Spike's Day Of Break

by MoonaKnight13

First published

Spike is summoned to Canterlot by Luna for something very important.

Spike is summoned to Canterlot by Luna for something very important. Wonder what's so important that requires Spike's help

"I require your help, Spike."

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Spike walked around ponyville with a black crossbody bag filled with stuff in it on his left shoulder. He was about to walk up to a comic book store but was interrupted by a letter appearing in front of it. Spike opened the letter and was surprised to see that it was from Princess Luna herself, he started to read the letter.

Dear, Sir Spike

After a certain incident, I Princess Luna require your help with it and only you. A carriage will arrive to pick you up in a few minutes.

Sincerely, Princess Luna.

Spike put the letter in his bag and noticed that the carriage had just arrived. “That was quick.” He said as he got on the carriage. The carriage soon flew off.

Spike leaned back and looked up at the sky “I wonder what happened, hopefully it isn’t that bad.” He thought inwardly while frowning.

Spike soon arrived and got off the carriage before walking up to the castle. Princess Luna stood at the at the front door, her arms were crossed and she had a very worried look on her face.

Luna walked over to Spike and hugged him “It’s so good to see you, Spike.” Spike was taken aback a bit, Luna had never hugged him before or even referred to him by his name without the word ‘Sir’ at the start. “It’s good to see you too, Princess Luna.”

Luna quickly broke the hug and walked him into the castle “You’re probably wondering why I summoned you here, right?” Luna asked as she looked at him. Spike nodded “Yeah, did something bad happen to Celestia?” He said as he put his claws in his pockets.

Luna cupped her chin “Well, yes. But she’s not hurt at all, you’ll know when you see it.” She walked him into the royal dungeons and down a spiral staircase. Spike had never been in this part of the dungeons before, only very dangerous criminals go down here. Spike raised a brow.

They walked up to a metal door and Luna unlocked it before opening it. Luna walked in with Spike behind her. Spike’s eyes widen slightly at who was in the cell room.

DayBreaker sat against the wall, both her wrist chained to the wall and a metal collar around her neck to prevent her from using magic, she looked up and grinned “Why hello there, Spikey Wikey~.” She snickered as Spike just stared at her in confusion.

“My sister and I were trying to see if we could turn our darkersides good, we first tried out Celestia’s and it failed. Daybreaker took control over her and I can’t get her back. Celestia is in there unconscious.” Luna looked at Spike “The reason I called you here is because I know that you two have a great bond, like mother and son. I thought that maybe you could wake her up.”

Spike looked at Daybreaker and back at Luna “And if it fails?” Luna bit her lip “I’m afraid I’m gonna have to force Daybreaker out of her, which might end badly, it depends.”

Spike crossed his arms and raised a brow “What kind of bad?” Luna looked away from Spike and stared at Daybreaker “She might die.”

Spike nodded “I’ll do my best.” He said as he placed his bag on the ground. Luna smiled softly and nodded. “I wish you luck, but I’m going to have to leave you two alone. If something bad happen, whispers the words ‘Kulaas’ and I’ll come.” Luna said as she gave him a key that had a string on it before she walked out of the room and closed the door.

Spike stood there for a minute before putting the key in his back pocket and slowly walked over to Daybreaker “Okay then.” He sat down in front of her. “Let’s talk, how are you today?”

Daybreaker frowned but smiled “I’m doing quite well, can’t wait to get out of this shackles and take over the whole world. I might get you to be my little assistant~.” She licked her lips as Spike blushed slightly.

“Well good luck with that, you’re here with me all day, unless you decide to give Celestia back.” Spike said with a smirk “I am also not freeing your wrist at all.” He flicked her muzzle making her growl at him, he couldn’t help but snicker.

He got closer to her “Why do you want to take over the world?” Daybreaker frowned “Why not? Why let others have it equality when I can have it all to myself?!” She shouted with a laugh.

Spike sighed and grabbed her face pulling her closer “I know you’re in there, Celestia. It’s me, Spike.” Daybreaker snarled “Don’t touch me!” She hissed at him while clenching her fist as she kicked him in the stomach, causing him to groaned in pain and cough.

He glared at her and grabbed both her legs lifting them up “Don’t you dare test me!” Smoke puffed out of his nostrils as his pupils were slit, Daybreaker was taken aback a bit but still glared back at him “Or what? You gonna eat me or something else, judging by this position?” She giggled as she wrapped her legs around him.

