Sweet Bakes

by Fatblack

First published

Starlight trys to help Pinkie by using a new spell and it creats new problems

When a new bakery comes to Ponyville and sends Sugar cube corner into difficult times. Starlight finds a spell that might help or doom all of Equstria. Can Starlight fix things before its to late

Hard Times

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“New quills, check, more ink, check, check, check,” Starlight read off the list she had levitating in front of her in her magic. “All that's left is to pick up Twilight’s order at Sugarcube Corner," she thought to herself as she continued down the road putting the the list back into her saddlebag.

Eventually Starlight arrived at her desired destination. She walked through the doors of Sugarcube Corner and was surprised to see the bakery deserted of customers. The only pony she saw was a bored Pinkie sitting at the counter who, at the sound of Starlight’s entrance, had looked up and almost jumped out of her seat in excitement at seeing somepony visiting to break her boredom.

“Hey Starlight, what can I help you with?”

“Oh I came to pick up a order for Twilight," Starlight said looking around. Tables and chairs were lacking the ponies they desperately needed. The whole bakery was unnaturally silent unlike last time Starlight had visited it was lively and filled with satisfied customers. But now that life it once had seem dead. “I've never seen this place so empty it feels weird," she added. Pinkie nodded her head in agreement.

“It's been like this ever since Sweet Bakes came in," the cotton maned mare said as she went walking towards the back to retrieve the order. Soon she came back with a square white box. “After they came in business has dwindled down everyday," Pinkie then arrived back to the counter and set the box down gently. “You're actually our first customer all day," she finished saying.

Starlight looked at a nearby clock, “But its already four o'clock," She said as she began to levitate the box into the air and onto her back. “I wouldn't think a new shop could do that well, especially considering since Sugarcube Corner has been here for so long," she added.

Pinkie let out a sigh, “I know,” Pinkie lets out another sigh before finishing. “I just hope business picks up soon, I don't think I’ll like what will happen if it doesn't.”

“I’m sure it will pick up soon,” Starlight said, before turning around and starting her walk home. “ See you later Pinkie pie," Starlight said as she walked out.


Across town there sat the new bakery with the name Sweet Bakes printed onto a pink sign with white lettering. Outside of the building there were two lines that had formed, one slowly moving line full of fidgety ponies going in and the other line of happy, chatty ponies going outside. While inside there were many chairs and tables all filled with ponies eating the freshly baked good and having conversations with each other. Up towards the back of the store was a long counter with a display case showing off different baked goods, cookies, brownies, scones, and so on.

Behind the counter was a middle age pegasus mare, slightly older than the Cakes. She had a bright brown coat the same colour as the sugar cookies on display, also she had a long white mane similar to cane sugar. She wore a pink apron with the name of the bakery on it.

“Thank you, Please come again!” said for umpteenth time that day by the middle age mare at the register waving to a customer who was walking out with a bag of baked goods. The light brown mare looked to the next customer in line and smiled Cheerfully. “Hello Derpy! The usual again?”

Derpy smiled and nodded her head “yes, Ms.Sweet, two Blueberry muffins.”

Ms. Sweet looked back to a stallion “Can you get me two blueberry muffins please,” she asked, but before the stallion could react a mare came trotting up behind him with a white bag setting it down on the counter near Derpy.

“I saw Derpy come in so I grabbed the muffins and bagged them, Mom," the mare said before she walked back to what she was doing.

As she passed the stallion he mumbled quietly “show off”

“Thank you sweetie," Mrs. Sweet said to her daughter.

"Yes, thank you Honey," said Derpy as she quickly paid for the muffins and then proceed to leave, excited to devour the sweets. Just as she was out of earshot Mrs.sweet could just hear “Thank you Sugar Sweet, see you later," Derpy said as she trotted through the exit and was quickly lost in the crowd of ponies outside.

Mrs.Sweet smiled as she prepared to serve the many customers waiting in line, overjoyed with how the business has been going for the past month. The only thing that has made her happier right now was the joy she saw on ponies faces as they got their orders or tried Sweet Bakes goods for the first time.


Starlight walked down the crystal hall of the castle. Her hoofsteps echoed through filling the silent castle with some life. Soon she arrived to the end of the hall and used her magic to open up a door to reveal the castle library. As she continued in she could see a crate containing several books with in it.

“Starlight, can you organize the books that arrived from the crystal empire? I would usually do it or spike but were both working on the treaties for Yakyakistan," Starlight remembering the conversation from breakfast. She happily did since it meant she would get first dibs on the books and what she see what might be interesting to read. So far though she hasn't really found any interesting books to read.

“Crystals and you,” Starlight read out loud as she put the book on the shelf. Most books seemed to be either there junk books or extra copies of. “Crystal Barging” she read dryly really hoping for something interesting, but losing hope as she went from dull book to dull book. She knew she was eventually going to read some (if not all) of the books in the crate, but for first pickings she didn't find any that seemed to be something she would be interested in. Her disinterest continued growing until she found.

“Crystal Enchanted Cooking?” Starlight read the book cover out loud, before she opened the book and and began to read. Nothing catching her interest at first, just some simple spells that didn't really do much of anything. A few would change the color of the food, some would make a dish taste sweet instead of spicy and so on. She was about to throw the book into the deepest darkest corner of the shelves when she noticed one particular spell.

Eat it, Want it." Starlight read. “This enchantment when used will make any food made from this spell taste unlike anything made before," Starlight read out. “Just enchant the items used to make the baked goods and the spell shall then embed itself into the food made with the items," she continued to read on, her mind rapidly going through all the possibilities the spell held.

She began to reread the spell over and over not believing what she was reading. “This is great this can help Pinkie pie! I just need to use it and anything she makes will become better than it already is," Starlight went silent for a moment as she went processing what she had just read.

Soon though issues she could see happening started going through her mind. “What if Pinkie doesn’t want this," was one of the issues. But as soon as they started appearing she started answering them. “I don't need to tell Pinkie about the spell, what she doesnt know wont hurt her… probably. She and the Cakes would believe it's just their cooking and be none the wiser."

She looked back to the book, “This is probably the only way I can help Pinkie, and Twilight did say it's good to help a friend in need,” looking out a window on the other side of the library, Starlight could see the sun setting. “Well I guess I can sleep on it and decide in the morning.”

Starlight the went finishing putting up the last of the books and then took the “Crystal Enchanted Cooking” and proceeded to go to her room to go to bed for the night.


Back at Sweet Bakes Mrs.Sweet walked to the entrance of her bakery and closed the door and locked it and flipped the open sign closed. Putting another end to a very successful day.

Ms.Sweet turned around seeing both her son and daughter cleaning up the store. Her daughter Honey Sweet, who looked just like she had when she was still that young with a similar bright brown coat, a sugar-white mane and wings, was busy washing tables with a wet rag. While her Son Starch Sweet who had some similarities with his mother like the bright brown fur but he shared more with his father, Like his gray mane similar to steel. Also like his father he was a unicorn and was using his magic to control multiple brooms to sweep the floors.

“When you two finish cleaning you can go to bed, I'm going to go start some prep for tomorrow," Sugar said as she headed towards the back.

Honey Stopped cleaning and looked to her mother “Do you want me to come and help after I get done cleaning?” she asked.

Sugar looked back just long enough to look at her daughter. “No dear, you should get a full night's sleep I can handle getting prep done," she spoke before turning away and disappearing into the kitchen..

Honey waited to see if her mother would come back, but after a few seconds she shifted her attention towards her younger brother. “So Starch, you haven't said much of how you feel about the bakery," She said as she continued to wash the tables.

Starch let out a sigh before speaking, “I’m lukewarm about the bakery. What I don't like that we had to leave the Crystal Empire to come here. Why didn’t we just stay there?” He asked almost petulantly.

“Mom wants a fresh start, the Crystal Empire has too many bad memories. You could have stayed if you wanted to and not help Mom with her dream," Honey retorted back to her brother.

“But you two are the last remaining family I have. Besides when are we going to live our dreams?” Starch stated.

“I’ll probably want to go and take over the bakery if it keeps doing good. So I'm already close to living it," Honey said. “But what is it that you want to do?” She asked.

“Well I don't really know,"Starch answered. Near silence filled the room with the only sounds was the noises coming from multiple brooms sweeping, and occasionally something from the kitchen in the back of the store where Honey was making dough.


Starlight’s hooves couldn't carry her fast enough to Sugarcube Corner the following morning. She was rushing over so she could start her plan that would surely get Sugarcube the needed customers. Right now to start it she just need to talk to Pinkie Pie to get the ball rolling. Sugarcube Corner was finally in sight and luckily the pony she needed to talk to was just outside.

“Hey, Pinkie!” Starlight yelled as she came running up. She had yelled loud enough to make Pinkie jump high into the sky, legs twitching every which way in shock, before she landed with a thump. Many bystanders looked at Starlight confused but with a small part of worry.

“What's wrong? Is there some big friendship emergency? Is there a new threat to Equestria? Have cakes been made illegal?” Pinkie asked rapidly to Starlight.

Starlight smiled “No, Pinkie there isn't any emergency at the moment," Starlight said. Both mares ignored the towns folks collective sigh of relief.

“Well the morning is still young. But If it's not an emergency why did you come running up to me shouting my name like there was?” Pinkie asked.

“Well I think I know a way that can get Sugarcube Corner customers again,"Starlight said. “Why don't you throw a big thank you party for so many years of business and have Sugarcube cater the party and have it available to the whole town.”

Starlight pitched her idea to Pinkie. Pinkie looked to be thinking for a while the whole time Starlight struggled to hide her fear, ‘Come on Pinkie I need you to do this so that my actual plan can work. If you don't do this I don't know if enough ponies will eat the food after I enchant it,’ She thought to herself. Just when she was about break a new voice entered in.

“That sounds perfect, Sugarcube Corner should thank the customer more often, we should throw this party for the whole Town," Said Mrs.Cake who was standing in the doorway of her bakery. Starlights struggle to contain her fear was immediately replaced with her struggling to hold her excitement.

“When do you think you'll have this thank you party?” Starlight asked almost immediately. Mrs.Cake looked at Pinkie for a second.

“Probably in a few days maybe a week depending on how long it takes to prepare. Why do you ask?” Mrs.Cake asked.

“So I can go and spread the news," Starlight said hoping that will be the end of the questioning.

“You don't have to do that, Dearie. We can do it when we’ve got a more solid date planned," Mrs.Cake said.


Luna's moon was high in the night sky. Most ponies were asleep around this time of night. Only a few ponies were up during this time. One of which was Starlight, who was at the moment trying to sneak through Ponyville undetected, a task made far more difficult with the addition of a saddle bag that would shift around, making noise as she sneaked through the deserted town. Her target Sugarcube Corner was finally coming into sight.

As Starlight approached the building she scanned the visible part of the building. Trying to see if anypony within was up and moving around. For all she could tell nopony was, she carefully went to the side of the bakery to the entrance to the kitchen. She did one last look around to see if anypony saw what she was doing. When she figured she was okay she lit up her horn and quickly teleported inside.As she reappeared inside the building she waited and listened if the cakes or Pinkie had noticed her coming in.

When nothing happened she then levitated out the Crystal enchanted cookbook, and started to walk towards the closest appliance which, luckily enough, happened to be the oven.

Starlight opened the book and rapidly flipped through the pages until she came to the spell she wanted. With her light from her horn she read the spell and when ready she began to cast it onto the oven. A key lime green colored stream of magic slowly approached out of her horn and flowed out to the oven. The oven was soon surrounded by the key lime green colored magic aura. Starlight watched in anticipation as the aura surrounding the oven pulsed and flickered, before the magic started to sink into the heavy steel appliance, disappearing with a final, faint, flicker of light.

Starlight let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. “One down,” Starlight said as she looked around the store “many more to go.” Starlight finished and continued to the rest.

She tried to get as much done as she could with making the least amount of noise, and soon she had gotten just about everything from the fridge to the mixing spoons, bowls to pans. She covered everything she figured would have contact with the food that was hopefully going to be made for Sugarcube corner’s celebration.

Job well done she decided to take her leave and head back to the castle. With one last look around she focused her magic and, with a little modification to the teleport spell to make it noiseless, disappeared from the room, only to appear in her room. Exhausted she gently set down her saddle bag and then flopped herself onto her bed, falling asleep before her head touched the pillow.

Thank you party

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“Do you guys think that Pinkie will have more of those cupcakes she had brought over the other day?” Spike asked, he started salivating just thinking of the cupcakes Pinkie had brought over.

“Hopefully, Starlight and I didn't have a chance to try them seeing as you ate them before we could. We’re lucky you remembered the date and time that was on the cupcakes in frosting.” Twilight said.

“Sorry, it’s just that those cupcakes were so good!” Spike exclaimed to the two mares. “After one bite I couldn't stop myself,” Spike said. "I've never had cupcakes that good!"

“From how good you’re saying they are I hope she does have them so we can try them ourselves,” Twilight said.

“She might of run out since we're already running late.” Starlight said walking slightly faster than the other two.

As the trio continued to follow the road to head into town. Starlight was getting more nervous as they got closer and closer. “Hopefully this spell works,” was what she was thinking to herself. After she had found out the date of the party she had found herself growing more and more nervous, heck she had almost snuck out of the castle one night to double check her spellwork. Only the fear of getting caught and having to explain what she had done keeping her in her bed. The only one she talked to who had tried any of the enchanted food was Spike and he wasn't anywhere near enough evidence to prove that it worked as she had hoped. She wanted to know and luckily she would soon find out.

Finally they reached town finding the streets filled with ponies and decorations. Balloons in a variety of colors were tied down around on different buildings. Streamers and banners criss-crossed the roads, hanging from light posts and buildings alike. Deeper in closer to Sugar Cube Corner was big round tables set about outside.

Each table had ponies all surrounding them. As Spike, Starlight, and Twilight walked past nopony looked behind them to see who was walking past. They all were focused on what was on the tables that seemed to be able to handle little more than half a dozen ponies.

“Oh! I found Rarity and the others!” Spike said, both mare looked towards Spike with his arm raised and claw extended out. They followed where it pointed and could see Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow, and Rarity all sat around their own table.

Applejack and Rarity's back were facing the trio while Rainbow and Fluttershy where sitting across from Applejack and Rarity. All four of them were too focused with what was on the table to notice their friends approaching.

“Hey girls, sorry we’re late,” Twilight said.

“We would’ve been here earlier but these two took forever to get ready!” Spike exclaimed. Twilight and Starlight simultaneously rolled their eyes.

Both were about to respond but stopped when the four mares all looked towards the three. All of them had remnants of food all over them, frosting, cake crumbs, and baked goods alike. It covered their faces and forelegs.

It was only now that the three could see the table. In the center was a variety of pasties. Like cakes with vanilla frosting, cupcakes with chocolate frosting, a variety of cookies, different types of muffins and it went on, but around the outskirts of the table were only crumbs, splotches of frosting, and wrappers.

Rainbow was the first to speak up, “You guys have to try these! I don't know what Pinkie did but they taste amazing!” She finished by grabbing a chocolate chip cookie and quickly devouring it.

“I have to agree with Rainbow these are simply divine.” Rarity said.

Spike didn't waste anymore time and quickly scrambled over to the table and grabbed a cupcake, where he immediately started to peel the the wrapper off as quickly and carefully as he could. As soon as it was off and dropped to the table Spike shoved the cupcake into his mouth. He let out a small moan as he ate it, like one would do when they are relieved of pain.

“This is just as good as the cupcakes Pinkie brought over the other day.” Spike said as he went to grab more to indulge his appetite.

“We better get some before Spike eats them all up again," Twilight joked. “I want to at least try some this time.”

The two sat down to the table both picked a cupcake. Each took a hold of it with their magic, carefully took off the wrapper, and proceed to take a bite. Both had a diffrent reaction.

