Exploring a Gemstone Mine

by Macro Zecora

First published

Rarity shrinks Spike down after mistaking him for a home intruder. She then decides to have some fun with the tiny dragon.

Rarity shrinks Spike down after mistaking him for a home intruder. She then decides to have some fun with the tiny dragon. Initially, Spike can't decide if he's aroused, terrified or both, but soon finds that this just might be what he's into.

Fetishes: Micro/Macro Unbirthing Implied Impregnation Body Worship

Exploring a Gemstone Mine

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Spike came home from the store with an armful of groceries. “Twilight?” He called out. His voice echoed throughout the castle, but there was no response. He seemed to have come home to an empty castle.

As Spike started emptying the groceries, he lamented his lack of success with Rarity. He was a fully grown dragon now, and the two were dating, but he had never gotten an opportunity to sleep with her. Why wasn’t she into him? All the stallions in town seemed to get all the mares. Was it because he was a dragon? All Rarity did was endlessly cock-tease him. He hadn’t even gotten to first base with her. There must have been some kinky shit that she was in to that she was afraid to share with him.

As he finished emptying the bags, he saw a note on the table. It was from Twilight, and read “Sorry I'm not home, Spike. The girls and I were called away to Canterlot on urgent business. Help yourself to whatever you want in the cupboards. We'll be back by Tuesday. Sincerely, Twilight Sparkle.” Spike was overjoyed. All of his friends were out of town, he could do whatever he felt like, and was accountable to no one.

Now was his chance to go over Rarity’s house so he could look through her personal belongings. If Rarity was indeed hiding some secret kink from him, he needed to find out what it was. He took a few deep breaths before skipping outside into the cool evening breeze.

As Spike wandered over to Rarity’s, he noticed the lights were all out, signifying no pony was home. The door was locked, but this was fine by him, because he knew that Rarity was in the habit of forgetting to lock her back window. He climbed in through the window and quietly sneaked through the storefront up to Rarity's bedroom. Spike looked under Rarity's bed. If she was going to hide any sort of fetish gear, it'd probably be there. After all, thats where he kept his pictures of Rarity. He spotted a shoebox under her bed and pulled it out. It was full of tiny plastic miniature ponies. "What are these?" Spiked scratched his head. "Is Rarity turned on by the prospect of lording over tiny ponies?"

Suddenly, Spike heard a noise from downstairs. “What the heck was that?” Spike gulped, quickly pushing the box back. He realized the noise was boutique’s front door opening and quickly rushed behind a curtain to hide, just as he heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

A familiar-looking white pony appeared instead. Spike gasped. It was Rarity! What was she doing here? She was supposed to be in Canterlot!

Rarity stretched her body out and plopped down on her bed. "Mmmm..." she purred happily. "Oh, Rarity... You naughty little thing..."

Spike's eyes widened. Rarity was already a very attractive mare, but seeing her squirming around on her bed made his member stiff with lust.

"Ditching Twilight's silly meeting with Celestia just so you could get some precious alone time?" Rarity panted. "For shame... But I just had to. It isn't every night Sweetie Belle spends the evening at Apple Bloom’s...” Rarity then proceeded to do what any horny, young person would do in a house they had all to themselves. She removed her clothes and started wandering around in her underwear. "And I absolutely need to be completely alone for this..."

“Whoa!” Spike thought as Rarity floated over to the mirror and started gyrating her sexy body in front of it. “What a view!” But Rarity wasn’t finished. She unclasped her purple, silk bra revealing her large, curvaceous breast. “Oh, Sweet Celestia!” Spike thought as he peeked out from the curtain. Rarity’s long, purple hair brushed down her incredibly figure. She stood directly next to the mirror and started grinding her hips against it.

Spike’s jaw dropped as the sultry mare fluffed her hair and struck pose after erection-inducing pose. His thirsty eyes drank in her full, magnificent breasts, her slim waist, her flat stomach, the lovely curve of her ass. She was the sexiest creature he had ever seen, and here she was, almost completely nude and playing it up for all she was worth in front of a full length mirror!

As Spike stared, he started to lose control of his body. He'd had similar reactions to seeing Rarity before, and he thought he had gotten over it, but seeing her like this... he was almost physically incapacitated as he watched the sultry mare engaging in her erotic dance. Spike was absolutely spellbound.

