Like Rubies

by cydoniia

First published

A tough decision tears overprotective parent Berry Punch from her daughter Ruby Pinch.

A tough decision tears overprotective parent Berry Punch from her daughter Ruby Pinch. Celestia can offer no more than sympathies, as she has time and again.

Like Rubies

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Every year Princess Celestia made visits to each of the towns and cities in Equestria. She would visit even the most remote of farms to speak to the fillies and colts. To most, it seemed a purely social visit. Celestia was a kind and benevolent ruler, and often did go out to visit the populous for her own enjoyment. But these visits, they were just for the young ponies. They were each granted the opportunity to come up and speak to the Princess alone, a process that – in some larger towns – took days to complete. Celestia would listen intently to each request, though made no guarantees to fulfil the wishes of the young ponies.

There was more to each yearly visit, though.

Most ponies assumed the Elements of Harmony were rare, hard to come by. The truth was, almost every pony in Equestria was in possession of one or more of the elements. Most ponies had a lean, some to honesty or generosity, others to kindness, laughter, or loyalty. Celestia had sent Twilight Sparkle to Ponyville knowing that she would not have any trouble at all finding the five ponies she needed to accompany her against Nightmare Moon.

Magic was the one element only few ponies ever even showed hope of possessing.

Magic had to be found, weak and sheltered, begging to grow. It had to be nurtured, as one would a child, raised with a careful but firm hand. Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns was the place for that to happen.

And Celestia's yearly visit to each town was to find potential candidates for the school, so that they might be prepared in any situation.

The Elements were not rigid, and not bound to any one pony. They would be where they needed to, and Celestia had several other ponies in Equestria who could summon the Elements if they had to. It was a precaution. Though Twilight was one of Celestia's most loyal and faithful students, she was not the only one.

And after Celestia completed her rounds of the country, there would be many more joining the ranks of student beneath her wing.


Ponyville was the last stop on Celestia's travels. Twilight had asked to speak to her about some research she had completed into maintaining Discord's prison, and so the Princess had allocated extra days for that talk. So far the travel had been… disappointing. Celestia typically picked up a handful of talented ponies, those who showed the inklings of one day being formidable magic users. She currently had one new student, a colt from old money in Manehatten. He was strong for his age, though would take years of training to be able to summon and wield the Element of Magic.

Celestia did not discriminate, and so did not detail that only unicorns were useful to her. She still liked to sit in the Sugarcube Corner (where the Cake's always insisted she hold her private meetings with the young ponies), listening to each pony talk to her. Some spoke of their dreams, others asked her about her life, and a surprising amount just sat beside her. Celestia wasn't sure whether they were awed to the point of speechlessness, or just didn't know what to say.

"Farewell." Celestia said, dipping her crown to a young, sunbright yellow filly who had insisted on showing the Princess her flying skills. Celestia couldn't have hidden her pleased laughter even if she tried, the sight of the young pegasus reminding her of when Luna had achieved her first flight.

A tiny unicorn bounded next through the door, cutting off Mrs Cake as she bustled in with more treats for the Princess to share with her visitors. Behind the filly came a wine-coloured mare, shadowing the young unicorn as she approached. "Good afternoon, my little pony." Celestia greeted in the same fashion she did most of the younglings who visited her.

"Good afternoon, Princess!" She chimed back, bowing low at the foot of Celestia's chair.

Celestia turned her attention to the mare standing flush against her filly. "Good afternoon, Princess." She echoed the sentiment, though her voice was subdued as she spoke, eyes boring holes into the filly's head.

"What might your name be, dear?" Celestia asked, tapping a small cushion laid beside her with one hoof.

"Ruby Pinch." She said, trotting to the seat she had been offered. "That's my Mama, Berry Punch."

As if on cue, the mare slunk to sit behind her filly, placing one foreleg over Ruby Pinch. It was never outright specified that ponies come alone to see her, but many did. Celestia was a confidant for some ponies. They trusted her with secrets – some petty and some embarrassing – and told her things they'd never tell their parents. Ruby Pinch, though, seemed completely satisfied having her mother around.

"Well, it is truly lovely to meet the both of you." Celestia gave them a warm smile, hovering towards them the full plate of sweets and cakes the storeowners had provided. Ruby reached out a hoof to pinch a cupcake when her mother batted it away. The pair had a silent battle, which ended with Berry Punch shaking her head lightly. "I'm sorry, Princess." She said, offering no explanation for her actions.

Ruby Pinch had an intense look of concentration of her face, and Celestia would bet that she really wanted something to eat. The Cake's were somewhat famous around Equestria – anypony who had visited their store in Ponyville offered them rave reviews. The bits paid for each product were worth the quality, but some ponies couldn't afford to eat there all the time. A free meal was never bad, especially from such a reputable establishment.

Celestia said nothing as the horn atop the unicorn's head began to glow. The cupcake, in response, lifted up from the plate. It was shaky as it made its way over to Ruby, and the decorative flower on top fell to the floor. What mattered was that the cupcake made it there, and before her mother could say otherwise the young unicorn had practically inhaled it.