Twilights was similar to how most everypony's, her eyes shot wide open as she began to chew. Her tastes buds were dancing around in joy. She quickly swallowed and then proceeded to take more bites, the flavour only seeming to grow with each bite. She couldn't even begin to describe it all except it was everything she liked and then some, but yet she wanted more. When she finished the first cupcake she didn't hesitate to have another.

Starlight was having a different reaction. To put it simply she was underwhelmed. The cupcake did not taste any different to her, let alone better than any other cupcake she had eaten. It wasn't horrible but not what she was suspecting seeing everyone's reaction. “Maybe this spell is faulty.” She thought to herself.

She set down the cupcake and went after a cookie. She then took a bite of the cookie. She chewed slowly and kept waiting for some reaction, but as she swallowed nothing happened. Again it didn't taste better or worse than any other cookie shes had.

“What’s going on?” She thought to herself as she looked at ponies sitting around her at the table, stuffing themselves as if the confections in front of them were the last meal they’d ever get to eat..

“Could it be like the ‘Want-it, Need-it’ spell” She questioned herself. “Where the user isn't affected by the spell but everypony else is.I’m probably going to have to take a closer look at the spell later.”

She did one last look around seeing ponies enjoying the food. “At least it looks like it worked on everypony else.” Smiling, she levitated a brownie to her lips and took a bite, before sitting back and relaxing while everypony else stuffed themselves on the enchanted food.


Elsewhere at the party there were two mares walking around aimlessly to find a table to sit at.

“Mom, hurry up we won't find a table at this rate.” Honey said to her mother.

Sugar just giggled at her daughters antics. “We'll find one soon, don't worry dear,” Sugar Sweet said. She scanned the area seeing many tables around, but all of them were either filled with ponies or some that were open had nopony they knew all that well.

“Hey there, Honey Sweet, Sugar Sweet, you having a fun time?” A new voice asked the two of them.

The two looked to where the voice was coming from and saw the pink earth pony who was hosting the event. She was smiling brightly as she balanced a plate with what looked like a two dozen cookies on her head.

“Yes we are, Ms Pie, this is a great party you've thrown today.” Sugar Sweet was the first to respond. As she glanced around to all the townsfolk around them.

“It would be better if we could actually find a place to sit,” Honey mumbled.

“Oh you need a place to sit, I know where you can go, follow me!” Pinkie said excitedly before rapidly bouncing past the two mares. Both of them having to turn around to see her again hopping along while the plate of cookies stayed on her head. They shared a look before they started to follow the hyperactive pink mare through the crowds.


Honey and Sugar Sweet could not believe their luck as they had been seated with the great Spike. Never in a million years had they ever believed they would have ever had the opportunity, to sit with Spike and to have a opportunity to eat with a princess. They didn't have to do anything either, besides follow Pinkie Pie who introduced the two to the six ponies and Spike.

“Girls, this is Honey and Sugar Sweet.” Pinkie pointed to the two mares who both waved hesitatingly. “They need someplace to sit and they don't know many ponies since they’re new in town.”

Applejack was the first to speak. “Of course they can sit here.” She said as she and the others shifted around on the chairs surrounded the table to make room for the two newcomers.

Pinkie waited for Sugar Sweet and Honey Sweet to take a place at the table before she hurried off to make sure none of the other tables ran out of their quickly diminishing sweet stockpiles.

Honey immediately started to eat, filling the same feeling she had the first time she had eaten one of Sugarcube Corners baked goods.

Sugar just looked around seeing just about everypony and dragon was eating like her daughter. Everypony except the light purple unicorn, who unlike everypony else, seemed to be more focused on relaxing, sitting back and conversing with Princess Twilight.

“So are you the pony that own Sweet Bakes?” Rainbow said through a mouth still half full of baked goods, breaking Sugars observation of the unicorn and alicorn.

Sugar looked towards the pegasus and nodded, “Yes Honey, my son. And I do.”

“If you don't mind me asking why have you decided to open a bakery here in Ponyville, why not open one in the Crystal Empire?” Rarity asked, as she dabbed at the crumbs around mouth with a napkin.

“Because I wanted a new start. There were too many bad memories back there.” Sugar said. Honey actually heard her mother and stopped eating for long enough to wrap a hoof around her mother’s withers, Sugar returning the gesture with a soft smile. “ Ponyville looked to be a nice, quiet place for a fresh start, and so far business has been great.”

“That's great that business has been good for you here.” Rarity spoke as her magic started on unwrapping another cupcake. “If you are ever looking to expand your business just come and see me.” Rarity said.

Sugar looked to the table which, despite the apparently ravenous appetites of the mares sitting next her, still had a decent amount of sugary food on it. Everything there was expertly decorated, the added presentation making the whole pile look even more appetizing, but her own work around pastries each day made the effect less appealing. Ignoring the cakes and muffins for now she instead decided to try something simple. She picked up a chocolate brownie, the soft, moist fudge kept from falling apart by the crisp top layer. Twisting and turning the confection to inspect it for any obvious flaws, Sugar couldn’t find anything, so she decided to move on to a taste test and then proceeded to take a bite.

It felt like a jolt went through her body as the indescribable taste hit her tongue. She had so many brownies in her career as a baker, but none of those previous offerings could hold a candle to the what could possibly be the single greatest confection she had ever tasted. A single tear rolled down her cheek before she joined her daughter and everypony else at the table in devouring the rest of the sugary mountain that still dominated the center of the table.


“Uuuuuh, I think I ate too much food!” Spike moaned as he and Twilight along with Starlight were trudging home after the countless hours of stuffing themselves to the point of bursting. Both the alicorn and dragon cradling their swollen stomachs which grumbled and gurgled with each step..

“I know! I ate too much,” Twilight groaned in pain. “Pinkie really outdid herself, I hope she continues.” She added.

“You already want more?” Starlight asked as one she quirked one of her eyebrows at the moaning pair. “You’ve been eating for most of the day.”

“I don't think I could eat the same amount again, Starlight, maybe just one cupcake or two.” Twilight said.

They continued down the road illuminated by the light of the moon. A small breeze of night air came caused a shiver to go up there spine.

Starlight slowed down slightly to inspect Twilight and Spike. Both of their stomachs were bloated from all the pastries they had eaten earlier, much to her internal satisfaction. “I guess the spell worked, judging by these two and the rest of everypony earlier,” she thought to herself, “and y the looks of it it looks like nopony is suspecting anything either.”


Pinkie took one last look in the mirror before she headed down for another, hopefully busy, day of baking. Her grinning face was reflected in the mirror. Seeing nothing that needed to be fixed she started heading towards the stairs down from her attic apartment over Sugarcube Corner. As she proceeded down she hummed a small tune having not a care in the world. At least until she was interrupted by Mr Cake shouting up to her.

“Pinkie! Can you please come help in the front?” Mr Cake said.

Pinkie looked out and was shocked to see the place packed with ponies along with a line out the door. A quick glance out the she could see the line going so far out she couldn't even begin to see the end of it.

“The thank you party, it worked!” Pinkie jumped for joy.

“Good thing too, that party yesterday had really cut into our savings more than I would of liked.” Mr Cake said as he handed a box of a baker's dozen cupcakes to a pegasus stallion who was quickly pushed aside by the next pony in the queue. He looked out and smiled at the line, “Although it looks like we’re going to be making back those savings in no time at all.”

Spurred by the growing clamour of ponies pushing their way into the shop Pinkie rushed behind the counter and into the kitchen, only to almost run snout first into Mrs Cake who was darting between several different ovens, trying to keep up with the rush of ponies outside. Moving over to the order clip, Pinkie grabbed the top wad of receipts and started to move around the kitchen, working around Mrs Cake as the two mares settled into the routine that they hoped would carry them through the first of, hopefully more, busy days.

Turning The Tables

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It had been a month since the thank you party and in that time Sugarcube Corner had never been so busy in the time since it had first been opened. Both of the Cakes and Pinkie were forced to work harder than they ever had before just to break even with the increased demand. Waking up before Celestia had raised her sun only to find a line of ravenous ponies waiting at the door. This state of affairs would continue until the cupboards finally ran dry, and they had to announce to the waiting ponies that they had run out of ingredients to make their goods and would have to close until the next morning. Once the milling crowd had been dispersed Mrs Cake and Pinkie would do whatever they could to get ready for the next exhausting day; cleaning down the kitchen, ordering more ingredients while Mr Cake tallied the day’s profits, a number that had only been going up over the last few weeks. Once this was done the three of them would slump down in the backroom, eat whatever they could order from Fresh Dough’s pizzeria, before finally slouching their way to bed, and falling into a weary slumber.

Today was like every other day at Sugarcube Corner since the “thank you” party. One of the three ponies taking orders at the counter while the other two kept the ovens churning out baked goods, with today being Pinkie’s turn to mare the counter. The bakery's tables all had Ponies sitting there with assortment of pastries. In the middle of the bakery was the line that seemingly had no end.

In the back in the kitchen the Cakes had every oven going at full tilt, with the worktops covered in a plethora of mixing bowls and cakes pans just waiting to go into the oven. Both Cakes worked hard on getting the orders filled, but even as they filled one, another two would take its place. Despite this they, somehow, managed to keep up a decent pace of fulfilling orders, the line that stretched through the door and down the road in constant motion, some ponies even returning to the rear of the queue as they finished their first round with their delicious treats.


"How?" and "Why?" were the two questions going through the very bored Starch's mind, as he sat in his family's bakery waiting for customers. Customers that Sweet Bakes had been slowly losing over the last month, the number of ponies coming through his door lowering day by day. This past week he had seen next to no customers at all.

With no customers to keep him busy he had slowly grown more bored as less and less customers came in. Everyday he would wait along with his family for any customers.

His boredom was broken ever so slightly when the bell the bell over the door chimed, his ears perking with excitement before flattening back down as his sister came in, two bags clutched in her teeth. The bags were blank but Starch knew that she had just gone to Sugarcube Corner, it seemed to be the only place she, or his mother would go for food anymore.

She didn't even hesitate going past him as she hurried into the kitchen in the back, the muffled sounds of her setting the bags down on a table when she got in there. “Mom, I got those cookies you wanted.” he heard Honey call out. This was followed with the sound of hoofsteps coming down the stairs.

“Thank you, Honey.” Starch’s mom said.

Starch went back to focusing on the front of the store as his family ate. He could see ponies walking past the windows outside. As he watched silently he started noticing a pattern of the ponies was that the ones walking from the left side of the building heading towards the right side all seemed to be in a rush. While the ponies walking from the right side towards the left seemed to either have bags similar to what his sister had just brought in, or stuffed and distended stomachs looking almost exactly the same as they had after the ‘Thank You’ party last month.

“So did any customers come while I was gone?” Honey asked as she exited the kitchen to sit besides her brother.

“No, not a signal customer has came in today. Just like all week and the week before.” Starch said dryly. “Why have they suddenly just stopped coming.” He muttered, mostly to himself.

“Maybe the appeal of a new shop has ran out?” Sugar said as she entered the room.

“If that was the case, we would still be receiving a few regulars at the least,” Starch said. "There were enough customers who generally liked our pastries."

“Yes, but have we done anything new to bring in customers?” Sugar asked. “For the two months we've been open we haven't had a special; just the same old menu, made the same way.” Sugar continued. “So maybe if we go out and find something new to do and promote it we could bring in customers again.” Sugar finished and stayed silent as she waited to see what her daughter and son would say.

The two siblings looked at each other as they thought about what their mother had just said before speaking. Honey was the first to speak. “That might work.”

“It wouldn't hurt to try at least, and it would be far better than just waiting for customers that never come.” Starch said. “But where we would start?”

“We could go and see if Princess Twilight has any books in her castle’s library that I've heard about.” Sugar said she looked at the clock, making a note of the late afternoon. “If we go now we could be back in time for some dinner.”

“Alright, you and Starch can go and I’ll watch the bakery.” Honey said.

“Why am I going?” Starch asked.

“Because you’ve been complaining about being bored all week and I'm getting tired of it. Getting out of the house may be what you need,” Honey said.

“So its a plan, let’s go grab our saddle bags Starch then we can go.” Sugar said.

Instead of fighting against his mother’s proclamation, Starch just decided to go along with it. “It would be better than just staying here any longer with no customers.”

Soon the two were ready and head out the door and across town to get to Twilight's castle.


The mother and son both walked through town. The walk to the castle had been uneventful so far, with neither of them speaking a word to the other. Instead staring at the crowds of ponies too busy stuffing themself to respond to Starch or Sugar’s greetings.

Sugar’s mouth salivated and her stomach rumbled seeing all these treats, almost cursing herself for not having Honey get her more when she went to Sugarcube Corner earlier.

In contrast to his mother, Starch found the entire thing even stranger when seen without the buffer of Sweet Bake’s windows. His mind whirring away at the sight of so many ponies eating from the same place. It had been one thing to hear it from his mother and sister, but to see the “Sugarcube-Mania” in action was another thing entirely.

Eventually the both of them picked their way through town to reach Twilight’s castle, the crystal edifices that loomed over the town reminding them uncomfortably of the Crystal Empire. Sugar Sweet was the one to knock on the door before the both of them waited for the door to open.

It didn’t take long for the sound of footsteps to reach them, and the pair’s ears perked up as the door opened to reveal Spike. Both ponies immediately bowing at the sight of “The Hero of the Empire”, mumbled praises coming from her mouths as they pressed their heads to the ground. .

“Hello, uh, Can I help you guys?” Spike asked awkwardly, the small dragon a little taken aback, as he wasn’t used to being praised when he wasn't in the Crystal Empire.

“Hello, Spike the Brave and Glorious, we came to humbly request that we borrow a few books." Sugar said still bowing.

Spike just watched them for a second, shuffling from foot to foot as neither pony made any attempt to lift their heads, before he responded, “You wanted to borrow some books from the castle’s library?”

“Yes, oh Heroic One.” Sugar Sweet replied.

“Alright, follow me.” Spike said, before turning around and waddling away as quickly as possible, Sugar and Starch following him as he led them into the Castle.


Starlight sat in the library quitely reading “Crystal Enchanted Cooking”, studying the large variety of spells that the book contained. The only one she had used so far was the “Eat-it, Want-it” spell at this point, but she wanted to see if the book contained any other spells that she could that she could use. Although, so far it had been a complete bust, the spells either being overly complicated gimmick spells, or intended to work with only the Crystal Empire’s unique crystal vegetables. The only exception to this had been the “Want-it, Eat-it” spell she had used to help Pinkie and the Cakes. But she hadn’t finished the book yet so she held out hope that she could find something useful.

“Hello, Miss.Glimmer." Starlight jumped at the sound of a soft voice she didn’t recognise coming from right behind her, falling out of her seat, knocking over the table, and scattering the books resting on it. She looked around as she tried to recover spotting Sugar Sweet and a crystal stallion who she guessed was Sugar’s son, considering how young he looked. . Although more important were the looks of surprise on both their muzzles.

All three ponies stood frozen for a second before Sugar rushed over to Starlight’s aid and pulled the unicorn to her hooves. “Sorry to scare you, Starlight,” Sugar said apologetically as she helped Starlight up.

“It’s alright, I guess I was more invested in the book I was reading then I thought.” Starlight said, her ears folding down against her head in embarrassment.

“Must have been a really good book then, maybe we should give it a read sometime.” Sugar smiled gently as she tried to make conversation with the blushing unicorn.

“No! I mean, uh, I’m not done with it yet. You'll have to wait until I'm done reading it.” Starlight said hesitantly. “Might not be good to let them know about the spell yet, Sugarcube just finally doing good since they came to town” Starlight thought to herself as she looked at the mess she made trying to spot the spellbook before Sugar or Starch could. Her eyes flickering left and right before she spotted a flash of light against the golden lettering on the spine. Thankfully, though, the rest of the book was covered by another one, the second tome laying sprawled wide open over every other part of the spellbook.

