A Night at the Theatre

by Mystic Mind

First published

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie get up to some rather intimate business backstage at Dash's new job.

In an effort to entertain herself during spare time at her new evening job, it doesn't take long for Rainbow Dash's thoughts to turn to her marefriend, Pinkie Pie. Thoughts that quickly turn erotic. With nopony else around, and with Pinkie's help, Dash will soon realise that she has a newly acquired passion for theatre in more ways than one.

My first and (for the foreseeable future) only Clopfic. Written over the course of 2 hours. Constructive criticism welcome. Enjoy!

This fic contains; Masturbation, Semi-public sex, sex-toy play, sexy massages and dildo emergencies

Well...technically an evening.

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A Night at the Theatre

With one more swift flight around the stage area, Rainbow Dash had finally finished cleaning backstage. Wiping the sweat from her brow, she fluttered her wings and landed in front of the closed curtain, breathing heavily after a hard half hour's work. Doing janitor work for Lyra and Bon Bon's theatre was hardly a glamorous job; especially for a pony of action and excitement like Dash. But as long as the Wonderbolts were off season and the weather team had set up everything for the winter, she had to find a new way to pay the bills.

Though if Twilight had taught her anything, it was that she could make even the most boring of tasks fun with the right mindset. Heck, that was how she got her current job in the first place. Who else could not only claim to have an old wooden stage and the velvet curtains sparkling clean in ten seconds flat; but also back it up? Nopony else, that's who! Yet, there was a downside to finishing so quickly. She had only realised after her first evening shift that she couldn't just go home just because all of her jobs were done early. She was getting paid by the hour, Celestia dammit! If she wanted to save up enough to treat Pinkie Pie out to that luxurious Saddle Arabian restaurant she loved so much, she would have to stick out the remaining hours.

On the plus side, she did get to see all the plays that Lyra and Bon Bon had been putting on over the past month. That in itself was an odd thing for Dash, considering that romantic old timey dramas were more Rarity's thing than her own. Yet since she started dating Pinkie Pie, she had taken quite a shine to all these high class Shakesponian performances.

The detail that her two co-workers put into the stage design was something she found to be quite spectacular, to say the least. Despite being made of little more than cardboard and paint, the shading on each individual brick and grassy carpet made it easy to mistake for the real thing; somehow transported thousands of miles to fit into this one little theatre house.

The amount of sword fighting that came with these plays also helped to keep Dash enthralled. Lunging back and forth, clashing blades with lightning fast reactions; she only wished somepony would let her learn some of those moves too! Though Dash had to be honest with herself; the thing that kept her coming back again and again to watch these plays was the hilariously dreadful acting from Lyra and Bon Bon.

Chuckling to herself, Rainbow Drash removed the soft end of her mop, placing it on her head as she cleared her throat. “Oh dearest Sweetie Drop!” she mimicked with an exaggerated accent. “Reveal thyself from thy bed chambers and greet thy dearest love!”

Switching roles, Dash picked up a spare towel and draped it over her face. “Oh my lady heartstrings, thy always know how to swoon a lady's heart!” that line never failed to make Dash crack up. “But I cannot be seeing you; my father has forbidden it!”

“Then I shall have to retrieve thy love myself!” Spreading her wings, dash leapt over the handle of her mop, riding it into the air while making swooshing noises to replicate the sound of a levitating witch's broom. As she lifted herself from the ground, Dash began to think about how much Pinkie Pie would love to be in a production like this. That sappy old mare was usually the more openly romantic of the two, expressing her love loudly (and cheerfully) regardless of who was around.

Dash could see it now. Those soft, rosy cheeks; her warm fur coat and that pink, puffy mane that bounced almost as much as the mare it belonged to. Dash imagined Pinkie, dressed in a white, see through gown, calling her name with that high pitched giggle which never failed to bring a smile to the faces of everypony who saw them. That especially made her heart thump like the drums of her favourite rock band; Dethclop.

It was only when she started to reach the roof of the theatre that Dash noticed her fantasy of Pinkie was having an effect on more parts of her body than initially expected. As she rode on the mop handle, a hot, throbbing sensation coming from her marehood started to form a wet patch where she was sitting. This wasn't the first time Dash had gotten herself all hot and bothered at work, and usually she was able to keep her carnal desires in check, but this time was noticeably different. This time, she was alone.

Should I really be doing this? Dash thought to herself, looking around just in case somepony had stayed behind without her noticing. Yet everywhere she checked, there was no trace of anypony around but her. Well I mean, who exactly is gonna notice?

