Striped Ascension

by Macro Zecora

First published

Zecora finds an artifact that gives her access to an unlimited amount of magical energy. There's just one problem, she can't channel it anywhere but her own body. Zecora must learn how to use her new powers responsibly to save Equestria.

In an alternate version of Equestria where the entire pony race has evolved into hermaphrodites, a young Zecora finds an ancient artifact that gives her access to a nigh-unlimited amount of magical energy. There's just one problem, she can't channel it anywhere but her own body. Zecora must learn how to use her new powers responsibly and save Equestria.

Contains moderate violence, but no death.

Fetishes by chapter.
Ch 1: Futa, FutaTransformation,Macro, Massive Growth, Lots of Cum

Ch 2: Futa ,Non-lethal Vore/Absorption

Chapter 1

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Zecora looked out over the savannah fields of Zebrafrika and sighed. In the distance, dozens of well-endowed pony excavators were hard at work exhuming some sort of magical ruins. They had to be careful, as they were unsure exactly what sort of magical effects awaited them.

Zecora couldn’t help but be jealous of the ponies. Almost their entire race had used magic to transform themselves into hermaphrodites, putting an end to gender inequality once and for all. Their enormous cocks and breasts were the envy of every other species. So big. So juicy. Rippling with sexual energy. Zecora had long wished that she could experience what it was like to have both sexes, even if her culture forbade it.

Zecora jumped as she felt a hand on her shoulder. It was the village elder looking at her with a look of disapproval. “Something is on your mind?” he asked.

Zecora nodded in shame. She was by all means a very pretty, young Zebra, but she was nowhere near as sexy as even the ugliest of ponies. She didn’t like the idea of being married off to some zebra and being his subservient mate for life. She wanted to be like the ponies, who fucked whoever they wanted, whenever they wanted. Zecora sighed “The ponies live in constant glee. Both their cocks and boobs hang free. I wish to know, no I must! Why we cannot feel such lust?”

"Ugh! Ponies!” the elder scoffed “Have you seen those degenerate beings? Their lives are immoral and un-appealing! Were it not for their wealth, and their generous bribes, I would send them far away from our tribe.”

“But their magic is beyond compare, it does everything. Do you see them there?” Zecora pointed at a pair of unicorns levitating a massive stone that would have taken dozens of zebras to move.

The elder rolled his eyes. “Little one, open your eyes! Before you fall into their lies! They waste their lives with constant leisure, and spend all their time pursuing pleasure.”

“But If only I could…” Zecora started.

“Male and female, two genders there are! We are better than these freaks that come from afar!” He sneered. “Their repulsive boobs are far too heavy! Their cocks are so unnecessary!"

“Maybe if I just…” Zecora tried to get a word in.

“Absolutely not! You will banish your thoughts! Thinking like that will lead us to rot!” “Any zebra that that commiserates with their bile will find themselves as an exile!” The elder turned to leave in a huff.

Zecora sighed and looked back towards the dig site. She wanted to know what it was like having a cock. She just wanted to talk to one pony.

Zecora looked back to make sure no one was watching her, before donning her cloak and sneaking down towards the dig site. She had to see a pony up close, to see what it was like having dual sets of genitals. She slid down the hill and into the pit where the ponies were digging. She wasn’t exactly sure she was supposed to be there, and didn’t want the ponies ratting her out to the elder, so she opted to remain hidden.

Zecora slipped into the cave the majority of the ponies were digging in and gasped in awe. The hardworking ponies were absolutely gorgeous. Despite the relative coolness of the cave, the excavators wore almost no clothing, only hard hats and thongs that struggled to contain their massive stallionhoods. Sweat and grime glistened off their massive, almost naked bodies. But it wasn’t the ponies that were the most impressive thing in the room. It was a partly-excavated sculpture of a massive dragon. The masterfully carved statue sported a massive, painstakingly detailed erection, which made Zecora wet just looking at it.

Zecora’s attention was drawn towards two handsome miners who were cleaning their digging equipment. “So? You find anything good today?” asked one of them.

“Naw.” said his partner. “Just more smashed ceramics. The sort of crap only Dark cares about.”

“Same. Wish we could find the big one.”

“The big one?” the pony scratched his head.

“You know, Bahamut’s Scepter.” said the first “They say it’s an artifact of massive magical power, used by the creator of all dragonkind, long before ponies evolved.”

“Oh yeah, the Dragonlords have scepters like that.” The partner rubbed his chin. “Isn’t that why they grow so much larger than other dragons?”

“Yup. Each gem used in a Dragonlord Scepter is of a certain quality. The better the gem, the more energy one can pull from it. And the one that should be in this tomb was known as the ‘omni-stone’, capable of virtually unlimited power.”

“Dang.” said the partner “No wonder this place has booby traps up the wazoo.”

“Well, this is going to sound a little crazy but, I’ve heard theirs supposedly a being of incomprehensible power that was buried here.”

“Get outta here!” his partner grinned.

“No really, it’s in the Llama’s mythology calendars. They say if this creature was banished ages ago by Bahamut, and if it’s ever released, it will bring about the end of the universe.”

“Yeah, sure. A creature that powerful? Even Princess Celestia isn’t that powerful, and she’s the closest thing to a god I know of.”

“Yeah. Celestia’s awesome, but she’s not as hot as her sister.”

His partner chuckled. “Well if we get our hands on Bahamut’s Scepter, you might be powerful enough to have a swing with her. But come on, if it existed we’d have found it by now, right? ” He chuckled.

Zecora softly chuckled with him, only for her hair to stand on end as she heard a loud whistle. Had they spotted her?

“Alright ponies. Let’s pack it in for today! Everyone out of the cave!” The foreman yelled. The ponies slowly began shuffling out of the cave. “Let’s go you lollygaggers!” the foreman shouted “Last one out gives the boss a blowjob!”

Zecora gave a sigh of relief, only to turn around to see a light gray unicorn with a black mane staring right at her through a pair of reading glasses. Zecora’s heart skipped a beat as she jumped backwards.

“Um… Hi.” Said the unicorn in a friendly manner.

Too afraid to say anything, Zecora just gave a sheepish wave in return.

“What are you doing here?” asked the pony “Your people aren’t supposed to be interfering with our excavation.”

