Stripes and Diamonds

by RetiredAccount

First published

After a mix-up with a shampoo bottle, Rarity has lost her mane. She has found a way to make the most out of this tragedy, but still wishes she could get her glorious curls back. Now Zecora comes with a solution, but it is quite... unorthodox.

Mixing up potions is never a good idea, a lesson Rarity has just learned the hard way.

Her mane is in tatters, her confidence shattered, her tail a disaster. But, she isn't the best fashionista in Equestria for nothing! With the power of her creativity (and just a little hint of despair) she managed to turn her ragged look into a fashion statement. Her punk look is fabulous!

But, still, she misses her beautiful indigo curls. Rarity wants her mane back, and she isn't ready to wait months for it to grow back. Suddenly the message arrives: Zecora has found a cure! The zebra says she has a way to help a mane grow back, and Rarity rushes to the Everfree. What she doesn't know, is that Zecora's cure requires a very special ingredient. One that Rarity will have to help... harvest.

This story will contain: futa on female, excessive cum, impregnation, breeding fetish, cum baths, zebra fun facts and rhyming. Oh god the rhyming. Never again. AAAAAH

I'd like to extend my thanks to anon26182 for his excellent proofreading and his help with the rhymes, he helped me keep my sanity. You won't find a better proofreader around.

This fic was written for a friend who really loves Zecora, and he owes me a new keyboard. I smashed the last one when I tried to find a rhyme for "Rarity" for the twelfth time. I will never, ever, EVER write a Zecora fic again, the rhymes are a goddamn nightmare. In any case, you know who you are, and in all seriousness I had a blast writing this. Hope you enjoy!

A Rare Brew

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“And are you sure it will work? It’s not that I don’t trust your, ah, expertise, but…”

“I can assure you my friend, your troubles will soon be at an end.”

Rarity wanted to gripe some more, she eyed the potion in Zecora hooves with naked wariness… but she held her tongue. She didn’t want to be rude to her host. Pouting, she nodded, and sat back down in the large wooden bathtub in the middle of Zecora’s hut. She idly noted that the tub was actually one of the containers the Apple family used to crush grapes into juice. Using one of these as a bathtub... how… rustic.

“No need for such a dour face,” Zecora hummed, giving her guest a kind smile, “soon your mane will be back to its former grace.”

Rarity grumbled, her eyes flicking up to the disaster that could hardly be called a mane. She had washed away the garish colors and layers upon layers of hair-gel, leaving her mane naturally indigo and frazzled. Thank Celestia. Oh, it wasn’t that she didn’t appreciate the decadent look she had given herself —punk was such an interesting fashion statement— but she did miss her precious curls. When Zecora had come to her with news that she had found a way to make her mane grow back, she had jumped on the occasion, happy to give Zecora a chance.

That is, until she had seen the vicious-looking, glowing green goop Zecora had brewed. That couldn’t be good for her coat…

“Close your eyes now, if you please. The rest of this should be a breeze.”

Rarity whimpered, shooting the glowing pot one last fearful look, and she shut her eyes tight. She heard Zecora hum a strange chant, most probably a song from her home. Rarity listened intently, and the tribal song soon made her relax, tension leaving her. She had always found Zecora’s voice to be wonderfully soothing: it was strong and kind, with a hint of mystery, and an exotic flare that made it quite charming. Just like the zebra herself. It was… enchanting.

“Are you alright Rarity? You are blushing quite fiercely.”

“I’m fine!” Rarity squeaked, her stubby tail wagging nervously. “When are you going to star- WAHAHAAA!”

The goopy liquid was shockingly cold, it was like marmalade freshly taken out of the fridge. It smelled like lemon and mint, the zesty scent tickling her nose. Rarity shivered as the potion dribbled over the bare patches on her head, and had to smother a distressed squeal when Zecora’s hooves started to rub the strange shampoo all over her skull. She couldn’t help but notice how gentle the zebra was, and once again she found herself thinking about her friend from the Everfree, if only to distract herself from the cold dripping sensation.

Rarity didn’t see Zecora very often. They were both busy mares, and they lived very, very different lifestyles. Yet every time they met, every time Rarity braved the Everfree to ask for a special lotion, or every time Zecora took the time to visit the boutique, Rarity couldn’t help but become fascinated by the zebra’s exotic qualities. Long gone was the time she found Zecora’s stripes to be garish and unfashionable. She now found them quite fetching and, dare she say, attractive?

“Are you sure you are not sick?” Zecora asked, sounding concerned. “Your cheeks are bright red and your breath rather frantic.”

“I’m just cold.” Rarity said in a little voice. Truth be told, the potion had already warmed up, and it felt quite nice as it seeped into the short fur on her skull. On the other hoof, having Zecora this close to her, the zebra’s strong hooves brushing against her sensitive ears, her hot breath tickling Rarity’s nape… It was very distracting. She squeaked when Zecora’s hoof strayed towards her rear, and had to stifle a shameful moan as the zebra rubbed the potion on her tail, her hoof grazing against her rump.

“One more ingredient and you will be free.” Zecora said in her melodious voice, her hooves leaving the blushing unicorn. “Your mane will grow back quite spectacularly.”

Rarity sighed as the zebra poured a bucket of warm water over her head, the potion washing off unexpectedly fast. She blinked her eyes open, making sure the mysterious green goop was all gone, and she ran a hoof through her mane. It was still ragged and patched, but she could feel the tingles of magic on her scalp. She smiled wide, now confident her glorious mane would soon grow back.

