High Expectations

by Judgeitive

First published

Twilight discovers that teaching is not as easy as being taught.

When Celestia asks Twilight to take on a student she is delighted to accept, but quickly finds that the task will be harder than she anticipated.

This is my first fic so please read and enjoy.


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For what felt like the hundredth time in just a few days, Spike found himself woken by the repetitive noise of Twilight wearing a groove into the floor with her worried trot.

“Come on Twilight, it’s four AM...” Spike grumbled wearily, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Twilight spared him the barest of glances and resumed pacing. Dawn was just breaking over the equestrian town and as it creeped through the windows it bathed the room in a warm orange glow.

“Mysteria arrives tomorrow and we still haven’t triple-checked the checklist!” She almost wailed the last part, her eyes visibly twitching.

Shaking his head in resignation Spike crawled out of bed and fetched the checklist for Twilight’s new pupil. The long document dragged along the floor behind him, a testament to Twilight’s anxiety. Glancing at the list, Spike was unsurprised to see that at least half of the items on the agenda were to check the checklist, then check that they had checked the checklist.

Just over a week ago, Princess Celestia had requested that Twilight take on a young unicorn by the name of Mysteria as her apprentice. Twilight, eager to please her teacher, had gladly accepted and began preparations at once. As the day of arrival grew closer, the stress began to mount: even though they had got everything ready days before, she spent her nights restlessly worrying about her new responsibility.

From outside, Twilight heard the approach of some other ponies. Judging from the giggling, one of them was Pinkie Pie. Twilight sighed, facehoofing - now was not the best time to deal with Pinkie.

“Whatcha doing, Twilight?” Pinkie smiled, swinging her head happily from side to side, as she stuck her head through the door.

“We just wanted to see how you were dear.” Rarity called in from behind. “You’ve haven’t been to see any of us in days.”

Then, with her usual chaotic abandon, Pinkie jumped into the library, colliding with a heavily burdened Spike. The impact knocked his burden of books flying and when Twilight came in a second later the room was in chaos. The shelves were devoid of books, which now sprawled in uneven mounds and piles over the floor. One of the mounds shook and exploded revealing a beaming pink mare.

“Pinkie,” Twilight sighed, annoyance clear in her tone. “Mysteria is arriving today from Canterlot and everything must be perfect. Now help me clear this up.”

“Oki doki loki!” the bouncing pony replied, promptly springing through the room around the busy ponies. With his usual resigned attitude, Spike sighed and, setting up a ladder, began the laborious task of replacing the books. Rarity left them in the main room, focusing instead on the task of arranging the guest room. Such manual labour was beneath her, she thought, even if it could be accomplished with magic. She was far more suited to preparing a fabulous guest room.

After a few minutes, a light grey filly entered the library. Upon catching sight of her, Pinkie immediately froze in mid-air, screamed shrilly, and sped off into town.

“Oh dear, I hope I didn’t startle her”, the new mare said quietly. Twilight didn’t look up from levitating her Star Swirl the Bearded collection onto a shelf.

“Don’t worry, Pinkie Pie was just being... well, Pinkie Pie.” she replied.

Smiling slightly, the newcomer set down her bags and began to lift some of the books into the shelves. Within a few minutes the library was back to its usual pristine self. Smiling contentedly, Twilight turned to thank the young filly.

“Thanks for that, I need everything to be perfect for my new student. Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve seen you in Ponyville before. Are you new in town?”

“I’m going to be training here for a few months.” she replied shyly, looking down at her feet.

“Well, ponies in this town are always happy to see a unicorn - being a primarily earth pony town, there’s nopony to help them fix problems with magic.” Twilight responded, smiling at the new unicorn. Come to think of it, Twilight thought, why would a unicorn lift the books with her hooves when she could have levitated them?

Just then, Rarity returned with her duster and immediately began brushing off the nearest pile.

“Really Twilight, you must do something about the dust in here. One more accident and you could get some in my brand new...” she trailed off as she suddenly noticed the new pony standing awkwardly by the door.

“That mane style. That colour choice. Those saddle bags. My dear, you’ve just come from Canterlot, haven’t you?” she quickly spouted, rushing forward to admire the unicorn’s attire.

Blushing furiously, the filly slowly nodded her head. It was true - her curled mane was combed back in a sweeping wave and she did have bags sporting the royal canterlot colours.

“Wait” Twilight said, a frown appearing on her face “Who are you?”

Shuffling her feet, the unicorn quietly responded.
“I’m Mysteria, I’m here to learn magic from you. Ummm...where shall I put my things?”

The look of shock on Twilight’s face was replaced almost instantly by one of happiness. She vigorously began shaking Mysteria’s hoof. The grey mare smiled awkwardly at such an energetic response and blushed even more.

“Oh, we are going to have the best time together, we can stay up late reading books and practice magic all day - we may even forget to eat. This is going to be the best!”

