Hunger and Heat

by MassDriver

First published

Spike is in heat, and the grown-up Crusaders find themselves consumed by his powerful sexuality.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders are all grown up, and they still don't have their cutie marks! Today they're going to talk to Spike, and maybe see if they can get cutie marks in something dragon-related...

But Spike is all grown up too, and he's deep in the throes of dragon heat. Having been raised by ponies, he doesn't know what to expect... and he never would have expected what happens when the Crusaders show up. His dragon dick has a strange pull on the ponies, and when they get close, it starts to consume them...

Contains: Cock Vore (Fatal), Implied Mind Control (Pheremone), Ball Worship, Cock Growth, Hyper Orgasm

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All characters are over 18.

Cover art is Derpibooru 1341198, by xskullstomperx, used without permission.

Hunger and Heat

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“Okay,” said Sweetie Belle, banging her forehoof on the clubhouse podium. “Uh, first order of business… are we officially the worst at getting cutie marks?”

“What do you mean?” Asked Scootlaoo, looking a little offended.

“Well, it’s just…” Sweetie Belle sighed, “Out of everyone in our age group, what’s the latest anyone else got their cutie marks?”

“Uh, it was that karate guy, right?” Said Applebloom.

“It’s pronounced karate gi,” said Scootlaoo, rolling her eyes.

“No, I mean that colt with the martial arts cutie mark,” said Applebloom. “He was, like, fourteen I think?”

“Exactly,” said Sweetie Belle. “Ever since we were fillies, we’ve done nothing but try and get our cutie marks, Except for those eighteen months where we figured, "maybe trying too hard was the problem," and we all stopped caring about our cutie marks. That didn’t work either! And now we’re all - well, Scootlaoo’s nineteen, but Applebloom and I are eighteen, so…” She threw up her forehooves. “Aren’t you two as embarrassed about it as I am?”

“Well, a little,” said Applebloom. “But my family’s been real supportive. I mean, us three ain’t lazy or dumb or nothin’ - and heck, even dumb and lazy ponies usually get their cutie marks on time, give or take. Whatever’s wrong with us, it ain’t really our fault. No more’n it’s a pony’s fault for needin’ glasses or a wheelchair.”

“That’s… a really good attitude, Applebloom,” said Sweetie Belle. For a moment, she just stared out the clubhouse window, then she looked back at the podium. “Okay,” she said, “Well, today we’re talking to Spike. There’s still a lot ponies don’t know about dragons, and Spike’s been sort of a liaison to Dragon Lord Ember, so maybe we can get cutie marks in… dragon studies, dragon biology or culture… something like that!”


Spike stumbled out of the shower, weary from another earth-shattering orgasm. He’d jerked himself off five times since waking up, splattering the glass walls of the shower stall and clogging the drain with thick, milky dragon cum. Yesterday he’d thought that it was as bad as it was going to get, but today was ten times worse. Ten times the arousal. Ten times the cum. Even now he felt his balls churning up a fresh supply.

Spike had been a sexually mature dragon for some time now, and that had necessitated a period of adjustment. But dragon heat was a whole different beast. Nothing seemed to satisfy his cock for long. He could probably ask Ember about it - or any adult dragon, really - but they were off in the dragon lands, and Spike was in no condition to travel. There’d be a two-inch-deep layer of cum in the train car before they even got to the next stop.

And even if he could somehow keep himself from jerking off, his body was just… obscene at the moment. His cock was wrist-thick, fourteen inches long, and it would not go down. His balls were fat as oranges, dangling between his legs in his green, scaly ballsack, bouncing with every step he took. Equestria might have been a mostly clothes-free society, but even it had its limits.

So there wasn’t much to do, aside from hiding in his bedroom and jerking himself off from morning to night. Twilight had agreed to give him his space once she saw how serious dragon heat was, so his schedule was clear. The next few days would be torture, but at least he wouldn’t have to worry about interruptions.

