Adagio Alicornus

by Snowflake Dissonance

First published

Celestia and Luna are recruited to show Adagio Dazzle a good time. How hard could it be to show a siren some love? They're in for a long night.

The Fall Formal, Battle of the Bands, and Friendship Games are finally all over with. However, something else threatens CHS, something smaller, but still as dangerous.

A bored Adagio Dazzle.

Without the gems to provide her entertainment, Adagio wants nothing more than to wreak havoc and create suffering to fill her time. In a desperate bid to keep CHS from catching fire, her friends go to the Principals for help. With their special brand of punishment, surely Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna can clear Adagio's head for a while, right?

Warnings: futa!Celestia, futa!Luna

The Proposition

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Things had finally begun to calm down at Canterlot High. After the recent attempts at mind control, some world domination, more mind control, more world domination, and an attempt to rip the world apart thrown in there, the students were finally readjusting to not being subject to magical take over. The staff and faculty were finally able to breathe and enjoy the peace their school had settled into once more.

Afternoons at Canterlot High were fairly relaxed, the student body fully awake enough to put themselves into their classes and work. Because of this, while things were slightly noisier or rowdier, and the teachers had more to worry about, the administrative offices were just as calm as ever, especially without bully reports to file for once.

Of course, that calm was shattered as soon as two very familiar women strode into Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna's office. Instantly, the two adults were on high alert, remembering the first time these women were in their office. Subconsciously, Luna looked around for their ringleader, not wanting to be caught off guard again. The magenta girl noticed her unease and waved a hand at her. "Relax, she's not with us. We're working on our own agenda, for once."

"You'll forgive me if I tell you that does not put us at ease at all, Miss Blaze," Celestia responded.

"It wasn't supposed to," Aria deadpanned.

Now, the two sisters were even more on edge than before. "And what agenda would that be?" Luna inquired cautiously.

Celestia and Luna had faced their fair share of real estate agents, telemarketers, door-to-door salespeople and even the occasional Jehoovah's witness. None of that could have prepared them for the pitch that Aria gave. Leaning forward, violet eyes pinned the two older women in place and the purple siren asked, "What's it going to take for you to fuck our leader?"

Both principals blinked. There was a beat of silence before they blinked again. Another beat of silence. Surely, this woman couldn't be serious? Neither of the sirens before them said anything and Celestia and Luna shared an unsure glance.

"You... want us to have sex with Adagio Dazzle?" Principal Celestia wondered if she was on a prank show.

"Not just have sex with her!" Sonata exclaimed. "We want you to fuck her brains out until she can't walk steady and can't see right!"

The two adults stared at her in bemusement and Aria sighed. "Look, word around the bad girls' rumor mill is that you two routinely 'punish' bad behavior by fucking silly the person or people responsible. Is that right?"

"Only in some cases," Celestia responded.

"However, how does that translate to us going after Miss Dazzle?" Luna inquired. "She has already received her punishment for her crimes. By order of Twilight Sparkle, no less. Why would you want to subject her to our… special form of discipline?"

"Because she's going fucking batty!" Aria groaned, clutching her head in aggravation. "Before we found the gems, do you know what Adagio did for fun? She tortured the sea life! If chaos wasn't reigning, she wasn't happy, daughter of Discord that she is.

"When we found the gems, she gained her entertainment and pleasure by seeing relationships torn apart and watching people fight against one another. Now, without our gems to keep her head clear, she's descended back into that space of her mind where she wants to create havoc. It's only a matter of time before she sets fire to something or kills someone in an attempt to reclaim the thrill she's lost."

"Perhaps she should be institutionalized..." Luna grumbled.

"You make it sound like we haven't already tried that," Aria snorted.

"She broke out two weeks later," Sonata chirped. "We can't die, so she somehow set the facility on fire. Everybody else was dead within minutes. The blaze was pretty though!"

"Always is," Aria snickered. "But yeah, she somehow breaks out of strait jackets, so mental institutions don't work. What does work is sex (and chocolate ice cream apparently). A few hundred years ago, we found out that when Dag gets fucked real nice, all of her thoughts of world domination and anarchy are mysteriously gone for a while and she's almost like a regular person."

"But she's gotta be fucked really good," Sonata pointed out. "Which requires, like, a lot of stamina cause she's gotta be kept constantly stimulated or she won't orgasm and she'll be even crankier than before."

Both principals looked dubious for a moment. They had never had a student that actually wanted their special brand of punishment before finding out what it was. And if what these two were saying was true, Adagio Dazzle was certainly in need of the discipline. Still, this seemed almost too good to be true. Two previously evil students coming to them to offer a third, delectable body for them to devour? What was the catch?

Aria seemed to sense their doubt as she placed her hands flat on the desk desperately. "Look, we'll pay you if that's what you want," the twin tailed siren growled. "But if you want to avoid the school constantly being thrown into turmoil, you're our only hope short of getting the entire football team to gang up on her."

"I don't see why we gotta pay'em," Sonata shrugged. "They should feel lucky if Dagi lets them even get their pants down. One guy killed his wife for a chance to caress those sacred golden curls."

"Ooh," Celestia leaned forward in interest. "Sounds like a genuine tough one, Lulu. I say we go for it."

"And what do you propose we do in order to even get her to let us touch her?" Luna inquired skeptically. If Adagio Dazzle had made a man desperate enough to murder his wife, this would be no easy feat.

"Not sure," Aria sighed, thankful that they at least seemed on board with the idea. "But I know for certain that threats don't work on Adagio. She's old, wise and powerful, even with our now limited magic. Threatening her will only ensure as much harm come to the school as possible."

