Sex Wars: Episode IV – Siblings Divided

by The Eroticator

First published

Two young ponies on the cusp of adulthood are slowly being consumed by lust. Both will find that their destiny was far greater than they could have imagined. But when fate puts them on opposite sides of an ancient conflict, who will prevail?

Ten years from now, on the planet we all wish we were on….

Uncertainty! Two young ponies on the cusp of adulthood find themselves slowly being consumed by lust. Pumpkin Cake is disturbed by the thought that her body may no longer be her own, wishing to control her urges. Pound Cake is tired of restraining himself, and wishes he could mount mares with abandon.

Both ponies will find that their destiny was far greater than they could have imagined. But when fate puts them on opposite sides of an ancient conflict, who will prevail?

This story is a thematic crossover with the Star Wars franchise, and contains ample quantities of both types of plot. Even readers who only enjoy one type should be satisfied. Also, I must warn you, there will be instances of dubious consent in later chapters. – The Eroticator

Chapter I

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Pumpkin Cake walked slowly home though Ponyville, wearing a numb expression. Her hooves crunched the gravel beneath them as she stared at nothing. This wasn't for a lack of things to stare at, mind you. Ever since Twilight's ascension, the town had rapidly expanded, and was practically too big now to have the word 'ville' in the name, despite having maintained its rustic charm.

She sighed, internally cursing her mind's great tendency to wander as she flicked an errant, yet-to-sprout acorn off the beaten path. Pumpkin had an uncomfortable amount in common with that acorn.

She had just finished another talent exploration session with Sweetie Belle, and the result was the same as ever. All three mares were still stumped as to what her talent was supposed to be, and so was she. Thankfully, none of the other ponies from school were there to accost her about it. And honestly? Pumpkin couldn't blame them. After all, she was practically a mare herself now. Not having a cutie mark was like the cherry on top of the turd pile that was her life now.

Passing through the bustling market was not only the shortest route to her home from pretty much anywhere in town, it was also the most interesting. As she trotted between the lines of shopping ponies, she forced herself to actually pay attention. It was the afternoon rush, and dozens of ponies were weaving to and fro in pursuit of the best deals on fresh produce, hoofcrafted goods, and exciting trinkets.

On her left: carrots. On her right: horseshoes. And on and on. Everypony was exercising their special talent in one way or another, grins on their faces and wind in their manes. The wind performed especially well as it ruffled the mane of one particular stallion: Rooibos, the young tea farmer. Only his forelegs were visible, but they were clearly quite toned from work in the fields. Pumpkin could almost imagine that winning smile was directed at her instead of the mare across from the counter.

A few steps later, she felt it again: that uncomfortable wetness between her legs. Groaning, Pumpkin pressed her tail more tightly against herself as she willed the sensation away. Of course, she'd been well informed about puberty and sex from her parents, but that didn't make her any more ready for either. No matter how many times she'd explored the idea, Pumpkin hated what was happening to her. The thought of rubbing her genitals against somepony else's - stallion or mare - was repugnant. And the fact that her body continued to disagree was getting on her nerves even more than her continued lack of a destiny.

It was like... the older she got, the less control she had over her own actions. And that scared her.

Before she knew it, Pumpkin had arrived at Sugarcube Corner. Shaking her head, she stepped though the back entrance. "Mom, dad, I'm home!"

"Welcome back, sweetie!" called her mom from the storefront.

Her dad trotted out of the kitchen, quickly wiping the flour off his hooves. "Hi, Pumpkin! How was school?"

"Same as usual: sucky."

Carrot frowned at that, placing a hoof on her shoulder. "Things will turn around soon, just be patient. Everypony gets their cutie mark eventually."

Pumpkin rolled her eyes. "Now where have I heard that before?"

"It's true!" insisted Carrot. Then, he asked "Are you sure you don't want to try baking again? It's in our blood."

"I'm sure. And honestly, that's not really the issue."


She turned away, unable to meet his eyes. "It's... this whole stupid puberty thing. I know you're supposed to get used to it, but I'm not. I just want it to stop."

"Hmm. Well, Pumpkin, I'm not sure what to say to that. Sex is a natural part of our lives as ponies, and you're just going to have to accept it."

Pumpkin pushed his hoof off her. "No I don't! There has to be something I can do!"

Carrot's expression pained at his daughter's distress. "I'm sorry, Pumpkin, but as far as I know there isn't. Maybe you could ask Princess Twilight, and see what she knows?"

Pumpkin blinked. That was actually a great idea. Obviously she couldn't give her a cutie mark, but if there was anypony who could do something to quell these... urges, it would be the Princess of Magic herself. She wanted to go see Twilight right this second!

"Thanks dad!" Beaming, Pumpkin embraced him in a quick hug and immediately galloped off to the door.

"Be home before dinner!"

* * *

Pumpkin reached the tall gates of Twilight's castle just as another group of ponies were leaving, the satisfied gleam in their eyes a clear sign that they'd just had a friendship problem solved.

After adjusting her mane, she entered, her eyes immediately meeting Twilight's. She sat at her Friendship Reception Desk with a quill held in her magic and papers neatly stacked.

"Oh, hello Pumpkin! I haven't seen you in a while. Judging by the fact that you're here during open court, I take it you have something to ask?"

Pumpkin nodded. "Yeah. But it's, uh, kinda private. Can you close the gate for a bit?"

Now somewhat concerned, Twilight channeled a portion of her immense magic and conjured a bubble of silence around them. "There. Nopony else will be able to hear you. Now, what's the matter?"

Pumpkin fidgeted in place. She hadn't thought about how hard admitting this to royalty - even friendly royalty - would be. "Uhh..."

"It's fine," reassured Twilight. "You can tell me anything."

"Can you stop puberty?" Pumpkin finally asked.

"Stop puberty?"

Pumpkin nodded. "I know arousal is supposed to be a good, normal thing, but I just don't like all these weird new feelings! I'm afraid I'll lose myself."

"Well. That's a new one," she said.

"So, can you help?"

Twilight tapped the quill against her forehead. "Unfortunately, short of turning you back into a foal, there's nothing I can do. But luckily for you, I think there are some ponies who would be more than happy to help you."

Pumpkin cocked her head to the side. That wasn't the answer she has been expecting. "Really? Who?"

"First: a quick lesson. Do you know what 'rape' is?"

"That's when a pony forces another pony to have sex when they don't want to, right?"

"Correct," said Twilight. "And of all the various crimes a pony can commit, rape is actually the least common."

"Really?" Pumpkin asked. "That seems wrong. Wouldn't murder be the rarest?"

"So you'd think. But there is, in fact, an ancient order of ponies whose sworn duty is to discreetly temper lust before it gets that far. There are always a few stationed in every settlement at any given time. Otherwise, with most ponies not wearing clothes, we'd be seeing rapists all over the place."

"And these ponies are the ones who can help me?"

"Yes. They are known as the Absta Knights, and they train their bodies and minds intensely within a temple high in the Canterhorn Mountains. From what I understand, they're always looking to recruit ponies like you and pass on their unique magic," Twilight added, smiling.

The Absta Knights, protecting ponies from those with carnal desires, presumably including themselves. Yes, Pumpkin very much liked the sound of that. "How soon can I start?"

Twilight giggled. "As soon as your parents say you can. Then, I'll put you in touch with our local Absta Knights and they can take you to their temple."

Pumpkin was so excited now she could almost start pronking in place. "Awesome!"

"Just bring your parents here if they approve, and then I can send you on your way."

"I can't believe I'd never heard about this! Thanks, Twilight!"

"No problem at all, it was my pleasure, Pumpkin. Here's hoping you have a bright future as an Absta Knight!"

Pumpkin very much hoped so too.

* * *

Pound Cake stood inside a small art studio, bored and annoyed. In front of him was an easel, and in his wing was a paintbrush. He could already tell that the still life he had halfway finished painting was terrible. This was but the latest in a long string of activities designed to help him find his calling, courtesy of Apple Bloom. Of course, nothing was working.

The mare in question stood off to the side, observing. "Well? What are you thinking, Pound? Is this any fun?"

"No, not really," he replied, twisting to face her.

"Aww, shoot. We'll just have to keep trying new things, then."

"I guess so."

Apple Bloom walked over, her tail swishing back and forth slightly as she moved. Pound watched her intently, unable to look away as she effortlessly picked up the easel and placed it in the corner. Then, she came back and stared earnestly into his eyes.

"Is there anything new you can think of that you might want to try?" she asked.

At that, he gulped. If he was being honest with himself, the main reason Pound still bothered showing up to these CMC sessions at all was because he got to spend time with Apple Bloom. Because sweet celestia, was she hot. Even before his hormones kicked in, Pound knew Apple Bloom was beautiful, certainly living up to her name, in that the past few years had been very kind to her. Helping out at Sweet Apple Acres in her spare time had left Apple Bloom with a perfectly toned ass, lean legs, and a coat that practically shined. Her barely-brushed mane gave her a look that just screamed country charm.

His cock certainly knew what he wanted to do, as both it and his wings were beginning to stiffen in anticipation. Her face was only a hoof-length away from his, and they were completely alone. But did he really have the balls to just ask her to take his virginity?

Yes. Yes he did.

"Actually..." Pound began, "now that you mention it, there is something I would very much like to do."

"Oh? What is it?"

Pound smirked, threw the paintbrush away, and then reached over to pull her down into a kiss, his tongue easily pushing past the lips of the surprised mare. After a few tantalizing seconds, he broke away and spoke a single word. "You."

Apple Bloom's eyes widened, a blush forming on her cheeks. "P-Pound Cake! That's..."

"I know, I know, it's sudden. But I'm young, I'm horny, and you're sexy as hell. Plus, it technically would be a new experience for me."

She blinked a few times, still processing what he'd said. "I, uh, don't know what to say."

Pound leaned in closer, his dick continuing to harden. "Say yes. Just think of it like this: sex is supposed to feel amazing, right? Imagine how good you'll feel if it turns out my destiny is sex-related."

Now it was Apple Bloom's turn to gulp. For a moment, she just stood there, her breathing slowly becoming heavier. Then, she spoke. "Alright. Let's do it. Fuck me, right here."

She didn't have to tell him twice. Unable to hold himself back any longer, Pound once again locked lips with Apple Bloom. Now, though, she reciprocated, her tongue showing his the ropes as she pushed inside to explore every nook and cranny of his mouth. Soon, they were groping eachother's bodies madly with their hooves, squeezing and fondling flesh like ponies possessed.

Apple Bloom's hind legs gave out from under her, and she collapsed to the floor, panting in need. This was the final push Pound needed, and his cock emerged fully, engorged and prepared.

When she saw it, Apple Bloom gasped. "Damn, you're thick for your age."

Pound slowly stroked her neck, the delightful scent of a mare's arousal hitting his nose for the first time. "That smell means we can cut to the case now?"

In reply, she lifted her tail and tucked her legs under herself. "I like it the old fashioned way."

In his mind, Pound laughed. This was almost too good to be true! Unable to wait one more second, Pound quickly stepped around to face Apple Bloom's incredible plot and beheld her moist, sweet pie, ripe for the taking. Then he lined himself up and took the plunge.

Immediately, her folds squeezed down on him in the best possible way. If anything, everypony was underselling how good it felt, and he hadn't even started thrusting yet!

Once he did, the pleasure rose even further, and his muscles started clenching on their own as he hilted himself inside Apple Bloom over and over. Her moans of ecstasy egged Pound on, his balls contracting as his dick throbbed with need. Soon, he found himself grabbing her sides for leverage as he went faster and faster.

"H-Holy crap, you feel amazing," he managed.

"Don't stop! I didn't realize how much I - unf - needed this."

Pound obliged, gripping her body tightly with his hooves as he continued to penetrate her. "How good am I?"

"You're the best I've ever had!" she exclaimed between moans. "I think I'm going to cum already!"

Given the electrifying sensations running through his penis, it took him a moment to think of a response. "We've come this far, don't hold out on me. I wanna feel it though you."

That was all it took to get Apple Bloom over the edge. She screamed, her spine and butt locking in place as orgasm rocked her body. Her pussy started to ripple and clench like crazy, which triggered Pound's own climax.

All thoughts save one emptied out of Pound's mind along with the semen from his balls as he shot his load straight into her. He had never imagined that actually ejaculating inside a mare would feel this much better than masturbation, but it definitely did.

After what felt like an eternity of bliss, they both rode out their respective orgasms and relaxed, completely spent. Pound had no reason to move, so he just lay on top of Apple Bloom, his body rising and falling with her breaths.

"Best. Idea. Ever," said Apple Bloom.

"Yeah," Pound eloquently replied.

She glanced over at his flank, which was still bare. "I'd ask you to come back next week to do this again, but that would be selfish of me. You'll probably have to... confirm you skills with some other mares before your cutie mark appears. Then I'll have you fuck my brains out again."

Pound snorted. "I'll gladly take you up on that."

* * *

Pound Cake could not stop thinking about what had just happened. He'd had sex with one of the hottest mares in town, and she loved it. Now, as he walked home with a spring in his step, he couldn't help but stare at every young mare he passed. Each was no longer just eye candy, all of them were now potential sources of delicious ecstasy, his for the taking. Of course, he knew he couldn't just walk up to somepony with a raging boner and mount them in the middle of the street, as much as he wished he could.

Even if it wasn't his talent after all, Pound knew he would most definitely become addicted to sex. There was no way he could ever get married when he might sample every warm delicacy Equestria had to offer instead. If he hadn't just tired himself out, Pound figured he was liable to get hard again just by thinking about all the things he wanted to try next.

However, this line of reasoning was instantly shattered when he caught a whiff of something on the breeze. It was a scent he had first sniffed less than an hour ago: mare in heat. But, somehow, it was way stronger than Apple Bloom had smelled, even though he was literally on top of her at the time.

Enraptured, Pound immediately changed course, taking to the air to follow the smell to its source. Strangely, nopony else walking about seemed to notice, but that just meant more for him! A few other ponies waved hello as he flew past, but he didn't acknowledge them, being too focused on the task at hoof.

The scent trail cut a straight path to the edge of town, and then kept going into Whitetail Woods, which forced him to land. After a few more minutes of trotting under branches and over small shrubs, Pound emerged into a small clearing. Parked in the middle of the clearing was a nondescript wooden wagon.

"Hello? Is anypony in there?" he said, loudly enough for any occupants to hear. "This is kinda awkward, but I actually... smelled you from town."

At first, Pound thought something must have been wrong with his nose, and that he had just wandered into the woods for no reason. But then, the door to the wagon opened, and out stepped a teal pegasus mare with a two-toned pink and purple mane. she was wearing a sheer, black skirt that hugged her curves.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" she said. "I've been waiting a long time for a fine colt like you."

Pound started to sweat. In the looks department, this mare wasn't even close to Apple Bloom, only slightly above average. However, everything else about her just oozed sex. The way she spoke, the way she moved... it pressed all his buttons, some of which he didn't even know he had until now.

All he could manage was an "Uhh..."

The mare giggled, slowly sashaying her way towards him. "Oh, I could just eat you up. But that can wait until after dark. Instead, I'm going to help you fulfill your wildest dreams."

Pound kept staring. "That... sounds great. I'm Pound Cake."

She began circling his body, taking him in from all sides. "A fitting name. I'm Banana Bliss, a Rutyu Savant. I take it you've never heard of the Rutyu?"

Pound shook his head.

"Well, we Rutyu aren't a very large group. But we possess the power to control all living things through their most primal instinct: lust. For a long time, I've been traveling Equestria, seeking somepony to tutor in the ancient gift of the Rutyu. That fact that you're here means that the potential for this power lies within you. Tell me: how would you like the ability to make a mare wet just by looking at her? To make any virgin filly want you with every fiber of her being?"

