
by Fedairkid

First published

Twilight gets a taste of how Songbird Serenades.

Twilight wakes up with a severe headache, memory loss, and one of Equestria's most famous popstars next to her.

What a disaster!

Although, a memory spell shows that the night might have actually been quite nice...

Thanks to Damien Darkside for pre-reading, check out his stories and streams!

Massive thanks to Curify for editing. He put in a huge amount of effort and was a tremendous help, both to this story and to me as a writer. He also came up with that short description. Check him out!

Featured on 04/01/2018!!! (DD/MM/YYYY)

One wild night

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Twilight woke up to a world of pain. Her head was pulsing with waves of agony.

Ouch! Tartarus, it’s like I’m getting shoved through a mountain by Tirek again. Only not once, but repeatedly.

She tried to open her eyes, but the lids were too heavy. She tried to move her body, but the muscles refused to accept any commands.

What is going on with me?
...And what’s that smell? A bit sour, some lavender, and… something else. Not sure what. Strange. It does smell kinda nice though. What in the name of Celestia happened last night?

Twilight’s pondering however was quickly cut off when she suddenly felt a leg rest on her torso. The princess hummed in content at the warm contact. Seemed like she wasn’t alone.


Pain begged Twilight to keep her eyes closed, but it fell on deaf ears. The merciless assault of light was blinding. After a few seconds though her vision slowly turned normal. She was greeted by a face which was almost entirely covered by black and yellow hair. The only facial feature visible was a mouth, which was closed and curved to a light smile. The tip of a wing protruded from under the blanket, its feathers idly resting on the mare's chest. Calm, rhythmic breathing indicated that she was still asleep.

While the princess couldn't quite place it, the pegasus seemed awfully familiar. Bits and pieces of memory flashed through Twilight's mind. The taste of alcohol burning down her throat, the scent of another mare, the feeling of...Twilight’s cheeks became red. And after a few seconds , it dawned on her. Lying next to Twilight was none other than Songbird Serenade herself!

The princess let out a small gasp. Her breathing ceased and the only thing she could hear was her heart pounding away in her chest. Waking up next to someone else in bed, with a headache and loss of memory? Twilight might be inexperienced in such affairs, but even she could connect the dots. Such a situation normally meant one thing and one thing only. But that wasn’t possible, it wasn’t allowed to be!

Panic overwhelmed the alicorn, and suddenly she had an idea of where that smell came from. She needed confirmation. Slowly, careful not to wake up the sleeping popstar next to her, Twilight lifted her blanket. Shortly after, she wrinkled her nose. The smell was now much more intense, and it wasn’t particularly difficult to make out its origin. Especially with the mattress being darker and still ever so slightly moist between her thighs…

Her first instinct was to abandon ship, to just storm out of there. Then she remembered that they were currently in the royal Canterlot palace. More specifically, the room that was always kept free and clean for her. If she ran out and one of the maids was to spot Songbird in here, especially given the...circumstances, word would get out pretty quickly. A princess had a one night stand with one of the most popular musical stars? That wouldn’t end up as mere gossip for schoolfillies to giggle about. This would be big, like, really big. Which means running away wasn’t an option. It would only delay things anyway, instead of solving them.
Alright then, option number two. Assessment.

Twilight massaged her temple, trying to push through the veil of pain, confusion and shock that currently held her mind hostage. She tried to find out where her memories left off.

The last thing she could recall was sitting at a large table inside one of the castle's conference rooms. Next to her sat Luna and Tempest, to the left and right respectively. Surrounding the large table were all of Twilight’s closest friends and fellow princesses. They were all engaged in cheerful conversation. All the way across from Twilight, she could see Songbird Serenade. The popstar had gladly accepted the invitation, apparently happy at the chance to relax and cut loose a bit after a good show. Besides, an invitation from the princesses isn’t something one turns down, popstar or not. They were celebrating both a successful friendship festival and the fact that Equestria wasn’t ruled by the Storm King. The ponies were accompanied by bottles of hard cider.

Twilight wasn’t able to remember any specifics, and she had no idea where the evening went from there. Well, a memory spell ought to do it, she thought to herself. Taking a deep breath in order to calm down and concentrate, she focused her magical energy first to her horn, and then let it seep into her head. It was a bit of a hassle to push through the headache and focus on casting the spell, but nothing Twilight couldn't handle. She was becoming lightheaded while the arcane essence slowly flooded her mind, enabling her to relive last night’s event….

