How To Discipline Your Dragon

by Mr101

First published

Dusk Shine comes up with a slightly unconventional way to punish Barb after she and Rainbow Blitz are caught trying to raid Applejack's cider stash. However, the results are far from what he was expecting.

After Barb is caught by Applejack, along with Rainbow Blitz, attempting to raid his cider stash. Dusk Shine promises Applejack that he’ll sort out a suitable punishment for his dragoness ward.

Choosing a slightly unconventional way to do it, he finds that the results were far from what he had been expected.

Anthro clopfic. Cover art by myself, the full version can be found in my DeviantArt gallery here.

Thanks to the amazing and sexy SweetCelestiaWhy for the help! Spanking fetish, dragon on pone action, gender-swapped characters.

Unexpected Results

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How To Discipline Your Dragon

Dusk grunted as he put down the large cardboard box, popping his back out as he sighed softly and yawned while his horns glowing aura diminished. He put his hands on his hips and surveyed his surroundings with an ecstatic grin. On the library floor were dozens of cardboard boxes, all containing new books he had ordered to replace several that accidentally got… misplaced during one of his spell tests.

“It would be a lot easier lifting these if Barb was here… wonder where she’s got to?” Dusk said aloud as he glanced around the room, scratching his forehead..

He looked over the boxes slowly again before the he glanced at his wrist. The small electronic watch beeped, indicating it was now ten in the morning. Dusk took a deep breath and exhaled after a brief pause, clapping his hands together before rubbing them as he looked at the boxes with a determined expression.

“Right, let's see if I can beat that three hour record of adding these new books to the library!” Dusk proclaimed to no one in particular.

With a quick motion, Dusk rolled the sleeves of his purple hoodie up and popped on his glasses, his horn flaring up with its magic as one by one the books in the box came out into a neat line, floating in the air as he read the titles.

“Okay, you belong in anatomy… history… fiction…” he mumbled as he sent books flying in all manner of directions to their correct shelves.

He was about halfway through the box when a loud bang startled him, causing him to lose focus. His magic cancelled out, dropping the books to the floor with a clatter. Dusk had just turned around and catch a glimpse of his ward and best friend, Barb, run past him into the kitchen.

“B-Barb?” He asked, confused. “Where the dickens have you been? We were supposed to—”

The front door banged loudly and a familiar and angry voice came from behind it.

“Consarn it, Barb! You get your scaly ass back out here right now!” Applejack shouted.

“Barb?” Dusk asked, looking back towards the kitchen as she poked her head out.

“I’m not here!” She hissed loudly before ducked back in the kitchen.

Dusk blinked before he made his way to the front door, the banging getting louder as Applejack kept pounding away at the wooden frame. Turning the handle, Dusk opened it to be greeted by Applejack’s snarling face.

“Please don’t break my door, Applejack. I just had it repainted,” Dusk said, pushing his glasses up his snout, “Whatever is the matter, is everything okay?”

“Hey, Dusk. ” Applejack sighed, “Sorry about losing my temper like that, ah was trying to catch Barb, but seeing as you’re here, it be better if ah told you now.”

“Tell me what? What’s she done?” Dusk asked, though he already had a suspicion of what had happened.

“Ah was trying to get my chores done, and I hear a crash coming from my cider barn. When ah'd got there, Barb and that darn featherbrain Blitz were running away!” Applejack replied. “The two morons had tried to take some of our cider again!”

Dusk winced a little as Applejack shouted at him.

“Ah tell you, Dusk, Ah am sick and tired of those two doing this!” Applejack yelled before he pinched the bridge of his snout. “Ah swear, if Ah catch them one more time…”

Dusk put his hands up defensively and nervously smiled, “I-I understand, Applejack. It won’t happen again, I’ll make sure of it.”

“See that you do, please. Grampy Smith’s already threatened to get his ol’ pitchfork if those two try it again,” Applejack replied.

“She won’t and they won’t! No need for pitchforks! She’s very sorry!” Dusk said, waving his arms as his friend raised his brow.

“Ah’m sorry for getting so up in your face, Dusk.” Applejack sighed, “Ah’m just stressed out and they ain’t helping.”

“It’s understandable, I know she’s really sorry. Don’t worry, I will take care of it.” Dusk replied.

Applejack nodded before he tipped his hat and turned to head back into town, leaving Dusk standing in the doorway of the library. He sighed heavily as he slowly closed the door and leaned his back against it. This wasn’t the first time she had done this, but Barb had never been in trouble before, at least not to this level. Normally, she would only get into trouble if she and Blitz had been carrying out a series of pranks on the townsfolk.

However, ever since Barb had turned twenty one, she and Blitz had been seeing how far they could get away with their activities. Over the past few months, the two had been bothering the hell out of Applejack. Having already tried to steal cider from him, they had carried out several pranks that would under any other normal circumstances driven a pony mad.

“That Blitz… I swear he’s a bad influence,” Dusk sighed as he rubbed his face.

“Is he gone?” Barb asked, peeking her head out from the kitchen.

“Yes, Barb. Why did you and Blitz do this? I mean, you’re twenty one and he’s twenty seven and you’re acting like teenage hoodlums!” Dusk said, his hands on his hips.

“Oh, Applejack worries too much.” Barb said with a roll of her eyes, “Besides, have you seen how much cider he has? He could keep the Canterlot population stocked for years and then some! It was Blitz’s idea anyway, I just got caught up in the moment!”

“That’s not the point, it’s stealing!” Dusk shouted at her before he let out a heavy sigh and looked at her disappointedly.” Come on, Barb. You’re better than this…” Dusk replied.

Barb opened her mouth but stopped when she saw his expression and immediately felt a twinge of guilt. She let out a sigh and rubbed her arm, “Yeah, you’re right. It was dumb… I’ll go apologize to Applejack in person tomorrow when he’s cooled down a bit.”

