Trip to the nurse

by WonderWriter

First published

A colt goes to the school nurse for a problem he has.

Pipsqueak recently started going through puberty, and it came with some changes he wasn't expecting, he's hoping that Nurse Redheart can help him understand.

(Cover art is not drawn by me, give the love to LateCustomer on DeviantArt)

Contains: foalcon (mare/colt), hyper endowment, slight ball growth, cum inflation, and excessive amounts of cum.

Never judge a pony by their name.

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“N-Nurse? Are you okay?” Pipsqueak asked with genuine concern in his face and voice.

Nurse Redheart couldn’t even muster up a response, sitting in front of her patient slack jawed, her eyes were fixed on what was ailing her patient.

Between Pipsqueak’s legs were two, black, baseball sized nuts. Laid on top of them though was a flaccid black cock almost as thick as his hind legs, at about a foot in length. The seemingly out of place member was so large compared to its holder, that it made him seem even smaller.

“I-I didn’t know what to do! I was sitting in class and I felt, something... So I went to the bathroom and my ‘private stuff’ was like this,” Pipsqueak sounded almost scared about the sheer size of his cock. “I couldn’t go to Ms. Cheerilee, the whole class would stare at me! So I came to you...”

Nurse Redheart cleared her throat, squirmed slightly, and tried to ignore the slow heat in her nethers. “Well, it’s a good thing you came to me, what you’re going through is what most colts your age go through, it’s called puberty,” she got up and stepped closer to Pipsqueak, motioning to between his legs. “The proper terms for these are a penis, the long, thick...” She paused herself and tried to regain her composure “black thing, and the balls are the circular black things. Every colt experiences this process differently, but it usually signifies your body’s transition from being a colt to being a stallion.”

“Am I different than everyone else? Is there something wrong with me?”

“No no! Nothing is wrong with you Pipsqueak, in fact, your body is shaping up to developing into quite the stallion. I have just the thing that can help you,” Nurse Redheart turned around and searched through a cupboard, mumbling to herself.

Pipsqueak couldn’t help but notice things he never even thought to look at just a few days prior. He stared at her flanks, firm and round, and not too small. Her legs long and they looked like they could be as smooth as silk with how well kept her coat was. With his observations, he couldn’t help what happened next, nor did he care.

Nurse Redheart picked her head back up, turning around while holding a bottle. “Okay Pipsqueak, this pill should help- sweet Celestia!” She dropped the bottle as she observed the spectacle before her.

Pipsqueak’s cock grew, and grew, and throbbed, and grew. What was previously one foot was now two and a half feet long, and about as thick as any stallion’s forelegs. It throbbed proudly in front of both of the ponies eyeing it, leaking a glob of pre every time it throbbed.

Pipsqueak couldn’t think of anything other than the need between his legs, his hooves gripping the proud cock, stroking it slowly before quickly ramping up to vigorously, his face contorting as his body twisted in pure, unknown pleasure. His hooves sloppily spreading his thick pre around his cock before it dripped onto his balls and the nursing table. His balls had minds all their own, seeming to grow and churn the more pre that leaked out of his cock, both of them looking larger than grapefruits once they finished growing.

The scent that began to fill the room would be intoxicating to even Ms. Harshwinny. Nurse Redheart tried her best to fight the rising heat in her nethers, she was going to be calm about this, collected.

She walked over to the door, opened it a bit, and put a sign on the front saying ‘the nurse is out’ before closing and locking it. She walked back over to Pipsqueak and bent her head down to the base of his cock, which seemed like an entity all on its own, completely dwarfing both its owner and the mare trying to fight it’s powerful look.

She took a deep whiff and her body shuddered, the smell of stallionhood strong in the room, but much stronger up close. She opened her mouth and let her tongue hang out, pressing it to the base of the monster before slowly dragging her tongue up from the base to the tip.

The new sensation made Pipsqueak freeze and stiffen, his hooves still holding the tip of his cock, but unmoving. He tried to form words, but all that would leave his mouth was gasps and the occasional incoherent babble.

“Now, Pipsqueak, I’m going to help you get this smaller, but under two conditions, you never tell anyone, and you stay as quiet as possible, is that clear?” Nurse Redheart held the black cock between her hooves, gently stroking it.

Pipsqueak nodded quickly, “I won’t tell! Please help me!” He had to let go of his cock so that he could lean back on his forehooves, and to anyone’s surprise, they managed to keep him up without shaking.

