The Angel That Drives You Batty

by Israel Yabuki

First published

A little Nightmare Night Special between you and Flutterbat

Fluttershy has been acting weird for a while now. She's keeping a secret and she doesn't want you or your son to find out, but you're gonna make it your mission to find out what it is she's afraid to tell or even show you, but when you do find out, you're definitely going to be in for the night of your life.

You Sure Drive Me Batty, My Lovely Angel

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Nightmare Night is just around the corner in the town of Ponyville. The young fillies and colts are all getting their costumes ready for the big night. But for your little boy, Warm Breeze, you got Fluttershy to ask Rarity to make him a costume you saw on the TV show you loved. You had a drawing of the character's outfit so it was easy enough for Rarity to make the design before the holiday can ever take place.

Fluttershy planned ahead and took the liberty of stopping by Sugar Cube Corner to get some treats that Pinkie and Frosty made for the fillies and colts. You told Fluttershy about your plans for Nightmare Night, which was walking around the town with your son to go trick-or-treating. She thought it was a great idea, that is until she started acting differently on the week before the holiday began.

She would always seem to be tired in the morning and too exhausted to make any breakfast or lunch, so you had to cook up something for you and Warm Breeze. Naturally, your son was worried about his mom and kept on thinking she might be sick or something. But to keep him from worrying a little, you tell him that she's probably been a bit exhausted from all the hard work into putting up decorations for Nightmare Night and more exhausted from the friendship problems that have been ocurring around Equestria.

It seemed to calm your son down a bit, but you were still worried about your wife. One way or another, you were going to see what she's been up to all night. You just hoped that you'll find out in time before the Nightmare Night festival begins. Tonight, as expected, Fluttershy had woken up around 7:30 P.M and your son was in the bathroom, brushing his teeth, getting ready for bed. You had prepared Fluttershy's dinner beforehand and set it on the table so she could eat.

"Hi, honey." Fluttershy says to you. You look back at her with a smile.

"Hi, hun." you reply. But your smile was only a mask to cover up your concern for your wife. She sits down at the table and starts eating her food. You start washing dishes as you continued on the conversation. "Listen, hun, I'm getting really worried about you. Warm Breeze is worried about you, too. So what exactly has been going on with your recently, honey?"

"I... I don't know if I should tell you, Genus, but please understand that I don't like doing this as much as anypony else, but there are certain problems about me that I just can't get you involved in. I can only say that what's happening with me right now is a curse. A curse that's usually been happening once a year. That's all I can say for now, Genus, I hope you're not too mad at me." Fluttershy explains.

"Fluttershy, I could never be mad at you. I love you just as much as our little boy. I just want to help you with whatever's troubling you so we can be done with it."

"I know, and I appreciate you wanting to help, but this is something I have to take care of on my own."

You turned around and walked up to Fluttershy, kneeling down to her eye level, looking worried.

"Come on, Fluttershy. I want to help you. We have a whole Nightmare Night planned out for all of us. But what will it be if my beloved wife, the same loving mare whom I married and who gave birth to my son, isn't there to celebrate it with us?"

Fluttershy knew you were right. She was also looking forward to the Nightmare Night festival and spending the whole night with her loving son and you. She hugs you and whispers in your ear.

"I want to celebrate with you all, too, honey. I wouldn't miss it for anything in the world. But I still stand by what I think is best for you and Warm Breeze. I'm doing this so you and Warm Breeze won't get hurt. I love you both too much to put you in harms way. Okay, Genus?" Your wife asks, gently rubbing your cheek.

It pained you to let your wife handle whatever was getting to her, but you let out a sigh of defeat. "Alright, Fluttershy, but promise me you'll be careful and that you'll make it back home just in time for the Nightmare Night Festival, okay hun?" you ask her back. She answers with a nod and then a kiss on the lips.

You stood straight back up on your feet and walked over to the dishes, but then, Fluttershy grabs your hand and says "I'll take care of the dishes, you go on ahead and check up on Warm Breeze."

"Hi, mommy." your son calls out. You and Fluttershy look to see him in his green and blue PJs and walks into the kitchen straight towards you. "Hi, daddy. Can I get a cup of water, please?" he asks.

"Sure, kiddo. I'll get it for you. Did you brush your teeth like I told you?" you ask. Your son breathes out and your nostrils caught the scent of mint. "Okay, good work, kiddo. Go on upstairs and I'll have it ready for you and a nice bedtime story."

"Okay. Thanks, daddy." Warm Breeze stretches his arms up to you, wanting to hug you. You lift him up and hug him warmly in your arms for a few seconds before bringing him back down to the floor. He runs up to Fluttershy and hugs her, earning a hug back from her.

"Good night, sweetie." Fluttershy says. She kisses her son on the cheek.

"Good night, mommy. I love you." Warm Breeze replies.

"Mommy loves you, too." she says sweetly.

Warm Breeze runs out of the kitchen and upstairs to the bedroom. You got a cup from the cabinet and put in some cold water with two ice cubes. You walk out of the kitchen and let your wife eat her dinner while your son was sitting on the bed, his smile had disappeared.

"What's wrong, son? What's got you so down?" you ask, giving your kid comfort.

"Is mommy gonna be okay, daddy?" Warm Breeze asked, choked up.

"Well, if I know one thing about your mom, she's grown a whole lot more independant and strong than what she was before I met her." you reply, handing your son the cup of water. He takes a few sips.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, before I met her, she use to be very shy and quiet. Kinda like how you are." you say. Warm Breeze blushes and turns away with his adorable pouty face. "But, as time went by, little by little, she warmed up to some brand new friends, as well as me when Trusty and I first arrived here. But my point is, your mom is just trying to solve a personal problem that's kept her up all night and wants to handle it alone."

"Oh. Okay."

'But somehow I gotta find out what's going on with her. Starting tomorrow I'll see what Fluttershy's up to, but I'll have to find a babysitter before anything else.' you thought to yourself.

"Thanks for telling me, daddy. So can I have my bedtime story now?"