Dusk looked at Barb and crossed his arms. He could tell she was being sincere from her eyes and facial expression, seeing it before during their time growing up, and truthfully he would have been happy with that acceptance of her wrong doing, but he had given Applejack his word. Even though he and Barb had a relationship akin to a brother and sister, he was still her legal guardian, seeing as he had hatched her, and he knew he did have to punish her in some way.

“Well, that’s a start. However, what you did was did was wrong, and we need to correct that. To start with, you’re grounded. Go to your room whilst I think of a punishment for you.” Dusk said, crossing his arms as he glared at her sternly.

Barb let out an exaggerated groan before she stomped her way across the room and up the stairs. Dusk watched her go and he kept his stern gaze on her until he heard the door to her room slam shut and he scratched his head.

“Geez. What am I going to do,” he grumbled. “Grounding her isn’t going to satisfy Applejack.”

Dusk wandered over to the part of the library where the books were kept as his thoughts began to run away from him . He began picking up books and slowly levitate them to their correct shelf locations while he racked his brain for a suitable form of punishment. Normally, he’d just end up grounding her, but that was when she was still a teenager, and he wasn’t sure if grounding her now would actually work; nor did he think that grounding alone was a suitable punishment for this level of trouble.

He rubbed his head as he remembered the last time he had to properly punish Barb. She had just turned eighteen and had gotten very drunk at the local club. In her inebriated state, she had offered a quick rut in the alley behind the club to one of the local guards, Iron Clad. Despite the stallion being happily married for ten years. Even then, Dusk had difficulty finding a suitable punishment and in the end just grounded her for a week, took away her comics and special gems and made her write a formal letter of apology to Iron Clad. He accepted the apology but told Dusk he would be keeping an eye on Barb in the future.

It had seemed it worked, and Barb had been relatively good up until her twenty first birthday a few months ago when she had found out Elusive was seeing a mare in Canterlot. Since then, she had been surprisingly close friends with Rainbow Blitz and had started hanging out with him much more than before. From that moment on, they got into all sorts of trouble with their friends and the town in general. They did only simple pranks, but Dusk had felt it was starting to reach a boiling point.

“How am I going to drill the message into her head?” He pondered to himself.

Continuing with his work till the box was empty and placed on the shelves, he made his way to the kitchen in order to make himself a cup of tea. He leaned on the counter and drummed his fingers as he watched the kettle slowly come to a boil. When he got a cup out of the cupboard, he dropped it when a booming sound came from above him. The muffled sounds of heavy techno filled the kitchen and Dusk sighed as his horn lit up and the mug began to reform back to normal.

“This is going to be hard,” He mumbled to himself.

As he poured the hot water into his mug, he continued to drum his fingers on the counter, letting his magic sort out the tea bag, milk and sugar as he let his thoughts run over one another in an attempt to find a solution to his dilemma. He made his way into the main room of the library again, sipping at his tea when he suddenly stopped as an idea came to his mind.

“Maybe… maybe that could work? It’s… a little unconventional given her age…” he murmured before grinning excitedly, “But it should send her the message.”

Dusk grinned as he and started to scour the vast shelves of books for information.

“This blows,” Barb grumbled.

She lay on her bed as she listened to the techno that filled her room, an unamused look on her face while she stared up at the ceiling. She wasn’t looking forward to apologizing to Applejack tomorrow, and she was a bit scared on how he would react; not to mention her siblings and Grandfather.

She knew she what she did was wrong and did feel guilty about it, but that didn’t stop her from being unhappy about being grounded. Then again, she had snuck out without Dusk knowing dozens of times in the past, not to mention she had a secret compartment in her room where she hid comics, gems and other various things that she liked to call her ‘emergency hoard’.

“Think I might have some cider in there too…” Barb mumbled as she yawned.

A knock came from her door and she rolled her eyes, wondering why Dusk was even bothering to knock as she lifted a remote and paused the music.

“Yeah?” She called out.

“It’s me, Dusk,” he replied from the outside.

Barb rolled her eyes, “I gathered. Come in, you dork,”

Dusk entered the room and closed the door behind him. Barb noticed he had a book under his arm and was carrying a cup of tea in his free hand.She also noticed that he had that look on his face. Wide eyes, a large grin and a couple strands of hair askew; the face he had whenever he thought he had a breakthrough with something. She had learned to be a more than a little nervous about that grin.

“So, uh, what’s up?” she asked cautiously.

“I have found the perfect way to sort this kerfuffle out!” Dusk said excitedly, “And I’ve got just the answer. And the results tell me that this has to work!”

“Dusk, what do you mean by that answer?” Barb asked, nervously watching as he place his tea on a table by her sofa.

Dusk waved a hand dismissively at her, “Oh, don’t worry. It’s not that kind of, mad scientist type of of research.”

Barb breathed a sigh of relief as Dusk sat down on the sofa and continued, holding the book up. “As I was saying, I did some research and, taking into account what this book says as well as my own experience, I might have the solution!”

She looked at the book, but couldn’t see the title as Dusk quickly opened it up and flicked through a few of the pages before stopping.

“Alright… first thing is I need you to come over here a moment. Stand by my side.”

Barb blinked as Dusk intently read the book, beckoning her over with his free hand. She felt small skip in her heart beat and breathed heavily for a moment as genuine curiosity took over. She got up and made her way over to him, crossing her arms as she watched him scan over the lines.

“Okay… now you need to bend over my lap,” Dusk said without looking away from the book.

Barb stood their in complete silence, blinking as she stared down at Dusk and processed what he just said to her.

“... Wah?” Barb replied as she blinked.
“You heard me, ” Dusk said, looking up at her.

“What are you… planning to do, exactly?” Barb asked.

“Well,” Dusk began, “I was trying to figure out a way to hit home the message of behaving to you, and I remembered when I was a lot younger, me and Gleaming would get into a fair amount of trouble a lot. Gleaming was a bit of a bad influence, I feel.”

