Bi(g) Brother Best Friend Forever

by Caddy Finz

First published

Every stallion needs another guy friend to hang out with. Little does Cadence know however, that Shining Armor is doing a lot more than hanging out when his newest friend is around.

There exists no couple with a perfect relationship. Even Shining Armor and his wife, the very Princess of love herself have the occasional disagreement but aside from that, they're very happy together. Though Shining Armor is a stallion with nothing to hide, he has not been entirely truthful as to how unhappy he has actually been as of late.

He loves his wife with every fiber of his being and has even made sacrifices in the form of neglecting his own physical needs that a mare can't satisfy. His parents and sister have always known that he finds both mares and stallions attractive and though that's all well and good, there's just one problem. He never told his wife.

Their bedroom life has been in need of some new spice for quite some time and when Shining Armor makes a new friend in a cute pegasus stallion, everything changes. Whether that be for better or for worse though is up to Cadence once she finds out what her husband and his new buddy have really been up to when they think she's not around. Who knows? Trying new things can be fun!

Rated Mature for strong language and explicit sexual content. This time, I'm cranking up the heat, big time! This story is set before Flurry Heart is born.
Trigger Warnings: M/M, M/F, femboys, RP, Cheating (sort of) and more will be added later on as content changes.
My first attempt at an actual, full blown clop fic. I apologize in advance. Cover made by mix-up

Chapter 1: An Opportunity Too Good to Pass Up

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The Crystal Fair could not possibly have been held on a better day as the weather is not as easily controlled there as it is in Equestria. Not only was the weather perfect, everything else was going very smoothly too, the attendance turnout, no security issues, everything. Stands dotted the grid-like layout of the fair selling refreshments, others art, books and some even sold fancy hoof made soaps. Really everything seemed to be going well in the Crystal Empire and the new rulers were ensuring that everypony was happy and comfortable unlike the last ruler they once had.

Princess Cadence and her husband Prince Shining Armor were trotting along down one of the many lanes in the fair, the latter sporting a novelty drink hat with two cans of lemonade strapped to the sides. Though they were both rulers of this empire, still they were equine beings with souls and a sense of humor and it made others comfortable to be around them as they did not mind looking somewhat silly from time to time. Cadence was carrying a paper bag full of scented bath fizzies she had purchased and was making a beeline for another stand that sold perfumes that smelled of cupcakes of which she hastily went over and bought a dozen small bottles. The stand next to it sold bottles of many different kinds of bubble bath mixtures and the excited Princess simply had to pause for a moment to make her selections.

Not long ago the couple was joined together in holy matrimony and even less long ago, acquired a large empire of their own and were looked up to as the epitome of love itself and what a "perfect" couple should be. Admittedly however, they had not even approached their thirties yet and as such still had much to learn and a great deal of experience yet to be gained. They were just like everypony else and they knew very well that they too were not flawless and neither was their relationship, again like that of anypony else. They had their fair share of disagreements, arguments, and just plain bad days where they got on each other's nerves but nevertheless loved each other with every fiber of their beings. Though they had their drawbacks, what was most important that they both understood that they still had room to learn and grow from their experiences.

Finally, after at least five minutes of politely declining an offer for a royalty discount, selecting and purchasing her prizes in the form of a large bag full of bubble bath solution, Princess Cadence trotted back over to her husband who patiently waited for her. Shining Armor smiled warmly at his beautiful wife as she rejoined him in his trot down the street. He never minded pausing for a moment to wait for her to attend to something that caught her interest. As the two resumed their stroll however, she would soon find that her husband had caught the eye of somepony else. Trotting up to the same stand she had just purchased from was an amber colored stallion with a hot pink mane, matching tail and a cutie mark of a triangle with three hearts on each corner.

Normally, this pony would be just another citizen to have trotted past but it was when she noticed him biting his lower lip that she turned her head around to see him standing there staring into their general direction. Though she glanced over, still the pony stared very intently at what she at first assumed was her. She was a very attractive mare with a slim yet curvy figure and had gotten used to getting looks from stallions everywhere she went but when she realized that she was indeed not the topic of his interest, she followed his gaze to find what he really found simply irresistable. Like a perfectly straight line from the eyes of a not so straight pony, she could nearly see the burn marks his eyes were leaving on her husband's firm, muscular flank as it flexed with every step he took.

Looking back up towards the stallion, Cadence could tell that he had taken notice of being caught staring as his ears folded back out of embarrassment and he trotted off with a heavy blush. Cadence however did not mind however as she thought it amusing and honestly a breath of fresh air for a male to be making eyes at her husband rather than her for a change. If only he had not begun trotting off so quickly, she could have told him she had no problem with him but perhaps it would just be best to let it go though she still could not help but giggle to herself over what she just saw.

"What's so funny, babe?" Shining Armor asked his wife, noticing that she had seen something she found comical.

"That stallion over there was just checking you out, honey. The yellow pegasus back there with the pink mane." Cadence chuckled. "He sure liked what he saw."

"Heheheh, you sure he wasn't checking you out?"

"Oh no, I saw just what he was looking at and he was looking right at that nice, sweet butt of yours."

"Ahahah! Well, I guess that's bound to happen when you've got a guy who looks like me, huh?"

Shining Armor turned his head back to see his admirer trotting away in the opposite direction. This stallion in particular was of a slim build, of average height and appeared to take great pride in his well maintained coiffure and his perfectly manicured hooves shined in the sunlight. He struck Shining Armor as one of the more effeminate types and though Cadence had thought little of it and let it go, her husband couldn't.

"Huh, he's kinda cute." Shining Armor thought to himself as he began pondering excuses to go his separate way and go talk to this stallion.

"Uh, wow, I guess I sure put this hat to good use." Shining Armor said. "I'll catch up with you in a bit, babe, I gotta go empty the tank."

"Okay, dear." Cadence replied, unaware that her husband did not actually have to use the facilities. "But I told you, you'll spend most of your time in the restroom if you don't quit chugging like that. You'll miss out on all the fun!"

"Oh, I won't be too long."

With that, the curious unicorn looked around to find the stallion nowhere to be seen. He had remembered that he appeared to be heading towards where snacks and refreshments were being sold so he decided that he would try there. Most would ask why he wanted to find this pony to begin with or simply told him to just let it go as he would probably never see him again but still, he was compelled to find him and talk to him. At least tell him that he nor his wife were offended by him admiring his flank, flattered if anything.

In the back of his mind, Shining Armor knew that he found this stallion rather attractive just as much if not more than vice versa. He had never told his wife that he went both ways and was physically attracted to both mares and stallions. He never felt the need for it, he was married to the girl he fell in love with. It wasn't like he was expecting to go over and rut or be rutted by this stallion right off the bat, though it had been an incredibly long time since he had attempted to express his attraction to a male who felt mutually. Just harmless flirting, nothing more. He was honor bound to one pony and one pony only through marriage, he would never dream of breaking his vows and hurting the mare he held so near and dear.

The search for this individual proved to be more difficult than Shining Armor first anticipated and if he wanted to talk to this guy, he would have to catch up with him soon before Cadence wondered why he was absent for so long. The concessions area was quite a lot larger than at a first glance as well and the crowd seemed to get thicker and thicker still as time went on. Just when he thought of calling it quits however, Shining Armor caught his break as he saw this stallion sitting alone at a picnic table eating a plate of hay fries and sipping from a bottle of orange cream soda. He was in somewhat of an uncrowded area too and now that Shining Armor could get a good look at him and the way he slowly and daintily ate and drank, he could see just how charming he appeared to be.

"Hey, he's not a half bad looking guy." Shining Armor thought to himself as he stood and admired the one who admired him before.

On second thought, surely Cadence would understand that navigating through a crowd can be time consuming so there should be no need to rush over just to get it over with or even just make things more awkward than they already were. The only question was just how precisely he would go about initiating conversation with this attractive pegasus. As he glanced around to observe his surroundings and to make sure that his target of interest was in a quiet enough spot, he saw his answer in the form of the stand selling his all time favorite snack, the corndog. Being a carrot on a stick dipped in cornmeal and then deep fried, he and admittedly many others often wondered why it was called a corndog but he knew that at the moment, that wasn't entirely important. What mattered was that it was just the perfect shape and size for what he planned to do next.

Though not the most subtle of ideas to get somepony's attention, Shining Armor figured that the worst that could happen was to weird out a stranger he would most likely never see again but even that was unlikely. With his suggestively shaped treat in hoof and plenty of empty tables for him to sit at, Shining Armor put his plan into action and took a seat a few tables away and directly across from the cute stallion. Upon seeing the white coat of the pony taking a seat in front of him through his peripheral vision, the pegasus glanced up and immediately blushed as he most certainly recognized Shining Armor from before. Then again, one would be hard pressed to find somepony who didn't know of the very Prince of the Crystal Empire.

Be that as it may, now that he had his attention, Shining Armor would show this admittedly adorable stallion that he was not only flattered by his admiration but would also be willing to reciprocate it. With his corndog floating in his unicorn aura, he bobbed his eyebrows as he shot a sultry stare back at the now heavily blushing stallion much to his confusion. If indicated by the expression on his face, the excited pegasus certainly didn't see that coming and just when he began thinking it was surely too good to be true, What Shining Armor did next was a dead giveaway. In his pink aura, floated a plastic squeeze type bottle of mayonnaise of which the sneaky unicorn then compressed the bottle and covered the corndog in the sticky, white condiment.

He couldn't believe what he was seeing. The stallion over across from Shining Armor sat there with his jaw on the table as he watched this dreamy unicorn wrap his lips around the tip of the corndog and begin to suck the mayo off. The entire time he slid the corndog in and out of his mouth while moaning softly, Shining Armor's half lidded eyes were locked with those of the shocked and aroused stallion whose wings had involuntarily flared out. If that wasn't enough to get his blood flowing and show how quite obvious it was that he was attracted to males as well, for the finishing touch, Shining Armor slowly engulfed the entire length of the corndog before pulling it back out, the mayonnaise having been cleaned right off. Just when he thought the brazen unicorn was done tormenting him, he was nearly pushed over the edge when he watched him lick his teeth just to drive that already obvious point across.

Still, the stallion at the table just sat there with his mouth agape and upon further observation, Shining Armor could see that he had crossed his back legs under the table, clearly trying to conceal his arousal. Just to torture this poor stallion even more, Shining Armor decided to stall by simply sitting there and winking as his target soaked himself in his sweat. Finally, he felt it was time to show mercy and trot over to introduce himself as the other party certainly couldn't at least without being slapped with a fine for failure to conceal in public. Slowly, and casually, Shining Armor trotted over and sat right across from this cute guy where he could finally get a close look at him.

The slim and petite looking male Shining Armor was interested in talking to was nervously fidgeting with his hooves and sweating as he looked Shining armor in the eye. It was rather clear that he was quite shy as Shining Armor once was so he could understand what he must have been going through. He also seemed to be around the same age as well so perhaps he was not used to having his flattering gazes reciprocated and could explain why he was so shy and timid. Now that he was close enough to him to talk however, perhaps it was time to spare him further anxiety and break the ice by introducing himself.

"Hey." Shining Armor greeted with a friendly, welcoming tone.

"H-hey." The stallion stuttered, still shaking a little but seeming to calm down.

"So I uh, couldn't help but notice that you have a keen eye for nice butts huh?"

"Erm, y-yeah I th-thought yours was pretty nice."

"You're a good looking fella yourself. My name's Shining Armor by the way."

Shining Armor then extended his hoof for a friendly bump as customary for when ponies introduce themselves to one another.

"Oh, yeah I know who you are." The stallion said, now much more calm than before. "I mean, you are the Prince of the Crystal Empire after all."

"Oh yeah, I keep forgetting that I'm known nowadays. I'll never get used to that."

"Well...I had no idea that you"



"How about you?"

"I'm gay."

"Heheh, no I meant like what's your name?"

"Oh! Uh, I'm Heart Flutter."

A cute name for an equally cute pony and Shining Armor would most certainly agree. There was just something about him, be it his charm from his shyness, his feminine appearance, or how he was so easy to turn on by making him watch him give a blow job to a corndog. Whatever it was, Shining Armor wanted to get to know him as it was a breath of fresh air to find somepony he had such a thing in common with. Not that bisexual ponies weren't common, they most certainly were but for a married pony, they weren't particularly easy to find as he didn't make it a habit to spend much time searching. With his busy schedule, he couldn't even if he wanted to.

"Cute name." Shining Armor said playfully.

"Um, I-I don't mean to be rude but, uh...aren't you married?" Heart Flutter asked.

"Well yeah but it's not like we did anything. That, and you're a dude. My wife would be pretty pissed if I was flirting with another mare though but as long as you have a dick, as far as she knows, we're just a couple of bros hanging out, you know?"

"Oh, well if she's okay with, us just hanging out, I mean."

"Totally harmless. You seem like a cool guy so I just figured we could...we that a Maredonna album?"

"Oh this?"

Heart Flutter then reached into this bag and proceeded to pull out the object in question in the form of a vinyl record album securely wrapped in a clear plastic package for its protection. Shining Armor's eyes lit up at the sight of what Heart Flutter was showing him not only for what it physically was but in the mere minutes of engaging with the cute guy, he already found a common interest they shared.

", I love Maredonna!" Shining Armor squeaked with glee.

"Really?!" Heart Flutter gasped. "Wow, I'm like, the only guy I know who likes her work! Wow, this is great! Which one of her songs is your favorite? Mine is-"

"Like a newbie!" Both Stallions beamed in unison before gasping and covering their mouths.

For nearly an hour, both stallions found that the more they conversed with each other, the more they found they had in common. Shining Armor was so thrilled that he even forgot that he told Cadence that he just needed to make a quick stop at a rest room but upon seeing her trotting around off in the distance, realized it was most likely time to bid his new friend good day. As he cautiously watched his wife search for him with a rather confused and bemused expression on her face, he extended his hoof for a bump.

"Oh, there's my wife." Shining Armor said as the two stallions bumped hooves.

"Hey, well it was nice talking to you, Shining Armor!" A now much more comfortable Heart Flutter beamed.

"Likewise! So's my card. Let's hang out sometime, alright? It's been awhile since I've had another dude to just chill with, you know?"

"Yeah, I'd like that. Catch you later."

With that, Shining Armor trotted back over his his wife who searched for him and rejoined her as she had just noticed him by her side. She appeared to be glad that she at least was able to find him though slightly irritated that he ran off and took his time catching up to her. However, the Crystal Fair lifted everypony's spirits including her own and as such, she simply decided to shrug it off as her loveable goofball of a husband had found something to occupy his time.

"Hey, what kept you, dear?" Cadence asked, her bemused frown giving way to her sweet smile she was known for. "Did they need to bring in an extra tanker to hold your pee or something?"

"Hahaha! Sorry, babe." Shining Armor replied with a laugh. "I uh...I made a new friend."

"Oh, well that's nice. Sorry if I came off like I was upset, I could never be mad at you far making friends. I'm just tired."

"I knew you wouldn't. I'm ready to go home if you are."

"Thanks, honey, I've got a crazy busy day tomorrow so I'd better rest up for it. You on the other hoof get a nice clear schedule tomorrow you lucky oaf you."

"Huh...I do, don't I?"

"Heheheh, don't rub it in."

Chapter 2: A Bubble-licious Rendezvous

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"Damn it, if only I'd remembered I had today off..." Shining armor sighed as he paced the floors of his bedroom. "I have no way to get a hold of him, we could have hung out today."

It was seven o'clock in the morning of one of the rare days off Shining Armor gets and even rarer yet for it to be a Monday, the newly crowned Prince unable to remember the last time he slept in so late. Though he gave Heart Flutter whom he had met yesterday his contact information, having the day completely free slipped his mind. He would simply have to wait for the cute guy to contact him and then make plans to hang out for his next day off and who knew when that would be? For today, Shining Armor would have to find something else to occupy his time.

Cadence would be busy with her own duties for the day's entirety so Shining Armor figured something simple such as taking a stroll until he found something interesting would suffice. The Crystal Empire was fairly new to him and he had not seen much of it save for from out of the windows in the castle to taking a trot about the town seemed like a good idea. Perhaps he could check out the new shopping mall. When in doubt, if you're bored, go out and buy frivolous things you don't need!

Shining Armor decided he would do just that. He had nothing to lose by trying and he could even find something interesting, perhaps even a little random gift to give to Cadence once she returned later. It was just something they did, rather than simply expressing their love for each other only on special occasions, they would do so quite often. They used to though it had been quite some time since the last so it couldn't hurt to start that up again, plus it would be a great chance to meet more citizens of the Crystal Empire. First however, he would have to simply take a stroll about the city as it was too early for most businesses to be open save for coffee shops and the like.

