Stressed Out

by TheEveryDaySparkle

First published

Rainbow's parents have a special way to help her unwind

After a long week of saving equestria from Celestia knows what evil threat with her friends, Rainbow comes home more than a little frustrated. After she voices her concerns to them, her parents and scootaloo come up with a plan to help her relax and unwind.

(one-shot commission from Superfun)

Stressed Out

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Rainbow sighed as she opened the door to her house in Cloudsdale. She'd just come back from facing yet another world-ending threat to equestria, with the help of her friends of course, and boy was she exhausted.

She'd had it. First Nightmare Moon, then Discord, Chrysalis, Sombra, Tirek. What's next? A mid bending Supervillain bent on enslaving all of Equestria? Oh wait. That was Sombra.

She closed her door, walked over to the couch and plopped down onto it. She couldn't take it anymore. She needed a nap.

Too bad a certain sound wouldn't let her get that luxury. She could've sworn she heard the faintest of giggles coming from somewhere in her home.

Too fed up to care, and too exhausted to do anything about it, Rainbow simply turned over and tried to go back to sleep.

Until the infernal sound chose that exact moment to grow louder. Rainbow grimaced and and growled under her breath, grabbing the throw pillow on the couch and covering her ears with it, trying to block out the sound.

Still it continued, growing louder and louder until it broke through the silence made by her pillow and left her with no other choice than to either do something about it, or go somewhere else.

She chose the former, sitting up and grabbing the pillow, preparing to throw it at whoever dared to disturb her napping time.

"Would you stop that annoying giggling!" she yelled in anger, searching for the person who was the source of the sound that had so vexed her. But, when she saw who it was, she stopped in her tracks.


Windy Whistles ceased her giggling in favor of looking up at her daughter.

"That's right, dear. Sorry for barging in on you like this. We wanted it to be a surprise."

"Awww, mom!" She set the pillow back onto the couch. Then she realized. "Wait. Did you just say 'we'?"

Windy giggled again. "I sure did! Come on out you two!"

At her call, two people popped up from behind her couch and revealed themselves.

Rainbow Dash couldn't believe her eyes. Not only was her mom here, but her dad and Scootaloo as well! She looked at her mother.

"Mom, what's going on? What are you all doing here?"

Windy whistles raised a fist into the air and said, "Why, we came to visit you dear!"

"You came to" Rainbow looked down, a frown on her face.

"Why yes, we did! Is something...wrong dear?"

"No, nothing's wrong. It's guys came all this way to see me and I'm stuck on the couch."

"Well then, just get up and hang with us! We came here for you after all." Bow Hothoof, Rainbow's father, said happily, raising his own fist into the air.

"You don't get it. I'm not up for all that today. I'm too tired."

Windy whistles walked over towards her daughter and placed a hand on her head. "Ohh...come on dear. Tell us what's wrong? We can help you."

Bow walked over as well. "Rainbow Dash, we're your family. You can tell us anything. You know that."

Lastly Scootaloo showed up too, climbing up onto and hanging off of the back of the couch. " Come on, Rainbow. Tell us."

Rainbow, who had opted to lay back down, now sat up and looked at them all. Her parents, and her little 'sister' Scootaloo. All here to help her get past her problem.

"...Fine. I'll tell you guys." She took a deep breath and sighed. "I'm tired. I'm really, really tired. I've been going back and forth fighting fight after fight to help protect equestria from evil. At first, I thought it was awesome. My friends and I working together to defeat evil and save equestria over and over again? It was like an adventure. A dream come true."

The three stayed quiet, and let her continue.

"But then, after every fight, I noticed that I started to feel...tired. Not just from simple exhaustion, but from the fighting itself. I got sick and tired of fighting villain after villain over and over. I thought, 'Would I ever get a break?' And so today, I came back from fighting, and I said to myself, that equestria can keep itself safe for a while, I need my sleep.

Once she was done talking, the three of them looked at each other. Rainbow had to wonder what they were thinking. Windy whistles spoke up for them.

"Rainbow Dash, dear. I'm sorry. We didn't realize you were so stressed." She looked over at her husband and scootaloo. "And we came over wanting to celebrate. We should've been cmore considerate. We should've realized that you might not be in the mood for a party."