He chuckled and looked away in a moment of remembrance before shaking his head and looking back at her. “One day, our father decided enough was enough and so, he had us over the bed and he gave us both a spanking with the sole of his slipper. For me, it was enough to teach me to behave better.”

He then wiggled the book in his hand, letting Barb see the title ‘A Guide for New Parents: How to Discipline Properly’. “Anyway, along with that experience, I found this book from a series about what to do as a new parent, and this one is on disciplining naughty foals. It states that using physical punishment should be used as a last resort, it can lead to the desired result wanted. And I thought that, even though there is a age difference between you and a foal being punished. I feel that if I give you a spanking, then that might give you wake up call you need!”

Dusk then stroked his chin as he adjusted his glasses, “So, if it worked on me, theoretically it will work on you!” Dusk finished with a sage nod of his head as Barb looked down at him perplexed. There was many a question running through her mind at that point, including if Dusk had finally gone crazy.

Primarily, why the hell did the library have that kind of book in the first place.

“Y-You can’t be serious? How the hell does that even work? I’m an adult, not a foal!” Barb protested as a blush formed on her cheeks. “That’s why parents do this to their kids when they are young, they’re still learning!”

“There’s no harm in trying, Barb.” Dusk replied, “I’m serious about this. Grounding you won’t work, confiscating your gems, comics and games won’t work. And who knows, maybe this will embarrass you just enough to not steal from Applejack or anypony again.”

She gritted her teeth as her cheeks heated up, staring down at her close friend and legal guardian with an array of mixed emotions as her mind race with a series of thoughts. She snapped out of her trance as he coughed into his hand.

“I’d rather get this over and done with, Barb. Come here,” Dusk said in a sudden stern voice.

Barb looked up at him and bit her lip, her eyes meeting his steely gaze. Dusk’s sudden change of tone sent an oddly delightful shiver down her spine, and she could feel her heartbeat increase rapidly. She felt an overwhelming sense of embarrassment fill her up as she shyly fidgeted on the spot.

Barb nervously looked down at Dusk who in turn kept his gaze on her each second she delayed. Eventually, he started to become impatient and he raised a brow.

“The quicker you bend over my lap, the sooner we can get on with things,” Dusk said, patting his leg.

Swallowing a lump in her throat, she took a deep breath and exhaled it. Dusk looked like he was a hundred percent serious about this, and she knew that once he set his mind on doing something, he was very unlikely to ever change it.

It’s just a spanking, nothing weird at all! Just that he’s my oldest and best friend and my freaking guardian, nothing weird about this!

As her blush on her cheeks darkened, Barb held back a nervous shake and felt her body temperature keep rising. Her heart beat faster as she slowly laid over the Dusk’s lap, using one of her arms to hold onto the arm of the sofa and the other to press against the floor to prop her upper half up. She shifted her body a little to get comfortable. While she lay there, thoughts racing through her mind like crazy. She heard him mumble something and felt him place the book on her back, turning over a couple of pages.

“So, position over the lap a little...” Dusk muttered as he moved her body to make her rear partially hang off his leg.

She looked back over her shoulder, watching him position her and was met with Dusk sternly staring down at her, a look of steely determination his face as she felt them pierce directly into her soul. Barb felt her cheeks warm as a tingling sensation filled her up and a strange sense of excitement built inside of her. The embarrassment she felt started to slowly diminish..

“Please j-just make t-this quick?” she said with a nervous huff.

At least I’m still clothed, she thought.

“Right, now we can—” Dusk paused mid-sentence as he turned a page, “Hmm.”

Barb braced herself, looking down and closing her eyes, ready for the first of many strikes. However, she suddenly let out a startled gasp when she felt Dusk’s hands grip at the waistband of her shorts, and in one quick movement felt them get yanked down, along with her panties, to below her ass, “H-hey!”

“Calm down, Barb. I’m just doing what it says in the book. Besides, I this is how my father did it to me. Being bare will make the point more effective.” He replied, almost nonchalantly.

Barb blushed even harder and her cheeks stained red at the tone of his voice. She stopped squirming and bit her lower lip, looking away as she felt the cool air blow gently over her bare ass cheeks. Her heart started to beat faster and faster until her hearing became a little fuzzy and she felt her whole body heat up, a bizarre mixture of embarrassment and excitement filling her body. She wondered just how in Equestria Dusk was so calm about this. Barb would never have expected Dusk to be acting like this, which made her all the more curious about just how far he’d actually go.

She felt Dusk bring his right hand over and gently stroked the palm over her bare ass before her firmly started to rub over it in a circling motion.

Dusk watched his hand as it moved in a circle, getting a good feel of Barb’s backside. He knew that she had a tougher exterior thanks to her caley skin and knew his strikes would have to be hard and fast, much faster than on a pony.

Barb heard him exhale before the book was placed beside her on the sofa. She shifted her hips a little, bracing for what was to come as she felt Dusk’s hand come off her rear and glanced back little to see it high above his head. Locking with his gaze, Barb felt another tingle shoot down her spine as she unknowingly dug her claws into the sofa and a low rumble rolled in her throat.

“Ready?” Dusk asked,

Barb nodded slowly as Dusk nodded back and held her back down with his left hand as he brought his palm down hard onto her right ass cheek, causing her scaly ass to jiggle under his hand as the sound resonated into the room. Barb’s eyes widened as she let out a strained groan and her back arched, beginning her hand up to her mouth to muffle her voice, wincing softly at the sharp pain that shot up her body.

“Are you okay?” Dusk asked.

Barb nodded as she closed her eyes tight, snorting through her nostrils as she felt the first sting slowly fade. Dusk waited a moment before he brought his hand down again and slapped it against the left cheek of her rear. Barb once more did her best to stifle a sound but struggled as a gentle whine escaped her lips before she inhaled sharply through her nose.

