Butts Or Boobs

by Bendy

First published

You just want to have a good night's sleep after a hard day. Unfortunately, two bored, immortal god horse beings, with nothing better to do than to torment mortal humans barge into your bedroom, who demand to know if butts or boobs are better.

You just want to have a good night's sleep after a hard day. Unfortunately, two bored, immortal god horse beings, with nothing better to do than to torment mortal humans barge into your bedroom, who demand to know if butts or boobs are better.

The white one stands on two legs and has really big breasts. The black one has a really big ass.

An Age Old Question

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Late at night, you a human were drifting off to sleep in bed after a hard day. Your doors and windows were shut tight, no one can come into your house.

Unfortunately, nothing could prepare you for what was about to happen.

Out of nowhere, there came two blinding flashes of light. Startled, you immediately opened your eyes to see a most strange sight. Two huge horse creatures stood next to your bed, their bodies of great mass and size.

The more horse like one was a great and meaty black horse the size of a Shire Horse, if not even larger, who was presenting herself to you without shame, her tail turned to the side to show you all her plump assets, while staring back at you with bedroom eyes.

She had a jet black coat, a pair of huge, nearly basketball-sized, teal-colored eyes. Upon her back was a pair of huge, feathery wings; a dark blue helmet covered her head with a long, black, pike-like horn protruded from a small opening on her helmet. Her dark blue ethereal mane, like her tail flowed like the night sky, filled with tiny, shimmering stars.

Her most distinctive feature was her absolutely enormous backside. Two massive spheres of her fat bubble butt stood tall and proud, supported by a set of powerful, thick hind legs. Upon each fat cheek was blotches of dark purple, with a crescent white moon.

Right next to her was a towering, white horse creature standing on two legs, who had a flowing, flaming mane and tail made of literally fire. She too had a long horn, protruding from a golden helmet atop her head.

She as well seemed to have a massive backside of her own, judging by her monstrously thick thighs. Though, the dark one’s backside was considerably larger.

The white horse’s eyes were of a dark orange color, reminding you somewhat of a Dark Jedi’s eyes. She appeared to be almost human like, she had hands and other very human like features, save for the alabaster fur covering her body.

Her most distinctive feature was her impossibly large, beach ball sized breasts, which stood perfectly straight and defied the very laws of physics of your universe. In short, she was some kind of crazy horse lady creature showing her tits without shame.

Naturally, you did the only sane thing any normal person would do in this situation. You screamed and made a run for it.

Tried to at least…. It seemed, you have lost your ability to move your body and even speak.

‘Well, that’s just fucking great. Now, I’m fucking paralyzed and can’t speak.’ you thought bitterly.

However, you seemed still to be able to move your head, but you could not bring yourself to look away from these sexy creatures.

"The puny human shall not be able to resist the Moonbutt. He shall fall before us and worship our backside over thy small, inferior breasts." the dark alicorn proclaimed with pride, shaking her great and meaty backside from side to side, her fat cheeks jiggling wildly about.

“Nightmare Moon, you only have a big butt.” the fiery alicorn mocked, sticking her tongue out. “I have a great big ass and my great sun boobs, filled with a never ending supply of succulent milk for the human to drink.”

She emphasized her point by squeezing her massive breasts together, grinning nastily.

Nightmare Moon chuckled half heartedly, waving a hoof dismissively.

“Oh Daybreaker, our name is Nightmare Butt now, not Nightmare Moon. Thy boobs against the power of pony butt, there can be no victory. Also, thy backside is so small and bony thin. It is nothing when compared to our glorious butt.”

Daybreaker’s mane intensified in heat and brightness, grinding her teeth together, Nightmare Butt grinning nastily all the while.

“It hurts, doesn’t it? Knowing that thy anthro backside is vastly inferior to pony booty. Our massive, shapely cheeks is what homosapiens really want in a female. Soon, Anon shall fall before Us and worship Our backside. It is inevitable, all fall before the Moonbutt. None can resist the call of the Moonbutt.”

“You’re wrong! Humans love to suck my nipples and drink my milk like as if I’m their own mother!” she shouted, pointing her index finger at her threatenly.

“Ah, yes, that is true. But thy ugly, anthro butt is of no match when compared to the power of horse butt!” Nightmare Butt proclaimed with pride, twerking her backside up and down, her jiggly flesh shaking wildly like jelly all the while.

“You shall not win Nightmare Butt. Anon shall worship my breasts over your backside!” she screamed.

Nightmare Butt laughed manically, her body surging higher into the air, her already massive backside becoming even larger along with it, rapidly ballooning in size. A large tent formed in your boxers at this magnificent sight you were beholding.

“Mwahahaha! Thy jealousy only makes Our divine Moonbutt even more glorious! More! Give me more! Feed Us thy anger, it only makes Our butt even more beautiful.” Nightmare Butt mocked, her rump rapidly growing larger and larger all the while.

“Two can play at that game!” she shouted.

With that, Daybreaker rose higher and higher into the air, her backside and overall features expanding in thickness, her breasts in particular inflating in mass. The two stared at one another with hateful glares, growing their bodies bigger and bigger to contest each other.

“Silly anthro, thou can’t contend with the power of pony butt! Submit to thy superior!”

“Never!” she roared spitting back at her in defiance, growing her body at an even faster rate.

Nightmare Butt growled angrily, intensifying the growth of her backside even faster.

Your eyes widen in alarm at the sight, fearing for your life as the two god horse bodies’ swelled larger and larger in size, their rumps spreading rapidly toward the walls and their heads growing higher toward the ceiling. Nightmare Butt's ass jiggled wildly through her growth, Daybreaker's breasts jiggled like crazy as she too grew in size.

