The News

by Nugget

First published

Discord wakes up to find Fluttershy missing.

Discord, a draconequus with a soft spot for a little yellow pegasus named Fluttershy, wakes up one morning to find her missing without a reason.

This story is dedicated to two great friends of mine. Thank you guys so much for the support!

The News

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As the morning sun raised over the horizon, it’s light shined down upon a little cottage tucked into the outskirts of a woodland forest. With the birds resting on a window ledge, they chirped a happy tune to help wake up a sleeping draconequus from underneath the layers of his warm, motley blankets. Groaning and moaning from his long rest, the disgruntled creature turned towards his side as he slowly opened his bloodshot eyes.

“I… ah… wha… a?” Discord huffed, shaking his head. “Fluttershy? Oh Fluttershy?! Why the heck are the birds waking me up this early? You know how much I don’t like being woken up unless I get my proper amount of-”

He blinked a few times, realizing his marefriend was nowhere to be found. His dearly beloved pegasus wasn’t on the bed, combing her pink and tail by the mirror, or even picking out a nice necklace for him to wear for the day by the dresser! She was gone, nowhere within Discord’s sight.

Suddenly, panic began to set in for Discord as he frantically peered around the room. Where did my little sweetie go? he thought to herself. Is Fluttershy in the other room taking a shower? Or is she outside walking her dog around? Hmm… or maybe she is in the kitchen making breakfast?

Tossing the covers away from him with a flash of light, the draconequus flew out of the bed and drifted towards the bathroom. Peeking his head in, Discord looked over at the shower and noticed how it wasn’t used recently. Since no water was dripping from the tile walls or the glass door, everything appeared to be dry. Even the towels on the rack weren’t disturbed as well, remaining perfectly folded as they were last night with Discord set them there.

“Hmm?” The draconequus scratched his chin. “Maybe she is outside with the dog?” he hesitantly asked himself.

Turning back and flying over to an open window, Discord looked outside and saw a labrador lying within a dog house with his head sticking out. While he remained at a state of peace with his eyes closed right as the sun’s light cased over his head, Discord’s nervousness crept down his body as he hurried toward the kitchen. The draconequus hoped that maybe Fluttershy was in there cooking a nice breakfast for themselves.

That wasn’t the case at all.

Turning the corner and teleporting through a wall, Discord’s found himself in the kitchen with nopony else. The entire area was unoccupied and spotless. Every pan, plate, and silverware seemed to be untouched, not used since last night. The wood countertops were also stainless while the sink was clear of any dishes. Discord tried to look around and see if Fluttershy at least did something to the place this morning, yet found nothing was moved or touched recently.

This whole situation made no sense to Discord whatsoever. What? he thought to herself. This can’t be true! This cannot be happening! She just… Discord’s lips began to tremble. Fluttershy just up and left me alone?! Just like that?! Without telling me?! I mean… he paused.

“This isn’t fair!” the draconequus cried out, rearing up before slamming his front claws into the countertops.

It wasn’t fair to him at all. He assumed it wasn’t fair after the months and years they have been together, that Fluttershy would decide on a beautiful Sunday morning to just finally end their relationship with the pegasus giving her significant other the coldest way to leave a partner. To Discord, Fluttershy seemed to have just straight up abandoned him with nothing more than memories, a cottage, and what was their dog and animals.

“Well,” the draconequus sighed. “I should have seen this coming.”

He began to walk around the home, looking over the pictures that were hung on the walls of them two being happy with each other on various occasions. “I should have taken the signs of her suddenly being so depressed under serious watch. But oh no!” he waved his front paw out, “It’s nothing!”

Making his head look like the yellow pegasus, Discord began to imitate Fluttershy’s soft dialect in a mocking manner, “Everything is fine honey! Nothing is going on! I just have stomach cramps! Ohhhh don’t worry baby! I’m just a little bit angry right now, but not at you sweetie!”

