Menage a' Pie

by Duskrunner

First published

(Anthro) (Clop) Flicker-Show gets it on with all 4 Pie sisters.

Warning, contains maledom, fellatio, erotic whipping, mild incest
Flicker Show is different things to different ponies: shopkeeper, bad influence, witch, monster, demon, stud... meanwhile the Pie Sisters consider him a great lay and now that he's back on the farm they're looking forward to their time together.

He just needs to get mom and dad Pie out of the way first...

(gift for Flicker-Show, cover image by Flicker-Show, posted with permission. Check out his DA for dark, funny and sexy material. Often all 3 at once.


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Flicker-Show was on the rock farm and he hated it.

It wasn’t the monochromatic scenery; he was used to bland landscapes and honestly, everything being rock and cold and gray was a bit of a vacation from everything in Tartarus being orange and hot and on fire.

It wasn’t the absolute lack of people to interact with; again, the solitude was a nice vacation. It wasn’t even that he was a demi-pony again; he had a mane and tail, his mouth was a muzzle and he had hooves like a satyr (sans the fetlocks) true, but at least he still had a chest, not a barrel, so his heart was (literally) in the right place for the time being and so long as he had two hands with four fingers and an opposable thumb on each he was comfortably sure he could undo this body-monstrosity situation.

No, what he hated, what he really despised – was him.

“Morrow to thee, young Show. The noon bell hath rung and we are all making our way home to break our midday fast. Thou should hurry if a wish to partake of our sustenance lie within thee.”

Igneous. Rock. Pie.

Oh, how Flick hated him.

He was stalwart, and stoic, and Spartan as all hell. He was formal, and composed, and devoid of all frivolity. And the worst part was that he didn’t even despise all the frivolous crap he turned his nose up at; if there was some passion underlying all the holier-than-thou like any good hellspawn Flick could’ve just brought that up to the surface. But no, Igneous was too reasonable for that; if something made him angry he acknowledged the anger, let it run its course, and then made peace with whatever angered him. That or he banished it from his life. If Flick became a vexation to the old goat he expected the latter.

Not that that mattered to Flick in itself, he’d be happy to let Igneous fossilize in his drab little world if it weren’t for one thing.

“Awww, how’s Mr. mopey-pants doing today?”


That was the thorn in his paw. Pinkie Pie’s mane was ‘poofy’, her tail was ‘waggly’, and her eyes were bright and wide and practically glowing. It was all so saccharine and sweet that Flick felt he’d need to stick his tongue in mud for a week to get the taste out.

He wanted Pinkamena back, his Pinkamena, but that wouldn’t happen as long as Igneous was around. His drabness made Pinkie desperate for color in her life.
The dull old man had to go, and it had to be in a way that made Pinkamena the right Pinkamena (nasty not broken), but how?

“Come on silly, put your pick down for a bit and join us. It’s everypony's favorite: rock soup.”

Flick looked over and spotted all sorts of interesting things: he saw pill bugs among the earthworms, crows in the sky and a raven tucked away within the boughs of a mulberry bush. He was forming a plan...

“You know what? I’m good.”

“You sure? I bet mom made the water extra-soaky today.”

“I think I got my rock-rations covered for the day. I’ll seeya all tonight.”



At sunset Igneous was walking with the slow gait of an all-too-familiar soreness from long hours of back-breaking labor. He ached like a quarry-slave (which as far as Flick was concerned was exactly what the old man was) and all he wanted was to get home, put his shirt and tie and hat away, and go to sleep. He reached the house’s gate and found a table set up with a pitcher, some cups and some towels.

Igneous’ spirits were lifted. “This is most considerate. I should find and thank the pony responsible.”

The first thing he did was take the hat off his head and set it on the table. He unfolded a towel and poured the water over it before running it over his head. He toweled the sweat from his bald crown and smoothed it down his sparse mane and grayed muttonchops. He loosened his tie and washed off his neck when, feeling properly refreshed on the outside, he poured himself a glass to refresh his throat as well.

Igneous was considering making this arrangement permanent, a little extra work in towel laundering would be worthwhile if it lessened the work Cloudy Quartz would need to put into washing the sweat stains from his shirt collar, when he coughed and spat out. The water looked clean but as soon as it hit his tongue all he could taste was lavender. The taste was strong, like he’d fallen into a patch of the wildflower and was choking on a cloud of its pollen.

