Vanilla Incest

by Tsunogami

First published

Various related princesses doing naughty things.

Celestia and Luna are enjoying themselves, and distracting Twilight in the process. Twilight tries to get away but falls into an even bigger distraction. No wonder Twilight can't find time to study anymore!

Just basic princess on princess action. Almost boring cumming from me.

So much for Research

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Unusually for castles built near the beginning of the first Historical Age, Red Tail Castle was partially constructed from stone indicating it was of particularly high status. A stone wall was built around the hilltop, creating an inner ward or enclosure. There were two further enclosures: one to the west, and one that extended south (the outer bailey); in contrast to the inner bailey, these were surrounded by palisades made from timber. At the time, the majority of castles in northern Equestria were built using earth and...


.... timber, and it was not until the late first historical age that many began to be rebuilt in stone. The accounts of Pale Shimmer record one castle along the western edge of Neighagra Lake; the entry, which reads, "Of the manor of Erikaston the King; who possessed one of the great Silver Hills on which he built Neighagra castle", is thought to refer...

“Oh, yah...mmm...” Red Tail rather than the timber castle at Neighagra. There are 48 castles directly mentioned in the accounts although not all those in existence at the time were recorded. Assuming that Red Tail is the castle...

“Ahhh, yah...” question, it is one of four the Accounts of Pale Shimmer attribute to first age unicorn fiefdoms; the survey explicitly mentions seven royal ponies as having...

“Mmm...that better...?”

Twilight Sparkle reluctantly lifted her gaze off the pages of a newfound book expounding upon some of the more esoteric historical details of a region in northern Equestria which she would be traveling to in just a few short days. The area in question was in the southeast region of the Chrystal Empire and was fortunately not too far from the Capitol. Twilight watched with a somewhat bemused expression on her face the source of her interruption on the other side of the circular stone room where two large round beds resided. One larger, covered with fine silky blankets and down pillows depicting symbols of a radiant sun and the other bed, smaller, but equally well adorned with the dark navy colors and brilliant stars to match the tail and mane of its owner. It was however, only the larger of the two beds, which was presently occupied. Twilight couldn’t help but look upon what many ponies would consider to be quite the astonishing scene, which lay before her.

Twilight’s mostly life-long teacher, mentor, friend, and with some regularity, lover, Princess Celestia was currently having rather enthusiastic oral sex with her younger sister Princess Luna.

The two had begun not long ago and already the pace was quickening.

Twilight briefly considered involving herself in the festivities but decided that she’d ruin their rhythm thus delaying the release that the two sisters had been so enthusiastically working toward. Besides she was honestly content for the moment to enjoy the view. The privilege of her situation was not lost on Twilight however, as she did appreciate that what she was witnessing was not something just anypony could go and watch being in the royal bedchambers at the top of the highest spire of the castle.

The relationship between the royal sisters was not in of itself a secret but despite Luna’s more liberal attitude towards reveling personal information upon request Celestia liked to keep the details of their activities from the citizens of Equestria more vague, perhaps enjoying the inevitable speculation that results when thoes details are left to the imagination of millions of ponies.

“Oooohhh...There! Yes! Just...Oooh...It must...go...all the!

Celestia had for the moment removed her mouth from Luna’s marehood, stood up, lowered her head, and was now enthusiastically ramming her long gleaming horn as far up Luna’s toned ass as it would go.

As Luna’s grunting and the wet sounds of her older sister’s horn filling her anus grew louder Twilight, despite herself, became a bit frustrated and unsurprisingly despite her best intentions a bit aroused. Here she thought she could curl up on her own small round bed near the large fire in its ornate stone hearth with a good book and expect to have a nice quiet evening. However the sounds of passion now filling the room were distracting Twilight from her reading in a way that even her, one of the most studious mares she knew, had no defense against.

To be sure that perhaps frustration from being interrupted from her book was not the only thing she was feeling Twilight shuffled around under her blanket and reached underneath herself. Sure enough her hoof came back with a thin coating of clear fluid.

“Well that confirms it,” muttered Twilight under her breath.

It would seem, she thought, that studying around the two Celestial princesses was no longer a viable option, especially now that Celestia had progressed to pushing her horn down Luna’s vagina as far as she could reach. Seeing as how Luna could get rather loud Twilight decided it was time to leave the princesses to their fun considering that even if they did climax soon there was bound to be a second go around, and a third...probably a fourth too if Twilight’s past escapades with thoes two was anything to go by. Twilight stood up, stretched her wings, and grabbed her book with her magical aura while simultaneously smoothing out her rumpled blankets.

