New Meaning for Rigor Mortis

by grey mane

First published

Request for ELZZombie featuring Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia, and some ghosts.

Going for a jog Rainbow Dash comes across a run down abandon home covered in overgrowth, taking the time to examine the home Rainbow soon finds herself trapped within till sunrise. One long night alone in a haunted abandoned home, Rainbow will learn how restless the dead can truly become.

This story is a request for the amazing artist ELZZombie.
Fetish warning: This story contains the following mild rape, group sex, some public nudity, male on female, female on female, futa on female, and voyeurism.

Phantom Fucking

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As the sun began to set in Ponyville a cyan colored mare, with a rainbow mane and tail, jogged through the streets gaining her last bit of exercise for the day. Her well toned body was accented by what little bit of curves she had, stopping for a moment to catch her breath she stretched her body. Hearing the sounds of wolf whistles and a couple of stallions talking about her body only made her smile.

In reaction to their antics she pulled down on the collar of her sports bra ever so slightly, just to get a reaction out of them as they tried to take a peek at her cleavage.

“Sorry boys.” She smiled as they tried to hide their growing erections, “But you’ll have to buy me dinner first.” Turning her back towards them she gave her ass a small rub as she walked while swaying her hips, “And even then you’d have to prove you’re worth my time.” Taking off once again Rainbow looked back and smiled as she caught a glimpse of them staring at her ass.

Coming near the end of an easy five mile jog, Rainbow stopped and placed her hand slightly over her eyes. The vibrant burning hues of the setting sun against the evening sky bid her a farewell as the night slowly followed, turning her back to the setting sun Rainbow looked towards some overgrowth. With a slight frown and a sigh she wondered how it would look if somepony worked on the landscape.

Just beyond that Rainbow faintly spotted an old wooden door hidden behind the brush, walking up the signs of an old abandoned building soon began to show themselves. A few windows had been knocked out, some of the outer walls were starting to rot way, and the roof was even missing a few patches of hay shingles here and there. Pushing on the old door she could hear the creaking of the rust covered hinges, as she forced the old door open bit by bit Rainbow worried it would fall off.

Once the opening was wide enough Rainbow slipped in and marveled at the sight of the old building. Walking around the dust and cobweb covered home she pondered who had lived there, and where they had gone or why they left. The biggest question she had was why they had left all their things, their furniture, clothes, even kitchen items were all still where they had been left.

Walking through the kitchen Rainbow began to hear faint creaking noses, each one slowly coming after each other. As she listened her heart began to race, causing her to freeze in place as she focused on the noise. Slowly she moved her hoof forward trying to keep quiet and sneak out of the kitchen, as her hoof pressed down on the floor she heard the sound once again causing her to sigh and laugh.

“Come on Dash,” She whispered while slowly shaking her head, “don’t become scared of your shadow. You’re not Fluttershy after all.” Thinking of Fluttershy she blushed while continuing to walk through the house, “Although…” Biting her lower lip she cupped her breasts, “if I had her figure in a Wonderbolts uniform.” Picturing the tight outfit hugging such a form, her chest almost popping out as lustful stallions and mares cheered at the sight.

And how the jealous mares would turn red with a livid anger as their stallions payed her more attention. How great it would be just to flaunt such a figure around, teasing the crowds as she barely opened up to let her sweat covered chest breath.

“Oh but flying would be a problem with a chest like that.” Rainbow groaned as she recalled a few stunts she had Fluttershy attempt a few weeks back, “And those were just the basic of the basic, even Scoots can pull those off without flying.” Hearing a loud banging noise Rainbow jumped into the air hovering for a moment in fear, her train of thought broken she looked around herself only to find a staircase leading up.

At the top she saw a cat and an object on the floor just atop the stairs. With a sigh Rainbow slowly let herself back down, walking up the stairs she cursed the cat for nearly scaring her to death. Once up the stairs Rainbow saw a long corridor to her left, it was heavily decorated in a way that made her think of Rarity.

Smiling as she shook her head Rainbow walked gazing at several of the items, “Rarity, now that mare is the Queen of Cock Teasing.” Finding a dust covered mirror she grabbed what little of a silk curtain still remained, “Oh darling, my hands are magical in more ways than one.” She mocked while giving a poor imitation of Rarity’s voice, “And the things I can do with my fingers are to be desired more.” Busting out into laughter Rainbow leaned against the wall as she tried to catch her breath, “Oh if only Pinkie was here, she can do a better impersonation than I can.”

Panting as she calmed down Rainbow looked into the open room next to the mirror, baffled at how she missed that she squinted her eyes in an attempt to make out shapes. The room was darker than a cloud filled night, and through what little light got in through the corridor allowed for some sight. Just barely out of sight Rainbow could faintly make out a figure standing at least seven feet tall, from where she sat it appeared to either be facing towards or away from her.

Clenching her fists she slowly got up hoping whomever or whatever it was didn’t make a move. Out of the corner of her eye Rainbow saw an old oil lantern half full resting on a small stand, slowly moving to the left of the mirror she reached for the lantern. Keeping her eyes locked on the figure she could hear her own breathing grow heavy and loud, yet all this time it never moved and it never let out a sound.

Picking up the lantern Rainbow took a single second of a chance to look down, next to where the lantern sat was a box of matches covered in dust and cobwebs. Grabbing the matches Rainbow planned out her options, she would light the lantern to see into the room, and if it was another pony she would prepare to be on the defensive should they not be friendly. At best she would break the lantern against their head just to disorient them, with the advantage in her hands she would buck them as hard as she could then leave as fast as she could.

