Fresh from the Tap

by TheVClaw

First published

While attending a stuffy and boring social in Canterlot, Discord comes across a pony trying something rather taboo. Even though he promised not to cause trouble, the Draconequus couldn't resist helping the kinky stallion out at the high function...

[Note: This story is a commission from Conicaw, who has given me permission to post this story here. Along with M/M content, this story strongly consists of watersports, bondage, and chastity. Reader discretion is advised.]

Discord may have been content with his reformation, and even embraced his new outlook since helping to defeat Lord Tirek. However, it was still rather clear that his natural mischief couldn't be ignored for too long. Especially when he was forced to attend one of Canterlot's high-society functions, and had to keep his chaos in check.

However, it wasn't long before he came across a peculiar stallion in the Men's room, who seemed to be pursuing something rather... unbecoming of such a high function. Discord may have promised to be on his best behavior, but he couldn't resist having somepony else do something a little chaotic on his behalf. Besides, what better way to be good than to help a pony live out his kinky fantasy? And who knows? Maybe the Draconequus could have a little enjoyment at this party by the time it was over...

The First and Only Chapter

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“Ugh… of all the times to agree to not interfere with a social event…”

With his bushy brows furrowed in frustration and distaste, there was nothing for Discord to do but stand awkwardly at the corner of the Canterlot Elite Social with his arms crossed tightly. Even though he was grateful to even be allowed to attend any more Canterlot socials since his interference with the Grand Galloping Gala, the draconequus was starting to wish he was barred from this one due to its inactivity. Alas, due to his promise to Fluttershy to be more social with ponies other than her, along with his vow to the Princesses to not sabotage any further Canterlot events, Discord was left incredibly bored at this “party.” Instead of any wild shindigs or rowdy happenings, he quickly learned that the Canterlot Elite Social was merely an excuse for a bunch of stuffed-up ponies to chat amongst one another in a large ballroom and drink champagne while orchestral music played.

Granted, the champagne was rather nice, as was the small band that played at the opposite corner to Discord. But as the minutes passed and the atmosphere grew more snobbish and bland, the draconequus was starting grow agitated at standing in one place without doing anything. And since most of these ponies were also in attendance at the Grand Galloping Gala, Discord almost felt radioactive with how much the party-goers were avoiding his presence. In fact, the only pony who seemed to be looking in Discord’s direction was a very attentive guard who was perpetually giving him the stink-eye.

By the time forty-five minutes passed, Discord grew frustrated enough to glance back at the guard and ask, “Sir, could you please turn your attention elsewhere? I already promised Celestia I wouldn’t cause any trouble.”

The guard refused to look away, and just narrowed his eyes on the draconequus silently. Another moment passed before Discord huffed annoyedly. “Oh, come on! I’m trying to enjoy myself tonight, and it’s very hard to do so with you rudely staring at me!”

Once more, the guard didn’t move an inch from his spot while glaring at him. Discord tried staring back equally as stern, but it was surprisingly ineffective to the stallion. Even though he was slightly impressed at the soldier’s resolve in front of a Lord of Chaos, Discord soon narrowed his eyes and leaned in towards him to say discreetly, “You live at two fifty-six, Cherry Rose Lane, correct? And your daughter is Lilac Sunshine, who lives in the second bedroom to the left from the stairs? Because I happen to know that her deepest, darkest fear happens to be swarms of--”

The guard rushed off in a panic, not wanting to hear anything else from the near-omnipotent being. Discord chuckled to himself as the soldier scurried off, happy to see he could still be intimidating if he needed to be. Plus, it didn’t seem like his action interrupted the social very much as well, which gave him a small twinge of satisfaction. However, as soon as he realized he was back alone once more, the draconequus’ smug smirk slowly disappeared as he stared out at the sea of boring ponies and their dull excuse of a “party.”

He looked down at his claw for a moment, just to make sure it wasn’t going to start fading like the last time he was trying to be “normal.” He may have promised not to ruin this event, but Discord knew he had to do something chaotic to prevent himself from dissipating completely. If he had this way, the draconequus would’ve already changed the music himself, or place a spell on some of the older ponies to turn this social into a Lemon Party. That may have been a rather inappropriate idea, but it’d certainly make the Canterlot Press a lot of money in newspaper sales.

But instead of trying to make the orchestra play with rubber chickens, having the trays of entres start a revolt, or creating a massive orgy in the middle of the social, Discord decided to pause his wicked thoughts as he went towards the nearby restroom. As he walked, the draconequus groaned when he saw how quickly ponies rushed away if he was even within ten feet of them. Fortunately, it didn’t seem like he had that same issue in the men’s room when he saw it was completely empty.