"I know!" Sonata chirped excitedly. "Dagi likes being adored. It's her main fixation or whatever, it's the whole reason we came here in the first place!"

Aria tapped her chin thoughtfully. "The moron's right," she mused. "Dag was the last born of seventeen guppies. She didn't get as much attention as her siblings and has craved affection and attention for millennia. When she saw that Equestrian Magic from the Fall Formal, her first thought was to use it to make everyone adore us. If you can make her feel like she's appreciated, she's bound to lower her walls and let you have your way with her."

"Flattery, then?" Celestia murmured. "Well, that will certainly be a new approach to our seduction style."

"I do wonder if we can be more gentle," Luna agreed. "So often, we must punish rougher students and intimidation is necessary to get them to comply. If what they say about Miss Dazzle's reaction to intimidation is true, it would be a wonderful way to try new methods."

"And ya don't gotta worry about keeping with the stimulation thing," Aria added. "Once she's had her first orgasm, she'll be more open to the pleasure."

Celestia leaned back in her seat and folded her hands. "Very well, Miss Blaze, Miss Dusk. We will do what we can for Miss Dazzle, if it's in the best interest of the school."

"Ooh, this is gonna be great!" Sonata cheered. "Now Dagi will stop mumbling about dynamite in her sleep!" This caused the two principals to stiffen.

"And she can stop testing acid on the damn cats," Aria grumbled as they strode for the door. This made the two 'older' women share an uneasy glance.

"Sister," Luna gulped uneasily. "Something leads me to the assumption that this will be quite the seduction."

"I would hate to consider what would happen to CHS without magical aid," Celestia sighed. "Shall we prepare?"

Luna shot her a mischievous smile and a nod.

"Would Adagio Dazzle please report to Principal Celestia's office? Adagio Dazzle to the principal's office."

The woman in question sighed with an irritated roll of her eyes. She had been contemplating the trajectory with which to throw a tiny paper ball into her geometry teacher's mouth to choke him with it. She had just been calculating his breathing pattern. Now she would need to start all over upon her return.

Standing from her seat, Adagio brushed herself off and sauntered out of the room. She made her way through the halls, studying how sturdy each locker door was in case she wanted to rip one off and use it to-.

"Whoa, there," a smooth voice chuckled as a hand caught her around the waist. Apathetic amethyst eyes looked up to see the blue-haired guitar player she had bumped into. He gave her an easy smile. "You alright? Head was kinda gone for a sec."

Adagio merely nodded and allowed him to set her back on her feet. Moving around her, he tossed a casual wave behind him as he continued on his way. The lead siren watched him, musing how far she could shove his guitar up his ass before he squealed like a pig.

Finally, she arrived at Principal Celestia's office. Knocking politely, Adagio received permission to enter and opened the door. Inside, both Celestia and Luna were waiting for her. Both were sporting small smiles, but Adagio didn't for a second trust them. These were the alternate versions of Equestria's princesses, after all. Behind those smiles were thousands of torture methods for any kind of being known to this world.

Principal Celestia gestured to the chair in front of her desk. "Hello, Adagio. Please, have a seat."

Adagio slowly lowered herself into the chair and crossed her legs primly. She hoped this ended quickly. The students in her class might actually praise her for getting rid of that monotonous drone they have for a teacher. Adagio herself could teach the class if she was so inclined. She was snapped from her thoughts by Vice Principal Luna clearing her throat behind her.

"Adagio," Principal Celestia murmured calmly. "We've called you here to talk about your actions during the Battle of the Bands." Adagio rolled her eyes and merely stared down at the polished surface of the desk. She wondered how many splinters she could get it into and if it would be enough to set the office on fire.

"While we are loath to condone or encourage such behavior," Vice Principal Luna said softly, placing a gentle hand on the woman's shoulder and rubbing slightly. "We are incredibly impressed at the mastery of manipulation you showed."

This caught the yellow woman's attention. "You… you are?" Neither principal missed the tiny note of hope in the otherwise doubtful voice. It was clear the woman before them absolutely craved to be recognized and showered with some form of affection. "Even though I controlled your minds?"

"As far as we know," Principal Celestia hummed. "No one was physically hurt during the ordeal. And since everyone blames their actions on your magic, no lasting harm came from the verbal assault the students waged against one another. Therefore, we are inclined to commend you on such intricate mind work."

"Indeed," Luna husked, now using both hands to massage the lead siren's shoulders. "You planned so much of it out that I'm certain the Rainbooms only won based on sheer luck."

"They… they used Sunset Shimmer," Adagio purred quietly, leaning into the muscular hands rubbing away the tension of the last century. "We would have succeeded had she not come to their rescue."

Principal Celestia released a soft chuckle as she stood. Speaking in a soothing tone, she cooed, "We know, Adagio. And because of that, we are almost sorry they saved us. Such meticulous planning and preparation, all gone to waste because of a single unforeseen factor. It must have been exhausting, recovering from such an event."

"I was bedridden for a day or two with a massive headache." Adagio released a contented sigh as a white hand stroked soothingly through her voluminous golden locks. "I couldn't fathom how we lost to those infants."

The 'young' woman was melting into their hands, greedily soaking up their praise. The amount of truth in Aria's words over how starved for recognition her leader was almost made the two principals break right then. How could any child be so depraved for affection, she would even accept it from those who should hate her?

"Well, Miss Dazzle," Vice Principal Luna cleared her throat softly. "Perhaps there is something Celestia and I can offer you as a small penance for the hours of preparation you lost?"