He kept rambling on-and-on about all the excuses, mood swings, and sudden behavioral changes Fluttershy has undergone in the past few weeks. Thus, Discord concluded that it was all from her denial of what Fluttershy knew was coming next, their breakup. An ending to what they once thought was an odd match so perfect as Princess Celestia is, now ruined and in shambles.

“It serves me right to have this happen to me,” Discord admitted, turning his head back to its normal form.

The draconequus began to think back through all the mistakes he thought to have made with Fluttershy. Was I too hard on her when I said her writing needed work? he said to himself, walking back into the bedroom and laying down on what was their bed. Was I just not a good lover to her? Did I not give her enough affection that truly shows how much I love her? WAS I JUST A TERRIBLE COLTFRIEND THIS WHOLE TIME?!

Discord didn’t know the answers to his own questions, thus it caused him to weep out tears as he grabbed a stuffed animal in the shape of his former lover. Discord held onto that pillow with all his might, thinking that this was the last thing that Fluttershy was ever going to give to him as a gift. That this thing was going to be one of the remaining pieces of love they cherished between each other throughout their relationship.

That this plushie was going to be the only thing Discord could hold that looks like Fluttershy.

With tears flowing from his eyes, bouncing off the mattress, and hopping into a nearby metal pail, the draconequus held onto the animal as his hind hooves curled upward and into his chest. Tucking in the cotton Fluttershy, Discord laid on the bed in a ball, crying his eyes out of their sockets.

Witnessing the agony, one of the birds from the window ledge flew into the bedroom and landed right beside Discord. Cawing loudly to get the draconequus’s attention, Discord’s eyes looked up at the hawk and noticed that it wore a piece of parchment that was tied to its collar. The draconequus then let out a sniffle before addressing the mighty bird.

“For… me?” Discord mumbled. The bird nodded as if to say, “yes.”

Taking the letter from its neck, Discord popped his eyes back into his head, unfolded the piece of parchment, and then read through the words written into the paper with black ink. A few moments later, Discord could only cry out more tears as he held the letter close to his heart. The draconequus couldn’t believe what he had read.

To my dearest sweetheart,

I want to start off by instantly apologizing to you for leaving the house without notice. You know as much as I that I shouldn’t be disappearing on you without a good reason towards why I just did what I did today. But rest assured, it’s for something that you will be happy to hear about later.

But first, let me say that I do love you dearly. Out of all the creatures in Equestria, you are the absolute best thing to have ever happened to me. From the bottom and all the way to the top of my heart, I love you with undying loyalty towards making each day with you a happy one. To which, I hope to, still, show you the world and take you to other countries which are as beautiful and as amazing as you are.

Just like our commitment to one-and-another, I want our powerful relationship to last as long as time itself since I think I won’t be able to ever find another soul who is as caring, humble, weird, and as fun as you are. You are The One who will love me as much as I love you.

Thus, in return, I’ll continue to do everything to make you happy since I know you will forever be my long term and only partner. To which, I wish to finally address why I have been acting so strange over the past few weeks. To finally put to rest my unexplainable behavior in the simplest way possible. I will finally admit it to you directly.

I’m pregnant and we are going to raise a newborn together.

You said it yourself about how nothing would make you even more happy than to raise another colt, filly, or dragon? with me from birth. How you believe that the best manifestation of our love comes in the forum of a little foal we can say is our own. And how you know the best thing you can do with your loving partner is to care for something that is bigger and more selfless than ourselves.

While I will admit it was sort of wrong for me to keep it secret from you, I wanted to wait until it was absolutely certain that I was going to bear a foal. To which, that certainty was proven late last night when I tested positive. Therefore, the next thing I had to do was visit the doctor (which I am there right now) for a check-up on my condition. I should back around noon time where we can enjoy the great news together.

Once more, I love you dearly and can’t wait to bring new life into this amazing world I share you.



As time ticked a little bit past noon, a yellow pegasus passed through the front door of the cottage and was immediately greeted with a hug from Discord. Overjoyed with the news, the two cherished the moment together with chatter, warm hugs, and small kisses upon their faces. A baby was on the way for them. Thus, they knew the absolute best years of their lives were dawning on them.