There was a knock at the door. Spike sighed and walked over to the door, not surprised that Twilight - despite her promise to leave him alone - apparently needed something from him. She had a knack for organization, but her Number One Assistant was an integral part of her organization method. Whatever this was, it probably wouldn’t take long.

Spike opened the door a crack, and was shocked to see not one but three ponies standing in the hallway. “Hey, Spike!” said Sweetie Belle. “Are you still free to talk about dragon stuff with us today?”

Spike cursed silently. That was today, wasn’t it? He could barely think about anything but his own arousal - of course his appointment with the CMC had slipped his mind. “Uh, actually, something’s come up,” he said.

“Aw, okay,” said Sweetie Belle. “Maybe some other time, huh?” Spike felt a pang of guilt when he saw Sweetie Belle’s face fall; she was a good friend, and he hated to disappoint her. But guilt wasn’t the only emotion that stirred inside him. His cock twitched as Spike’s eyes took in her body. She’d grown into a beautiful young mare, with all the grace and charm of her older sister, and he’d often thought about asking her on a date. His dragon libido, pulsing with volcanic heat, seemed to think that now was the ideal time to get closer to her - but his dragon heat was so strange even to himself, he felt sure that it would drive her away.

He started to close the door, mumbling an apology, but Scootaloo jammed her hoof into the doorframe. “Hey!” she said, “You at least owe us an explanation! I planned my day around this, y’know. This isn’t like when we were fillies and we had all day to goof around. Some ponies have jobs, Spike! They don’t just hang out in castles all day!”

“I’m the personal assistant to a Princess,” said Spike, trying to nudge Scootlaoo’s hoof out of the door frame. “It’s actually a very demanding job, and -”

Scootaloo shoved her weight against the door, knocking Spike backwards as the door flew open. For a pony who didn’t have her cutie mark, Scootaloo devoted a lot of time to a singular pursuit - namely, physical fitness - and there was surprising strength in her lithe frame. Spike landed on his ass in the middle of the room, and Scootlaoo stood triumphantly in the doorway… until she looked down and saw Spike’s cock, tall and hard and dripping.

“Sweet Celestia!” she said. “I thought I smelled cum!” Applebloom and Sweetie Belle, standing behind Scootaloo, exchanged a look.

Scootaloo advanced on Spike, looming threateningly over his prone body. “So you’re blowing the three of us off so you can stay in your room and jerk it?” She nudged his balls with her forehoof - not quite hard enough to hurt. “So playing with your cock is more fun than hanging out with the CMC, huh?” She leaned down and sniffed the tip of his cock, her nostrils flaring as she filled them with the scent of his cum.

“No-” protested Spike, but Scootaloo cut him off with an angry snort.

“Maybe you should give somepony else a chance to play with it,” said Scootaloo, scowling as her open mouth came closer to the bulbous tip of Spike’s fat purple cock. “Ever think of that, you greedy dragon hunk? Maybe there’s mares out there who are starving for a fat dragon cock.”

Spike could do nothing but stammer. He still wasn’t sure if Scootaloo was seducing him or bullying him, and Applebloom and Sweetie Belle didn’t seem to know either. They were just staring at her, waiting to see what she would do next.

Hot, huffing breaths buffeted Spike’s engorged prick, and drool dripped from Scootaloo’s mouth as she regarded its thick veins and fat mushroom head. She licked her lips, and extended her slick crimson tongue to touch the dripping slit. Spike whimpered as her tongue made contact, and his cock spurted - not a full orgasm, just a jet of thick, potent pre. It painted a line across Scootaloo’s snout, between her nostrils, and she licked it off, moaning as the taste hit her senses.

When her tongue touched his cock again, it went deep. It sank into his cockslit, darting in and out of his shaft, tasting him more and more. And his cock reacted in a way he never would have expected. The slit grew. It opened wider, welcoming Scootaloo’s tongue, and once it was wide enough, Scootaloo pushed her whole snout inside, breathing in the scent of concentrated cock.

“What’s happenin’?” asked Applebloom.

