigh. I made sure that I was going to pass with flying colors on every class that presented itself toward me and get the chance to make something happen for the rest of my life.

But then I started slipping in my math class.

Now, I’m not going to say that I was falling back because I lost inspiration, or that I no longer drove for the success that held my future. The paper was just dangling in my face by this point, so I wasn’t going to waste my money. And I already passed the point of saying this wasn’t worth it.

The truth was that I couldn’t stop staring at that beautiful ass of hers.

I tried to do my work and pay attention in her class, but ever since I first met Ms. Harshwhinny, it was my worst and favorite distraction, not to mention the rest of her wonderfully aged body within that dashing professionalism she called clothing. I even sometimes called for her assistance in helping me with equations I couldn’t understand. When she would get close and lean over my shoulders, I would subtly smell her sweet perfume that raised from her orange trimmed hair beneath her purple blazer. It always got me riled up for the idea of smelling her while having my-

“Mr. Caramel?”

“H-Hmm? Yes?” I was startled again. I had to stop getting my head in the clouds.

Ms. Harshwhinny looked at me while the rest of the class looked at the projector screen full of information, taking notes on their phones and textbooks, really anything that could hold details.

“Are you paying attention? I don’t want you to get lost on the final exam in a few days.” Exams, my biggest and worst enemy. It would always be easy to have practice before taking them, to get an idea of what it’s going to be like so I could pass and succeed... But, it would be a real pain if I didn’t get the memo on it.

“Sorry Ms. Harshwhinny, kinda dozed out there.” Seeing a nice ass could do that to you.

She continued to look at me with disinterest. “Well don’t go to sleep on me just yet. Most of this will be on the test, so I expect consistency.”

“Yes, ma’am.” She turned back to her board and all was well again in the world, that was until a few minutes later happened and class was over for me. Everypony was leaving the small room and emptied out with haste, most likely to get to their other classes. Me? This was my last class of the day. I planned on getting home and playing my favorite video games on my PC while eating leftover pizza and talking crap over my mic.

But, Ms. Harshwhinny stopped me just as I was hitting the door.

“Caramel, mind if I speak to you for a moment?” I silently cursed myself and closed the door, turning back to her.

“S-sure, what do you need?” I moved away from the door and gave her body my undivided attention. I made sure to look her in those blue pearl orbs, but my peripheral vision didn’t blur out her amazing figure. It made me pull on the collar of my buttoned shirt as I walked and stood by her desk. I was getting nervous.

“I wanted to talk about your performance so far in my classroom...” She pulled off her jacket and hung it on her chair. Within it this whole time was a neatly tucked beige turtleneck top that showed even more than what I expected. She was sporting a nice rack under all of the tight clutches of professionalism. I scratched my mane to distract myself from a display that was at no time previewed before me; she never took off her blazers during classes.

“Well, how am I doing?”

“I don’t know. You tell me…” She moved some supplies around her desk and fixed her skirt before sitting down on top in front of me, folding her legs and showing me her black stockings with her stilettos. “... all I notice is you being distracted as of late, and in a time where it’s the least of importance… Mind telling me what’s going on?”

“Uhm… well, I’m just uh, not getting enough sleep as I should.”

“You look wide awake to me.” She leaned back, putting her palms against the desk to support her weight. I swallowed my saliva. She was getting curious. “Even your eyes right now show no bags or redness. There has to be something else. Maybe an equation that you couldn’t comprehend? Other classes that you’re too focused on?”

My mind was taking me into different thoughts all at once. In a quick second, I didn’t think that I would have my hands on the table within two meters of Ms. Harshwhinny, with my chest pushed up against her own.

“Or is it ‘me’?”

“Oh! Uh… I-I, um...” my heart was racing and I was left dumbfounded. Everything escalated so quickly between us in mere seconds and all she did was give me the same curious visage she had since she called me for this little talk. I was getting hot not only from the embarrassment, but also from her heightened tenacity.