The hour of trotting around the beautiful, shiney streets of the Crystal Empire as every brick in the road glistened in the sun dragged by like the agonizing wait the day Shining Armor met his little sister for the first time. Finally, nine o'clock rolled around as up did the gates at the Crystal Mall rendering the stores and boutiques open for business. It was the so-called "girly" type of stores Shining Armor always liked and couldn't help but visit first. He would just get to the sporting goods stores afterwards but felt that today he most likely wouldn't need to buy anything from them.

His first stop was the tea shop and he was indeed glad that was the case as the boredom of waiting had made him drowsy and the aromas within the store were just what he needed to perk right up. After filling up a shopping bag full of a dozen or so different types of teas, he headed over to the bath boutique next door. He was a stallion who loved his bath products and he was in no way shape or form ashamed of it nor did he make any attempt whatsoever to hide it. Despite having already bought several boxes and bags full of soaps, bath bombs, bubble solutions and other such items, he put his unicorn aura to work as he levitated all he could carry with him. Perhaps later on, he would fancy himself a nice bath and spend the remainder of the day just soaking in the suds.

It was still barely past ten o'clock in the morning so there would that much more of the day left to trot around and find something new. In a city that simply popped back into existence after a thousand years of lying dormant, something new would surely not be far away as Shining Armor was about to find out as he trotted past a pet grooming boutique. A frightened looking cat with a coat of a smokey gray and eyes of emerald green ran out from the store with a staff member in hot pursuit, the former darting right under Shining Armor much to his surprise.

"Wait! Come back!" A pegasus stallion called out before screeching to a halt and plowing right into the confused Prince.

"Guh!" Both ponies grunted simultaneously as they tumbled to the glossy, well polished and waxed floor. Upon impact, everything Shining Armor was carrying went soaring through the air in every direction and once their inevitable impact with the floor occured, all those perfectly good products would be destroyed. As Shining Armor just began to gather himself, the yellow pegasus who ran into him refused to allow such expensive bath products go to such tragic waste so he seemingly instinctively went to work gathing them as gravity took its toll.

With seemingly expert precision and perfect balance, the familiar stallion caught every single bottle and bath bomb as they came down and balanced on top of one another as he rushed to the other side of their owner to catch the rest. With his jaw hanging wide open, Shining Armor watched as this pony he already admired impress him even more as he floated back down to the ground and began to carefully set all the items back down.

"Um...hey." Heart Flutter said through a sheepish grin and a blush as he hoofed all the items back over. "Heheh, fancy seeing you here."

"Uh huh." Shining Armor said with a blush of his own. "Didn't know you worked here."

"Oh! I almost forgot!"

Suddenly remembering exactly why he had ran out of the store, Heart Flutter then swooped over to the frightened and disoriented cat and very gently picked her up and began to comfort her.

"She's fourteen years old so she can't see or hear very well." Heart Flutter said as he cradled the elderly feline in his arms and gently stroked her coat. "She tends to get skittish when there's a lot of commotion around."

"Aww, she's so sweet." Shining Armor cooed as he reached over to pet the cat on the head. "Is she yours?"

"Nah, I wish. See, she's got arthritis so she has trouble cleaning and grooming herself. Her owner brings her here every couple weeks to have us take care of her."

"Sounds like this little gal's in good hooves all the way around."

"Yeah. So um...what brings you here?"

"Had the day off and got bored. I was just looking for something to do to pass the time and it looks like I just found it."

"Whoa, at least buy me dinner first, big fella!"

"Oh! I uh, I didn't mean it like that!"

"Says the guy who gave a corndog a blowjob and looked me right in the eye while doing it!"

The two stallions shared a hearty laugh together followed by awkward silence save for the occasional meowing and purring of the sweet old cat Heart Flutter held in his arms. They were both at a loss for words as the odds of them having bumped into each other the very next day had left them just about speechless. Their eyes darted around the mall as they both scrambled to find something to say and break the newly formed layer of ice, the cat behaving much of the same way but for a different reason. Finally, Shining Armor caught a break and put his mouth back to work.

"So...I thought you said you were gay." Shining Armor said quizzically.

"I am." Heart Flutter replied with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, you never struck me as the type of guy to go around chasing pussy."

"Gahahahaha! You're funny, Shining Armor! I wish we could hang out!"

"What's stopping us?"


"I have literally the whole day free and nopony to share it with! My wife is down South in Equestria until late tonight and it's been way too long since I've had a guys day!"

"Will she be okay with that?"

"Having a friend over? Of course she will! She's been wanting me to get out again and make some new guy friends! She was happy to hear about me hanging out with you yesterday...though I didn't tell her you were the guy who was checking out my ass. I mean, she didn't mind either way...and I mayyy have left out the corndog part."

"Well, I guess it's not like you're running around on her or anything."

"Right! So whadda you say?"

"I say I get done with my shift at four."

"I'll be here."

"Great. Well, I gotta get this little gal back in there and straighten up her floof. She's getting antsy again. Later."

After Heart Flutter hurried back into the pet grooming store where he worked, Shining Armor wasted no time hurrying back home to the Crystal Palace to drop off his things and give his mane a quick once over. With his mane looking neat and tidy and his hooves polished too because why not, he set back out to wait four long hours before his friend would be available. Still, there were things he could do to occupy his time and he soon found himself relaxing in a nice, comfy chair within a bookstore and occupied himself with one of his favorite books and a cup of coffee.

The best way to make time seeming go by faster is to take your mind off what you're looking forward to however that can have a negative affect in the form of forgetting it to the point of tardiness. The book which was about a mutated physicist that Shining Armor had his muzzle glued to was so riveting that he in fact allowed the time to pass by four o'clock and it was by pure dumb luck that he glanced up at the clock upon the wall.

"Oh shit, it's twenty after!" Shining Armor gasped before springing up from the chair.

Still, the book Shining Armor was enjoying was just too good to leave in at the store so he hastily paid for it at the counter and galloped off back to the mall where he badly hoped Heart Flutter was still waiting for him. Normally he would teleport to save time but in the Crystal Empire, it was unsafe and unlawful to do so within the crowded city limits before six o'clock in the evening. Being that he was the Prince however, he could probably get away with it without getting fined but he wanted to lead by example and he felt it would be unfair to his citizens should he break the law that they all had to abide by.

The training Shining Armor received within the ranks of the royal guard was serving him well as he galloped down the streets as fast as his legs could carry him, which was actually quite impressive. Despite having put on a small amount of extra weight since being crowned Prince, his stamina was a sight to behold and he didn't even work up a sweat until he was halfway there. Though he had somewhere he needed to be, he was not about to be rude to his citizens made it a point to return their greetings be them waves or smiles as he rocketed past them. He nor Cadence would ever dream of snubbing anypony who took a moment to say hello, it just wasn't who they were. Though politeness to others was something Shining Armor always made sure to practice, being late for a hangout wasn't really a good way to do it.

Surely Heart Flutter would understand and be willing to accept Shining Armor's apology, if he was actually still waiting there that is. There was only one way to find out but since he was now running a half hour late, he could not be entirely sure that he was and feared that maybe he had grown tired of waiting and left. At least Shining Armor now knew where Heart Flutter worked so he could explain that he had no intentions of standing him up. Worse case scenario, he could just make plans with him for his next day off but who knows when that will be? Fortunately for Shining Armor however, he was about to find that he had lucked out as he rushed over to a discouraged looking pegasus tapping one hoof and glancing at a pocket watch he held in the other.

"Dude, I am so sorry about this!" Shining Armor said as he screeched to a stop.

"I was starting to think you weren't gonna show!" A relieved Heart Flutter gasped as his eyes lit up.

"I'll make it up to you. I was reading a book and time just went by so fast."

"Don't sweat it, I'm just glad you actually showed up. So, what do you wanna do?"

"Well, I was thinking we could just hang out at my place and we could order a pizza, maybe check out this copy of volume 22 of The Power Ponies I just picked up."


"But for originality reasons, we'll have to make reading comics a minor part of what we do." Shining Armor then shifted his gaze to his left as his eyes narrowed. "That idea has...already been used."

"Who are you talking to?"

"Ugh, I'll explain later. Oh! I got all that bath stuff earlier, we"

"You really are a funny guy, you know that? But hey, I'm down. It's not like we don't trot around without clothes on most of the time anyway, only difference is we're in water."

"True. Okay, let's head over there."

It was a breath of fresh air for Shining Armor to be able to slow down to a leisurely trot and even more so to enjoy it with a new friend. It was only nearing five o'clock in the evening so there was plenty of time for the two to hang out and better get to know each other. The trot back to the Palace was at least a half hour but the conversation made it go by rather quickly and proved just how small the world can be.

"Oh, Fluttershy's your cousin?" Shining Armor asked as he lead his friend through the front entrance to the palace.

"Yup." Heart Flutter confirmed. "She and I both have our appreciation for animals and I have her brother's love for hairdressing...heheheh, he just doesn't have my talent."

"So like, what's his deal anyway?"

"Who, Zephyr? You mean how he can be a narcissistic douche or what's his deal deal?"

"Uh, yeah that."

"He's straight. I know he looks and acts pretty gay but he's just into mares."

"I would have guessed he went both ways. Jeez, this one time I was hanging out with my sister and her friends, I though Rainbow Dash was gonna cave his face in!"

"Hey, it's not like he couldn't use a good asskicking once in! Nice place!"

Naturally, Shining Armor's place would indeed be nice as it was a literal palace afterall. The dark blue carpet that sat before the doorway lead down the massive front hall and up a huge staircase and ultimately to a gargantuan loft level. That was just the start of it all. Heart Flutter's pupils fully dilated as he looked around the Crystal Palace in awe while his friend Shining Armor gave him a tour. Not only was it an astonishing spectacle, it felt like quite an honor to be invited to the palace by none other than the Prince himself. Still however, Shining Armor was far from being used to the title and thought himself a modest pony.

"And this is our bathroom." Shining Armor said as he opened a door to show his friend around.

The bathtub was easily big enough for a dozen ponies which caught the interest of the Prince's guest. Directly behind the tub, a series of small crystal steps lead up to a shower that could accommodate another six. Heart Flutter's jaw hung open as he stared at the magnificent room as those for bathing were his favorite. Even though it was all his, Shining Armor was still coming to terms with it and often found himself soaking in the suds and questioning whether he actually deserved it. In the back of both ponies' minds, they knew that with all that space, there was equally as much fun that could be had in there.

"Hey's how's this for an idea?" Heart Flutter asked as the wheels in his head began to turn. "How about we eat pizza, read comics and use that magnificent and might I add, spacious tub at the same time?"

"Great minds think alike, my friend." Shining Armor said with a smirk. "I'll go send for some pizzas and if you want, you can draw us a bath."

"Glad to."

Two pizzas quickly arrived and a nice, hot bubble bath was ready for the two buddies to soak in. Shining Armor even decided to bring in a bottle of champagne and two glasses to share with his guest. Heart Flutter had chosen the lavender scented bath mixture because on their way to the palace, they both agreed that they had both been under a lot of stress lately. With a comic propped up on a little stand by the tub, Shining Armor turning the pages with his aura, the two friends enjoyed their pizza as they chatted on about anything and everything they could think of.

"Dude, you have no idea how awesome it is to have a guy friend to hang out with again." Shining Armor said before letting out a hearty burp from all the pizza the two had been sharing. "Any of my pals I used to hang out with just...moved on with their lives, you know? And when I became Prince here, it was the last nail in the coffin. It hurt, man. I never thought I was too good for anypony but..."

"Let it out, buddy." Heart Flutter said as he hugged his weeping friend. "I'm here for you, just let it out."

"*Sniff* They didn't even gimme a chance to get settled in here, they just up and stopped talking to me! Just assumed that because I got crowned that I wasn't one of them *hic* anymore! B-but that's not me, I'm down to Earth enough, I don't think I'm b-better than anypony!"

"Well, I can see that and from hanging out with you, I can tell you're a great guy. You know, sometimes that just happens, friends come and go. You make new ones but still cherish the memories you made with your old ones."

"Y-you know I're right about that for sure. It's just a bitch, you know? Heh, look at me, I'm whining and crying like a little bitch myself."

"And there's nothing wrong with that. See, I never liked how us guys are expected to be all tough and stoic about everything. The fuck's wrong with being capable of emotions?"

"Fuck all, that's what. Finally, somepony who gets that. I've always been open with my emotions, it's just who I am."

More laughs were shared and tears shed as the two companions poured their hearts out, told stories of their foalhoods and continued to sip on champagne. Sooner or later however, as the conversation topics became more and more personal, the two stallions would be comfortable enough to talk about their sexualities without things being awkward.

"I was fourteen when I learned that I was gay." Heart Flutter said as he recalled his past. "It wasn't until I was seventeen that I came out to my family."

"How'd they react?" Shining Armor asked.

"I was really nervous but turns out they already knew. My parents have always been the open minded type and they didn't wanna get me to come out before I was ready. How about you?"

"Aw, my parents are awesome. Pretty much the same thing, they knew that I was bi for a while, only difference was that they asked me about the, um...well, they found my little collection of 'toys' in my room. I was nervous about it too but they put that to rest pretty quick."

"Hey that's great. Sooo...have you know, been with another guy before?"

"I've made out with a couple of them and sucked one off before but never really had sex with one. I started dating Cadence at the time and our relationship got pretty serious so I never went looking. How about you?"

"I haven't been around a lot, only did one guy I dated for a while. Nothing since."

At the same time, the events of the day prior played through the minds of the two friends as they thoroughly enjoyed each other's company in the luxurious suds. Their conversation was making both of them blush and lose track of their surroundings. Shining Armor snickered as he recalled tormenting Heart Flutter by winking at him as he sucked off a corndog and the latter could only giggle at his own sad attempt to conceal his arousal at the time. The image of his friend's lips wrapped around the fried treat and the sounds of him licking off the mayo could only lead to him thinking about the reason Shining Armor doing so in the first place. Heart Flutter quickly found himself spacing out and drooling slightly as he thought of a certain cutie mark of a shield on a firm flank with a glossy, white coat. Shining Armor being as emotionally open as he was, would promptly snap his pegasus friend out of his trance.

"Holy Shit!!" Shining Armor gasped as he frantically pointed directly in front of the his startled friend. "You're fucking huge!!"

"Huh!?" Heart Flutter gasped as he looked down.

Sure enough, Heart Flutter losing track of his surroundings and looked down to see his own arousal poking through the suds. Judging by how far down under the water the base was, the fact that it was at eye level with Shining Armor was a good indication that he was above average. The only thing Heart Flutter was uncertain of was how Shining Armor would react from here on out.

"Wow! Heheheh, impressive!" Shining Armor complimented as he stared intently at the other stallion's dick. "Oh man, is that why you've only been with one guy? Anypony else probably couldn't handle it, am I right?"

"That...could be why." Heart Flutter chuckled nervously. "I mean, I usually like being on top sooo...I-I-I mean I-I don't like to act like I'm bragging or anything b-but..."

"Hang on a sec, I gotta compare these."

It wasn't long before Shining Armor was also at full mast and he scooted over closer to Heart Flutter and placed his own member right up to that of his friend's much to the latter's slight embarrassment. Though things were starting to become a bit awkward, both stallions knew that they at least had a mutual attraction for each other from the moment they met. As Shining Armor compared his own stallionhood to that of his above average companion he estimated that the latter was a good four inches longer than his own average member. At this point, the next words that came out of the aroused Prince's mouth were simply an inevitability.

"Dude, can I...can I suck it?" Shining Armor asked, his glossy eyes almost seeming to be pleading.

"Oh fuck yea-er...well, do you think your wife would be okay with it?"

"I...I'd be lying if I said I knew. I never told her I'm bi."

"What!? What the...Shining, you've gotta tell her sooner or later! Look, from what you've told me about her and the relationship you have with her, I think she'd understand! She seems like a reasonable girl!"

"I know, and I feel horrible about it! I just...I've been neglecting my own needs to stay loyal to her and I've been able to keep my urges quiet but now that I met you...I mean, if you were a mare then yeah, I get it, I'd be a complete scumbag but..."

"I think I get it. Now that your urges that you've been stifling have kinda...been woken up I guess, you need time to mentally prepare yourself to come out to her. Am I right?"