“Marvelous!” Rarity turned to her friend, her eyes shining in anticipation. “What’s the last ingredient?” She looked around the hut, examining the various pots and boxes. “Please tell me it’s not something too… icky.” She eyed a bowl full of dried insect parts with a wary gaze.

Zecora’s chest rumbled with her deep, alluring chuckle. “Do not fret, for the ingredient I do not possess.” She helped Rarity get out of the wooden tub, smiling kindly. “You will find it in Ponyville, but there will still be a mess.”

“Oh?” Rarity arched an eyebrow. “A mud bath perhaps?”

“Close, but not quite.” Zecora said in a cryptic tone. “You must soak in stallion semen overnight.”

Rarity blinked. Once. Twice. She dug a hoof into her ear, rubbing it clean. Surely, she had not heard correctly. “I’m sorry darling, I must have misheard you.” Rarity tittered, gracing her zebra friend with a smile. “It almost sounded like you said the last ingredient was…”

“Semen, yes.” Zecora nodded casually, busy putting her potions away. “You will need three stallions worth, at a guess.”

Rarity’s mouth fell open, the tingles on her head now feeling all but reassuring. “WHAT?”

Zecora seemed taken aback by her shriek. “Why the sudden commotion?” The zebra gave Rarity a questioning glance, screwing a pot shut. “It is quite a common ingredient for a potion.”

“I can’t just go around Ponyville asking stallions to…” Rarity made a face. “Release all over me!”

“I would have thought ponies would flock to the occasion.” Zecora said calmly, putting one last bottle on its shelf. “To pour one’s essence on such a pretty mare should be cause for celebration.”

“That’s not the issue!” Rarity blurted, trying very hard not to blush any harder. Pretty mare she called me… “I don’t want ponies to think I’m a harlot!”

Zecora paused, and turned to give Rarity a confused glance. “I know that word, but have never understood its meaning. We have no such notion in my home, for it is a land of free loving.” She shrugged. “If pony stallions are out of the question, you could go to Applejack’s and make use of her bulls’ production.”

“No!” Rarity cringed back. “Is there no other way?”

Zecora tapped her chin, humming gently. “Well, there is one other thing I could do. It is quite uncomfortable, but I’ll do it for you.”

“Thank you Zecora!” Rarity breathed in relief, holding her chest. “You’re a lifesaver!”

Zecora only chuckled, trotting to a large chest in a corner. The zebra nosed the trunk open and leaned inside, her cropped tail swishing as she rummaged through her potions. Rarity gulped, finding the sight of the zebra’s toned rump jiggling in the air to be rather… tantalizing. Rarity knew her own rear was nothing to scoff at, she had caught more than a few stallions sneaking a few peeks as they passed her in the streets, but personally she found it fat and unseemly. Zecora on the other hoof... the zebra was slender, strong, her beautiful striped coat taunt over her muscular frame... Nothing to do with Rarity’s soft —and pudgy, in her opinion— body.

“Aha.” Zecora’s serene voice snapped Rarity out of her trance, and she realized she had been staring at her friend’s ass. She quickly looked away, just as the shamaness slipped out of her trunk. Zecora sat back on her haunches, holding a small bottle in her mouth. It was bright blue, with little bubbles fizzling inside. “This looks like the right stuff,” Zecora looked the flask over, her eyes narrowing as she examined the liquid inside, “there’s only one sip, but it should be enough.”

“Marvelous!” Rarity trotted closer, extending her hoof to receive the potion. “I was starting to think things would get awkwar-”

Rarity choked on her words as, instead of giving her the bottle, Zecora bit off the cork and downed the whole little flask. The zebra made a face as the liquid touched her tongue, the taste obviously not very pleasant. One gulp later and the bottle was empty, Zecora stifling a burp behind her hoof. The zebra smacked her lips with a little grimace, a shiver going through her body.

“W-why did you drink it?” Rarity asked, nonplussed.

“To give you the final ingredient you need.” Zecora said simply, groaning in apparent discomfort. She shifted on her haunches, her hoof going to her lower belly; was she having stomach pains from the potion? “You still have to bathe in fresh stallion seed.”

“I don’t understand,” Rarity trotted to stand before Zecora, her brow furrowed, “what does drinking the potion have to do with… Oh… Oh my…”

Rarity’s mouth fell open, her gaze falling on Zecora’s intimacy. Where the zebra previously sported a slender dark slit, wonderfully tight and narrow, Zecora now had something that had no business being on a mare: a large, elegant black sheath. Rarity stared at Zecora’s new addition with a dumbfounded expression, and she yelped in surprise as two plump balls suddenly popped into existence between Zecora’s thighs. The zebra’s large ballsack plopped on the floor with a fleshy *plap*, the orbs rippling like jelly-filled balloons.

“Hmm, this is something that I rarely do.” Zecora shook her head, poking at her sheath. “The sensation is difficult to get used to.”

“You… You have a…” Rarity blurted, hesitantly pointing at the offending member. It twitched, as if acknowledging her.

“Why yes. It is what you need, after all..” Zecora tilted her head, watching Rarity’s blushing cheeks with a raised eyebrow. “You want essence without being judged, as I recall?”