"Sure, which one do you want me to read?"

"OOH, OOH, OOH!" Warm Breeze went under the bed and pulled out his favorite children's book he got from Twilight on his previous birthday. "This one! I want to know how it ends!"

You chuckle and grab the book and set your son on the pillow. You sat next to him and flipped straight to chapter 7 and began reading it.

"Sparky stopped, and he rolled in a field of wildflowers. The dandelions tickled his nose 'till he laught out loud. And then, something caught his eye." you paused and saw your son's excited smile. "It was Bumper, the rabbit, Sparkly jumped to his feet and ran towards Bumper, barking loudly. Sparky knew the Bumper would run and that he could chase him over the fields, but Sparky could never catch him or hurt him, because Sparky was not that kind of dog..."

5 minutes later, after finishing the story, Warm Breeze fell asleep on your left side, cuddling up to you with his whole body covered in the blankets, except for his head. You put the book away and kissed your son on the forehead and fell asleep.

The next day went by very slowly. Fluttershy, as usual, was asleep during the day, your son was at school with his friends and you were caring for the animals at the cottage all on your own. Trusty became less active around the time the same time that Fluttershy started sleeping in. Who could blame him? Fluttershy was a mother to him just as much as you were a father to your pet dog.

When the animals were all fed and cared for, you went over to Sugar Cube Corner to talk to your friend, Pinkie Pie and asked her to watch over your son for the night. She agreed to help, but she got curious of why you wanted her to watch over him. You didn't go into specific detail, other than you would be out with Fluttershy for the night, but Pinkie was a lot smarter than she seemed.

She knew there was something up with you and she wanted to find out exactly what it was. She wasn't gonna let you go without telling her the truth, so you did just that. You explained to her that Fluttershy's been sneaking out into the night and would sleep in all day. Something about this curse that was placed upon her that only happens once a year and you wanted to try and help her.

Thankfully, Pinkie agrees to watch over Warm Breeze and made a Pinkie Promised not to tell anyone about it, not even your beloved wife. The hours went by a little quicker and finally, it was time to pick up your son from school and bring him home. You helped your son with some of his homework before spending some playtime with him out by the gazebo, listening to his amazing flute-playing skills.

The flute was another one of his birthday gifts. One that was given to him by his aunt Rarity and uncle Silver. Since that day, he's been playing it nonstop up until recently.

Hours went by slower than you thought until finally, it was now night time and your son was tucked neatly in bed and Fluttershy was heading out into the night for some unknown reason. Pinkie had arrived moments after Fluttershy had left the building. With your son being watched over, there was nothing holding you back from pursuing your wife, but you had to keep a low profile.

You followed Fluttershy to the place that you had least expected: Sweet Apple Acres. You hid behind one of the trees so she wouldn't spot you and only peeked with one eye. For a whole minute, Fluttershy did nothing but just stare at the apple trees completely motionless. You took your eyes away from her for no more than two seconds and then looked to see that she had disappeared.

It almost made you panic, but you kept your cool and scouted the area. She was nowhere to be seen and it was too dark for you to see where she was. But then, just as you turned around, you got slammed to the ground and heard a loud hiss in your ear. You let out a grunt of pain and hit a tree with your back. The hissing could be heard right in front of you and you were curious about who or what was hissing at you.

You checked and saw what looked like a pony who had faded yellow fur and magenta eyes. Her hair was a faded pink color and looked similar to your wife's. You nearly felt your heart about to jump out of you when she hissed at you again in a territorial way. But then, you saw your wedding ring on the bat pony's left hand and looked straight into her eyes, shocked at who you were face-to-face with.

"F-F-Fluttershy?" you ask, hoping it was her. She glared at you, ready to bite you, but when you said her name, her eyes widened and she looked directly into your eyes, too.

"Ge...nus...." she hissed gently. You nodded at the nickname she called you by. She backed away and covered herself with her bat wings.

"No, wait! It's okay. I'm here." you reassured her. You got closer and she slashed at you with tears, ashamed of herself for being seen by you in her current state. "Fluttershy, it's okay."

She shook her head, not wanting to look at you. You got a bit closer to her and this time she went and tried to slash at you again, but you caught her hand and held it in the palms of your hands. She covered herself with her other hand and her wings, waiting to see what would happen. Your next action catches her off-guard. You leaned down onto her hand and kissed the back of it.

Fluttershy looked at you with confusion. Normally, other ponies would run in fear if they ever saw her like this, but you took the opposite view and showed her you're not afraid. You gently rubbed her hand, letting her know she doesn't have to be ashamed or afraid.

Slowly, but surely, she opened up her wings and took her vacant hand away from her beautiful face and looked at you with that adorable timid smile. She scooches up closer to you and grabs your arm with one hand and caresses your cheek with the other.

"It's alright, Fluttershy. I understand why you've been sneaking out at night. Just remember this. I will always love you no matter how difficult the problem is." You say. You spread your arms out, wanting to give your beloved wife a big hug. She accepts it and lunges at you with her open arms.

You both hugged each other and soon you felt yourself being lifted up off the air. Fluttershy, or as you'd mentally call her Flutterbat, carried you and flew the two of you to a more secluded place that was a bit farther from anyone else that no one would dare to find you two: The abandoned castle of the royal sisters. Inside the abandoned castle, Flutterbat flew you over to the royal bedroom and set you down on an old bed. She lands on her feet next to the bed with her back turned against you for some reason.

She glances at you with a sultry smile and licks her lips. You smile at her, not needing any hints on what she wanted to do with you. You quickly undressed yourself and watched as your wife stripped herself of her clothes until she was completely naked and turned to face you. It looked like her breasts had grown a cup larger from D-Cup to E-Cup and your rod had stood tall from the sight.

Flutterbat straddles on top of you and licks your neck. You shuddered from the feeling of her tongue making contact with your skin. If she was gonna bite you, you weren't gonna run from it, whether you had a choice in the matter or not because it felt so good. Your hunch was correct. Her fangs sank into your neck, but thankfully, she didn't sink them too far inside your skin.

