Appetite of a Drone

by Septia

First published

Stallion Guard sfinds Changeling stuffing a stalion down his cock, stallion becomes dessert and is graphically digested. Consensual.

(Kink information and guide Available in the full description.)

Reports of dissaperances have become more frequent, one stallion of the guard is sent to deal with the problem. Yet, he suspects this is more than he can swallow.
He is right, but the problem can swallow much more than him.

A story featuring cock vore and oral vore.

I wrote this story as a commission for Lightning Flash, on Fimfiction.
Who also Proofread the story.

[Quick guide:

First Person story. Cock vore. Fatal.

After 1st: Discussion, implied cumgestion.

After 2nd: Soft vore, oral vore with a smaller predator. Big belly.

After 3rd: Start of Graphic digestion.

After 4th: Graphic Digestion. Some gore.

After 5th: End of Digestion, mastrubation. Cum Disposal.

After 6th: Epilogue. ]

New stories uploaded every Friday.
Avialiable for commissions.

Appetite of a Drone [Graphic Digestion]

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Appetite of a Drone

Written by Septia.

The dirt road laid drenched in silence as I landed. It surprised me that the village really was as desolate as it had appeared from a distance, no vendors selling tulips and apples from their stands, nor the tapping of hooves from citizens going about their day. I grasped the obsidian spear in my left wing, Whatever had caused the disappearances of so many individuals called for more than one lunar guard to handle, yet how would it look if I returned empty hooved?

There were signs of fleeing, doors left open and various trinkets dropped in a hurry. -Oomplgmmf-. A voice, dampened, but close. Kicked up dirt lead me to an alley, from which the strange sounds originated. With my weapon drawn, I steadied myself, and leaped around the corner to catch the culprit by surprise. But what I saw; surpassed my expectations. A stallionhood, bloated with writhing bulges and a red flank jutting out from its tip. The very top of the shaft was nearing the height of my eyes, giving me a close view of black meat's brim undulating and sprawling over the apple cutie mark. “So, so, steady we go.” It took a moment for me to register the voice of the changeling drone, owner of the expanded member, talking to himself as he caressed over the shifting protrusions of the stallion cock-snake, guiding him further. The back hooves kicked with vigour, yet moist -Shrrluup- Shooulpr- indicated the cock swallowing down more of the firm cheeks and claiming it's meal, not matter how much it struggled.

“On we go, you make a tasty filling for my balls.” I saw how the scrotum filled like a parcel, slowly stuffing and inflating with the package being delivered straight into their grasp. The cock's flesh broadened around the stallion's head and barrel, the skin of the throbbing member leaving impressions of the pony's body, looking more like a mould of clay whilst it was compressed into the hanging chamber below. -Chlloorup-. The meat hunk's maw snapped closed over the hooves, the head of the meat bloated like the bud of a flower, twitching from side to side with the struggles of the stallion inside. Soon it shrunk, the top of the meat receding gradually with the morsel burrowing deeper into the clutch of the Changeling's sack, “Feels so good, to feed again, the big meals fills me so well.” The creature mumbled out and caressed its shaft, just above the bulk of the meat receding down their mast. The lump that had been the stallion's hooves trailed down to the root of the shaft, wobbling slightly at the edge of the sack, before the flesh expanded to take in the last mouthful of its meal in a slobby -Ghullrlsh-. Its scrotum billowed out beneath them, bigger than themselves, the bottom of the sack laying flat against the ground with the weight and mass contained within, the length still shivered, but calmed and limped whilst the Changeling sung a low buzz, massaging its over filled scrotum with its back hooves, sitting back on its own wobbling, elastic crotch pouch like a beanbag. A mumble was still heard from within, muffled by the insolating wall of ball flesh. A thin stream of liquid leaked from the tip, spurred on by the shaking struggles from the sack, whose walls convulsed over the bundle of cock fodder it had devoured.

~ 1 ~

”State your name.” The drone quickly turned his head towards me, there was fright quivering in his iris. A fully armoured pegasi, standing head and shoulders above him, with his spear at the ready staring him down, this was the reaction I was used too.

“M-m-me? Don't spear Wilden, J-just hungry.” I smirk.

“Oh? You don't wish to be spared?” It amused me how he jumped at my reply, though his crotch weighed him down. I sheathed my spear as I walked closer. “At ease, you are safe for now, Wilden. You can call me Lightning.” Sitting down on a trash bag near him. First now, up close, did I notice just how small the chreature was. Couldn't be over his teenage years still, at least compared to a pony colt. Yet, changelings worked differently, and were usually rather small. He seemed to calm to my presence somewhat, after a minute or so of waiting, we both just listening to the churning -Grlouslsgh- of liquids and meat inside his balls.