Twilight was so caught up in her outpour that she didn’t register the flash of horror crossing her new student’s face, to be quickly replaced with a forced smile.

“Yeah this is going to be great.” Mysteria forced herself to maintain her outward happiness, inwardly despairing at the prospect of being worked so hard.

Just then a horn blared outside. A mass of streamers burst into the room, closely followed by Pinkie, who was wheeling an enormous cannon. Laughing, she rapidly fired at the tables and walls covering them with streamers, balloons and a bowl of purple punch.

“Come on everypony, let’s have a welcome party for Ponyville’s newest resident!” Pinkie announced, whilst putting a party hat on her head. Quickly, the library filled with ponies of every hue. From her saddlebag, Pinkie brought out a radio and many of the ponies began to dance.

Twilight glanced at Mysteria, rolling her eyes, as if to say “Oh well,” but was surprised to see a smile creep onto her student’s face.

“Huh,” Twilight thought to herself, “She seems a bit more outgoing than I was. Never fear, Twilight - I’m sure she has an aptitude for magic, or the princess would never have sent her to you. After all, you are her star pupil.” Having reassured herself she let herself get dragged into the party and searched out her friends.

Twilight found Rainbow Dash with Fluttershy by the table of cakes which had been set up. She was telling Fluttershy all about this new trick she was practising for the the next Best Young Fliers competition.

“I’ll plummet towards the ground as fast as possible, then create a sonic rainboom. Then, I’ll fly up into the sky and spin some clouds into the explosion. Clouds will go everywhere, then begin to follow me as I do a loop of the stage. It is going to be so awesome!”

“Umm, are you sure that’s safe, Rainbow Dash?” Fluttershy asked her nervously.

“Sure I am.” She replied confidently, “I am the best flier in all of Ponyville!” Twilight smiled ruefully at their conversation - some things never changed.

“Hi guys,” She interjected, “What do you think of Mysteria?”

“She seems cool,” Rainbow Dash responded, “More open than you were when you first got here.”

“I think she seems concerned about something.” Fluttershy interjected. “Just look at her face - that’s the face of somepony worried about something, I just know it...”

“Aw come on Fluttershy, you always worry to much. Remember that time when you thought that Angel would starve because he wouldn’t eat your food?” Rainbow Dash responded cynically, taking a bite out of a small green cupcake.

“Well, he wasn’t eating. I thought he was sick, and that meant he could only eat that certain dish...” Fluttershy responded, quietly hovering next to the table.

Twilight frowned at this but didn’t respond, instead turning to observe her student, who was now standing with another group of ponies. She didn’t see what Fluttershy was worried about - Mysteria seemed to be enjoying the party, she had a smile on her face and was sipping punch. Shrugging off Fluttershy’s worry as her being overprotective, Twilight thought no more about the issue.

Later that night after the party had died down and they had finally managed to force Pinkie, still singing about parties, out of the library, Twilight turned to Mysteria. Brightly, she exclaimed,
“Come on, let’s make a schedule for your training, we want to be super-organised so you can train efficiently.”

She had already turned around and gathered up a sheaf of parchment before Mysteria interrupted, frowning slightly and barely holding back a yawn.

“Do we have to that now? That was quite a hectic party, and after the journey to Ponyville, I’m ready to hit the hay.”

Twilight was shocked - she had just suggested they make a schedule together. She then scolded herself - of course her new apprentice was tired, and probably wanted to sleep after meeting that many new ponies, especially Pinkie.

“Sure thing Mysteria, you get some rest. I’ll draw up some ideas for tomorrow.” Twilight replied, smiling brightly at her.

Mysteria nodded gratefully and followed Spike into the adjoining room where a bed had been set up. The moment the door had shut behind her, Twilight turned on Spike in a frenzy.
“What is wrong with her Spike?” she exclaimed, briskly passing the parchment and quill to the dragon.

“What do you mean Twilight?” he sleepily responded.

“First she doesn't announce who she is, then she makes up excuses to not do work!” she exclaimed, rapidly trotting around the room. “Spike, take a note.”

Sighing he grabbed the quill pen and nodded to show he was ready.

“Dear Princess Celestia. I am pleased to confirm that Mysteria has arrived here safe and well and has been welcomed by the community. I seek guidance on how to teach her as we may have conflicting work ethics. Hoping for a quick response, your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.” she finished, moving towards the window to gaze up at the moon.

“Are you sure about this, Twilight? We’ve only known her for a day. Aren't you jumping to conclusions about her character a little quickly?” Spike asked, looking at her, a slight frown on his face.

“Of course I’m sure, Spike. I am an excellent judge of character, and the Princess must know that she has sent me someone I am unlikely to be able to teach. Send it off, Spike.” Sighing heavily, the dragon went to the window and lifted the parchment up before breathing light green fire at it. The fire and parchment coalesced into a green cloud which zoomed towards Canterlot Castle.

In the adjoining room Mysteria pulled the blanket over her head and tried desperately to forget the conversation she had just heard.