He took a second look at the water and his first question was how that could happen when the liquid appeared transparent and innocuous as all water should be. His second reaction was to wonder where all that lavender could even come from, followed closely by the third question “Where’s Pinkie?”

Before he could sternly yell out ‘Pinkamena Diane Pie!’ he saw it: a thin trail of lavender blossoms that had sprouted along the side of the house, away from the mines and quarry, and out to the trees separating the farm from the mountains. Curious and a little worried he followed the trail. He wouldn’t go into the bush, not when it was this close to nightfall, but still he kept on the flower strewn path until he found her…

He expected to discover Pinkie up to some strange antics; instead he found his wife, looking away from him, sitting on a large flat boulder and picking away at it daintily with her fingertips.


She turned quickly, startled and face red. She wasn’t just surprised she was actually embarrassed. Her mane was down from the round bun she usually kept it in. Her brooch was still around her neck but she’ll pulled off her shawl to sit on the stone. Her glasses were nowhere to be found.

She had several purple heart-petal flowers woven into her mane.

“I-Igneous? What… what are you doing here, I mean, why did you- did you follow me? I mean what?” She was so off-guard she didn’t know what to say.

“I… saw the lavender sprouts, I followed them here.”

“Wait what? I couldn’t find my glasses anywhere but this isn’t lavender.”

He came up to her and saw his wife wasn’t picking the sprouts from the earth, if anything she claimed not to have noticed them; instead there was a growth of the wild rock flowers with purple heart-shaped petals on the boulder so thick it was almost a moss.

Before he could say anything Cloudy leaned closer to him. “But that-“ she inhaled deeply and before he could react she grabbed his black tie and pulled him closer "that’s lavender. I know that scent anywhere.”

She was pressing her nose to his neck and pulled him over enough that he finally lost his balance and fell right on top of her. She didn’t seem to notice. “Lavender was always my favorite…”

Igneous was almost beside himself, still unable to get a word out. He was about to insist they get up and go back to find out what was behind all this floral alchemy when he caught his first real look at her.

Cloudy was breathing heavily, taking in his scent, caught underneath him with her hair wild and flowered. Her shawl was like a blanket for them. It was a warm evening, the kind that felt like it’d become a hot night. She ran her hands along the sides of his face and into his hair the way she had back when his mane was much, much fuller.

Igneous lost himself. His fingers grabbed hold of the buttons of her blouse and pulled them open. He grabbed her collar and pulled it down past her shoulders. The clothes caught on her bent elbows but that didn’t matter, her upper body was bared save the piece of jewelry over her collarbone.
He felt her legs push against his and when he shift his weight she moved them out of his way, resting her knees against both his sides, letting him know she was open for him.

He bent down and really kissed her.


Flicker Show was happy, not just because he got rid of the old folks but because he did it in a way where he got to enjoy the roof and the warmth and the bed. Or beds; he'd see how the night went.

For now he was in the girls’ room, sitting on the bed Marble and Limestone shared with Pinkie whenever she was visiting (Flick had no idea where Maud slept). In the past the three of them would share the bed sleeping end to end with pinkie in the middle. Flick didn’t quite get how Pinkie could sleep with both pairs of her sisters’ hooves on either side of her face, or why she'd put up with such an arrangement when there were spare bunks in the first place, but it was pretty obvious they’d compromised years ago because neither sister wanted Pinkie glomping them in the middle of the night when they were trying to get some sleep.

Needless to say, that was a dynamic Flick intended to completely overhaul.

First things first: Pinkie looked nervous, like really worried.

“But Fli-ick… I don’t think we should leave them out there. They could get cold, or catch a cold, or get caught in a flash blizzard where they get frozen solid and then they’d be really really really cold. Or-!”

Flick’s hand rest on the top of her nose while his thumb hooked under her jaw and he pinched her mouth shut. “Your parents will be fine; they’re going to have a time that’s simply lovely. Nothing will go wrong. They don’t need you.”