“I… I don’t know,” said Spike. “I’m in heat, that’s why I didn’t want to let you in… I didn’t know my c-cock would do this. Scootaloo, Maybe you should… back off…”

But Scootaloo wasn’t hearing it. Moaning, her back legs twitching as her pussy grew slick with arousal, she pushed herself deeper into Spike’s cock. The slit widened even more, engulfing Scootaloo’s head and going to work on her neck. He felt his ballsack churning, growing, making room for a meal. Spike felt his cock pull on Scootaloo’s body, expecting her to resist like any animal being swallowed whole… but she was all too eager, and she used her considerable strength to push herself deeper in, so fast that Spike’s cock almost couldn’t keep up with her. She folded her forehooves to her chest, making her body as smooth and streamlined as possible, and soon she was halfway in, her whole body shuddering with pleasure.

“Wow,” said Sweetie Belle. “It looks like she’s enjoying it.”

“Yeah, it’s weird, but… it looks like fun!” said Applebloom. “Spike, is this normal fer dragons?”

“I don’t know,” groaned Spike. “This has never happened to me before…”

“Wow!” said Sweetie Belle. “The three of us are actually breaking new ground in the study of dragon sexuality!”

“We could get our cutie marks in that!” said Applebloom, hopping up and down with excitement.

“Oh, this is gonna be awesome!” said Sweetie Belle. “Maybe our true calling is to study your amazing cock, Spike!” There was a glorp as Spike’s shaft took Scootaloo deeper, absorbing her body up to her back legs. “Oh, Spike, your body is incredible!”

“Y-yours too, Sweetie Belle,” said Spike. “I… I always liked you…”

“Aw, thanks!” said Sweetie Belle. “Ooh, Scootaloo’s almost all the way in! Let’s give her a push, Applebloom!”

“Wait, wait-” said Spike, but the girls had already put their hooves on Scootaloo’s back legs and started pushing. Spike felt Scootaloo’s pussy juice dripping over the tip of his cock as it swallowed up her haunches, and then Scootaloo’s whole body shook with climax, squirming and writhing inside the flesh of Spike’s shaft. He felt pressure building inside him, more than he’d ever felt before, but with a pony blocking the exit there was nowhere for it to go.

Spike groaned helplessly as Scootaloo’s orgasm ended - and then all at once, she slid the rest of the way into his shaft, and his balls expanded in an instant as she landed inside them. A thick spurt of precum glorped out of his cock, shooting two feet in the air and splattering on the rug.

There was still incredible pressure inside Spike’s balls, a gargantuan yearning for release, but there was also a feeling of satisfaction. He’d been frightened by his cock’s strange behavior, and the powerful pull it had on the Crusaders, but his mind was starting to calm. This all felt… natural.

“Wanna go in next, Applebloom?” he asked, lying confidently on the rug. He gripped the base of his cock, which was bigger than ever - it was still almost as thick as it had been when Scootaloo was inside it. His member seemed to knew that another meal was on the way.

“Do I ever!” said Applebloom. “That looked awesome!” She lay down on the floor, her back legs facing Spike, and eased her hooves into the slit of his cock. The head of Spike’s prick expanded right away, greedily engulfing Applebloom up to her fetlocks and pulling her steadily downward. “Oh man, this is hot,” she moaned, reaching down a forehoof to touch herself.

“And Sweetie Belle,” said Spike, “While my cock is busy with Applebloom, why don’t you get acquainted with my nuts? Since you’re gonna be in ‘em pretty soon…”

“Mmm, sounds good,” said Sweetie Belle. She trotted over to Spike’s side and knelt down by his scaly green ballsack, extending her tongue to taste its surface. “Ohh,” she moaned, “I think that’s the best thing I’ve ever tasted… and the smell is incredible… I bet Scootaloo’s having a great time in there…” She nuzzled Spike’s nuts, licking and sniffing, feeling Scootaloo’s body writhing within as she was digested into cum.

