Mostly to Protect !

by Captain_Stallion

First published

Most of the time Cadfael was just a simple Earth pony, but life is not always simple.

Cadfael has only been a farm pony a few months, and already he seems to be attracting attention to himself.
Settling in was the not hard part, it was keeping his secret identity from those around him, and making sure that he didn't abuse his gift was a lot of responsibility for a growing colt, and upon that his true talents would soon be discovered.

Chapter 5

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Mostly to Protect

Cadfael had walked closer than was safe towards the Everfree forest.

He laughed at the notion that Princess Celestia had sold the Apple family the idea to claim land right next to the most dangerous place in all Equestria.

But he thought again as he looked at the almost black trees not more than a couple hundred hooves away, and now another idea passed through his head. "It took a brave pony to claim these lands."

He saw pathways that went no closer than fifty hooves towards the forest. He had been told of these areas where special flowers or herbs grew, and he decided that the Everfree would be a good place to hide for Captain Stallion, or at least giving the impression that he lived there.

After a few minutes of looking around he found a covered gully, but before he could check it out he now heard a distant sound, it was his Mamma's whistle, and that told him to come back to the house.

He grabbed his saddle bags where he had left them earlier, and then tossed them on his back. Cadfael realized that he was more than likely in trouble, and he began running back towards the farm as fast as he could.

As he came into the yard, he saw Mama Thimble stood in the doorway of the house. She didn't appear to be smiling, and he knew he was ether late or she knew he had gotten to close to the forest edge.

Cadfael stopped running, and trotted up to Mama with a wide smile. “Hello Mama, time for lessons?”

Mama reached down and took him by the ear, then brought her face close to his, and as she began to speak; there was almost a note of disappointment in her voice. “You are not only late for lessons, but you went to the edge of the Everfree forest.” She now shook her head as she continued to Talk at him. “It is a wild place, with many beasts that would eat a colt like you for a snack!”

Cadfael knew he was caught, and just admitted it to his Mama. “Yes Mama, I went close to the edge of the Everfree!”

Her face grew softer, and she let go of his ear. He stood up, and gave a slight bowing of the head. “I'm sorry Mama, I wanted to find a private place away from everything, and everypony.”

Thimble now had a softer expression on her face, and she bent over and kissed her colts head. “I do not punish young ponies that tell the truth.”

She now turned around and looked in the house. She spoke as she knew another pony had been listening in. her voice had a commanding tone in it as she then spoke. "Mountain Rose!"

A voice replied from just inside the house.. “No Mama, truthful ponies do not get punished.”

Both Cadfael and his Mama went inside the farm house, and took seats in the large Front room. Thimble had set up a chalk board. and she now took Cadfael's small slate writing board, and wrote out several math problems, and then passed it to him. She then spoke. after your done with the problems on your board. I want you to write out the alphabet, upper and lower case on the big board."

Thimble was amazed how quickly Cadfael caught onto his lesson. Cadfael was already writing fairly well, but Mama took note of the many words that he had misspelled, and she just made a list of them to work on later. Although today, she was going to give him some simple math problems.

Thimble now looked at her daughter Mountain Rose. She told her daughter earlier before that she was expected her to spark magic from her horn today.

Mountain Rose now became more vocal about her displeasure. The little filly dropped her ears, and frowned, and in a voice that only Silver Spoon or Diamond Tiara could match began her whining . “Mama give me something easier, that's to hard.”

Thimble had her daughter stand up, and close her eyes, and in a calm voice she spoke to Mountain Rose. “Don't think about it, just relax.”

Mountain Rose thought she had finally figured a way out a way around Mama’s home schooling. "I just can't do it Mama!"

That was when Mama brought a switched across her flank.

Mountain Rose screamed as if she had been branded, but her horn on the other hoof sparked bright enough to light the room, and it lasted for a number of seconds afterwards.

Thimble patted her daughter on the head. “Good filly.” She now offered her daughter a small cookie.
Mountain Rose looked at the tiny reward, and thought of the stinging on her flanks.

Thimble now smiled at her daughter, and looked the little filly in the eyes and said. “Now do it again!”

Mountain Rose looked at her Mama's smile, and now with little effort she sparked her magic, not as bright as before, but still enough to cause Mama Thimble to smile, and speak. “Very good Mountain Rose.” Again she gave her a small cookie, and a kiss to her head.

Mama Thimble now turned to Cadfael and asked. “Will you be done soon colt?”

Cadfael looked at Mama, and with a wide grin replied. “Mama it's done, is that OK?

Thimble Gave Cadfael quizzical look and then took the board to check. and as she examined it she saw all the problems were correctly done.

Thimble now looked and had to ask him a difficult question. “My colt, did you see the answers in the book?”

Cadfael shook his head, and replyed. “No Mama.”

Mama Thimble had almost expected to hear a rattling as the colt shook his head, but now wrote down several more problems. Then she hooved the board to Cadfael. "Do these as quickly as you can son."

He looked at the board, and with almost the same speed he wrote the answers down.

He hooved it back to her, and just smiled at her.

She then checked the answers. Most of which she did not know, she just wrote down numbers, but now she had to check the results.

Thimble was amazed they were all correct.

Mama Thimble looked at her two children, and then stood up. her voice sound almost chipper as she spoke. “Let us clean up, we are going to the library.”

It only took a few minutes to get ready. and the weather was pleasant for the walk into town .

Once they arrived Thimble pulled a wash cloth seemingly out of nowhere, and wiped the faces of her two foals. She then pointed a hoof at her daughter, and then she knocked on the door of the library. Mama now turned to her foals, and pointed a hoof at them. “Remember to bow politely, because the librarian was Princess Twilight, and I will not have my foals spoken of that they could not be polite around the Princess."

After one more wordless warning to Mountain Rose they entered. There was no pony in view, but a soft humming told them somepony was about. a few moments later they spotted a purple alicorn on a ladder shelving books.

The Librarian looked down from where she was and smiled. “Hello, my assistant had to take some time off, and I have to re-shelf returns.” She flew down to the ground, and she asked. "How can I help you?”

It was then the Princess saw that all three ponies were bowing.

Princess Twilight was now beginning to get a slight frown. “No, the sign outside says no bowing during library hours.” She then took a breath. “But what can I do for you?”

Thimble spoke up. “I think my colt needs a more difficult book than I checked out.”

Twilight thought for a minute, and then spoke up. “No, that's the right book for his age, and I was wondering because he only started lessons last spring.”

Cadfael smiled, and added a comment. “I had a really nice teacher.”