"Manners, Ruby." Berry Punch stage whispered to her daughter, who seemed mixed between being proud and embarrassed. "Especially in front of the Princess."

Swallowing down the treat, Ruby Pinch expressed a sheepish smile. "I'm sorry, Princess."

"Please, do not be." Celestia said, a thoughtful crease marring her brow. Many fillies of Ruby's age did not show much magical talent so soon – and moving something such a distance was impressive at her age. Twilight Sparkle had been prodigious, and exception. Most ponies didn't even demonstrate magical ability until well into their life. Though it did not seem much to a mature unicorn, Ruby Pinch demonstrated strong ability for a filly. "How old are you, my dear?" Celestia asked, feeling excitement well up within her.

"Four, Princess." Ruby said, trying to maintain the illusion of proper manners whilst she licked a stray bit of icing from around her mouth. Berry laid her head down over Ruby's body, ears flicking as her daughter and the Princess spoke.

Four was an impressive age. Celestia rarely found students so young – many unicorns could not yet do magic, and most pegasus were unable to fly. She had her cutie mark, three gems situated on her flank. Finding that, in itself, was not rare. Many families had special trades or interests, and being raised around that meant most foals had their cutie mark by the time they were two or three. "Do you do magic a lot?" Celestia asked, picking up a small cookie for herself to eat.

Ruby gave an enthusiastic nod, dislodging Berry Punch's head from her back. "All the time, Princess! Mama said if I tried real hard then I'd be good like you some day."

Celestia laughed lightly. "You are very talented." She said, watching the smile grow wide on Ruby Pinch's face. "And I have something I would like to ask you."

The filly jumped up on the seat, leaning forward on her hooves. "Anything, Princess! Anything you ask!"

Berry Punch stood up, looking anxious now as she glanced between her daughter's excited face and Celestia's serene smile.

"I would like to ask you to come to Canterlot with me. You would be my own, personal student."

Most foals given this opportunity were overjoyed. Ruby Pinch's eyes looked about ready to pop out from her small head, and her jaw hung open. Berry Punch's reaction was… less than enthusiastic. The first thing the mare did was shake her hand, coming to stand between the two ponies. "I don't know if that would be a good idea." She said, simultaneously firm and tentative. Before any other pony she would have put up an intimidating front, but before the Princess it lacked something.

Celestia rarely dealt with unsupportive parents. They were offered full support whilst their filly or colt studied – accommodation in Canterlot was sometimes impossible, but any families where the foals helped out were financially reimbursed, and they were always given lodgings when they visited. "Your daughter possesses such talent. I would like to help her come to understand that." Celestia said, calm as ever.

Ruby Pinch slunk through her mother's legs, eyes still glowing. "Please, Mama, I would love to!" She rocked up and down on her hooves, and Celestia suspected that if she were a pegasus she would've flown into the air in joy. "It would be amazing! To go to Canterlot, Mama, just think!"

Berry Punch dropped her eyes to the ground, and hung her head there a moment. Celestia said nothing – she could force the mare to give up her daughter, but she would never dream of doing so. Passing up such a talent would hurt, but she'd have to move on. "I just…" The mare began, looking over now at her filly. Ruby no longer seemed to be with them, eyes staring beyond the four walls in the Sugarcube Corner and out into her Canterlot fantasy.

The mare stepped forward so that she was brushing Celestia's feet. The Princess did not move, keeping her warm eyes on the torn mother. "I worry." She began, licking her lips and glancing back once more at Ruby Pinch. "I want her to be safe, more than anything." With a gusty sigh, Berry returned her eyes to Celestia. "I need her to be safe." It came out in a hushed whisper, and Celestia reached out to lay a hoof on Berry's shoulder.

"I will protect your daughter." She said. "I promise you this."

Berry turned back to look at the filly, grinning with mental images of grandeur.

"If you promise, Princess." Berry Punch gave a reluctant smile, that was more a pained grimace than anything. "I will take you on your word."


"I did everything I could, I assure you." Celestia whispered, not wanting to upset the peace of the graveyard. She was surrounded by dozens of tall stones, each engraved with loving care. In the centre of each was the Cutie Mark of her fallen students, filled with the finest gems in Equestria.

For her, these were all losses that came with her job. Celestia was a powerless creature – she was the tool to help the true heroes grow and develop, to reach their potential, and then eventually wither away before her eyes. Celestia had seen it too many times in the past. Sometimes it was old age that took them, other times tragedy. Whilst they grew old and settled down she remained the same, youthful and ethereal - watching them die.

Berry Punch had aged more than she should have in that time. Wrinkles lengthened her face and fatigue dragged at her bones. "You shouldn't have come that day." She said quietly, voice almost stolen from the wind. The mare curled up beneath her daughter's headstone, words of her heroism obscured by the tired body. Above her head shone the rich rose stones that made up Ruby Pinch's Cutie Mark.

Celestia had seen that shade before in Berry Punch's eyes whenever she'd looked upon her daughter.

Now they were dull and unpolished as her eyelids fell closed atop them for the last time.