First Day

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Twilight awoke to the aroma of breakfast. Confident that Spike knew what he was doing, she began planning the day. It was only when the smell of burnt toast reached her that she properly awoke and remembered her new student.

“What is Mysteria doing?” she grumbled aloud, as she quickly made her bed. “Her first morning here and she decides to experiment in my kitchen.”

Quickly trotting downstairs, she beheld a mess worthy of Pinkie Pie in her normally pristine kitchen. Spike stood in the middle holding a book open for the grey filly working furiously at the counter. Dough and flour covered the floor and Twilight had a sinking feeling that they had redecorated the ceiling with icing.

“What in Equestria are you doing?” She screamed, taking in the mess and the filly responsible. “All I did was fell asleep, and now I wake up to find that my student has decided to emulate the craziest pony in ponyville! And could you please explain how I smell burnt toast when you are clearly making cupcakes!”

Mysteria looked down at the floor blushing furiously,

“I just wanted to make something nice for you. I thought I could make some delicious cakes so you would be happy in the morning.”

Spike glanced at the two of them and sighed. He put the book away and went to fetch a mop. As he left, Twilight stared thoughtfully at Mysteria with a calculating look.

“Well, never mind,” She suddenly said brightly “You meant well, and now we can practice some basic magic”

Mysteria nodded happily but soon her face was screwed up in concentration as she tried to force the magic into her horn. Twilight glanced askance at her as she easily created her aura. She tried to remember the lessons she had been taught at Magic Kindergarten about basic magic.

“Try finding the source of magic inside you” she instructed, holding a cleaning cloth steady in the air in front of her. “The most important thing about magic is finding out where it belongs within you. Once you have found it, focus it through your body - imagine it travelling up into your horn and gathering there.” As she spoke she projected lines of glowing purple light on floor. They fizzled and crackled with energy, but exuded no heat.

A spark of red light appeared at the end of Mysteria’s horn and slowly began to cover the rest of it. Then, the light flared and she cried out. Instantly, the light was gone. Clutching her head, Mysteria fell to the floor. Twilight glanced at the lines on the floor: only four of them had changed colour. That was average for a unicorn of her age. Sighing heavily, she began clearing up the mess by herself, barely thinking whilst manipulating dozens of objects.

“Hmmm, you have some magic”, she told Mysteria. “However, you appear to be of an average power level, and have the abilities of a newborn colt when it comes to controlling it.” Frankly, I don’t know how to work with your abilities. Why don’t you read a book and take notes? I am expecting a letter from the princess which will straighten this whole mess out.” With that sweeping statement Twilight turned on her hooves and strode off into the library proper.

Mysteria buried her head in her hooves - why couldn’t she please her teacher? Why did everything seem to count against her? Sniffling slightly, she went for the book that Twilight told her to get, and placing it on her back climbed up to the top of the tree.

Moments later Spike waddled up to Twilight and handed her a scroll.
“The Princess responded, Twilight.” He told her smiling slightly. She eagerly levitated the scroll in front of her and opened it.

“My faithful student Twilight, I am glad to hear that Mysteria has arrived safely. I would like to add that I have complete faith in both her ability to learn and yours to teach. I am sure you will become close friends just as we have.” Twilight read aloud. At the end she turned the parchment over, frantically searching the other side.

“Where is the rest Spike?” she demanded urgently.

“There isn’t any more” he responded, looking very confused.

“The princess didn’t answer my question! In fact, she said nothing useful at all. Oh Spike, what am I supposed to do now?” Twilight moaned.

Meanwhile, at the top of the tree, Mysteria was desperately trying to get engrossed in a book. However, the open air and laughing ponies below made it difficult to get into the dusty old tome. The words spiralled off the page, and try as she might Mysteria could only appreciate snippets of the lecture. After what felt like an age, she realised that she would get nothing new from this book. Sighing, she picked it up and came downstairs, attempting to memorise the facts she had just learnt.

When she entered it was immediately noticeable that Twilight was concerned about something. Her eyes were flickering quickly from side to side and her mane had become a little scruffy. Though normal for a pony, for Twilight this showed she was stressed and concerned.

Gulping, Mysteria cleared her throat and set the book down on a table. Twilight turned to her with a tight lipped smile.

“Done already? You must be very confident in your abilities.” She asked with a strongly condescending tone. “Well, let’s see what you chose. Hmm, Star Swirl the Bearded’sElementary Magical Elements ? An ambitious choice to be sure.”

For a second, Mysteria was sure she saw a flash of pride cross her teacher’s face. However, it was almost instantly replaced by a cool impassive mask.
“Well, let’s see if this advanced text held any meaning to you, shall we?”

Again, Mysteria gulped, a slight sweat making her forehead shine. She nodded, and Twilight began to question her.

“What is an IME?

“Individual Magic Effect.”

“True. How did Star Swirl theorise magic was linked to a unicorn’s connection to the Elements of Harmony?”