Despite being as quiet as possible Twilight had only gotten a third of the way across the room before her departure was noticed.

“Oh Twilight, I’m sorry we bothered you. It would seem that even I can get carried away at times and forget about certain ponies which might become disturbed.”

Celestia said pulling the tip of her horn out from what to Twilight seemed to have been a place located somewhere between Luna’s lungs.

Twilight blushed, “Oh! no, no I’m sorry prin-, I mean Celestia!, I disturbed you...and you were getting Luna so close too, I should have waited until you were finished!”

Twilight was very proud of herself that she managed not to smile while apologizing, as she couldn’t help but notice the thin trail of slick fluid running off Celestia’s horn and down her forehead. It was an endearing sight in an odd, kinky sort of way.

“Don’t you worry about us, Twilight.”

Celestia smiled sweetly and chuckled running a hoof gently down Luna’s well-defined backside, which was still raised high in the air while Luna’s head was buried down in the blankets.

“Causing minor interruptions is nothing to get concerned over, Luna and I have been able to recover from much greater dstracti- “

“Tia, please...This empty feeling is not... enjoyable.”

moaned Luna from the other side of the bed.

“My apologies dear sister” smirked Celestia.

“Perhaps next time, my faithful student” whispered Celestia with a wink as she turned her full attention back to the dark blue Alicorn before her.

Still blushing, Twilight hurried across the rest of the luxuriously decorated stone chamber and pushed through the heavy iron and wood door as Celestia paused for a brief moment in seeming indecision over which equally inviting hole to choose from before re-aligned her head and with a delicate but powerful shove returned her horn to the warm wet confines of Luna’s rectum.

Twilight trotted down the long spiral stairs of the highest tower while once again growing a bit miffed at the anti-teleportation spell the sisters used around their personal living space to prevent unexpected interruptions. She knew that yes, the spell did come in handy every once in a while but why couldn’t they have at least given her a means of disabling it now and again.

“Oh well”, thought Twilight, it was good exercise at least.

Twilight’s original plan had been to cool herself off by returning to her old living area in the castle from before she had moved to Ponyville, which was still maintained for her so that whenever she stayed for any length of time at the castle she would not have to be put in whatever guest chambers were available at the time. These overnight stays seemed to be happening with increasing regularity now that she was a princess herself.

However, after having descended part way down the tower and across most of a high bridge that led to the next tower over a thought occurred to Twilight, that she figured probably would have come to her sooner had she not been distracted from her reading is such an... interesting manner.

Cadance, her old fillysitter, was still at the castle and was staying there a few days past her husband’s departure back to the Chrystal Empire so that she could go along with Twilight part of the way to Twilight’s eventual destination, a new and rather exciting archeological project going on near the western shore of Lake Neighagra. Seeing as how this newly excavated area was located only a few hours by train from the Chrystal Palace itself it only made sense for Twilight and Cadance to go together for no other reason than just to catch up on each other’s lives.

With her new plan now in place and being outside and away from the limiting security spells around the Sister’s tower Twilight pushed a special but familiar energy pattern through her horn and for an instant of confusing nothingness all thought and time came to an abrupt halt, but only for an instant. Her teleportation spell sent her straight to the top of the winding stairs that led to the royal guest chambers which Cadance was currently staying in. Rarity also tended to stay here surprisingly often as well now that Twilight thought about it, which was a bit odd considering that Rarity was not a foreign dignitary nor was she royalty. Perhaps somepony with considerable power liked to have Rarity around, and the only ponies Twilight could think of who could easily dictate such policy around the Castle were the ones she had left only minutes before.

“Curious...” Twilight mumbled while rubbing her chin with a hoof.

Maybe that’s why Rarity always seemed to come back from Canterlot in such a good mood, the same kind of mood she usually had after a night spent at Sweet Apple Acers ...indeed it may not be all just about the shopping.

Twilight’s train of thought was swiftly derailed by the doors to the bedchamber in front of her suddenly swinging open with the light blue magical aura of the Princess of Love.

“Well! I sure wasn’t expecting you to come along at this time of night, or anyone else for that matter... as you can see.”