“I excuse myself. Feeding is a must. W-will you throw me out?” Instead of responding, I leaned in and rubbed over his sack. The skin like latex, every motion inside vibrating through the tensile flesh.

“You managed to down somepony nearly as big as me, I am impressed. Where does your hunger come from?”

“Y-you not throwing me out?” A smirk spread on my face.

“If you don't talk, you will wish I just threw you out.” The changeling quivered slightly, but understood.

“H-hunger as far as I can remember. With brood, always sucking so much love, when I eat always a few without their meal.” I listened to the changeling tell more of his brood, spending his time feeding of stored love and emotions. “Noble say I couldn't eat more love for a week.” It paused after that.

“So what did you do?” He tapped his hooves together, his wings slumping backwards.

“I ate noble. Two days, desperate, my horn hungrier than me.” I glanced to his limp 'horn', an odd name for it.

“You were banished?”

“Thrown out. A nuisance. There was no hive for Wilden. So so...” He talked in a low voice, enough that the gurgling sack silenced him, over time they had shrunk somewhat, the parcel looking more like two fillies curled into balls, “Hungry each day. Feeding on all found, my mouth, horn, hanging and belly all hungered.”

I nodded after I heard the creature’s story. “And then you came here, to feed on the village?” The changeling nodded. I leaned back and took a deep breath. “If only you knew how appreciated you would be with my friends.” It stared at me, confused. “There is an association, or more of a club, far in Canterlot, where many ponies meet and share their dark desires. Many, who dream of being claimed whole by another being, made into sustenance.” Wilden perked up.

“F-food? W-want be food?” I saw how his shaft twitched again.

“Ocean Mist especially has been talking my ears off about biology, about changelings and their possibilities as ravenous creatures. Ham retold her dreams of churning into nothing but padding.” The changeling's azure eyes twinkled the more I told of the group, all the while his sack shrunk into nothing but a pair of filled watermelons.

“W-… Want to be there. So so much.” I chuckled, but became silent at his next words. “You too. You want it, you not throw out,” he said and held over his torso, “you want be thrown in.” I closed my eyes, rose, and begun to strip of my indigo armoured plates.

“You understand more than you let on, Wilden, my predator.”

~ 2 ~

Moisture from the changeling's breath wetted my mane. He held my head whilst observing his new meal, as I witness his sack stopped shrinking, and instead his shaft grew. “Certain you haven't had enough for one day.” I said after a minute in the creature's grip. -Oormmghlrl-. His stomach roared.

“Will never pass a happy meal,” He clarified, licking his lips before parting his maw wide agape. It was happening, as in my dreams. It wasn't the being of my dreams, yet the rush through my feathers as my head neared his mouth was more than I could have dreamed of. -Chlrllsch- I felt a splatter of drool smear across my face when I entered the maw. Long stands of drool that stretched from his tongue to the roof of his maw smattered onto my face. His fangs graced the back of my neck. To my sides his cheek's wrapped around my head like a curtain of flesh, dampening the sounds of the world outside, replaced by the humming of a body in motion. -Hooumlp-. The gulp echoed around me, squeezed onto the soaked texture of his tongue, I could feel how he struggled with my neck. Yet, his grip was steadfast, locking me down, I was paralyzed in the beast's embrace as his lips broadened to crawl over my coat. Centimetre by centimetre, the warmth of his spittle soaked my neck. To imagine that moments ago I had doubts that he could swallow something nearing twice his size, now that my head descended into the grasp of his convulsing throat, I might as well have been a mouse. He groaned around me, his tongue brushing over my coat as he hauled me inside. -Shrrlighth-. The liquid in his throat coated me, throat muscles contracting around my flat soaked coat. In waves the flesh moulded itself to my body and dragged me further into its depths.

Wilden's lips clasped around my hooves, grunting with the strain the large pegasi put on his body. Yet, I was just bumps trailing down his inflating thorax, outlines of a head down his chest and bulges in his cheeks that only vaguely spoke about my existence. Every now and then his hooves smacked down further on my torso, hooking around my belly to heave more my monochrome meat into him. His neck curved downwards in an arc around my belly once he had scoffed down enough of me, from inside I could feel his sinew quivering around the bulk, causing his knees to bend at the weight. -Bmmff- My rear smacked into the wall, Wilden using the force to haul my flank enough so that his mouth could wrap around my hind like a heartswarming gift.