Rarity continued dancing before the mirror, ogling herself. "Oh, Rarity..." She continued to talk to herself. "You're perfect. Absolutely perfect! My breasts, my ass, my waist. All flawless. All the height of perfection. What other mare in town even comes close to having this great of a figure?" She loved to wriggle and pose for herself in front of the mirror, pretending she was being fawned over by millions of her adoring fans. Unknown to her, she had at least one, watching from the sidelines.

Rarity loved her sexuality and took every opportunity she had to experiment with it. When she first went into puberty she was able to see the effect on the foals in her classes. After several years of ever-increasing hormones, she had learned to wield her amazing body like a deadly sexual weapon. Rarity chuckled as she thought of Cheerilee giving her a ‘talk’ during her senior year. She told Rarity she was ‘more developed than the other mares’ and to ‘please dress appropriately, as to not distract her classmates.’ Despite her unique dress code, her sexuality was still a massive distraction. Stallion test scores were down ten points that semester, something that Rarity took credit for, and was quite proud of it.

Evenings when Sweetie and her friends were out were her special ‘me’ time. It was when she could let her hair down, wander around nude, and bask in her sexual desires. Rarity did in fact have a particular kink that made her wetter than anything else, but she didn't dare share it with any of her friends, due to how embarrassing it was, but when she was alone...

Rarity levitated over an apple. “Now for the warm up...” She closed her eyes and focused a spell on the apple.

Spike gasped in surprise as the apple grew almost ten times in size, resembling a large, red pumpkin. Rarity seemed to have an innate affinity for this type of magic. Rarity grinned. She knew the spell could be used for growing things besides apples. She was already perfect, so the only way for her to be better was for there to be even more of that perfection. She focused the spell on her already gigantic mammaries.

Rarity moaned with pleasure as she felt her breasts enlarging. Her breasts felt like a pair of massive balloons being filled with milk. She started rolling around on the floor as her breasts swelled to close to the size of her head. Rarity panted with pleasure as her breasts swayed undulantly. "Oh, Celestia. Oooohhh." She moaned.

Spike’s nose started bleeping as he stared at the moaning mare’s impossibly large breasts. His cock throbbed with lust as he watched Rarity crawl across the floor, her giant boobs dragging against the floor as she did. Spike could control himself no longer. His hand found its way inside his shorts and he started masturbating as quietly as he could. She was sexier in the flesh than he had ever imagined in his dreams.

"Unf!" Rarity moaned as she continued using her magic to augment various parts of her body. More height, thicker hips, a more pronounced plot. "Mmmmm! It feels good when I grow..." She panted, letting a small amount of drool roll down her flawless skin. "But I'd better make sure I can still cast the counter-spell. I definitely don't to have to explain Sweetie why I now have breasts the size of bowling balls." She focused her magic at the apple again, and it shrunk back down to its original size. "Good..." said Rarity. She fired the spell at one of her spare mannequins, which shrank down to the size of a mouse.

As the fiberglass pony shrunk, Rarity noticed a slight movement and smacking noise coming from behind the curtain. She gasped and instinctively fired a spell into the curtains, which shrunk down to only a tenth of their original size. She stomped over towards the shrunken figure trapped in the curtain “Who’s there? Who are you? A thief? What are you doing in my house?” she gasped.

Spike froze. “Shit!” he thought. For froze for a second to consider his options. If he turned and ran, she would catch him instantly. His six inch body would never be able to outrun her massive body. On the other hand, if he stayed he might be able to convince her to forgive him for spying on her. After all, they were dating.

Rarity quickly strode across the room and loomed over the shrunken curtain. Now over her initial surprise, she was fuming mad. She lowered her massive face to the curtain. “Who are you? Step out of that curtain right now!”

Spike timidly walked out of the shrunken fabric, shocked to see how massive the colossal mare was compared to his tiny form “I-I'm sorry, Rarity. I couldn’t help myself...” His eyes gazed up at her skimpy lingerie, which stood almost at eye level as his giant lover crouched over him.

“Spike?” She looked at him. “What are you doing here?”

“Err, yeah, that's me. Look, I ...” he tried to explain.

“You little pervert!” She loomed over his tiny form. “How long have you been standing there? Did you see everything?”

“I’m really sorry. I snuck in to see if I could find out what sort of stuff you were into. I just wanted to be in and out, but you came in, so I hid, and they you started…” Spike held his tongue as Rarity glared down at him. “Look, it an honest mistake, OK?”

