Stormy Haze

by xXchris123Xx

First published

Fluttershy is trapped, will Twilight, Pinkie and Rainbow Dash be able to save her in time

Fluttershy chases Angel into the Everfree forest and Fluttershy gets trapped in a cave but she isnt alone, will Twilight, Pinkie and Rainbow Dash get to her before its too late
Teen for Mild Violence and Distressing Themes
(First Fic)
If you find any typo's please comment and ill get to it

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Stormy Haze

‘’Angel come back’’ Fluttershy cried as she ran through the heavy rain. Angel drew no attention to Fluttershy’s voice. As Fluttershy galloped after Angel through the ferocious storm, she could barely see Angel due to the rain clouding her sight. As Flutershy ran dodging mud puddles she began to loose her balance but was able to stabilize herself. Fluttershy found it near impossible to keep eye contact on Angel in this storm let alone being in the Everfree forest, at night. Fluttershy could see a great black section of the forest approaching quiet fast at the speed they were running. Once Fluttershy was in the dark section of the forest she saw angel do a quick dash towards the light section, running through Fluttershy’s legs towards the exit out of this dark section she realized she was inside some type of cave. As Fluttershy turned around to keep on chasing Angel, she heard an enormous crashed stopping Fluttershy in her tracks, She was trapped.

Massive boulders blocked her one and only exit from this large stone imprisonment. As she erratically looked for some type of escape from this dark cave, the only source of light was a glimmer from the stars and moon in a tiny whole in the top corner of the stony wall. she saw this as an opportunity for her to escape as she attempted to climb the great stonewall with great haste but with even more precision were she placed her hooves. As she neared the top her excitement grew by every step. But suddenly a rock crushed under her weight. Suddenly she was falling through mid air, Her heart cold with fear, her limbs frozen straight. She fell for what felt like minutes until she came to a sudden stop. She felt a great and sudden pain in her spine, tears bellowing from her eyes, she slowly grew to her hooves quivering, her muzzle was now dripping a liquid that had ice cold rain and her tears mixed together. She screamed in desperation hoping somepony would hear her.

As Twilight made her way to Fluttershy’s cottage to drop off a book she had wanted quite urgently, under the safety of her umbrella. Her hooves were covered in mud and water, but once trotting through a clear puddle of water it had washed the mud away had turned her coat a dark shade of purple. Twilight was nearing Fluttershy’s cottage now she was hoping that water hadn’t got under her umbrella and wet the book inside her saddlebag. As Twilight trotted along Fluttershy’s stone path she heard a murmur coming from the everfree forest she stopped in her tracks, to focus and hear it over the clopping of her hooves and the pouring rain.
There it was again she wasn’t sure what it was though, so she quickly galloped towards the entrance of the Everfree forest. Raising her ears, there it was! ‘’Heelllpppp’’ as it faded away into the darkness. Could that be Fluttershy? Twilight thought to herself, it couldn’t be she’s inside her cott-. Twilight eyes opened so wide her eyelashes almost reached her mane.

Twilight ran faster than she had ran in a long time her umbrella falling off her back, busting into Fluttershy’s cottage. She galloped upstairs to Fluttershy’s room, although she couldn’t find Fluttershy anywhere. Twilight barged violently out of her cottage more than she had done going in, as she reached the gate she screamed, ‘’Fluttershy is that you!’’ she yelled so loud her voice almost went silent. ‘’Yes help!!’’ her heart sunk into the pit of her stomach. Suddenly she heard scattering behind her, she turned to find Angel looking more distressed that she had ever seen her, ‘’Are you ok, Angel?’’
Twilight asked with great curiosity in her voice.
Angel acted out her running with Fluttershy not far behind, and something falling trapping her inside. Once Twilight got the general idea of what she meant Twilight replied ‘’g-g-go inside get warm you look freezing.’’ Angel obeyed for once hopping inside; Twilight then realized that she couldn’t venture into the Everfree forest on her own.

She was about to run towards sugar cube corner to get pinkie but she realized running would take way to long and something terrible could happen. She would have to teleport, she knew this would take a lot of magic, she readied herself. Her horn glowed furiously she could feel great heat radiating from her horn. She could feel the energy being drained from her body radically. Her hooves were being pushed into the ground slight building dirt piles in front of her hooves, suddenly Poof. She was in sugar cube corner but as soon she felt her hooves meet the ground her legs gave way, as she fell to the ground Her vision blurred. She quickly got back to her hooves
‘’Twilight, are you okay!’’ Pinkie yelled anxiously
‘’i- I’m fine but you need to come quickly!’’
‘’Whys what’s wrong, Twi’’ Rainbow said
Twilight could now see Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash standing side by side looking very distressed.
‘’Its Fluttershy she is in trouble she’s stuck in the Everfree forest’’
Rainbow’s heart sunk, her and Fluttershy had been friends since flight school she could only imagine what happened to her.
‘‘Well what are you waiting, lets go!’’ Rainbow said sounding determined
‘‘Wait!’’ twilight exclaimed, stopping Rainbow instantly
‘’ You can fly but pinkie and I cant, you can fly ahead of us but don’t go out of our sites.’’
‘’Okay, quick lets go!’’