Ahead I felt how the flesh loosened its grip, an orifice sprawling open to introduce me to the gullet. The scent caught me off guard, a tart sourness of Sulphur and gastric acids boring inside my nostrils. I swayed my head, back-hooves flailing, it was all so genuine. “Mmfemmgl.” I could hear Wilden mumbled around my legs, huffing and shaking whilst he grasped at the bottom of my hooves to stuff them into his maw. My feigned resistance resulted in merely a few bulges that shortly sank back into position. The stomach welcomed my head into its chamber, yet shortly I was squashed against its tensile surface. The organ could barely hold my shoulder, as the rest of me was deposited; the pressure caused the fleshy walls to expand around me, encompassing me like a wet-suit. -Gooulmn-. Tremors vibrated through the throat at each of his swallows, the drone flicking up his head with each heave to fling in more of my dangling hooves. The flesh enveloped me like a cocoon, the slow rumbling and convulsing motions from his organs filling my mind whilst his throat worked down to mould in air-tight over the remainder of its dinner. That is what I had become; I was shuddering more than his gullet.

-Dnnomfooing- A thud shook my chamber; I felt something more solid than the massaging gullet against my face. The changeling's belly had hit the ground, the tip of the black orb's equator squished flat against the dirt. This is when I opened my eyes. I saw the dirt. Twisting my head with some difficulty, I could view the alley. Distended to this degree, Wilden's belly had stretched to a semi-transparent state. From this angle I could just barely see him mush his hooves down over me, scoffing down the last of me into his mouth, sealing his lips around the hunk of stallion meat, and swallowing. -Oommngl-.

~ 3 ~

“Phooaa... Ooo, big meals so so filling.” Wilden gasped out with drool flowing over his lower lip. My tail joined up in the belly in time for my cell to sway backwards, sloshing me around and grinding my skin against his moist belly wall as he sat back with hefty -Hooouraappoorup-.

“And for a second I thought you were gonna bite off more than you could chew, but you didn't even need to use those fangs of yours.” I said to the amusement of the drone, which cradled his hooves as much as he was able to around the gut, squishing in on me and rubbing his engorged barrel.

“Mmm, and there are more, ponies who wants to be my food.” Wilden spoke in a dreaming tone as he graced past the surface of his billowing boulder of a belly. -Aoouurp-. “You tasted joy, so often it is just despair and fear, joy feel so good jamming my belly. You feel so joy to churn.” I smiled, only partially hearing what the drone was uttering; now the gullet was set in motion.

At first, the inside of the drone had felt like a sauna, yet now the temperature was rising beyond comfort, and into scourging. My view of the village from behind the black tinted wall became muddled, globs of liquid oozed out through the cloudy membrane like water drops sliding down a window. -Grooumblgl-. The belly shifted, walls contracting around me. -Fhhriizz-. A puttering came as the goo daubed against my body. I saw white hairs of my coat absorbed into the viscous gunk and fizzing away into dye. I reeled back, squeezing myself into the acid covered grasp of the belly which ground into my backside, the fizzing of grease in a pan amplified to a buzz as the slimy gut oil fried the coat off of my body. “Mmnnfg... Aawnn... by the moon...” I panted, my struggles leading to the acids gathering and gluing all over. Once it reached my skin I felt my flesh become softer, steam rising from the patches of goo weakening my flesh until it could settle in and start eroding my skin. “Gyaanngm... Mmmnng I am d-digesting already.” My pulse beat faster than during the Wonderbolt exam, energy coursing through my veins as the simmering bit into my body. The gnawing of innumerable mouths gathering and spreading as the liquid pooled over in droves.

Wilden hugged over his gullet, kneading in the pillowy mounds of meat and hearing his meal cry out in seething pleasure, the emotions which the changeling guzzled down. “Mm, many more, l-like this, all feeding me, no hunting, only eating.” The drone moaned out and rubbed himself against the belly, absorbing the sensations and motions inside, dragging his gut back and forth.

-Grlloummgng- -Gllrshch-. The walls pulsated around me, clamping down and squeezing the liquid to smear evenly across myself, all whilst more of the goo draped down the walls, my window out into the world, and gathered in a rising heap at the bottom. I was disoriented, tossed and kneaded inside of the gullet whilst the corroding stomach butter slathered me like a sandwich. Crimson gave the goo a deeper hue, my life-fluid draining from wounds over my back, spots where the goo was compressed into by the rolling churns of the stomach. It ate through my flesh as easily as my skin, melting tissue into scarlet gruel. -Dddnfdf-. Suddenly the motions do the guts seemed determined, intentional. Something grew at my flank, a length of pulsating matter that the sack of dissolving meat was dragged across. Through the incarnadine floor of the gut, I saw the familiar slab of drone meat, growing. The belly heaved back and first over the twitching shaft, my body grinding against his cock. Coos of heightened emotions escaped from my predator. “Mmnga I-… My w-whole is crumbling.” As I spoke, large dollops of the sluggish liquid filled my mouth, encasing my tongue in tepid heat, a pain that stung throughout my body. Yet, Wilden only moaned. My cries and grunts became slurry much like my hinds in the soup of acids, Wilden still using me in his belly to stimulate his shaft. I had stopped being a pegasi long ago in his eyes; I was but a source of sustenance and pleasure.