“Oh, Sweetie Belle,” said Applebloom, “Yer gonna love this! His cock is so warm and tight around my back legs… it’s like I’m bein’ hugged and eaten and fucked all at once!” Spike’s shaft began to rise; as it consumed more prey, it was growing in thickness and strength, and now it was strong enough to support Applebloom’s weight all by itself. It stood straight up, and with the assistance of gravity it could suck Applebloom in even faster. With a ripple of cockflesh and a glurp, it sucked her down to the middle of her chest, submerging her pussy inside his cock.

“Oh mah goodness,” she breathed. “M’pussy’s inside Spike’s cock now, Sweetie Belle! The inside of his cock is warm ‘n’ wigglin’ against me… I ain’t never been this turned on before!” Her body began to shake. “Aw Spike, yer gonna make me cum! I’m gonna cum deep inside yer cock, Spike!”

And when she came, the rhythmic shudders of her body worked in tandem with the pulsing motion of Spike’s shaft, and she sank into his balls like quicksand, her moans growing muffled, then silent, as her head was swallowed up. Once again Spike felt a surge of confidence, of power, as his body consumed another pony.

But now he was torn. Sweetie Belle was special to him, and even though his cock desperately wanted to swallow up her lithe, beautiful body, a part of him held back. “Sweetie Belle,” he said, “You don’t have to get in my cock… if you don’t want to, I mean...”

It took Sweetie Belle a moment to respond - she was still nuzzling his balls, massaging them with her hooves as they grew in size. His sack writhed with blissful motion, still converting the ponies within into cum. But eventually, she raised her head to look Spike in the eyes.

“Spike,” she said, smiling, “I couldn’t leave my friends behind. They’re having a blast in your ballsack, and I want to join them. Plus…” she lifted her hoof and stroked his cheek. “You’ve always been a great friend… and you’re a really handsome dragon with such a big, powerful cock… I’d be really happy to become a part of you.”

Sweetie Belle leaned forward and kissed Spike - which was his biggest surprise of the day, at least since his cock started eating ponies. He closed his eyes and returned her kiss, parting his lips to penetrate her mouth with his quick, forked dragon tongue. And as they kissed, he felt her hooves slipping into the head of his cock, starting their journey down to his balls.

Spike would have let the kiss last forever, but his cock was bigger and stronger than before, and it drew Sweetie Belle down in a series of quick gulps, each one jerking her body down toward the base of his shaft. Soon it forcibly broke the kiss, as it pulled her head down past Spike’s shoulders. “Spike,” said Sweetie Belle, “I- I’ve never felt this way before.” Her body trembled, and she struggled to speak through broken gasps. “I, I think I love you, Spike… I’m so happy…”

Sweetie Belle screamed in ecstasy, calling out Spike’s name as his cock consumed her. Spike wrapped his claws around the base of his shaft, feeling the contours of her beautiful body for one last time as she slipped down, out of sight, into his balls. His body trembling with arousal, still unaccustomed to the new weight of his genitals, Spike stood up.

There was a rumble in Spike’s nutsack as his balls churned the last of the Cutie Mark Crusaders into cum. His nuts hung down to his knees now, huge globes of spunk dangling beneath a cock that was at least two feet long. He felt them tighten, pulling close to his body, and he felt the pressure in the base of his cock moving upward. Finally, it had done enough eating and it was ready for release.

The first jet of cum hit the ceiling. It hit the ceiling easily; it would have hit it even if it had been five feet higher. Spike dropped to his knees, totally overpowered by his own orgasm, as his fat purple dragon cock shot again and again, raining thick, sticky cum over everything in his bedroom. For minutes, his dick shot load after load, releasing all the jizz that the Crusaders had willingly - joyously - become.

And once every surface dripped with white and his dick could do nothing but drool its sticky syrup down its own length, Spike collapsed to the floor, completely spend. He felt a tingle in his balls, and with lazy fingers he wiped away a layer of spunk to see what was happening.

There was a cutie mark forming on his balls. A little image of a pony disappearing into the head of a dragon cock. Spike sighed with satisfaction. He truly knew what it meant to be a dragon now - and he’d helped the Cutie Mark Crusaders find their place in the world.