"Dude! You...I swear you read my mind! Look, if you don't want to do anything, I have zero right to put pressure on you. It's just...Oh, Heartsy it's been so long since I fooled around with a guy."

"Okay, go ahead."

"Hell, the last time I even got to kiss a dude was before I got into the guar-huh?"

"You wanna suck my dick? As long as this doesn't hurt things between you and your wife, go ahead. It's...been a long time for me too and I don't even have mares as an option."

To hear Heart Flutter give him permission to go down on him was music to Shining Armor's ears. It almost seemed too good to be true. For the first time since he was a silly, awkward teenage colt, Shining Armor had himself and a close male friend who shared their mutual attraction in a quiet, relaxed, and private setting. When it came to mares, Cadence was and would always be Shining Armor's one and only but alas, she simply could not satisfy his needs to fool around with another male but he simply couldn't think about that now. The only thing he could wrap his mind around was the thick, wet cock in front of him that he so badly wanted to wrap his lips around. Without another word, he slowly inched his face over to his friend's throbbing member and puckered his lips as if he were going in for a kiss.

It had indeed been a very long time since Shining Armor had another male in his mouth so he knew he would be quite rusty and made it a point to keep the sensitive organ of his friend away from his teeth until he could get a feel for it. Very gently, almost as if afraid of hurting him, the horny unicorn slowly took the tip in and pushed it in further as he opened his jaw to allow it in. Once he achieved a slight gasp followed by a series of soft moans from his friend, he grew more confident that he was doing a good job.

"Ooohhh, mmmf..." Heart Flutter moaned softly as Shining Armor very slowly took more and more of him into his mouth. "'re doin-oooh...d-doing great, b-buddy...k-k-keep it up..."

Those words of encouragement were just what Shining Armor needed to keep going. Though he was nowhere even remotely close to the medial ring on his friend's cock and his gag reflexes were already acting up, still he slowly worked his way up and down the end of the shaft. It was a slow start but the familiar feeling of having a throbbing penis in his mouth started coming back more quickly than he expected and made his way closer to the center. Inch by inch, Shining Armor took some in, rose back up to give the back of his throat a break for a moment before sinking his face back down, taking in even more once he reached his last point. Though only five minutes into this heavenly activity with his friend Heart Flutter, Shining Armor would find that he was not the only one who needed to blow off some pent up steam.

"Sh-Shining!" Heart Flutter gasped as he felt the impending explosion that he couldn't hold back no matter how hard he tried. "Oh my g-oooooohhh! Ahh! Hahh! Hahh!"

As the horny pegasus huffed, puffed, and panted, several hot loads of thick, sticky spunk flowed from the end of his shaft, forcing its way out of Shining Armor's unprepared mouth. On several occasions, he too had forgotten how to breath while massaging a cock with his mouth especially since this was the biggest one he ever had. Finally, after the bliss of his orgasm died down and he could now think rationally, Heart Flutter looked over at his friend who had just sucked him off to see him sitting motionlessly before him, his face absolutely covered in his jizz. After staring at each other for a moment, the two stallions burst out into laughter at the hot mess they just made together.

"Aw fuck, dude!" Shining Armor laughed as he wiped cum from his eyes with a hoof. "Hahahaha! You really got me good, huh?!"

"Wow, ahahahah! Well, it's been a while since I got to take care of business!" Heart Flutter said with a laugh.

"So I take it we're even now and my showing up late is forgiven?"

"And then some! Aw man, you knew what you were doi-"

"Ohhh Shining Armooorrr!" The familiar voice of a female sang from outside the room, making both stallions' blood run cold. "I'm home, darliiinnnggg!"

"Oh shit!" Shining Armor cursed as he nearly began to panic. "I lost track of time again! Dude, she can't find out like this!"

"Well, what do we do!?" Heart Flutter asked, regretting their actions for fear that he just ruined a marriage. "I don't wanna be a homewrecker, I could never live with myself!"

"Shining? Sweetums?" Cadence called out, sounding much closer. "I smell pizza so I know you're here somewhere! I hope you saved some for meee!"

It was when the handle on the bathroom door began to click and slowly turn counterclockwise that there was only one thing that Shining Armor could do to keep his wife from discovering what he and his friend just did. Knowing that he had to act quickly and apologize later, the frightened unicorn firmly placed his hooves on top of Heart Flutter's head and pushed him under water just as the door swung open revealing an irate looking pink Princess.

"Shining! How could you!?" Cadence yelled as she glared daggers at her husband as he sat in the middle of their tub.

"W-wait! Cadence, baby I swear it's not what it looks like!!" Shining Armor screamed frantically, knowing that he had been caught in a terrible act.

As shivers ran down Shining Armor's spine, he completely forgot about his friend who's head he was holding underwater but to his relief he would find that she was upset for a different reason if she was at all. Almost instantly, as if getting joy out of toying with her stallion, Cadence's expression of rage melted into the sweet, bright smile he fell in love with and she began to giggle leaving him immensely confused.

"Oh Shiney..." Cadence giggled. "You know better than to start a bath without me you silly guy you!"

Chapter 3: What's with the White Stuff?

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"Oh! That's what you were upset about!" Shining Armor nervously chuckled as he sat in the tub after being confronted by his wife. "Right! Eheheheheh!"

"Pfft, you know I'm not actually upset, Shiney!" Cadence clarified.

"I knew that!"

"What I am upset about..."

Just when it seemed like Cadence was done tormenting her husband with worry, she paused for a moment before finally taking two empty pizza boxes in her aura. Cadence shook her head in both disappointment that none was saved for her and disapproval in that her husband wolfed down two whole pizzas.

"Shining, seriously." Cadence scolded. "I could sort of handle that you didn't save any for me but this is just plain unhealthy. Not to mention, it looks like you made it swim in ranch dressing before eating it."


"Yeah, you've got it all over your face."

"Oh! Right!"

"Ugh, I hope you don't think I'm nagging, I'm only getting on your case because I care."

For a moment, both ponies paused to allow themselves time to think of their next choice of words. Cadence had just gotten back home from a long, busy day and was simply exhausted so she needed to mentally gather herself. Shining Armor on the other hoof, was a nervous wreck and needed to find some excuse to get his wife out of the room to save his friend whom of which he was sitting on and submerged under the water. Finally, a miracle in the form of a series of bubbles from his quickly dwindling air supply in Heart Flutter's lungs came to the top, giving Shining Armor his chance.

"Whoops! It's the pizza getting to me!" Shining Armor said as he enveloped a very confused Cadence in his aura and levitated her out the bathroom door. "Whooee, this one's a doozy! Might wanna clear the room, babe! I'll open a window so the breeze can deal with it!"

"O-okay then." Cadence said as she was pushed out the door before it was promptly shut and locked. Finally, Shining Armor could allow his friend back up to the surface.

"What are you trying to do, kill me!?" Heart Flutter gasped as Shining Armor pulled him out of the water.

"S-sorry, bud, I just couldn't let her find out like that." Shining Armor said with an apologetic tone.

"Okay, fine but you're lucky us pegasus guys have good lung capacity otherwise you'd have to explain the dead pony floating in your tub to her."

"We'll have to talk about that later, okay? Right now, She's outside the door so you need to escape from that window right there."

"Your guards aren't gonna shoot me down are they?"

"No no no no no, they saw you come in with me earlier and they're good at keeping their mouths shut. Thrust me."


"I said trust me. I'll make it up to you later, I promise."

"Okay, okay, I'm going...I did have a great time with you though. Bye!"

With much haste, Heart Flutter sprang from the tub and quickly hopped up onto the sill of the open window before spreading his wings and jumping out. Though normally, he would have simply been able to glide away as the breeze was heading in the perfect direction, there was one problem that both ponies had forgotten about in the heat of the moment.

"Oops." Heart Flutter said as he suddenly remembered that his feathers were soaking wet before plummeting towards the ground below.

"Oh Shit!!" Shining Armor screamed as he too sprang out of the tub and towards the window, his horn aglow with his aura.

Shining Armor thanked Celestia as he had reached the window just in time to catch his friend and save his life. With Heart Flutter's mane standing on end and his body frozen in fear, his unicorn special buddy gently lowered him to the ground, the former's eyes open wide and resembling saucers. After a moment of shivering and realizing that his hooves were on solid ground and that he was within the glow of a street lamp on the outside of the palace gate, the grateful pegasus gave a final wave before trotting off. Though it was a sigh of relief that his friend wasn't harmed, now he had to open the bathroom door again and hope that his beloved wife wasn't suspicious and had no idea what the two were up to. First however, he would need to wipe the fresh spunk off his muzzle.

"Shining?" Cadence asked with a raised eyebrow as her husband opened the door to allow her in. "Are you know what? Of course you're not. You just ate two whole pizzas. Really, what gave you the idea to stuff it into yourself like that?"

"It only went into my mouth, I swear!" Shining Armor blurted out before covering his mouth, mentally kicking himself for the stupid outburst.

"What are you talking about!? What has gotten Ohhh, I know what's wrong."

"Cadence! Please! I didn't want you to find out this way! I was going to tell you, honest!"

"What, that you gulped all this down along with the pizza?"

Cadence then picked up the empty champagne bottle that sat on the floor by the tub and began to giggle again as she waggled a hoof at her silly husband for drinking the entire thing.

"Honey, you're tipsy." Cadence said with a snicker. "So that's why you're acting so silly. Heheheheh. Alright, I can't nag at you for having fun on your day off. Now come on. That tub has both our names on it."

It seemed like Shining Armor was in the clear and Cadence was none the wiser though it was still a rather close call. If the nervous unicorn wanted to keep it that way, he needed to calm down quickly or risk arousing suspicion in his wife once more and not the kind of arousing he would have liked either. With his princess having slipped herself into the tub and embracing her stallion tightly, the latter could finally slow his heart rate and allow his mane to lay flat again. It was perfect timing too as Cadence was always able to sense real tension from Shining Armor which he shouldn't be emitting if he truly was innocently sitting in the tub like he claimed.

Be that as it may, the loving couple was now within each other's embrace and they loved it. As Cadence dozed of in Shining Armor's arms, her body having been reduced to putty in his hooves, he looked down at the sleeping mare whom he vowed to spend the rest of his life with. His warm smile however quickly turned into a look of devastation and guilt as he really deeply thought of what he had just done. Though Shining Armor had only sucked the cock of another male, he looked back at the day he read his vows in front of his wife, his whole family and thousands of other ponies. Nowhere was there any mention of staying loyal to her except to blow another stallion. That's when the cold realization finally began to sink in. Shining Armor had officially cheated on his wife and he despised himself for it.

"Cadence...oh my god, I'm so sorry..." The guilt stricken unicorn thought to himself as he tried to stifle tears.

Shining Armor hugged his wife even tighter as she slept in his arms after a long, tiring day and though it was simply the way he was, he nearly felt like cursing the day he learned that he was bisexual. His mind then shifted to his actions with his friend just minutes ago where he really got to delve into the very idea that he had finally gotten a taste of satisfying his urges towards males. After years of suppressing his desires to bed with other stallions, he was at long last able to experience the intimacy with another bro that he so badly craved. To have that thick, hard cock in his mouth as he slowly bobbed his head up and down and swirled his tongue around to incite moans of pleasure from his friend simply felt right. As much as he felt like scum for committing the adulterous act, he wanted more. He had to have more which only made him hate himself even more.

Realization of his cheating aside, now came the fact that he and his friend were so close to having been caught in the act. Shining even still has his friend's creamy ejaculation all over his face of which his wife mistook for a condiment! But there was that strange feeling. That thrill. The thrill from not only the rush of adrenaline from having sucked on a male friend but the thrill of dodging such a close call. Heart Flutter was just underneath Shining Armor when Cadence trotted in! It made Shining Armor feel so dirty, so dishonest; so alive. He simply couldn't ignore it anymore. The feeling of having pleasured a stallion with his wet, warm tongue; the feeling of the hot seed shooting into his mouth and down his throat; the feeling of it covering his face and mane was too good to be able to resist again and he knew that he just had to have more once he caught up with his special buddy again.

It wasn't long before Heart Flutter's wings dried up in the warm night air enabling him to fly to his home just a couple miles away. Upon returning home, his usual ritual was to head right to his freezer to retrieve a carton of ice cream of which he would slowly eat from while he would read from his favorite magazines about pet grooming and others about garden maintenance. On other nights, he would grab a bottle of lotion from his nightstand along with a box of tissues and a stack of magazines with explicit photos of stallions doing anything and everything possible to each other before ultimately grabbing himself. Tonight however, he was too full of pizza to so much as look at his refrigerator and too worried to be able to stroke himself. Much like his friend whom had just sucked him off earlier, Heart Flutter was also on edge about what just happened and the cold truth of what he had just done.

He couldn't sugarcoat it or call it something it wasn't. No matter what angle Heart Flutter could look at it, he had just performed a sexual act with a married pony and for that, he hated himself. This was a rather big deal especially because he had just been felatiated by the Prince, husband of the Princess. It was true, Cadence was always well known for being a very kind ruler but as far as anypony knew, the sanctity of their marriage had never been breached. No married pony in a monogamous relationship likes the idea of their spouse running around but the Princess of love herself could take it to a whole new level and destroy both of them if she wanted to.

On the other hoof, there was that sensation, that divine feeling of having his friend's lips around his dick as it stood at full mast. It had been years since Heart Flutter had such contact with anypony he was attracted to and being gay, males were his only option. It wasn't just the physical pleasure however, it was much more than that which drove both of the horny stallions mad. When Shining Armor's throat massaged Heart Flutter's throbbing stallion meat, the emotional connection the two felt between each other was impossible to ignore. Though the two friends had only known each other for a couple of days, they needed to experience that intimacy with each other again.

As the two stallions went about their night, they simply couldn't stop thinking about each other and the impact of what they did together would have on them. It was driving both of them mad, the idea of having become scum for violating a marriage along with their desperate need to see each other again anyway. The only thing that could bring them any form of serenity at this point was to feel the the warmth from each other's body once again and relish in their next encounter whatever it may entail. For Shining Armor, his wife simply couldn't satisfy his urges that made him so hungry for dick.

"Mm, Shiney?" Cadence cooed as she slowly opened her eyes from having dozed off in her husband's arms.

"Yeah, babe." Shining Armor replied, his tone matching that of his wife.

"How long has it been now since we made love?"

"Uhh...about a month, I think? Why?"

Cadence then stood up and used her aura to levitate a towel over to her which she then wrapped around herself in order to dry off. She then used her aura to pull the plug from the tub's drain, allowing it to empty while she then levitated a towel over to her husband.

"I think you know why." Cadence finally answered, her voice low and her eyes half lidded. "I don't care how tired we both are, a married couple going that long without sex is bull shit. We're going to fix that right"

"I love it when you're bossy like that." Shining Armor replied, still feeling the pain what he had done to his unsuspecting wife within his heart.

As they held hooves, the loving couple slowly trotted towards their bedroom together, the temperature in their bodies rising fast as they both knew what they were about to do. Upon approaching the bedroom door, Cadence, whom was in the lead pushed it open and trotted in. Though she had a general idea of what was about to unfold, she certainly didn't expect to be enveloped by her husband's pink aura followed by being gently laid down upon their bed. Shining Armor then jumped up onto the bed and began to cover his wife in kisses before they would go all the way. Though that was their usual and now almost predictable bedroom routine, Shining Armor intended on making it up to Cadence and going out of his way to make sure she had the best night of her life.

With their tongues buried deep within each other's throats, Shining Armor then broke off their heated makeout and stared into his beloved wife's eyes for what she thought was the moment before he would insert his dick into her. Much to the sweating mare's confusion however, her stallion slowly lifted himself up and crawled downward towards her nether regions. Her confusion would prove to be short lived as her husband spread her back legs apart and looked up at her while bobbing his eyebrows.

"Sh-Shining?" Cadence asked with an excited shiver. "A-are y-you going to...hhooooohhh yeeeeessss..."

Shining Armor was determined to make this lovemaking session all about Cadence even if it meant sacrificing his own pleasure for hers. Not to say that he didn't immensely enjoy eating her out, he did. Be that as it may, aside from his guilty conscience burning at him for his adulterous act earlier, there were often times where Shining Armor questioned whether he even deserved to have Cadence as a wife in the first place.

"Shiney!! Oh my g-ahh!!" Cadence gasped as her husband picked up the pace and rigorously pleasured her with his tongue. "D-don't sto-aaahhhh!!"

