Fluttershy's Fateful Walk

by Flutternight

First published

Fluttershy decides to go for a walk through the Everfree Forest during the day. What could go wrong?

Fluttershy decides to go for a walk through the Everfree Forest during the day. What could go wrong?

Well, an encounter with a hungry snake for one.

Warning: Contains vore. I'd recommend not reading it if you don't like vore. Some butt licking too. Sex tag added just in case for it. Contains digestion as well.

Fluttershy's Fateful Walk

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Fluttershy hummed out softly as she walked down the path through the Everfree Forest. It was a beautiful spring day after all, and while the shy pony was terrified of the forest at night, she found it to be quite peaceful during the day. Almost all the dangerous creatures only came out at night after all.

As she walked along the path, she found herself thinking of her friends. Rarity was busy showing off a new line of clothes in Manehatten. She had asked Fluttershy if she had wanted to come too, but Fluttershy had declined due partly to her distaste for large and crowded cities and partly due to her needing to care for a sick bird. The bird was doing a lot better now though. Twilight Sparkle was off visiting her brother and his family in the Crystal Empire. The Crystal Empire was one place that Fluttershy really liked, since it almost seemed magical there in a way that it didn't seem anywhere else in the world. She still remembered the first time she'd ever set hoof in the Crystal Empire, although due to the threat posed by King Sombra, the magical feel had been almost nonexistant. As for Rainbow Dash, she was currently performing in a show in Canterlot. Fluttershy would've been there to watch her perform if not for the sick bird. She didn't mind though, since she figured that there was always next time. Pinkie Pie was hard at work holding a birthday party for Derpy at Sugarcube Corner. Fluttershy didn't know Derpy very well, although she seemed nice enough. Finally, there was Applejack, who was hard at work on her farm. Fluttershy felt that Applejack should take a break every now and then honestly.

The shy pony was so lost in thought that she didn't notice the flash of green scales in the grass to the left of the path or the rustling of said grass, although it was doubtful that she'd worry about it even if she had noticed it. After all, most of the creatures awake during the day in the Everfree Forest were friendly. The only ones you really had to watch out for was the rare snake or two that grew large enough to have a pony for a meal. Or so some ponies claimed anyway. Fluttershy didn't believe those claims though, as the largest snake she'd ever seen in the Everfree Forest throughout all her walks was barely large enough to swallow an average sized cat down whole and even snakes that large were pretty rare.

The first Fluttershy knew of anything wrong was what felt like a freight train slamming into her and her getting wrapped up in what felt like steel cables. That's when she saw it, something that made her heart skip a beat. Namely the head of a large snake, and it only took a second for her to realize that she was wrapped up in its coils. Even worse, this snake looked large enough to swallow her down whole, or so she estimated anyway by the fact that the snake had her wrapped up completely in its coils with only her face showing. Worst of all, this snake looked hungry. She could tell by looking into its eyes that it fully intended to eat her.

She very nearly passed out from fear right then and there, but she barely managed to stay conscious, knowing that if she passed out now, she'd become nothing more then snake food. In her panicked state, she rapidly tried to think of a way to get free, but she was too scared to think clearly as the snake began to constrict her cute body, making it a bit harder to breathe.

That's when she thought of it. Her famous stare. Although with how hungry this snake looked and how it was constricting her, which made it harder and harder for her to breathe with every passing second, she wasn't sure whether or not her stare would be able to take effect in time to save her life. The fact that she was terrified made it even harder too, but she knew that it had to work or else she'd become snake food, so she began staring into the snake's eyes, trying to will it to release her.

The coils continued to get tighter though much to the shy pegasus's dismay and eventually, she could barely breathe. That's when they stopped getting tighter though, and Fluttershy could sense that her stare was finally taking effect. Still, she knew that this would be close. It all depended on if she could stay conscious long enough, and she was already struggling for air, even as the coils slowly became looser as she began blacking out a bit.

Eventually, her stare got weaker as she struggled to remain conscious and breathe. As that happens, the coils stopped getting looser and a few seconds later, resume getting tighter to Fluttershy's dismay.

Soon, she couldn't breathe at all, and knowing that her stare had failed her for the first time ever, she began struggling weakly for a few seconds before closing her eyes and losing consciousness in the snake's coils.

This told the snake that mealtime was finally here now as it opened its maw and unhinged its jaws in preparation to eat its delicious pegasus meal. Soon, it engulfed Fluttershy's head into its maw and began swallowing her down slowly, savoring her delicious flavor as Fluttershy's upper half slid into its hungry maw. It gave her pussy and butt a few testing licks too. Fluttershy's pussy was nothing all that special in flavor in the snake's opinion, although her butt was deliciously sweet, so it licked it quite a bit before resuming the swallowing process, sending the pegasus's lower half into its maw, leaving only the tip of her tail outside it. It then rehinged its jaws and closed its maw before slurping up the last of Fluttershy's tail.

Its throat muscles then began guiding the unconscious pegasus towards the snake's stomach as it began slithering back towards its den. It was certainly glad that it had decided to come out today, as you didn't find such a delicious pegasus meal wandering around in the Everfree Forest every day.

By the time it reached its den, Fluttershy was already in its stomach and its acids began trickling in to begin the digestion process. Soon, it coiled up and went to sleep.

Over the course of the next few hours, the snake's acids strip Fluttershy's fur from her body, the pegasus remaining mercifully unconscious during the process. Even as holes began to get eaten through her skin, Fluttershy doesn't regain consciousness and soon, the churning of the snake's stomach begins to help the acids break pieces off her body. By this point, the shy pegasus was already dead though as the acids eat away at her internal organs, and within another hour, Fluttershy had been digested completely into a nutritious soup in the snake's stomach.