The sounds of laughter and joy echoed off the conference room’s walls. The small get-together was enjoying each other’s company. The atmosphere had been awkward at first because of Tempest’s presence, but Twilight was quick to explain that the former enemy acted right when it mattered most and was no longer a threat. Now, the order of business was cheerful storytelling, banter and the occasional sip from one of the many bottles.

As the hour grew later and the sky turned darker, more and more of the ponies decided to call it a night and left. Eventually Luna had to tend to her royal duties and went to her chambers in order to govern the dream realm. With that, only Twilight and Songbird remained. The Princess of Friendship was slightly more intoxicated than initially planned. Normally she stayed away from alcohol altogether, but after everything that had transpired, she decided the occasion was special enough. However, due to her lack of experience, and therefore resistance, she was more than tipsy at this point. Casting a glance over to the only other pony at the table, she could see the singer wasn’t exactly sober either, as evident by her slight swaying back and forth. The rather big pile of empty bottles next to her was also a dead giveaway. Twilight briefly thought about leaving too, but she didn’t feel like going to sleep just yet.

The room was almost completely silent. Twilight uncomfortably shifted about in her seat. Her eyes were darting around the room, trying desperately to find something of interest. Ultimately, they always fell onto her company. “You really are a great singer, you know.”

“Thank you! I really enjoy doing it, when I’m on stage and singing, I just feel so alive!” Songbird’s voice was filled with glee while talking about her passion. However, her ears quickly fell flat, and the mare let a small sigh slip between her lips. “Though, honestly, I might have enjoyed this little get-together after the show a bit more than the show itself…”

Twilight raised a brow. Why would she feel that way? She just said that she likes singing, and she seemed so passionate on stage! “How come?”

“Well, between performing and always being the grand popstar everypony knows, the mare behind all of that gets cast aside. In fact, this was the first time in quite a while that I was able to just...unwind. Just be a normal mare, sharing a drink and some words with a couple of friends. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining. I love being a singer, it’s just that…”

“That sometimes you feel like you’re missing out on life because of your obligations?”

Songbird nodded. Twilight let out a melancholic sigh and continued talking. ”Yeah, I know what you mean. Ever since I became an Element of Harmony, and even more so since I became a princess, I have been rather restricted when it comes to It’s always either saving Equestria from certain doom or solving some smaller conflicts. Don’t even get me started on royal paperwork! I mean, even though I am the Princess of Friendship, the only ponies I really spend a lot of time with are the other Elements and Starlight. I mean, generally I am fine with that, and I’m grateful for where life has lead me. Still, there are so many things that have to be cut short…”

“Like maybe singing whatever I want, with no business behind it…“

“...or catching up on all my reading…“

“...perhaps settling down with somepony and start a family..“

“...or really, just romantic relationship in general…“


The two mares broke out into a fit of giggles. Twilight grabbed magical hold of another bottle and slowly guided it to her mouth while muttering “And honestly, there is a distinct lack of sex in my life…”.

Twilight stopped the bottle mid-air, realizing what she just said. She did not mean to speak that out loud. She nervously glanced over at Songbird, hoping that maybe the pegasus didn’t hear her. Two agonizingly long seconds went by, before Songbird wrapped her wing around a bottle of cider, said “Tell me about it…” and emptied the glass container in one go.

Suddenly it got very quiet again. Twilight’s mind was running rampant.
Oh, Celestia, why did I say that? I need to salvage this somehow, this is a disaster…
Wait, she's not upset? In fact, she shares my itch…?

A sly smile formed on Twilight's face.

Well then, maybe we could… No, I shouldn't even think of that. That's inappropriate!
...Although, she does seem to share my problem, and, I could always blame the alcohol…
Come on Twilight, time to go for broke! This could become a very special night…

Twilight walked over to Songbird, focused on putting some sway in her hips and a sultry look on her face. The result was sloppy, but sent a clear message.

“You know, we both seem to be sharing the same problem. I think I might just have the solution…”

Twilight’s heart started to race as the two mares walked through her bedroom door. Finding out that she and Songbird shared roughly the same problems was already a stroke of luck, but to have her advances succeed? Sure, they were drunk, but even she recognized that the whole situation was… strange and unlikely, to say the least. Though, the word Twilight preferred to use was lucky. She didn’t make the offer for no reason after all, she certainly was looking forward to this.