You felt her breasts graze your nipples and her fangs nibbling on your neck. She pulled away just to lick her fangs before she grabs you and sits you up, facing her predatorial gaze. She looked so cute and yet so hot and you gave her a kiss, stroking her messed up hair. Flutterbat pulled away after a few minutes of making out and stood up off the bed, signalling you to do the same. You obeyed without hesitation.

Then she kneels down and stares directly at your hard shaft. She grabs a hold of it and starts licking it for a while before taking in the whole thing into her mouth and bobbed back and forth. You placed your hand on the back of her head, making her deep throat you. She didn't object to it and instead grabbed hold of one of your legs and your butt cheek. You hummed and moaned in approval.

"Ooh, fuck! Even as a bat pony, you're still good at this!" you moaned out loud. Her tongue wrapped around your rod, stroking it as she was sucking you off. It felt so good, you nearly climaxed, but kept it together and let go of Flutterbat so she could breathe. However, she wasn't letting up for one second. She sped up the blowjob she was giving you and even massaged your balls.

You couldn't hold it in much longer and exploded your cum inside her mouth. She drank it all hungerly and licked off all the leftovers from the tip and stood back up to face you with her sultry smile. She grabs the back of your neck and pulls you onto the bed with her. You layed on top of your transformed wife, staring down at her with your love-struck, heart-warming eyes and kissed her cheek.

"" she said seductively. You went ahead and leaned your lower body down and inserted your rock hard shaft inside her. Flutterbat hissed with a smile as she felt your shaft enter inside her like it use to years ago when she was about to have her first baby. But then you realized...

"W-Wait... are you sure you don't want me to at least get you good and ready by eating you out?" you ask.

"Buck... me... now! Can't... take... heat!" she says, in a struggling tone.

"You're in heat, huh?" you ask again. She nods. "Alright. Do you want it hard or gentle?"

"HAAAARRD!" she yells, nearly scaring you to death. You grabbed her boobs and started humping inside her dripping sex with a whole lot of force. Flutterbat hissed out loud, not sure if she was liking it or hating it, but you didn't want to get on your wife's bad side like that one time when she scolded you and gave you the stare when you got into a fight with her little brother, Zephyr Breeze.

Her inner walls squeeze your hard shaft as you kept banging your wife. Flutterbat never stopped looking at you with a sultry smile and her tongue hanging out. Her bat wings spreaded out and stiffened, showing off more of her sexiness. To make things more interesting, you grabbed her breasts and fondled them and slammed your cock deeper into her pussy harder and harder.

Flutterbat pulled you down onto her and slammed her lips with yours in a heavy make-out session. Your hands had been pinned down onto her boobs when she did that. You didn't mind it, though. You then mixed in your speed with your power into your thrusts. You grunted as her inner vaginal walls started to constrict around your hard shaft as you kept pumping in and out of her. She was literally trying to milk you for all the foal-maker cream you had stored away inside you.

"You sure drive me batty, my lovely angel." you flirted with your wife after breaking the kiss. In that moment, you took one of your hands away from one of her breasts and stroked her beautiful, yet messy, silky pink hair and made your batty wife hum in approval.

Then in a quick sudden movement, Flutterbat grabbed your shoulders and switched positions with you now being at the bottom and her on top. She bounced herself on your shaft, pressing her hands onto your bare chest and never stopped looking at you with her hungry and lustful eyes. She stuck her tongue out and leaned down to lick your neck before sucking on it. You moaned and gasped as she did that, somewhat out of fear being that she was still in her bat form.

But Flutterbat was careful enough to only playfully nibble on your neck instead of sinking them deep into your skin and sucking the blood outta you. You hated yourself for thinkin she wasn't in control when in reality, she actually was. She never stopped bouncing on your cock and some time into your love-making session, your legs would end up twitching from the pleasure of her nibbling on your neck. You hugged Flutterbat and thrusted upwards pressing your manhood up against her womb entrance.

Flutterbat leg go of your neck and had her eyes shot upwards with her tongue hanging loose and hissed nonstop, meaning she was probably getting close to climaxing. Judging by how fast she was riding your cock and how hard she was slamming onto it, she was definitely getting close. You moaned and grunted, feeling your legs twitch a bit more and held Flutterbat down by her legs and pumped your shaft deep into her, driving her crazy and she let out a hiss out loud, digging her sharp nails into your skin.

"Nnngh! Careful honey!" you grunted. Flutterbat eased her grip on you and synced her hips with yours, slamming down onto your manhood while you slammed upwards into her marehood. Her breasts bounced violently from the rough sex you two were having. You stared at them hungerly and leaned up and locked your lips on one of them, sucking on one of her erect nipples.

That was it. Flutterbat couldn't take the pleasure anymore and sprayed her love nectar all over your crotch, causing you to moan out loud and blow your hot seed into her womb. Flutterbat hissed and collapsed, causing you to collapse onto the bed with her on top. All of the energy you had was now gone and you felt your eyes shut and you passed out with your arms wrapped around your wife.

The next morning, when you woke up, you noticed you weren't in the abandoned castle anymore, and instead you were in Fluttershy's cottage. The sounds of your son laughing could be heard from downstairs and same with your dog, Trusty barking happily. You took the blanket off of you and noticed your clothes were back on, making you think it was all just some kind of dream.

If it was, it certainly felt real to you. Either way, you ran downstairs and there they were in the living room, your son Warm Breeze playing with Trusty and sitting on the couch was your wife, Fluttershy, looking as beautiful and cute as ever before and finally back to normal. She looks at you with a warm smile and signals you to come over to her, in turn you obeyed her and sat next to her. She then leans into your ear.

"You were amazing last night, honey." she whispers, catching you off-guard. "And thank you for getting Pinkie to watch over our son. It's thanks to you, the curse is gone for now and I can finally spend some more time with you and Warm Breeze. I should've just told you I transform into a bat pony, but I couldn't stand the fact that you might have been in danger."