“You bet your flank it was a mistake!” she shouted, reaching down to pick up miniature dragon by his waist, she raised him to eye level. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn't turn your tiny butt in to Twilight!”

Spike stared up at her massive angry face. Spike was really worried. She could crush his tiny body with a single squeeze of her gigantic hand. “Look, please, just calm down, let me explain.” he begged.

She set him down on her dresser and towered over him with her hands on her hips. “Okay, Spike. I'd like to hear your excuse."

Spike sighed. "I just wanted..." he mumbled, failing to answer.

Rarity leaned forward "What was that?" she asked

Spike just sat there as he stared at the colossal breasts bouncing before him. Despite the fact that Rarity’s glowering face was glaring down at him, he still couldn’t get over just how attractive she was. He found it completely impossible to take his eyes away from her, although he desperately needed to concentrate on the situation. Spike decided to throw himself on her mercy. “I-I’m sorry.” Spike gulped. “Y-you're right. There's really no excuse for me breaking into your house, let alone spying on you when you thought you were alone. You’re very attractive, I wanted to be with you. I couldn't help myself, and I'm sorry.” He paused, “I'd do anything to make it up to you.”

“Anything?” Rarity grinned, raising her eyebrows and crossing her arms in front of her shapely breasts.

“Y-y-yes…” Spike gulped. Wondering what he had he just gotten himself into.

“Okay." Rarity grinned.

"W-what did you have in mind?" asked Spike. "Watering your plants for a month?"

"No." Rarity purred. "I was thinking something a little more intimate. That's why you broke in here in the first place, wasn't it?"

Spike quietly nodded.

"I love being in control of guys.” Rarity gently stroked his chin. “Normally I use my ‘feminine charm’ to get what I want. But the idea of being able to completely dominate someone like they were an object... Mmmm. Well, this is a little fantasy of mine…”

Spike worried slightly at the sudden change in Rarity’s attitude. What was she going to do to him?

“Alright, Spikey.” she grinned “You let me have my way with you, and I’ll keep quiet about this whole incident.”

“W-what?” Spike exclaimed. “You want to use me as a sex toy!?”

“You heard me. I want to dominate you. To let me do whatever I want with you. To make you my little slave.” she tapped his tiny chest with her massive finger. “Unless you want me to let everypony know what a sleazy perv you are.”

“Oh shit!” Spike gulped.

“Well?” Rarity smiled at him.

“B-but you’re absolutely huge!” Spike fell backwards. “You’ll crush me!”

“Hey, I haven’t been taking magic lessons for nothing.” She looked a little insulted. “I know a wide variety of spells I can use to keep you safe. After all, I wouldn't want my favorite toy breaking on me.”

Spike gulped. It wasn’t like he could really say no. Twilight would be furious if she knew he had broken into Rarity's house. Besides, Rarity could do whatever she wanted to him regardless of whether he gave consent or not. He was completely helpless before her. He slowly backed away from the giant mare.

“Well?” Rarity smiled down at Spike.

“Alright…” Spike conceded. “But be careful please…”

“Aw, I’m not gonna hurtcha. Come here, Spikey.” Rarity reached towards Spike. He held his tiny arms over his head, desperately trying to shield himself from her advancing hand. But it was a futile defense, she effortlessly lifted him into the air.

Spike let out a terrified yelp, but calmed himself when he saw her huge pendulous breasts before him. She leaned forward to kiss his little face, her luscious lips rounded in a huge O-shape. “Ohhh, Spike!” She moaned, “You have no idea how much pleasure your going to bring me!”

The effect on little Spike was paralyzing. Her giant lips and huge breasts seemed to completely fill his view! He gasped for breath as Rarity released him from her kiss. Only for her to nestle him safely in between her gigantic, perfect boobs. Spike was frozen stiff by a combination of awe, lust and the pressure of the giant mare’s enormous breasts. He wasn’t at risk of being crushed, as her breasts were soft, like a pair of oversized pillows, but his tiny body was completely pinned. It was also extremely hot, causing his body to become slick with a mix of both Rarity’s and his own sweat.

"I've been doing this with artificial constructs for quite a while." Rarity pushed him further between her breasts. "But to be able to have my way with a living, thinking being... Mmmmm, it's intoxicating!"