Adagio eyed the two women warily, wondering what they could have in store for her. This must all have been a trick. They wanted to relax her so the punishment for her actions would seem that much harsher.

Seeing the petite woman beginning to tense up again, Principal Celestia gave her a gentle smile. "Allow the two of us to worship you as you deserve. You are a queen, a goddess, after all. Perhaps we can show you how much we adore that marvelous brain of yours?"

There it was. Faint and weak, but still shining in the hot pink eyes was a glimmer of hope. Adagio wanted so badly to allow them to do as they said, but the wariness from years of paranoia still made her hesitate. "Why do you want to treat me so well? What do you want in return?"

"No repayment required, Adagio," Celestia told her calmly. "It has been a fantasy of ours to lay with a goddess, and here she is, with the body of perfection and the mind of utmost intelligence."

"We wish only to show you how much we appreciate you coming back to be our student," Luna agreed nonchalantly. "If you're not busy tonight, we would love to have you over. Say around eight?"

"Well…" Adagio bit her lip a moment. "I don't… suppose it could hurt…"

Principal Celestia clapped her hands together gleefully. "Wonderful! Here is our address. Be sure to come alone, dear. "

Adagio nodded and stood, making her way toward the door. Before she left, she heard Luna call after her, "And do be sure to eat dinner beforehand, Miss Dazzle. We want to dive right into dessert when you arrive."

As the door shut behind her, Adagio glanced to the little slip in her hand. They wanted to worship her. She would get the attention she deserved, from Celestia and Luna no less. A small smirk curled her lips. She hoped this wouldn't be a waste of time as her other recent escapades had been. Slipping the paper into her pocket, Adagio made her way back to class, mind focused on something other than killing her teacher.

"Did you see her, Tia?" Luna sighed as she leaned against her sister's desk.

"For anyone to be so desperate for affection," Principal Celestia shook her head. "It breaks my heart."

Luna tapped a finger for a moment. "If this operation is successful, and she needs the release to stop her destruction, perhaps we could give her the affection she craves."

"It is certainly worth a try." Celestia shrugged. "The poor woman needs to know that she is appreciated." A slow smirk spread across her lips as she thought of the swaying, supple body that had just left. "And appreciated she will be."


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Adagio couldn't quite describe the buzzing of her body when she was expecting sex. No matter how many times she felt it, she had never been able to put words to it. Still, it was nice to have the sensation return to her after being without it for so long.

Currently, she prepared for her meet up with the heads of Canterlot High that night. From what she had heard in passing from some of the more delinquent-oriented groups of the school, the two women could drive someone all night without tiring. That alone had increased her hope that they would be able to give her what she craved.

A quick glance to the clock at her bedside told her it was seven thirty. It would only take about ten minutes to walk to the principal's home and she had eaten half an hour before. Nodding, Adagio applied the last bit of gloss to her lips and examined herself in her room's full-length mirror. She had decided to go with a floor-length, deep purple, strapless gown. The velvety fabric hugged against her hips and accentuated the curve of her thighs. Her shoulders were left bare to emphasize her flawless skin and slender frame. Completing the attire were a pair of black strap heels, laced up her calves.

Adagio didn't bother grabbing any jewelry, knowing it could end up broken in the night's activities. Making her way down the stairs, the flaxen woman sauntered to the first floor. Aria and Sonata were down there playing videogames, both turning to her as she came into view. Sonata paused the game and grinned at her leader.

"Wow, Dagi, you got a date tonight?" she giggled.

"Whoever the lucky guy is, he better put out," Aria whistled. "Don't think I've seen ya this dressed up in decades."

Adagio smiled at her cohorts. "I'll be certain to pass along your sentiments," she murmured. "Now, I've got to go or I'll be late."

"We won't wait up for you!" Aria called as the door shut. Once their friend was gone, the pair shared a victorious high five and went back to their game, much happier now that they didn't have to worry about the house being burned down.

Adagio made her way along the streets of Canterlot, paying no attention to the teens still out on this warm Friday night. Even the catcallers didn't bother her as she made her way to her destination. The closer she drew, the more excited she became, until she was a ball of nerves standing on the porch of the principals' home. Knocking politely, Adagio heard movement from inside before the door opened.

"Miss Dazzle." Vice Principal Luna smiled as she opened the door. The younger sister was clad in a tank top and sweatpants. "You're a few minutes early."

Adagio cocked an eyebrow with a slight smirk. "Forgive me, Vice Principal Luna. I found myself… overeager."

"No need to apologize," Luna told her calmly, gesturing for her to come inside. "Celestia and I were just finishing up preparations."

"By all means, don't let me stop you." Adagio glanced around the tastefully furnished home. She wondered how many of the classical paintings would fit into a single fire pit. Did they have a basement? If so, the pit might have to be dug out back-.

"Adagio, you came." Principal Celestia's voice broke through her anarchial thoughts and Adagio turned to find the head of Canterlot High in a pair of black shorts and a deep blue tank top, the most lax clothing the lead siren had ever seen her in.

"Not quite yet, Principal Celestia," the flaxen woman purred. "I was hoping the pair of you could help me with that little detail."

Both 'older' women laughed at the joke and Celestia motioned to the plush green couch in the sitting room. "Care to take a seat? Luna can keep you company while I finish preparing for your arrival."

Adagio took her seat and found herself quickly joined by Luna. Her natural warning receptors were going off and hot pink eyes narrowed suspiciously on the younger sister. These women had seduced many to their beds before. She had no doubts that she was merely another conquest for them. The only problem was that she couldn’t figure out why she had been chosen. Luna gave her a small smile and sighed slightly.