Starlight then levitated the books off the ground and set them back onto the table, at the same time levitating the book she had been reading behind her. “Did you two come to borrow a few books?”

“Yes we are, I wanted to see if I could find anything that might inspire a new recipe to use at the bakery.” Sugar said. “Do you know of any books that might be able to do so?”

Starlight thought for a second. “Well I don't know for sure, we might have a few recipe books from donations Twilight received after the last library she lived at got destroyed.” She said, looking around until she stopped at the desk loaded with the books she had just picked off the floor. “There might be something in those stacks. I haven't looked through every one yet since they just arrived from the crystal empire last week, but there could be something there.”

“Thank you Starlight, guess we can try there first.” Honey said before she and Starch trotted over to the desk, Starch grabbing a second chair in his mouth. While Starlight walked out the room with the book still levitating above them. “I'm going to finish reading the book I was reading earlier, holler if you need me.

Starch and Sugar were going through book after book, quickly checking each title before placing them to one side depending on how relevant they found them. They have looked through a few books. Sugar actually putting some to the side to take. Starch just glanced at the books almost giving little care of what was one them.

“I'm glad Starlight pointed us over here, I’m finding some books that might have what we need.” Sugar spoke as she placed several books to the side.

“Is it just me or was she acting a little weird?” Starch asked his mother.

Sugar stopped going through the stacks of books. “ I thought I raised you better than to judge other ponies.”.

“What? She said she was too invested in the book she was reading to hear either of us approaching, but did you even see the book she was reading?”

“No, I did not and I don't think it would matter too mu..”

Starch quickly interrupted his mother. “It was Crystal and you. A children's book! I read that old thing in magic kindergarten!” Starch exclaimed. “ I thought she was really smart, how could one small foal’s book interest her so much?” he asked.

“Well she isn't from the Crystal Empire like use. Also to her that book is over a thousand years old.” Sugar Sweet said and turned away, feeling like she had settled the matter even as Starch continued to frown at the back of her head.


Sweet Bakes had closed for the night and the occupants have all gone to sleep for the night like the rest of the town. This was all except one unicorn who presided in Sweet Bakes.

Starch for the life of him could not get a wink of sleep. He had tried almost everything to fall asleep, counting sheep, opening a window, taking slow deep breaths, he even went down to the kitchen and made himself a warm glass of milk, but nothing seemed to work.

With sleep eluding him, he turned to his favorite pastime instead, deciding to grab some of the books he and Sugar had brought back from the castle for a bout of late night reading. Sneaking out of his room for the second time that night he tiphoofed his way down to the living room and retrieved several of the lighter of the lighter looking books, before returning to his bed to read. The pale light of his magic illuminating the pages as he held them.

He was already a few pages into his second book having almost immediately forgotten his quest to fall asleep. The first book had been unbearably dull, and the second wasn't faring much better. He closed the book with his magic and then set the book on top of the first one on the ground to his left. He then picked from the top of the stack of books on his right resting on the ground as well.

He repeated this with the next few books. He would open one up, read a few pages before getting bored with it, set it on the growing stack of books to his left, only to repeat the process with another grimoire from the dwindling stack on his right. All the while growing a little more irritated with each book that failed to interest him. This all stopped when he got to the last book.

Crystal Enchanted Cooking,” Starch muttered quietly to himself as he read the title,. “Please interest me.”. He open the book and read the first few pages. He was surprised to see it being a spell book and peaked his interest more than the other books did at first. Further in he started to think it was to be like the other books as his interest started to die down. This was tell he found one spell in particular.

“Color dye?” He read the spells name in his head. “With this spell you can change the colors of any food cooked or baked.” Starch mumbled to himself as he read the description of the spell. A sly smile crept onto his face as his mind started turning the spell into a few ideas for the restaurant.

“I could do so much with this spell.” He thought out loud as his brain struggled against the weight of exhaustion. “e could do something like the ‘Pink Blueberry Pie’, it’s just weird enough to get attention, but we wouldn't have to change much. Maybe we won't say this was all done with magic. Just say its a new recipe.’’

All the while he was skimming through the book while he kept thinking of all the things to do with such a spell. Every few pages he would read another spell entry but none of them were like the “Color Dye” spell. Even the “Eat it, Want-it” spell, no this was better.

“This enchantment when used will make any food made from this spell taste unlike anything made before." he read the description to himself, the vagueness of the description not helped by the how tired he was.

“This could be useful, I do tend to over cook a few products.” He thought at first. But soon he started forming a few ideas “I could use this to make it so that we get customers again, we already make good pastries if this makes them taste even better I don't even know how that would taste. That town would go nuts for them.”

“But will any of these spells work?” Starch asked. He looked over to the clock that rested on his night stand seeing that it was a quarter past three in the morning. “f I fall asleep now I'll get at least three hours of sleep.” He figured, adding up the time to when he would have to wake up. He looked back at the open book, “Or I could test these out.”

It didn't take much for his curiosity to trump sensibility in his decision making process. He closed the book and hopped off his bed, before sneaking out of his room for a third time. The book floating behind him as he trotted down the stairs and into the shop’s kitchen.

When he first got in there he immediately went to the oven and proceeded to open the book to the “Eat-it, Want-it” spell, before reading the page over until he felt ready he started to cast the spell. His horn glowing brightly in the darkened kitchen until a small stream of green magic burst from his horn to strike the oven which started to glow with the same colour as the magic seeped into it. Soon the stream stopped and then the glow of the oven died down until it was nonexistent.

“Now with that done I can get started.” he thought to himself.


Honey yawned as she trotted down the stairs heading towards the kitchen to start today’s prep that had that she hadn’t managed to finish yesterday. She had just woken up and was still groggy to almost miss the smell of something burning wafted out of the kitchen. The acrid smell catapulting her into wakefulness as she galloped down the last few steps.

She couldn't see anything around in the front of the store she was currently in and she hadn't seen anything in the living area upstairs, which left her only left the kitchen to investigate. She looked to the kitchen the door leading to it was closed, light outlined the door.

Seeing this she immediately cantered to the door where she tried to open it, but it was locked, leaving to hammer on the door in the hope that either her mother or brother were inside. She was soon answered by a tired sounding “Just a sec.” her panic abating at hearing her brother in there.

She could just about make out the sound of something rustling, the heavy thunks of things falling onto the ground, and the click of cupboards opening and closing. She was starting to grow inpatient, but before she could say anything the door was opened by what she assumed to be starches magic.

When she entered she slightly taken back by the mess that was in the kitchen. Flour was everywhere, counters, floors, all the appliances, all over the ceiling, and even her brother. The sink was filled with as many baking utensil and mixing bowls as it could feasibly hold, and then some more. The garbage was overflowing with junk, plastic wrappers, egg shells, discarded bags, and milk cartons. Although none of the wreckage compared to the state the stove was in.

What was once a simple white stove had now been covered in what looked like soot. “What have you been doing?” she was nearly yelling at Starch as he stood there with a goofy grin on his face, both his eyes slightly glazed over..

Starch looked around the kitchen, almost as if he was seeing the mess around him for the first time, “Baking.”

Honey facehoofed “I can see that, but why are you baking when we don't have any orders to fulfill, and you weren't put on preparing?”

“Well I couldn't sleep last night. so I started reading some of the books we brought back from the library and while I was doing that I got inspired so I came down and started baking.”

Starch turned around and walked to the oven. When he got there his horn lit up, as his magic pulled the oven door open letting a cloud of heated steam billow out of the oven. Starch then levitated four pies out of the oven. He set them down and then closed the oven. He waved his left foreleg in front of his face clearing away the steam, coughing all the while.

After the small coughing fit he levitated the pies into the air and had them follow him to the counter near where Honey stood watching Starch, before he waved a hoof inviting her to come and examine the pies as he took a slice out of each of them which he put on separate plates.

She inspected the contents of the pie on the plates. Each of them seemed a little strange compared to normal, although she didn’t know if that was her brother’s sleep deprived cooking, or the fact that they were differents colours from the normal recipe. One was sky blue, another was as green as a blade of grass, another was as pink as a farm pig and the last one was the only normal one as it was simply yellow. All four of them also had a mixture of black in the colors, where he’d probably burned in the fillings in his daze

“What recipes would make any of these.?” Honey questioned aloud.

“Just a few I found, but sadly they taste as bad as they look, this is the fourth time I've tried making them.”

“Oh, I bet they aren't that bad,” Honey and Starch both and looked to their mother who was entering the room with her usual warm smile.

“I've tried them and they are.” Starch moaned.

Sugar just continued to smile and got closer to the pies. “Well I have not tried them yet, so let me be a judge if this is good or bad.”

Starch shrugged before lighting his horn. Across the room drawers and cupboards opened up. Another set of plates floated out, surrounded by a swarm of cutlery and serving knives, before setting themselves on the counter in front of Sugar and Honey. The knives went to the pies where they began to cut into the pies into equal slices. When they were done, the knife was set down in the sink and each of the three plates held a slice from each of the four pies.

Honey just looked at the pies. Where at first the pies had looked weird,now they looked appetizing, and she could feel her mouth beginning to water. “What kind of pies are these anyway?”

“The blue one is cherry, the green one is raspberry, the pink one is an apple pie, and the yellow one is chocolate.” Starch said.

Both mares raised their eyebrow hearing what they were supposed to be, both of them struggling to come up with an excuse to backpedal on their decision to taste test for Starch.

Starch levitated a fork and picked at the yellow chocolate pie. Honey and Sugar watched carefully as he took a bight. He immediately spit out the pie. “Yeah, this still sucks”

“You’re probably over exaggerating,” Sugar said, before looking back at the pies and gulped as she tried to work up the nerve to test her son’s conconctions. “Honey, we're trying this together.”


“Trying this together.” Sugar said again.

Honey sighed, just wanting to get this over and done with. Both mares took a hold of their forks. They then then went picking a slice and took a chunk out with the fork. They hesitated for a moment as it got closer to their mouths, before they could back out they both put the pie into their mouths.

Both mares dropped their forks in surprise. Their eyes going wide open while they continued to chew

“See, I told you, it's that bad.” Starch said. “I wonder if I cast that spell wrong?” Starch thought to himself as he waited to for them to spit the food out but was surprised when both mares began to devour the slices of pies they had taken bites of.

“I don't, know, what you’re, talking, about these are, amazing!” Honey said between mouthfuls of pink apple pie.

“These might be as good as Sugarcube Corner’s!” Sugar said as she finished off the slice of yellow chocolate pie, moving on to her slice of green raspberry. “What did you do? What recipe did you use?”

Starch looked behind him at a cupboard just a few steps away from him. He then looked back at his family. “I...just used a recipe I found and I… made it.... With Love.” He said rubbing the back of his neck.

“You'll have to show me it later…. right know I need more pie!” Sugar said as she finished the last slice on her plate, she then proceeded to go and get more. Honey doing the same as her mother.

“Just maybe we should not have them have weird colors. I'm not sure how well that would sell” Honey said.

“You think this would sell?” Starch asked, almost disbelievingly as he watch both of the mares fill up their plates for a second round of pie.

“I know these will, we just need to get some ponies to try them and get some word of mouth going around.” Honey said.

Starch thought for a second before a thought sprung to mind. “I’ve got a idea but I'll need both of you to go out and get a few things for me?”

“Alright, just let use finish eating these” Sugar said.

Soon both mares finished the pies, both their plate and all four of the tins were licked clean of any remnants of the pies that had just been there, although the same couldn’t be said for Sugar and Honey’s muzzles. Starch, meanwhile, had written down the things he needs for his plan, and handed Sugar the list as she leant back in her seat. Soon both of the mares were leaving to get the things that Starch had asked for, as he busied himself with cleaning down the kitchen.

“Maybe while we're out we should get some pies from Sugarcube Corner and see which is better.” Honey said as she and Sugar left the building just in earshot of Starch. This also sparked a idea in his head, before he filed it away for later, his current plan had to come first otherwise he might not have a roof over his head for much longer.

“While you’re out could you maybe return the books, since we won't be needing them anymore?” Starch asked.

“Yes of course, do you mind getting them together while me and Honey get ready?” Sugar asked.

Starch nodded before rushing up to his room and grabbing the pile of book from last night’s binge reading session in his magic. When he returned downstairs he couldn't see his family anywhere. Double checking that he was alone he quickly rushed over to the cupboard he had looked at earlier. He opened it revealing the Crystal Enchanted Cooking book, which he quickly riffled through, hurriedly making a copy of the “Eat-it, Want-it” spell in his personal recipe book before he shoved it into the middle of the pile and then set the books out by the front door.

Just as he was stepping back into the kitchen Sugar and Honey came walking down the stairs, both of them having cleaned the pie from their muzzles. Stopping only to say goodbye and pick up the books as they headed out the door, leaving Starch to clean the bakery.


The next day

Rarity was on her daily stroll through Ponyville on her way to Sugarcube Corner. Her body shivered slightly from the brisk morning air. Celestia had only just raised the sun a few minutes ago and it hadn't been up long enough to heat everything up.

A month ago she would have still been asleep at this time, but after the party Sugarcube Corner had thrown she had been craving snacks daily, and unlike before, when it had been easy to satisfy her cravings for the sugary treats and she could just trot there at her leisure and get what she wanted. The problem with that was now Sugarcube Corner was always packed wall to wall with other ponies tartarus bound on satisfying their own addictions for the Cake’s culinary concoctions. So now she had to leave early like today so she could arrive as early as possible, hopefully before the queue that was almost always stretched outside the bakeries doors got too long.

As she walked down the road something caught her attention. Just a block ahead of her was a group of ponies all standing around. Curious, Rarity stopped at the group when she got close enough to see what they all were looking at.

She was surprised to see Mrs Sweet and another, younger, stallion behind a table. On the table was multiple plates with a slice of pie on each of them.

“These are good, where can we get more?” Rarity heard some stallion, that she could have sworn was called Thought Drift, ask.

“You can get more at our bakery, Sweet Bakes, it's just a block away from here.” Starch said pointing in the direction of the Bakery.

Most of the crowd quickly rushed off towards the Bakery, leaving only a few ponies left to finish off the free samples. With fewer ponies there Sugar Sweet was able to pick Rarity out of the crowd. “Ah, Rarity, it’s nice to see you today.” She said as she waved her over with a smile.

“It's nice seeing you too, Darling. What are you doing here?” Rarity asked taking a look over the table.

“Well, we’re hoofing out some free samples of a few new recipes my son came up with,” Sugar said gesturing to Starch to her right. Rarity's eyes went from the table to Starch, who when he noticed her staring at him just waved awkwardly, a pale blush just noticeable through his coat.

“Here, why don’t you try a bit?” Sugar Sweet said as she slid a plate with a slice of chocolate cake over to Rarity.

“Oh thank you, Darling, it looks positively exquisite.” Rarity replied as she took the plate in her own magic, before spearing a bite-sized chunk on a fork and hovering it to her mouth. She paused for a second to take a deep inhale of the cake’s rich scent, hints of vanilla and lemon tickling her nostrils, before her mouth closed on her fork and the chocolate cake touched her tongue.

It was as if her taste buds had exploded with flavors. It was utterly indescribable, and the only thing that she felt could do it justice was to compare it to the divine dishes that had been coming out from Sugarcube Corner.

“So how do you like it?” Starch asked politely, despite already knowing what she would say.

“It's divine, it's simply one of the best cakes I've ever had.” Rarity said before she continued eating the rest of the cake.

“That's good to hear. If you want more you'll have to go get more at our Bakery.” He said.

“ Oh I definitely will.” Rarity said as she finished the cake, before turning to trot down the road leading to Sweet Bakes.


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“Come on Pinkie!” Rainbow pleaded with Pinkie pie while they walked through town.

