Rainbow Dash and the Potion of Fetish

by Alexshy

First published

RD interrupts one of Twilight's alchemic experiments and becomes subjected to an unfinished potion. When she finds out the effect, the potion provides, the immediate idea to use it for some good kink drives RD on a spree. Which one? Find out!

RD interrupts one of Twilight's alchemic experiments and becomes subjected to an unfinished potion. When she finds out the effect, the potion provides, the immediate idea to use it for some good kink drives RD on a spree. Which one? Find out!

The story is written by request and basing on the initial idea of Superfun

The cover image is the generously presented artwork of my good friend Wolfgrel aka Yoye

Beware of whole lot of fetishes rooting from main one - Foot Fetish.

Rainbow Dash and the Potion of Fetish

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Early morning in Ponyville: what can suit for training better? The sun is just appeared behind the treetops on the eastern edge of Everfree forest and houses and trees leave long dense shadows on the ground. It seems that princess Celestia is still sleepy and doesn’t rush to raise the star, as the sun itself seems to be slowly waking up from the night rest. Perhaps Celestia spent half of the night at the board games with Luna… again. I quietly snort at the joke, I could hardly ever share with the princess herself; especially when she didn’t have her morning coffee yet.

The majority of the birds woke up early and started singing after 4am already: their symphony makes me feel awesome; ready to kick and cheerful... even twenty percent more cheerful to be frank. Raising an ear towards the distant rooster’s cock-a-doodle-doo at the Fluttershy’s cottage I continue jogging. This is exactly what I got up that early for, betraying my usual love for a good nap. They say a good sportsmare never skips “legs’ days” and, naturally, I don’t want to look or feel disproportional… or walk like a swift, when I am to walk.

Early morning is the ideal time to leave the sky for a while and take a good run on the ground, not risking to get a “legasus” sobriquet. Surely, it doesn’t have the same ugly racist meaning, like in the Three Tribes era. And Fluttershy is called like that from time to time, but my friend is usually called that way by random stallions, she passes without paying wanted attention; to be completely frank, it is always rather aspirated in awe, thus definitely has other than racist meaning. Still, I don’t want to be caught jogging around Ponyville by some long-tongued cummer, even a young and inexperienced one, like Diamond Tiara. But those are watching their tenth dream at the moment (I hope Luna sends a few good nightmares their way), getting their chatty tongues ready for the daily news and gossips. So I can manage my “legs’ day” in total safety. And perhaps reach the result of our dear Flutters one day, whose legs are ideally fit, as she spends almost all day on them, treating her animal friends or walking in the Everfree. Only Jackie’s legs can beat hers in terms of fitness, but Applejack spends her time bucking apple trees, and, to my taste, her legs are a bit bulky, like steam engine’s forcers of the Canterlot loco – one hit and you’re out.

Thinking of Flutters’ legs makes my mouth instantly and involuntarily water and me lose the running tempo for a moment. I gulp quite loudly.

“Hey! Come on, Dashie!” I nudge myself inwardly, feeling two pink spots on my cheeks. “Straight to the point now, aha! You have a few laps around the town in front of you still… Before it gets all crowded and chatty, and totally not awesome at some places.”

The delicious sweet aroma of fresh dough beats the scents of leaves, flowers and road dust in the race up my nostrils, as I pass the Sugracube Corner. Apparently Pinkie is an early bird today as well and already making something outstanding to catch early customers’ attention.

“Out of here! Quick! Candy and muffins are the last things you need, instead of your training.”

With a smile I run past the fragrant temptation and across the square. Perfectly audible clacking of Rarity’s sewing machine tells me that Ra-ra is up as well and has a big request to fulfill. I wonder, if she worked all the night, making Sweetie Belle imprecate the dresses, fabric, threads, ribbons, needles, all the stuff clothes are made of or with. On the other hand, the sun is quite high already: I totally forget about the time while running: it always feels so good to energize yourself before the long day.

There is one problem though. Surely shorts and a short sport top are perfect for training, but it’s getting hot and I can clearly feel the smell, my heated body starts generating. It is merely heated skin and deodorant at the moment, but I can’t spend the rest of the day like that. A short glance to the cleavage area…

“Ha-ha, quite generous of you, Dashie!” I tell myself, smirking. “To call B-cups in a sport top a cleavage.”

In certain circumstances it’s a blessing, like this moment, when my B-size breasts don’t interfere with my running much and leave enough space to ventilate around, besides, I can afford going out without any underwear, not risking any detrimental effects to my image. Not that I ever gave a flying buck to strangers’ opinions, still... Although, I secretly dream of them to be bigger sometimes, like those delicious DDs of Flutters, especially when I share a friendly hug with her.

“But I won’t confess to anypony,” I smirk inwardly. “Except Flutters, perhaps.”

So, a short glance to the cleavage area and I see that a dark stain of sweat already formed on the light blue top right in between the “hills”, and my chest fluff is soaking wet. Perhaps it’s time to call it a day and turn… OK, fly back home, take a shower, change, have a light breakfast and get to the daily weather management work.

I stop in the middle of the empty yet street, stretch and flex a little, catching a fixated glance of a stallion, who looks out for the morning newspaper. It seems that Derpy has delivered the morning post already, but missed the hole as usual – the rolled newspaper is stuck in the doggie door, making me snort instantly. The stallion takes that as addressed to him, downcasts and blushes, hiding back in his house.

“Hey, why not visit Twilight on my way home?” a sudden idea comes into my mind. “I’ve heard there was a new Daring Do book released. Twi should have it already defo. Won’t hurt to get my hands on it early… besides, Twi will hardly start reading it right away – she is too busy with serious studies as usual. Our dear egghead…”

Daring Do is another secret legasus of a kind – the… well, daring archaeologist and adventurer, I’m a flaming fan of. Even more since I… we all with the girls found out that the action hero and the author of the series were practically the same actual pony; moreover, her adventures, described in the books, were the real biography of the author, artistically edited and presented, still true to the last word.

I soar in the air, spreading my wings, totally occupied by a pleasant thoughts about having a nice evening read, if my plan plays out fine.

The window on the ground floor of the Golden Oak Library is open, but I land at the front door and accurately knock. Not my usual manner, you say? Well, normally I would storm in, making all non-nailed papers fly in a swirl… and Spike mad with me instantly – Twilight would hardly notice, unless it’s her desk, but Spike is the one to clean the mess. Yet it’s too early according to my standards; besides, the last time I burst in the library like that, wrecking havoc among the just-properly-placed-on-their-right-spots books, I avoided reprisals, only because everypony saw my sad face and realized, I felt a total loser at the moment, unable to perform the Sonic Rainboom right. That was just before the flyers’ contest, all the girls helped Twilight bring the library to due order and my “performance” in the library was more than unwelcome. Later Fluttershy told me that she thought, at least Rarity and Jackie were going to kick both our asses for that debacle.

The front door opens and reveals Spike, yawning and rubbing his eyes, it seems Twilight is up to something, so she woke her aide earlier than usual.

“Good morning, Spikey-wikey!” I smirk and determinedly step inside, even before he closes his mouth… or the door likewise. “Where is Twi? Is she up since the evening, studying up to red eyes… or busy with some dangerous mumbo-jumbo again?”

I stop in the middle of the hall, putting my hands on the hips and taking a look around. No sign of Twilight, usually she hears me right from the door and shows up… unless she is between the pages to the tip of her striped tail.

“Twilight is very busy, Dash!” Spike frowns a little at the nickname. Apparently, only Rarity is allowed to call him like that in normal conditions. “Some alchemic experiment. She said it was very important and she needed not to be disturbed at any cost. I’m very sorry, but you’ll need to wait for a while or come later, if you can…”

“What is it again?” I raise one eyebrow, wondering, what urgent idea could strike Twilight before the sunrise, that she even can’t pay a couple of minutes of her attention to the close friend.

“I have no idea…” huffs Spike, going around me and standing in front with the visible intention of stopping me, if I try to break in… well, most likely Twilight is in the basement, where her home laboratory is. “But she started running back and forth, you know, Dash, in her usual manner, when some genuine idea comes to her mind, even before princess Celestia opened her eyes, I suppose. She woke me, then she made me get up and do some preparations in the lab. She has been in since that moment.”

“The good news are,” he adds, before I open my mouth again. “I checked a few minutes ago and she said she was almost there. So I’m sure it’s not a long wait anyway, a matter of minutes…”

“Look, Spike!” I feel that I start to boil inwardly. “I’m just from my morning run and all I need is a book. One. Book! I’ll just ask, she tells me where to take it, if she has it already. OK? I mean, I’m not entirely happy to wait, just because… I’m all sweaty and… it’s, like you properly mentioned, a matter of time, when the smell stops being unusual and starts being unpleasant.”

“I swear, I’ll leave her do whatever weird stuff she is into, right after she tells me, where the book is!” I add, noticing how Spike throws a quick, but interested glance on my sweaty stomach and neck, and the area in between. I inwardly facepalm, surely he is totally Rarity’s, but the guys are always the same, using any chance to eye, what they can.

Spike pouts and blocks my way spreading his hands, instead of simply letting me have a word with my busy diligent unicorn friend. No doubt he swore by his Dragon Codex that he would keep Twilight undisturbed by random visitors. But I am NOT a random visitor.

I try to step aside and walk around Spike, but he follows, still not letting me pass. This game continues for a while and I could probably laugh at us both finally, if I wasn’t annoyed by inability to ask Twi a simple question. Getting… “through” Spike is easy, but still feels unsportsmarelike for me enough, as he is much younger and smaller, so I drop this idea instantly. Instead of which I make a surprised look towards the opened window and raise my hand, greeting.

“Hey, Rarity! How’s life, pal?”

It actually works. It works all the times! I wonder, if Spike forgot, how I performed exactly the same trick two weeks ago, as his attention dissolves, while his eyes quickly dart to the window and his mind revisions, if he looks manly and determined enough.

With a satisfied snort I rush round and past him to the door, which leads to the basement stairs, and burst in.


But I slammed the door close already and it cuts Spike’s angry shout. The loud click of the latch gives me a few seconds, while he tries to open, and I fly above the short staircase to another door to the actual basement. Hoping that it is unlocked, I bump it open: fortunately it opens inside. I manage to notice that Twilight is standing at the alchemy table full of boiling and sparkling stuff, there is a large flask of some pink weird liquid in her hands, just before I knock her off, while landing and sliding on the floor, trying to stop.

Twilight rolls in one corner of the room with a muffled scream and dilated eyes and I smack right on my butt near the table, feeling a slight bump on my right snicker. The flask falls right on my legs, but stays intact, pouring a good portion of its pink, viscous contents over my feet and soaking the snickers instantly. The smell of something sickeningly mawkish spreads in the air.

“What the hay Twi was making here?” lights up in my head, while I rub my butt – the impact was quite palpable, watching, how Twilight gets up, shaking imaginary dust off her lab coat. At first I think that she is going to smack me with something heavy, but… This is Twilight, if you know what I’m about?

“Oh, Celestia! Rainbow, look what a mess have you done…” she says rather tiredly than angrily. With a sigh Twilight starts quickly checking her work place, then gives me a hand. “Get up, Dash. Oh… by the way… Good morning!”

“Morning, Twi!” I say with a guilty smirk. “Look, I’m sorry… I mean, I hope I haven’t brought too much damage to your… experiments.”

“Well, not very,” a warm smile finally lightens Twi’s muzzle. “I’m always writing a log of my studies, so I can easily recreate, what you… well, poured out,” she nods towards a journal on the table, where I can see her totally unreadable for an average mare quick writing. “But you, mate… Are you alright?”

“Yeah, don’t worry!” I huff. “Something more than a sudden fall is needed to bring me down. My arse hurts a bit, and my self-esteem maybe a bit more, but… Fortunately, it wasn’t some acid, right?” I giggle, examining my, now pink and sticky, snickers. “It smells not exactly right for me, but I ran the whole morning, so I guess, I’m nothing to complain about anyway.”

“Look, Twi, what is this… stuff really?” I add, putting the almost empty flask back on the table. “It smells like if two Sugarcube Corners together were shoved right up my nose.”

The door opens once again, not giving Twilight time to answer.

“Rainbow Dash!!!” if dragons’ glance could kill, I was already dead at least thrice. “I’ve said pretty much clearly, Twilight asked to not be interrupted… Oh!..” Spike notices that all harm which could be done, is done already.

“Horse apples!” he sighs, facepalming. Then adds after a pause. “Look, Twilight, I really tried to stop her, really… But you know Dash, if something sticks into her head, she will blast everything on her way. Especially if that something regards Daring Do.”

I stand with arms akimbo, sticking my tongue out towards Spike, while Twilight can’t see.

“Hmm… Well, this explains everything,” mutters Twilight with a chuckle. “Thanks, Spike. Don’t worry I’ll clean everything here,” she waves her hand indeterminately, showing that Spike can do, what he did before, and not bother with the mess, I made. Frankly speaking partially because of his stubborn dragon self.

With another sigh red as a carrot Spike leaves us, but not before he secretly returns me the favour, making a face.

“So what’s up with Daring Do?” asks Twilight.

“Dunno! I mean I was going to ask you exactly, if you had the latest book,” I shrug, hearing as my snickers slosh – there is still too much… stuff in them.

“Sorry, Rainbow, but not yet,” Twilight checks her table once again, bringing things to order and moving some papers and test tubes. “I had no time to check the store and I didn’t preorder this time.”

“Oh… I guess, one can’t have everything at once!” I sigh, then remember my unanswered question. “Yet, what was that stuff, I… ruined?.. Sorry…”

“Well, that’s a very sudden idea…” Twilight turns off the lab heater and turns to face me, the familiar mentor’s expression is written on her muzzle and I brace myself, sighing inwardly. “You’ve heard, what trick Apple Bloom, Belle and Scoots threw out on latest Hearts’n’Hooves day?”

“You mean, with Macky, Cheerilee and certain love potion?” a wide grin forms on my muzzle. “Yeaaah, pal! They were quite a look… not mentioning that listening to them was priceless, yet terrible. Bleeeh!”

Twilight allows herself a small smile.

“That is why exactly I thought about a fast and powerful enough antidote for this kind of potions… and poisons. I had a few ideas and trying them out seemed the right thing to start the day with.”

I nod and Twilight continues explaining.

“So I was experimenting, trying to mix a composition, which is strong enough, fast and effective. Besides it must wind out, when it reaches its goal, and not let ponies remember all the… details. I couldn’t make it cease in minutes, so decided that if the antidote winded out in a few hours, it would be a nice result anyway.”

She checks her notes and I examine the ceiling of the room, trying to do that not very obviously. “Why does Twilight always need to complicate things?”

“You probably know, that every antidote usually contains some parts of the potion, it helps against, or it entirely,” Twilight seems to be excited by probable discovery, so she doesn’t notice. “This case is the same.”

“Yeah,” I mutter, trying to suppress the irony in my voice.

“Thus what you have on your feet, is the composition before the final stage… One ingredient is still missing, the one, which turns the whole thing into antidote exactly,” Twilight takes off her rectangle glasses and rubs the bridge. “It must be totally safe anyway, especially considering that you didn’t take it inside,” she smirks.

“That’s a relief, pal!” I chuckle then wrinkle my nose. “But it’s sticky as rotten hay, Twi. Can I use your bathroom, please. I’d like to get rid of it and the smell, if possible. Never smelled like candy store robber, don’t plan to, to be honest.”

“Sure thing, Rainbow,” says Twilight, wiping off the puddle of the pink goo from the floor. “And throw your shoes into the washing machine, I’ll find you some sandals; we have the same size, if I my memory serves me well.”

Thankfully, the soles of my snickers are unstained, so I accurately leave the basement, dropping only a couple of drips on the stairs. Twilight follows, wiping them as well.

“EWWWW!!!” I take off my snickers one by one and pour the pink crap into the sink, when the bathroom door closes behind Twilight, who heads to look for a pair of something to replace my spoiled shoes. I shove them into the maw of big washing machine, then turn on the water to flush the remnants of the potion from the sink entirely.

“Horse apples!” closer examination of my feet tells that the potion has soaked in already. Well, I hope Twilight is at least right about it being harmless that way. Still it’s better to wash them, just in case.