“He said that all unicorns are connected to the metaphysical aspects of harmony, and so examples of those will strengthen or enhance a unicorn’s magic.”

Twilight smiled. “Correct again, Mysteria. Well remembered. How does a cutie mark affect a unicorn’s IME and power?”

“The magic a unicorn can perform is constrained and focused by their cutie mark. Their IME represents the colour of their magic. Stronger magic will result in a more vibrant colour.”

“Well learned. That information should be widely known, but relatively few unicorns actually know it. What age do unicorns first gain the ability to utilise magic?”

“Umm, four?” Mysteria guessed, suddenly uncomfortable being questioned in this manner.

“No, the correct answer is anytime older than a month.”

The barrage of questions felt inexhaustible, but eventually Twilight held up her hoof. They both fell silent. She stared at her student for a time, and once again Mysteria felt as though she were being judged, evaluated as one would a bushel of apples or a cart.

“Well, you did better than I expected” Twilight grudgingly admitted. Mysteria beamed, that was what she’d wanted - praise from her teacher.

“But...”Twilight continued, her smile evaporating.

Of course there wouldn’t be praise, she had made mistakes. How many she wasn’t sure, but she knew with a certainty that it was enough to warrant a lesson.

“But, you only achieved a ninety percent success rate. For my student, this is unacceptable.”

Mysteria almost felt her jaw drop - she stared incredulously at her teacher.

“But, ninety percent is excellent, isn’t it?”

Twilight snorted, levitating the blue tome back into it’s place.

“Ninety percent means that you were ten percent wrong. Out there in the real world, this means you will fail to be of help in one out of ten accidents. Ponies will get in trouble, maybe even hurt, because you weren’t good enough!”

Shaking slightly, Mysteria took another book from the shelves and walked slowly back to her room. Brushing the tears from her eyes she shut the door. A moment later, Spike came in.

“What’s with the raised voices Twilight?” He asked glancing at the closed door - he could tell something had just happened.

“Nothing happened, Spike.” Twilight responded, briskly pulling out a few books and transporting them to her desk. “Mysteria is just overreacting to her own failings, that’s all.”

“Twilight...that’s a horrible thing to say.” Spike said quietly. Stunned Twilight looked up at him, he wasn’t looking at her but he looked determined.

“Sure she’s not as powerful as you, or maybe even a bunch of other fillies.” He continued, his voice cracking slightly as it grew in volume. “She’s just a filly, Twilight.” he said more softly, turning back to look at her.

Twilight stood still for a moment, then walked over and put her hoof on his shoulder.
“I know she is, Spike, and I know she’s trying. I just expected a bit more from her, that’s all.” She turned around “I guess I’m disappointed.”

The purple dragon opened his mouth to say more, but seeing Twilight’s face closed it slowly and watched as she left the room.

Spike shook his head sadly and walked away.

Cupcakes and Cutie Marks

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For the rest of the day the library was silent. Twilight, considering the book she had tested Mysteria on earlier, was drawing up formulas to test the discussed hypotheses. The grey mare in question sat alone in her room - she had tried many books, by many ponies yet none of them had sunk in.

Do I have some kind of learning block? She mused desperately, her eyes quickly scanning a page. Screaming silently in frustration, she picked the book up in her mouth, and threw it against the door.

The thump, was answered with a quiet knock. Mysteria sat bolt upright - it would never do for Twilight to see this mess. She quickly ran around the room stacking the books into piles.

“I’m coming.” She called, “Just a second.”

Then, brushing down her purple mane, she opened the door.

“I was just reading Celestia’s book on the Elements of Harmo... Oh, hello Spike” she finished, glancing down at the embarrassed dragon.

“Mysteria, could I have a word?” He asked, wringing his hands - he looked nervous.

“Sure, what’s up Spike?” She responded, stepping aside to allow him into the room. He nodded gratefully and came in.

“I just wanted to talk about something.” he said distractedly, setting himself down on the bed and looking around.

“Really? What?” she inquired, raising one of her eyebrows.

“About Twilight.” he continued, still avoiding her gaze.

“What about her?” Mysteria asked, slightly more sharply than she would have liked.

“Don’t let what she said get to you. She has high expectations, and is still learning how to deal with social interactions.”

She didn’t reply to this, just nodded, mulling over his words. He nodded to himself, hoping he had made her feel better.

“Anyway, I’ve got to prepare for tonight. Twilight’s friends are coming round - apparently Pinkie made a batch of rainbow flavoured cupcakes.”

They both shared a smile, and he turned to leave.
“The important thing is to have patience” he said at the door, “I’m sure you’ll find it a lot easier when you have your cutie mark.” With that, he left, shutting the door behind him.

Mysteria sighed, and looked at her flank, still blank. Back in Canterlot she had been the only filly not to have a cutie mark, and some of the more refined ponies had taken great enjoyment in pointing this out. She had seen her teacher’s cutie mark - it was, simply, magic. She wondered how she could compete with a cutie mark like that.