Cadance said motioning toward her loose mane and lack of any regal adornments. Seeing Cadance this way might have been unusual and perhaps something of a turn-on for most ponies but for Twilight who had all but grown up with the pink alicorn it was the norm rather than something unusual.

“Ah, s-sorry! I’ll just come back, um, tomorrow then!”

“Don’t be silly Twi, I don’t mind you popping in for...whatever it is you wanted to see me for.” Cadance said with a smile that had Twilight actually paid any attention to might have given her pause.

“Oh, ok then.” Squeaked Twilight

“I was feeling a bit lonely after all and it will be nice to have some girl chat which has been sorely lacking for me lately...”

Cadence continued as Twilight followed, book still in tow, into the large guest chamber full of its expensive furnishings mostly finished in a blue and white color scheme except for the bright pink drapes of the large four-poster bed.

“So Twilight, I’m sure you didn’t come all the way over to my room for no reason, I thought you were spending the night with ‘Tia and Luna... anything wrong” Cadance said with a brief look of concern on her face.

“What...? Oh, no, no, nothing wrong, its just that I was reading my book and they were beginning to, um, well...” Twilight faltered as she felt the beginnings of a blush begin to creep up her cheeks under her fur and she looked down at the floor.

Looking up quickly Twilight caught for a moment Cadance staring off into space with a wicked grin on her face which swiftly changed to a look of concern as she looked back to Twilight,

“They started without you? Well that wasn’t very nice...” Cadence started.

“Hum? Ah, no, that’s not the problem at all I um, did it, with Celestia just the night before last and Luna’s been so busy recently they haven’t had much time with each other alone. I think they just wanted to be together for a bit...” Twilight trailed off, heat rising again to her cheeks.

Cadance turned around fully and trotted back up to Twilight and before Twilight could think of what to say next Cadance had locked her lips around hers and was forcing her tongue between Twilight’s teeth while making a lewd moan.

This was not the beginnings of the “girl chat” Twilight had been envisioning...

Whatever response Twilight had been trying to make was suddenly buried under the unexpected kiss.

“I wa- umpf...unnnn...”

Also apparently trying to speak with a mouth full of an Alicorn’s tongue is a difficult proposition. Twilight belatedly decided after Cadance pulled herself away.

“I see you enjoyed that just as much as I did.” Cadance giggled staring at Twilight’s flared out wings.

“, sorry! It’s just t-that...” Twilight stuttered while trying to force her stiff wings back to her side.

Cadance quickly wrapped her fore legs around young purple alicorn and hugged her close before Twilight could say anything more pressing Twilight’s startled face into the soft fuzz of her chest.

“Oh, Twilight! You are just soooo cute!”

Even after all this time, even after helping ‘Tia teach you all the ways to pleasure a mare all thoes years ago you still get so worked up about having sex, Every once in a while you should get away from your books...”

Cadance said pointedly glancing at the heavy brown tome Twilight had put down on an end table upon her arrival.

..and let your body release its built up tension. This is especially important now for such a young, healthy mare like you. I should know, I am the Princess of Love after all and that title is hardly without meaning.”

Indeed it was not, considered Twilight.

The pony standing before her had been considered quite the political asset to Celestia well before anything having to do with the Chrystal Empire. Cadance could, with her special talent, get ponies to come together and make useful agreements who would have otherwise rather not so much as even lived in the same city together. The fact that Cadance had been quite the horny and gorgeous teenager certainty didn’t hurt her standing with her aunt, the princess of the Sun.

“Come on over here Twilight, we’re going to do this my way!”

“Um, o-ok” Twilight said hesitantly, still not sure what to think of all this suddenly going on. It dawned on her now that perhaps coming here had not been the best idea if recovering from Celestia and Luna’s activities had really been her goal. It may even have been, Twilight considered ruefully that her body had been making choices without her consent.

Events were swiftly turning in a direction other than what she had originally anticipated. Twilight thought while being led toward that admittedly quite comfortable looking bed. Twilight had to admit to herself that perhaps Cadance was right, perhaps she would feel better if she did this sort of...thing a bit more often.

“Come on up here.” Cadance said patting the bed with a hoof.

“I’ll join you in a moment.”

Twilight hesitantly hopped up on the edge of the bed and walked across to the other side where she sat to watch whatever it was that Cadance was smiling to herself about.