Dash's stiffening wings made it clear that her body just couldn't wait any longer. She had to relieve herself right away. Dropping to the ground, she gripped the mop handle tightly with her hind hooves, leaning back against the stage curtain as she rubbed herself against the makeshift sex toy. “Oh!” she caught herself gasping, though after reminding herself that there was indeed nopony here, Dash decided that she didn't need to remain quiet any longer. Now grabbing the handle with her front hooves, she rocked her hind quarters back and forth, moaning with pleasure at every stroke. “Oh! Oh, sweet Celestia, this feels good! Oh!”

“What feels so good, Dashie?”

Rainbow Dash all but leapt out of her skin at the sudden squeaky voice sounding next to her. Cheeks flushing bright red with embarrassment, Dash dropped the mop handle and turned to face Pinkie. “Oh, um, hey...Pinkie Pie.”

“Hi Rainbow Dash!” Pinkie chirped, though Dash couldn't tell if her grin showed her to be oblivious of what she was just doing, or if she was just trying to tease her. “I thought you'd be lonely tonight, so I came to visit!”

“That's so sweet of you Pinkie, but...” Rainbow Dash gestured around her. “How the hay did you get in here?”

“How else would I get in?” Pinkie asked, tilting her head as if the question had a rather obvious to answer. “Through the trap door, silly!”

Dash glanced past her marefriend, and just as she had said, there was an open trap door in the stage that she had somehow never noticed before. “Well maybe you could knock next time?” Dash said, planting her face in her hoof. “I was kinda in the middle of something.”

“Oh yeah! You were masturbating while thinking of me, weren't you?”

Dash's jaw dropped. The sheer bluntness of Pinkie Pie's thoughts never failed to surprise her, no matter how long they had been together. “I...well...no...you see...”

“Ooooh, I get it,” Pinkie replied with a wink and a nudge. “You want somepony special to help you with that, don't you?”

“Actually I...wait, what did you say?”

“You want me to lend a hoof in getting you off, right Dashie?”

She didn't know how her marefriend did it, but somehow Pinkie was able to read Dashie's mind like an open book. “Well...” Dash trailed off, before looking back at Pinkie with a sultry smile. “I guess if you're offering, why not have some extra fun together, huh?”

“Lie down, Dashie.”

Rainbow Dash was all too happy to follow Pinkie's commands. She knew what was coming, but the anticipation was almost too much to bear all the same. She just had to feel what Pinkie wanted to give her; the most perfect experience that any mare could ask for.

Kneeling down with her back facing the blue Pegasus, Pinkie gently lowered her tail over her lover's back, twitching the tip just above the centre of Dash's wings. Closing her eyes, Dash bit down on her lip as her sensitive flight feathers brushed against the ultra soft and curly hair on Pinkie's tail. Letting out a loud groan, Dash revelled in every moment, her sex now dripping wet and begging to be played with. No mare she had ever slept with was like Pinkie; the gentle organised chaos of her mare friend's strokes drove her absolutely crazy every single time.

Better still, Pinkie had now decided that she was done with teasing. She may have been the master of randomness, but even she had to fall back into a predictable pattern when she felt her own marehood crying out for attention. Sitting just behind Rainbow Dash's wings, Pinkie began to grind her hips against Dash's back, letting out a series of short, sharp moans as her vulva rubbed the ticklish fur of her marefriend.

Even better for Dash, Pinkie didn't just want to feel her between her legs. She wanted to feel her everywhere. Leaning over, Pinkie wrapped her hooves around Dash's upper back, holding her close as she nuzzled her partner's rainbow mane.

“Oh! Oh my gosh, Pinkie, that feels amazing!” Rainbow Dash cried, feeling an immense sense of euphoria from being this close.

“Not just amazing!” Pinkie said between thrusts. “It feels extra special super dooper awesome amazing because I'm with you, Dash!”

Rainbow Dash couldn't wait any longer. Pinkie Pie licking her neck was just making her far too horny to cope without lower stimulation. She wanted her, and she wanted her now. “Hang on a minute, Pinks,” she said softly. “Let me turn over.”

“Okie dokie lokie!” Pinkie chirped. As Dash flipped over onto her back, she spread her legs wide, revealing every inch of her outer vagina to her marefriend.

“Pinkie, please touch me,” pleaded Dash.

“Oh I dunno...” Pinkie teased, narrowing her eyes at the splayed-out blue pegasus beneath her.

“Pinkie!” Dash whined. “I can't take it anymore! Just fuck me already!”

“You mean liiike...” Pinkie trailed off, lowering her front-right hoof to lightly stroke Dash's vulva. By the way Dash arched her back and groaned at the slightest touch, Pinkie knew that it was time to reveal her extra-special surprise which she had saved for a moment just like this.

“Oh Dashiiiie,” she cooed. “Look what I've gooot~”

Looking up, Rainbow Dash saw that Pinkie was holding a six-inch long, bright pink rubber dildo. “Pinkie, where the hay did you get something like that?”