Spike’s face turned a dark red “Celestia is like a mother to me! I would never do stuff like that to her.” Daybreaker smirked “But have you thought of it~?” She pulled him closer to him, their muzzles touching.

“I’m not here to share personal information with you, I’m here just to get Celestia back.” He grabbed her arms “Now let me do my thing or I’ll have to call Luna.”

Daybreaker’s pupils slit and she pulled him even closer, his crotch pressing up against hers “Or maybe you could try something else~.” She licked the tip of his muzzle. Spike tightened his grip on her arms and growled softly as his drakehood twitch “I promise you this, Spikey~. Being bad feels so good~.” Before Daybreaker could say anymore, Spike grabbed her dress and ripped it off while death glaring her.

Daybreaker looked at Spike in shock “Wh-What?” Spike grinned as he took off her bra and panties “Being honest here, I could care less about whether Celestia’s body has been taken over by you.”

He stood up while taking his shirt off and unbuckled his belt before unzipping his pants “I do like what you offer, but I still have to keep up my act. Why? Oh well I can’t have an enemy in my way.” He got out his rock hard cock and pressed it up against Daybreaker’s cheek “I just need to get you out of the way at the moment.”

“You sneaky little lizard!” Daybreaker growled but yelped as Spike tugged on her mane “I hate it when others call me that. Now suck.” He shoved his cock into her mouth.

Daybreaker glared at him but proceeded to do so. Spike moaned in pleasure and chuckled “Atta girl.” He grabbed her horn and thrusted into her mouth making her gag slightly “After I’m done with you, I’m planning on going after Luna. By the looks of it, she trust me enough to do anything for me.”

Daybreaker’s eyes widen before she used her feet to kick him off of her “Back off!” She panted heavily “I won’t let you do that!” She tried to use her strength to break the chains off her wrist.

Spike bursts out laughing “And what are you going to do about it? You’re stuck on the damn wall and you can’t use your magic.” He grabbed the key from his pocket and showed it to her.

“I will let you free if you’re willing to work with me, as my assistant or wife.” Spike swung the key around his claw while smirking “What’s your choice?”

She stared at the key and back at him “And why should we trust each other?” Spike scratched his neck “I keep my promises, I’m just not sure whether you keep yours.”

Daybreaker stared at him and at the key “... I’ll work with you.” She blushed slightly “As your wife.”

Spike chuckled and knelt down in front of her before unlocking the shackles off of her “Good girl. Now there’s only one thing to do with you.” Without hesitation Spike pinned her to the ground making her yelp and pressed his cock against her marehood. “It’s very important for a dragon to breed with his mate.”

Daybreaker gasped and moaned loudly as Spike penetrated her. “Sp-Spike~!” She placed her hands on his chest and moaned softly. “Don’t so hard.”

Spike grabbed her legs and proceeded to pound into her while grunting making Daybreaker gasp and groan “You’re quite adorable like this.” He laughed as she whimpered in response.

Daybreaker’s body slowly started changing back to Celestia’s normal body. Spike’s eyes widen at this “You backing out already?!” He snarled as he pounded harder and faster into her. “What a huge disappointment!”

Daybreaker kept gasping and moaning as her mane went back to Celestia’s “My body can’t handle this! I’m getting weaker and weaker!” She arched her back and moaned as her eyes went back to normal. Celestia was now back and Spike stopped thrusting.

Celestia panted heavily and looked at Spike. It took her a few seconds to realize her situation and blushed heavily “Sp-Spike?!” She quickly backed away from him letting his cock pull out of her. “What happened?!”

Spike leaned back and smiled nervously “I was trying to get you back and stuff, but Daybreaker threw herself at me in order to get me on her side and break her out. I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it.” He looked away in shame.

Celestia smiled softly and hugged him “It’s alright, Spike. It’s not your fault.” They both got up and Spike got the collar off of her “I’m just glad you’re not hurt.” Her horn glowed and clothes appeared on her.

Spike put his clothes back on “Shall we go? I’m sure Luna will be thrilled to see you back.” He grabbed his bag. Celestia nodded “Let’s, I gotta remind her that we shouldn’t try that again.” They walked out of the cell room.

Spike looked at her “So about what I did, do we just forget or?” Celestia’s face turned a bright red “We’ll talk about it later.”

Spike nodded and smiled “Sure thing.” As they walked out of the dungeons and Celestia walked over to Luna to hug her. Spike frowned “Welp, better luck next time.” Spike thought inwardly as he followed them into the royal garden for a little three person picnic.