Pinkie saddened immediately and her eyes puppied up. Lucky for Flick he was immune. Her mane deflated and her coat lost most of its luster. That’s when Flick told her “Come on now, time for us to have fun.”

Pinkie’s fuzz didn’t change but a smirk spread across her face. “Well, if you say so. Let’s get in trouble.”

Limestone interrupted, grabbing Flick by the tie and putting his face up to hers. “You’re already in trouble: my farm’s turned into a garden because of you. Who’s going to clean all that up?!”

Flick was nonplussed. “Relax. It’s just a couple of flowers. They’ll be gone by morning.”

“It’s not just some posies.” Limestone argued. “It’s roots digging into the soil, bugs living off the weeds and spores n’ seeds blown everywhere ‘cause of the wind. It’s two weeks of sanitizing and sterilization.”

Flick grabbed her wrist, pulled her hand from his tie and, once he was loose from her grip, put his hand on her shoulder and pushed her with all his weight down to the floor. Limestone buckled and she dropped to her knees. Flick took hold of the back of her head and pulled her face into his crotch. She struggled, slapping her open palms against both of his thighs and his lap but eventually her struggling died down.

Maud entered the conversation. “The wild flowers that grew on the boulder are a surface lichen. They thrive off the moisture that collects on the surface of the stone. That particular boulder is smooth granite and, unlike ordinary concrete, has a flawless surface that won’t be penetrated by ordinary weeds.”

“Thank you Maud. For that and for helping me pick that spot out in the first place.”

“It was my pleasure. Mom and Dad need to stop and enjoy life more often.”

“Right, anyway, speaking of penetration:” he said, releasing Limestone’s head from his groin “Clothes. Off. All of you.”

Pinkie’s smirk grew wilder and she pulled her top over her head yanking off the t-shirt and her bra in a single tug. Her hands grabbed the button of her cut-off jean shorts and she pulled those off along with her panties in a single tug as well.

Limestone took a completely different approach: as soon as Flick’s hands were free from her head she grabbed his belt, pulled his zipper, and yanked his pants and boxers down to his hooves. Without another word she grabbed Flick’s shaft, lift it up until his balls were clear from between his thighs and his head was pointing at the ceiling, and pushed her face right into his sack.

She was inhaling deeply, taking in every nuance of his masculine scent. She’d stay there for a while, stuck in suspended animation smelling them, feeling them up against her face until she was convinced they were totally and absolutely real. Then, once she was convinced, once every other thought that wasn’t a man and the smell of masculinity and fucking was gone from her head, then she could relax and stop being a mining foreman and become a nymphomaniac cockslut about to get her fix.

It wasn’t the first time this had happened; Pinkie finished stripping and as soon as she was naked she bent over Limestone and adjusted her older sister’s arms. Limestone was pliable like putty in her hands letting her do whatever she wanted. Well, almost anything; Pinkie grabbed Limestone’s shirt and pulled it up to her neck but got no further.
“Come on, Limestone, I just need you to break contact for one second and I can get that off you.”

To Pinkie, Limestone grumbled loudly, but to Flick’s ears it sounded more like a warning growl.

“Sheesh. Fine then, cranky.”

Face-to-sack contact wasn’t breaking anytime soon so Pinkie dipped a little lower and unhooked Limestone’s bra. Now that her face wasn’t threatened anymore Limestone’s arms relaxed again and Pinkie slipped them out from her top as well as the bra’s shoulder straps. Now that Limestone’s top served as little more than a scarf Pinkie swapped to Limestone’s legs. She had an infinitely easier time undoing Limestone’s pants and tugging them from her legs.

Stripped down to just her panties Pinkie tried to make things steamy and teasey. She needn’t have bothered: Limestone was in her own little world and all the thigh-caressing and pussy massaging in the world wouldn’t bring her out of it.

Flick smirked at that then turned to look at Maud. The stone-faced mare simply tugged her pullover dress over her head and tossed it aside. To Flick’s surprise she was wearing a pair of thigh-high white stockings.

“You asked me to help you get our parents out of the house. I knew I would be getting laid tonight.”

Flick smirked and with one finger beckoned her over. Maud quietly obeyed and the two made out, Maud’s incredibly powerful tongue licking every corner of Flick’s mouth.