“So, Twilight, You are now going to get the privilege of being my consort for the night so that hopefully I can get you to loosen up a bit. I don’t want to spend more than a whole day on the train back to the Empire with a pony who can only think about her studies.“ Cadance said in a manner which left no doubt in Twilight’s mind that she was going to be given a good time tonight weather she wanted it or not.

I, um, that's very kind of you but I, well, yes ok... Twilight trailed off.

The more she thought about it however, the more Twilight realized that her old fillysitter was right, she did need this, especially after watching what she had back in the royal bed chamber. Twilight felt herself relax just a bit as she gradually came around to the idea that she was going to enjoy whatever Cadance had in store for her, and besides this was hardly the first time Cadance had had her way with the smaller lavender mare. It was just she always seemed to get a bit worked up over it.

Maybe, thought Twilight it was her unconscious fear of not getting enough work done, that spending too much time doing these kind of things with ponies was less time that could be spent studying. Come to think of it that was just how she used to feel about having friends, and Celestia had proven to her just how wrong she had been on that score.

Cadance proceeded to trot over to a relitivly small pile of luggage compared to what many of the more aristocratic minded ponies usually saddled themselves with. And from that chose a small rectangular wooden box obviously well crafted but quite unassuming in appearance. Cadance then positioned herself purposely between Twilight and the now opened box to block its contents from view.

Twilight could feel her face get hot (And a few other places too if she was honest about it) as Cadance then lifted her tail and spread her back legs giving Twilight an unobstructed view right into the thin pink opening of the older Alicorn’s love canal. Which Twilight sheepishly observed, was surprisingly, and then again perhaps not so surprisingly, quite wet.

Twilight fidgeted on the bed as Cadance magically pulled a thin plainly designed thong of a color matching that of the light blue heart in the center of her cutie mark slowly up her back legs and pulled it tight up her butt.

“Well Twi? What do you think? Do these make you want to cum on my ass Twilight? Asked Cadance cheerfully while swaying her butt back and forth in as provocative a manner as possible.

Despite having relaxed considerably over the last several minutes Cadance could still make Twilight blush with her propensity for sudden blinding directness, The fact that Twilight had thought just that for a brief moment notwithstanding. Well she was the Princess of Love after all so it was fitting Twilight supposed.

“I, um, well, they, hehe... they’re um, beautiful!” Twilight replied desperately doing her best to avoid answering such a question.

“But where exactly did you get them from?”

“Not that I might want to know um, because I might get some for my self or anything like that...“


“I’m just curious is a-“

“Twi, it doesn’t bother me one bit.” Cadance said interrupting Twilight’s attempt to cover for herself. In fact someday soon maybe I’ll Just take you there myself.”

“Wouldn’t that be fun Twi? You, me, and say, one pair of panties which we’ll trade between us as the day goes on, each time getting them a bit wetter...and wetter...”

By this point Twilight was having trouble breathing regularly as Cadance got one step closer to her face for each word she spoke, eventually ending up with her nose pressed up against Twilight’s

“Now go lay down over there please, Twilight” Cadance motioned to a spot in the center of the bed over by the pillows.

Twilight, doing as she was told scurried over to the top of the bed where she flopped down and flipped herself over spreading her legs in the process. At this point her body was conducting its own motions more than she was. Despite her earlier misgivings Twilight was quite beginning to look forward to this. She hadn’t done it with Cadance since right after the whole capitol city of the Crystal Empire had returned to them thing. Being separated by half of both the Empire and Equestria made any physical relations a difficult proposition at best.

“Now then, lets get to it” Cadance said while climbing up onto the bed and swaying over to where Twilight now lay.

After a surprisingly brief kiss Cadance got up and before Twilight could ask why she kneeled over Twilight such that her crotch was only a few centimeters from Twilight’s face. Cadance got a good laugh from the startled expression on Twilight’s face as she suddenly realized that Cadance’s chosen thong had no crotch, just two thin strips of shimmering fabric beautifully framing an tight opining that Twilight realized she actually quite missed getting to play with.

“So, Twilight, how often do you let a mare pleasure herself on the most revered and unique aspect of unicorn anatomy?”

“I wah...Oh!”