In an attempt to keep himself from thinking too hard about the revulsion he was receiving outside (as well as to make sure his chaotic magic was still in check), Discord pulled out a JoyBoy from his ear before placing a quick invisibility spell over himself and the gaming device. He was fortunately able to see himself and game while others could not, which prompted him to try playing a couple quick puzzle games before heading back out into the boring abyss. But before he could finish his first round of Discord Tries to Distract Himself At A Boring Party (which he himself had the highest score for, and a tough one to beat), the draconequus noticed two stallions enter the restroom one after another. The first was an older-looking brown Earth-Pony with a fancy-looking tux, who checked on himself in the mirror before heading to the urinals. The second was a light blue unicorn with an electric-blue mane and highlights, whose suit looked noticeably cheaper than the first one’s. Of course, what caught Discord’s attention on the second stallion were two very unique things he was wearing. The first was a noticeable blush the pony had behind his thin glasses while discreetly looking at the other stallion; the second was a pale-yellow handkerchief, which he had sticking out from the right pocket of his jacket.

While he stood unnoticed, the draconequus watched silently as the first stallion went and stood against the furthest urinal in the row from the sinks. Meanwhile, the unicorn was slowly washing his hooves at the sink, despite having no reason for them to be dirty in the first place. But as he kept his hooves placed under the faucet, the stallion seemed to be glancing over at the brown one with his blush deepening. Discord also noticed how the blue pony was subtly rocking his hips back and forth, making his yellow hankie dangle against his jacket a little. Alas, by the time his hooves were completely soaked without any soap, the brown stallion didn’t seem to notice him at all as he finished at the urinal. After the stallion flushed and went towards an available sink, the unicorn’s ears dropped as he stayed by his own and continued pretending to wash his hooves.

Discord’s head tilted the more he watched that silent interaction occur, quickly realizing what that blue stallion was trying to do. Even though he didn’t expect somepony to try something so bold at a social event like this, a smirk slowly grew across his face as a wicked idea sparked in his mind. Despite the promise he made to the Princesses, the draconequus figured that a little chaos wouldn’t hurt himself or this party one bit. Besides, if his idea were to work the way he was expecting it to, this wouldn’t even affect the event itself; just the ones who came into here~

After the brown stallion dried off his hooves and left the restroom, the blue one sighed and began to do the same. Of course, by the time he tore off a couple paper towels and began drying his fur, he didn’t notice Discord becoming visible again until the draconequus was right behind him. It wasn’t until the unicorn threw the paper towels away that Discord made himself known with a soft cough before saying, “So, if I may ask--”

GAHH!!” The pony jolted and turned around with his back facing the wall. Discord’s smirk didn’t falter from that reaction as he continued speaking with a raised brow, “... why would you use paper towels to wipe off your hooves when you have a perfectly-good handkerchief in your pocket? That just seems a little wasteful, doesn’t it?”

The pony said nothing, and just stood frozen at the spot while his blush deepened immensely. Discord wasn’t sure if the stallion’s fretful response was due to being asked that question, or from who it was being asked by; regardless, the draconequus decided to quell his nerves either way by putting out his paw politely. “Oh, where are my manners?” he said with a roll of his eyes. “I should introduce myself, although I’d be surprised if you needed a reminder of who I am. But in case you do, my name is Discord.”

“... u-uhhhh…” The unicorn looked unbelievably shy, but he took a quick breath before timidly putting his hoof out to shake Discord’s paw. “M… My name’s Conicaw,” he uttered meekly as his blush remained heavily draped across his cheeks. “A-Although my friends call me Coni.”

“Ah. Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Coni.” Discord kept his tone and smile as polite as can be while shaking Coni’s hoof, but he couldn’t resist speaking a little more cheekily as soon as he let go. “Although you didn’t seem to answer my question. What’s the purpose of a handkerchief if you’re not going to actually use it, hmmm?~”

Coni bit his lip and tensed up while quickly using a hoof to shove the yellow hankie into his pocket. “Oh! Ummm… I-I-I just kinda… h-have it for show, you know?” His cheeks were now a beet red as he looked away from the grinning draconequus with a wrinkled muzzle, his heart racing in growing embarrassment.