Nurse Redheart nodded, bringing the cock down so that it’s parallel to the floor, and just under her chin. She eyed the heavy beast before her, it had to be done, Pipsqueak couldn’t leave like this! She took another deep whiff of his stallionhood and opened her mouth, stretching it as it took in the tip of Pipsqueak’s cock, circling her tongue around it.

“Ah! N-N-Nurse,” Pipsqueak’s entire body shuddered, his cock throbbing heavily in the nurse’s mouth, letting glob after glob of pre roll to the back of her throat before it was swallowed.

Nurse Redheart couldn’t help it, each breath she took was nothing more than the musk emanating from his cock, filling her nostrils and lungs, and a burning need from inside her. Her head began to bob quickly, going an inch deeper each time. It wasn’t before long though that the flat tip rammed against the back of her throat, wanting passage to the tight place, and she would give it what it needed. She pulled her head back until only the tip laid in her mouth before quickly shoving it forward, the tip of his cock halting for less than a second at the back of her throat before violently plunging itself in. The sensation gave her a sense of pride, and pleasure, her marehood soaking wet, its scent slowly weaving into the stronger scent around it.

Pipsqueak’s eyes rolled into the back of his head, short quick breaths pushing past his lips as he felt more of his cock push into the deepest reaches of the nurse, his pre now leaking into her in a steady, thick stream. His cock throbbed with need as his balls tightened.

“I-I feel something!”

Redheart looked up to her lover, ‘Do it!’ She wanted to say, ‘Fill me up!’ She was able to down around two-thirds of his cock before her body tried to fight her. ‘No you won’t, you will let me do what I want,” and with that thought, she violently pushed her body forward, forcing her head to come with, her muzzle ramming into Pip’s crotch, all two and a half feet of cock buried completely into the nurse.

Pip watched the nurse as she did what she did, and the way she looked right in his eyes when she was done felt sexy, but he didn’t know why. With a low, drawn out moan, the tip of his cock flared deep in the nurse and he began unloading into her, hot, thick ropes of cum unloading directly into her stomach, quickly filling it to capacity. Once at capacity, the cum tried to flow back up, but Pipsqueak’s cock was so thick none could escape, forcing her belly to grow to accommodate the liters of cum being pumped into her.

As she was being filled, Nurse Redheart had her own mind shattering orgasm. Her entire body shook and her hind legs gave out, her fluids spilling directly on the floor. Feelings of pride and accomplishment filled the nurse’s thoughts, happy to make such a dominating cock sedate.

Once Pipsqueak was almost done cumming, Nurse Redheart looked like she was about to have twins. His body fell back, and so did Redheart’s, his cock pulling out of her mouth with an audible pop, a few more ropes of cum flying in the air before landing on Redheart’s face and belly.

After recoiling from her orgasm, Nurse Redheart sits up with effort, staring at her inflated belly. She ran a hoof over it, picking up some cum as she did, and licked her hoof clean. She looked at Pipsqueak, who was still recovering from his first orgasm. She saw that his cock began to sheath itself and smiled. With a grunt, Redheart stood up and looked around, walking over to the pill bottle and picking it up, going to the cabinet and pulling out a box of magical condoms before walking over to Pipsqueak, who was now sitting up, but in a small daze.

“Pipsqueak, can you hear me?”

He only nodded in response.

She puts the condoms on the table. “If you wake up, and your penis is hard like it was, put one of these on, and you can pleasure yourself, they’re made to never break. Do you understand?”

“Yes, nurse Redheart,”Pipsqueak said with a nod, grabbing the box.

“After you finish, tie it up like a balloon, and throw it in your lawn or backyard, it will break up in the dirt, and act like a fertilizer or like watering. Once you do that, take one of these, and your penis shouldn’t show itself in school, okay?”

Pipsqueak nods again, grabbing the pill bottle and looking at it.

Nurse Redheart goes and grabs a bag from the counter, taking the stuff from Pipsqueak and putting them in it before looking at the clock. “Oh dear, it looks like it’s recess time already,” she hands the bag to Pipsqueak.

He grabs it, getting off of the nursing table and walking to the door, opening it and stepping outside. He quickly turns around, “Thank you for your help Nurse Redheart!” He says with a wide smile.

Redheart smiles and wipes her mouth before leaning down and giving him a small kiss on the lips, “If you have any more ‘problems’ like that at school, I’m always here to help,” she closed the door, leaving a stunned and blushing Pipsqueak on the other side.