“Sorry Dashie, but the cakes both said Sugarcube can't afford to do deliveries, It's just been to busy for us to send somepony out. Especially to the wonderbolts academy.” Pinkie pie said while the two walked around town aimlessly while on her break she would get.

“Could you maybe make an exception just this one time? It is for the Wonderbolts,” Rainbow Dash said while she flew above. She kept flying trying to figure how she could get her fix. She then started to think about all the pastries she been wanting. Everyday ever since the party she been going to Sugarcube and now Sweet Bakes a few times a day.

There's been a few days of where she try to not go,as to not ruin her physic. But it would be ultimately useless, as she would end up adding another cheat day to her growing number of them. “one more won't hurt. I can always work out a little harder,” She would reason as she would continue to stuff herself till she couldn't take another bite. Just like she has for all her other cheat days.

Then she would relax tell she felt hungry again. So she would go to either Sugarcube Corner or Sweet Bakes and eat tell she was sick again. It was a continues cycle of a bad habit. A bad habit that most of Ponyville has gotten.

When Rainbow got a letter a few days ago telling her that there was a mandatory wonderbolts training that was going to last for a few weeks. She was less worried about how out of shape she has gotten. More worried about not being able to have any of the irresistible pastries from her two favorite bakeries in the world.

“Maybe, I could fly back to get a few cookie or a few cupcakes.” Rainbow thought thinking about the wonderbolts. “Maybe pick up a few for the team,” Rainbow stopped flying for a second as she noticed that Pinkie wasn't with her. She looked around and saw no sign of her pink friend. It wasn't till she turned around that she was able to see Pinkie.

Pinkie was just standing still as if she was just frozen, in the middle of the road, just staring off in the distance. Rainbow flew over to Pinkie and landing down next to her.

“Rainbow who it that” Pinkie asked pointing of in the distance.

Rainbow looked trying to see who she was pointing to. “Who are you pointing to?” Rainbow asked looking at random ponies that were walking by or just stopped talking to somepony.

“The Crystal unicorn Stallion.” Pinkie pointed out again more forcefully.

Rainbow only had to take one good look before seeing the only crystal pony. “Oh! That's Starch Sweet.” Rainbow said. “Have you not met him yet?"

“No! I have not. So is he related to Honey and Sugar?” Pinkie asked.

“Ya he's Honeys younger brother. I guess it makes sense that you two haven't met since you're both working a lot.”

“I'll have to throw him a welcome to ponyville party too.” Pinkie said. “Whenever I get enough time to plan it.” Pinkie said.

“Maybe you should talk to the cakes about hiring more employees. If they do then maybe you would have more free time, more time to plan stuff and…..”

Pinkie Quickly interrupted Rainbow Dash, “Thats a great idea Dashie!” she said before she ran off somewhere. Leave Rainbow dash stunned and alone in the street.

Rainbow shrugged and flew of towards Sweet Bakes. To see if they would deliver. Also she is craving more pastry's after talking to Pinkie.


Rarity hummed to herself while she worked on a new dress. While she did this she would eat from a bag filled with over two dozen cookies. Taking a bite of one every few stitches. When she finished one she would retrieve another from the bag and would start to eat that one.

She stopped when she heard the service bell ring notifying her a costumer was here. She set down a half eaten cookie. When she came to the front of her boutique she was surprised to see Starch Sweet waiting there wearing a saddle bag that seemed filled to the bursting point.

“Hello Starch, how can I help you?” She asked walking up.

“Hey Rarity, me and my family need some uniforms made for some new employees we are probably going to hire soon.” He said. “We asked around and I was told to come talk to you,” he added.

“Well I can see what I can do, follow me to the back where we can talk.” She said.The two head to the back of the boutique, they then found a place to sit and talk. “Do you have any thing in mind?”

“Nothing much, we want something that can be cleaned easy no matter how dirty it gets, also we would want it to have are logo on it and to have a few in different sizes.” Starch pulling out a white bag with Sweet bakes logo on it. “I brought this so you could have a reference,also there's some cookies in there for you.”

“Well I can see what I can do, I could get some designs made and you could come by sometime to check them out.” Rarity said.

“How about in a week?” Starch said.

“Yes that should work,” she answered back.

With that Starch got his things and said goodbye and begin the track back to Sweet bakes. The whole way back silently cheering to himself for not embracing himself.


Mrs.Cake brushed off the sweat off her forehead with a rag. She was sweating from all the work she was doing in the kitchen by herself. The ovens didn't help either when she would open them and a gust of heat would come out and raise the temperature in the room a few degrees. With how many orders they still get the ovens would be opened multiple times before the day was over.

She heard a timer go off, she went over to the oven trying to figured what one was done. When she did she grabbed a oven mit and then she opened the oven. Just as she retrieved a pan filled with fresh cookies sompony came running right into the kitchen. Scaring Mrs.Cake almost causing her to drop the pan. She recovered quickly and set down the hot tray. She then turned around seeing Pinkie pie behind her.

Before Mrs.Cake could say a word Pinkie immediately started. “We should hire more help,so that we aren't working ourselves to the ground everyday! ” Pinkie said very quickly.

Mrs.Cake being a little more use to Pinkie than most ponies didn't take long to respond to the hyper active pink mare. “I know Pinkie Mr.Cake and I have been wanting to but we have been to busy to do so” she said.”We just don't have the time.”

“Sure you do,” Pinkie went thinking about it but the more she did the more she realized they really don't. “They can't do it before or after we open, they need time to prep. We need all of use to do it to make sure we have enough prepared for all the customers we receive. Maybe...no they shouldn't do it during their breaks we would only get maybe one interview a day and we need a few employees.”She thought.

“What about we close for one day maybe two?”Pinkie said.

Mrs.Cake went thinking about it for a minute “That might be what we would need to do. I think we could afford to miss a day to do some interviews. But I'll have to talk to Mr.Cake.” she said.

“I bet with a little talking you could convince him, especially since we would need a break.” Pinkie said.

“Six more orders coming in!” Mr.Cake said coming in dropping off slips of paper with the orders on them.

Pinkie and Mrs.Cake quickly got to work on the orders.


Pinkie had an extra spring in her step today as she headed towards Sweet Bakes. The reason she was happy was that the cakes had closed Sugarcube corner for two days, giving her the two days off. Today was the last day off and she had spent all day yesterday preparing for today.

She could see a line that stretched out along way from Sweet Bakes from where she was. “Its great seeing another bakery doing as great as we are” She thought as she walked closer.

She made her way through the crowded line to the door. Ponies where either hollering to her for cutting, or they were to busy talking to somepony else. Once inside she hurried up to the front so she could find the Sweets. She could see that Sugar Sweet was handling the front end of the store, while Honey was off to the side working.

“Hey Honey,” Pinkie said zooming up to her.

Honey stopped what she was doing and looked towards Pinkie,“Oh! hey Pinkie Pie, what are you doing here?” she asked.

Pinkie reached into her mane and pulled out a invitation card. “I came to invite you to a party I'm throwing.” she said giving Honey the invitation. She then reached back into her mane again and pulled out a notebook with a pencil in the spiral keeping the paper together. “Also I came to find out what is your favorite things to have at a party is,like a favorite punch, dessert, and snack,” she said as she pulled out the pencil and held it in her mouth.

“Why do you need to know all that?” Honey asked.

“I like to make sure that everypony is has something at a party,” Pinkie answered.

Honey thought for a second before speaking. She gave Pinkie a small list, most of it was baked goods. When Pinkie was satisfied she went moving on to Sugar Sweet. Pinkie knew she didn't have much free time so she quickly gave her the invitation and got a list of things she liked.

“Do you know where I can find Starch?” She asked when she was done.

“Yes he is just in the back, you can go talk to him,” Sugar said.

Pinkie nodded and let Sugar do her job while she went to the back.She came in to see task that would of taken a few ponies to do was able to be done by one. Pans floating with either cooked or uncooked baked goods. Dirty dishes in the sink getting cleaned while cleaned one where getting dried. Starch in the center of this using his magic to do all this while he went about doing other delicate tasks like frosting.

“Hey Starch!” Pinkie hollered.

Starch jumped to unfamiliar voice and the loudness of it. Everything he focused with his magic dropped. He quickly caught it most of it. A few pans fell to the ground and the pastries fell to the ground ruining them, and a few dishes fell into the sink filled with water splashing water all over the ground. He looked towards the pink mare. “Can I help Pinkie Pie?” he asked angrily and confused.

“Yes you can! tell me what your favorite things to have at a party” Pinkie said holding up the notebook and pencil.

Starch just looked at her confused. “Why?”

“Because I'm throwing a party that your family is invited to,”Pinkie said. Starch quickly gave in and rapidly gave his list of things he liked


With Sweet Bakes closed for the day he was quickly making his way to Carousel Boutique. “I hope it's not too late,” he thought.

When he got to the door of the boutique he stopped and fixed himself trying to look more presentable. When he got done he walked in hearing the bell ring that was just above the door. that was followed by a “Welcome to Carousel Boutique! I'll be there in a minute,” he heard. He waited for Rarity patiently.

“Hello Starch it's nice to see you.” Rarity said finally coming up to the front greeting Starch with a smile. “I do hope your heart to look at the dressings I came up with.” she said.

“Its nice to see you too. Sorry I came so late though, I had to clean up a huge mess made at work,” Starch said.

“It's alright. Now let's head back.” Rarity said.

The two unicorns walked to the back of the store. Dresses and mirrors aligned the way back. Rarity led the way into one of the rooms. She then levitated a large note book off a table and flipped it open and showed Starch.

“These are a few designs I have thought of,” Rarity said.

Starch looked at the first design and his first opinion was that it was over complicated. It looked to be formal wear with the logo on the side of it. “This looks like it would be for a fine dining restaurant, not a bakery.” Starch said. He turned the page to see.

The next design looked to be to simple. It was just a tie with Sweet bakes logo on it, then a head band with the logo on it. “To simple,” was all he said. He turned to the next page

What he saw on the next page was in his opinion perfect. It was just a apron with Sweet bakes on it. “this is perfect!” he said.

Rarity took the notebook and looked at the design. “This? I only did this one to go with whatever you picked, I got other designs.” she said.

“No this is great for a bakery,” Starch said.

“Can't argue with that,” She said.

“So will you do it?”

“Of course I should have a few done in a few days?” Rarity said.


When Starlight thought of Picnics and the food they would eat she would commonly think of, sandwiches, maybe a salad and a dessert. But what is in front of her was Only Desserts. Cupcake, turnovers, a few cakes, and pies, donuts if it was dessert it was probably here in front of her. But what would you suspect when all of her friends is addicted to the stuff.

Looking at her friends she could see one of the problems with the spell she casted. All of them have put on a little weight each. Everyone seemed to put on at least twenty or so pounds easily more.

Twilight seems to have put on the most, not a lot but enough to be considered chubby but not all out fat yet. Her face is rounder with a double chin coming along, her cheeks are softer. Her plot now has a jiggle to it where before was muscular but was defined. Her stomach was no longer flat and was more curved.

Applejack, didn't seems to have gotten too fat just softer all over more specifically her butt seemed to lose some of the muscle definition she has earned from the years of Apple farming.

Rainbow was similar to Applejack but her weight was more pronounced as more seemed to accumulate in her stomach as it seemed to curve out and was on its way to a pot belly.

Rarity seemed to be more pear shaped with heat gains. her plot and thighs have thicken a little from the weight she has gain. Her face wasn't rounded yet but was softer. “If Rarity wasn't careful she might be the biggest from the way she gaining.”Starlight thought observing her friend.

Fluttershy gain wasn't in one spot but was more distributed all over her. She wasn't fat yet but was more softer all over. If fluttershy was to walk around and Sompony focused on her carefully they'd see a small jiggle present ot her body.

Pinkie though didn't seem any different weight wise. It seemed strange that she was looked the same even though she lives in a bakery and probably eats more pastries than anypony else. “She probably has some high metabolism,” Starlight thought.

Starlight herself hasn't really gained any weight as she is one of the few ponies who doesn't eat pastries all day everyday.

When Starlight thought about it the ponies she could see when she saw when she was heading to the picnic seemed to have gained a few pounds. She remembers seeing Derpy with a developing double chin. Vinyl and Octavia seemed to have larger plots than Starlight remembers seeing. Then there was Big Mac who seemed to have a less defined muscle tone.

“Hope fully this doesn't go out of control,” she thought to herself before she just shrugged. “I bet I could just stop the spell before it gets to out of control, besides even with the spell working it seems like Sweet Bakes is still doing good.” Starlight thought remembering the line that she seen at the bakery.

What Starlight couldn't get tough was that everypony seemed to be oblivious to there and maybe everypony's else's. Nopony has brought it up. Not even Rarity has even said a word.

“Im going to miss these when i'm with the wonderbolts,” Rainbow said catching her attention reminding her that the group was here to have this picnic before Rainbow leaves.

“Im sorry that we couldn't figure out a way to get deliveries to the wonderbolts.” Pinkie said.

“Maybe we could send a care package,” Fluttershy offered.

“Maybe, but I going to hate waiting that long,” Rainbow said.

“Well nothing is stopping you from enjoying the food right now.” Rarity said.

Starlight looked back to the food that was all set out on the large blanket they occupied. Her attention suddenly was grabbed from the white boxes with Sweet Bakes on it. She has yet to try the bakery yet since it's been as busy as Sugarcube.

Her stomach growled reminding her that she hasn't eat anything today. Curious Starlight Levitated up a Cupcake from a open box from Sweet Bakes. She opened her mouth wide and took a good chunk out of the Cupcake.


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Starch walked around Ponyville aimlessly. He didn't have anything to do currently, he didn't have to work today because of the new employees Sweet bakes has received, and do to the noise at the bakery he could hardly focus on anything inside so he left it.

Even though he has lived in ponyville for a while he hasn't gotten to know that many ponies. Only one he’s talked to outside of his family was Rarity and that was just for business.

While he was walking a wonderful aroma caught his attention. He sniffed the air and began to follow it. As the smell got stronger he started to notice a area filled with ponies and tents separate from the shopping district of town. He approached he started to realize what is was he was smelling.

“Welcome to the Chili cook off, Everypony!” Filthy Rich exclaimed out to the crowd. “Sponsored by Barnyard Bargains!” he added.

Starch with nothing to do decided to sit and watch. A choice that will affect his life any others.

When he sat other ponies came sitting down near him.He laughed to himself seeing how many ponies had a pastry from Sweet bakes. He was quickly getting bored as nothing seemed to be going on and ready to leave. Just as he was about get up Filthy rich started to talk again.

“Is every pony ready to sample some of the best chili you've ever have?” Every pony cheered except for Starch.


The chili cook off was almost a waste of Starches life. A whole three hours of his life he will never get back, trying different batches of chili. But it wasn't all a waste.

“This whole thing was dumb” He thought to himself while walking home. When he was there tough he had overheard a conversation.

“Who do you think would win if Sweet Bakes and Sugarcube Corner did this?” he remembers a purple pegasus ask her possibly twin sister.

This did get Lunar thinking, “What if Sugarcube and Sweet Bakes did do something like this,” just of the thought of the money they could make. “Specially if we took this city to city this could make us so much money,” the more he thought the more he loved the idea. “I'll just use the spell and those ponies won't be able to get enough like they do here.” Starch figured.


It was later in the day almost night time. Pinkie was exhausted after the a day of working. Lucky she was able to leave earlier to go say goodbye to Rainbow Dash. She was walking when she noticed Sweet Bakes. She decided to stop by and maybe grab a snack.

As she approached the door it soon opened up magicly, Out came Starlight eating a donut with two boxes floating behind her.

“Hey Starlight didnt think Id see you here?” Pinkie said.

Starlight quickly forced down the night she had in her mouth before speaking. “Twilight asked me to go pick up a order for her here me and her have been having a craving for Sweet bakes after the Picnic,”

“Thats funny i've been craving them too,” pinkie said.