"You needn't be worried, Miss Dazzle," she said slowly. "We have no intention of harming you. While we are upset at how your talents were used during your first appearance at our school, we truly are astounded at your mind power. You are an intelligent young woman, and your mind could do wonderful things for the world."

Adagio didn't have a chance to respond as Celestia appeared in the doorway at that moment. She smiled at the pair and crooked a finger in Adagio's direction. "Sorry to keep you waiting, Adagio," the head of the school purred gently as both women before her stood. "We just wanted to make sure everything was ready for your comfort."

"We weren't lying, after all," Luna whispered, placing a calming hand at her student's back. "We wish to worship every inch of your glorious form."

Her hand began rubbing soothing circles into Adagio's back as the yellow siren came to a stop in front of Celestia. The tallest of the trio leaned down, snaking her hands along the slender shoulders of the songstress, and pulled her closer. Adagio huffed as warmth invaded her body from the contact and she wondered if they had cast some kind of spell on her.

Celestia pressed her lips to Adagio's forehead as Luna's lips found a home trailing her neck. The youngest of the sirens gasped as the contact sent a small dose of heat through her. It had been too long since her body had been wracked by these sensations. Cooing in approval of the attention, Adagio was caught off guard as Celestia's lips moved to cover her own.

A soft growl built in the small woman's throat. It was in her siren nature to be dominant. She was the most competitive of her nest, an heir to her family's legacy. Adagio loved nothing more than crushing a challenge. Celestia's eyes widened as a dainty hand tangled in her hair, dexterous fingers scratching at her scalp in encouragement. Adagio wanted her to keep the challenge? Well then, it was time to turn things up a bit.

Luna, meanwhile, had taken to allowing her hands to explore the curvaceous body before her. Her hands splayed over a toned stomach and down to caress wide, ever-swaying hips. Adagio moaned into Celestia's mouth, the principal having thrust her tongue into the smaller woman's mouth to continue their battle of dominance. Luna could feel her sweatpants tightening slightly as the sound awakened her snoozing member, heat rushing to her cock the more her hands slid over the virile body.

Celestia was in much the same situation. The fight she was having with Adagio was giving her a real challenge. The siren, no doubt versed in many years of lovemaking, continually broke her concentration by nibbling the taller woman's bottom lip, swirling her tongue behind Celestia's teeth, sucking her tongue and doing any manner of things to gain the upper hand. Celestia had to admit she was impressed as her shaft began to stiffen from the seductress' ministrations.

The kiss, while pleasurable, was beginning to bore Adagio. There was only so much pleasure she could glean from such an activity. After a while, it became repetitive.

Celestia sensed a slowing in Adagio's lip work and grinned, pulling back. Running a hand down the siren's side to grasp her waist, the taller woman husked, "Why don't we move this to the bedroom? It's all ready for you."

Adagio nodded and, with a sweep of her hand, indicated for them to lead her onward. As Celestia strode up the stairs, Vice Principal Luna lifted Adagio into a bridal carry and entangled the siren in another passionate kiss, the pair fighting fiercely for dominance. While the kiss with Celestia had been similar to a friendly spar, being in a lock with Luna reminded Adagio of a fierce war she had caused some time ago. Her blood hummed happily at the enthusiasm of the younger adult.

Celestia watched the pair of them with a grin, running her hands along Adagio's waist and hips. Gradually, her hands made their way up to their student's shoulders and began rubbing at the tense muscles there. The flaxen woman gave a loud groan as white fingers dug into all of the right spots to knead the knots from her aching shoulders. Heat sliced up and down Adagio's body at the ministrations of the two women working on her together.

A zipping sound drew Luna and Adagio into a stalemate as Luna set the diva on her feet so the garment could drop to the ground, revealing the lacy black lingerie underneath. Luna took in the new landscape hungrily as something warm and soft pressed against Adagio's back, a pair of arms encircling her. Without either of the other two women having noticed, Celestia had taken off her tank top and her hands now trailed burning paths up the lead siren's abdomen, coming up to massage the modest mounds at Adagio's chest. Hips wider than even her own ground against Adagio's backside, emphasizing the bump in the front of the shorts Celestia wore. Adagio licked her lips at the prospect of having such an endowment plunge into her waiting core.

Luna appeared to have the same idea as she removed her shirt and moved to sandwich Adagio between herself and her sister. A groan filled the air as Luna ground herself against Adagio's thigh, eliciting a soft whimper from the needy siren. Luna lowered her lips to the yellow woman's neck once more, giving soft nips along the amber flesh and only stoking the fire building in the pit of Adagio's stomach.

Tired of all the teasing and wanting to get to some more intense action, Adagio glanced around the room quickly and located the bed. Pushing herself backward, the siren broke from Luna's grasp and toppled Celestia onto the cushiony mattress. Twisting her body, Adagio fell front first onto the startled woman, grinning down at her with the slightest semblance of her old wicked smirk returning.

Darting forward, Adagio attached her lips to Celestia's throat, suckling at the alabaster flesh hungrily. Celestia hummed in appreciation of the attention, her fingers tangling in the soft golden curls as Luna checked the preparations. Throughout that week, they'd gotten texts from Aria and Sonata. Aria's text simply read 'BONDAGE!' Sonata had decided to be more descriptive, listing several sex toys she knew Adagio enjoyed. As an aside, she had added that gold or violet were the best colors.