“I am sorry to invade your site.” Zecora’s ears drooped. “I just wished to view a hermaphrodite.”

“A hermaphrodite?” The pony look puzzled. “You mean you’ve only got one set of genitals?”

“Of reproductive part, I do not have a pair. I have naught but the mare’s.” said Zecora.

The pony’s face lit up. “That is so cool!” she smiled. “I’ve never seen an equine like that before! I thought you were just like ponies! Do you think…maybe I could…” she blushed. “…see it?”

“I would happily show you my shame, if you do likewise and tell me your name.” Zecora replied.

“Sure.” The pony smiled. “They call me Dark Tomb. I’m the expedition’s primary researcher on ancient draconic ruins. This place is amazing. I’ve written at least 10 textbooks worth of material on this tomb. When I get back home, I’m gonna get them all published.”

“Very interesting.” Zecora nodded. “Thank you for the spiel, now let me uphold my end of our deal.” She slowly lowered her loincloth, revealing her virgin marehood to Dark, who stared on in awe.

“Wow…” Dark gulped. “It’s…beautiful.”

Zecora blushed. “Thank you. I am glad you think so. What is it you have down below?”

“Well, it’s kind of embarrassing…” Dark undid her belt. “But fair is fair.” She lowered her pants to reveal a rather disappointing penis. It was only about three inches in length. “I know…” she blushed.

“Wow...” Zecora smiled. “I see you have quite the pair. Of one body, both genders share.”

“Glad you’re impressed.” Dark shrugged. “It’s easily the smallest of everyone here. I’m kind of the ‘bottom bitch’ of the expedition team. I’m smart, but most of these ponies are meat-headed miners who couldn’t care less about my work.”

“They do not treat you well?” Zecora frowned “Despite your intel?”

Dark shook her head and pulled her pants back up. “I’m afraid not. But that’s fine with me. I tend to be pretty reclusive. My research is my life.”

Zecora’s ears perked up. She could hear someone else approaching. She quickly hid behind a pile of crates.

It was a grayish-brown pony with a dark mane and a slight Spanish accent. “Dark!” he yelled “What are you doing!? Didn’t you hear the foreman say to get out of the dig site?”

“Uh…no?” Dark gulped.

The pony just rolled his eyes. “Always got your nose in those stupid books of yours, I swear. Why can’t you keep your head in the present and focus of finding the Omni-stone?”

“Because I’m bust with research.” said Dark.

“Well that book of yours is never going to get published if I don’t find anything worthwhile in here!” the pony yelled.

“Sorry, Caballeron.” Dark blushed. “I’ll pay more attention next time.”

“That’s Dr. Caballeron, to you.” He sneered “And regardless, you’re the last one out, again. And you know what that means.”

Dark’s ears drooped. “Yes, sir…” She started to walk towards the exit. “I’ll wait for you in your tent.”

“Dark!” Caballeron yelled.

“What?” Dark moaned.

The Caballeron held up a glowing rock. “What have I told you about leaving the glow-stones on at night? You know it wastes energy.”

“But…” Dark started.

“No buts!” he yelled “Get out of here. I’ll clean up your mess for you.” He grumbled.

Dark looked back in concern, but quickened her pace and exited the dig site.

Caballeron didn’t notice Zecora watching from the shadows as he collected all of their lighting equipment, leaving the cave completely dark. Zecora stayed perfectly still until she was confident the Doctor was gone. It was pitch black and completely silent.

Zecora pulled out a wooden slat from one of the crates and wrapped the cloth from her chest wrap around it. She then used the flint and steel she carried on her to light a makeshift torch. The cave looked even more fantastic under the torch’s fire than it did the ponies’ artificial light sources. In fact, it looked completely different. The walls were gold and carved with amazing images of gigantic dragons, some of which appeared to be the size of entire planets! The previously blank dragon sculpture now appeared to be made of solid platinum with a blue tint and was studded with precious gemstones.

Zecora stared up in awe at the massive dragon sculpture. In its claw it held a purple scepter with a flawless glowing ruby at the end. That definitely wasn’t there when the ponies were digging earlier. It was so brilliant that anyone would have seen it. Zecora figured there was an enchantment that hit the room’s treasures when it was exposed to a light source other than fire. Which made perfect sense, as this tomb was created by dragons, who could have simply breathed in order to see it for what it really was.

Zecora walked over to the scepter and stared at it. “It’s beautiful…” She slowly took hold of the scepter.

The flawless gemstone started to glow, and glow brightly. There was a blinding flash. Zecora could hardly see an inch in front of her. The gem just kept on glowing. Zecora recoiled as she started to hear faint voices muttering in her head.

“What is happening?” Zecora gritted her teeth. The only thing she could see was the magnificent scepter floating before her. Everything else was a white void. It was as if it was calling to her. “I sense your desires young zebra…” The scepter hummed. “Accept my power, and I can make them come true…”

Zecora tried to think clearly, but the more she did the more the artifact called out to her, she snatched up the glowing scepter and her vision returned to normal. She caressed the crystalline rod in her hands. It was simply pulsing with energy. It made Zecora’s loins buzz just looking at it.

Infinite power in the palm of her hands… the elders would want to see this. She just had to make it back to the village. The path from the dig site and the village was short. She could surely make it without being seen if it weren’t for the glow of the ruby. Zecora tucked the relic into her cloak and headed towards the exit. But as she walked, she felt something different, something odd between her thighs. Zecora gasped as she felt her legs rubbing against something, something long, thick and solid. Zecora shivered, a bright red blush rushing onto up her striped cheeks. It couldn’t be…

Zecora removed her loincloth and saw that an enormous, black cock had sprouted between her legs. Zecora gaped in awe at her new asset. It was long and straight, completely slick with fluid. It dangled beautifully between her well-toned legs.

