The beginning of an over powered man

by Willowskeith

First published

A man with nothing to lose goes to comicon looking for the merchant his goal... to troll the tartarus out of the multiverse. Oh and maybe help out some.

A man who has nothing left to lose banks on his one joy in life to possibly find an answer. After all with the multiversal theory why not take a chance that fanfiction might be right about something and if I am going to go I may as well be one over powered SoB and troll the mutiverse while I'm at it.

Costume pieces,
Ichigo -combat pass (bleach),
Saitama -bald cap (one punch man),
Elder -beard and outfit (histories strongest disciple kenichi),
Zelretch -jeweled sword (tsukihime),
Kenshin -scar (rurouni kenshin)
Doomsday -stone fragment (superman)

Prologue: Goodbye world, Hello multiverse

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I sighed as I woke up looking around at my quiet apartment before spotting a picture of a graying middle aged man with his arm around the shoulders of a young black haired teen in graduation robes. I chuckle a little "seven years since graduation hard to belive its been that long.. look at me now... alone since you, grandma and grandpa passed... unemployed... a shell of the man i once was... but that will change today... one way or another..." i say looking at the gun proped up beside my bedroom door before getting up and headed to the bathroom to make myself somewhat resemble a human being for the day.

After getting myself presentable I notice the time '2:30 damn running late' i think to myself as i get my shoes on thinking back to all the stories I've read about the Displaced 'so many possibilities in the multiverse lets see how my luck runs'

I hop into my car to drive to comicon wondering how it will work, if it will work since i am not in costume, or will i just have to fall back to plan B. I sigh as i pull up 'nothing ventured nothing gained i guess..'

I walked threw comicon slowly just looking around i knew what I was looking for how could I not I am a fan of fanfiction and actualy somewhat understand the multiversal theory. I chucked and smiled as I spoted who i was looking for. "Long time no see stranger" I said as I greeted the displacer dressed as The Merchant.

"Your late" he said in a gravely voice handing over six different costume pieces and a brand new cell phone.

"Ahh a wizard is never late nor is he early he arrives exactly when hes ment to" I chuckle as I tell him while putting on the costume pieces. "After all you haven't displaced anyone here yet. There would be panicing if you did."

"Well i guess that is true" he says as he chuckles himself "have fun kid"

I smirk as I finish putting my makeshift costume together "Of course. After all you know how its going to go already isnt that right... 'me' " I say as the world around me fades to black.

The last words I hear are a chuckled "that I do kid... that I do. Give them tartarus."

I died already?!

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I woke mid-air falling toword the ground head first at what would normally be terminal velocity . 'Huh wasn't expecting that' I think to myself as I flip mid air and land on one knee makeing a giant crater around me before blinking slighly suprised 'why the fuck am I so calm?.. hmm I seem to be channeling Saitama's calmness/boredom'

I sigh sit down and close my eyes in a meditative position. 'And now for the annoying part...' "Gah?!" I resist the urge to grab my head and scream as i start seeing memories but ALOT more then I was originally expecting as my mind is flooded not just with the memories of those that were a part of the makeshift costume but ever alternate version of them thanks to Zelretch and even alternate versions of myself both displaced and not 'I-I... w-w-wont.. l-let this... beat ME!!'

My eyes snap open as I feel something running down my face useing a small amount of magic I pull a mirrior threw the kalidoscope haveing it appear infront of me. "Holy shit!!" I stare with wide eyes at the blood running down my face from my eyes ears and nose. I reach out a hand and pull out a towel to wipe off the blood before looking at what i actually look like. I was a bald man of Saitama's build weaing the Elder's robes fitted to me along with Elder's beard, i had Kenshin's scar on my right cheek with Zelretch's jewel sword in my belt at my side, ichigo's combat pass hanging from the opposet side, and finally the shard of Doomsday in my chest.

'I look like a hobo' i think dismissing both the towel and the mirrior back threw the kalidoscope to where I... 'borrowed'... them from.

I look around and up at the sky. 'Hmm night time... no mare in the moon so either I'm before the banishment, after Luna's return, or not on equestria... and knowing myself aswell as I do it could be any of those options'

I toss the jewel sword over my shoulder and into a pocket dimention and chuckle to myself. "Well they do say 'with great power comes great mental instability' or something like that"

I lay back pulling out a pillow and blanket as I rest under the stars in my crater. 'Meditation may have been a bad idea with that much information i think it could have... and actually thinking about it.. probably did kill me.. thank you Doomsday for your stupidly over powered healing factor and resurrection ability on par or better then a Berserker Heracles.'

I yawn loudly before headed to sleep. Let my subconscious sort out the memories before i resort them with meditation. 'Should have done that first but ohwell live and learn... or in my case... die and learn.' I think with a chuckle as I fall asleep.

Enter the killer robot

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I woke to the feeling of someone pokeing my cheek and a female voice saying "Hey mister are you ok?"

'Hmm how to answer that... oh I know.' "I am a killer robot from the future sent back in time to wipe out all life through the power of sweet and fatty foods" I yawn and stretch opening my eyes as I hear her giggle.

'Hmm looks like sweetie belle.. equestria girls then i am guessing.' "Hi. I was wondering if you would mind answering a few questions." I said smileing kindly at her.

She tilts her head to the side and I have to fight the urge to hug her. "Sure mister what do you need?"

"Well do the names Twilight Sparkle or Sunset Shimmer mean anything to you?" I ask but she shakes her head no 'hmm before Sunset came threw the mirrior then' "so where exactly are we? I was pretty drunk when i got here and I have no clue where exactly I am" ok the drunk parts a lie but the rest is true.

"Your in the everfree forest mister. I was coming to see the falling star from last night before anyone else" she says proudly with a smile

'Falling star? I must have started up higher then I thought' " Thats very brave of you Sweetie belle but you should go home it could be dangerous." I say getting up as I start to walk off

"Umm.. mister I didn't tell you my name..." she says sounding somewhat scared.

I chuckle "Like I said killer robot from the future.. my clock and gps are just fried." I say waving goodbye as I walk off.

A Few hours later.

'Finally out of that forest!!' I growl in my mind. 'I didnt ask for Zoro, or Kenpachi's sense of direction.'

As i walk threw the city I hear a news report from a near by electronics store. "And in one of the fastest elections in US history the newest president of the free world is... Lex Luthor!!" I stop shocked as i stare at the TV.

'DC universe and MLP.. well then i guess my first stop should either be metropolis or gotham' I think before pulling out my phone and opening google maps 'thank you 'me' for makeing a phone that connects across the multiverse and a working gps."

Pants! Now!

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'... i really am an asshole... i didnt give myself zoro or even kenpachi's sense of direction...i got ryoga hibiki's i trolled myself!!' I stare eyes wide from atop a giant T shaped building on an island on the coast of jump city at the giant red demon...that wasn't wearing pants... a smirk slowly formed on my face "trollolol mother fucker."

"Is that all you could bring against me my daughter? A group of children?" The Demon Lord Trigon asked glareing down at the teen titans before he pitched forword falling on his face as the titans stare in shock.

"Dude... is that a boot?" Beast boy asked pointing at the object currently stuck to the back of the demon lords head.

"Boot to the head" I said walking up behind trigon and picking up said boot putting it back on. "Put some pants on you damn pervert! There are children present!!" I shout at him wacking him on the head with a cane... which I pulled out of a portal that made it look like I literally pulled it out of my ass.

"HOW DARE YOU!! DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!" trigon shouts pushing himself up.

"Boot to the head." I throw another boot hitting trigon in the forhead sending him flying across the city. I smirk and turn to the stunned titans. "It looks like someone else isnt wearing pants or a skirt either." Another boot appears in my hand as i look at raven.

"Meep" raven vanishes in a raven made of shadow

"Duuuude..." beastboy is stareing in shock in the direction trigon flew

"Yess?" Is suddenly wearing a pair of panties on my bald head with a name on them labeling them ravens.

"That was awsome!!!" Shouts beastboy and cyborg

"Who are you?" Robin says pointing his bo staff at me threateningly

"And why do you have friend ravens under garments?" Starfire asks

"Well as any bald man can tell you while shiny the lack of hair makes your head get cold and these were just right there and warm" pointing over to where raven used to be "and i figured 'hey since shes another pantsless pervert she obviously doesnt need them.'. So i took them to keep my head from getting too cold now if you need me i'mma plant me a perverted dumbass tree" I nodded before swinging my fist catching trigon in the back as he came flying from the opposet direction the boot sent him... backwords.

"AAAAGHHHH?!" trigon yelled in pain before being silenced being slamed all the way up to his ankles in dirt head first.

I smile and turn to starfire "would you like to learn to garden? Dumbass trees need alot of farmers. Especially the perverted kind."

"..." the titans minus the missing raven just stare at me wide eyed in shock

" no..? Ohwell i guess i can deal with the gardening later i did have other things to do today anyway" i shrug walking off in a completely random direction whistling with Ravens panties still on my head... cause due to my asshole displacer it wouldnt matter anyway.

Take me to church.

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'Ok I could stand ending up takeing hours to get out of the forest... i could understand ending up on titans tower... but HOW THE FUCK DO I GO FROM WALKING DOWN THE ROAD TO COMING OUT OF A TOILET?!?!' our very wet hero troll thinks as he walks down the streets of his newest target.

"In other news the demon lord trigon has been defeated by a mysterious new hero. Lets watch the footage we have of before the demon lord left." The news caster on a nearby tv said.

"You know what... fuck it. This world isnt worth the headache anymore i'm going to go after an easier world. I remember hearing something about colorful talking ponies..." trigon says walking threw a portal back to his home.

