
by Broken Glass101

First published

Rainbow Dash is raped on the night of the winter dance and the raper threats "If you tell anybody, I WILL destroy everything you know and love." What will she do?

Just a warning, this is a fucked up story so don't tell me about it in the comments, thanks. Okay on to the description:
On the night of the winter dance, Rainbow Dash is hanging out with her friends when she is taken by surprise and then raped.
The rapist threats "If you tell anybody, I WILL destroy everything you know and love."
Scared for her friend's and family's life's, her horrific memory remains unspoken..

There will be 2 plus scenes with sex involved, yes this has changed.

Another thing, Soarin is in EG form and no he does not rape RD, I am a Soarin dash shipper so that ship will be happening in this story.
And thank you for at least reading the description!:pinkiehappy:
And this fic will have a happy ending..so ye

Chapter 1: Living a Nightmare

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Rainbow P.O.V.
It was the night of the winter dance and i was hanging out with my friends. Non of us had found a date to go with so we all decided to go together as friends. We were all dancing, Pinkie was being a goofball like usual, we were all having a good time.

"So Twilight, how's you and Flash?" Rarity asks with a grin spreading across her face.

"Um, you know we aren't dating right..?" Twilight says, a blush starting to form on her face.

"Well you should be! I see the way you look at him!"


As they continued there sausy talk, I slipped away to get some punch. I wasn't in the mood to hear that.

I was over by the beverage tables getting my punch and a few other things, this guy, Tracer Flame, asks

"Hey, do you wanna dance?"

I reply with a no of course but he keeps begging like a dog. So I end up putting my punch down and going out onto the dance floor to dance with the annoying guy. After a few minutes of dancing like weirdos he says he has to go to the bathroom and that he will be back, I just continue dancing.

FlutterShy P.O.V.

I'm bored out of my freaking mind! God it's been like 30 minutes and Rarity and Twilight are still going at it!

"Girls, you have been going at it for 30 minutes, can you please just..STOP!" I say in an annoyed tone.

"Yeah in a few minutes Flutter darling, I'm almost to the bottom of this..." Rarity replies, blowing me off.

Annoyed, i walk away to the punch. When I'm pouring me a cup I see some guy putting a pill in somebody's drink.

"Um Excuse me.." I say, barely above a whisper.

"What! Can't you see I'm doing something!" The shady guy replies.

"Well..Yeah..But what exactly are you doing?.."

"Non of your fucking business! Now get out of my god damn face!" He says, towering over me.

I slip away into the shadows, away from that guy, but I keep my eyes on him, from the looks of it, he was drugging someones drink.

Rainbow Dash P.O.V.

"Hey when I was coming back I poured you some punch!" Tracer Flame said excitedly.

"Uh thanks, I guess.." I said a little awkwardly, I had put my punch down when I had gone to the dance floor with him out of annoyance, I didn't want to spill the punch on my self or somebody else.

I take a sip of the punch, It tastes different but not bad though.

"This punch is good!" I say to Tracer.

"Yeah, I know!"

I could barely hear him through the music, it was so loud it felt like the ground was shaking! I was dancing like a maniac, but still trying not to spill the punch. This continued for a while, just me and Tracer dancing.

The music was blasting my eardrums, my vision was blurry; Whats going on? I think through the noise. I walked over to a wall to steady myself, trying to stay standing up.

"Hey, are you okay?" Tracer flame comes over and asked me in a charming voice, a little too charming.

"Yeah-" I say rubbing my forehead, nearly falling over doing so.

"How about I take you over to my place until you feel better?.." He says steadying me.

"Yeah, sure." I say, not really understanding whats happening, he puts his arm around me and helps me walk out of the dance.

Fluttershy P.O.V.

Where is he? I ask myself while looking around the dance area for him, then i see him. Oh no, nononono! This can't be happening! He had drugged Rainbow Dash! I franticly looked around the room for my friends...THERE! I run as fast as i could in the crowed space, I got a a lot of "Watch where your going!" 's and a few "f*ck you"'s but it was worth it when i got to my friends.

"Girls! Something bad is about to happen!" I say franticly.

"What is it darling?" Rarity says, curious.

"I think Rainbow is about to get..Raped.!" I say, unbelieving the words coming out of my mouth.

"Raped? Darling she's well Rainbow Dash-"


She sighs and her and the rest of the girls follow me to where I last saw Rainbow Dash.

We were at the entrance of the school and there was still no trace of her and that other guy.

"Darling she probably just went home early." Rarity says, a trace of worry in her voice.

"Rarity you don't even believe that." Apple jack says doubting rarity's choice of words.

"Your right, I just don't want to believe this." Rarity sighed.

"I don't think any of us want too.." Apple Jack says

I look to the side, not wanting to face the truth either, but then, I see something, a car driving away but with a rainbow haired girl in the passenger seat, Rainbow dash, I start running towards the car, my friends called out after me as i ran, I didn't care, I had nearly reached the moving machine when I tripped over my own foot, darn these high heals!

"Darling what was that!" Rarity says coming to a stop next to me.

"Rainbow..She was in that car.." I say looking at the ground, tears curling around my chin and then onto the ground.
The rest of my friends just watched in horror as the car driver away into the shadows from which it came.

Rainbow Dash P.O.V.

I looked out the window, watching blurry images appear and disappear across my vision, I have no Idea where I am but I don't care, I sit there motionless for maybe an eternity until the car came to a stop. I couldn't make out anything about where I was exept that it look abandoned. Tracer Flame opened up the passenger door and picked me up, my head just hung over his arm, soon after he dropped me on a bed, he started removing his shirt, I watched, not knowing what was about to happen. Soon he starts removing his pants, including his underwear, revealing his cock.

"What are you doing?" I ask starting to sit up, he gets on top of me, pushing me back down onto the moldy mattress.

"Do I need to gag you?" He asks me, he gets off of me to get something. I start sitting back up.

"What-" He sticks something in my mouth while pushing me back down and turns me around. He takes my hands and bounds them, he turns me back around and says: "Now we can get started." My eyes grow wide, I am scared and confused.
He cracks his knuckles and starts removing my dress, I try to kick him, knee him or something at least, but all proves useless . He managed to strip me of my clothing I only remain in my bra and underwear, not for long though he takes a pair of scissors and cuts the middle of my bra, revealing my breasts, I try to scream but its muffled by whatever is in my mouth. He grabs my boobs, squeezing them, it hurts. His hands slowly move down to my underwear, removing them. I struggle, kicking my legs as much as I can to try and prevent him from raping me, I managed to kick him once, in the face I think, but he still managed to spread my legs apart.

