A Spoon for a Princess

by The Crazed Werewolf

First published

Silver Spoon foalsits Flurry Hearts

The Cutie Map calls Princess Twilight and her friends away while she is watching Flurry Heart. when she can't find anypony else to watch her she turns to the first pony available: Silver Spoon. What could go wrong?

Call of the Cutie Map

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"Ohnononononono," Twilight Sparkle said as she frantically ran around the map of her castle.

"Calm down Twilight," Rainbow Dash said, "Its not like the map has never called on us to solve a friendship problem before."

"But the map has never called the six of us to six different locations before," Fluttershy whispered.

"Why is it callin' us to different locations is what I want ta know," Applejack said.

"Right, we have to go do this, maybe we can find the answers when we solve the problems," Twilight said having calmed down, "Rainbow, you get to Cloudsdale. AJ, you're needed in Canterlot. Pinkie, you are going to Starlight's old village. Fluttershy, Manehatten. Rarity, you get to travel to Yakyakistan."

"Yaks!" Pinkie Pie nearly screamed looking at Rarity.

"Why do I have to go to the smelly Yaks?" Rarity asked.

"The map does what the map does." Rainbow said nonchalantly.

Suddenly there was a giggle and growl from Twilights throne and all six ponies turned and looked at Flurry Heart. She had been so quiet that they had all forgotten that she was there. but she had now woken up from her nap and was playing with one of her teddy bears and her Whammy.

"What am I going to do, I can't take her with me." Twilight said. remembering that Flurry's parents, her brother Shining Armor and Princess Cadence were visiting Saddle Arabia with Princess Celestia and had asked Twilight to watch her niece.

"What about Spike?" Pinkie asked.

"He, Big Mac and Discord went to a Ogres and Oubliettes convention in Las Pegasus this week," Applejack said, "and Starlight is up in the Crystal Empire visiting Sunburst." Spike, Big Mac, and Discord had been talking about that convention for months, Trixie had wanted to go, but instead she had decided to go with Starlight. Twilight thought of calling her parents, but she then remembered that they had gone whale watching in Luna Bay. Maybe Owloysius, nah, that's just crazy talk.

"Rarity, do you think Sweetie Belle would be able watch Flurry Heart?" Twilight asked.

"I'm sure she would love to darling, but she and her Crusader friends are having their second annual Cutie Mark Camp this week." Rarity said.

"Ok, I will figure something out, why don't you get going, as soon as I find somepony to watch here I will leave as well." Twilight said. She knew that there had to be somepony in Ponyville who could watch her. As she looked around the room she saw a familiar journal sitting on a nearby table and thought to herself, maybe Sunset could watch her, no that wouldn't be fair to her.

After several minutes of thinking Twilight placed Flurry Heart in her stroller and was getting ready to go look for somepony, anypony, who could watch the young foal when there was a knock at the castle door. Twilight went to go answer the door hoping that Princess Luna had decided to stop in for a visit.

"Silver Spoon what a pleasant surprise!"

A Visit to the Castle Library

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Silver Spoon turned to page on the book she had been reading and was surprised that it had been the last page, she had become so involved to story that her subconscious mind had forgotten that she had been reading a book. Done already, I swear I just got this book from the library yesterday, oh well, maybe the Princess has more by this author. Silver Spoon began to pack her saddle bags making sure to pack the book she had just finished.

"MOM! I'm going to the library." Silver Spoon called across the house.

"Ok honey, let me know if you are going to be late," Her mom called back, "Have fun with Diamond Tiara."

Silver Spoon grimaced, her best friend, Diamond Tiara was on vacation in Vanhoover, and her mother should of known that. Well, atleast I am getting to catch up on my reading this summer, Silver Spoon thought as she walked out of the large house and started walking in the direction of Princess Twilight's castle, stopping off at Sugarcube Corner to buy some cookies and a piece of carrot cake. While she was there she looked in on the cake twins who she would foalsit when Pinkie Pie wasn't available. As soon as he saw her, Pound Cake wanted to play a game of snatch the cookie, which made Silver Spoon laugh.

As she walked toward the castle Silver Spoon thought she saw Pinkie Pie and her friends leaving in a hurry but she didn't see Princess Twilight so she hoped that Twilight was still there. Silver Spoon reached the castle's front door and knocked
gently on the door, expecting the dragon Spike to answer like he normally did, instead she got the princess herself.

"Silver Spoon! what a pleasant surprise!" Twilight exclaimed. Silver Spoon thought that the princess looked upset, like she had a big problem.

"Hello Princess Twilight, I'm here to return that book I borrowed and to see if you have any others by the same author." Silver Spoon said, no matter how many times she came to the castle she was always breath taken with its beauty.

"Book, what book, oh the one you borrowed yesterday, you have finished it already, wow, I think I do have some more by that author," Twilight said, "Silver Spoon do you know anypony in town who could watch Flurry Heart for me, You see I am needed to go solve a friendship problem and I can't bring her with me."

"I could watch her for you, I foalsit the Cake twins whenever Pinkie Pie is unavailable." Silver Spoon said noticing Flurry Heart for the first time, She is so adorable!

"Really, you would do that I can't thank you enough. her diapers are in the closet by the bathroom. if she gets hungry there are smashed peas and applesauce in the kitchen and if she gets upset just giver here this." Twilight said, using her magic to levitate whammy over to Silver Spoon.