Pound's jaw dropped. "Fuck yes."

"Then become my apprentice. With practice, I think you will be able to do all that and more."

On one hoof, this struck Pound as being incredibly suspect. On the other, this mare had clearly lured him here with some sort of spell, and was not a unicorn. Therefore, he had ample reason to believe Banana Bliss was telling the truth. From what he knew, not even Twilight could cast targeted mind magic over such a distance. Plus, what she was offering would basically be the best thing ever.

He smiled. "Banana Bliss, you've got yourself a student."

"Excellent. For now, return to your home. Then, once night falls and everypony believes you're asleep, sneak out and meet me back here." She reached over and caressed his cheek with a wing. "I'll be waiting."

Pound just stood there in awe as she made her way back to the wagon. Every part of him was in agreement: he would follow this mare to the end of Equestria and back.

Even if he never got any powers, he knew this was going to be fun.

Chapter II

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Pumpkin Cake cantered behind Princess Twilight along with her parents. She had been ecstatic to hear that they approved of her decision to try and join the ranks of the Absta Knights. While Twilight's presence drew some stares, Pumpkin tuned them out to focus on the ministrations of her mom and dad.

"So, I'm sure I don't need to tell you to be wary of strangers given where you're going, but please stay safe," said Cup Cake.

"You're going to be really high up, so don't go too close to edge of the temple," added Carrot.

Her mom nodded in affirmation. "And don't push your magic too hard! They probably won't have any unicorn doctors either."

Pumpkin rolled her eyes. "I know, I know. The magic I'm going to be learning isn't even specific to unicorns."

"But still! I won't be there with you to give you any motherly advice, so I have to give you as much as I can before you go," said Cup.

"Ok, that's fair," said Pumpkin, smiling.

It was then that Twilight cleared her throat. "Sorry to interrupt, but we're here."

'Here' turned out to be a fairly ordinary house near the center of town. The only distinguishing feature it had was sign over the door with an azure blue hexagon painted on it. More notable was the royal chariot parked in front, complete with two pegasus guards.

Twilight pressed the doorbell with her magic, and it swung open to reveal an earth pony stallion in a simple brown robe that covered his whole body. This struck Pumpkin as incredibly fitting attire for an Absta, based on how they had been described to her. The stallion had a long, straight brown mane and a light green coat.

Upon seeing Twilight at his doorstep, he dipped into a slight bow. "It is an honor as always, Princess."

"Hello, Master Quinoa," she replied. "I've brought Pumpkin Cake, as we previously discussed. I think she'll be very receptive to your teachings!"

"Thank you," he said. Twilight shuffled to the side so he could step out. When he saw Pumpkin, he grinned. "It's a pleasure to meet you, young one. My name is Quinoa Gin, and it will be my pleasure to train you in the ways of the Absta."

Pumpkin managed to hold back a delighted squee and instead replied "Yes, sir."

"Right to the formalities, eh? We haven't even begun your training yet!" he said. Then, he turned. "And these must be your lovely parents."

"Why, yes we are," said Cup, chuckling.

"We really couldn't be prouder of our baby girl," said Carrot as he nuzzled Pumpkin's cheek.

"Daaaad," moaned Pumpkin. "Not in front of my new teacher!"

Quinoa laughed. "Take your time to say your goodbyes. It will probably be a while before you return to Ponyville."

Pumpkin realized he had a point, and stopped trying to push Carrot away. Most everything that needed to be said was already worked out of their systems, so Cup just joined in the hug as they silently embraced. Pumpkin might get homesick later, but for now she just wanted to enjoy the moment.

"I just wish Pound was here. Why did he have to pick yesterday to sneak off with his friends, again?" Pumpkin asked.

"Oh, you know your brother," said Cup. "I'm sure he'll turn up for a homemade lunch like he always does."

"I'll have him write you a goodbye letter," said Carrot. "Be sure to stay in touch with us too, you hear?"

Pumpkin nodded. "I will."

With that, Pumpkin pulled away, walking over to Quinoa. "I'm ready. Let's go."

"Great, then let's be off," said Quinoa.

As she made her way over to the chariot, Pumpkin realized something. "Wait a minute. If you're coming back with me, who's going to watch Ponyville?"

Quinoa hopped into the back of the vehicle with ease. "No need to worry, my best acolyte will stay here, and he needs the experience anyway."

"Got it," she said, climbing in after him.

"Goodbye, sweetie!" Cup exclaimed, waving.

"Take care, and good luck!" added Carrot.

Pumpkin waved back. "Bye mom, bye dad!"

"Alright, gentlecolts, to the temple," said Quinoa.

And so, they took to the skies. Pumpkin poked her head out a bit to watch her parents and Twilight recede into the distance.

* * *

"We're here."

Quinoa's voice snapped Pumpkin out of her stupor. "What? Sorry, I was lost in thought."

He smiled, pointing with a hoof. "Look."

Look she did. They were smack dab in the middle of the mountains now, past Canterlot. And sitting atop a tall peak was a structure the likes of which she had never seen. It looked almost like a pyramid with the top shaved off, only it was carved from the solid stone of the mountain itself. Said top was occupied by a vast courtyard, with various patches of trees and other plants breaking up wide open fields. She could see small specks all over that were most likely ponies, and another large blue hexagon was painted on the side wall. From this high up, the view of the valley below was incredible, though it was slightly harder for her to breathe.

"Woah," she said.

"Yes, it is somewhat impressive. Though what really matters is what goes on inside," Quinoa said. "We can - and do- work to guide acolytes all across Equestria."

Soon, the chariot came in for a landing near the edge of the temple roof. Now Pumpkin could clearly see the Absta in the midst of various activities. Groups of teenaged ponies of all three races, clad in their robes, were being instructed by one or two adult Absta Knights.

Quinoa helped Pumpkin out of the chariot, though she barely noticed. Almost as soon as Pumpkin's hooves touched the stone, the two guards gave crisp salutes and flew away with their ride.

Normally, whenever there had been a new foal at school, everypony went nuts scrambling over eachother to introduce themselves and ask questions. But the other teenaged Absta were so focused on their training that they didn't even seem to realize she was there. The part of her that wasn't disappointed was eager to attain that level of concentration.

"So what are we doing first?" she asked. "Will you be teaching me to suppress my urges?"

"Patience. Beforehoof, I have to find a room for you," Quinoa replied. "Then, we'll be spending most all of our time working you up to that."

As much as she would have liked immediate results, this was important enough to Pumpkin that she wanted to do it right. "Yes, Master Quinoa."

"Good answer."

Pumpkin was then led down a staircase and entered the temple proper. Small holes carved into the left wall offered let in light from outside, while pathways branching inwards were lit by magelights. She wasn't surprised by the complete lack of any sort of decoration.

"Before anypony can learn to control the power of temperance that lies within all living things," began Quinoa, "they must first hone their own mind and body to a greater state. To do this, we Absta employ various traditional means to suppress and overcome our other natural limits."

Pumpkin's brow creased as they kept walking. "When you put it like that, it sounds really hard."

"I can be, but only if you allow it. The key is letting go of that which binds you, and adapting to a life free of want."

"Free of want? But isn't it good to have dreams?"

He hummed at that. "This isn't an eastern monastery. Having desires won't preclude you from understanding the truth. But caring deeply for too much will make learning how to use your power far more difficult."

That made sense to her. But she still wanted to clarify. "So, like, I can still have chocolate milk sometimes, but should try not to get upset when I can't?"

Quinoa snorted. "I've never heard it put quite like that, but yes. It seems you get the gist."

They soon came upon a more narrow corridor with multiple wooden doors on either side. Pumpkin's money was on this being where the youngest acolytes stayed, and it turned out she was right. Quinoa pulled open one of the doors near the end, revealing a small, sparse bedroom. Another door in the back likely led to a bathroom.

"Make yourself at home," said Quinoa. "There should be two fresh sets of robes in the dresser, and the cot is more comfortable than it looks. I'll see myself out so you can change."

Once he shut the door, Pumpkin quickly donned her brand new Absta garb. The fit was slightly baggy, but she was so thrilled she didn't care. Wearing it made her feel like she was a proper knight already!

But that would have to wait until later. Now, she had her training under Master Quinoa to begin. And she couldn't wait to begin.

* * *

Pound Cake and Banana Bliss pulled the latter's wagon across the countryside, making their way south through untamed prairies. Basically nopony else was traveling this way, so they were free to discuss whatever they wanted without risk of eavesdroppers.

"So, Bliss, I've been wondering. What's in this wagon anyway?"

She wingshrugged. "Oh, the usual: food, water, clothes, bits, dozens of sex toys, and some potent Rutyu relics. I can't very well leave most of those unattended. Who knows when some random pony might stumble in and find them?"

Pound wondered what sort of things a pony like Bliss used behind closed doors. Hopefully he would find out firsthoof later. "So, relics? If they're so important, why do you have to watch them all by yourself? Actually, why is nopony else with you; how many ponies are part of the Rutyu?" asked Pound. "Because I hadn't heard of you guys at all until yesterday."

"Well, there's a perfectly simple reason for that," said Bliss in her usual dulcet tone. "As of now, it's just you and me."

Pound's libido took a backseat to his confusion. "Seriously? That's... not much of an organization. Wouldn't ponies be lining up to join a group with such attractive benefits?"

At that, her seductive smile vanished. "So you'd think. And in the distant past, long before Equestria even existed, the Rutyu were hundreds strong. But then the princesses entered the picture, and everything changed. They thought pony society should be modest. So, they worked together with the foul Absta to systematically wipe us out. Or so they believed they had."


"Ponies like us, except they use their power to quell lust."

Pound very much did not like the sound of that. He couldn't fathom how anypony would be crazy enough to become an Absta, given the alternative.

"After that," continued Bliss, "My predecessors created the Rule of Two, and from then on the Rutyu kept their existence well hidden from the Absta. There would only ever be two of us at a time: a master and an apprentice. One to give and one to receive."

"What, no threesomes?" Pound quipped.

"Oh, you can look forward to plenty of those," said Bliss. "They'll just be part of your studies."

Pound smirked. "I'm eager to learn. What if I wanted to get a head start on my training right now?"

"Hmm. An overachiever, eh?" Bliss' expression once again turned lecherous. "What was it you said you wanted? A head start? That can be arranged."

At that, she stopped moving, unhitching herself from the wagon, and Pound followed suit. Banana Bliss trained her gaze low along Pound's body and licked her lips. Suddenly, Pound felt his cock stiffening uncontrollably, as it practically rocketed out of its sheath and grew hard as a rock in seconds. Then, an aching need filled his mind, a demand that he stuff himself inside a mare right this second. Clearly, this was the work of his new master's lust magic, and Pound greatly appreciated the thought.

"There we go," said Bliss. Sauntering around him, she beckoned Pound to follow with a wing.

She didn't have to say another word, as Pound's body instinctually knew what she wanted. He placed his plot on the grass, landed back against the side of the wagon, and opened his legs to give her an unobstructed view of his throbbing stallionhood.

"Mmm, that looks good," she said, practically moaning.

"Don't mind me. Just dig in," said Pound.

Nodding, Bliss opened her mouth wide and plunged her head down onto his dick. Pound shuddered as he was enveloped by her soft, wet mouth. Not wasting any time, Bliss immediately swallowed, pulling Pound's penis into the undulating walls of her throat.

He was unable to hold back a guttural moan as she went to work, bobbing up and down on Pound's shaft as her tongue lapped at the base like a bitch in heat. Pound knew that performing a deepthroat was the most difficult sexual technique for a mare, and yet here was Banana Bliss, taking his entire cock eagerly and effortlessly.

He stared down at her as she increased her pace, sucking him off like a steam-powered piston. Her eyes rolled back into her head from the taste and pressure of his dick, her face contorted into a look of pure pleasure. The sight was too much for Pound's inexperienced member to take.

Wrapping his hooves around Bliss' skull, he yanked her into himself as his dick ejected its thick payload right into her waiting stomach. Pound's climax was tremendous, an impossible amount of cum pumping out of his nuts. When it finally ended, Bliss nonchalantly lifted herself up with a slurping sound, a string of saliva connecting her lips to his tip.

She let out a satisfied sigh. "I must say, that was delicious. I'll have to partake again sometime soon. I assume you had fun, too?"

Pound could only nod as he bathed in his afterglow. He knew this sort of supplemental education would be right up his alley.

"Great. I'm all filled up now, but you should probably have something to drink. The next leg of the trip will get rather hot, and not in the good way."

* * *

Banana Bliss wasn't kidding. Once they had traveled far enough, the land quickly dried up and gave way to a scorching desert. Hooves weren't made for sand, so the going was slow, but Pound was so satisfied with that blowjob that they could be going to Tartarus for all he cared.

Eventually, a towering shape became visible in the distance, and they followed a worn path through the dunes to reach it. It was probably the weirdest settlement that Pound had ever seen. Ramshackle wooden buildings were crammed next to and on top of eachother with no rhyme or reason, reaching many stories up. As they approached, it became apparent that the inhabitants included many non-pony races, from bipedal fishkin to lizardfolk.

"Welcome to Kludgetown, the best place for a budding Rutyu to learn under the sun," said Bliss. "Ponies almost never come here. It offends their delicate sensibilities. No fetish is off limits, and nobody cares what anybody else is doing if they aren't buying."

"No ponies?" Pound asked. That was kind of a letdown, but at least he had Bliss.

"Nope," she replied. "But trying new things is why you're here after all. We'll get started on your training as soon as I track us down a place to stay. Make sure to always act confident so they don't try to take advantage of you."

Pound wrapped a hoof around her withers and winked. "That won't be a problem."

"You're adorable."

"Yeah, yeah," said Pound. "Get moving, hot stuff."

Bliss giggled at that, and the pair of them cantered off into town.

Chapter III

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And so, Pumpkin's training began.

Quinoa started her off small, with some fitness activities and basic martial arts. She jogged each day under Celestia's beating sun, sweating under her robes. She repeated the punching, bucking, and blocking forms shown to her - each honed over the centuries - hundreds of times under his watch. Pumpkin even pushed the endurance of her unicorn magic, levitating large rocks for minutes at a time.

Needless to say, her former existence as the daughter of bakers did little to prepare her for the rigors of such training. At first, she wondered if a militaristic existence was really necessary, until it began to show results. What fat she once had had burned off, to be replaced with healthy muscle. She found her mind was more alert in the morning, and her body less lethargic in the afternoon. Not to mention a reduction in her 'needs'.

There were also plenty of introductory texts Quinoa told her to read in the surprisingly large Absta library. History, Biology, Sociology, the works. Quinoa quizzed her on everything. Combined with the physical exercise, her respect for her new master and her resolve to see this through grew day by day. After a month or so, she was able to join up with the main group and learn with his other pupils.

She had already met most everypony beforehoof at meals, so the transition was rather seamless. Pumpkin made fast friends with a white-coated filly from Vanhoofer named Ringading and was acquainted with the all the others working under Quinoa.

Now, at Quinoa's request, Pumpkin stood atop a stone platform in a corner of the summit. She had no idea what he was up to, as they had never been to this particular area of the temple for training. The wind was absent, giving the isolated section a pristine calmness in combination with the emptiness beyond. Ringading and the four other ponies her age were lined up in a row with her as Quinoa looked on.

"I suppose you're wondering what it is we'll be doing today," said Quinoa. "Well, that's simple. I believe you are now ready to attempt unlocking your powers."

Pumpkin stifled a gasp, instead turning to meet Ringading's huge smile with one of her own. Finally!

"I know that look; don't get too excited now," said Quinoa. "We call this place the Meditation Square. As its name suggests, it's used for meditation. The first time controlling one's temperance is always the hardest. As with all things, it will become easier with practice. But you will start here."

