Story Ideas

by Griphongirl_Ellie

First published

Just a collection of short stories I think of in my spare time. Enjoy!

All of the chapters are independent of each other. And are formatted as follows, This first paragraph details the story description.

Second paragraph states main characters.

Third paragraph states tags

All paragraphs following are a short story, most often open ended, that state the tone and style of possible story. I hope you like some! This entire thing is largely unedited.

Alicorn of Life (E)

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Our world is falling into the depths of magic. You change into mystical creatures or you die. But darn that human tenacity and stubbornness, they decide to put about 200 people into cryo-tubes, seal the room from magic, and figure out a way to keep their forms. Its been 100 thousand years, and there is only one left.

OC, Mane 6, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna

Alternate reality, slice of life,

Far from the place we know, and much, much earlier. A light, forgotten long ago, flickers out and a screen flashes green before dying. A pressurized hiss sounds before a groan.

"I hate mornings." a small azure alicorn groans from inside a strange tube, stretching. He pauses for a moment, his wings flexing against the glass of the back of the tube. He turns to look at them, and his coat, as if they are alien to him. "Whelp, that didn't work" He says before the door opens and he falls out of the tube.


I sit up from my crumpled position on the floor, why is it so dark? Straining to see and wishing the lights would come on any second now, I begin to stand on my own four hooves. Suddenly, the room lit up in a soft green light. I look around for other living souls and my stomach turns over at the sight that greets me in the next Cryo-tube over. The mostly decomposed half eagle-lion thing is most definitely dead. A griffon, I think they were called. And all the rest of the people are gone as well. Human skeletons, Unicorns, Pegasi, a lot of ponies, though some of those could be zebras, the griffons of course, and even a couple dragons who were a lot easier to look at then the rest, probably because of the scales covering their entire bodies. As quickly as I can I rush out of the Cryo-room, trying to not look at any more of the bodies. Several times I trip over my own hooves, but quickly get my hooves into a comfortable pattern. The door fell with a thud behind me as I skid to a stop in the main control room. Well first things first, check the power.

The power is out, of course the power is out. This is as good a time as any to look at my reflection in a blank computer screen, not to mention, find out the mysterious source of the green light. I have a unicorn horn, brown mane, I look like a horse and wings, can't forget the wings. The only thing missing is, I look around at myself checking for anything else out of the ordinary, never mind I have a tail. What am I some sort of winged Unicorn? Pega-corn? Uni-sus? No, sighing I look around and notice some bags and supplies scattered about the room. Winged Unicorn sounds best anyways, I begin gathering things I think will come in handy when surviving in this land.

First a burlap bag to carry all the supplies, a thermal blanket and one of those camping pads, some preserved seeds meant to support the humans when they woke up, if I can revive these then I will at least have a reliable food source. I grab the few packets that survived, apple trees, carrots, and some sort of berry, and toss them into the bag. I glare at the rest of the seeds scattered about in the drawer, wishing they would just pick themselves up and start dancing about in the air or even better, into the bag, Why do hooves have to be so big and ungainly? Suddenly, the seeds started floating into the bag, seemingly of their own accord. After the seeds were all in the bag, I stared at the bag, then thought float, to my surprise, the bag gained a softly glowing green aura, not unlike the one that had surrounded the seeds, and began floating next to me. I moved a couple paces and the bag followed.

I turned to the exit and walked up to it. I tried the same trick again open and the door moved to the side, after being violently ripped off it's hinges. On the other side of the door was a remarkably square cave, with a rounded opening. The cave itself wasn't very deep. Maybe three yards before it reached the opening. After dropping my bag next to the opening, might as well stay here, no need to go miles looking for a cave to shelter in if I already have one here right? I walk out of the cave, and find, a fairly nice field with wildflowers dotted about. This green should not exist in nature! I screw my eyes up against the vibrant, almost neon, green that seemed to be the natural color of the grass. I turn back to my, nice, dark cave. I lift the bag and take the blanket and camping pad out so there is only the seeds left, and take it out of the cave. I take the seeds over to a fairly empty patch of grass near my cave, close enough to the opening to keep an eye on it, but far enough away that I won't step into it when I come out. I tore out the grass in a large rectangular area, then I planted each seed a hoof or two apart. I began singing as I worked.

I dig dig dig dig dig dig dig in my dirt the whole day through
To dig dig dig dig dig dig dig is what I really like to do
It ain't no trick to get food quick
If you dig dig dig with a shovel or a pick
In a garden! In a garden! In a garden!
Where a million fruit trees grow!


As the sun sank below the horizon I sit off to the side of my garden, puzzling over how to water my garden. A rumble of thunder brings my attention to the sky. In the distance, maybe a few miles off, some angry looking storm clouds draw closer. That works. I turn and trot into my cave.

Inside I roll out the camping pad, true it won't provide any comfort, but it's better than sleeping on stone, before collapsing onto it and covering myself with the blanket. The storm began its downpour, and I fell asleep to the sounds of rain pattering on bare soil. The next morning I wake up to the sounds of birds singing. Yawning and stretching, I sit up from my 'bed,' my stomach giving a loud rumble. I struggle up off the ground, and walk out of my cave. I look over at my garden, and see little shoots springing out of the ground already.

"Did I sleep for several days?" I exclaim aloud.

An Amulet of Tribe

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Once upon a time in the magical land of Equestria, in the Starswirl age, three amulets were made, the first shaped as a unicorn horn, the second a pair of Pegasus wings, the third a simple horseshoe, each was imbued with the native magic of unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies respectively. Then they were thrown into our world because they were simply too dangerous.

Adventure, human

Mane 6, human, OC

"What have you found?" the cloaked pony asked. The Pegasus colt shook in his horseshoes, the tome in his grasp shakily held out he gulped and opened the ancient tome go the marked page.
"Th-there a-are amulets," he stuttered. "Th-that e-emphasize a-and enhance a a pony's n-natural a-abilities." the cloaked pony levitated the tome closer so as to read and look upon the sketches.
"Ah, very good, continue to research this and keep it to yourself. We wouldn't want the princesses to know of this, now would we?" the colt nodded eagerly and saluted the cloaked pony. "Report to me your findings, and me alone." the pony dismissed the Pegasus with a wave of a hoof.


"Do it again!" my niece, Gabby, giggled.
"Alright, but only one more time, then I have to go to work." I say, grinning. I gather the air around me and, for lack of a better term, 'push' it in my niece's face. Her hair is blown back a little as she feels a gentle breeze.
"Jon, it's time to go!" my sister calls from the family room.
"coming!" I call back. I shoo Gabby out of my room and get dressed for work.

After work my other niece, Abby, and I take our dog out on a walk as usual. hey. I stop talking and look around. I don't see anyone. Must be my imagination. HEY I continue walking ignoring the voice. GAAAAAHGLLLGLAAAAHHH That stops me in my tracks. Abby bends down and picks up a small charm that she had stepped on. Our dog coming over to sniff it. Her tail wags slightly.
"Huh, someone must have lost this, they obviously made it." Abby remarked.
"Yeah" I agree, Pick me up, you dummy I move to take it out of Abby's hand, but she reacts faster, moving as quickly as if the charm had burned her, she places it in my outstretched hand. As soon as the cold metal touches my hand, it lights up like a beacon, before pinging and going dead. I look up at Abby, who is smiling at me like she just discovered that the muli-verse theory was in fact true.