"You little shit!" He says slapping me across my face. "Don't you ever kick me again..Do you understand!?"

I nod, frightened out of my mind.

"I don't think you do.." He takes his fist and punches me repeatedly across my face for I don't know how long.

"there" He says with a sense of accomplishment in his voice.

He then pulls me to the end of the bed, my legs forcefully straddled, I try struggling against him but it doesn't work, he manages to stick his dick in me, as he moans I go motionless, he keeps going in and out of my body, tears fill in my eyes and start to fall out and curl around my chin. After a few minutes of him thrusting me repeatedly he stays in me and his fluid fills me, my body spasms, I feel like barfing.

"Wasn't that fun?" He says removing his grip on me, I quickly sit up moving to the corner of the bed farthest away from him.

"Oh, I'm not finished with you!" He says taking my ankle and pulling me towards him and then he turns me around. I whimper before him.

I soon hear a clicking noise, my eyes grow wide, a knife..

"Now lets see.." He says as his knife makes contact with my skin, I try to scream but my voice is muffled by the gag placed in my mouth.
"Tracer....Flame's...Prop-arty...There! All done!" He says removing the knife from my skin.
He takes me by my hair and pulls me up to face him. He takes the gag out of my mouth and removes the tape around my hands and then he tells me:

"If you tell anyone, I will destroy everything that you know and love, got it bitch?!" He asks me.

"yeah, yeah.." I say in a voice barely above a whisper.

"Thought so, now grab your clothes and get the fuck out!"

With that quickly I slip on whats still functional of my clothing and I leave.

After a few minutes of walking I figure out where I am, I was in that abandoned house in pinkies neighborhood, thank god! I thought, this won't take me too long to walk to my house, and with that I continued walking. I am still in shock after what had just happened, I was raped.. Tears started falling down my face again, I quickly wipe them away, no one can know this happened to me. His words echoed in my head, sure there just words but I believe them, I argue in my head for the longest time, then my phone starts to ring bringing me back to reality. It's FlutterShy calling.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Oh my gosh, Rainbow! Where are you?" FlutterShy asks me franticly.

"Umm.." Think, think, think! "Umm I'm at sugar cube corner." I lie, trying to keep my voice normal.

"Oh, okay, so your okay right?" FlutterShy asks me, concerned.

"Yeah, of course!" Not like I was just raped

"Good. Well um bye I guess." FlutterShy hehe...says.

Oh thank god thats over. I thought, my throat now hurts from me holding back my tears.

After a while of walking I arrive at my house, and my parents are still not home so I'd have a chance to change and shower.

I got a pair of my pajamas and hoped in the shower.

I turned on the water and hopped in, I quickly grabbed the sponge and soap, I rubbed my body as hard as I could to try to wash away his touch, but all my attempts proved useless, his grip still had me. His words kept echoing through my head like he's still right in front of me.

I soon got out of the shower and put on my new set of clothes and made my bed for the night. I then went to the kitchen to get some water. As I was pouring my drink, out of the corner of my eye I see a knife. Cut, A voice in my head says. In a daze I pick up the knife I take it and drag it across my wrist, I feel no pain, it was like my arm was numb, I watched as blood started pouring out of the open wound in my arm, as the blood poured out I started to relax a little, I add another cut, and another! Covering my wrist in bleeding slits! More and more blood keeps pouring out, a few drops hitting the floor, but I don't care. After seconds of watching my blood drip from my wrist to the floor my breathing becomes heavy as the pain starts to take a tole on me, I drop the knife and put my hand over my wrist realizing what I had done! I quickly run over to the kitchen sink and turn on the water, I quickly put my injured wrist under the water to try and wash away the blood but it just kept coming! I grabbed some paper towels to put over my bleeding wrist knocking them over in the process and finally the bleeding stopped or at least is stable. I go and add tape to my makeshift bandage. Once thats done, I go into the kitchen to clean up my mess, and then finally I go to sleep to try and wake up from this nightmare.

Chapter 2: Hey whats on your wrist?

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Rainbow Dash P.O.V.

I awake to my alarm clock, oh what a nightmare, I think. Out of habit I get out of bed and start getting dressed. Got my T-shirt, skirt, shorts- but then I see myself in the mirror; My face is covered in bruises and my wrist has bloody napkins, I turn around and pull down my shirt to see the words "Tracer Flame's Property" carved into my upper left shoulder on my back. I fall to my knees and put my hand over my mouth, I feel like barfing. Oh shit...Fuck!..I think tearing up..No, I can't cry, not today.

Considering that happened, I change into some jeans and put on a hoodie to cover my cuts, I also style my hair in my face to try and hide the bruises, no one can know.

Right when I'm about to leave my mom stops me, crap!

"Good Morning Dashie-.Um why are you dressed like that? Is something wrong" My mom asks me, worry fills her eyes.

"No, nothings wrong..Hey I got to go to my bus stop, bye-" With that I'm out the door before my mom can reply.

God I hope she doesn't suspect anything I hopefully think as I walk to my bus stop.

When I arrive at my bus stop Soarin is already there, we have the same bus stop.

"Hello Dash, uh why are you wearing a hoodie, and jeans?" Soarin asks me with a confused look on his face.

"I was cold this morning." I lied.

"Its 80 degrees out." Soarin asks, curious.

"Uh-" I couldn't finish, our bus pulled up to our stop, thank god, I think as I walk to my spot on the bus. I sit down and look out the window, trying to calm my anxiety about what could happen today. Maybe my friends will find out, maybe he will rape me again, maybe I could get expelled! I don't know!- I get taken back to reality when FlutterShy sits down next to me.

FlutterShy P.O.V.

"Hi Rainbow Dash." I say as I sit down next to her.

"Hi FlutterShy."She replies, still looking out the window.

"Hey..um..Did you go with anybody to sugar cube corner?" I ask her.

"No, I went alone." She answers, her voice shakes a little.

"Are you sure?" I ask again, somethings off.

"Yes! I'm sure.." Rainbow says throwing her arms out snapping a little, one of her sleeves falls down a little revealing a scratch that looked like it still had fresh blood in it. I lunge for her sleeve trying to pull it down but she stops me in the process.