Shining Armor's mouth was too busy to reply, he didn't want to break his concentration and put Cadence's pleasure at risk. His beloved wife's orgasm, whenever that may occur was his number one goal and come Tartarus or high water, he was going to make sure that she was more than satisfied tonight. As he lapped up at her marehood with his tongue, she became even wetter and when she involuntarily clamped down on his head with her back legs, he knew he was doing a good job.

For a good thirty minutes, Shining Armor went at it with intentions on pleasing his missus and giving her the very best. Now was one of those times where he felt undeserving of such a beautiful, loving wife but one way or another, he would make up for it and earn it tonight. He cared not of his own pleasure and just when it seemed that she was nearing her peak, Shining Armor quickly lifted himself back up, straddled his lover and quickly fitted his rock hard cock with a ribbed condom as they were not quite ready as a couple to procreate. He made sure to choose one that was more geared towards the mare's pleasure as tonight was all about her as far as he was concerned.

More often than not, Shining Armor would end up orgasming before Cadence. It was rather common for the male to climax first with most heterosexual couples, really. That's why Shining Armor continued to leave no part of his wife's marehood neglected and kept at it for so long. Now that she was near her peak, she may orgasm before he may even get a chance but he didn't care. All he was focused on now was Cadence's happiness.

"Oh...m-my...-Sh-Shiney, I c-can't..." Cadence whimpered as her husband rutted her just right, giving her a good balance between not to gentle nor too rough; not to fast nor too slow. "Uhh! Hah, I can't hol-ohh!"

It wouldn't be much longer before orgasmic bliss would overcome Cadence as Shining Armor completely went out of his way to bring her to the verge of it. He normally would want to look into his wife's eyes as they reached their climax but Cadence's eyes had rolled back into her head as her entire body began to shiver and her ejaculations soak the sheets. Shining Armor had hoped that he planned it to where they could both come at the same time but luck would have it that he overshot his estimations and made his wife come with his own orgasm nowhere in sight. With that, he made the quick decision to fake it which he had never done before and hoped he would never have to again.

"Gaahhh!" Shining Armor huffed as he gave Cadence a few final thrusts. "Ohhohohoh fuck yes! Ahhh, I love you, Cadence!"

Cadence was too caught up in a trance to even think to reply and she just lay there on her back, hyperventilating as nirvana completely took her over. It was like she was on a drug and a strong one at that. Shining Armor on the other hoof felt as if his testicles were about to explode but there was nothing he could do about it and with his wife in the state she was in, he had no choice but to stop thrusting her and wait for her to come down from her high.

First came her irises coming back from in her head followed by her breathing gradually slowing, Shining Armor holding her close in a loving embrace the entire time. His focus was still on her and her only, his discomfort in his jewels would have to be attended to later. Finally, Cadence was able to so much as crack a smile and make eye contact with Shining Armor as she continued to breath heavy, sweat covering her entire body.

"Shi-Shiney..." Cadence panted. "Ohh my god, how did you *pant* w-whatever's gotten *pant* into you...I like it!"

"Cadence, baby, I love you!" Shining Armor whimpered aloud as held his wife tight and stifled the discomfort he was experiencing.

It took a few minutes for the two to catch their breaths, Cadence longer than her husband of course but when they did, the afterglow could be used to light the streets of the Crystal empire. Little did the Princess of love know however that her husband glowed red and sweated for a different reason. Until Shining Armor could find a moment where his wife wasn't paying attention, he would have to endure the pain in his balls before he could excuse himself to the restroom for relief. If he didn't play this out very carefully, he just knew that she would be on to him and being as smart as she is, would have no trouble getting the truth out of him.

"Wow, Shiney, that was amazing!!" Cadence beamed as she and her husband held each other as they lay in their bed. "I came harder than I have in...well, ever!!"

"I just wanted you to enjoy as much as I always do, sweetums." Shining Armor cooed with a silly, foal-like tone.

"Aww, my big, silly stud wuvs me so much, huh?

"And since he worked extra hard tonight, your big, silly, wuvy dovey stud needs a glass of water."

"The least I can do is go get you a...oh..."

Before Cadence could even finish her sentence, Shining Armor hopped off the bed and hobbled out of the bedroom as quickly as he could without stepping on his own cock. Since he still had yet to orgasm, he was still rock hard much to his wife's confusion. It couldn't be helped. All that mattered now was that the bathroom was just ahead and he could finally relieve himself as his testes burned worse than the fullest of full bladders ever did.

"Hahh...hahh...hahh..." Shining Armor panted as he used his aura to yank and tug at himself before finally spraying a huge load of his seed into the toilet. "Ohhh, finally..."

Not only was Shining Armor teetering on the edge before being deprived of any further stimulation but he was also pent up from not being intimate with Cadence in nearly a month. The combination of the two factors was torture but it felt that much more divine to have finally released the unbearable pressure. Now, if he could just quickly grab the glass of water he mentioned, Cadence would be none the wiser. Still, Shining Armor felt no better about the situation as he suddenly realized that he just lied to his pride and joy about his orgasm and could add it to having cheated on her with another stallion.

"Shiney?" Cadence asked as her now relieved husband lay down next to her. "Are you alright?"

"Hmm?" Shining Armor hummed as he desperately sought for an answer while sipping his water. "I actually couldn't be better, babe. Why do you ask?"

"It's never taken that long for you to go flaccid after love making. It's just...out of the ordinary, that's all."

"We've gone a whole month without making love, dear."

"'re right, that could have something to do with it."

"Everything's just fine, babe. You worry too much, especially lately."

"Ahh, you're right, Shiney. I'm just glad we got a moment to do this tonight. Oh! So, some good news!"

"Ohh, do tell!"

"For the next week, my duties will be allowing me to work from right here in the Palace! Finally, I don't have to run around like a chicken with my head chopped off!"

"Heheheh now look who's rubbing their luck in. I'm gonna be pounding the road all day, every day."

Though they were a couple of grown adult ponies, Shining Armor and Cadence still couldn't help but share a laugh together over their immature jokes and puns involving the word "pounding" or having just done so. Though the couple was physically satisfied for the time being, or so Cadence though, Shining Armor could now only think about his bi-sexual urges having been awoken after lying dormant for years. The damage was done and now he wanted, no, needed to have more cock. Be it in his mouth, or his desperately longing ass, he needed to rut or be rutted by another male or he would soon go insane.

He felt no better for having cheated on his wife and had gotten himself on a slippery slope as he knew he would do it again and soon. It was almost as if he were addicted and could think of nothing more than his next fix and how he would go about getting a hold of it. Whether he liked it or not, Shining Armor was now a junkie and Heart Flutter had just unwittingly become his dealer. Since he too had seemed unsure about their next encounter, Shining Armor so badly hoped that his new friend still wanted to see him and hopefully go further.

"I'll be right back, dear." Cadence said as she slowly and shakily got up off the bed. "Gotta pee."

Now that she could finally trot, Cadence left her husband in their bedroom with nothing but his thoughts rushing through his mind. Unbeknownst to her, her seemingly calm and laid back husband was actually waging war with himself within his mind. Luckily, Shining Armor remembered to flush his spooge as to get rid of any evidence that would arouse suspicion but as his brilliantly observant wife sat upon her throne of porcelain, it would seem that he had left a loose end untied.

"Huh, that's odd..." Cadence said to herself as she spied two half empty champagne glasses still sitting on the side of the Jacuzzi tub. "I didn't have any. Why would he need two glasses?"

Chapter 4: No Going Back Now...In and Out Maybe but Not Back

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Though Shining Armor had a busy day ahead of him, he couldn't help but glance over his to do list, not in order to remember his tasks for the day but to form a plan that would bring him to see Heart Flutter again. As the parchment floated in his aura, he decided that he would stop by the mall where his friend works for lunch, that way he would at least have a valid excuse to be there. Like an addict on the hunt for his dealer, the bisexual unicorn was driving himself mad with his need to see his special friend again.

"Gah, what the hell am I doing?" Shining Armor said to himself as he facehoofed. "I just cheated on my wife and now I'm going out of my way to do it again."

Shining Armor then covered his mouth and nervously looked around to see if anypony was in earshot of his scandalous comment.

"I hope nopony heard that..." He said quietly.

Whether he liked it or not, Shining Armor needed to take his mind off of Heart Flutter and get on with his day. The first order of business was a ribbon cutting ceremony at a newly opened Quills and Sofas franchise. That shouldn't take very long. Next, was a meeting with the Captain of Equestria's Royal Guard whom of which was his own replacement once he left. As he Shining Armor made his way to the park where he and the Captain agreed to meet so they could finalize the last of the promotion paperwork, his mind went back to his guard days.

He often missed those days but at the same time, he couldn't possibly be happier with his choice to start seeing Cadence and ultimately marry her and prepare to start a family once they were ready. From his days as a new recruit to working his way up the ranks, he reminisced about it until the last thing he needed on his mind took him over. At the worst possible time, his very first sexual experience with another male ran through his mind which caused the familiar tingling in his stallionhood.

"Oh fuck, not here. Not like this...gah, what's happening to me!?" Shining Armor whimpered, nearly sobbing as he stopped and crossed his back legs. He was out in public and there were dozens of other ponies trotting about so he needed to think of something unappealing and do something about his oncoming erection there and now. "Oh shit, shit, shit...Uh, let's see, um...Applejack's grandma...uh, Chrysalis...wait, no, she's actually pretty hot. Erm...donkeys. Yes! Okay, okay, how about cows? Oh thank Celestia I'm not attracted to those."

Now that his body was under control, Shining Armor trekked onward so that he could accomplish his tasks. He did not get away completely unscathed however as several citizens trotting past him raised an eyebrow at their Prince talking to himself. Some even seemed to notice that he was crossing his legs which was a telltale sign of a stallion attempting to stifle arousal. Though it was innocent enough, a Prince was constantly judged by others and this may not particularly look good on him.

Finally, Shining Armor was finished with his meeting and had signed the last of the paperwork making the former Sergeant of the Guard the new Captain in his place. Much to his fortune, he could cross that off his list just in time for lunch and he knew exactly where he was going. From this part of the city, the mall was only a ten minute trot away and if he had to wait much longer to have a very important discussion with Heart Flutter, his could kiss what was left of his sanity goodbye. At long last, the nervous unicorn trotted towards the pet grooming salon where Heart Flutter worked and for the first time today, luck would be in his favor as the door opened and just who he was looking for happened to step out. Heart Flutter was not alone however as he had a mare following close behind and she did not appear to be entirely pleased.

"Heart Flutter, what's bothering you?" The mare, apparently Heart Flutter's boss asked as she and her employee stepped out for a chat. Shining armor ducked behind a potted plant as to avoid causing any more distress to his friend than he seemed to already be going through.

"This isn't like you." The mare continued as Heart Flutter hung his head. "You can't seem to focus on anything today! Look, I can get over your lack of attention for the most part but you almost drowned that dachshund! We can't have that!"

"I'm so sorry, ma'am." Heart Flutter replied, his voice shaky and his eyes just showing signs of waterworks. "I swear it won't happen again! I've just been...I have some things going on but I...I can't tell you what it is, nopony would understand."

"Heart're the best groomer we have here. Look, I won't pry if you don't wanna talk about it but I think you should take a couple weeks off."

If he was a nervous wreck already, upon hearing his boss say that, Heart Flutter's heart sank as he had just been suspended from his job that he loved so dearly. Though he was hanging his head in shame and soaking the ground beneath his face in tears, his boss gently placed a hoof on his shoulder as making the decision to suspend her best employee wasn't particularly easy for her either.

"I'm sorry, Heart Flutter." The mare said as she looked her employee in his sad, wet, bloodshot eyes. "I just think you should sort some things out and get whatever it is off your mind. Get some rest and find a way to get rid of your stress okay?"

"O-okay..." Heart Flutter sobbed.

Without another word, the mare turned around and trotted back into the salon to resume her work, leaving Heart Flutter to think about what has been bothering him so badly as of late. As the distressed pegasus sat on his rump with his hooves covering his eyes, Shining Armor slowly approached his friend and gently laid a comforting hoof on his shoulder. Both ponies were feeling each other's pain and could relate very well and now that they had a chance to talk again, they could start sorting themselves out.

"Sh-Shining Armor, I just..." Heart Flutter sobbed. "Oh my god, I'm a wreck! I couldn't stop thinking about what happened!"

"I know, buddy, I couldn't stop either." Shining Armor said as he hugged his crying friend. "Look, we need to talk. Let's just take a seat and I'll buy you lunch, okay?"

"O-*sniff* okay..."

Once in the food court and with a tray of eggplant burgers and hay fries in front of each of them, they could both get to the bottom of their troubles and discuss what happened the night before. Aside from having just been suspended from his job, Heart Flutter's conscience was already burning with guilt for having been sucked off by a married stallion, the latter of which Shining Armor planned to put to rest right away.

"Buddy, it's not your fault." Shining Armor reassured his still depressed pegasus friend. "Don't blame yourself for what we did last night."

"I...I...I dunno, Shining..." Heart Flutter stuttered before taking a sip of his soda. "I mean, I can't even remember the last time a had a friend blow me, you know? And it wasn't just that, I just...I felt a genuine connection. Like, we've only known each other for a few days but we've already become such close friends that we know, fool around."

"I know, that's why I needed to talk to you. I've been driving myself crazy over this. Look, what happened between us last night happened and there's no going back. Before, I could sort, stifle my urges towards guys. Now that I've gotten a taste of it for the first time in years, I can't stop thinking about it. About us. Heart Flutter, I just..."

"Shining, I'm scared. I haven't been with anypony in years and I've gotten used to being lonely. I can't...I..."

"No, buddy, don't cry. Please."

At this point, other patrons in the mall's food court were starting to stare curiously at the two stallions as Heart Flutter's crying and whimpering had gotten their attention. Shining Armor felt that he was to blame and as far as he was concerned, he was going to comfort his friend even if it meant cancelling the rest of his meetings for the day. He was expected meet with a group of nobles from Canterlot whom of which he hated with a passion and without another thought, he levitated a pen and piece of parchment from his saddlebag and jotted down a note. After he was satisfied with his work, he enveloped the paper with his aura and with a sharp pop, it was gone.

"What was that about?" Heart Flutter asked as he dried his tears.

"I just cleared the rest of my day." Shining Armor replied. "I know I'm gonna pay for it later but I really can't stand those stuck up pricks."

"What did it say?"

Meanwhile, in an upscale restaurant in the Crystal Empire...

A group of stuffy nobles, all sporting monocles and ascot ties sat impatiently as they waited for the Prince whom was now late for their meeting. The nobles grumbled and complained among themselves about everything between them having to wait more than three seconds for service or the fact that their napkins were not folded properly. Suddenly, as one of them glanced at his watch, the mysterious sheet of parchment snapped into existence and dropped onto the table in front of the uptight ponies. The stallion nearest to it picked it up with his aura and unfolded it, the rest of them peeking over his shoulder with curiosity as they read the note.

Dear asshats: I decided not to waste my time by punishing myself with your insufferable presence. I have better things to do. Now go fuck yourself. Prince Shining Armor.

"Finally!" One of the nobles said aloud as the rest breathed a sigh of relief. "He grew a spine!"

"Good on him!" Said another. "I can't stand a yes stallion!"

Back at the mall...

"You sure that was a good idea?" Heart Flutter asked as he and Shining Armor trotted out of the mall.

"I don't care." Shining Armor replied firmly. "What's important right now is that we have a talk. Uh, Probably somewhere more private. Ponies tend to try to listen in on what their prince talks to others about and our conversation is none of their business."

"I just wanna go home. This sucks, I've never had anything like that happen at work before!"

"It'll be okay, Heartsy, your boss sounds like she cares about you. I promise, you'll be fine. If it'll make you more comfortable, let's go to your place, okay?"


With the rest of their day now free to do whatever they wished, Shining Armor and Heart Flutter trotted down the streets towards the latter's home. Though there were very important things for both of them to get off their chests, they could only talk about it very quietly when they knew nopony was listening as it was impossible for a Prince to keep a low profile. Finally, after the half hour trot, Heart Flutter lead his unicorn companion to a nice, freshly painted two story house in the residential side of the Crystal Empire. After unlocking the door with his key, Heart Flutter pushed the door open and held it open to allow his friend inside.

"Nice place." Shining Armor complimented, as he looked around to see a completely spotless abode.

"Thanks." Heart Flutter replied. "So uh, let's have a seat in my living room and I'll be in to talk. Want anything to drink? I'm getting myself a glass of scotch. I'm gonna need it after what went down back there."

"Oh, could I have one?"