Zecora let out a pleasurable moan as a pair of massive testes sprouted from her crotch, a massive pair of them, slowly oozing out her groin. Zecora fell to the ground with joy as her powerful orbs began churning up massive amounts of sperm. “Was this what it was like being a pony?” Zecora wondered. It was incredible. Zecora placed her palms on her foot-long cock and began gently stroking it. It was the greatest feeling she had ever felt, but it wasn’t enough, she wanted to feel more pleasure. She wanted a bigger cock. “Mmmph…” Zecora moaned as she slowly rubbed her cock. “Bigger…”

To Zecora’s amazement her new stallionhood reacted to her thoughts and doubled in size, sending a spray a fluid all over the cave. Only then did she realize how powerful the artifact was. She could alter her body with merely a whim. Hundreds of dirty thoughts ran through her head. Her wildest fantasies were about to come true. “Bigger…” she moaned.

Zecora purred with joy. She could feel her muscles and veins crackle and pop with magical energy as her body expanded in every direction. As her body doubled in size, she started rubbing her new cock harder and harder.

Rip! Zecora’s well-worn moccasins were shredded into ribbons as her feet elongated before her eyes. She spread her legs wide and inserted her free hand into her mare parts. Zecora gasped as her steadily expanding body rolled over the torch she had dropped, snuffing the flame. For an instant, Zecora was in total darkness, but then her eyes adapted themselves so she could see in total darkness.

“I believe I like what my eyes are seeing, I am able to alter all of my being.” Zecora examined herself. She stared at her enormous throbbing erection. She was horny as hell, but nowhere near close to achieving an orgasm. She just had to see how big she could get. “I know our traditions and laws forbid it, but I must absolutely know my limit.”

Zecora waved the scepter towards her cock, causing even more magical energy to pour into it. She screamed in pleasure as her dick surged forward in an explosion of flesh. Her breasts were rapidly expanding as well. Zecora had been proud of her small mammaries in the past. They made it easier for her to run, sneak and hunt. But now that she was drunk with lust, it was of little concern. Her melon-sized breasts ripped through her clothes. They were large, bountiful breasts, perfectly sized to attract a mate. The kind of breasts one would see in the finest of harems, and now they were finally hers.

Her massive body’s muscles and veins rippled as Zecora surged to twenty feet tall; completely shredding what little clothing she had left. She was forcing her body to grow at such a rapid rate she crushed a pile of wooden crates full of artifacts under her expanding girth. The magic caused her cock to triple in in size, almost six feet in length, the size of a full grown zebra. Zecora could feel an orgasm welling up inside of her, as her massive testes churned out gallons of warm cum.

Zecora had completely given into her lust as her entire body swelled in size. She no longer cared about the customs of her tribe, or anything else for that matter. All she wanted was to have the biggest cock Equestria had ever seen. As she reached a height of fifty feet, Zecora stopped rubbing herself. She sat up and examined her massive, sweaty body. She was easily the same size as the dragon statue by now, her huge muscles and insanely veiny dick matched only by the statue of the long-dead Dragon God. Zecora loved every single moment of her transformation. She wanted it to never end. She wanted the power of the omni-stone to be inside her forever.

Zecora grabbed hold of the gem and ripped it off the end of the scepter. The tiny gem pulsed with near limitless magical power. Zecora wanted that power to be with her forever, she couldn’t risk losing it, so she was going to put it somewhere safe.

Zecora gave a nervous gulp. She couldn’t believe what she was doing, but nothing else made sense to her. She knew it was forbidden, but it was the only answer. Zecora bent over and gently pressed the omni-stone against her pulsating asshole. Her virgin anus was tight and supple, but slowly yielded, allowing her ass to swallow the gem whole. Zecora moaned as she felt the gem’s magical energy radiating inside of her.

Zecora body began pressing against the sides of the tomb as she grew, but that wasn’t going to stop her. She continued stroking her train-sized cock. It was so heavy, so long, so thick, and very, very horny. She gasped for air as the tightness of the cave fully enclosed itself around her, but that wasn’t enough to stop her growth. The ground around the tomb started to rumble, as if an earthquake was occurring.

“What the hell is going on!?” cried Caballeron “I’m all ready to have Dark get to work, and suddenly the ground starts shaking!?”

“We don’t know!” cried one of the miners. “It’s coming from inside the dig!”

“Oh no!” Dark gasped “What if the tomb gets damaged?”

“What if the tomb gets damaged?” Caballeron mocked her “What if the omni-stone gets damaged!? That’s the only reason we’re even here!”

“It might be a booby-trap, sir.” said the foreman. “It’s possible one of them was accidentally disturbed while we dug.”

“Incompetent morons!” Caballeron growled. He stormed out of his tent towards the dig site. “We cant’ let anything happen to the Omni-stone! Get down into that mine and find out what’s wrong!”

Suddenly, a massive black obelisk the size of a house burst out of the ground in the middle of the pony archeologist’s camp with a massive, underground moan. “I think I found the problem, boss…” said the foreman.

The ponies stared in awe at the gigantic, black phallus, which was leaking a waterfall of sweet-smelling pre into their camp. The ground began to crack and shatter, causing the ponies to realize that they didn’t have time to gawk. They ran from their camp in a mad panic, just as a Zecora thrust her hips skyward, causing a massive tremor.

“RUN!” Caballeron cried.

“Hold on!” said Dark “I have to get my research!”

“Leave it!” cried the foreman. “It’s not worth your life!”

The ponies managed to evacuate their camp just in time, as Zecora’s colossal form burst out of the tomb. “Oh, fuck yes!” Zecora moaned. She was easily over one-hundred and fifty feet tall, and still growing. The ponies below her scattered like cockroaches, but Zecora paid them little attention. Her focus was squarely on pleasuring her gigantic cock.

Zecora wrapped both hands around her slippery cock, and started to pleasure herself faster and faster. Up and down her massive fingers slid against her cock. Her flailing legs crushed the abandoned tents of the archeology camp beneath her great feet.

Her enormous hill-sized breasts bounced lewdly against one another. She could feel the gem inside her ass filling her body with more and more magical energy, which felt absolutely incredible. The gem was so overwhelmed by the magical energy pouring out of it, that it started to vibrate, which only pleasured Zecora even more. Zecora let out a primal roar as she reached five hundred feet in height. Zecora’s village was now the size of a hubcap to her, and its inhabitants were ant-sized specks, watching in horror as the skyscraper-sized zebra pleasured her enourmous cock.

