A Future Unseen...

by Edenme

First published

The end of time is a place of complete waste and death. A place where an alicorn and her soon-to-be student may have been better never seeing...

Of a place to no alvail and life is seen not in the place of time. The rules of time are but placeholders for the universe. Ponies of old have atempted such acts, but still, time does prevale. That was... Until one little unicorn with a revenge plot changes it all! Time forebodes the end until the end comes. No thing in all of time and space can change the wall that is time. (Execpt for a little pony in a blue box). May all those who face time see the end and surly perish befor that time comes, and to all a story of the end that could have happened because of a little village and some unneeded inequality.

What IS the "The End Of All"

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Want of the End do make? A universe of the nothingness that was created from the undoing of all sentient beings? For that is not the End I speak of. I speak of the end of a race; the race of pony kind. The thing that only the insanity and desperation for revenge can cause. From the beginning to the end, it should be unseen what the future may hold and what the past locks away. To change the past is to change the ultimate End. Of the End I speak of, it can be changed and bent but never breaks. The empty wasteland will come. It is just a matter of when. The Sonic Rainboom was a door and a lock in the time of death. To change the clock of that death is to change the clock of the death of all ponies. With no exclusions. Which does include the bearer. The bearer of weights. The holder of death. The reason of Endings. The spell of starswirl was the lock. The thing that was the key was a purple unicorn and her pupil. They may wish nay to holding this burden, but time thrives on, and others do not...

In Bleakest Places

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In bleakest places... Life can still be there...

Through the last time gate was the last of Starlight Glimer's time alterments. Twilight Sparkle was sure of it, for along with them, she pulled the powerful unicorn with her.

When the small crew of a dragon, a unicorn, and an alicorn reorented themselves, the one called Starlight Gilmer spoke, "Were are we?" She said in a confused manor.

"A place of your creation starlight." Said the purple alicorn called Twilight Sparkle.

"And we're might tha-", she was cut of by a sight in the distance.

It was-by the looks of it-an old stallion with a long white beard. This was surprising for all of them for this place was, plainly, with out life, save them selves. As they thought this, the old pony spoke.

"Why are you here in The Plains of Forgotten Days?", he said this with slight anger in his voice.

"What is this place?", Starlight asked for she had not gotten a real answer from the young alicorn princess.

"You are in the place of Ends. The place of pony kind's final days. This is not where you SHOULD be, but, you are. Why is that?" He said his last few sentences with great agitation in his voice. As if they were keeping from something very important.

"We are here because of a mistake that will soon be abolished, and might I ask you who you are and what you may be doing here?", said Princess Twilight in a way that could have brought apon a great argument if said to the wrong person.

The old stallion thought for what seemed to be many minutes to the crew of ponies, plus one dragon.

"I am here because I must,", he said,"and I am the one they call Starswirl. This is no-" The great wizard was stopped by the fangirling Twilight Sparkle. In the background Starlight Glimer was in pure amazement of whom she was seeing.

The excited Twilight was jumping up and down yelling "YEEEEEE!" and mentioning every book The camps starswirl ever wrote. That was, until Starswirl stopped her.
"Quit you bickering, this is a serious matter! Until you calm down, you are not going to move an inch from were you stand!" With these words, he caught Twilight in his magical aura and trapped her in place.

Then, Starswirl turned to the still astonished Starlight Glimer and said, "May I ask you what you are doing here? For often then not, one's destiny is often tangled in places of least knowlage."

When he was done speaking, Starlight collapsed from the overload of logical thinking being torn away by this meeting. Starswirl just rolled his eyes at this and moved on to the loyal dragon Spike. The wizard had noticed that he had said nothing during this strange meeting.

Twilight still said nothing, for along with moving much at all, she had also lost her capability to speak as well.

"So,",the wizard said," can you tell me what happened?" with a small smile growing on his face.

" (gulp) Yes?", Spike said with a tone of a intimidated little dragon.

And so, they talked...

What has happened...

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When Starlight Glimmer awoke, she thought about the most peculiar dream she had had the night before. In her mind, Starlight thought for a second and started to realize she had been sleeping on a bed of sand. This was very strange because she had made camp on the Third Peek of Equestria. The Third Peek was, of corse, know for its isolated communities of rock farmers.

As Starlight's senses awoke, she heard the most unexpected of things. Voices! This was, as of expected, very strange. Starlight had thought her hiding place would have created a safe place for her to begin and test her goal of ending Twilight Sparkle and her friends. After this quick thought, her mind began to peace together that her dream from the day before was, infact, truth.

She jumped with a start after her body snagged on to the idea, and truth of what had happened the last time her mind was awake.

The too voices stopped. After what was a great amount of time for the teriffied lavander unicorn, Starswirl spoke...
"Looks like the little trouble maker has finaly awoken. Hmmmmm?" He said this with a sarcastic smile and a subtlety of anger in his voice.

A terror filled Starlight Glimer said, " Wha- how? Why?..."

She went on like this for some time before the mind broken Starlight was able to spit out of kind of slur. The closest thing that the small dragon and the old wizard got before Starswirl stopped the babbling was as followed..." How did this happen 'mutter' Was this me? 'mutter mutter' It can't be!". The rest was uncomplete sentences and words that most ponies could not have broken up the true meaning under any cercumstance.