"What are you doing Shy?" She says pulling down her sleeve.

"No-Nothing." I say quietly, it was an awkward bus ride from then on.

Rainbow Dash P.O.V.

The bus comes to a stop as it nears the edge of school campus. I walk down the stairs from the bus and step onto the school sidewalk. For the first time I'm actually scared, no nervous, to walk into school. I continue to walk further into school campus with every step it becomes harder to breath, I feel like everyones looking at me as I walk through the cramped hallways as I walk to my locker. 31-21-15 , I enter my combination, open sesame, and my locker opens. I get my english, history, and my science notebooks and head off to my english class.

I enter my english class, anxiety fills the air and my palms become sweaty, he's in this class, I think as I sit in my seat. At least we sit nowhere near each other, I think as english class begins.

"Good morning class." Our teacher, Mrs. Cheerlie said.

"Good morning Mrs. Cheerlie." The class replys in unison, I stayed quiet, I don't want to bring any attention to me right now after the events of last night, epecaly since he's in this class.

Mrs. Cheerlie then begins her class after those short exchange of words. I think we were reading something about the great deprestion, but I was too distraught from the events of last night to listen or care.

"Rainbow Dash!" Mrs. Cheerlie says angerly.

"Yes Mrs. Cheerlie.?" I reply while butterflys start to flap there wings in my stomach.

"Could you tell me what just happened in the story we're reading? Could you even tell me the name of the story?" Mrs. Cheerlie says walking towards me, ganging up on me it felt like.

I thought for a second, searching my mind for the answers to her questions.

"No..I can't.." I say wanting to disapear as I feel eyes burning through me.

"Well maybe you should pay more attention in my class." Mrs. Cheerlie says while letting out a disapointed sigh.

"Yeah Dash! Pay attention!" Tracer flame says before I can respond. He says that knowing that would make me feel worse, knowing he was the one who made me like this, know he had hurt me, knowing he had raped me! My breathing had ecilated, I have to calm down or at least steady my breathing, I look at the time, 3 more minutes remained. Thank god, I had spent most of this period in my own mind that it had past by quickly.

The bell rings, everyone rises from there seats instantly, happy to get out of this class. I was one of the first ones out of their seats, I didn't want to be anywhere near him.

I leave the classroom but it does no good, Tracer flame catches up to me.

"So, did you fantasize about me?" Tracer flame says like the creep he is.

"No, why would I?" I say trying to walk away but he stops me.

"You know that I own you right?" He asks me, I raise an eyebrow, what is he going on about?

"Those words I carved on your back say 'Tracer Flames property'." He says while touching the carvings on my back, I cringe as his hand makes contact with my flesh, it still hurts.

"And that shows that you are my property." He says as his hand reaches for my butt.

"NO!" I say moving out of his reach. "I am not your property nor will I ever be!" I say walking away.

He calls after me as I walk down the corridor to my classroom. I ignore his taunts, I don't want to go anywhere near that-that monster!

I arrive at my next class, I'm a little late thanks to Tracer Flame. I get a lecture from the teacher about being tardy but I could care less. I walk over to my seat and get situated, I don't know anyone in this class so my mouth stays shut while I do so. I decide to keep my focus on the teacher this class, I don't want to be degraded again.

Fluttershy P.O.V.

I walk to my next class. I'm a little late because I was helping my first period teacher with something. I had a pass of course but still I was late.

I walked into class quietly, trying not to disterb the rest of the class.

"Mrs. Shy do you have a pass?" The art teacher asks me. I hand her my pass and walk towards my seat. Rarity sits next to me, we have this class together.

"Darling did you see Rainbow Dash today? Did she say anything about last nights ordeal?" Rarity asks me, she is concerned, same as I.

"She denied that anything happened to her last night-" I try to exsplain but Rarity interupts me.

"Do you believe her?" She says, doubting what our friend has said.

"No, she was also wearing a hoodie. It looked like she was hiding something." I say."I'm worried about her."

Rarity nods her head in agreement.

"Should we talk to her about it?" Rarity asks me sharing my worry.

"We can try but I doubt we'll get anything out of her." I say, Rarity sighs knowing that my theory is correct.

"I just want to help her. She may deniy it but I know something happened to her last night."

Rainbow Dash P.O.V.

Class had gone by rather quickly, it was lunch already. I sit with my friends like usawal. I sit down next to Pinkie Pie, my friends cast worried glances at me, whats going on?

"Guys, did something happen?" I ask them, why are they looking at me like that?

Rarity is the first to speak "Darling, we are just worried about you-"

"Why? Why are you worried about me?" I cut Rarity off, how do they know?!

"Cause' we are your friends." Apple Jack picks up where Rarity left off. "We saw you in some guys car, looked like you were passed out.."As Aj continues alarm starts to go off in my head, I want to scream, they fucking know EVERYTHING!

"..So what ever did happen last night?" Apple Jack finishes.

"Nothing." Think Dash, think!"..We just went to sugar cube corner for some shakes and that's it." I lie, they can't find out, they just can't!

"But Rainbow-" Flutter Shy trys to say but I interupt her.

"Nothing happened!" I say while getting up to grab my lunch, not wanting to dive into my lie any deeper.

Soarin P.O.V.

I walk back to my seat, lunch in hand. My friends were already eating, they pack their lunch's.

"Hey Soarin?" I hear a feminen voice, I turn around,. It's Rainbow Dash."Can I sit here?"

I glance back at my friends who were just as dumbfounded as me, she never sits here.

"Yeah..Sure." With that she then sits down and starts eating.

"So is everything alright Dash?" Spitfire asks, we were all wondering.

"Uh Yeah, everything's fine." Rainbow reply's, I'm pretty sure she was lying. "Why'd you ask?" She says with a fake smile.

"It's just, you never sit over here, you always sit with your friends." Fleetfoot reply's to Dash's question.

"It's nothing..I just got annoyed with what they were talking about." Dash said, we let go of the subject even though I don't think any of us beleived her. For the rest of lunch we all just talked about classes and upcoming sports games. Rainbow Dash wasn't alright, I could tell.

Rainbow Dash P.O.V.

Lunch had just ended and thank god because it was starting to get awkward.

I have gym this period, thank god Tracer Flame is not in this period otherwise I'd have no peace!