The sun sank slowly through the sky and as it’s last beams left the earth they were replaced by a pale radiance. Princess Luna soared through the night sky bringing forth the moon and stars. She paused briefly in her task over Ponyville, and gazed down at the library. What is my sister’s goal in all of this? she wondered to herself, then, whispered in her softest voice:

“Rest well, Mysteria.”


Inside, Twilight opened the door for an enthusiastic Pinkie, though, she thought wryly to herself she’s never not enthusiastic. She turned back and welcomed in her other friends as well. Rainbow Dash was particularly excited - she hovered sporadically around the room, beaming hugely.

“So I was making cupcakes,” Pinkie told the others, “and I was thinking that Rainbow Dash is the coolest pegasus in Ponyville...”

At this, the mare herself punched the air.

“All right!”

“Yeah, so anyway, I was thinking, if only we could have cupcakes as awesome as Rainbow Dash. So I took some rainbows and put them in the cupcakes!”

Rainbow Dash landed and picked up one of the multicoloured pastries. Then, smiling at the others, took a bite, a grin spread across her face.

“Pinkie, you just made cupcakes about twenty percent cooler!”

They all laughed and were soon enjoying the tasty treats. Nopony noticed as the adjoining door creaked open, or as the pair of magenta eyes watched the enjoyment with sadness. Eventually Mysteria nudged the door open and walked in. Only Twilight noticed her entrance and turned to look at her, still eating cake.

“Could, I have one Pinkie?” Mysteria asked quietly, her eyes downturned, yet her expression hopeful.

“Sure thing Misty.” Pinkie responded smiling and began to pass the tray. Twilight raised her hoof in the way still looking at Mysteria.

“Shouldn’t you still be studying? She asked her student pointedly, gesturing with a quick headtoss towards Mysteria’s room.

“Well I thought I should finish for today.”

“Oh you did, did you?” Twilight rounded on the filly, “That is the attitude of fillies who come in second place. Who fail and get sent back to magic kindergarten. Not the attitude of a star pupil!”

Mysteria felt the tears well up, quickly running from the room, off into Ponyville. The moment she was gone the others turned to Twilight.

“Now what was that all about, Twilight?” Applejack asked her friend sternly.

“I agree, that was most boorish.” Rarity added disapprovingly.

Twilight glanced at her shocked friends, wondering about their reactions. She was just teaching a student - sure her methods were harsh, but they were necessary, weren’t they? She just need to explain that to her friends, and yet there was still that feeling of guilt. She quickly brushed it aside, assuring herself again that Celestia respected and agreed with her teaching methods, otherwise she would not have sent her a student.

“Well, I might be going a little tough on her, but no more that she needs.” she told them confidently.

“I don’t know if that’s how she feels, sugarcube.” Applejack said in a much kinder tone. “Think of her as one us, she shouldn’t just be your student she should be your friend.”


Mysteria rushed through town, tears splattering on the road beneath her. She was so upset by the last two days that she didn’t register the fillies beneath her hooves before they were all tumbling forward to land in a heap.

“Looks like we won’t get our cutie marks in directing traffic girls...” a yellow earth pony with a shock of red hair exclaimed, disentangling herself from the pile and glancing at her blank flank.

“Oh I’m terribly sorry!” Mysteria apologised, rapidly blinking away her tears. The three fillies brushed themselves off and looked at her.

“Say, are you new in ponyville?” the white unicorn asked glancing round at her flank.

“Yes...” she replied hesitantly fearing further humiliation.

“Well, why don’t you join us?” the dark orange filly asked excitedly.

“And you are?”


“Sweetie Belle”


“And together we are the Cutie Mark Crusaders!” they all shouted in unison.

Mysteria shook her head slightly, her ears ringing. They all beamed at her, and despite her depression she couldn’t resist smiling back.

“I would be honoured to join this worthy fellowship.” she said, putting on a ridiculously posh voice and bowing low. They all giggled and she soon joined them, her face breaking into the first smile she’d had in weeks.

“Anyway what do we do as the ‘Cutie Mark Crusaders’?” Mysteria enquired as they began walking through town.

“All kinds of stuff.” Applebloom replied, “We figure the fastest way to get our cutie marks is to look for them.”

“Yeah, so we do all sorts of crazy things just in case that’s our special talent.” Scootaloo added, jumping on her skateboard. “Hop on, girls.”

They all piled into the cart being pulled by the skateboard, and Scootaloo, rapidly vibrating her wings, moved them along.

“I hate to spoil the fun but it’s kinda late isn’t it?” Mysteria asked when it became clear they were headed out of town.

“We won’t be long” Sweetie Belle reassured her. “We’re going on a little adventure in the Everfree forest, that’s all.”

Mysteria gulped and looked at the approaching wall of dark trees.

“Isn’t it really dangerous?”

