Vacation Time

by ShadowblazeCR

First published

Vinyl and Octavia go on vacation to take a break from their music, going to a secluded island home off the coast of Equestria. Octavia needs to loosen up and have some fun, which Vinyl is happy to help with.

Vinyl and Octavia go on vacation to take a break from their music, going to a secluded island home off the coast of Equestria. Octavia needs to loosen up and have some fun, which Vinyl is happy to help with.

It's All In the Wrist

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I opened my eyes, sitting up as I rubbed them, letting the sheets that were once covering my breasts fall into my lap, to the relatively clean room, or at least as clean as it could be for a dubstep artist. Though I was known as DJ-Pon3 in the music world, Vinyl Scratch was what I was really called, occasionally nicknames like 'Vee' would pop up, but for the most part it was just Vinyl. The sun flashed in my eyes, the curtains having fluttered in the breeze just enough that I had taken the brunt of the unnecessarily bright morning. The said breeze also felt great against my naked chest, giving me some goosebumps, but reminding me yet again of the freedom placed on me from the vacation I'd been granted.

For the weekend, both my partner (Octavia Philharmonica, an up and coming cellist who worked with me) had been granted a vacation on some secluded island off the coast of Equestria. The two bedroom and bathroom house was a comfortable fit for the two of us, and with a beautiful view of the beach we (or at least I did, if I couldn't convince her to come to the beach) had planned to take full advantage of the beautiful day. While I was glad to take a break and enjoy it with a great partner, I had alternate plans for the two of us. I had packed the sexiest bikini I had to woo Octavia the best I could, and with the constant flirting I had been doing over the past few months I felt like I had a chance.

Rustling of sheets filled my ears as I slid out of the bed, the soft silky covers created a pleasant sensation against my clit. Once I stood up, free of the tangle of covers, I stretched out, letting a slight moan escape my lips. I moved to the bathroom, finally convincing myself to start the day and get myself presentable. I wish I could've just walked around in the nude, but someone had decided that clothing was mandatory when sharing a household, which kept me hoping that it would somehow change so I could feel the wind caress my body more often. Though I had been in the sun enough to keep my tan lines from impeding, I never got to enjoy it.

The mirror in the bathroom covered almost the whole wall, as the only thing stopping it from doing so was the toilet next to it. But I was just tall enough that when I walked back a bit, I was able to see just above where my waistline split. I smiled slightly, checking out myself as the breeze from the cracked-open sliding doors blew into the bathroom. I needed a way to wake up and my mood improved that much more when an idea came to mind, Octavia's possible swimwear came to mind and before I knew it one of my fingers had slipped down to my folds. My other hand was feeling lonely, as were my breasts, so I set them up for greatness, letting out a moan as I groped myself.

"Oh yeah!" I groaned as my finger slipped into my tunnel, accompanied by another finger, both doing their job excellently.

My mind drifted toward what Octavia could be in, something I hoped would show off her great breasts. Sometimes I was jealous about her breasts, the E-cups she toted around were mesmerizing and just thinking about them turned me on. I dug my fingers deeper, moaning in pleasure as they touched my sweet spots. I watched my reflection, not bothering to look down and imagined Octavia in a skimpy bikini, the cloth just barely covering some erect nipples. I thought about what I considered the perfect bikini, a black one with two straps that held up the pieces of cloth over her breasts, straining to contain them with what little surface area they had. The two small rectangles covering her (and giving no modesty whatsoever) would be parallel to each other, vertical to give a wondrous side boob. Her bottom would practically be strings with a triangle to cover her shaved pussy, as it wouldn't be able to have been hidden otherwise.

"If only, huh?" I said to myself. Sadly, this was why they were called fantasies.