When the two broke off their kiss Flick knew to look towards one of the room’s corners. That’s where he found Marble. She was naked and from the looks of her she was caressing her mound in anticipation but she was also shrinking from view, hiding her sex and ample breasts as much as she could with both her hands and arms. She was doing everything she could to try and be bold and sexy at the same time she was doing all she could to go unnoticed and invisible.

Not a problem, Flick knew what to do. “Hey there little girl, you want me to take care of that little itch of yours you need scratched?”

“Mm-hm.” She nodded, her voice so quiet her words would’ve been lost if Pinky had been saying anything.

“Alright then, do it.”

Marble’s eyes lit up and she hurried to the bedroom window and lift it open. Flick was about to complain about noises escaping the room and ruining their night when Marble shut it closed just as quickly as she’d opened it. She had a branch she’d specifically snapped off and thrown onto their roof for this night in her hand

“What the hell?” Flick wondered aloud.

Marble wilted a little, turning away so that Flick couldn’t see her face, just the eye she kept cover under her mane.

“Give it here.” He ordered and Marble looked attentive again, though her left eye seemed to ask the question ‘Really? For real?’

He held out his hand and Marble went up to him quickly and held out the branch, offering it to him like it was something really important.

Pinkie was unbuttoning Flicks right sleeve and Maud was already done with the left, pulling his shirt open and licking his chest. One his right was free Flick took the branch and started plucking the leaves. Marble’s eye was glowing and her lip was trembling in anticipation as she watched him so Flick slowed down, delaying his pace. He wasn’t even trying to pretend he was delayed by some outside factor like Pinkie removing his necktie or the way Limestone had immersed herself in the scent of his balls so much that she’d gone from passively smelling to actively licking them with her tongue. He would do it in his own sweet time and she had no choice but to stand there shivering in anticipation.

The message they were exchanging exclusively through eye contact had Marble so hot that two of her fingers simply vanished into her snatch.

“Stop that.” He ordered and Marble froze on the spot.

His voice was so intense literally everypony in the room paused to see what Flick wanted. Dispensing with formalities Flick ran his fingers down the branch in one quick rough motion and snapped the rest of the excess off. He had a perfectly good switch now. He grinned wickedly. “Good girl. Now, present.”

Marble didn’t hesitate; she turned around so fast her mane spun off her face, lift her tail and pressed both her palms flat on the floor. Flick saw her eye as she peered over her shoulder; she was drooling in anticipation… just not from her mouth. He stroked her leg with the switch up her inner thigh, Marble was trembling uncontrollably.

“Wider.” He said and Marble spread her legs until her hooves were shoulder-width apart. Her moisture was running down her thigh in a large single droplet now. Flick made the tip of the switch follow its trail as it went, causing Marble to squeak an ‘mmm’ sound.

Without warning Flick removed the switch from Marble’s inner thigh. He flicked his wrist and whipped her vertically on her right asscheek. Marble’s tail snapped and her body jolted and she bit back a loud “mmm!” Before she could settle down Flick drew a second line, this time across her left cheek. He let her rest for several seconds, watching entranced as Marble’s breathing became quick and shallow. Her eye looked hungrily at him from over her shoulder.

Three switches later and Marble’s eye was screwed shut, there was a tear in the corner of her eye but her tail was wagging quickly from side to side like a doggie’s. No, Flick mentally amended, like a bitch. A very happy, very kinky, very satisfied little bitch. He whipped her again, turning the first two lines on her right cheek into an N, or maybe an H if you looked at it the right way. Flick groaned, the last thing he wanted to do was write ‘HI’ on Marble’s ass; something about that just felt… immature.

It wasn’t a complicated fetish: Marble liked rubbing herself. She liked rubbing herself when she felt normal and wanted to feel good, and she liked rubbing herself when she went bad and tried to feel relief. Caressing her exposed flower and soothing raw welts at the same time wasn’t hard, she just couldn’t do the one in the way that combined well with the other herself and she’d never dared ask anypony else. Even now she was sure none of her sisters were willing to help her. Flick of course was perfect: he knew what to do, where to do it, and had no compunctions about doing it well.