Once she was certain everything was in order, Luna turned to where Adagio was marking her new territory and cleared her throat. The siren glanced to her expectantly and Luna held up a pair of fluffy violet handcuffs. A bright light popped behind Adagio's eyes and Luna smiled. "If it's alright with you, Adagio, we would like a chance to worship you for a bit?"

A warning bell rang in the siren leader's mind, reminding her of who she was with. Luna noticed her hesitation and smiled soothingly. "We won't do anything to hurt you, Adagio. Everything will be done only with your permission." Hearing that, Adagio's worries loosened a bit and she nodded.

As Luna cuffed the flaxen woman to the headboard, Celestia regained her breath and explained, "The safe word is 'banana', just in case you want to stop at any point during the night."

"Understood," Adagio replied, testing the handcuffs against the bedframe.

Celestia smiled as she reached over the side of the bed and retrieved a yellow vibrator. "Luna?" She glanced to her younger sister. "Would you like to have the first taste?"

"I would love nothing more, Tia," Luna beamed, accepting the vibrator and moving closer to the prone woman bound to the bed. She quickly removed Adagio's heels before sliding the black lace from the siren's body.

Glistening folds revealed themselves to the sisters, swollen and bright pink. It did not escape Luna's notice that Adagio's clit was already beginning to peek out from its hood, pulsing in time with the woman's heartbeat and practically dripping with anticipation. This would be a wonderful treat.

Licking her lips, the blue-haired woman leaned down and dug her tongue between the damp folds of Adagio's lower lips, drawing a groan from the receiver of the attention. For her part, Luna released a pleased sigh at the musky, earthy taste, a hint of salt hitting her tongue, no doubt from Adagio's connection to the ocean. Clicking the vibrator to life, Luna pressed the humming object directly over where the siren's swollen button was moving further into view. She was rewarded with a sharp jerk from the yellow woman above her, a higher, longer groan tearing from those sweet lips.

Celestia watched her sister enjoy her meal, lavishing her tongue through the new territory. She bit her lip as her shorts tightened further. Moving to lie beside the mewling woman cuffed to the bed, Celestia placed a gentle kiss to a slender throat as her hands slid over a narrow waist and cupped onto Adagio's breasts once more. Experienced fingers found the siren leader's aching nipples and tweaked them, pulling a bit roughly as they twisted them around.

Adagio gasped desperately as her body took in the feeling of the two women working on her at once. The sensations wracking her form from the vibrator and Luna's tireless tongue sent pulses of energy from her nethers to her head, joining the tingling from Celestia's hands massaging her breasts. Sweat pooled on her stomach as the singer writhed beneath the two sisters. With the two of them working her this way, it would be no time before she reached orgasm.

Luna smiled up at Celestia as the two of them moved to the next phase. Celestia grinned as she gripped Adagio's chin, bringing her into another, fiercer kiss than before. As her tongue swept into the defenseless woman's mouth, one of Celestia's hands slid downward and circled the sensitive area of Adagio's bellybutton. Meanwhile, Luna snuck a hand behind her treat and grabbed a handful of supple flesh, squeezing a plump cheek excitedly.

That did it. Between Celestia teasing her sweet spot and Luna's fingers just brushing over her secret trigger, Adagio couldn't take it. Back arching off the bed, the youngest siren released a soft scream as her body began to glow. Celestia and Luna watched her curiously, noting the strain she was putting on their bed. Adagio groaned as heat sliced up and down her spine, tingling from her head to her toes. Her fingertips stung slightly as her jaw lengthened slightly to accommodate her lengthening teeth. As her high wound down, Adagio felt a familiar weight on her body.

Luna glanced to her sister before reaching over to stroke what appeared to be scales covering a large portion of Adagio's body. The woman in question shivered at the contact, purring happily. "Well, this is interesting," Celestia murmured. "These scales are gorgeous."

"I used to tend them every day in Equestria," Adagio told her breathlessly. Slowly, she leaned up and both adults stared in shock. The cuffs were still secured around her wrists, but their broken chain hung from them in pieces. "Now," the siren leader grinned, showing off a mouth full of pristine, sharp teeth. "Why don't we move on to the main course?"

Main Course

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Adagio slid to Luna, straddling her lap and grinding herself down on the blue woman's crotch. Luna sucked in a hissing gasp as the alluring woman pressed against her almost painful erection. Neither she nor Celestia knew how they had managed to last this long without taking off their bottoms, but it was clear their new lover wasn't going to let them stay that way for very long.

"Poor Luna," Adagio purred, stroking her claws gently over Luna's shoulders and down her back. "Those pesky sweatpants must be getting so hot and uncomfortable." She thrust her hips forward in a slow, deliberate roll against the bulge in Luna's lap, gaining a whimper from the poor vp. "Why don't we take them off and have some fun?"

Adagio's hands trailed down Luna's body until they reached the waistband of her sweatpants. With agonizingly slow movements, Adagio slid her fingers under the elastic, purposefully brushing her fingertips against the bulge at Luna’s waist as she glided the sweatpants down the second-in-command’s toned legs. It was all Luna could do not to jerk her hips into Adagio’s hand.

Once the pesky fabric was on the floor, Adagio’s eyes alighted on the tent in Luna’s boxers. Not bothering the be slow about it, she relieved Luna of her underwear and licked her lips at the sight waiting for her. The girthy erection bobbed slightly with each pulse of Luna’s heartbeat, clear liquid smeared around the head and dripping down the length. Oh, this would be good.

Without waiting, the siren reached out and grasped the shaft of her prize, eliciting a sharp thrust from Luna. The rough texture of the scales now covering Adagio’s hands wasn’t as painful as Luna expected it to be. The scales were oddly soft despite their firmness, and each ridge sent shudders through Luna’s body. Adagio smiled and gave the member a slow stroke, gauging the vice principal’s reaction.