Then a new idea comes to my mind: I can’t change into fresh clothes right now, of course, but I will definitely feel better, if I take a shower and become clean myself at least. No sooner said than done! I grab the sport top and quickly drag it over my head, putting on the washing machine, then untie the shorts belt and slip out of them with one fluid hips move. Balancing on one leg, I raise another with shorts hanging on the toes and make them join the top.

Twilight’s bathroom mirror keeps me busy for a while, spinning in front of it and checking myself. I smile to my reflection, ruffling the rainbow bangs and winking, then examine the fresh scratches on the shoulder, I flew through a tree crown yesterday, while helping Applejack in the garden.

“Scratches like… scratches,” I shrug. “Nothing to worry about!”

An accidental touch on the nipple, when I pull the skin on my shoulder, sends a wave of itchy pleasure down my chest and stomach, making me blush slightly, as I notice, how cooler air made the nipples big and hard. I cover my breasts with the palms and involuntarily sigh, as the touch feels awesome.

“Hey, you’re at Twilight’s house!” I remind myself, noticing that I become aroused slightly.

Eyeing the flat, fit stomach and the round hips I conclude that morning runs pay well for themselves. I turn my side towards the mirror, standing on tiptoes, then raising one leg: almost ideal, I’m definitely on the right way, more work in the same direction and they will be just what I wanted. Proudly fluffing my tail I decide that it’s enough self-admiration for now.

The hot water is a real blessing after a good workout and I allow the streams to flow all over my head and body, before brushing through Twilight’s reserve of shower gels and shampoos, opening vials and sniffing each. She has quite a few in comparison with my “only necessary stuff”, but I can bet, Rarity has tons of those. Giggling quietly I finally find one, smelling of green tea and something else, light and breezy, and find it suitable for me.

I pour a portion of the gel on my breasts and between, allowing it to flow down to the stomach, closing the bottle and spreading the gel with bare hands. For the good few minutes I lather myself, enjoying it fully and almost murmuring. Here’s another advantage of B-size – you need less shower gel to wash yourself well.


Then I stumble on sudden mental image of Twilight, caressing me under the shower streams, and open my eyes.

“Rainbow!” my cheeks burn a little, but I can’t help admitting that she looks one sexy as hay mare in her lab coat. “Maybe you should stop “hunting” Fluttershy for a while and pay Twi some more attention.”

I remember that apparently Twilight had only bra and panties on under the lab coat, being careful not to stain her everyday clothing, and start feeling tension and heat in my lower stomach. It takes me a few moments to pull myself together and wash the foam off. But my thoughts keep returning to Twilight as I dry myself with a towel, wring out the water from my tail, then put my clothes back on.

“Here they are!” Twilight waits for me already, as I exit her bathroom. A pair of open sandals is in her hands, something golden with straps, in ancient style. Not exactly my stuff, but… better than nothing. Apparently she was to look for them in some wardrobe for a while, as the upper button of her lab coat, she is still in, got unbuttoned… and my heart skips a bit.

“Let’s see, if they fit,” Twilight hands the sandals to me and her glance darts to my bare feet. The change is striking. I literally see, how her eyes dilate, hands tremble a little and her breath visibly deepens.

“What in the name of Celestia?..” I throw a look at my feet, but everything seems normal, and I shrug, not understanding her… excitement!

“… better let me… try them on you…” mutters Twilight huskily, still eyeing my long-suffering feet.

“Hmm… Why not, if you insist,” I say, smirking at her sudden weirdness.

As we are in her room, I look around and find an armchair to put myself in. Then I place one leg on the knee of another, letting my mate perform the fitting. A wide smile still sits on my muzzle, because of the absurdity of that situation. Twilight’s next act almost stuns me instantly.

She takes my foot with her both hands, dropping the sandals and making me quietly moan from the soft, tender, burning hot touch of her gentle fingers, and… instead of putting the sandal on it, rubs her cheek against my instep, ankle and higher up my leg. I freeze in place, my eyes can easily compete with Celestia’s at that moment and the surprise makes me unable to pull back my leg. Frankly speaking, I don’t want to pull back the next moment.

“Delicious!” coos Twilight, kissing my toes one by one. “I’d do anything to play with them for a while.”

She puts my foot between her breasts, right where the naughtily unbuttoned lab coat reveals them, and grabs another one, licking and kissing it. I gasp in shock, but it feels so good, despite being utterly strange, especially for our egghead diligent student, that I can’t protest and start wriggling from pleasure instead.

“Bucking potion!” realization strikes me as a lightning bolt… or maybe it’s pleasure, growing into desire, as Twilight starts sucking on my toe in unambiguous manner. “It supposed to be a love potion antidote, but she didn’t finish it… I interrupted Twi on the step of turning love-potion-like crap into antidote!”

“Twilight knows her job. The bucking thing works, way too good, if you ask me,” I think, well, I try to think, while my body melts under Twilight caresses, she covers my both feet with. “Thankfully she said, it must wind out in a few hours. But…”

A sly smile worms on my muzzle in between lusty moans, I can’t hold inside already.

“You said you’d do anything to keep them for yourself for a while, Twilight, right?”

“Yesss!” she almost hisses, her wide open eyes seem to look right into my soul. “I’d do anything… my mistress commands me to.”

I quickly think, what innocuous trick I can play on my mate, which still can be sexy and satisfy us both.

“Aha! Got it. You should definitely have that in your mind, somewhere deep enough,” a kinky idea visits me.

“What about some role play?” I ask Twilight, smiling widely. “Don’t you ever feared doing some study or research less than perfectly and… being scolded by princess Celestia?”

I understand that it is a direct hit by slightly guilty look and pinkish spots on Twi’s cheeks.

“Yes, mistress!”

“I’ll wait for you in your basement lab… "my faithful student"!” I grant her with a wide toothy grin.

Twilight nods, then she suddenly takes off her lab coat and hands it to me.

“Can you put this on… please?” she asks pleadingly, while I gulp involuntarily, eyeing her perfect curves in lacy lingerie.

“Sure thing,” I grab the coat and stride to the basement, waving my tail and making sure, she watches each of my steps fixedly.

When in the lab I lock the door, Twilight can teleport anywhere and we don’t need to be interrupted. Then I smirk and took my sports wear off, putting the lab coat instead. It’s not very long, awesome. Taking a look around I notice another, not so occupied, table with a few papers only and sit on it, crossing my legs not to spoil everything for Twilight instantly.

Right in time! With a loud clap Twilight appears in the room. She is dressed in a short, white, tight top, a tartan skirt, barely covering the spot, her tails grows from, white knee socks and high heels. I quietly snort, but admit that she looks rather sexy, despite a bit nerdy. Twilight holds a folder, her eyes are bashfully downcasted, but her nipples perk as pencils through the thin top in obvious anticipation.

“You called for me… princess?!” she mutters sheepishly.

I gasp momentarily, but quickly put myself into the right role.

“Yes, Twilight,” I say tiredly and sympathetically, but with obvious tint of strictness. “You failed to compose the love potion antidote for nopony-knows-how-many times. That’s not something a diligent unicorn student can afford!”

Twilight’s glance darts to my muzzle and I spot angry sparkles in her eyes – exactly, that’s me, who spoiled her work, but… She manages to return to her role. Sure thing, she wants, she desires to get her prize.

“I’m sorry, princess,” she breathes out, taking a couple of steps closer. “I’m really sorry.”

“I suppose you are, Twilight. But you definitely need to study better,” I sigh, then add. “Despite how much I regret, this calls for punishment, my dear.”

Twilight sighs fitfully and comes even closer, while I take a ruler from the table behind my back; it is wide enough, so won’t hurt much.

“Come here, Twilight, and bend over the table,” I take the ruler in my teeth and grab a few sheets of paper from her desk. Rolled in a tight tube they form a perfect gag and I tell Twilight to bite the paper tube tight, then hold the ruler more comfortable for the better sway.

I lift her tartan skirt and her striped tail to find out her underwear missing, her butt cheeks slightly trembling in excitement and her tight snatch already glistening with her juices. Suppressing a strong urge to grab and squeeze her delicious butt I place a few not very strong, but quite palpable hits with the ruler, leaving pinkish stripes and making Twi squeak muffledly through the papers. To my surprise her snatch opens a bit and moistens even more, as the result of my treatment, and I can’t help noticing that I myself become hot and start leaking slightly.



“Didn’t I tell you, my dear, that every work calls for careful planning and remembering about your time, not wasting it for useless things?”

Wes, thou fid, pwinceff!” Twilight sounds, like she is munching on the papers to become more articulate, which makes me quietly giggle.


OH! Pwinceff, pwease…”

“What, Twilight? You were supposed to finish the work two weeks ago, not to mention that you were constantly delaying your weekly letters…”


Mmmmm!!!” Twilight mutters something incomprehensible and squeezes my hip slightly, making me raise one eyebrow.

“…reporting about your success at studies. Were there nothing to report about?”


“Squee!” Twilight produces a few fake whimpers, but I clearly see a thick, transparent strand of her love juice, which leaves her snatch and slowly threads down to her knees. I can hardly hold myself in hands much longer, while Twilight pleads. “I’m fo sowwy, pwinceff. I fill do anyffing fo forreff my mifftake… anyffing!

“Anything, you say?” I put the ruler away and raise Twilight from the table, taking wet and chewed papers from her mouth. She kneels on the floor in front of me, with her hands pleadingly folded at her chest and her eyes looking up to me.

“Well, there is one thing, you can do to make your princess forgive your mistake!” with these words I slide closer to the edge of the table and spread my legs, showing Twilight her target. Will be an easy run for her, as I usually shave there squeakily clean.

Twilight’s eyes dilate and she dives, attacking my exposed pussy with the speed of light. The touch of her hot, tender tongue is so sudden and amazing that my body instantly bends back; with a loud moan I involuntarily squeeze her fluffy ears with my thighs, while she performs her wild dance around my cherry.

“Oh, Twily!” I coo, while my hands travel through her mane, stroking her head, holding it closer to me, filling the air with the smell of her hair.

When I release my leg grasp a little, Twilight raises her hands and starts unbuttoning the lab coat on me, while still being busy down there, diligently licking, kissing and drilling me with her tongue, making my body arch back even more. I need to support myself with both hands on the table not to fall flat.

Finally she copes with the buttons and grabs both my breasts, squeezing them slightly, massaging and caressing. When her both thumbs start tickling my swollen nipples, circulating around them, pressing and releasing, pinching slightly with the help of index fingers, I almost loose self-control, panting and making my lower body thrust towards her muzzle. I notice that one of her hands leaves my breast and travels under her own top instead, grabbing her own round tit, making Twilight produce a low pitch moan.

A few more minutes of the same treatment and my body is hot and almost sweating again, the itchy wave forms in my abdomen and I’m barely fighting it, not to let it flood me entirely right away.

“Do you find my… mmm… classwork satisfying, princess?” Twilight pauses for a moment and looks up to me. I try to focus my eyes on hers and take my breath, using that time-out.

“You’re on the right way, my faithful student,” I finally grant her with a kind smile. “Keep it going and it reaches “Excellent” mark. I think, you can even deserve a reward instead of a punishment that way, Twilight!”

Her eyes glare and she dives down again, fiercely impaling me on her tongue and sucking my clit in alternant rhythmical pattern.

“Yeaaaah! Good girl! Just right THERE!!!” I moan, placing my hand on her mane, scratching behind her ear and spreading my thighs wider to give Twilight more freedom of act and the ability to snuggle closer into my craving leaking pussy. My feet reach her butt and I start pinching firm round cheeks with my toes, rubbing my soles against her peachy skin.

This is evidently the final trigger for Twilight, as she roars like a panther, while still “munching” on my pussy. The vibration does its work though instantly, as the burning wave finally covers me all over and my body bends and wriggles in an intensive orgasm.

“WOAAAAH!!! Serve your princess, girl!” my hand presses Twilight’s head to my pussy, while the latter convulsively squeezes her tongue, which Twilight preferred to stick deep inside, feeling me finishing.


“What?” I weakly slide down to the floor and sit on Twilight’s lap, wrapping my hands and legs around her. “Can you repeat, my dear?”

“I hope my princess is pleased,” coos Twilight with a tiny, but very sly smile. “And she didn’t forget about the small reward…”

“Surely, she didn’t… And you’ll get your reward, my faithful student…” I can’t finish, as Twilight covers my lips with her own, kissing me and shoving her hot tongue in my mouth, letting me taste myself off her silky lips. That’s so awesome that I hardly can remember, what I was going to say. “Can we get a bit more comfortable though?”

“Aye, princess!”

“And you can…”


With a loud sound Twilight teleports us both in her bedroom, my head is still spinning a bit, but I finish the phrase. “…can stop calling me princess now, if you want.”

Twilight pushes me on her bed, instead of the answer, and watches fixedly, as I take the lab coat off and throw it aside. Then I nest with comfort and stretch, raising and flexing one leg, then another, noticing how Twilight watches each move almost with watering mouth.

“Come on, Twily, don’t be shy!” I chuckle and slap the bed.

No double invitation is necessary and Twilight mounts me in a second, reversely, facing my feet obviously, as they are exactly her reward and desired prize for today. With a happy sigh she leans to them, massaging my feet with her both hands, kissing them and granting me an amazing sight of her firm butt and soaking wet pussy – the inner thighs are wet as well and her juices have even reached the knee-socks.

I grab her butt cheeks and cause a first excited moan from her mouth, while she is licking my insteps, running her fingers on my soles, making me wriggle again. She holds my legs firmly in place though and when she starts sucking on my toes, I can only watch with wide open eyes, how her tail proudly waves like a flag and her cherry is winking at me. The image and treatment both are an amazing pleasure, yet I grasp all the remaining self control and decide to pay my generous friend the deserved attention.

I lick my two fingers, right at that moment Twilight lustily, but gently bites my toe, causing a muffled moan. Then I grab her striped waving tail at the base and slooooowly, oh, so teasingly, slide both fingers in her swollen, leaking, burning hot pussy.


“No!” I remove the fingers and slap Twilight on the ass slightly, but loudly. “Who am I? Tell, and tell me what you want!”

“Please, Rainbow, don’t stop!!!” Twilight whimpers, but continues licking my feet. “Please, rut your mare. OWN ME, DARN YOU, RAINBOW DASH!!!” She almost roars suddenly and I notice a first convulsive contraction of her vulva, to my utter surprise she is so close to her goal.

“That’s better, pal!” I return both fingers to their promising position and start stroking her inner walls gently and rhythmically, while my thumb teases her clit.

Twilight starts trembling and her legs slightly give up, but I hold her tail, practically pulling her on my fingers, making her pant, moan and squeak muffledly, as she can’t tear herself off my feet no matter what. The next couple of minutes pass to the accompaniment of heavy breathing, moans and wet sticky sounds of Twilight’s pussy against my hand. I can’t help but start leaking again.

With Twilight’s current level of excitement I can easily find a firmer spot, a simple touch of which makes her twitch fiercely. With a devilish grin I start rubbing in circles and pressing my fingers against her g-spot. Twilight lets out a high pitch scream, leaving my feet for a while and bending her spine like a big cat; her tail stands like a stick for a moment, making me gasp surprisingly. What a view!

I continue the sweet tease, now Twilight won’t get anywhere. She sucks on my toe, but her whole organism is listening to the solo I play on her g-spot, as I can feel her inner walls contracting slightly. With my now free another hand I reach my clit and start rubbing it fast, trying to catch up with my marefriend. Oh, Celestia, it’s so hard to keep at least a tiny remnant of concentration to please us both, but I won’t forgive myself, if I fail.

This time we finish both at the same time. Me – quietly, biting my lip, trying to concentrate on my own feelings and on the amazing view of Twilight, obedient to my touch.


I would cover my ears perhaps, if I had my hands free at the moment. Twilight snuggles her face into my feet, her ass raised high, her pussy contracting violently around my fingers, while she still tries to move back and forth in short thrusts. A good load of her thick juices splashes on my stomach and crotch. Accurately I remove my hand.

Twilight raises slowly, not having enough strength, and almost drops back on me. I hug her and my hand strokes her hips, stomach, her perky breasts, gently, not to arouse again, but to soothe and caress. She reaches my right hand and puts both fingers in her mouth, I can feel her warm tongue tasting them, sucking and licking them clean. With a quite giggle I kiss her behind her soft sensitive ear.