"It's alright, honey. What matters now is that you're back and we can finally be prepared for the upcoming Nightmare Night festival tonight." you reply.

"That's great to hear, Genus. But I think you should know something else." Fluttershy leaned in and placed her hand close to your ear and whispered quietly. "I'm pregnant again."

Your eyes open wide in surprise and excitement. Fluttershy had on her timid smile, blushing. It's like she doesn't want to stop being cute. You leaned in and hugged her gently. She hugs you back warmly in her arms and her beautiful wings.

"I can't wait for when we have our 2nd child." you whisper in her ear.

"Me too, my beloved Genus." Fluttershy whispered back warmly.

Happy Nightmare Night (Re-written version)

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The Angel That Drives You Batty

Rewritten by Israel Yabuki

Edited & Co-written by NineTailBeastBall

Halloween, it was never something you were interested in back in the human world on the account of how reserved and shy you were even into adulthood. That was all in the past though, as your shy and timid nature has begun to wash away with your new life in the world of ponies, and more specifically, alongside your wife and sweetest mare in the land, Fluttershy.

You were never going to question why the holidays here in the pony universe were practically the same as the ones back in the world you were born into. That being said, each year on what they called Nightmare Night, you were satisfied with just staying at the cottage with your wife and handing out candy, but this time, you were looking to attend the annual festival in Ponyville.

Change was just part of life. If anyone wanted proof, they just had to look at your adorable 1-year-old son, the result of you and Fluttershy’s love for each other, all dressed up in a Young Link costume. But while you and Warm Breeze had already picked out your costumes thanks to Rarity, there would be no point unless you could convince your wife, who was laying down on the couch to tag along.

She opened her eyes as you sat down to stroke her mane. The last couple of years, it just seemed like a preference to stay at home, but Fluttershy has been showing signs of fatigue and exhaustion ever since this morning. She barely managed to conjure up the energy to fix breakfast for you and Warm Breeze, and you considered it good fortune that your 1-year-old was still too young to worry.

“Sweetie, what’s going on with you?” you asked.

“Hmm? Uh... what do you mean?” Fluttershy asked, wiping the sleep away from her eyes.

“Flutters, you look like you haven't slept in days.” You brought her into your embrace. “Have you been pulling all-nighters for some reason?”

She darted her eyes from you to the floor. “I... I don’t know what to tell you, Genus... Please understand that even I have things I keep to myself...”

“Rarity had already finished your costume, and we both know, my adorable wife, that you would look cute in anything,” you said for the effect of making her blush. “But your health comes first. You know I could never stay mad at you, no matter what secrets you might have. So what’s bothering you?”

“I... I’m sorry, dear, but... this is just one secret I can’t share with you. Not yet, anyways...” Fluttershy hesitated, shaking in your embrace.

You pressed on, but not before kissing her on top of her shivering head. “Why not? We’ve already planned out our evening with that creative forest nymph outfit to match my werewolf costume, but it wouldn’t mean anything if the beloved mare who made my life a paradise suddenly became too sick to attend the fun.”

Fluttershy stopped shaking and looked into your eyes. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world, Genus, but please respect my decision. I promise you, this is something I’m keeping under wraps for the sake of you and sweet little Warm Breeze over there...”

Speaking of your toddler, you had to leave the couch to lend him a hand when you saw he had somehow gotten his Nightmare Night bucket stuck on his head. Yet another thing that was beyond your knowledge. You helped him get it off before you picked him up and brought him back over to the couch.

Fluttershy finally smiled at how silly your son, who was still so innocent to the world, could be. As you watched her take Warm Breeze into her gentle embrace, it pained you to leave your wife to deal with her troubles on her own — you felt so powerless that you almost wanted to cry.

Your worry must have been felt throughout the cottage, because before you knew it, the dozens of animals that you and Fluttershy looked after as a team gathered around the couch to check on their caretaker. Among them, of course, was your loyal companion Trusty, forcing his head into your hand and onto your knee with a low whine.

“I’ll remind you a thousand times if necessary that there isn’t a single soul in this cottage who can stand to see you suffer, Flutters,” you began, scratching Trusty behind the ears to comfort him enough that he stopped whining. “Nightmare Night starts tomorrow, but if whatever it is you’re hiding reaches the point that you need to sleep in, we’ll do so. Your health means more to me than some silly festival that takes place every year.”

With that, Fluttershy, still holding Warm Breeze, let out an ‘eep’ as you scooped her under her legs and carried her up the stairs like it was your wedding night again. Whatever was taxing her energy left her with the capacity to blush as her animal friends followed the three of you up to her room, watching all the while how easily you carried their owner.

“Do we have a deal?” you asked, sitting on your shared bed with Fluttershy still safe in your arms.

“Y-yes... It’s a deal, Genus...” she promised. You smiled and placed her on the bed before taking Warm Breeze so you could change him out of his costume and into his pajamas.

I’ll figure out what’s going on with Mommy, little guy. I promise...’ you thought, placing the toddler in his crib, which you rocked gently. You weren’t nearly as good at putting your son to sleep as Fluttershy, but you remained patient and kept rocking the crib while humming a tune until he departed for dreamland, where Princess Luna could take over watching over him.

“Fluttershy?” you asked, returning to the bedroom, but your wife had appeared to have already fallen asleep, facing the window. You frowned and slowly turned the nightstand lamp off before nestling to Fluttershy’s side to hug her from behind as you did every time it was time to sleep. You had drifted off even quicker than Warm Breeze did when his mother put him to bed, but it’s because of that that you didn’t notice that Fluttershy was still awake because of a throbbing pain in her mouth.

Princess Luna’s moon, shining through the bedroom window, tempted her so as she covered her mouth with both hands. If there was anything she was grateful for at the moment, it’s that you were a very heavy sleeper, and with the little degree of control she retained, Fluttershy pried your arms off and stepped out of the bed.

It simply wasn’t possible for her to fall asleep at night during this time of year.