I smirk at the tv. 'Trollolol mother fucker. Now are there any nearby land marks..' i think looking around

'B-I-N-G-O and bingo was his name-o' i think looking up at wayne manor before walking up to it jumping the gate and knocking on the front door my clothes changeing into a priests uniform.

"Hello?..." alfred says as he opens the front door

"Why hello good sir. I was just looking around this lovely city and couldn't help but think that a man who dresses as a bat and walks around punching people clearly needs to hear the good word" i say pulling out the necronomicon as alfreds eyes widen at the mention of a man dressed as a bat "so i came to spread the word of the great lord c'thulu. May i come in to speak with the poor lost soul who clearly needs a god?"

'Master Bruce would want to speak with him if only because this man knows his identity.' Alfred thinks before answering " Why yes please come in the master will be with you shortly."

I smirk as he leads me threw the manor to a siting room. "Please have a seat i will go inform the master" alfred says walking out of the room as i sit down

"You can come out now." I say to seemingly nothing before out of the shadows comes The God Damn Batman

"What do you know." He says in that gravely voice of his.

"2+2=4, how much wood a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck, the meaning of life, that batgirl and robin are hideing in the rafters" i say pointing up before reaching into my pocket and pulling out... a pair of panties that say 'barbra' on them " and batgirl is currently going commando in that bat suit"

"EEEP?!" batgirl squeeks as she falls from the rafters in shock only to be caught by The God Damn Batman and robin jumps down joining them

"But the better question would be why you aren't trying to beat the answers out of me isnt that right robin?" I say glanceing at robin who looks to his mentor before looking back at The God Damn Batman as i now have batgirls panties on my head.

"..." The God Damn Batman just gives me the silent stare... it is quite menacing

"But i suppose i could answer that for you. I am too much of an unknown. The fact that i know your identity aswell as quite possibly your side kicks scares you. Did i tell anyone? Even if you did beat me into a coma do i have a contingency plan? Can you find and stop the possible information leak? These are all the questions going threw your mentors head kid." I give a lazy glance at robin.

"Give me back my panties you pervert!!" Batgirl shouts at me

"But their so warm...and moist?... huh must be warmer in that suit then i thought. Anyway i'm not a pervert i am a Super Pervert!!" I say causeing everyone to stare at me in shock. "Well its been fun but i'mma go now later brucie" i wave goodbye as i vanish into the kalidoscope

Looking at nightmares lovely full moon.

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I appear mid air and look down seeing a woman giving a speech to a group of various colored people and think 'huh enterance time' as i fall toword the speaking woman.

" what a pleasure to see your little sun loving fa..." nightmare moon was saying before haveing a man shaped object fall on her knocking her to the ground on her front. My head landing right between her 'full moon'.

"Mnnggh" i groan as i push my self up "whats this soft thing" i ask squeezeing her ass as i use it to push myself up

"Eeeep?!" Nightmare squeaks as she feels her ass get squeezed knocking her out of the daze she was in from being knocked down "let me go immediately you brute and i will make your death less painful!" She shouts at me

"But its such a lovely flank" i smirk and slap her right on both her cutie marks... which unkown to me were actually erogenous zones on the ponies of this equestria... which caused her to moan loudly. "Ohh a kinky mare?"

Every pony in the crowd was blushing by that point "I WILL KILL YOU!!" Nightmare shouts as she kicks me off her sending me flying into a tree

"Ohh i like it rough too baby just remeber the safe word is watermelon" i say holding up a pair of black lace panties...right as nightmare feels a breeze where before there was none her face going cherry red

"DIEEEEE!!!" nightmare shouts fireing a beam of cold lunar energy right at my lower head

"EeeNope" i say as i flip over her landing behind her in a crouch hands together two fingers from each pointing upword "konohagakure taijutsu ogi: sennin goroshi" shoves my fingers up her lovely full moon

"...EEEEEEEEEEEPPPPP?!" Nightmare lets out a very loud squeak followed my an incedibly lewd moan as she goes flying into the everfree forest toword the castle

I smile and look around at the ponies all red faced and put nightmares panties on my head "well my work here is done" 'i didnt see the mane six so they are probably almost to the castle already' i think as i walk off toword the city of canterlot a smile on my face and panties on my head while humming 'i'm sexy and i know it'


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Don't ask me how it happened cause the only thing i know is ryoga's sense of direction is messed up to the point i think its an actual curse. You see i was walking toword canterlot... Kinda hard to miss on a mountain as it is... And i blinked while takeing a step. Then i was suddenly in the castle of the two sisters watching nightmare moon get her sexy plot get blasted by the elements of harmony.

'I should probably go before celestia finds out what i did durring that fight with nightmare moon...' i think... Right before dodging a blast of energy from wouldnt you guess it the princess of the sun herself.

"I don't know why your here monster but i wont let you harm my little ponies!!" celestia shouts at me charging another blast.

'Shrunken and slit eyes, quick breathing, eyes that are completely locked on my every twitch..ohhh i see' i chuckle causeing the mane six to jump a bit "really celestia given the fact that.." i punch shattering the beam of energy she sent at me and i start walking toword celestia and the mane six causeing them to gasp in shock "your instincts are telling you i am strong i would think that.." another energy beam shattered by a punch and the mane six are looking worriedly between me and celestia " fighting me here with some of your most precious ponies would be a bad idea. After all luna is weakened and you have no.." punch and shatter as i am almost ontop of them now "way to protect them like this and no idea what my purpose here is." I pinch the tip of celestia's horn as i get to her stoping another blast... And drawing out the lewdest moan i heard tonight while the mane six and luna stare in shock.

"Y-you wont win" celestia growled at me her cheeks flushed and i chuckle again

"Like i said you have no idea about my purpose here.. though i am honestly not suprised your acting like this with how injured luna is she cant sense it and its so far beyond the others it would be impossible to grasp it" i say chuckleing

" what is?" Asked twilight eyes sparkling with the idea of something new to learn about.

"My power" i say with a shrug " she can perceive the tip of my power and even thats enough to set off her instincts telling her i am a threat." I smile "the fact that shes even still here and struggleing trying to blast me away just shows how much she cares" i say dodging punches from celestia "about you all but enough of that now" spanks celestia hard right on her cutie marks causing her to let out a loud lewd moan.

"Later!!" Runs off while shes distracted "whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop"

The mane six all look at eachother confused. "Um... i'm sorry... but what just happened?... if you dont mind me asking..." asked fluttershy

Get ready to run.

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'I was going to go to canterlot and wait to introduce myself by my sense of direction fucked that... So i think i will give ole sun butt a chance to cool off and go check on the chibi sun butt when she arrived on earth' i think steping into the kalidoscope appearing right behind sunset shimmer who is sitting right by the portal to equestria crying. 'The portal just closed... And it looks like shes been here a few days already'

"Wh-why princess... All i wanted... All i tried to do w-was make you proud of meee..." sunset sobs before jerking as a hand is placed on her shoulder

"Because she was blinded by her past..." i kneel down next to her and hug her "you started delving into magics that were dangerous... That could be corruptive... She already lost he sister to darkness she didnt want to watch anyone else be corrupted...and rather then explain she pushed you away... I doubt she even knows you went threw the portal." I explain letting her cry into my shoulder until she passes out from exhaustion and fever as she just keeps mumbleing 'why?'.

I shake my head and sigh going through the kalidoscope and landing in a bedroom laying her on the bed. 'And of course it would be one of those realities...' i sigh and shake my head 'celestia you idiot...' i think placeing a damp rag on sunsets forhead. 'I am glad i was able to stabilize this pocket dimention enough to act as a room.. Woulda waited longer but she needed the shelter..'

I close my eyes and sigh trying to keep calm... Luckily i come up with an idea to help get out my frustrations and get back at celestia. I smile a dark smile that even darkside, the joker, and tirek together would run from screaming in fear. Picking up a piece of paper and a pen i start writeing a letter before tossing it through the kalidoscope to its recipient.

"I was hopeing it would just be one of the simple student teacher obsessions like twilight has but of course it cant be that simple.. Why would it be" i rub the temples of my bald head trying to calm my headache. "You know what. Fuck it i'm gonna go beat the shit out of something" i pick up a dart and open a small portal in the kalidoscope that switches rapidly between images and throw the dart at the portal... Before smirking at what it hit "hello misplaced agression." I think before vanishing.

The hunt begins

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It was a quiet peaceful day for equestria a few weeks after the defeat of nightmare moon. The sun was shining. The birds were singing. The clouds were perfectly placed in the sky....

"WHAT?!" the royal canterlot voice of princess luna echoed through the land.

"What is it sister?!" Celestia shouts busting into Luna's room. Eyes wide with worry for her sister.

"Tia why didn't you inform us you were a mother?!" Luna asks a smile on her face knowing her sister wouldn't let anybeing harm her niece... before noticing a look of suprise, horror, and shame on her sisters face. "... tia?"

Celestia waves the guards out of the room sealing the doors behind them. "H-how did you find out about that?" Celestia asks her voice shakeing.

" This letter was on our bedside when we woke this morning. Though we are not caught up on this "modern equestrian" even if we can somewhat speak it now." Luna says tilting her head confused levitating the note and envelope over toword her sister though half way there something falls out. A photo..

The photo showes above picture just pony instead of human. Celestia and Luna's eyes go wide with horror. "SUNSET?!" celestia runs over to the photo crying.

"... celestia what happened to our niece?..." luna's voice is but a whisper but is easily heard by celestia.

"... i don't know..."celestia eventually manages to say her voice shaking

"YOU DONT KNOW?! HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW?! TELL US WHAT HAPPENED CELESTIA!! NOW!!!" Luna shouts in the royal canterlot voice.