“Oh, really?” asked Discord as he tilted his head the other way and added teasingly, “Because I recall seeing you out at that social. And it wasn’t until now that you had that hankie sticking out of your right pocket~”

Coni’s muzzle closed even tighter as he tried his hardest not to cringe audibly in front of the chaotic being. Alas, Discord merely rolled his eyes and said, “Oh relax, Coni. I’m not going to judge you or anything. You’re perfectly entitled to wear what you want. In fact…”

With a quick poof, Discord appeared at Coni’s side with an arm wrapped around his back. Before the unicorn could even flinch in surprise, the chaotic being smirked as he whispered into his ear, “I have to say, I’m quite impressed to see somepony daring enough to advertise wanting to receive that at this place~”

“NNGG!” Coni tried to pull away from Discord while covering his reddened face with a hoof. “I-I-I don’t know what you’re talking about!” He tried to scurry out of the bathroom in a panic, but Discord grabbed the back of his jacket with a claw and pulled him back in silently.

“Oh, don’t be worried!” jeered Discord with a casual-looking smile while holding Coni uncomfortably close to his side. “I might be old, but I’m not oblivious to Equestria’s more… exclusive trends. I know what that hankie-thing means, Coni. And I saw that you were trying to show it off while that stallion was in here. And I must say, you made it pretty obvious~”

Coni trembled worriedly against the being’s side, his muzzle wrinkling up even more as he realized he was trapped with this thing in a bathroom. But regardless of how uneasy the blue unicorn looked, Discord sighed and loosened his grip on him a little. “Again, I’m not judging,” he assured the unicorn in a more comforting tone. “Heck, I’d be quite the hypocrite if a being like myself were to kink-shame a pony for wanting a little fun. Besides, compared to some of the other colored-hankies you could’ve worn, wanting a little yellow is fairly tame in my book.”

Even though he was feeling tremendously frazzled and exposed while Discord spoke, Coni remained still as he was nestled beside him. He didn’t want to say anything to encourage the draconequus’ behavior, but the pony’s heavy blush made it clear that Discord wasn’t necessarily wrong about what he was trying to do. After fidgeting his hooves against the ground a little, Coni squirmed with a bit lip before meekly looking up at him. “R… Really?”

“Well, of course!” answered Discord with a roll of his eyes like it was an obvious question. “Granted, I can’t say that watersports is my cup of tea. But then again, most sexual endeavours get rather boring after a while when you’re the Lord of Chaos. Nowadays I prefer to spectate other than participate.”

Coni clenched his muzzle shut and looked away from him, feeling flustered at hearing the term ‘watersports’ said out-loud However, his ears perked up when he heard Discord add sweetly, “And speaking of spectating...”

He then looked down at Coni with narrowed eyes as his devilish smirk grew. “It seems you caught me at a rather good time, Mister Conicaw. You see, I’m itching to do something a little chaotic to liven up this event. And from what I saw, you seemed quite eager to do something rather taboo at this venue~”

Coni could tell that the draconequus was plotting something, and his heart began to race as he started to piece together what it could be. Even though the thought made his cheeks grow hotter in worry by the second, it also made his mouth water a little at the thought of what it could be. The unicorn could feel his member starting to slip out of its sheath, but he tried to conceal that as he controlled his breathing and stayed in place. After Discord let go of Coni, the chaotic being stood upright before him with his arms crossed and his grin quite wide. Coni wanted to say something, but the only audible response he could make was a weak gulp.

“Now before I do anything,” said Discord in quick clarification, “That is why you were in here, right? To get a taste of something a bit saltier than that champagne?~”

Despite Discord’s teasing tone, Coni only squirmed a tiny bit before biting his lip and nodding sheepishly in confirmation. “Y… Y-Yeah,” admitted the unicorn as he tried to take a quick breath. “I… I really… really like it~” He tried to grin a little less nervously after that remark, despite his forelegs shaking a bit. Of course, that response alone was enough to make Discord’s brows raise in intrigue.

“Oh, do you now?” purred Discord as he leaned down, facing the blushed pony close enough to catch his own reflection in his glasses. “Because if you enjoy it that much, then I might have a wicked little idea that could benefit both of us~”

After saying that, Discord pulled back as his smirk remained, making it clear that the stallion wasn’t going to know any details before answering his first question. Even though Coni felt more than a little apprehensive about doing any business with the literal embodiment of Chaos, his lips were tightly bitten shut as lewd thoughts circled in his head. Plus, given how often he tried to come to these events with little to no success, his blush deepened as he pondered whether or not Discord could actually be of assistance for his… thirst.

A moment of silence passed before Coni closed his eyes and breathed out in confirmation. After looking around to make sure nopony new walked inside the restroom, the stallion glanced back at Discord with a meager blush and answered. “I… I love it...”