“That was amazing, Rainbow!” whispers Twilight, her tone is sleepy and she is soft and relaxed, covering me like a blanket. The pleasant feel makes her weight, as she is not lighter than me, almost unnoticeable and I hold her tight, till she falls asleep.

Accurately putting my messy friend on her side, I slide from under her and cover Twilight with a blanket. It was a miracle, I guessed to grab my own clothes down in the lab, right before Twilight teleported us both; otherwise I would have to go out in her lab coat and sandals only.

I chuckle as I put my top and shorts on. The straps give me a few hard minutes, but I finally manage to get the sandals in place properly.

“Yeah… Definitely not my style…” I cringe slightly. “But one shouldn’t check the teeth of a gift cow.”

I soar in the air through the bedroom window not to meet Spike again or gain any unnecessary attention. It seems there is a busy day in front of me, I need to visit other girls… before that great invention of “my faithful student” winds out completely. A dreamy smile lightens my face…


In half an hour I reach the Carouselle Boutique and the silence seems suspicious to me. Surely Sweetie Belle must be at her classes right now, but hearing that Rarity is not working hard in that time of the day means two things generally. Either she is not at home, and that can seriously harm my plans, or some “tragedy” has happened or is about to happen, so even Opal sits quietly somewhere not to get caught under hot hand. I prefer to think about a “tragedy”, than a real tragedy, because usually the former can be fixed easily with the help of attentive friends.

Circling the boutique I spot a slightly opened window on the ground floor, that’s Ra-ra’s work room.


I open the window quietly and get inside; sitting on the windowsill I take a quick glance around the room. The usual working mess tells me that at least Rarity’s creative process wasn’t disturbed. Ra-ra likes everything to be on proper places all the time, when she doesn’t need this, but naturally in the middle of the major work the term “order” means for her that every thread, patch or instrument stays exactly, where she has put it prior, so Rarity can easily find anything, she needs, almost with eyes closed. When the job is done, everything is sorted and placed in cabinets and on shelves and woe is anypony, who tries to interfere with that process.

The row of completed dresses on the mannequins at the opposite wall clearly shows that the morning click-clack of her sewing machine was very productive. I usually don’t care about dresses and fashion much, sticking to the wisest, in my opinion, principle: “fashion is what I wear”. But somehow I understand that this batch is of top class as well; just as everything that exits Rarity’s capable hands. Well, except that one time, when we almost ruined our own (as it appeared later) Great Galloping Gala dresses, putting our muzzles too deep into the process. Purely of good will, but it turned out finally that the best idea still was to let the professional do her work and estimate the result, staying calm in the process. That little memory even makes me blush a little, while I, frankly speaking, wasn’t the “designer” of the most awful dress that time.

Another good thing is that Rarity is also here and I won’t need to look around Ponyville for her. She is standing at the easel with the draft folder, one hand on her hip, another holds the pencil, Rarity is munching on with the deeply thoughtful look on her muzzle. She stands her side to me, but apparently totally involved in the process, so doesn’t see me yet.

Dressed in her working leggings and a free tailored shirt, which leaves one shoulder open and, to be honest, looks damn sexy on Rarity with her crown of blue wavy hair, despite its simplicity, she is at the same time barefoot and I understand that she might work half of the night easily. The thing is, Sweetie Belle’s room is exactly above that one, and Rarity’s younger sister always asks her to at least not clatter too loud during her overnight inspiration strikes. The mere fact, how Rarity manages to not drop any needle, stomping on it later, is a great mystery for everypony and can be explained only by extraequestrial accuracy of my friend.

The whole look of Ra-ra at the moment tells me that something is still going wrong: the fixation on the draft, munching the long-suffering pencil, one ear standing up, another flattened, and her lips starting pouting a bit. No wonder Opal hides herself farsightedly.

“Good morning, Rarity,” I accurately probe the turf, sitting on the windowsill and keeping the frame open behind me… just in case.

“Mhm…” One ear turns to me, while Rarity’s eyes still scanning the draft. Hay, that’s serious! “Good morning, Rainbow. Although, I’m not entirely sure that it is so good for everypony, darling, as I have certain doubts about it being good for me.”

“So, what problem do you have, if I may ask?” I try my most calm and diplomatic tone, as I spot Opal’s eyes, flashing from the dark corner under the sofa.

“Look, Rainbow,” Rarity is so loaded by her problem, that she doesn’t even ask herself natural question: “Since when Dash is that interested in fashion issues?”, but simply starts to explain what bothers her instead. “I had a big request to fulfill recently, but that’s not news to you, I suppose,” Rarity proudly cocks her head, making her lush mane wave and glance in the light. “And I almost finished the dresses… except that last one. Grrrrrr!!! It drives me mad, Rainbow.”

With a heavy sigh Rarity puts the pencil behind her ear and straightens her fashionable glasses.

“It seems that everything was already used by me in some collection, the form, the colour, the…” Rarity let’s out another meaningful sigh. “…accessories.”

I accurately close the window frame to the level it was before I entered, evidently the trigger point for… “Hysteria mode” is passed and, despite the air is a bit electrified, it’s relatively safe to proceed at the moment. Even Opal half-crouching leaves her hiding place, visibly pondering, if rubbing against Rarity’s legs now is a good idea or not.

“So, there is only one dress left… and I stumbled upon it. Can you imagine, Dash?” meanwhile, Rarity continues. “I want it simple, yet impressive… And… And that’s all for now, that’s where I got stuck. UGHHHH!!!”

Rarity rubs her bridge, her eyes, then bats her spear eyelashes tiredly; her eyes are still fixated on the bucking draft.

“When do you finally pay me some attention?” I mutter inwardly, unstrapping one sandal, while still sitting on the sill.

“So, what do you wanted, Rainbow? Sorry,” Rarity closes her eyes, directed now to the ceiling.


“Ouch!” Rarity jumps on the spot from the sudden loud sound and finally turns to me. She spots the sandal, I dropped on the floor, then her sight starts scanning me from head down in professional fashionista manner. I can almost see her thoughts being reflected in her wide open eyes.

“Sport top – a bit short for my liking, but B-cups allow that, besides, if she likes them… well – Okay! Shorts – Rainbow must have been training, Okay!.. Knee-high strapped “gladiator” sandals!!! ALARM-ALARM!!!”

“Oh, Dash! How many times should I tell you, that the taste is not something, you can easily frame and put on a wall? The taste and style – everypony must grow, train and take delicate care of those!” Rarity seems to get onto her hobby-horse. Well, even I understand that strapped sandals look horse apples with sportswear, so her holy wrath is justified, but I really had no choice. “For example, those sandals are distinctively not going well… Okay, not going ANYHOW with your current clothes. Considering that you can fly, Rainbow, you’d better go bare…”

Rarity’s eyes reach my legs and feet: one in the sandal and one in its primal glory, wiggling the toes slightly. It sounds like somepony has put a stopper to the flow of her sentiments, so suddenly she shuts, completely losing the thread of her speech.

“Ummm… Where did you get those sandals by the way?” asks Ra-ra in a way more peaceful manner already. “I… errmmm… think that old style may fit somewhere in my collection… Of course, I must rework it for the best match, but…” saying that, she approaches me slowly, like afraid of me suddenly fleeing away.

“Look, Rarity,” I giggle slightly, I know well enough, what will follow. “I’ve accidentally spoiled my snickers, you know, I don’t wear stuff like these normally. So Twilight generously offered me those to replace, while my shoes are getting cleaned.”

I try to get down and take the sandal from the floor, but Rarity is faster.

“Oh, let me, darling!” she breaths out and I hear that the effect is full and strong. She then kneels to me, still sitting on her windowsill, and takes my feet in her hands.

“I can ask Twilight, if she lets you use them for your work,” I say, trying to avoid concentrating too much on Rarity’s caressing touch yet.

“To be honest, I’m rather interested in the contents, than the wrapping,” categorically states Rarity, taking another sandal off my leg, instead of helping me put on the first one. Then both are put aside, while Rarity strokes and massages my feet, making me tremble slightly. Her hands are fairly small, soft, warm, but amazingly strong for a gentle fashionista.

“Ahhhh!” I can’t help letting out an excited moan, when she starts kissing my feet, leaving a few faint lipstick prints on them.

She rubs her cheek against my legs and shivers come up them from the silky touch of the sea waves of her hair. My feet become pressed against her breasts, while she is still holding them tight, and I can feel her erect nipple through the cloth of her shirt. I grab and squeeze it slightly with my toes, returning the favour and making her produce a lusty whimper.

“Dash!” Rarity makes a look, which is meant to say “A lady shouldn’t behave like that!”, yet combined with her, kissing my instep and slightly biting my toe, is a priceless show. “I want to…”

When she starts treating my foot like an ice cream, the most delicious in her life as it seems, I suppose it’s time to “take the fish out of the water”.

“Well, ah, I thought, ah, Rarity! I thought, that you need help… Awww! But I can hardly help with your, oh… ah, dresses!” I try to sound coherent, despite it is harder and harder to do with each of her licks and kisses. “I had my own plans for today… Ahhhh, squeee!..”

“Please, could you stay for a while, Dashie?” Rarity squeezes my legs in a hug, rubbing her breasts again them and looking up to me with her incredible puppy-eyes look and slightly pouted lower lip, she always manages to stage that well, nopony can resist. “Pweeeease! Could I do something in return for… my mistress?” she asks with a sly and excited smile, seeing that I’m giving up (not that I was going to resist too long anyway).

“Well,” I use the pause in her heavenly caresses to catch breath and make up my mind. “There is a couple of things you could do.”

“A-a-and?..” Rarity slowly licks my sole from the heel to the toes, her eyes glare and I catch myself thinking, if she takes the Stare lessons from Fluttershy secretly.

“Ahhh! I need one of...” I lean to her and quietly tell, like if somepony can accidentally hear and spoil my plan, when my heart returns to its usual place from its wild jump. Before Rarity’s eyes become even bigger, I clarify with a chuckle. “No, I need it for a friend. Will return in a day, Pinkie Promise.”

“Anything else?” it seems Rarity copes with surprise fast enough and she is too excited to throw a few jokes about my strange request.

“I’d like to take you for a walk, if you don’t mind,” I had certain idea, what to do with Ra-ra, and now I decide finally. I wiggle my feet in her hands slightly to force the impression. “To the lake. I planned to sunbathe a little, maybe take a swim. So I think, you can join me… And we can continue our conversation there!” I add meaningfully.

“I don’t need the second invitation. Just let me take a coverlet,” Rarity’s wink is overly promising and I pick up the sandals and start putting them on, as my generous friend whisks out of my sight.

After a few minutes I hear her steps on the stairs again and Rarity presents herself dressed in light, breezy, knee long summer dress with straps on open shoulders and a large hat, supposed to protect her from the sun. The open shoes on her feet have a small platform, but still are comfortable enough for a fairly long walk. Besides, Rarity is prudent enough to understand that high heels are totally unwelcome on possible sand near the lake. The mentioned coverlet nests, tightly folded, under her arm. Big sunglasses, covering almost half of the face and making me chuckle slightly, and a beach bag complete her ensemble. Although, I must admit the bag is not that big, I could suspect, perhaps, the necessity to walk and carry it on her own made Rarity reconsider taking tons of stuff. Yet I’m absolutely sure there is some classy, fashion show worthy bikini under that dress.

“I took some water, we don’t want to drink from the lake, if we get thirsty, right?” she says the word “thirsty” that way, I realize, she’ll do her best for us to get thirsty indeed. “Then sunscreen, after tan lotion and a small medkit. I’m ready, Rainbow!” her glance darts between my face and my feet.

“That’s the spirit!” I chuckle lightly and soar in the air.

I quickly lead Rarity outside Ponyville by the shortest route, not wanting excessive attention. Our aim is a small lake behind the outskirts of the town: surrounded by the bushes and high grass, it’s a fairly calm place, despite some ponies consider the clay in a shallow mud pit near the lake to be curative. The place must be exclusive for us both only this time of the day, as everypony is more or less busy with their everyday labour.

I don’t know, if the pit can indeed heal anything, what I know for sure, is that it contains clay or mud, if you like to call it that way – the important part of my plan for Rarity. Well, you won’t probably blame me for an innocent wish to make girls win their desired prize, will you?

The bushes and grass rustle under our steps. Under Rarity’s steps to be exact, as I fly, making Ra-ra instantly look at me with a bit of envy and frown slightly: everything green, higher than well mowed lawn grass, capable to scratch the skin or drop twigs or leaves in her mane, or simply containing bugs (BUGS!) makes Rarity frown. She bears the stuff, only when we go hiking with Applejack and little girls, but even then sending Rarity deeper in the woods for the firewood is a dead chance. And mud is the completely special case. If my memory serves me well, she made an exclusion only once – at the Sisterhooves Social contest, when Rarity was to take part with her sister, but… disguised as Jackie till the very end, as they quarreled badly with Sweetie Belle and it was the only suitable method to fix the trouble at that moment. I haven’t seen myself, but they say, Rarity got through the mere fact of being covered in mud all over (and I’m not joking, as her sister mistook her for Applejack, with whom they started the race) quite easily.

“So…” I giggle and take the coverlet from Rarity, when we reach the compact beach, formed by visitors, who completely exterminated the thin flora on that area of sandy shore. There is some sort of spring inside the clay pit, so the clay is always wet and the whole place glances in the sun as a pool of molten chocolate.

I head closer to it with Rarity following, muttering something about the weather being so nice, that she probably even takes a swim, “not very far, you know, darling”, as Rarity doesn’t like deep water.

The coverlet is placed and spread near the clay pit and I drop myself on it, unstrapping the sandals. Rarity watches the process, automatically kicking off her shoes and probing the warm sand. Apparently she finds it nice and not detrimental for her… anything, as she comments nothing, but instead puts her hat on my head and unzips her dress on the back. Sliding out of it she reveals a flashy bikini indeed. While I try to raise my dropped jaw and close my mouth, Rarity folds the dress and accurately places it on the coverlet, then she takes back her hat.

“Can you help me with the sunscreen, darling?” she asks with a sly smile and shows me the bottle, she took out of her bag. Rarity turns around, demonstrating her costume in full glory and wiggling her blue wavy tail happily, as she noticed my stunned glance.

“O-o-okay!” I put on a wide grin inwardly. “I have something for you as well.”

Slowly, making sure Ra-ra catches every move, I drag my top over my head; there is obviously nothing under it. The shorts follow the same way and the pink spots on her cheeks, flashing through pristine white coat, tell me that I managed to impress Rarity in my turn. However, she keeps looking fixedly at me: up – on me, down – on my feet, up again – on me, down…

I place my hands on my hips and approach Rarity, imitating her stage walk (I hope close enough).

“Actually,” I take the sunscreen vial from her, becoming hot, hands and throw it on the coverlet, articulating each word I say. “I have something better than sunscreen, darling!”

With those words I start untying her bikini and soon have Rarity shining her natural beauty. She blushes even more and snuggles tight into me with a tiny squeak. Surprisingly, I feel her small firm palms on my butt and her lips press into mine, when Rarity investigates my mouth with her tongue, closing her eyes and wrapping her tail around my leg. I can’t help but answer her kiss and a few minutes fly by, as we taste each other, our hands are traveling, where they can, and the edge of Rarity’s hat makes my hair even more messy than they usually are.

“So, what did you say, darling?” re-asks Rarity, leaning back in my arms and pressing her stomach against mine. Her half-lidded eyes look like she is in a trance.

I lick her in the tip of her nose, waking her instantly by that small frolic. Then I point to the clay pit with my eyes only and raise one eyebrow in an unambiguous manner. Rarity follows my glance and her eyes dilate in surprise and, perhaps, certain terror, as she realizes, what I expect. Meanwhile, I use the moment to place a hot, very passionate kiss on her neck, making her involuntarily moan, despite the shock and her obvious wish to throw something at me.

“What?” I step back a little, then return to the coverlet, where I lay on my stomach, waving my feet in the air above my butt, my tail plays with them, curling around and releasing, tickling them slightly. Rarity’s eyes follow its movement like magnetized and I nail it, placing my chin on my fists and looking directly in her eyes. “Do you want them, Ra-ra?”

“Yes!” she breaths out eagerly, visibly struggling a wish to jump and grab me.

“Well, I want you to take a dip. I think the chocolate colour will look stunningly sexy on you,” I lick my lips and her eyes make a note of that motion. “I may even join you, who knows.”