My legs were weakening by the second as I furiously drug my fingers up and down the lengths of my folds, my daydreaming of Octavia didn't help at all. But then I thought of what it would be like if she tried to be modest and humble (or at least as humble as you could be with swimwear) one-piece. It would be interesting to say the least, in theory. I would assume that the swimsuit hadn't been properly chosen out of a need of time, something that would be greatly beneficial to my eyes. The dark blue swimsuit (a color that would contrast well with Octavia) would be so tight on her that it would be like she wasn't wearing anything anyways, and would act as the greatest tease known to mankind. I could practically feel the touch of her erect nipples as she gave me a welcoming hug. Oh, wait, those were just mine, it felt good nonetheless.

I felt some of my juices trail down the side of my leg, hinting at an imminent climax. I decided to go out with a bang, something to start the day with, and shoved as many fingers as I could up my vagina, yelling in ecstasy as I did so. The effort was enough, and while I explored the vast caverns my body shuddered in happiness. Soon after I felt the buildup up liquid begin to add pressure near my waist, exploding in the second that came, while I, well, came. I watched them flow out in a stream, hitting the mirror in a powerful, constant jet. My fluids sprinkled on my breasts for the most part, dotting them with droplets. I shrugged, not caring too much because I had planned to take a shower anyway. As I turned the shower on, I cupped my breasts, lifting them up to lick some of the juices off. A few seconds later, my breasts a bit more bare of my liquids, but now covered in saliva, I stepped into the shower.


Freshly showered and clad in my newest bikini, I checked myself again one last time. I thought that my white bikini complimented my hair and body well. The top was filled nicely by my double D breasts, which were looking quite nice from all the bouncing they partook in while I deejayed. One continuous piece of cloth covered my chest, crisscrossing around my neck and connecting behind me on my back. It acted a lot like a hammock, as anytime I walked the top would only hold so much boob, and they would sway. I didn't mind too much, because it was just another weapon in my arsenal of flirtatious acts to come.

I took a bit to look at my abs, nodding in content at how they were not too defined, but enough to be noticed. Once I passed them, I stopped at my waist, looking at the bottom of my bikini. The bottom matched my top in color, and I'd also gone with what was best described as a thong, except it had even less square inches of area compared to one. A small section of it covered my front, just enough to be decent, though I guess I wouldn't really have to care that much when Octavia was the only other person there. Two stings were tied in neat bows on either side of my hip, and as I turned to check my butt, I noted the string that peeked out between my cheeks, splitting at the top and taking a path between them down to the valley in between my legs. The best part about it was that if I sauntered around just right, the string would rub up against my pussy, making me feel a bit dirty, but give me enough pleasure to not care.

When I shook myself out of my reverie, I noticed a soft melodic sound coming from someplace in the beach house. This wouldn't usually be a problem, since Octavia and I shared an apartment and practiced regularly, but there was a problem. It was our vacation, which shouldn't be spent practicing it should be spent nose deep in each other's vag-I mean, nose deep in some good 'ol snow cones or something, not sheets of music or the like.

I meandered over to Octavia's room (my flip flops making pit-pat sounds), the cello was much more clear, and relaxed me. But, I couldn't let that affect me, I had to get Octavia to have some real fun, and maybe some different fun after. I opened the door, taking a quick glance up and down the length of her body to see she was wearing some booty shorts (great name for them by the way), and a random, short cut t-shirt, her toned abs from working out were on display for my eyes.

"Hey Octy, we're supposed to be on vacay, not practicing."

Octavia scoffed (the good kind, just blowing air out of her nose) and shook her head, smiling just a bit, "I couldn't help myself, this is what I do for fun, therefore it should count as vacation, yes?"


Octavia pouted, "But Vinyl, we have a tour coming up after this, I have to be ready."

"I'm sure you'll be fine. If I'm not practicing, and not freaking out, I would hope that you wouldn't worry about it." I sighed, walking over to her and dropping an arm over her slim shoulders, "Listen, how 'bout you take a good break, come and swim, then see which one is a better use of your vacation time, 'aight?"