“Oh!” Smiled Princess Twilight now wanting to know who was his teacher. “What was their name?”

Cadfael stood tall. “Ms Vellum.” He seemed to have a lot pride behind his answer.

Twilight was a little confounded, her response was not what he was expecting. “Her; Your kidding me?”

She quickly caught herself before she said any more. she focused on the colt. “Can I see Cadfael's work.”

She looked at the answers on the slate, and she thought to herself. “Nice hoof writing!”

Princess Twilight then took up a piece of paper, and a marker. She then wrote out twenty questions, with twice the numbers of the old test.

The Princess directed him to one of the desks in the library, and sat him down, and then she hoofed him the test she had just written out. “Here, you do the best you can. your Mother and I will have a cup tea. Bring it right over when your done.”

The two mares and the filly went to the kitchen. She placed the kettle on the stove, and set out the cups, she looked to see what sort of cookies she had in the pantry, when she heard a pony move behind her, and turning around Twilight saw Cadfael standing right behind her.

The Princess smiled at the colt. “Oh you having problems, I'm not surprised.”

She took paper and looked that it. “All the problems were done, and they were again correct.

Princess Twilight was a little perplexed at this time. “Cadfael did you know the answers before the test?”

He got a little frown on his face. But said nothing bad towards the princess. “No, I just saw there were more numbers stacked on top of one another.”

Twilight didn’t appear to be upset, just surprised. “Wow!

Now Cadfael saw the eyes of both adults on him, and he took a step backwards. “I'm I in trouble?”

Twilight now stepped forward, and placed a wing around the colt then smiled. “No, just the opposite, your a natural.”

She pulled out a quill and paper, And after pausing a moment quickly wrote a letter. She cast a spell on the candle, and lit the paper on fire.

She turned and finished making the tea and even offered CadfaeL a cup.

Thimble had not heard or seen her daughter so she headed out to prevent the library from burning down.

After tea a letter appeared out of the candle which consumed itself at that point.

She lifted the letter and read it.

'Dear Twilight

The young pony in question is Cadfael. He came to my sisters and my attention shortly after Winter Round Up. He is the one the Apple wanted to raised as a earth pony, and you yourself also supported said idea.

I felt he maybe a pony that surprises us all someday.

I will be sending a tutor to assist him before he starts school this fall. In fact she is looking forward to seeing him again.'

Princess Twilight now looked at the little pony with the bald face. She smiled at him and then at her Mother, and again all she had to say was. “Wow!”

She went and got several books off of the shelves, I would like him to read these book over the next two weeks, and then send him back to me.

Thimble looked at the thick books. “When should he be done?”

Princess Twilight spoke in a calm voice. "Tell him to take his time, Celestia said she would send a tutor to help him."

They were getting ready to leave then Cadfael smiled at Princess Twilight. “Maybe if were lucky Ms Vellum will come out.”

Twilight just grinned, and commented back. “Oh yes, if were lucky!”


Two weeks had passed on Dayton’s and Thimble’s farm. and for the most part Cadfael had filed what had happened as old history, and while he had figured out addition and subtraction, after the book, he had a knowledge of multiplication and fractions.

A loud knock at the farm door while the family was eating lunch caused a bit of a start, and upon checking they found a Royal Guard by the name of Tall Shield that was in the service of Princess Twilight.

Tall Shield was one of Princess Twilights body guards. And he had come out to get Cadfael.

Thimble asked “Is he was going to the library?”

The Guard nodded and replied “Yes Ma'am.” The Royal Guard pause, and then looked and pointed towards Cadfael. “A special guest has come to see you.”

Thimble told her colt. “You may go, but tell them you still have chores to do.”

Cadfael was all smiles. “Yes Mama.” And giving her a kiss, and he then trotted to the Royal Guard, but waved before he left his parents sight.

Now the colt had to comment, because here was walking with one of highest of the EUP, a royal Bodyguard.and so Cadfael now spoke out, and his voice cracking a little. “I'm going to be a Royal guard when I get older.”

The Royal Guard just looked down at the colt, and then smiled at him, but he gave comment after a moment. “Good luck colt, it can be a hard trek any pony, but just pay attention, and do what your told.”

Cadfael saw that Bodyguard didn't wear any rank on his uniform, and was not required to salute while on duty. “Thank you Sir.”

The Royal Guard walked directly to the library. After arriving, he opened the door for Cadfael.

Upon entering the Library Cadfael turned to see Ms Vellum. and she appeared to be all smiles.

Cadfael then ran up to her, and Ms Vellum spoke gently to the young colt. “Hello my dear, are you doing OK?”

“Yes ma'am”

Ms Vellum walk to the sofa and took a seat. “Have a seat by me please.” She then poured tea for the colt, and offered him a plate of cookies.

They talked back and forth about the weather and ones health. But finally Ms Vellum excused herself Then stood and walked to the kitchen.

Twilight, came closer to Cadfael.

Cadfael got back on the floor, and bowed to Princess Twilight. she then motioned for him to retake his seat. Again he sat on the couch, and then slid over a little, to give the Princess more room.

Twilight had seen how Vellum had behaved towards him and she spoke. “Ok, I just have to ask, how did you do it.”

Cadfael looked confused, and raised an eye brow before speaking. “Do what your highness?”

Princess Twilight rolled her eyes. “Just what did you do to get the Dragon to like you?”

Cadfael's face was a gasped. “You should never talk about ponies when their not around, it's not polite.”

Twilight was caught doing something very Non-Princess like. “Sorry, just curious, she gave me a really hard time in school.”

a few minutes later Ms Vellum returned. And the topic changed.

Ms Vellum pulled out a brief case. “I have written up several tests, would you mind trying to do the problems?”

Cadfael sat down and tried. Although he had never seen these symbols before, or numbers in brackets.

Ms. Vellum watched the colt examine the paper. She then looked at the paper, and then asked. “Why don't you do the problems?

Cadfael rubbed the marker against his temple leaving a small spot. “I've never seen problems like these before?” He placed the paper on the table before him. “Would you please explain them to me?”

Ms Vellum, and Cadfael then moved to a small desk, and read a chapter in a mathematics book. after the reading, and a short work with the practice problems on the example page Ms Vellum then told him to do the problems as best he could.

She wrote twenty problems on a sheet of paper, and gave Cadfael a sheet of scrap paper to work the problems out.

she told him she would be in the kitchen talking to the Princess, and he should let her know when he was done.

Cadfael sat, and after a slow start he began trying to solve the problems he was given. So thirty-five minutes he got up from his seat and walked over to give the sheet over to Ms. Vellum.

