When I Think About You

by Ankaru

First published

Vinyl Scratch finds an open video feed of her new roommate and sees her doing something naughty.

Vinyl Scratch and Octavia have a new roommate. Vinyl accidentally finds the live video feed of said roommate masturbating and can't help but do so herself.

Features: voyeurism, masturbation

Co-written by BlackRoseRaven

Eye Spy

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Vinyl Scratch hummed to herself as she danced down the hall as she cleaned, the white unicorn swinging the broom back and forth more than sweeping the floor. Octavia was going to be so surprised when she got back from Canterlot! The laundry was done, the dishes were washed, and the whole house was going to be look nice. It was going to be perfect.

The unicorn almost pranced towards the end of the corridor, swinging her rump back and forth as she sang along under her breath to the music. She half-tossed a glance at their roommate's door, but then only shrugged, pushing her sunglasses back up over her red eyes before she continued on her way.

For roughly half a year now, they had been playing host to a Changeling: at first she had been Octavia's 'patient,' so to speak, and they had called her Moonbeam. Vinyl hadn't really been that enthusiastic about it, admittedly: not because the Changeling had been so strange, but because Octavia had gotten all weird about the Changeling.
But hey, it had all turned out for the best! Octavia had calmed down, Moonbeam had rescued the original Moonbeam from the Hive, and Changeling-Moonbeam had taken on a new identity that Vinyl was still getting used to the idea of: Marina.

Sometimes she still said her name wrong, but then-Moonbeam, now-Marina was very nice about the whole thing and seemed to understand ponies just needed a little bit of time to get used to change.

Not that Octavia had ever once gotten Marina's name or anything about he wrong, Vinyl thought almost enviously. She was so damn smart: always right, always on top of everything, always knew what she was talking about and always so confident about it. Not at all the way you expected any nerd to be, much less one who played a background instrument on top of that!

Vinyl grinned despite herself as she swept down the hall to Octavia's room, then absently brushed the little pile of dust to one side as she stopped in front of the door. She bit her lip for a moment, then nervously pushed it open with her horn, peering back and forth and wondering whether or not she should clean up in here, too.

She didn't think Octavia would mind. She had gotten a lot better about that. They were open and trusting with each other, and they had been slowly but surely making their way from friends to friends-who-sometimes-slept-together to maybe something more. Vinyl didn't want to screw things up, but she also didn't want Octavia to think she was scared or something of doing things for her.

That kind of made sense, right?

Vinyl peered through Octavia's room, which was so small and empty. A closet, really: she still didn't know how Octavia could deal with it. It made Vinyl feel claustrophobic. And it was also perfectly neat and tidy and there was no way Vinyl could make things any cleaner than they already were.

Vinyl shrugged and began to back out, but then frowned as she thought she heard an odd clicking coming from the closet. She peered over the top of her sunglasses and slowly narrowed her eyes before she carefully tiptoed into the room.

She grabbed the closet doors and yanked them open, and then she blinked in surprise at the sight of a glowing screen before she dropped her face in her hoof in embarrassment. Right, the closet was where Octavia had jammed her computer into: there certainly wasn't enough space for it anywhere else in this tiny little room, after all.

It had been weird learning about Octavia's... hobbies, for lack of a better word. That was why she was in Canterlot right now: she was at some hoity-toity thing with the Luciferin, comparing research notes or whatever they did. It sure had sounded boring, but Vinyl kind of wished she had gone now, if only to support her not-quite-almost-sort-of-marefriend.

On the other hoof, she was pretty sure she just would have gotten in the way, and that wouldn't really be helpful. Besides, Marina didn't really like being alone in the house.

Octavia had kind of been in a rush this morning, Vinyl mused, as she surveyed the glowing screen of the computer. She frowned after a moment as she studied the weird numbers scrawling across the display and the shifting images beneath: was that Marina's room? It looked a lot like Marina's room. Had Octavia set up a camera in there for some reason?

Except as she watched, the camera shifted, and Vinyl realized that what she was actually seeing were the images from Marina's eye. Sure, she knew that the Changeling had a magitech eye that Octavia had built for her, along with her prosthetic robot limbs, but she had forgotten that Octavia could somehow get those images on her computer. It was sort of like spying, wasn't it?

Vinyl peered back and forth, as if she expected Octavia to appear out of nowhere and glare at her, and then she carefully scooched forwards, curiously studying the information scrawling across the screen. She nodded to herself slowly, but it was all really just gibberish to her, even if it looked like there was definitely something going on with the computer and she should just leave it alone.
But it was kind of fascinating to watch the way the camera shifted, how Marina moved and the camera moved with her. Vinyl half-recognized those movements: was she rolling around on the bed? Wasn't there some way to get sound on this thing?