Rarity stammered, her cheeks turning bright red, her eyes riveted on Zecora’s male genitals. The zebra apparently took her lack of protest as confirmation, and Zecora started to paw at her fat sheath, rousing it from its slumber. Rarity gave a muted mewl as the black fleshy folds quivered, her eyes widening as the zebra’s cock started to emerge. She held her breath as the jet black stallionhood slipped free from its sheath, Zecora taking hold of it to stroke it lovingly. It grew, and grew, and still grew larger, Rarity’s eyes going wider and wider as Zecora’s member came to life.

“Aaah, better, I already feel.” Zecora hummed, pumping on her massive cock. “Rarity, would you help me finish our deal?”

Rarity was too busy watching Zecora’s black stallionhood to pay much attention, her eyes focused on the large flare. It was a little different from a pony’s, the tip much broader and shaft longer than the average stallion. Its surface was covered in bulging veins, and it looked wonderfully hard and girthy. It was not the biggest she had ever seen, that title was reserved for a certain apple farmer she had caught relieving some stress in the fields, but it was still up there with the best.

Zecora cleared her throat, and Rarity suddenly realized she was staring like a flustered virgin. She quickly wiped the drool from her chin, tried to fluff up her non-existent mane —a nervous tick she couldn’t get rid of— and finally managed to look Zecora in the eyes. The zebra was giving her a casual smile, completely unperturbed by the fact that her cock was throbbing at full mast between them, strands of precum leaking from the tip. Rarity’s eyes followed a drop, and she gulped heavily as it fell on the little puddle forming underneath the zebra cock. Once again Zecora cleared her throat.

“ Ah… sorry I…” Rarity stammered, shaking her head. “I… I don’t know if I can…” She squeaked theatrically as the black shaft jerked up, a spurt of precum leaving the tip. She backpedaled clumsily to avoid the gooey strand, squealing in disgust when a few drops landed on her hooves. “Eek!”

Zecora gave her a strange look. “Why are you recoiling from my gift? If it’s because I’m a zebra, I will be quite miffed.”

“W-what? N-no!” Rarity rushed to say, cringing when she remembered how rude she had been when the zebra had first appeared in Ponyville. “It’s just that…” She eyed Zecora’s length, her blush returning in full force. Rarity didn’t know why ponies always thought she was a closet pervert: in truth she was quite inexperienced in sexual matters. A few clumsy adventures in her teens hardly counted! “I’m not… I don’t know if I can…”

A flash of understanding crossed Zecora’s eyes, and the zebra sighed, scratching her mohawk in embarrassment. “I always forget that you ponies are so prude. I must apologize for being so rude.” She got to her hooves, trotting to her supply shelf. She grabbed a large empty jar, and headed for her bedroom. “Give me a few moments alone then, my friend. I will be back quite soon, once I have reached my end.”

“W-where are you going?” Rarity stammered, her tail swishing in agitation.

Zecora shot her a backwards glance, cocking an eyebrow. “To my room I will retire, to harvest what you require.” She gestured to her member, the length throbbing needily. “Do not fret, one time and this jar will be full. Zebra releases tend to be quite plentiful.”

With that Zecora trotted off, pushing through the drapes that separated the two rooms of her hut. Rarity watched her go, taking one last look at the zebra’s large balls before Zecora disappeared behind the ragged cloth. Rarity released a breath she hadn’t realized she had been holding, her nostrils flaring as she sniffed the air. She could smell it: the faint, musky scent of an excited stallion. It made the warmth in her belly flare up, a shameful trickle going down her thigh.

Damn this pesky heat… Rarity grumbled, fanning her short tail over her burning nethers. Stupid sexy zebras…

She fidgeted nervously, stewing in awkward silence. After a few minutes her ears perked up, and she was distracted from her thoughts. Rarity could hear noises coming from Zecora’s room: quick wet strokes, the splashes of liquid dripping on wood floor, the heavy breathing of a mare… Rarity was naturally drawn to the sounds. She carefully went to the door, walking on the tip of her hooves, crouching down like a cat. She had to fight to keep her short tail from whipping around noisily, and she silently leaned close, watching through a hole in the cloth door.

“Oh my stars…” She couldn’t help but whisper, thankfully low enough not to be heard.

Inside, Zecora was sitting on the edge of her bed, facing the door. The zebra had her eyes closed, her muzzle open and panting, her hot breath fogging hotly before her. Both her front hooves were busily pumping over her long length, her cock large enough for both hooves to barely be able to grasp it fully. Zecora’s stallionhood was shiny with smeared precum, her tip squirting more with every stroke, adding to the mess. Rarity gulped, her throat suddenly parched, watching the pool of stallion arousal forming between Zecora’s hindlegs.

Then the smell hit her. The cloth door did very little to contain Zecora’s musk, the scent of a virile stallion in need of a mare to rut heavy in the air. It made Rarity’s engorged folds gush like a fountain, telling her that she could very well be that mare. She bit her lips, keeping silent as she watched the gorgeous zebra mare masturbate so vigorously, and her hoof naturally strayed towards her own flowing intimacy. Rarity had to stifle a moan as her hoof brushed against her sensitive folds, her plump pussy-lips parting to squirt all over the floor. She had it bad, and watching Zecora’s black stallionhood throbbing before her was just… maddening.