Zecora’s eyes widened as she felt pressure building within her enormous balls. Harder. She had to go harder, she was so close! Her fingers gripped themselves against her cock, filling both her hands her meat. She wanted to cum so badly! She needed to know how it felt! She wanted to flood the entire valley her sweet, creamy virile seed. Her enormous balls churned up over a hundred swimming pools worth of the fertile liquid, with countless sperm wriggling around inside.

Zecora gasped for air, and leaded back as she started to reach her climax. This was the most incredible thing she had ever felt. Zecora’s cock flared with power. She continued panting as she began to feel the lust and power course though her insanely huge veins. Drops of sweat the size of a fully-grown pony began dripping from her rustled mane. Her body still continued to grow, reaching almost one-thousand feet, blotting the pale moonlight out from the sky. Her behemoth dick could take no more. With a roar of pleasure that shook the entire valley, Zecora’s cockhead burst like a floodgate of cum. Her virgin balls churned more and more, her gigantic head flared, her cock surged to five-hundred feet in length. A literal river of thick, abundant cum rushed through it. Massive spurts of cum blasted into the sky, creating small lakes for miles around the valley. But more of her cum went straight up into the sky—and descended straight down onto the terrified villagers, who found themselves gasping to hold on as the torrential deluge of Zecora’s seed threatened to sweep the village off the map.

A tidal wave of thick cum burst from her throbbing member and swept through the tiny village, flooding it with a close to two feet of her sticky seed. Zecora’s spasming cock wasn’t finished. She fired another massive load of thick, white cum into the sky as her body doubled in size yet again.

Zecora started putting her entire body into pleasing herself. Her massive butt-cheeks could easily crush the entire village under their mass. They repeatedly slammed against the ground, causing earthquakes that were easily a 6.0 on the Richter scale. Zecora was in complete bliss. Every caress of her gigantic shaft caused another jet of cum to burst out of her unending balls. Stroke after stroke after stroke caused blast after blast of cum to burst from her tip, flooding the entire valley with her seed.

Zebras ran for cover as drops of cum rained down on the village like meteorites. The grand elder just looked up with a look of absolute contempt and disgust as Zecora’s cock cast its shadow over the village, pulsating like a hungry predator, as if teasing them that they were all about to be crushed by its mightiness.

“My disbelief cannot suspend, I did not think this was how it would end.” Muttered a zebra. “I can’t look away, much to my dismay. I feel now it is the judgment day.”

“Calm yourself. Don’t work up a sweat, my magical powers will save us yet.” The elder said calmly. He swiftly gathered an armful of potions and tossed into a bubbling cauldron. “That girl is naught but a laughing stock, my magic will save from her giant cock!”

The mass of flesh fell towards the village. The elder finished his incantation just in time to summon a magical shield similar to the one used to protect Canterlot. The mighty wall of meat that was Zecora’s balls slammed into the force-field, which was all that stood between the village and annihilation. The minuscule zebras gasped in terror as her sweaty balls completely engulfed the village.

“Look at her! Look at her bodice, truly Zecora is a goddess!” declared a villager.

The zebra villagers stared up at the mass of black skin with a look between awe and terror. It completely engulfed the village causing a great darkness to overtake them. Nothing could be seen outside the sphere but Zecora’s unending sperm factories.

Outside the sphere, Zecora had grown to close to five thousand feet tall. She took up almost the entire valley with her enormous body. Her skyscraper-sized cock was shooting forth millions of gallons of cum every minute.

Finally, Zecora’s god-like orgasm began to wear down. As the last spurts of cum oozed from her slit, Zecora leaned backwards and fell into the valley. The land cracked beneath her weight. Now, at the height of her climax, she had reached an astounding size of almost an entire mile. She must have weighed hundreds of thousands of tons. The ponies’ digging camp had been completely destroyed, collapsed beneath her incomprehensible weight. Thankfully, the archeologists had been able to escape.

Her gigantic cock was still twitching from its first-ever orgasm. It stood as the highest point of the valley, as a monument to her enormous size and tremendous virility. A few streams of cum still leaked from the tip, sending small cumfalls dripping down her body to the valley below.

Zecora just lay there for a minute in a state of absolute bliss. Her massive lungs inhaled entire clouds, as house-sized droplets of sweat and cum dripped from her body. She was more than content just to bask in the afterglow of what was undoubtedly the greatest experience of her life.

Suddenly Zecora sat up as she remembered her village. She had been far too caught up in her blissful growth to even consider the physical consequences of her actions. Immediately she shifted herself backwards and gave a sigh of relief to see the village elder had but up a protective spell.

Zecora pulled herself off the ground, cum and sweat dripping off her smooth fur. Only now did she realize just how massive she had become. Her head reached all the way up to the clouds in the lower atmosphere. Zecora quickly bent over to examine her village. It was so small compared to her. The village of close to five hundred zebras was now merely the size of a bit to Zecora. She glanced over the cum-covered village. The entire valley was covered with at least three feet of her cum, creating dozens of rivers made exclusive from Zecora’s sperm. The thick scent of Zecora’s musk loomed in the air. Zecora found it quite potent. She could only imagine how bad it was for the poor zebras that had been trapped under her balls. It must have been overwhelming.

To Zecora’s surprise, her eyes seemed to allow her to see detail on an incredible level of detail. Easily over one hundred times the level of your average zebra. As she peered at the village with her eyes, she could see her friends and neighbors bowing down towards her.

Zecora was taken aback. They were worshiping her as a goddess! But not out of joy, but out of fear that she could destroy them at any moment. Zecora was absolutely speechless. Her heart sank at the sight of their terrified faces. She had never asked for any of this. She just wanted to know what it was like to have a penis. And now she had the power to crush entire villages under her feet.

She needed to help her village. Entire huts had been swept away by her orgasm, zebras were stuck to the sides of buildings, and the market was completely buried in sticky clusters of cum. She reached towards the village, only to realize that even the slightest touch could destroy an entire row of huts.

Zecora regretted being so reckless. She had let her lust get the better of her, and now she had grown to the point where everyone she had ever known was just a speck in an ocean of her cum. She had no choice. At this size, she was a danger to everything around her. She planned on leaving Zebafrika, so she could live on a deserted island, assuming she could even find one big enough to support her.