Flick’s thought process was interrupted by Limestone. “Hey! Lay off my sister you’re gonna hurt her!”

Flick didn’t need to say anything this time; Marble herself turned over and gave her sister a stare that left Limestone petrified. It wasn’t the stare, but it was still pretty damn intense.

Limestone, that brought her fetish to the front. Nothing as severe as Marble’s spanking, Limestone just liked to be dominated. Not argued with, not appealed to, not negotiated with because nopony changed Limestone’s mind once it was set to something. Her sex life was no different; nopony could give her what she wanted because frankly she didn’t know. She had twenty years on a rock farm in the middle of nowhere, all the youthful experimentation just never happened. Limestone was bored with simple hoofing on her crotch (especially the way she did it) and nothing she said sounded right the second she said it out loud. She was just terrible at pillow conversation and she knew it, so this was her compensation: she didn’t offer suggestions, she didn’t judge ideas, she just left the responsibility for her own orgasms to her partner’s discretion and if they failed then she just never put out for them again.

It wasn’t a very good system if the objective was keeping her from frustration.

Luckily for her Flicker could read her like a book. He grabbed her head and stuffed it back in his crotch and held her there while scolding “Who told you you could stop?”

Limestone, already frozen by Marble, didn’t so much as peep. With one mouthy mistress subdued Flick turned back to Marble.
“And who told you you could move?”

She squeaked, about to hurry back to her spot on the floor (clearly marked by the puddle of girlcum) when he stopped her.
“No, stay there. Now, turn around.”

Marble presented her right side to him.

“No no, the left.”

Marble bent over and Flick spanked her left cheek with the switch. Before he could spank her twice her fingers were inside her wet snatch. Flick avoided whipping low, deciding to make the second shape on Marble’s ass a box. Marble liked her ass burning and her hand to be the agent soothing; if he went and switched her fingers or her palm he might spoil the whole mechanic.

Besides, that was already enough of that.

He tossed the switch aside and fell sitting onto the bed releasing Limestone as well. Pinkie took the opportunity to finally yank Limestone’s top over her head.

“My turn” he said and Marble faced him properly. He sat with his legs wide apart. “Use your tongues.”

Limestone dropped lower on her knees and bent over to lick Flick’s nut with her tongue, unconsciously she squeezed her tits together preparing for a combination blowjob and titfuck. Marble dropped to her knees as well and she lift Flick’s balls with her left hand before licking his cock from the base of his shaft to halfway up its length. Her right hand never left her crotch, her fingers were stroking her vaginal walls and outer lips furiously. Flick’s cock was fully erect and the entire shaft rest on her mane… the shaft but not the head. His dick was just long for a third pony to give him just the right kind of attention.

“Well Maud, any crazy needs I need to take care of first before you’re ready to go?”

Monotone as ever Maud replied “No.”

“You sure? Seriously, if you’re gonna say something about your pet rock now’s the time to do it.”

“Boulder’s fine with just watching.”

Flick’s brows shot up into his hairline as Maud pointed to one of the dressers. Sure enough, sitting atop it right next to his pouch, lay Boulder.

“He says he finds the idea of pets mating with their masters disturbing. He doesn’t judge you, but he’s not interested in participating.”

Flick didn’t know if he should roll his eyes or consider if the stone might be some sort of phylactery, no matter what happened he wasn’t going to let anything ruin his Menage. “Why don’t you help yourself?” He asked as he stuck his fingers into Maud’s pussy.

“Thank you, your pre-ejaculate looks delicious.”

With that Maud bent over and took the head of Flick’s cock into her mouth.

Flick was massaging Pinkamena’s outer lips with his free hand, even so she looked longingly down at her three sisters. “That looks so good…”

“You’ll get your turn, now shut up and kiss me.”

Pinkamena turned her head out and her lips met Flick’s and his tongue thrust into her mouth just a second before his finger probed her asshole.
She moaned into his mouth as her pushed back and forth along the puckered surface until his fingertip was inside, then halfway up, and slowly he kept teasing and easing his way inside. He broke the kiss when his finger was all the way inside her and said “It’s coming.”