Spike twisted and squirmed, but was hopelessly trapped in her undulating bosom. "Ungh! I'm glad your enjoying this..." He grunted.

“Aw! What’s the matter, Spike?" Rarity teased. “Do you want out?”

“I’m not exactly sure…” Spike gulped. He was somewhere between terrified and aroused. “They’re really soft, and nice, and warm. And it is a long way down… I think it'd be best if I just stayed here.”

“Well now, Spike.” Rarity smiled down at the defenseless little dragon nestled between her breasts. “If you just stay there, you won't have an opportunity to explore the rest of my amazing body! So what do you say we shake things up?" She started massaging her enormous orbs.

Spike shouted in protest the huge mare’s breasts threatened to crush or drop him. His tiny claws were able to pull him free from the crushing pressure of boobs. But he couldn’t keep his balance on the slick surface of her sweaty breast flesh. Spike slid forward, and only managed to avoid falling by grabbing onto Rarity's left nipple. He could feel her tit growing slick with sweat and milk as she became more and more turned on.

“Rarity!” Spike cried “I’m going to fall!”

“MMMmmm.” Rarity ignored him. She continued feeling her right breast with her hands as Spike dangled helplessly on its sister.

“Rarity!” He cried as his grip failed and he plummeted towards the floor. But just before he was turned into dragon paste, he felt a powerful magical aura catch him inches from the floor.

Rarity dangled the miniature dragon before her eyes and gave grin. “You didn’t think I was going to let you die, did you?"

“Y-yeah…” Spike gulped. Despite how afraid he was, he had to admit, he was really turned on. Nothing like being smothered by a pair of gigantic breast and almost dying to get the blood pumping.

“I wouldn’t be able to have any fun with you died!” Rarity teased. She gently set Spike down on the carpeting and loomed over him with her entire body. “What do you think, Spike?” She ran her hand down her perfect body. “Impressive isn’t it?” She asked.

“It sure is.” Spike said without a hint of sarcasm.

“Do you think it would be more impressive if there was more of it?” Rarity shot him a sultry look.

Spike gulped. He didn’t know what to say. Rarity’s enormous, flawless body hovering above him was seriously making him consider his options. But she was already absolutely massive. She was an easy seven feet tall, and Spike was barely six inches. Honestly, Spike was afraid to see he become any bigger, but he was afraid of giving his real thoughts on the subject. “I-I don’t know.” Was all he managed to sputter out.

“Well then maybe you just need a closer look at it.” Rarity giggled as she crouched down and sat on him. Spike raised his arms, as if they would protect him from her enormous weight. Spike opened his eyes to see that Rarity had stopped just an inch away from crushing him, his face filled with a wonderful view of her silk-covered crotch.

Spike’s eyes widened as he felt her pungent musk wash over him. Damn, she was horny. Her pussy was simply glistening with pre. He put a hand up and gently brushed against her lingerie. Then he felt it get farther away. Was Rarity standing up? No. She was growing! Spike gasped as her already titanic body grew to twelve feet, causing his relative body size to halve. Her tight g-string couldn't contain her expanding girth, it exploded into a mess of ruined fabric, leaving Rarity's oozing pussy fully exposed to Spike.

Rarity raised an eyebrow at the shrunken dragon. “Oooo!” she smiled. “It looks like you like what you see.” Rarity grinned down Spike. Her body tingled with joy as she teased Spike with her sexuality. She was absolutely filled deviant glee. The feeling of power she got from toying with Spike was orgasm-inducing. This had always been a secret fantasy of her, and now she was utterly dominating Spike with her pussy. She was getting turned on like never before! Her pussy simply ached with pleasure. She slowly levitated Spike towards his quivering marehood.

“Stop it!” Spike pleaded. “Please let me go!

Rarity broke out of her trance and lifted him up to her muzzle with her magic. “Do you really want to be let go?” she asked with a slight hint of concern. “Or are you just role-playing?”

“Huh?” asked Spike.

“Look at you.” Rarity gestured towards his tiny erection. “You seem to be enjoying this almost as much as I am. I assumed you were into this.”

Now that Spike thought about it, he was really having a good time. Sure, he was afraid, but the fear seemed to really turn him on. Who would have thought that being dominated by a mare over one-hundred times his size would be what he got off to?

“I don’t want keep doing this if you’re really afraid.” Rarity frowned. “If you want me to stop, just say so now, and I’ll let you go.”