"Of course. Go ahead and make yourself at home."

Shining Armor took a seat on the nice plush sofa in the living room while his host poured drinks for them and once the latter had taken a seat of his own across from his guest, they could finally figure out their situation. For a moment, the two nervous stallions fidgeted and twiddled their hooves until finally, Heart Flutter broke the awkward silence.

"Shining, that felt..." Heart Flutter began. "...special. Like, we actually had something meaningful between us there."

"I know what you mean." Shining Armor replied. "An emotional connection. I've never had that with another guy before. Back before I met Cadence, I fooled around a bit with a guy from high school and one from the Guard but I was a dumb teenager back then. I was just experimenting at the time but what you and I did..."

"I don't wanna get hurt again..."

Heart Flutter then paused for a moment before starting to cry again. Both friends had already established that there is nothing wrong with males openly expressing emotions so express they did.

"Any coltfriend I ever had never gave a crap about me." Heart Flutter continued, tears flowing down his face. "That's why I couldn't get myself to start dating again, I'm so scared of getting hurt. I can't get my heart broken again, I just can't! But here I am with a married guy! Oh fuck, I'm such a scumbag!"

"No you're not!" Shining Armor retorted, his eyes also putting on waterworks. "Don't ever think that! Look, what's past is past, that can't be helped. We also didn't choose to be attracted to other guys."

"N-no, you're right about that."

"So it's not doing us any good just moping around, feeling sorry for ourselves. Last night, after you left, I did a lot of thinking. I just...I...I used to be able to curb my urges but now..."

"After what we did, it just sort of...woke up, I guess?"


"It kinda did for me too. It's been a really long time *sniff* s-since I...*hic* I c-can't..."

"Dude, dude, come here."

Heart Flutter covered his face with his hooves as he started sobbing again which acted as a trigger of sorts for Shining Armor who immediately got up from his seat and sat down next to his friend. The two stallions were not above warm hugs and Shining Armor tried his absolute best to comfort his depressed companion. At the same time, it was comforting to him as well just to hold his friend close like that and with their heads on each other's shoulders, they cried until their tear ducts were dry. It was then and there that just by holding each other tight, the stress seemed to melt away and they could no longer deny it. They needed each other.

It was strange to both stallions who hugged each other tight yet at the same time simply felt right. To both of them, to take in the sweet aroma of the shampoo they used in their manes earlier that morning was getting them lost on the moment. To just feel their fuzzy coats up against one another was different to Shining Armor than holding Cadence and to Heart Flutter, it was different than any other stallion he had ever been with. There was no other word either of them could use to describe it but right.

"Shining?" Heart Flutter asked as he broke the hug to look his friend in the eyes, his voice trembling.

"Yeah?" Shining Armor said, faring no better.

"I...I think..."

Without any warning, Shining Armor's face dashed over to meet that of his friend before firmly pressing his lips against those of the nervous pegasus. The sudden kiss took Heart Flutter by surprise at first but a few seconds into it, his eyes closed as well and they both began to insert their tongues into the other's mouth. They couldn't help it, couldn't stop themselves if they wanted to. It was like two staving creatures being allowed to feast just as they were on the brink of death as they were indeed starved of the physical and emotional contact they so desperately needed to keep their sanity.

For several minutes, the two close friends continued to pit their tongues against each other's and letting out the occasional soft moan as they explored one another with their hooves. To Shining Armor, it was much like the warm feeling he experienced when he made out with Cadence the very first time and for Heart Flutter, the kiss had meaning. He couldn't for the life of him understand why but it just didn't feel empty like any other pony he was with. It only felt right.

"Uhh! Heartsy?" Shining Armor asked after breaking the kiss.

"Y-yeah, Shining?" Heart Flutter asked.

"I need you."

"Y-you n-need m-"

"I can't fucking help it, I need you so ba-mmmff!"

This time, it was Heart Flutter's turn to make a move of his own and he wasted no time burying his tongue down his friend's throat and after another few minutes of sucking face, the burning in their balls became too real. By this point, both of their dicks were at full mast and throbbing so much that they nearly forced the two stallions that they grew between apart. They both looked down to see the ironic sight of their own arousal pushing them away from each other and the two shared a hearty laugh when it seemed that their faces couldn't possibly get any more red.

"Hahahaho my god, what the fahahahuck!" Shining Armor laughed with a new kind of tears flowing down his face.

"Gahaha! Dude! For real though! I fucking need you too!"

Finally, as their laughter subsided, Heart Flutter grabbed his friend's hoof, arose from his own seating and pulled Shining Armor out of his. With their hooves still joined together and both of them looking each other in their half lidded eyes, they trotted side by side to where the horny pegasus was leading them. Neither of them had any control of their bodies, from their cocks that they nearly tripped over several times already to them trotting up the stairs to where they would remedy their situation, they couldn't stop themselves.

At first their trek up the stairs started out slow and steady but their hormones driving them mad along with their rock hard dicks getting in the way, they picked up speed. Like a couple of awkward teenagers about to throw their virginity away, they tripped over their own and each other's meaty shafts until they finally stumbled their way to the top. Before a remotely rational thought could cross either of their minds, they dashed through the nearest door into Heart Flutter's bedroom and onto his bed where they both lay on their sides and proceeded to make out.

Both Shining Armor and Heart Flutter knew very well what was going to happen and there was nothing either of them could do to stop it even if they wanted to. Being as that Shining Armor was used to being the dominant one in bed as he typically was with Cadence, he figured that he would be leading this encounter as well. After trying to maneuver his right leg and ultimately flip himself up on top of his friend however, he would soon find otherwise. Much to the confusion of the somewhat taller unicorn, Heart Flutter met his attempt with a firm shove and with a few flaps of his wings, the effeminate pegasus was on top and proving to be much stronger than he looked.

"Heartsy?" Shining Armor asked as he broke their kiss again. "Wha-what are you doi-"

"I can't help it, Shining Armor, I just can't!" Heart Flutter whimpered as he pushed and shoved his friend around in attempt to flip him over onto his stomach. "I-I-I just gotta...c-can I just..."

It was obvious that Heart Flutter hadn't been intimate with somepony in a very long time as he was nervous, awkward and worst of all was as accurate with is aim as a blind pony would be. Shining Armor however would soon find himself wishing that his crazed friend would have kept missing his mark though as he would remember just how big he was the hard way.

"Ahh! Ow! Dude, careful!" Shining Armor yelped as his friend made several pathetic attempts to insert himself.

"Ah, s-sorry! Sorry!" Heart Flutter said as he tried to calm himself. "It's been a while since I..."

"Hey, it's okay, just warn me before you strong-arm me and try to spear me like that, alright?"

"M-my bad,"

"You wanna be on top? I'm down...literally, heheheh!"

"Pffft ahahahah! Alright, yeah! Uh, hang on a sec. I gotta get something."

Heart Flutter the jumped off of Shining Armor and dashed over to a closet door on the opposite side of the room. After swinging the door open, the horny pegasus then tore into the boxes and crates of his stored belongings and began tossing anything not necessary for what he and his friend were about to do behind him. Shining Armor got a chuckle while he watched Heart Flutter go against his normally clean nature and make a mess of his own room but soon found himself biting his lower lip as he stared at his firm ass as he held it high in the air. The sight of Heart Flutter's flank swaying back and forth as he desperately searched for something was more than enough to keep Shining Armor rock hard as he waited.

"Got it!" Heart Flutter beamed as he held his prize, a small bottle of lube in his hooves, looking up at it with stars in his eyes.

Shining Armor's breathing grew heavier and hotter with each passing second and as his host and friend trotted towards him while he lay on his stomach he lifted his tail up high. The pegasus was still nervous and he fumbled with the bottle after jumping back onto the bed and with a snap of the flip top lid of the bottle, his dick was covered in the lubricant. Both of them were finally ready to go. Very slowly and carefully, Heart Flutter poked Shining Armor's butt and with the help of the lube, slowly inserted himself into his tight hole.

"Ooohh!" Shining Armor yelped as he bit the pillow.

"You okay?" Heart Flutter asked. "I don't wanna hurt you."

"It's fine, keep going! Please! I need this!"

He could deny it all he wanted to if he even wanted to be whether he liked it or not, which he did, Heart Flutter knew that he needed it too and kept going without another moment's hesitation. Though he badly wanted his dick in his friend, he still knew that he was of above average length and girth and as such wanted to avoid causing the unicorn beneath him any pain or discomfort. It would be next to impossible to avoid however as the only thing that could be done save for completely abstaining was to very slowly work his way in and out. He would most like even need to apply more lube as well.

"Uhhhh...mmm, keep going..." Shining Armor moaned, soon getting what he wished for.

"Ohhh fuck..." Heart Flutter moaned softly as he gently pushed himself in further. "Yes...yes...ahhhooohhhuhh..."

Shining Armor was grateful to have had a pillow to bite onto as his friend's impressive stallionhood was nothing take take lightly even when saturated in lube. It was going to be a delicate process and they would be lucky if they could even get it in past the medial ring without really hurting the receiving pony. As luck would have it however, Heart Flutter was able to just get the ring into his friend but for now would have to keep it that way as he was simply too afraid to go further. Now that he was as far as he felt was safe to go for now, he could slowly pull out, push in again, and repeat.

After slightly picking up the pace, Heart Flutter decided that he would simply keep going until his partner indicated that he wanted otherwise. Both stallions were getting lost in their blissful encounter. For Heart Flutter, it was a several year long dry spell having finally been quenched and for Shining Armor, it was his very first time actually having true intercourse with another male. It was like losing his virginity all over again and he loved it.

The minutes ticked by as Heart Flutter continued to rut Shining Armor, having started as gentle pushes and pulls and worked up to firm thrusts that slapped against the unicorn's ass hard enough to leave it sore. At this point, the pegasus was plowing his friend absolutely silly, their sweat forming pools on the bed sheets beneath them. The bed frame rattled as the starved Heart Flutter nearly abused his cock sleeve that Shining Armor had become. Just to have his prostate poked and prodded repeatedly, Shining Armor was getting close and he couldn't help but massage his cock with his aura as Heart Flutter too neared the inevitable.

"AAAAHHHAHAHAH YESSS!!" Heart Flutter screamed as he shot load after load of his hot spunk into Shining Armor as he continued to spear him.

"AAAHOOOOOHHOOHH FUHUHUHUCK!!" Shining Armor let out a feminine scream as he too succumbed to his own orgasm and the pure bliss of having a stallion rut him stupid for the first time in his life.

Finally, Heart Flutter pulled himself out as he quickly began to go flaccid and collapsed onto the bed next to his hyperventilating butt buddy where the two then held each other close. In such a euphoric state, the only word the two could use to describe their little activity was "right". It simply felt right to both of them and until they could regain any rational thought, they could think of no other way to describe it.

Shining Armor and Heart Flutter cuddled as they still tried to catch their breath and wanted nothing more than to relish in the warm comfort brought about by their bodies being held close to each other. Heart Flutter had engaged in intercourse with one other stallion in his life so he knew what it was like. Shining Armor on the other hoof, had just had his cherry popped and suddenly realized something about himself that he never knew before. He decided to share it with his friend once he could finally speak again.

"Heartsy?" Shining Armor asked.

"Yeah?" Heart Flutter replied.

"I love being made somepony's bitch!"

Chapter 5: Officer Mi Amore Cadenza

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Shining Armor and Heart Flutter both lay next to each other on the latter's bed, both drenched in sweat and loads of spunk, from their manes to their hooves and everywhere in between. Not wishing to so much as move a muscle as they were both spent from the vigorous plowing, the two special buddies just lay there and cuddled together and enjoyed the warmth of each other's bodies. Their first sexual experience together in the palace bathroom didn't even compare to what they had just finished doing.

Since puberty, Shining Armor had always known that he was attracted to both mares and stallions but for the first time in his life, he had just had sex with another male and it felt like losing his virginity all over again. Though it felt nearly like his very first time with Cadence, his bride was still the only true love for him. It wasn't like he was going to leave her over this, he had simply just found his true self with the help of a special friend, nothing more.

As they lay together, Shining Armor couldn't help but think about really what happened, in that he, who is typically the dominant one in bed as with Cadence, felt perfectly happy being dominated. It was unusual for him to be one one on the receiving end save for when his wife rode on top of him but to have somepony really put him in his place simply felt exhilarating. He had experienced nothing like it before and knew that he had to again and soon. He thought to himself that perhaps there could be more to his encounter with Heart Flutter and he could apply what he learns with him to his own bedroom with Cadence.

"Heartsy?" Shining Armor purred into his friend's ear as they cuddled.

"Yeah, Shining?" Heart Flutter asked, sounding as if he would doze off at any moment.

"That was amazing."

"Yeah? It's been a while so I've been kinda pent up."

"I can see that. Really though, bud, that was...this wasn't a cheap lay, this was something special."

"Think so?"

"I wouldn't tell you that if I didn't mean it. I hope you feel the same."

"Yeah, I...I do. I mean, I guess we're, lovers or anything but it was nice to have a close friend to confide in and...stick my dick into."

"Pffft, ahahahah! I love your sense of humor, you know that?"

For another hour, the two friends snuggled together and once the sun began to set, Shining Armor knew that he needed to head back home to the palace before he risked being late and arousing suspicion. After a quick shower and a final hug and kiss goodbye, the giddy unicorn made his way back home to his wife, almost breaking into giggles as he trotted and skipped about the streets. He couldn't even remember the last time he had felt so alive, so free. He had been liberated and set free to discover himself and he simply couldn't wait to get back to his wife to apply what he learned to their own sex life.

The possibilities were truly endless and countless scenarios and many different role playing ideas went through Shining Armor's mind as he twirled around the street lamps on his way home. The only dilemma was which one he would bring up to her first. For the entirety of their relationship, their bedroom life has been rather plain or could be described as "vanilla", but soon, that would be changing as soon as he figured out what he wanted to do and bring it up to his beloved. Just so long as it ended with him being dominated and put in his place, he and maybe even his wife would be getting off just fine.

Later that night...

Like every night before and with any luck, every night for the rest of the couple's lives, Shining Armor and his beloved bride, Cadence snuggled in their bed together where they would soon drift off after a hard day's work. Though both of them were too tired to get busy right then and there, both for different reasons, they would always kiss each other on the neck and giggle amongst themselves while they waited to fall asleep. Before he forgot however, Shining Armor needed to run something by her in hopes that she would be into making some changes to spice up their lives a bit.

"Mmm...hey babe..." Shining Armor cooed after laying a few kisses on his wife's neck.

"Hmm?" Cadence purred as she immensely enjoyed the sweet kisses from her stallion.

"I was wondering...mmm...if you'd wanna...mmm...try something new sometime..."


", I want to swap places."


"I want you to be the dominant one."

" want me to...mmm..."

"Baby...I want you to make me your little bitch..."

"Oh my."

"Tomorrow me around like a little punk..."

"I, uhh...I don't know, dear, I've just been so used to you being the dominant one."

"So let's try swapping it around. What could it hurt?"

"Well...okay. What did you have in mind?"

The next night...

An immensely excited Shining Armor paced back and forth in his bedroom as he waited for Cadence to join him while donning a new outfit intended to liven things up for the both of them. After some convincing, the attractive Princess reluctantly agreed to participate in their latest endeavour. Now all the couple had to do was step outside of their comfort zone and discover new things that they could be into. The very idea alone of the couple being adventurous in there bedroom life was enough to make Shining Armor hard. Finally, his agonizing wait would soon come to an end.

"Shining?" Cadence called out from the other side of the bedroom door.

"Do you have it on?" Shining Armor asked.

"I can't believe I let you talk me into this."

"Come on, babe, it'll be fun! What do we have to lose by just trying it out?"

"I...I know, dear. Okay, I'm coming in."

With great anticipation, the already horny stallion waited for his wife as she very slowly pushed the door to their bedroom open, much to his agony. Just the few seconds it took for the door to fully swing open ticked by like hours until at long last, Shining Armor's beautiful wife stood in the open doorway with a heavy blush as she donned an outfit that nearly made her husband spill his seed just from the sight of her alone. For the couple's first bedroom roleplay, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza sported a skin tight, dark blue police mare outfit that no real police officer would dare wear while on duty. It was much too sexy for practical use, the outfit snugly hugged every curve of her body and the skirt was so short that it may as well have not even existed. If they wanted to have some fun, they would need to act fast, because Shining Armor may not even be able to control himself just by simply looking at her.

" do I look?" Cadence asked, her blush intensifying.