Dusk held back a grunt as he raised his hand up and brought down his palm against her right cheek before he struck the left. Each smack made her butt wobble and filled the room with a loud echo. Barb bit her tongue as she held back a groan. The sharp stings sent a tingle of pain down her spine each time his hand connected, but there was an underlying level of pleasure to each slap that started to confuse her greatly. She grit her teeth and sunk her claws into the Dusk’s leg little, arching her head slightly.

Dusk kept delivering slap after slap to her purple ass, not stopping his momentum as each cheek jiggled with each smack. Barb felt her chest heaving as the stings sent a mix of pain and delight up her body. Every time his hand struck her ass, one of Barb’s legs slightly kicked up and her brow become damp from sweat as she fought back the urge to groan loudly. However, she couldn't stop the rise of pleasure she was getting from the strikes he was giving her. The repetitive slaps were now become less and less painfully, being dulled by her scales and being replaced with a tingle of pleasure.

“Hnng-aaaah!” Barb let out before she hissed through gritted teeth and shut her eyes tight.

Dusk felt his cheeks burn red as he listened to Barb’s sounds. This wasn’t the reaction he thought she would be giving off. He’d expected her to be displaying signs that his strikes were causing a some kind of pain down her body. However, when she arched her head back after her struck her ass, he saw her expression and, from the look of it, Barb was enjoying this. He shook the thoughts from his head as he momentarily paused to give her a chance to recover, trying his hardest to ignore her panting.

“O-Okay, now we do this…” he said, coughing and stumbling over his words a little as he picked up the book and scanned a couple lines. His hands his hand holding the book shook slightly.

He gently rubbed over her sore cheeks, just as it said in the book, to try and soothe them a little. Dusk could feel, however, that with each second and he himself was starting to become more aroused, causing his body to heat up. He found his lips dry and his brow becoming slightly damp from the sweat as he took a moment to look at her, seeing a clear red mark on both of her cheeks.

He stared at it for what seemed like hours, his eyes glazing over a little as she stared. Dusk then suddenly gave a quick slap to her ass, staring as it jiggled.

“Aaah,” Barb whined softly as she kicked her leg back, biting into her finger as she did her best not to let out the moans she was struggling to hold in.

Dusk soaked in all of the sounds he was hearing. Barb’s soft whines, the sound of his hand connecting to her ass and found himself becoming more and more aroused from staring at her wobbling rear as his cock started to get hard. His heart started to beat faster as his chest heaved slightly from his heavy breathing. Swallowing a lump in his throat, he licked his dry lips as he hungrily stared at Barb’s ass as something stirred inside of him.

Barb panted softly, her eyes half closed as she let her tongue dangle out her mouth as she no longer could feel the stings as her scales had now dulled the pain. Her body was on fire as she could feel her entire lower half shivering slightly. Barb let out a soft whine as she no longer felt Dusk’s hand on her and shifted her hips slightly in hopes of getting his attention.

Dusk felt his brow dampen and the blush on his cheeks redden as he listened to Barb make more noises, coughing again he picked up the book and scanned a couple lines to see if this was normal. He found himself unable to concentrate, however, as something stirred deep inside of him, something primal. Dusk wanted to continue, his hand trembling in excitement as he raised it up once more.

“A-Are you—NNNGH!”

Barb was interrupted as Dusk suddenly slapped directly across her ass cheeks with a loud slap which made Barb arch her head more and finally open her mouth, letting out a groan as he started to slap her again. She started to move her body on his lap and into his incoming smacks, arching her ass up each time a little as both her hands reached for the floorboards and her claws sank into them. As Dusk slapped her cheeks in a rapidly increasing speed, switching from one to the other, she started to make soft whines of delight and partially opened her eyes.

She took a moment to look over her shoulder and saw that Dusk was staring at her ass as he smacked it in a trance like state. Barb suddenly felt something prod against her belly and began to realize that Dusk was seemingly enjoying this just as much as she was. Even if he should have stopped by now and that he was clearly being excessive with his strikes,

Barb could feel her pussy pulse and her lower half shudder as her arousal fully took her mind over, hoping to deal with it later by herself. She felt a shameful bliss arise out of her from getting pleasure of of her supposed punishment. She bit into her finger hard as an attempt to divert attention away from the painful stings on her rear, but each time his hand made a connection to her ass it just drove her wild and she subconsciously moved her tail out of his way fully, arching it over her head.

Dusk breathed heavily as he kept striking her rump, slowly decreasing the speed of his strikes as his arm began to shake and become tired. By now, his hand had begun to sting from the repeated and excessive slapping but so far into his trance like state and how aroused he was he could only feel numbness.

His erection was now standing at full mast, pressing into Barb’s belly firmly. His mind was numb, the only thoughts were of primal lust. He began to pant softly, his entire body burning up as he swallowed another lump in his throat, the noises coming from Barb and his slaps only increasing his arousal and desire to keep going. Happily listening to the groans she was making along with the sounds of his hand colliding with her rear.

As he gave her a particularly hard smack to her right ass cheek, Barb let out a strangled gasp and moaned louder than before as her body shuddered hard and her leg spasmed a little. This snapped Dusk out of his trance as he blinked and looked down at the shuddering form Barb. He had never heard Barb make sounds like this before. His eyes widened a little seeing just how red her ass was and began to slowly get the feeling back into his hand as it throbbed. Dusk's brow was very damp with sweat, matting the hair of his coat a little as he became aware that he himself was fully erect, blushing a little as he hopped she wouldn’t notice.

“T-There, that should be e-enough to teach you a lesson.” He said, coughing into his hand.

He looked down at Barb, who was still panting and looking very pleased, staring off into space.

“Uh, Barb?” he asked.

“Hmm?” Barb replied in a soft voice.