Octavia sat her cello aside, grunting as she got up, "I suppose I could do for some leisurely activities. Do take some time to teach me your ways, Miss Scratch."

I grinned, "Oh? My ways? All of them?" I threw up my chin and thrust out my chest, feeling it jiggle as I did so. "Are you sure you can handle my antics?"

"I wouldn't doubt me just yet, I like to think I know a few of your tricks."

"Well, let's get started." I began to walk out, but stopped at the doorway, "I'll grab the towels, umbrella, and all that, you just throw your suit on, okay?"

I received a cheshire smile in response, "About that, I already have it on."

I brought my hand up to my mouth, "Oh, hoh, hoh, I see. Well then, it seems you have gained the upper hand in this battle, Tavi."

Octavia brushed past me, "I won't get too cocky, don't worry."

I laughed, "Well, I'm sure you wouldn't mind some."

Octavia tsked, her hips acted like a pendulum, going side to side, "Ah, ah, you know I like to eat out. I was thinking something electric for today, actually."

My face heated up just a bit at the insinuation, but I was too late to give a reply as Octavia had already rounded the corner to grab some beach supplies. Soon after, we had set up on the beach. We had set two towels beneath the largest umbrella we could find, dragged a chest of ice with drinks and a bag with snacks too, setting them next to the pole of the umbrella (in between our two towels). Octavia had brought a book and I had laid down to rest in the shade, sadly the type of my bikini prevented me from having Octavia "help" me with the sunscreen and I had to put it on myself. Another downer was that she hadn't taken off her clothes, choosing to stay in her previous attire.

I scooted over to her towel, "Psst, Octy, the point of a beach is to show off your bikini and compete with other females for the hierarchy of pheromones. You aren't doing a great job of that."

Octavia giggled, "Well, I wasn't aware there were any other females on the beach. I must apologize Vinyl, your tomboy attitude and mannerisms never fail to trick me."

I gave Octavia a light push with my shoulder, "Hey, hey, just because I've got smaller boobs doesn't mean you can't appreciate them."

"Of 'course I do." Octavia said, poking my breasts with each word.

I rolled away, "Well fine, I think we have to have some competition then, yeah? To see who's the real woman here."

Octavia shimmied out of her clothes, throwing them near the pole of our umbrella, but stayed laying on the towel. I didn't mind much, because my daydreams had just become reality. Her round cheeks surrounded any fabric or string that was holding her bottom together, I knew that if I pulled them away from each other I would see her folds and other hole peeking out from a taught string. Her neck was wrapped in a string that was tied in a neat bow, all I had to do was pull it and the whole top would fall off, though another one wrapped around her back, but that wouldn't be a problem.

My thoughts were interrupted as Octavia called my name, "What was that?"

Octavia shook her head, obviously not too pleased with my reply, "I said, would you mind putting some sunscreen on me? I couldn't reach in some places, please do be thorough, a sunburn would be most inconvenient."

I gave her a sloppy salute, "Yes ma'am."

I quickly grabbed a bottle from the bag we'd brought and set to work, beginning with her neck. I caressed her shoulders and climbed to her thin neck, repeating it a few times not just to get the sunscreen evenly placed, but to pleasure her with a special message of sort.

"Oooh, keep going Scratch, that's great."

I rolled out her tense muscles, feeling as the rippled and moved while she shifted and relaxed. I moved down to her back, being careful not to be too rough with her shoulder blades. The pure white sunscreen occasionally dotted separate places and I rubbed them out thoroughly, enjoying the soft skin of my partner. Continuing to her bottom, I stopped at her waist, getting a slight speck of superiority when her back arched.

"You really know how to put sunscreen on. I may have to get you for some other odd jobs sometime, Vinyl." Octavia commented.

I grinned, "But of course."