She took it from the colt. and after looking it over smiled as she hooved it to Princess Twilight.

The Princess looked over the paper as well and also smiled.

The Princess in a surprised voice commented. “Cadfael you got them all correct.” But then she lost the excited tone. “Now I have to ask, did you cheat?”

Cadfael's face took on the frown expression. “I am cousin to the element of Honesty, I would never cheat!”

He said this in an almost defiant tone. It was something Twilight had not heard before from this young pony before. and she raised her hoof.

“You may go outside for a break, but be back in a few minutes. Cadfael now bowed to Twilight, and gave a hug to Ms Vellum before heading outside.

Ms Vellum spoke. "with only a few weeks of schooling, and he rates at much higher than most his age, well at least in mathematics, he's a prodigy, we have a genius, he must be cultivated and nurchered."

Twilight glaced at the paper. and returned her smile before commenting. “I think we have a little Star Swirl.”


Cadfael walked across the road and was headed towards Sugar Cube corner. But he felt like somepony was watching him. He turned his head to see a little filly come up to him.

She had a silver gray coat, and a white mane which was neatly braded. She seemed friendly. “Well at least she was smiling.” thought Cadfael.

She seemed nervous, but she spoke. “Are you new around here?”

Cadfael noted that Now she was blushing. He also thought she was sort of cute, but he thought he best keep that to himself.

He cleared his throat. “Hello, I'm Cadfael." Now Cadfael caught the scent of lilacs from the little filly.

She batted her eyes much like Ms Rarity. “That's an interesting name, where are you from?"

Cadfael smiled. “Well most think I'm from the western lands Of Equestria.” He was now watching the filly shift back and forth on her hoofs. “They tell me my coat is like the ponies from there.” She continued to shift back and forth, and he was beginning to think that maybe she had to go to the bathroom.

She took off her glasses. and held them in one hoof, and she then continued the conversation.

She bit her bottom lips just slightly. “I'm Silver Spoon, if you...”

She didn't get to finish because a harsh voice cut in. “Silver don't talk to him he's a no pony.”

Cadfael was taken back. “That filly had a sharp tongue!” He was about give her the standard sticks and stones may break my bones, but she could have a few stones on her, and best not to chance it.

The filly in question now stamped the ground with her hoof. “Oh just hurry, I'm going to Sugar Cube Corner." She turned towards the door of the shop where she was head. “With, or without you!”

The Gray filly now placed her glasses back on. “I have to go...”

Cadfael had to ask. “Do you really need those glasses?”

She seemed to lose the ability to look directly at him. “Not really.”

Cadfael spoke directly to her. “Then you shouldn't wear them. You can't really see your beautiful eyes.”

Silver Spoon turned to follow her friend into Sugar Cube corner, but Cadfael gave her a parting comment. “Because your eyes are the same color as Princess Celestia’s.

The little filly lost her hoofing for a moment, but Cadfael rushed up and caught her before she fell.

Cadfael looked at her, and she had an odd look on her face. “Are you OK.” He asked.

She put a hoof to his cheek. “I am now!“ She was now walking to the building her friend had gone into. but now kept turning and waving bye to Cadfael. Although just before she went into the building she blew him a kiss.

Cadfael made sure to duck. She could have spit at him. “These fillys here are a crazy lot.”

He turned for a moment and was going to walk away, but somepony quickly moved behind him, and they hugged him. By the lilac smell he could tell it was Silver Spoon. She had moved behind and was running her muzzle into his mane. She made almost a purring noise.

The next thing he knew a scream could be heard from Sugar cube corner, and the screams of Mrs. Cake.

Silver Spoon had let Cadfael go, and she began to calling out a name. “Diamond Tiara.”

Cadfael ran towards the closest alleyway, and while running he called upon the thunder. "SHAZAM!"

Captain Stallion flew into the air, circling from an angle that would have had him coming from the Everfree and diving through the smoke and fire, and into the back kitchen door of Sugar-cube corner.

The Captain didn't see anypony in the kitchen area, and he could hear Mrs. Cake yelling from outside the shop.

He flew up the stairs and heard the cry's of two small foals, he entered the door, and picked up the two foals, and the Pink mare that had been in the room with them. It only took a second to fly them out the window and place them on the ground, and then it was back inside to find the source of the fire.

He went directly to the kitchen, and saw the problem. A fire was both on top, and all around the stove. The Captain quickly moved up to the stove, and placing a hoof under it , he lifted, and turned off the gas, he then broke the small flexible line to be able to remove the burning kitchen appliance. He then lifted the stove, and several other flammable object and moved them outside as quickly as he could. The tatted cloak he wore had caught fire on the edges, and while he tried to be careful with the door the whole door frame had now been damaged, and the Captain knew this was coming out of his own pocket.

Once outside, and away from everything the Captain placed the stove down in the middle of the street so the fire department could easily put out the fire, and then stepped aside as the fire department quickly moved inside the building putting out the fire there as well.

The bakery had been very lucky, the fire had caused damage, but then there was the smoke as well. Although the state of the doorway that the Captain had destroyed caused him to wince.

The Captain stood there feeling like he should have done more, but he didn't know what else he could have done.

It was then a camera flash had gone off, and a reporter from the local newspaper quickly took another, but those weren't the only ones. They reporter caught a good picture of him being kissed on the cheek by Mrs. Cake, and one him holding the family in a hug as well.

The CMC was present, but Sweetie Belle appeared to be hiding.

The Captain now went to check on her. “Hey Sweetie what's wrong are you hurt?”

She was becoming very tearful. She and then she began crying. “It's my fault, I put the can of oil on the stove.” She took a moment to wipe her face. “I tried to move it but it was hot, and I spilled it and.”

She hid her face in his chest. “I'm so sorry!”

The Captain comforted Sweetie Belle as best he could. He then looked at Mr. and Mrs. Cake and spoke. “I'll pay for the damages.”

He turned to Sweetie and looked into her eyes, and smiled at her. “I'm going to get some monies for the damages.” He patted her head. “You don't worry about a thing.” He sat up and looked towards the other two fillies. “In fact why doesn't the CMC come with me...”

The Captain allowed AppleBloom and Scootaloo to ride on his back. but he carried Sweetie Belle in his hoofs.

The flight only took a few minutes, and the Captain zoomed back and forth over the forest canopy making it to confusing for them to have back tracked to the cave.

Over the last few weeks the Captain had found small treasure across Equestria, from Dragon hoards , sunken treasure chests, and lost treasures of the Everfree. He had brought them to a place he could reach, and would be difficult at best for others.