Rarity began to furiously rub her hoof over her gushing intimacy, trying to douse the fire in her belly. She inhaled Zecora’s scent in long, deep breathes, getting drunk off the zebra’s exotic musk, so similar and yet so different from a pony stallion’s. Soon her hoof was completely drenched in female arousal, her juices dribbling all over her thighs, joining the puddle underneath. Her own heated perfume mixed with Zecora’s stallion scent, the blend making her mind go blank…

Suddenly, Zecora stopped her pumping, her head perking up. Rarity felt her cheeks burn with embarrassment as the zebra sniffed the air, her cock somehow becoming even harder. Of course... If Rarity could smell Zecora’s scent, it meant the zebra could just as easily smell hers. Zecora turned to the cloth door, and caught a glimpse of an azure eye through a hole, before the pony on the other side rushed to hide herself.

“Why don’t you come inside, Rarity?” Zecora called, her breath a little short. Only an embarrassed squeak answered her. “You needed not hide, I promise I am not angry.” She sniffed the air a few more times, her length throbbing with obvious hunger.

Rarity could hear the zebra inhaling her shameful scent, sounding quite interested, and that fact only made her gush harder. With a gulp she took her courage in both hooves, fluffed her absent mane, and took a calming breath. With as much nonchalance as she could muster, Rarity pushed the cloth door aside, stepping into Zecora’s bedroom. It was like stepping into the room full of horny studs during estrus. The smell was so thick in the air, it made Rarity’s head spin.

“I’m so sorry darling, I…” She bit her lips, her blush burning fiercely as she watched the big black horsecock throbbing between Zecora’s thighs, pointing right at her. “I thought you would want some… help?”

Zecora gave her a cryptic glance, a smile on her lips. “Why of course, I’ll gladly take a helping hoof.” She pointed to her cock, the length jerking in need. “We do not have long before my member goes poof.”

“Yes, yes, quite right.” Rarity nodded, trotting closer with a haste that was just shy of indecent. “I need your… production, if I am to save my mane.” She sniffed hauntingly. “I am just helping you harvest it. That’s all.”

Zecora gave her deep rumbling chuckle, adding something in Zebrican under her breath. Rarity didn’t know the language that well, but she did catch the words “pony” and “silly”. No matter, she had a cock to enjoy… wait no, she had a mane to save. Yes, that. She tripped over herself to cross the room until she was standing just before Zecora, the zebra’s wonderful stallionhood throbbing just between them.

“Hmm…” Now that she was nose to nose, so to speak, with the massive length, Rarity felt her previous jitters returning. “So… what do I do?”

Zecora quirked an eyebrow. “Rarity, have you never done this before?” She took hold of her cock, and gave it a loooong and slow pump; Rarity’s eyes followed her hoof, her tongue darting out to lick her lips. “For such a beautiful mare to be unclaimed... pony stallions must be quite a bore.”

“N-no, I’ve had lovers!” When I was young and stupid Rarity added in her mind. “It’s just been… a while.” She gulped, watching the flared head twitch just under her nose. “A really long while…”

“So it would seem.” Zecora leaned to the side, watching Rarity’s arousal splattering on her bedroom floor. “I have never seen a mare with such a heavy stream.”

Rarity somehow managed to blush even harder, but she didn’t let Zecora’s teasing words shake her. With trembling lips, she started to lean down, her eyes wide and hungry. Closer and closer the zebra cock came to her muzzle. She could feel the incredible heat radiating from it, the smell making her dizzy. She inhaled sharply as a spurt squirted from the tip, landing right on her nose. Zecora’s musk invaded her senses, and she gave a helpless moan as she took the flared head into her mouth.

Flavor exploded on her tongue, the taste of virile stallion leaking all over her mouth. The hard ridges of the stocky zebra flare bulged against her flesh, her cheeks puffing out as she gave a hungry suckle. She was rewarded with a burst of wonderful precum, and she moaned around the mouthful, begging for more. Zecora was more than willing to oblige. The black cock spurted like a broken faucet, filling Rarity’s eager mouth, her throat bulging as she happily swallowed it all.

“Aaaah, by the Great Savanna, it has been too long.” Zecora sighed, the zebra relaxing on her bed as Rarity sucked on her rod like a mare dying of thirst. “For too many years have I been away from home, having no mate to enjoy felt so wrong.”

Rarity idly responded with a breathless moan, then she started to bob her head up and down, taking a little more of Zecora’s wonderful length with every bounce of her head. Zecora’s taste was so powerful, it had nothing to do with the last immature stallion she had bedded in her youth. She shivered as Zecora’s hoof brushed against her ragged mane, the zebra cupping her cheek to have a better look at her muzzle. Rarity looked up, staring into Zecora’s cyan eyes, and not for the first time did she realize how beautiful the zebra was. If Zecora’s intense gaze was anything to go by, the zebra had similar thoughts.

The sounds of desperate suckling and pleasured groans filled the hut, soon joined by the wet noise of Rarity’s hoof stroking her gushing pussy. Zecora inhaled the unicorn’s heated scent like it was fine wine, happy to enjoy this sloppy, but no less pleasurable, blowjob. Rarity’s muzzle descended on the zebra cock with naked hunger, her eyes fluttering as she was given generous helpings of stallion precum for her troubles. She could only take about half of the prodigious length, Zecora’s flared tip already reaching the opening of her throat, and soon it seemed the zebra wanted more.

“Zebras have many lovers throughout their lives.” Zecora said calmy, caressing Rarity’s cheeks. “We love freely, and have many husbands and wives.” She gently pulled Rarity closer, pushing her cock deeper into the unicorn’s suckling mouth. “These years of celibacy have been hard on me.” She grabbed Rarity’s horn more forcefully, and shot the unicorn an apologetic smile. “I cannot wait any longer, I am so very sorry.”