As Twilight and Pinkie ran, Rainbow Dash flew ahead just keeping in view. Twilight eyes were prickling thinking of what could be happening to Fluttershy, but she quickly shook those thoughts out of her head, knowing that it would make her break down in tears. He just kept her heart set on finding her friends. They had reached the entrance to the Everfree forest but they all suddenly stopped and look at each other.
‘‘What do we do now?’’ Rainbow Dash Asked with great curiosity
‘’I guess we just go in.’’ Pinkie Pie said, looking to Twilight
‘’Yes, but wait one second’’ Twilight said As she illuminated her horn with a purple glow.
‘’Okay, lets go’’ Twilight said with great content in her voice
As they all ran into the dark and extremely creepy Everfree forest.
‘’Fluttershy!’’ Rainbow yelled loudly hoping for a response
‘’Help, Over Here’’ Fluttershy shrieked
‘’This way!’’ Rainbow Dash suddenly turned left leading the others in the direction of Fluttershy’s Pain ridden voice.

As Fluttershy tried to hold her emotions together but as hard as she tried, she couldn’t her hind legs were beginning to ache with severe pain. She bursted out in tears as she curled herself into a tiny ball trying to keep herself warm while helped arrived. Suddenly a large growl from further down in the cave echoed through the entire cave until it hit Fluttershy’s ears. She stared at the end of the cave with fear, until she saw a large muzzle and face beginning to turn around the corner of the cave. She froze but then realized she would need to hide, she look around for somewhere to hide until she found a large crack in the wall.
She limped towards the crack almost dragging her right hind leg, she squeezed into the crack trying not the yelp at the pain for her back touching the side of the stonewalls.
She heard the creature approaching, the stopping grew louder by every passing second, until she could see out of the corner of her eye what this was, it was an Ursa Minor!
Her throat clenched shut her followed, although tears were still able to squeeze through her eyelids and drip down her muzzle and onto the ground bellow.
The Ursa Minor laid down only meters away from the stonewall which would be her escape

Twilight, Pinkie and Rainbow Dash had finally reached a cave covered in giant boulders and smaller ones that were more than 2x the size of anypony.
‘’Fluttershy!’’ Pinkie yelled out for the last time to make sure they were in the right place
‘’I’m in he-‘’ Fluttershy was cut off by a bone-chilling growl.
The growl was so loud it made some of the boulders quiver.
‘’What was that?’’ Rainbow explained before turning to Twilight for answers.
‘’It sounded to me like an Ursa Minor!’’
‘’We have to get her out of there’’ Pinkie exclaimed
‘’Try find a way in’’ Twilight replied
Everypony looked around frantically trying to find a way in
‘’Over here!’’ Rainbow Dash said from the top corner of the stonewall.
‘’Theres a hole up here’’ Rainbow exclaimed
‘’Try pull some rocks away and get in’’ Twilight suggested
‘’Urgh, I cant they’re wedged in!’’ Rainbow Dash explained while pulling at the boulders.
‘’Okay girls, stand back’’ Twilight said

Her horn stared to flow a beautiful purple, sparks flying in every direction, her horn began to radiate heat like before, only this time it almost burnt that tips of her mane. Her hooves well dug into the ground, massive piles of dirt and mud around her hooves as her horn began created white fluorescent glow they mixed with the purple and she violently pulled her head right. The rocks shook, then much more violently left, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash stood with amazed faces look towards Twilight. As Twilight turned towards then you could see how exhausting that was, as she tried to regain her strength as well as breath. This had awoken the Ursa Minor that was sleeping in front of the wall, it got to its feet, smoke erupting frin its nostrils showed its anger against Twilight for interrupting its slumber. Almost instantly charged at Twilight but out of pure instinct twilight was surrounded by a purple field of magic. She was levitated of her hooves and into the air, as she opened her eyes they illuminated a blinding fluorescent white. All of a sudden the purple shield expanded forwards causing the Ursa Minor hurdling further into the cave.

Pinkie and Rainbow stood there once again, with pure Amazement illuminating from their faces.
‘’Fluttershy, where’s Fluttershy?’’ Rainbow said with a look of sorrow clouding over her face.
‘’I’m over h-here’’ Fluttershy replied with great pain in her voice.
Twilight, Pinkie and Rainbow, Dashed towards the crack in the wall were Fluttershy had called from.
‘’Thank Celestia you’re okay, Fluttershy!’’ Twilight said with glee
Fluttershy looked up at everypony her lips quivering whilst tearstains remained on her coat.
‘’Thanks you for coming for me!’’ As Fluttershy limped out of the crack in the wall, hugging everypony at once.
‘’We are just glad your safe’’ Pinkie said as she smoke for the rest
‘’Lets get you to Nurse Redheart’’ Twilight said as she smiled
Twilight realized Fluttershy’s limp and levitated her onto her own back.
As they walked they saw the sun begin to rise in the distance, bringing much needed light to the dark, gloomy forest.