He landed outside the cave, but before he took them in the cave the Captain paused. "What your about to see, you can't tell anypony, this treasure belongs to the ponies of Equestria. and I use it to fix things I break while helping ponies." The three fillies. nodded, and made the Pinky Promise, and finally the Captain allowed them inside.

The three fillies made a loud whistle as they passed an assortment of broken ancient objects, piles of coins, and other treasures. The Captain hoofed them a small chest. “You fillies figure out what you think the Cake's will need.”

The CMC quickly loaded the chest, and commented on the cave.

They were all soon flying back ponyville, and the monies were hoofed over to the Cakes by Sweetie Belle.

The Captain turned back to Sweetie Belle, and he knelt down and putting a hoof under her chin lifter her head tp look her in the eyes. “Don't worry, accidents happen to everypony, even me.”

He then patted the top of her head, and Sweetie Belle gave gave him a smile.

The Captain waved at everypony, and then leaped up, and sped away headed towards the Everfree forest as a crack of thunder filled the air.

A few seconds later Cadfael came out from behind the pump wagon of the fire department.

He just swallowed a bite of an apple “Hey I heard the Captain was here.”

“You missed him.” Silver swooned, and then looked at Cadfael, and screamed loud enough to wake all of Ponyville.

Silver’s comment was now heard by all there. “Cadfael you look like Captain Stallion!”

He jumped back, and all at once a number of colts and fillies surrounded him.

Cadfael had actually been ready for this. “Hey if I was Captain Stallion would I have this.” Cadfael raised his leg and showed a bandaged. after that the excitement died down quickly.

But Cadfael also knew he had to get the fillies on a different track, and calling the CMC over. “Hey Girls you know what I'm thinking.” now finishing his last bite of the Apple.

As if on cue all four yelled out. “Cutey mark crusaders superheroes...”


Rarity and Applejack met for lunch a few days later. The Cakes were living in the local hotel, They had placed tables and chairs outside for a flare of Prance.

Applejack was a bit upset at Apple Bloom going off with a stranger. Even if it was Captain Stallion.

Rarity on the other hoof, was delighted that he had showed up when he did. And that he had paid for the damages caused by the CMC instead of her, and Applejack.

Applejack looked at the picture of the captain in the newspaper. “You know if I didn't know better I would swear that was the dogs blanket from our farm.”

Rarity now commented. “For being so dashing a hero, he needs a costume.” All at once her eyes lit up. she began making notes.

“Applejack Dear. Could I ask a favor of you please.”

Applejack looked up., she had heard that tone when Rarity got one of her ideas. “Yes, what do you want?”

She smiled and batted her eyes. “I want to go to the Crystal Empire to ask a favor of Princess Cadence.”

“What do you want to go up there for?“

“I want to learn how The Ponies there can spin Gems into cloth.”

Applejack gave Rarity a little eye brow. “Why, would you want to know that?”

“I have my reasons.” Her thoughts were wondering if she could learn the secrets of they Crystal ponies.

“Well it sounds like something you would add to your fashions.” She took a sip of her drink. “Sure I'll watch Sweetie Belle for you.”

Rarity went to the other side of the table, and gave Applejack a hug, and nuzzle. “Thank you my dear, I'll be back in a week.”

A tall Stallion now came across the street. He had been sent down to Ponyville what word was out that Captain Stallion had been in the area.

He was asking questions of the locals. He saw a mare with a hat on from behind, and he thought. “One more, and I'm heading back.”

“Excuse me Ms. but I was looking for anypony that may have seen...”

He stopped talking it was her, the mare that sold him the pie at the Gale, it was her.

“Yes, you wanted something mister?”

He came around, And he sat in the seat that Rarity had just gotten up from.

He just stared at her.

Applejack now taking another sip from her cup, but looked up at the Stallion with one eye. “Are you OK mister?”

He was looking at her, and after lifting his mask from his flight suit. “Yes, but only if...“

Applejack grinned, and gave a little sigh. “Oh here it. Comes.” And now thinking to herself. “Another stallion, wanting to show her his stuff. Not one of them interested in what she was liked.”

“Only what?”

The stallion swallowed. And then spoke. “Would you please bake me a pie, I'm am so in love with your apple pie from the Gala”

She looked at him for a moment. “Really, that's what you want?”

A goofy grin spread across his face, and his blush could planely be seen. “Well that and now that I've seen you out of that fancy dress. I would like to ask if I could call on you some time?”

She just looked at him for a moment, and then she gave him a little laugh. “Mister that is the most original line I have ever heard.” She placed her glass down, and dropped a few coins on the plate. “Lets go!"

Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Captain Stallion

A comic project for the Summer of 2013
"It's meant to be a simple and fun project to share with, my friends!"

It was the perfect day to be an Earth pony. And on the Old Apple farm, it was a good time to work, but Cadfael and his father have stopped for a break.

Dayton had taken it upon himself to watch that Cadfael's desire to appease did not get him hurt. Dayton was an older pony than most when he started his family, and he was often called “Gramps” by some of his peers.

Thimble his unicorn wife had just stepped onto the porch. Many thought he robbed a cradle to have gotten such a young mare as his wife.

Thimble had come from the kitchen, she still held the wood spoon she had been cooking. "Dayton, you and Cadfael come in the house, breakfast is ready!"

The two males, a large Stallion, and a young colt trotted up to the water pump and fill the bucket. They quickly got washed up, and they then went into the kitchen. There on the table were two big bowls of porridge and other things as well. Dayton would be the first to admit, while his wife was a beauty without equal. It was her cooking that kept him on the farm!

Cadfael took a bite of the brown bread and in a soft voice asked. "Mama, can’t I go with father to get new wheels for the wagon?"

Dayton looked up, he knew better than to argue with Thimble. He took her side right away. "No son, Mama has gotten your schooling started, but Miss Cheerilee will teach you more!"

Thimble was very please not to have to argue this point. and he took her side without having to be prompted, and then thought to herself. "such a well train husband." Now the following was directed to both of her children. "No arguing, now let me see my foals!"

Both Cadfael and Mountain Rose stood up for Mama to inspect how they looked. It would not do to have others think you didn't treat your foals properly.

She almost teared up as they walked to the doorway, and before she blew a kiss to Dayton...

Cadfael had only been with the Dayton and Thimble Apple for a couple of months. Although they have grown as close as any family in Ponyville.

"I can't wait to tell my friends all about my hero big brother!" Piped in Mountain Rose.