With those words I raise to my knees, then lay on the back, spreading my legs to let the sun rays reach the places, they normally can’t. I brush off imaginary sand from my chest, then lean on my elbows, watching Rarity making the decision.

Finally, she quickly leans to me and I can’t do anything, before her hand squeezes my thigh gently and she plants a few short scorching hot kisses on my lips, shoulder and breasts. Then she gets into the clay pit that fast, I could think that she teleported.

It’s only knee deep maximum and Rarity needs to kneel right into the warm chocolate coloured mud. She tilts her head and throws a sly glance at me. Evidently Rarity decides to relax about her forced inconvenience and even take as much from teasing me as she can; and even more later, when she gets to the subject of her desires.

She scoops a good amount of the mud and slaps it right between her breasts, letting it slowly spread down under its weight. Then slowly, carefully she covers her legs and hips with wet slippery clay, watching my reaction fixedly. I suppose, she likes, what she sees, because she sends me an air-kiss, standing on all four and bending her back like a big cat. I bite my lower lip, feeling hot and definitely not because of sun rays.

Rarity is Rarity – everything she does, she tries to do with a show. She scoops more clay and gets up, trying her new chocolate catsuit on. But how? She almost dances, with half lidded eyes, wriggling under some inward music. Her hands slowly travel all over her body, spreading the clay with tender, caressing and overly seductive motions. She strokes her butt cheeks in circles, throwing quick glance at me, then starts squeezing her perky firm breasts, slightly pinching the nipples between her fingers and letting out a quiet lustful moan. When her hands reach her Venus hill and between her thighs, Rarity strikes a pose and makes such face, as if she was already riding me for a while, losing her self control. She sways her head and her blue mane makes a silky wave. And I start thinking that she is really enjoying it at the moment, maybe in anticipation of long-awaited reward, which is now getting tanned right before her desiring eyes; or just touching herself in an unusual ticklish, slippery way, watching me, struggling not to get up and grab her, makes her naturally aroused.

“Well, well, my dear little fashionista lady,” I mutter quietly, while my heart is fluttering somewhere under my throat and my stomach becomes pinkish. I feel a strong urge to press my hand against my Venus hill and squeeze my thighs together, so heated I become just from the look of her. “There is an outstanding stripper buried deeply inside you. And I’ll be damned, if I don’t drag it out from time to time now… for myself.”

She stands on all four or, better say, three again, and slaps a bunch on her back, letting the clay spread. Noticing that I’m almost letting the steam out of my ears, Rarity winks and sticks her tongue out slightly at me. With a low pitch moan I put my hand on the clit, noticing how hard it becomes.

But I can’t hold myself any longer, when she turns her back to me, embracing herself, spreading the chocolate covering on her white coat, wiggling her surprisingly almost unstained tail (another inscrutable trait of Rarity – to stay clean when and where necessary no matter what) and looking at me over her shoulder. With a quiet roar I get up in a flurry and next moment I’m behind Rarity, snuggling tight into her with a wet sound of clay between our bodies, holding her in my arms, while she leans her head on my shoulder.

“Do you like what you see?” she whispers with a short kiss on my cheek.

“Yeah, hay yeah!” I breathe in her happily perked fluffy ear, slightly biting it and making her shiver. “Next time remind me to give you whipped cream instead of clay, so I can lick you squeakily clean all over, Rarity.”

“Oh, I thought, I was the only one, who didn’t like mud…” giggles Rarity, drawing two dark stripes under her eyes, like a tennis player on a sunny day, or an archer, or an appleloozian bull.

Her firm round butt, covered in clay, rubs against my stomach and the urge to grind against her right now is so strong, that I groan and put my muzzle into her lush mane, inhaling the aroma of her hair.

“Squee!” Rarity makes a tiny girly scream, as I grab her breasts and start massaging them, using the clay as a thick lubricant. She wriggles and rubs her whole body against mine, then bends a little, leaning on me, so her hard nipples point almost to the sky, and grabs my butt, squeezing it and covering in the same clay. I use the moment to my advantage and caress her swollen nipples with my palms, making her pant and seek for my lips, which she greedily digs into, catching and sucking my tongue.

A few minutes my hands freely travel all over Rarity’s mud covered hips, abs, sides, breasts and shoulders, stroking her gently, but persistently, making sure, she feels each tiny moment of them sliding on her skin. When her rubbing against me becomes really intense, I pull back slightly, scratching with my fingers down her spine and making her arch her body, as she still holds on my sides. She understands it properly and turns to face me. I chuckle at the look of the only clean parts of her being her mane and her muzzle, except two stripes under the eyes, which start to get dry already.

With a huff Rarity scoops more clay and slaps it on my breasts and shoulders, quickly “dressing” me in the same “catsuit” she is in.

“You…” I gasp under sly glance of my marefriend. But I rather like her touch and the feel of warm sticky clay on me, especially being applied by Ra-ra’s hands.

“I want you!” she leans to me, kissing me shortly, her large bright eyes look into mine, while she keeps spreading the clay on my body.

I squeeze her thigh in between mine and Rarity does the same, so our lower bodies snuggle together; holding by our left hands and leaning aback, supporting with right hands, we start making short, fast, hard thrusts towards each other. The feel of the clits, rubbing against soft sticky surface of the clay covered skin, is incomparable, no wonder that in a few minutes we start panting and squeaking both under the hot waves of pleasure, raising in our bodies.

“Oh, Rainbow!” moans Rarity, bending back and trying to snuggle tighter into me, while she starts shivering noticeably. “I never thought that “getting dirty” can be so exciting!”

“That depends…” I try to catch my breath between discharges, she sends through my body. “That depends… on the pony… you’re getting dirty with!”

“Ahhhhh!” it’s hard to say if it is a moan or a whimper, as Rarity leans to me, wrapping both hands around me and snuggling her muzzle into my neck. She “claws” my back, as her thrusts become faster and slightly chaotic: perhaps, if not the clay, she could even leave noticeable scratches.

Feeling that she is very close to the peak I try to concentrate on the sensation of my clit, sliding against her convulsing thigh. Despite that, Rarity gets aroused to the limits earlier and I need to hold her whimpering, shaking, wriggling frame tight, feeling her hot juices drip down my leg. I catch up with her with a few more fierce thrusts, finding her soft lips and feeling them melt into mine.

“Rainbow…” breaths out Rarity, when I coo something tender and random in her ear. “I think… it’s not entirely hygienic to stay that way now.”

She is limp and soft in my arms, like a big beautiful, despite being covered in clay, doll (I keep thinking that she looks stunningly sexy in her clay catsuit). So I lift her up and take her, wrapping her legs and arms around me, to the lake. Getting chest deep I let her stand on her own feet, but she still holds onto me and I start washing my still slightly cross-eyed from a strong orgasm friend. Perhaps, ponies, who think that clay is curative or at least beneficial, aren’t that wrong, as her skin becomes amazingly silky after the treatment: the clay must work as natural pilling indeed.

When the cool water makes Rarity return from her land of dreams, she helps me wash the clay off myself, enjoying the process just as much as making me “dirty” before, I can clearly tell by her playful naughty touch. She craves for continuation, besides, she needs her reward and, to be honest, I need more of her as well.

“Hmmm…” She says in between the passionate kisses, she plants on my lips, while her hands caress me in the water. “Who might think it would turn up not worse than mud wrapping in the spa…”

The last spot leaves our skin, dissolving in the lake water… and suddenly Rarity lifts me with her magic, putting me softly on the coverlet. She teleports herself next to me on the sun heated cloth after that.

“We don’t want to catch any sand on my main dish, do we?” she notices, taking me in a tight scissors grasp with her legs and grabbing my foot.

She lets me relax under the sunshine, while she does the rest. Her tender lips lightly touching my ankle, pressing, rubbing against the skin, letting her hot pink tongue tickle me and making me melt under her kisses. The electrifying touch of her small hands, the fluttering of her fingers, caressing my leg from the heel to the thigh, make me bend, leaning on my elbows and breathe heavily.

“Yesss, Dash! Give it to me, so nice, so firm,” Rarity licks and kisses my ankle, then goes to the heel and up the sole, making me twitch from ticklish pleasure. “So beautiful and tasty!”

When I wiggle my toes involuntarily, totally overwhelmed by the amount of Rarity’s passion, I bathe in, she immediately shifts her attention to them, sticking her amazing tongue between them, sucking on them, even biting them lightly, giggling like a school filly. Her pointy breasts tickle my calf with their hard nipples and I don’t hold myself anymore, rubbing my snatch against hers with strong, aggressive thrusts, feeling how I leak, as tension and heat grow in my abdomen and start spreading up through my trembling body.

Rarity responds and strokes my leg, as it seems, with all her body, the parts she can snuggle into me at least. She wriggles more intensively and massages my leg with her breasts, her flat stomach, while her hands hold it in the steel grasp; her pussy kisses mine in not even thrusts, but rather overly seductive circular waves, as whole her body is in motion, while her lips and tongue lavish heavenly treatment to my foot.

My breath becomes fitful and moans escape my mouth more and more often: losing my self control I am flooding Rarity’s hip with my love juices, as my pussy fully opens and embraces Rarity’s soft rose.

Apparently my lusty marefriend decides that my left foot got too much attention, while the right suffers in oblivion. As she can’t eat them both in that pose, Rarity let’s one foot free and repositions herself, turning me slightly, so my right leg is on her chest and the left is now in her tight thigh grasp. I don’t resist, I simply can’t at the moment, as I rather busy catching my breath, using that short pause. But the next moment Rarity trails her fingernails across my abs, kissing and tickling with her tongue under my heel, and throws me into new set of hot convulsions.

However, her own coordination weakens as well, as she watches me, thrown on the blanket, twitching and sweaty, squeezing and rubbing my nipples in the desire to have it all at once. She lets out a long predatory groan, as her pussy opens and a small load of juices trails out, making our meeting crotches produce a wet, sticky and so arousing sound. Rarity lays back, stretching her slim legs towards me, and I don’t miss my chance. I grab her foot with perfect pedicure and suck on her toes, like a diver on the last source of air.

“WO-O-O-A-A-AHHHH!!!” I couldn’t ever imagine that such sound can exit my delicate fashionista mouth, but a few wild ducks, startled by it and rising in the air from the far edge of the lake, clearly tell that it’s not my imagination. Rarity bites my heel lightly, then violently licks and sucks my toes – it’s obvious she doesn’t control herself in the slightest now. I find her hands with my trembling fingers and we hold our hands tight, bending our flaming bodies, covered in big shining brilliants of sweat drips, and thrust against each other in wavy motions. Thus our leaking, ready to explode with orgasm, pussies share “french kisses”, providing amazing, incomparable feel of suction inside. A well deserved release floods us both, panting, moaning, wishing to melt into each other, with mind blowing quake of our united, contracting vaginas.

I didn’t know, if Rarity lost her consciousness for a while… It seems very possible, as when I find strength to open my eyes, take a deep breath and raise a little, to turn over and get to Rarity, I need to stroke her lightly, kiss and coo something stupid in her ear for a while. In a few moments her soft, beautiful ear twitches faintly and Rarity opens her starry eyes. They focus on my muzzle and Rarity’s face lightens with the expression of love and passion, as she leans to me and covers my lips with hers in a long, tender kiss.

When we finally are able to move again, we take another swim and I guard Ra-ra, remembering that she is afraid of the deep, touching her lightly and enjoying the silk of her coat. We lie in the sun, kissing, drying ourselves, chattering about her dresses and giggling. Her feet caress mine, wrapping and rubbing them constantly, while I stroke her beautiful breasts and taste her lips.

“We should go sun bathing together more often,” whispers Rarity in my ear, when we dress up and fold the blanket. She jumps around me like a filly, while we are going back, almost dancing and teasing me. I catch her occasionally and squeeze in my arms, kissing and enjoying the glaring sparkles in her eyes.

“Rarity is always too deep in her work with both her nose and tail to the tips, so she doesn’t have time for a good snuggle or…” I think, smiling at the image of my inspired friend, when she looks for the thing I’ve asked her before our walk.

She snuggles into me very tightly and gives me one more passionate kiss at our parting and I can feel through the thin dress, that her flashy bikini was left in the bag, when Rarity got dressed. I smirk inwardly, squeezing her butt under the dress and making her squeak.

“Rarity was lucky, there was no wind, when we returned!”

One more kiss and I soar in the air, holding the garment bag, Rarity supplied me with, and heading home – I need to change for the next… “victim”.


The apple garden lies quiet under the noon sun, like an endless sea of green leaves and white flowers, which cover the trees and attract thousands of bees, butterflies and other insects. Constant buzzing of those small helpers is the only sound, which disturbs the serenity of the place at this hour. But their priceless labour turns the fragrant stars of apple flowers into delicious apples, providing Applejack and her family with the main portion of their income and, to be frank, the best special product of their farm. If not mentioning the delicious apple juice and cider, the only reminder of which makes my mouth water.

This time of the year is a short respite in my friend’s work. When everything is planted, the trees are blooming and demand less attention: nopony fights the vermin, when one can easily harm the pollinating insects. But I know that Applejack must be somewhere in her garden, she told me recently that a few trees had bad cracks in the bark since winter and she was still treating them.

I just need to remember, which part of the garden those trees are: she can be there most likely. Normally anypony can easily get lost in the endless garden, it seems all the same down there, and I always wonder, how Applejack can orientate between her apple trees. I can’t without a good landmark, thus I soar higher in the air under the hot sun, so I can at least see the Apple’s house, their red barn and a small clearing near the Cutie Mark Crusaders’ club house on the old tree. The large garment bag is heavy enough and changes my balance noticeably, but it is a vital element of my plan. Now, when I know, where exactly I am, I head towards the tree house and to the right. The damaged trees must be there, if my memory serves me well.

Fortunately, I spot the glimpse of dark red and sandy yellow between the trees and dart there immediately. That can’t be anypony except Applejack in her unchanging stetson, flannel dark red shirt with rolled up sleeves, old moulted jeans and high heavy boots. I reach the place, where I supposedly saw her and land, taking a look around. Nopony is here, but before I start thinking that my imagination played a wild trick on me…

“Yeah! Ah think, this will stick for a while. And when the juices flow slows, Ah will give those darn cracks one more hit…”

I quickly, but quietly walk towards the familiar voice, throwing the bag on my back. Applejack stands near the big old apple tree and talks to it, stroking its “wounded” trunk. I’m not surprised, everypony knows, she treats her precious apple trees as family members, knows the needs and troubles of each one, despite how impossible it may sound, considering the size of her garden and the number of trees in it. She is dressed as I described indeed and can easily be mistaken for a colt from the distance; if closer look doesn’t reveal the nice round butt, steep hips, and quite a rack, not as gorgeous as Fluttershy’s, yet still very appetizing, especially, when Jackie ties her shirt on her stomach.

With a quiet giggle I approach my friend, anticipating what I have prepared for us. Applejack turns to the sound and a wide smile lightens her muzzle.

“Hey, pal!” I greet her, waving my free hand in the air. “How’s it boiling?”

“Mornin’, Dash,” Applejack wipes her strong weather-beaten palms at her jeans. These hands are probably the only un-girly part of her, despite she tries hard to hide everything girlish, she has. “Ah was checking one of those trees, Ah told ya ‘bout. It seems, the tar, Ah put in the cracks, is much better than the last one. It stopped the leak and held in place. Ah’ll need to check the cracks later in summer, but for now it’s as good as Ah can hope for.”

“Well, I’m glad that you finally managed to fix your… “babies”, pal,” I smirk, trying to hold the garment bag more comfortable.

“Do you want something, partner?” Applejack genuinely wonders, knowing that in that time of the day I prefer to take a good nap, if I’m not busy with cloud bucking. “Ah wanted to examine a few more trees, so we can go together and you’ll tell me what bothers ya…”

She gets onto her hobby-horse and starts expatiate on the gardening topics. When she fluidly shifts from apple trees treatment to her field stuff and advantages of one fertilizers over others, I understand that it’s all yak for me – the only comprehensible words are prepositions.

“Yeah, Jackie, as you say…” I mutter and kick aside a small stone that I spot under my feet.

Involuntarily her glance darts down, attracted by sudden move.