Lighting the flame she carefully moved into the doorway shining the light, at first she saw it was an old storage room. A few boxes here, some rolled up carpets there, and standing where she first saw the figure was a ponyquin buried under an unknown number of blankets and clothes. At the top was a wide brim hat, slightly similar to what she saw Rarity wearing that time she was framed in Canterlot.

“Man if I keep this up I just might scare myself to death.” She sighed walking back out of the room only to be greeted with a faint whisper, “Who’s there?” She called out only to feel her ass and breasts being caressed by a cold touch, shivering from the feeling she walked further down the corridor and looked down the first hall on her right.

At the far end she saw a broken window waiting to greet her, and the leaves on the trees faintly moving in the dying sunlight. As the moved all the more she heard the whisper again followed by the faint caress across her body. Shivering again she rubbed her shoulder with her free hand as she chuckled.

Walking back the way she came Rainbow blushed as she smiled, “I can see why some ponies would get scared in places like this. So many things to freak out over if you let your mind wander.” Going back down stairs Rainbow began to notice how bright the lantern had started to become, looking around for a window she soon saw the shadows from the leaves slowly growing in size.

Each passing moment she took notice that the sun had begun to set, “Better start heading home.” She whispered to herself tugging at her sweat soaked sports bra.

Reaching the last step on the staircase she felt a strong gust of wind brush past her body, as it blew out the light Rainbow heard the slamming of the front door. As she felt around in the dark Rainbow began to feel a cold touch across her legs, slowly it moved up her thighs caressing her ass.

As she shivered she rubbed her shoulders, “Should have stood outside in the sun before coming in.” She groaned trying to warm herself up.

Slowly her hand slid across the wall till she soon found the front door, turning the knob Rainbow began to groan as she pulled on the door.

“Celestia fucking damn it.” She groaned setting her right hoof on the wall next to the door, “It wasn’t this hard earlier.” Giving it her all she soon found herself falling back onto her ass with the knob in hand, “Shame AJ couldn’t be here, I bet she could buck that damn thing in half or off the hinges.” Tossing the knob across the room Rainbow slowly began to pick herself up.

As she stood she felt the cold breeze passing over her body, slowly and calmingly caressing her back and shoulders. Only to wrap around and caress her abs, causing her to cross her arms over her breasts.

“Fuck, I don’t recall any notice about it getting this cold tonight.” Thinking about the storage room on the second floor, Rainbow began to make her way back towards the stairs.

Her first hope was to find something to cover herself with for warmth, then to find a window or another door to help her get out. Recalling the window she found on the second floor, Rainbow picked up the pace hoping to get out faster. Nearing the stairs she soon felt another cold breeze slowly hugging her chest, as it seemed to caress her breasts squeezing them as she felt it teasing her nipples.

As she began to pant Rainbow’s eyes widened as she folded an arm over her breasts, “The wind can’t do that.” She panted feeling that same cold touch caressing her inner thighs slowly moving towards her crotch, “What the hell!” She shouted feeling a pair of fingers rubbing against the fabric of her shorts, pressing against her ever dampening marehood.

Jumping into the air she crossed her legs, ‘Lively, just how I like them.’ A faint voice brushed passed her ear causing Rainbow to blush in both fear, and astonishment she had been felt up by somepony she couldn’t see.

Slowly Rainbow let herself back down keeping her thighs pressed as tightly together as she could manage.

Taking the first step up she soon felt that same hand rubbing her ass, “GOT YA!” She cried out trying to grab the pervert, only to look around in the dark when she found no one, “No pony is that fast, not even me.” She whispered to herself before feeling her legs fall out from under herself.

Flapping her wings Rainbow did what she could to keep from letting her head hit the stairs, ‘Somepony is wanting me’ The voice whispered again as Rainbow soon felt something rubbing against her shorts, ‘Virgin.’ It mocked as it slowly began to remove Rainbow’s shorts.

Quickly grabbing the elastic waistband of her shorts, Rainbow held on to them as best she could. As her eyes finally adjusted to the darkness of the room, she only watched in horror as her shorts was torn into countless pieces. The largest of if being in her hands as she used it to cover her crotch, while she wished she had a tail as bushy as Pinkie’s to fully cover her bare ass.

‘Naughty mare.’ The voice whispered as Rainbow felt a pair of cold hands gripping and squeezing her ass, ‘You must have really wanted this.’ Before Dash could respond she soon felt what she could only assume to be a rod of some kind, freezing to the touch as it rubbed between her thighs against her labia.

Spreading her wings Rainbow quickly flew to the second floor only to find she left her patch of cloth down stairs, ‘So clean.’ The voice whispered as Rainbow found a single leg being lifted into the air, ‘Not even a stub of hair.’ It teased before causing Rainbow to feel what she assumed was a tongue, she covered her lips as she tried not to let out a sound as she felt the object being dragged across her labia.

Feeling the object teasing her clit Rainbow’s eyes widened as a moaning gasp slipped her lips, ‘You want more don’t you.’ The voice mocked as its cold hands slowly slid up Rainbow’s body, ‘Show me more.’ It whispered causing Rainbow to cross her arms over her chest and take off running down the hall.

Running as fast as she could, Rainbow could feel the cool breeze of the night air brushing against her body. She smiled knowing she was coming close to the broken window she saw earlier that evening, making a sharp turn Rainbow felt the strip of carpet move under her hooves almost causing her to fall over. At the last second she spread her wings long enough to keep her balance, closing them back up as she prepared to dive through the what remained of the window.