The title of hero always seems bother Cadfael, and the statement had caused him to blush.

Thimble spoke to her daughter then. "Mt Rose, those are not your stories to tell. elides they bother your brother...

Mountain Rose appeared to be a little exasperated. "But Mama their true stories, not like the ones I tell normally."

Mama just shook her head slightly, and then looked at her daughter standing there near the doorway. Thimble so wanted to send her daughter to travel with her family for a year. But she knew it would kill her husband who loved being around his children more than breathing.

Mountain Rose had just run into a brick wall called Mama...

So in a monotone voice Mt. Rose chimed in. "Mountain Rose has to be good and behave like a young lady!"

This bit of sass upset Thimble to no end, and she shot a glare at her daughter and then pointed her hoove at her little filly. "No talking back, young filly it's not very polite.” She now looked at the clock on the wall. “Oh dear were going to be late!"

It took a no time for all three of them to make it to Ponyville. Mama was heading to a fancy building both children were getting to know quite well, Carousel Boutique.

Thimble turn and gave the two young ponies a quick inspection, and then pulling a washcloth from almost nowhere she gave Mountain Roses a wipe of muzzle with the cloth, she then commented. “Rosy how do you do it. I swear you could get dirty in a snowstorm.” She now checked to make sure she had everything she needed. “Now Mama has to work for Miss Rarity this week. So after school comes back to Carousel Boutique, and we'll go home together!"

The young ponies kissed their Mama once more before trotting away. And as the children turned to walk to school Mama added something else. “Rosy remember when Mama is not around your to do as your brother says.” She just turned and knocked on the door, and then walked inside.

The young colt liked Mama and Father's rule when they were away because he was in charge. Mt. Rose always did what Cadfael asked, even if she gave him a little backtalk now and then...

Cadfael and Mt.Rose walked to school it didn’t take long. The teacher a Miss Cherlilee was still busy with Mayor Mare. The little ponies could play longer than normal, till she was finished...

Mountain Rose began tugging on Cadfael to get his full attention. "Oh Caddi, can I go play with the other fillies?"

Cadfael smiled. “Sure, but don't get dirty!"

Mountain Rose gave a smart remark back. "Yes mama." and then sticking out her tongue at her brother.”

He returned the gesture and then went looking for familiar faces of his friends.

Having no one in sight Cadfael went to a table and was going to have an Apple before class. He had taken two bites when he heard a familiar voice in distress.

It was his friend Little Tongs. Cadfael knew that whiny voice anywhere. "Hey give it back, it was a gift from my Mom.” A pause and then he started up again? “Hey, you broke it.”.

Cadfael went to look at what was happening. As expected there were three of the billies of the schoolyard. Well more like one bully and two toadies, and the only pony that was willing to get between them and Tongs was Sweetie Belle. He just loved that defiant cute squeaky voice.

"I'm telling Miss Cheerilee!” Threatened Sweetie Belle to the large colt. She had placed herself between the bully and Tongs.

Heartwood the bully in question a rather bulky youth. He didn't take kindly to Sweetie’s threat. "You do and you'll be sorry." He was not above picking on or hitting fillies.

Now Cadfael had enough of this, he dropped his books and walked between Heartwood and Sweetie. "No, she won't!"

Now Cadfael was as tall as Heartwood, but not near his weight. That was not the problem. The months of Thimble's good food and farm work had turned Cadfael into a different pony.

Heartwood now appearing a little shaken by the challenge from Cadfael. He as a member of the Apple family, the Apples were known for being hard workers and protecting family and friends. " I'm going to make you sorry!" He made a snorting sound to show his defiance.

Cadfael turning to Sweetie Belle. “Would you make sure Mt. Rose gets to class on time!"

Barleycorn and Corn Cake both backed up Heartwood, but by the looks, on their faces, they were not really happy about this.

None of the ponies present there really knew who swung the first hoove of the fight, but it could not have lasted more than a min or two before it was over. Mt. Rose had been the one that got Miss Cheerilee to stop the fight!

While the class was in session that day the four colts all sat on a bench outside the schoolroom on the porch. The Mayor had given them a stern lecture on behavior on school grounds, but Ms. Cheerilee had the final word on the matter.

So the four largest colts at school all sharing a single bench outside of school, and all of them appeared bruised and bumped up, and Heartwood had a cut from Cadfael under his eye, which was bruised.

Cadfael pulled an apple out of his school bag. He wiped it off against his coat and took a bite then passes it to the next colt. "That was dumb!"

The colt next to him was Barleycorn, and while he was not really a bad sort he was easily lead. He knew he was going to be in big trouble tonight. “Tell me about it, my Da is going to ground me for life.” After looking at the Apple he took a bite as well, and passes it to the next colt.

Corn Cake like Barleycorn just looked at the Apple for a moment Then took a bite carefully to avoid Barleycorn's bite. There was always a chance of getting his germs. “My daddy is going to tie me to rock and toss it down a well.” And now passed the Apple to Heartwood.

The last colt Heartwood just looks at the apple for a moment. “My mom is gonna cry, and ask why do I misbehave!"

Heartwood took the last bite of the apple and tossed the core back to Cadfael. But without blinking Cadfael hopped up and caught it in his mouth. A moment later spit out the seeds over the railing of the porch.

They all look at him for a moment. Then after a second, all the colts start laughing. and they were told to be quiet while out on the porch. But they still talked about school, sports, and young fillies.

The day passed very slowly on the bench. Other than lunch, and a short break or two, the colts had to spend the day on the bench. At the end of the school day, they were marched before Miss Cheerilee, she sat behind her desk and for a moment just glared at them

As Miss Cheerilee just looked at them and thought to herself. “These four are huge, what are they feeding them nowadays.” She shuffled some papers on the desk and then gave them that glare only a veteran teacher could do. "Well from what I heard, and saw. You've solved most of your problems, save one."

Miss Cheerilee now placed four yellow envelopes with the names of each of the colts on them.

"The rule is you won't be suspended.” She paused for a dramatic moment. “If your letters are signed!"

A collection of moans and groans, that came from the four colts. Anypony else would have thought the worst possible abuse had been wheeled against them. One by one they came up and got their envelopes.

Cadfael walked out of the classroom. but his mode changed quickly because he could see his sister playing with Sweetie Belle.

Cadfael approached Sweetie and very timidly told her. "Thank you, for watching Rosy!"

Sweetie Belle just smiled As she watched the big colt blush. "Your welcome, besides we're both going to Carousel Boutique!"