Twilight suddenly realized that Cadance had her sights set on using Twilight’s horn for her immediate gratification, which didn’t seem like Cadance’s typical style. Funny, thought Twilight, how events were shaping up to be awfully similar to the situation Twilight had left behind earlier in the evening.

“Um, well...yes actually hehe... Celestia and Luna both enjoy just about anything having to do with horns...”

“Ah, well of course, that is certainty true. Since you seem to get along with them so well I assume you must be fairly used to the idea then.” Remarked Cadance.

It was after all the tip of Celestia’s own horn that had been the first thing to slip between the delicate pink folds of an excited and curious young pony studying at Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns.

Twilight watched as Cadance rose up mostly out of sight over her head and then lowered herself down on her sensitive horn with a shuddering sigh.

“Oooo-o-o-o...mmm, I needed that so bad...” moaned Cadance.

For Twilight the feeling came as a distinct warm wetness enveloping her horn with a tightness and completeness that no amount of sucking, even by a mouth as experienced as Celestia or Luna’s could ever quite achieve.

The shear wonderfulness of it all made Twilight close her eyes and breathe out heavily.

“I- yes, me too, please just keep...going.” Twilight whispered while looking up and watching Cadance’s healthy backside move in and out of her field of view.

Without much pause Cadance began to rise up and then relax back bobbing up and down with ever increasing speed and desire. Indeed quite thoroughly fucking herself with Twilight’s horn with as much force as she could. In a surprisingly short amount of time for a mare as supposedly experienced as Cadance she came hard with a deep groan all over Twilight’s horn and face. Cadance slid herself smoothly off Twilight after a brief recovery period while the results of her desire slowly dripped down in front of Twilight’s eyes and knelt between Twilight’s open legs.

“I’m sorry Twilight,” Cadance sighed,

“I know I’m supposed to be all slow and romantic about it, or at least that’s what my reputation says about me, but you don’t know how much it turns me on doing it with the little sister of my husband, and the filly I’ve cared about for so long.”

“Cadance, please don’t be sorry, I never regret spending time with you. You don’t have to pay so much attention to me, you can just do what you want...”

“Twilight...” Cadance said with a look on her face like she couldn’t have heard anything more romantic if she’d tried.

“Paying attention to you is what I’m best at, I was your fillysitter for years remember? Its just what I do.”

“That thing with your horn, it was something I needed to get out of my system first, even princesses can become lost in lust every now and again.”

“Besides, judging by what I’m seeing down here it looks like I need to make you cum yourself, many times, before we can have any meaningful discussions...” Cadance said while staring hungrily at the wetness between Twilight’s legs.

Later that night...

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“Now, Twilight, you may think you know a lot about this castle but I guarantee you I know more, now watch carefully, this may come in handy for you some day.” Cadance couldn’t resist the smugness in her voice over her little surprise.

Cadance reached a hoof under the center of the large nightstand next to the bed. With an audible ‘click’ the entire wall beside the bed rotated slowly around revealing a vast assortment of different types of panties. Many were thongs of various kinds but there were plenty of other styles as well, there were more regular cut panties, ones with no crotch, some made out of translucent plastic-like material and even some pairs that looked like they were made mostly out of precious gem stones.

This was all a bit much for Twilight coming now from Cadance, she would have once been a bit more confortable about this but Cadance was married to her brother now after all.

You, my favorite little filly, and I are going to have no end of fun tonight. “

“I’m really not sure...about...this” Twilight said hesitantly starting to loose her built up confidence.

“Twily...” continued Cadance in a gentler voice using Twilight’s older brother’s nickname for her.

“Help me choose and then I’ll explain a few things to you ok? Don’t worry everything I’ll tell you, you will be happy about.”

“Um, oh, ok...uh... Twilight said hesitantly looking over all the possible options.

“Well how about... oh goodness!” Upon further inspection there was a row of thongs on the far end of the wall from Twilight’s position that she now noticed had all of her friend’s cutie marks displayed prominently in the crotch. There was even a pair with her own cutie mark on them.

Cadance followed her gaze and laughed softly

“Ah yes thoes, has aunt Celly never shown you thoes before? Can you guess which one is her favorite?”

Cadance pulled the purple thong with Twilight’s own cutie mark down with her magic while watching Twilight the whole time.

“But it's a bit weird...” Let’s try something else...” Twilight suggested in a moment of confidence.