~ 4 ~

-Grlouurgls-. My body sloshed in the gullet, chunks of myself torn off by the jaws of dissolving liquid, sliding down into the granular mass of me below. It had become tighter, walls closing in and mangling my body streams of blood and flesh stained my body. -Gllrhcnnch-. The walls contracted with a squeak.-Krrtkth-. An exposed rib snapped in half at the tension, weakened by layers of acidic goop. My feathers eroded into gray mush, tufts of stifled hair still adorned my body here and there, but now sporting a hue of red. -Hrggrungkl-. The gullet growled around me. -Gnrrrrnn-. -Khhritch-. The taut skin sunk in, creaking my bones with the strength of the gullet's muscles, eventually cracking my right leg and sending splitters in the bone structure up towards my pelvis. There was little flesh left on my lower body, submerged in the granular meat mire of pony. Each breath a struggle, the air reeking of copper and stinging with acidity, I could see my lungs, huddled behind the cracked ribcage, searing gunk tearing into the supple substance, “Mmmmnnff.”

-Shhruunkg-. The walls compressed once more. -Kktrhahtch-. Another bone sundered, I didn't realize which at this point. Wilden still dragged his gullet and smell against his throbbing member, I could hear the surge of cum huddle up in his sack, to think he was able to contain two stallions of such stature. Over time, the fizzing subsided, and a bubbling took its place. The butchered sludge boiling, with splatters of crimson as each bubble popped. It wasn't long now; my body had already been claimed for sustenance. I was a morsel, a snack which knew its place. It was too much to hold myself up, with the waves of sludge crashing into me as Wilden played with the bloated gullet I gave him. -Gssookch-. It compacted, grinding its walls into me. I took a look outside; somewhere through the stained walls was an alley, a village I had come to protect. Seems that I had been right all along, a single lunar guard was not a match to this threat. With my thoughts wisping away into nonsense, carried by pain and pleasure into the aether, my mortal body sunk into the corrosive bile, stewing away in the cauldron of the fierce predator.

~ 5 ~

”Ommooof. So soo... So so much, digesting.” Wilden panted and squeezed down his juicy belly onto his shaft. Even with the last bit of Lightning compressed he couldn't reach around the congested belly, just letting the sludge filled sack grinding against his member. Inside he saw just a mush sloshing in his gurgling gullet. -Shhrloush-. -Oourgmgn-. His imagination flooding his mind with dreams of all the ponies as happy and willing as this one, all waiting for him. The two stallions churned away within him.

“Mnnga... So so much. M-more to feed me... Will fill... Be filled...” His stallionhood peaked out at the end of the pudge, the tip quivering as much as his sack, bloated to the brim and dangling like a bushel of melons. The vibrations made his belly wobble, only stimulating him further, the changeling's breath growing rapid until he reeled his head back to emit a thunderous, insectile howl. -Shhrplouurshgl-. Latent stallion-batter flung through the dark meat, a torrent of cum hurling out through his pulsating girth, Apricot in its hue, a blend of pastel red and bright orange. Cum splattered onto the wall like molten taffy, arrows of spunk coating the wall in front of Wilden in the tangerine seed. Each rush sent tremors through his belly, which the drone squeezed like a beloved plushy. The litres of pleasure pumped out through the pole of flesh, a whole stallion's worth drooping down the wall and congealing over the trash bags which the alabaster stallion had sat upon not half an hour earlier, the impression of his flanks created a lake of cum. Wilden was left exhausted, each breath an attempt to take in at least four breaths at once. His cock still leaked, goop pouring out through his tip at its own pace. Within him the thumping of afterglow hammered, and the drone closed his eyes to savour the moment, for as long as he could.

~ 6 ~

I snapped the last part of my armour into place. By now, it didn't fit quite right, though I was certain that this would be compensated for over time. With a cleaned hoof I brushed back my gray mane, and decorated my head with the lilac helmet. I gave a glance backwards as I trotted out through the alley, the cum clotted to the consistency of jelly, steam oozing through the still tepid slobber. “Yes... Situation dealt with smoothly. Seems to me that there is nothing left for me here,” I turned my head forwards and smiled, “so so I… So so I sho-shou-should return to Canterlot.” I coughed and hawked up a bundle of gray mane, drenched in drool and stomach fluids. “Ooo... Am n-not so so used to him, yet.” I took off, getting used to flying in my new form. My sights set squarely on the city of Canterlot.