The walk over the boutique took only a few minutes. Sweetie stayed close to Cadfael, she had become a good friend of him over the last days of summer. Mountain Rose walked on the other side and watched Sweetie watching Cad.

After the short walk to Carousel Boutique concluded with all three going inside the door leading to the kitchen...

Sweetie tossed her book bags onto the counter, "Rarity, Cadfael, and Rosy are here with me!"

Rarity could be heard calling from the main room of the boutique. "Children would you mind waiting in the kitchen!"

"Yes, Miss Rarity!" Cadfael and Rosy called out in unison.

Sweetie Belle turned to her two friends. "Sorry guys, but I've got to meet the other crusaders, bye!" And she quickly left.

Rarity entered the kitchen. "Hello children, has Sweetie already left?"

Mountain Rose answered first. "Yes, she just left her book bag and left,"

Rarity lifted Sweetie's book bag to a small table on the side.

Rarity smiled at the children. "Your mother is almost finished, but I'll make you a snack."

Both replied with a. "Yes please!"

As Rarity got busy in the kitchen, she called out to Thimble. "Would you like some tea Thimble?"

A voice spoke from another room. "Thank you, that would be nice, but it will be a few minutes before I'm done!"

The children and Rarity sat at the table eating lemon squares and drinking juice.

Rarity again spoke to Thimble in the other room. "My dear your children are so well behaved, can I have one." She patted Mountain Rose's head and gave her a little giggle...

Thimble’s voice could be heard, “You can have the filly, I'm keeping my colt.”

Mountain Rose could be heard making an angry growling noise.

Cadfael noticed that the corkboard had a number of news articles and pictures of Captain Stallion pinned to it.

Cadfael just had to ask. "Is Sweetie Belle a Captain Stallion fan?"

Rarity blushed a little. "Yes, but to tell the truth we both are, and in fact, I'm working on a project for him."

Cadfael had learned a lot about manners while at the palace. Even though he didn't realize it right now. "It must be beautiful if you're working on it!

Rarity now gave Cadfael a very mischief smile for his compliment, and then made another comment to Thimble. “Are you sure I can't have your young stallion, he's such a charmer.”

But Thimble replied once again. “No, I'm expecting a big stallions dowery for that one.”

Rarity not wanting to admit it really enjoyed having Thimble around, she was like an older sister. She was glad to have her around to help with her skill at embroidery. Because now she was able to sell dresses she had made earlier, and some of the clients came as far as Manehatten.

Rarity helping Mountain Rose with her homework. She took note that Cadfael had finished his homework faster than she could have done it. and the colt was now quietly drawing. He put down his drawing pad for a moment to take a bite of his lemon square.

Rarity’s curious nature was taking over, and she wanted to see what Cadfael's drawing book held. "May I?"

"Yes, but they aren't very good!"

Rarity now levitated her purse to herself, and she put on her glasses and then began to look through his drawing pad. "Well, I have to say these are lovely!"

Cadfael blushed, and when she returned his drawing pad he quickly put his book away. "Thank you!"

Mt. Rose now spoke up. "Cadfael never shows his drawing book to any pony!" Then just took a drink from her juice box.

"Really, then it's only fair to show you my secret project!"

Rarity now got a very serious look on her face. “Follow me.”

As they passed through the work area, Mama Thimble looked up for a moment. “Where are you all going?”

Rarity turned. “I was going to show Cadfael my inspiration room.”

Thimble raised an eyebrow. “It took me working six weeks for me before I saw it.”

Rarity only replied with a giggle. “I got to see his drawing pad.”

Thimble commented back. “If he has shown you his drawing pad, I may have to ask you to pay his stallions dowry.”

Both Cadfael and Rosy followed Rarity to a closed room.

Rarity pulled out a set of keys and unlocked the door. "I normally don't bring visitors to my inspiration room."

Rarity opens up the door. While not as neat as most of the rooms, everything seems to be handy.

Going over to a ponynequin under a protective sheet. she dramatically whipped off the cloth protecting it from any damage, and prying eyes.

There was a reddish-orange uniform, and a white cape, both trimmed with a golden cloth.

Rarity beamed with pride, "I made this for the Captain after he saved the airship, the Royal Rainbow!"

Cadfael asked to see it, he checked it out without touching it. “It looks very delicate, won't it get damaged easily?”.

Rarity held her head high. “I thought about that, this cloth was made by spinning gems to thread and weaving the thread into cloth. Because it's almost impossible to cut. I have to weave it as you see it, there are no seams, it is one solid piece of cloth.”

She just bit her bottom lip. "I just need to figure out how to tell him?"

Rarity replaced the cloth on the ponynequin.

Mt Rose now spoke up again, and much to the disapproval of her big brother. "Cadfael said he sees him now and then.”

Cadfael shot Rosy a glare, and rosy could only reply. “Oops!"

Mt. Rose knew she had broken another rule.

Cadfael now turned to Mt. Rose.

Though Rarity placed a hove on Cadfael's shoulder. "Is this true?", she Inquire.

He nodded yes, and then he shot another glare towards Mt. Rose. Who then shrieked, and ran to mama. "Yes, what should I tell him?"

Rarity was laughing at the antics of the two young ponies. "Please tell him to come by anytime when he feels comfortable, and I'll do a final fitting."

Thimble now called out. "All finished Rarity, come along children we need to get home!"

"Bye Miss Rarity, thank you for snacks and juice!"

Rarity Smiled at the young ponies. "Your welcome children.” and then giving Cadfael a wink. “If you see him tell him."

Cadfael spoke up and waved towards Rarity."Yes, Miss Rarity!"

As they stepped out the door, Mama turned to Cadfael, and in a tired voice spoke to Cadfael. “Your sister said you told her you were going to trade her to the Griffins for a bag of parsnips.”

Cadfael made a sheepish grin. “Yes, Mama I did.”

Thimble just commented about the falling value of fillies in parsnips.

The walk home went by quietly, with the exception of Mountain Rose who spoke non-stop telling about her day. Once home Cadfael hoofed his letter to his Mama, who pointed him towards his father...

Upon returning home Cadfael began doing his afternoon chores of stacked wood against the house, one of many chores, he started tearing up, and it was beginning to tell on his face...

Dayton watched his son work from the barn. Being a lazy pony was not the problem, it was seeing that his was son carrying too large a load of wood, bothered him. He knew he could hurt himself, and so he went to talk to him. "Son, we need to talk."

Cadfael felt his life there was over His face was showing signs that he has been feeling. "I'm sorry." He fell before Dayton and hugged his Father’s leg. “Please I'm sorry, it won't happen again.”