"Ooohhohohohhh...Uhh..." Shining Armor babbled and moaned as he began to drool.

"Really? I look that good?"

"Y-y-yeahhh...C-Cadence, ohhh my god..."

"Wow...okay, so what do we do now?"

"Th-that's...*gulp* up to you to decide...officer."


"You know, like, pretend I'm a really bad boy you just stopped. Take me in and do whatever you want to me. Nopny says you have to be a good cop."

Cadence needed a moment to think about it. Neither of them had ever tried anything like it, they weren't going to know what to do right off the bat. After some pondering, She knew that the activity with her husband going well depended on her at this point so she took charge and went with it.

"Alright you, keep your hooves where I can see 'em!" Cadence yelled before covering her mouth out of shock for how loud she had just been.

"Well, shit, you caught me red hoofed!" Shining Armor yelled in response, his heart beat getting faster and his blood hotter. "Keep going, babe, you're doing great! Heheheh!"

"Oh! Uh, alright you crook, now I got you! put your hooves up on the uhh...bed! I'm gonna have to search you!"

With his excitement growing along with his dick, Shining Armor went along with it and assumed the position. Immediately, Cadence patted her hooves all over his body, working her way down which only made him even harder until finally, the aroused Princess placed wrapped a hoof firmly around her husband's shaft. The gleeful squeak he emitted made his own blush intensify and even got a giggle out of the mare who now seemed to be getting the hang of their whole idea.

"What have we here?" Cadence asked in an authoritarian sort of tone.

"Heheheh, I have a thing for pretty lady cops like you, sweetheart!" Shining Armor blurted out as he began to shift about. In any real situation, this would indicate a lack of compliance and Cadence would have none of it.

"Hey! Don't you move!"

Almost instinctively, Cadence placed a hoof on her husband's upper back and pushed him face down against the bed as hard as she could. Had they been using any other object than their soft bed for Shining Armor to be pressed up against, surely, the stallion would have ended up with a bloody muzzle. Instead, to have been pushed around by his mare like that was again nearly enough to send him into an orgasmic fit but he knew that he needed to hold out as long as he could so both of them could have some fun.

"I said..." Cadence hissed through her teeth as she slapped a set of hoof cuffs that came with the costume around her husband's hooves. "...don't...fucking...move!"

"Ahhhahhh!" Shining Armor moaned as his wife picked him up and threw him up onto the bed where he landed face up.

With his cock standing at full mast, an impressed Shining Armor waited for what his wife would do to him next. Before he could even process another thought, the horny alicorn Princess jumped up onto him and licked her lips as she stared down at his erect rod.

"Hmm...That's quite the suspicious bulge you got there." Cadence said smugly as she poked at her husband's shlong. "I'll bet you're hiding contraband in that big 'ol meat log."

"Oooh, only one way to find out!" Shining Armor cooed, his eyebrows bobbing up and down at the idea.

WIthout another word, officer Cadence plunged her face down onto her suspects cock and firmly wrapped her wet lips around it in hopes that she could pin a possession charge on him. It was certainly not the first time she has sucked him off but unlike any other time, she seemed to have more control and she found it surprisingly hot. Never before had she drooled so much providing for lubrication which only made them both even hotter. The night prior, Shining Armor had discovered that he enjoys being dominated and now it was Cadence's turn to find her own knack for showing her husband who's boss.

Hoping to extract an illegal item her suspect may be hiding in his stiff member, the hot and horny police mare kept bobbing her head up and down, coating every inch of it to ease the process. Though he was defenseless with his hooves cuffed behind his back, Shining Armor was proving to be a very stubborn crook as he simply refused to let his arresting officer in on the goodies he was hiding in his special sack. After a good twenty minutes of vigorous and hard sucking and deep throating with no results, she would need to up the ante.

"Alright, you only have yourself to blame for this, criminal scum!" Cadence yelled as she sprung up and straddled her immobilized suspect before slowly sinking her longing, soaking wet marehood down onto her husband's dick. "Oh! Uhh, could you cast a contraception spell, dear?"

"Awww, fuck yeahhh." Shining Armor moaned as his horn lit up.

Tonight, the couple was going raw and they loved every second of it so since they were out of condoms and having just both learned this useful spell, there should be no need to ever buy any more again. At this point, Shining Armor's eyes were rolling back into his head as his wife plowed the everloving brains out of him, soaking him in her own juices with every single thrust. With his hooves cuffed and no way to fight back, surely her suspect wouldn't last much longer and that's when he began to beg her to do the unthinkable.

"C-Cadence! Cadence Darling!" Shining Armor moaned loudly as he teetered on the brink of orgasmic bliss.

"Th-that's *hahh* Officer Cadence to*ooh!* you!"

"Hit me!!"


"I said hit me!!"

Cadence was understandably taken aback by her husband's odd request as both knew very well that physical violence of any shape or form had no place in their relationship whatsoever. Why would he all of a sudden condone such an act as horrible as spousal abuse? Still, Cadence continued to ride and grind her husband like mad but she could never do something as horrid as raise her hoof to him and strike him.

"W-why would you want me to-" Cadence began before being cut off by her husband's desperate pleading to be treated like a lesser pony by his wife.

"C-Cadence, please! P-please hit me! Smack me around like a little bitch! I need this!! Please!!"

Judging by the look in his eyes, Cadence could tell that her husband was genuinely begging for a good smack to the cheek. If he was truly hurt by it, surely he would tell her to stop. Surely one little love tap upside the face wouldn't hurt and if it did, then it would be a learning experience for both of them and they would just simply refrain from doing it again. What did they have to lose? With a shaky hoof, Cadence very carefully raised it up as she continued to grind her hips and brought it down onto her Shining Armor's longing cheek.

"Didn't you hear me?" Shining Armor teased. "I said I want you to hit me!"

"I just did!"

"Well, I didn't f-*ahh* feel a fucking thing!"

Again, Cadence raised a hoof and laid it across Shining Armor's cheek.

"I said hit me, not tickle me!" Shining Armor said smugly, clearly teasing his wife for being such a soft hitter.

Again, Cadence gave her husband a slightly harder smack.

"Is the window open? I'm feeling a draft!"

Growing more and more impatient, Cadence gave him an even harder slap.

"Did somepony let a bunch of butterflies in?"

"Alright, that's it!" Cadence huffed before finally swatting Shining Armor hard enough to send a wad of his drool flying out of his mouth.

"Ooh! Now that's what I'm talking about!" Shining Armor chuckled, hoping for another firm smack.

Getting more into the hang of things, Cadence gave him another good slap in the face, much to his delight.

"Yes! Oh, Cadence, yes!"

She gave him another, harder slap, sending him into a fit pleasure induced madness. Shining Armor looked up at his wife with an expression she had never seen before. The stars in his eyes were an indication that she had struck a chord with him that seemed to have brought him that much closer to nirvana and at the same time made their loving bond that much stronger.

"C-Cadence!!" Shining Armor screamed. "I can't...I can't...hold it anymore!!

"Yeahhaahh!" Cadence screamed as she too was overtaken by wave after wave of bliss. "Ahh! I tol-hnngg! I told you I'd get you to-ooh!...get you to spill sooner or-guh!...later!"

"Gah! Cadence! I fucking love you! Ahh...hahh...hnngg...GAAAHHAHHAHOOHHH!! YES!! YES!!"

Having reached the point of no return, Shining Armor began pumping burst after hot, sticky burst of seed into his wife who was now experiencing an intense convulsion of her own. There had been many a time when the two got lost in their orgasmic paradise with each other but this time was different from any other as even after the expected bursts of splooge, the seemingly endless river just kept flowing. It was unlike Shining Armor to keep on firing off so many bursts of seed and it continued even while Cadence came down from her own high and realized just what was happening to her husband.

Shining Armor seemed to be experiencing a seizure of sorts as he continued to splatter his loads everywhere. Cadence watched in awe and shock as her stallion spouted off geysers of his spunk and the only things she could think of were how it was even possible and that nothing in the world would get that much out of the sheets unless she did something about it. With everything to lose and nothing to gain, the alicorn Princess grabbed her husband's firehose and shoved it into her mouth to catch as much of it as she could. She would quickly find out that it wasn't one of her better ideas.

"Sombra's cock, Shining Armor, how much do you have in you!?" Cadence yelled as the spraying finally began to slow down with an end finally in sight.

Cadence just couldn't keep up and swallow nearly enough as she had literally bitten off more than she could chew and ended up catching most of it in her coat and mane. Both lovers had found themselves covered in each other's love juices many a time before but to be completely drenched by what seemed an impossible amount just felt downright funky but admittedly, she loved it. Finally, the gushing came to an end and Shining Armor began to slowly come down from his high and looked up at his wife to see nothing but her horn lighting up under a mask of cum. He couldn't help but snicker at the hot mess he had just turned her into as she used her aura to undo the hoofcuffs.

"Okay..." Cadence began in a squeaky, weedy little tone. "I'm just gonna...let you off with a warning."

Chapter 6: Seminal Investigation

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"I never came so much before in my life!" Shining Armor told Heart Flutter as the two friends trotted up the stairs of the Crystal Palace.

"Sounds like you two found what makes you tick." Heart Flutter replied with a smirk. "It's never too late to learn new things about yourself."

"True that, buddy. Hey, thanks for helping me with this paperwork though. Really, I mean it."

"What is it with you and your sister shaking your flanks around to bribe ponies into helping you with paperwork anyway?"

"Ah, I dunno, bud, I don't really wanna think about my sister trying to 'seduce' somepony, you know?"

"Right, right, my bad...uhh, who are you glaring at?"

"And I also don't wanna have to see another fanfic about me and my own sister or my mother doing...things."

"What the hell are you talking about? Who are you pointing at?"



Once again, Cadence had matters to attend to outside the Crystal Palace, thus leaving Shining Armor to complete his own tasks within it. Since Heart Flutter was still taking time off work, it would be a perfect time for him to spend time with a friend and hopefully lift his spirits. Despite that most of it would be spent performing tedious, white collar work, it should be much better than sitting at home, bored out of his mind. Simply by being in the presence of a good friend should make for a decent day.

"I bet we can get this done twice as fast with both of us working on it." Shining Armor said cheerfully as he levitated a pen with his aura. "Don't be afraid to sign my name on it, I can just say my secretary did and nopony would question it."

"You're...finally banning neck ties with polo shirts?" Heart Flutter asked with a slight gasp as he forged Shining Armor's signature on a bill.

"Ponies look like tools wearing that. Cadence agrees with me on that, and I'm sure a lot of non-hipsters do too."

"This oughta be fun to watch."

"Oh, and you might get a kick out of this one. Check it out."

Shining Armor then levitated a small stack of papers of which were bills he would be signing into law. Heart Flutter scanned through the text, his eyes widening more and more with every line he read.

"Ohohohoho, Cousin Zephyr's gonna looove this!" Heart Flutter said with a laugh. "Two hundred bit fines for wearing stallion buns!? I love it!"

"You should have him visit sometime and totally 'forget' to mention the new law." Shining Armor snickered.

"Took the words right out of my mouth. Hey you know what? I actually think I'll write to my cousins and have them come around sometime. I still have a while before I go back to work."

"Yeah, it'd be cool to see Fluttershy again."

Mental notes taken and more signatures forged, paperwork was a breeze and before the two friends knew it, they were finished and had nearly the whole day to themselves. Cadence wasn't expected to be home until dusk and Shining Armor made a promise to Heart Flutter in exchange for helping him complete his paperwork so quickly; something that he and his sister both had in common when it came to getting friends to help with white collar tasks.

Like two giddy school colts sneaking away with a Playcolt magazine, Shining Armor and Heart Flutter hastily made their way to the bedroom where they locked the door and explored each other's bodies. Both stallions enjoyed a nice, steamy, mutually beneficial sixty-nine as Heart Flutter lie on his back. Both of them understood the importance of leaving no evidence behind as Cadence was a rather observant and intelligent mare. Any spillage not cleaned up would surely catch her attention and it would be a matter of time before she found out that some of it did not belong to her husband.

Hours later, Cadence returned home to find a note from Shining Armor on the door to their bedroom, saying that he went out to pick up a few snack items for the couple to enjoy later. What the note didn't mention was that he was trotting his butt buddy home unbeknownst to the love Princess. Cadence decided to enjoy the brief moment of time she would have to herself and take a quick nap before figuring out what she and her husband would have for dinner.

The bed wasn't made perfectly but not a complete mess as to keep within Shining Armor's not so tidy but still not so messy character, again as a measure to keep from arousing suspicion. It was just at that very moment when Cadence shut her eyes, that something caught her attention that could blow up Shining Armor and Heart Flutter's little secret naughty times and from there, there would be no going back.

Squinting at the small, out of place object laying a mere hoof away from where Cadence would otherwise be laying her sleepy head, she used her aura to gently grasp and lift off the sheets, a lone pink hair. While she held this single, thick, pink hair in her aura, she arose to a sitting position as she studied it. This hair was a hot pink and much too thick to be one of her own, yet still very flexible and obviously originated from a well kempt mane as it was too short to be the average pony's tail hair. This would be a loose end that the two stallions who enjoyed the couple's bed would have been better off having not neglected to tie off.

"This...this isn't mine." A confused Cadence said to herself as she continued to squint at the hair in her aura.

"Hey, babe!" Shining Armor beamed as he excitedly pushed the door open and jumped onto the bed to join his wife.

"Shining! Hey, studmuffin, how was your day?"

Shining Armor was completely oblivious to having aroused curiosity and suspicion in his beloved as she had withdrawn her unusual finding underneath her pillow.

"Got a lot of stuff accomplished and I think this empire's on the right track from here on out." Shining replied as he moved in closer to snuggle with his bride.


"Yeah! No more hipsters with stallion buns and ties with polo shirts!"

"Finally! God, those ponies are annoying."

It had been a long day for both and after an hour or so of snuggling and whispering sweet nothings to each other, Shining Armor drifted off to sleep for the night. As the stallion snored away, he was completely unaware that unlike him, his wife was laying next to him wide awake as she simply could not get her mind off a few things that caught her attention. The princess mentally went back and forth between the two used champagne glasses and now the strange hair that didn't belong to her nor her husband.

At first, she waved off the champagne glass incident as her husband simply grabbing an extra one for her and drinking from it but with the odd hair she had found, things were cause for concern. Aside from that, he did mention that he had a new friend that he had been spending time with, but what would one of his or her hairs be doing in their bed?

On one hoof, Cadence felt that it could be entirely possible that her husband may very well be having an affair of sorts, and on the other hoof, she felt ashamed of herself for having such lack of trust in her beloved. Sure, he had forgotten to hide a second glass or retrieve a stray hair that had fallen from his friend but the more Cadence thought about it, the more anxious she became and the more it made her stomach ache.

"I'm just being paranoid." Cadence whispered to herself as she drifted off to sleep. "I hope."

The next day, Shining Armor was able to get his tasks completed before three in the afternoon which meant that he had a few good hours to spend with Heart Flutter at his home. The latter being a pet groomer was sharing some of his professional grooming tips with Shining Armor but much to his frustration, he was having trouble keeping the silly unicorn still. Shining Armor had always found it difficult to maintain a comfortable position whenever somepony works on his mane and this time, the one coiffing him was about to lose his patience.

"Damn it, Shining!" Heart Flutter huffed as he struggled to adjust his friend's mane. "Hold still! Do you want me to teach you this mane style or not?"

"Would it kill you to let me get into a more comfortable position?"

"The only position you seem to be comfortable is your ass in the air with my dick in it!"

Out of frustration, Heart Flutter angrily grabbed Shining Armor's mane and shoved his head down to the level at which he could work. Shining Armor let out an excited squeal in response to being abruptly jerked around. Heart Flutter would find that he may have pushed Shining too hard, as the latter ended up slipping on a small dollop of pomade, ultimately landing on his back. Much like other encounters with his special buddy and a recent one with his wife, Shining Armor would be proven to be more sub than dom once again.

"Yes! That's it! Toss me around like a little bitch!" Shining Armor beamed with the widest possible grin on his face as he lay on his back, his dick quickly standing at full mast.

"I thought we were gonna do your mane!" Heart Flutter whined in disappointment.

"Not when I'm like this we're not! That'll have to wait. Now, what are you gonna do to me?"

"You know what? Fuck you, I'll be right back!"

"Fuck me? Yes plea-"

"Shut up!"