Just like Twilight’s, her eyes dilate and she loses the thread of her agricultural speech. Jackie tries hard to tell me more of her gardening wisdom, but evidently she can’t keep her eyes off my feet. Finally she gives up and changes the topic to one, which seems to touch her soul deeper than apple trees at this moment.

“Ah be damned, what nice sandals ‘ave ya got!” Applejack accurately probes the turf, but I know exactly, what she means, and can’t hold a wide grin.

“Oh, I’ve stained my snickers,” I notice as innocently, as I can. “And Twilight lent me those. Yeah, I guess they are kinda pretty…”

I raise one foot slightly and wave it in the air, as if I was examining it, Applejack’s eyes fixedly follow each movement.

“Can Ah have a closer look, Dash?”

“Sure thing!” I hand her one foot, when Jackie kneels at me.

It seems that Twi and Ra-ra got me hot enough, so I can’t help biting the lip excitedly, when my friend takes my leg, as if it was some treasure. Her hands surely can’t be compared with silky palms of Twilight, but the touch and the passion, she touches with, arouse me hardly less. Suddenly Applejack rubs her sun-tanned cheek against my instep and higher up to the knee. Her hay-blonde hair, gathered in a long ponytail, fall on my foot and the breezy touch against my bare toes is so electrifying, that my knees tremble slightly and I let out a tiny moan.

“Ah so want to fiddle with ‘em for a while!” Jackie looks up at me, still holding my leg.

“Oh, I guess we can solve that trouble,” with a gentle smile I flap my wings slightly not to fall. Applejack wakes up and releases my foot with visible regret. “But I have a small request in return, mate.”

“Anything ya want, Dashie…” she breathes out eagerly.

“I suppose your barn is a place, we can talk privately,” it’s time to execute the next step of my plan. “Meet you there then. Oh, and you’ll need this necessarily,” I hold her the garment bag and wink. “You’ll know, what to do, Jackie.”

She is ready to rush there immediately, but I stop her for a moment.

“On more thing… Can I borrow your hat and boots for a short while? You can have my sandals for now, as you liked them so much,” I chuckle.

Without hesitation Applejack holds me her stetson and kicks off the boots. She watches like enthralled, how I unstrap the sandals, then put them on her legs. To be frank this gives me much pleasure as well, holding her tanned legs with surprisingly accurate pedicure.

“Oh, Jackie, Jackie, you don’t need to hide the best in you,” I giggle inwardly, while my excited friend whisks away.

I decide to give her about twenty minutes, sitting under the tree and putting on her boots. They are a bit big for me and I hope that I won’t lose them in the air, while flying to the barn. There is no chance, I can find it fast enough walking, as I have already forgotten, where I came from, yet I don’t want to make Jackie wait. The mental image of her face, when she opens the garment bag, makes me giggle like a school filly, when I finally put on the hat and raise in the air.

The Apple farm is quiet: Big Mac must be somewhere in the town, Apple Bloom is at her classes still and granny Smith enjoys her afternoon nap most likely, dropping her knitting on her knees and sinking in her armchair. I land near the sunlit barn, the oversize boots make an audible “blop”, and check the stetson, moving it to the back of my head. Slowly I approach the wide open door of the barn, smirking inwardly at my own image, which to my mind lacks only a wide gun belt with revolvers.

Hay dust and seed fluffs are dancing in the rays of the sun inside the barn. I stop at the entrance, leaning on one of the beams, and drag a long straw from the hay stack, putting it into my mouth. The air is full of hay and flowers smell here with a noticeable tint of apple aroma. She must be here and had enough time to change, I close the barn door and lock it; there is still enough light coming through the high windows. I spot Jackie’s jeans and red shirt, carelessly thrown on the crate, and my heart skips a beat in anticipation.

“Knock, knock!” I say through my teeth in the most lazy and relaxed voice, still chewing the straw. “I’m here… babe!”

A quiet rustle comes from behind the hay stacks and in a second I’m granted the amazing view of my friend. To her honour I notice that she coped with the clothes perfectly, despite avoiding “girly stuff”, as she calls it.

Applejack gets into the light and I can’t hold the enraptured sigh: the best Rarity’s wedding dress sits, like it was made specifically for Jackie. Just as I asked: “The most tender and lady-like you have, Rarity.” Opulent and breezy, glowing white with faint pink tint, with roses made of fabric along the cleavage line, it contrasts with her dark tanned skin, making my heart flutter. Her muscle arms are a bit off image, but that’s nothing compared to the whole miracle, Applejack becomes in that dress. She couldn’t fix the small hat with the veil on her unruly mane, but I must admit that’s a lucky “mishap”: now I can behold the amazing crown of light-golden hair, she so generously untied for me.

Applejack crumples the poor hat in her hands, visibly abashed by her new image, her naked shoulders, the cleavage, which, she possibly fears, is barely covering her nipples. Her eyes are downcasted, she quickly, clumsily adjusts the bust line of her dress and blushes even more… if it is possible. Nevertheless, she makes a few determined steps towards me and I unfreeze, approaching her and touching her naked skin. Her flaming ears perk excitedly, while I caress her, amazingly soft in contrast with her hands, shoulder with sun-burnt fuzz and a dark birth mark at the clavicle.

“Darn you, Applejack, why do you always hide it under your shirts?” I think, spitting the straw away and greedily kissing that small blessing, tickling it with my tongue and heavy breath. That sends another wave of flaming heat at Jackie’s breasts, shoulders and face, making her freckles even more pronounced and kissable. She lets out a tiny girly squeak, I could never expect from her, when I start kissing her cleavage and neck, and bites her lower lip.

“Well, babe, why don’t we get more comfortable,” I breathe out huskily, taking a break and looking in her eyes. Shame on me, I never notice, how amazingly long and lush her eyelashes are, perhaps because they are sun-burnt and fair. Now when her wide open eyes look into mine, I can truly estimate the beauty.

“Yes, mah hero…” whispers Applejack, who seems to get into her role right, despite the embarrassment; she closes her eyes and rubs my nose with hers, sun-burnt as well, freckled and pretty. I can feel her fitful breath on my lips and how flaming hot her burning cheeks are.

She lifts the hemline of her dress and I take her in my hands, allowing her to wrap her arms around my neck and her strong gorgeous legs – around my waist. I carry her, snuggling tightly into me, bending back in my hands and biting her lip, to the stacks of hay and seat her there. The hat with veil gets dropped somewhere half the way, but none of us cares.

Apparently, she has nothing under her marvelous dress, as I can conclude, when my curious hand travels up her strong thigh to her toned abs and down to where my fingers are greeted with soft curly hair on her Venus hill. Applejack gasps and her lips stick to mine, her hands drop the stetson from my head, diving into my short colourful mane, stroking it, holding my head, while her tongue tries to conquer my mouth. Sucking on her tongue I let my fingers travel on her rose, gently, barely touching, like a butterfly, examining the flowers. Each single touch is making her twitch and snuggle into me harder and I feel, how her snatch opens and moistens under my fingertips. Applejack leans back, so I can taste the hot, peachy, tanned skin of her chin, neck, shoulders and breasts, giving each freckle its deserved attention, making her pant and let out lusty high pitch moans, which are so different from her usual calm deep voice.

When I start rubbing her swollen clit, Applejack straightens, her glance becomes frantic and determined, as she starts impatiently unbuttoning my shirt. Done with that and her hands grab my breasts, which perfectly fit her palms due to their size, and gently squeeze them, making me break my role slightly and produce a tiny surprised squeak. With a devilish smile Applejack teases my, instantly becoming hard, nipples with her thumbs, pressing them slightly, circulating on areolas and effectively making my heartbeat go wild.

“Ah want ya inside meh!” she leans to me and whispers in my ear, licking playfully and slightly biting it. She then lowers the bust line of her dress, so her firm round breasts finally bounce up, happily gaining freedom. Jackie then drags me closer, rubbing and pressing her nipples against mine in such an arousing manner, that I roll my eyes from excitement and roar as a wild beast. I press against her vulva slightly and, as it is already heated and moistened to the limits, enter my marefriend easily with a loud wet sound, which drives us both crazy. I stop for a tiny moment necessary for me to kick her boots off my legs and get rid of the jeans, as I feel my own pussy starts leaking as well already. The shirt follows them on the floor and I return my hand to its glorious labour. The mental image of me completely naked, teasing Applejack in her wedding dress on a stack of hay, makes it almost impossible to keep self-control.

“Do you like it, my little sexy mare?” I ask her, looking fixedly in her eyes, fingering her accurately, but intensively. She is so tight that I can barely fit two fingers inside her vagina, squeezing me already.

“Yeah, sugar cube! Deeper, love yar girl DEEEEPER!!!” she screams, thrusting her hips against my hand, leaning back on her arms and putting her right leg on my left shoulder.

Aroused to the limits I grind my cherry on her raised hip, feeling the shivers coming up my body and watching like enthralled, how my snatch “kisses” her tanned skin and leaves a strand of love nectar connecting them, each time I pull back a little. I try to add one more finger inside Applejack, but she becomes even tighter, grasping me and stretching along my two fingers. She is closing her peak and I feel my hand caught in a hot, wet vice, eagerly trying to milk, what can’t be milked naturally.

In a few minutes Apllejack’s hands give up and she lowers herself on the hay stacks, now fully laying on her back and putting her left leg on my left shoulder as well. Now I can’t effectively grind, but on the positive side, her hips, brought together, raise the tension and intensify her feel. Watching her heated body wriggling in her white lush dress, panting, screaming weakly is the best show, I could hope for… Well, one in the row of “shows”, I had and plan yet to have today.

She reaches her breasts with now free hands and starts squeezing them, caressing her diamond hard nipples, and I notice, how her inner walls contract around my fingers. I catch the glance of her eyes, when she faintly whispers.

“Ah love ya, mah hero!” at those words of hers my lips curl into a smile. “Make yar naughty filly scream of pleasure! Please!”

“Aye, miss!” I put my thumb on her clit and press two fingers inside against her sensitive spot, starting short rhythmic intensive thrusts. Applejack gasps, her panting becomes higher and higher, mixed with quiet girly whimpers, her hands weakly fall on the dress gathers.

“Dash! Dash! Ah! Oh, Dash!..” she starts panting, following my moves, as the self-control fades and her eyes roll. That sounds so sexy, it drives me insane, so wanting Applejack inside of my own heated, craving, leaking self. With an ear-splitting shriek Applejack bends wildly, almost standing on the top of her head and her butt, and a nice load of her secretions shoots into my tired hand.

“Good girl,” I kiss her legs, still resting on my shoulder, then spread them. Applejack tries to catch her breath, she is like a big soft doll at the moment and I need to support her right leg, the left drops weakly, when I slap softly my wet hand on her abs, rubbing her own juices in, scratching her stomach slightly and feeling how she shivers under my fingernails. I kneel to her and place a good long passionate lick on her open snatch.


“What, babe? Don’t you like it,” I chuckle. “I, sure hay, do much! It seems, you have truly deserved your reward.”

I lay on my side next to Applejack on the hay stacks. She slowly regains her strength with the help of my soft gentle caresses and light kisses on her shoulder, her muzzle, her silky ear, which twitches funnily as I lick it and Applejack quietly giggles. I bury my face into the gorgeous crown of her golden, hay fragrant hair and let out a small moan, as I start stroking myself, totally unable to wait any longer.

“It’s your turn, Jackie, to make me wriggle,” I breathe in her ear through my gritted teeth, while the itchy hot wave raises from my teased clit up to my neck. Applejack kisses me lightly on the nose and slides down with a sly smile. She pushes me further on the stacks, so I’m comfortably placed on that improvised hay bed.

With a happy sigh, full of lust she grabs my feet and… the first touch of her hot tongue and her contrastingly dry lips electrocutes me, I totally lose my breath with one hand frozen on my cherry and another bitten not to scream – so amazingly pleasant her treatment is. Her tongue travels from heels to toes, tickling, stroking, pressing against my soles. She kisses my ankles, making me twitch, and sucks on my toes, making me moan from the mental image of that. In a few minutes I dissolve completely in her playful stroking. I can’t find strength or concentration to continue touching myself, as everything, I can wish at the moment, is that Applejack never stop worshipping my feet.

“Oh, Dashie, Ah can help ya,” with a quiet laugher Applejack notices my problem and understands that in my current condition I can hardly do it myself. “Ah mean, Ah will gladly help ya!”

Her open hand slides on my swollen, wet, glistening vulva, getting the clit between index and middle fingers, squeezing them gently and moving along, massaging it, while her palm presses against the snatch, creating faint, but heavenly sucking feel inside.

“Ah!..” this comes as a whimper, while my hands reach her hand and gently gratefully stroke it.

Applejack quietly giggles, still busy with my feet one after another in turn, listening to my cooing.

“Jackie… I love you… I love your hands, your lips…” and something totally incomprehensible, as the waves of lust, flooding me one by one, get higher and higher each second.

She takes my hand and places it on my clit, her fingers dive inside me. Her amazing strong fingers! One, two, no, three of them already, they are filling me tightly and each move gets me closer to the explosion. Almost loosing my consciousness I can feel the build up, my stomach getting heavy and hot and my hardened clit pulsing under my fingertips. When I look down at myself, my whole body is sweaty and reddish from the thighs up to the neck. A shattering tsunami is forming in my pussy.

Applejack – my incredible marefriend – manages to surprise me once again. Seeing that I’m close to the climax, she leaves my feet and helps me move closer to the edge of the hay stack. I need to hold on the hay with one hand, my shoulders and torso laying on the edge with my lower half in the air, legs widely spread and my fingers flying like mad over my cherry. Applejack kneels and places herself under my convulsing vulva, leaning back with her hair thrown behind and presenting her muzzle and bare breasts as a target. She closes her eyes, when I start howling as a wild beast, unable to restrain myself anymore.


A good amount of transparent love juices shoots on her muzzle, a few drops fall on her chest; I collapse to her knees and wrap my legs and arms around her. Applejack wipes my “present” and rubs it in her beautiful breasts, looking fixedly in my half lidded eyes. Our lips unite in a gentle long, almost endless kiss, as she snuggles me tightly into herself and holds my weak, soft, burning body.

I must confess, it took me quite some time to recompose after that orgasm. But finally we get ourselves in possible order and I find that a few buttons of my shirt are gone, torn by impatient hands of aroused Applejack. Thus I need to tie the shirt under my breasts. This apparently makes Jackie totally happy, as she keeps kissing me there, as we stand in the sunlit doorframe of the barn.

I am to change to my… sorry, Twilight’s sandals again, leaving Applejack her boots and hat. But when I suggest to return Rarity the dress, she decides otherwise.

“Ah’ll do that mahself, Rainbow,” she whispers, placing her head on my shoulder and tickling me with her mane, while her hand is stroking my neck and the valley between the breasts. “It needs some cleanin’, Ah suppose. Besides… Ah’d like to stay with ya like that for a while…”

She looks up to me and pinkish spots on her cheeks say better than any words that “girly stuff” is not so bad in certain circumstances.


The door bell rings, but nopony rushes to check, what the new customer wants. Strange… Perhaps it’s time of the lunch break exactly and Pinkie simply forgot to put the “Closed” plate. I look around, the shop is silent: nopony at the shelves and showcases, nopony behind the counter or at the cashbox. Ponyville is indeed that calm, quiet and boring… well, except those rare cases when, for example, Discord throws out one of his weird tricks, so anypony can leave the door open and cash unattended that easily.

“Thank Celestia, we’re not in Manehattan!” I roll my eyes.

Some muffled sound comes from inside of the shop working premises and I can hear Pinkie’s distant voice.

“Hey-hey, good afternoon! Just a moment… sorry… Take your pick and I’ll address you in a minute.”

Then quick soft steps follow in an irregular pattern and I smile, imagining how Pinkie runs to the front hall of the shop in her usual jumpy, dancing manner. Even before entering she cheerfully exclaims with a giggle.

“Apologies, we’re normally closed for a break at that time of the day… But it seems to be totally my fault that the door is open and no sign is up, so… You must not suffer from unrealized appetite or wish, right?”

“Yeah! I definitely must realize my appetite, pal!” I smirk inwardly, when Pinkie’s frame appears in the doorway behind the counter.

“Oh! Rainbow…” Her smile becomes even wider, Pinkie jumps on spot in surprise. “For you we’re open anytime, no exclusions! So what do you want? I’m sure, I can find some bakery from the morning batch.”