“No? Cadance said seemingly a bit disappointed, well maybe aunt Celly will get you to like them, maybe she’ll even make you wear them... Cadance remarked while watching Twilight out of the corner of her eye.

Twilight felt herself get even warmer with that suggestion.

“What are thoes, the small red ones? Asked Twilight.

“Oh these you mean?” Twilight responded with a nod.

“Well these are what’s called a two-way, it's a thong that's the same in the front as it is in the back. Quite enjoyable to wear, especially under one of thoes ridiculously fancy dresses I’m forced to wear at the stuffy formal dinners that the old unicorn aristocracy are so fond of. Really they do make the evenings more enjoyable. Especially as the longer you wear it the more it tends to work its way...up... into you.”

This revelation made some of Cadance’s facial expressions at thoes events considerably more understandable considered Twilight.

Over the next ten minutes or so they ran through a number of different options but eventually they settled down to two choices, a thong with a color scheme suspiciously similar to Rainbow Dashes’ mane and tail and a tight pair of panties made out of a very smooth and shiny light blue material that had three holes in it, one for the wearer’s tail and the other two presumably so that the panties would never have to be removed no matter what the pony wearing them might be doing.

“So which do you want me to have on during sex Twi?” asked Cadance holding up both choices in the air with her magic.

“I think, I think I’ll go with the blue panties.” Said Twilight

“I think they will be more convenient to use when we, um, when we...”

“Fuck? Twilight, yes we will do that, a lot!” Cadence grinned at Twilight with a look rather unbecoming a member of the royal family.

...and in the morning.

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Twilight slowly awoke in her private chambers in the east wing of Canterlot Castle into an excellent mood. Today had all the promises of going very well indeed and Twilight had been careful to plan it out the night before, The early October weather was beautiful, Discord haven’t been causing trouble for weeks, unless one included the slight issue of those cannibalistic watermelons, and there were no threats to the general stability of the Kingdom of Equestria in sight. Not to mention she had worked her schedule so that she was, for the most part, free today. Better than all that though was the undeniable certainty that Princess Cadance was visiting her. After all Twilight was quite convinced that the panting, moaning mare currently straddling her face and forcibly burying Twilight’s muzzle into her slick clit couldn’t possibly be anypony else.

“Oh…fucking Celestia! Ah! Ah! Nnnn…Fuck!” And as she came Cadance made certain that Twilight’s first lasting memory of the day would be of a hot spray of mare cum splashing over her face and trickling down her cheeks.

Having exhausted herself at Twilight’s expense Cadance flopped over backwards onto the bed giving Twilight a good look at the slit that had just made such a mess all over her face.

“Heh, well good morning to you Cadance.” Twilight smirked while licking her lips. She should have guessed something like this was going to happen. They hadn’t seen each other in weeks after all and being the Princess of Love made Cadance a bit…wild after going for too long without release.

“Oh, I’m sorry Twilight,” Cadance said propping herself up into a sitting position. “You were just so cute sleeping there and I was still so horny from everything that went on last night…I’m surprised I got any sleep at-“ Twilight suddenly shot out of bed and kissed Cadance with as much lust and desire as she could, forcing her tongue into Cadance’s mouth without delay making sure Cadance got a good taste of her own sexual fluids.

“Mmmm…oooh, Twilight”

“Don’t be sorry Cadance,” Twilight said coming up for air. “There are many worse ways to be woken up, believe me I’ve experienced a number of them.”

Cadance smiled at that and ran a hoof gently through Twilight’s mane and pulled her into a tight embrace. The early morning rays of sunlight coming through the tall elegant windows of the bedchamber shown down on the lovingly intertwined bodies of the two mares. Though not a ‘couple’ per say they both shared a deep love for one another borne from earlier fillyhood experiences during Cadance’s time as Twilight’s fillysitter.

“So… Cadance,” Twilight said in a curious voice while laying on Cadance’s chest. How’s it been going with Shining?

“Ah, I suppose it was only going to be a matter of time until that topic of conversation was brought up.” Cadance said with a bit of a sigh.

“Sorry, um, I guess that ruined the mood didn’t it” Twilight said while blushing. “Oh, don’t worry about it, I don’t really mind. Its going great and all. To be honest we don’t spend as much time together as you might think. The Chrystal Empire, especially its northern reaches are so poorly known that your brother is out on survey and patrol missions more than he’s in the Palace it seems.”