“Well it was nice seeing you, I better get this to Twilight.” Starlight said.

Pinkie said goodbye and headed into the Bakery. Inside she could she it was as busy as Sugarcube has been for the past few months. Ponies all around either in line or was on there way out, and a few sitting at the tables. In the front she could see workers wearing aprons with Sweet bakes logo printed on. Only Sweet she could see was Starch. Pinkie got into line waited patiently.

Soon she was next as she walked up to put in her order Starch came up. “Pinkie you just the Mare I been meaning to talk to,” Starch said.

“Why me? Do you need a party planned!” Pinkie said excitedly

“I’ll explain soon tell me your order and find a spot to sit at and I’ll come and talk to you,” Starch said.


“So what do you think?” Starch asked after pitching his idea of going to a town opening up a shop for each bakery and have a contest that would let ponies vote which one they believe is better.

“Well I think this Bake wars sounds great! But I do have a few questions,” Pinkie said as she

“Ask away,” he said commly

“Why do you want Sugarcubes help? Can't you just have any other Bakery from a town you going to” Pinkie asked.

“I could but I believe it would be faster if I worked with a bakery that is in the local area, so I don't have to go around find another bakery to do this with. Also if its two Bakeries that most of the town hasn't heard of it would lower the chance of favoritism.” Starch said.

Pinkie thought for a minute. “I want to see what the cakes say first, they are the ones who own Sugarcube I'm just there longest working employee who also lives there.”

“I understand, just come and tell me their decision as soon as you could”


“They agreed!!!” Pinkie screamed.

Starch once again was in the Sweet Bakes kitchen multitasking. Once again Pinkies loud interruption caused him to lose focus and to drop everything creating a mess. But unlike the last time Starch wasn't angry

“The cakes agreed!” he said back.

Pinkie nodded her head. “They both said that they were planning to expand soon. That this could be a good way to do it as doing the bake wars could be a great with getting word out of Sugar cube.” she said recalling her conversation with the cakes

“That's great! now we can get to planning this.” Starch said. “I think first thing first is to find a city to start in,” Starch said

“I'm already working on it, I've sent out a few letters to a few friends in a few cities asking them to message me back if they find any buildings for sale.” Pinkie said.

“That's great! When they wright back we could figure out where to start,” he said. “I guess we will have to wait to see what of your friends respond first,”


It has been a few weeks since Pinkie has sent out the letters to friends around Equestria. Within that time she has only received a response from one this being from Coco Pommel.

“So theres is two shops that are for sale in Manhattan,” Mr.Cake asked sitting in Sweet Bakes with his wife and the Sweet family. Listening to Pinkie and Starches progress with Bake wars.

“Yep! When me and Starch went to Manehattan to check out the shops they were both in great condition!”Pinkie said.

“Both are surprisingly cheap for what we need and also with in a block from where we plan to hold the event,” Starch said looking at a few pages of his notebook filled with information about Bake Wars. “If we do get those shops we would only have to get equipment and supplies, along with a staff at there.” Starch finished. Starch set a paper down in front of the cakes and his mother so they could read it. “That is the price Ive estimated for this hole event. Along with the Time I believe we could this all done,” he said.

the owner looked over the paper carefully. “ You sure this is correct?” Ms.Sweet said.

“It should but I could always ask Twilight to double check it.” Starch said.

“You don't have to it looks right to me,” Mr.Cake said.

Starch and Pinkie waited for a response.

“Well I believe we could do this, how about you Ms.Sweet?” Ms.Cake asked.

“I Believe we could do this too.”

Pinkie cheered hearing this, “Were doing Bake Wars!!” Pinkie said.

“Now all we have to do is finish set up and announced this,” Starch said.


Sugarcube was packed like it has been from what Starlight could see. Even though it's been a few hours after Sugarcube has closed it was still packed. This was do both the Cakes and the Sweets saying they had a announcement to make at Sugarcube Corner. Currently they have yet to make the announcement but while. To Everypony's enjoyment there was Plenty of Baked good for them have while waiting. This what the girls along with spike where parting in hole hardly.

Starlight just looked at the pastries from Sugarcube and all she could think of was how great Sweet Bakes sounds, but sadly for Starlight they are closed right now. “After trying Sweet Bakes nothing seems to compare,” She thought. She levitated a eclair. She took a bite and it seemed bland to her like it was missing something that Sweet Bakes has but Sugar Cubes doesn't. After she took a the bite she set the eclair down.

She looked to her friends to have a conversation but all of them were busy stuffing themselves. “You would think they wouldn't be eating so much since they probably eaten both Sugarcube and Sweet bakes multiple times today,” she thought.

“So what do you girls think this announcement is going to be about” Starlight asked.

“Maybe about partnership?” Twilight said. “Pinkie and Starch seem to have been working on something for a while around town,”

Rarity went cleaning off some crumbs left over from the cake puffs she was previously eating, “Pinkie and Starch have came bye asking me about how I was able to open up separate shops and the difficulties with it. So maybe they are partnering up and going to work together,”

“I hope it's another shop, it would be so much easier to start working on the farm if I didn't have to wait in line for Celestia know how long to just to get a few pastries.” Applejack said.

“May I please have your attention everypony!” said a Stallion.

Everypony turned to the direction of the voice to see Starch and Pinkie pie standing on the bakery's counter.

“Thank you all for coming,” Starch said. “You all probably are wondering why we asked you to come here,” Starch looked towards Pinkie giving her a node.

“Well we asked you all to come so we could announce….. Bake Wars!” Pinkie said jumping at the end.

“Bake wars is event Sugarcube and Sweet Bakes are doing. Going town to town to have a competition between the two bakeries.To see who is the best Bakery in Equestria. We are starting all the way in Manehattan, after that we will announce other locations but the last city we will be at is here in Ponyville.” Starch said.

“So we were also hoping you could tell your family and friends in other towns about are bakeries to anticipate Bake wars.” Pinkie said.

The two kept talking and soon was taking questions, but Starlight was more focused with her thoughts thinking about what she just heard. “Sugarcube is good but not good enough to win against Sweet Bakes! They would need the spell to be able to compete against Sweet Bakes.” Starlight thought to herself. “I guess I'm going to have to go to each event to use the spell for Sugar Cube,” Starlight.


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“How much longer entail we get to Manehattan?” Applebloom asked looking away from the window she had just previously been looking out of. She waited for a answer from anypony riding along with her on the train.

“Not long sugarcube, we should arrive soon,” Applejack answered her sister.

“Why are you so excited to get off Apple Bloom?” Sweetie belle asked.

“She probably excited for the new Sugarcube and to see manehattan,” Rarity answered Sweetie Belle.

“ I am excited for the grand opening and to see Manehattan but I'm more excited to see Babs again,” Applebloom said.

The four ponies conversations started to fade out while Starlight looked out the window. Starlight sat across on the other row from her friends. While her friends talked she was thinking about how things have gone since she has used the spell. Sugarcube has gotten great business where before they feared that they would be close. the local businesses like Sweet bakes didn't get shut down they still have great business. Sugarcube is about to have another shop open in another city. This was the good things the spell has done.

She looked to her friends and she was able to see some of the negative effects of the spell. All of her friends have been gaining weight recently just like the rest of the ponies in Ponyville. It has been around a little more than a month since the picnic where Starlight first noticed the weight gain. In that time they seem to have continued packing on the pounds.

AppleJack has lost a lot of muscle tone and has replaced it with a layer of fat. She is not chubby but is thicker. She had softer cheeks and a start of a second chin. She had a start of a potbelly. Her hips seemed to be wider as Applejack took more room on the bench seat then Starlight remembered.

Rarity though has definitely gained a bit of weight as she was easily chubby. she had a second chin accompanied with a pair of chubby cheeks. Her hips have gotten wider in taking up leaving little seating on the bench she shared with her younger sister. Rarity’s forelegs seemed to be cushier .The mares chest seemed to have gained a layer of ciloite making it more pronounced. Her stomach has gone from potbelly to a gut. If Starlight focused enough she would see it jiggle as the train travelled over the tracks, rocking the train slightly.

Applebloom and Sweetie belle both seemed to have gain some weight. Each was a softer and rounder. having close to double chins and rounder bellies.

“Now arriving at Manehattan station,” Said a conductor that broke Starlight out of her train of thought.

When the train finally stopped the girls all grabbed their saddlebags and got up to exit the train. When they exited they were met with a mass of ponies waiting outside. As they walked out the horde of ponies all started walking towards the train soon filling it.

When the area was cleared the group was able to see three familiar ponies waiting there. One was their hyperactive pink friend from Ponyville. Next was Applejack and Apple Bloom's cousin Babs Seed. Finally there was Rarity's friend Coco Pommel.

“Babs!” Applebloom and Sweetie belle both yelled and went running up to Babs Seed the others followed behind.

“Apple Bloom! Sweetie Bell! It's been forever!” Babs said going up.

While those three catched up AppleJack, Rarity and Starlight went talking to Coco and Pinkie.

“Coco, its so nice to see you I didn't even know you were coming to meet use.” Rarity said.

“Well I ran into Pinkie pie earlier and we were talking and she mentioned you and Applejack were coming so I came to say hi.” Coco said.

“Hey! should we get going to Sugarcube Corner,” Starlight said stopping the conversations going on.

“Ya! I'm excited for you girls to see the new Sugarcube Corner!” Pinkie said. “Follow me!” She said Bouncing off.

Everypony just shrugged and followed Pinkie pie.


Manehattan was as busy as always. Ponies cluttered the sidewalks.Taxis speeding throughout the road. It took some time to get through manehattan but soon the group arrived at the Bakery.

The new Sugarcube was just on a end of a street on the corner. It was a square shaped building with Sugarcube Corner in big lite up letters on the roof of the building. It was around the same size as the Sugarcube in Ponyville. unlike most building in the area with a grayish color it was bright pink. Which made it stook out from the rest of the city. The group went going inside.

The new Sugarcube Corners interior was in Starlights opinion was simple. Nothing was over the top. It had a average looking wooden flooring. A dozen tables big enough to fit four ponies placed around the Bakery. A counter with a empty display case built into it. To the left of the Counter was a hallway. Behind the counter was a door with a oval shape widow in the door. Through the Window Starlight could just see a portion of the kitchen.

“I need to get into the kitchen,” Starlight thought. “But I need to be discreet,” thought to herself. She went walking over to Pinkie. “umm Pinkie, where is the restroom?” She whispered enough so not everypony would hear her.

“Its down the hallway third door on the left,” Pinkie answered aloud. getting everyone's attention.

Starlight sighed internally as everponys attention was on her and Pinkie Pie. "Ok, thank you Pinkie," Starlight said. She went walking towards then down the hallway. She looked back while walking down seeing her friends slowly go out of sight. She got to the third door on her left.

She opened it seeing a bathroom with white tiled flooring and along with a single white toilet and one white sink. Starlight went in closing the door behind her locking it when it shut. Starlight looked around making sure nopony could see her.

When she was sure nopony could see her she closed her eyes and focused. Her horn began to glow brightly. It glowed brighter and brighter then suddenly Starlight disappeared out of the room.

Starlight open her eyes seeing she had successfully teleported to the kitchen. The door to the kitchen to her back “It seems nopony noticed me,” she thought to herself not hearing anypony walking towards the kitchen. Without wasting time Starlight went to the oven and immediately casted the eat it want it spell.

It took less than a minute but to starlight who didn't want to be caught felt like it took a hour. When she was done she waited to see if anypony seen what she did. When nopony came barging in she went going onto the other appliances used to bake. Going to mixing bowls all the way to whisk. She hit what she could tell she heard a muffled voice.

“Starlight are you almost done? I need to go.” Starlight heared a very muffled Applebloom say in the hallway in between the kitchen and restroom.

Starlight then quickly teleported back to the restroom. She turned to the door that was currently getting knocked on. Starlight went to the door and unlocked it and open it. Before she could get a word out Applebloom rushed in and pushed Starlight out and swiftly shut the door behind.

Starlight made her way back to the front of the bakery.When she got back to the front Applejack was the first to noticed.

“Hey Starlight do you want to go with us to go see where the event tomorrow is being held at?” Applejack asked.

“Sure,” Starlights responded.


Back in ponyville Scootaloo sat bored in class. Which is a first time she has been bored in school since Sugarcube thank you party. Because ever since then Cheerilee has slowly been teaching class less and less. While having treats from Sugarcube and Sweet bakes more and more every week.

When Cheerilee started to bring in Sugarcube everyday the class would sit eat whatever she had brought over to the class. They all would eat tell they couldn't eat anymore. Cheerilee joined in too forgetting the lesson. After she would be to stuffed to teach so she would have the students go out to a early extended recess. The students would go out and just sit all waiting for there full stomachs stop aching. Then after the recess they came in to do part of the lesson.

But for last few weeks Cheerilee has had Sweet bakes as well. Usually after the recess. So now they come to school where the class sit and talk tell the first delivery of the day would come from Sugarcube. From there they would all eat tell it was recess time. Then after recess the next shipment from Sweet Bakes would come in. Where they would continue to eat tell they had to go home.

Scootaloo has enjoyed how school because of this. She just had to show up and eat and talk to friends. But with Sweetie Belle and AppleBloom gone she didn't have anypony to really talk to. Recess had came and went. School was almost over.

Scootaloo began to look around the class room out of boredom. All around students where gobbling food like they been starved for days. Food crumbs dirtied the floor beneath them. Up front was their chubby teacher. Cheerilee like her students has put on weight to the over abundance of eating. Most of the weight has gone to her back side making the chair she sat in very tight. Then her belly has also received a fair share of weight. This making it a little difficult to get to her desk as she has to make room it. Her rounded cheeks were covered with frosting and cream. Cheerilee took a bite out of a cream puff. Some of the whipped cream squeezed out onto her double chin. she grabbed a napkin resting on her table and cleaned it off.

Scootaloo just sighed and went back to eating even though she felt extremely full. She still yearn for more. The rest of the class and many other ponies in Ponyville did the same.


Starlight, Sweetie Belle, Rarity, Applejack, and Applebloom walked through Manehattan following Pinkies directions to the park. Getting to the park area that Bake Wars is being held at the next day took a while. Pinkies directions were not the greatest and the group had some trouble navigating through the sea of ponies. After a hour of walking they had finally arrived.

The park was huge about slightly bigger than Ponyville town square with less buildings. In the center of the park was a large stage. surrounding the stage was Pink curtains hiding what was behind the stage . The curtains also came out past the stage of the sides. In a logo similar to Sweet bakes is Bake Wars in white letters surrounded by a pink oval.

Starlight could just barely see Ponies walking out from the curtain at the side. When they were coming out of the curtain they carried out different objects, like tools wood planks, fabric and so on. they walk out to the area facing the stage. In the area was a collection what looked like new white wooden benches. The workers all going to either a bench or went to a open spot and started making a new bench. The ones at the already built one where either painting the simple picnic benches white or where placing a pink table cloth on it.

“Rarity? Is that you? What are you doing here?” said a voice Starlight did not recognized. She looked to the direction of the voice. She could see a pinkish mare with a purplish mane that had a bandana wrapped around her neck.

“Surie Polo?” Rarity questioned.

“I hope your not here for bake wars,” Surie said looking at the plump mare.

“What makes you say that?” Rarity asked confused.

Well I think you and your friends here don't need those extra treats, m’kay,” Suri said. “Can you even still wear the dresses you make?”

“Of course I can,” Rarity said defending herself.

“The other day Rarity you were complaining how your dress have shrunk?” Sweetie asked.

“Sweetie not right now,” Rarity answered.

“Well I have to go it was nice seeing more of you,” Surie said walking past them.

“Don't listen to her Rarity she probably still upset about that fashion show where she stole your designs,” Applejack said. “Also I've heard of a few folks in town close have shrunk,” she added.