You had already decided, whether or not Fluttershy regained her energy, you would be fixing breakfast this morning, but you couldn’t honestly keep acting like you didn’t see anything last night.

Fluttershy, with those bags under her eyes, helped to feed a warm bowl of oatmeal to Warm Breeze. Some details were still missing, but at least you were beginning to understand why she had been so tired the last few days. It was rare with Princess Luna’s work, especially for a sound sleeper like you, but you woke up in the middle of the night because of Trusty’s barking in time to see Fluttershy climbing through the window.

That wasn’t the point. You couldn’t get what you saw next out of your head. You had been pretending to be asleep as your wife squeezed through the bedroom window. It was dark and your left eye was just barely open, but you swore in the light of Luna’s moon, Fluttershy’s extended wings were like those of a bat.

“...nus? Ge... nus? GENUS!” You came back to the real world because of a combination of the loud volume that Fluttershy rarely used in normal situations, and the hissing of the kettle that you snapped out of your thoughts in time to move away from the fire.

“S-sorry...! Guess I kinda spaced out for a minute there...” you said, scratching your head. Fluttershy wiped some oatmeal from Warm Breeze’s lip before joining your side and holding your left hand with both of her own.

“What were you...?” she trailed off. “What were you thinking about? You’re usually so focused.”

“You look even more tired than yesterday, so... I’ve been debating whether we should just stay home this year?” you tried to reason. “You promised me you wouldn’t push yourself if you didn’t think it was a good idea to go out.”

"No, please!" she panicked, startling you — she had raised her voice twice in less than two minutes. “Uh... s-sorry, honey. It’s just that I want to spend as much time with you and our sweet little colt this Nightmare Night. I know I haven't been acting like myself nowadays, but I don't want our plans to change,” Fluttershy insisted.

“Are you sure we can still make it possible?” you asked to make double sure.

“I’m positive. I want this night to be extra special between the three of us. Besides, Rarity dedicated a lot of effort into our costumes.”

You had already made a mental promise to figure out what Fluttershy was hiding. If your tired eyes from last night were being honest with you, and you had witnessed some sort of transformation, there was a chance it could happen again. Aside from that, there were bound to be a lot of happy faces and creative costumes down there in Ponyville tonight, and Fluttershy made a good point of how Rarity’s position as the element of generosity shouldn’t be taken for granted.

Next thing you know, Trusty came and nudged you closer to Fluttershy with his nose. He was awake last night when the window opened, too. Was he, nevertheless, encouraging you to go?

“Doggy!” Warm Breeze exclaimed from the table, and Trusty decided to stop pressuring you to stand closer to your wife in order to give the colt some attention. You, regrettably, didn’t share Fluttershy’s gift to speak to animals, but you believed you understood what Trusty was getting at.

“Okay, you win,” you replied, combing through Fluttershy’s mane. “I would have to be crazy to pass up the chance to look at you in that beautiful forest nymph costume! Not to mention how your friends might react to seeing your charming husband here dressed as something as ferocious as a werewolf.”

Fluttershy’s face was burning, yet she decided to play your game. “One of the few beasts that even I can’t tame,” she giggled and kissed you deeply. However, if you could read minds, you would have felt how relieved she was that the pain that was in her mouth last night was gone. More specifically... her teeth.

“Or rather, you can't tame them... yet,” you corrected with a boop on her snoot — you didn’t want that adorable blush to leave so soon. “Now, let’s go ahead and finish breakfast. The healthiest meal of the day comes before Nightmare Night treats.”

“Thanks... but no thanks, Genus...” Fluttershy shook her head. “I can understand you’re worried about me and your head is filled with questions.. but I’d rather just go back upstairs for some more bed rest and eat before the party...”

“Ma ma?” Warm Breeze asked, watching with those innocent eyes as his mother sauntered back upstairs.

You crossed your arms and felt a headache on its way. You and Fluttershy took turns cooking, as you did for various other chores, but never once did you go without eating each other’s meals. You swore the day Fluttershy agreed to marry you that you would support her through everything.

What was she hiding that she couldn’t even trust you with knowing?

“You see, I knew you would look cute in anything!” you praised after Fluttershy was done changing into her nymph outfit. She put her hands on her blushing cheeks, unable to look you in the eye for more than two seconds while she was this bashful.

“Y-you look n-nice too, Genus...” she muttered. She really did mean it. To complete your werewolf look, You had on this furry full-body costume that came with a bulking fake chest and 6-pack. The gloves were human-shaped, but were modeled to resemble wolf claws, and Fluttershy helped paint your face with fake dirt and scars, as well as messed up your hair.

“Little Link here will help protect Mommy in case this werewolf loses control, won’t you, son?” you said to Warm Breeze, making him laugh and gurgle as you hoisted him up. You pushed the events from last night to the back of your mind and just focused on the fun that awaited you and your family down in Ponyville.

“Shall we?” You offered Fluttershy your arm like a gentleman, and she took it, no longer too embarrassed to look at you.

Once you made it into town, the first ones to both recognize and greet you were Pinkie Pie and her human husband, Frosty. Pinkie gave Fluttershy a big hug while Frosty wrapped his arms around you.

“Well, well, well! So, Equestria’s favorite animal kingdom couple came down after all! Nice costumes,” Frosty remarked. You could say the same about him, as he was dressed up as a knight while his wife went with the same chicken costume she wore a few years back.

“Aww, and look at little Warm Breeze! What’s this little cutie dressed up as?!” Pinkie asked.

“Fluttershy and I agreed to share some of my human world culture this year. He’s Young Link from a famous game called Legend of Zelda. Rarity even fulfilled our request to make him replicas of the Deku Shield and Kokiri Sword made of foam,” you explained. Honestly though, you could have simplified it some more, as poor Pinkie’s eyes moved in circles from all the new information.

“Speaking of Rarity, you all should REALLY go down to the market district!” Frosty insisted, holding his dizzy wife close. “I don’t know how it happened, but our favorite drama queen was somehow convinced to volunteer for the dunk tank! You have to see it to believe it.”