With that Zecora gave a grunt and shoved Rarity’s head against her lap, her cock plunging down the unicorn’s throat. Rarity gurgled in a panic, completely novice to the very concept of deepthroating, and she sputtered and choked around Zecora’s cock. She could feel her poor slender neck bulging with the zebra’s girth, her lips pressed right against the base. Zecora held her there for a long, long time, the zebra enjoying her clenching throat.

Rarity’s vision started to darken, her breath spent, she tried to pull away… and unexpectedly Zecora allowed her to back away. As soon as her throat was free, Rarity took big, long breaths through her nose… and she was choking on cock in the next instant, Zecora pulling her back as soon as she had taken just enough air to avoid passing out. This time the shamaness made Rarity bob her head, but she didn’t allow the unicorn to pull the throbbing length out of her poor throat.

“If you wish to stop,” Zecora said casually, her cock hilted deep down Rarity’s throat, “tap my thighs and I will release you. Until then, I will enjoy myself until you are given what you are due.”

And enjoy herself she did. Rarity was used like a common pleasure tool by the stronger mare, though Zecora was always careful not to hurt her. There was almost a sort of desperate energy to Zecora’s humping, as if the zebra was starved for the pleasures of the flesh. Again and again Zecora plundered Rarity’s clenching throat, her striped muzzle remaining placid and peaceful as she rutted the unicorn’s mouth. Precum and spit ran all over Rarity’s face. Her neck. Her chest. Her everything seemed to be soaked with Zecora’s musk.

Through it all, Rarity held onto her consciousness as best she could. Her eyes had long since rolled back, blissful tears running on her bulging cheeks. One of her hooves was busy digging into her gushing cunt, her belly begging for release. Her other hoof slowly made its way towards Zecora’s thighs, ready to tap out and beg for mercy. Rarity was at her limit. She just couldn’t take any more of this muzzle stuffing. Her hoof hovered over Zecora’s thigh, hesitated… and instead of asking for a break she cupped Zecora’s plump ballsack, giving the zebra’s orbs a playful squeeze.

“Hmm, so eager for my seed.” Zecora sighed contently, enjoying Rarity’s gentle fondling. She didn’t even need to hold Rarity’s head anymore, the unicorn was deepthroating her of her own volition. “Continue like this, and you’ll get just what you need.”

Rarity didn’t need Zecora’s warning to know the zebra was close. She could tell by the way her flare had grown to monstrous proportions, the bulge in her throat ridiculously large. She could tell by the way Zecora’s breath had become short, even if the zebra kept her serene expression. And, finally, she could feel Zecora’s balls pulsing in her grasp, the orbs full and ready to blow.

Moaning in anticipation, Rarity leaned back, took a great gulp of air… and threw her head back down, her nose pressing against Zecora’s belly. As a final touch she contracted her throat as tightly as she could around the bulging zebra meat, swallowing and gagging around the wonderful black shaft.

“Rarity… I am…” Zecora groaned, her eyes fluttering. “I… Oh…”

Ha! Took the rhyme right out of her! Rarity thought victoriously. She moaned out loud as the enormous balls in her hoof suddenly clenched, a visible surge appearing at the base of Zecora’s cock. Rarity gurgled happily as the bulge travelled over her tongue. She gave a hungry growl as the rush of zebra semen made its way down her throat… wait, wasn’t she forgetting something? Then Zecora’s flare exploded, and she couldn’t begin to care for anything but the wonderful warmth gushing down her throat.

There was so much, Zecora hadn’t been joking when she had said zebras were plentiful. More and more spurted right into her hungry stomach, the zebra cock jerking endlessly. Soon Rarity’s belly felt wonderfully full, and she decided she needed a taste. Rarity leaned back, moaning in bliss as Zecora’s massively flared head caught on the folds of her throat, the length spurting huge blobs of thick semen without mercy. Finally Rarity managed to jerk her head back, the flare popping out of her throat, and her mouth was instantly filled.

Spurt after spurt of creamy zebra seed flooded her mouth, making Rarity’s cheeks bulge out comically. It was so strong, so plainly virile; the taste of a breeding stud invaded Rarity’s mouth. She tried her best to swallow it all, but she was quickly overwhelmed. Zecora’s black stallionhood jerked out of Rarity’s grasping lips in a shower of thick stallion cream, the unicorn’s muzzle instantly drenched in the stuff. Rarity gurgled in bliss, the hot gooey shower pushing her over the edge.

Rarity’s pussy clenched around her hoof, her mouth falling open, her scream ending in a choking gurgle as Zecora’s cock spurted the last of its load right into her gaping muzzle. Rarity’s muffled moans echoed around the room, the unicorn taking the zebra’s softening length into her lips, suckling on the tip to draw out the last few little spurts. She followed the throbbing length as it retreated into its sheath, desperately trying to keep it hard, begging for more delicious zebra spunk. In the end she found herself sucking on Zecora’s soft sheath, her mind slowly coming back down from her mind-shattering orgasm.

They remained there for a few breathless moments, Rarity panting raggedly, Zecora breathing deep and slow. Rarity leaned her head against Zecora’s thigh, too out of it to care about the fact that her chin was resting on Zecora’s balls, her every breath sending a heavy dose of zebra pheromones into her lust addled brain. She leaned forward, burying her nose into Zecora’s ballsack, breathing in her scent.