Fortunately, before things could go out of control, the walls and the ceiling itself seemed to expand outward as well to accommodate the growing mass of two giant horses.

“Butts Are Superior!” the dark mare roared.

“Boobs Are Superior!” the fiery mare screamed.

With that the two went through a series of unending growth spurts, they swelled larger and larger in size. Within mere seconds, they became even bigger than your own house, soon growing twice as big as that two seconds later.

This followed, by them doubling in size, then mere seconds later quadrupling, and at an even faster rate than that shortly after. The two surged upward like mountains in your bedroom, the ceiling of your bedroom became as if it was the sky above you.

It was only when the two were quite literally the size of Mount Everest did they stop growing.

“Enough of this! Let’s see what Anon thinks!” roared Nightmare Butt.

“Uh, I like both butts and boobs equally.” you said in a low, nervous voice.

“Thou is lying! Thou love big fat asses more than boobs! Especially big fat horse butts! Anthro butts and human butts got nothing on pony butts!” Nightmare Butt roared, stomping her hoof.

“I think he is lying too.” said Daybreaker, glaring down at you with narrowed angry eyes.

“Whatever, you two are too big.” you said bitterly.

Both of them gasped in shock, their own species’ appendages brought to their respective mouths.

“HERESY! We can never be big enough!” Daybreaker roared.

“The Moonbutt shall fall upon thee for thy heresy!”

With that Nightmare Butt shifted herself over you, a dark shadow now looming over you as her mountainous backside came to overtake your entire vision of the sky.

"No! Please! Don’t kill me! I’m sorry, you can never be big enough!” you pleaded, crying out for mercy.

“What thou said cannot go unpunished! Thou must face the Moon’s wrath!” she roared.

You screamed in terror, as the black wall of death slowly descended from the sky above you. A rump weighing millions, if not trillions of tons worth descended down upon you.

When it came to rest upon you, you were crushed into a bloody jelly under her butt of unimaginable weight.

Except... for some reason that didn’t happen.

Nightmare Butt’s all powerful, divine butt of butts pinned you down from under its incredible weight. Layer, upon layer of squishy soft fat covered your entire body, her vast layers of fat shrouded your entire world in nothing but darkness. The soft fat of her backside folded around you like soft dough, depressing deeply around your small form.

It was quite an amazing feeling being under a soft, heavy rump. Each and every inch of her heavy softness was pressing down on your small form. The only downside was that you could not breathe.

You would struggle, but you could not move an inch. You settled by uttering muffled screams into the vast mass of her rump.

“Worship our butt, and thou shall be spared.” came her voice, whispering into your mind.

With your limited mobility you used your hands to squeeze and rub her squishy soft flesh between your fingers. Topped off by licking and kissing the mass of squishy soft flesh covering your face.

Your hands dug deeply into the vast amount of fat her backside held. You moaned in delight at the feel of her wonderfully soft fur against your bare skin. Your applied pressure from your hands deeply compressed down the immense layer of soft fat from her godly butt. Though in reality, you were only pushing back but a small area of her flesh upon a tiny portion of her humongous rump.

Your tiny cock rose to poke hard against her gargantuan ass, your cock was nowhere near compatible with her rump that was literally the size of a mountain.

“Yes! Worship the Moonbutt puny mortal!” Nightmare Butt moaned aloud, her rump once again growing even bigger.

Daybreaker sighed sadly, watching Nightmare Butt’s expanding backside become more and more glorious. Her rump grew further and further, at a faster and faster rate the more you worshiped her butt.

“Worship the Moonbutt! Feed me thy love for Our butt!” she moaned aloud.

Each kiss, lick and rub, and squeeze helped Nightmare Butt grow bigger and bigger, fatter and fatter, heavier and heavier. However, your strength soon began to wane. Your kisses, rubs, licks and squeezes became ever weaker, due to the shortage of oxygen your starving lungs craved.

Nightmare Butt’s rump continued to grow more and more, until your eyes closed and you ceased your worship of her backside.

Suddenly, a sharp pain coursed through your body. And you felt your lungs refill with oxygen.

“Apology accepted.” she said softly in your mind. "Now, worship my butt more puny human! Make my Moonbutt even bigger or face Our wrath!” she roared.

Fearing for your life, you worshiped her butt by continuously kissing and rubbing her squishy soft flesh. Nightmare Butt moaned aloud, her rump going through a series of growth spurts. Each cheek alone was the size of Mount Everest, quickly surpassing that to grow twice as big as Mount Everest.

The feel of her growing, soft mass upon you was just too good. You could not hold out any longer. So, with that your cock twitched hard, before with a loud groan you unleashed your seed, your cum staining only a tiny portion upon her massive rump.

“Thy sacrificial offering to the Moonbutt is most appreciated!” she roared, her rump violently growth spurting, her cheeks becoming literally the size of Earth each.

Nightmare Butt, now literally had planet sized cheeks. Only promising to grow even bigger if you keep up your worship.

“Yes! Praise the moon. All shall be smothered in endless layers of butt fat! All shall live in darkness under my butt and worship it!” she screamed.

“Enough! It is our turn now!” Daybreaker bellowed.

“No! Our Moonbutt needs to be bigger! Face it, butts are superior!” she roared.

“I shall not forget this, Nightmare Butt. I will have my revenge one day!” the flaming mare screamed.

“You may try, but you cannot defeat the Moonbutt!” she said nastily, shooting her a smug grin.

The End