After the unicorn colected her broken brain into some kind of form of logic, she asked, "How, Who, and Why is the long dead Starswirl the Bearded visiting me at the hight of my revenge plot?", Starlight's voice cracked and squeaked through the this mind breaking experience.

After this, Starswirl said, " One, the time spell you derived from my spell books. Two, miss time queen breaker McGee Starlight Glimmer. Three, an inexplainable mixture of dangerous behavior covered over with a nice dough of revenge and evil", he spoke very angerly. It was as if he had just seen someone burn his house and that person was a little filly. This experience was, incomparably worse in every shape and form for the already mind broken Starlight Gilimmer.

"Now,", as Starswirl went on," This little dragon named Spike 'hi' (Spike said quite outgoing combated to how he was before) has explained to me that you, Starlight Glimmer have created a perfectly working, yet highly dangourous, time spell. What do you say of this?", It seemed the great wizard was still fairly angerly and the powerful unicorn.

"I- I did.", she said with a smaller effort then Starlight glimmer had originally expected.

"Why", Starswirl asked.

"I wanted Twilight Sparkle to feel the pain of losing everything as she did to me"; at this point, starlight was on the verge of tears from the mental breakdown she was currently having.

"It seems that you have nearly finished the goal you were attempting to complete. Complete it you may still, in more ways than one. This is, only if you continue your path to not only this End but and End that had no beginning as well", Starswirl said in a very riddle like matter.
"What do you mean?", was the only thing that the still petrified unicorn could say.

"According to my simple logical thinking, you were one block away from undoing existence. Or, to put it slightly more simply, you would not exist except for the reason to exist. This moment would be the only moment because the universe is tring not to break. Eventually though, it will.

"We- We can stop it right?", Starlight asked expecting the worst,

Starswirl laughed at this previous verbal communication and thenu said, "I can't stop this. I don't even exist except for the reason to exist at all! All I can do is vanish away. Yet, I will tell you two more words of advice before I must go: you may be the only one to know what has happened and you have all the time you may need. I mean, your not going anywhere. Good luck to you.", As he said these last few sentences still in an irritated voice he popped out of existence and all was quite.

"Well... That just happened."
Starlight looked over to see spike sitting in a chair that was falling from the world.

Wanning Time Shall Teach the Unteachable

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As the small, purple dragon began to fall virtually unknowingly, the now unfrozen Twilight Sparkle flew to the rescue of the otherwise doomed dragon.

"Spike! Are you O.K.?" Twilight said in a very concerned and almost motherly voice.

"I think so, but what did just happen?", said spike in a, for some reason, tired tone.

"Well you were... Um... You were. Hey you there-uhh- what just happened to Spike?", Twilight said this in a very question esk tone.

Starlight ignored her because she was very much troubled with the end of things. In the background she could still hear Twilight Sparkle talking away. After a second she started listening to what the purple alicorn was saying. The talk of Twilight included things uncommon for any right minded person to say. Such things may include the following: where am I? What is this purple and green thing in front of me? Last time I checked, I was in the-uhh- what do you call it? And so on and so forth. Eventually Starlight realized what Starswirl's words about time unraveling and then wrapping in to each other to be correct currently in this present situation.

Then suddenly, as if to prove Starlight's dark thought was to be true, Twilight suddenly poped out of existence. This event truely set in what her evil ways had brought the world to. So she thought, and thought, and thought a little more. (Some time in this thinking, Spike also poped out. This made her truly alone in the world). Every time a new thought came about, she alwaysed returned to the basics of magic theory and its principles. Eventually, she thought of a certain stallion by the name of Fredric Piliance Diltion Brian Pumbldare and his 'Theory of Time and Nine Ways to Bend and Mend it With Magic'. His paper talked about a paradox and nine ways to fix such a paradox. It was called the Boot Strap Paradox*. One of the magical ways to fix it was to implant memories of all people whom knew this person until there deaths and do this after the person you have done something to is past the point of danger ( this is because of time folding in on it self and such). Of course, Starlight had learned her lesson. This made everything O.K. in the end of course.

*Boot Strap Paradox- If you go back in time and kill your grandfather, you will not be born. So, no one will be able to go back and kill your grandfather. So, you are born and go back to kill your grandfather so you are never born, and ect. and so on forever and ever and such.

To Not Fail is a Prize of Its Own

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This is the final chapter of this story.

Starlight figured that with her record she would definatly be imprisoned under Ceseltia's rain. Yet, she was not being juged by the princes of the sun, but by the princes of friendship. With that title, she figured she had some pritty good chances of being forgiven.

"Well, let's give it a try.", starlight said in a kind of hopeful tone.

Soon after these final words, her horn began to glow with a magical aura. She also chanted an incantation in a whisper and a language unadiable in any way, shape, or form. As the chanting became more lengthy and mermered, more layers of Starlight Glimmer's magical aura enveloped her and her horn. 'This is good' is what Starlight Glimmer was most likely thinking of at that time.

Then, there was a loud bang and a big sizzle and Starlight found herself face first in the deserts of the End.
She then asked,"Where are we?".
Then, to Starlight's joyous ears l, she heard the wonderful voice of a one Twilight Sparkle...*

*At this point, the season finally of My Little Pony season 5 (I think at least. Correct me if I am wrong please) goes on as normal. This time though, Starlight Gilmmer knows what truely happened within that time loop...