“Thank you Applejack,” Rarity said. “But I think I could lose some weight, I think i'm going to go on a diet when we get back to Ponyville.”

“Maybe we should start heading back to Sugarcube,” Starlight said.


Starlight’s mouth watered just thinking about Sweet Bakes. Her and her friends all were heading to. When the group got back to the new Sugarcube Corner Pinkie had told them that Starch had stopped by while they went to the park. He had invited them all to the new Sweet bakes.

The group didn't have to walk far as Sweet Bakes was actually across the street from Sugarcube Corner. The bakery's exterior was white with horizontal pink lines. It had two windows in the front with a door in between. The windows revealed the inside being pitch black.

The group walked up to the front of the building and then continued to walk around. When they got to the back they could see a back door. Pinkie walked up and knocked on the door rapidly.

They all waited for a minute before the door opened. Starch came out wearing a apron and covered in flour. “Hey girls glad you could come! Come on in” Starch said moving aside. One by one the girls all came in.

When Starlight walked in she could see that they were in the kitchen. The kitchen was wider than Sugarcubes while being smaller than sugarcubes. At the new Sugarcube everypony would all be able to fit in then some. But here the eight of them could just barely fit in comfortably.

In the center of the kitchen was a island. On it was a ton of pastries everything from pies,cake,eclairs,tarts, muffins, and so on.

“Dig in there's plenty here,” Starch siad. “I hope their good, its my first time cooking without my family.

Starlight didn't need much more to start as she levitated a few tarts up. The others go in too.

Starch watched calmly while the Starlight and her friends continued to eat. “It seems like the spell worked,” Starch thought to himself. “With that cleared I just have to do on last thing,” he thought.

“So Applejack i've heard your very honest and dont lie, is that true?” Starch asked.

Applejack swallowed the apple pie in her mouth before speaking, “Yes it is. Why do you ask?” she asked.

“Well tomorrow I was hoping you would mine counting the votes, I dont any ponies here in manehattan besides my employees and since I pay there paycheck I don't want them to be byase. Then I didn't know if any pony Pinkie knows who would be byase for her. But if your as honest as I've heard I won't have to worry.” Starch said.

“Well I be honoured to Starch.” Applejack said as she went back finishing the last of the Apple pie she was eating.

“Okay thank you applejack” Starch responded. He then levitated over a muffin and join the other in eating but ate slowly while the others are vigorously.


Bake wars was just minutes from starting. Starlight, Rarity, Applejack, Sweetie, Apple Bloom, and Babs all sat on a bench close to the Stage.

Starlight couldn't believe how many ponies have showed up for the event. Sitting close to the stage she had a great view of the park. As far as she could see ponies where all coming in sitting down at the benches. IF she had to guess from what she seen she would say that more than half the benches were full and the rest where close to being the same.

Everyminute that passed it the park seemed to get a bit more packed. Soon Starlight could see ponies walking towards the front trying to find any available seats. Some even went asking a few tables with maybe one or two seats open.

“Welcome all to Bake wars!” Starches voice echoed through the park. Everypony in the park seemed to stop

Starlight turned around to face the stage. Up there was Starch and Pinkie. Both of them had a microphone on a stand resting in front of them.

“We thank you all for coming to see who is the best Bakery between Sugarcube Corner! Or Sweet Bakes!” Stach exclaimed loudly into the mike.

“Now are voltineries here will all bring over a few items of are Bakeries to your table.” Starch said. “The ones that are on the white plates are from Sweet Bakes. The Pink ones are for Sugarcube,” He added.

“After the deserts are brought out Slips of paper will come out that you can then vote for who was your favorite between the two,” Pinkie said. “Then if you want to after finishing you can go to are shops.”

“Don’t forget to tell your friends and family about us too,” Starch added in randomly.

Starlight watched as many ponies most of them unicorns came out of the tents at the side. All of them had trays with a few plates with serving desserts. One came up to the table she was sitting at. The Unicorn Stallion who came up had the tray floating just high enough so Starlight couldn't see the dishes resting on top.Without saying a word he started to levitate down plates down onto the table from the tray.

Each plate had a triangular shaped cut multi layered chocolate cake with chocolate frosting on top, fudge between each layer with a few chocolate chips sprinkled onto the wide end of the slice. Everypony had gotten two plates with one white the other pink. Both simple but good.

Starlight and the others started to dig in. Starlight started on the Sweet Bakes cake. She moaned after taking the first bight. The flavor was just amazing. the cake was fluffy and airy. The frosting rich and smooth. Then between the layers of cake was fudge that was creamy and so sweet. The cake melted in her mouth. Her body getting the same rush it gets when she eats at SWeet Bakes. Before she knew it she had eaten the slice given to her.

Next was the Sugarcubes. Starlight took her time on this one. the whole time she wished it was another cake from Sweet Bakes. Sugarcubes just seemed bland to her after having the other cake less than a minute ago. The cake wasn't horrible, it was so similar to Sweet bakes but it was missing something that the other bakery had.

Just as she finished the second cake a young adult mare came up to the table dropping off the voting slip. Along with a few pens. On the pens had the name had one of the names of the bakers.

Starlight looked at hers. on it had two boxes side to side with a gap between them. on top just above the square boxes was a instructions. “Please check one box” she read. Then under the boxes was the names of the bakeries.Sweet bakes with White in parentheses on the box on the left. Sugarcube on the right with Pink in parentheses on the right box. Starlight grabbed one of the pens that was supplied to the group. She put a cheque on Sugarcube corner.”Might be biased but Sugarcube need all the help it can get.”


Coco was one of the first ponies into the bakery. After placing a sizable order she went sitting down at a empty table. As she waited ponies started to fill the Bakery. Everytable was soon occupied and a line out the door had formed.

after a few minutes went by before she got her order. Looking at it she was starting to question why she ordered so much. In front of her was a baker's dozen freshly baked cookie, a few cake pops, then a few eclairs. But when she took a bite out of a cake pop she immediately started wishing for more.

She was about to go get into line when a familiar mare came running in cutting the line heading straight to the front. ponies in line yelling and hollering at the mare.

“I need a two dozen lemon squares! a white coconut cake! then I want six cupcakes!” Prim said tossing a bag of bits onto the counter.

“um... okay mam. That will be right out.” said the minimum wage worker.


It was later in the day and the park was still filled with ponies. The samples that Sweet bakes and Sugarcube had long since been eaten up.

Applejack and a few employees were all behind the curtain. Applejack sat at a table with baskets around her holding piece of paper. “Another vote for Sugarcube,” she said and Rarity along with Starlight would write down the vote. Applejack continued working on the last basket of votes. Just like the others votes Applejack would say what was written on the paper and it would be marked down by Starlight and Rarity. They have been doing this ever since they finished their cakes. Earlier when ever they got close to done the would receive more.

Finally they had gotten all done. Applejack retrieve the results from the two unicorns. She then took it up to the front of the stage and signaled Pinkie and Starch over. “The results are ready,” she said. They both nodded and headed to the microphones up front.

“Mares and Gentlecolts the results are in,”Starch said into a microphone.

“We will have Applejack come on up and tell you the results,” Pinkie said. She then moved to the side and signaled for Applejack to come up. Applejack came up and Started to speak into the microphone.

“So the winner of Bake Wars by only a few votes is!” Applejack paused and then pointed to her left. “Sweet Bakes!”

The crowd went cheering loudly. On stage Pinkie was cheering for him. “Congratulations to Sweet Bakes While Starch feigned his surprise he won. Starlight had some confused as to why Sugarcube lost.


Starch couldn't believe the reports he has received from The new Sweet Bakes in Manehattan. Just in one week it has made more than enough money to cover the cost of having bake wars in manehattan. From the looks of things the knew Sweet Bakes looks to be on its way to make more money as it receives more business everyday from what the reports say. It has had some difficulty with running out of product to sell like the Sweet Bakes in Ponyville. But like Ponyville it has fixed the issue.

With how things have gone in Manehattan Starch almost couldn't wait for when the next bake wars in Canterlot in a few days to see if they see the same results.

Starch sat back in his chair imaging things continued like they have. That they might even have a Bake wars and Sweet Bakes in every city they can do. With the spell its almost guaranteed to be. That one day every city will have a Sweet Bakes that is making his family unimaginable amount of money. That one day soon his family and himself wouldn't have to even work. That they will have more than enough money to pay other to do the work for them all the while they make a huge profit. That every new costumer is going to be hooked and more then willing to buy more baked goods.


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“So you're sure Twilight doesn't know we are here?” Cadence asked her husband while they waited for a train from Ponyville to arrive to Cantorlot.

“From what my Mom and Dad said no she shouldn't know that we are here,”Shining explained. “Its is supposed to be a surprise,” he added.

“Shining? Cadence?”

The couple both turned to see Pinkie Pie bouncing towards them. “What are you two doing here?”

“Well we were in town and we heard Twilight was coming so we wanted to come and surprise her,” Shining said.

“That's great! Are you two going to be in town long enough to come to bake wars?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Probably we are suppose to be here for a few more days,” Cadence answered.

As they waited they talked some more. Soon the train came into the station. When it stopped the doors opened and ponies came walking out.

The three began searching around to Twilight. .

“So do you know anypony that was coming with Twilight?” Shining asked.

“ Spike and Starlight should be with her,” Pinkie pie said as she bounced up and down looking through the crowd for her friends.

“I see them!” Cadence said pointing into the crowd.

Pinkie Pie and Shining looked through the crowd they eventually found the purple alicorn they found.

“Twilight! Over here!” Pinkie hollered across the station getting Twilights attention.

“Shinning! Cadence!” Twilight said surprised when she saw her brother and sister in-law. “What are you two doing here?” Twilight asked as she was walking up with Spike and Starlight fallowing along with a crystal pony they didn't recognize behind Starlight. When they all came up Shining and Cadence where surprised to see the size of everypony. All of them besides Starlight was chubby.

The crystal pony mare is easily the biggest of the group. She was easily in the realms of being overweight to being fat. She had a very round face with chubby cheeks and a prominent double chin. Her chest was plush that met up with her thick for legs and heavy belly that hung down just half way down her thick legs. The others all were big but at as big as the crystal pony.

“Well we are in town visiting mom and dad and we found out you were coming so we come to say hi,” Shining said.

“We also came because Celestia wanted to see you all,” Cadence said.

“Then we better hurry,” Twilight said.

Celestia was stunned to say the least. Twilight and her friends had just arrived to the castle. Celestia was not prepared to see how her old student has changed. When Twilight came into the throne room Celestia could see the changes.

Twilight could be described as chubby. But is more along the lines of being fat. Twilights now sported a double chin and puffy cheeks. Her neck was thicker and her Stomach hung down just a inch above her knees. Her hips have gained enough fat that is viewable from the front of her.

From what Celestial could see Twilight wasn't the only one who has gained some weight. Starlight, Pinkie Pie, and Spike all have gained weight.

Spike looked to be rounder all over. Thick stubby legs that was starting to be covered by a round pot belly. with a round head with a second chin and golf ball size cheeks. Even his tail was rounder and wider.

Pinkie pie and Starlight both looked to have changed the least. But enough to tell a difference. Starlight was the thinnest of one of the group. her stomach on stuck out a little. She has the start of a second chin. lastly her plot seemed to jiggle as she walked. Pinkie was only slightly heavier than Starlight. Having a couple of chins. More thicker plot and a drooping gut.

She wasn't disgusted. she was surprised to say the least.

“Its nice to see all of you again!” Celestia said. She turned to Sugar, “it's nice to meet you too,”Celestia said bowing her head to Honey. “May I ask your name?”

Honey bowed to Celestia, “My name is Honey Sweet

Celestia nodded and raised back up. She looked at the ponies present,“I wanted to spend some time with you all but some things have came up. So tonight I would like you all to come back to the castle and have dinner at the castle,”

“That sounds great Princess Celestia,” Twilight said.

“Okay, will eight o'clock be a alright time?” Celestia asked.

The sun was setting in canterlot. Starch and his sister Honey walked down the paved roads. Honey had gone to see the new bakery and to get her brother so he could go with her to the dinner later. But first they have to finish making plans for bake wars the next day with Pinkie Pie.

“I still can't believe that you have not tried Sugarcube yet!” Honey said in a mixture of shock and horror.

“Why? We live in a bakery and you and mom always eat up what ever Sugarcube you get.” Starch said.

“Still after talking and working with Pinkie Pie I would've thought you would of had something of theirs by now,”

“Well I was focused on getting bake wars planned.” he defended.

The two kept talking as they traveled to Sugarcube in Canterlot.When Starch smiled when a building with Sugarcube on a sign was insight. When they got to it Starch was the one to nock.

While he waited he inspected the building. It was a decent size building. It was a similar color to the one in Manehattan. On the roof with in a pink colored bubble letter font was the name of the bakery.

Pinkie open the door. She quickly welcomed them in. THe three walked towards the back of the store. They then entered the kitchen where they see Twilight, Starlight, and Spike. Along with a island table with alot of baked goods.

“Dig in guys!” Pinkie said.

Everypony but Pinkie, Starch, and Starlight went eating. Starlight only took a muffin and only took a bite only a few times. Starch and Pinkie was having a conversation.

“So is all the preparations done?” Starch asked.

“Yep, Twilight will do the counting the votes, the park we are going to have bake wars is going to be ready by the morning.”

Their conversation kept going while Starlight still still watched. Since she hasn't had a chance to cast the eat it want it spell yet she was curies to see if they still would eat the Sugarcube without it. With just about every pony was eating the parties besides Starlight, Pinkie, and Starch she could see that they would.

“I wonder though if they are hungry, we haven't eaten for a while not ever since breakfast.” She thought.

The dinner at the castle was going good. Which is the opposite of what Starlight needed. She didn't need the dinner to be a disaster but she needed a good excuse to leave. She has yet to cast the spell for Sugarcube corner to help it succeed. She had been unable to be alone all day. She knows if it doesn't get done known she might not be able to.

Everypony was getting along. A open conversation was being had with everypony in attendance. The current topic they all was talking about is embarrassing stories of Twilights time as Celestia's student. Starlight could easily see Twilights frustration of the topic as she sat across from Twilight. Twilight kept trying to change the conversation back to the last one. Which was about bake wars.

One other thing that wasn't helping Starlight in leaving was the food that was being served. A variety of food lined the long table. Up towards Celestia who sat at the head of the table was freshly baked rolls. Next was a big creamy bowl of tomato soup that was between the Sweet siblings. After that was one of Twilights favorites daffodils sandwiches, which was conveniently placed between Twilight and Starlight. On the table also was two bowls one with fruits and the other was with fruit both of them sat between Cadence and Shining. lastly was a punch that was a mixture of fruity and tuart with a hint of sweetness. This was placed with Pinkie pie and Spike.

Starlight couldn't help but to notice how everything there was for the most part health. Contrast to how much sweets that Starlight and her friends have eaten for the past while. She almost couldn't remember the last time she had a meal like this. Earliest she remembers was a few days before Rainbow left for wonderbolts practice. As she thought more about it she couldn't remember when Twilight and Spike had a meal that mainly consisted of Pastries from Sugarcube or/and from Sweet Bakes. As Starlight pondered on this She could hear a trolley coming out of the kitchen.

The trolley had stopped just a little past her. Off the trolley was a new dash to add the already existing one on the table. On a silver platter was loaded with fruit tarts. Starlight knew how to get out of dinner.

Before anypony could grab a tart Starlight quickly levited the plater over to her. While she had it in her magical gasp she went trying to remember how one of the spells from the book she used to help sugarcube. She only looked at the spell that would change anything sweet to instead taste sour. But that one time was enough to put it to membery.

So as the plater was still coming to Starlight she conversely used the spell. Nothing seemed to change as all it look like was that the tray was being levitated in Starlights magic.