Thimble heard Cadfael crying in the yard, She quickly came to see what the problem was!

Thimble spoke out to no one in particular. "What is going on here!". She was now looking at her two stallions. Dayton just shrugged his shoulders. "Dayton, what did you say to our son?"

He had no idea what was happening. She was now giving Dayton a scowl, and Dayton seemed afraid to say anything till the matter came to light.


The whole family sat together after dinner, and Cadfael sat very quietly on his spot on the bench. His parents had worked out the problems.

Dayton finished his pie and took a drink of his coffee. He looked at Cadfael. "Son we are not going to chase you off, the letter never said anything about a fight."

Dayton went back to eating, but he waited till Thimble got up and went to the kitchen. He leaned over and asked. "Did you win?" Now giving Cadfael's bit of a wink.

Cadfael didn't outright smile. “I don't think I won, but I took all three on. It was more of a draw.”

Dayton patted Cadfael on the shoulder. “That's my colt.”

Now Thimble never missed a trick. "Dayton Apple, don't you encourage our son into violence." Now levitating the dishes off the table and into the Kitchen sink.

Dayton knew he was on the defensive. "Just asking the colt dear.”

"Well it's almost time for bed, so get ready children!" Thimble now turned and tapped Mt. Rose. “Don't forget brush for three minutes, or you'll be wearing false teeth before you're out of school.”

Cadfael had almost finished getting ready for bed. But then jumped up as if he had been stung by a wasp. "Almost forgot!" Now grabbing something off the shelf, and ran outside.

The moon is just rising. Cadfael lowers a long pole in the front of the house and tied the black banner to it. The cloth was a black banner with a crescent moon with a star in each of the four corners.

After he raised the flag he stepped back. “I hope she sees it someday."

Cadfael came back in and waited till all in the house were asleep. Normally he was asleep, Mama began snoring, the sign she was asleep. He quietly slipped outside onto the porch.

After he waited a minute to make sure no one was checking He moved from the farmyard to some distance to just inside the edge of a grove of oaks.

"It should be OK to change here!"

The area became illuminated by a bolt of lighting.

Cadfael had transformed into Captain Stallion." Hope it's not too late!” Earlier in the day he had taken an old blanket and hidden it in the oaks he now used to wrap around himself. He now flew off towards Carousel Boutique.

Captain Stallion landed just a short distance away from Rarity's house. While not loud the thud caused a few curtains to open...

Captain Stallion stood up and dusting himself off, and thinking to himself. “Well, any landing you can walk away from eh.” He walked up to the door and rang the bell.

It was only a few seconds before he received a reply. Ms. Rarity’s voice could be heard. "I’m sorry, but we're closed for the night!"

Captain Stallion was afraid of this happening. "I’m Sorry, but Cadfael said I could..."

All at once, he heard her yell. "Oh, just one moment Captain!"

Captain Stallion is taken back by the loud noises coming from inside the boutique... Moments later the door was opened, and in the doorway was Ms. Rarity wearing one of her cuter outfits. “Sweetie Belle, be a dear and bring the Captain. a cup of tea!"

“Please come in Captain, come it”

Captain Stallion was escorted to the front room sofa. Ms. Rarity sat down beside him and poured a cup of tea for the Captain.

Now Sweetie Belle brought a book of her designs she was just so excited to show him her ideas for the uniform concept. Rarity showed him the designs she had come up with.

Captain Stallion, knew which one she had made, and so he picked that one. “Oh that one, it's perfect, beyond perfection!"

Rarity looked at the Captain and smiled. "Did Cadfael tell you what I wanted to show you?"

He just smiled. "No, not a word." He paused for a moment. “He said it was very special.”

Rarity had become as giddy as a school filly. "The dear colt did not tell you, he saved the surprise for me, wonderful colt!"

She stood up And extended her hoof. “Would you please come with me, dear Captain.”

The Captain could feel her hoof getting rather warm.

They walk through the front room. Rarity drew her key and unlocked her inspiration room. She flicked on the lights and walked towards the ponynequin Rarity used her magic to dramatically remove the cloth that covered it. “Ta-da!”...

Rarity beamed with pride, "It is one of my finest pieces Captain!"

The Captain reached for it. “It's so beautiful...”

Rarity sashayed in front of the Captain. “Let me ready it for a fitting please.” She began to remove it from the ponynequin.

Right then Captain Stallion was feeling a little awkward. It seemed Sweetie Belle had been looking at his flank...

The Captain thought about ignoring it, but now he started noticing the sound of coins hitting the floor in the shop.

He turned around and smiled, and spoke directly to the little filly. "What's up Sweetie Belle?"

Sweetie Belle was happily surprised that the Captain knew her name. She smiled wide at his acknowledgment. So she answered him without a second thought.

"I was just seeing if a bit would really bounce off your flank. It doesn't seem to work!"

Rarity's head went to its full height and eyes went wide. She turned her head and just stood there with a look of horror on her face. "I'm so sorry Captain!"

The Captain just smiled, "It's OK, I wonder where she got that idea?"

Rarity gave a little laugh. “Little fillies, you never can tell what they'll do next.” And now she was biting her bottom lip. "Captain, I....!"

"No problem, it was funny!"

Cadfael had always had a soft for Sweetie Belle. But she seemed more interested in Little Tongs. So he would have to settle for being friends. He reached into a pouch for something to give her, and then he found something he could give to Ms. Rarity...

Cadfael had found many interesting objects while being Captain Stallion, one which had been a jade sea pony, he was going to give it to Mama, but he could not think of how to give it without a ton of questions, and he had given most treasures he found to the widows and children fund he had discovered, but this was OK, she wouldn't ask questions...

"Miss Rarity, on my travels I found this, it would make me feel better if you would take it as a thank you!"

Rarity knew the piece as an early Equestrian art, and may be worth thousands, "Captain it's too kind of you, thank you"

As the captain looked towards Rarity it was then she caught him off guard, and at that moment she kissed him...

Captain Stallion’s train of thoughts was now completely derailed, and the Captains began thinking to himself, "Wow!" He closing his eyes and enjoying the moment...

All of a sudden a flash went off. both Rarity and the Captain look to see that Sweetie Belle has just taken a picture of the two of them.

Sweetie Belle just grinned that impish smile of hers, "I just thought you would like a picture of you in your new uniform!".

Both the Captain and Rarity are speechless, and more than a little red-faced...

The moment was lost by a sudden, and a very loud knock at the door.

Rarity stood and moved towards the door. "I think I should get that!"