“Zecora told us that there was this magic stream just north of her house.” Sweetie Belle continued, “And if you drink from it, then your magic powers get stronger. We thought that if we drank, we might get our cutie marks faster.”

Mysteria raised an eyebrow - this seemed too good to be true, and yet...

“But it’s still dangerous to go at night, isn’t it?”

The other fillies shuffled uncomfortably.

“Zecora said that we could go as long as we went with her or Twilight,” Applebloom finally explained, “and with you being her student we figured that would count.”

Mysteria smiled, it was the first time she felt truly glad to be Twilight’s pupil.

With smiles on their faces, the fillies entered the Everfree forest, vanishing under the leafy canopy.

The Journey

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It wasn’t long before the cupcakes ran out and the ponies began to get ready to leave.

“Thanks for the cakes, Pinkie.” Twilight smiled, holding the door open for her friends. They all added their thanks as they left. As they were leaving, Applejack turned back.

“I was just wondering about Mysteria, Twilight, she’s been gone a while.”

Twilight frowned and looked out at the night.

“I’m sure she’s fine, right?” she questioned the group, her voice betraying her concern.

“Well, she met up with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and they all went into the Everfree Forest.” Pinkie inputted in a nonchalant manner, licking the icing off the tray. The others all stared at her, shocked.

“What? You didn’t know?” She added, confused. Twilight ran back into the library and hurriedly picked up her saddlebag, quickly stuffing scrolls and other miscellaneous items into it.

“I must go help her.” Twilight firmly stated, slinging the bag over her back and trotting towards the door.

“Well, let us help too, sugarcube.” Applejack said, moving to block Twilight’s path. The others all followed suit, barring her way with determined nods.

Twilight smiled at her assembled friends.

“Your loyalty and compassion, truly is special, but this is something I must do. I drove away a filly who looked up to me as a teacher, a mentor. This is my problem, and I must be the one to fix it.”

Applejack gave her a calculating look, then grinned ruefully.

“We sure are proud of you Twilight. You go get that filly, but be careful - it is the Everfree Forest, after all.”

She nodded gratefully, her friends moving out of her way. Outside, she stood for a moment staring at the moon. She bowed gracefully, and with a silent prayer to Luna for Mysteria’s safety, galloped off towards the Everfree Forest.


Mysteria smiled as the crusaders finished the last verse of their theme song. They had been speeding under the boughs for several minutes when they had decided to describe their group in song.

“Bravo” Mysteria said, clapping her hooves together. “That was really good!”

The three other fillies smiled brightly. However, those smiles evaporated as they burst out of the trees. Rapidly approaching before them was a chasm. They hurtled head on towards it - Scootaloo rapidly spread her wings to slow them down, but to no avail.

At the last moment, Applebloom and Mysteria grabbed the others and leapt out of the back, and not a moment too soon.

Empty, the cart flew over the lip of the ravine and plummeted down into the abyss. They all walked towards the edge, gazing at the shattered remains. They gulped, and, turning to each other, had a reassuring group hug.

“Now what are we supposed to do?” Applebloom sighed, slumping against a tree. They all stared at the rift - it was at least fifteen feet wide, large trees growing thickly on either side.

Then, Mysteria had an idea - she looked around and spotted a fallen tree.

“Girls, give me a hand with this.” Confused at first, they soon realised what she intended and began pushing the log across the gap, creating a bridge.

“Wow Mysteria, that was some pretty quick thinking.” Scootaloo told her, leaning heavily against the log. The unicorn blushed at the compliment, embarrassed. However, she did not shy away, and holding out her hoof, pulled the pegasus onto the makeshift bridge.

Danger forgotten, they skipped across and continued their trek deeper into the forest. After a few more minutes, they reached a clearing bedecked in purple leaves. Mysteria glanced at this, racking her brains - she was sure she had seen these in one of the books she had read earlier.

“What you folks waiting for?” Applebloom asked, “It’s just a bunch of silly purple leaves.”

“Wait!” Mysteria called out, stamping her hoof down. “There’s something wrong with this, I just know it!”

“If you say so.” Sweetie Belle said cheerfully, sitting down and staring hard at the leaves.

Mysteria raised her eyebrow.

“You trust me? But I haven’t given any evidence or proof - this is just a hunch.”

The fillies stared at her with odd looks.

“Now why would we need you to give us proof, you’re our friend. Of course we trust you.” Scootaloo said slowly, a reassuring smile on her face.

Mysteria smiled, and suddenly remembered.

“They’re Forget Me Lots!” she exclaimed, jumping up and down on the spot.

“They don’t look much like flowers to me.” Sweetie Belle sniffed. “Anyway, what’s so bad about them?”

“They make you forget what you are doing if you touch them.”

They all involuntarily took a step back at this, seeing the clearing more apprehensively.