A quick glance over Pinkie tells that she was most likely busy with one of the special requests, when I interrupted her: perhaps, a wedding cake or something delicious for another memorable occasion. She sports a knee long white smock and her enormous fluffy mane is hidden under the cap – I wonder how she manages to compact it that tightly every time – so her head looks unusually small, not being framed with a cloud of red “cotton candy”. Same for her fluffy tail, which is braided at the moment. Supposedly Pinkie doesn’t want a stray hair to get into her new culinary masterpiece; customers don’t like hair in their desserts, you know.

There are ballet flats on Pinkie’s feet, as I can notice – she usually wears flats or snickers, like me, as first, her size is a bit big to find stiletto heels easily, and second, for somepony, who mostly runs, jumps and dances, never caught slowly defiling, flats are the most reasonable footwear.

She keeps her hands raised to the chest level and avoids touching things with them, powdered with flour or sugar powder, as I interrupted her in the middle of the creative process or even in the very start of it.

“Oh, thanks, pal, it surely smells delicious, but I’ll pass yet,” I stretch, still musing about Jackie’s touch. “You seem to be busy though. What are you up to again, Pinkie?”

“First I thought that it was Applejack, visiting me,” she chuckles throwing a glance over my jeans and flannel shirt tied in the knot under my breasts. “And wondered, if she suddenly wanted some of Sugarcube Corner goodies, despite she was a dedicated apple pie fan always.”

“What, sorry?” she seems to have missed my point.

“Making something special, eh?” I repeat, thinking. “When do you finally notice, Pinkie? You are totally involved in your current creation.”

“I’ve just started, Rainbow. But I like, how it comes out already!” Pinkie jumps on spot impatiently, she is obviously proud of her work. “A big cake for […] ” then her muzzle brightens up with an idea. “You definitely need to take a look. Come on, Dash.”

“Can you do one thing for me, Rainbow?” She adds, nodding towards the front door. “Please, turn the plate its “Closed” side to face the street… and lock the door. I don’t want to stain everything around,” Pinkamena giggles and raises slightly her hands in white “gloves”.

“And please take your shoes off, and don’t touch anything on the tables inside, Rainbow. I need the perfect order for my work, sorry.”

“Sure thing!” With a sly smile I sit on the banquette near the entrance and demonstratively, slowly untie the straps of the sandals, Twilight gave me. Leaving them on the floor I approach the door on tiptoes, lock it and turn the plate, hanging in the middle of the glass from inside. When I turn to Pinkie, it’s obvious that she swallowed my bait already, and swallowed it completely.

With her eyes wide open and fixated on my very feet she lets out a deep unambiguous sigh, making her big breasts raise under her smock quite seductively. I watch her looking for a suitable theme to bring the conversation closer to my feet, just like other girls earlier.

“Hmmm…” Pinkie mutters finally with the very puzzled look, she drags the cap of her head automatically, her ears flatten, not from disappointment, but from her utter bewilderment. Then she glances at my smiling muzzle. “Have you finally found out that pedicure at Spa wouldn’t kill you instantly, Dash? I can’t understand, what you did with your feet, but I must admit, they look rather… sexy for one, who rushes aback each time, spotting a file!” she blushes slightly and lets out a small confused chuckle.

“May I take a closer look?” she looks at me as a puppy, making up her mind finally.

“Naturally!” I cock my head up, trying my best to hold a snort and landing back on the banquette. I put one leg on the knee of another. “Be my guest…”

Pinkamena squats in front of me and takes my foot in her hands, totally forgetting about them being powdered with her culinary stuff, as she avoided touching things prior. The glimpse of her panties under the short smock, as she squats, makes me raise an eyebrow – not only Twilight preserves her everyday clothes carefully. Inevitably my breath deepens, as I feel like my foot is placed on a soft silky pillow, while Pinkie passionately strokes it: perhaps, only Aloe has the same gently, motherly touch – the massage of hers is always heavenly.

“That’s one delicious cake!” she coos, placing a hot kiss on my instep, making me giggle because of its ticklishness. “And here’s another!”

She grabs my another foot, paying it equal attention and making me lean aback a bit on the banquette. I feel, as heat is slowly raising from my feet towards the place, where I will hardly be able to control it soon, involuntarily admitting that now my legs in her white palmprints of flour… or whatever it is, look rather sexy indeed. And that’s considering that Twilight’s weird stuff is not affecting me. What can probably Pinkie feel? I can only guess.

“So soft!” Pinkie breaths out huskily. “So tasty!” and she slowly and teasingly licks my foot from the toes to the ankle. She leans closer, releasing my foot and placing her breasts on my knees, I can see sly sparkles, dancing in her eyes. I feel that she has nothing under that single layer of clothes and my imagination obligingly draws me an image of Pinkie Pie, decorating her cakes with cream and other stuff, completely nude. Swallowing a lump I realize that I know, what I’m going to do next, and my heart happily flutters. Meanwhile, she throws her curly, fluffy mane aback and places my foot on her cleavage. I gasp, feeling how her breasts squeeze it, getting hotter and hotter right before my eyes, while she takes another foot and starts caressing it with her tongue, keeping the eye contact with me.

“Do you like it?” she asks with a giggle. “Do you like the auntie Pinkie treatment, Rainbow? Because I surely do like watching you in the process.”

Without any doubt the heavier my breath gets, the more my mouth opens, the more pink my cheeks bloom, the happier and more lusty that curvaceous fluffy smiling succubus becomes. I need to launch my plan, before she brings me unconscious.

“Yeah, I like…” I accurately put my feet down and lean to Pinkie, kissing her in the nose, so she squints and purrs quietly. “But you wanted to show me something, remember?”

“Mmhmm…” Pinkie’s mind seems to be far from what I ask, as her eyes dart down to my feet and she licks her lips in an unambiguous way, making my heart jump to be frank.

“And we could continue doing, what we… were doing, later…” I add suavely, glancing on her with half-lidded eyes.

“Okay,” Pinkie noticeably gulps and finally finds the strength to look away of my legs. “Follow me then…”

She gets up, holding my hand and drags me to the back room, as I soar in the air lightly; I don’t want to slip on sterilely washed floor of Pie’s kitchen.

The big, soft, aery cake on one of the tables in the middle of the room is evidently the source of Pinkie’s current (well deserved to be honest) pride.

“Oh! That’s indeed something…” I stumble in the air, then land.

“You think so?” Pinkie stops eyeing my feet and looks into my eyes for a moment. “Not much to see here yet, I haven’t decorated it. As I said, I’ve just started…” her eyes return to her current place of interest, she breaths deeply.

“So the major part of the work is yet to be done?”

“Eggsactly!” chuckles my cheerful friend. “With all the ingredients at hands I can make another base in an hour, it’s the decoration which hurts mostly.”

She then returns her glance to my feet again, licking her lips once more, while I decide that I hardly make much trouble with my next trick.

“So, shouldn’t we continue our… conversation?” asks Pinkie with a lusty smile.

“Yeah, just… a moment…” I step closer to the table and examine the cake carefully. “What is it exactly, you say?”

“Biscuit and my special recipe cream, lots of it,” Pinkie giggles. “It’s like a box with harder biscuit outside and a sliced inside of the softer biscuit and, as I said, lots of aery cream.”

“Mmm, how interesting…” I mutter, leaning over the cake, like spotting something on another side, and untying my shirt simultaneously.

Just as planned. My hands are holding the edges of the shirt and my breasts squish right into the top of the cake, immediately squeezing lots of cream outside and covering in it.

“Oops!” I step back a little, with fake surprise examining my cream covered breasts with nipples, peaking like cherries on top of cakes, and biting my lip. Then I throw a quick glance at Pinkie.

With a low pitch moan she rushes to me and grabs me into her embrace, diving to taste her ruined cake from my breasts. She licks the cream, murmuring like Opal at the saucer of sour cream, and in a few moments leaves them clean, wet, hot and aroused.

“You did it on purpose, Rainbow!” she looks into my eyes. “You’re incorrigible… boom maker.”

There is a portion of cream on the tip of her nose and I quickly lick it off, grabbing her soft butt and squeezing it gently. This is enough for Pinkie to squeak and snuggle into me tighter.

“Even if… What then?” I notice playfully. “You said the hardest part is to be done only. Besides you want to get them, right?” I stroke her leg with my bare foot, making her eyes dilate and her body twitch in a paroxysm of uncontrollable lust.

“Oh!” she breaths out faintly and covers my mouth with her lips. Her tongue fights with mine for dominance and her lush mane tickles my shoulders and neck, while we are passionately sharing our hot uneven breath.

I stop her gently in a moment and step back a little, taking off the shirt completely, unbuttoning the jeans and sliding out of them. I put my hands on my hips and wave them, winking to Pinkie, then make a 360 degree turn: Pinkie lets out something more resembling a roar of a predator, whose prey is escaping.

“OK, OK!” I raise my hands in fake terror and get on the table, where I nest with possible comfort. Pinkie watches me, mostly legs, like enthralled. Scooping a good portion of biscuit and loads of cream from the crashed cake and cover my feet and legs, each square inch of them with that blessing, carefully placing it strategically on toes, soles, insteps, ankles: everywhere Pinkie’s tongue will travel, serving her mistress a moment later. I grab more and lay back, spreading the cream on my stomach and on my breasts mostly, covering them all over and watching, how Pinkie unbuttons her smock with disobedient fingers and gets rid of it, her panties and flats.

She is amazingly curvaceous indeed, not overweigh, not fat, as anypony, working as hard as her and spending all the free time cheerfully jumping and running around the Ponyville, bringing joy to others, can hardly become fat ever. But definitely anypony, who gets laid by Pinkie, is granted enough goodness to eye, squeeze, stroke, kiss, smack and snuggle into. She bites a finger, like if being unsure, where to start from, while her another hand travels up her thigh, Venus hill with pink trimmed fluff, soft stomach and to her heavy, soft, round breasts with large dark areolas and hardened nipples.

“The dessert is served!” striking the most seductive pose I suck my index finger, licking the cream, then continue stroking my breasts covered in it. Seeing, how Pinkie squeezes her thighs together, breathing heavily and squinting at me, is priceless and turns me on slightly. Or maybe that’s the effect of my own hands, caressing my breasts and swollen nipples with creamy sticky “lubricant”, combined. Either ways it feels magnificent and I close my eyes, giving myself entirely to the delight, when Pinkamena gets on the table.

She places my leg, soaked in her delicious cream, right between her thighs and snuggles her pussy against it with a soft squishy sound, which makes my blood boil instantly. Her hand is stroking my stomach, approaching my cherry and snatch, yet teasingly avoiding them yet, rubbing the cream in, scratching with her fingernails gently and tearing a loud moan from my lips.

“My little, yummy, cute, sexy, firm…” she squeezes my hip, making me squeak. “… leggy Rainbow… pie!” coos Pinkamena. “I gonna eat you so hard! But first… I’ll lick and suck my mistress delicious feet; you’re not getting away soon!”

“Not even planned!” I huff, then bend back, pinching my hardened nipples, making sure she watches that and watches how I wriggle, pressing and rubbing my cream covered instep against her snatch and clit.

“Leggy, you say?” I throw a quick glance on her to notice, how Pinkie bites her lip and thrusts against my foot, moving her hips back and forth and panting, as her snatch starts opening and leaking. She sucks on my toes hard, like if they were… something else, then takes them out to catch her breath and hardly succeeds at the latter.

“Oh, Celestia!” she whines weakly, as most of her strength goes at practically humping my foot, producing wet sounds, which are music for us both.

“No, I’m not!” I throw, licking my, dry from heavy breathing, lips. “And I highly doubt, she would give you such a treatment, your generous mistress provides!”

Her answer is incomprehensible, as it comes through my toes, or soles, or whatever she is caressing at the moment with her lips and tongue; I can hardly tell, as the heat starts flooding me from the feet, conquered by Pinkie, to the breasts, sweetly tortured by my own fluttering fingers.

After a few minutes of wriggling, panting and thrusting I start feeling two things exactly: first contractions of my own pussy, which got so much through the day, I wonder it doesn’t respond with an orgasm on the slightest touch already; and Pinkie’s flower, which opened and moistened that much, I could probably fit a couple of my toes in.

“Pinkie!” I breathe out loudly. “Pinkamena… Lust Pie, are we rushing anywhere?”

“Mmmmm?” she seems to catch my idea not, as she releases my foot only to take another and give it similar treatment. She bites my toe gently, but it sends an lightning bolt through my body.

“Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh!” involuntarily I press my thighs together, ignoring that this move can hardly slow the build up, being of rather opposite effect.

“What’s up, my candy?” asks Pinkie and stops sucking my toes, giving me a chance to catch my breath.

“You’re… up!” I find strength to laugh, feeling as bucking vibration arouses me even more. “And high enough to rush somewhere, not noticing anything… except my feet.”

“I can’t help liking them so much!” Pinkie pouts, sticking her lower lip forward in the childish manner, which looks especially cute on a grown up naked mare covered in cream, with her hair wildly loose and her pussy leaking of excitement. “What do you want me to do, Dash?”

And not waiting for my answer she leans in and starts gathering the cream from my breasts with her scorching hot tongue. You know, it’s incomparable pleasure to feel almost your whole breast sucked in and tickled. One more point in favour of my glorious B-cups, heh!

“Pinkie, Pinkie, wait, you could turn around for a start,” I suggest as soon as my eyes return to their normal place from my forehead, so sudden and arousing her attack was.

“Wow! Easily!” I can’t even notice, if it was a jump, a roll or something else. How the hay she even does that, I wonder… Pinkie is already facing my legs, which undoubtedly makes her immensely happy.

She gets her red braided tail aside, providing me a perfect view on beautiful plump butt, which I grab immediately with both hands, slapping the cream to her lower cheeks, and her swollen, wet, completely opened pussy, which I lick fiercely.


“What, Pinkie? Your cream tastes even more delicious that way!” I grant her with toothy grin, when she looks over her shoulder with surprise. Her cheeks become flaming red, while I keep rubbing the cream on her butt, squeezing and scratching it slightly. I bend my knees and spread them to give my marefriend more space for action.

“My sweeties, did you miss me, did you miss your auntie Pinkie?” she coos, being able to reach my feet again.

“Oh, Celestia,” I roll my eyes, mentally snorting. “Now she talks to them…”

All I need is to wiggle my toes slightly and Pinkie is again totally busy with them. She rubs her cheeks on my feet, kissing them and cooing something endearing to her subjects of passion.

“Hey, sugar cube. Maybe you stop talking and give your attention to those parts of me, where it is really long awaited?” I slightly bite her butt, squeezing it harder.


“Ouch!” the revenge is instant: I rub my head, smacked with her braided, thick, fluffy tail.

“Sorry!” Pinkie mutters sheepishly, looking at me through the small gap, formed by my stomach and her legs. “This came out automatically…”

The look of her guilty face, framed by two pussies at once, is so funny, I burst laughing; even if she didn’t get the reason for my fun, it’s so contagious that Pinkie starts giggling as well. Eventually we calm down, yet I can’t help snorting a few times, even when I start licking her clit, teasing her labia and slightly touching the opening to drive her insane. The resulting vibration though does more good than bad and soon her giggles are substituted with quiet moans of pleasure, while to her honour she keeps diligently eating me as well, so the hot wave, almost lost while laughing at our tricks, starts building up again.

Another few minutes pass under the accompaniment of wet sounds, while our tongues and lips compete in agitating our sexual drive. When I start sucking hard on her clit, Pinkie arches her back wildly, throwing back her head, so her lush mane forms a cloud for a second, and producing a high girly squeal. She spreads my pussy with her fingers and shoves her tongue inside as deep as she can, making me wriggle and flutter really hard.

“You, sweet cheater, you…” I pant, trying to keep the remnants of self control and caress her rose in return. I scoop the remaining cream from my breasts and spread it on her glorious snatch, rubbing her clit with my thumb and drilling her hole with my tongue. Muffled whimpering tells me that I’m on the right way, but Pinkie keeps her action as well and I feel, how the muscles on my back contract, making my body bend slightly in anticipation of sweet… errmmm… dashquake. My abs stiffens and she obviously feels that I’m close, as her breasts rub now on harder surface, making her large nipples diamond hard and tickling me in their turn.