He felt so exposed and vulnerable after that statement, but the unicorn’s smile widened a little more as he let out a shaky exhale. “I… I honestly can’t get enough of it~”

While Coni stood with his legs fidgeting and his smile clenched shut, he could feel his heart thundering in his chest at the sight of Discord’s reaction. Upon realizing exactly what he could do, the draconequus’ lewd grin couldn’t have gotten wider if he tried. “Well then,” purred Discord with a tilt of his head down at Coni, “I guess I know how to spice this little party up~”

Coni’s muscles tensed up at hearing that, feeling both petrified and excited at whatever it was that Discord had planned. But before anything could be done, Discord briefly paused and asked with a raised claw, “Oh, before I do anything, are you claustrophobic in any way? I was thinking of incorporating a little bondage, if that’s alright~”

The stallion’s smile lit up even brighter, indicating his excitement before he could even speak. “S-Sure!” piped Coni in growing giddiness as his blush deepened. “I-I wouldn’t be against that at all~”

Perfect...” At seeing the draconequus’ leering smile, Coni clenched his eyes shut and tensed himself up for whatever he was going to do. With a quick wave of his paw, Discord grinned wide as he used his chaotic magic on the stallion with a quick and painless poof.

For a moment, Coni stood shakily with his eyes tightly closed. However, when he slowly reopened them, his eyes shot wide-open when he noticed something long and metal right in front of his muzzle. His eyes peered upward, seeing what looked to be a metal bowl at the top of it. It was then that he realized his mouth was held open by something, and his tongue moved around to feel what turned out to be a mouth-brace. Meanwhile, Discord just giggled devilishly while watching Coni try to figure out what he did; he eventually pulled out a mirror from his bat-wing, and held it in front of the unicorn to see for himself. “Here you go, Mister Conicaw. I hope it’s to your liking~”

As soon as he saw himself, Coni gasped (or, he tried as well as he could with the tube in his mouth) as he saw the device attached to his muzzle. A black and leather muzzle guard was strapped tightly around his blue face, but the front of it had a large metal tube sticking out that curved upward. There was also a small strap connecting the tube to a metal ring on his horn, which he immediately recognized as a magic-suppressor. When he saw what was at the top of that tube, Coni blushed at the realization of what Discord placed on him: it was a large funnel gag.

“You like it?” chirped the draconequus with a cheeky grin. “I figured if you enjoyed it that much, then I wouldn’t want you to waste a single drop~”

He started to realize how hot this really was, and the stallion shuddered with a muffled groan as his hindlegs writhed beneath him. However, his growing arousal quickly felt an odd twinge of pressure as he felt something cold and restrictive against his member. He tried to look down, but the gag couldn’t get him to turn his head to see what was on his stallionhood. But as soon as he looked to the mirror again, Coni gasped in a more shocked tone at seeing a small metal cage strapped tightly around his sheath.

“Oh, that’s just a preventative measure,” assured Discord with a wave of his claw. However, his smile grew more sinister as he narrowed his eyes on Coni and added, “After all, considering how I can use my magic to fill the bladder of every stallion outside, AND remove all the toilets in this restroom, I don’t want you to finish too early~”

Coni wasn’t sure if he was more terrified or turned-on, but either feeling made his stallionhood strain against his cock-cage and make it feel more apparent. While the pony squirmed and groaned a little louder in his restraint, Discord continued to chuckle before asking, “Would you want me to start now? I’d rather not submit somepony to something if they’re having second thoughts about it. If this is too much, just shake your head.”

A brief pause of silence passed between them, with Coni staying completely stoic in his bindings. He had no idea what would happen if this kept going, but his heart was racing immensely at the idea of it. His eyes became half-lidded while ideas surged through his mind, each one making more of his cock push out and become trapped in that tiny cage. After a while, that growing pressure turned to a constant throbbing that made his legs writhe even more. Meanwhile, Discord waited patiently with a smile while noting the blushed pony’s movements. “Well? Do you want to continue?~”

After another couple seconds, Coni took a breath before eagerly nodding his head with an enticed moan. And with a clap of his claw and paw, Discord beamed wide in pride. “Oh, wonderful! Let me just do this…

With a puff of magic, every urinal and stall in the restroom disappeared, leaving only Coni inside the bare and tiled room in his devices. Of course, there was also a small stool by the wall for the unicorn to sit on, mostly to ensure his funnel was at the right level. While the unicorn stared at that spot and blushed deeply, Discord snapped his paw and said, “And this~”

Outside the restroom, three stallions in conversation all tensed up and gasped in shock. Their hind legs fidgeted involuntarily, unable to keep still as they felt themselves about to burst. And since the restroom was all the way across the ballroom, the three made a beeline straight towards it while pushing past slightly puzzled partygoers.