“I can’t pass off that chance!” you chuckled. It was all in good fun, though. “Ready to move Flutter-”

Your sentence died just short of one more syllable when you caught your wife staring off into the distance. Remembering a trick from one of your favorite Disney movies, you held up two fingers in front of Fluttershy’s eyes and turned them to find that she was staring at a couple of ponies who were bobbing for apples.

In normal circumstances, you would have reasoned that anyone could get distracted by the sight of someone reaching for apples with their mouth, but you kept in mind how Fluttershy turned down breakfast for the first time. Not to mention she had apparently snuck out last night and possibly the night before.

“WAKEY! WAKEY!” Pinkie, whose brain was no longer ‘short-circuiting’, helped Fluttershy out of her trance.

“Thanks for that Pinkie,” you said and went out on a limb. “Are you hungry, baby? I caught you staring at those contestants over there, and I’ve honestly never tried bobbing for an apple before.”

Fluttershy actually giggled at the thought of you playing the game. “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt...” she answered. “Applejack always says she only brings the best of her produce for this kind of entertainment.”

“As expected from a proud member of the Apple family,” you agreed. You wanted to shrug this bad feeling away as you made Warm Breeze wave goodbye to the Pie couple, but it became especially difficult when you saw how Pinkie Pie was now frowning and narrowing her eyes. It was as if the happy-go-lucky mare really wanted to tell you something, but couldn’t as long as Fluttershy was around.

Staring at apples wasn’t such a big deal, but with your arms once again around your wife, you were more worried than ever when you felt that she had begun drooling when you were just inches away from the barrel full of fresh produce. You tried once again to maintain a logical mind — you did agree not to eat too much for dinner on the account of all the treats that would be there at the party.

“Apple?” Warm Breeze asked, finding a new word to add to his limited vocabulary.

“That’s right, sport,” you chuckled. “What do you think, Flutters? A werewolf bobbing for an apple? Not very convincing, huh?” you joked to try and lighten this tense atmosphere. Fluttershy had at least stopped drooling like she was staring at her first food in weeks.

“I’m sorry, Genus...” she muttered and pulled on her mane. “I can’t believe I was actually drooling like a beast just now... All because I was foolish enough to skip breakfast...”

Instead of making things difficult by playing the game, you simply grabbed one of the apples and offered it to the embarrassed mare. She took it without a word, grateful you weren’t the kind of husband who would criticize somepony’s natural functions as she bit into the fruit.

“Nopony can help it when they get hungry,” you reasoned. “Now let’s go find that dunk tank. Even with Frosty’s say, I still find it hard to imagine somepony like Rarity, who likes to keep her mane straight, would volunteer to get wet.”

Fluttershy smiled, but didn’t say anything else. Mainly because the inside of her mouth was beginning to change as she took another bite of the apple. If only you weren’t so focused on finding some more of your friends you would have seen that this time, she punctured the delicious fruit with... two jagged fangs.

Your face was red from how hard you did it, but you had actually slapped yourself to make sure you were right in the head when you found the dunk tank. By now, Rarity, going as a lifeguard this year, had her face covered with her soaked mane after being dunked at least twice. You theorized from her costume choice that she already knew her generosity would bring her to partake in this game.

With a simple spell, Rarity conjured up a brush and more or less styled her mane back to normal. Her human husband, Silver, dressed as what looked like Poseidon the sea god, was waiting in the crowd to reward her charity with a kiss.

“This was a one-time thing, remember that,” she insisted, poking Silver’s chest with each word before they both took notice of you.

“Looks like we missed the show,” you chuckled and shook Silver’s hand. Fluttershy, meanwhile, hugged Rarity, not minding even remotely that the latter was still wet. As far as both of you were concerned, you made the right choice to attend the party for the chance to prove to Rarity that she did a marvelous job on your costumes.

“You wouldn’t have actually tried to dunk the lady who got you all dressed up, now would you?” Rarity responded to your teasing, coming over to poke your chest like she had done her husband’s. If you weren’t already happily married yourself, the gesture would have made you blush fiercely.

You then looked around to see somebody was missing. “Where’s cute little Crystal Gem?”

“You should have stopped by a few minutes earlier. She already left to get candy with Sweetie Belle and the other kids,” Silver answered.

“But not without some rules, of course,” Rarity cut in. “I made it as clear as I can that even if she gets her entire bag filled tonight, it’s out of the question I’ll let her eat it all before bed.” She then came over to play with Warm Breeze’s fingers. “I expect you’ll apply the same rules, darling.”

“Well, she is still pretty young. How much candy do you think we should-” You wanted Fluttershy’s opinion on how much sugar Warm Breeze should have before calling it a night, but she was no longer at your side.

“Flutters? Flutters, where’d you go?!” you called out, getting naturally worried since you knew for a fact that she was right beside you just a minute ago. “Did either of you see where she went?”

The fashion couple shared your worry — they, too, couldn’t imagine how Fluttershy could have slipped away so quickly. Warm Breeze actually began to whimper, noticing the absence of his mother, and you gently rubbed his back in an attempt to ease his pain.

“I-I... I’m speechless, darling. I assure you I just turned away for a second...” Rarity stuttered. There was a limit to how scared someone could get on Nightmare Night before it crossed the line. “T-this just isn’t like her. Sneaking off into the night on her own... Unless...”

“Unless?” Still patting your whimpering son, you moved especially close to Rarity after that last word. She was the second mare who seemed to have an idea of what was going on in Fluttershy’s mind. “Unless what?”

Rarity grabbed both of your shoulders. “You have to find her, Genus... If my fears are correct, you, her husband, the stallion who loves her like no other, might be the only one who can get through to her tonight.”

“I... I understand. Listen, I’m gonna go and look for her. You guys have my full trust to look after Warm Breeze until I get back,” you said, handing them the distressed toddler.

“Da da?” he asked, not wanting you to go too. Unfortunately, it wasn’t up for debate.