She had read about this. Meditation was when a pony calmed themselves completely, and entered a sleep-like state while awake. The seating position sounded kindof awkward to her, though. Pumpkin's ears perked up, and she paid close attention to Quinoa.

"I will walk you through the process." He then laid down on the stone with his hind hooves crossed under his body. Pumpkin tried her best to imitate him, wiggling her limbs into an acceptable state as her peers did the same.

When he saw that they were all seated, Quinoa nodded. "Close your eyes. Focus only on the sound of my voice."

Pumpkin did so, the outside world melting away.

"Breathe in. And then out. Inhale. Exhale. Let your body guide you into a rhythm."

It took a bit, but Pumpkin soon got a handle on her breathing. The cool mountain air swirled back and forth through her lungs.

In the proverbial zone, she couldn't tell how long it was until Quinoa next spoke. It could have been a minute or an hour. "Very good. Now, reach deep within yourself. Feel the energy within your core, the well of instinct."

Her body and mind operating at the bare minimum, Pumpkin could easily access her sixth sense, the one that allowed her to feel magic. On the surface, she could envision her own magic, a pool of sky blue light, more clearly than ever before. But without any other distractions, she could now begin to make out another, deeper pool. Smaller and newer, but just as pervasive.

"When you find it, push beyond your animalistic nature. Pinch it shut."

Pumpkin heard, and she understood. This was her unwanted desire, as it manifested in her mind. She tested its boundaries, dipping a metaphorical hoof under the surface. It didn't affect her body, entranced as she was, but Pumpkin could tell that the way it bubbled upwards worked just like her spellcasting. Thus, she knew what she needed to do. She took a hold of this new reserve. It was harder than accessing magic through her horn, but it responded in the same way. But instead of drawing it outwards, she forced it down with willpower.

She saw the results through her mind's eye. The level of lust within her was pressed back through to wherever it came from, slowly draining away. Soon, there was none left at all. As quickly as new light arrived, Pumpkin's focus siphoned it away.

A tap on her shoulder jolted her out of her out of her trance. Pumpkin lifted her head to face a positively beaming Quinoa. He beckoned her silently to follow as he walked quietly away. When stood, she could feel the results. It was like all her other senses had been magnified, the clarity of thought she recently achieved extending throughout herself.

Only once she and Quinoa were far enough away from the others to avoid disturbing their meditation did he break his silence. "I can hardly believe it. You're a natural, Pumpkin. To achieve true temperance so quickly is a rare feat indeed. It took me dozens of attempts. "

"You sensed me do it?" she asked.

"Yes, I did. That's what you'll be trying next, while your friends work on their own."

As they walked through a copse of small trees, she could hear the insects chewing on the leaves. "It feels wonderful. I'm so much more aware, now."

"It does, doesn't it? Hold onto that feeling, as your body will reset itself every time you awake."

"So it only lasts for a day? Huh."

"If it didn't wear off, it would be unethical to use our gifts on other ponies, even abusers."

Ah. That made sense. "I'm not practicing on crazy ponies though, right?"

Quinoa snorted, then stopped in place. "No, no. You'll be practicing on them."

Pumpkin looked to where he pointed, spying a small animal den beneath a shrub. "Oh? I can hear movement, but what's in there?"

"Rabbits. They have the deepest wells of lust out of any mammal. It's easier for acolytes to find them with their newly developed perceptions."

Pumpkin giggled. "I guess that old expression is based on truth, then?"

"Yes, it is," said Quinoa, smiling. "Try searching for them with your mind whenever you're ready."


Pumpkin closed her eyes again. Now that she knew what she was looking for, she reached out, separating her attention from the boundaries of her own body. It wasn't easy, especially since she wasn't meditating, but Pumpkin eventually managed it.

She was almost shocked out of focus by the sheer amount of life all around her. The energy of creation unchecked was everywhere. While most of the sources she could sense (she could sense life!) were fairly dim and controlled, like melting icicles, a few much more obvious ones erupted like fountains. The two biggest were right where she knew the rabbits to be.

But when she tried to pinch those streams off, Pumpkin encountered far more resistance than with her own pool of desire. Likely because the rabbits actually wanted to keep doing what they were doing.

"Great job," said Quinoa. "You don't have to try calming them yet, you've accomplished more than enough for today."

But she didn't listen. Pumpkin had almost gotten a grip on the bunnies, pushing the idea of restraint closer and closer. But that alone wasn't enough. So she took more, using the part of herself that had seen what she could be without her urges to supplement her will. She told their subconscious minds to simmer down, and also why they should stop.

That was enough. The gift of temperance had now been spread. Because of her. When she looked, the pair of rabbits had left their den, ears straight and alert, and hopped off to go get food, or whatever else a temporarily enlightened rabbit did. In any case, they were certainly better off. And Pumpkin could continue to spread that gift, changing lives. She would do as much.

Quinoa stared at her in surprise as a sudden flash of light brightened her robes. A huge grin on her face, Pumpkin briefly pulled them up with her horn, revealing a metal padlock on her flank.

Quinoa met her smile with one of his own. "Well I'll be. It seems you really were born for this."

"Can I go tell my friends?"

"Of course. They've probably had enough meditation for today anyway. Just don't make a habit out of disrobing around the temple," he joked.

Laughing, Pumpkin galloped off back to the square to share the great news. She could hardly believe it, but it definitely happened. She was a genuine Absta Knight now!

* * *

Pound couldn't be more satisfied with the curriculum of his Rutyu education under Bliss. As it turned out, the first step in becoming a Rutyu was gaining a near-perfect understanding of one's sexual tastes. He and Bliss did pretty much everything that could be done between two consenting ponies, including many activities he hadn't even heard of.

They tried some BDSM, with Pound experiencing both sides. They tried role play using almost a dozen different costumes, from nurse to wonderbolt. He'd donned a strap-on and penetrated both her holes at once. And those were just the obvious kinks. On one day, he and Bliss slathered themselves from head to hoof in oil before fucking like animals. On another, they put on black market invisibility collars and banged on top of some poor guy's awning in the center of town at high noon.

And the best part? Bliss kept using her powers on Pound and herself so they never ran out of stamina.

He couldn't wait to find out what she had planned for today. At this point, he'd literally ran out of things to suggest.

Bliss was a night owl, so Pound had finished frying up some protein-rich eggs for breakfast by the time she awoke from their shared bed. Even while half-awake, Bliss was drop-dead sexy, her hips rocking in a hypnotic fashion automatically as she walked up to the table.

"So, what's on the schedule for today?" Pound asked as he served her a plate.

Bliss held up a hoof as a signal to wait while she shoveled eggs into her mouth, her tail waving back and forth. "'Scuse me. Actually, Pound, I think you're ready for the next phase of your training: fully channeling your inner lust."

Pound's brows rose. "Really? That's awesome! How's it going to work?"

"Lay down on your back and spread your legs," she said in a commanding tone that sent shivers down his spine. Pound complied immediately, his coat pressing into the floor.

Nodding, and with a sly grin, Bliss stood, going over to the freezer. She then reached in, grabbed a bag of ice, and threw it smack dab onto his penis. The pressure was nice, but the cold very much was not.

"Uh, ok," said Pound. "That's... not entirely unpleasant, but I'm pretty sure I won't be able to get hard like this, even if you put on a show for me."

"That's the point. You're going to will yourself erect. I'll go step by step."

Now it made sense. If he could master this, Pound would be well on his way to becoming a full Rutyu Savant. "Yes, babe."

"Now, close your eyes," instructed Bliss. "Draw on your memories of all the good times we've had together. Remember how it felt."

Pound did so. He ignored the current icy sensation in his cock and instead pictured the acts of debauchery he had performed with her, one after the other. He recalled the wild sensations his body was rewarded with each time, and his heart began to pound.

"Good. Next, channel your magic, and then look deeper. Into the core of your being, the same core we all share."

At first, he didn't really know what she meant. He could feel his pegasus magic, sure as rain, and drew it into his wings like he always did. But then, keeping that sublime, unparalleled ecstasy in mind, he could feel something else. There actually was something deeper, and he knew it would feel much better tapping into that power instead.

Bliss kept guiding him. "Reach in. Erupt. Let the lust flow through you."

It was almost too simple. From what he was feeling, Pound knew that what he had to do was almost exactly what she'd described. He could use the force of his brain, shaping his thoughts into a sort of metaphoric mind dick, one strong enough to pierce into the depths of his own soul. Pound broke through the barriers holding himself back, and the dam of primeval energy burst, filling his being.

When he opened his eyes, he had a raging boner, and the bag of ice had been pushed off his stomach.

"Excellent. Got it in one, hot stuff," said Bliss as she winked at him. "I'll give you a quickie, and then we can move on to the fun part."

* * *

Pound walked side by side with Bliss though Kludgetown, watching the various creatures milling about. It was almost lunchtime, and many ladies and gentlebeings were looking for the best - ie: least disgusting - local cuisine on offer. He probably wouldn't be looking for that kind of meal, though.

"So, let me guess," Pound said. "You want me to pick out someone I like and then try to get them to do something naughty with me, right?"

"If you can. It took me multiple tries before I could do anything besides just making somebody really horny," admitted Bliss. "Even just making a girl run home and jill off would be a success. But if you come up with some specific desire, by all means, try and have her fulfill it."

"As if I would settle for anything less," he replied.

She laughed at that.

Afterwards, Pound began his search in earnest. The locals had gotten used to him by now, and barely paid him any mind, which made getting away with some ogling a trivial matter. Most of the female Kludgians weren't much to look at, even though he was open minded in terms of species. A wrinkly old turtle here, a hunch-backed beaver gal there. The pickings were probably better in their respective homelands, wherever those were.

He wove up and down the misaligned streets, finding no one who caught his eye. Eventually, he remembered that there were higher levels to explore, and flew up to the wooden bridges that connected the leaning towers, Bliss following along.

Pound was circling the edge of a one such tower when a lady stepped out of her home. She was a bipedal mouse, with round ears, a cute pink nose, and light grey fur. Most of that fur was covered up by a modest dress that trailed down to her feet, but it was the curves under that dress which got his attention. Namely, her tits, which were far larger than any pregnant mare's would ever be, almost the size of melons. They jiggled as she moved, bouncing like perky water balloons. He wondered how they would feel wrapped around his cock. And with his newfound power, he could make that happen.

"Bull's eye," he whispered.

The mouse girl didn't pay him any mind as she walked across his path, her feet clunking on the wood, but that would soon change if Pound had anything to say about it. He repeated the process from earlier, directing his thoughts to naught but sex. Looking outward, he could see the mouse's own internal dam, present but largely shut, more so than his own was earlier but not by too much, and not for long. This time, he built his psychic penis from one sole scenario: the mouse using her own sensitive breasts to vigorously rub Pound's cock. New magic extending, he pushed it into the shy girl, and her mental walls crumbled.

The effect was immediate. She shuddered, almost tripping over her own feet. Her breathing turned frantic, as she twisted her head from side to side. When she spotted Pound, her roaming gaze froze in place. Pound started trotting over to her as she did the same, a smile on his face.

Bliss clopped her hooves in quiet applause as he redirected his lust magic onto himself, quickly unsheathing his member. The mouse girl - whose name he didn't even know - started drooling when she saw, and grabbed his forehoof. "Please... come on," she practically begged.

She didn't have to tell him twice. "It'll be my pleasure," Pound said.

Pound laughed internally as he let himself be led back into her house. This was everything he had ever dreamed of and more. Picking up on this, Bliss waited outside as the mouse flung open the door, letting him enjoy the fruits of his labor in private.

The second they were alone, Pound watched as she ripped the dress off her body, revealing her tits. Her nipples were bright red with arousal, and looked painfully hard. All he had to do was lean back and partake. Once his dick was within reach, she wasted no time, kneeling down and using her paws to press her boobs around it.

She and Pound moaned simultaneously. The softness alone was like nothing he'd ever felt before, and that was in addition to her enthusiastic stroking. It was like fapping with a cloud puff, only warm. Pound loved it, and he wanted to thank the mouse girl for the experience.

So, as she continued her ministrations, he reached his wings around himself and rubbed his feathers against her nipples. This elicited a delighted squee as she was unable to contain herself any longer, cumming with just her tits. Her shudders of contentment, transmitted through into his dick, were enough to put Pound over the edge himself, and he gladly unleashed a potent load all over her bare face and chest.

The mouse girl barely managed to keep herself together as her musky pussy juices leaked out all over the floor, dripping into cracks.

"Mousetraps," she said, wiping his cum off her fur to take a taste. "I had no idea I needed that until just now, but wow was that good. Little pony, you're the best."

Hearing her say that, his pride swelling, something clicked for Pound, and one sudden strobe of light later, he had his cutie mark. It was a farming plow. The innuendo was not lost on him.

"Woah, what just happened?" she asked.

"It means my special talent is fucking," he replied, planting a quick kiss on her pointed nose.

"Hehe, I can believe that," she said. "I'm Jenny, by the way. Feel free to stop by any time, Mr...?"

"Pound. Pound Cake."

"How fitting. Promise me that'll be on the menu next time?"


With that, Pound left Jenny to her business, a swagger in his step. As he shared an affirmative nod with Bliss, who ran a hoof along his new mark, Pound knew that he was made to be a Rutyu.

Chapter IV

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Needless to say, the reactions of her peers to the news of Pumpkin's success were a mixture of excitement and envy. They were both motivated, knowing that the training had worked, and humbled, knowing that they weren't as talented as Pumpkin. She and Ringading were walking back to the temple interior for dinner. The latter took things rather well.

"You have to teach me!" insisted Ringading. "I'm just not getting it from Master Quinoa. I can't sit and concentrate all the time; I'll go insane."

"You've only been trying for one day!" said Pumpkin. "Quinoa's been a great teacher so far, right?"

She sighed. "I know, but at least with all the other stuff we do I can see the results."

"That's fair. Ok, I'll help you."

Ringading gave Pumpkin a smile and a nuzzle. "Thanks!"

They were quiet for the rest of their short trip. Both young mares gratefully partook in the somewhat uninspired but well-cooked food in the Absta mess hall, sitting together. That is, until Pumpkin was delivered a letter by the pony on mail duty. Seeing it was from her parents, Pumpkin put down her food and opened it with her magic.

As she read, Pumpkin's mood abruptly transformed from happiness to shock. Ringading quickly picked up on this. "What's wrong?"

Pumpkin, her mind racing, took a moment to realized she had been asked a question. "It's my brother. He's completely disappeared."

Ringading gasped. "That's horrible! I hope the police or the guard can find him soon."

"Apparently they've been looking for a while already, now," said Pumpkin, "and nothing's turned up."

Ringading placed a consoling hoof on her shoulder. "I'm sure he'll turn up eventually. Don't lose hope."

Pumpkin sniffled between breaths. "Right. Right. I'm sure he will."

* * *

From then on, Pumpkin's days were less routine, and the variety helped her thoughts from veering towards the subject of Pound. Along with the usual exercises, she now both worked on honing her own powers and assisting Quinoa in his instruction. At the moment, the others stood in the Meditation Square, getting into position. But she and Quinoa weren't with them. He was leading her deep into the temple, down a winding passageway she had never traversed previously.

"So, what exactly are we doing, Quinoa?" Pumpkin asked. "Am I getting some sort of advanced training?"

"Yes. I believe you are ready to take up the Conduit," he said, firmly.


"I'm sure you've seen them in the hooves of the older knights. Long blue crystals, used as both tool and weapon."

Pumpkin knew what he was referring to. She hadn't gotten too close, afraid she would be chastised for the disturbance, but Pumpkin had glimpsed ponies sparring with them or practicing stances on occasion. "Yeah, I've seen them. What exactly are they for, though? A lance or something would make a much better weapon than a rock."