“By the spirits… that was most welcome.” Zecora said with her usual calm, her voice just a little winded. “But, I think you might have missed some.”

Rarity purred like a kitten as Zecora started to pet her head, the zebra rubbing her copious load over her ragged mane. Her mane… Her mane! With a burst of energy Rarity finally remembered the reason for this whole debauchery, and her hooves went to the top of her head. She squealed happily as she felt her curly locks of hair growing as they absorbed Zecora’s semen, her glorious mane returning… but it quickly ran out of semen and stopped growing. It was still much too short!

“While I will admit releasing inside was a pleasant deed, I’m afraid you’ve wasted most of my seed.” Zecora said playfully, giving Rarity a pat on the head, brushing against her short curly mane.

“Nooo, my mane!” Rarity whined, pawing at her head, then at her rear. “My tail! I need more!” She poked Zecora’s sheath, the dark shaft completely spent, pouting childishly. “Give me more!”

Zecora laughed at Rarity’s despair, but shook her head. “I am afraid there is no more I can give..” She placed her hoof under Rarity’s chin, giving the unicorn a calm, wise look. “I hope my exhaustion, you will forgive.”

Rarity sighed… then perked up instantly. “Wait, I know just the spell!” She took a few stumbling steps back, her horn fizzling to life. “I knew learning a stamina spell would be useful one day…”

“Hmm, I do not think this is a good idea Rarity.” Zecora carefully raised her hoof, trying to appease the horny unicorn. “Mixing unicorn and zebra magic could result in…”

Zecora’s warning came too late, the spell was cast. Zecora grunted as the unicorn magic ran through her zebra created stallion member, the two types of magic clashing… before they mixed and fed on one another. Zecora gasped out loud as her balls suddenly grew tenfold, her cock bursting out of its sheath, completely hard once again. Rarity watched with wide eyes as the zebra’s gonads swelled with incredible amounts of seed, Zecora’s cock already leaking streams of heavy precum from the tip. It didn’t look very comfortable.

“Ah… oops?” Rarity gave the panting zebra an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry darling, I wasn’t thinking.”

“A very common trait amongst ponies, I have observed.” Zecora groaned, getting to her hooves, her massive balls pressed against her thighs, full and demanding attention. “Be glad my sanity, I have preserved.”

Rarity gulped heavily, her nostrils flaring as a wave of concentrated zebra musk wafted from Zecora’s magically enhanced balls. It was so powerful, a lesser mare would have already bent over and begged to be rutted and claimed by such a virile stallion. Rarity fluffed up her mane, cheering internally when she actually had just enough mane to do so, and she considered her options. She could very well just give Zecora another blowjob and pull away when she climaxed —the zebra seemed fit to burst already— or she could take the occasion to douse the fires in her belly. She sniffed again, her pussy releasing a desperate gush, and she took her decision.

“Let us hurry and harvest my seed.” Zecora grunted, pumping her hoof on her length, eager to empty her overfilled balls. “This time please resist your urge to feed.”

Rarity smirked, then she slowly turned around, giving Zecora a good look at her soaked intimacy. The zebra choked on a rhyme, her nostrils flaring wide as the pseudo-stallion got a good dose of heated mare perfume. The black cock jerked in obvious hunger, a spurt of precum splattering on the ground, some of it sprinkling on Rarity’s hindlegs. Rarity shook her hips invitingly, her pussy winking playfully at her would-be stud. She looked back over her shoulder with a smoldering expression, her eyes lidded and hungry.

“Well, what are you waiting for?” Rarity purred, her short tail fanning her scent towards the stunned zebra. “Come and relieve yourself.”

Zecora stared at the beautiful unicorn temptress, her stallionhood leaking all over the floor. “You do know you are in heat, yes?” She asked, making sure the unicorn knew what she was asking for. “Not that I am not flattered by your proposal, I must confess.”

Proposal? Rarity though, quirking an eyebrow. Zecora made it sound like she had just offered her hoof in marriage. She just wanted a good ride, it wasn’t like zebras and ponies could interbreed… right? She pushed the silly notion aside, and focused on the unbearable heat in her belly. She nodded, eager for a good rutting, and Zecora gave a low, pleased nicker.

“Very well, I accept.” Zecora said in her melodious voice, trotting closer to the presenting pony. “In my care, from now on you will be kept.”

Rarity frowned, wondering what Zecora meant by that, but she quickly forgot about everything when the zebra pressed her muzzle into Rarity’s soaked folds. Her legs almost buckled under her as Zecora’s tongue pressed into her engorged pussy, the zebra humming a tribal song as she enjoyed the taste of a mare in heat. And Zecora was obviously experienced when it came to pleasing another mare with her tongue. Rarity had to bite her lips to keep her loud moaning in check, the zebra’s tongue pressing on her most sensitive spots, lapping at her quivering clit.

It didn’t take long for Rarity’s attempt at keeping her vocal enjoyment to fail. Her high-pitched moans echoed around the hut, spurring Zecora to lap harder and deeper. The zebra’s striped muzzle was drenched in mare juices, her cock slapping rhythmically against her belly. But Zecora denied herself release, focusing on pleasing her mate. She had to prove she was a worthy partner, before claiming this mare as hers. Zecora lapped at Rarity’s gushing pussy, pressing into her pink slit, getting drunk on her heated nectar.