The release is sudden and storming: after a couple more minutes of determined stimulation Pinkie bends back once again. Her tail trembles, her legs give up a bit, so I need to support her lower part with my hands, yet she starts sliding her pussy against my lips, impaling herself on my tongue, panting and moaning loudly. Soon she is one trembling and pleading clew of lust, as her moans unite in one low pitch groaning and her pussy is squeezing my tongue.

We are both too tired to move actively, still Pinkie is determined to “walk me to the peak”. She is practically lying on me, letting me slowly stroke her back, her sides, hips and butt, while her tongue is fluttering like a butterfly on steroids around my cherry. I finish quietly, but this orgasm is not less pleasant than others. My hips make tiny welcoming thrusts against Pinkie’s muzzle, I close my eyes and give myself entirely to the tender caresses of my marefriend. My deep breath, my trembling knees, my contracting pussy tell her that she does well. When I’m through the cloud nine and back to earth, Pinkie turns over to me. We wrap our hands and legs around each other and lie tied together for quite a while, slowly kissing and nuzzling.

“I still need to finish that request,” mutters Pinkamena with her eyes closed, kissing me behind the ear. She chuckles. “I will need to bake another base cake though.”

“Look, Pinkie, I’ll buy that one, I smeared over myself,” I snuggle tighter into her, diving my muzzle in her fluffy caramel flavoured hair.

“No worries, sweetie!” she seems totally not upset. “That’s not the hardest part. Besides… just come again and bring your yummy feet with you, and we call that a deal.”

“You’re insatiable, Pinkamena Lust Pie!” I laugh, finding strength to raise my head first. I smack her lightly on the butt, making Pinkie squeak. “Now let’s go to the shower, before we are stuck together for good.”

I chase her to the shower, where we giggle and tickle each other and horse around under the warm streams of water, washing away the remnants of the cream.


“Hey, Angel. How’s life, little pal?” I make a face, teasing the white bunny, who is enjoying the warmth of setting sun. It must be somewhere between 4 and 5 pm, the heat had its time and now gives ground to the pleasant hours before the dusk; so, Fluttershy’s little friend (as Angel is obviously more than a pet) got outside and now is having a nap right on the wooden bench behind the gate of her cottage. The bunny raises one ear slightly, opening one eye and recognizing me, he funnily wrinkles his nose, but after a moment nods towards the house, confirming that Fluttershy is home.

I enter the gate and pass the bench, scratching Angel between the ears lightly, sneaky little fellow moves them and his tail a little, accepting the friendly gesture, but other than that he’s not very communicative today. I head to the front door and ring the bell, after about a minute of silence I ring again, twice.

“Oh, wait a moment, I’m coming” I hear Fluttershy’s sleepy voice from the depth of the cottage, wondering, what could make my friend sleep almost in the middle of the day. Then I hear a suppressed yawn right behind the door. “Mmmm… I’m sorry, who’s there.”

“Open up, Flutters!” I exclaim in the most cheerful voice I’m capable of still. Frankly speaking, I feel myself a bit… loved over and out after today’s adventures as well. “That’s me, Rainbow.”

With a click, Fluttershy lives outside of the town, besides, she was always of a cautious kind, the door opens and I’m granted the view of my yellow sleepy friend. She is barefoot, the dressing gown hardly reaches the knees of her amazing long legs; I know she threw it on at the last moment, as Fluttershy sleeps naked. Don’t say anything, I was shocked myself, when I burst through her bedroom window once to wake her up early and get in time to the apple cider sale start… and found her in full natural glory. I couldn’t lavish her my delighted glance long enough, as she produced a girly squeak and dragged a blanket on herself. But…

I shake off pleasant memories, as I examine her further. Fluttershy’s sumptuous pink mane frames her head as a shining cloud and falls on her chest, almost reaching the hemline of her dressing gown, her lush tail streams around her legs and rests on the floor. I don’t know anypony (except maybe Rarity, but she still haven’t reached that perfection level) whose bed head resembled a regal crown so much; as for having the tail so long and never tangling in it Fluttershy is simply out of concurrence.

“Oh, hi, Dashie!” Fluttershy yawns again, delicately covering her mouth with thin fingers. “Sorry… And thank you for waking me. I would get up with a headache, if I stood in bed after 5pm, had those many times already.”

She steps aside, letting me in and promptly moving her tail aback, so I don’t stumble or stomp on it.

“Hi, mate!” I kiss her in the tip of the nose, raising on my tiptoes for that – it would be hard to do otherwise because of her height; Rarity didn’t ask Flutters to model for her for nothing. “What’s up? I can’t remember you sleeping in the middle of the day, anypony, but you, our busy-busy naturalist. Are you and your friends okay?”

“I’ve got up at 4am, Rainbow,” simply says Fluttershy, wrapping her arm around my shoulders and welcoming me to the kitchen, where she offers me a chair, while she heads to the stove. “Coffee? I know that it’s a bit late for that, but I feel that you need it just like me. Am I right, cause you look a bit tired?”

“You can’t even imagine, pal!” I smirk inwardly, but say instead. “Yeah, I have a busy day, Flutters, like a couple… scratch that, like three of my usual trainings. But you didn’t tell, what made you fall on the bed midday.”

Fluttershy’s muzzle is brightened by a kind, gentle, loving smile, as she remembers, and I realize that it somehow connected with her animal friends. Oh, Celestia, how I want sometimes to become a squirrel or a robin… Although, a squirrel with rainbow fluffy tail would make even convinced teetotalers think that they are drunkards, so, a bad idea, I guess.

“Do you remember that wounded pregnant badger, I found a week ago?” Fluttershy makes two good cups of coffee, jumping and picking a coffee can from the upper shelf. I quietly giggle, she is called “legasus” with reason, anypony else would fly up, if they were able to. But I guess her height gives her an excuse, she needs a couple inches jump to reach her goal.

“I managed to patch her up,” continues Fluttershy, stirring the drink to make sugar dissolve. “But she is weak still and giving birth would be an uneasy task for her. So, this morning my birds woke me up at four, telling that my help was needed and… I attended birth the whole morning. Thankfully she and the cubs are all safe and now resting.”

“Wow!” I close my mouth and try to imagine my own morning, being a midwife for a wounded badger, but obviously fail drastically at that. With Fluttershy you can always be sure that she can surprise you by some of her hidden abilities.

“Well, the rest of the day was less… “Wow!”,” Fluttershy chuckles, sitting next to me. “Routine stuff, but not less necessary to do, you know, feeding all the animals, taking care and healing those, who needed, and so on.”

I watch my still sleepy, fluffy, soft friend, imagine her warm, tender hands touching me and feel that a few more minutes and I turn into a puddle, like melting jelly. Apparently Fluttershy notices my overly relaxed condition.

“Come on, Dashie, let’s move to the sofa in the living room,” with a smile she gets up, taking my hand. “Before you fall from the chair.”

We relocate, taking out coffee cups, to the sofa and finally I can lean on the backrest and let my body relax. I put my cup on a low table, after taking a good sip, and stretch my tired legs. Fluttershy seems to be waking little by little, enjoying her coffee and watching me, flexing and trying to nest more comfortable in the soft pillows.

“Nice sandals, Rainbow,” she notices, but not too excitedly, as I can hear. “Didn’t know that you wore those.”

“The potion must be winding out,” I sigh inwardly, but unfortunately the rest is not in my power.

“Oh, I’ve spoiled my training snickers,” I mention indifferently, fixedly watching Fluttershy’s reaction. “And Twilight gave me those for a while. So that’s easy, they are not mine…”

“Hmm…” Fluttershy takes another sip, then turns the glance of her big, beautiful, turquoise eyes to me. My heart skips a beat. “So, what was your day, Dashie?”

“Well, I helped Twi a bit with her alchemical experiment,” I sincerely hope that two pinkish spots on my cheeks are not very obvious, while eyeing Flutters and thinking, if kissing her would be a good idea right now. “This is when I ruined my snickers exactly. Then I gave a hand (“Better say a foot,” flashes in my mind. “Or two!”) to Pinkie… I was at Jackie’s and managed to drag Rarity out of her cloth galore and for a walk… In other words, not sitting on the spot a minute, you know me, right?” I chuckle.

Fluttershy nods, as she puts her cup on the same low table, and suddenly she leans to me, her amazing eyes fill my sight entirely. The next moment I feel her sweet, loving lips on mine and her warm, tender, thin fingers on my cheek. I’m covered by her long lush hair and bathing in the delicate aroma of field flowers and honey, coming from them. Her hand slides down my neck, shoulder and enters behind my, tied on the stomach, shirt, where it strokes my breast, moving around it slowly and gently; her fingers flutter, making me melt, close my eyes and drink love from her soft lips.

My hands find her round knees and start massaging them, enjoying the soft peachy coat, I try to feel each touch of her amazing skin as long as I can. A quiet pleading moan leaves my mouth, when Fluttershy slightly “bites” my lower lip with hers and pulls it, sucking gently. Her other hand drives its fingers through my unruly hair, behind my ear and down my neck, sending shivers down my spine and making my head spin.

After a couple of minutes Fluttershy backs off and watches me, trying to focus my eyes; the bewildered expression on her gorgeous muzzle and two pinkish spots on her cheeks turn her even prettier, despite one can hardly be. She bites the joint of her index finger and her eyes are almost terrified, by what she did second ago. And at the same time she visibly struggles the urge to snuggle into me again and continue her pleasant investigations.

“Dash… I…” her eyes travel all over me, laying on the pillows of her sofa, my shirt is almost open and my breasts are still not exposed by some miracle, so diligently she caressed them.

“It’s okay, Shy,” that’s, perhaps, the first time I call her “Shy” instead of usual “Flutters” and Fluttershy blushes even harder, but a small timid smile lightens her face at the same time, while I find strength to sit straight. My shirt ends untied, exposing the breasts, but I couldn’t give less buck to that at the moment. “I always wanted that… but it seems I always was even more shy than you,” I giggle nervously. “So never told you that straight away, despite being perhaps the most daring pony in Ponyville.”

“At least you didn’t say “in all Equestria”,” chuckles Fluttershy, but her tone is kind and soothing and that doesn’t sound offensive at all. “That’s a progress, Dashie!” She breaths out that “Dashie” almost in my mouth, as her sweet lips cover mine again. Her hot palms cover my breasts, making the nipples stand instantly; I start taking off my shirt, convulsively shaking it off, trying not to break the kiss. She moves closer, so I can squeeze her knees again, when I get rid of the shirt and we emerge for a breath.

“I really like you, Shy,” I add hoarsely, swallowing a lump in my throat. “And I won’t rush anything, if you don’t feel ready. The least thing I want, is to hurt or startle you.”

“I-I like… you, too,” Fluttershy downcasts, her long eyelashes drop dense shadows on her cheeks.

“Dashie, you look really tired,” adds Fluttershy in a moment, I’m indeed trembling a bit, don’t know if from fatigue or from rising desire. “You could lay down and I’ll massage you, this helps you relax.”

I nod and lean down, taking off the sandals, the touch of my nipples against the rough cloth of the jeans almost makes me moan again and I can’t untie the straps fast enough, arousing myself more and more as my nipples inevitable rub on my knees. I try to think about what is happening though. Apparently the potion has winded out completely or at least to the level, when it makes her brave enough to respond or even take a first step, not obsessed with my feet, despite how pretty they are. Apparently my timid friend needs a time out to grasp her thoughts, which must be running like mice from the cat at the moment, and make the final decision. But if Fluttershy is not under the potion effect or at least making her choices knowingly… Does that mean?..

My heart skips a beat and starts fluttering, as I melt inwardly.

“My dear, sweet, lovely Fluttershy, I will never ever lose my chance to earn you. I will do everything for you to be mine… I’ll be yours entirely, if you want.”

Eventually I get rid of the sandals and lay on my back on the sofa, my legs are resting on Shy’s knees and my cheeks are red as a carrot; I look fixedly in her eyes, trying to guess what she is thinking about right now.

With a small quiet giggle Fluttershy shakes her head and draws a circle with her index finger.

“Turn around, Dashie. And… take your j-jeans off as well… i-if you’re okay with that,” her cheeks set on fire, but she is firm about her suggestion.

I get up and unbutton the jeans, slipping out of them and leaving them on the floor. Fighting the wish to cover up, not because of shyness (I can hardly remember that word), but because the loving glance of that beautiful girl calls at least for some modesty to honour it, I hear how Fluttershy lets out a deep excited sigh. I lay on my stomach, as my amazing friend (friend? I think… I hope she is somepony more than that now) asked, putting a pillow under my chest.

The first touch of thin tender fingers on my feet is striking as a lightning, the following simply make me melt in the hot lava of Fluttershy’s caresses, she lavishes to my tired feet and legs. She almost lays herself aback, opening her dressing gown on her chest and putting my feet on her gorgeous breasts, so I immediately feel my insteps pressing against silky, firm, fluttering from her fastened heart beat hills. She massages my thighs, where she can reach with her hands, gently circling her amazing palms on my skin. I feel the heat rising in my body, not only the wild heat of pure sex drive, but rather the soothing, calming heat of homely tenderness. I breath deeply and she can hear as I’m diving into the trance from her touch.

As she goes down my legs, rubbing, massaging, sliding her fingers against my coat, the deep strong waves of pleasure start forming somewhere deep inside my body. I can hardly tell, where they take their birth, in the chest, in the abdomen, in two small pits on my widely arched in the paroxysm of pleasure loin. But if they are precursors of upcoming slow deep orgasm, I think, I could have it for hours.

“Oh, goodness!” flashes in my wildly spinning head. “I made love the whole day long, but I can come endlessly under your touch, Shy!”

“OH, FLUTTERSHY!!!” this flies out loudly and sincerely and rewarded with a quiet satisfied laugher.

“Yes, my love?” Fluttershy gets to my feet and I can see stars without the help of princess Luna or any astronomer. Something explodes before my closed eyes and my deep breaths instantly turn into shameless moans of lust, when Shy starts massaging my soles, sticking her fingers between my toes, kissing them and the insteps, as she raises my feet and runs her tongue on them. One foot is constantly bathing in the loving caresses of her hands, while another rests on her noticeably heated breasts and I can’t even take breath, panting, squeaking as a small filly, when they change places,.

“I wa-a-a-a-ant you!” I whimper, feeling as my inner walls shake, slowly, strongly; I’m not mistaking, supposing that it can last for hours, if her godlike pace and technique are kept. I can feel the heat coming from her lower body, my own swollen clit, my tail starts wiggling chaotically. “Oh, sweet Fluttershy, I so want you!!!”

“Then we need a more comfortable place, Dashie… if you don’t mind…” her tender voice makes me shake again, or maybe it’s her tongue, which curls around my toe, after her saying that.

She stops her treatment for a while, giving me time to recompose and get up, and I fight the urge to ask her to continue no matter what. I rise, first on all four, my knees trembling, my eyes are still closed, feeling the thick thread of my love juices flowing down my thigh. Then I get up completely, standing on the floor, but almost falling flat. Fortunately, Fluttershy catches me up, she gets rid of her dressing gown and I’m granted the amazing look of her gorgeous body. Her stomach, breasts and neck are pinkish already, telling me that she enjoyed the view of exposed, aroused and leaking me fully and turned herself on as well.

Fluttershy grabs my hand and drags me to the stairs, to the next floor, into her bedroom.

There she waits, till I crawl on her big soft bed and lay down, leaning on the pillows, spreading my legs, squeezing my breasts in the wild desire to feel her again. The smile on her face is almost celestial, as she follows me on the bed and sits, crossing her long stunning legs with mine. Fluttershy takes my leg again and starts gently licking my foot, sucking on my toes, biting them playfully. Her eyes are fixed on mine and I drown in the deep turquoise lakes; her other hand covers my Venus hill, rubbing it, teasing the clit, approaching the open leaking snatch and making pants and moans escape my half opened mouth faster.

I catch her small foot with a desperate convulsive movement and start kissing and licking it as thoroughly as my escaping self control allows me. That’s a divine gift, I know for sure now, what I need. I need her inside me!..

I raise a bit on the pillows, leaning on my elbow and holding her delicate foot. Slowly, to enjoy each fraction of the second of that move, I slide her big toe into my wet, hot, craving pussy. It feels so great when I try to squeeze it gently inside. I add the second toe, but to be honest I’d happily stick her whole foot inside me, if I could. My eyes roll, as I start thrusting her toes inside my pussy. I’m not the motherly type, but… buck it! I wouldn’t mind at that moment, if Fluttershy impregnated me, so much I want us to belong to each other.