"... i sent her away... it was only supposed to be for a few weeks... to teach her a lesson but... when the day came for her to leave she wasn't there... the guards searched all over canterlot but found nothing..." celestia says only to be hoof slapped by luna knocking celestia onto her side

"And what heinous crime did our niece commit to be sent away?!" Luna demands

"Sh-she was studying dark magic... corruptive magic! I couldnt lose her like i lost you!!" Celestia tries to explain only to be hoof slapped again

"You lost us celestia due to your neglect of us, the abuse of our subjects, and our own sorrows and loneliness. Not dark magic." Luna says scowling and stomping her hooves infront of celestia. "... get out of our room celestia... we have a niece to prepare to look for and we are unsure if you stay we could keep from attacking you."

"L-Luna?" Celestia asks eyes wide cheeks bruised.. before being levitated and thrown threw the magically sealed and reinforced doors by luna

"WE SAID OUT!" luna shouts before turning to a near by guard "get us the best trackers, searchers, and hunters in the guards. NOW!" Luna says as the guard quickly nods and runs off.

Luna seals her door again, picks up the picture, and walks toword her bed with tears in eyes. "Don't worry little niece... auntie luna is coming."

Mugen Mangekyo

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"HULK! IS STRONGEST THERE IS!!" roared the hulk as he charged at the monstrous being known as Onslaught...before being grabbed by the back of the head and thrown over the horizon as a new figure entered the battle field.

"Hey! Who're you bub" wolverine growled at the new figure.

"Just someone with some aggression looking for something to take it out on. And my dart landed on tall dark and ugly over there." i say pointing at a dart stuck in the top of Onslaught's helmet "now if you all dont mind... BACKING THE FUCK UP!" I shout stomping hard on the ground sending all the gathered heroes and villains flying.

"So you are the one who managed to actually hit me even if it was with this toy." Onslaught says pulling the dart out of his helmet crushing it before vanishing in a burst of speed.

"For that you shall die!" Onslaught shouts appearing behind me swinging his fist at the back of my head.

"You say that like your a threat..." i say calmly raising my hand catching Onslaughts punch causeing the area behind me to explode from the force of the punch. "No. All you are.." i begin punting onslaught into the sky cracking his armor and disappearing. "... is a slightly more durable punching bag" i finish appearing above him spin kicking him causing a massive shockwave and sending him back down into the ground shattering the earth around for miles.

"How are you still moving?! I can control the iron in your blood! How is it i cant see your mind!!!" Onslaught roars getting up his armor covered in cracks.

I smirk giving a small chuckle. "Oh well thats easy its... a secret" i say with a smirk appearing infront of Onslaught roundhouse kicking him over the horizon.

"Though i must say you have a nasty little suprise of your own... if you were fighting anyone else" i grab onslaught by the back of the head and throw him into the ground in a desert far from civilization. "Now we wont be interupted."

"I am thought" Onslaught growls as his armor falls off in fragments. "I am perception" as his armor falls his true form is shows that he is a being made of energy with a man shaped form. "Perception is reality... AND REALITY REJECTS YOU!!" Onslaught roars fireing a beam of energy at me.

I let out a dark chuckle catching the beam in my bear hand. "Your right about perception being reality... in this case i guess i can tell you the answer you were looking for earlier." I give Onslaught a smirk that sends shivers down its non-existent spine " you see my perception... my very reality is scued. And with enough power one can do what you were trying and overwrite reality with they're own perceptions or, and this is much cheaper.., internalize it."

Onslaught steps back in shock." You mean..?!"

"There was no blood for you to control... my mind is to alien for you to comprehend... and now Onslaught... lets see whats stronger? Your perception of what reality is... or mine" i give him an evil smirk "I am the Infinate. The Endless Dream. All of Exsistance is at my fingertips. Worlds Innumerable, Lives Uncountable, and yet still I Dream... Mugen Mangekyo!" the world around us shatters into a swirling mass of constantly changing colors and images of different worlds.

"Wh-what is this?! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" Onslaught roars at me.

"I decided to take our fight to my reality.. or at least my perception of reality" i give an evil chuckle.

"I will escape this place!!" Onslaught charges at me.

"You wont get the chance" i punch straight through Onslaght causing his body to explode sending his essence everywhere which is quickly consumed by my Mugen Mangekyo. " well that was some stress relief... i should probably go check on Sunset... i really hope she didnt somehow drown herself in the toilet or something cause that'd be a lame way to go."

The most important thing of all.

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I roll my shoulders a bit as i appear in the pocket dimention that sunset is staying in. "Hmm... thats suprising i expected Luna to try the dreamscape to find her or at least to talk to her..." I close my eyes in concentration before chuckleing "she went into a panic and forgot about it." I say walking over to the sleeping Sunset and putting my hand on her forhead. " Her fever broke thats good.." snaps my fingers and Luna appears. "Worrying about family is good. Panicing and forgetting options you have that could help your sexy plot find them is not."

"You?!" Luna yells charging her power on her horn... before i pinch the tip of it makeing her moan loudly and her cheeks burn.

"Yes me. She's lucky I decided to check on a slight warping between dimentions her little trip caused." Nods my head toword Sunset a scowling. "She had been sitting on hard ground just staring at the portal waiting for your sister to come for her... prove she actually cares... but she didnt. This young filly didnt eat! Didnt sleep! She belived in your sister that much! And your sister left that girl there... her own daughter... be glad i didnt know this when we met last or you would be down a sister." Clenching my fist

Luna's face pales rapidly both at my words and expression. 'Even when i was nightmare moon he was all smiles and perversion.. tarterus my flank still hurts from his smacks! But even i can tell he was holding back then... damn it sister what kind of being did you upset!!!' "W-will you allow our niece to return with us?"

"No." I raise a hand cutting Luna off as she opened her mouth. "If she wishes to return once she wakes thats on her. However until then she remains here. I will say this. She will learn the secrets..."i trail off before growling the next word "Celestia was keeping from her."

"S-secrets? As in more then just her parentage?!" Luna asks shocked as i nod yes.

"If you want to know you'll either have to ask Celestia, or find out from Sunset once i tell her." I smile slightly running my fingers gently through Sunsets hair.

"What happened to her.." i look at luna in slight confusion. " why isnt she a unicorn like in the picture?"

"Ahhh i see.." i chuckle smiling a little. " The portal she took changed her form from that of a unicorn pony to that of a human. When i sent the letter to you i used my magic to show her unicorn form rather than her human one... and yes Celestia knows about the portal." I finish with a slight scowl.

"Then why..." luna begins

"I dont know. " i lie 'stupid bitch didnt want to risk her powers going through the portal and didnt want to risk the spells she put on sunset breaking.' I think "however on a better note,... and one that makes me slightly laugh since you clearly forgot about it in your panic, you can access sunsets dreams both while here and even while your in equestria through the dreamscape." I say with a small smile as a look of shock and embarrassment takes over Luna's features.

"Ahem!" Luna says trying to calm her blush. "I will admit... i did let my panic cloud my judgement. What payment will you be demanding from me then for all this?"

I laugh... not chuckle.. not snort... full belly laugh before saying. "I am many things princess.... i am a pervert... i am a troll... i am incredibly sexy... but i am not a monster. You ask what the payment will be? Do right by her." I say looking down at sunset as i keep running my fingers gently through her hair. " Family is more important than anything. And this here? This is your family."i look at Luna sharply. " and your family is hurting from the inside out. They need you." I sigh as luna looks at me wide eyed.

"If that is what it takes i'll be glad to pay." Luna says her face set in determination.

"Glad to hear it" i say with a small smile opening a portal next to her. " first though. You should probably call off the search."

Luna nods before walking over and kissing sunset on the forhead. "Rest well my niece." Luna whispers before walking away and through the portal causing it to close.

I sigh look down at Sunset. "You are just a little bag of suprises arent you ya silly little filly..." i chuckle with a small smile and tuck her in before vanishing from the dimention.


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I sigh as i appear ontop of the planet at the top of The Daily Planet. 'Hmm mid-day... no immidiate threats i can sense and he appears to be a few floors down from me...' i smirk and whisper "Clark Kent is Superman aka Kal-El, and Kara Kent is Supergirl"

I hold up one hand and begin counting. '5...4...3...2...' "one. Hello kryptonians." I say standing up slowly Superman and girl floating on oppiset sides of me.

"Who are you?" Supergirl demands before turning red as her heat vision "YOUR THE PERV WHO STOLE BATGIRLS PANTIES ARENT YOU!!"

" stole is such an ugly word..." i catch her fist as she flys at me. " and do you really think starting a fight in a crowded city is a good idea?" Glances over at Superman "after all i'm sure batsy informed you what i did to trigon." I toss supergirl over to superman "to put it in terms you can easily understand mr. Underwear on the outside. Mxyzptlk is 5 i am a number far greater." Smirking as superman pales rapidly.

"Who is he talking about Kal?" Supergirl asks.

'A beyond 5 dimentional being?! Really?!' "What do you want?" Superman says ignoring supergirls question.

"Just came to have some fun... and do this" opens my hand showing i have kara's panties before i put them on my head her face aflame with her blush. "Anyway i am mainly here to watch the show up close. Maybe step in a time or two. And to have fun of course... i will say this though. I will not tolerate some of what the supervillains do. If i feel the need to step in. Not the want but NEED. Then i am putting it down. Permanently. And with how little you lot know about me theres nothing you could do to stop me. Now if you'll excuse me..." turns toword the street and yells "HEY IS THAT SUPERGIRL UP THERE WITH OUT HER PANTIES" smirks and backflips off the planet disappearing as Supergirl lunges at me "ta-ta"

"I am going to strangle him" supergirl says her eye twitching... before blushing again and vanishing in super speed hearing comments on her lack of underwear.