My path of sunscreen finally arrived at her butt, I was particularly excited to take part in the endeavor. My hands acted much like a sculptor on a wheel, guiding the clay into whatever they wanted. I drew apart her cheeks, eliciting a cute squeak from her. I had been right about how only a string would have been there, and that's what greeted me; a black string for a black bikini. My thumbs ventured close to her asshole, not enough to actually get any sunscreen on it, but still quite close. I grasped handfuls of her butt, letting them fall a bit and jiggle.

"Hey! Get back to work." Octavia mumbled, a possible moan followed as I drew closer to her other hole.

I shrugged, mostly to myself, letting my hands glide down the slope that was her bottom to her thighs. They were well worked since Octavia liked to run in the morning, something that was a side thing for all the sitting she had to do. I wasn't complaining, the slim thighs she toted around were just right and I could have explored them all day. But alas, my hands finally reached her ankles and I was finished.

I rubbed was was left on my hands on various placed on my body, getting rid of it. "Alright Octy, that's it."

Octavia got up and crisscrossed her legs, facing me, "Thank you, Vinyl, that was most kind of you."

I smiled, "It was the least I could do." I grunted as I got up, taking a quick peek at her bikini while I did. It wasn't exactly what I had imagined, as two small black triangles greeted me, her outer areolae were popping out here and there outside the sides of the top. Another triangle covered her front, but just enough to keep her mound. I went over to our collection of stuff, picking out the bag that held our portable net.

Octavia raised an eyebrow, "What might that be?"

"Oh, this?" I lifted up the bag, "I figured I could set us up a volleyball net, that's what sexy women do on a beach right? With all the slow motion and boobage, yeah?"

"That is true, I suppose." Octavia followed me, passing by as I stopped to set the bag down, "I'll be over in the water, call me if you need me. I'll be looking at that adorable tush from afar."

I chuckled, "I hope it's up to par." Octavia was out of earshot by the time I had replied though, so I began the hopefully easy work of setting up the net. A good ten minutes later I was finished. The sun was still going full bore, and sweat had went from glistening on my skin to inconvenient. I made my way to the water, looking around for Octavia. I soon saw that she was floating, her mountainous bosom acted as a great reference to where she was located.

I wadded over, eventually diving silently beneath the water, luckily it was clear enough that I could see her outline and eventually the finer details of her body. I swam underneath her, carefully untying her top. Once the deed was done, I rose out of the water behind her, slipping my hands underneath the top and cupping her breasts.

"Oh!" Octavia moaned, pleasantly surprising me. I squeezed them, enjoying the plush-like softness that they gave, the amount of breast per hand was more than I could have hoped for if I had been doing my own. I wasn't complaining. After I began kneading them, Octavia finally broke away, blushing madly.

"V-Vinyl, that's quite enough. I think you've had your fun, yes?" She stuttered, still flustered from the endeavor, but not enough to not take the time to re-tie her bikini.

I pouted, "But you liked it, didn't you?"

"T-That's most certainly not the point. I-"

"Fine, fine," I interrupted, "How 'bout I even the playing field? Quite literally, actually."

Octavia took a moment to consider my offer, "I'm listening."

"Let's do a game of strip volleyball," I waved my arm over to the volleyball net on the beach, "Every point you untie a knot, so really each of us only have about three or four knots until we're in the nude. The winner gets...I don't know, whatever they want, money-wise within reason."

Octavia nodded, "That seems reasonable." A few seconds later we shook on it. That was how I wound up in a one versus one game of strip volleyball, dripping with a mix of sea water and sweat.

I lost the first point from distraction alone, Octavia's humongous breasts were the prime factor. I chose to untie one of the two knots on my leg, just to get the cumbersome nature of the fabric barely holding on over with. On the upside, the breeze felt great against my vagina and Octavia couldn't seem to take her eyes away from it.

"Never played a strip game before, Tavi?" I commented.

"How could you tell?" She replied, deadpan.