“I’ve uh.. I’ve finished. You can get up now.”

“What?” Barb replied in the same voice, still in a trance-like state of bliss.

Dusk gently nudged Barb with his leg, snapping her out of her trance like state as she sheepishly smiled and stood up from his lap.

“S-So, hopefully that will teach you?” Dusk said, coughing a little as he awkwardly looked away.

“Y-Yeah…” Barb replied, rubbing her ass gently with her hand before wincing as she pulled her shorts up and gave him a slight glare.

“Sorry,” Dusk said sheepishly, “I-I think I got carried away…”

Barb snorted, “You think? But, it’s okay, Dusk. I actually enjoyed it. A lot.” she replied, a playful growl coming from her throat as she smirked.

“B-But you weren't supposed to enjoy it! I-It was a punishment!” Dusk protested.

“Oh, I think we both know it went beyond a ‘punishment’... and besides, seems I’m not the only one who enjoyed that, eh, Dusk?” Barb giggled softly and gave Dusk a cheeky grin, wiggling her brows a little.

He glared at her for a moment before remembering that he was fully erect and Barb had clearly noticed it for a bit Dusk’s eyes widened as his blush deepened and he felt his heart start to race a little.

“O-Oh my, I’m so sorry, Barb!” he started. “It was just, the noises you were making and…”

He swallowed as Barb smiled and looked down at him, biting her lower lip as her eyes widened with lust. The tent Dusk was pitching told Barb all she needed to know about just how big he was, bigger than she would have initially eve imagined. She flicked her eyes briefly at his face as she licked her lips.

“You know… I could take care of that big problem you have,” Barb offered, a coy smirk on her face.

”What do you mean?” Dusk asked, biting his lower lip.

“Don’t play dumb now, Dusk. You know what I mean,” Barb tittered.

He gulped, as his eyes roamed over her figure, taking it all in, “But I mean… I haven't done this before… kinda...”

“Then let me change that for you.” Barb purred.

Dusk swallowed as she walked in front of him and knelt down, taking care not to rest her sore ass on her heels as she inhaled sharply. He wanted to protest, but he felt the painful throb of his clothed shaft overrule his brain. Barb let out a low rumble from her throat as she looked up at Dusk, her hands slowly snaking up to his belt.

He watched as Barb slowly and teasingly undid his belt before taking her time with his trousers. She flicked her tail about as she slowly pulled his trousers down and past his knees, her eyes fixating on his bulge that threatened to rip the fabric of his underwear clear off. She blinked as she stared at it, hungrily licking her lips. It was certainly bigger than what she originally thought.

Licking her lips, Barb leaned down and gently pressed the end of her snout into it and inhaled again, causing the clothed member to twitch as she shuddered again and heard Dusk groan loudly. He began to let his inhibitions go, his arousal skyrocketing and taking over again as he yearned for some form of release as he looked down at her and bit his lower lip

“G-Gah… please, Barb. Don’t tease!” Dusk groaned.

“Oh, you're no fun,” she tittered.

Barb reached up and in a quick movement yanked the stallions’ underwear down to his trousers and gasped as she leaned her head back just in time. Dusk’s shaft sprang free with a wobble and she felt her chest heave and her cheeks burn as she stared at the thick cock. She had never seen one as thick and large as his and watched hungrily as it throbbed in the cool summer air. Her forked tongue licked her lips as a hungry growl escaped her throat.

Dusk blinked as he watched her stare at his throbbing member, not sure if the growling was a good sign. Barb licked her lips as she leaned forwards and dragged her long forked tongue slowly up his thick shaft from base to the head, causing him to groan in pleasure as she felt the member throb and savoured the salty taste. With a gentle sway of her hips, Barb took the the head of his dick into her mouth with a gentle moan and swirled her tongue around it. Dusk let out a satisfied moan of pleasure as he leant back on the sofa, one arm resting on the cushions and the other resting on top of Barb’s head, holding it gently.

“Oh S-Solaris...” he mumbled as he arched his head back.

Barb’s giggle was muffled as she took more and more of Dusk’s dick into her mouth, slurping around it as one of her hands idly cupped his heavy sack and began to softly fondle his balls. Dusk let out a groan as he gripped her hair tightly and began to push her head down. Barb moaned as she began to take more and more of his shaft into her mouth, her tail swishing behind her.

Dusk looked down and watched her slowly start to bob her head, coating his shaft in her saliva as she looked back up at him with half open eyes that were filled with obvious lust. He let out soft moans and grunts of pleasure as he helped guide her head up and down his rod, bucking his hips a little as he gritted his teeth.

“Solaris... “ he mumbled to himself, looking down at her, “This is amazing!”

Barb felt him push on her head more. Taking the hint, Barb slowly lowered her head down his throbbing member until she reached the base, gagging slightly as she felt the corners of her eyes tear up. Breathing through her nose, Barb started to take him deep each time in her throat, gagging and moaning as she bobbed her head.

Strands of saliva ran out of her mouth and down her chin as she deepthroated him, the sounds of slurping filling the room. Dusk watched as she took him in over and over, her eyes rolling back slightly from having such a large cock pushed down her throat and let out a groan. He went to pull her head up, fearing he had hurt her when Barb resisted the pull and pushed her head down further, her throat bulging slightly.

Barb moaned as she continued to bob her head, slurping around his dick before she pulled up halfway and reached up to grasp the base of his member and started to jerk alongside her heads movements to give her throat a little rest. She hummed softly as she quickened her speed, a low growl rumbling in her throat as she felt her body and pussy started to burn up. Her other hand made its way into her shorts, slipping past her underwear and began to furiously rub her clit as he panted, letting go of her head and gripped the sofa’s cushions, groaning a little as he felt her long, forked tongue roll about the underside of his shaft.