As Zecora turned to leave, she found herself wishing she was smaller. Just so she could say goodbye to her friends and family one last time, as a zebra, instead of the monster she had become. Then she felt a slow vibration inside her ass. Zecora looked back, puzzled. Then she realized the clouds were rising. No, she was shrinking! The gem was absorbing all the energy from her body back into itself.

“Yes!” Zecora cried to herself. “Please! Let me be normal again!” She had mastered control of the stone’s energies. She could now put back what she had borrowed from the gem. Down and down she shrunk. Until she was back to her normal height and wading through a lake of her own cum.

Only now that she was back to her previous size did she truly understand how much devastation she had caused. She fell to her knees in distress.

Zecora’s ears perked up as they heard the elder’s voice. “You, little one! What have you done!?”

Zecora’s ears drooped back down. “Elder…” Zecora started. She wanted to talk in her culture’s traditional rhyme, but words failed her. “I’m so sorry…” was all she managed to get out.

The elder looked at her “I know.” He said solemnly.

“Is everyone okay?” Zecora sobbed.

“We were lucky, there is no need to grieve, yet it would still be wise for you to leave.” The elder said. “So our people should not become perverted, we must remain introverted.”

“But what about…?” Zecora started, but once again the elder cut her off.

“Many now view you as a god, they are amazed by the might of your rod. Your presence would bring naught but disruption, our culture cannot take such a corruption.”

“But this land is all I know, where shall I go?” Zecora cried.

“I’m sorry, my hands are tied. Your destiny must be yours to decide.” said the elder. “But with fear is how they perceive, I am sorry, you need to leave…”

Zecora wanted to help clean up the village, but she knew the elder was right. She had almost destroyed her own people. Sighing, she turned her back on the village and slowly walked out of the cum-soaked valley.

Zecora stood on the shorelines of Zebafrika. The elder was right. She needed to find a new life somewhere else. Somewhere where her penis would be accepted, but also somewhere secluded enough that if she did lose control, no one would be harmed. She had heard rumors that there were desert islands in the Gulf of Ponyma, she figured she would head there.

Zecora allowed the energy of the gem to flow into her, expanding her body to around one thousand feet. At this size she could probably get there in about a day. Zecora took one last look at her homeland before stepping into the sea for her new home.

Chapter 2

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Dark Tomb sighed as the sun set over the Zebafrican valley. She looked over the destroyed archeological site. All her life’s work, all those years of research, Heck, even the site she was researching. Wiped away in an instant. It had been a month since the incident, but the anger still boiled in her veins. She couldn’t believe some… barbaric zebra found the Omni-stone before her. It was infuriating. And the worst part was she could have stopped it if she had just told that stupid zebra to get out of the dig site. But no, she let her curiosity get the better of her.

After all this time the archeological team had finally decided it was safe to go back into the tomb. Zecora’s semen had finally dried up. But it seemed to be an extremely powerful fertilizer, as lush plant growth had sprung up wherever her virile seed had been. Of course, this meant that the remains of the tomb were choked with thick, tough vines.

The dig team had decided to delve back into the ruins to search for any artifacts that may have survived, but progress was slow. The team was afraid the ruins had become unstable, and the lower levels needed to be reinforced before they could be explored again.
Dark tossed and turned in her tent, but found that she just couldn’t sleep. She grabbed her glow-stone and exited her tent. As she went down to the dig site to sulk, she noticed a packet of cigarettes abandoned on a table. Dark didn’t smoke, but she needed something to take her mind off things, and swiped the packet from the table.

Dark entered the ruins. There were a few archeologists milling about, but Dark just ignored them. She didn’t care about them. In fact, she didn’t particularly care about anything, even herself. She wandered past the safety tape and into the unstable portions of the tomb. As she wandered farther in, it grew darker and darker until it was bitch black. Dark activated her glow stone, and saw that she had wandered into a dead end. Dark smirked in pained amusement. To most ponies, it was just a simple pointless hallway. But Dark had endlessly pondered what its purpose was in draconic culture. Heck, she had written a thirty-page essay on just this hallway alone, but both her research and the hallway were destroyed.
Dark pulled out a cigarette and lit it. She knew smoking in the ruins was forbidden, but at this point, she just didn’t care. The hallway was completely covered with vines. Dark couldn’t stand to look at it any longer. She disabled her glow stone, leaving only the faint light of her cigarette.

“All those years of research for nothing. I spent almost a decade writing about this stupid tomb, and I’ve got nothing to show for it.” She started banging her head against the walls. “Gaaaahhhh…I’ve wasted my life on nothing! Damn that zebra! Damn her straight to Tartarus!”

A sharp pain pierced Dark’s forehead. She held up her cigarette to the wall and saw that one of the vines growing on the wall had thorns, which had torn a small cut in her forehead. But just above the vine, she saw a ghostly object phasing in and out of existence. “What the…?” Dark instantly lit up the room with her horn, causing the flickering object to disappear. “Where did it…?” Dark placed her hand over where the object had been.
Dark extinguished her magical light, causing the ghostly object to return. “It’s the fire…” Dark realized. She pulled out a match, lit it and held it up to the flickering object. A stone handle slowly phased in and out of existence. Dark lit another match, causing a gem-studded door handle to appear.

“It only appears in fire.” Dark gasped. “Of course! This tomb was built by dragons!”

Dark knew she should alert the dig team of her discovery. That she should really catalog and document everything before attempting to poke around with an ancient tomb. Much less one that could be booby-trapped. But her curiosity and nihilism got the better of her. She reached towards the handle and pulled it.

A massive door opened, ripping through the choking vines as it did. Dark cautiously made her way to the door. She peered cautiously into the tomb, starting to get a little excited. Throwing caution to the wind, Dark walked through the door and entered the burial chamber.
There was an absolutely massive coffin in the center, easily 30 feet in length. The carving of the facade of the coffin looked sort of equine in nature, but it had two horns and shaggy fur. “A goat?” Dark wondered aloud. “Why would the ancient dragons decorate a tomb with that? Goats have always been considered an un-exceptional race. There’s no way that coffin is holding a goat!”

Dark walked right up to the coffin. She knew she should wait for the dig team before exhuming the contents of the coffin. She knew she would get flak for being in the unstable part of the tomb, let alone opening a coffin, but she just had to know what was inside.