Bow Hothoof spoke up this time. "We're sorry, dear. I guess we'll just... be on our way then."

with that they all made their way towards her door. But, before they could leave, she stopped them.

"Wait. Don't go."

Windy whistles spoke again. "But, we thought you said-"

"You don't have to stop celebrating just because of me. You all can have your fun. I'll be asleep on the couch."

Windy thought on her daughters words, then, she got an idea. "Well then, if that's the case. I think I know a way we can all celebrate and get rid of your fatigue at the same time, Rainbow!"

Everyone looked at her expectantly, wondering just what she had up her sleeves. But, what they weren't expecting her to say was,

"Let's all have sex!"

Everyone looked at her, their mouths agape as they said, "WHAT?!"

"Mom, you can't be serious!" Rainbow said as she looked at her mother with wide eyes. Bow and Scootaloo had been stunned into silence.

"Oh i'm very serious, Sweetie. I mean it. Let's do it. That way we can all have our fun, and you won't be tired anymore."

"B-but i'm your daughter!" Rainbow said, trying to reason with her.

"And scootaloo's only eighteen, but that didn't stop you from telling me that you wanted to have sex with her."

Everything was silent once more, but this time their attention was set upon Rainbow Dash, who had her head down, and refused to look at them.

Bow stepped towards her, a worried expression painting his features. "Rainbow? Is this true?"

Rainbow merely nodded, too embarrassed to speak.

Bow was shocked. "But...scootaloo's so young!"

"I know, dad! And what's worse is, scootaloo is like my sister. I knew it wasnt right, but I couldn't stop myself. She idolizes me. And She's just so cute!"

Bow looked at Scootaloo. "Did you know about this?"

"...No...I had no idea Rainbow Dash liked me this much. I don't know much about sex, but I know that we've been close. And also..." Scootaloo blushed. "Rainbow's right. I really really like her."

"See, Rainbow?" said Windy. "Even scootaloo likes the idea. And just between us, Bow here once told me that if you weren't his daughter, he would want to do this too." She winked at Rainbow, causing her to blush and look at her father, who held his head down in shame.

"So, what do you say, Rainbow? Wanna have sex with us? Though we'll have to teach Scootaloo here how to do it."

Rainbow thought for a moment. She shut her eyes tight and really thought about it. When she was done, she opened them, smiled nervously, and said, "Fine, let's do it."

Windy cheered. "Yaaaay!"

Rainbow couldn't believe she had agreed to this. Here they were, all standing naked in her room, just waiting for her to give the word.

Windy had told her that since this was for her sake, none of the fun would start until she was ready. Rainbow however, didn't seem to think of this as fun.

'What in the world gave mom this idea?' She thought as she looked over her family's bodies. She had to admit, her mom had nice breasts. They were obviously Double D's if not bigger. Rainbow felt slightly jealous that her dad got to play with those things every night. she also had a nice figure. Her ass was huge and her hips and thighs were so thick she was afraid she might sink in just looking at them.

Speaking of her dad, her eyes landed upon him next. He had a nice six pack, and his constant five o clock shadow gave him the appearance of a much older man. She spared a glance at his lower regions, and saw that he was also packing a rather large cock as well. A full nine inches of rock hard man meat stood tall between his legs. She couldn't help but wonder if she'd be able to fit the whole thing in her mouth.

Lastly, she spotted Scootaloo. While not so well endowed in the body department, obvious given that she was a kid, she was adorable and her smooth skin cried out to be touched. rainbow's fingers flexed involuntarily at the thought of being the one to show her the ways of pleasure. She couldn't wait to see how she'd act when she was about to cum.

"...Alright. Lets just do this. Is everyone ready?"

"You bet we are! Although..."

"What's wrong, mom?"

Windy glanced at Scootaloo, and everyone immediately knew what she meant.

"How are we gonna teach her?"

Bow spoke up next. "I think i've got an idea. If we're really doing this, then I think we should have her watch us dear." He looked at his wife.

"That's a great idea, honeybun! Oh! But we can't leave her out of the fun either."