“But what about telling Twilight that I-” Spike started.

Rarity held up her hand. “My lips are sealed.” She smiled.

“Thanks.” Spike blushed. "But I'd do anything to make you happy... Even if you do have quite the, um, unorthodox kink."

“So what’s it going to be?” Rarity set him down on her muzzle, her bright, blue eyes staring directly at him. “Do you want to stay or go?”

Spike thought for a moment. He hadn’t felt this turned on his entire life. He imagined himself being inside Rarity, her sweet juices completely smothering him. He just couldn't say no. “Yes…” Spike panted “You can keep going if you want…”

“Really!?” Rarity beamed.

“Yes.” Spike said a lot more confidently this time. “But I’m setting a code word. If I say ‘potato’, for whatever reason, I want you to stop, okay?”

Rarity grinned at him facetiously “You’re not in a position to demand anything from me, insect!” She said in a tone that made it clear to Spike she was role-playing.

Spike smiled and got back into character. “No... Y-you can't do this to me!” He yelled, trying to suppress his mediocre acting.

“Oh can't I?” Rarity ran her finger across his tiny body. “Because to me, it looks like I can do anything I want with you!” she chuckled. “Now let me see… What am I going to do with you?” She placed her hand over Spike, pinning him against the dresser.

“R-Rarity please!” Spike chuckled. “All of this? Just for spying on you? I-I think that’s enough.”

Rarity grinned “Enough? Oh, my delusional little Spike. I’m just getting started!” She giggled as she leaned forward, lowering her massive face until her chin was flat on the tabletop, sitting on her crossed hands. “Now let’s get those little rags off of you.” she grinned as her huge blue eyes looked at Spike excitedly.

“W-what?” stammered Spike.

“Don’t be coy.” she teased, slowly rubbing his tiny crotch with a huge Finger, “You got to see me naked. Now it's my turn!”

“N-no! Please!” Spike moaned as she stroked him. “It’s not looking very impressive right now.”

"Well, I guess if you’re too pathetic to even undress yourself, I guess I'll just have to do it for you!” She plucked the tiny dragon up with her magic.

“No wait!” Spike screamed “Just give me a chance!” But it was too late. Her magic tore his clothes right off of his tiny body, revealing his half-inch long boner.

“Oh wow, you weren’t kidding!” Rarity teased, poking his tiny cock with her finger. “This is really pathetic.”

“It’s a lot bigger when I’m fully sized…” Spike huffed.

“Maybe when you’re fully sized. But your mine now.” Rarity set the miniature naked dragon on her dresser. “Even still, you’ve got a cute, little bod. Why don’t you show it off to me?”

Spike did as he was told and started flexing his lean muscles. Rarity slowly drank in his smooth, scaled hairless body.

"That's a nice little tush you've got!” Rarity smiled and poked his little rear, making Spike squeak and jump away.

“Thanks…” Spike blushed. As he stood up, he looked Rarity’s massive body in absolute awe. Damn! He spread out his arms and allowed Rarity to pick him up. Who would have thought this would have been his kink as well? He was absolutely helpless before her, and he loved every second of it. He willingly surrendered himself to the mercy of the sensual giant.

The sultry mare brought her hand down over his body, pinning him down by gently placing her pinky down on his chest. She could dominate him with just her little finger. Even the size of his body was under her control. She had completely subjugated him. “Oh, Rarity…” Spike moaned “Even Princess Celestia doesn’t have a body like yours.”

“That’s very sweet of you to say, Spike.” Rarity held him up to her lips and kissed him, covering his face with saliva. “Maybe I should give you a little reward.”

Rarity extended her tongue and slowly ran it across Spike’s tiny body. Her warm breath washed over him. She continued licking him with her massive tongue, making sure to place a particular amount of care into his sensitive member.

“MMmm…” Spike purred. “That feels really good, Rarity.”

“Ah gud slav deserth a rewad.” Rarity said as she continued licking him.

“Mmmm. Oh yeah, that quite the reward…” Spike moaned. He was amazed how into this he was. Being a few inches tall wasn’t reassuring, but the way her giant tongue stroked his body made it all worthwhile.