The great chase.

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"Finally awake I see?" I say waking up to Sunset who's sitting up in the bed looking around her head snaping toword me when i speak. "Did you get to speak with Luna or did you wake up before she got the chance?"

I sigh when she just looks at me confused and place my head on her forhead. "Well your fevers broke so thats good. Are you hungry? Thirsty?" She shakes her head. "Hmm.. you wore out your voice crying didnt you." I sigh as she nods. "Well for now you get some rest. Theres food and drinks in the fridge so you should be fine." I push her gently back onto her back on the bed her eyes drooping. "Sleep well little princess.." i smile slightly as i turn as vanish from the room.

I reappear in the golden oaks library right behind Twilight who is focusing on reorganizing. 'Hmm.. how to get her attention.. oh i know' smacks her right on her cutie marks.

"EEK?! Ahhn?!" She lets out a shriek followed by a moan as she quickly turns to face me her face a flame with her blush. "You?! " her eyes go wide with fear. 'This is the thing that fought princess celestia and nightmare moon!!'

"Me. Now i was just in the neighborhood and thought to myself. Hmm i should do a good deed for today. So I decided to help a poor stressed mare out. Then i figured while i'm at it i should get a new head warmer." Holds up one hand a bright purple g-string dangling from my middle finger. Makeing twilights eyes go wider and her blush turn from a flame to an inferno. "But sadly these wouldnt cover much so i'll just put them somewhere else" puts hand with the g-string in my pocket as twilight trys to snatch them back.

"GIVE THOSE BACK!!" twilight shouts at me her mane and tail smokeing a bit.

"I'm gonna go with no..." turns and runs as twilight starts shooting blasts of magic at me.

"GIVE ME BACK MY UNDERWEAR YOU PERVERT!!!" twilight yells her mane and tail on fire as she shoots blasts of magic at me chaseing me through the town.

"Hahaahahhahaha!!!" I laugh as i dodge her blasts. "Nevahhh!!!" I smirk and run into the everfree forest as the other mane six arrive to find out whats going on.

"Hey twi' everything alright?" Applejack asks as she walks up to a panting twilight who blushes even more.

"F-fine.. the pervert who distracted nightmare moon was here though... and he..." she looks away face aflame as she mumbles. " t... m.. pa..."

"Um... i-i'm sorry... what was that twilight?... if you dont mind me asking of course.." fluttershy asks

" he took my p...." twilight says but mumbles at the end again.

"What was that darling?" Rarity asks

"HE TOOK MY PANTIES!!!" twilight shouts in frustration... right before a blast of air goes through their group causing her skirt to fly up showing her naked lower half to the others.

"Not just yours twilight!" I shout from atop a nearby tree holding up my hands to show a assortment of panties. A rather conservative white pair, a bright blue thong and a bright red thong, a pink and yellow thigh high, and a bubblegum pink g-string thats even smaller than twilights. " for panties!!!" I shout jumping into the air and vanishing as a rainbow dash at near rainboom speeds goes through the spot i was at along with two blasts of magic. The mane 6's faces bright enough to outsine the sun with their blushes as they all look at eachother before running home for a new set of underwear.

Words cut deeper than any blade.

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A few months later...

"..." i say nothing as i stare into the face of madness before raising an eyebrow. "Damn you ugly."

The great beast seems to take offence to this as it roars at me.

"I will agree on something in that book of yours though.." i smirk placing my hand on the combat pass causing it to change into a sword. "In these strange aeons even death may die. Hiten mitsurugi-ryu... RYUSOSEN! GETSUGA TENSHO!" Waves of black energy erupt from my every hit and i sigh as c'thulu falls apart into little pieces. "Stupid cursed sense of direction.." jumps into the air vanishing again...

Only to reappear in a place far far more dangerous... "of course... i end up here" i sigh and glance around for the one who would attempt to be my executioner. "Celestia's bedroom." I say as i get blasted in the back through the wall by said angry sun goddess.

"How dare you enter my room you monster!!!" Celestia shouts at me almost useing her royal canterlot voice.

I look at her before blinking... and again... and a third time just to make sure its real.... "huh so you sleep in the nude...and the carpet matches the drapes." Her face burns hotter than her sun as she shoots another beam at me

"PERVERT!!!!" Celestia shouts in the royal canterlot voice as i catch the beam in one hand and sigh.

"Yes i am but i genuinely didn't mean to appear in your room." I say as luna comes running in ready to help her sister.

"Sister! Where is the... oh its him.." luna says placeing her hand over her face.

"Hey luna!" I say crushing the beam sending celestia flying back from the backlash "have you been enjoying getting to know sunset?" Celestia's head snaps up

"What have you done to my daughter you monster?!?!" She shouts at me charging up for a big blast.

"Now now celey what would a monster do with an impressionable young mare? Why i've been beating her" 'at videogames,' "torturing her" 'with my awful attempts at singing,' " and destroying any form of innocence her little mind had left." 'Praise be to the internet.' I say while thinking the rest of the answers as celestia paled more with every word her spell spluttering out. I point a finger at luna casting a silencing and paralizing spell over her so she cant interupt.

"N-noo.." celestia says her voice weak and defeated as tears run down her face. "Why?... why would you do that to my innocent little sunset?...WHY?!"

"Why celey one would think you actually cared for her for a minute there." I say a dark smirk on my face "i must say... she was quite a tight fit" 'stupid blue jeans' "but i made it happen."

"OR COURSE I CARE!!! SHES MY DAUGHTER!!!" celestia yells at me in the royal canterlot voice.

"... then why did you lock away her wings? I mean a natural born alicorn like her should be learning to fly aswell as use magic." I smirk as both celestia and luna's aswell as Sunset shimmer who's watching this from the pocket dimention eyes widen and jaws drop. "Her obsession with alicorn hood made alot more sense once i found that little spell you placed on her that removed her wings. She must have instinctually known her body wasnt right and was trying to correct it. Well that and her want to impress you. Her teacher... her mother."

"I did it to protect her... i have so many enemys she would have been targeted as soon as anyone found out about her!!" Celestia says trying to justify herself.

"And cadenza?" I say with a raised eyebrow.

"She wasnt a born alicorn she became one. Her change was to public for me to hide. I always kept distant so she wouldnt be targeted i was just an aunt to cadance." Celestia says tears running down her face.

"And the damn near disowning of sunset? Dont try to call it anything else celestia i saw it happen. Now whats the real reason!" I say with a dark scowl.

"...the dark magic was an excuse... the real reason... someone made a threat on her life and sent proof that they could do it... they sent a photo of her in her own damn room! It was only going to be until it was safe for her to return!!! What else was i supposed to do?!" Celestia says hitting her hooves on my chest. And a small smile forms on my face.

"How about tell me first before sending me away..." the voice comes from just behind Luna and celestia's eyes go wider then ever.

"S-sunset?..." celestia asks her voice weak from crying and shouting tears running down her face.

Sunset smiles tears in eyes "MOMMY!!" she lunges forword hugging celestia crying and i wave my hand breaking the spells i placed on luna aswell as the one celestia placed on sunset... which cause sunsets clothes to tare apart at her new growth spurt leaving her nude and luna joins in makeing it a group hug.

"Well my work here is done" i say as i vanish from the world.

Hey baby, baby!

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I sigh looking at cloudless sky. 'Say what you want about kayaba he can make a beautiful world. Why does doing the right thing suck so much? I mean sure sunset deserves a loving family but... i kinda liked haveing her around.' I close my eyes and shake my head before smirking. "Hmm i have an idea" does a backflip disappearing from the digital world landing in the most normal neighborhood every house the same.

An old man in what looks like a bathrobe and a beard that goes down to his knees leaving a basket on a stoop before stoping eyes wide as hear hears words that would haunt his nightmares for years... "oh! Hey look free baby." by the time he turned back around both myself and the saviour of the wizarding world are long gone. Albus Dumbledore leader of the light, headmaster of hogwarts, chief warlock of the wizengamot, and supreame mugwump of the icw could only stare as plans decades in the makeing came crashing down around him.

As i reappear infront gringotts wizarding bank and walking up to a teller. "Suuuup."

"What do you want wizard" the goblin snears.

"Just to lock down all accounts related this little one. Only to be reopened by him." I say showing the sleeping harry potter.

"And why would we do that?" The goblin asks glaring at me.

"Because if you dont. If you allow even a single knut to be stolen from him then every adult member of your species will suffer the consequences." I say a small frown on my face as i let a little of my power slip down to a level they can perceive smashing him aswell as all other goblins in the lobby to the ground under the pressure. "Understand?"

"Y-yes sir" the goblin nods as best it can and i reassert control over my power.

"There are to be no contracts made on his behalf and any current ones are nulled until he personally signs of on them understand?"

The goblin gulps and nods "y-yes sir! May we do a test so we know whom the child is though?"

I chuckle sheepishly. "I actually forgot that sure go ahead"

The goblin nods. "Follow me" as i just sigh and follow as he leads us down a series of tunnels to a large room with a raised stone pillar with a bowl on top in the middle. "Here we are the heritage room. It will confirm any lines and vaults of said lines which belong to him. A drop of blood in the bowl is all thats needed. After which the family crests will light up showing what familys are his."the goblin gestures to the symbols around the room.

I nod and sigh "ok" i say walking over to the bowl with harry and pricking his finger causing him to whimper and shift uncomfortably. "Shhh. Shhh." I say rocking him back to sleep and dripping a drop of blood into the bowl causing symbols around the room to light up.

The goblin eyes wide as he looks at the symbols. "H-heir potter, griffindor, and pevrell through blood and heir slytheren through right of conquest." Looking at the glowing symbols one of which was glowing a different color.