I walk into the girls locker room to dress out. I would dress out on the open like the majority of the other girls but today I have a carving on my back and slits on my wrist, my only option was to dress out in a shower stall. I dress out as quickly as possible, hoping no one would notice my change in routine. Since my gym clothes are short sleeved I'd have to wear my hoodie out.

Right as I'm about to leave for the field Rarity stops me, she has gym 4th period too.

"Darling, I just wanted to apologize about what happened at lunch..We- I shouldn't have pushed you." Rarity apologizes, I guess it's a good thing that she cares, but not good at the same time.

"It's fine, don't worry about it." I say forgiving her for something that wasn't worth apologizing for.

"Also, why are you still wearing a hoodie? Its not like you to wear long sleeves in gym." Rarity asks, shit!

"I'm just..Cold." I respond with lies.

"Uh-Huh.." Rarity says with doubt in her voice. "Just know that you can always talk to me Rainbow Dash, okay?" Rarity says, her blue eyes pericing my rose ones.

"I know." but I can't!

After our short little conversation, I finally made it out of the locker room. People were already lined up at the track, ready to run. I was walking over to join them, but then the couch stops me, what now?\

"Rainbow Dash."

"Yeah..?" I reply.

"You do know my rule about hoodies don't you?"

I think for a second...crap! I remembered, he doesn't allow hoodies.

"Oh Yeah.." I say rubbing the back of my head.

"Take it off and put it on the bleachers and line up by the track." He orders.

"Okay" I sigh, with that he walks away.

I walk over to the bleachers and take off me hoodie. Instantly I feel like everyone is looking at me, investigating me. I hold my slitted wrist close to my body, wanting no one to know of my cuts. I walk over to the track where my other classmates are. Their eyes fell on me, almost as if they could smell my fear. Sweat starts to form on my forehead and all I was doing was standing there. My thoughts had engulfed me. Your worthless, they say, there all staring because they know your a little cutting whore! I bit my lip as my finger nails dig into my palms..

"Rainbow Dash!? Are you okay??" Soarin ask's, bringing me back to reality.

"Yeah, yeah, everything's fine." I say rubbing the back of my head.

Soarin's eyes widen then I realize, my wrist was exposed. I cover it up instantly using my body as a shield but it does no good; he takes my wrist and asks "Rainbow, whats this..?" Soarin asks, his voice faltering.

"Nothing!..Its nothing!" I say pulling my wrist away from his grip. Before Soarin can respond, the coach blows the whistle. I take off running, trying to run away from everything.

Soarin P.O.V.

What was that? I ask myself as my legs carry me around the track. Why would she do that? I think..but then again what if a....Cat scratched her or something? No! She doesn't even have a cat! I cant deny it! Shes cutting herself! What should I do? Should I tell princble Celestia? Should I just talk to her? Questions raced through my head as I ran, non of which I could answer.

"Soarin!" Coach Silver yelled at me."Why are you still running? You passed the stoping line."

"Uhh..I don't know." Couch silver looked at me funny but shrugged it off after about a second.

I need to find Rainbow Dash, I think as I look through the crowd of students. There! She was standing in the back with her arms pressed against her stomach. I walk over to her, I don't think she notices me.

"Um.. Hey Rainbow.." I say with caution.

"Hi.." She says hiding behind her hair.

"What was this that on your wrist..? Did you do that..?" I ask, hoping-praying she will say 'no', but as I feared, she nodded her head signifying a 'yes'.

"Why? Why did you do that to yourself?" I ask putting my hands on her shoulders. She glances to the side.

"Please Rainbow..You can tell me.." I say looking into her eyes, Oh no, tears were forming in her eyes..

"Rainbow" I say trying to push the hair out of her face but she pulls away from me. " Rainbow! I'm-" I swing out me hand to try and grab her hand but she is out of my reach.

With self pity I look down and murmur the last word of my sentence: "Sorry."
Rainbow P.O.V.

For the rest of gym I cried under the bleachers, that was fun. The rest of my classes were okay, I had my hoodie and no tears were shed. The bell had just rung marking the end of 7th period and the end of the school day. Everyone, including me, were getting their backpacks from their lockers and heading off to their ride home or to wherever.

As soon as I finished putting my stuff in my backpack I put the thing on my back and started walking to my bus.

I walk up the steps leading onto the bus and troll down the isle to my designated seat, it's empty, Fluttershy hasn't gotten on the bus yet.

I sit down and put my backpack on the floor, I stare out the window while waiting for Fluttershy, the view wasn't really breathtaking, it just showed another bus.

I feel the seat move and a boyish voice say "Hey,"

I turn around to see Soarin staring at me, oh god not this again.

"Hi.." I say awkwardly.

"Uh..May I sit here?" He asks, I look around for Fluttershy, not here.

"Sure." I say scooting over to give him a little more room.

"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry about what happened in gym earlier.." Soarin apologizes.

"It's fine, don't worry about it Soar." I say forgiving him, it's not even his fault you dumb fuck, you overreacted like usual!

"Dash, you good?" Soarin asks waving his hand in front of my face.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just zoned out little bit." I say snapping back into reality.

"Hey, uh do you want to go to my place after this?" Soarin asks awkwardly.

"Um sure." I say.

For the rest of the bus ride I just stared out the window watching the cars move along side us while Soarin tried to make conversation with me. My responses were 'yeah', 'uh huh', or 'no'. Eventually he stopped trying an just went on his phone for the remainder of the ride.

The bus slowed to a stop and opened it's doors, me and Soarin exited into the isle and down the stairs into the outside world.

"Onward to my house!" Soarin says with a goofy sile forming on his face.

"Yep!" I say letting loose a laugh, it felt good to laugh.

With that, I followed Soarin to his house, we walked for a few minutes until we reached his house. His mom wasn't home like usual, she's a pretty shitty parent to Soarin to be honest. Ever since his dad divored her(for good reason), she took up drinking to cope, later it turned into sex. She used to be at least a decent mom but now shes just a drunken whore.

"Ma'lady," Soarin says opening the front door and doing a little bow.

"Thank you sir."I say lifting up an invisable skirt.

After that me and Soarin shared a few laughs and headed up stairs to his room.

"Do you want to play 'Left for dead 2?" Soarin says turning on his xbox.

"Sure." I anwser.

Soarin then sets up the game, soon enough the game is at it's game settings screen and we are able to pick our characters.