Rarity moved her attention from Spike’s front to his back. She flipped the tiny dragon over and started licking his sensitive rear, pushing into his sensitive areas and swirling her silky tongue around in his tight anus. Spike gasped from the pleasure, his body became warm with heat. Spike was starting to really relax, when he felt himself being slurped into Rarity’s mouth, coating him in a layer of drool. She slid her nimble tongue underneath him and released her magic, leaving Spike dangling half-inside of her mouth. While Spike appreciated the stimulation her powerful lips were giving him, he was a little concerned about being this close to her esophagus. “Uh, Rarity?” Spike chuckled nervously as he found himself up to his neck inside Rarity’s mouth. “What are you doing?” Spike gasped as Rarity fully slurped him inside her mouth and slowly closed her teeth, leaving Spike completely trapped in her slimy maw.

Rarity started to gradually slide her tongue backwards. Spike tasted absolutely delicious, the taste of his sweet pre mixing with his terrified sweat filled her mouth.

“Ah!” Spike gasped, squeezing his eyes shut. “Rarity? That’s enough, okay? Potato! Potato!” But Rarity couldn’t hear him. His shouts were muffled inside her throught. Rarity continued to gulp Spike down. He could only gasp as he felt his body be caught by her powerful esophagus muscles, which clenched snugly against his raging penis.

“Rarityeee!” The eyes in Spike’s head rolled back as his orgasm came to a climax. A spurt of thick, sticky cum burst out of his tiny cock and onto the muscular walls sucking him down into Rarity's insides. Spike could feel Rarity’s heartbeat pounding as he slid closer and closer to her gurgling stomach. Spike closed his eyes and accepted his fate. The sudden burst of pleasure had lulled him into a sort of submissive trance. His body was in absolute bliss. He wanted to ask Rarity to swallow him again. Assuming he lived that long…

Spike felt Rarity’s magic forming around him, completely surrounding him. A blinding flash filled his vision as he was teleported out of her insides just before he plopped into her churning stomach. When he opened his eyes he found himself lying in Rarity’s belly button. He sighed in bliss and looked up at the moaning mare. “Thank you, Rarity…” he smiled. “I was a little worried that you were going to really eat me for a second.” He stood up to look at her, barely able to see her eyes over her mountain-sized breasts.

"Of course not, Spikey." Rarity smiled back at the tiny figure in her belly-button. She shook her head in amusement. "There are much more interesting places for me to put you than my stomach."

“I think I know what you have in mind…” Spike grinned.

Rarity inserted a finger into her mouth and coated it with a layer of saliva. She gently touched the tiny dragon and picked him up with her drool. Her face lit up with a bright smile as her giant eyes looked down on her tiny captive. “Are you- Are you ready?” she said breathlessly.

Spike gulped and thought about what he was going to do. He was going to have Rarity insert him into her pussy! He didn’t know if he’d be coming out once he went in. But it didn't matter. It'd all be worth it in order for him to please his giant marefreind. Spike would gladly die for her pleasure if he had to. He concentrated on his feelings of utter meaninglessness. He was completely powerlessness to her. He lived only to serve her. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath, feeling a wave of bravery sweep over him. “Put me inside of you…”

Rarity brought Spike down to her moist opening. Her sensitive pussy lips were wet with anticipation, Spike didn’t even try to resist as he was pushed against them. He completely embraced the flawless folds of her marehood. Spike grabbed onto her massive clitoris, which was almost the same size as him, and started rubbing Rarity’s sensitive organ.

Rarity moaned with pleasure as his tiny massages tickled her cherry. He wasn't nearly as stimulating a a real, meaty cock, but the mental factor alone caused Rarity's lust to overtake her, and she started rubbing him against her clit with her shaky magic. "Mmmm, Spike..." she moaned "You're so small. I-I want you inside of me."

Spike's was completely covered in Rarity's juices, as her vagina began to loosen up. "Then do it." Spike shuddered. "Put me inside of you!" Rarity slowly started to push Spike's head into her hungry pussy. Rarity gasped with joy as Spike completely disappeared inside her sex.

Spike flailed around, disoriented by the squeezing tightness around him “This is paradise…” He exclaimed.

Rarity just moaned as Spike climbed further inside of her. Heat flared up inside her as her powerful muscles squeezed Spike the rest of the way in. Rarity reveled in the bliss of swallowing Spike with her pussy. She started shaking with ecstasy as she felt Spike squirming around inside her. The adorable tickles caused by his helpless flailing made her squeeze her thighs together.