"I'll handle that!" Rainbow said, raising her hand. Unfortunately she also raised her voice, causing her mom to blush and smile.

"Well, someone's eager to get started. And after all that complaining, too."

Rainbow simply glared in response, a furious blush on her face as she said, "Aww, mom! Quit it!"

"Relax, i'm just teasing. Now then, let's get started."

With that, everyone took their positions, Windy and her husband on the bed, Rainbow and Scootaloo on the floor watching them.

"Now, watch closely dear." Windy said as she bent over, her husband positioning himself near her entrance so that he could be ready. "This is what sex looks like- ooohh! Honey, what are you doing?! She isn't watching!"

"Sorry dear. I can't wait anymore." he said as he began to pound into her, over and over, again and again with increasingly powerful thrusts.

But they were wrong, Scootaloo was watching, and she was blushing too. She looked up at Rainbow Dash, a bit of a difficult task as she was sitting in her lap.

"Rainbow Dash, what are they doing? Is that sex?"

"Yes it is, Squirt. And this is masturbation!" As she said that, she began to tease Scootaloo's clit, causing her to blush and let out a moan of surprise.

"W--wait! Rainbow! I...I can' feels so...good..." Scootaloo tried to fight it, but she couldn't and so she just let it happen. The feeling was indescribable. She felt so good. It was almost like flying, but on the ground.

"I know it does, Squirt. I've done it before."

Scootaloo was surprised to hear that her idol had done things like this before. "Y-you have?"


"Have you had sex before too?"

"Nope, i'm still a virgin. Unfortunately."

"A virgin is somone who hasn't had sex right?"

"Right. You learn fast, Squirt."

"Thanks. Well then I guess that makes me a virgin too!"

"Not for long, kid! But, you can just watch for now."

"Okay!" and she returned her attention to Rainbow's parents on the bed, falling into a rhythm with Rainbow's fingers.

Meanwhile, her parents had gotten into a rhythm of their own.

"Ohh yes! More! Pound me more! Give it to me!" Windy whistles had long since gotten past the unwelcome interruption of her husband's cock, and was instead, enjoying the sensations he was giving her. "Yes! Harder, harder! Just like that, Oh, yes!"

Bow on the other hand was busy trying not to burst too soon. His wife's pussy was so hot, he was sure he was going to melt if he didn't keep thrusting. But eventually, he couldn't hold out any longer, and said,

"Honey, I'm cumming!"

Windy heard him and said, "Yes! Cum inside me. Fill me up!"

And that's what he did. Spurt after spurt after love filled spurt of his hot sticky cum painted the inside of her hole. When he finally pulled out, they were both panting heavily.

Windy remained in her position, but turned her head to face Scootaloo.

"Did you see that sweetie? That's what sex is. Do you get it now?"

"Yes. Yes I do." Scootaloo said, too aroused to say much else. She had already cum once, and Rainbiw's fingers were covered in her juices. She brought her fingers to her lips and licked, tasting her.

"Wow. You taste good, Scoots."

"I do! Really?"

"Yeah. Here, try some."

She brought her fingers to Scootaloo's lips and watched as she sucked on her fingers.

"Wow, you're right, I do taste good."

"Would you like to taste more?" Windy said, gesturing to her husband. "My husband's still as hard as a rock down there."

"Sure!" Scootaloo stood up and walked over to them, crawling onto the bed, in front of his cock. "Uh, what do I do to it?"

"You suck on it dear."

"I...suck on it? Like a lolipop?"

"Yep!" she replied, smiling.

"Okay then!" With those words, she began to suck on Bow's cock.

'And while you do that, i'll do this!' Windy thought as she moved behind Scootaloo and began licking her exposed pussy.

Scootaloo gasped at the feeling of Windy's tongue on her clit. "Ohhh! What's this feeling? It feels so good."

"It's my tongue, sweetie." Windy said, removing her tongue long enough to explain.

"Your... tongue?"

Windy giggled. "Yep! Doesn't it feel great!" and with that she continued her oral onslaught., causing Scootaloo to moan.

"Yes! Yes it does! It feels so good!"