“You better get in that stool,” said Discord with a sly grin on Coni. “I just filled the bladders of three stallions for now. But each time one finishes, I’ll get two more to come in here to take their place~ You understand, Mister Conicaw?”

His heart was shot up into his throat, but the stallion nodded before nervously rushing towards the stool. Before Discord could turn himself invisible once more, he quickly went up to Coni with a small sign. “Oh, I almost forgot!”

After a sign was hung from the tube that said ‘Use Me~’, Discord let Coni sit in the stool just as the hoofsteps outside became audible. “There you go, Coni. Have fun!~”

And with a poof, Discord disappeared just as the first of the three stallions rushed into the restroom in desperate need to pee. “Dammit, that champagne just--WHAT THE?!” Upon seeing the inside of the bathroom, the dark grey stallion wasn’t sure what to be more shocked by: the lack of urinals or toilets of any kind, or the lone pony sitting in place of one of them with a blush and a funnel. The other two stallions rushed in right behind the first, and were equally stunned as they saw the embarrassed-looking stallion waiting on his stool.

“Is… is this some kind of--OOH!!” The dark grey pony winced as the pressure in his bladder grew more intense, making him realize he had to go now. Since there was a large line outside the ladies’ room, and even the sinks in this one were removed, it seemed that the only drain to use was connected to Coni’s open, willing mouth. At seeing the strained stallion fidgeting his legs, as well as the other two looking elsewhere with bit lips, the piss-hungry unicorn took a breath before leaning in the funnel towards them. “Nnnnnn!~” His advertisement hung below the tube as he sat in eager wait for one of the ponies to oblige, all while his face stayed blushed and his cock remained constrained.

“Mmmmghhh… Ughhhhh…” The stallion felt absolutely disgusted for even thinking about using that funnel, but he also knew there were no other options available. As his urge to pee grew more painful, and the groans from the other two stallions intensified, he let out a strained huff before giving up. “D-Dammit!” he hissed before going up to Coni with a hoof over his sheathe.

While the first stallion braced himself against the tiled wall with his crotch over the funnel, Coni gasped in excitement as his cage strained from his twitching cock. His heart was racing in his chest, and he closed his eyes with a blush before hearing the stallion sigh out. “Ahhhhhhhhhh…~”

As soon as that thick, powerful stream of yellow piss shot out of his member, the pony shuddered with a relieved sigh above the thirsty unicorn. The sound of that pent-up stream of urine rang loudly against the metal funnel, making it echo in the restroom while the other two stallions winced at the triggering noise. But for Conicaw, the sound of so much piss pouring into his funnel made his body tense up in anxious excitement. He could hear all that steaming hot liquid pouring down the funnel and through the tube, making a beeline straight for his watering mouth. And as soon as that first load of fresh, salty load flooded the inside of his mouth, it took everything in him not to moan and risk choking on that delicious urine.

His blush deepened as he kept his eyes closed, savoring the uniquely bitter and musky flavor that stung his tongue. Coni shuddered from his cock feeling more pressure from the chastity cage, but it helped him savor the moment as he let that piss fill up the inside of his mouth. Just as he heard the stream start to go back up the tube, the unicorn relaxed the back of his throat and began to take big, hearty swallows of the yellow nectar he desired so badly.

Glk… Glk… Glk… Glk…

Conicaw’s throat convulsed and bulged with each large gulp of urine he took, the taste overwhelming his senses as the steaming hot liquid poured down his throat. That warmth carried itself throughout the unicorn’s body, settling into his stomach to begin filling it up. With each gulp he took of that delicious piss, Coni was reminded of that cage as he felt the pressure of his cock pressed against it. He couldn’t get completely hard, but he certainly wasn’t able to get flaccid either; right now, he was in a constantly-aroused state of limbo while getting a real drink of the fluid he loved most.

By the time the grey stallion finished with a violent shudder of his legs, Conicaw was already starting to leak a little pre through the slat at the tip of his chastity cage. Regardless, the unicorn thirstily drank down the last of the stallion’s piss while hearing him pull away with a shameful sigh. Meanwhile, Discord was floating above the action while staying invisible and silent, resting on top of a loveseat while stroking his draconic member. With a lick of his lips, he silently snapped his claw to fill two more bladders outside.