Starlight sat the tray down in front of her. She then took one of the tarts off the tray and took a bite. She knew immediately the spell worked as her face puckered and she fought to spit out the tart.

“Is everything alright Starlight?” Celestia asked.

Starlight nodded her head left to right. She swalled the tart before talking, “I think I just had a bad tart,” Starlight said.

“Oh I'm sorry the kitchen staff has always done a terrific job,” Celestia said. Celestia then levitated a tart of the plater to her. She taking a generous bite out of it. Celestia went through the motions of her facing puckering up then to disgust as she spit out the tart in front of everypony present. She went taking a sip of some punch next to her to wash away the taste that still lingers. “I guess there's a first time for every thing,”celestia said.

“I don't think that tart is setting too well,” Starlight said as she got up from her chair and left the room. Starlight hurried out into the hallway and continued tell she found a hallway devoid of guards and any other castle staff. To her left was a window that looked out to the city surrounding the castle. Starlight studied what she could with everything dark outside since it was night time. Eventually she could see a sign with the name Sugarcube Corner illuminating in the dark in the distance.

Starlight focused her magic. She then disappeared out of the hallway and reapered just outside the outer wall of the castle. Starlight teleported again and end up closer to her destination. IT took a few teleportation but she was finally behind Sugarcube.

She checked to see if anypony had noticed her. When she figured the coast was clear she went unlock the door with her magic. She open the door into the pitch dark interior of the building. HEr horn glowed enough to light the way for her inside.

When she got to the kitchen she went didn't hesitate to get started. She went casting the eat it want it spell on anything that would be incontact with the food in some way. With this being the third time doing this it didn't take to long to get done. As she finished she quickly went out the way she came in. She locked the door when she left.

She then return back to the castle by teleporting multiple times to get back. She was back into the hallway she was in just minutes ago. She went going back to where she had left her friends.

Celestia was first to speak when Starlight got back. “How are you doing Starlight?”

“I'm doing fine now, but I think it will be a while tell I have a fruit tart again,” Starlight answers.


Bake wars has just started. Starch has just gotten done with welcoming everypony. Servers where all walking out to give everypony a sample.

Celestia watched as one of the severs came up and placed one white and one pink plate in front of her. On each plate was a piece of white cake with white frosting coating it.

From where she sat she could see Twilight and her friends and family.All of them was devouring the cakes they have. All of them was eating like they had not eaten a day in their lives. Which contrasted the weight they have gained.

Celestia looked out to the crowd. From the Stage she could see most of the crowd. Just like Twilight and her friends ponies who had received cake was just eating the cakes they had received only moments ago. Next to none showed any restraint while eating. When they got done they all get up. They quickly vote and then run towards where the two bakeries was at.

She even saw Shining getting up from where he sat and ran in the direction of the bakeries.

“Sister are you going to eat those cakes?” Luna asked.

Celestia turned to her sister. Luna stared back at her with mixture of frosting and crumbs on her cheeks. Celestia took a glande down at lunas cake surprised to see it cleaner than her sisters face currently. not a crumb was left no spec of frosting was smeared on.

She looked back to Luna, “Yes, Lu…”

Luna immediately turned around to a guard when she got her answer. “I need you to go to these bakeries and order as much as you can!” Luna ordered.

Celestia couldn't wrap her head of everypony's reactions. From her sister to the citizens to Twilight and her friends. She looked at the cakes sitting in front of her. She studied them just to try to see if there was anything different from any other cake. after not noticing anything out of ordinary she levitated a fork with her magic and took a piece from the cake that was from Sugarcube Corner. She put the piece into her mouth.

Celestia has lived a very long life. She has tried many cakes in her long life. But never has any of those cakes compare to this cake. The one piece of cake alone has trumped all other cakes she has ever eaten. She finally understand why everypony has gone close to crazy of these cakes. Celestia finished the first cake and now was looking at the second one. She didn't hesitate to eat this time.

Her body tingled just like it did with the last cake. She devoured it smearing crumbs and frosting on her face. She didn't care about the mess on her face, only the last few bites of cake in front of her. Soon she finished the cake. When she did she immediately turned to another guard.

“Go get as many cakes,cookie,or whatever you can get from Sugarcube and Sweet Bakes!” Celestia said. The Guard was quick to follow her request. She sat chair waiting for the guard to come back.


“I swear if Sugarcube wasn't so good I would never wait in this line,” Rarity said waiting in the usal line at Sugarcube Corner. The line was still as long as it normally is and moved as fast. Also didn't help with Celestia's sun shining brightly over them.

“At least the line has been moving faster lately,” Fluttershy said. “We don't have to wait in line for a hour anymore. Now it's just a ten minute wait”

“Ten minutes is still to long of a weight for sugarcube. Sadly Sweet Bakes is just as long of a wait.” Rarity said.

“Fluttershy and Rarity!”

Fluttershy and Rarity both looked up to the sky where the voice originated from. As they did so a familiar blue pegasus came into view. when they got sight of Rainbow Dash they saw her flying in preparing to land. Rainbow landed just a few feet away from them. As she walked towards them they could see she was different from when she left.

Rainbow unlike her friends and most residents in Ponyville has lost weight. She didn't have much to loose to begin with. When she left she had a small potbelly. A start of a double chin and rounded cheeks. Now though all the weight she had gained was gone. Her trim athletic body was back. But it is soon to disappear and fit to how her friends bodies look.

Both Fluttershy and Rarity has grown. They are almost past the point of chubby to being fat. Rarity's pear shape have expanded our being more exaggerated. With her hips flaring out more. Her plot growing bigger. WHen she did the slightest movement it would jiggle. Rarity has a finally started to add a another chin to her existing one. Her stomach has started to hang down mid thigh. So far she is still is on track to be the biggest of her friends weight wise.

Fluttershy has still gained more evenly. Her face having golf ball size cheeks and a double chin. Her stomach hung down. Her hips and plot had widen and gotten larger.

“How was the wonderbolts?” Fluttershy asked.

“Horrible!” Rainbow said. “I wasn't sure I was able to make it. I wasn't able to have any deliveries from Sugarcube and Sweet Bakes. Then! to top it off when i got to head quarter Spit Fire put on a rigorous workout regimen. She had me follow it to a t. I also had to go on a diet she had set me up for. I wouldn't of minded it if the rest of the team was on it. But for some reason I was the only one.” Rainbow ranted out. When she was done ranting she noticed how close to the bakery they were as the lined had moved.

“But now that I'm back I won't have to follow that diet and that crazy regiment,” Rainbow said calmly as she was starting to be able to smell the baked goods inside the bakery.


Twilight, Cadence, Shining Armor, Starlight, Spike, and Honey was all counting the votes. Cadence, Shining, Starlight, and Honey would all read the results while Twilight and Spike would wright down the results. The process was long but was going good.

Pinkie stuck her head into to check the progress. “How it going?” she asked.

“Another one for Sweet Bakes. Were close Pinkie,” Starlight said.

Pinkie nodded and went back out.

After that small interruption they got back to work.

“So Honey Sweet does your families bakery do delivery?” Shining asked.

“Sometimes but when we do it's only when its in the city's limits it in.” Honey answered.

“Okay then do you know if your family are going to open a sweet bakes in the Crystal Empire?” Shining asked.

“Starch is the one handling that,” Honey said. “He doesn't really talk about what he is planning.”

They soon finished tailing the votes . Twilight and Spike talked to each other quietly, comparing their results. making sure they had it right . AFter checking Twilight went out onto the stage.

Out in the crowd ponies sat watching up as Twilight got to the microphone.

“The Results are in,” Twilight said trying to get the remainder of ponies attention. “So the winner is!” Twilight based.

“Sugarcube Corner!”She exclaimed loudly.


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Its been a normal day of school. Come in wait for food to be delivered. Eat the food until your to full to move. Go to recess relaxe let stomach digest food. Then go back to class to eat even more food that is delivered. When they get full wait for class to get out.

That was what Apple Bloom was doing waiting for School to get out. Usually she be like Scootaloo and Sweetie right now and complaining about eating to much for the umphtinth time this week alone. But not today. She need to hurry after school and if she couldn't move faster than a slow shuffle she wouldn't be able to go to bake wars with her sister.

With only a few minutes left in class she was bored. She couldn't eat more food. She didn't have any assignment to do. Cheerilee is busy going into a food coma to give a lesson. Speaking of Cheerilee Applebloom couldn't believe how much weight Cheerilee has gained.

Cheerilee has became quite fat after days of just stuffing herself day in and day out. Her face has become fuller with chubby cheeks and two extra chins to her original one. A belly she has started to rest food onto. THe biggest part of cheerilee. is her bottom half. She has to know sit onto two stools since one would easily break under her growing weight. She will soon need three as the two already been giving signs of being unable to do their job. Maye with three her plot and hips wouldn't hang over the sides.

Applebloom knew that Cheerilee hasn't been the only one to have gained a lot of weight from the amount of food they eat. Looking to her two friends was a great example of how much weight they gained.

Scootaloo has gained most of her weight into her stomach. She has started to be able to rest things on top of it like a table like cheerilee does. Her chest has also puffed out more. Her shoulders have become very puffy. Baseball size cheeks and a second chin accompanied her face.

Sweetie Bell was the opposite of Scootaloo of where she gained. She has only the slightest second chin and soft cheeks. her chest was still flat. She does have a pot belly. But a small pot belly when compared to her rump. Her rump would hang of the sides of the chair she sat on. With it just a couple inches of the ground. If she moved the stool would creak under her.

Applebloom herself hasn't been left out of the gaining. she looked down and was met with her stomach. It was so big she couldn't see her hooves that was under her. she could feel her thighs rubbing against each other as she moved on the two chairs she sat on. when she moved her forelegs she could feel the fat jiggle as she moved.

But even with all the weight they gained it was still miniscule compared to some of the other classmates.

Like Diamond Tiara seemingly has more than doubled her weight with in the past while. She was almost as wide as she was tall. When she walked her stomach was just inches off the ground. Her chest has grown to the point that it has folded onto itself. Her Plot and thighs would jiggle moments after she got done moving. Her neck was completely hidden under her chins. Her jowls hung low and jiggled continuously as Diamond ate.

Applebloom looked down at the last few remaining cupcakes on that was on her desk. She liked her lips. She knew she didn't need it but she wanted it. She could feel herself getting hungry just looking at the pastries. She knew as soon as she started eating she would eat till it hurt to breathe.

Just as she was about to grab one the school bell rung signaling the end of school. Applebloom being the only student who hasn't eaten tell it hurt was able to quickly get up and grab her saddlebag. She promptly said by to her friends who struggled out of their desk.

Applebloom was soon out of the school and down the road. She made her way through town. As she did she could see ponies doing what she and her classmates have done at school. Lounging around stuffing themselves on either Sweet Bakes or Sugarcube Corner. She could smell fresh pastries all around her as she galloped as fast as she could through town. Just as Applebloom started to slow down out and getting out of breath she could see the train station coming into sight. Seeing the train already there she continued to push herself. Getting more exercise than she has in days.

She got onto the loading area panting for air. When she caught her breath she was happy to see Applejack and Starlight.

She couldn't help but to think of how much weight the two older mares had put on as she caught her breathe. Starlight was probably one of the skinniest mares in Ponyville. With her small plot, small pot belly, and only a min second chin. The same couldn't be said for her sister.

Applejack’s back side was her biggest part. With hips almost wide enough to get brush against door ways. A juicy butt that would wobble as she walked. Her back legs once coated in muscle was now covered in flab as they touched down to her knees. Her Stomach was also quite big. As it hung just above her knees. She has a very circular shaped face. with large jowls and a second chin and a third in development.

“You doing alright sugarcube?” Applejack asked seeing her sister.

“yahh… Just a… little winded… didn't want to be…. late.” Applebloom answered between deep breathes.

“Well alright let's get onto the train you can catch your breath there,” Applejack said.


While Applebloom was getting onto the train back in town Scootaloo was slowly walking into Sugarcube. The smell of fresh baked pastries irritated in the air. The line to come in was still there but was quickly moving. Scootaloo looked towards the tables each one having sompony sit at it with baked goods collected onto the table. She looked for a few seconds before finding the table with the blue pegasus. Scootaloo hurried over as fast as her over stuffed stomach would allow.

“Hey squirt,” Rainbow said as Scootaloo came up.

“Hey…. Rainbow Dash,” Scootaloo said slightly winded from the walk from the school to the bakery.

Scootaloo looked onto Rainbow Dash and was still surprised of how much weight Rainbow has gained since coming back from the Wonderbolts. Rainbow had a second chin coming in. Enough fat to cover her muscular body. Plump things that started to touch. A stomach that started to rest on her lap. She has gained all the weight she lost since going to the wonderbolts and then some. It wasn't any surprise that she has gain so much back.

Ever Since she came back she has only done three things. Eat till she couldn't eat another bite, take napes when she was to full to eat, then when sugarcube or sweet bakes wasn't open she would fly home and fly in the morning to one of the bakeries. THis has been her daily routine since the two weeks she was back.
Scootaloo couldn't even begin to remember when she last saw Rainbow practice her stunts. But she didn't try to hard since is able to hangout with Rainbow dash more since she is always at eating. Scootaloo sat down with Rainbow and started to eat. Even though her stomach ached slightly more with each bite.


In Appleloosa Starch stood in front of sweet bakes newest employees.

“So you all understand what your job is to do tomorrow?” He asked to the group. Everypony nodded their head. “Alright, you all can go home for the night and get some sleep, your going to need it tomorrow.” Starch said. With that the group all left and said their goodbyes.

Starch watched every signal one leave. When they were gone Starch went up and closed the blinds that hung over the windows. After that he made his way to the back towards the kitchen. With noponya round her quickly set out casting the eat it want it spell onto everything he could. Like the stove, pans, bowls, whisk, mixing spoons and so on.

He had just about hit everything he could. the only thing he had left was plates. he went levitating them over. He went quickly casting the spell onto it. They glowed the same color as his magic.

“Whatcha doing Starch?” came Pinkies cherrie voice.

Starch lost his focus and dropped the plate. “Pinkie! Where did you come from?! Why are you here?!” he asked frantically.

“well I was coming to let you know that preparations for Bake wars is done,” Pinkie said. “I came from a rock farm,” Pinkie answered. “What spell where you using to make everything glow like that it was very cool?” Pinkie asked.

“Um…..” Starch tried to think. He started to sweat bullets trying to think of how to explain this with her seeing so much. “Its…..Its a cleaning spell,” He answered. “Please buy this,” Starch thought to himself.

“uhh! That's so handy I wish I could do that!” Pinkie said. “ It would be so handy you wouldn't believe how many messes I make daily,” Pinkie said.

“It sure is,” starch said.

There was a awkward silence filled the room. Pinkie was just smiling brightly at Starch. While Starch waited for something to happen.

“Well I'm going to go so you can get back to cleaning,” Pinkie said. She turned around and was walking out the door.

Starch could barely hold back the sigh of relief that came over him. Suddenly Pinie came back up to Starch just inches away from him.

“Does that spell work on ponies?” Pinkie asked.

“I don't know if it would,” Starch said.

“ If it works on dishes it could work on ponies, It wouldn't hurt to try,”

This got Starch thinking. “ The spell in theory could work on a pony, since whatever touches food will make it taste better. But I don't know how the reaction would be if it was placed on a pony, I might be stronger since its a direct placement.” Starch thought to himself. He looked at Pinkie pie seeing her plump body. “Besides if this works she will theoretically get fatter and that's not that bad if it happens.”

“Sure we could try it,” He said with a peaked interest. He then closed his eyes doing the spell from memory and caste it onto Pinkie. He opened his eyes to see her glow and then resume back to how she normally looks. “Wow you look cleaner,” Starch said.

Pinkie looked at their self. “I don't see it,” Pinkie said.

“That could be because you see yourself every day, also you weren't that dirty to start of with.” Starch said.