“I’ve seen this type of behavior before when it came to a few of my past students, all finding appeasement from my unintentional resume...” she moved one of her hands up to my shoulder and wrapped her legs tighter around me, making me look down. Her hand inched over to my top button and began slowly unbuttoning my shirt. “... I always turned away any efforts that they would give towards me. But I find you different from the typical stallion...”

For a teacher of her stature, I wouldn’t take Ms. Harshwhinny for somepony who would cheat out on something that could be made through improvement. She’d make sure that all tasks were met from every student in her class, because every one of us paid good money to get to where we are today. So it was very unique to see a teacher with such eagerness to help her learners.

But I wasn’t expecting this much to happen. It just seemed so wrong to be in that position, to associate myself in such unethical behavior. I should’ve been offended or uncomfortable after that gesture. Hell, I should’ve left the room.

But I didn’t, and she already knew I wasn’t before doing all of this.

“So, here’s my proposition for you…” she stopped at the last couple of buttons and gently slides her fingers along my chest, making me feel tense and tight. “I’ll give you the opportunity in achieving the desires that you wish for if you get a one hundred percent passing grade this Friday…”

I stared wide eyed at Ms. Harshwhinny. I couldn’t believe I was hearing this from my own teacher. She was going to give me a shot and all I had to do was pass a freaking test?

It sounded rather odd to me at the time. There had to be something behind her reasoning for this. But I didn’t focus much on it since her body was still against mine. The feeling of her forced warmth against me made me want to fall fully into her caress, letting my dick to do the talking from that point.

“Are you serious?” I still had to ask, just incase she wasn’t pulling something on me.

Just like that, she put her hand at the nape of my neck and pulled me in for a kiss. It felt like a dream to see my own teacher this way toward me. It never did happen in high school - still kinda sad about that - but, it still took my interest.

I was still flabbergasted, but I couldn’t pull away. Everything felt warm inside me and I wanted more. I wanted to touch that body of hers, feel that fishnet that rested against her thighs, maybe even get a chance to see her cutie mark.

Unfortunately, I’m forced to wait.

She pulled her sweet lips away as I was just getting used to them. That was definitely one response to remember.

She ceased her hold of me and lightly pushed me back. Feeling it get colder without her against me, I began to button up my shirt. This was where she told me something important.

“Remember that the test is in a few days from now. If you need help on it, look over the subjects on the ‘CS Blackboard’ on the school website, or just call me and we’ll have a personal session.” She got up from her desk and stood in front of me, putting her hands on my third to last button. “I believe you have what it takes to be great in your studies, Mr. Caramel. And seeing you struggling is no short of a sudden decrease in success.”

She buttoned up my last one, but I barely paid heed as her words went through me. She continued. “And I hate to see my best struggle. So, make haste. You have studying to do.”

Basically pushing me out the classroom, I stood there in complete heat. My body was on overdrive and all it took was just some small contact against me. I even had to shift my pants a bit to hide my erection from the rest of the public.

If she could do that to me, what else could she do once I ask her for tutoring? What else could she do when I pass the exam?

“... Well, fuck…”

This was going to be an eventful few days.


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I had to go to the gym to get my mind off what happened an hour ago after math class. The sensation was still riding me as the thoughts kept coming and coming of her: Harshwhinny. Every time I tried to do something as small as walking, my mind wandered off to her and the proposition she offered.

Would a sane stallion neglect those amazing hips that she packed in her arsenal? And what of that awesome rack she was flaunting against me? Those firm legs that wrapped around me and pulled me closer for a more quality sight, those blue eyes staring through me like they’ve seen my story. It was all a rush that just felt good and accelerating, it made me want more.

But I still had the important question that filled the back of my mind: why me? What did I do to deserve such a broad and risky approach? I know I shouldn’t have asked myself these types of questions, given the one chance at a lifetime to fulfill my fantasy. But the point to it was if I was apart of something with more depth to it. I mean, she did come on strong and it was very effective. So, it raised some suspicions.

But, that was at the back of my mind. I still wanted to see the full release of that teaser she gave me.