Despite the first stallion finishing, and Coni letting out a needy moan through the funnel for more piss, the remaining two stallions were groaning in great hesitance. Unfortunately, just as the first stallion rushed out of the restroom red-faced, two more went in frantically before freezing in shock. At realizing what might happen if they were to wait, the light green stallion groaned even louder and ran up to the living urinal. “Dammit, fine!” he blurted as he quickly got on his hindlegs with his sheath pointed to the waiting funnel. “I’m NOT gonna piss on the damn floor!”

As the second stallion of the night began to piss, emitting a shuddered moan as soon as his pent-up stream shot right into the tube at the bottom, he had to clench his eyes shut to ignore the shocked stares the two new stallions were giving him. Meanwhile, Coni had his eyes closed while feeling like he was in heaven, and savored the second stream of piss hitting his thirsty tongue and filling his muzzle. His hips began to thrust a little with each eager gulp he took, making more of his clear pre seep from the tip of his cage and dribble to the floor.

The sound of that piss hitting the funnel, combined with the urinal’s gulps and the stallion’s groans, proved to be too much for the third stallion. Unable to wait, the light brown pegasus lunged in and maneuvered himself to the side of the funnel while the second was still peeing. “Hey, come on!” grunted the green one with a wince, unable to look in the pony’s direction and risk seeing his member so close to his own. Regardless, the stallion was still pissing when he heard the other one begin to relieve himself.

“Nnnnngggg!~” When the third stallion began to pee, Coni let out a faint-sounding winny between gulps as he felt how much piss was flooding his muzzle. By the time the first stream was finishing up, there was enough strong and steamy piss to fill up the tube and leave a temporary pool at the bottom of the funnel. Regardless, the third one was still pissing powerfully by the time the second left, leaving only the sound of liquid hitting liquid to echo in the restroom. The sound rang through Coni’s ears like magic, and he shuddered as he took even bigger gulp to chug down so much of that piss.


“H-Holy shit,” muttered one of the new stallions who was watching with a mix of disgust and slight amazement, almost forgetting about his own bulging bladder as he watched how much that unicorn urinal was taking at once. Once again, Discord snapped his claw silently to affect two more ponies, all while he teased his cock even more with a paw and watched Conicaw in his element.

By the time the third pony was finishing up with a pleased shudder, Coni had swallowed most of the tube’s worth to allow the remainder of the stream to fill his thirsty maw. As he took that brief moment to breathe deeply through his nostrils, the blue stallion’s entire body was twitching in immeasurable arousal while caged and filled with three stallions’ bladders worth of piss. He could feel his stomach filling up quite a bit with that hot and salty gift, but his cock throbbed even harder inside the cage as he yearned for more. He let out a moan as soon as he swallowed the last of that third stallion’s load, feeling it pour down his gullet and leave his breath reeking of piss. As his mind became clouded only with the thought of how much he could take, one of his hooves went down to rub at his chastity cage while keeping his eyes closed. Meanwhile, Coni’s other hoof came up to clutch the sign hanging on his tube, and hold it out eagerly for whomever else was wanting to use him like the urinal he was. “MMMMMGHHH!~”

By the time three more stallions made it to the restroom from the party, the two lookie-loos were too desperate and/or aroused to care as they went up to the funnel at the same time. And like clockwork, the cycle started again with the new stallions coming in with shock, while seeing the previous ones perched over Conicaw’s face and pissing right into the funnel. As soon as he put down the sign and savored more of that delicious warmth flooding his mouth, Coni’s second hoof went down to tease at his cage and get more pre to gush out from the tip. Even though he knew he couldn’t cum with it on, his growing arousal only drove his lust for more piss while swallowing mouthful after mouthful given to him.

Nnnnnngggg… Oh, that’s it~” growled Discord to himself while openly masturbating to Coni’s open admiration of such a lewd act. Even though he could tell the unicorn really wanted it, the draconequus was fairly surprised it only took three ponies before Conicaw would be begging for more. As he watched the two new stallions pissing right into the funnel and giving the urinal his fill, Discord huffed when he saw a fourth stallion enter the restroom along with the others.

After biting his lip in contemplation, the draconequus paused his stroking for a brief moment and shrugged his head. “Oh, screw it,” he muttered before snapping his claw one last time.

Outside the restroom, the tone of the social quickly shifted as more than half of the party froze and groaned in discomfort. Conversations were interrupted, jokes were halted, and the orchestra stopped as half of the band rushed off the stage in dire need to pee. By the time the rest of the partygoers looked around in confusion at what was going on, the line to the men’s room was twice as long as the women’s.

