Of Swords and Axes

by TheWolfSpartanBrony

First published

Hey my name is Mike, your average guy with an average life or I used to. Now I am in Equestria with no hope of going home, guess like I have to make a new one here in Equestria.

My name is Mike your average 25 year old guy. That all changed when I apparently died. I have no memory of my past and how I died. Except for the survival skills that my dad taught me. Now most of my memory is filled with a war for I really don't know in a land split mostly by a volcano and being a member of each of the three waring factions for this land. What I remember in that war was being a Warden in the Blackstone Legion, a Raider of the Warborn, and an Orochi of the Samurai. Then there are some parts of my memory that involve my former life as a just your average joe that spring up from time to time. So what ties my story to this new world that I have ended up on. Well that would be from my average joe days when my little sister watched a show called "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic." So yeah...here's to my new life in a world full of myths and legends from Earth.

Oh...did I forget to mention I'm no longer a guy. Wonderful

(For Honor crossover of sorts. Only using the armor and weapons.)
(Also a bit of Fairy Tail with the abilities of one of the main characters, Erza Scarlet)
(For Honor is owned by Ubisoft. MLP is owned by Hasbro.)
(Rated Mature for swearing, gore, and a bits of sex.)

(Let me explain the comment section to this story for those of you who are new to this story. I had submitted the first version of this story which was called A Ma...Mare of Honor. In that version I had hastily put the story together with little to no research on the area I had the start of the story in and several other mistakes which were mostly in grammar and structure of the story. So yeah there has been a small amount of editing and a reworking of the story done by my self. Though I am currently looking for an editor for this story and my other current stories.)

Chapter I - The Start

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(POV: Mike)

"Uh...what the hell did I have to drink last night?" I asked out loud not noticing the difference in my voice.

Once my vision returns I notice that I am in a forest and that it feels a little chilly so I instinctively crossed my arms to warm my self up, but I feel something off about my chest. That oddity felt like two large mounds in the middle of my chest. So I looked dow to see two D cup sized breasts sitting there. I then passed out after seeing them.

(Five minutes later)

I eventually awoke from passing out from seeing a pair of tits on me. I looked down again just to confirm that they were real. They were still there. I didn't want to face that what I had turned into was real, but it was.

"Great...now what." I thought out loud some how still not noticing that my voice had changed. (I was probably still in denial that what happened to me was real.)

I should probably go find a lake or some thing to see what else has changed. It took me some time but I eventually found a lake nearby. To be honest I was hesitant to see what I look like now. It took me some time to muster the courage to look at my reflection. Once I did look at my self I was stunned at what I saw. There standing in the nude was a woman no a female anthro unicorn who had some muscle while having the form of a model with dark orange fur all over including the horn that stuck out from under the two tone mane. The mane was a two tone of frost blue and white that was a bit messy on top while the back was tied in a short and slightly thick french braid that was resting over my right shoulder. The braid was held together by an inch and a half wide leather band that let about two to three inches of hair free from the braid. (Somehow I failed to notice the braid resting over my right shoulder the entire time leading up to this.) The tail that I noticed was swishing back and forth behind...me which was colored the same as my mane. Then there was the emerald green eyes that looked back at me. If I was still a guy I could probably stare at them all day long, but I am not I am that mare looking back at me.

"Is that really me?" asked a feminine voice that had a bit of a tomboyish tone to it. 'Holy shit is that my voice?!' I thought to my self as I continued to examine my new body. There were a lot of thoughts running though my head...most of them were dirty thoughts. Very dirty thoughts.

"Well then this is new and weird. Now were in the hell is some damn cloths..." I stated as I looked around the lake, but was interrupted by a popping sound behind me. So I looked and what I saw was some weapons that looked like they were from For Honor, and somehow familiar to me, and a pile of clothes which were sitting at the base of a tree not far from the shore line. I approached the weapons with a bit of caution. Though once I was standing in front of the weapons I noticed that there was a scroll case hanging from the end of a long axe. Finally something to cover up with. It took me some time but I managed to put the clothes on. The clothes were a tunic which was a pale blue with a white leather belt, a white long sleeve under shirt, a pair of light blue panties, white cargo pants, and a pair of black 10" steel toe Wolverine boots. With some clothes on I grabbed the scroll case and opened it up and unfurled the scroll from inside to find that who ever wrote this has some answers to some questions I have. Some of them were answered in the scroll.