Celestia moved closer at a soft moan from her sister. Wrapping an arm around Luna’s shoulders, the older adult watched Adagio work. The siren’s hand moved in swift strokes up toward Luna’s tip before dragging itself back down toward her base. Each upward stroke brought a needy thrust from Luna and each move downward drew a soft groan from the blunette’s lips.

Suddenly, warmth flooded Celestia’s chest and she gasped as both she and Luna were pushed backward. Adagio had attached her lips to one of the oldest woman’s nipples as she shifted into a more comfortable position. As one hand worked Luna’s cock into aching hardness, the other accompanied Adagio’s mouth, kneading and massaging the unattended mound at Celestia’s chest. Gasps tore from the alabaster woman’s throat as her hips humped the air. Her arms were pinned too high to remove her shorts, hindered by Adagio’s knee. The woman in question rubbed her slick clit against Luna’s tip as she continued rubbing along the cock filling her hand.

Each sister was going mad with want. It was only a matter of time. Adagio smirked as she sped up the hand around Luna’s member, drawing a desperate ‘please!’ from the prone woman. Celestia wasn’t fairing much better, having resorted to grinding on Adagio’s leg to relieve some of the pressure in her nethers.

The coil in the pit of Luna’s stomach tightened, along with the waiting sacs beneath her pelvis. Tingles spread from her head to her toes, a fire roaring through her as she finally felt the pressure snap. A rushing feeling soared from her balls up to the tip of her shaft and the blue-haired woman threw her head back against her sister’s shoulder with a scream. Hips bucking wildly, Luna released a string of cum across Adagio’s stomach, the tingles coursing through her body and shuddering up her spine. Another string made it as high as Adagio’s ribs, painting the sunny skin with a white stripe. A few more thrusts brought spurts onto Adagio’s stomach and Luna’s own abdomen before the gasping woman slowed her hips, chest heaving.

Adagio grinned, scooping a bit of the spunk onto her thumb and swiping it across her tongue for a quick taste. Salty and musky, just like a stallion. Now that Luna had been taken care of, the wheat-skinned woman turned her attention to the unsatisfied sister. Celestia drew in soft pants as she calmed herself. Well, there would be no need for that.

With a swift pull, Adagio freed the bobbing, creamy member held back by the shorts. Whereas Luna had more girth, Celestia’s endowment was longer. A soft pulse vibrated through Adagio’s lower lips and up her spine. She reached out and caressed the slick member, coating it further in its own precum. Celestia couldn’t contain a gasp as fire spread through her from the touch; just enough to get her riled, but not enough to bring her further to the edge.

Wrapping her hand around Celestia’s musky shaft, Adagio gave it a few pumps, just to be sure it was ready for her. Once the cock stood at attention for her, the siren lifted herself up and straddled Celestia’s waist. Gripping the length so she didn’t miss, Adagio used her free hand to spread her soaking folds so she could lower the winking pinkness onto the waiting member. Two moans intermingled in the air as the young woman plunged herself onto her new lover.

Luna watched as muscular thighs flexed for a moment before lifting up. Licking her lips, she sat up and drew her hands along Adagio’s sides, stroking the petite woman’s stomach and chest as Adagio brought herself back down on Celestia’s length. Soft gasps and groans filled the air as Adagio sped up slightly, her legs working to keep her moving overtop the prone principal.

Another set of hands snaked their way up Adagio’s legs and the siren’s eyes flew to Celestia in surprise. A mischievous smirk greeted her as Celestia sat up and gripped yellow hips firmly. With a single thrust upward, the ivory-skinned woman brought Adagio’s hips down on her length fully, filling the smaller woman as much as she could. A soft cry tore itself from Adagio’s throat as Celestia guided her into a steadier rhythm, thrusting upward each time she brought Adagio down.

Unwilling to be outdone, Adagio leaned forward, smearing Luna’s cum across Celestia’s body with each thrust as she reached herself up to snag the principal’s lips. Celestia, always down for a challenge, dipped her head to swipe her tongue between Adagio’s lips, engaging the siren in another battle.

As she did so, Luna decided to try out a hunch she had earlier. Fingers circling Adagio’s bellybutton, the night blue woman stroked her free hand along her length, covering herself with what cum remained on her. Once she was sufficiently slick enough, Luna moved closer and brought both hands to the supple, round cheeks bouncing before her. Moving slowly, she pushed into an even tighter hole than what her sister was currently pounding. Her breath hissed through her teeth as she was met with little resistance, Adagio relaxing herself to accept Luna quickly.

Once inside, Luna took a moment to appreciate the way the ridges hugged every inch of her. Tongue sliding up the back of Adagio’s neck, Luna set a steady pace, hips slapping against the siren’s firm ass as one of her hands went to the younger woman’s chest and the other back to circling Adagio’s bellybutton.

All of the sensations assaulted Adagio’s mind as she fought against Celestia’s tongue. The sisters had set up an opposite rhythm, with Luna going in whenever Celestia pulled out. There wasn’t a moment when Adagio didn’t feel completely filled up. Her chest arched against Celestia’s as she pushed more of her soft flesh into Luna’s hand, her hips grinding down on Celestia’s hips with each thrust downward. She could feel Celestia bobbing inside her, with Luna’s thrusts coming faster as well. The pressure in her own stomach was the only indicator she had that she would burst, and soon.