There appeared to be a complex opening system that required eight levers on the side of the coffin to be pulled simultaneously. It would have been quite the bother, if Dark hadn’t been a unicorn. Obviously, whoever designed this tomb hadn’t thought things through very well. With a wave of her horn all of the levers lowered simultaneously.

A series of mechanical arms came down from the ceiling and grabbed a hold of the coffin lid. The mechanism had clearly been damaged by the seismic activity created by the giant zebra, as they looked like they were falling apart. Three of them burst into gears and rivets as the gripped the sarcophagus lid, but the remaining five kept their hold on it.

A thick cloud of dust was kicked up as the coffin was unsealed. Dark fanned the air with one hand while coughing into the other. Once the storm of dust had settled down, she climbed up to the coffin to take a look at her prize, keeping one eye on the massive stones being held by the rickety arms above her.
Dark reeled back in shock. Inside was a perfectly preserved massive, black goat! There was a thick layer of dust surrounding the giant goat, possibly decayed bandages. His body was completely bare save for an ebony metal bell with gold trim in the shape of spiraling teeth. At the top of the bell was a miniscule crack, with faint blue energy glowing from within.

Dark couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Her brain raced to figure how a body could be preserved like this, even outlasting its burial shroud. Dark walked over to the necklace around the giant’s neck. She couldn’t believe this object had survived either. It was almost three feet across. Dark gently picked up the object with her magic. She wiped the object clean with her hand. As she did, the object shrunk down to only a few inches across.

Dark examined the necklace, which rung slightly in her hands. She heard a stirring behind her. She looked up and saw the giant body rise out of the tomb. “Holy crap!” Dark yelped, nearly dropping the necklace.

The giant goat sat up and opened her eyes, looking down at the tiny pony in the room with her pendant. He roared with anger. “That’s mine!” He roared before leaping towards Dark. “I’ll kill you!”

Dark quickly ran out the tomb and into the dead end. The doorway was far too small for the giant goat to squeeze through. He reached through at Dark, but she was just outside of his reach. “FUUUUCKKK!!!” The giant roared. “You’ve got to be kidding me! The one century I decide to sleep, and this fucking happens!”

Dark lay in the rubble, her chest pounding up and down. “Who…who are you?” Dark trembled.

“I am Grogar, the devourer of worlds!” The giant goat snarled. “And that is my bell! Give it to me!”

“How are you still alive?” Dark panted “Is your body artificial? Is the pendant keeping you alive?” She asked, still eyeing her cautiously.
“Technically, I’m not alive. I died eons ago. But the pendant’s magic keeps my spirit from passing. Inside are the souls of billions of beings! They sustain me.” Grogar explained.

“Billions of souls!?” Dark gasped.

“I didn’t earn my title from nothing.” Grogar grinned. “I traveled from world to world, harvesting their populations to sustain my own life. Unfortunately, the dragon Bahamut overpowered me, and trapped me in this wrenched tomb.”

“Why not just destroy the bell?” asked Dark holding a rock over the bell. “Wouldn’t that eradicate you?”

“Indeed it would.” Grogar snorted. “However, the bell carries a terrible curse. It can never be fully destroyed. If it is, it will reform itself and corrupt the soul of whoever attempted to demolish it.”

“But why put you in such an easy to find place?” Dark backed up. “Certainly they realized you’d be released sooner or later.”

“I am afraid your kind was not accounted for because you did not exist at that time.” The goat snorted. “When I was imprisoned on this planet, it was completely devoid of life. They hoped that the energies in my pendant would eventually run out. But after a few billion years, the primordial space dust created, and I use this term loosely, intelligent life’ on this planet, giving me a chance to escape.”

“Well, I’m not letting you escape!” yelled Dark “You’re stuck in that tomb! And you can’t do anything without your precious bell! You can just rot in there for all I care!”

“Big talk from a two decade-old being.” Grogar mocked. “I can wait an inconceivably long time. Whether by natural causes, the doing of ponies, or my own effort, I will escape this tomb eventually. And when I do, I will make sure you suffer greatly before I absorb your soul!”

Dark shuddered. She had become nihilistic enough that she didn’t fear death, but the thought of an immortal goat devouring her soul terrified her. She thought about destroying the bell to gain its powers. But what sort of irreparable damage would that do to her psyche? Would she even still be Dark Tomb after the artifact’s corruption took hold?

“Tell you what, insect.” Grogar snorted “If you give me back my amulet now, I will show mercy on you and your pitiful race. And as a reward for not wasting my time, I will make you immortal, and powerful to the point where your ignorant species might worship you as a god. You have my word.”

Dark sighed. She had lost everything, and the prospect of becoming a powerful alicorn sounded pretty endearing to her. Maybe she could join the ranks of Celestia and Luna, or at the very least have her very own kingdom like Princess Cadence. At the least it would give her something to do with her life. Dark timidly took a step forward.

Grogar immediately lunged forward and grabbed Dark. “Foolish little thing!” He immediately threw Dark across the room, easily cracking one of her ribs. Grogar’s bell skidded across the room.

“Hmm.” Grogar mused. “It appears my body has grown weak since the loss of my bell. Had I been able to tap into its power, I could have turned you to jelly!”

Dark winced in pain. She crawled away as fast as she could as the giant goat stomped towards her.

“What is it you fear?” Grogar laughed as Dark weakly reached for the bell.” The end of your trivial existence? You are little more than a speck! Less than a germ! You are nothing!” He kicked Dark across the room, sending her flying away from the bell.

Dark could feel blood running down her face. The bell was all the way across the room now. She sprinted towards it, but Grogar easily was upon her and lifted her off the ground with a single hand.

”You’re entire race is younger than my nap! A mere blip in my infinite existence!” Grogar gripped her stomach, causing her damaged ribs to flare up in pain. I’m going to make your pathetic soul watch as I devour your planet. It’s small compared to the other worlds I have consumed. A mere snack! But the important part is that you will suffer for daring to touch my precious bauble!”

Dark stared at the bell. There was no chance she could telekinetically grab it without Grogar seeing her. She looked up and saw it was lying underneath the precariously balanced stone lid, held up only by the ancient mechanical limbs. That would have to do. She focused her magic on destroying the damaged machinery and hoped for the best.