I smirk " well then you have quite a few accounts to lock down dont you? Now if thats all we'll be going."

The goblin nods "this way to the exit." It says only to feel a small breeze and when it looks back me and harry are gone.

I sigh as i land in the pocket dimention where sunset used to stay. "I may be many things but a parent is something i doubt i could do well... " say touching two fingers to the scar on his forhead the fingers glowing with power. "This however i can do" i say pulling out the fragment of voldemorts soul. "Now who could help me look after a baby...." an almost evil smirk forms on my face. "Or maybe i should say foal."

The results are in... Congratulations ___ you ARE the mother!

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"OW!!!" The formerly sleeping princess of the night shouted as she felt a sharp sting in her flank but when she looks for what it was its gone.

Meanwhile in a pocket reality I smirk. "And the blood to make it complete." I say pouring the blood, taken straight from the sexiest part of Luna's plot, into the cauldron and stiring. "And done." Pours the bright gold potion into a baby bottle and walks over to the most recent addition to the pocket dimention with a smile a crib.

"Ubbb aawwaa gaa?" Harry babbles at me before noticing the bottle and his eyes going wide reaching for it. "Uhhhnnn!!"

"Drink up little man." I give harry the potion filled bottle with a smile and he happily drinks the golden liquid. With each gulp his body starts to change first his messy hair starts gently blowing without a breeze and turns black as the night, then he starts to grow a thin layer of midnight blue fur all over his body, he squirms a bit as two midnight blue wings grow from his back, after the wings comes the night black tail to match the hair on his head and his feet turning to hooves, and finally a horn slowly forms from his forhead and his face turns more pony like as he finishes the bottle.

"Uuuwaaba?"harry looks at his new blue hands in suprise... before putting one in his mouth.

'Well he is a baby i am not sure what i expected... maybe a little freaking out' i think smileing before i pick him up saying. "And now to speak to your new mummy."

Harry and I reappear in Luna's bedroom... as she is pulling appart her bed.

"I will find whatever stung my royal flank!" She growls to herself before turning around in suprise as i tap her on the shoulder. "Huh?! Oh its you... why do you have a baby alicorn?" She says as her eyes narrow at me.

"Ummm congratulations Luna you ARE the mother?" I say with a sheepish smile

"WHAT?!" she whisper shouts at me so as not to upset harry. "I think i would remember giving birth! Especially to an alicorn! Heck i haven't even mated with anyone!" 'Not for lack of trying either...Stupid overprotective celly... i am not a little filly any more i can choose whom i want!!' Luna thinks with an adorable pout.

"Yeahhh... i'm kinda calling in the favor you all owe me for both stalling nightmare and for dealing with the mess with sunset." I say before smirking "and also both blood and magic will testify that you are the mother i made sure of that. Sooo congrats on the virgin birth."

The crib from the pocket dimention appears in the room as harry yawns. "Well someones sleepy" i smile as i lay him down in the crib and tuck him in as Luna watches.

"You are so strange... one minute your a kind and wise man... the next your the biggest pervert i have ever heard of... then the next your less mature than a young foal on a sugar high..." luna says tilting her head cutely as she looks at me and i sigh leading her onto the balcony.

"Fine i guess i can give you that much of an explination since i am giving you a foal...but..." i look up at the night sky a pair of chairs appearing behind us. "Where to begin..."

"I find the beginning is the best place" she says snidely.

"Ahh but thats the things about beginnings isnt it... so hard to pin down..." i shrug. "I suppose i could begin with this" i say reaching behind her ear as she looks at me and i smirk pulling out a quarter " tell me if i flip this coin what side will it land on? Heads? Or tails?" I say showing both sides to her.

"It seems like you have an even chance at it?" She says honestly confused at where this came from but lets me go with it.

"Ahh and thats the catch you see luna" i flip the quarter and as it spins in the air it splits in a rainbow. " its all of the above and its none of the above." It disappears before it lands.

"How can it be both?" She asks.

"Luna that is the multiverse in a nutshell" i say with a chuckle. "For every possibility, for every story, for every action and reaction. There is a multiverse where it is the exact same up til it happened. There are multiverses where what you consider fiction is real and universe where what you consider real is fiction."

I smile as luna nods as she seems to at least get the basics. "Now across an infinate number of the multiverse there is you. In some your an alicorn princess.. in an infinate number of others your a earth pony working a field, a unicorn proforming a stage play for foals, a pegasus thats a sex slave to a unicorn celestia." I say as i pick out random universes not really paying attention... until Luna's face flames from blushing and she squeeks cutely.

"Ahhh... sorry was picking at random... anyway....." i cough awkwardly "thats what my magic deals with... mainly at least. Every alternate of myself the infinate apon infinate 'me' " i sigh "but my insanity is more then that... i was actually a broken man before i gained all this" i chuckle slightly. "I wont say much about before but what i did to get to this point was all or nothing... there are beings in the multiverse they call themselves Displaced it stands for dimentionally misplaced." I say with a chuckle as i make sure she is listening. "Now when someone is displaced it is normally as a character or with items that are fictional in their world. Me? I was displaced as a mix of six fictional beings."

"What kind of beings are most displaced as" luna asks "and what does this have to do with how you act?"

I sigh a comic floats from under luna's bed into my hand. "These are the kind of beings were displaced as. Characters like wondermare, or the power ponys"i say pointing at the cover before opening it and pointing. "Or maneiac. But its not just there powers we get Luna... their thoughts... their memories... even personalities... normally we displaced get it all.."

Luna's eyes go wide. "Even the villains?" She gasps.

I sigh "especially the villains... however remember what i said about my magic?"

"That it let you call apon the infinate apon infinate 'you'" she says confused.

"...while that alone would be madening... multiply it by seven... all the versions of the characters i'm displaced as plus myself..." her eyes go wide as she gasps. "I see you get it?" I chuckle brokenly "and thats not getting into other 'me' that are displaced... Luna i am a broken being..."i sigh "i cant even really call myself human anymore... are my memories mine? Another version of mine? One of the ones i'm displaced as?..." i shake my head.

"Sorry... enough about me.. onto the important bits now" i say before she slaps me her eyes wide tears running down her face before hugging me.

"You are important..." she says hugging me. "You gave me my niece back... You stalled for time for twilight and her friends... your my friend"

I look at her wide eyed. "Why would you want to be friends with someone as broken as me?" I sigh before shakeing my head. "Like i said enough about me. "

Luna sighs seeing that she isnt going to win an argument about that. "So why did you bring a foal here and call it mine?"

"His birth name is harry potter however feel free to give him another if you'd like. As to why i brought him here?" I smile sadly "His destiny isnt an easy one... and its made all the harder by a manipulative old man... his birth parents are dead, the ones who are supposed to look after him is either imprisoned or indisposed, the people the maniplative old man tried to leave him with would have abused him and treated him like a slave," i growl as luna looks at harry wide eyed " for why you?... nine times out of ten that poor boy gains effective or even actual immortality anyway... at least this way he isnt alone for it even if i did give him it a bit early." I finish with a shrug as luna walks over to the sleeping harry.

"... ok..." she says gently brushing some of harrys mane out of his face with a small smile. "I'll raise him."

I smile "well now that thats settled..." i am suddenly behind luna my hands glowing on her tits.

"Eeep!" She bites her lip to keep from moaning aloud as her tits grow two full cup sizes. "Wh-what are you doing?!" She whisper yells at me.

"Just something to help you and the little one get closer.." i smirk before pinching her nipples and tugging gently... causeing milk to come out. "Good now... i do belive thats its time for me to leave."

Luna keeps looking between her swollen tits and the baby not really hearing what i'm saying.

I smile kindly steping back and vanishing.

I think your rage broke vegeta. SHUT IT GHOST OF NAPPA!!

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I sigh looking around the dark distorted area around me. "Where the fuck am i now?..."

I blink in suprise as i hear a familiar sentance... "Dormamu i've come to bargin." A middle aged man with hair thats turning white at the sides says right before a deadly beam of energy comes at him.

I smile slightly as i appear infront of the beam catching it. "You know? As much as i loved this scene i gotta say nooo" crushes the beam sending Dormamu falling backwards.

Doctor strange looks from Dormamu, to his glowing green arm, to me, then back to Dormamu, then back to me. "... well this is new."

"Eeyuuup." I lazily drawl. "Honestly why couldn't it have been one of the ones where your a hot chick?"

He looks at me confused and mouths the words 'hot chick?'.

"Who are you to come into my dimention!!" Dormamu roars at me.

"Just a man who's a pervert for fun." I say swinging one of my hands in a slashing motion. "Dimention sword."

"GRAAAHHHH?!?!" Dormamu roars in pain clutching at his now destroyed eyes.

"Now are you going to be a good little bitch and listen to the bargin or is daddy gonna have to get his belt?" I say raising an eyebrow at Dormamu... for no reason.'oh right blinded heh heh...ohwell."

"Talk" Dormamu growls in pain

"Take your zealots from the earth. Leave my world and never come back. Do it and i'll break the loop." Steven says as i glance at him motioning for him to speak.

Dormamu growls "Very well."

I place my hand on stevens shoulder and we reappear on his earth. "One more thing." Takes the time stone out of the amulet. "I'll be takeing that." I say causing stevens eyes to go wide and for him to try to grab at me as i disappear. Before looking wide eyed at his freshly healed hands.

I smirk as i appear back infront of canterlot high right before the battle of the bands. 'Now if i was three emotion eating girls where would i be...' i smirk as i spot them. "Yoink!" I say as i walk past them creating a breeze that shows the other sirens that they're missing something.