Quinoa shook his head. "That is true, but a lance cannot be used to amplify an Absta's power. The Conduit is first and foremost just that: a conduit for our magic. Ponies who master them will find they can calm almost anything or anyone."

Pumpkin had already realized that her new talents were not universal. Sure, the rabbits, herself, and most of the other small animals atop the temple were easy enough to effect. But when she had tried to temper a circling hawk once, its instincts proved too strong, its will too great.

"Wow... that's a big responsibility," said Pumpkin.

Quinoa smiled. "The fact that you understand this is all the confirmation I need to know you're ready."

Pumpkin straightened up a bit at that.

Eventually, they came to a great stone door, which Quinoa opened with the aid of his earth pony strength. The chamber beyond was completely dark, so Pumpkin had to light her horn.

Unlike the rest of the temple, this wasn't a room: it was a cave. One that happened to be filled with innumerable crystal formations and stretched far into the core of the mountain. The six-sided red stones gleamed in Pumpkin's hornlight, but there weren't many large ones near the door.

"Woah," she said, dazzled by the display. "How long has this been here?"

"Since before the temple was built. Actually we came here because of this vast Bloodstone deposit."

"Oh, ok," she said. However, she did eventually realize something. "I thought they were supposed to be blue?"

"Your Conduit will turn blue once it is properly enchanted," said Quinoa. He paused for a moment. "Take your time. Find one that speaks to you, then pull it out."

Carefully navigating the rough stone, Pumpkin made her way deeper into the cave. She got sidetracked for a bit just admiring the natural beauty of the place, but her eyes were eventually drawn to a particular specimen with a flat tip high up on the cave wall. Yanking it out of the surrounding rock was surprisingly easy, and she brought it back to Quinoa, who nodded in approval.

Without comment, he walked back out of the cave, kneeling in front of the huge door. Reaching into his robe, he pulled out a piece of chalk, and began drawing an elaborate magic circle on the floor. Pumpkin waited until he had finished, and then inferred she was supposed to place her Bloodstone crystal in the center, which she did.

"You really are on top of things," noted Quinoa. "Now, extend your senses. It will be extremely faint, but there is always some modicum of life energy trapped within Bloodstone. All that's left for you to do is temper it with your power."

"Really? Huh."

Pumpkin tapped into her sixth sense. At first, she couldn't feel anything at all coming from the crystal, but when she narrowed her focus to only the small area within the magic circle, a small pinprick of energy revealed itself. Repeating her practiced technique, Pumpkin poured her own calming magic into it.

The effect was immediate. The circle lit up with a flash of light, disorienting her. When her eyes readjusted, the piece of Bloodstone had turned blue, and the magic circle had vanished.

"Congratulations, Pumpkin," said Quinoa.

Pumpkin reverently picked up new brand-new Conduit, rotating it in her magical grip to examine from every angle.

"You're going to have to get used to holding it without magic though," he added.

Pumpkin's brow furrowed. "That's weird. Explain, please?"

"The use of Conduits is Master Horn's area of expertise," answered Quinoa. "You will begin your instruction with him starting immediately."

* * *

Master Corn Horn, as it turned out, was a yellow unicorn with a short mane and short beard. Pumpkin now stood awkwardly in place as he circled her in scrutiny, feeling much the same as her new Conduit must have mere hours ago.

"Alright then, Pumpkin," he said, now stationary. Whatever he had been looking for in her, he seemed to have found it. "Grab your Conduit."

Pumpkin reached into her robe and extracted the object in question. She looked at Master Horn expectantly.

He withdrew his own crystal, one much longer than hers, and brandished it with his hoof. "I'm sure Quinoa told you what this is, and what it does. We Absta use them to make our job go more smoothly. That part is easy: just apply temperance as you always do, but making sure both your body and your target's body are physically touching the Conduit."

"Oh, so that's why I can't use my horn. Got it."

Master Horn continued as if she hadn't said anything. "The hard part is actually getting in contact with a hostile pony or other being in the first place. And once their lust has been neutralized, they will probably be a bit enraged at the turn of events afterwards. So, you will learn how to fight with what is essentially a blunt instrument for knocking out ponies."

Pumpkin blinked. "So... you're teaching me how to hit a pony in the head really hard. Er, Master."

Master Horn snorted. "No, I'm teaching you the art of how to hit a pony in the head really hard."

He then crouched, entering a familiar stance from her earlier martial arts drills, only with the addition of his weapon. The sun at his back framed him almost like a silhouette. "The Absta teach two Conduit battle forms: Mouth and Hoof, depending on how it is held. Mouth form favors speed and defense while Hoof form favors reach and strength. Some sparring will make it clear which you are best suited for. Don't worry, I'll go easy on you."

Steeling her nerves, Pumpkin leaned into her own stance, transferring her own Conduit to her mouth.

Her new master smiled, then lunged.

* * *

Pound banged his way through Kludgetown, bringing to bed (or desk, or shower, or carpet) species after species while honing his stupidly useful new skills. The slew of new partners was exciting, but none had talent comparable to Bliss, and so he spent his evenings with her. And it was evening now.

He carried a large bag of groceries between his wings, enough to last the pair a while. When he entered their apartment, Pound half expected to find Bliss wearing a pink apron while resting seductively against the counter. Instead, she was standing next to an old black chest that used to be in her wagon, wearing nothing.

"Come here, pretty boy," she said. "I've got something to show you."

Both curiosity and arousal compelled him to obey, and Pound watched as Bliss hinged open the chest. He was immediately disappointed. its only contents were a pair of bright red dildos made of some semitransparent material. One had numerous knobs, while the other was realistically shaped.

"You had me going for a second there," said Pound. "But these toys aren't even as interesting as the ones we've already used."

"Oh, they aren't ordinary dildos, Pound," Bliss said, leaning down to take out the knobbed one. "These are Penetrators, and they allow our strength to surge."

That certainly sounded like a good thing to Pound, but what exactly that entailed wasn't clear. He turned a skeptical expression onto Bliss.

She noticed and giggled at him. "Basically, just touching one to somepony will erode their mental blocks instantly. You can mold even the most iron-willed being to your every whim."


"Woah is right. Tradition dictates that Rutyu stallions carve them into the shape of their own cock, but fresh Bloodstone is rather hard to come by these days. So you'll have to settle for my old master's," she said, gesturing to the Penetrator still in the chest.

Pound hefted it up, feeling the smooth stone in his hooves. "Let me guess: the mares carve theirs into whatever shape they prefer?"

"Got it in one," said Bliss, winking.

The possibilities that this Penetrator opened up to him were staggering. "Can I go use this to fuck that stubborn squid lady from the other day?"


"Oh. Then can we have some pre-meal sex?"

She booped him on the nose. "No. From now on, you'll have to earn the right."

"What? Why?" Pound exclaimed.

Bliss turned and trotted to the other end of the room, flicking his face with her tail as she did. "Motivation. A Penetrator is also a weapon, and you'll need to know how to use it if you ever get tangled up by the Guard, or bane forbid an Absta. So, each time you beat me in a practice match, you can rut me. And no powers."

Pound's jaw dropped once he finished processing that statement. "You sly bitch."

Bliss smiled, spinning her Penetrator around her hoof. "Well?"

"Fine. I accept," said Pound. He then raised his Penetrator in front of him like a sword and tensed his wings.

Bliss did the same. "Whenever you're ready. Come and get me."

Pound dashed forward, bringing down his dildo in an overhead slash. Pound obviously hadn't used full strength - he didn't want to actually hurt Bliss, after all - but was still stunned by how easily Bliss blocked the blow. She twisted her hoof to the side, knocking Pound's Penetrator away. Before he could even prepare to retaliate, Bliss had already hit him in the chin.

"Ow. Again!" he said.

This time, Pound reared back and thrust his weapon forward at her like a spear. However, Bliss jumped, spinning over Pound's body with a wing-aided flip and catching him on the back with her Penetrator on the way down. He staggered from the shock.

Pound regained his bearings, spinning to stare at Bliss' smug face. Like, how had she not hit the ceiling during that flip? He would have to put a bit more thought into this. She stood there patiently until he did.

Slowly, Pound approached her, Penetrator in a ready position. Once he was in range, he swung in from the right. Bliss deftly moved her own Penetrator to block. At the last second, though, Pound rebalanced his weight, and lashed out with his other forehoof.

The resulting jab connected, and it was Bliss' turn to be surprised. This gave Pound a window to weave his weapon around hers and hit her in the cheek, leaving her as the one stunned.

"Not bad," said Bliss. "I-"

Pound didn't give her time to finish that sentence. He pounced on top of her, pinning her to the floor as he willed his dick erect. "Less talking, more moaning. I'm gonna make you feel this."

At that, a chill ran down Bliss' spine, and her pussy clenched in anticipation.

As much as his body wanted him to, Pound didn't push himself into her wet folds immediately. Instead, he extended a wing and yanked Bliss' Penetrator away. Then, that went into her pussy, and a bit of Bliss' juices squired out.

"Is that all you've got?" she asked. "I almost regret holding back with you."

It most certainly wasn't. Grinning maliciously, he took his own Penetrator and made a show of coating it in his saliva. Then, he shoved it into her asshole, hard. Bliss' back arched in pleasure. He gave her a moment to acclimate to being stuffed with two rock-hard dildos before adding the finishing touch: his own, slowly squeezing its way into her cunt between the Penetrators.

"T-Triple! Fuck!" she moaned.

Pound rutted in earnest. He could feel the familiar pulsing walls of Bliss' vagina along most of his dick, only they were much tighter than usual. The bottom was being stimulated by her personal tool, its knobs grinding against his shaft as he thrust into her. He could only imagine how good it must have felt on her end.

Then again, maybe he didn't. Her tongue was lolling out of her mouth, and she unapologetically drooled onto the floor as Pound mounted her even harder. Her pussy convulsed in an endless orgasm, the stimulation simply overloading her. Bliss didn't even attempt speaking anymore, and she just kept moaning wordlessly. Seeing his usually composed master in such a state was too much for Pound, and the tension in his balls built to a breaking point.

"I'm cumming! Take it all!" he exclaimed.

Pound pushed as far into Bliss as he could go and let loose. He came like a hose, rope after rope of semen entering her hot depths. By the time he had finished, Bliss was a panting mess, sprawled out and drained. He left the two Penetrators inside her after he pulled out.

"Thanks, teach," said Pound. "You can just lie there and savor my cum, I'll go make dinner. That ok?"

He took her contented sigh as a yes.

Chapter V

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Pumpkin threw herself into her training. For every hour she spent with Master Quinoa channeling her magic, she spent another expanding her Conduit proficiency with Master Horn. According to them both, she progressed at a remarkable pace, though they didn’t really need to tell her that. She was already able to consistently best other acolytes years her senior in Conduit duels, and could temper a dozen small creatures at once.

The hard part for Pumpkin was not letting the success get to her head. It was a good thing, then, that tasks of all kinds were abundant.

A frustrated huff snapped Pumpkin out of her reverie as Ringading plopped onto the dirt, Conduit in hoof. “Ugh, that was a cheap shot, Pumpkin.”

“Attacking when your opponent is exposed isn’t a cheap shot; it’s normal!” said Pumpkin. “I think you should try and focus a bit more on blocking.”

“She’s right.”

Both mares turned to face Corn, as he trotted up to them. “Your striking technique is pretty good, Ringading,” he continued, “and more than enough to beat most opponents swiftly. But a true Absta Knight is not most opponents.”

Ringading took a deep breath. “Yes master. Balance is key, right?”

He simply nodded, a prideful smile on his face. “You got it. Try lowering your stance a bit and see if that helps.”

As Ringading walked off to find a fresh opponent, Pumpkin addressed Master Horn. “Thank you for your kind words.”

He waved it off. “I just call it like I see it, as the saying goes.”

Pumpkin was about to thank him again, but she could almost hear the gears turning in Corn’s head.

“Honestly? I probably could keep you here a while longer, but you seem to be on a roll, Pumpkin. I think it’s about time you left the temple, get some real-world experience.”

If she hadn’t been speechless before, she sure was now. “Wow. Uh, ok.”

“Ha. You’re from Ponyville, right?” he asked.


“Quinoa is going back there soon to check in on his protégé; I’ll check in with him and see if he’d be keen on you as another.”

Pumpkin’s ears perked up. Suddenly, she wasn’t quite so sure she was on the top of her game after all. How would all her old friends react? She hadn't exactly explained things before she left. “That would be… great.”

Corn picked up on her apprehension easily. “You’ll be fine, Pumpkin. You’re not a master yet, but my assessment is that you’re more than ready for this.”

“Physically and emotionally?”

“Nopony’s perfect. Why, just by being here you’ve shown a resolve above and beyond the vast majority of ponies your age.”

He had a point. Pumpkin closed her eyes for a moment, feeling the warmth of the sun on her face. “Right. Thanks again, Master Horn.”

* * *

As it turned out, Quinoa was more than happy to get Pumpkin some practical experience. Rather than a royal carriage, they flew by charter coach. The slight dip in comfort did not calm her nerves, but Quinoa's assurances helped.

They arrived in Ponyville without fanfare. Pumpkin moved to follow Quinoa, but he shooed her away. "Go to your family, I'm sure they'll be thrilled to see you. Take the day off while you're at it! You've earned it."

She broke into a grin. "I thought you'd never say so."

So, Pumpkin cantered off to Sugarcube Corner. Plenty of familiar faces turned to wave in greeting or shout a 'welcome back', and her mood improved with each pony who did. By the time she stood on her doorstep, her worries evaporated completely.

With a bit of flair for good measure, she opened the door with her magic. "Guess who's back?" she exclaimed, loudly enough to be heard from behind the counter.

A few customers stopped eating to gawk, but Pumpkin's attention was squarely on the faint noises coming from the next room over. Out came her mother, followed shortly after by her father.

"Pumpkin!" they said, almost at exactly the same time.

Pumpkin ran forward, and the three collided in the middle of the bakery, hugging tightly. Both planted a kiss on her cheek.

"We missed you so much, honey," said Cup.

"It got so lonely here without your pretty face around," added Carrot. "Though Pinkie helped."

"Aww, I missed you too," said Pumpkin, content. Their reunion was practically a perfect moment, save one thing. "What about Pound?"

Her parent's smiles dipped a little. "Well, we went to see Starlight the Bold, and according to her, he's fine," said Carrot.

"She just doesn't know a spell to find out where he is," said Cup, lips pursed. "Our Pound is far from here, but I'm sure he'll come back someday. I just wish I knew why he left..."

Pumpkin sighed. Her brother was annoying at the best of times, but she still wished he was here. "We shouldn't dwell on things we can't do anything about. Just stay hopeful, instead."

"Right you are," said Cup. She ruffled Pumpkin's mane with a hoof. "Look at you, a wise Absta Knight! Did you lose weight, or is that just the robe?"

She giggled at that. "There weren't any scales to check, but I'm sure I did," Pumpkin replied.

"You'll have plenty of time to wow us later," said Carrot. "Now's the time to celebrate!"

"Let's close up for the day! Anything for my baby girl," said Cup.

Pumpkin quickly glanced around at all the ponies sitting and eating. She didn't want them to be kicked out for her sake. Fortunately, her ears brought to her attention that they wouldn't need to. "Actually, I think Pinkie already has a surprise party set up for me in my room. I can hear her bouncing."

"Huh, is that so? I can't hear a thing," said Carrot.

"Enhanced Absta senses. I'll tell you all about it later!" she said.

"I'm looking forward to it," he said.

"Well, don't keep your friends waiting! Dad and I will come up and say hi when we can," said Cup, breaking out from their hug.