“I have suffered your presence long enough!” Grogar raised Dark towards his salivating mouth. He was going to swallow her whole. “Time for you to become a part of me!”

The mechanical arms simultaneously failed, sending the massive chunk of stone crashing into the ground with a devastating crash. The tablet shattered, sending a massive cloud of dust into the air.

“What!?” Grogar looked back, dropping Dark to the ground. “NOOOooo!” He frantically sifted through the shattered lid’s remains. Hoping desperately his bell had survived the impact.

A wispy glowing blue soul rose from the rubble. Then another. And another. More and more rose from the rubble and surrounded Grogar. Billions on billions of them. They moved so fast that Dark could barely see them. The souls were blue and cold at first, but when they realized they were free and flowing around the body of their former captor they turned red and fiery, burning millions of microscopic holes into the undead goat’s chest.

“NO!” Grogar cried. “This cannot be! I cannot be killed by… an…insect…like…you…” He wheezed as he finally crumbled to dust.

Realizing their captor was now finally defeated, the souls color changed to yellow. Dark leaned back and gave a sigh of relief, basking in the light of the seemingly endless torrent of souls, who fluttered around for a few brief seconds before disappearing into the aether. At last, there was only one left, which floated in front of Dark’s muzzle. “Thank you…” it said in a quiet female voice, before disappearing into the peaceful afterlife.

Dark could barely comprehend what had just happened. She had probably just saved the world, and no one would ever know. She looked at the rubble and saw a stream of liquid metal ooze out of the rocks and form into the shape of a simple, black amulet with the same spiraling teeth motif as Gorger's bell. Dark stared at the cursed amulet. It called to her, beckoning her to use its amazing power.

Dark thought about resisting it. But the thought crossed her mind, what if some one worse than her got their hands on it? They'd be able to devastate Equestria in a matter of hours! She timidly picked up the amulet and put it around her neck. "Okay..." she said to the cursed artifact. "But I'm in charge, got it?"

The amulet was indifferent.

Dark heard yelling coming from the hallway. It was Caballeron. "If it's not one thing it's another! I swear! Where does one go to find good hench-ponies these days!?"

"Shit..." Dark quickly tucked the amulet under her shirt, just as Caballeron and two of his guards burst into the room.

“What the hell is going on here!?” the Doctor roared.

Dark knew her boss wouldn’t believe her if she told him. “Nothing…”

“This isn’t nothing, Dark!” Caballeron growled. “The entire dig site shook! You obviously triggered some sort of elaborate booby trap!”

“She’s lucky the whole place didn’t collapse.” A pegasus guard commented.

Caballeron slowly walked up to her. “I find it very fascinating that despite how much research you’ve given me claiming that this hallway was nothing more than a dead end, you were miraculously able to find this massive tomb while everyone else was asleep. What a coincidence!” He poked at her chest, just missing the amulet.

“Boss…” Dark gulped. “It’s not what it looks like…”

“Oh, I think it is, Dark.” said Caballeron “I think you knew this place was here the whole time. I think you thought there was going to be a grand treasure here. And with your silly research destroyed, you went with the plan of trying to steal from me. You planned on sneaking any treasures you found out in middle of the night, didn't you?”

“She’s opened the sarcophagus.” said the other guard. “But there aint’ nothing here but dust.”

“That basically proves she was looking for treasure under my nose.” Caballeron said flatly. “I’m afraid you’ll have to be punished, Dark. The real question is whether or not you’ll still be breathing at the end of that punishment.”

Dark started crying. She had just saved the worldt, and now her life was in peril once again.

“What do you think, boys?” asked Caballeron “Should she live or die?”

“Hell yes.” Said the earth pony guard. “She tried to go under your nose. It don’t matter that she didn’t find nothing. She needs to made an example!”

“I don’t know…” the pegasus guard pondered. “She tried to rip ya off, yeah. But is that really worth killing her? She deserves some sort of punishment, but snuffing her over this seems a little extreme.”

“Hmmm.” Caballeron tapped his muzzle. “This is the tough decision. My mind is having a difficult time deciding. So I will leave the verdict up to another part of me.” He unbuckled his trousers.

“Um, Boss? What are you doing?” asked the pegasus.

“Dark has always been in and out of my chambers for various infractions. Of all the scum that was sent to me to ‘repent’ for misbehavior, she was by far the most pleasing. There’s something inherently effeminate about her, probably the low testosterone thanks to her small stallionhood.” He smirked as he pulled out his own, which was easily twice the size of Dark’s. “So I am offering her an opportunity to escape with her life. If she performs well, I will merely throw her out of the camp, if she doesn’t… Well."

“That’s awfully arbitrary, don't you think?” Dark gulped.

"Or we could just slit your throat right now and be done with you." Caballeron said callously.

Dark immediately got on her knees and positioned herself in front of her boss's gigantic member.

"Good." Caballeron said lazily. "Now suck like the slut you are..."

Dark desperately had to put on a good show. Normally this sort of thing came naturally to her, but in this particular instance, she was under a great deal of stress about her performance. “Such a strong stallion. I bet you had all the ponies dying to get a chance with this thing. And here I am being ‘punished’ with it?” She purred nervously.

“Flattery will get you nowhere.” The Doctor grunted. “I will be judging you entirely based on your performance. Don’t disappoint me.”

Dark lowered her right hand down Caballeron's body. She cupped his balls with her left hand and played with them for a moment before sliding up his dick, allowing her hands to meet at the tip of his penis. She slowly started to stroke his member, which slowly hardened in her grip. She then leaned in and slowly licked his tip, while her hand continued to massage his stiff shaft.

Caballeron looked unimpressed. He simply let her do what she pleased, but after two minutes of her toying with him, he frowned. “I understand you’re under a lot of duress, but if you stall any longer I’ll make you dig your own grave.”

“Okay…” Dark gulped “Let’s get to the main event…”

She began to stroke his dick in a rapid, fluid motion. She promptly placed his tip in her mouth while still stroking it. Caballeron could feel her hot mouth stimulating his dick. Be he was Impatient and shoved his whole dick do into her mouth, her lips meeting his pelvis. Dark's throat gagged, and as she did, she gave a tiny suck of his cock.