However, as the two stood right beside her bed, the reality of just how inexperienced she was hit her, and she had no idea how to proceed. Twilight's mind wandered to certain books hidden deep in her closet at home. What did the mares in those always do? Maybe those things could finally find more uses than just keeping me company on lonely nights…
But alas, her mind couldn't focus on something so far away through the alcohol and current excitement.

After a few seconds of awkward silence, a small chuckle was elicited by the pegasus next to her. “You don’t know where to go from here, do you princess? Interesting, I wouldn’t have thought you were this new to it…”

Twilight blushed deeply, but before she could retort, her lips were sealed by Songbird’s mouth. The alicorn gasped slightly, though the sound was muffled. After the initial shock was over, she closed her eyes and leaned into the kiss herself, allowing her partner to slide her tongue in. Soon, the two tongues were dancing around each other in a constant battle for the lead. Songbird eventually won however, and was free to explore the princess’ maw, brushing over her teeth and wrestling with her tongue.

Twilight was losing herself in the heat of the moment, eliciting small moans of pleasure while putting more and more passion into the kiss. The popstar on the other hand continued to take charge, slowly pushing Twilight back, forcing her to topple onto her mattress. The popstar crawled after her, never breaking contact with her lover’s lips. Once they were lying on top of each other, the need for oxygen forced their mouths to part, briefly staying connected by a thin strand of saliva. The two mares were doing quick, sharp breaths, gasping for air. Their eye were tightly locked to each other. Between the black and blonde hair, Twilight was able to see parts of Songbird’s eyes glistening through. Their shine captivated her. It held promises of a night void of all trouble. A few hours where Twilight wouldn't have to worry about her regal title. Fueled with excitement, she reached for the pony that allowed her all of this. Twilight's hooves wrapped around Songbird's neck and pulled her into another, almost desperate kiss.

Songbird seemed as eager as Twilight to cut loose, and returned the advance in kind. While their lips were sealed together, the singer's hooves started to roam over the princess’ body. She started on the shoulder, carefully caressing the lavender fur. Afterwards she started to tentatively trace down Twilight's torso. She was almost reaching the princess’ loins, but suddenly showed some hesitation. Twilight was about to protest, but Songbird finally touched her pussy.


The response was immediate. Their kiss was broken by Twilight's outcry. Songbird’s hoof ever so slightly parted the pink folds. The star wasted no time and started rubbing up and down over the sensitive flesh. She grew more and more confident by the seconds, as Twilight could feel force and speed of the rubs increase. It left her breathless.

And it was over all too soon. Twilight was left panting after Songbird stopped her ministrations. Twilight shot a desperate look towards the mare. All the foreplay was nice, but it left the princess wanting more. Every hair on her coat was standing on edge, and her wings were painfully stiff. Luckily, Songbird's playful smirk told Twilight that this wasn't over yet.

“Well, Princess. Let’s get to the main show then, shall we?”

Twilight immediately responded with a brief nod. As Songbird slowly crept backwards and directed her head in-between the lavender mare’s hind legs, Twilight made an effort to relax. The heat coursing all throughout her body made that an awfully difficult task. Ok, this is it. Nothing to worry about Twilight, you want this! And that bit of making out just now felt so nice…
You can do this!
You can-

Twilight’s prep talk was interrupted when Songbird’s lips suddenly made contact with her lower ones.

The princess was forced to arc her back when all of her muscles tensed up. Her hind legs started to twitch. This was it, this was what she had waited for this entire time. She needed this for far too long. She could feel the tongue skillfully invading her privates, lavishly labbing at her entrance. Her hips couldn’t help but respond, bucking ever-so-slightly to draw out every ounce of pleasure Songbird had to offer.

Twilight tried her hardest to keep at least some composure and contain her moans.
It was to no avail. They escaped her throat while the princess lost herself in pleasure.

P-please... Don’t s-stop.”

It didn’t seem like she was about to. Quite the contrary. Twilight could feel Songbird’s licks grow faster, evolving into an almost merciless assault on Twilight’s senses.

She loved every bit of it.