Pumpkin reluctantly moved for the stairs. "Thanks, I won't! It's so good to see you again."

She then took the steps two at a time, eager to catch up with everypony else.

* * *

Pound continued to hone his skills in earnest. As the weeks turned into months, his prowess both in bed and out grew steadily. In their sparring matches, Bliss needed to hold back less and less, until they were practically equals in their talent with a Penetrator. Trusting that he no longer needed supervision, Bliss got in on the steamy action too, and combined they had enjoyed flings with pretty much a quarter of Kludgetown.

If he was being honest with himself, Pound had actually started to get bored. He'd been able to get away doing with pretty much anything he wanted, but only with one or two girls at a time. Yes, the rutting continued to be great, but the true sexual freedom he craved was still out of reach. So, he decided to bring it up with Bliss as they meandered through town.

"How long are we just going to keep going like this? Yeah, life for us is great, but look at them," Pound said. He made a sweeping gesture with his hoof at the overall mood of the place, which was still rather dour. "Other ponies back home should be able to feel this joy. I want to change the world, make carnal pleasure the norm in Equestria, instead of a rarity."

Bliss grew pensive. It was a while before she replied. "Let's go back home. There's something I think you're ready to see."

Intrigued, Pound followed Bliss as they quickly returned to their lodgings. Bliss rifled through her belongings, extracting a narrow box from the bottom of a pile.

"When the old ways were in jeopardy, and the Rutyu faced their end, they knew that one day the world would be ripe for their triumphant return," she said. "Master Chastity's Bane came up with a plan to make that happen."

Bliss opened the box, revealing an ancient scroll of weathered parchment. Unfurled, the scroll depicted a teeming mass of ponies, each performing erotic acts. In the center were Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, each receiving a thorough dicking. Pound was initially put off by the lack of color, but had to admit the artist had his craft down pat, and that he probably could have clopped with it before he lost his virginity. Of less interest to him was the text written beneath in some dead language.

"We call it the Grand Orgy, and bringing it about has been the secret goal of the Rutyu ever since the Rule of Two was established," elaborated Bliss. "While many of the details no longer apply, the gist remains the same. As long as the princesses remain in power, the best way for us to usher in a lustful utopia is to get them to do it for us."

Pound balked. "Uh, no offence, but I don't think that's gonna work. Canterlot Castle is the most heavily guarded building in all of Equestria. Plus, I don't think either Celestia or Luna even have sex drives. The second we pulled out our Penetrators, we'd be cuffed and carted off to the dungeons."

Bliss nodded. "Indeed. And the invisibility collars don't work for that long."

"Ok, so we're stuck," said Pound.

"Not quite. Many things have changed recently. Namely, there are five princesses now, and one of them is the perfect target: Twilight Sparkle."

"Oh, duh!" he exclaimed. "Twilight doesn't have guards, insisting it ruins her approachable image. And even though she's a super-powerful mage, there's no way she has any training defending against our magic."

Bliss smiled, pulling him in close. "Exactly. So, all you need to do is just walk in and convince her that the Rutyu way of life is for the best, and she'll do our job for us. Just one superb experience and a bit of persuasion is all it takes."

Pound delighted greatly at the prospect of fucking a princess. "I am very much down with that. But Twilight has had wings for a while now. Why haven't you taken her for a ride yet?"

"Because she's straight. No amount of lust can change that."

Ah, that made sense. It was his lucky day. Pound smirked, idly groping Bliss. "Then it will be my honor and my privilege to teach Twilight all about friendship with benefits, Rutyu style."

Bliss laughed at that. "Well said! Since you're so eager, how about we head back to Ponyville ASAP?"

* * *

With no reason to wait, Pound and Bliss packed their things and embarked for Equestria. The journey on hoof was much less arduous for Pound now that he was in fighting shape, and they made good time. To avoid detection, Bliss had them approach Ponyville via the last route anypony would expect: the Everfree forest.

Obviously, most ponies had good reason to avoid the forest. Case in point: the huge Cragadile that leapt from shallow waters to swallow them whole. But a Rutyu Savant was not most ponies, as he and Bliss halted the beast's charge with a sudden burst of need.

They had almost made it through to the other side when night began to fall, the woods rapidly becoming engulfed in shadow.

"Great. Now we have to camp in the wagon again," complained Pound. "Sleeping with you is usually fun, but actually sleeping is fucking painful without a mattress."

Bliss sighed. "True. But if life had no pain, then how would we know pleasure?"

"Ugh," said Pound, rolling his eyes. She had a point, but he still didn't like it. He wanted a good night's sleep, dammit! It's not like there was anypony he could crash with out here, though.

And that was when it hit him. There may not have been any ponies living in the Everfree, but he knew a zebra who did. Pound reached out with his magic, searching the forest for her. It turned out her house was close by.

"I just remembered something, follow me," said Pound.

Bliss blinked. "Oh? Sure."

Pound cut through the underbrush, leading his mistress to Zecora's place. He was only barely acquainted with the zebra, and had never paid her a visit before. Pound was quite aware of her skills as an alchemist, though, as she sold her wares in the town proper.

Needless to say, Bliss was somewhat surprised to find that, yes, there was an inhabited tree-house in the Everfree. The soft lantern light from the windows clued him into Zecora's presence within. He immediately trotted up to the door and knocked.

When Zecora opened the door, her eyes widened. "Do my eyes deceive me? Is this young Pound Cake I see? You've been missing for quite a while! Come inside, escape from the creatures most vile."

"Thanks," he replied.

Zecora had a great body for her age, and was only a foal away from MILF status, in Pound's humble opinion. Her ass was one of the widest he had ever seen on an equine. Yes, this had definitely been the right decision. Still, Pound hadn't expected her to recognize him. He'd have to make sure she kept quiet. Luckily for him, he had the best method available.

He and Bliss stepped inside, surrounded by jars of herbs and old heirlooms. Before Zecora had a chance to ask any more questions, Pound reached into her mind and flipped her switch firmly to the on position.

Zecora's nostrils flared. "What...?"

It seemed she was at a loss for words. Pound smiled, his cock already preparing itself. "Zecora, it would be a huge help if you didn't tell anypony you saw me. Promise me that, and I'll give you a reward."

Her eyes flashed down Pound's body for a second before meeting his. "This is all very suspicious, but fine. I won't tell a soul about you or your friend if you get me off."

"What happened to rhyming?" he asked.

Zecora's tail flicked to the side out of reflex. "I can't when I'm this horny."

Fair enough, he thought. Pound then walked up to her, brushing her flank with a wing. "So. How do you want it?"

She hesitated, glancing over at Bliss, who just waved her off. "Oh, don't mind me. I'll just sit back and enjoy the show."

Zecora nodded. "There's a certain potion I've always wanted to try," she said, pulling a small vial off the shelf. It held a muddy, grey liquid. "Pound, drink this for me?"

Now this was exciting. Pound reached over and grabbed it. "What does it do?"

Zecora licked her lips. "You'll find out," she whispered.

The hormones in his veins overriding any restraint he would have had, Pound uncorked and drained the vial. It tasted terrible. The unexpected effects, however, were worth it. He felt a slight wooziness before suddenly beginning to shrink. Everything around him slowly grew larger as his body rapidly became more and more diminutive. By the time it stopped, he was about the size of most dolls at only five inches tall.

Now, Zecora loomed in front of him, her body a towering specimen of feminine majesty. She sat down and snapped him up in her hooves like a mare possessed. Pound was struck dumb by the sight of her enormous muzzle opening wide.

Not wasting any time, she proceeded to go down on his entire body. Zecora's slick tongue moved rapidly across Pound's flesh, coating him in an erotic sheen of saliva. She sucked on his now-tiny dick like a drinking straw, and it was like nothing he had ever felt before.

"Fuck, that's good. I might get addicted to this," he said.

Zecora did not reply, as she was too busy stuffing his lower body into her mouth. She massaged him with her tongue, methodically tasting every inch of him.

Moaning in delight, she pulled him out with a wet pop. "That's enough of that. Time for the main event."

Pound got an up-close look at her exotic curves as she slowly lowered him down to her pussy. At this size, the scent of her arousal hit him like a freight train, and he couldn't stop himself from diving right in. He sucked on her huge clit, triggering a series of spasms and grunts from Zecora. It was surreal, pleasuring a mare six times his size.

While still catering to her clit, Pound stroked her folds with his hooves, the thick muscle oozing delicious fluid under his touch. Soon, Zecora was unable to hold herself back any longer, and she unceremoniously got a grip on his rear hooves and shoved him inside her pussy headfirst.

It felt so damn amazing inside of her. Zecora's walls clenched around Pound totally, squeezing him in a hot, throbbing embrace. He could feel each pulse of Zecora's pleasure through the walls of her canal, and her musky scent filled his nostrils. His dick was also appreciating the sensations, but his lungs were not. Before he risked running out of air, he used his powers to crank up Zecora's pleasure as high as he could.

Her felt more than heard her scream, Zecora cumming tremendously. Her quaking folds squeezed Pound out of her, along with a rush of femcum that soaked him completely. This triggered Pound's own ejaculation, which was pathetic in comparison.

Collapsed in a puddle of Zecora's juices, Pound sighed in contentment. "Wow."

"I *pant* should be the one saying that," said Zecora, twitching in satisfaction on the floor.

Bliss started slow clapping. Pound chuckled and shook his head.

After about fifteen minutes, the potion wore off, and Pound returned to his normal size. Exhausted from both the sex and the travel, Pound collapsed onto Zecora's bed, with the mares on either side of him. Tomorrow was a big day, but Pound wondered if it could actually top this one as sleep overtook him.

Chapter VI

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"So, I heard you got a celebration thrown in your honor yesterday," said Quinoa.

"Yeah," confirmed Pumpkin. "I'd forgotten just how hectic my Aunt's parties were," she added, chuckling.

Pumpkin and Quinoa were walking over to the Absta residence. Pumpkin was excited to start putting her training to use. She was less excited about how warm the weather was in town, though. The fabric was perfect for the chilly mountain air, but a tad stifling for a town where most ponies wore nothing.

"Well, the important thing is that they're wholesome parties," said Quinoa. "The adult-only sort can hardly be compared."

Pumpkin's ears flattened as she imagined what manner of unspeakable things Quinoa was referring to. "Then it's good we're here to crash them."

Quinoa smiled. "Exactly."

They arrived at the house in short order, the sign above the door shaking a bit as it opened. The inside was pretty much about what Pumpkin had expected, given her experiences. There was a simple sitting room with some chairs and a bookshelf connected to a kitchen with a four-pony table. Hearing them come in, a blue pegasus colt trotted down the stairs from the second floor and waved hello.

"Hi, you must be Pumpkin. I'm Skytrotter," he said.

Pumpkin walked up to him and they shook hooves. "I've heard lots of stories about you from Quinoa."

"That sounds like him, ever the talker," he said. Then, he shrugged. "It's not like I'm the chosen one or anything, but I am fairly talented at this."

Quinoa cleared his throat.

"Oh, er, sorry. Humility, right," said Skytrotter.

"See, you're learning!" said Quinoa.

Pumpkin giggled as Skytrotter rolled his eyes.

When neither of them spoke up, Pumpkin asked "So, we're going on patrol now, right?"

"Yes we are," answered Quinoa. "Usually, most incidents happen at night, but we can never be too vigilant when the safety of ponies is at stake."

"Of course. I'm ready," she said. Pumpkin was resolved to deal with any lust-laden threats she might face.

"Don't get your hopes up," said Skytrotter, reading her expression. "Most of the time nothing's happening."

Pumpkin didn't let that fact dissuade her from following as Quinoa led them back outside. He started along at a measured pace, moving forward on automatic as he turned his head to face her. Now that the news she was back in Ponyville had gotten around, nopony paid any special attention to her or her Absta companions.

"The actual means by which we scan for problem ponies is the same basic technique you've always used: reaching out with your mind to find those with high desire," began Quinoa. "But since our senses can only reach so far, we have to actually weave back and forth through the streets to cover every point. The tricky part is actually figuring out which ponies are causing problems."

"You have to check where they are and who else is near them, pretty much," said Skytrotter.

"That's omitting much of the detail, but yes," said Quinoa. "First, try and find any aroused ponies nearby. Don't temper them yet."

Nodding, Pumpkin extended her sixth sense. She could do so without closing her eyes, now, which meant she wouldn't start bumping into things as they walked. Most of the ponies immediately around Pumpkin felt normal to her, with more lust than an Absta but not high by any stretch. When she extended her perceptions a bit more, she found two ponies that stuck out like apples in the snow, their hearts aflame.

"I found some ponies, Quinoa," said Pumpkin. "They're next to eachother, though, so I'm guessing they're... consenting."

He nodded. "Yes, I feel them too, and you're correct about the situation. They're likely just enjoying their time together in a healthy relationship. As long as a couple is in private, we just leave them be."

Pumpkin still thought the whole concept of sex was disgusting, but accepted that it was a necessary part of life for most ponies. It would be intrusive and rude to interfere.

Having no need to linger, they kept moving toward the edge of town. Skytrotter didn't seem to mind walking, she noticed. Soon, Pumpkin found herself in the zone, noticing many more things and thinking little. Her job here was to observe, and so she did. There was Derpy Hooves, making her rounds with the mail. Behind her, old Davenport was repainting the walls on his shop. She heard the soft sprinkle of water coming from around a corner: somepony was tending their garden. And so it went, nopony out of the ordinary.

Suddenly, Quinoa pointed to the right a few blocks down, just outside of Pumpkin's sensory range. A pegasus mare Pumpkin couldn't recognize was walking her dog. The hound was being a bit uncooperative on its leash.

"Pfft, don't bother her with that, It's just Zipporwhill's mutt again," said Skytrotter. "I'll take care of it."

As he flew off, Pumpkin hummed in approval. "We help out with pets too? Neat."

"Sometimes, yes. Stay alert," Quinoa said.

By the time Skytrotter got back, they were nearing Sweet Apple Acres. Nothing else happened until they looped back around, taking another street. Eventually, Pumpkin detected another lustful pony, and this time they were alone. She straightened, stopping to face the squat house they were in.

"Excellent. I almost missed them myself," said Quinoa. "Pick out any details you can, Pumpkin."

Pumpkin concentrated. "Well, it's a stallion, I think. And there's another pony in the house too. But... not in the same room. Too far away."

"Right. This time, the situation is less clear, but we can probably leave him alone as well." Quinoa put a hoof to his chin. "I believe he is simply engaging in self-pleasure. Not something to be condoned, but not worthy of condemnation either. We should wait here a moment to be sure."

Agreeing, Pumpkin waited with Quinoa and Skytrotter. After about two minutes, the pony's libido shrank back down on its own. Apparently, he had succeeded in doing what he needed. With their suspicions no longer an issue, she eagerly moved on, finding herself a few steps ahead of the others.

"Disappointed yet?" asked Skytrotter.

Pumpkin blinked back at him. "Why would you ask that? Of course I'm not disappointed; I wanted to be Absta Knight."

Skytrotter looked away. "Well, that makes one of us."

Quinoa frowned in disapproval. "I thought you'd moved beyond the past."

He sighed at that. "I have. I'm fine being an Absta, so just drop it. We should be focusing on the present."

As if on cue, a high pitched scream echoed in the distance. Pumpkin shot to full alertness. "That sounds bad."

Quinoa narrowed his eyes. "Indeed. Let's go!"

Pumpkin broke into a gallop, charging as fast as she could towards the direction of the sound. However, Quinoa's legs were longer, and he quickly overshot her. Skytrotter had taken to the air, eclipsing both of them.