Heart Flutter had a plan for his disobedient friend and he angrily stomped out of the bathroom to retrieve an implement from his saddle bag that he left in the next room over. The pissed off pegasus huffed as he pawed through his bag in search of what he would use to teach Shining Armor a lesson that he so badly wanted to be taught. After a moment of searching, Heart Flutter then pulled out his prize in the form of a dog leash and held it in the air as he thanked Faust that he happened to have it in his bag. With his implement in his clutch, he trotted over to the bathroom where an overly excited Shining Armor waited to be disciplined.

"Alright, you wanna be a bitch?" Heart Flutter asked through his teeth as he very rudely placed the leash around Shining Armor's neck. "Okay, you got it...bitch!"

Shining Armor's pupils dilated and nearly filled his eyes in their entirety at the excitement for what was about to commence. Heart Flutter was now using his wings to help pull a resisting Shining Armor into the bedroom. Though he was all for what his pegasus friend was about to do to him, to put up a fight made Heart Flutter even angrier which just made Shining Armor even more excited. Shining Armor becoming more excited, in turn was just fanning the flames and making for a vicious cycle that neither of them wanted out of.

Hours later, Shining Armor and Heart Flutter lost track of time once again and the latter had to sneak out the bedroom window to avoid being caught by Cadence. This latest close call would end up being the absolute closest of calls as when a sweaty Shining Armor trotted out of the room past his wife, now more suspicious than ever, the whole affair was about to be busted wide open. With her husband claiming that he simply had been working out and going to fetch himself a drink, Cadence had a chance to inspect the bedroom for herself. It wasn't long before she found something rather out of place.

"Ugh! I'm not cleaning this up, Shining!" Cadence hollered as she observed a series of white stains on the bed sheets. "Jeez, you were working out alright. Wait a minute..."

Cadence, being married to and very intimately acquainted with the consistency of her husband's spunk knew that something was off upon further inspection. Like a savvy police detective, she popped a small cotton swab into existence and prodded a one of the stains of cum to find that it was much thicker than that of her husband's, even if it were to have sat there for hours. Upon giving it a sniff, she knew for a fact that it was indeed not that of Shining Armor's.

"What, did you have an orgy here or something?"

Chapter 7: Huh...That's Actually Kinda Hot

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"You want me to put a what on you!?" Cadence gasped as her husband stood before her and gave her a foalish pout. "Shining, where are you getting all these ideas!?"

"Uhhh, books." Shining replied, obviously lying.

"Books about pet play?"


"Where is this sudden love of being treated like a lesser being coming from?"

Cadence asked the latter question quizzically with a cocked eyebrow as she looked Shining Armor directly in the eye. Something fishy has been going on and for whatever reason, her husband has completely switched bedroom roles with her. Not that she disliked being the one to call the shots for once. She could completely shrug it off as simply needing some new spice in the bedroom if it weren't for the clues she had found before. The shifty behavior, the two champagne glasses, the thick male hair in the bed and most recently, stains of cum that originated from a mystery stallion.

She had to find out, and until then, the very idea of her husband running around behind her back was putting her in any mood but a loving one. Until she found the truth, she was upset at the possibility but she couldn't let him know that she was onto him. Sure, slapping a leash on Shining and leading him around the bedroom like a pet certainly appealed to her, but she almost didn't even want to look at him. She was so sure that he was up to something that would break her heart once she found out.

"I'm not in the mood, okay?" Cadence deadpanned with a scowl.

"Oh." Shining Armor said, his ears drooping in disappointment. "O-okay, babe."

Days where one was raring to go but the other wasn't were nothing new to the couple but the way Cadence shut him down was quite out of the ordinary. The scowl caught Shining Armor off guard as well as the venomous tone. He couldn't quite put a hoof on what the problem could be. Had the idea of pet play offended her? Perhaps there was nothing more to it than she simply didn't feel like it. But why did she act borderline angry? Nevertheless, Shining Armor felt that it best that he just let it go for now.

Cadence on the other hoof wasn't about to let anything go. Her husband has been keeping something from her and she needed to get to the bottom of it. To do that, she needed to start with the closest pony to Shining Armor save for herself. Later that night, while Shining Armor slept soundly and ultimately lonely and unsatisfied, Cadence, after chugging some coffee to keep herself awake for a trip prepared for just that. It was a cool night with no wind to speak of, perfect for taking a late night flight.

With a pair of bug goggles, a saddle bag full of some bottled water and more coffee, the alicorn Princess jumped out of a window and took off to the South. With her horn aglow and lighting her way, Cadence made her way out of the Crystal Empire and down to Equestria. As if setting her flight on autopilot, she swiftly made her way past Manehattan and before much longer, zipped past Canterlot. She would normally have taken the train but as a public figure, she was sure to spotted and for the sake of her investigation, she couldn't take such a risk.

At the speed of which she was travelling, her destination was now in sight after wiping more splattered bugs from her goggles and she could finally make her landing upon the highest building in Ponyville. She would have to approach delicately at this hour as everypony would surely be asleep and firmly planted within the realm of dreams, having tea parties with her Aunty Luna. Instead of knocking on the front door, she swooped down and landed herself on the highest balcony. Finally being able to rest her tired wings from the long flight, Cadence wiped a bead of sweat from her brow, down a bottle of water and carefully trotted inside.

As expected, the hallways of Twilight Sparkle's crystal castle were dimly lit by the occasional candle on the walls and nothing else. Cadence felt that it would be rather bothersome of her to wake her slumbering sister in law but desperate times called for desperate measures. Slowly and carefully, Cadence crept down the hallway towards the bedroom of the smaller purple alicorn when suddenly, a door clicked open just behind where she stood.

Turning around, Cadence came face to face with none other than the newly winged Spike accompanied by an unfamiliar orange scaled dragoness with hot pink scaled upon her head and back, about twice the height of her male, purple counterpart. Upon further observation, it appeared that the reptilian duo was sneaking into Spike's bedroom while holding claws. Both dragons appeared to be doing the same thing Cadence was trying to do and but both parties managed to end up being detected by one another. Surely there would be some form of mutual understanding.

"Uhh, I won't tell if you don't." A blushing spiked said as his female companion too took on a new shade of red.

"Of course, Spike." Cadence replied with a smile and a nod. "Here, take this."

Being the Princess of love, Cadence always had a supply of rubbers to hoof out to whomever may need one. With that, Spike and apparently his date for the evening retreated into the former's bedroom and left Cadence to continue down the hallway in search of her husband's sister. Before long, Cadence found herself slithering through the door and sneaking up to the bed of her sister in law and best friend. At this point, she decided to Tartarus with being sneaky as she was about to wake her up anyway.

She felt bad by doing so but it needed to be done and she needed the closure in the form of some questions answered. As the lavender alicorn snored, Cadence gently placed a hoof on her shoulder to coax her out of her sleep. Twilight was always a heavy and not to mention noisy sleeper so some more persuasion may be needed.

"Spiiike, I told you not to stay out so late." Twilight blurted out, still sound asleep.

"Twilight, it's me." Cadence whispered.

"You better wrap it up, bucko, we can't have Smolder laying any eggs."

"What the...oh, that's a cute name. Uh, Twilight, can we talk?"

"Huhhh...cuppa Irish tea..."



"Oh for the love of...Twilight, there's a book burning festival in the town square!!"

"I'll kill them!!"

Just like that, Twilight Sparkle sprang awake ready to tear somepony who would dare damage a book limb from limb. Instead of seeing a mob of ponies tossing books into a flaming heap however, she was face to face with her sister in law who should be snickering at the joke but instead sported the look of pure worry.

"Cadence?" An immensely confused Twilight said as she looked around to see no such atrocities taking place. "What the hay are you doing here?"

"Twilight, I'm so sorry I had to come here and wake you up at this hour but I didn't know what else to do. I need your help."

"W-what's wrong? Oh h-hang on, let's go into the library to talk, okay?"

Twilight knew that if Cadence left her home this late at night to urgently seek conversation with her, then whatever problem Cadence must be experiencing is indeed a serious one. After leading an exhausted and stressed out Cadence to a nice, comfy chair in the library, she quickly retreated to the next floor down to brew some tea for her guest whom just spent hours flying through the cool, buggy skies. As quickly as she left, the younger Princess returned with a piping hot pot of tea and two mugs.

After a quick visual scan to ensure that every one of her precious books were still in place and free of any damage of the pyro variety, she calmly trotted over to her sister in law whilst practicing the breathing exercise she taught her. Once two cups of tea were poured and one hoofed over to the elder of the two, Twilight took a seat of her own across from Cadence and resumed the conversation.

"Cadence, what's troubling you?" A concerned Twilight asked in a comforting tone.

"Twilight, I didn't know who else to turn to." Cadence replied, nearly on the verge of tears. "I'm just going to come out with it."

"What is it?"

Twilight then began sipping her tea.

"Twilight...I think Shining Armor might be cheating on me."

"Pffft!" Twilight spat out her tea at the bombshell that was just dropped upon her. "What!?"

"I've found some clues around the palace and he's been acting so off lately. Twilight, I almost don't even know him right now."

Twilight Sparkle's jaw hung wide open and hot tea covered her flank and chest as she lay on her side. To think that Shining Armor, her big brother best friend forever could do such a thing and betray his beloved both rendered her speechless and made her blood boil. Still, they were simply allegations at this point and she was unaware of any proof that may or may not have existed. After taking a moment to calm down, she regained her composure and began wiping up the tea from her body with a nearby cloth as she attempted to resume the conversation.

"Okay..." Twilight said in between breaths. "Cadence, tell me what kinds of clues you've found."

"I came home a few weeks ago and found him taking a bath. There were two used champagne glasses on the side of the tub."

"Okay, go on."

"He keeps disappearing to hang out with some new friend of his and acts like a colt with his hoof in a cookie jar whenever I ask him about it."

"Okay? And?"

"I found a hair from another pony in our bed!"

"No...please tell me he...he wouldn't."

"I don't know anymore, Twilight!"

Cadence, being borderline distraught, couldn't quite think clearly enough to promptly tell Twilight the last of the clues she found and ask an important question that she had on her mind the entire way over. At this point, Twilight was pacing back and forth around the library furniture, her free hoof tapping her chin while in deep thought. She knew something that unbeknownst to her, Cadence did not but would find out shortly.

"He could never...unless..." Twilight said to herself.

"Unless what?" Cadence asked.

"Well, you know."

"No, I don't know. Look, Twilight, I know this may sound silly, but I need to ask you."

"Ask me what?" Twilight again began to sip her tea.

"Has your brother ever had any bisexual tendencies that you know of?"

"Pffft! He never told you!?"

"So he's bi!?"

"Of course he is!"

"Why didn't he tell me!?"

"Because he a damned fool, that's why!"

Cadence's emotions were quite the mixed bag. She was shocked but at the same time, her suspicions confirmed that her husband has been sleeping with another male when she was out. Though she felt hurt that Shining Armor failed to confide in her something very important regarding his sexuality yet relieved to find that he had not found another mare to pick up what she left behind. To say Cadence was immensely confused would be a massive understatement.

"It all makes sense now!" Cadence beamed as she shed tears of relief. "So he's not seeing another mare because I can't fully satisfy him! He's sleeping with another guy because he needs some cock that I don't have!"

"That' way of putting it." Twilight Sparkle deadpanned. "It still doesn't excuse him for not telling you! You're his wife! He should be able to tell you anything!"

"You're right, and I'll be having words with him about that. Oh Faust, Twilight, I'm just so glad that it wasn't something I failed him on...well, I failed to have a dick but that's besides that point!"

"So, how would you have felt about it had he actually told you?"

"I would never ask him to sacrifice his needs like that for me! I would have been fine with it if he found a guy friend to fool around with!"

"My point exactly. If he would have just told you that he likes mares and stallions, that would have saved you a lot of stress. The big, dumb idiot."

Cadence had some of the most important questions answered yet still had so many more she needed to ask. For the most part, all she cared about was that whatever her husband has been up to wasn't her fault nor was it going to be a dealbreaker for their relationship. She still wanted to know how long Shining Armor's family knew, when his first experience with another male was and the like. Some questions, Twilight Sparkle had the answer for, others not. There was only one way to find out and it was near dawn. Neither Twilight Nor Cadence had slept a wink so after a warm, sisterly hug, the latter spread her wings and flew home as quickly as she could.

As far as Cadence was concerned, every last one of her plans, appointments, and meetings not directly involving spending time with her husband to discuss her recent discovery were hereby cancelled. She hadn't slept since the night before, she was simply exhausted, needed this day for herself and her husband, and nopony was going to tell her otherwise. Once she returned home, she would march right up to her husband, cancel his plans as well and have themselves a heart to heart.

At least, that's what she had hoped. As she landed at the entrance to the Crystal Palace and trotted past several of her immensely confused guards, she rehearsed her opening to the impending conversation with her beloved. She still wasn't sure whether she should go in with an angry demeanor or a soft and understanding one. Princess Mi Amore Cadenza trotted up the steps to her and her husband's own quarters with intent on getting to the bottom of things. She was about to find out however that in her absence, somepony had beaten her to Shining Armor's bottom. As Cadence slowly approached their bedroom, she could make out two male voices conversing on the opposite side of the door.

"I don't know how much longer we can keep this up before she finds out." Shining Armor said as Cadence observed him worriedly pacing back and forth through the keyhole on the door. "Aw fuck, I feel terrible saying that, like I have to keep a secret from her."

"I've been trying to tell you this the whole time, Shining." A familiar yellow stallion said as he sat upon the bed, trying to be supportive. "You should tell her that you're bi. You need to put more trust in her that she'll understand."

"I'm scared, dude, I'm really fucking scared!"

"I've seen that guy before..." Cadence thought to herself as she continued to watch through the keyhole.

"What if she leaves me!?" Shining continued.

"No, baby, I'd never do that."

"No, she wouldn't do that!" Heart Flutter countered. "Not because you are who you are!"

"What am I gonna do!? Ohh, fuck, I wish I was straight so this never would have happened!"

Heart flutter then hopped off the bed and rushed over to his distraught friend to comfort him.

"Shining, buddy, get a grip!" Heart Flutter said as he grabbed Shining Armor's head and held him directly in front of his face. "Listen to me! You can do this! You have to do this! I'll be with you every step of the way! I promise it'll work out."

"I'm scared." Shining Armor sobbed. "Oh gawhawhawd I'm scared."

Heart Flutter then threw his arms around Shining Armor's neck and brought him in for a warm, supportive hug.

"Shh shh shhh, it's going to be fine Shiney." Heart Flutter whispered in his distressed friend's ear. "You've been there for me, I'm here for you."

Finally, the sudden realization as to who this mystery stallion was popped into Cadence's head. She remembered Heart Flutter as that effeminate looking stallion whom she caught checking out her husband's ass at the fair. Then she remembered how immediately afterwards, Shining Armor made some sort of excuse to leave, apparently having gone off to follow his opportunity at finding male companionship. All the events of the past several weeks were now clicking into place. Everything made sense now.

Having failed to quell Shining Armor's weeping, Heart Flutter took a new approach and began planting soft kisses on Shining Armor's neck. Now that he had more of His attention, Heart Flutter could reassure his special friend that everything was going to be just fine. Unbeknownst to both of them however, the mare on the other side of the door whom of which they were unaware of was finding her interest piqued by watching her husband be covered in kisses by another stallion. Something that she wanted to see more of for some reason.

"Feel better?" Heart Flutter asked as he held Shining Armor close.

"Mhmm." Shining Armor cooed as he began returning kisses. "Heartsy?"

"Yeah, Shiney?"

"Will you please fuck me? I really need this."

"Aww, of course I will...but next time, you're doing the grunt work. I get that you like being dominated but remember, I like it in the ass too."


Cadence's tail suddenly rose up as she watched her husband bending over the bed while the other stallion mounted him and slowly inserted his cock into him. Part of her wanted to intervene but on the other hoof, that would cause the two horny stallions to stop what they were doing and she couldn't deny that she wouldn't want that to happen. Heart Flutter held his partner close as he gently pushed in and pulled out of him while whispering sweet nothings in his ear.

Much to Cadence's dismay, she found herself burning in her nether regions and growing wetter every second she secretly watched this other stallion plow her husband from behind. If there was one thing she could never have predicted, it was getting off to such a sight. She couldn't just neglect herself and allow her burning, winking marehood to go untouched. As she continued to peek in on the two stallions, she slowly reached a hoof down to her privates and bit her lower lip once she made contact.