“Ah… Goodness…” Rarity panted, her eyes fluttering from pleasure. By this point her thighs were completely soaked in her arousal and Zecora’s slobber, and she could feel another climax building in her belly. “Please… Please rut me…” She begged, wiggling her rear, trying to tempt Zecora into mounting her. “Please… I need it…”

Zecora chuckled, licking her dripping lips as she leaned back. Without a word she reared up, her hooves clacking against the wooden floor as she clambered on top of the gorgeous pony mare. Rarity squealed in anticipation, her legs quivering as she felt the wonderful weight settle on top of her. Zecora was so strong, Rarity could feel the zebra’s taunt muscles press against her own soft rear, the zebra’s chest heaving powerfully as it slid over her back. Two dominant legs latched onto her sides, Zecora’s hooves hooking around Rarity’s large foal-bearing hips, just like a stallion would.

“Rarity, I will now grant you my gift.” Zecora warned, calm as ever. She pressed her hips forward, and Rarity inhaled sharply as she felt something hard and hot brush against her dripping intimacy. “If you have any doubts you must tell me, and be swift.”

“I’m sure! Just please give it to m- AAH!”

The thrust was quick, powerful, and full of confidence. Just like the zebra herself. Rarity moaned out loud as her cunt was stuffed with thick zebra cock, Zecora sinking her enormous length all the way to the hilt in a single, smooth lunge. Rarity’s tight little tunnel clenched around the girthy intruder, her body happily submitting to her new stud. She babbled incoherently as the hard flare kissed her deepest barrier, Zecora’s fat sheath pressing into her spasming slit. She had somehow taken the well-endowed zebra fully, Zecora humming in approval overhead.

“You are a beautiful mare, that much is true.” Zecora breathed, hugging her mate close, making sure she was fully hilted. She then started to pull back, slow and steady. “I would have courted you earlier, if only I knew.”

Rarity’s answer turned into a helpless moan as Zecora gave a second powerful thrust, a loud slap echoing around the room as muscled striped hips met soft white rump. Rarity mewled submissively as her zebra stud pressed against her depths, her flesh yielding, her pussy taking the shape of her lover. Zecora said something in her native tongue, probably a praise for her mate, then she started to withdraw once more. Rarity whimpered, her cunt clenching around the emptiness, begging for Zecora to fill her again. The zebra swiftly answered her call, Rarity’s whinny mixing with the loud slapping sound of flesh slamming against flesh.

Zecora took a slow and powerful rhythm, taking her time pulling out of her pony mare. Just as her tip had retreated back to Rarity’s entrance, she rammed her cock into the unicorn’s wonderful tightness, all the way to the hilt. Rarity’s moans turned desperate, the unicorn begging for Zecora to pick up the pace, but the zebra kept rutting her slow and steady. There was no doubt about who was in charge, and Zecora chuckled as Rarity squealed under her.

“What a wonderful sight.” Zecora hummed, looking down at her mate. “So beautiful and tight.” She gave a mighty thrust, Rarity’s moan like music to her ears. “I cannot wait to bring you back to my tribe to share.” She increased her pace, her hips slamming into Rarity’s plush rear faster and faster. “You will be a wonderful breeding mare.”

“W-what?” Rarity mumbled, barely able to keep up now that her zebra stud was railing her into submission.

“We offer our mates to the tribe, that is our tradition.” Zecora said calmly, her hips ramming into her mare harder and harder. Her overfilled balls rumbled ominously, eager to empty their creamy load into the fertile unicorn. “You would be given to the many zebras of my clan to enjoy, with your permission.” Zecora leaned down to whisper into her ear. “After mine is born all will try to put their foals in your belly. Unicorn hybrids will make the tribe strong and healthy.”

Rarity’s eyes went wide, an image of her buried under a pile of zebra studs coming to her mind, all of them trying to breed her like a common broodmare. She could just imagine all those enormous black rods pressing into her, searching for her stuffed pussy, eager to pour their load inside her fertile womb. She would be used every hour of the day, a life of constant rutting and unending pregnancy. Rarity bit her lips, her cunt clenching powerfully around her zebra stud as she came from the thought alone. She lost herself in her fantasy, playing along with Zecora’s roleplaying. Or what she thought was only roleplaying.

Zecora grunted as her cock was squeezed from all sides, and she paused, letting Rarity ride out her climax. The zebra remained hilted, enjoying the unicorn’s clenching tunnel, her tip spurting gushes of something that was too thick to only be precum. Zecora groaned as her balls started to throb, lazy surges of semen already spilling from the overfilled orbs, her climax fast approaching. With a snort the zebra gave her mare a warning thrust, Rarity’s whinny making her ears ring, and she started to positively hammer away.

Zecora’s usually collected mind slowly gave way to feral instincts. She wasn’t a wise shamaness anymore. She was a zebra stud, ready to sow her seed and put a few striped foals into this gorgeous pony mare. She would bring a round-bellied Rarity back to her tribe, and parade her proudly before her friends and family… before sharing her conquest with all of them. Unicorn mares were highly sought after, and zebras would come from far and wide to have a chance at breeding such a gorgeous specimen. But for now, Rarity was hers, and hers alone. Zecora snorted, her brow furrowing, her hips turning into a blur as she hammered into her personal breeding mare, rushing to her finish.