The Adventure Begins

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Silver Spoon couldn't get over how adorable Flurry Heart was. She was also surprised at how well behaved the little foal was. She hadn't cried when her aunt had left, instead she had just stared at Silver with those big opal eyes of hers.

"So would you like to play a game?" Silver Spoon asked. Flurry nodded in response and used her magic to levitate two teddy bear over. She grabbed one.

"Grrrr!" Flurry Heart growled.

"Oh no a big scary bear has escaped from the Everfree Forest!" Silver said laughing and proceeded to trot around the castle library as Flurry Heart chased her growling.

After a while Silver Spoon heard another type of growl.

"Uh oh, is somepony hungry?" she asked. Flurry nodded, "what would you like, applesauce or smashed peas?" Flurry pointed at the smashed peas.

Silver Spoon opened a jar of smashed peas and put a little on a foal sized spoon and tasted them herself, she thought they tasted bland and made a face. Then she took another small spoon full and moved it toward Flurry Heart.

"The Wonderbolts are coming in to land vroom, pew, pew," she said as she moved the spoon around to get the young foal to open her mouth, when she did Silver Spoon quickly put the spoon of peas in her mouth. The next spoon full wasn't so easy as Flurry Heart used her magic to fling peas across the room.

After Flurry Heart had finally finished eating her peas, most of which ended up decorating the map room, Flurry let out a big yawn.

"Some pony needs a nap" Silver Spoon said, and carried her to a crib that Twilight had set up for Flurry Heart.
"Would you like me to read you a bedtime story?" Silver Spoon asked. Again Flurry Heart nodded. Silver Spoon went into the Library and could feel the little princess watching her as she left the room, she came back take a minute later holding a thin story book.

"This one is perfect, you will love it," Silver Spoon said, "it's titled 'The Princess and the Pea'." Flurry cocked her head to the side when she heard the title. By the time Silver Spoon had completed the story Flurry Heart was sound asleep. Silver Spoon took one look around the map room and thought to herself, Now to clean up this mess!

Cleaning up the toys scattered around didn't take long. However cleaning up the smashed peas, which had begun to dry, took longer then Silver Spoon expected. She looked around the Map Room, everything sparkled like it should and Silver Spoon hoped that this would convince both Princess Cadence and Princess Twilight to let her watch Flurry Heart more often. Then she noticed that Flurry Heart's Crib was empty! The young princess was missing!

Hide and Seek

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Silver was doing her best not to panic. If something happened to Flurry it would be her fault and nopony would ever let her foalsit again.

"Breathe Silvy, she can't have gotten far." Silver Spoon said. Maybe she crawled under the map table or one of the thrones. No such luck. "Where could she be?"

*giggle* Where did that come from? At least she is somewhere in the castle Silver Spoon thought heading into the library. Nothing seemed out of place.

*giggle* It doesn't sound like she is in here.

Silver Spoon looked down the hallway and saw one door ajar so she headed toward it. Peeking inside she saw the the room seemed to hold Spike's comic book collection and after carefully searching the room she determined that Flurry Heart wasn't in this room either. Silver Spoon decided to make her way back to the Map Room.

"I'll never be allowed to foalsits ever again if I lose the Princess! Oh no, I may be exiled from Equestria! Where would I go? What would my friends think? My parents are going to disown me!" Silver Spoon was on the verge of crying, "Calm down Silvy, you got this. And now I am talking to myself."

She looked once more around the Map Room.


Silver Spoon's ears perked up, she had defiantly heard a splat like noise coming from the grand hallway and she took off running. At first she didn't see anything except a pile of stuffed animals. Wait a minute did those teddy bears just move?

Silver Spoon began to slowly remove stuffed toys from the pile until she found an open jar of smashed peas, followed by a teddy bear who appeared to be wearing smashed pea green make-up. After setting the bear aside Silver Spoon found her self looking at a pea covered princess.

"There you are. You had me so scared. Please don't run off again." Silver Spoon said. "Lets get you cleaned up before your Auntie Twilight gets home." She had just finished cleaning up Flurry Heart and had just put her to bed when Twilight walked in the door.

"I'm home! Thank so much for watching Flurry Heart. I hop that she wasn't too much trouble." Twilight said.

"Shhhhh! I just put her down. She wasn't any trouble at all." Silver Spoon responded.

A few days later Silver Spoon was once again knocking on the castle door.

"Good afternoon Silver Spoon, need another book?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, but I also wanted to give something to Flurry Heart." Silver Spoon said holding up a delicately wrapped package.

"Sure, come on in." as soon as Flurry Heart saw Silver Spoon her eyes lit up brighter than usual.

"Hey the little bit, I have something for you." Silver Spoon said. Flurry looked at Silver Spoon, the at the package then at Twilight, and then back at the package.

"Its ok Bug." Twilight said reassuringly.

An aura of yellow magic enveloped the package as Flurry tore into it sending wrapping paper flying. It would be days before Twilight and Spike would find all the pieces. Inside the package was a pea green stuffed toy bugbear. Flurry Heart flapped her wings and landed on Silver Spoons back giving her a big hug.

"Silvy!" Flurry Heart said.