Given that this was Ponyville, she had no idea what the scream actually signified. It could have been anything from the return of an ancient, unspeakable evil to Roseluck finding a cricket on her flowers. But if it was a problem only the Absta could deal with, Pumpkin had to be there to help stop it. As she raced past dozens of surprised and curious ponies, Pumpkin just hoped it wasn't anything too serious.

Blood pounding in her chest, she caught up to Quinoa and Skytrotter only to have her hopes dashed and subsequently replaced by shock. Leaning next to the side of a building was Ponyville's resident dragon: Spike. He had grown into a teenager over the years, standing taller then Celestia on two gangly legs. The shocking part was that he had pinned a mare up against the wall. She quivered in fear, staring at Spike. Smoke puffed out of his nostrils with every ragged breath, and his genitals were visibly engorged.

If the ponies from earlier were fires, then Spike was a towering inferno of sexual energy to Pumpkin's senses. For a moment, she just stood there, stupefied by the sheer improbability of what she was seeing. She knew Spike, he would never let himself lose control this badly!

"My powers aren't working, he's too far gone!" exclaimed Skytrotter.

As all the remaining bystanders fled in a panic, Quinoa slowly stepped forward, drawing his Conduit. "We must subdue him and save that mare."

Skytrotter did the same, flying straight at Spike. But Spike loosed a stream of flames, forcing him to roll out of the way. Quinoa circled around to cut off the dragon's escape, carefully watching his barbed tail.

As Spike grabbed the screaming mare with a claw, growling, Pumpkin still couldn't believe it. Trying to come up with a reason - any reason - for his lustful madness, Pumpkin felt more deeply into his mind. There, she noticed something strange: the opening to the well of lust within his mind was stretched unnaturally wide, more so than it should have been able to.

"What are you doing?" asked Skytrotter, his feathers slightly clipped as he narrowly dodged a slash from Spike. "Help us!"

"I think something did this to him!" answered Pumpkin. Heart still racing, she realized something else. "The princess could be in danger too!"

Quinoa paused in a defensive crouch just after landing a glancing blow on Spike's scales. "You're right! Go, Pumpkin! We'll manage things here."

While she wasn't perfectly confident that they could actually fight off Spike, Pumpkin understood that time was short, and trusted her master. She made a beeline for the Friendship Castle, only sparing a single glance back as she sped off to defend Twilight from whatever mysterious threat she might be facing.

~ Earlier ~

After assuring Zecora he would be back for round two at some point, Pound left to prepare. Though the plan had few steps, there would be no do-overs. For once, caution was necessary, but he would be rewarded with a much more erotic world if he succeeded in his task.

First, he and Bliss returned the wagon to Whitetail Woods, and gathered the supplies they would need. Pound donned a baggy hoofball hoodie and trimmed his tail to disguise himself. Coupled with his new cutie mark, he would be unrecognizable as long as he didn't draw any attention to himself. A small part of him wondered idly how his family was doing before snapping back into focus.

Bliss wore a nondescript grey jacket and a matching hat. She stashed her Penetrator in the jacket, and Pound did the same with his.

They walked side by side through the trees, confident in their success. Pound noticed Bliss had already abandoned her usual swaying gait to remain inconspicuous. "Remember, act casual, and save your naughty thoughts for the main event. I'll keep an eye on the local Absta Master to make sure he stays occupied, perhaps by creating a significant distraction."

Pound knew she was up to the task, given her stealthy track record. "If it's your doing, I'm sure the last thing on his mind will be checking in on Twilight."

Bliss just grinned. No more words needed to be exchanged. They knew eachother inside and out.

When they reached Ponyville proper, Pound split off from Bliss as they both took different routes. The walk was honestly a bit anticlimactic; Pound made it to the castle unmolested and in good time. Court wasn't until later, but nopony called him out on it when he slipped inside. They probably just assumed Pound was there to check out books from the library, when his real goal was to check out the librarian.

Finding Twilight wasn't very heard: she sat at her desk, filling out paperwork. Her inquisitive eyes rose to meet Pound's when she heard him enter. "Oh, hello there," she said. "Can I help you with anything?"

Pound closed the large crystalline door behind him, smiling as he pulled back his hood. "Actually, I'm here to help you."

She took a few seconds to recognize him, shooting to her hooves when she did. "Pound Cake?!" she exclaimed. "Where have you been?!"

"I've been... studying abroad. Now I'm going to show you what I've learned. I think you'll find what I have to share is enlightening," he said as he approached.

Twilight narrowed her eyes in disapproval. "Forget that, you need to go apologize to your parents immediately, young stallion!"

Not bothering to reply, Pound reached out with his powers and cranked up Twilight's sex drive as high as it would go. All traces of anger from her face were instantly replaced by flushed cheeks. Her tail shot up, a few drops of liquid plinking audibly onto the floor from underneath it. Whatever follow-up she might have had was lost before it left her lips, and she gasped.

"Just relax," Pound said, his dick unsheathing by itself at the sublime display. "I'll give your body exactly what it wants."

Twilight stiffened, her jaw dropping even as her pussy begged to be filled. "Did...? Y-You did this to me?"

Pound winked as he closed the distance between them. She smelled like lilacs. "Maybe."

As she processed that statement, lost in thought and drowning in need, Twilight didn't notice as he leaned over to give her pussy a single, slow lick. The princess's legs shook and her back arched in pleasure as she let out a cute moan.

"S-Stop that, Pound!" she said.

"Are you sure?" he asked, pausing to taste her again. "It's only going to feel better from here, more than anything you've ever dreamed."

Twilight turned away, blushing furiously as her wings flared. A few moments later, she moaned again. "You and I are going to have a long talk after we're done."

That totally counted as a yes to Pound, and he proceeded to skip the foreplay and dive right in. Her royal, slender body was so tall that he had to hover off the ground to reach, but the reward was so worth it.

Pound rutted her from behind with his rock-hard cock, slowly at first. Almost the second he penetrated her, Twilight cried out in pleasure, and continued to do with each thrust. Judging by the way she writhed beneath him, she'd came immediately. He reveled in her expected tightness, but she was also so wet that he could piston his dick in and out with ease.

When Pound increased his speed, Twilight shook again, and her hooves gave out from under her. "Ahh! Fuck!" she moaned.

Pound laughed. "Looks like somepony's a naughty princess. I should punish you with some even rougher sex."

She responded with a second orgasm from his dirty talk, mouth locked in a silent scream as she contorted herself on the floor.

Following through on his promise, Pound flipped her over onto her back. He noticed Twilight was crying from the sheer overabundance of sensation he was giving to her as he leaned in for a deep kiss. Pound tasted every nook and cranny of her mouth as he kept drilling into her relentlessly.

Being almost as horny as Twilight was, Pound nearly forgot about his mission in his ecstasy. He would rectify that now. Breaking off the kiss, Pound stared into Twilight's eyes as she panted. "So, feels great, right?" he asked.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Twilight exclaimed. Her ears stood, stock-straight, and her wings beat against the floor.

Pound redoubled his efforts, slamming into her so vigorously that she slid forward a little each time. "Don't you think it would be for the best if everypony in Equestria got the chance to feel this good?"

Twilight looked to be too indisposed to answer, given that her eyes had rolled upwards into her head. She let out a low groan, her voice dropping at least one octave.

"That's fair," said Pound, nodding sagely. "I'll give you some time to think on it. Actually, I'm feeling generous right now, so I'm gonna give you one more thing: a big, hot, load. Sound nice?"

As he hilted into her a few more times, Twilight still couldn't form words, her muscles continuing to clench and unclench as she panted breathlessly and squirted all over the place.

"Guess my technique's improved," Pound said to himself.

After that, Pound switched focus back to the stimulation he was receiving from Twilight's ripe alicorn pussy. Once he'd had his fill, he applied his magic to himself to climb the rest of the way up to his peak. And what a peak it was.

Letting out a moan of his own, Pound pressed his whole body into Twilight's. "Here, take it all!"

All remaining barriers within him burst, and Pound's cock started pumping in earnest. Once the first wave of semen splashed against Princess Twilight's walls, she came again, milking Pound for all he was worth. For his part, Pound was more than eager to give it to her. He figured she almost certainly would use birth control, but nevertheless imagined that his seed would get her pregnant.

By the time he was finished, Pound noticed that his partner/cocksleeve had stopped moving. He laughed at the sight. His incredible technique must have overwhelmed the princess so completely that she'd fainted. Pound took that as a sign of a job well done.

His dick was just starting to go limp when somepony burst through the front door.

Chapter VII

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Not breaking stride, Pumpkin forced the castle gates open with a burst of her magic. "Princess Twilight!"

Pumpkin quickly realized she would not get a reply, her gallop petering off. Twilight was in plain view: collapsed on the floor in a heap. And standing over her prone form, genitals shoved inside her, was...

She gasped in surprise. It was Pound. Why was he even here? And having... intercourse with Twilight, no less? He had been missing for months! Surely this had to be some kind of misunderstanding, like a changeling prank.

"Pound?" she asked, inching closer. "Is that you?"

Pound, or whoever it was, finished extracting himself from Twilight. He clicked his tongue in irritation. "Shit. And everything was going so well."

Pumpkin stared. None of this was making sense. "What are you talking about?"

"Nopony was supposed to come in here while I was with Twilight," he said, brow narrowing. "Now you're a problem, sis."

A problem? Pumpkin's eyes widened, and everything snapped back into focus. She was a problem for him because he had done something worth hiding. Pumpkin didn't want to believe it, but the evidence right in front of her pointed to Pound as having raped Twilight! Surely they would have moved to a bedroom otherwise.

That would be quite serious, she thought, frowning. Maybe he was also the pony behind Spike's attack too! How could he even conceive of doing such a thing? To be sure, Pumpkin reached out into his mind. Immediately, she could make out the familiar connection between his magic and her own, confirming it was definitely her twin. But before she could glean anything else, he suddenly forced her out like another Absta would.

Now it was Pound's turn to be surprised, and he nearly tripped backwards. "You just probed my mind! How did you... wait. Those robes... there's no way." He practically snarled at her. "What are the odds?"

A part of her was still in shock, but Pumpkin now knew that Pound possessed to means to have done something truly nefarious. She took a deep breath to steady herself before her training took over. "Pound Cake, by my authority as an Absta Knight, I'm placing you under arrest."

Pound met her eyes, and the rage within them was clear. "Yeah, that's not happening. I'm leaving, and you won't be following." Then, he reached into his hoodie and pulled out a phallus made of Bloodstone. "A revolution is coming, and I can't let you stop it."

Pumpkin balked at his choice of weapon, penetration-ready as it was. It was almost like he was some sort of anti-Absta. She pulled out her Conduit, its facets gleaming in the light of the castle. "I don't want to fight you, Pound," she said as best she could with her mouth full. "Please just come quietly. "

"Sorry. I'm committed," he said with a smile. "You don't know what you're missing. Maybe after I beat you I'll show you; incest is one of the only kinks I haven't tried yet."

"Sweet celestia, how far you've fallen," said Pumpkin, chills running down her spine. "That's sick."

Pound just laughed, twirling his weapon as he started to approach, paying no attention to the sleeping Twilight as he stepped over her.

With no doubts left in her heart and no words left to say, Pumpkin leveled her Conduit at him. Pound took that as his cue and charged.

Using his wings for a burst of speed, Pound rapidly closed the distance between them, swinging in from the side. Pumpkin pivoted on her back hooves, bringing her own weapon to bear and blocking the strike, sparks flying from the crystal on impact. The amount of force behind the blow was staggering, but her four-hooved stance let her maintain balance and knock Pound away.

With a snarl, he lunged again, cutting loose with a barrage of rapid stabs and swipes. But Pumpkin gave no openings, parrying or sidestepping every attack. Even a glancing blow could provide enough of an opportunity for Pound to assert his mind over hers, and she couldn't let that happen. Her brother was evidently thinking along the same lines, being careful not to overextend himself and leave an opening.

Still, his assault inevitably slowed, and in that split second, Pumpkin counterattacked, twisting her head to deliver an uppercut with her Conduit. Rather than try to block it, Pound launched himself into the air and out of the way. Before he could catch his breath and plan his next approach, Pumpkin switched tactics and reached out with her unicorn magic, grabbing Twilight's wooden desk at hurling it upwards as fast as she could.

But Pound's sharp reflexes let him register the impromptu projectile immediately, and he barrel rolled out of the way with a mighty flap. Seeing this, Pumpkin grabbed the desk in midair for long enough to send it back at him. This time, Pound snarled, grabbed his Penetrator in both hooves, and swung it in a savage overhead strike that smashed the incoming piece of furniture into harmless splinters.

Pumpkin inhaled deeply as she reasserted her focus, readying her Conduit as Pound circled around to swoop in and hit her from behind. Their weapons met the instant he landed with a resounding crack. At first, Pumpkin was pushed back, but she steadily put in more force, and soon their weapons were pressing against eachother in a deadlock, muscles tense from exertion and neither sibling giving an inch.

"Just give up, sis!" Pound exclaimed. "What you're doing is stupid, and only limits what you can feel!"

"I feel more alive as I am now than ever before," she replied, "and I didn't have to violate anypony to do it!"

"It's not violating, it's liberating! Once I beat you, all of Equestria will be free!"

Pumpkin redoubled her efforts. "What you call freedom, I call slavery! I wish you could see that!"

Pound snorted. "Fine, then! Fuck me for trying to resolve this peacefully, I guess!"

Suddenly, Pound broke off from the clash and leaned away just enough to avoid touching Pumpkin's Conduit as it fell. Pumpkin quickly transitioned into a low sweep at his legs, but Pound performed a spinning backflip to get clear. Pressing the attack, Pumpkin slashed as he landed, only for him to deftly parry her Conduit and counter. But she did the same, twisting to intercept and then retaliating.

Time seemed to stand still for Pumpkin as the fighting continued, back and forth. An outside observer might mistake their actions for a fluid dance as the tide of battle consumed the pair, but Pumpkin knew better. For her, and perhaps also the whole of Equestria, the stakes had never been higher, and she was doing her utmost to stop her errant brother. As their weapons met over and over, she could see that, behind the anger in his eyes, Pound was looking down on her. Was it in pity? Or superiority?

Pumpkin, though sweating from exertion, maintained her strength, swinging her Conduit perfectly level with the floor. Pound, rather than dodge, raised his Penetrator vertically in front of himself to block. And then, in a moment of sharp insight, weapon still carving a path through the air, Pumpkin knew she had won. Just as bloodstone struck bloodstone, Pumpkin let go, relaxing her jaw. Simultaneously, she caught the other end of her Conduit in her magic and tugged.

The Conduit whipped around Pound's weapon like a horseshoe on a post, the end Pumpkin had been holding rocketing straight into Pound's temple. Pound's eyes barely had time to widen in surprise before it made contact. He was unconscious before he hit the ground, his body dropping like a sack of flour.

As she allowed herself to finally relax in mind and body, adrenaline fading away, the full strain of the fight caught up with Pumpkin, and she started panting heavily. She stared at Pound's motionless form, listening to the sound of her own breathing. However, that was soon supplemented by the rapid percussion of hoofbeats. Pumpkin spun to see who it was, and sighed in relief as she spotted her master, galloping next to a mare she hadn't seen in a while: Starlight Glimmer, aka Starlight the Bold.

"Twilight!" cried out Starlight as she rushed to the princess' side.

Quinoa stopped next to Pumpkin, focused on both her and Pound. His robe was torn in multiple places. "Pumpkin, what is all this? What happened?"

"My brother, he... he has powers like we do, somehow," she managed. Pumpkin wrenched her gaze away to face Quinoa. "He was talking about not letting anypony stop him from changing the world, and we fought. Master, I'm pretty sure he raped Twilight."