So, I got into the gym and did my regular thing as usual. The gym wasn’t far from the school; about a block away from the establishment. I decided to go there because they gave discounts to students within the campus, like around fifteen percent of their usual rate. For a place that supplied an additional hot tub, inside basketball court and a boxing ring, you couldn't go wrong with it.

… It was still expensive as hell though.

For only just that evening, I went to the basketball court to do some cardio with the other stallions within. As soon as I set my duffle on the floor, one of them called out to me to see if I'm playing next. Once I said yes, the action started from there.

Overtime, I started to forget. The rowdy game occupied my mind with my maximum effort of focusing on my opponents. My body was burning up with adrenaline as I caught up with them all the way to the end, using my body to make shots and make some passes happen. And in the end... we came out losers.

It was destined though. Only reason they won was because they had a hefty stallion that ran for the rim with speed all the time. I swore he looked like a professional every time he made a score, and after that game I was just absolutely tired. So I used this terrible defeat as an excuse to use the hottub.

The room for it was about two corridors away from the courts. It was pretty spacious for a small appliance, but given the steam that always came whenever the door was opened to it, I guess it was justified for this type of business? I don’t know, it’s their building.

At the time, the gym was on one of its downtimes of the day, meaning it was getting slow and empty for them. So they weren’t expecting much traffic, which was good for me.

I got a towel from the front before going inside. Nopony occupied the hardware, making me fist pump for celebration before sitting my duffle down in the corner. I took off my everything except my shorts and hopped inside the tub, letting the warm water comfort me prior to turning on the jets.

Sometimes for these types of occasions, I kept a separate pair of everything to be fresh whenever I’m done at the gym. I knew ponies would understand the difference between a musty pony and just a plain dirty one, but I liked to keep it safe from those quiet neighsayers out there. Plus, I like to keep it fresh before going home to my humble abode and take a shower. Looking back, it did sound like a waste of clothing, but I still didn’t care. I only cared for quality presentation.

After about a couple minutes in, I let the warm water take me onto a journey, to a far away universe built on peaceful interconnection of my sensitive nerves. I felt more calm and less tense, my muscles relaxing from such a hard workout I put them through.

I sighed and closed my eyes, leaning back onto the supports. I got cozy with the sensation, but I got too relaxed for my own good. Next thing I felt was some sort of presence around me. It became more hot than I was ordering, which wasn’t the noticeable issue. It was the fact that it felt like something was against my nuzzle, but not touching it. I could only feel it’s presence growing stronger and more evident. And it got irritating for me.

I opened up my eyes and guess who I saw leaning against me?

A small gasp escaped my lips before her wet finger lightly touched them. Her blue eyes pierced mine again, just like in the classroom. I was getting butterflies in my chest from such a position we were placed at the time. When you have a mare sitting in your lap with nothing but a simple black lace bra and black panties, it’s kinda hard to have a casual conversation. And this was made evident on her approach.

She hummed with a slight intent. “So, this is where you come to release your stress?”

It took me ten seconds to respond. I couldn’t look away from that awesome rack she was sporting. I could even see her nipples trying to protrude through her bra. And I saw she had some ab work done on her belly too. Maybe she worked out here too and I just kept missing her somehow?

She grabbed onto my chin and pulled my head up to meet her eyes again.

“What? O-Oh! Yeah, yes it is. I uh... come here after class to free my mind.” She let go of my chin and slid her hand down to my neck, and then down to my chest. I could feel my nerves tingle as she glides her hand along my hair. My mass was starting to wake up from its slumber, making me lightly blush under my darker coat. Even though this was feeling great, I was still embarrassed.

“I can definitely see that. How long have you been coming here?” She asked, moving her other arm up to my own to feel my developing muscles. I couldn’t see if she was fascinated or not, her face didn’t show it. She was hard to read at that moment, but something told me she found more interest.

“Since a couple years ago. I thought it would be great if… I…” She grabbed onto my hand and put it around her hip, making me grab onto her soft body. “... worked on my personal goals...”

Everything began to escalate quickly when she wrapped her wet arms around my neck, pulling herself closer to the point of our bodies making immense contact, her bust applying pressure to my chest. She grinded on me, forcing me to pant softly. My dick was hard in my shorts, and as it was buried under her covered lips, it gave her the advantage over me. All I could do was sit there and look pretty while she basically did the dirty work.

