Hollow Victory

by Bahamut0

First published

Blitz Surge is dead. Equestria is at peace. So why does Burst Stream feel so down?

With Blitz Surge's defeat, all seems right with the world. But not for Burst Stream. He made a promise to himself that he'd give Luna's story a happy ending. And now? Now Luna has to carry the betrayal of her heart with her for all eternity. Something Burst can't let stand. There's one person who has the power to fix this all. A chaotic rebirth is at hand.

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Blitz Surge had been destroyed. Both sets of elements and the princesses all celebrated the defeat of the most vile enemy they'd ever met. But as his friends celebrated, Burst Stream sulked. Blitz Surge had used Luna like a tool in order to gain fame. And it had hurt the princess of the night deeply. Granted that being the one to kill Blitz Surge had given Luna some closure, the scars of how he'd used her were still carved in Luna's heart. Never thought I'd say this...but for the first time I really don't feel like there's been a real victory. Burst Stream sighed. There's one way to fix this. I just hope that the person whose help I need is willing to go through with this... Burst Stream got up to leave. Once he was on the outskirts of town, he called out a single name. "DISCORD!"

"You called?" In a flash of light, the Lord of Chaos appeared in front of Burst Stream. "So. What can I do for the only mortal who had enough guts to punch me in the face?"

Burst Stream steeled his gaze. "I need a favor from you. I take it you've heard about....well, a certain person I'd rather not bring up?"

"This is about what Blitz Surge did to Luna, correct?" Discord asked. Burst Stream nodded in response. "Truth be told, I didn't expect such a tame finale. Especially in comparison to your track record with fights against villains. My face is still sore from that slugging you gave me back in season 2." Discord's eyes went wide. "Wait. You don't actually...REGRET Blitz Surge dying, do you?"

Burst Stream sighed. "No. I don't. But what I do regret is that he was able to hurt Luna so much. Even though finishing him off gave her some much needed closure, I can't forgive myself for letting something so horrible happen to her. Which is why I came to you." Burst Stream took a deep breath. "Discord. I need you to hit the reset button for our world. Only a reboot can erase what's been done. Simply erasing Luna's memory of Blitz would be the easy path. But this is the right way. But before we do this, I've got one condition you need to implement."

"And what would that be?" Discord asked with a puzzled expression.

"I want you to ensure that me and all my friends wind up with our respective girlfriends." Burst said calmly. "I don't want to cheat any of them out of the love they've found. It would ultimately be unfair. Plus, maybe with this restart they'll get more time to develop. Each of them are perfect for each other, but everything just seemed to move so fast when they got together. My relationship included."

Discord scratched his chin in thought. "Hmmm. Very well. I'll grant your request. HOWEVER!" Discord raised a finger to the air for dramatic emphasis. "I have a set of conditions that you must agree to as well in order for the reboot to commence."

Burst shrugged. "I should've figured you'd have terms that I'd need to agree to. It wouldn't have been fair for either of us if you didn't get to make your own terms. So what do you want?"

"Well for starters, you'll be significantly nerfed." Discord said matter-of-factly. "I think we can both agree that with your previous battles, there was almost no tension or sense of struggle. This nerf applies to Inferno too. You won't be a Demi-Avatar, and you won't be a member of the dragon lineage."

Burst nodded. "Actually, I'm kinda happy to be hearing that. Heroes struggle. That's something I've been lacking in. Plus, I want to have more fights that push me to my limits. So I'm all for getting nerfed if it means I can really earn my victories."

"Glad we're in agreement on that one." Discord said with a chuckle. "Plus it'll lessen the damage when you inevitably slug me."

Burst chuckled. "I would've thought that one of the conditions you'd sneak in was that I not slug you. Oh well. So what are the other terms you've got for me to agree with?"

"One of the other conditions is that you find a fitting theme song for yourself." Discord said with a grin. "Because let's face it. There's TONS of songs that could be used for your theme whenever you show up to start kicking butt."

"True enough. Anything else you want to alter?" Burst asked.

Discord nodded. "That neither of us have any memory of this agreement. I might not look it, but I have quite the guilty conscience on me."

"I know. Fluttershy told me you cried after Tirek was defeated because he tried to get you to betray us." Burst said with a nod.

Discord's eyes went wide with shock! "WHAT!?! But-but I never-! How did-? Why would-?!" Discord's rambling was cut short when he heard a slight chuckle escape from Burst's mouth. "Never. Speak of that. Again."

"Hey. I'm not even gonna remember that I even heard it." Burst said with a shrug. "Any other terms you had in mind?"

Discord shook his head. "No, no. That's just about it. Now all we need to do is shake hands. And with a snap of the fingers, BAM! Instant reboot! I'm lucky that you wanted to reboot the universe instead of some complicated time travel plot that would screw around with the continuity like no tomorrow!"

"Yeah...I already made that joke with the Legend of Zelda timeline." Burst said with a sigh. "Hey. For what it's worth? This was a fun ride while it lasted. Here's hoping me and the guys can still wind up being good friends with you." Discord extended his hand, and Burst accepted. "So this is the end of my story, huh? Here goes nothing."

Discord gave Burst a small smile. "Maybe. But an ending is just the gateway for a new beginning to take the stage." And with a snap of Discord's fingers, everything was reset. It was time for the story to begin again. With a few added twists.