"GET THE PERVERT!!!" the sirens yell their faces red from embarrisment as they run after me.

I chuckle as i lead them to a secluded area. "Really for emotion eating creatures from another dimention i was expecting something a little more risque." I say holding up their plain white panties as they stare at me wide eyed and red faced. "Yoink" i walk past them grabbing their gems and destroying them. "No more magic for you."

"H-how dare you!!" Adagio shouts lunging at me as i dodge around her and smack her on the ass before vanishing as she yelps falling face down ass up showing off for her sisters. "EEP!!"

I chuckle as i appear in the pocket dimention placijg the time stone and the crushed crystal into a glass case. "Well thats two down however many more to go" i chuckle appearing in canterlot in luna's room and smile noticing the crib has been moved closer to luna's bed. "Now where are..." i frown "oh of course i appear at this point in time "i sigh and appear in ponyville

"...who needs friends" twilight says a tear running down her face as discord appears by her.

"I'd say you do purple smart but..." twilights head snaps up her color returning with the bit of hope she gains. "I think i can deal with this for you. You focus on getting your friends back." I say smacking her on the ass makeing her face go red.

"And who exactly are you?" Discord asks

"Something more powerful and chaotic than your puny mind can imagine..." i say as my eyes emit a bright white light and smoke comes out of my mouth. "And since you aren't anywhere near as sexy as nightmare moon was i guess i'll just have to kick your ass."

"Oh and how are you going to stop me without..."his eyes go wide as i grab his claw before he can snap crushing it with my bare hand makeing him scream in pain.

My hands alight with black energy as the hand not holding his claw grabs his face. "Double getsuga tensho" discords body is consumed in black energy as i look on my face blank. "You see discord the thing is while i like playing around you just happen to piss 'me' off so yeah to bad so sad" i say lifting his battered body up by the neck and we vanish from that world appearing in a desert. "Thank you kaguya for not being able to destroy these things" i say slaming discord down hard enough the sand flys away creating a crater in the solid ground that used to be buryed beneath the sand.

"Wh-what are you?!" Discord shouts at me wide eyed as he struggles to crawl away.

"Someone with alot of misplaced aggression." I say with a dark smirk as stones start growing off my body "serious move serious series: point blank consecutive serious punch!" I punch discord repeatedly through the desert planet only to appear infront of him and punch him a different direction leaving the planet we were on looking like swiss cheese.

Discord whimpers in pain as i hold him by the throat as the desert planet explodes. "Wh-what do you want?..." he whispers his body having fist shaped holes in it makeing him look like a deformed slinky than a living creature.

"We are going back to ponyville and you are going to undo what you've done. Then you are going to stand there and let yourself be blasted by the elements." I say matter of factly as discord just hangs his head in defeat.

We reappear in ponyville and discord snaps his mangled claw and everything goes back to normal. "Th-there.."

I nod "remember discord i'll be watching " i say as i vanish.

The mighty morphen mountain goat!

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'Hmm lets see' i close my eyes as i tick things off on my fingers. 'Nightmare moons been put to sleep, discords stoned, sunsets settled... oh i know what i could do.' Gives a chuckle that would make beings who don't know me question my sanity as i vanish across the multiverse.

"Now then if i was a bitch... i mean witch with an unhealthy interest in teenagers where would i be..."

"TOMMY I HAVE CHOSEN YOU.." the evil space sorceress shouted... right before being hit in the cooch by a flying mountain goat.

"MOUNTAIN GOAT TO THE COOCH" an epic voice announces from the sky as i appear behind her my hand in her pocket as she doubles over before going flying leaving the green ranger power coin and morpher in my hand as i jump down landing infront of one of the greatest characters in all of fiction... or that could just be nostalgia.. either or.

Tommy Oliver just stared at me wide eyed. "Wh-who are you?!"

I smile at him. "No tommy the real question here is.. who are you." I say as i flip the power coin as he looks at me confused

"I am tommy oliver i recently started school near here..." he begins before i cut him off.

"That is true but that doesnt get to the truth. Tell me tommy if you had power what would you do with it?" I ask.

"I would help people." He says with absolute certainty.

"Even if you got hurt?" I smile as he nods. "That witch was going to take control of your mind ans use you to try destroy the power rangers." He looks at me wide eyed as rita is starting to get up. "Tommy i offer you a choice. You can go back to a normal life. Live happily with a wife and 3 kids. Or you can take this morpher." I hold out the green ranger morpher to him. "And fight to save this world.. this universe. What do you say?" My smile widens as he grabs the morpher without hesitation and me and him vanish right as rita is on her feet.

"NOOOOO!!!" she screams before teleporting to her moon base... to find everything bright pink and the dragon dagger and green candle missing. A note painted in green where they were. -too much pink energy is dangerous-

"Mmph" Tommy lands on the floor of the command center right in the middle of the power ranger team in civilian form.

"Aiyaiyai" alpha says as it steps back due to the new arrival.

"Tommy!? How did you get here!?" The rangers shout.

"I sense he has a power coin be careful rangers" zordons deep voice says.

"Ehh not so dangerous so why dont you quiet down cue ball?" I say laying on one of the command consoles

The rangers turn to me eyes wide reaching for their morphers as tommy gets up shakeing his head a bit dizzy. "ITS MORPHEN TIME" Jason shouts... only for nothing to happen

"Yeahhh.. as fun as that would be imma say nooo. Now then you can put your spandex on when i leave. Until then why dont you kids sit down and i'll explain why i brought tommy here." I say waving my hand lazily at them jason looks annoyed but i honestly dont care. I glance at zordon. "Now mr pickle over here should have warned you of the possibility of rita makeing a ranger before since she had the green ranger power coin. He didnt but he should have."

The rangers tense at the mention of rita and tommy sits next to them.

"Now she was choosing tommy here to be her evil ranger. I interfeared took the coin and morpher... oh by the way tommy this is yours too. "I say lazily tossing the dagger so it lands near him. "I doubt rita will be attacking any time soon" i chuckle 'yeah she'll need some time with ice bags first.' I think smirking. "Anyway.. unlike cueball who more or less drafted you under an or else agreement i actually offered tommy a choice and he chose to be here. But yeah you guys get to explain the specifics to him. Also tommy that dagger doubles as a flute. You play it to summon and control your zord aswell as a few other things." I wave at them "later" i vanish and all 6 are suddenly in their suits

Here comes the brides

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I smile as i appear landing on my feet in equestria again... right before hearing something that i had honestly hoped to have changed this time around. "..have alot to think about" i cough loudly into my hand my smile replaced by a frown.

" Now whats all this then?" I ask eyebrow raised looking between twilight who is on her knees and has tears in her eyes and Celestia who was about to walk out.

"Twilight accused my neice of being evil." Celestia says "and right before her wedding too." Twilight hangs her head as tears run down her face...

The doors close and a loud smack echos threw the room Celestia falling to the ground a bruise on her cheek. " It was a rhetorical question Celestia." I say as my frown deepens. "Then again i havent explained my powers to you and my magic keeps your sister and daughter from telling you but honestly? Congratulations. You and the other elements may have done what even discord failed to do completely." I clap sarcasticly as i walk over to Twilight and give her a hug... she just burys her face in my shoulder and sobs.

"Oh? Whatever do you mean?" Celestia says ignoring the crying Twilight.

"The fact you have to ask proves why the elements abandoned you Celestia. But since you seem to be feeling extra bitchy i may as well show you." I snap my fingers and the Elements of Harmony appear... most with small cracks in them while the Element of Magic looks like its about to shatter. "You and her so called friends have nearly destroyed the Elements of Harmony." Celestia stares wide eyed and i rub Twilights back not even attempting to make a perverted move on the poor girl.

"H-how?..." Celestia asks fear in her voice.

"Lets see" i say as Twilight finally succumbs to exhaustion from crying and disappears to my pocket dimention and unknown to them so does the real Cadance. "Since Friendship is magic. What friends does Twilight have right now..."

"Well theres Applejack.." Celestia interupts me not even noticing the fact that Twilight is gone as she stares at the nearly destroyed elements.

"Who just abandoned her. Now dont interupt me! But since you feel like nameing each of them." I say with a scowl. "Rarity? Abandoned. Spike? Abandoned. Pinkie, Rainbow, and even Fluttershy! Abandoned! Her! Her own sister just told Twilight not to show up to her wedding and then theres you... her mentor. Her second mother. Quite possibly her closest friend. YOU! WERE! ABANDONING! HER!" i shout as celestia has finally gotten back on her feet and stares at me wide eyed. "Its only by the fact that Luna and Sunset werent here and abandoning her aswell that the damn thing hasnt completely shattered!"

"But she.." Celestia starts before being back handed and sent flying across the room slamming into the far wall a matching bruise on her other cheek now.

"Tell me Celestia why is there a barrier around canterlot right now?" Celestia just glares at me but doesnt attack... well at least she can learn something. "I'll tell you why. There is currently a threat against your kingdom. I can sense Luna out searching for the threat and it seems Sunset is in zebrafrica so both of them are out doing royal duties leaving you to hold down the fort."

"H-how?" Celestia says stareing at me wide eyed.

"Right now? Thats none of your business. As i was saying.." i start before vanishing and appearing in the now open doors throwing 'Cadance' into the room. "You do know its rude to listen to others conversations?"

"Auntie who is this?" 'Cadance' asks wide eyed as she trys to get up.

"The most powerful monster i've ever encountered.." Celestia says with a glare trying to pull herself out of the wall and the doors slam shut again.