“Scootaloo, I have an idea.” Mysteria proudly exclaimed, a smile on her face. After a brief conversation, the orange pegasus strode forward. When she was within feet of the leaves, she braced herself and began flapping her wings as fast as she could. Before the onrush of wind, the leaves scattered, and the filly advanced, clearing them a path.

Once they were safely on the other side, they broke out in applause and gave the filly some congratulatory pats on the back.

“Come on girls, we’re almost there now!” Applebloom excitedly told them, and giggling, they set off again.


Twilight galloped through the forest, using magic to light her way. The illumination allowing her to traverse the normally treacherous forest floor with ease. After a few minuted hard riding, she reached the home of the mysterious zebra.

“Zecora,” She said, tapping loudly on the door, “It’s Twilight. I know it’s late, but this is an emergency!”

After a moment, the door was opened by Zecora, looking at the flustered unicorn with a bemused expression.

“I fear you come about the fillies, who must have done something very silly.”

Twilight nodded and, following the zebra’s lead, entered the house. Once inside, she longed to begin analysing the lotions and potions that were on display, but shook herself out of the impulse. Now was not the time.

“Yeah, it’s the Cutie Mark Crusaders - they’ve run off into the forest on some kind of silly adventure and brought my student with them.”

Zecora smiled more, adding a foul smelling powder to the cauldron.

“What they seek is fable only. Perhaps your student was feeling lonely?”

Twilight glanced down at her hooves, embarrassed. Uninterrupted, Zecora continued.

“The stream they seek is north of here, what they will be feeling, it is fear. For the night holds many frights, that guard the way to starlight bright.”

“Thanks for the help, Zecora.” Twilight gratefully told her friend. As she turned to go, the zebra added.

“Twilight Sparkle, the mare you groom is watched by the princess of the moon.”

She turned, staring back at Zecora, who, having given her cryptic warning, was now engrossed in the simmering concoction.

Nodding in thanks, Twilight leapt out of the door and ran north with all haste . Her skin grew cold as she heard a ferocious howl from up ahead rend the quiet, to be quickly joined by others. With great fear, she ran towards the origin of the terrifying sounds, and whatever it was that was causing them.

True Form

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“We made it, girls - there’s the stream.” Applebloom said. Up ahead, the moon shone on a brilliantly white glade. A quietly trickling brook ran through the middle, the starlight refracted off its glistening surface. The flowers were of purest white, their center, a burnished gold. The group of fillies stood for a moment, enraptured by the beauty and tranquility of the sight.

The stillness of the night was short lived, however. A rustling sound in the bushes shook the nearby trees, and the darkness was suddenly filled with pairs of glowing yellow eyes.

They all screamed as the eyes moved forward and a salivating beast, far larger than any of them broke through the tree line ahead of them. It appeared to be a wolf, but was comprised of a motley collection of darkish brown sticks. It howled up at the moon and soon others of its ilk began slinking out of the trees around them, their mouths opening to reveal thorn teeth.

The fillies huddled closely together as the timberwolves advanced, their faces soon in the shadows cast by the monsters.

“Ok girls, on my mark, we run.” Mysteria told them with far more bravery than she felt. They glanced fearfully up at her, but seeing her determined stance, followed suit.

“Okay then, ready, steady,...”


They all wheeled around as Twilight flew towards their attackers, a nimbus of crackling energy before her. In that moment Mysteria knew that she wasn’t looking at her neurotic, insensitive teacher any more. She was looking at the element of magic, the third most powerful being in Equestria.

Leaping in front of the fillies, Twilight let out a shout and touched her horn, still fizzing with magic, to the ground. A wall of purple light materialised, made from energy constantly exuding from her horn. Snarling, the timberwolves thrust against it, their claws and fangs scraping mercilessly against its reflective surface., but to no avail.

“What are you fools waiting for?” Twilight yelled, screwing her eyes up in concentration, her horn getting brighter as she maintained the spell, despite the continued attempts against her shield. “Run!”

Glancing fearfully at the timberwolves, the crusaders ran back to a safe distance, all except Mysteria. Steeling her nerves she walked up to her mentor.

“What about you, Twilight?” she asked quietly, so the others wouldn’t hear. “You can’t keep this up forever - Timberwolves negate magic they come into contact with.”

Twilight bowed her weary head in response.

“I know” she gasped between deep breaths “You girls run, I’ll drop the shield and teleport away.”

Mysteria shook her head sadly at this, “No Twilight, you won’t.”

Twilight stared angrily at her pupil, but seeing the comprehension in those eyes, she slowly closed her own.

“You probably don’t have enough magic left for a teleport spell, and they’re not always easy to cast, or effective.” Mysteria continued, putting her hoof on the purple unicorn’s shoulder.

“You’re...my student.” Twilight sobbed, collapsing to the ground, yet still maintaining the shield. “I treated you terribly and thanks to me you almost got hurt. Anything that happens to me, anything at all - I deserve it.”

Mysteria glanced at the shield - it was spluttering slightly and the timberwolves on the other side looked ready to pounce.