Hopping off one hoof Rainbow began to crouch as she landed back on her hooves, putting all she had into her legs she braced herself for the impact against the glass. Jumping for the window Rainbow let out a faint sigh of relief, as she closed her eyes and began to feel the cold dust covered surface.

‘But we are not done yet.’ The voice whispered causing Rainbow to open her eyes both in fear and in shock.

Before her was the glass she had tried to dive through, still as it had been before she jumped. All around her was a cold sensation that slowly started to pull her back.

“HEL-” Rainbow tried to cry out as she began reaching out for the window, her voice muffled by the feeling of a cock sliding through her mouth.

‘Your tongue feels amazing!’ The entity groaned as it dragged Rainbow further into the house.

As Rainbow gagged on the invisible cock, she could feel it slowly pressing into the back of her mouth. With each thrust it slowly moved into and down her throat. As she tried to back away from the ghostly cock, Rainbow soon felt a set of cold hands caressing her ass.

Feeling her cheeks slowly begin to spread, she muffled and struggled in objection to what she knew was coming next. Spreading her wings Rainbow tried to fly away only to hear the entity laughing at her futile attempt.

‘You want this don’t you.’ It mocked as it pressed a second ghostly cock against Rainbow’s anus, teasing her with penetration only to let it slip and grind against her tight puckered hole.

As Rainbow tried to fight the specter, she soon felt a pair of cold hands slowly rubbing her upper thighs. Forcing her legs apart another hand slowly began to manifest itself, its fingers making slow small circles on the folds of her pussy as a thumb teased her clit.

Rainbow let out a regretful lustful moan onto the cock that filled her throat, ‘Oh yes…’ The entity groaned as it slowly lifted Rainbow’s sports bra, ‘My little slut loves being teased, doesn’t she.’

Feeling another set of cold hands gripping her breasts, Rainbow gave a protesting groan as she forced her teeth to clamp down on nothing.

With an amused chuckle it shredded Rainbow’s last bit of clothing, ‘That won’t stop anything.’ Rainbow’s eyes widened as she felt its cock slowly begin to move in her throat once again, ‘But you weren’t trying to stop any of it, you just want more.’ Rainbow began to feel its fingers slowly moving from the folds of her pussy and begin to lightly roll her clit.

Moaning at the feeling she could feel her legs weaken as blissful pleasure slowly started to flood her mind. Panting to the feeling of the fingers she soon felt them pinch her clit and give it a slow hard twist, the sensation that flowed through her body left Rainbow wanting to beg for more as she hung there at the mercy of her unseen captor. Feeling the ghostly cock at her anus slowly begin to spread and enter her rectum, Rainbow let out a low moaning groan as the cock went as deep as it could.

Groaning upon the cock in her mouth, Rainbow’s breathing slowly hastened as she felt both cocks slowly begin to move. For a short time she felt like an accordion as both cocks thrust into her, only to slide back out before slamming into her again. Feeling her body being pressed together and pulled apart took out what little fight she still had.

After a while Rainbow soon felt the cocks working in a rhythm like pattern, as one slid out the other thrust into her.

Slowly coming to a stop Rainbow heard the phantom faintly chuckle, ‘It seems my little slut wants a third.’ Feeling a third cock manifest near her slit, Rainbow tried to force her legs shut as it slowly rubbed against her dripping hole.

As the phantom cock slowly began to penetrate her tight wet hole, Rainbow felt the hold on her body fade away causing her to fall to the floor. Caught between a lustful want growing between her legs and the need to escape. Trying to run down the hall Rainbow found her legs weakened while her pussy throbbed in want, while the warm fluid from her marehood dampened her inner thighs.

Leaning against a wall Rainbow panted as the ghostly fingers began to work her clit again, “N-no…” She panted trying to escape their touch as another pair began to tease her nipples.

As the fingers on her nipples continued to tease her, Rainbow could feel them manifesting full sized hands rolling and caressing her breasts. Panting and moaning to the sensations she felt, Rainbow couldn’t help but slide to the floor spreading her legs as her ass touched the ground. Leaving her soaked pussy to the mercy of the entity, who worked her throbbing tender folds to heights Rainbow never knew existed.

As the rush began to fill and over take her body, Rainbow began to hear the one faint whisper begin to grow into what sounded like countless voices. A trick she believed her lust filled mind was playing on her, playing out the fantasy to have a small crowd watching her as she came. Slowly those whispers turned into faint laughter, causing Rainbow to blush in embarrassment as her legs spread as far apart as they could.

“Oh fu~ck!” Rainbow moaned while kicking at nothing and pounding her fists against the wall behind her, “I’m gonna…” She panted as her hips began thrusting into the fingers on her labia, “Oh sweet Celestia yes!” She cried out feeling the rush surging through her body till the fingers vanished, “No~o…” She begged while reaching to finish herself off, “I was so close, please don’t stop.”

As her fingers reached her pussy, Rainbow soon felt her arms being pulled and held behind her back. Hearing a faint whisper slowly moving down the hall towards herself, Rainbow passed it off as her lust filled mind playing tricks on her. Struggling to free her arms she begged to cum as her legs curled, and her thighs rubbed against one another trying to continue the dying sensation.

Feeling another hand manifest itself on her lower abs, she spread her legs as she panted feeling them slowly moving down her body. As they reached her clit Rainbow began to

‘You will cum when we say you can.’ They chuckled as Rainbow began to squirm in a futile attempt to free her hands.