Slowly, she started to feel lighter than air itself. Her vision glazed over, the world around her becoming a blurry mess. From somewhere far away Twilight could hear loud moans. Were they hers? She couldn’t tell. Nothing really got through to her, blocked by a thick veil of mind-numbing goodness. Seconds felt like hours, and minutes felt like days. Her head became void of all thoughts, only able to conceive the here and now. The pleasure was the only thing worth focusing on.

It overwhelmed her. Her entire body was quivering. She buried her hooves into the mattress. Her loud cries kept escaping her, leaving her with no room to breath. Surely everypony in the castle could hear them…

She paid it no mind. It didn’t matter.

The only thing that did matter was the growing pressure in her loins. She was getting closer and closer to the edge. Songbird looked up to see Twilight’s face. The strong blush on her cheeks, hazy look on her eyes and the tongue lolling out of her mouth painted a clear picture of the princess’ condition. Her assault on Twilight changed from relentless licks to full-fledged intrusion, burying her tongue deep inside the princess and scooping up every drop of her nectar that she could.

Twilight’s approach to climax was coming to its end. With every second, Her mind went more and more blank, overwhelmed by the intense sensation. She was getting so close, and her only desire now was to finish.

Twilight wrapped her forehooves around Songbird’s head and pulled her even closer to her vagina, if that was even possible. After a few more seconds, her lover’s efforts finally pushed her over the edge.

“SONGBIRD!”. Her entire body trembled from the climax. Her eyes slammed shut.Her mind failed to form any thoughts while she fell into a pit of ecstasy. A firework of bliss unlike anything she ever felt before danced all over her body while she rode out her orgasm.

After what felt like an eternity for Twilight, she managed to come down from her high.
With no strength left in her muscles, she limply laid on her back, trying to catch her breath. After a few seconds, she managed her eyes at least slightly.

Although her vision was still blurry and took a bit to regain focus, she was able to make out Songbird’s head rising from between Twilight’s legs. The pegasus’ muzzle was coated in Twilight’s juices, though if the bright smile on her face was any indication, she didn’t mind.
Songbird opened her mouth and used her tongue to lick up all of the cum she could reach, making an effort to do it as slowly and deliberate as possible while Twilight could see.

“Who knew alicorns were so tasty…” Songbird said while she wiped her muzzle clean of the leftover juices. Her mouth formed a cocky grin. “Well then, I believe it’s time you return the favour…”

Twilight watched in awe while Songbird slowly turned around. The lustful gaze Songbird shot her over the shoulder got Twilight all hot and bothered again. While the singer lowered her torso to rest her face on the mattress, Twilight couldn’t help but stare. With Songbird’s hind legs widely spread apart and her tail flagged high, nothing was obstructing Twilight’s view of the popstar’s flower.

The princess was mesmerized, and soon found herself only inches away from her partner’s pussy. The scent of Songbird’s arousal hit Twilight’s nostril and clouded her mind like a drug. She was only able to focus on the pussy presented to her. It was certainly a lot more entrancing than the illustrations in her books. How it was drenched in excitement, how it winked a bit, how a singular drop of pre-cum escaped its folds and ran down Songbird’s leg. It all captivated her.

However, while the alicorn was busy admiring the view, the other mare grew impatient and gave her rump a slight wiggle. “Come on now, don’t keep me waiting for too long…”.
While Songbird did her best to sound commanding, her voice carried definite desperation.

Twilight was still eager to oblige, and with no prior experience guiding her, she did the only thing she could think of; dive right in.

However sweet the smell might have been, it paled in comparison to the taste. It reminded Twilight of cupcakes and sugar. She did her best to lap up as much of the mare’s juices as she could, which resulted in a relentless assault orchestrated by her tongue.


It seems like she liked that. Let’s keep up the pace...

Every time Twilight plunged her tongue into the singer’s folds, she could feel them convulsing around her, trying to milk it like a stallionhood. Songbird’s moans filled the princess’ ears, forming the most beautiful melody she ever heard.

Meanwhile, her ministrations had a visible effect on Songbird. With her mane disheveled, her face bright red and her eyes rolled back into her skull, she was reduced to a moaning mess of a mare. Twilight may not have had any experience, but she was an analytical mare. Loud cries or faster gasps told Twilight exactly which buttons to push, and she did her best to learn how to please her partner.