Spike struggled to even stand. Rarity's insides were flooded with her juices. He could feel himself sweating heavily under the layer of saliva and marecum as the tunnel gurgled around him. The fleshy walls surrounding him suddenly squeezed down, pushing him further inside. Everything squeezed down tighter around him, a rippling moan vibrated through the vaginal walls. Suddenly Spike's body glowed blue with Rarity’s magic. “No!” He cried. “Don’t teleport me out! I want to go deeper! I want to go all the way in!”

Then it hit Spike, Rarity wasn’t teleporting him, she was shrinking him! Spike was far too small to pleasure her, but given how much her pussy was quivering, there wasn’t much more he needed to do. He continued to climb deeper and deeper inside of her. Spike quite horny as well, but was able to contain his discharge. He had to stave off his release, at least until he made it to Rarity’s womb.

Spike continued down Rarity's slick tunnel as her body shook with pleasure. More and more, thick marecum oozed out of her walls with each quake. The cum completely covered his body, to the point where he was effectively swimming in it. But at last, Spike saw his target, her ovary.

Spike wrapped himself around one of Rarity’s eggs and started rubbing himself against it. He was being thrown around even more roughly, as Rarity’s body spasmed uncontrollably. Spike started slamming his dragonhood into Rarity’s flawless eggs with more and more ferocity after each thrust. Suddenly the walls tightened, clenching around him, squeezing his body against the eggs.

The two orgasmed simultaneously. Spike discharged a massive burst of dragon seed all over Rarity's eggs just as a tsunami of marecum slammed into the tiny dragon, squishing him all the way through Rarity's tightened tunnel out of her slit. Spike oozed out onto Rarity’s bedsheets and gasped. He couldn’t believe how tiny he was compared to Rarity. He stood at around one-hundredth of an inch and was nothing but a tiny purple speck in a lake of Rarity’s cum.

Rarity lay backwards, moaning like a whale, drooling all over herself and generally basking in the afterglow of her orgasm.

Spike swam to the edge to the edge of the sticky lake. He was completely soaked with Rarity’s heavenly juices. The smell of Rarity's sex completely dominated his nostrils. Spike just watched intently as he watched Rarity wind down from fingering herself.

The colossal mare sat up, “Spike?” Rarity leaned forward. "Spike?! Are you alright?"

“I’m here!” Spike squeaked, sounding like a buzzing fly.

Rarity’s magic plucked the tiny dragon up and held him up to her muzzle. Even Rarity seemed surprised by just how tiny Spike had become. He was almost small enough to stand on the tip of a pen. Rarity blushed. "I think I might of overdone it..."

"Yeah." Spike laughed. "Maybe a little."

Rarity focused her magic on Spike and brought him back to his original height. She then gave him a tight hug, despite him still being sopping wet with her juices. “Thank you, Spike…” Rarity moaned. “I had a wonderful time.”

Spike scraped a layer of marecum off of himself. “Me too.” He smiled. "But maybe next time I could stay at my normal height?"

"Whats wrong?" Rarity looked at him in concern. "Didn't you have fun?"

"Yeah, I did. It felt good. Really good. I don't even know why you felt the need to keep it a secret. Your magics incredible." Spike assured her.

"Then what's the problem, Spike?" asked Rarity.

"I just want you to see how I am when I'm packing my all-natural, seven-inch dragon dick, rather than something you can only see under a microscope." Spike grinned.

"Okay..." said Rarity.

"Thanks." Spike smiled “Do you mind if I use your shower, by the way? I don't want to do round two all covered up in your juices. Besides my boys need a chance to recharge.”

“Mmmm. No. Go ahead.” Rarity lay down on her bed. "I'll be ready when you're done."

Spike stepped out of the cascade of warm water and walked out to the bedroom. To his surprise, Rarity wasn't there. "Rarity?" he called.

Suddenly, he heard a massive crash outside. He quickly ran to the door and saw a massive upside-down blue eyeball looking into the door. Rarity was outside, and she was one-hundred feet tall. Her enormous body was slowly grinding against the boutique. Dozens of ponies who had been roused from their sleep just stared at the enormous pony.

"R-Rarity?" Spiked gazed in awe up at the giantess.

"I heard what you said, Spike. No shrinking you this time." Rarity grinned.

Spike just just speechless.

"So?" Rarity chuckled. "You ready for round two?"