“No, you don’t, Twilight.” she said forcefully. “You came for me now, and you’ve saved my life already tonight. I know that you were only trying to help me do my best, and I’m sorry if I’m a disappointment - but please let me do this for you.”

She stood up straight and began drawing the power to her horn, the tip glowing softly with a red light. As she tried to gather more power she felt it falter. No, she thought to herself,not this time!

She tried again, knowing that failure was tantamount to death, but yet again the magic refused to rise and serve her. Think Mysteria, Think! she thought desperately, what did Star Swirl say about magic? Glancing at her teacher’s cutie mark, comprehension dawned.

“The Elements of Harmony,” she whispered to herself. Mysteria looked back at her new friends as they watched fearfully. The shield was barely visible now, crackling with each impact. She began to call forth her power for the last time, focused now on her friend and teacher. They have shown kindness, generosity and honesty, and given me laughter and loyalty. Now I complete the cycle, with Magic!

Mysteria’s horn now glowed a powerful red, bathing the forest in its angry light. The shield fell, but the timberwolves stood their ground, nervous about this strange illumination. Stepping forward slowly, Mysteria opened her eyes - light poured forth, a powerful glow, shining in the darkness of the night.

“Get away from my teacher!” She said, her voice reverberating deeply around them. She walked forward, sparks cascading from her horn with each step.

One of the beasts snarled, and leapt at her. She turned towards it and smirked. Three beams of light pierced it in midair, arching from her horn and eyes. For a second, it hung there frozen, before shattering into charred splinters. She screamed joyfully, and ran towards the others. As she did, coils of power spread out from her until she was at the center of a whirling maelstrom of crackling red energy. She jumped over the first wolf, her magic igniting its back. Still in midair, she kicked it’s head, and with a small explosion, it disintegrated. Another wolf lunged at her but she sidestepped, and pushed her hoof into its chest. There was a sharp crack as its ribs snapped and its eyes grew dark.

The others ran away, but did not get far, beams of energy spearing them, and burning holes in their hides. Laughing slightly, Mysteria turned slowly to the Cutie Mark Crusaders. They had walked up to the unconscious Twilight and were checking to see if she was ok. She smiled triumphantly at them, but they only looked at her with fear, their faces masks of horror in her blood red glow. Stamping her hoof, she growled, anger apparent on her face.

As she began advancing towards them, the moon emerged from behind a cloud. A shaft of light shone down on Mysteria, bathing her in its warm glow.

“This is not who you are,” she heard a voice resonate through her. Her primal rage battered against the voice, but quickly grew still, overpowered.

She breathed out and the glow vanished. Stumbling slightly, she glanced weakly at the other fillies and fell to the ground, unconscious.

When she awoke, the sun was beginning to rise, and the birds were singing in the trees. She sat up and saw Twilight looking over at her. They sat that way for a while, both staring, neither saying anything. Looking awkwardly at the ground, Twilight broke the silence.

“I wanted to thank you for saving me, back there. I don’t know what I would have done without you.”

This was too much for Mysteria, and she broke down in tears. Twilight smiled sympathetically, and walking forward she gently raised the fillies head and wiped away her tears.

“I remember what I did to those wolves. I wanted to scare them off but I... I killed them.”

“Hush.” Twilight said, helping the pony to her feet. “You did what you had too, no more, no less.”

“That’s not the main problem though, after the wolves were dead I felt...no, I wanted to attack my friends.”

Twilight turned to face Mysteria and stared firmly at her.

“But you didn’t, you resisted, and now you’re fine.”

They both smiled, then waking the Crusaders, began the trek back to town.


Several days later, Mysteria trotted into the main room of the library, levitating a stack of books behind her.

“Where do you want these, Twilight?” she asked, looking around. Her teacher wasn’t here, but she did hear voices from outside. Setting down the books, she went out. Twilight was talking to a brilliant alicorn, of white coat and multi coloured mane.

“Princess Celestia!” She squealed, rushing forward and standing in front of her.

“Yes Mysteria, it is so good to see you again. Twilight tells me you have overcome the block on your magic, and you are now making good progress on your studies.“ Celestia spoke kindly to the filly, her voice rich with admiration. “Twilight,” she continued, turning to her pupil, “Can you tell me if Mysteria has taught you anything about the magic of friendship?”

Twilight shared a smile with her student before answering.

“I have learnt that you shouldn’t always expect ponies to be able to do everything, especially not as well as you can - you might end up pushing them away, and somepony could get hurt. She also showed me if you have faith in your friends, you can overcome any obstacle.”

“Including yourself.” Mysteria piped in at the end, nodding her head, smiling.

“Well, it appears you have both learnt some valuable lessons, girls. I wish I could stay longer, but I’m afraid I must leave you to your studies.” With that, the princess gracefully lept into the air, flying back towards Canterlot.

The two unicorns walked back into the library - there was studying to do.