I pick the character "Ellis" and Soarin picks the character "Nick" like usual, we decided to play the the campian "Hard Rain" on the advanced difficulty, and with that we started the game.

We played for about 1 and a half hours, we had to restart the level sometimes because we both died but thats okay.

When we were on the last level of the campain my phone starts ring. Soarin pauses the game and I pick up my phone, it's my mom

"Hello?" I say being the first to speak.

"Where are you???" My mom asks franticly.

"I'm at Soarin's." I anwser, I hear my mom sigh.

"Why didn't you text me that?" My mom asks.

"I forgot, sorry." I apologize.

"Whatever, just come home now." My mom sighs.

"Ok-" I say and my mom hangs up.

"Hey Soar, I have to go." I say standing up.

"Oh ok." Soarin says. Right as I'm about to leave his room, Soarin stops me. "Hey Rainbow? Can you promise me something?"

"Yeah, what?" I say fully turning aroud to face Soarin.

"Promise me tat you wont cut tonight, please." Soarin's question had caught me off gard, I can't promise that...

"I'm sorry, but I can't." I say and with that I turn around and leave, down the stairs and out the front door.

I walked home in silence, the neighborhood looked abanndond exept for a few cars hea and there, it was peaceful and most of all, quiet.

I soon arrived in my front yard, and then I found myself walking into my house. I opened the door and walked inside, my mom was waiting for me.

"Why didn't you tell me where you were? I was worried sick!" My mom says running up to embrace me.

"I forgot." I say struggling to breath, I swear she wants to strangle me!

"Well I'm sorry so say that there will be consequences for this." My mom says releasing me, allowing me to breath.

"Well what is it?" I say, fml

"Your grounded for a month, that means no dilly-dallying after school." My mom says strictly.

"But mom-"

"No buts! Your grounded and thats that!" My mom says.

With that I sigh and head off to my room to get some sleep.

"Did you just roll your eyes at me?" My mom says starting to get angry.

"Theres a difference between sighing and rolling my eyes mom!" I say stating to get irritated.

"Say that again!" My mom says taking a step closer to me.

"I said-" I was interrupted by the impact of my moms hand going across my face.

"Rainbow..I'm so sorry." My mom says as I walk away. "Rainbow!"

I shut my door behind me and collapse into my bed, I turn off the lights and let the tears flow freely. I let the thoughts come and break me, but I didn't care. Soon enough I drifted into a long needed slumber.

Chapter 3: Jealousy part one

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Rainbow Dash P.O.V.

I walk through the deserted streets, its probably midnight, the night was foggy and the street lights flickered on and off nearly faster than the light its self.

"Hello Rainbow Dash." A masculine voice says from behind me. I spin around, Tracer Flame.

"Did you miss me?"

"No! Get away from me!" I say in distress. I back away into the darkness behind me, my eyes refusing to leave him be. I continued my stance backward but my legs refused to take me any further, I fall on my side and onto the sidewalk behind me. I try to move, I try to run, but I am stuck in place.

"Come to daddy!" Tracer Flame says smacking his lips while forcing himself onto me.

"No! Get..Off..Of..Me!" I say through panted breathes, my punches do nothing, I'm glued in place.

He starts to undo my pants, I scream but no sound seems to escape my mouth, I struggle but he holds me down.
He nearly sticks it in but with my final scream of no I shoot up in bed like a spring with sweat rolling down my face. I was in my room, my pants were still on, and most importantly, no Tracer Flame.

"Okay...Okay.." I say taking deep breathes, trying to calm down. I wipe the sweat off my face and get out of bed, I doubt I'll be getting more sleep anytime soon.

It was 5:47, I normally get up at 6 anyway. I grab my phone and turn it on.

"One new message." My phone reads, huh who else is up? The message was sent by Soarin, it read: "Hey, are you up? I can't sleep."

"Yeah I'm up, I can't sleep either." I reply.

Almost immediately, Soarin texts back.
“Want to get some shakes at sugar cube corner?”

“Sure.” I reply “ I’ll meet you at your house.”

“K” Soarin responds.

I pull out some jeans and a hoodie, I slip those on, along with some tennis shoes and we’ll sneak out my window cause’ I’m grounded.

I walk down the brightly sidewalk that leads to Soarin’s house.

I arrive right in front of his driveway, for once his moms home, but she’s probably passed out in her bed.

I walk up to the front door and knock.

Soon enough I hear the undoing of locks on the other side of the door.

"Hello ma 'lady" Soarin says opening the door. My eyes are immediately drawn to his right eye.

"Soarin, what happened to your eye?" I ask,.

"I just...ran into something." He lies.

"Uh-huh." I say doubtfully. " What really happened?"

Soarin sighs, giving in. "I'll tell you at sugar cube corner." He says.


Soon enough, we are in his mom's car(Not like she'll need it), and are driving off to sugar cube corner. A car ride there doesn't take very long, 5 minutes at most, but on foot, well 20 minutes at the least.

We soon arrive in the Sugar Cube Corner parking lot, we are the only car there. We walk into the deserted place, the cashier running on coffee.

"Hello, welcome to Sugar Cube Corner, how may I help you?" The cashier says noticing us.

"I'll have a medium vanilla shake." Soarin says turning to me, signaling me to at my order.

"And I'll have a small chocolate milkshake." I say.

The cashier goes over what we have said and then she starts making our milkshakes.

I start taking out my money to pay for my milkshake but Soarin stops me.

"I got it." He says while taking out his debit card.

The cashier comes back up to the register, our drinks in hand. "These will be 6.87." She says.

Soarin hands her his debit card, soon after we had our drinks in hand. We decided to eat outside, it to quiet inside of the bakery.

We sat down at a table outside.

"So, what happened to your eye Soarin?" I ask, the question caught him by surprise it looked like.

"Do we have to talk about this?" He says nervously.


"Okay, fine." Soarin sighs. "So after you left my mom came home drunk. She immediately went into the fridge to get some more booze an-and I tried to stop her b-but then she-she.." He couldn't continue, the water hiding behind his eyes let loose. I got up and hugged him. He let into my embrace, letting all his held back emotions out in the form of salty tears.

After about a minute my shirt had became damp but I don't care. I'd hold Soarin even if the world was ending, I don't care.

Our ever lasting hug ended after about 5 minutes after Soarin broke up the hug.

"Um..Thanks." Says wiping off any tears that remained on his face.