The sight and sounds of a big, wet dick being slid in and out of her husband's bum coupled with the passionate moaning from both him and the stallion on the giving end were sending her pussy into a frenzy that only the most rigorous of rubbings could curb. Cadence was full on masturbating as she secretly watched the two male ponies in front of her going at it and she was loving every second of it. Try as she might, she couldn't help but let out a few excited yelps and moans of pure pleasure herself, but much to her fortune, the two stallions were too caught up with each other to hear.

Cadence was now soaking the floor beneath her as she passionately rubbed herself and she neared a peak of sorts that was previously unknown to her. She had many a wonderful sexual encounter with her beloved husband but nothing had gotten her going quite like what she was bearing witness to. At last, Heart Flutter blew his load in and all over Shining Armor's firm butt and at the same time, Cadence struggled to keep herself quiet as she too experienced an orgasm like never before. Suddenly, having a talk with Shining Armor and telling him that she knew about his preferences wasn't so high on her list of priorities.

"Oowow." Cadence moaned as she came down from her pleasure high. "I have got to keep these two going at it."

Chapter 8: That'll Leave a Dent!

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A long last, the end of Heart Flutter's work mandated vacation came and his first shift back at the pet grooming station went by without a hitch and no dogs were nearly drowned. Despite having wings, he felt more content simply trotting home along the lamp-lit sidewalk as the cool night breeze blew through his sweaty mane after a long and tiring yet fulfilling shift. Pleasant thoughts of how wonderful it was to finally be back in the saddle at work danced through his mind as he slowly trotted down the crystal streets with a content smile on his face.

It seemed that he was walking on air without a care in his head. Life is good. He had an amazing job he so loved, wonderful friends and family, a special friend in Shining Armor, and a nice home of his very own. If it weren't for his fatigue, he would have had more of a skip to his trot.

Having not too long ago awoken from a one thousand year slumber, the residents of the Crystal Empire were still used to retiring early for the night, so not a one living soul found themselves joining Heart Flutter as he trotted...or so he would have originally thought. Thinking little of the faint tapping of hooves behind him at first, the tired pegasus resumed his trot as usual until the tappings grew louder and closer. Just when it sounded like a pony was trotting directly behind him, Heart Flutter stopped in his tracks and spun around to see nopony whatsoever.

He would have thought that somepony wished to ask for the time, perhaps simply trot past him as they were in more of a hurry. Instead, it was just him and his own thoughts. Shrugging it off as simply hearing things, Heart Flutter turned back around and continued his trot home, unaware that he indeed was being watched and followed. He would soon find out, for the tapping made a sudden return and the pace was now quickened.

Turning around again, Heart Flutter was again brought face to face with nopony at all. Things were starting to get weird and Heart Flutter was growing more and more uncomfortable by each passing second. As he stood there, his eyes darting off into every conceivable direction, his mane and coat on his back began to stand on end at the odd feeling that he was being watched. The sixth sense that everypony has was tripping off alarms within Heart Flutter's mind and though his wings were tired, he made the choice to exit the scene via air travel.

Now being fifteen feet from the ground and flapping towards home at a decent yet safe pace, Heart Flutter breathed a sigh of relief as there would be a good two out of three chance that whomever was pursuing him would lack the same ability. Judging by the flapping sound of very powerful wings coming up behind him and gaining fast however, he would not be so lucky. Heart Flutter turned around again and unlike the other times, he actually caught a glimpse of the silhouette of a tall pony quickly fading into nothing before his eyes.

Whomever it was had a cloaking ability of some sort and Heart Flutter was about to panic. Before his pursuer could catch up to him he put his tired wings to work and flapped like never before, trying his best to put some distance between himself and the pony following him. He had no idea what their intentions were but he refused to stick around to find out. Instead of making a beeline home however, which was now a mere two blocks away, the swift and clever pegasus took quick right down a main thoroughfare where at this hour, there were still ponies trotting about. Should something happen to him here, he would at least have witnesses and ponies who could possibly come to his aid or call for the authorities.

With every bit of power his wings had left in them, Heart Flutter whipped past trotting ponies as if they were standing still, the sound of wings behind him seeming to be closing in on him. With some quick thinking, he faked a right at the next street corner and whizzed off to the left in hopes of confusing the pony behind him. It seemed to work for a moment as the sound of flapping wings seemed to be going in the opposite direction, but only for a few seconds. He managed to gain some distance but would still need to shake his pursuer as to not reveal to them where he lived.

Heart Flutter proved to be quite the agile pegasus as he dodged oncoming lamp posts and trees in the streets in attempt to escape whomever it was who so badly wanted to catch him. It seemed to be working, but if he had turned around to look back, it would only slow him down and allow more time for the chasing party to catch up. He couldn't look back until he was absolutely sure he had given the other the slip. At this point, he was now feeling the burn brought on by the fatigue in his wings but if he could just push himself a little further down a few more zig zagging streets, he would be home free. Who knows what this pony would do should he or she catch up to him? According to Heart Flutter, that would be a question better left unanswered.

Finally, Heart Flutter reached a point of which not only could he no longer keep going through the air but he couldn't even so much as flap his wings to simply keep himself off the ground. Now that he had no choice but to hoof it the rest of the way home, he could pause a moment to look and listen. Still in a near panic, he took several deep breaths as he looked around to see if somepony was still after him, his ears perked up and flicking in every possible direction. Nopony in sight. That being the case, Heart Flutter wasted no time making a beeline back home, stopping to look behind him every few steps along the way.

Before he would so much as stick his key into the lock on his door, Heart Flutter stood on his front steps to look around and ensure that indeed he had shaken the pony chasing him and was now in the clear. A well deserved and well earned sigh of relief flew from his lungs as he made his way back inside, free, clear, and safe for another day...or so he would have thought until the light in his kitchen suddenly flicked on revealing that he was indeed not alone. Sitting at his kitchen table with a glass of water held to her lips by her blue aura was the last pony Heart Flutter would have expected to see and yet was unsure if he really wanted to.

"Wow, you really made me work up a sweat!" Said a locally familiar pink alicorn in a cheery tone as she sat a now empty glass down. "No wonder Shining's been so spry lately!"

Heart Flutter was speechless and immensely confused. If Shining Armor's wife was aware of what the two of them have been doing when she wasn't around, then why was she seemingly not upset by it? Had he been right all along? Heart Flutter had encouraged Shining Armor to confess his true sexuality to Cadence with confidence that she would still love him but he wasn't prepared for the conversation they were about to have.

"Here, have a seat." Cadence offered as she pulled up a chair for Heart Flutter to sit on.

Upon the request of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza herself, Heart Flutter took his seat across the table from his special buddy's wife and proceeded to nervously twiddle his hooves. He knew he and Shining had somehow been caught he was just about to find out just what she planned on doing about it.

"Heart Flutter, right?" Cadence asked as she extended a hoof for a customary hoof bump. Again, he wisely obliged.

"Y-yes." Heart Flutter nervously replied.

"We've never actually formally met before but I remember you from the crystal fair."

Heart Flutter just nodded in response.

"Heheh, it all makes sense now, you know? A guy checks out Shining's butt and suddenly, he makes an excuse to go off and find you."

Heart Flutter's face was now a shade of red previously unknown to ponykind and Cadence took notice. She wanted him to just relax as he had no need to worry.

"So look, just relax, okay? I know what you and my husband have been doing lately and I'm not angry."

"You're not?" Heart Flutter asked.

"Nope. I mean, I was a little miffed that Shining never told me he was bi but other than that, I was relieved to find out that he wasn't going to some other mare to get some ass. Instead, he takes it up the ass. That...was fun to watch."

"You watched us!?"

Again, Heart Flutter's blush made a sudden return.

"Yeah, I watched you! And that's why I'm here! I want to see more!"

With a huge enthusiastic grin, Cadence suddenly produced a white sheet of paper with her aura and slapped it down on the table in front of Heart Flutter and pushed it towards him. After pausing for a few seconds, he picked up the paper and began reading through the line of the blush inducing things written upon it. Despite having the very Princess of the Crystal Empire sitting across from him, Heart Flutter simply couldn't help but work up even more of a sweat and even allow his stallionhood to receive a sudden supply of hot blood before he had no choice but to cross his legs to conceal an oncoming boner.

"Wha...What is all this?" Heart Flutter stuttered as he began fanning himself with a wing.

"That, my friend, is a list of things I want to see you do to my husband." Cadence replied with heavy breaths. "It'll be a win win for all of us. You get to fuck Shining, Shining get's to fuck you, and I get to watch from the closet.

"Ooohhh wow."

"So here's the deal. You get to pick and choose what you wanna do. You can even say no to any and all of them. I'm not going to make you do anything you're not comfortable with."

"That's...decent of you."

"What do you say?"

Though Cadence gave him every opportunity possible to back out, Heart Flutter couldn't find it in himself to pass up such a deal where he would be allowed to sleep with his special friend any time he wanted with no worry of upsetting the spouse. Being as Cadence and Heart Flutter have only really known each other for a few minutes, the conversation proved rather awkward, at least for the latter. The Princess of love had such conversations with mere acquaintances all the time.

It would only be a matter of time before the two hit it off and before long, they were sharing laughs over a cup of tea while they discussed times and days where they could make their arrangements. Now, Heart Flutter had a funny story to tell his colleagues at work regarding his being stalked and chased by the Princess. Though for the sake of avoiding a visit from his employer's equine resources department, he would obviously be leaving out the parts where he enjoys intimacy with the Prince.

Though both exhausted after a full day's work and a chase to boot, Cadence and Heart Flutter spent the next few hours just getting to know each other and swapping stories about their encounters with the same stallion. Heart Flutter even revealed that on that day that Shining Armor was taking a bath, he was hiding under the water the entire time. Both shared a hearty laugh over that. After getting back on topic however, they finally began putting a solid plan together.

"Okay, so how about Tuesday night?" Cadence asked. "I can give Shining Armor an excuse for me to be 'gone' and you can really give it to him!"

"Cool. I get out early that night and I bet if I let Shining know, he'll take the bait."

"I'll leave what you'll need for it right under the bed. I think you'll both like this one. I've never tried it with Shining before so it'll be fun to watch you two...experiment."

"He seems to like being pushed around so I can't wait to hear the squeals from him when we do this. Hahaha, I can't wait to let him have it!"

"And I can't wait to watch!"

Cadence and Heart Flutter deviously rubber their hooves together as they concocted their plan and thought about the looks they could possibly get from Shining Armor once they took action. What they intended on doing to him once they were in their places and Cadence was hidden in the closet, in their minds, would be the envy of any horny pony. Cadence could leave for the night having made a similar type of friend in Heart Flutter that Shining Armor had.

The next few days came and went and after an anticipated wait that seemed like years, Cadence and Heart Flutter had Shining Armor right where they wanted him. The Princess had previously told her husband that she was going to be at Twilight's for the night which lo and behold, lead him to invite his special friend over just as planned. Just some good, harmless fun was in store for everypony and they could hardly wait. With Cadence now in the closet, waiting for the action to start, Shining Armor trotted into the bedroom with his butt buddy in tow.

"So, whadda ya wanna do tonight?" Shining Armor asked in a low, sultry tone as he picked himself up onto the bed.

"Oh, I think you're gonna love this one." Heart Flutter said in a similar tone, his eyes half lidded and hot blood flowing to his dick. "I've got a special surprise for you."

"Oooohh, you've got me all worked up now. What is it?"

"Just put this on and I'll whip it out for you."

As Shining Armor excitedly tied a blindfold around his head, Heart Flutter reached under the bed where Cadence had placed a special toy they would be playing with, a loose end that had yet to be tied came to light as he glanced over at the closet. If not attended to, this whole endeavor could be blown wide open before the real action really begins.

"Uhh, hold that thought, Shiney." Heart Flutter said as he slipped on over to the closet to consult with Cadence.

Very quietly, Heart Flutter opened the closet door as Shining Armor waited not so patiently while bent over the bed, his rump in the air and his tail raised high. To avoid arousing suspicion, he would have to approach quickly and quietly as to tie up the loose end that could ruin everything they planned for.

"Psst. Cadence." Heart Flutter whispered as he opened the closet and stuck his head in. "I hope you remembered to soundproof the closet. When you start going at it, you might have a hard time keeping quiet."

"Oh...I didn't think of that." Cadence whispered. "Wow, good save, friend."

With the subtle "poof" and small flash from her horn, Cadence cast a spell that would drown out any noise she may make while pleasuring herself within the confines of her closet. Everything was ready for the fun to begin and Heart Flutter wouldn't be keeping Shining Armor waiting much longer.

In Shining Armor's mind, the surprise that was in store for him could have been anything but nevertheless, he couldn't possibly be more excited. Could it be toy of some sort? I shiny new dildo perhaps? Whatever it was, Shining Armor was about to find out and it was anypony's guess if he would actually enjoy it.

From under the bed, Heart Flutter slowly pulled out the big, hard, wooden implement of which he would be using to teach Shining Armor a lesson and get Cadence off at the same time. Heart Flutter had never hit anypony with a paddle before but he was willing to try just about anything once. Just some good, harmless fun that may or may not render Shining Armor's rump a new shade of red. Cadence's mouth watered as she watched her and Shining Armor's mutual friend prepare to give the latter a good whack and their much anticipated wait was finally brought to an end. With a devious grin, he laid a smackdown upon his friend's waiting, begging ass.


"Yahahahahow!!" Shining Armor yelped as he yanked his blindfold off and looked back to see Heart Flutter grinning menacingly with a massive paddle in hoof.

Cadence winced as she watched her husband get smacked but not as if feeling his pain, if any. As Shining Armor looked back in confusion, his dick began to slip out of his sheath whether he wanted it to or not. Even if he didn't want to admit it, he enjoyed being slapped on the ass. His friend just had to give it to him a bit more until he fully realized just how much it turned him on.

"Dude!" Shining Armor yelped before being smacked again. "What the fuck are you-OW! I was hoping for like a dragon dildo or someth-AHH!"

"Aww, you don't like it?" Heart Flutter sarcastically whined with a mock pout as he prepared to let Shining Armor have another.

"I...didn't say that!"

Cadence grew wetter and wetter with each smack and with each girly little yelp and squeak from her husband and here marehood was begging for attention that she could not and would not deprive it of. She dug her hoof into her winking pussy and went to town. Her eyes rolled back as she threw her head back and relished in the intense pleasure brought by her own hoof. Though she was not actually enjoying coitus with her husband but according to her, nopony could fuck her like her own self and she was damn good at it. She was so good in fact that she had to slow down a bit as to avoid a premature orgasm.

Though Shining Armor was reluctant to admit it, his dick was at full mast and dripping pre as it throbbed each and every time his ass was whacked. If he truly didn't like it, he would normally attempt to escape his situation, but he put up no resistance whatsoever. The adorable yelps and squeaks coming from Shining Armor were not only driving Cadence mad but Heart Flutter was strangely turned on as well. His own member throbbed every time he brought the paddle down upon Shining Armor who was enjoying being the bitch.

"Thank you sir, may I have another!?" Shining Armor gasped, finally admitting that he loved every second of it.

"Yeah, you like that, you little bitch?" Heart Flutter asked as he drooled over savagely slapping his friend's rump over and over again. "Take it! Take it you little fucking bitch!"

"Yes!! Yes!! Oh fuck yehehehesss!! Ahh!! Ahh!!"

The spanking alone was enough to get Shining Armor off and if he enjoyed that so much, he was about to be driven insane by what was to happen next. Heart Flutter had his own needs and leaving his own cock to be neglected was simply too cruel to imagine so he promptly stuck it into his pony punching bag. Shining Armor was the luckiest stallion alive, not only was be being repeatedly spanked to his heart's content, he was being drilled at the same time. Cadence was immensely enjoying it as well.

"Aaaahhahhhahhh!!" Cadence screamed in the closet as her pussy clenched around her hoof and began expelling fluids with each and every wink. "Ohhhoho fuck!! Gahhh!!"

Once again proving that nopony can do you like you, Cadence sent herself over the edge and mentally thanked Heart Flutter not only for putting on the show but for reminding her to soundproof the closet as well. She couldn't contain her screams even if she wanted to as she continued to soak the floor beneath her and dig her hoof into herself until her arm went numb.

Shining Armor and Heart Flutter could also no longer contain themselves as they both splattered spooge all over each other while the latter gave the former a few final love taps. Both stallions and Cadence were just a bunch of hot messes as they lay hyperventilating in their own sticky fluids and relished in the high. Though he had just experienced pure unadulterated bliss, in the back of his mind, the idea of still having not told his wife about who he really is was burning at him much like before. Unbeknownst to him however, his wife was loving every second if it and still craved more.