Celestia pulled back, knowing she wouldn’t last much longer. After being pent up for so long, she was lucky she had held out as long as she had. With a swift glance to Luna, she pulled Adagio’s hair aside. Her sister gave her a quick nod and the pair of them lunged forward, lips attached to either side of the siren’s neck as they sped their thrusts, working in sync to bring Adagio to completion.

Sunlight burst before Adagio’s eyes as her entire body exploded in one of the most blissful sensations she’d ever felt. Every muscle in her lower body clenched as the coil snapped together and ricocheted through her, sending shock after shock of pleasure through her. With a deep gasp, the flaxen woman threw her head back against Luna and released a high scream, her body spasming as her nails dug into Celestia’s arms for dear life.

That was all the sisters needed to join her. Celestia crashed first, so ready to explode after all the teasing. With a few angled thrusts, the ivory woman gave one last thrust upward, her member pulsing inside of Adagio as she released string after string of cum into the siren’s waiting cavern. Her muscles clenched and her hands tightened on Adagio’s hips. There would be bruises in the morning, no doubt, but Celestia couldn’t bring herself to care too much when the gorgeous woman on top of her was clinging to her so tightly.

Luna came last, having built up a bit more stamina after being taken care of by Adagio earlier. She sank her teeth into the pale throat in front of her as her cock released another load, this time spilling into Adagio, painting her insides white as she kept thrusting, wanting to garner as much pleasure for them all as she could.

At last, Adagio collapsed against Celestia, drawing in deep gulps of air as she clung to the taller woman’s sticky body. Luna rolled to the side and Celestia lay Adagio between them, gently pulling out and sandwiching the siren’s other side. All three of them gasped for breath, hearts pounding out of their chests.

After a few seconds, Luna glanced down and found their guest cuddled against her chest and dozing slightly. With a soft chuckle, she retrieved the blanket from the floor where it had fallen and covered the three of them up. With the added weight atop her, Adagio slowed her breathing. Celestia moved closer and cuddled against Adagio’s back, her arms wrapping around her other two bedmates. Slowly, they all fell into sleep, Adagio’s hand resting on Luna’s stomach as she did.


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Luna’s eyes snapped awake as she felt something she usually didn’t wake up to. Warm wetness enveloped the tip of her cock, her head pulsing with her heartbeat as the soft lips surrounding it flexed and lowered. With a soft moan, Luna looked down to find Adagio lazily licking and sucking at her tip, amethyst eyes watching her calmly.

A movement off to the side caught Luna’s attention and the dark-haired woman looked over to find a clawed hand stroking her sister’s shaft. The tips of Adagio’s fingers rubbed circles into the sensitive flesh and Celestia was already at half mast despite still being asleep. Luna was brought back to Adagio by the softest of nips on her thigh.

“It’s rude to ignore a woman trying to please you, Luna.”

The vice principal shuddered at the husky tone in the other woman’s voice. There was an undertone of danger, but it only added to the sensuality of the words. Cyan eyes were now pinned to Adagio as the siren moved herself up slightly. At this angle, Luna could watch every stroke of Adagio’s webbed fingers, the slender digits flexing around her shaft.

A soft groan beside her clued her in to her sister’s waking state. Celestia’s hips ground into the warm, rough hand wrapped around her. She certainly couldn’t argue with waking up this way, especially not when the blunt side of a claw teased the base of her shaft on every upward stroke.

Slowly, the school head opened her eyes and glanced down. Adagio’s eyes twinkled up at her as she used her mouth and her free hans to pleasure Luna. Well, that hardly seemed fair.

Lifting up, Celestia stopped Adagio’s hand on her shaft. Luna froze as Adagio’s lips tightened momentarily. However, the pressure lifted after a few seconds and Adagio continued her task, watching Celestia curiously. What did the crafty woman have planned this time?

Celestia crawled down the bed until she was level with Adagio’s waist. Pressing a hand to the flaxen woman’s stomach, Celestia lifted the siren up so she could slide underneath of her. Being taller than Adagio, Celestia’s cock landed right where Adagio’s free hand was. She smirked as she leaned up. A pleasant musk filled her nose, cum from their earlier romp still dripping with Adagio’s renewed arousal. This would be a treat.

Luna groaned as Adagio’s movements slowed. It had been so long since someone had sucked her off. She just needed those sweet lips to continue for a little longer.

Adagio reached for Celestia’s shaft, her lower lips quivering with every breath that broke against them. As her fingers made contact, so did Celestia’s tongue, sending a jolt through the siren’s body. Her throat tightened around Luna’s head and the blue woman’s hips jerked, her hands flying to the voluminous curls.

Celestia’s tongue explored the soaked pinkness before her, Adagio grinding her hips down onto the welcome membrane. Each suck up on Luna’s shaft was accompanied by two desperate moans and a thrust of Celestia’s hips into Adagio’s hand. The wet slurp of Adagio’s blowjob filled the room, along with whispered profanities from Luna and the lapping of Celestia’s tongue.

Luna caved first, the combination of Adagio’s throat constricting around her head and the siren’s moans vibrating her shaft finally doing the poor woman in. Just like earlier, Luna felt the telltale tightening in her sacs, her cock bobbing in Adagio’s mouth as warmth enveloped her body. A shrill moan filled the air as Luna’s toes curled. Her hips thrust up, keeping her locked in Adagio’s throat as her cum shot up her shaft and right down the yellow woman’s throat.

A shudder slid down Adagio’s back as she swallowed string after string of the musky spunk. Her eyes darkened at the thought of having a belly full of cum, from the principals no less. As soon as Luna’s climax wound down, Adagio licked her clean and immediately set her sights on her other prize.