"No problem, um.. we should probably head back to the neighborhood now, if you want you can chill at my place." I say, we still had about an hour to spare before we had to walk over to the bus stop.

"Uh okay, thanks..again." Soarin replied.

We threw what was left of our milkshakes away and started walking towards the car but then Soarin stops.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" He asks me.

"Sure, what?" I say.

"Did you cut anywhere last night?" Soarin asks in a serious tone. I wasn't expecting that question.. "If you did, I wont tell anybody.." Soarin says looking deeply into my eyes, almost as if he was looking for something.

I guess my shock must have formed an expression on my face, I didn't cut last night,at all! I swear!

"No, I didn't cut last night Soarin." I say after an eternity.

"Oh thank you Jesus!" Soarin says with a sigh of relief. "Okay, lets go to your house now."

We pulled up on to side of my house, it was still dark out.
Shit I thought, I'm grounded

"Hey Soarin?"


"I'm kinda grounded..." I say with a nervous chuckle.

"Okay thats fine...My moms probably passed out anyway.." Soarin says walking back to his car.

"I wasn't implying that you had to go home , I was implying that we had to sneak in through my window." I say, a sly grin forming on my face.

"Alrighty then!" Soarin says with a slight chuckle.

I show Soarin to my window, which was still unlocked from when i used it earlier. Soarin had to help me get into my window because I'm short. Once I'm in I lift up the window a little bit more to let Soarin in. Once Soarins actually in my room and not inside of a window frame, we can finally chillax, by that I mean literally collapse on the floor from exhaustion.

I don't know how long we laid there awake but soon enough we both drifted off into a long needed slumber.

Soarin P.O.V.

I woke up to the sight of a white ceiling and an annoying alarm clock. It took me a second to process where i was but I soon realized I was at Dash's place. Speaking of Dash an annoyed groan soon escaped her mouth as she slammed her hand down to silence her alarm clock, I'm surprised she didn't break it.

"Hola Soarin." She says getting off the floor.

"Hello." I say waving.

"Well I have to finish getting ready." She says pointing finger guns at me. " Make yourself at home." She says leaving the room.

With that I get up off the floor and sit down on her bed. I let my eyes wander, since her room isn't really clean the was a lot of places for my eyes to wander to.
huh, her dress from the formal, I think as my eyes find her dress, its ripped.. I think as I start to study it more, it was a clean rip down the middle, as if it was done by a blade of some sort..

I was getting up to take a closer look but before I could Rainbow had come out of the bathroom.

"Ready." she says standing in the middle of the doorway to her room.

"Okay." I say taking one last glance at the ripped dress before following her out of the room.

Her parents had gone to work so we didn't have to sneak through her window again. I followed her through her house, the house was quiet, all I heard was our feet hitting the floor, I wonder if its like this when her parents are home? My house normally carries this silence, you'd think I'd be used to it by now, but I'm not.. I hate this silence.

I continued to follow Rainbow through her home, soon enough we reached the front door. She grabbed her backpack and unlocked her front door to leave. Crap! I don't have my backpack!

"Hey, is something wrong dude?" Rainbow said turning around fully to face me, she must of saw my change in facial expression.

"Yeah, everything's fine, I just left my school stuff at my house." I reply.

"Uh.. Do you want to go get it?" She asks awkwardly.

"NO!.. It's fine, I'll live." I say as if my life was in danger if I went back to my place(Well it might actually be..)

"Oh okay.." Rainbow says snickering a little.

As if I caught her laughter, the corners of my mouth perked up into a smile ready to turn into a laugh, It felt great to laugh.

Rainbow and I walked down to our bus stop, ironically its right smack in the middle of our houses so nothing changed time wise.

We shared this bus stop with a few other kids in the neighborhood, non of us really talked so we all stood there in silence. Our bus approached in the distance after a few minutes of waiting, in a few seconds the bus was right in front of us, opening its doors for us to enter.

We walked down the narrow corridor to our seats on the bus. I notmaly sat alone, but today Rainbow decided to sit by me.

She normaly sits a few seats away from mine with her friend Fluttershy, I guess something changed today. She sat down next to me and I put my arm around her and pulled her close. She flinched on contact, but a second or so later, she scooched closer to my and held my other hand in hers.

"Are we a thing now?" She asks me in a soft voice.

"Yeah." I reply looking down into her magenta eyes.

She snuggles closer to me.

Fluttershy P.O.V.

I stood in silence waiting for the bus to come around the block.

I am pretty anxious.. I mean I am planning to actualy pull he sleeve down and see what shes hiding, but what if she acts poorly? What if there's nothing even on her arm? What if-

My thoughts were interrupted by the buses doors opening up right in front of me.

I sigh, and walk up the stairs and into the yellow veichal.

I walked down the narrow bus corridor to my seat, but somethings missing.

Where is she?

I look around the bus, turning a whole circle, I still don't see her.

Whatever, I think as I slide over to the window seat.


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Hey dudes this isn’t like a bad update I’d say, I’m just saying something.
So about unspoken, I’m transferring it to Wattpad and I’ll write the chapter on there too. Why? It’s jusr easier and I seem to get the chapter done a lot quicker, I’m already at 4,000+ words for chapter 4 as a whole. I’m not saying I won’t post it on here, I will I’m just saying it won’t have the text affects to it. That’s all. I’m still writing the chapter right now but when I do post it on here I’ll post a link to wattpad with it. I’m also able to post art with the story from my camera while on here I’d need to make deviant art, I just don’t really want to keep up with that.
I’m sorry if this an inconvenience for you guys it just seems to let me write the chapters a lot faster. But this chapter..I think it will be better written then my last too, I hope it will be worth the wait! And about the wait. Um I guess I can explain it now. Um I just was going through a lot of shit last year, my depression was going crazy (I got sent to a hospital twice!!). My friends ended up leaving me, I was figuring out my sexuality, that Type of thing.

Eventually I ended up switching counties, I’m at a new school now, I have good friends and I also have a girl friend!! :) yes I am gay. But this year I’ve been sorting my life out I guess, I’ve actally been 2 months clean for cutting so yay.

But now I feel like I can actually write! I’m really sorry for the wait, I really am. But thank you to everyone that are still checking out the story and wanting to read more, it gives me a lot of motivation to continue!