With that statement Rainbow began to realize her mind was not playing tricks on her, she was hearing multiple voices because there was countless ghosts in the room. As soon as she came to that realization, Rainbow felt a cock being pressed against the side of her head. Before she could ask any questions she began to feel the throbbing ghostly cock penetrating the side of her head.

As the cock slid through her popping out the other side, she began to hear a deeper gruffer voice begin to groan as a hand rested upon her head. Feeling the hand pulling her into the cock, Rainbow sat there in confusion of what she felt. She wasn’t sure if she was meant to feel pain or pleasure from it, all Rainbow knew was she was being skull fucked by a ghost and she was slowly beginning to enjoy it.

Feeling the cock sliding through her head. Rainbow felt her mind slowly go numb and her thoughts begin to turn what she would later describe, to the best of her abilities, as fuzzy in a small sense of the term. Looking around herself the room began to blur, as the shapes of ponies standing around watching took form. As they laughed and whispered among themselves in amusement of Rainbow’s predicament, Rainbow could see some had begun stroking rather large and thick cocks while others seemed to have spread their legs.

For a rough minute Rainbow could feel the phantom’s cock sliding through her head, its grunts and groans echoing through the house. Feeling one final thrust against the side of her head, Rainbow could feel the cock throbbing for a short moment before slowly going limp and fading from her. Still feeling the wanting sensation to cum, Rainbow looked down the stairs and saw the faint outline of a bench.

Leaning towards the stairs Rainbow spread her wings hoping to glide down towards the bench, and what she hoped was just rough enough to grind her labia against. As she slowly began to glide Rainbow soon found herself hovering upside down, as a hand pulled back on her hair.

“Wh-” She began to cry out, only to feel a cock sliding out of her mouth.

Confused at the sensation Rainbow began moving her tongue causing the ghost to start groaning. Through her tongue Rainbow could feel all around the phantom shaft as it slid through her mouth, as it moved towards the back of her mouth Rainbow’s tongue soon moved around the head. Letting out a moaning groan the entity could only grip Rainbow’s head, feeling her tongue caressing the head of its cock.

Rainbow closed her mouth realizing what it had been doing, giving a low lengthy purring moan she could feel him start to shiver at the sensation.

Feeling its cock begin to ache and throb it shoved its cock out of Rainbow’s mouth, ‘Naughty slut,’ It panted while slowly starting to thrust its hips, ‘almost made me cum. I’m not yet done with your mouth.’ Grabbing Rainbow’s hair it began pulling her back into each thrust, causing Rainbow to faintly whimper each time as saliva started to run down her face.

With each thrust Rainbow could almost swear the ghost was going to give her whiplash. Feeling its cock sliding through her mouth from the back of her head, Rainbow gargled as she begged for it to cum. With great enthusiasm the entity began to move Rainbow upwards with each thrust, till her back faced the ground.

As the entity began groaning louder with each thrust, Rainbow could feel its cock throbbing against her tongue. Feeling a faint splatter upon her lips, Rainbow soon felt the ghost force her mouth shut as it pulled its cock back into her mouth. As it let out a panting groan the other phantoms began to faintly cheer and laugh, while they had their fill of enjoyment Rainbow could feel a strange substance filling her mouth.

To the taste she could tell it was rather smoky with a thick, syrupy, almost dough like texture. Cupping her hand, Rainbow began to open her mouth letting the substance pour out of her mouth. As it filled her hand she took a quick sniff of it.

*Ozone?* Rainbow thought to herself, trying to understand what it was that she now had.

Looking around the faintly dim room, Rainbow noticed the ghosts had started to lift her a little further up into the air. The hands she now felt on her body seemed slightly smaller and smoother, almost mare like in their shape as one set began caressing her breasts and the other lifted her legs. Soon enough Rainbow began to feel two cocks grinding against her, one pressed against her wet slit as it rubbed across her clit.

Moaning to the sensation of the ghostly cock, Rainbow began to hear faint cheers as the other cock slid between her ass cheeks.

Feeling the second cock rubbing against her anus Rainbow let out a faint gasp, ‘Put them in me.’ She begged as her hooves twitched in wanting anticipation.

As the cocks slowly began to penetrate her anus and pussy, Rainbow soon felt two pairs of breasts. The pair on her back felt to be roughly the same size as her own, give or take half a size. Feeling the pair on her back began to rub against her with each thrust, Rainbow soon took notice of the full size to the pair of breasts that now began to press against her chest.

Feeling the ghostly nipples pressing and rubbing against her own nipples, Rainbow began trying to match the size of the breasts. At first she thought half way between Fluttershy and Luna, or maybe slightly bigger than Twilight’s.

‘Such cute firm little breasts you have.’ The entity faintly giggled as it rubbed its breasts against Rainbow’s with each slow thrust.

As the sun began to rise outside Rainbow could feel the two slowly pick up speed with each thrust, “Celestia yes!” Rainbow cried out as she found herself lost in blissful pleasure, “H-harder…” She begged between gasping breaths, “oh fuck please.” Rainbow begged again as the volume of her voice grew with each alternating thrusts, “For the love of Celestia’s sweet cum colored ass, fuck me harder!” Rainbow cried out only to feel both the entities and their bodies fade from her own, taking the sensation of their throbbing hard cocks with them.

While being lowered to the floor, Rainbow panted and sobbed in dissatisfaction knowing she was too exhausted to finish what they started. As she reached down to tease and roll her clit, Rainbow heard the faint hoofsteps against the hardwood floor making their way towards her. Slowly turning her head to look towards the direction of the sound, she was soon blinded by what little sunlight peeked through the cracks in the house.