Celestia gasped as a hot pair of lips descended on her unsuspecting head. She was not going to last if Adagio remained there, teasing her sensitive tip with her talented tongue. Taking a deep breath, Celestia reached one of her hands up to grasp a handful of firm, thick flesh. A squeal was her response and the head of CHS smirked. Angling her head slightly so she could reach Adagio’s clit better, Celestia utilized a technique Luna had told her about.

Adagio didn’t notice it at first, but it was hard to miss the second ‘a’. A groan escaped the siren leader when she realized Celestia was spelling her name against her clit. Adagio held up until Celestia got to the double ‘z’ in Dazzle, followed by a long, languid stroke of the tongue for the ‘l’. Heat slashed through every cell of the flaxen woman’s body, converging at her stomach and exploding through her once again.

Celestia lost herself in the heady scent of ocean swirling around her, Adagio’s cum dripping all along her lips and dribbling down her cheeks. The pent-up woman ached, the tightening in her stomach begging to be released. Adagio slammed her mouth over Celestia’s cock and the alabaster woman threw her head back with a scream. Adagio’s cum splashed her neck as Celestia thrust into the siren’s throat, pumping her cum right down and sending Adagio spiraling into another orgasm.

As Celestia lay in the afterglow of her climax, Luna leaned above her and licked up Adagio’s cum. Aftershocks rippled through the spent siren, making her whimper slightly. Gently, Luna lifted Adagio from overtop her sister and brought the siren close in an embrace. Celestia climbed up on Adagio’s other side, once again sandwiching the siren between them. The trio gently drifted into sleep, Adagio snuggling into Luna’s side. As the siren slipped into the darkness, she transformed fully back into her human self, a satisfied smile curling her lips.

Normal Morning

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Adagio hummed as she awoke the next morning. Her front was cuddled into something warm and something equally as warm pressed against her back. A flaccid length lay on her thigh as a lithe leg wrapped over her hip. Two pairs of strong, gentle arms held her close and Adagio purred contentedly.

"Someone seems happy, Lulu," a raspy voice chuckled from over her head. The thigh over her hip shifted slightly.

"Mm," another voice replied, the shaft on Adagio's thigh twitching slightly. "I believe she has cause to be, Tia. It has been a while since a student drove us so hard in a single night."

"Agreed," Celestia yawned, her arms tightening around Adagio's waist. "A wonderful workout, I think. What about you, Adagio?"

The siren in question merely shifted to press herself closer to Luna, hands splaying on the younger sister's stomach. The two adults chuckled and Celestia stretched without removing herself from Adagio. Once she settled back in place, Luna took her turn. Adagio whined slightly as the middle adult pulled away from her slightly, but Celestia silenced her protests by pulling her closer. Slowly, the eldest in the bed sat them up, bringing Adagio into her lap.

“I would say that went well,” Celestia murmured, stroking her fingers through Adagio’s wilder than usual bedhead. “I wouldn’t be opposed to inviting you over more often, Adagio.”

“Indeed,” Luna agreed as she also sat up. “We can try out the toys we didn’t get the chance to last night.”

“That would be lovely,” Adagio responded, her tone light, if a bit raspy. She pulled back and smiled up at Celestia with the hints of a smirk. “I’m sure you’re more flexible than you’re letting on.”

A laugh filled the air as Celestia gathered the younger woman in her arms and stood. “You’ve no idea,” she snickered. “Luna and I were cheerleaders after all. I’m sure we’ve got a few tricks we can still show you.”

This piqued the yellow woman’s interest. “Really?” she asked, drawing out the word. “Well, maybe I have a few things to show you as well. Aria insisted on gymnastics classes a few years back. Perhaps we could both put our skills to use.”

“If it pleases you to come back,” Luna agreed with a dip of her head. “There are many ways to worship a goddess. We would be honored to show you each and every one of them.”

Adagio’s gaze traveled over the night blue woman’s body, settling on her length at half mast. Luna followed her gaze and gave a hearty chuckle. “Perhaps we can show you something after breakfast?”

“And during a shower,” Celestia added from beside Adagio’s ear. “After all, we would hate for you to leave unsatisfied.”

Adagio merely grinned as she allowed Celestia to carry her from the room.

“I’m home!” Adagio called as she stepped through the front door. Because her dress was a crumpled mess after the night’s activities, she had borrowed some of Luna’s clothing to head home in and just decided on returning barefoot. Tossing her clothing to the side upon entering, the lead siren strode for the kitchen, knowing it was about the usual time her friends had breakfast on a Saturday.

“So?” Aria smirked, raising an eyebrow as her friend came into view. “How’d it go?”

Adagio settled into her usual chair and smiled. “It went well. They invited me back for another night, should I feel the urge to see them again in the future.”

“Sounds like you’ve got a keeper for once!” Sonata chirped around a mouthful of food.

“Yes,” Adagio said lowly. “Yes, I guess I do. At least, until they die and I have to find someone else.”

‘That’s probably a while away, though,” Aria shrugged, leaning back in her chair. “So long as you’re feelin’ good, I doubt it matters how long they live anyway.”

Her leader nodded for a moment before an odd look passed over her expression. After a moment, she asked, “So, exactly how and why did you two have the principals fuck me into oblivion?”

Aria and Sonata froze, turning slowly to face their leader. Adagio’s lips pulled into her usual smirk, eyes narrowed at them. Even though her mind was clear now, Adagio still had her wicked streak. It was just tamer once her mind was clear. And she could use it more effectively that way too. Her friends gulped, wondering how they would get out of this one.