He pulled his hand from Maud’s cunt and pulled her mouth from his head. Maud looked blank as ever but her cheeks were flush and her tongue lolled out thirstily.
Flick didn’t pull his finger from Pinkamena’s ass, instead he used his free hand to pull Pinkie’s face directly over the eye.

“Come on girls.” Pinkamena urged. “Give us that good stuff.”

“I really want it.” Maud added.

With that Flicker Show came. Nopony had laid a hand upon his cock once; it was all mouth or tongue. He shot three huge loads up straight into Pinkamena’s mouth and face. Pinkamena looked like she really wanted to be greedy and selfish… but this was a bonding activity and the last thing she wanted was to make Flick or her sisters cross with her. She stuck out her tongue and slowly she drooled Flick’s mouthful down towards Maud.

Maud received the long line of spittle into her open mouth. The rope broke twice and each time it did droplets splashed onto her tits. She didn’t mind; stooped over above her Pinkie’s facial was also trickling down and several droplets splashed onto her face as well. She pooled Pinkie’s drool in her mouth until the white goo became increasingly transparent. Once it was clear there would be no more Flick in the mix and that’s when Maud tilt her own head down and let the semen snowball onto Marble.

Marble hadn’t stopped licking, hadn’t even opened her eyes when the guided fluid fell over her bare left eye and started trickling down. Maud palmed the back of her head gently and leaned her forward, causing the cumslide to roll over her cheek and onto her lapping tongue into her mouth. Marble hadn’t noticed the difference, Flick’s fourth and fifth ejaculations hadn’t shot up like the first three had. Instead they sluggishly pooled at the eye of his cock until they were too heavy to sit still and trickled down the side of his cock into Marble’s mouth. Marble was already tasting his unadulterated cum when this second, different tonic fell into her mouth. She savored it and found it to her liking.

“Share it Marble, Limestone hasn’t gotten any.” Maud guided her.

Submissive as ever Marble did exactly as she was told and let the glob drool out of her mouth, it flowed down the rest of Flick’s shaft partly onto Marble’s tits but mostly onto his fuzzy balls. Pinkamena urged her sister, seeing the mess that was less jizz than saliva and dripping much, much quicker because of it.
“Don’t spill it Limestone!”

Limestone opened her eyes and with loud shlurping sounds she licked and sucked every last drop of semen and saliva from Flicker’s balls before putting her hand on his shaft and taking the whole thing in her mouth. She sucked hard, suckling on his rod and dipping her head from the tip all the way to the base of his shaft. When she let him go she grabbed Marble by the head at both ears and ran her tongue over every inch of her face before scooting low and lapping at every drop on her breasts.

Limestone stood up to reach Maud and Maud grabbed Limestone’s head and guided her younger sister to her breasts. Limestone sucked off Maud’s nipples and licked the valley between Maud’s breasts and with Maud’s hands still guiding her licked a trail up Maud’s neck and onto her face before the two sisters began licking each other’s tongues.

Maud let her go and Limestone turned to Pinkie. Pinkamena allowed her face to be licked clean and when she was done Limestone’s cheeks were puffed and full with their combined juices.

Flicker Show pushed Maud and Pinkamena’s shoulders down and the pair got down off the bed and on their knees on the floor, joining the still enraptured Marble. Flick didn’t lay an eye on Limestone, he just gave her a look with his eyes and she got down on her knees as well. The four sisters brought their faces close together, with Flick’s re-hardening cock pressed between Pinkamena’s and Maud’s cheeks, and each of the three took turns tongue-kissing Limestone and sucking some of the fluid out of her mouth. It was all a back-and-forth as one took too little or too much only to have another sister’s face come closer and suck out or push in another mouthful of cum-flavored saliva.

It was wonderful and it was chaos but eventually, like all good thing, it had to end. The pleasure had to die away to let other, new games have their turn. So Flick ordered a stop and then said “Drink.”

All four Pie sisters stopped kissing and tongue-flicking each other. They swallowed their voluminous load in one gulp. It was done, there was no turning back, they’d made out with each other without a thought to what anypony else might say or do. Not their parents, not their friends, not even the goddesses themselves could take it back.

But there was still a long road ahead to go.

“Alright girls.” Flick chuckled with a hint of menace, his eyes glowing red for just a fraction of a second. “Who’s ready for round two?”