As you ran off to begin your search, you honestly didn’t know where to start. An unknown sensation was telling you that you wouldn’t find Fluttershy back at the cottage. Even if that voice in your head was right, you nevertheless rushed back home, as you knew someone who could help. Two heads were always better than one when it came to searching, especially if one of them was a dog.

“Alright, I’m counting on you, boy,” you said, holding one of Fluttershy’s favorite shirts for Trusty to smell. As you thought, she hadn’t gone back to the cottage, but plenty of her stuff was still here.

Trusty sniffed at the shirt like he was told, and got all excited when Fluttershy’s scent was registered in his brain. You followed your friend out the door, almost struggling to keep up with him as he ran into the woods. Perhaps you should have put a leash on him before getting the shirt.

You’re worried about her too, aren’t you, big guy?’ you thought, trusting your beloved canine and his keen sense of smell to show you the way to your wife. Rarity’s words repeated in your head over and over again like a record player.

If my fears are correct, you, her husband, the stallion who loves her like no other, might be the only one who can get through to her tonight.

Trusty had led you deeper into the Everfree Forest than you’ve ever dared to go at night before he finally stopped. “Trusty, what’s up? Do you smell her?” You were so excited and worried about the love of your life that you had actually forgotten that dogs can’t talk... but he could very much still whine.

You pointed your flashlight upwards... and there she was. Hanging upside-down by the tail with her wings covering her face. But her wings weren't your regular pegasi wings, but were actually bat-shaped and opened up to reveal Fluttershy's face. Her beautiful teal eyes were now a sharp, glaring, red color. She let out a hiss, which caused Trusty to whine even more.

“Trusty... go home, boy. I’ll handle this,” you assured, but Trusty, scared as he was, didn’t budge. “Trusty, I’ll be okay. Go on, go!” This time, Trusty made a break for his way out of the forest, leaving you with your transformed wife. She continued to glare at you with those piercing red eyes of hers.

At least you knew now that you hadn’t been seeing things the other night. She dropped from her tree with those same bat wings she had snuck back through the window with and landed on top of you, showing off her new fangs and tongue with another loud hiss.

“F-Flutters...?” you asked, hoping it was her. She was ready to bite you like you were a stranger that trespassed into her territory, but your voice got through to her feral state and reminded her that you were nothing of the sort. You, on the other hand, were convinced that this was still the mare you fell for, as she was still wearing her wedding ring with the butterfly shaped ruby.

“G-Genus...” she hissed gently, but you no longer felt threatened by such sounds and touched her cheek to learn the fur hadn’t lost its smooth texture with the transformation.

“That’s right, honey. It's me,” you nodded. You rubbed her soft cheeks, keeping your loving gaze on hers. "Is this why you've been sneaking out, honey?" you asked, but Fluttershy backed away from your touch and shielded her new form with her bat wings.

“Please... don’t look at me...” It wouldn’t take a straight A student to know that she was starting to cry. “I’m so ashamed...”

What kind of husband or man would you be if you left her now? “Fluttershy, please... I’m here for-” As gentle and reassuring as your voice was, Fluttershy gave in to her instincts and took a swipe at you with her claws. She never wanted you to see her like this.

Contrary to what someone else might have done, you didn’t back away, even as her new claws cut open your werewolf costume around the torso. Rather, you jumped forward before she could swipe at you again and held her tight in your arms. With her chin now on your shoulder, she reached up to try and tear open your back, but her shaking arms stopped just inches away.

“G-Genus...” she hissed again, but her hands left your vulnerable back alone as she trembled. Her bat wings were still open as you held her, and you did the unexpected when you leaned forward and kissed the membrane on the left one. It did the trick, as you got one of the adorable squeaks you were used to hearing whenever your mare was taken by surprise.

“It would take a lot more than this to drive me away, Flutters...” you cooed, combing her mane so it was as neat as it had been before she disappeared. “I should have told you before, but I saw you when you snuck back into the cottage the other night. Of course I was surprised and didn’t know what to think, but then I remembered our wedding vows. How we promised to support each other thick and thin. The bond we’ve built is the very reason I can talk to you now.”

“G-G-Genus...” Fluttershy, or as you mentally wanted to call her, Flutterbat, soaked your shoulder with fresh tears before she lifted her chin off of it. Now looking into your eyes, she stopped shaking so you could wipe her tears before kissing you. You took caution to her fangs as she allowed you to invade her mouth and taste the apples from the bobbing barrel.

It was still early into the night and there was a risk that some foals might catch you getting frisky since Ponyville’s only zebra, Zecora, guided them through the Everfree every year to rehearse the story of Nightmare Moon, but you didn’t care. After two years of marriage, you’ve grown to know specifically how Flutterbat here kisses you when... that was on her mind.

“Please lay down...” Flutterbat whispered and gave you a very gentle nip on the neck, making you shiver from the pinch of her fangs. With your costumes practically ruined, you could already hear how loud Rarity would chew you out when you come back to town to pick up Warm Breeze, but you would worry about that later. The gentle bite got the blood flowing in your loins as you and Flutterbat discarded what remained of your costumes. Well, that along with another look at your wife’s bare G-cup breasts, complete with hard nipples.

There’s my Flutters...’ you thought, watching her ears drop bashfully, along with her face turning red. It felt good to know that under that bat pony facade, your wife was still there. Oh, how you loved how cute she was and nuzzled her. “Even as a bat pony, you’re still so precious...” you whispered as you cupped one of her massive hooters. She shivered and went back to your neck to bite you again, adding only a tad more pressure than the last time. Matching her style, you applied a little more force to your groping, squeezing each breasts a good five to six times before giving the left nipple a little pinch.

“A-are you... Are you worried?” Flutterbat asked after another pinch. “Even a little?”

“Specify, dear?”

“Well, if we were to do... it again and I got pregnant...” she tried to voice her worries, but you caught on quickly and kissed her on the forehead. More likely than not, the next baby might inherit some of their mother’s current bat traits, but you didn’t give a damn.