Trying to make out what little her blurry vision would allow, Rainbow sat up in shock to cover her bare body, “Twi!?” She asked blushing to find her friend smiling down at her.

Twilight said not a word as she began to slip out of her dress, as the cloth hit the floor Rainbow’s wings shot up as she swallowed slowly. Rainbow gazed up at Twilight’s naked body, tracing the outline of her friend’s natural slim curves. Stepping out of the lump of cloth on the floor, Twilight allowed her hips to sway as she walked towards Rainbow.

Once her hips were close to Rainbow’s face Twilight stopped moving, looking down Twilight giggled as she placed a gentle hand on Rainbow’s cheek. For a moment all Rainbow could feel beyond the single hand, was the soft thick tuft of hair that now rested on her muzzle. Gently pressing her crotch into Rainbow’s muzzle, Twilight slowly began to grind her clit against Rainbow’s lips.

As Twilight’s slit began to become wet, Rainbow’s nostrils were filled with the intoxicating scent that now wafted from Twilight. With little to no hesitation Rainbow allowed her hands to slowly ride up Twilight’s legs to grab her ass. With Twilight’s soft firm cheeks in her hands, Rainbow began lapping away at the thick fluid.

While Rainbow’s tongue slowly dragged against her labia, Twilight let out a pleasure filled sigh as she began to caress her own breasts. After a few moments Rainbow began to feel Twilight’s hips begin to gyrate, in an attempt to try and get more out of each lick that teased her marehood. Looking up to admire how Twilight teased her own breasts, Rainbow slowly began to nibble on Twilight’s clit while she slipped a finger into Twilight’s anus.

As Twilight bent over Rainbow’s head She let out a lustful groaning gasp, “More.” Twilight begged as she felt a second finger slowly penetrate her anus, and begin moving around within her rectum.

Rainbow gave a seductive devilish smile to hear Twilight begging like a slut. Pulling her fingers out of Twilight, Rainbow pulled her to the floor laying Twilight on her back.

“No.” Rainbow groaned as she rested her soaked labia on Twilight’s face, “I want to enjoy you to the fullest.” Laying down on top of Twilight, Rainbow slowly dragged her tongue across Twilight’s slit, “Come on egghead…” Rainbow moaned as she rubbed her clit against Twilight’s muzzle, “be the good friend I know you are. Don’t leave me hanging.”

It didn’t take long for Rainbow to feel Twilight’s tongue slowly begin to work her dripping tender folds. As the two mares licked and worked each other’s pussies, it wasn’t long before they tried to outdo one another. Twilight shoved her tongue as deep as it would go into Rainbow’s pussy, moving and rubbing around against Rainbow’s inner walls causing her to pant and moan into Twilight.

Pulling away from Twilight’s snatch, Rainbow faintly thanked Celestia as she shoved two fingers into Twilight. Curling her fingers, Rainbow pressed and rubbed against Twilight’s upper inner wall. Feeling Twilight gripping her ass, Rainbow bit down on Twilight’s clit and began grinding it between her teeth.

For several moments the two mares teased, played, and ate one another till they cried out into each other. Laying on the floor spent and exhausted with the fur on their faces covered in cum, Rainbow soon felt herself being lifted off the floor and pinned to the wall. Walking over to the cyan mare, Twilight slowly lifted Rainbow’s leg onto her shoulder.

Rainbow soon felt Twilight’s nipple being pressed against her own, as their breasts were squeezed between them. Before Rainbow could say a word she found Twilight’s tongue exploring her mouth, slowly their tongues danced around one another as Twilight began grinding her body against Rainbow’s. Rainbow began to pant and moan once again as she felt Twilight’s clit rubbing and flicking against hers.

As the warmth of the sun kissed their bodies, Rainbow soaked the floor as she moaned into Twilight’s mouth. Sliding to the floor in exhaustion Rainbow found herself being blinded by the sunlight once again.

“Come back anytime.” Twilight whispered into Rainbow’s ear while she sat there taking slow deep satisfied breaths.

Several minutes later Rainbow struggled to her hooves, and began shuffling her way out of the old abandoned house. With a hand over her crotch and an arm over her chest, Rainbow blushed as she walked through town with everypony gazing upon her bare body. Some of their gazes slowly found their way and focused upon her soaked thighs, a clear sign of what she had been doing before hand.

Rainbow could feel every set of eyes, she could hear every faint whisper as she walked. Her only piece of clothing was the shoes she had on her hooves, and though she blushed it was not out of embarrassment. She blushed because just in the distance was her friends, with Twilight sitting in the middle of them.

Sitting down at their table Rainbow smiled, “I’ll get you back for that egghead.” She panted as she enjoyed watching her friends blush from arousal of her naked body.

“B-back f-for what?” Twilight stuttered as she tried to find what little composure she had.

“O~h… ” Rainbow began to hint as she made an oval shape with her index and middle fingers, “you know what you did last night.” Motioning with her tongue Rainbow began to laugh as the others stared at Twilight, who began to turn red as her wings shot up at the thought, “And for leaving me back there without any clothes.”

“Darling that’s impossible.” Rarity chimed in as she placed a hand over her exposed cleavage, “I was with Twilight all of last night in her library, we were looking at outfit designs from throughout the ages. I was hoping to find some inspiration from them, but I needed Twilight’s help to find the right books.”

With a smug smile Applejack followed Rarity’s curves with her eyes, “I guess that explains why I found the two of you cuddled up like that.” As Rarity began to respond Applejack threw in one last insult for a quick laugh, “Don’t worry I didn’t see much with all those books in the way. But I did see your panties hanging off the back of the chair, or were those Twilight’s?”