“There we go~” At overhearing the commotion outside, Discord purred in pleasure before glancing back down at Conicaw chugging down the remainder of those two stallions’ heavy streams.

By the time the remainder of their loads poured down to his eager and drooling mouth, the unicorn barely had any time to breathe before three new stallions took their place. At noticing the quickly growing line, and knowing how many guys were going to need to pee to avoid making any accidents, they all seemed to realize rather quickly that they had no other choice. Avoiding any shocked glances from anyone new who entered, the three positioned around the funnel while Coni laid back against the wall in utter bliss. At seeing three new cocks pointed above him to deliver more fresh piss, the unicorn could only shudder as his leaking cage twitched especially hard.

After that, Conicaw was thrown into a cloudy haze of perpetual arousal and warmth as he continued swallowing each mouthful of piss that came his way. Each time he gulped down another mouthful of that deliciously bitter and salty fluid, he could feel that warmth fill him from the inside down to his full belly. His stomach started to swell as he continued drinking from his funnel, but he couldn’t have cared less about it. Instead, his cheeks only grew redder in deep, deep arousal as he stayed seated among the sea of perpetually changing stallions pissing into his mouth.

The sounds of shocked gasps and shuddered moans were echoing all throughout the tiled room, and Coni savored every one as he became the party’s unofficial urinal. By the time he began taking three streams at a time regularly, Conicaw didn’t realize that the funnel was remaining halfway filled for a while due to the constant rounds of ponies quickly pissing into it. Of course, since he only paused briefly to breathe in through his nostrils, the unicorn paid little heed to how much he had as he kept growing hotter and thirstier for more.

Eventually, the buttons on his jacket bursted off due to the pressure from his expanding stomach, and it lolled out as he sat to make him look pregnant. Conicaw shuddered as he felt his protruded belly slosh around while filled with gallons of fresh piss, causing him to feel like he was right at the peak of cumming. However, that cage only made him squirm in frustration from the intense pressure of his cock against the cage, leaving him to only remain unbelievably turned-on and to leak copious amounts of pre. By now, the unicorn was making a noticeable puddle underneath his stool due to his unquenched arousal, and that constant reminder of the cage due to the pressure.

Conicaw had no idea how long he was spending in the restroom as a urinal, drinking stream after stream of various shades of piss that shot into his funnel, but it felt like nothing at all by the time the groans began to die down. Discord may have filled the bladder of every stallion at the event in the time he spent fulfilling Coni’s fantasy (which caused quite a lot of awkward looks and silent moments after stallions left the restroom with discomfort), but he only had to do it one time to give the thirsty unicorn his fill. By the time the last few stallions were eagerly pissing into the funnel, having needed to go badly from the end of the line, Coni shuddered as the especially strong taste of their darker-tinted streams stung his tongue and made his throat reek of that particularly bitter flavor.

Regardless, his cock was still throbbing hard against the cage to add to the pressure he was feeling since the beginning. Upon realizing these might be the last few, Coni savored the moment with a loving groan between long, slow gulps as he really tasted that piss filling his muzzle. His tongue swirled around the hot yellow liquid, letting that unique and salty flavor stay ingrained in his mind and linger on his breath. His body squirmed in utter bliss with those last couple gulps he took, relishing in the warmth as it radiated down his throat to settle in his fat, piss-filled belly.

When the last of the embarrassed stallions left after emptying their bladders, Conicaw could barely keep himself upright on his stool after drinking so much piss at once. It was far more than he could’ve ever imagined, but he wouldn’t have changed it for the world. Each heavy breath through his funnel caused him to shudder as the taste of urine laid dormant on his tongue and breath. And with each movement of his body, Coni could hear the heavy sloshes of that taboo fluid lingering in his swollen belly . Upon lazily looking down at himself with a blush, the unicorn smiled underneath his muzzle-gag as he saw how good of a urinal he really was.

Before the stallion could pass out in near-orgasmic bliss, his eyes remained opened as he heard a magical poof from above. He also heard Discord let out an exhausted huff as the draconequus appeared in front of him, standing tall while wiping his belly and chest with tissues. “My goodness~” exclaimed Discord as he cleaned himself off after finishing earlier. “I must say, you’re definitely a trooper! And would you look at that?”

After tossing the cum-soaked tissues aside to fly away like butterflies, Discord narrowed his eyes on Coni and pointed to his still twitching, still leaking chastity cage. “You managed to last the entire time without cumming once! Even in my eyes, that’s a rather impressive feat~”

Even in his piss-filled, pent-up stupor, Conicaw blushed profusely in his restraints while shuddering in front of the draconequus.