Eventually, Twilight decided to suckle on Songbird’s clit. Shortly after, she found herself tightly locked in place by Songbird’s legs.

“Right there p-princess. Keep doing that!”

The positive response made Twilight grow bold. She wrapped her mouth around the little nub and lightly bit down. The consequences were immediate, and Songbird struggled to find a rhythm of gasping for air and moaning her soul out. Even the singer’s lungs were reaching their limits.

The lavender alicorn wasn’t oblivious to the effect she was having. Songbird was approaching climax, and Twilight was determined to make sure that her partner would reach it. While she carefully nibbled on Songbird’s clit, she sparked her horn to life. Excitement and hormones made it difficult to focus, but Twilight managed to conjure some formless magic. Said magic was quickly commanded to infiltrate Songbird’s pussy, wrapping itself around every fold. Shortly after it started to vibrate.
Twilight was delighted to see that it was the right move. Songbird’s moans increased in volume and were almost ringing in Twilight’s ears. The flow of juices into Twilight’s mouth increased in kind.

T-Twilight! I’m cumming!“

Cum she did. Twilight could feel Songbird’s pussy tensing up around her with greater intensity than before, and then relaxing shortly after. Twilight’s mouth was hit with a flood of juices.

She, not wanting to let any of the sweet nectar go to waste, dove deep into Songbird until her muzzle and the entrance of Songbird’s pussy were touching. The princess did her best to catch the popstar’s orgasm in her mouth.

However, all too soon in Twilight’s opinion, the stream of honey ended. Twilight pulled back from the mare’s privates and licked her own lips to get the last remnants of her partner’s climax.

Exhaustion was starting to make itself known. Twilight’s limbs felt awfully heavy. She didn’t have the strength for another round. Her itch was scratched anyway. And while her mind hasn’t exactly been clear during the intercourse with Songbird, back then it was for all the right reasons. Now that the excitement was over, she couldn’t think straight because of exhaustion and drunkenness.

Songbird seemed to be in a similar condition though, because Twilight found herself being dragged down to a sleeping position by the mare, who was now lying beside her. They were looking into each other’s eyes in silence for awhile, dreamy smiles on their faces.

After a few moments however, Songbird broke the silence and whispered, “Well, this has to have been my favourite aftershow so far…”.

Twilight could merely manage a weak chuckle and a content smile in response.
Looking back at what came of it, she was happy she made a move. Even if it did take her being drunk to gather the courage. Twilight didn’t have long to reflect on the night though, as the warmth of Songbird being cuddled up next to her slowly lulled her to sleep.

A feeling of dizziness overcame the princess as Twilight snapped back to reality. After fully coming to her senses, she felt utterly mortified. Her cheeks were dominated by a heavy blush, and the room around her suddenly felt sweltering hot.

Oh no. Nononono.
How could I let this happen? This is a disaster! This could mean the end for me and Songbird!
...Ok Twilight, relax.

She took a few deep breaths.

You’ve handled monsters and villains trying to destroy Equestria, you can certainly handle this!
First of all, make sure the press doesn’t catch wind of this. I should probably


A cough startled Twilight out of her planning.

“Good morning, Princess.”

Ok, Twilight, think. This situation requires an immensely cautious approach. You need to diffuse this whole conundrum and ensure that no public consequences will ensue for either yourself or Songbird Serenade.

“So, we had sex!”

Twilight shakily facehoofed.

Smooth Twilight. Real smooth.

The Princess was about to say something to try and salvage the situation when Songbird spoke up, a cheerful chuckle accompanying her words.

“Princess, you are terrible at pillow-talk. But, I think I know what’s on your mind. Don’t worry, I won’t talk to anyone about this. Also, as far as I remember this was a rather pleasant and much needed night for both of us, and we can leave it at that. No strings attached. I will just take my leave now and make sure no one spots me on the way out.”

Twilight was immensely relieved to hear that, preferring not to make any more fuss than necessary.

And so, Songbird got out of bed and made her way towards the door. However, as she passed by Twilight, she made sure to drag her tail across the alicorn’s muzzle.

However, if you ever feel like having another night like the previous one, I think I will be performing quite frequently in Canterlot from now on~” With those words and an added wink, the mare was off, leaving behind a red-faced princess staring after her.