"Now then since the guest of honor is here now" i say glareing at Celestia as 'Cadance' looks between the two of us wide eyed. "I will finish what i was saying. They trusted you to hold down the fort and what do you do? You ignore the warnings of one of your most intelligent subjects. Somepony who has saved your country multipule times. Someone who also personally knows the one she was talking about... " i back hand a beam of green magic shot at me by 'Cadance' before picking her up by the throat and slaming her into the ground knocking her unconcious as Celestia stares wide eyed. "Since she decided to interupt me. Let me ask you this Celestia. What color is Cadances magic?"

Celestia's eyes widen as she stares at the downed 'Cadance' and whispers "what have i done..."

"Well lets see.." i lazily drawl ticking each point off on my fingers as i say them. "You and those seven have hurt a very kind if a bit introverted mare, betrayed what the elements have stood for, risked your kingdom for a wedding which could have waited until the danger passed, ignored the warnings of one of the smartest ponies in the world, didnt notice your niece had been replaced, and nearly destroyed what ammounts to the greatest deterrant against your country being attacked. Did i miss anything?" I ask before immidiately going "oh and betraying a pony who is probably closer to you than her own mother likely breaking her trust in a way you can never get back. Let me say it again. Bravo Celestia."

Celestia just looks around the room tears running down her face before her head snaps toword me again. "Wh-where is Twilight?.."

"Oh so now you notice? Dont worry shes somewhere she can rest and you all cant hurt her anymore." I can practically hear Celestia's world shatter at those words. " but you have bigger things to worry about." I snap my fingers and Chrysalis changes back to her normal form. "Good luck explaining this to Luna and Sunset." I say as i vanish leaving behind the beaten changeling and broken and crying mare a certain book appearing on Sunsets pillow and a note on Luna's.

...Fuck you Murphy... you and your law.

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I sigh as i appear in the pocket dimention ignoring the sleeping twilight walking over to the case i keep the unique items from across the multiverse. "And now.." pulls out the Time Stone and uses it to freeze time in twilights home dimention at the time right after i left and the universe i picked harry up in at the time when he would be turning ten years old. "Thats taken care of. I had honestly thought i had changed enough that either the invasion wouldnt happen, or celestia would at least listen to her student."

Walks out of the bedroom and into the living room where cadance is asleep on the couch and leans over her examining her. "Malnourished... exhaustion... dirty and some goo in her fur but thats not a issue.."places hand on her forhead and eyes widen. "Holy fuck! how much were they draining from you! No wonder shes exhausted her magics so damn low... which means i'm going to have to go to a world i was planning to avoid for a bit" sighs rubbing my temples with one hand flipping the time stone in the other freezeing time for everyone other than myself in the pocket dimention.

Opens up a portal and my hand holding the Time Stone glows green with its power. "And now then... time to put on a show." I smirk as i jump through the portal...

Only to land infront of a giant black and blue dragon.

"... fuck you murphy." I say jumping away from the corrupted time dragon aspect landing on a giant hourglass. I look around at the destoryed landscape. " hour of twilight of course." I sigh and roll my shoulders. Corrupt dragons fill the sky and tentacles are bursting from the ground. "I guess that means..." i smirk as the dragons roar the corrupted aspect commanding them as they fly at me. "I dont need to hold back." Unlike what most would expect there was no burst of wind, no massive surge of energy, or scream of extreame manliness. After all."It seems like a good day to die." You dont need those when your already the strongest.

I back flip off the hourglass landing heel first on the lead dragon sending it smashing into the ground where the tentacles rip it apart. Its commrads fire beams of energy at me from their mouths but i have already moved from there. I appear suddenly in the middle of a group of 20 dragons. "Seikuken." All the dragons are smashed into the ground.

Another 50 dragons fire at me and i smirk. "Ryuusui Seikuken" I easily evade all their beams."Consecutive Ryozan Blast" more than half the remaining dragons fall to the ground. " I was hopeing for more of a challange!" I smirk as the tentacles try to grab at me. "Really?" I laugh tieing the tentacles into knots useing their hard skin to block blasts from the dragons.

I smirk leaping toword the remaining dragons a scythe forming in my hands.

As i land on the back of the corrupted aspect i hook the blade of the scythe around its neck. "Oh pitiful shadow lost in the darkness, bringing torment and pain to others, oh damned soul wallowing in your sin... perhaps... it is time to die?" I kick off before he can respond severing his head in a single move spinning like a tornado slicing threw all the remaining dragons. "Just the old gods and the world soul left... but i didnt come here to destroy this planet." The tentacles rush at me as i land i obliterate them with a swing of my scythe. "Hmm with moruzond dead, and the fact i cant sense Norzdormu i guess i have to make my own way."

My hands glow green with the energy of my Infinity Stone as i spin my scythe cutting a hole in time itself. "Hopefully i land somewhen i can get what i need." I say jumping through with the hole closing behind me as i do.

The true face of fear

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I look at the frozen wasteland around me a citadel standing tall in the distance.

"Ok... So after arthas took up the crown..." flips over an undead lunging at me. "Now how to troll the bitch king... Oh i know" smiles evily as my body glows. "I will show him the true face of fear" my body slowly changes becoming slimmer and shrinking in size.

"The loli!" Spins scythe over my head like a helicopter blade and flys toword the icy citadel an insane grin on my face. "I could just fly right up to him but that would be rude. I should at least knock first" i stop spining the scythe and fall down into the massive army of undead.

As i get close i swing my scythe cutting all the ones straight under me to pieces. "So many onii-chans and onee-sama's i dont know who to kill first." I say with a giggle as the monsters circle around me. "Come now. Dont be shy. After all... Its such a lovely day for you to return to your eternal rest onii-chan!" I throw my scythe lodging it in one of the undead's head. I jump after it riping it out and sliceing a group of three that just lept at me from behind in half showering me with blood.

I giggle as more undead start to swarm toword me i grab one by the head throwing it with strength this body shouldnt have into another. "Come play onee-sama, come play!" A frost wyrm roars above me breathing its icy breath at me and the undead around me. I leap over its attack going high in the air landing on the frost wyrms back. "Thats the spirit onee-sama!!" Grabs its skull with one hand and squeezes crushing it allowing its trapped soul to return to its rest. I leap off before it crashes landing right infront of the doors to the citadel. "Ding dong. I know you can hear me. Open up the door. I only want to play a little." I give the door a firm punch sending it flying.

"Ding dong. You can't keep me waiting. Its already to late, for you to try to run away." I sing as i walk toword marrowgar. "I see you through the window." I run around him dodging the bone spikes erupting from the ground and blocking his attacks with my scythe. "Our eyes are locked together. I can sense your horror, but i'd like to see it closer." With a hard swing i bisect marrowgar and cut through into lady deathwhispers room killing her acolytes and shattering her shield.

"Ding dong. Here i come to find you. Hurry up and run. Lets play a little game and have fun" i dodge around her spells as i walk toword her slicing her head off with a single swing. I smirk as i go up the elevator from deathwhispers room. "Ding dong where is it you've gone to?" I leap from the lower ring all the way up to the deathbringers rise. "Do you think you've won? Our game of hide and seek has just begun!" I parry sarufangs swing hooking the blade of my scythe behind his head and pulling cutting it off and causing a shower of blood to spurt from his neck. I giggle as i walk into the citadel again.

"I hear your footsteps," I walk slowly toword the teleporter in the middle of the main room of the citadel "echoing loudly through the hallways, i can hear your sharp breaths," i smirk as i step through the teleporter to the frozen throne. "Your not very good at hideing."

I giggle as the lich king charges at me swinging frostmourne. I leap over him but i just hum the song as i go. "Frostmourne hungers." He says as he raises the blade and undead start to rise from the ground.

With a single swing of my scythe the undead are destroyed and arthas goes crashing into his throne. Frostmourne knocked from his hands in the impact a massive scar crossing his armor. i slowly walk toword him as he trys to crawl away his eyes wide. I resume singing my song aloud. "Ding dong looks like i have won now your it." I have the blade of my scythe under his chin before swinging my scythe backwords. "Ding dong pay the conciquence" the teleporter behind us activate as arthas' head leaves his body. Tirion fordring leading the heroes onto the throne ready to fight the now dead lich king the head rolling over to rest at tirions feet. I vanish leaving an echoing giggle on the wind.

Hello misplaced aggression.

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I chuckle softly as i land on the broken isles, still as a loli, and look up at the sky. "Dont worry yah paranoid old man i am just here to gather some herbs then i'll be on my way." I say glancing at a raven on a near by tree which actualy nods back and flys off.

"Hmm now i should probably gather some extra of each seed while i'm at it to so i can grow my own without haveing to come back here..." i say as i start gathering each herb i can find.

Right as i reach for the last herb i need, a small sprig of dream leaf, a hand grabs mine by the wrist. "Ohhh? I didnt expect to see you after i dealt with moruzond.... norzdormu."

"Your disrupting the timeline." The bronze dragon aspect in his elfen guise glares at me.

"I am replanting some of the seeds and they will be regrown by the time the age of mortals arrives. At that point its not really your responsibility is it? So unless you'd rather have the sundering start early. I'd recomend letting me finish gathering my herbs so i can move on to my last task before leaving."

"What task?" his glare becomes harsher.

"Copy all mage, the holy and discipline priest, all druid, holy paladin, all shaman, and the mistweaver monk books and spells." His glare gets worse. "Oy i am not talking medive dark portal level shit or the grim totem dark shaman stuff either. Now shouldn't your scaley ass be preparing for when your brother wakes up..." a copy of all books related to the subjects i've mentioned land in a heap next to him.

"Theres your books now get the herb and leave!" He growls at me his pupils slit and smoke rising from his mouth.