“Well, a deal is a deal!” After pulling Conicaw and his stool away from the wall, Discord made sure they were in the middle of the room before snapping his claw. In an instant, the restroom was back to its original state with all the urinals and other fixtures back in their places. The draconequus was also courteous enough to expand Coni’s jacket with some new buttons, allowing the unicorn’s torso to be covered while filled with so much piss. “There we go,” he said while looking the pony up and down with a smirk, “and to think, you got all of that without needing that handkerchief! You feel alright?”

Despite his funnel and cage still tightly strapped onto him, Conicaw couldn’t resist lunging forward with a wobble to give Discord a hug. With his eyes clenched shut, the piss-filled unicorn was absolutely elated while still incredibly horny and reeking of urine. Despite his slight surprise, the draconequus was still able to return the gesture with a couple light pats to Coni’s back. “Alright, alright,” he said as he glanced back at the door and heard come commotion outside. “I feel like I should be making my leave soon. I doubt there are many ponies here who wouldn’t automatically pin this on me.”

Coni shrugged apprehensively, understanding his point. However, his blush was deepening as he stood in his restraints, shuddering at the feelings rushing through his body. Even though he took so much piss, the stallion had to keep from moaning as he felt that ever-notable pressure on his chastity cage. The need to cum was slightly frustrating, but it also made him feel like he needed more, even though he was already swollen and sloshing with urine. While he stood in simmering arousal and growing thirst, he was so caught in his own thoughts that he almost didn’t hear Discord say, “Well, if you’re satisfied, I’ll just get these devices off and leave you be. I probably won’t be back in a week or so, so yo--”

“NNNPH!” Before the draconequus could place a claw on Coni’s cage, the pony impulsively grabbed his wrist to stop him. He didn’t even realize what he did until it happened, causing the unicorn to freeze for a moment in stunned silence. While Discord paused and tilted his head with a curious smirk, he watched Coni’s blush deepen as he looked between himself and Discord. As Conicaw’s cage leaked even more pre, and his balls started to pulsate in dire need for release, the stallion ignored that urge as his lust-addled mind took over.

The stallion pushed Discord’s claw away from his chastity cage, and his hindlegs squirmed while looking up at him with a pleading look in his eyes. Despite how badly he wanted to cum, Coni felt no hesitation as he shook his head in refusal for it to stop. “Nnnn… Nnn-Nnn~”

Discords eyes widened a little, but so did his smile as he realized what Coni wanted. “Why, Mister Conicaw… are you wanting me to keep those on?~”

Even though he was blushing redder than a tomato, the usually blue unicorn took a second before nodding his head firmly. “Mmmhmm~”

“You are aware I was going to be away from Canterlot for a week, right?” asked the draconequus with a cheeky smile in confirmation. “Maybe even longer~ Are you sure you want to wait that long?”

Coni thought it over for a quick second, but huffed through his funnel before nodding once more. “Mmhmm!~”

Smirking in satisfaction, the draconequus pulled away from Conicaw and nodded in acceptance. “Well, alright then,” he said as he walked away to leave Coni infinitely horny and available for use. “I’ll be sure to meet up with you when I can, Mister Conicaw. Have fun!~”

And with that, Discord walked out the door of the bathroom. Upon realizing the state he put himself in, Coni’s heart was pounding in an unholy mix of uncertainty and excitement. Even though he had no idea what might happen as soon as he walked out of that restroom, his mouth was starting to water in his funnel gag as lewd thoughts began to circulate once more. As his legs fidgeted, and his mind became more clouded, the unicorn could only groan in dire need before waddling out of the restroom with his stomach sloshing with piss.

After walking out of the event, which prompted only a few shocked glances from the remaining patrons of the near-empty social, the stallion shuddered as he went out into the streets of Canterlot with his funnel advertised, and his cage twitching in need. Seeing the city before him, Conicaw really hoped that he could get at least a couple more patrons as he walked to his apartment on the other side of Canterlot.

Unbenounced to him, Discord was grinning evilly down at him while perched on top of a cloud made of cotton candy. Even though he said he wanted to stay out of the city for a while, the draconequus figured he could spread just a little more chaos before taking a week to hide. As he narrowed his eyes down at the walking urinal happily trotting down the empty road, Discord grinned immensely wide before lifting up his claw to enact a spell to ensure Coni’s week would go swimmingly well~