Really thank you all for reading, and I am really sorry about the wait but this story will not be ending! I’m going to try to start getting out a chapter once a month, I write very detailed so that’s why😂 but I really am grateful for the few readers I have. Thanks you guys for sticking around :)

Until next time! Bye~

Chapter 4: Jealousy part 2

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"Hey flutter shy" a voice said
I jumped a little.. who the heck
Oh..just rarity
"Hi rarity" I say taking out an earphone.
"Hello darling, sorry for startling you"
"Oh; it's fine rarity"
"Well um, have you see Rainbow dash? She's my partner for a project and I need to know if she actually did her part." Rarity said crossing her arms dramatically
I laughed.
"Um I saw her, not sure where she went though." I lie, rarity will overreact to her relationship, I don't think Dash would be a fan.
"Oh that's fine darling, I'm sure I'll find her. It's pretty hard to miss her rainbow hair. Well anyways, bye darling." Rarity says walking away.
"Bye." I say waving, unsure if she saw me or not I put my earphone back in and continued to wait for the doors to open.
Rainbow Dash P.O.V.

I stood next to Soarin, our fingers intertwined. I'll admit, I'm still new to this but I know Soarin for at least 10 years, I guess I feel some type of safety when I'm around him I guess. I've had feelings for Soarin for a bit now, even if I didn't want to admit to them... but I mean I guess he needed me like I needed someone, can't say I thought he'd be that someone to me but I mean, it works out..
"Whatcha thinking about?" He says, straying me from my thoughts.
"Uh..nothing!" I say, a blush apparent on my face. Damnit!
"Oh come on Dashie! Pwease!" He says attempting puppy eyes. He has the mindset of a child. I think, mentally giggling to myself.

I look away, my blush growing. I look back at him, is eyes are begging me to say. Fine..
"I was thinking about you.." I say still looking away.
"Really!?" He asks happily.
I nod.
"Awww your so cute Dashie!" He says embracing me, his head laying on top of mine because I'm short as hell.
"I'm not cute!" I say looking up only to see his chin.
"Yes you are." He says, still hugging me.
"Fine" I sigh.
He ends up holding me tighter, I flinch at first but I eventually hug back. I trust Soarin, I know he wouldn't to anything-anything like that.

Only after a few seconds after our moment, I here a squeal.

Soarin and I imidietly pull away from each other only to see a purple haired fashionista looking at us.

"Hey Rarity.." I say rubbing the back of my neck. My life is over.

"O.M.G!" Rarity says, shaking her hands with excitement. "When did this happen!?"
"Umm...today.." I say awkwardly.
I see Soarin looking at me with a nervous expression. I feel the same way dude.
"That's fantastic! I'm so happy for you!" Rarity says, pulling me into a hug of her own.
"Thanks.." I say giving her an awkward pat on the the back.
We pull away from each other.
"Well anyways, do you have your part for the history project?" Rarity asks, I guess that's what she came over here for.
"Yeah, just give me sec." I say opening my backpack to get it. "Here you go."
"Thanks darling." Rarity says taking the papers. "I'll see you in hist-"
The bell rings interrupting her.
Rarity just waves and jogs into the school, meanwhile I'm on the ground zipping up my backpack, I really need to clean this out.
"Ok" I mutter to myself while throwing my backpack over my shoulder.
"You ready?" Soarin says.
I jump a little bit. I thought he left.
"Uh, yeah." I say rubbing the back of my neck.
"Ok cool." He says holding out his hand.
I take it and we walk into the school together although something doesn't seem right.

It feels like a pair of eyes are burning through my skull
"See yeah." I say.
Soarin had arrived at his first period.
Right when I'm about to leave Soarin grabs my wrist.
"Soarin..?" I ask.
I turn around and he tilts my chin up and kisses my forehead.
"Bye Dashie!" He says running into his class before I can react.

I felt my face heating up as I walk to my first period. Shit.

Right as I'm about to walk into my first period someone grabs my shoulder and slams me against the lockers.

I look up and see him.

"Who is he..?" He says, lifting me up by my shirt and slamming me back into the lockers.

"Non of your business!" I say trying to push him off me. It doesn't work, it just makes him more enraged.

"TELL ME NOW!" He yells, slamming my back into the locker with each syllable.

I stare into his eyes, facing his Death Stare with one of my own.

Right when I'm about to say something mrs. Cheerlie walks out.

"What the heck is going on-"

Tracer Flame gets off of me and leans with one hand on the lockers.

"-here?" Mrs. Cheerlie finishes.

"Well-" tracer Flame starts but is interrupted.

"I don't want to here it. Principles office now."
"Now!" Mrs. Cheerlie says sternly.
Tracer flame obeys and starts walking to the principles office. Oh god. I think looking up at mrs. Cheerlie.
"Are you ok mrs. Dash?" She says with her normal tone of voice.
"Uh yeah, I'm good." I say, rubbing my arm.
"Ok. Your not in trouble but I'd like to speak with you after class, ok?" She says.
"Um ok." I say nervously.

I walk into the class, most of this students are on their phones, taking advantage of the teacher not being in the classroom.
Some look up, curious onto what happened but go back to what there doing.
Good, no one knows.
I think as I walk to my seat.
Everything goes back to normal when mrs. Cheerlie begins the Lesson.
~time skip~
The bell rings.
Everyone rises from there seats, me included.

Right when I'm about to leave Mrs. Cheerlie stops me. Shit, I was hoping she'd forget.
"Rainbow, did anything that happened earlier.. um how do I put this.." Mrs. Cheerlie stumbles over her words while I fidget my hands. "..have to do with anything else?"
"Wait what?"
"Like have to do with a different event of some sort?" She asks, concern obvious in her eyes.
I walked to my next class, a little unsettled. My discussion brought the thoughts back. I can't stop thinking about it.

I think she Suspected something like that but I denied her thoughts, I'm pretty sure she believed me, I really don't want the getting out..people will probably just start calling me a slut or something, think I'm "easy".. I don't want that.

It's just better this way, Keeping it in my head.
Only in my head.
I arrive at my next class.
Like normal,I put my stuff down and chill.
We start taking notes, nothing that seems to be important.

My eye lids start to feel heavy, not again! I mentally complain.

Despite my mental begs sleep eventually overcomes and I drift off to a unwanted sleep.
Soarin P.O.V.
Yay, mrs. Harshwinny.
I think as Mrs. Harshwinny continues her lecture.