As Barb bobbed her head and jerked him, Dusk was so caught up in his newfound blissful experience, he arched his head back and instinctively moved his hand to her, forcing Barb’s head down to the base of his shaft again and held it there with his hands, catching her off guard. Barb moaned and let out a muffled yelp as his thick rod was rammed into and stayed in her throat, making her choke a little. Her eyes rolled back as she whined softly, saliva rolling down her lips and chin along with tears from her eyes before Dusk realised what he was doing and let go of her head.

“S-sorry, Barb. I just got caught up in the moment.”

Barb pulled off his cock with a loud and wet pop, gasping and coughing, taking in much needed oxygen as a strand of saliva connected her lips to the head of his slick rod.

“I-It’s fine, just caught me off guard,” Barb replied with a smile.

She wiped the tears and saliva off her face with her wristband. She took hold of his dick in one of her hands, she gently started to stroke him as she leaned down further and slowly used her tongue to take one of his heavy balls into her mouth, moaning around it as she inhaled his scent deeply. Dusk moaned loudly as he scratched at the arm of the sofa, his member throbbing as Barb continued to suck on his ball. He thumb began to furiously rub her clit again as she slipped a digit into her now soaked lips and started to thrust thim in and out of her with a soft moan.

Barb let go of Dusk’s orb with a small wet pop before she latched onto the other one and gave it the same treatment. She released his shaft and let it rest on her face as she watched his reactions as she rolled his ball in her mouth. Barb started to breathe rapidly as she slipped two more digits into her cunt, thrusting them quickly and wriggling them deep inside her as she moaned around Dusk’s ball in her mouth.

Dusk panted as he watched her, his fingers digging into the arm and cushions of the sofa as he struggled to stop moaning while she lathered his balls. Barb let go of his orb before she planted a kiss on the underside of his dick and moved back away from the stallion, pulling her fingers from her shorts in the process, already knowing how she was going to finish herself off. Dusk softly panted as he watched her curiously before his eyes lit up as Barb reached for the bottom of her small sports top and pulled it up till it rested just above her breasts. His eyes widened, staring as her voluptuous tits bounced free from their containment, taking every detail of them in from how round they were to her two green nipples. For a moment, Dusk wondered how she had been able to contain them in such a tight top.

“Fuck me.” He said.

Barb giggled, enjoying Dusk’s reaction to her body as she slowly wrapped each breast around his dick and pushed them inwards, squeezing the soaked member. He let out a low moan and arched forward a little, gritting his teeth and shutting his eyes as he felt his member throb painfully.

Barb simply grinned as she watched his facial expressions, pumping his shaft in between her tits slowly, letting him get a good sense of how soft they were. Dusk whined softly as he felt his orgasm start to build, panting as he opened his eyes and looked down at Barb.

“B-Barb, this is…” Dusk let out a low moan as he leaned his head back.

“It gets better,” she purred, her lust in control of her actions, “Let me take care of you properly.”

He watched as she slowly stood up and turned around only to slowly bend forwards. Using her thumbs, Barb slipped them under the waistband of her shorts and slowly pulled them down along with her underwear as she bent forwards more, slowly revealing her purple and reddened ass to the stallon. Dusk’s eyes went wider than ever before as she continued to bend forward more till her shorts fell to her ankles and she stepped out of them.

He licked his lips as Barb walked over to her bed, bending over and pressing her exposed tits into the soft mattress and arching her ass up to him and spreading one of her cheeks, giving him full view of her dripping cunt and tight asshole as her tail curved over her body. Looking back over her shoulder, she grinned lustfully and she gave a little shake of her hips and spread her legs.

Something inside Dusk clicked, and he felt a sudden rush of lustful energy fill him up, staring at her perfectly shaped rear and all of its glory made his shaft throb painfully. He needed no further prompting as he got up, stepping out of his own trousers and underwear before making his way over to Barb, his primal instincts taking over. All he wanted to do right there and then was to pound her raw; nothing else mattered at that moment.

Grinning, he let his thick rod rest on the crack of her ass as he held onto her hips with one hand and the other gripping her thick tail. Barb moaned softly and let out a hiss as the heat from Dusk’s shaft radiated over her sore cheeks. He watched with delight as his cock wedged itself in between her cheeks, grinding over her asshole as his shaft throbbed in anticipation. Smirking, he took his member in one hand and brought the head to Barb’s pussy, rubbing it over her wet lips. Dusk held back a loud groan as his dick’s head came into contact with the sudden burst of warmth coming from her pussy lips, the heat slightly catching him off guard and giving him an idea for the amount of heat he was going to feel. He kept grinding his head over the lips, teasing Barb as she let out a gasp.

“F-fuck” Barb moaned as she pushed herself back into him, her claws digging at the bed. She Looked back, gritting her teeth and bracing for the sheer size of his member. Dusk started to slowly push his cock in till just the head was inside.

Dusk immediately struggled not to blow his load there and then as he gritted his teeth and his dick throbbed painfully from the sheer heat coming from Barb’s pussy, the feeling unlike any other had felt as the warmth send shuddering, pleasurable tingles down his shaft letting him now it would only get better. Barb let out a shuddered whine as she felt the head spread her pussy wide, hissing softly as she looked back at him.

“Don’t be gentle, I-I can handle it.” She demanded..

There was no reply from Dusk as he stared down at her backside. Barb couldn’t see what his expression was from her angle and was about to ask if he was alright when, without warning her, he grunted and hilted his dick inside Barb’s snatch in one quick thrust.

The thrust caught her completely off guard and caused her to jolt on the bed, making the springs creak. She let out a silent scream as her walls were stretched thick by Dusk’s meat, her mouth opening as her eyes went wide. She could feel her stomach bulging slightly, panting as she arched her head back.

“F-fuck it’s so big!” Barb moaned.