I won the next point with the same tactic I had fallen for, and Octavia chose the same root as I did, probably thinking to follow the more experienced player's ways. Her tan lines were evident thereafter, though it didn't surprise me that she hadn't tanned in her birthday suit. I made a mental note to convince her to do it with me the later in the vacation.

"One to one, keep it up Octy, don't fall behind."

Octavia blew out a breath, "Will do."

The continued battle for whomever could get the bottom off of the other person was tense and long, but in the end I won the point. Octavia slipped off her bottom, throwing it to the ground outside of bounds. She did a little dance, her lower half doing most of the movements and giving a seductive tone to it. It seemed to be very reminiscent of a belly dancer's actions, something I wouldn't complain about. Her rounded butt and shaved pussy (the pink waves of flesh begged for my mouth to play with them) were alone enough for me, anything else was a bonus.

I had the serve and did something a little risky; I did a jump serve, running fast and jumping at the boundery line, then spiking it over the net. For me, at least, it was risky because I could only do it every so often, as I didn't play volleyball too much. But it worked out, and the ball sailed right past Octavia's outstretched hand, into the sand below. She grumbled in annoyance, untying one of three knots left holding her top together.

The ball thwaped as it landed in my hand, "That would be three to one, you can give up now Tavi. I already have a request in mind."

Octavia cocked an eyebrow, "You really think I'd give up the chance to have you do whatever I want? Please Vinyl, I know you have a bit more common sense than that."

"Hey, hey, I'm just looking at what's in front of me." I grinned, "And there's a lot to look at."

Octavia blushed and waved her hands around, "I'm flattered. Now, lets get back to this game, shall we?"

I shrugged, "Whatever you say."

The next point was the hardest to earn yet, and it was the most times I had to dive. It was better than I expected, but the sand had a great hand in acting as a cushion for my cushions, per say. I wasn't too fond of it, but watching Octavia slowly untie her second to last knot made it all worth it. The only one left holding her top up letting it swing just a bit, hypnothzing me for a slit second. Her breasts held it in place quite well, sadly, so I only glimpsed her tan lines.

It only made me more determained to win, to get my fingers tracing and running along those lines.

"Game point." I said, throwing up the ball for hopefully the last time.

Octavia grinned, "Bring it on."

I served the ball, watching it sail over the net. Octavia began the battle by bumping it over, playing it safe. The ball made it to my half, not too far as I set it, letting the ball fall just over the net. She had been betting on that, however, and was there, diving for the ball. It flew up and over, turning slightly to my left, but not high enough for me to spike it. I hit it back over and the volleyball soared over the net, setting up Octavia to spike it. I ran up near the net and launched myself in the air and threw my hands up, hoping to block the ball. And I did.

As the ball thumped to the ground, I ducked under the net, going to Octavia, "Good game Octy, maybe tomorrow, eh?"

Octavia huffed and puffed, her chest barely holding the top of her bikini, "S-sure Vee, I'll be up for it sometime."

I noticed our sweat covered bodies, "How 'bout we take a dip in the water. I don't think anyone could do a favor, or wish, this sweaty."

Octavia shrugged, "I have no qualms with something of the sort."

As we walked to the water and waded through it, I noticed the way the water touched and flowed around my thighs and folds, liking the sool sensation. I made a note to try out skinny dipping at a later point at night, maybe something a little risky. Octavia glanced at me, obviously curious about something.

"What?" I asked, determined to get something out of her.

Octavia splashed a bit of water on me, "Mind telling me what your 'one thing' is that you want me to do."

I tapped my chin, "I guess we can play around in the water later."

I dove into the water and swam behind Octavia, slowly coming out of the water and untying the last bow of her bikini top, watching as it slid of her breasts and landed in the water.

"Vinyl!" Octavia squeaked, sighing as the top floated away, "I get that you're quite infatuated with my bosoms, but was that really necessary?"