Dear Mike,

You many have many questions as of now. There are some things that will be answered here, but others will not for those questions seek out the ruins in the Everfree Forest. I am not going to put this lightly you died, but the Tree of Harmony decided to give you a second chance albeit in a different body. Your old one was burnt to a crisp. The Tree also decided to give you some tools for surviving the Everfree Forest. There are some new clothes seeing as your old ones were burnt in that fire as well.

- Sincerely Queen Faust

Well then that explains a lot...but why was I burnt to death? The hell was I doing? Well I guess asking those questions to a pice of paper won't give me an answer. So then I guess I should be grateful that I am alive... Right then lets see what else the Tree of Harmony gave me. Which were the weapons leaning against the tree. There was a longsword, a katana, and a long axe. Both swords were in their sheaths. I picked up the longsword to inspect it, but was meet with reliving memories of fighting as a Warden in a war that seemed to have no true end. When the memories were over I was looking at the longsword which looked like a simple blade that had a section in the middle of the blade that indented from the guard to just below the point, the guard looked like a crescent with an intricate design of what I think are branches it was also an inch thick and an inch high along the curve, the hilt looked to be a simple hilt bound with leather wrappings and a rounded end that had a slight curve at the point where it met the hilt, the sheath was simple leather and it had a shoulder strap on it. Then I remembered that the longsword looked similar to what I had In For Honor the game. The sword was made up of the Rogan Blade, the Gardaken Guard, and the Rogan Hilt.

Then I grabbed the Katana which was in a dark orange sheath then another set of memories came through this time I was an Orochi an assassin for the Emperor, but I had a habit of talking out of turn which led to my inprisonment though I had made some allies along the way. After reliving those memories I was examining my katana the hilt was your traditional katana hilt the colors were similar to my fur and mane colors. The rapping was colored in dark orange with the inner part was colored a two tone frost blue and white. The guard was a black hexagon with some sides rounded, there was a gold dragon on it. The dragon's head was on the side of the edge the blade and rapped around the right side where the tail was on the back side of the blade. The blade looked to be made out of red steel which was different form the in game blade and had a engraved gold dragon in a rectangle that went up the flat of the blade. The dragon was in a rectangle that went up from the guard to about four inches up the blade and ended in a point. The in game blade and hilt being the Umehara Blade and the Ikeda hilt.

The long axe was a monster of a weapon it stood about three inches shorter than me. At full hight I am 6' 2" so the long axe is 5' 11". The head of the axe is for the most part straight with a bit of a curve on top with edge curving down at more steeper angle than that of the top of the head, the inside is a straight for a small section then curves in at a more extreme angle that the other two curves on the axe head. On the back of the axe head is a spike that has a slight curve to it but only goes out about two inches. The shaft is made out of some kind of wood that looks like it is sturdy enough to take quite the beating. Towards the bottom about three quarters of the way down the shaft is rapped in what looks like a metal covering that connects to two fangs. The claws that sit a the pommel look to be fairly new the same as the axe head and spike on the back of the head. As put a hand on the axe to see how heavy it is more memories come back to me to relive. This time around I am a Rader in a mountain range that that is snowing constantly and am trying to find a way to bring peace to the other tribes The in game long axe parts being the Ezlcant Head, Ezlcant Shaft, and Kodran Pommel.

So now that I have everything here, I guess that I should go look for the ruins. They could provide shelter for the time being depending on how ruined the ruins are. I decided to put my katana in between the belt and the and the tunic, then strapped the longsword over my left shoulder, and picked up the long axe which to me only weighed about twenty pounds. Now I'm set to go. I looked at the scroll one more time to see that there was a note at the bottom saying,

P.S. There is a map of the surrounding area on the back.

I flipped the scroll over and what do I find...a map. Now I won't get lost...ok lets see where am I. After about a minute I found the lake that I was at and were the ruins were from there. The walk to the ruins was uneventful and long. It was late in the afternoon and the sun was setting. I went in and started looking for a bedroom that was still intact. Not a single one of them were. The only room in the entire castle that was mostly intact besides the dungeon was the library. So to use what was salvageable from multiple rooms was a useable bed frame and mattress. That was all I was able to do before the sun finally set

That was four years ago.