“What’s so wrong with having another baby? If you do get pregnant from this, we’ll get through this the same way when we had our Warm Breeze. After all, I love you all the same,” you assured, stroking her mane and then her ears. She always loved it when you did the latter, regardless of whether you were about to have sex or not.

“How silly of me to worry about something so trivial... I love you, too...” Flutterbat felt your manhood poking her belly and showed off her fangs again as she breathed through her open mouth. It was starting to get cold this time of year and her breath warmed your face before she bent down to get a better look at your shaft.

“I might never get used to how big these are...” she muttered, lifting both of her heavy breasts and wrapping them around your prick. “Will you?”

You didn’t respond verbally, but moaned at the joy of feeling her soft mammaries again. In all honesty, you didn’t know or care if you would ever get used to your wife having a G-size rack.

“I’ll tell you this much, hun. I’ll never get tired of those big girls of yours,” you replied. Flutterbat smiled and proceeded to rub her boobs together, mashing your cock between them. She gave your thick shaft a few good licks while tittyfucking you, and you groaned in pleasure at how good she was at this.

Luna’s moon was shining through the trees and you might have spotted a few critters gazing at your fun from above, but it didn’t matter. The only thing on your mind was your transformed wife and the sweet bliss she was giving you. In fact, it was probably because of her temporary bat instincts that she was rubbing her breasts harder and faster than she had done in the past.

“F-Flutters, there’s no need to rush...!” you wanted to insist, in case she was somehow still afraid you would abandon her. She heard your plea and slowed down. It didn’t really matter much, for at this point, your cock was already at its maximum hardness. Flutterbat could see it throbbing and poking out from between her big bosom, and stuck her long tongue out to coil around your tip.

“Did you... not like it fast?” she questioned. “I may have gotten a little excited...”

“I actually do like it fast, I just... I was worried you might’ve felt insecure for a moment there, that’s all. Go ahead, Flutters,” you assured. Flutterbat pulled up for a quick peck on the lips before picking up where she left off. You almost howled to tonight’s full moon like an actual werewolf as Flutterbat rubbed your breasts around your manhood with no holds barred nor mercy. It was now your tongue that was hanging out of your mouth as you occasionally twitched and thrusted upward. But just when you were about to get to the best part, Flutterbat stopped.

“I... I’ll confess I’m feeling especially impatient tonight...” she muttered and with a face that still matched the shade of the apple she had eaten back at the party, she turned around on her knees to present her rear and butterfly cutie marks. “This will be our most fun Nightmare Night yet...”

“You’re right about that, honey,” you replied. You then got up and mounted her from behind, caressing her big bottom. You then grabbed your hot, throbbing shaft and aimed it at her dripping entrance. “You ready for this?”

“Do it,” she nodded. You happily thrusted into her tight marehood and begin plowing her like a wild animal — that’s how she wanted it tonight, versus a slow and careful rhythm. She let out a silenced moan, her mind going haywire as you helped to turn her insides into mush. As if the moon was giving you energy, your powerful meat stick kept going in and out, lathered by Flutterbat’s leaking mare juices.

Needless to say, the lubrication made it so much easier for you to slide deeper inside and poke at her womb entrance. Like Trusty when he was ready for a walk or treat, Flutterbat’s tail swished like crazy from how good it felt. Her walls became tighter as she fell under the hypnotic sounds of the wet slaps and her own dirty moans. You were also pulled into such a trance, and upped the ante by smacking her enormous booty a few times. Something you would usually never do on account of how fragile your beloved wife was under normal circumstances.

“G-grope me...! I-I know you want to...!” she moaned. Her flopping chest was yet another erotic and hypnotizing sound. So with no further invitation, you reached over and groped her massive breasts, fondling them even. The sweet sensation of her silky hooters in the palm of your hands turned your sex drive up to the max.

Now, you were plowing her at a faster, harder rate, going as deep as you could while cupping her sweet globes of love. You pant like a wild animal and Flutterbat, dangerous as she was when you and Trusty had found her, was powerless to stop you. The most she could do, aside from moaning and flicking her long tongue out, was continue to tighten her marehood around your ruthless shaft.

“I-I... I love you... ah... more than ANYTHING, Flutters...!” you groaned and then played a game of imitation by going over to bite her sweaty neck with your canines. Flutterbat could no longer support you on her back thanks to the burst of pleasure that came with your fangs, and the two of you collapsed on the grass. You, of course, recovered from the fall and continued plowing her from above.

“F-FUCK!” she exclaimed, both increasing the risk of someone catching you, and earning a twitch from your member. Who knew your animal caretaker, gentle, kind, and sensitive she was, was capable of that kind of word? Ironically, though you deemed it appropriate under these circumstances.

“T-That’s right...! Let your voice out darling! I-I’m... I’m CUMMING!”

“YES! Go ahead and cum! FILL ME UP!” Flutterbat moaned.

The moment of truth was drawing closer. You kept your rhythm going and having your batty wife pinned underneath you as you slammed your dick deep inside her repeatedly before the bomb finally set off. Your juices filled her womb to the brim and spilled out onto the grass as you slowed your thrusts to a complete stop and pulled out a minute later.

“Let’s lay here for a moment...” you suggested, rolling off of the equally exhausted mare. “Alas, we missed another Nightmare Night festival, but I regret nothing...” you whispered, reaching over to once again toy with Flutterbat’s ears.

Actually, you saw fit to call her Fluttershy again, as you noticed that she was slowly reverting back to an everyday pegasus starting with her ears. Next was her eyes and soon, her wings reverted back to their original, feathery form. There was no longer any danger of getting a hole in your tongue as she wrestled with it again.

“I promise you, Genus... From now on, no more secrets...” Fluttershy assured and kissed your chin next.

“That’s all I wanted to hear...” you said before kissing her snoot, followed by going back to playing with her ears. “Just so we’re clear, that better include when that baby is finally ready.”

“Oh, it will, sweetie... It will... Happy Nightmare Night...”