I grinned and wrapped my arms around her, cupping my hands under her soft chest. "Hey, hey, I'm getting my wish right now."

Octavia pulled both of us in the water, slipping away from my grasp. I sputtered as I popped back up, a few feet away from her and facing a devious human being. She smiled at me, "Well, I guess you'll just have to get me first, yes?"

I didn't chase immediately, as I was too mesmerized in her breasts floating in mid air for a split second. It was a shock in a way, having what could best be described as a fantasy right in front of you. Sure, her cherry perfume had been overtaken by a mix of salt water and sweat, plus the tan lines I'd have to get her to work on. But I wasn't complaining, my tongue was ready to follow those tan lines like a to-be-completed fill in the dot drawing. After I got myself out of my trance, I swam after her.

I closed in on Octavia once we were back to wading through the water, and I took a bet that payed off; a lust induced Hail Mary, I dove. We splashed down in the water below, the water softening the landing by a considerable amount. The water lapped against our sides, I pushed myself up and put my arms on either side of her head, laughing all the while with her.

I checked her up and down, "You're beautiful, you know that, right?"

Octavia giggled, "I know I am, but what are you?"

I winced dramatically, "You wound me, I'm hot like a Playboy cutout on fire."

Octavia pecked my cheek, trailing down to my breasts, before I knew it my top was floating away. "Oh, ha, ha, very clever. But I still want my prize."

Octavia cocked an eyebrow, having stopped placing kisses, "And what, per say, is the prize?"


"Me? Why, I'm flattered."

I chuckled, "I'd say this is as good a time as any to claim it."

My lips collided with Octavia's, tasting hers with mine, and I was happy to find out they were like cherry. I didn't question why she had some secret affinity for cherry, it worked for me. There was no resistance, just competition, something Octavia was surprisingly good at giving. She never dated, always focused on practicing, so I never thought she would actually have been decent at mouth battles.

I pulled apart, "Hm, I bet you practice on ham."

Octavia looked thoroughly offended, but her facade couldn't hold up and she busted out laughing, "Y-You caught me, Vee. Octavia Philharmonica, resident ham molester."

"Let's see if you can live up to that title, or think of something better," I said, kissing her again, and again. Her tongue flicked my lip, asking politely for entrance, I gladly accepted. Our tongues snaked around each other, and I could feel her's tensing as she explored mine. Octavia's tastebuds provided an interesting texture, urging me to explore every inch of her tongue to win. We continued the endeavor for awhile, only taking breathers here and there, just focusing on each other and what we could do with each other's many holes (though it was only one specific hole currently).

I pulled back, letting myself splay out over Octavia and my hands wander her body on their own. Eventually staring into her purple orbs while I undid the bikini. "Not too bad, I'd have to say nine point five out of ten."

"Any reason for that half percent?" Octavia asked, her hands travelling down my side and to the garden of Eden (shrubbery not included).

"Not enough foreplay with your glorious tits."

A tingling sensation near my bottom sent a shiver down my spine. She'd begun her own as assault to overcome my amazing win with tongue skills. I countered by engaging her breasts, caressing them at first. Nothing too much, just following the natural curves that they provided, and then occasionally flicking her nipples. Though I enjoyed it way too much, I had to get the full course meal and experience, so I switched from my hands to my tongue, tasting the saltiness of them.

Octavia swore, moaning while I continued to suck on her breasts, the skin felt like silk, her individual goosebumps added a texture much like a strawberry. Her hands roamed around my back, searching for the way to undo my top. I slowed down, eventually pulling away after she moaned again.

"We'll have plenty of time to practice, don't worry." I smiled suggestively.

Octavia grinned back, using actions instead of words and sliding her hands along my cheeks and through my hair. She pulled me toward her, stopping once our noses touched. "Well now, I can't just deny practice."

I watched her eyes drift toward my smaller breasts, making me momentarily conscious about my assets. "H-Hey, not that I don't mind the admiration and all, but I don't think you'll get too much out of 'em."