"WHAT!?" exclaimed Starlight. Without preamble, she turned and shot a beam of magic at Pound, instantly encasing him in a block of pink crystal. Then, she scowled. "If that's true, then he should be glad I didn't just immolate him."

Pumpkin was practically pinned by the intensity of her glare until Quinoa placed a hoof on her shoulder, his expression now deadly serious.

"First Spike and now this..." he said. "We'll have to interrogate him, thoroughly."

Oh yeah, Pumpkin had nearly forgotten. "Is Spike ok?" she asked. "And what happened to Skytrotter?"

"I managed to clear Spike's mind just before Starlight arrived," he replied. "The dragon was quite shaken afterwards, especially once he saw the wounds he had inflicted on Skytrotter. Both were taken to the hospital."

Pumpkin bristled at the news. Yesterday, she wouldn't have been able to imagine what Spike must be going through. But after what her own twin had done, the sympathy was visceral.

A sudden groan snapped Pumpkin out of her melancholy. She was relieved to see that its source was Twilight, her awakening magically accelerated by Starlight. "Thank goodness," she said.

"Indeed," said Quinoa. Then, he turned to face the petrified Pound. "Now, we can get some answers."

Chapter VIII

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When Pound woke, the first thing he noticed was that he had a splitting headache, the worst sensation he had awakened to in weeks. He groaned in pain, wrenching his eyes open.

Standing in front of him were four ponies: his sister, Twilight, Starlight, and some old dude in Absta robes. Immediately he remembered what had transpired in the castle, which he was still in. He looked down it his hooves, which had been magically embedded deep into the floor to trap him in place. He groaned again, looking back up at the ponies, none of whom appeared the least bit pleased with him. His luck had run out.

"Ok, he's awake. Permission to rip apart his mind for the juicy bits?" asked Starlight.

"Denied," said Twilight. She was either less angry at him than the others or the best at hiding her emotions. "We're doing this the old fashioned way: a Q&A session."

Pound sighed. "Fantastic. I can already guess what you're going to ask," he said. "Did you guys already talk to Twilight?"

"Yes, we did," said the stallion. "According to her, your actions regarding the princess, according to her, were merely... abrupt."

"Turns out I jumped to conclusions," added Pumpkin. "What you did wasn't as terrible as I had imagined, but still."

"There are still many issues beyond rape we must discuss, however," Twilight said. "Equally serious issues."

"Namely, what happened to Spike," said Starlight.

Twilight visibly saddened. "Did you use your magic on him? Traumatize my closest friend, and half the town?"

Pound took a deep breath. Realistically, the only choice he had was to answer truthfully. Still, he didn't have to spoonfeed her everything. "I have no idea what you're talking about. The first thing I did once I got back was come here to have sex with you."

"Well then who did? Because I don't know anypony else capable of instantly whipping libidos into a frenzy," said Twilight.

"Oh, in that case it was probably my master, Banana Bliss. She promised a distraction so we could have privacy," Pound replied.

"Your master?" asked Pumpkin.

"That was just a distraction?" asked Starlight.

"One at a time, ladies. But yes, my master," Pound said, taking in their confused expressions. He then pointed to the Absta Knight. "Probably like this guy is to Pumpkin, but like a million times sexier."

"Alright, I believe you," said Twilight after a moment's pause. "Then where did she learn her powers? I had no idea lust magic could work in reverse."

"From a long line of sex wizards called the Rutyu, of which I am now a part. We've been operating in secret until now."

Immediately, the stallion's face paled. "Then it is as I feared. They were not totally wiped away."

"Quinoa, what are you talking about?" Pumpkin asked. "You knew these... Rutyu ponies existed?"

"None of us knew," Quinoa admitted. "The Rutyu were ancient history, long buried. I had no reason to suspect this was—"

A sudden blur of movement out of the corner of his eye drew Pound's attention away. Diving down from the rafters, silent and fast as an owl, was Bliss. Pound had just enough time to gasp before she was within striking distance of his captors. None of the mares had reacted in time. Meanwhile, Quinoa was spinning to face her, a hoof under his cloak, when her Penetrator met his skull with maximum force.

There was a crunch.

Quinoa let out a gurgling sound and collapsed, his face frozen in a mask of determination as blood seeped out of his head. Everypony else was completely shocked, Pound included.

Tears rushed down Pumpkin's cheeks. "QUINOA!"

Banana Bliss shook her weapon clean and lunged for Pumpkin, teeth clenched. She was barely able to scamper out of the way of the vicious blow in time.

"Glory to the Rutyu!" Bliss exclaimed.

Nothing indicated to Pound that his master was showing restraint anymore, and he found himself numbed by the spectacle. Finesse the last thing on her mind, each swing Bliss unleased had her full strength behind it. Pumpkin weaved and ducked like her life was at stake, which it was, alternating between frightened screams and heavy breaths as Bliss kept closing the distance. However, Pumpkin had managed to grab her own weapon during a split-second opening.

"You monster! How dare you!" exclaimed Princess Twilight, enraged.

Twilight was slowly backing away from the fight on shaky hooves, wings flared in anger. Or possibly arousal, Pound noticed, given her pussy was soaked again. A few small sparks periodically shot out from her horn, and her head was pointed at Bliss. Starlight was in a similar position, minus the wings, and equally furious. Bliss must have been exerting pressure on their minds this whole time to keep them from incapacitating her.

She was now using her wings to add unpredictable momentum to her Penetrator attacks, her superior size and reach limiting Pumpkin's options. Pumpkin was growing more desperate, now needing to block some of the strikes even though her weapon was almost knocked away each time she did, such was Bliss' power. Pumpkin's already flagging stamina was visibly being sapped even more.

"Help me!" Pumpkin pleaded to whoever would listen, unable to even look away from Bliss for an instant.

"I'm trying!" admitted Twilight, horribly distressed, her aura flaring for a moment only to vanish. "Too... horny. Can't *hah* focus."

Meanwhile, Starlight was having even less success, as she inched towards Twilight. "Must," she began, huffing with exertion between every word, "not go down on Twilight."

Starlight's evocative statement barely registered with Pound, as he was still trying to process this whole situation. He stared at the body of the stallion on the floor, cold liquid pooling underneath it. Then he stared at Bliss, the mare he'd given himself over to completely, as she continued attempting to do the same to his twin sister. He'd never seen Bliss' eyes like that before, shrouded with the wrong kind of lust.

He watched as Twilight's wrath morphed into fear when she realized she could do nothing to assist Pumpkin. She let out a choked sob as Pumpkin continued to struggle in the face of Bliss' relentless onslaught.

All the memories of the good times he'd shared with his master were being enveloped by the truth before his eyes. Gone was the sly, ravenous mare he remembered, replaced by a pony willing to kill anyone standing in her way. His ears fell. Pound had never wanted this.

In desperation, Pumpkin grabbed at the Penetrator in Bliss' hoof with her magic, but the pegasus' grip was too strong. Scowling, Bliss pulled back and struck with her other leg, punching Pumpkin in the jaw. She retched in pain, her Conduit clattering onto the floor.

Banana Bliss smirked, raising her Penetrator high. "As the Absta fall, the Rutyu shall rise to conquer the world!"

For Pound, the look of abject despair on Pumpkin's face was the last straw. Almost on instinct, he reached out to Twilight with his power and, for the first time, lowered somepony's libido.

Immediately, her tail fell back down and her eyes snapped back into royal clarity. Just as Bliss began her finishing blow, she was trapped within a field of light. At the same time, the very air behind her was torn asunder, forming a portal to an extremely foreboding landscape.


Initially glaring at Twilight, Bliss whirled to face Pound, realizing what he had done and obviously stunned by his betrayal. "No! Why!?"

Without further ceremony, Bliss was sucked backwards like a leaf in a tornado. When she crossed the threshold, the mystical rend snapped shut with a bang.

For a moment, all was silent. Then, a shiver of relief overtook Pumpkin, and she fumbled over to Twilight, wrapping her hooves around her in a tight hug. "Thank you, Princess!" Pumpkin exclaimed.

Twilight patted her head reassuringly. "I... you're welcome. But it isn't just me you should be thanking, I think," she said, turning her head to gesture at Pound. "That was you who returned me to normal at the end there, right?"

Pound nodded, unable to meet her eyes. "Yeah. I didn't... I had no idea Bliss would go that far. I couldn't just stand by and do nothing."

Pumpkin smiled at him, relieved.

"Not to interrupt this touching moment, but..." interjected Starlight, still quite flushed. She gestured down at herself.

"Oh, sorry," said Pumpkin as she returned Starlight to normal as well. "I would have done that earlier, but—"

"I totally get it," said Starlight. "You were too busy trying to not die."

Pumpkin cringed slightly, looking back at the spot where Bliss had been pulled into Tartarus. "Yeah."

Twilight extracted herself from Pumpkin, turning to Pound with a small smile on her face. "It seems we have another reformed villain on our hooves."

Pound pouted. "Hey, I was never a villain! I'm an advocate for sexual liberalism!"

Starlight snorted, teleporting Pound out of the castle floor with a quick spell. "That's what we all say at first. Welcome to the friendship club." She winked at him.

As Pound stretched his aching legs, Twilight frowned, despite the lightening mood.

"I have a lot to think about," Twilight said. Then, turning away, she teleported a coffin into the room from somewhere and slowly levitated Quinoa's body inside. Another spell, and the bloodstains vanished. "Starlight, I'm going to go see Spike, then clear things up with the townsponies. Keep an eye on Pound for me, will you?"

"Oh, come on, I'll be good!" insisted Pound. "It's hard to get it up when you're in the middle of a minor existential crisis anyway."

Twilight didn't know how to react to that statement, so she just shook her head and took to the air, flying out the door.

"Well, I believe you, Pound," said Starlight. "Your actions are evidence enough for me."

Pumpkin sniffled. "It's good to have you back, bro."

Pound approached her with hooves outstretched for a sibling hug, but she shied away. He sighed. "Ok, given that incest quip from earlier, I should have expected that."

Starlight blinked at them. "Uh, ok then. Say, is that your cutie mark?" she suddenly asked.

"Huh? Oh, yeah," Pound said.

Starlight took a closer look at it and facehooved. "Wow. Congratulations? I was going to say we should go find your parents, but..."

"Nonsense! They've been worried sick!" said Pumpkin. "We'll worry about Pound's unsavory talents later."

"They aren't unsavory!" retorted Pound. "I agree with Starlight. Maybe we can have our Cutecenéra tonight!"

Starlight's muzzle scrunched. "Wait, you got yours too, Pumpkin? Hmm. I suppose that would be a good way to take everypony's minds off the whole 'oversexed dragon rampage' thing. Pound's cutie mark story notwithstanding."

Pumpkin sighed. "They're going to find out the truth eventually anyway, so why hide it?"

"So we tell them everything?" Pound reluctantly asked.

Starlight nodded. "It'll all work out, trust me."

* * *

Pumpkin's parents had cried tears of joy when she returned home with her brother in tow. Those tears dried up somewhat when he reluctantly told them where he had been this whole time and what he was doing. Still, Pumpkin cracked a smile in relief when Cup, Carrot, and Pound all shared a fierce embrace, the latter beginning to cry himself.

After that, preparations for their shared Cutecenéra began in earnest. Pumpkin was more than happy to help her mom and dad in that regard. It was like she'd never left, the basics of working with dough and frosting still ingrained from years of practice despite her newfound purpose. Since Pinkie Pie was out spreading the word and everything was on such short notice, her parents needed all the help they could get.

Eventually, Pound and Starlight reentered Sugarcube Corner after having left. Peeking out of the kitchen, she saw they were carrying boxes on their backs. "What'cha got there? I thought you were with Pinkie?" she asked.

"Bliss' stuff," replied Pound. "And we're getting to that."

"It's common courtesy to wait a bit before going through a dead pony's things, but Banana Bliss was banished, not killed, so... yeah. Also, a good amount of this needed to be archived in Canterlot Castle's dangerous magical artifact vault," added Starlight.

"Ah ok," said Pumpkin. "I probably don't want to know what's in those boxes, do I?"

Pound smirked and shook his head. "Tools of the trade. Some lucky pony might get a private demonstration later."

"Pound!" exclaimed Starlight, poking him in the side. "You're incorrigible!"

It was going to be a long rest-of-her-life, Pumpkin thought.

By the time the party actually began, Sugarcube Corner had been almost completely transformed for the occasion, such that you could barely tell it hadn't always been an event space. So too had Pumpkin transformed, now no longer wearing her mark-concealing robes. Dozens of ponies were in attendance, and almost all of them took the news she and Pound had to share in stride. After that, the traditional eating, dancing, and conversing began promptly.

Pumpkin tried to spend some time with her old friends, but quickly found she had little interest in what they were talking about or playing. And when she tried to talk to the adults, the topic would always shift immediately to her own life, which grew old fast. Having nothing else to do, she grabbed a slice of cake and trotted outside for some fresh air. As she ate under the low-hanging sun, her thoughts drifted back to everything that had happened today. There was so much, it almost felt to her that a whole month had passed. If she hadn't been a changed pony on the day her flanks were graced with a padlock, she certainly felt like one now. She was more... mature.

So lost in introspection was Pumpkin that she didn't notice Twilight Sparkle move next to her. "Hello, Pumpkin. Why aren't you inside?"

Pumpkin's head jolted to the side from the sound. It took her a moment to realized she had been asked a question. "Oh, I just wasn't really feeling it. The party, that is."

The princess nodded, her expression radiating wisdom. "I understand completely. Perhaps this could have waited until tomorrow."

"Probably. Where do I go from here?" Pumpkin asked with a slight frown, the words escaping her mouth unbidden.

"Well, as it so happens, I have news in that regard, courtesy of Spike," Twilight said. She then pulled out two scrolls, one of which was opened.

"What is it?"

Twilight beamed. "In recognition of your demonstrated bravery and aptitude, both you and Skytrotter have been promoted to full Absta Knights!"

Pumpkin gasped. "Already? That's... wow. I'm honored."

She giggled. "Don't tell me, tell them!" Then, her mood sobered. "Also, given Master Quinoa's sacrifice, the pair of you have been placed in charge of Ponyville's sexual defense for the time being."

Pumpkin stared into the distance. "Now I'm less honored and more worried."

"I'm sure you'll do great," she reassured.

Pumpkin figured it best not to argue the alternative. She would try her best, and hope that would be enough.

After a quick hug, Twilight walked inside to enjoy the party, but not before delivering the second letter. As it turned out, it was for Pumpkin. Seeing that the scroll was from Ringading brought a smile to her face. Pumpkin would have to keep in touch. If she had learned anything from this ordeal, it was that you should make sure to cherish every moment with those you cared about, because you never knew when they'd be lost, morally or physically.

With that in mind, Pumpkin smiled softly and stepped back inside, intent on being with her friends and family, annoyances and all.

Chapter IX

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Pound Cake lay sprawled across a plush, springy bed, staring off into space. Unlike most rooms containing beds, this one had little else, save for some mood-enhancing scented candles on a small table and his 'toolkit'. It probably wouldn't be long before his first client of the night showed up.

Almost a year had passed since Pound had returned home to Ponyville, and a lot had changed since then. After much research and deliberation, Princess Twilight had decided to legalize prostitution in Equestria for the first time since it was founded. At first, her colleagues were reluctant to allow such a thing. However, they eventually admitted it wasn't the inherent morality or lack thereof but rather societal bias which had kept the profession down. Plus, Twilight had been sure to include the necessity of obtaining a license first, much like with bartending. And the certification process was obnoxiously comprehensive, as he quickly found out.

Still, Pound now had the privilege of being able to get paid for sharing ecstasy with those equally eager, and so did every other pony with a sex-related special talent. Right now, the new brothel he worked in only had one other prostitute within its walls, a slutty mare in her prime named Rosehips, but demand had also been low so far, and they had been able to keep up. Hopefully, that wouldn't last long as Ponyville's denizens warmed up to the idea of visiting the aptly-named G Spot.