Standing in the doorway were two royal guards, and now looking past Rarity at the Captain. Their horns began to glow, and they seem ready to act...

One of the Royal Guards now spoke. "You are the one that calls himself Captain Stallion?”

Captain Stallion just stood there a moment then spoke up.“Yes Sir?”

Both Royal Guard ponies took on combat-ready stances. “To avoid any problems, please stand down and come with us!"

Captain Stallion began to walk towards the guards. but now looking back. "Thank you ladies for the tea and uniform!" He then walked out to meet the guards...

The door was magically closed behind the Captain as he stepped through it by one of the royal guards.
Rarity ran to the window, she seemed to be in a controlled panic. "Sweetie, go get a wrap on we're going to see Twilight right now.”


The Captain found himself walked to the park that was directly across from Carousel Boutique.

The Royal guards knew their job because the Captain now found himself manacled, and an unusually heavy collar having been placed on his neck and locked in place...

Several unicorns now appear from the shadows, most of their horns already glowing, their spells are ready to cast,

“Why are you doing this.” The Captain seemed like he was going to cry. and most of the royal guards noted this.

They all look up and waited as a cloaked figure descended into the clearing. Now with a shake of their hood, their head now revealed, and all present bow to Princess Luna...

Luna had the stallion where she wanted "Since you never have taken my offer of an interview. I'm calling upon you!"

The Captain had no idea why she would be doing this. "I'm sorry, but what have I done?"

Luna became quickly angered and took up her loud Equestrian voice. "Quiet, your not to talk unless to answer the questions asked you!"

Captain Stallion became very sheepish, he didn't want to upset the Princess more than she already was, "Yes my Princess!"

The question was mostly on his loyalties, and questions of his origins...

The Captain began thinking to himself. “I never realized how big my Captain Stallion form was. He stood in front of Princess Luna. Being able to look her in the eye on the same level, and he could see that she noticed also...

Luna now informed him of what was going to happen. "You will accompany us to Canterlot, where we will continue this interview."

A slight panic came to his voice. "But I've got to get home to Mama and Father because they'll worry. Also, I have chores that have to get done..."

The Captain caught himself before he went any farther.

A Royal Guard officer approached the Princess, "My princess, forgive me, but the stallion appears to be no threat to you, or Equestria, in fact, he is almost child-like.”

The Captain now spoke up. "I'm no threat, I love my princess." He tried to rise but was pulled back down by the magic of the collar. Even now the power surged around him. He was in a great deal of pain from this, and he tried not to react, but it was hurting him, and badly.

Luna stepped back, seeing him fight the spells that had been made to bind him. "Keep your place."

The pain was too much for him to take, and tears filled the Captain's eyes, and finally, with a great effort, he stood and broke the magical collar into a thousand shards.

All around him jump back and readied their spells. But if he broke that, what good could their magic do to him.

He now saw what he had done. "Oh no, I'm sorry, I'll pay for that." and he and sat back down.

A voice from out of nowhere now filled the park.

"That's a good Captain." Celestia now landed and joined her sister. "Luna you found the stallion in question, but how?"

"The local guard reported it to me as soon as he saw the figure enter the town. I brought a score of guards, and the artifacts we made to bind him!"

Celestia now looked at the shards of the stone collar. "Well it appears the Captain is stronger than any binding spell we can do!"

Luna now took an offensive posture. "What are you thinking of my sister!"

"Only one thing to do my sister.” Celestia moved towards the Captain and whispered into his ear. "Do not be afraid young Cadfael, I will not harm you.”

She now stepped away from the large stallion. "Captain!"

Captain Stallion stood up but bowed his head. "Yes my Princess!"

"You may go, but I need to finish the talk with my sister."

"Yes, your highness!" The Captain took a step away and then flew off towards the Everfree forest.

The royal guards present stepped back, and several of them now questioning if they could deal with the stallion they just encountered He seemed at least as powerful as the princesses...

Luna's screamed. "You let him go, we had him!"

Celesta calmly spoke. "Luna, did you not see him break that seal, one designed for him!"

Luna had lowered her tone but still spoke with an upset voice. "But sister, how can you be so sure that he is what he says?"

"Sister, did you notice he never took his eyes off you!"

Luna pauses for a moment as if her sister had forgotten to say part of her statement...

Celestia now gave her sister a shy smile, "Sister, he is a stallion".

Luna stood there waiting, but the light finally went on, and she looked away in abject disgust, "you must be kidding!"

Celestia just smiled, "Sister, it's easier to catch a bee with honey, than with vinegar!"


The Captain found himself flying a zigzag course over the canopy of the Everfree forest, and he thought things could not get any worse.

The Captain crashed into the ground, tumbled a little way, he was not hurt but he jumped up and ran off into the forest...

He sat under an ancient great oak. "She knows, she knows, she knows, what am I going to do!"

The minutes passed, and the Captain Stallion now sat quietly by himself in the Evergreen forest.

Now the Captain felt a wind enter forest area, and now he heard a gentle voice in the woods calling...

"Hello Cadfael, where are you?" She paused. “Please don't be afraid I won't hurt you.” the voice now chuckled. “I don't think I could anyway.”

Lightning surrounds the area, and Cadfael walked out from underneath the oak.

In a timid voice, Cadfael asked. "I'm I going to be thrown into a dungeon!"

Celestia's face took on a tone of disgust for a moment. "Why does everypony think that. No little one, but I do have some questions for you!"

The two sat down together resting in the soft grass...

And after some time the whole story became clear, "and that's the whole truth!"

Celestia was now smiling at Cadfael? " The pure heart the Star Swirl said would come and protect us!"

Cadfael shrugged, "I don't feel that important, just a scared little pony!"

Celestia raised her head and looked at him. "A pony, who would give his life for my sister,"

Cadfael now answered her. "I love my Princess." a blush as bright as fire lit up his face. "I meant to say." Now the colt was trying to find the right words.

Celestia gave Cadfael a smile, but then looked at the long scar on the colts side, "I could help you with the scar."

Cadfael bowed. "Thank you very much, but it reminds me of who I am!"

Now Celestia took on the tone of a mother. "My dear colt the hour is late, you should rest, But know that your secret is safe!"

"Thank you. my princess." He bowing to Celestia! and backed away a good distance before turning and running.

Celestia followed and waited to make sure the colt was safely home before she left.

Cadfael had slipped in a quietly as he could. Then quickly he readied himself for bed and quietly climbed back into his bed. Within a few mins is sound asleep, and dreaming of being the standard-bearer of Princess Luna...