“How dare you claim such a thing!” Rarity fumed as she turned bright red, “Okay, yes, we fell asleep on the floor of the library. But that’s all that happened.” As Applejack laughed at the reaction she got, Rainbow turned her attention towards the orange mare.

“When did you come across this?” Rainbow inquired while keeping what she could covered from prying eyes.

“Oh…” Applejack groaned as she thought back to that morning, “I’d have to say about two three hours, I know I went over to Twilight’s just before sunrise. And they haven’t been out of my presence since.”

Thinking back Rainbow recalled that it was just at sunrise that Twilight came to her, and they had been fucking for several minutes after. Rainbow could still even feel the faint sensations of how Twilight touched her body, and here two of her friends were saying Twilight hadn’t done any of that.

“U-umm… i-if it helps?” Fluttershy faintly spoke up, “I met up with the three of them only five minutes after sunrise, though I was with them for only ten minutes at most. We all came together here only two minutes ago.”

With that Rainbow stood up while keeping her hands where they were, “Ya, that does help.” Rainbow retorted with a faint disappointment as she spread her wings, “Sorry about that Twilight, I’m going to head home.” Rainbow blushed in embarrassment from wrongly accusing her friend, “I’m in need of a shower, and clearly some clothes. I’ll meet back up with the rest of you later.”

Friendly Favors and Royal Duties

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Several days would pass as Rainbow tried to piece together who it was she had sex with, and as to how or even why they appeared to her looking like Twilight. Before long Rainbow’s body began to ache and twitch as it missed what it had experienced, night after long lonesome night Rainbow found herself naked and dripping with sweat. Her fingers feverishly working her marehood and anus as she panted and cried, her hips gyrating in the air as she tried to simulate what she felt that night.

Yet every following morning she would drag herself out of bed, disgruntled and unsatisfied she would shuffle around her home as the light of the sun glistened off her inner thighs.

Going to Twilight she begged for one simple favor only to hear her spit out her tea in shock, “YOU… WANT ME… TO WHAT!?” Twilight shouted between faint coughs.

“Just one time Twilight, please!” Rainbow begged as her thighs rubbed together, “I’ve tried to do it myself, but I can’t seem to cum no matter how hard or long I try.”

“You can’t be serious.” The lavender mare replied in annoyance as she poured herself another cup of tea.

“Twilight.” A regal voice calmly chimed in as a second tea cup was set upon the table, “You are the princess of friendship, and it is clear your friend is in great need.” Twilight slowly turned her gaze as her expression turned from annoyance to dumbfounded, “So lead by example and help your dear friend.”

“But Princess Celestia, you do realize she’s asking me to-” Twilight began to protest, only to stop as Celestia held up her hand.

“I know what she’s asking of you, and it seems I may need to teach you how to be a proper princess.” Celestia gave a faint smile as she rested her head upon her gently closed fist, “So I want you to help Rainbow Dash with her little problem…” Bringing her free hand to the table she began to tap it in tandem with the following words, “right… here… right… now.”

Twilight blushed as her eyes shifted back and forth between Celestia and Rainbow Dash, “B-but I’ve never heard of you doing something like this.” Unable to make eye contact Twilight looked down at the table as she began to rub her hands together, “A-and it's not like I haven’t thought about doing such a thing, but Rainbow Dash is a friend and I’m not sure…” Looking over at Rainbow, she let out a nervous sigh, “and don’t get me wrong Rainbow you are very sexy. I mean the way water flows down your body…” Twilight gasped as she quickly covered her mouth, realizing she had let that slip.

“So you were checking me out last time we went to the lake.” Rainbow giggled as she grabbed the collar of Twilight’s shirt and pulled her in, “I knew you were, every time I looked over you tired to avoid my direction and you were blushing every time.” Pinning Twilight to the table Rainbow pressed her lips against Twilight’s, for a moment their tongues danced around one another before Rainbow pulled back.

A string of saliva was all that connected their tongues before Rainbow began kissing her way down Twilight’s neck. As Rainbow reached Twilight’s chest she began to undo the buttons on her shirt, Twilight simply laid there wrapping her legs around Rainbow as her breathing slowly became heavy.

“R-Rainbow…” Twilight gasped as she hesitantly reached for Celestia.

Taking her hand Celestia smiled as she slowly moved Twilight’s hand to Rainbow’s lower back, “Focus on her.” Celestia whispered as Rainbow spread open Twilight’s shirt.

“No bra?” Rainbow asked as she slowly cupped the nicely sized breasts, “I always wondered,” Rainbow hinted as she pinched and twisted Twilight’s nipples, “but not about up here.” As Twilight began to gasp Rainbow’s name, Rainbow began kissing her way down Twilight’s abdomen.

Grabbing the back of Rainbow’s head, Twilight begged her not to stop as she felt Rainbow’s hands leaving her breasts. Looking across the table Twilight soon saw Celestia had removed her blouse, one hand was caressing her breast while teasing her nipple. Celestia’s other hand had been slipped under the waistband of her knee long skirt, faint movements was all Twilight saw from the hand under the cloth.

“Princess Celestia?” Twilight asked in faint shock at the sight.

“Well I am a mare with needs Twilight, just like you.” Standing up Celestia turned around and bent over as she started to remove her skirt, “And just like your friend.” Celestia took her sweet time standing back up, ensuring both Twilight and Rainbow got an eyeful of her ass and soaked wanting tender folds.