Right as I'm about to drift off into a tiny nap something hits me in the back of the head.
The fuck..? I turn around only to see a spitfire gesturing to a crumbled piece of paper on the ground.
I grab the paper and open it up, it reads:
Hey dude, are you and dash finally a thing?
I write down, "yeah" and toss the paper back.
She grins at me and writes something else down and tosses the paper back again.
I mentally laugh, laughing out loud is a one way ticket to detention.
Well anyways, I think she has some sort of jealous ex or something.
Since when has Dash for real dated someone? I ask myself.
"What, why?" I write and then toss the paper back.
Spitfire looks at me, thinks for a sec and then writes.
"Some dude..Tracer something I think, was asking like "who is he?" To her. Like aggressively, I heard bangs against the lockers.
What the fuck? I already thought tracer flame had something wrong with him but jeez.
I sigh and write down "his name tracer flame?" And throw the letter back to spitfire.
She nods and then tosses the note back.
Great I have him next period. He draws some weird ass shit.
"Ok I have him next period." I write down and toss the paper back.
Ok cool! Spitfire mouths the words to while giving me to thumbs up, I respond with one of those weird awkward smiles.
Just a few more minutes and then you can kill this bastard.
Finally! I think as the bell rings.
I actually rush to get to art class(I suck at art) so I can confront this tracer guy.

There he is.
With his fire like hair, he stands out.
"Hey!" I say poking him.
"Yeah" He says turning around.
"Dude, I heard what you did to dash earlier, just for a wake up call, she's mine now so back off." I say staring directly into his eyes.
He study's me for a minute, I'm not sure what he's looking for but he eventually responds.
"Ok, my bad. I shouldn't of done that." He 'apologizes'. Not sure if he means it or not.
"Ok just don't do it again dude." I say, I guess making sure he understands me.
He nods and returns to whatever fucked up shit he's drawing now.
I'm not sure if he meant that apology but I'm still gonna keep an eye on this bitch, something seems to be wrong with him.
Rarity P.O.V.
"Hello darling!" I say, dropping my stuff off as i sit down next to Fluttershy who's already working on the bell work "draw your favorite animal." The bored says.
"Hi rarity." She says, not looking up from her drawing.
"I bet your enjoying this bell work" I say sitting down next to her.

She nods.
"Well have heard the news? Rainbow Dash has a boyfriend!" I say excitedly.
"Yeah I saw, they are both on my bus." She says actually looking up, a sly grin on her face.
"Why didn't you tell me!" I say, crossing my arms to be over dramatic.
"Because you'd freak out." She says, pointing out my dramatic-ness.
"Fair point".
We both laugh.
"But your jealous aren't you." Fluttershy says through laughs.
"Yeah, the only guys that have the courage to hit on me are normally fuckboys and aren't me type." I say with a hair flip. "Wish I had a boyfriend though."

Almost on que a guy slides up to us.
"Hey, I'm sorry if this counts as spying but I heard your looking for a boyfriend." He says, from across the table.
Charming I think dreamily.
"No it's quite alright darling, why do you care?" I say leaning forward to stare deeper into his eves, hot too.
"Well I happen to be looking for a girlfriend..wanna try 'us' out?" He says extending a hand.
I giggle a little bit.
"Sure!" I say putting my hand in his.
"Well in that case, my names Tracer Flame. What's yours beautiful?" He says.
I blush a tiny bit.
"Rarity." I smile.
"Well Rarity, I guess I'll see you at lunch, you know how Mrs. G is about assigned seats."
"Yep! Well I'll see you around darling.." I say, still looking into his fire lit eyes.
"Bye beautiful." He says sliding his hand away from mine and walking to his seat.
"That was ironic" Fluttershy says.
"Yeah, but I did want a boyfriend so it works out darling."
"Don't you think you should get to know him first?" Fluttershy asks.
"That's what dates are for darling." I say, leaning more in her direction. "Besides, how could I say no, he's so handsome and charming..."
"Ok..just something seems 'off ' about him to me." She says looking down.
"It's quite alright darling, but I'm sure everything's gonna be quite alright." I laugh a little bit cuz I said the same thing twice, FlutterShy joins in.
"Yeah, you're probably right. I'm just overthinking".
Rainbow Dash P. O. V.
Finally. I thought as the bell rang.
I got up from my seat and stared walking to lunch, I was starving! And also my last 3 classes have been boring and after lunch I have gym, yay!

I walked down the continuing hallway and into the cafeteria where I grabbed some food from the lunch line and sat down with my friends who were chatting among themselves.

For the most part, my friends stoped with there persistent "curiosity" about what happened with the winter formal. Fluttershy really the only one that hasn't given in to my acts of stubbornness towards the subject but I mean, one friend is better than six right?

"Hello darling!" Rarity greeted me with a new sparkle in her eyes.

"Hi Rarity, something happen?" I ask.

"Glad if you to ask darling, I have gotten my self a boyfriend as well!" She announced proudly.
Fluttershy looked away..? O k then.

"Huh, cool Rares, so, where is he?" I say curious.
Rarity would of mentioned a crush of hers if she had one.. right? Weird, she normally does.
"Oh he's running a bit late, had to help clean up in the art room.. along with your boyfriend." Rarity says, bouncing her shaped-to-perfection eyebrows.

Apple jack nearly spit out her apple cider when she heard the last part.
" you're not gay?!" She asks, surprised.
I laugh, pinkie joins in considering the scene before her.
"No" I say between laughs. " I'm a bisexual, and besides, berry punch was to much of a druggy for me"
Apple jack joins into the group laugh.

Yes, I dated berry punch. It only lasted a few days, I honestly don't know why or how we got together but it happened. I had to end it though, she was only 16 and had her own personal drug dealer! Plus on the third day she tried to fuck me! I'm keeping my virginity, thank you!
Or at least, I tried too..

I shudder a little bit, nothing noticeable.
No! Not here! Not now! I tell my thoughts as the memories start coming back, I squeeze my eyes shut. No no no no no!
"Here he comes!" Rarity says breaking me from my thoughts..thankfully

Just as I thought I was gonna calm down, the devil himself walks in.
Oh fuck.
I sigh, I'm sure he doesn't see me...
He's walking towards our table.
God mother fucking shit!
Rarity runs up and hugs him and starts bringing him towards the table.

"This is my boyfriend girls, his names Tracer Flame!"