Caballeron’s eyes widened in shock. “GAAAAAAHHH” he yelled.

Dark looked at what her tiny suck had done and saw that his stomach was much skinnier than it was before. Instantly she felt much more powerful. The cursed necklace under her shirt started glowing blue.

“Did she just…?” the guards whimpered.

“She sucked out my guts!” Caballeron screamed, and fell to the ground, clutching his stomach.

Dark grinned. She could taste Caballeron’s energies flowing into her. “Mmmm! Fuck! That’s good!” She licked her lips before plunging her lips back over Caballeron’s cock.

The guards rushed forward to stop her, but Dark simply pushed them aside, before giving another mighty suck.

Caballeron wheezed as she slurred him up as if he were a slushy.

Dark purred with joy. “You like that, baby?” She sucked even more of Caballeron’s essence into her.

“Please…” Caballeron whimpered. “I’ll let you go… I’ll give you whatever you want…”

“Sorry honey, at this point, I can take whatever I want!” Dark sucked with all her might, completely absorbing Caballeron until he disappeared completely down her gullet. Dark belched and patted her belly. She could feel Caballeron’s soul inside her. “Don’t worry, I won’t torment your soul or whatever. But you better get used to living inside of me! I'm in charge now!”

Dark’s monolog was interrupted by a sharp pain to her chest. She looked back to see one of guards had stabbed her right through the heart with his sword. “Lights out, asshole!” a guard yelled.

“Ow…” Dark said flatly.

“Holy shit!” yelled the guard.

“S-she’s not dead!” gasped his pegasus counterpart.

“You may have forgotten, but I absorbed your bosses’ body. I can easily use his heart while mine is broken.” Dark tossed her ruined shirt aside, revealing the glowing amulet. Her pierced heart burst out of her chest. Dark simply removed the blade and tossed it aside, before literally kissing her heart like a skinned knee to make it repair itself. With the damage repaired she simply opened her chest cavity and tossed the organ back inside.

“Y-you have two hearts!?” the terrified guard backed up.

“For now,” said Dark. “But I’m about to have three!” Dark grabbed the guard and shoved his head into her chest. He grabbed her breasts to try to pull himself out, but it proved fruitless. His shoulders started to sink further into Dark’s skin as he was pulled further inside.

Dark moaned in delight, enjoying the struggles of the pony who had minutes ago suggested she be executed. His hands began sinking inside her breasts. His body was pulled in at a steady rate. His legs flailed in panic. Dark looked up at the other terrified guard. “Come here!” Dark ordered.
The terrified guard saw little choice but to listen to the seemingly-invincible pony that was consuming his cohort with her breasts right in front of him. “Y-y-yes…?” he whimpered, visibly wetting himself.

Dark took a deep breath as the first guard's legs sunk into her chest. His feet wriggled pathetically as they disappeared fully into her cleavage, which easily grew at least four bra sizes from the new mass. Dark grabbed her newly-expanded breasts and slowly caressed them, getting a sadistic pleasure from watching them jiggle and bounced. “You have no idea how amazing that felt.” She moaned, patting her stomach. “Wouldn’t you agree that was pretty awesome?” She asked the pegasus.

“Uh-huh…” the terrified pony nodded.

"Well, don't be shy." Dark wiggled her breasts in front of his face. "Give them a squeeze."

The guard timidly ran his hands over her gigantic orbs, prompting a trickle of white liquid to ooze out of her nipples.

"Oooh!" Dark purred, and ran her finger over the bottom of his chin. "Looks like he likes you. Yes he does. I'm guessing you two were lovers at one point."

“Y-you a-ate him!” the guard sobbed.

“Don't worry. He’s still alive.” Dark smirked. “He’s just trapped inside of me. His pathetic little body is mine to do with as I wish, and right now, I am making use of his meat.” Dark allowed the guard’s face to rise to the surface of her stomach. “I can feel him, desperately trying to find his way out. But unfortunately for him…” The guard’s face disappeared into her stomach, and the mass shifted itself into her biceps with a cracking noise. “…he’s mine now!”

The remaining guard got down on his knees and sobbed. “Make it quick, please…” was all he managed to blubber out between his sniffles.

Dark gently patted his head. “Oh… Don’t worry. I’m not going to eat you. I think I owe you that much for standing up for me earlier.”

The pegasus couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Oh thank you! Thank you!” he wept.

“Although, I’m afraid you’ll still have to be punished. It's only fair.” Dark echoed Caballeron’s words, before plunging her hand into the guard’s chest.

The guard shrieked in pain as he felt Dark draining the flesh from his body. His wingbones were sucked out his body with a violent crunching noise and through Dark’s arm and into her body.

“MMMMmmm!” Dark purred. A pair of skeletal wings burst out of her back. Muscles and gray flesh quickly wrapped around the wingbones. “Oh yes! Those are some nice, strong wings. They’ll serve me well.”

The guard fell to the ground and started sobbing in pain and massaging the skin where his wings had once been “It hurts…” He whimpered.

Dark rolled her eyes. “Oh stop whining. You’ll live.”

“W-what are you going to do now…?” the guard choked. “W-with all that power?”

“Whatever the hell I feel like.” Dark grinned. “And I’ll absorb any pony that gets in my way!”

“A-and what do you feel like doing?” the guard trembled.

“You’re asking a lot of questions for a pony who just got their wings eaten!” Dark gave a bemused look at him. “Are you certain you wish to antagonize the pony who just ate two ponies in front of you?”

“N-no! I-I-I meant no disrespect.” He cowered. “I-I just wanted…to know what Equestria’s newest alicorn goddess had p-planned…”

Alicorn goddess. Dark liked that. “I approve of your respect, little pony. My life has a new purpose now! Revenge!" She grinned "I’m going to find the zebra that destroyed my research, and ruined my old life! And when I find her, I’m going to eat her! And then, with the power of the Omni-stone, I will take over the world, and all of ponykind will worship me as their omnipotent, benevolent goddess or be absorbed into my divine form!” The amulet around her neck glowed brightly.

"I-I can't argue with that..." the pegasus gulped, as Dark broke into maniacal laughter.