The sound of hooves in the hallway outside pulled Pound back to the present. When the door swung open, he was expecting to see the smiling face of Ruby Pinch, the hostess, as she ushered somepony in, but was instead met with the measured façade of Diamond Tiara, clad in her trademark tiara and a sharp blouse.

"Miss Tiara!" he exclaimed. "What are you doing here, ma'am?"

Her expression soured as she entered, another unexpected face in the form of Scootaloo following behind. Scootaloo looked far more excited to be here than she was.

Diamond sighed. "Just because I own this place and command respect doesn't mean I like being called 'ma'am' by my employees. It makes me feel old. Just Diamond, thank you."

"Sorry ma'— er, Diamond," Pound managed.

"It's fine," she said, waving it off. "As for why I'm here this evening, I recently realized that I haven't actually seen you in action. And as an entrepreneur, I need to ensure that anything I'm selling is up to snuff. I only deal in the best of the best, after all."

A shit-eating grin rapidly formed on Pound's face. "Does that mean—?"

"No," Diamond said, cutting him off. "I will merely be observing the proceedings."

"Darn," he said.

"I'm the lucky mare you'll be tending to," said Scootaloo with a smirk.

Pound's eyes trailed across the pegasus' sleek body. He let out a wolf-whistle. "Honestly, I think I'm the lucky one."

Scootaloo barked a laugh.

"Then this should be easy for you," said Diamond, smiling. "Prove to both of us that Apple Bloom's recommendation was warranted."

"Yeah, let's see what you got, kid," said Scootaloo as she flicked her tail. "Fair warning, though: I'm not nearly as easy to satisfy as AB is, and I like it rough."

"Rough, eh?" Pound said. Then, lowering his voice, he added "In that case, I'll make sure you won't be able to walk straight for a week by the time we're done."

A shiver visibly went down Scootaloo's spine. "Now we're talking."

Without further ceremony, Scootaloo jumped onto the bed, her enticing scent already making its way into Pound's nostrils. Her small but perfect wings tensed in anticipation as she devoured him with her eyes. Seeing Scootaloo's barely contained desire helped Pound immensely in ignoring Diamond's critical eye in his peripheral vision so he could focus on the task at hand: giving one of Ponyville's most eligible singles the ride of her life.

Pound closed the distance between them in a heartbeat, pressing his muzzle against hers and prying it open with his tongue. When she reciprocated, their kiss was most certainly not chaste in the slightest as they tasted every inch of eachother's mouths, slick muscles intertwined. Scootaloo shut her eyes to savor the sensations as Pound wrapped his hooves around her body to caress the base of her wings.

Diamond watched intently as their makeout session rapidly escalated, both pegasi falling sideways onto the bed. Pound could feel Scootaloo's breathing become more fevered as her exhales washed over his face, their lips locked tightly. He could sense conflicting lusts building inside Scootaloo at that moment. One part of her wanted the foreplay to last forever, so the sensations growing within her wouldn't stop. Another wanted to race to the finish as quickly as possible so she could experience everything he had to offer.

Pound grinned as he broke away, a strand of their saliva snapping apart as he did. He knew exactly what to do, and his dick was up to it in more ways than one. For a moment, there was a pleading look on Scootaloo's face, her mouth still hanging open. But before she had a chance to ask why he stopped, Pound sat up, grabbed her head in his hooves, lined it up with his crotch, and yanked down.

She took over half his cock in one stroke, her throat bulging slightly as his member overwhelmed her with its girth. Scootaloo's brow shot up in surprise, but that was quickly replaced by other, much more fun emotions as Pound started viciously pistoning back and forth. A blissful moan uttered by Scootaloo sent incredible vibrations through his dick, complementing the already incredible slickness and tightness of her mouth-pussy. She couldn't even keep eye contact with Pound anymore, her eyes rolling back into her head.

Pound rammed forwards as hard as he could, his balls slapping audibly against Scootaloo's chin as he hilted himself in her throat. Now he was getting somewhere, his first climax slowly approaching.

"Don't go in that far, you'll choke her!" suddenly warned Diamond.

Pound snorted, glancing away. "It's fiiine. She said she wanted it rough, and there's no way I'm letting her out of here less than 110% satisfied. Besides, Scootaloo is totally into getting mercilessly facefucked. Right, Scootaloo?"

Her reply was to moan again, her tail and wings both shooting into their upward positions and staying there.

Pound laughed. "See?"

Diamond couldn't argue with that, and quickly shut back up to spectate with something more than academic interest.

Pound slowly increased the pace of his thrusts as Scootaloo grew more desperate. She kept trying to grab at his balls, but couldn't muster the strength to keep her hooves up, her face flush. So instead, she pleaded up at him with her eyes, begging wordlessly for Pound to pump his musky seed down her waiting gullet.

This spectacle was enough to drag him over the edge. Pound grunted as his muscles clenched, an overwhelming electricity shooting through him. "I'm cumming, Scootaloo! Don't spill a drop!"

And cum he did, his practiced cock unloading more semen than a fully grown, pent up stallion. Scootaloo's legs locked, holding her in place as she became nothing more than a cum dumpster for those blissful seconds. When he finally pulled out, the last few spurts ended up in her mouth. As Scootaloo rolled his cum around on her tongue before swallowing, Pound could sense that she absolutely loved the taste. To Scootaloo, it was more satisfying than even the most well-advertised of chocolate bars. But she still wasn't done, and wouldn't be content until she had also been stuffed from the other end.

"I have no words, dude. That was unreal." Scootaloo said, spinning around to present herself. "Time to return the favor. It's all you can eat."

Pound paused, confused. "Uh, I can pleasure you way better with my dick, you know."

"Well, yeah, but don't you need a bit to recharge?" Scootaloo asked, looking back over her shoulder.

Heh, that's a cute mistake, Pound thought. "Experienced as you are, you've never slept with anypony like me before, remember?" To get his point across, he gestured down to his cock, which if anything was even harder than before.

Scootaloo gawked at the sight, a bit a drool escaping her lips. "Oh, right. Lust magic."

Pound winked. "The best kind, especially when shared."

"Shit, yeah, lay it on me!" Scootaloo said. "Should'a done that from the start!"

"He couldn't have: you didn't express consent until just now," interjected Diamond Tiara. "Licensed prostitutes can't cast magic of any kind on their customers until then."

Scootaloo nodded. "Gotcha, that makes sense."

Meanwhile, Pound had glanced over at Diamond when she'd started talking. Where she had previously been standing, Diamond now sat on the floor, her butt pressed the carpet as she fidgeted in place. She was trying to keep a straight face, but flickers of envy kept peeking through.

Pound grinned. "Hmm, wait a minute... You wouldn't happen to be interesting in joining us, would you?" he asked.

Diamond's eyes widened. "W-What? No, of course not," she said, turning away. "Even if I was in the mood for sex, which I'm not, I wouldn't want to roll in the hay with somepony as uncultured as you. Idiot."

And yet she'd still hired him, but whatever. "Suit yourself," Pound said.

Getting back to the matter at hoof, Pound watched Scootaloo eagerly as he reached into her mind and slowly pushed her arousal past its normal limits. When he did, her tail flagged even higher, and her cunt visibly clenched as her body shook.

"Oh, fuck fuck fuck," she moaned, her hooves wrinkling the sheets. "This has to be you; I didn't think it was possible to be this horny. Give it to me before I go insane!"

Pound chuckled. "Your wish is my command."

As she turned her head back away, Pound reached over and pressed down onto Scootaloo with his hooves, her tail tickling his stomach as she squirmed. With a practiced motion, Pound lined himself up with her drooling lower mouth and snapped forwards using his back legs. Scootaloo screamed as he filled her completely out of the gate, all the way up to her cervix.

Judging from the rapid shockwaves running through her entire body, pussy most definitely included, Scootaloo had cum on the spot. But Pound wasn't going to stop there, and gave her no time to rest before rutting her in earnest with forceful thrusts. Each one produced a muffled, wet slap as he ground against her sensitive walls.

"Mmmaaagh," moaned Scootaloo, her eyes rolling back and her wings flexing in random directions. "M-More! Harder!"

Pound savored the sensations in his cock as he obliged. His mind emptied of thought as he lost himself completely in his task, no longer Pound Cake, but a virile alpha stallion. And Scootaloo was no longer Scootaloo, but merely the hot mare overwhelmed with need whom he was fucking.

Suddenly, Diamond Tiara rose, walking over to the bed and breathing heavily. She stared at the point where their bodies met and gingerly climbed on to join them. "I changed my mind," she said. "I'm participating now."

Pound snorted. "Can't contain yourself, eh? Well, I sure won't hold it against you." He tapped the mattress next to Scootaloo as he kept boning her.

With only the smallest hint of reluctance, Diamond lay down on her back. Her aristocratic pussy was pristine, and all the more enticing for it. "Be gentle," she commanded.

Not wanting to keep his employer waiting, Pound pulled out of Scootaloo with a lewd squelch and lined himself up with Diamond. He slowly pried her pussy open with his throbbing member, the process of entering her unusually difficult. When she finally yielded to him, Pound immediately noticed how tight she was, Daimond's body shaking as she clamped down on Pound with exquisite pressure.

As she moaned with intensity, Diamond shied away, her eyes shut. Pound gawked in realization. "Were you a virgin?" he asked.

When she didn't immediately reply to the contrary, Pound's heart skipped a beat. He'd never been somepony's first before: it was an honor and a surprise.

However, the moment ended as Scootaloo pouted back at Pound, now achingly empty. She glared at him with all the fury of a mare scorned. "Hey, What's the big ideaAAAAHHHH!"

Her complaint was cut off by a shriek of purest bliss as Pound realized his mistake halfway through and used his powers to make her cum on the spot, hard. Scootaloo's pussy erupted with fluid all over the bed, the sounds of supremely satisfied mare music to his ears. As she collapsed, panting and totally spent, Pound turned his attention back to the cute as hell businessmare his dick was currently inside.

After checking Diamond's mind quickly to make sure she was feeling more pleasure than pain (she was), Pound slowly began to move. He knew it would probably feel amazing if he went even a little bit faster, but he held back for Diamond's sake. His own needs now came second.

And given the awed expression on Diamond's face, she was certainly having her needs met. "Oh, wow," she said. "This feels even better than I thought it would. I'm - ahhn - never going to the spa again."

Pound smiled, savoring the slick forces at play as he delicately slid back and forth inside her. He leaned down to plant a series of kisses down her neck as he did. "Yeah, I do make a great stress reliever. But then how will you maintain that pretty face of yours?"

Diamond blushed, squirming from his ministrations. It took a bit for her to reply, overwhelmed as she was. "I have the - mmm - salon."

"Still, I'm that great, huh?" Pound said as he pressed his body into hers, every touch a thrill. "Does this mean I pass?"

"Mmm, we're not finished yet," Diamond managed, her legs spread wide across the bed.

Pound could feel every inch of Diamond as their bodies ground against eachother. Whenever he brushed against her clit, even just a hair, her back would arch from the touch. The once snobbish mare was but helpless putty in his practiced, talented hooves, and they both knew it.

Ready to put on the finishing touch, he leaned down to whisper in her ear. "Just think: we could do this every day. And each time, I would show you new heights of pleasure. I would still be working for you, but, really, you would be mine. Nothing more than a slut, craving for what only I can provide. Do you want that? To be claimed? To be filled?"

Diamond wrapped her hooves around and yanked him close. Her breathing grew erratic as every muscle in her body went taught with impending release. "Yeees! I need you! Give it to me, now!"

And then she came, the folds of her hot snatch clamping down with force. Given the newfound intensity of what he was feeling, Pound was more than happy to spoil the rich filly with exactly what she wanted as she dragged out Pound's own climax, the familiar rush of semen surging out of him and into Diamond's womb as they shook together. Diamond's jaw dropped as her need was quenched, tears forming at the corners of her eyes from the overwhelming experience of her first creampie.

A trail of cum oozed out of Diamond as Pound carefully extracted his dick, which he allowed to fall flaccid. He now understood exactly why so many stallions preferred virgins; the experience was unique in the best way, both from the nature of the pleasure and the company. Diamond herself was rendered totally out of commission, body unmoving, starting blankly into the ceiling, and still panting as she occasionally twitched in afterglow. Her blouse and mane were horribly ruffled, and her tiara had fallen onto the floor at some point. Usually he needed his magic to fuck a mare into such a content mess, as evidenced by Scootaloo, who was in a similar state.

"Well? You ok, ladies?" he asked.

Both of them glanced in his direction, but could only manage contented sighs in response.

Pound rose, proud of a job well done. "I'll let you two rest, then. See if there's a filly waiting for me. The business of pleasure waits for nopony, after all."

Just as he was about to leave for the fresh room next door, he turned back with a sly grin on his face. "Hopefully I'll see you again soon."

* * *

After finishing his shift at the G Spot and sleeping through the morning, Pound made his way over to the location of his arguably much more important second job, if one could call it that: Twilight's castle. A few ponies shot him dirty looks along the way, but just as many were blushing. Such was the nature of the life he had chosen, and he didn't mind one bit.

When he entered the crystalline structure, he was met by the displeased visage of his biggest detractor: Skytrotter.

Pound sighed, walking past him only for the older pegasus to follow. "It's been weeks, dude. Do you really have to keep doing this?"

Skytrotter narrowed his eyes. "Just because Twilight trusts you now doesn't mean I do. Forgiveness needs to be earned. And until you do, I will continue to treat you as the largest threat to this town's sexual safety."

Of course, Pound knew he was well aware of who had actually been at fault for his master's death. Ponies each dealt with grief in their own way. Pound tried his best to forget and move on, and Skytrotter had his anger.

He figured it would be a good idea to change the subject. "So, how's my sister been?" Pound asked. "I haven't seen her recently."

This softened Skytrotter's mood a bit. "Pumpkin has been an inspiration, and working with her is an honor. I still cannot believe you are twins."

"We were much more alike when we were kids," Pound said, his mind flashing back to more innocent times.

Neither of them said another word for the rest of their trip upstairs to Twilight's bedroom. Pound entered right on schedule, Skytrotter remaining just outside the door to obstinately stand guard as always, even though neither he nor the princess had asked him to. Twilight was already waiting, with quill, parchment, and body at the ready.

A small, eager smile lit up her face. "Hi, Pound."

"Good afternoon, princess. Are you ready to begin?" he asked.

"Yes, please. I swear, I'm going to get this today!" she declared, stomping a hoof.

"It's only been two days, Twilight. Nopony's expecting you to figure out lust magic instantly."

"That's just it, though," she said with a huff. "I'm the Princess of Magic! I should be able to use it."

Pound walked over to her side. "Well, look on the bright side: even if this whole thing doesn't work out, you can find somepony else qualified, and you still got to bed me a bunch of times for free."

The main point of this arrangement for teaching Twilight everything he knew about Rutyu techniques was so she could ensure they were preserved for posterity and properly regulated.

"True." Twilight chuckled, then took a deep breath. "There really isn't anypony else, though. Every other pony I could find with the credentials to publish an academic text was simply too prudish for this."

"Honestly, that's not very surprising," he replied, smiling up at her. "Guess you'll just have to keep up that persistence, then. You'll get the hang of it in no time."

At that, her own smile widened. "Thanks. Let's not waste any more time and get started."

With that, Pound nodded and willed himself to an enticing hardness as Twilight summoned a block of ice and sat her butt atop it. She gazed longingly at him as her brow furrowed in concentration."

"Ok, sexy. Think back to all the sensations we've shared. Focus. And let the lust flow through you..."

- The End -