Dusk grunted in reply as he gripped her ass in both hands and pulled back, only to slam his shaft deep back inside her slit making her moan louder. He groaned as he started to pull back and thrust into Barb at a slow but quickening pace as he took delight in just how tight her pussy was, looking down as he watched her purple and reddened ass swallow his meaty shaft and jiggled with each thrust. Dusk panted as the waves of heat from her pussy continued to send pleasureble tingles down his throbbing member.

“I-I thought you’ve never done this b-before!” Barb moaned out, looking back over her shoulder.

Dusk didn’t reply again, only grunts as he focused all his efforts on driving his dick as deep and as hard as he could into Barb’s needy snatch, his hand moving to hold onto her tail again as the other latched onto her hip to keep her steady.

Barb panted and moaned loudly, not really caring how loud she was being as she dug her claws into the bed so deeply they cut through the fabric. She pushed her ass back onto his thrusts and hissed. His rod stretched her tight lips walls to their limits, feeling the head of his dick ram deep inside her. She shuddered as her nipples rubbed into the soft mattress as Dusk kept thrusting harder and faster into her, moaning as she arched her ass up. She felt his hand let go of her tail and dig more into her ass and winced from the soreness, feeling it mold into his hands.

Barb rested her cheek on the soft mattress, moaning and whining as she felt her pussy pulsed around his shaft, sucking him in deeper as her lower body shuddered in pleasure as Dusk’s member continued to stretch her walls. He thrusted in erratic patterns, sending new sensations through her body and not allowing her to get used to the size.

“S-So much…!” Barb panted softly as her pussy clenched on his cock.

Dusk gritted his teeth as he continued to thrust as hard and fast as he could, damp with sweat as he panted heavily, not used to moving this quickly or from just how hot it was inside her. He looked back and forth from Barb’s jiggling ass swallowing his member and the lustful and pleasurable look Barb had on her face as she continued to meet his thrust with her own slams.

Barb moaned as she slammed her hips as hard as she could onto him, her claws scratching away at the fabric of the mattress. Each time Dusk would thrust into Barb, she would jolt on the bed, causing it to creak loudly as the springs went mental.

Dusk grip on Barb’s tail tightened as he pulled on it each time he thrusted, making Barb let out a squeal and arch her head back, letting her tongue lop out as she carelessly let out loud moans of pleasure. She felt his shaft ram deep inside of her each thrust he gave. Barb let out a gasp as she felt him suddenly grab her hair possessively, snapping her head up before she looked back at him from the corner of her eyes.

Dusk looked different, like he was a wild animal. His eyes were filled with a predatory hunger as he stared back at her, a small smirk on his face as he continued to slam his cock in and out of her with speed, never letting go of her tail or hair. She blushed harder, never seeing Dusk like this before and felt at that moment, she was his bitch. His to plow and to pound as much as he wanted and it sent a delightful shudder down her body as her breasts bounced wildly underneath her.

Dusk grunted and grit his teeth and let out a primal growl. The heat coming from Barb’s pussy was nothing like he had felt before and it was driving him crazy. It was taking all the will power he could muster not to blow his load right then and there as he wanted to give Barb a proper pounding.

“Ah! Ah! Ah!” Barb moaned as her body shuddered.

She was so lost in her pleasure, she didn’t notice that Dusk had suddenly stopped thrusting into her and only became aware when she felt a great emptiness in her snatch. Glancing back just in time to see his predatory gaze before he flipped her onto her back, causing her let a surprised squeak escape from her lips. Looking up at Dusk, Barb felt her cheeks reddened a little as she was full on greeted with the fierce and dominating eyes of a wild beast looking down at her. The tinge of delight from earlier came back and then some, sending a shudder up her body and her pussy pulsed as she felt as if she was prey, caught by a domineering predator.

“D-Dusk, you—AAAHH!?” She started before letting out a loud moan as Dusk grabbed both her tits in his hands, firmly squeezing them as they molded into his grip. Barb arched her back into his grip as he fondled her breasts, his finger and thumbs tweaking at her nipples, making her whine loudly.

He then let go of one of her breasts and grabbed his cock, grinding it over her cunt, firmly rubbing over her clit as his hand returned to join the other in groping her breasts. Barb moaned and writhed on the bed as her tail flicked below her, her toes curling in her shoes as her claws dug into the bed and started to knead away, tearing at the bedsheet and mattress below her.

“Hehe, such a needy dragon…”

Dusk smirked as Barb wriggled under his grip, loving the expression of submissiveness and pleasure on her face as he continued to grind into her pussy. He took great care not to push into her, but prodded enough for her to feel something was itching to get back into her dripping pussy.

“P-Please…” Barb whined softly.

“Please what?” Dusk replied with a greedy grin.

She glared at him, huffing a little as her cheeks flushed, still not used to this new side of Dusk and looked away. Despite loving how he was toying with her, she didn't want to let him see that he had gotten to her, though she suspected it was too late for that.

“J-Just keep fucking me already!” she whined like a hatchling.

He chuckled softly, “Well, since you asked so nicely…”

Letting go of her breasts, Dusk pressed the fat head of his rock hard shaft k at her pussy before he gripped her hips and rammed into her savagely, making Barb let out a loud moan as her back and head arched. Grunting, he wasted no time in resuming his pounding, tightening his grip on her hips as he pumped his long and stiff member into her, feeling his balls smack against her ass each time as Barb’s legs bounced at his sides.

She moaned in delight and gripped the bed tighter, listening to it groan and creak with each hard thrust delivered to her. Her breasts bounced wildly and slap against one another as she was jolted again and again into the bed.

“Ah! Fuck!” Barb yelled as she felt her pussy walls stretch to accommodate his gigantic dick.

“Nnngh! You f-feel so tight, Barb!” Dusk grunted.

He panted as the shirt under his hoodie become damp from sweat and he grit his teeth hard as his cock throbbed inside of her pussy while his hair became unruly and unkempt by the second. He could feel the edge of his orgasm was getting closer, despite his best attempts to prolong it. Judging by how Barb was writhing on the bed and her pussy starting to heat up, he could only assumed she was getting close as well.