“Oh, twilight said, ears folding back, I hope you’re not-“ “Disappointed?” Cadance interjected. “Haha, no actually I’m not, not really.

“We’ve talked about this before, after all, I married your brother to marry into your family, thats what I really wanted. I wanted to stay close to you, Twilight. I knew I could never fully have you, I could see it in Celestia’s eyes even then. She always wanted you Twilight, even when you were a filly she could see the amazing mare you would grow up to be. Even Luna’s return couldn’t change that. For all Celestia and Luna’s rediscovered…passion- At that Cadance giggled a bit at her undoubtedly extensive knowledge on just what said passion implied -The fact is that being sisters will always force them to look elsewhere to have a filly. Celestia and Luna…again, they love each other, and do wonderful things with each other, but neither one will ever permit the birth of a filly as a result of their love. That, My little Pony is where I think you will come in.”

Indeed they had discussed this before. Celestia was in some, well, many ways courting Twilight but having her precious sister finally back after so long meant that both she and Luna were a bit preoccupied with each other and would probably stay so for several more years to come. If Celestia did decide to have a filly with Twilight the decision would be well thought out and certainly not rushed. If it took another century to get to that stage then so be it. After all she was an Alicorn now, she could afford the wait.

“I digress though, as to Shining, well, he certainly does love me, I can tell that, but he isn’t the passionate sort and I well… The Princess of Love isn’t exactly an empty title after all…” Both Twilight and Cadance had a bit of a giggle at that.

“ I guess now is as good of a time as any to let you in on the beginnings of a little plan of mine.” Cadance whispered leaning in close to Twilight. “What’s that?” breathed a suddenly overtly curious Twilight.

“Well, it would figure that even though only one in four ponies is male I’d end up marrying one, but…”But what? asked an impatient Twilight.

“But what if I changed that? What if I could turn Shining into something… else? I don’t think its really within the realm of possibilities to truly turn him into a mare, permanently. It could be done but I’m not sure that what I’d be left with a pony that would really be still be Shining. Magic of that complexity…well, things may seem to be working out alright at first but could eventually go awry. But more realistically perhaps something halfway, the body form of a mare but keep his male…ness? Of course, any mare with sufficient magical skill can conjure a temporary dick for fun- Cadance winked and Twilight blushed- but With shining it would remain quite permanent and fully functional.”

By the time Cadance turned back to Twilight she found her staring off into space with a rather glazed over expression.“…Well?”

“That, that, I…” Twilight started. Cadance laughed at Twilights reaction. Hehe, don’t get yourself too worked up over it, I’m not about to do anything too soon. And anyway if I did make a decision you’d be the first, well perhaps second, to know.

“Well!” Cadance exclaimed in a louder voice while clopping her forehooves together. “What do you say to actually getting out of bed, hum?”

“Yes, lets” twilight replied, sheepishly.

“I think a shower to start with” Cadance said pointedly staring at the totally forgotten about mare cum ground into the fur of Twilight’s face.” At this Twilight crossed her eyes trying to inspect her own muzzle and blushed which elicited a good laugh out of Cadence.

As Cadance rolled off the plush white covers of the large circular bed, a standard traditional design for the sleeping accommodations of especially high ranked and or wealthy ponies, she made it a point to raise her tail as high as it would go and sway her hips as she trotted off to the bathing room giving Twilight the best possible view of a slim pink slit still glistening with excitement for the day to come.

For the second time this morning Twilight found herself underneath the Princess of Love. And again for the second time in such a way that even were she to open her eyes she wouldn’t be able to actually see much. Although unlike her earlier wake-up call this time it wasn’t Twilight’s mouth Cadance was interested in, this time it was Twilight’s horn, and as a further distinction it wasn’t her pussy that her horn was buried up to her forehead in. Cadance moaned as she slowly twisted herself around on the younger alicorn’s horn, letting the muscles of her anus ensure a tight grip on to those delicate spiral ridges. Soon Cadance was slowly rocking back and forth yet still maintaining a steady breathing rate. Twilight was in bliss. There are few better ways to pamper a unicorn, or Alicorn in this case, then to make their horn feel good. And up to this point in time, Twilight had not encountered many things in life more luxurious if somewhat embarrassing, that having her precious horn being massaged by the rectal muscles of one of the most beautiful mares in the whole kingdom.