The unicorn hopped onto the little stool in front of the computer, making herself as comfortable as she could as she rose her hooves above the keyboard, then stared at it and all the weird symbols that were on it blankly. How the hell did Octavia even type on this thing with her hooves?

Vinyl slowly lowered a hoof to tap a button, then winced as the computer blared at her, the unicorn hurriedly shoving herself backwards and grabbing the sides of the stool instead. The computer went on doing whatever the hell it was doing, and Vinyl decided that maybe she should just leave it for Octavia to fix when she got back.

She began to stand up, but then something caught her eye on the screen: Marina was getting up, it looked like. Vinyl watched curiously as the mare headed towards the door before the unicorn grinned a little: maybe she could use this to sneak up on the Changeling and play a prank on her. Nothing mean, but it would be fun to teach Marina that ponies didn't have to be so serious all the time. Octavia was a terrible influence on her in that regard.

Then the unicorn blinked in surprise as instead of going out, Marina cast some sort of spell on the knob: did she lock the door? Why would she lock the door?

Vinyl leaned in closer: in spite of herself, she couldn't help but wonder for a moment what the Changeling was up to, but she quickly shoved those thoughts away. After how long and how well she'd gotten to know Marina, having any kind of thought like that pop up was embarrassing. Especially with how much Marina had done for them.
Vinyl watched as Marina walked over to the window, checking out it before she quickly closed it, then the curtains.

Then the Changeling walked over to the mirror they had installed in her room, and Vinyl gave a small smile as she looked through the screen, as she saw Marina was looking at herself. She wondered what it was like, to have a 'new body;' to be able to 'customize' yourself. Vinyl had to admit, she envied that ability more than a little.
She watched the Marina in the mirror, how she looked over herself: at her steel limbs, at her pretty, smooth chocolate-brown coat, at her blonde mane and gorgeous green eyes and that cutie mark of a chocolate-dipped apple she'd come up with all by herself. Funny, coming up with your own cutie mark... and out of all the things she could choose from, it was an apple. Not transformation, not art, not music, as much as Marina clearly loved it and even though she and Octavia were the two biggest influences in her life, but an apple, glazed in chocolate.

She guessed that really meant Marina had become her own pony, so to speak. Vinyl liked that about her. Admired it a little, even. Sometimes even she had problems being entirely her own pony and not someone... well... a little more likable, and a little less loud.

Vinyl smiled a bit despite herself, and wondered what Marina saw when she looked at herself. Well, beyond the pony in the mirror, she meant. There was a lot going on in that head of hers: she just didn't speak up, not in the way Octavia did, not in the way Vinyl herself did. The unicorn kind of wished she'd learn to stand up for herself a little more.

She watched as Marina studied herself: drew her hoof across her body, then did an easy circle and raised her tail and wait what.
Vinyl blinked and stared, watching as Marina spread her rear legs slightly, her tail flagging: thanks to her view from Marina's camera eye, she was able to watch as a hoof trailed along her supple rear from both Marina's point of view as well as from the mirror: as her tail swished to the side, Vinyl saw more than just that fine curve, she also saw a flash of darker-skinned mound between Marina's legs.

Marina rolled her hips back, sliding her hoof up, grasping her own tail and pulling it back as she bowed her body forwards slightly: Vinyl stared, eyes bulging a little as her sunglasses fell askew, clutching tightly into the stool she was sitting on before she gave a short giggle.

She shook her head violently, then reached for the keyboard, hooves hovering helplessly over it before she stared at the screen as Marina switched the grip on her tail to a magical one so she could slide her foreleg forwards, balancing on it as her other foreleg roved down the other buttock, tracing the slight cleft beneath her tail and roving carefully around her pucker, before sliding down across the swollen, needy lips of her labia, which flexed, spreading slightly in her eagerness as they glistened with the moist heat of the mare.

Marina gave a silent moan, visible only in the mirror: her eyes half-lidded, and she seemed to stare out of the screen at Vinyl, who winced and leaned back, almost hugging herself. She knew she shouldn't be watching, but it was just so hard to tear herself away; Marina posed again, erotic and alluring, spreading her legs wider as her tail flicked to the side, still held high in the grip of her magic so that she could see her own folds, watch the way they flexed, then bloomed, her clitoris pushing out as the lips of her sex spread for a moment, then closed slowly, a single droplet of her excitement rolling down her inner thigh.

Vinyl shivered a bit, knowing she shouldn't be watching, wanting to pull away, and yet at the same time she couldn't. She could only marvel as Marina swayed her hips a little, then gyrated them, making her labia flex again, her clit peeking out from the swollen lips before her tail dropped as she arched her back and looked away from the mirror.