With a grunt, he grabbed her legs and pushed them towards her head before he leaned over her and drove his thrusts harder into her. Barb let out a cry as she instinctively grabbed her legs behind her knees and held them for Dusk, who quickly let go and places his hands either side of her head and he let out a moan.

Barb looked up at him while Dusk jackhammered his cock deep into her, the sounds of their love making and the bed creaking filled the room. She saw that his eyes were shut tightly and felt his cock continuously throb inside her cunt and shuddered feeling herself get close, her breasts rapidly flailing in time with Dusk’s thrusting.

With a sudden spasm of her lower half and a strangled cry of pleasure, Barb moaned louder than ever as she felt herself climax all over Dusk iron-hard dick, her legs shaking as the orgasm rocked her body. Her eyes went wide as she gasped and kept cumming, digging her claws into her legs as they flailed above her. Dusk groaned as he felt her lava-like juices coat his cock and couldn't hold it back any longer, the heat and pleasure just too much.

“Barb, I’m—!”

With a loud, shuddering moan, Dusk came hard inside her, coating her insides with his white hot seed. He grunted as he kept thrusting, driving his cock as deep as he could while his balls tightened, determined to fill her up with every last drop of his spunk that they could muster. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she screamed in blissful lust, feeling his cum fill her womb to the brim. Her stomach felt like it was bulging out again, Dusk’s cum flooding into her with seemingly no end in sight and threatening to ooze out of her and onto the mattress below them.

Barb whined softly as her lower body trembled, feeling Dusk’s thrusting slowly come to a stop as he finished pumping her full of his seed. He grunted before falling atop her, his cock still deep inside her slick and creamy cunt as he panted heavily.

“H-Holy… that was amazing, Dusk! A-Are all my punishments going to be as good as that?” Barb chuckled as she panted along with him.

Dusk smiled before he snapped his eyes wide opened, the realization of what he had just done hitting him hard like an avalanche.

“S-Solaris, I’m sorry, Barb!” he said in a panicked tone, “I-I don’t know what came over me! I j-just zoned out a-and—”

Barb interrupted him with a kiss on his lips, snickering as he looked at her perplexed.

“You worry too much, you know that?”

Dusk chuckled softly as he panted, joining Barb as they lay there for a moment longer, enjoying each other’s warmth.

“So…” Barb started, “I thought you said you’d never done anything like this before…?”

Dusk sheepishly chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head, “Well… I haven’t. But... I kinda may have published a few, best selling erotic novels under a pseudonym? So I sorta know what I’m doing?”

Barb giggled as she ruffled his mane, “You have got to let me read one!”

“No way! I have a respectable image I need to keep up,” Dusk replied as he swatted her hand away.

The two were interrupted when a knock came from down stairs. Dusk reluctantly pulled his softening dick out of Barb, who let out a disappointed whine, and stumbling to his trousers and underwear.

“I-I’d better get that,” He said.

Dusk quickly dressed himself as the knocking continued whilst Barb remained laid out on the bed, lazily swiping a finger across her pussy, gathering some of their mixed fluids and licking her fingers clean with a growl of contentment.

Dusk stumbled his way downstairs, adjusting his mane as best he could and wiping his matted, sweaty fur as the knocking grew louder and louder.

“Yes, yes, I’m coming!” Dusk called out.

He reached the door and coughed, brushed his hand over his mane one last time and exhaled, pausing for a moment before he opened the door with a smile to be greeted by Rainbow Blitz and Applejack.

“Oh, hello you two. What can I do for you?” Dusk asked.

He noticed that Applejack was looking away awkwardly, covering his face with his hat whilst Rainbow Blitz had a few beads of sweat rolling down his face and was trying to hold back a smirk, looking down at his slightly smaller friend.

“Well…” Applejack started, coughing into his fist as he put his hat back on, “A-ah was just about to come talk t-to Barb, cause Blitz here fessed up to the idea being his…”

Dusk looked to Blitz, who was now trying to stifle a laugh before Applejack continued.

“A-And ah was gunna ask you to be a little lenient with her punishment… but uh…”

“It sounded like you were already punishing her. Loudly,” Blitz finished as he let out a few snickers.

Dusk blinked before he noticed that the two looked hot under the collar and showed clear signs of… arousal?

He tilted his head as the gears in his head turned before his eyes went a little wide and his pupils shrank.

“You mean…? Oh, Solaris...”

“The window is open, Dusk,” Blitz replied, slapping his knee as he bent over howling with laughter.

“We heard you two goin’ at it like rabbits… we all did…” Applejack said, gesturing behind him with his thumb.

Dusk felt his body go rigid as he looked out into Ponyville. There, he was greeted to the sight of a few of the town’s populace looking in his direction, some with red faces and some shifting about awkwardly. He slowly peeked out of the door and looked up to where Barb’s bedroom was. Much to his horror, he saw that it was indeed open.

As he did, Barb slowly peeked her head out, now with her top back on and sporting a deep shade of red on her face as she looked down at the three stallions, then up and out to the town before she let out a small ‘eep!’ and shot back in, slamming the window shut.

“I-I, w-we I m-mean!” Dusk started, stumbling over his words as he turned back to his friends and made rapid gestures with his hands.

“So, how was it? Barb’s got a great ass. Bet you loved beating that thing over and over!” Blitz said in between laughs.

“O-oh, I uh, well yes, I mean!” Dusk stammered before wobbling slightly. “Oh... sugar honey ice tea…”

His eyes rolled back and Dusk slumped backwards onto the floor with a thud as he fainted. Applejack slapped his forehead before giving Blitz a slap to the back of his head, ending his mocking laughter.

“At least he’s getting more tail than you, pretty colt,” he mumbled.