I look at him with a raised eyebrow. "Thanks?" I move all the books to the pocket dimention where cadance and twilight are along with the plants and seeds. "... and hes gone. Weird. But at least i got the stuff to teach twilight. Now then i told mr. Stick up his ass i'd leave so where to now... oh that'll work" a malicious smirk forms on my loli face. As i disappear from azeroth.

I giggle as i land in a world of heroes, gods, and monsters just out of phase with the rest of reality. "Delphi strawberries. Looks like i'm at the right place." I walk up to the hill where thalia's tree is... supposed to be? 'Huh. Must be before she gets turned into a treehugger.'

I turn my head toword where i see a group of three kids and a satyr. I frown as i notice their injuries. 'They're on their last legs. Well it might screw up the prophecy a bit but ehh.. not my problem.' My scythe takes on a small glow as i watch the young Thalia tell Luke and Grover to take Annabeth and run. As she turns to make what for most humans.. and even demigods would be a final stand. Against the three furies. At least a hundred hellhounds and assorted other beasties in between looking for a snack.

Then again... "Quite impressive resolve for such a young woman." Thats what made it catch my eye in the first place. I phase into reality behind her sitting cross legged on the air and the hell hounds whimper. 'Smart dogs.' I smirk glancing at alecto and raise my scythe pointing at ther. "You get one chance. You can stay in and all of you will die, or... you can run in which case only most of you will die."

"What are you doing brat! Get out of here! They'll kill you!" Thalia screams at me.

Alecto cackles. " You should listen to zeus' spawn girl. After all shes the one were after... but i guess the hell hounds could use you for a snack."

I give a mad giggle. "Teehehehehe... oh silly fury. You think you have a chance. Now that is precious. But allow me to disabuse you of that notion." A barrier forms around myself and the army pushing thalia back and she hits her fist against it her eyes wide.

"What are you!?" Alecto shouts her eyes wide from suprise glancing at the barrier.

"What am I? Why, my dear, i am the greatest monster of all. I am a fiend, a monster, a devil... what am i you ask?" There's a burst of dispaced air and i grab her head. "I am human." I crush her head with my bare hand resulting in a shower of gore and her sisters scream their eyes wide as they notice that Alecto didnt turn into golden dust and charge me.

"YOU KILLED HER!!!" they shriek as they attack and for the first time since they were born... the monsters realize they can truly die.

"Hold your tongue!" With a swing of my scythe both their heads leave their shoulders causing all the other monsters to bang against the barrier trying to flee. All the monsters but one... "The dead do not speak!" The monster thats coming for them.

The monsters at what is now the back of the pack turn to me fear in their eyes. "Ya'know if your this weak... You really shouldnt bare your fangs. I mean attacking children... and with these numbers? You really are pathetic. I thought you lot might be able to put up a fight but all you do is cower and bang against the barrier...." the glow on my scythe turns pitch black " so disappear. Getsuga tensho" With single swing of the scythe not even dust remains of the monsters.

I glance up at the clouds in the sky. 'They're focused on me.. good that means they'll leave thalia alone for a little while.' "To the dumbasses on their thrones." I raise my middle finger high. " come get me!" I vanish right before lightning strikes where i was.

Whats in a name?

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'Ok now who to wake first... twilight would be simple enough but then she'd just worry over cadance and thats no good. So Cadance it is.' I smile as i walk into a small potions off of the main room in my pocket dimention. 'And the potions almost ready... perfect' i grab a vial out of a cabinet and set it on the table next to my cauldron which has a bubbling blue substance in it and a fire under it. "And now just a pinch of dreamleaf... a few more stirs... and done!!!" The potion changes to a deep purple color."a flask of the whispered pact. Now the fun part."

Cadance slowly opens her eyes trying to blink out the sleep as she yawns... only to find her wrists tied to a chair as she goes to stretch. "H-huh?! Wh-where am i?! This doesnt look like the caves..."

A deep echoing voice sounds from all around her. " Greetings Cadenza. Now you have been held prisoner by the changelings for a long time now. You are safe... for now. But you have a choice to make." A light flashes on to her left showing a flask with a clear liquid in it. "You can take the clear flask. You will wake up in a hospital bed in canterlot and believe whatever you want to believe. This however will be after the changelings attack. Or...." a light flashes on to the right showing a deep purple flask. "You can choose the purple flask and see just how deep this rabbit hole goes. The choice is yours."

'A hospital bed or the unknown...' after about a minute cadance says "the purple one."

The ropes disappear the clear flask. "Then drink Cadenza" she grabs the purple flask and downs it in a single gulp her body gaining a light purple glow to it as the potion starts working.

"Wh-whats happening?!" She squirms and energy sparks from her horn.

"Dont worry it is recovering your lost magical energy." She stands up showing that her clothes are torn to shreads barely covering her modesty but even as torn up as it is they still show off her figure.

The lights in the room all turn on and i walk up behind her. "I didnt expect the princess of love to be adventurous enough to step into the unknown." I say with a smirk as i smack her on the flank.

She turns to me with a coy smile. "I may be the princess of love... but that includes lust aswell... And i have a rather big wanderlust. You said you would show me down a 'rabbit hole'?"

I chuckle. " all that and then some. But first.... we should wake up my other guest." I walk over to a near by door and open it showing twilight still asleep on the bed. "Dont worry. She is fine... physically anyway... her emotions however.... well thats another story." I say glancing back at cadance who was actually charging up an attack.

"Ohh? And why is that?" She asks her horn charged with energy

"Its up to her to tell you that..." I sigh and my hand glows green breaking the time lock on twilight. "I was waiting until you made your choice before letting her wake."

"Who are you anyway?" Cadance asks as twilight starts to stir.

"Thats a question i've been asked alot.." i shrug. "I dont really have an answer. But i suppose you will need something to call me... twilight too if she accepts my offer..." i chuckle slightly and raise my hands infront of my face as clenched fists " 'the mortal man i used to be has died.... theres gods inside my fists tonight.' Yes i suppose if something to call 'me' is needed it should be that... after all as the ape asks... 'What clings to you? Bear it you cannot, accept it you cannot, but hidden it is from you. Recite its name.'"

By this point both twilight and cadance are looking at me. "Yes... the shadow of death... the terror of death... my shadow... my persona.... what you can call me... what my name shall be... Skeith."


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"... okay then weirdo..." Cadance says looking at me like i'm crazy... shes right but its the principle of the matter! "TWILIGHT!!" She tackles Twilight in a flying glomp. "Your awake!!"

"Huh?! Cadance?!.." Twilight says shocked before her eyes narrow and her horn starts to glow.... right before i pinch the tip makeing her moan loudly.

"Woah there purple thong. Its the real one this time." I smirk as she blushes from the tip of her horn to the bottem of her hooves. "But fun stuff aside we need to talk." A chair appears as i sit down and Twilight and Cadance look at me. "You are currently in a pocket dimention. Namely mine. Cadance is here and safe. Canterlot is locked in time as an invasion is starting. Normally you and the others would try to use the elements. However they would, one likely not work, and two almost assuredly finish shattering permanently." the girls gasp wide eyed at the thought of the elements shattering.

"B-but why would they shatter?..." Twilight asks.

"When nightmare moon destroyed their previous forms you linked them togther and to the ponies you felt embodied them. This actually made them even stronger than before but that link also gave it a weak point which in this case was that if they break the link they break the element." Cadance looks confused as twilight stares at me wide eyed. "Now with discord his magic actually caused them to go against the element they are supposed to represent. But this time..."

"...they left of their own free will..." twilights voice is but a whisper as tears roll down her face. Cadance gives her a tight hug.

"... yes they did. And their betrayal cracked their elements... but the one thats almost shattered... is yours. Though through no fault of your own the way they treated you... well easiest way to say it is blunt they nearly broke you twilight. And your element is tied the closest to you." I smile kindly at her. "Now you have a choice.. i can send you back now and you can help fight off the invading army as best you can. Or..."

"...or?" Twilight asks her voice sore from crying.

"Or i can leave it time locked and i can teach you before letting you go back. The choice is yours." I smile as she stares at me wide eyed.

"Y-you won't take advantage of me will you?" Twilight asks shakeing a little.

I smirk. "I may be a pervert but i'm not a rapist. If you want it then sure i'd do you but that would be up to you." I shrug as both ladys turn bright red.

"Wh-what would you be teaching me?" Twilight asks trying to get the conversation away from sex.

I sigh. "Twilight you need to first understand. Equestria is a relatively peaceful world. Therefore combat magic on a whole, while there, is nowhere near the level to turn the tide of the invasion even with how strong your magic is. The only ponies with the knowledge for the heavy-duty spells would be Celestia, Luna, and maybe sombra. Celestia for all her faults i will give her this, she taught you well. But she did not teach you combat magic and definately not on the scale you need." I smirk as twilight frowns at me. "Under my teaching you will learn magic beyond your wildest dreams..." i shiver as a vision of giant pink beams of befriending energy float through my mind. 'Maybe not that one...' "strategy for combat, hand to hand, weapon creation and use, how to survive in the wild both with and without magic, and much more."

"B-but why would i need to know all that.. couldnt you just take care of the invasion?" Twilight tilts her head confused

I sigh. "Because as bad as it sounds... its not my problem." I look at twilight with a bored gaze and raise a hand to stop her talking. " i am not a pony, That world... your world is not my own, blah blah blah. I could give a hundred more reasons but it broils down to this. What i do or dont do to either help or hurt is up to me. Could i end the invasion? Yes. Will i? Nope. I will help by giving you the tools to help yourself. But in the end its on you. So whats your choice?"

Twilight looks up at cadance who just shrugs. "I wish to learn."

I smirk. "Good" a portal appears behind Twilight. "Your first lesson is through here."i push her through and she lands in a mountainous area with a strange green man...