Twilight and Rainbow gazed at the sight to see Celestia like she was, their sight locked on her tight yet plump seductive curves as Celestia slowly stood back up.

Sitting back down Celestia raised her hoof and bent it back behind her head, “Luna and I have been taking classes.” Celestia smiled as she watched their jaws drop, “And the instructor can be very,” Celestia gasped as she pinched her clit and began rolling it between her fingers, “very hands on.”

Taking the hint Rainbow quickly removed Twilight’s pants, in pure embarrassment Twilight quickly covered her crotch with both hands.

Rainbow smiled to see what Twilight had on or rather the lack thereof, “I knew it.” Rainbow chuckled as she lifted and spread Twilight’s legs, “You stopped wearing those skirts for the same reason I never do.” Twilight blushed as she tried to keep her pussy hidden from sight, “Does the carpet match the drape?” Rainbow asked as she rested Twilight’s legs on her shoulders.

Slowly getting down on her knees Rainbow began to kiss and lick Twilight’s knuckles, hoping she’d soon remove her hands to show off all that she had. Slowly Twilight began to feel her hands becoming wet. The back of her hands covered in Rainbow’s saliva as she licked away, and the front beginning to soak as the thought and anticipation of how Rainbow’s tongue would feel began to flood her mind.

As Twilight continued to cover herself she soon felt Celestia’s warm breasts resting on her head, “Oh Twilight,” Celestia groaned as she slowly slid her hands down Twilight’s arms, “how can you help your friend if you don’t know the feeling for yourself?” Grabbing Twilight’s wrists, Celestia slowly pulled back giving Rainbow all the space she needed.

Once Rainbow’s tongue touched Twilight’s labia Twilight let out a faint gasp, as all resistance in her arms seemed to vanish. Turning Twilight’s palms towards herself, Celestia smiled at how they shined in the light. Dragging her tongue across Twilight’s palms she savored the taste of her student.

“Damn egghead.” Rainbow groaned as she looked at the patch of hair covering Twilight’s crotch, “Matching the drapes and then some.” Burying her muzzle in Twilight’s thickit, Rainbow began to suck on Twilight’s clit causing her to moan between deep heavy breaths.

“She never really was one for that kind of grooming.” Celestia teased as she helped Twilight sit up and began to remove Twilight’s shirt, “But if you ask me, I think it suits her rather well.”

“Mmhm.” Rainbow moaned into Twilight as she slowly began to push her tongue into the lavender mare.

As Twilight gasped and moaned she grabbed the back of Rainbow’s head again, running her fingers through Rainbow’s mane she pulled Rainbow deeper into her crotch. Leaning back Twilight slammed a hand down on the table and began grinding her hips into Rainbow. Watching Twilight slowly beginning to give in to her lustful sexual needs and enjoy herself, Celestia sat back down and returned to enjoying the show.

With each slow gyration of her hips Twilight’s voice began to grow louder, “Oh sweet Celestia, more Rainbow Dash!” Twilight begged as she felt her inner walls beginning to tighten around Rainbow’s tongue, her body throbbing in pleasure as the sensation of an orgasim began to build within her.

Noticing how close Twilight was to cumming Rainbow stopped, “Not yet Twi.” She whispered as Celestia groaned in disappointment of the sudden interruption, “I want to be there with you.” Crossing her arms Rainbow grabbed the hem of her sports bra and pulled it off, gently Rainbow wrapped her arms around behind Twilight’s head, “Please Twilight.” Rainbow begged as she pulled Twilight into her chest.

Gently Twilight’s hands touched Rainbow’s back only to slowly move down towards her ass. Kissing Rainbow’s chest, Twilight slowly started to drag her tongue over the small mound flicking Rainbow’s nipple with her tongue. Rainbow simply began to sigh with the building sensation, her body overly sensitive with a need to cum faintly over taking her.

Slowly and calmly Twilight began to move down Rainbow’s body, removing her shorts as she went. Finding Rainbow’s trimmed crotch, Twilight hesitated for a moment as she saw how dripping wet lips.

“P-princess…” Twilight faintly whimpered as she looked towards Celestia.

“Just like she did you to Twilight.” Celestia moaned as her fingers made slow circles on her labia, “Think of it like negotiating…” She gasped stopping for a moment to give a seductive lustful smile, “you have to be a cunning linguist.”

Twilight blushed as she looked up Rainbow’s well toned body, the sight alone was enough to make Twilight’s breathing to grow faintly heavier. Opening her mouth Twilight slowly stuck out her tongue, touching Rainbow’s clit she quickly backed off as she heard Rainbow gasp.

Buckling over Rainbow slammed her hands on the table, “Keep going…” She panted as her thick juice dripped onto Twilight’s face.

Biting her lower lip Twilight brought her hand up between Rainbow’s legs, flicking Rainbow’s clit she watched as Rainbow let out a lustful cry why trying to dig her fingers into the table. Slowly Twilight explored what more her fingers could do. Pressing her thumbs into Rainbow’s labia, Twilight began to spread Rainbow open and letting her close.

Each small motion Twilight watched as Rainbow began flowing like a river, pulling one hand back Twilight licked the thick fluid off her hand. Taking her other hand away Twilight savored the taste as Rainbow began to beg for more. Slowly sucking on Rainbow’s clit, Twilight gently shoved two fingers into her friend.

Curling her fingers Twilight rubbed Rainbow’s upper inner wall. Rainbow could feel her legs growing weak, her knees buckled from under herself, panting and moaning she dragged herself halfway upon the table.