Her eyes became half-lidded. “I’m going to move this along sooner than expected, Caramel. I think you’ve worked enough over the years to at least get this far.”

Wait wut?

“Wait, w-” She gave me a slow peck on the lips, taking me by surprise once again. I wasn’t complaining however; ever since the first time, I always wanted to taste her lips again. I wanted to feel that warmth rush over me like a tidal wave washing over the beach. It was addictive… she was addictive.

After the first kiss I tried to talk, but my lips kept meeting those luscious ones again and again, each one more wet and juicy than the last. It inspired me to go along with it and shut up about why she decided to change her mind. I sure wasn’t going to complain about a sexy pony giving me a ride of a lifetime.

I put my free arm on her other hip and pulled her close to me, forcing her to kiss me for a more longed duration. She used her weight to push me down to where I became lower leveled of the water. Then I closed my eyes and continued to float in our ever growing illicit tryst…

Blurgh… Erk!

I opened my eyes again and immediately emerged from the water, coughing hard to empty my lungs. After the deed, I looked around to see water spots everywhere around the room. But, I didn’t see…

“Ms. Harshwhinny… What the fuck, you sexy mare?” I almost drowned from a fantasy I couldn’t get right there. It just looked like the right moment, I just felt it like instinct. But, it never came.

I complained to myself about the dream I had while drying myself off. It was a good enough time to get out of the gym anyway. The night was creeping up on me, so I put on my fresh attire and packed my stuff before heading out.

And even after that workout, I was still pissed off about having a weak ass recovery.

So, tonight was where I began my training. I wanted to make sure that my exam would be ready to get punched in the face with knowledge, to get bodied by my overbearing confidence. There was nothing to stop me from accessing my goals.

Nothing, except for the power of video games.

I knew I was an adult that had a lot of responsibilities, but I was still a kid at heart. When real life would hit me in the jaw, I barely found the time to just goof off and have fun. But when I did, I took it to the fullest extent before having to do anything else.

So there I was in front of my computer playing a rowdy game of Insurgent. I was cool but at the same time, frustrating. Whenever I played games, I liked to put in at least some effort to say that I’m trying to win. But when you play with a team that doesn’t, it’s like watching a one-sided hoofball game. It got boring. I swear, it made me wanna quit right there and stop procrastinating on my school work.

And it did after seeing the last player standing. AFK. Brilliant.

I turned off the game before they all even had the chance to chant and scream triumphantly and randomly on their microphones. As much as it was funny and annoying, I didn’t want my speakers broken. I got back onto my desktop and clicked on my browser, getting to the homepage where it showed me news I didn’t care about. I moved on to typing in the school’s web address and went into my Blackboard.

Next thing to do was select my current math class and see all the proper tools I’m given to complete my task in a few days. I knew how to do mathematics like the back of my hand. Once the formula was received of what needed to be done, the right pony with that type of fast knowledge can easily solve problems that always came up by day-to-day bases, adapting every time for when it may be harder; I was one of those types.

How? I just simply loved math. I loved it because sometimes it could get complex and difficult, testing the brain of its power to tense under such stresses to find a solution. It kept me on my toes for my career goals.

So since I was so ready for this test, I wasn’t ready for this test. I was… nervous. I didn’t know why, but I felt off about taking it to the best effort I could dish out. Was it because of Harshwhinny? Probably so. But could it just be some simple self doubt? Or that I’m still annoyed after playing a video game?

I stared at my screen and looked at one of the subjects: “The Simplicity of P.R.E.M.D.A.S.”. It was an easy one and’ll most likely be on the test, so I went over that just for the night. I didn’t feel like doing anything else for the rest of the night, except getting something to eat from my wonderful fridge to snack. Which reminded me I had to go to the grocery store, seeing I had nothing in there.

Damn, school life sucked for a while. But after a couple of days, this was where it got wild for me.

The day I called for Ms. Harshwhinny help.