Vinyl bit into her hooves, half-relieved and half-frustrated: thanks to the fact she saw on screen only want Marina saw, now all she could see was the rest of her bedroom. But she could almost hear the moans and sounds of soft, sultry pleasure as the screen shifted back and forth: what was she doing? Vinyl could just imagine it: the velvet feel of her body, stroking down to naked skin, hot flesh unhidden by chocolatey coat but instead bare to the world, dripping with that sweetness...

The unicorn shuddered a little and grabbed at her face, slowly dragging her hooves down her cheeks. She fidgeted on the stool, feeling a heat in her own body thrumming, whispering for her to take care of it.

She forced herself to breathe: in and out, slowly, getting herself back under control as she reached up and removed her sunglasses. But when she opened her eyes, she saw that Marina was once more looking into the mirror: this time, through her own legs, rump raised high in the air, tail messily spilled across her back and one of her hooves stroking slowly up between her legs, gently rubbing across the mound as she half-buried her face in her other foreleg.

It was so strange and bizarre and exciting to watch: on the one hoof, she could see Marina's foreleg, stroking, moving slowly, as her belly tensed and shuddered, as her hind legs trembled ever so slightly in spite of their steel structure. And she could also see into the mirror, Marina's expression as she moaned, Marina's hoof as it traveled along her thigh, roved up the side of her mound, stroked over and slowly down the crevice of her labia with gentle pressure that spread those lips just wide enough that it revealed the nub of clitoris again, enough that she was able to gently flick it with her hoof as she drew it down and past...

She groaned soundlessly, her hips rocking slowly backwards as her hoof moved in slow circles against her clit, her body shuddering with visible pleasure. Vinyl couldn't help but watch, shifting in her seat, leaning closer to the screen as her own breathing roughened a little: Marina was certainly putting on a hell of a show, that was for sure.

Vinyl squirmed, then shivered a bit as her own hoof stroked down her stomach, sliding its way down to her groin. Her legs spread a little almost on their own accord as she bit her lip, watching the way Marina was continuing to pleasure herself, wondering how it must feel: that mix of flesh of metal, that juxtaposition of hard and soft.

What dd it feel like? Hooves were hard, but had a little give to them: some more than others, Vinyl thought, as her own hoof stroked slowly along her leg, then down to her inner thigh, drawing slowly inwards, teasing herself as she licked her lips slowly. Rubber wasn't so distant, but it was synthetic: when your heart started to beat, you could feel the heat in your hooves; you could feel the pulse of your own life, and when you pressed that softer inner hoof against yourself, you could feel two pulses, like one part of the body speaking to the other. Like music, two beats competing and mixing, Vinyl thought, as she cupped herself, feeling her own heat against her hoof, feeling her hoof's beat pulsing back against the heat of her loins as she rolled her hips slowly against herself.

She groaned quietly as she pressed her hoof harder in, watching the screen, shivering a bit as her other hoof gripped into the stool to try and steady her. Her legs rocked slowly as she stroked her hoof against herself: she felt the roughness of the material grinding up between her legs, felt that heat that emanated both through her hoof, and through her loins, felt the rhythm of her own beating heart in hoof and her groin as she arched her back with a hiss of pleasure.

Her eyes opened, watching Marina's movements hungrily, relishing how sexy, how forbidden, how naughty it all was. Vinyl panted quietly as she both watched and imagined, her mind adding sound to Marina's silent movements as she half-mimicked the way Marina was touching herself, trying to comprehend what she must be feeling, what those moments of contact must be like.

The unicorn gave a soft groan as she moved her hoof in rough circles against herself, as her hips bucked a little and she felt the lips of her sex drawing back in reflex, felt her nectar spilling out, rolling down her thighs to pool between her legs. She leaned back a little, making the stool squeak, then she gritted her teeth as the screen changed, some eager, primal part of her demanding more, not to be teased again like this, as Marina shifted and stepped away from the mirror, the screen shaking as she stumbled across her room.

And that greedy, needy part of Vinyl was rewarded when Marina slid onto the bed and rolled onto her back, Vinyl watching as the chocolate mare spread her legs again and pressed back into the pillows of her bed as she moaned in pleasure, her hooves stroking along her inner thighs as she gazed into the mirror. The image was much smaller, but Vinyl could see every detail in the reflection, thanks to the size of the screen, and even better yet, she had a better view of Marina's metal hooves, of her belly, of her sex, as she gazed down at herself more than into her reflection.

Her hooves traveled across her thighs, then turned and rubbed up along her stomach, teasing herself as they played over her groin, but she was shivering, and Vinyl could see the jitters in her body, the quake of her moist folds, and she knew it wasn't going to be long before she was doing more than teasing.