“Oh, I always keep one or two lying around in my hair,” Pinkie replied, talking as casually about her sex toy as she would last night's dinner. “In case of a dildo emergency.”

“Pinkie Pie...” Dash said, stifling back a laugh. “You are so...random!”

“Just the way you like it, eh Dashie?”

“You know I do. Now hurry up and stick that thing in already.”

“Alrighty then!”

In one swift motion, Pinkie pushed the dildo between her vagina and Dash's, seamlessly penetrating both of them with a single push of her hips. Collapsing into Dash's arms, Pinkie planted her lips onto her lover's snout; practically melting their faces together as they made fierce love, only breaking apart to breath and let out exasperated moans as the sex toy rubbed against the insides of their vaginas.

“P-Pinkie...” Dash stuttered, barely able to move her lips as she was so overcome with sensation. “This is so amazing! Don't stop!”

Pinkie had no intention of stopping, but she did have one more little surprise packed away for her mare friend. “Hey Dashie, watch this!”

With a click of a button right in the middle of the dildo, an extra part sprang up to rub against the two pony's clitorises. Thrusting harder than ever before, now Pinkie was the one consumed with emotion, moaning so much that she couldn't even release another one of her extended strings of adjectives normally used to describe just how good Dash made her feel.

“Oh! Oh Pinkie!” Dash screamed at the top of her lungs, her vulva tightening around the toy as she neared her climax. “I'm gonna...I'm gonna...”

With one more thrust, both mares peaked with their orgasm, cumming hard over the dildo and falling back onto each other in the heat of the moment. For several long seconds more, the two ponies held each other in their embrace, cuddling tight as they basked in the romantic afterglow of the sex they just had.

“I love you, Pinkie Pie,” Dash said, kissing her marefriend on the lips. “You always know how to make a pony like me feel good, just when I need it.”

“I love you too, Dashie,” Pinkie said, though her expressing suddenly faded from one of bliss to one of shock. “Err, Dashie...”

“What's up, Pinks?” Dash asked, confused by the drop in Pinkie's mood.

“Wasn't there supposed to be a curtain next to us?”

It was only then that Dash realised she hadn't looked just off to her right since she had engaged in intercourse with Pinkie. To her horror, the curtain had long since lifted, with a full audience of ponies staring right at the two lovers in stunned silence. A silence which was only broken by Lyra and Bon Bon swooping in from backstage, all dressed up in their shakesponian costumes, gesturing over the two ponies between them.

“And so our tale doth come to an end!” Lyra waxed musically.

“Surely now, the embrace of these two loneseome hearts will bring our family's bitter rivalry to a close,” Bon Bon added, as hammy as always.

“Aye, my love,” Lyra added. “For to gaze on such a dedication is to admire the beauty of love which resides within our souls!”

“Even the coldest of hearts shall be warmed through the consolation of this loving embrace.”

Turning directly to the audience, the two actresses spoke together, “And through all that life may put us through, love shall always win the day. Goodnight everypony!”

The entire theatre erupted in a thunderous applause as the curtain closed, seemingly unaware that the sudden display of sex between Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie had not, in fact, been part of the act.

“Phew, that was close,” Pinkie said, pulling the sex toy out of her as she stood up.

“You're lucky we had already rehearsed that last scene,” Lyra said with a deep frown on her face.

“Now, care to tell us exactly what you two thought you were doing with such a public display like that?!” Dash and Pinkie both cringed at Bon Bon's scolding.

“Well...you see...” Dash racked her brain for the words that would get her in the least amount of trouble. “We were...kinda...look, I can explain-”

“I just wanted to give Dash some company!” Pinkie added, giving Lyra and Bon Bon the biggest puppydog eyes look she could. “I didn't mean to put her on show like that, honest!”

Glancing at each other, Lyra and Bon Bon sighed. This hadn't been the first time Rainbow Dash had forgotten about the evening bonus shows on a Thursday. “Alright, we'll let you off,” Lyra said. “But next time you two feel the need to start having sex on the job, can't you just use the dressing rooms like everypony else?” Dash stared at Lyra as Bon Bon grabbed her hoof, letting out a naughty giggle.

“Abso-tootly-lootly!” Pinkie said, her bountiful cheerfulness returning as strong as ever. “Saaaay, could you two perhaps show us where the dressing room is? I think Dashie and I would love to see what kind of special stuff happens backstage.”

Now this was something that got Dash's attention. Looking between the two theatre owners, her mouth widened into another grin as the two giggled at each other between whispers.

“Now that sounds like a good idea!” piped Bon Bon. “Follow us; we know how to give ponies the 'special' backstage tour.”