Memories of the Sun

by Bigchillfreak

First published

Long before even Celestia and Luna came to be, a parasitic evil had made itself known. When it's ealing breaks will ouroll hero's be willing to sacrifice all to save those they love.

When an evil long put to sleep seal is broken, Twlight and her friends set out to stop it. But what happens when the very thing you use to defeat your enemies, only feeds the beast. The princesses and even Discord are no match. But when one realizes its true nature, a sacrifice must be made but can she do it Give it all up, all of it. based off Doctor Who parasitic star


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Equestria, a land of magic, love adventure.

And yet of many dangers as well, home of The Two Princesses the founders of the land.

This land has seen many a foe, One who wished to cast it into eternal night, A being who turned logic inside out and right side up.

A queen who wished to feed her subjects, a shadow not willing to die, a lost soul.

Many foes have risen, and yet all have met their end in the form of six mares; the keepers of harmony.

The Princess of Friendship, she and her valiant friends have stoped evil time and time again.

But what happens when friendship is not enough, when a being who feeds on those very bonds awakens from its sleep; it takes one to give it all up.

For without sacrifice there is no victory, and yet with sacrifice comes both heartbreak and life.

When a goddess must give it her all, will she truely give it all up?

It Wakes

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In a place much like Tartarus, was a void.

A deep dark void filled with what seemed like nothing, at least at first glance; then you would hear the soft voice of a mare.

It carried in the wind, to the world above, to the world below, keeping a creature of terrible power asleep.

For it had appeared very early in time, when magic was not well given. When ponies were still separated by their own ideals.

But some did come together, to try and stop this monster but it was not an easy task.

It fed on memories, on everyponies hopes and dreams, friendship, love, it would not work for it fed on such things.

But by luck there was one thing that worked, all it took was a child's word but it was an idea.

And so a way was found to put it to sleep, to sing a song for eternity and such have it forever darkened in the deep hole.

A small family of ponies gifted with musical talents, we're chosen to keep the beast sound and asleep.

The singers family have kept their duty for generations, but eventually the wants of one become stronger and stronger, this pony was no different.

However to much time had past, and as for all generations. They did not put much merit in legends, this mare was no different.

This was the chance it had been waiting for, it's freedom would soon come; for this mare was growing tired it could feel it.

Her pelt a pale blue, her eyes a beautiful teal, a wavy mane of dark blue and sea green. Her cutie mark of musical notes in the breeze.

For as her voice grew softer the mare could not help but wonder why?! Why did she sing this song day and night, just for a legend past down her family line.

The mares teal eyes narrowed at the dark hole, the more she thought the softer her voice became.

The softer her voice, the softer low awakening began. For as the mares song become nonexistent, there was a pulse.

A small pulse sent through the land, so small that many ponies would not have noticed.

But some ponies did, and as a white alicorn looked to the sky she knew the day she dreaded would soon come.

"Hellooo!!" The mares melodious voice echoed down the dark hole, she even kicked a rock into it.

Nothing, the mare shook her head.

She knew it, she had started being the keeper of the bottomless pit only a year ago.

She like her mother, grandmother and first born fillies before her, had been raised to be the guardian.

Learned the song of sealing, to keep the beast from awakening but Blue Melody had never really believed her families legend.

Not once had she seen any signs of this supposed evil, never seen this beast, all she knew was that the cavern was cold, dark, damp and she hated living there.

The idea of keeping this up until she became to old, and it would be time for her future niece to take over was just bucking crazy to the mare.

She would not stand guard any longer" Guard the pit they say, never stop singing until the night they say, all of Equestria depends on us" The mare Blue Melody muttered bitterly, her coat and mane were Filthy and dull.

Her only clothing was a simple brown cloak, to keep her warm during the nights when she couldn't build fire.

She couldn't even have company, only one could stay down here and be the Guardian.

"I never asked for this job, why was it given to me" Unknown to the mare, slowly and weakly; orange and red tendrils that resembled a weak fire began to rise from the pit.

They were so small and weak, barley any thicker than a toothpick.

"I give up! I'm sick of this isolation, the very survival of Equestria is at stake!" The mare stomped the stone floor" There's nothing down here!" At that moment the tendrils touched their target.

They curled around her encasing her, the mares screams and yells went ignored no one would hear her.

She was soon encased the being usually didn't have to resort to such things, but it was hungry, it had been so long since it had taken, it craved it and the mare gave it all.

It could taste it, see it, feel it flow into it causing a flicker of its form, barley brighter than a firefly.

It's essence seeped inside the mare, for there was no mare in there anymore now that it had what it wanted.

Soon it was gone, inside it's host body and with that a change had gone through the mares physical appearance.

What once was blue was now sunset orange, a long straight mane made of different tones of yellow and red giving the illusion of fire. Teal eyes changed to bright yellow, and a cutie mark of a bright orange star.

What was once an earth pony, a horn had now appeared; it didn't like like any regular unicorn horn. It seemed to be made of a harden liquid, like amber as it was a simple red.

It tested it's host, it would have prefered something stronger but it would do; the mares body would work for it still needed to feed. It hungered for more, and it could feel them all of them so many to feast on; to take.

Clumsily it began to leave the place that had been it's prison for so long, it craved to see the light again to see those morsels who had defeated it.

For it was sure that time had made their memories all the sweeter, it practically salivated at the thought.

It was finally free, and it was unknown if it could be stoped it was sheer luck they had put it to sleep before.

How did you defeat something that fed on everything you were, even the very magic you'd use to destroy it.

As it walked it spoke one phrase in a distorted voice.

I'm Hungry