Rainbow on the other hand, was getting impatient. She stood up and walked over to them, "Oh come on mom! Its no fair that you get to have all the fun!"

She dropped to one knee and began sucking on her mom's clit, spreading her open with one hand and using the other to finger her.

Windy removed her tongue from it's place on Scootaloo's clit and looked back at her daughter. "Ahhhh! Rainbow...ngh...nooo!"

She had her now. Rainbow wanted her mom to cum. She wanted to make her feel so good that she would never forget that it was her daughter who made her cum. she buried her tongue into her mother's pussy and swirled her tongue around.

"Ahhhh! Ahhh! Rainbow Dash, it feels so good! You're so good at this!"

"Yep, I'm awesome." She said, removing her tongue only long enough to praise herself before stuffing it back inside and continuing her onslaught.

Her mother, on the other hand, had returned to licking Scootaloo's clit, and she was so busy savoring the taste, that she didn't realize that Scootaloo was near her climax.

she got a face full of her juices as she came hard from all the stimulation she had received.

Windy lapped it up and cleaned her up, wiping the rest off of her face as she sat up, smiling.

"Now, how did that feel sweetie?" she asked, smacking her ass to tease her.

"Ahh! It-it felt great, ma'am."

"Nosense! You're like family. Call me mom!"

Scootaloo smiled. "Okay. Mom."

"Now that we've both cum. it's rainbow's tur- ohhh! Rainbow I asked you to stop teasing!"

"Okay. You want me to stop, Mom? Here." Rainbow swirled her tongue around more, sending her mother well over the edge, especially after her time with Bow. She came with a pleasured scream that rung throughout her daughter's house.

"There. Now i'll stop. Did you like it mom?"

"Y-yes, Rainbow...It felt...amazing." She smirked. "Just like howw i'm going to make you feel. Right now! Honey!"

Windy crawled onto Rainbow, and spread her daughter's pussy for her husband to see.

"Here you are, dear. Now you can get your dream. Like you've always wanted. To fuck our little Dashie."

And fuck her he did. He positioned his cock near her entrance and plunged inside, pushing his cock as far as it could go. At a bearable pace of course. His daughter was a virgin after all. Once he was all the way inside, he began moving, causing her to moan in uncontrolled pleasure.

"Ahhhh!'re so big. I never thought it would feel like this. It's amazing. I... think i'm cumming, Dad!"

"Go ahead, Sweetie, daddy is nearing his limit too." And he was telling the truth. He was so close he was having a hard time controlling himself. He couldn't believe he was fucking his daughter. And she felt so good inside too. It was driving him mad with pleasure.

"Ahhhhh!" with a primal scream they came together, mixing their fluids with each other as they came down from their high.

"And now, its finally your turn, Scootaloo!" came Windy's voice as she turned to face her daughter's little 'sister'. "Dear? Think you have another round in you?"

"I'm sure I do, love! I'll give it to her good, don't you worry." he said as he turned to face her as well.

"I sure hope so dear." windy said as she and Rainbow watched her father prepare to fuck Scootaloo.

Bow pushed inside of her slowly, not wanting to overwhelm her with too much pleasure. He pushed further and further inside of her, watching her reaction to his movements to make sure she was okay.

Scootaloo on the other hand was going absolutely wild. She had her eyes shut tight as he entered her, ripping past her hymen and causing her to cry just a bit in pain. But soon that pain turned to pleasure as she began to feel him move back and forth inside her, pounding in and out of her as he fucked her hard.

She moaned and thrashed and whimpered in pleasure, hugging him tightly to keep herself from passing out from the pleasure. She could feel herself about to cum.

Her pussy squeezed and released around his thick cock, causing her pleasure to only increase in intensity as she came, covering his cock in her juices.

When he pulled out of her, she lay on her stomach facing his cock. "Looks like I have to clean this up now." she said as she began to suck on his cock, causing his sensitive rod to pulse in her mouth as he came as well. She swallowed it all and stopped sucking.

After their fun, the family sat on Rainbow's couch. The girl in question had a wide grin on her face as she looked at her parents and said,

"You guys were right. This was just what I needed. I feel so much better!"

Her mom smiled as well as she said, "We knew you would."