“Well guess your right, well I'm going to go now.” Pinkie said. She then bounced her way out the room. Soon the sound of a door open and close was heread. Starch peaked his head out the kitchen to make sure Pinkie was truly gone. With no sign of her he returned to the kitchen. Where he got started on preparing a lot of needed dough for the coming days.


Starlight was making her way through the town rapidly. It was rather easy since nopony is at bake wars. This left the road wide open for her to run.

She had slept in by accident. When he alarm went off she had fallen back to sleep. She hadn't gotten very little sleep during the night. The train her, Applejack and Applebloom got in late. When they arrived it was already sunset. Pinkie had met them at the trainstation like she has all the other times. Pinkie and Applejack wanted to show Starlight around Appleloosa. She also got to meet Braeburn, Lucky, also Little Brave Heart.

So she stayed up till she was sure most everypony was asleep after they got a room to stay in. Then she went out and casted the eat it want it spell on everything that would touch the food the in sugarcube. She got back to her room and had only maye a couple hours of sleep.

After only a few blocks thow Starlight started to slow down as her muscles ached and she was out of breath.

“I really need to get into shape,” Starlight said as she proceeded to walk. She was close to where bake wars is at. As she got to the area where is held she stopped in her tracks as she heard screaming. She pick up the pace. When she got over their she didn't know how to react.

It was a made house. Pies flew through the air. Ponies and Buffalo were running around either throwing or avoiding the pies. Tables were flipped, ponies along with buffalo hid behind them.

Starlight ducked as a slice of plie along with its plat came flying at her. She looked to the stage and saw Pinkie and Starch both hiding behind separate tables. Starlight went teleporting up to the stage and got into cover behind the same table Pinkie hid behind.

“Starlight you finally came!” Pinkie said with a bright smile.

“Whats going on here?” Starlight asked.

“Oh we're just having some fun,” pinkie answers.

“Fun! Everypony are screaming and hiding behind tables just like we are!” Starlight exclaimed.

“Just look at them they're all smiling,”

Starlight just went along with Pinkie and just peaked out the edge. She had to pull it back behind the table as a another pie came flying by her. When she looked back out she could actually see what Pinkie ment.

Ponies and buffalo where running or hiding behind tables. But Starlight noticed one other thing. All of them had smiles on their faces. Some of the ones hiding or running all through pies at one and another.

“Are they having a food fight?” Starlight asked when she got back into cover.

“No silly were having a pie fight!” Pinkie hollare as she chucked a apple pie that sat next to her over the table.

“So have did this start before you found out who won?” Starlight asked.

“After! Me and Starch decided to have a argument and accuse of the other one of cheating and starting this pie fight,” Pinkie answered.

“So who started this?”

“Starch did."

Break Time

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For the first time since Bake Wars started Starlight has a free weekend. So she can relax instead of tuning around and enchanting a kitchen in some city. To make this even better she has the hole castle to herself for the weekend with Spike and Twilight gone for the weekend.

Starlight only had two plans for the weekend, to relax and to treat herself to Sweet Bakes. Which is where she is currently waiting in line for. She could just smell the aroma coming from within the bakery. Her stomach let out a groan yearning for substance.

When she got inside she could see how busy it is. Every table had a few ponies sit eating countless pastries. Employees running around. Soon she finally got to the front to take her oder.

“Hey Starlight,” Starch said as Starlight came up.“What would you like?” Starch.

Starlight thought for a minute before answering. “I would like one...no two chocolate cakes, four dozen chocolate chip cookies, a batch of brownies, lemon meringue pie, apple pie, half a dozen cinnamon rolls, and a cheesecake.”

“Oh are you having a party?” Starch asked.

“U-umm, yeah! It's just a small get together.”Starlight answered.

“That sounds cool, your order will be ready in a few minutes.” he said.

Starlight went and luckily found a seat in the crowded bakery. With nothing to do she just looked around and pony watched. As she did she began to notice how many have changed.

Two ponies she remembers seeing when she when Rainbow left to her wonderbolts training sat at a table across from her. Octavia and Vinyl Scratch both were chubby back then. Now though both of them would easily could be defined as fat.

Octavia gained most of her weight in her lower body. With a stomach large she had to sit far away from the table so her stomach wasn't too squished against it. This caused her to have to lean forward to reach the table. The chair she sat on creaked as she moved as it struggled to hold the mare’s weight. Large portion of the weight obviously went to her plot. With it hanging off the sides of the chair. Her cutie mark stretched to the size of a ponies head. The rest of her body has changed too. She has a prominent second chin that is covered in cream and frosting. Her forelegs had the start of bingo wings.

Vinyl is even bigger than octavia. The fat was distubested around equally around her body. Even though its distributed equally her stomach and plot where still larger than Octavia. Where Octavia could still sit on one chair Vinyl needed two chairs to support her weight, even then she still hung of the sides. While she stay away from the tabel her gut still was squished into it. She has very chubby cheeks and a triple chin.

Another pony caught Starlights eye. Derpy sat at a table alone she sat back in her chair rubbing her large gut. Starlight could see the mound of muffin wrappers resting on the table. This

“I guess this is what happens when you eat sweets every day for the last four months.” Starlight thought to herself.

Finally her order was brought to her. The table was filled with white boxes. She carefully leveled them off and into the air and exited out the bakery. As she walked back home all she could think of is of was how wonderful the weekend will be.

It's been a month since the bake wars in manehattan. In that time the citizens in Manehattan has gone from some changes. Just like in ponyville the citizens have taken to eating only pastries for every meal and only pastries. Because of this the average weight of everypony's has risen. One example of this is Coco Pommel.

In a months time Coco gone from slim to fat. Her once flat stomach now rounded and hangs down low and jiggles from the slightest of movements. Her slim legs now thick causing her to waddle now, wide, and touch now. Her narrow head now is rounded out with chubby cheeks and second chin with a hint of a third. The largest part of her being her butt that's doubled in size and in with.

Also in the months time Coco’s habits have changed. Before she had tried and got hooked onto Sugarcube and Sweet Bakes she would of spent most of her time working on dresses and designs. Now though her time is mostly spent waiting for said pastries. When she isn't waiting she’s eating and taking care of the boutique that's been getting more business as ponies need a new wardrobe.

Currently Coco was waiting in line waiting to get her craving for baked goods satisfied. She was about to enter into Sweet Bakes when Some pony came walking out the same time and walked into her. Coco fell backwards landing onto her wide posterior. Coco looked up and her jaw drop when she realized who she just walked into.

“Watch it!” Serie Polo said angrily.

The last time Coco had seen Suri was during Bake wars. In that amount of time Coco guessed that Suri was close to if not more than tripled in size she was during Bake wars. Coco could tell by just looking at Sure that she's very belly heavy as it hung to her knees. Her very cervical face had a slight layer of sweat. She breathed in heavily.

“Oh! Coco is… that you?” Suri asked. “You really… let yourself go… I almost … didn't recognize… you,” Suri said between intakes of breath. “I guess Rarity's new habits rubbed of onto you.”

Surie was too shocked to talk back to Surie.

“Well I got things to do so I be going.” Suri said before she walked away.

Coco soon got over the shock of how much Surie changed in just a months time. Coco go up and entered the packed bakery still wanting to satisfy her craving.
Over in canterlot not much has changed in the two weeks since bake wars. Only the slight increase in weight and the increase of pastries being eaten at any given moment.

Celestia made her way into the dinning room of the castle. She was surprised and happy to see her sister. This was short lived as she noticed empty bags and boxes from sweet bakes with her name on it open on the table.
“Sister did you eat my order?” Celestia asked angrily as she entered into the castle's dining room.
Luna moan in discufumert before answering. “Yeah.”

“why?” Celestia asked. “Also I thought you were asleep at this Time.”

“I was asleep then I got hungry came here to request a guard or seventh to retrieve me something but then I found your order.” Luna said.

“Hopefully the order from Sugarcube corner comes before I have to hold moring court.” Celestia said sighing. As she did though she could see Luna starting to avoiding her gaze. “Luna….you didn't.” Celestia said.

“So that's four cakes I owe you” Luna said.

“How much did you eat?” Celestia said shocked.

“To much.” Luna said as she massages her dome of a stomach.

“Well hopefully You won't eat so much next time.” Celestia said. She turned around and went walking out the room.

“If you see any servant can you ask them to get me my usual order from Sweet Bakes and Sugarcube?” Luna asked.

Celestia just rolled her eyes and continued leaving.


“So you two are sure you can handle the bakery while I step out for a moment?” Starch asked his two new employees. The two employees being the twin pegasus who gave the idea of bake wars when he went to that chili cook off weeks ago.

“Yes I think me and Flitter can handle things her for a few minutes” Cloud Chaser said.

“Okay I will only be gone for half hour at most,” he said as he levitate a giant gift basket onto his back. Starch started to leave and stopped and hollered back to Flitter and Cloudchaser, “also feel free to have as many free samples as you two want. Just make sure there is enough to sell to customers.”

Exciting the bakery Starch was filled with joy seeing how far the line to get into the bakery was. “Look at all those addicted customers just waiting to satisfy their addiction,” he thought to himself.

Starch carefully walked down the road trying to not ruin the gift basket before he gets to his destination. He let out a audible sigh of relief when he made it to Rarity's without incident. He composed himself and fixed his mane before the nocked on the door.

A minute went by before the door opened revealing Rarity on the other side. “Starch! Come in please.” Rarity said.

Starch did not respond immediately as he was taking in Rarities size. It's only been three weeks since he had seen her and in that time she has put on a decent amount of weight.Before Starch would of describer her as chubby. Now though chubby would be an understatement even fat seemed a little weak.

First big difference is her face that now sports two thick chins to her original one with baseball size cheeks. Her thicker neck led down to her puffy chest and fat shoulders. Her near tree trunk sized forelegs spread wide from her sizeable stomach that hung three fourths of the way to the ground. Her hips and plot still is the largest part of her body.Her hips and plot is almost as wide as her door frame if not widder.

Starch made his way inside. “Where do you want me to put this basket at?” he asked.

“You can just take it with use to my workshop.” Rarity answered. She walked ahead of Starch and lead the way. Starch taking the opportunity to admire her from behind. He watched as each step she took caused her ass to jiggle rapidly. Even when Rarity stopped when they reached the room it still jiggled even though she stood still.

“So what do you need me to do today?” Rarity asked cheerfully as she levitates over a notepad and pencil.

“Well my mother and sister need new aprons; the last ones shrunk in the washer.” Starch said.

“Oh they been having that issue too?” she asked while she wrote down Stachs request. “Everypony seems to be having that issues.”

“I wonder why?” Starch asked feigning innocence. “Anyways I also need two large uniforms for two pegasus that started to work at the bakery.”

“That reminds me I had new idea for a different design for your bakeries uniforms,” Rarity put down the notepad and pencil. “Let me go get it from the other room.” She said as she left Starch alone in the room.

With nothing to do Starch waited silently. While he waited he continued a question he’s had for over a week. “I wonder how Pinkie is after I used the eat it want it spell directly onto he? I wish I could of tested or seen the effect the spell might have when casted directly onto sompony.” He let out a sigh. “Maybe I should of read the spell more when I had it.”

Rarity came into the room seeing Starch deep in thought. “Here the new designs Ideas.” She held up a sketch of the design.

Starch looked at the sketch, “It nice but it's still something more fit for a fine dining experience.” he said.

Rarity sighed. “Alright thought I would give it a shot.” Rarity turned around and went walking over to a desk and put the sketch into a drore.

While she had her back to Starch he got a idea. “I could always test the spell myself by casting it onto ponies myself.” With that he quickly took the opportunity and acted it onto Rarity while her back was turned to him. Rarity didn't give any indication that she noticed what Starch had done. She turned around and smiled at Starch

“Is there anything else you need?” She asked.

“U-um no I think that's all,” Starch said. He got up and started to leave. “See you around Rarity.” Starch said as he waved goodbye.

“Thanks again for the gift basket.” Rarity said waving back causing her body to jiggle.

As he walked he continued thinking about the spell. “Hopefully applying this spell onto sompony actually has a effect. If it does I could use it to get a few ponies hopelessly addicted. If only I thought of trying this earlier I could of used it on a few important ponies like Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. But doesnt matter now I can always use it on ponies who might try to stop me if they find out. Like Princess Twilight and her friends, also Starlight but I’ll have to wait since I need her help for the next couple of Bake wars. It will be risky to use it on Starlight and Twilight so I’ll have to be careful. If this spell does work I could use it to have a few ponies get bigger. Like that school teacher I wouldn't mind seeing her bigger, I’ll also probably use it on my new employees granted they might not be able to work when they get fatter but I won't mind seeing them try.”

As he got closer to Sweet Bakes he put a pause to his thinking and got into the mindset for work. He entered in and went straight to the kitchen and started working on orders.


Why did I eat so much?” Starlight asked herself as she walked slowly to the front door of the castle. “All that food was supposed to last all weekend not just one day. I guess I’ll just have to get more.” Starlight stopped for a moment as she felt a sharp pain from her gut, after the pain dissipated she continued to walk. “Why do I still want more? Food should be the last thing on my mind”

Starlight got the door and open it with her magic. When it opened she found who had interrupted her relaxful day.

“Starlight! Just the mare I needed to see.” Pinkie Pie said as she walked into the castle as the door opened.

“What did you need to see me about?”She asked.

“Well since the next bake wars is in cloudsdale me and starch need sompony to castle the spell that would allow us to walk on clouds while we’re there. Since your a powerful unicorn that maybe you could learn the spell and go with use and make sure we can walk around in cloudsdale.” Pinkie said.

“Alright I can do that, as soon as I find the spell that would allow you to walk on clouds.”

“Great! I have to go Starlight see you later.”Pinkie said ensthusasticly as she exited the castle leaving Starlight alone.

I guess I better go find that spell… after I get more snacks from Sweet Bakes.” Starlight thought to herself. She then walked out the castle and head towards town to Sweet Bakes.


Over at Crystal Empire’s train station Twilight and a disguised Spike walked of the train that just arrived. Walking onto the loading platform usually a hassle normally but when you’re out of shape and lunging along boxes it becomes a difficult task to do.

“Come on Spike here up.” Twilight said.

Spike quickly held up a claw to his mouth “Shhh… we don't want anyone to know that I'm here, or else we would never get to Cadence and shining.”

The two stayed quiet as he walked to Cadences and Shining castle. Along the way nopony stopped the two of them as the walked. Both felt like it was a blessing while also being very strange. Specially when Spikes hat fell off due to a sudden gust of wind revealing his face to all of the empire. The ponies stared at him for a second before the quickly moved along.

When they got to the castle they were created by Cadence and Shining along with Sunburst and Flurry. The four of them waited by the entrance of the castle. When Shining and Cadence could see Twilight and spike they both ran towards them.

"Shining! Cadence!” Twilight said with joy as the couple got close. “I’m so happy to see…” She was forced to stop talking when Cadence grabbed onto Twilights chubby face squishing her cheeks and lips.

“Did you bring anything from Sugarcube Corner or Sweet Bakes?” Cadence asked with a crazed look.

"what do you think this is?” Spike asked pointing to the large crate behind him.

“Thank Celestia!” Cadence exclaimed out as she went from Twilight to the crate. Cadences horn lit up with magic quickly before the magic shot out striking the lid of the crate breaking it open. Inside the crate laid white boxes with Sweet Bakes logo onto them. She levited one out opened it seeing half a dozen cupcakes. She took one out and took a bite letting out a moan when she did. “I've been craving this for months! Nothing comes close to these; even are personal chefs at the castle can't even make something close to as god as these.” Cadence said as she finished the cupcake she was eating and now was moving onto a second one.

“We should probably get this inside the castle,” Shining said as he levitated a white box out the crate. Cadence and shining ate from the boxes leading the others into their castle.