Fluttershy watches me with dilated eyes, she even slows down on my foot. I can’t control myself anymore and roar as a wild beast, impaling myself on her toes, feeling like my pussy contracts around them, welcoming the approaching orgasm. With a deep passionate sigh, my amazing lover does the same, she puts my big toe inside her snatch. She is very tight and can fit only one toe, besides mine are long enough, so she starts panting very fast, squeezing me and moving my foot back and forth faster and faster in her wet, tight coral cave.

I come first, holding her deep into me, squeezing her toes with my convulsing pussy, screaming something with the only comprehensible words being “Fluttershy” and “love”. She follows shortly, moaning and breathing deeply, watching fixedly my toe entering her pussy, as apparently she enjoys this arousing view very much.

When the last contractions slowly fade, we fall flat on the bed and move towards each other, so our burning hot pussies touch. I take Fluttershy’s leg, the one which was rutting me, and lick the toes dry, feeling that my own foot goes through the same treatment. We hold hands and let the pleasant languor have us.

I don’t know how many times we brought each other to the climax, when we rested after the first time. Or if that was one long lasting wavy orgasm, Fluttershy managed to throw us both in finally. We tangled together, kissing tenderly, rubbing our pussies on each other slowly, enjoying our complete unity. Most likely for a few hours…

I wake up and watch for a while, how the moonlight travels across the room through the open window, which lets fresh night air and flowers aroma inside. My head is nested on Fluttershy’s shoulder and my whole body seems to be bathing in her amazing hair. Her hand covers my breast, while mine holds her thigh, like not going to let her go. I smile to the ceiling with big, light heart, which beats slowly, full of overwhelming happiness.

“I won’t risk everything, accelerating the things,” I say to myself. “And I won’t make Shy uncomfortable, waking in her bed with her in the morning. Let’s see how it goes. If she wasn’t under the potion effect, as I suspect, then I bless that day and hope for the best.”

Accurately, not to wake my love up, I untangle from her hair and warm hands. I fly out of the window as I am, naked, not caring about anypony… and return in a minute. The large scarlet rose in drips of dew lays on the pillow next to Fluttershy.

With a smile I run downstairs to take my clothes. I’ll spend the rest of this night at home. And then… We’ll see!


This morning I get up at 5am, turning off the old alarm clock. Feeling slightly embarrassed by complete sabotaging of my daily “cloud kicker” work yesterday (but not overly embarrassed to be frank) I perform usual morning routines in the most compact way possible and soar in the sky, which only starts to get lighter. In a wild flurry I circle the sleeping Ponyville and woe is any cloud, which gets in my way. One can hardly tell, if the stars are hiding in the dawn or the clouds cease to exist after my kicking faster.

At 7am the sky above Ponyville is crystal clear; I stretch and think that it’s about time to get back home and take a shower after the accelerated work, have a light breakfast and head to Cloudsdale. I have a feeling that I may be lucky, finding the newest Daring Do book in one of bookstores there.

“Next time, Dash, don’t be a lazy butt and preorder!” I tell myself, inwardly giggling at the image of the muzzles of my pegasi mates, who are going to perform the morning sky “cleaning”… well, right about now. “Giggle-snort!”

Cheered up by those utterly funny images I plan my day: I need to get back home not later than 1pm and prepare some snacks, as we planned a picnic with the girls this afternoon.


The air is still and no clouds stain the turquoise sky, Celestia’s Sun already passed the zenith and is halfway down to sunset. I approach the hill, where we decided to gather with the girls, and land on the lower branch of a big tree. One can hardly find a better place for a picnic: the tree will provide the shade for those, who need (I snicker inwardly at the image of Rarity, saying that too much sun causes wrinkles, darling!), yet there will be enough room for those, who welcome the warm blessing fully; besides, the view is marvelous. The hill lies in between Ponyville and Fluttershy’s cottage, amidst a vast meadow, providing an image, worthy of a brush of some famous artist. This slightly compensates my disappointment of today’s mishaps.

It started in the morning. Tank got stuck under the sofa, when I was exterminating the clouds, despite I told him numerous times not to get in there, as he couldn’t get through. Yet, perhaps, he still considered himself a small turtle-kid and investigation spirit was ineradicable. Thus instead of simply showering and having a light snack, I spent quite some time accurately lifting and moving the bucking heavy old sofa to release my curious friend. No wonder that I got all sweaty and tired after that, the shower took longer, I managed to gulp a cup of coffee, instead of normal breakfast, and stormed away, yet… instead of getting to Cloudsdale before eight, I got there half past nine.

They told me in the first bookstore that the crowd, waiting for the opening since half past seven, swept the whole batch of the Daring Do bestseller in a wink, miraculously managing not to fight over them. The last one was taken fifteen minutes before my arrival.

“What the bucking hay!” I howled inwardly and stormed to another store, naturally making the manager stallion stand there and look at my fast receding back as at some psycho.

But it was the same… horse apples at the each store. They said that they have made another request, so most likely I was going to have another early awakening to stand first in the queue next day…

But the sky is so clear, the sun is so warm, light breeze brings the smell of apple flowers from Jackie’s garden and I shoo away the sad thoughts. It seems, I came a bit early and the girls are still gathering stuff (not each of us has a diligent dragon aide), so I hang my bag on the branch, making sure no curious cow or sheep can reach it, and get to the top of the tree. There I choose a branch thick enough to hold me and lay on my back, bathing in the sunlight. I take my top off, lower the shorts belt just enough not to be fully exposed and enjoy the touch of wind and sun rays on my skin. The turquoise sky reminds me of Fluttershy’s turquoise beauteous eyes; they keep standing in my view, while my own slowly close, as I’m being lulled by the sun and foliage whispering.

“…well, here is her bag… And where is Rainbow herself?” the voice reaches my ears slightly muffled, like through water, as I start waking up. “Dash! Hey, Dash!!! We’re here…”

“Oh, I’ll check the tree… i-if you’re OK with that, girls…” Fluttershy’s voice. “Maybe she got asleep,” She giggles lightly.

I slowly wake, remembering what I have dreamed about (it seems, it was something turquoise and pretty) and hearing the rustle of the leaves and twigs.

“Oh! Squee…” I feel a fitful breath on my armpit and when my eyes open, the first things I see are Fluttershy’s big bright eyes and the pink spots on her cheeks.

“Ummm…” she looks fixedly in my eyes, because when her glance darts lower, she becomes even more embarrassed and quickly returns it to my face. She hands me my top. “I-I found that hanging two branches lower, Dashie… You might have dropped it.”

“Err… Thanks, pal!” I yawn and mount the branch, stretching violently and making Flutters blush even more. I get the top on, adjust the shorts and kiss Fluttershy on the nose.

“Squee! I… mean… we are all here, Rainbow,” she nods towards the hill below.

“Well, let’s go then!” I smile to my timid friend and hug her with my wing, then we both soar in the air flying down around the tree.

Meanwhile, the girls aren’t wasting time, so when we land, the big checkered blanket is put on the ground and spread, the baskets are being unpacked and delicious smell of the tea fills the air, as Rarity is opening a thermos flask. Yet I notice something strange in my friends: they are unusually meditative today, unlike all the other picnics, we gather for, and chatter and giggle all the time.

“Hey, pals, here we are!” I greet them cheerfully, yet their response is not nearly as vivid as always. “Girls, what’s up with you all today, for Celestia’s sake?!”

“You see, Rainbow, it appears we all can’t remember a good portion of yesterday…” tells Pinkie, who are unusually quiet and thoughtful. “Taking you for example… Can you remember?”

“Well…” I carefully try to avoid delicate details. “Not the entire day, perhaps. And what exactly happened?”

“So, we can’t remember the entire day as well,” mutters Twilight, laying out the sandwiches. “For example, I can remember as you came asking for the new book, Dash… And… And then Spike woke me up, knocking at the bedroom door… but that was way later.”

“Right, Twi was sleeping… I guess because of her early awakening and all the alchemic study. Nevertheless when I woke her, she spent the rest of the day back in the lab,” Spike nods, pouring the tea from the thermos into Rarity’s cup.

My eyes dilate, when I notice how Rarity came to the picnic. No, wrong words! When I notice, what Rarity wears, coming to the picnic. She sports khaki cargo pants and a dark T-shirt, which emphasizes her breasts quite nicely, making Spike almost cross-eyed, as he tries to do something, yet keep the subject of his passion in sight. In addition to that she came wearing open sandals… which she took off at the moment! And the most striking thing: I can spot no usual chaise-longue; Rarity lays herself right on the grass instead and looks in the sky, putting her arms under the lush mane. Her shoulders are sun burnt a bit and I realize that she forgot to use sunscreen yesterday, when we…

Rarity feels my fixated glance and turns her head to me.

“What, Dashie?” she asks, then a smile appears on her muzzle. “Oh, I guess… Well, I decided that a picnic is not a fashion show anyway,” she giggles. “And I’ll have it easier, if I don’t constantly shake about staining something flashy. Those I can wash any time and even if I can’t, I won’t mourn about… And I guess a few leaves can’t morbidly harm my mane either. By the way, I can’t remember the whole yesterday morning as well.”

She nests more comfortable on the grass; I close my mouth with an audible clap. The miracles only start happening, as I look at Applejack and spot the tied under breasts shirt – Okay, jeans shorts – Okay, a necklace – Alarm, Alarm! That’s something new and girly… What the hay? Oh, and she took off her boots and demonstrates amazing golden nail polish on freshly made pedicure, not being all itchy about everypony seeing it. She is totally fond of herself, moving her stetson to the back of her head and munching on a straw.

“Yeah, partner, same stuff with me,” she sighs. “Ah can’t recall a few hours of the noon entirely…”

“Oh!” she blushes in a moment. “Rarity, I somehow found one of yar dresses in mah house. Ah swear to Harmony, Ah can’t imagine, how that could ‘appen…”

Rarity lifts her head and looks at Applejack, raising one eyebrow.

“Well, Ah took it to the dry cleanin’, there were some stains. But Ah’m sure they’ll return it better than ev’r, sugar cube,” Applejack smiles to Rarity apologetically. “Ah’ll bring it to ya tomorrow.”

“Hmpf…” Rarity scratches the back of her head in the most puzzled way, evidently trying to remember, when she left the wedding dress at Apple’s farm… and most important what for.

“I be damned!” the whole situation strikes me as a lightning bolt. “Twilight knows her work. The stuff works and works too well, if you ask me! Despite it being an antidote not!” I giggle inwardly.

“Speaking of dresses,” Rarity remembers something. “I finally managed to find the idea for the last dress in the recent batch. You know, Dashie, the one I told you about yesterday. I’ve made it from dark chocolate silk and decorated with sapphires, when I saw the overall image inwardly!” she proudly pouts. “It came out long and slim and very tight, I suppose one should wear it without any lingerie for the best fitting.”

“Actually,” she adds. “One can wear it, if two conditions are met: the pony must have an ideal figure and fair skin, so the dress contrasts enough for the desired effect. I suppose Fluttershy would look awesome in it… well, and me of course. It’s even a bit of a problem now – I seriously consider making something else, and leaving this one exactly dress to myself.”

I loudly snort, then quickly pretend that I’m spitting something over my shoulder, when Rarity looks at me fixedly with suspicion and other girls turn as well. Fluttershy is still pinkish because of Rarity’s unique compliment, that Fluttershy has a perfect figure, but needs to try the new tight evening dress without underwear.

“I think, it was a bug in my tea, sorry…” I mutter, rolling from laugher inwardly and trying my best not to snort again. “Who might thought that my idea with clay bath gives Rarity her long-awaited inspiration?” I think.

“Ewwww!” apparently the word “bug” is enough for Ra-ra to lose all interest to my reaction. Well, I can’t say that I’m complaining.

“And I burned the whole batch of cakes today,” chuckles Pinkie Pie, but it doesn’t sound like she is totally upset about that. “Well, I mean, hey, those are only cakes… I won’t trade our meeting for the cakes anyway!”

“I can’t imagine that you burn something in your kitchen, Pinkie,” I wink to her.

“Ummm… I was thinking, how cool… or should I say how awesome… it will be to gather here,” she blushes a little. “And we could play with Rainbow…” I gasp, but she continues. “So I was distracted and… then that happened. Hey, I have a ball,” Pinkie takes an inflatable beach ball from her bag. “Who’s up for beach volleyball with me?”

“A bit later, okay?” smirks Twilight. “And I gladly join you both. But nopony jumps with the full stomach right away…”

“By the way,” she adds with a confused smile. “It’s almost evening, yet I haven’t written the letter to princess… But to my own surprise I’m not running the walls because of that, girls!”

We all look at Twilight, stunned by her confession.

“Yeah, yeah,” she laughs, looking at our puzzled muzzles. “There was simply nothing to write about yet. But know what, I’ll write tonight about that exactly picnic, and how cool it is to gather with friends sometimes and… do nothing specific, just enjoy that we all have… us!”

Little by little we become our usual selves, talking, joking, laughing…

Fluttershy is modest and quiet as always. She doesn’t expatiate on her yesterday memory drops much, mostly isn’t overly loud… just as her usual self. She simply sits next to me, playing with my rainbow tail and thinking of something. But I see her quick glances towards me and keep wondering, what she has in mind. Did she tie all the ends together?

I think about that unfinished potion of Twilight and the whole plethora of good pranks, which can be performed with its help. Not to mention that it is simply amazing, to have a good portion of kinky fun from time to time. Besides, it seems that my friends rather benefited from the adventures of the previous day.

I dream about something new, I can stage with the help of that alchemic blessing. Perhaps my breasts could have some extra admiration and attention. Not that it can stop me dreaming of them being like Flutters’, but won’t be harmful for self-esteem anyway. I even have impudence to imagine princess Celestia being a subject of my next scenario. The hardest part is to request for the audience, I think. Or…

“Bingo!” a mischievous smile worms on my face with that idea. “Luna! Now that’s the plan! And a nice harmless revenge for that lightning bolt, she sent in my butt at the last Nightmare Night celebration.”

My heart beat is doubled at the mental image of gorgeous Princess of the Night snuggling to my breasts like a child to her mother.

“Look, Twi,” I forcedly make myself awake of sweet dreams and address my scientific friend. “What happened to that unfinished potion, you made, when I visited you yesterday. You said you wrote everything down. So… could I have a look, the idea seemed very interesting to me…”

Twilight is a bit surprised, but the ability to share the knowledge with somepony is much more important for her, so she doesn’t pay much attention to my unusual interest. She eagerly starts explaining instead.

“Remember, how Spike told that he woke me up in the afternoon,” she smiles, sipping hot tea from her cup. “It seems, I got a few decent ideas while dreaming. I spent the rest of the day in the lab and I managed to finish my antidote. Totally different way, which is most amazing. I could make it stronger, yet faster – now it winds out in a matter of minutes…”

“That’s undoubtedly great, Twilight,” I put on a cheerful grin, trying to look enthusiastic about her discovery. “But I’m practically interested in the… previous version of you experiment, pal! Do you still have anything?”

“But why?” Twilight genuinely wonders. “It wasn’t even nearly successful… And besides, if this is so important for you… I’m sorry, but a few pages of my log were totally spoiled yesterday. I found them wet and unreadable. I’m afraid those were the ones where the old unfinished recipe was…”

My heart drops, as the mental image of aroused and heated Twilight, munching on the improvised paper gag, while being spanked by me, appears before my eyes.

“Tarnation!” I mutter inwardly, just like Applejack would do in such a case. Fluttershy moves closer to me and puts her head on my shoulder. I keep mourning the so successful “failed” potion, bathing in her lush long hair and listening girls’ chatter with one ear – Pinkie tells a new joke at the moment.

“Here go my promising plans,” I sigh mentally. “Right down the gutter of harsh reality!”

“Well, there is no need to cry over the spilled milk!” I decide in a moment, shaking the sadness off and wrapping my hand around Fluttershy’s shoulders, snuggling her closer. “It was good… buck it, it was awesome, while it lasted!”

“Look, Dashie,” Flutters’ soft lips lightly touch my ear, making it perk instantly. “We could… go to my place… l-later and make some… pedicure!..”