Rarity was jostled around by the brutal rutting, completely subjugated by her zebra stud. She was still climaxing, Zecora pounding into her clenching cunt without pity, keeping her on a constant high. Her screams had devolved into muted squealing moans, her breath taken away by the enormous rod slamming into her depths. She whimpered, begging for Zecora to douse the inferno in womb, begging for her seed. It seemed that the zebra understood her moaning, Zecora’s hips taking a frantic pace as her flare started to grow.

Zecora grit her teeth as she neared her end, the zebra trying to hold back as long as she could, building up her release. Her leaking semen had already pooled deep inside Rarity’s pussy, some of it seeping into her womb, giving the unicorn a taste of what was to come. Zecora gasped, feeling her balls clench in warning: she was about to release her load. She rammed her cock into her mare twice in quick successions, making Rarity mewl in submission, and she hilted as deep as she could. Zecora sighed in relief as the tension in her balls suddenly snapped free, a surge instantly shooting up her length.

“Bear me a foal!” Zecora ordered, pressing her tip against Rarity’s cervix, forcing it open. “That is your new role!”

Zecora’s cock positively erupted, the concentrated zebra semen gushing in a long, drawn out release. Rarity’s eyes went wide as her womb was filled to the brim in a matter of seconds, and she threw her head back, moaning breathlessly as she was claimed by her zebra stud. Zecora held onto her mare possessively, making sure Rarity’s fertile womb was full of zebra sperm, assuring the unicorn would bear her a few striped foals. Only when her own release started to push her back did Zecora pull away, making sure she filled Rarity’s pussy as she withdrew.

Rarity whinnied in protest as the wonderful spurting length popped out of her clenching cunt, a waterfall of zebra semen gushing on the floor. She squealed in surprise as the back of her head was plastered with Zecora’s seed, the zebra clambering on her back to aim her continuous stream of semen at Rarity’s short mane. When the unicorn’s head was completely drenched, Zecora pulled back and ground herself on Rarity’s plump rear, spurting all over the mare’s stubby tail. When both her mane and tail were back to their usual length, Zecora nodded in satisfaction… and rammed her spurting cock back inside Rarity’s overflowing cunt.

Rarity whinnied in pleasure, glad to receive another stuffing from her stud. Zecora came again and again, her enormous nuts far from spent, her loads spurting around her cock, Rarity’s womb completely filled. Rarity shot a curious look between her hooves, and she almost fainted outright when she saw just how big Zecora’s balls still were. She was rocked by a powerful thrust, thick zebra semen exploding from her overstuffed pussy, and Zecora started to pound into her once more, her length spurting continuously.

Oh dear Rarity though, a blissful smile on her lips, her mane bouncing from Zecora’s humping. I’m going to be here a while…

Zebra and unicorn lost themselves to their baser instincts, rutting the day away.


Rarity groaned, slowly coming to. Why did she feel so sticky… and why did her hips ache so much? Also, where was she? She blearily looked around the unfamiliar room, noticing she had been sleeping inside a… wooden bathtub? And the tub was full of thick, musky white goo. She blinked, her brain finally catching on.


She jumped out of the cum-bath, zebra semen spraying everywhere. She was completely soaked in it, inside and out, the smell making her head spin. Zecora’s scent would cling to her fur for months! Stallions would smell it from a mile away! What would her friends think when she returned to Ponyville reeking of zebra spunk? She whimpered, fluffing up her mane nervously… and her eyes widened when she felt the bouncy curls.

“My mane!” She exclaimed, completely forgetting about the semen oozing all over her. She looked at her rear, her coat so drenched in thick stallion cream that she could barely see her cutie mark. “My tail! They are back!”

“Ah, you are awake.” Rarity yelped, and turned to find Zecora closing the front door, the zebra wearing a satisfied smile as she put down the bucket of water she was carrying. “About time, too, it is almost daybreak.”

Rarity blushed, her eyes avoiding Zecora’s confident gaze. She fidgeted in deep embarrassment as the zebra came closer, wondering what happened now. Were Zecora and her an item? She had been thoroughly marked by the zebra, so it would make sense. Rarity was more than happy to give this strange relationship a chance, she found the zebra to be wonderfully intriguing but… Did Zecora feel the same? She cleared her throat, gave Zecora a careful glance, ready to ask the zebra if she wanted to be her special somepony… but she was silenced as Zecora kissed her full on the lips, taking her breath away.

Well… that takes care of that. Rarity thought, moaning in happiness as she melted into the kiss.

After a few moments of intimate passion they separated, Rarity panting and blushing, Zecora smiling calmly. The zebra ran a gentle hoof over Rarity’s cum-covered cheeks, humming in satisfaction.

“I hope you will take my offer and join me on a trip to my home land.” Zecora said lovingly. “Showing you to my tribe would be an occasion most grand.”

“I…” Rarity hesitated. She wanted nothing more than to accept, but she had too many responsibilities she couldn’t leave behind. “I’m sorry, but I can’t.” She leaned to give Zecora her own little kiss. “Not right away at least.”

“A shame, but I suspected you would refuse the idea.” Zecora nodded, her smile never wavering. “No matter, we will start our own tribe here in Equestria.”

Rarity blinked, unsure of what the zebra meant, but another loving kiss distracted her, and she lost herself against her zebra lover. She made plans for the future, wondering if Zecora would move in with her straight away or if she would need to drag the zebra away from the forest. What she didn’t plan for were the two little zebra-pony foals already on their way, the two little lives growing peacefully in her nurturing womb.