Octavia cocked an eyebrow, "Let's put it this way, Scratch," She paused for effect. "If you walked around the apartment topless after this you wouldn't be able to walk on it because it would be so slippery from how wet I am and will forever be."

Before I could respond Octavia let her tongue travel along my breasts, only stopping to lick a nipple or position herself to get more tit per lick, if that was even a thing. I moaned, grasping her ass, "That's it Octy, ooh, keep it up."

I slid a hand toward her pussy, grinning once my fingers touched her flaps of skin. I dug my finger in, using the same technique that I had in myself just that morning. My now pruned fingers acted like a bumpy dildo, thrusting in and out to get a rise out of her. The occasional light bite on my breast would indicate when I brushed her G-spot. I searched for the perfect positioning until both of us moaned, Octavia's mouth clamping down on my neck and said action arousing me to cause me to moan. It seemed that I'd found what I was looking for. I began to guide Octavia toward the land, eager to taste her.

The waves were lapping at our thighs, teasing the undersides of our vaginas, once Octavia noticed I was taking us out of the sea. "Might I ask why we're going to the land?"

I shrugged, "I figured it was time that I explored you a bit more in depth, out of depth, if you get me. Ya know, enough foreplay, let's get those toys out and get down to it."

"Toys you say?" Octavia asked, obviously curious.

"Hey, hey, I can't use all the cards up my sleeves yet. We've still got another week here, so it's gotta wait till we get back inside."

Octavia pouted, entwining her hand in mine and walking us over the spot we'd set up just a bit before, "Really?"

"Really," I said, letting Octavia lay down on her blanket, opening her legs and splaying her juicy hole wide open for me, "But I think I'll be able to make up for it."

"You better," Octavia said gesturing for me to get down to business, quite literally.

I got down onto the sand, crawling the last bit to her and plunging into Octavia's crevasse. Our panting from all the physical exertion foreshadowed an easy climax for Octavia, and to be fair I swung my legs around her head, planting my butt in front of her face. A pink mound of skin and a mixture of salt water and Octavia's nectar greeted me. Taking the pleasant sensation that was coming from my pussy, I took her beginning as an approval to ravage her own.

I weaved my tongue in and out, trying to snake as far into her as I could and reach her G-spot once again. The taste hadn't been much of a change from the salty water that covered her body, begging me to clean in up. I took a moment to enjoy my time with Octavia's twitching hole, hoping to make her come soon so I could try out some toys that would aid in another climax. For research purposes obviously.

Sadly, it seemed my efforts needed some backup and so I began my plan B. Another hole of Octavia's looked to be a bit lonely, obviously wanting the hole in it's heart to be filled. I just so happened to have the best fit for it's problem. Inserting my index finger into Octavia's asshole I took immense pleasure from hearing her squeak in surprise. But no objection was voiced. I continued to alternate between finding how many fingers I could fit into her hole and how far I could get with my mouth in her other and vise versa, until a shout and a moan (a curse for good measure too) came out from Octavia.

"Scratch, I'm going to come!"

I'd been so focused on Octavia that I hadn't noticed that the same fate awaited me, "Well beautiful, it would seem that I'm heading toward a climax too."

"So, a tie it is then." Octavia's muffled response (she was busy at the moment with a certain someone's special place) came.

I yelled as I felt myself eject all the pent up juices I had, feeling my mouth fill with liquid from Octavia at the same time. I gulped down her fluids, sliding off onto the towel, panting heavily all the while. "Well, that was fun."

"What say we go another round, huh, Scratch? Preferably in a place with a bit more air conditioning?" Octavia asked, shifting around so her face was next to mind.

I pecked her lips, "Well, I guess we'll be practicing exploring each other by sex instead of practicing, yeah?"

Octavia grinned, "Oh, for sure."

I jumped up, feeling invigorated, "Then let's get to it!"