Vinyl's own hoof slowed, as if in response to Marina, and she bit her lip and hissed out her nostrils as she watched the way the mare controlled herself, slowed herself down, and teased herself for longer and better than Vinyl ever would have been able to make herself last. She made a little noise, somewhere between a groan and a whimper, as her body tried to match the pace the mare on screen set, but it was terribly difficult: her whole body seemed to move, and even with mechanical limbs, she seemed to be able to bend that stiff steel in impossible ways, to make it thrum and quiver like real flesh, her hips rolling, her thighs shaking, her lower limbs stretching out towards the skies and those rubber hooves twisting as if even the mechanical parts of her were unable to stop themselves from responding to the pleasure flowing through her body.

And who knew, maybe they were: Marina's hooves stroked along her inner thighs, spreading her sweet nectar across them before she brought a hoof upward, inward, stroking that rubberized front hoof over her lips so gently, gracefully, that it was more the flex of her body that made her loins quiver, not her touch.

Vinyl's eyes half-closed in pleasure as her other hoof drew along her own body, watching, waiting in anticipation, her loins quivering, her clitoris insistently bulging out between her lips of her sex as her other hoof teased it, stroked it, flicked it. She bit into her lower lip almost hard enough to make it bleed as she watched Marina's hips roll slowly, as her hoof massaged in slow, easy circles across her loins, as her other hoof trailed down her body before she slid both forehooves to her thighs.

She gripped into herself, cupping her sex in both hooves for a moment, her body shuddering as she squirmed on the bed: in the mirror, Vinyl could see her spasming, mouth agape, eyes half-lidded, pressing firmly back into the pillows. Her hips bucked again as one of her hooves slid out to the side, and Vinyl watched as that building heat and pleasure built too high, the unicorn leaning forwards and flushed with pleasure herself, almost unaware of the way her own hoof began to stroke harder, press firmer into her own heated folds as Marina's hoof began to move faster and harder.

Marina's hips bucked, her body shaking with pleasure as her hoof squeezed and ground against her clitoris, making short, rough circles over the sensitive nub of flesh. The heel of her hoof stroked along the swollen lips of her labia with every spiraling press, and Vinyl shuddered in pleasure as she leaned further back in the stool, her own hips rocking, her hoof moving counter to Marina's as she pleasured herself, mirroring the movements of the mare.

She felt the heat rising, building up moment after moment as her breath rushed in and out, watching eagerly as Marina's whole body moved with her hoof: she fidgeted, rolling back and forth slightly on the bed as her hips gyrated, and her cries were getting loud enough that Vinyl could hear them from down the hall. She was barely able to muffle her own moans of pleasure as she continued to thrust her hoof along her burning loins.

Marina suddenly arched her back, pressing herself back into the bed, half-clenching her eyes shut and nearly blacking out the camera, but her eyes remained just open enough that Vinyl was able to see the way her hoof pushed down, spreading her lips wide as it ground against her clitoris, as her hips bucked and her juices spurted from her sex, making the metal of her prosthetic limbs shimmer and staining the bed beneath her.

Vinyl gasped, then brought her foreleg up and bit into it to muffle her own moans as she her hips thrust, bucking against her own hoof as she nearly curled over herself, clenching her eyes shut as she almost toppled off the stool as her own release hit. She felt her sex clenching, gripping around her hoof as she orgasmed, her fluids spilling out as her passage contracted like a vise, labia squeezing needfully around her hoof.

It was blissful, and it was over far too soon, Vinyl shivering and leaning back with a wheeze before she looked awkwardly up at the screen in front of her, seeing mostly the ceiling as Marina relaxed in her own afterglow. The unicorn blushed a bit as she realized what she'd watched, and moreover, what she'd done, glancing lamely down at the now-wet stool under her as the bliss of release gave away far too quickly to guilt and discomfort, the unicorn licking her lips before she stumbled up to her shaking legs.

She hurriedly closed the doors of the closet, then awkwardly turned around and bolted out of Octavia's room to head to the bathroom to clean herself up. After a quick rinse and a few moments of catching her breath, she felt better, looser, promising to herself this would remain her little secret and that-

Vinyl nearly walked right into Marina as she left the bathroom, and she blushed beet-red as she stared at her with wide eyes. Marina looked awkwardly back at her for a few moments, then blinked before her head reared back slightly, and the two simply stared at each other before Marina slowly turned red herself as Vinyl gave a lame grin and lied lousily: “Just got back from. Um. Exercising. Myself. Exercising with myself- by myself! Yes.”

“Yes.” Marina echoed, clearly seeing through the lie, and likely also reading Vinyl's emotions thanks to her Changeling abilities. The two gauged each other for a few moments, and then Marina cleared her throat before she said finally: “I won't tell Octavia if you don't.”

Vinyl gave a lame grin, but was thankfully saved responding when Marina slipped past to go into the bathroom, and the unicorn dropped her head awkwardly as the door closed behind her. Well, she figured, it could have been worse.

Now she just had to clean up Octavia's room before she got home, or she was never going to hear the end of this.