Feeling Twilight stop once again Rainbow tried to lift her head, “Twi~i!?” She asked in confusion before turning into astonishment.

“I forgot how much of a fast learner you were.” Celestia moaned as she watched Twilight fingering Rainbow’s ass, while licking and sucking on Rainbow’s marehood.

Walking over Celestia stopped Twilight, “N~o~!” Rainbow cried out, “I was so close.”

Turning her over Celestia helped Twilight up upon the table, “Don’t worry, you’ll get what you want.” Celestia promised as she spread open Rainbow’s legs, “And so much more.” Pinching Twilight’s clit she began to pull as her horn started to glow.

In one quick moment Twilight began to feel something hard and throbbing, looking down at what it was she blushed in embarrassment to see a cock where her clit should be. Attempting to cover it she soon felt Celestia slowly stroking the newly formed cock. Gasping and moaning to the sensation Twilight leaned over and rested upon Celestia’s shoulder.

As Celestia bent over to suck on Twilight’s cock, Rainbow blushed in arousal of what she saw. Feeling Twilight grabbing her head, Celestia stopped and began guiding Twilight towards Rainbow’s spread legs.

“Give this a try.” Celestia whispered to Twilight as she brought them closer together, “Don’t worry, it's not permanent. Just a small spell I picked up.”

As Twilight held herself above Rainbow her heart began to race as she looked down. Feeling Rainbow’s legs wrapping around her hips, Twilight let out a nervous squeak as she felt her newly formed cock pressing against Rainbow’s slit. The soft tender folds spreading apart as Rainbow’s wet and warm inner walls invited Twilight in.

Once their hips touched Twilight’s breathing quickened, wrapping her arms around Twilight Rainbow quickly rolled over.

Sitting up Rainbow began to gyrate her hips panting as Twilight’s cock moved within her, “Magic or not,” Rainbow groaned as she began to slide up and down, “it feels amazing!” As she bounced up and down on Twilight’s hips, Rainbow caressed her own breasts and teased her nipples.

Feeling her cock beginning to throb Twilight grabbed on to Rainbow’s hips and began thrusting. With each thrust Twilight pulled Rainbow down, with the wet sloppy sounds of them slamming into each other echoing in the room.

“Stop!” Celestia commanded as she walked over and pulled Rainbow off of Twilight, “Take her like this.” Celestia smiled as she placed Rainbow on her hands and knees, spreading her thighs open.

Looking back Rainbow panted as she felt Celestia’s fingers, “Oh please give it to me.” She begged only to feel Celestia’s fingers moving towards her clit.

“Careful what you wish for.” Celestia teased as her horn began to glow while she pulled on Rainbow’s clit, “Oh my!” Celestia giggled as Rainbow’s clit turned into a cock, “I can see why you’ve been begging so much, look at the size of that monster.”

Feeling Celestia flicking her cock, Rainbow let out a panting lustful groan as a thick clear fluid started to seep and drip from the tip. Trying to lower her hips Rainbow soon lifted them back up as her cock throbbed from touching the table, looking down she saw it was easily twice the size of Twilight’s.

Feeling Twilight pushing her cock back into her tight wet pussy, Rainbow soon felt her own cock being pressed against the cold hard table. Moaning Twilight’s name Rainbow collapsed onto the table, her tongue hung out as she clawed the table trying to dig her fingers into it. Slowly Twilight began to thrust her hips siding her cock in and out of Rainbow, with each thrust Twilight began to move faster.

As the sounds of their moaning mixed with the sounds of their wet hips slapping against each other, Celestia smiled in amazement as Twilight bent herself over Rainbow. Wrapping her arms around Rainbow, Twilight pulled Rainbow back into her lap. Feeling Twilight gripping her cock, Rainbow began gyrating her hips to force her cock through Twilight’s hand.

“O~h fuck Rainbow!” Twilight cried out as she raised her second hand up to squeeze Rainbow’s breast, “I’m so close.” Letting go of Rainbow’s breast and cock, Twilight took hold of Rainbow’s thighs and slowly began to lift her.

As Rainbow reached the head of Twilight’s cock, Twilight let her drop back down only to pick her back up. Celestia watched on as they continued this for several moments, moaning and panting as she watched Rainbow’s hard cock flopping around as she slid up and down Twilight’s cock. As the two mares cried out in pleasure Celestia watched as Twilight’s cock pumped Rainbow full of cum, licking her lips she slowly crawled over to the two of them.

With a smile Celestia kissed Rainbow’s throbbing cock, “You want to cum don’t you.” Celestia teased as she sucked on the head causing Rainbow to let out a pleading cry, “And my dear sweet Twilight, you’re not completely satisfied are you?” Pulling Twilight’s limp cock out of Rainbow, Celestia sucked out what little cum remained within it before shoving her tongue as deep as she could into Rainbow’s pussy.

“I… think… I’m good.” Twilight panted as she felt Celestia beginning to stroke her cock.

Curling her tongue Celestia pulled herself away from Rainbow Dash and smiled at the two exhausted mares, “Oh I don’t think you are.” Shoving two fingers into Twilight’s pussy she watched as Twilight’s cock slowly grew hard once more, “You see the spell only wears off when you are completely satisfied.” Climbing up onto the table Celestia guided Rainbow behind herself as she rested her wet labia upon Twlight’s muzzle, “And it just wouldn’t be right,” Celestia teased as she guided Rainbow’s cock towards her tight puckered anus, “if I didn’t help satisfy the both of you properly.” Laying down upon Twilight, Celestia wrapped her breasts around the erect throbbing cock as she took it into her mouth.