Fluttershy finds a Norfleet

by Skaltrox Defiance Knight

First published

After her rampage with the BFG, Fluttershy had to pay for the repairs to ponyville. Sorry for what she did, she leaves ponyville for manehattan on a short holiday, this is where she finds another weapon.


Fluttershy felt sorry for the damage she did with the BFG. She has been paying off the damage little by little, but she still needed to get away from her mess and try to calm down. So she decides to head for Manehattan, while there she finds another weapon like the BFG. Her corrupted state returns.

This is a borderlands crossover. The Norfleet is a powerful legendary (and E-tech) rocket launcher. If you wish to learn more about it, check out the borderlands wiki

Different place, New weapon

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Fluttershy felt bad. She really did, but she still longed for the BFG back. Its power was great and Fluttershy would do anything to get it back, but as she knew, that weapon belonged to the armoured bipedal and she didn't feel like trifling with him.

Fluttershy didn't have the money to pay for all the damages to ponyville straight away, so she paid it back a little amount each day or each week depending on how urgent the bit were needed. Celestia was stricken with anger over the damages, but she knew the pegasus was not a born destroyer and her forgiveness was found very quickly. Now Fluttershy was given a break from what happened, she was transported to Manehattan for a few days to relax and cool herself off from her destructive side no pony knew had.

"Ahh Manehatten" Fluttershy sighed as she stepped off the train into the streets of the grand city of Manehattan. It was bustling with life, people walking about, builder ponies working on buildings or other forms of construction and street performers doing what they did best to acquire even a sliver of money. The city was teeming with lights and sounds that Fluttershy almost wanted to cover her ears at the noise. Almost.

"So where was that spa?" Fluttershy said pulling out a brochure from her saddle bags. The brochure was about a well known Manehattan spa called 'ponefic le mar' it was famous for its expert massage ponies. Rarity insisted that she should have a go, Fluttershy didn't disagree to the idea per se, but considering she had to pay for damages to ponyville, she felt that it would be impossible to pay for a treatment. Rarity put that into account, she did the generous thing and paid for a special treatment at the ponefic le mar herself.

Fluttershy didn't feel right to have one of her friends pay for something like this, after what she did. But Rarity knew Fluttershy well, she didn't mind what damage she did (mainly because her boutique was barely scratched).

Fluttershy wondered down the street until she came across the spa. It had the name in big cursive lettering outside and many pictures of model ponies plastered in the windows.

Fluttershy entered the building's front office and was instantly hit by a large array of aroma's, some she knew, others were new to her. She trotted up to the front desk and greeted the very pampered pony working the desk.

"Hello, are you here through a reservation?" the mare asked.

Fluttershy responded "Yes, I am. It should be under the name Rarity"

The desk mare looked at her computer for several moments then looked up at Fluttershy with a smile "Ahh yes here you are. Just go through that door Miss Fluttershy and you'll be taken to your treatment"

Fluttershy nodded "Thank you very much"

Entering another door, Fluttershy awaited for a pony to take her for the treatment. Not a few minutes later, a blue-coated unicorn mare arrived and greeted Fluttershy.

"Hello Miss Fluttershy I presume? I am Ocean Crystal, would you follow me?" Ocean Crystal said.

"Yes that's me and Hello there" Fluttershy replied.

Fluttershy followed Ocean down a corridor, it was quite long so Ocean decided to engage in some light chatter.

"So the desk has told me that your friend paid for your treatment. Why could you?"

Fluttershy turned towards Ocean and smiled "I destroyed most of my town with a strange weapon I found in a meadow while laughing like a mad mare. I had to pay for the damages so I didn't have enough to pay for this.

Ocean's eyes went gigantic ".....I....see"


2 hrs 20 minutes later:

Fluttershy felt quite relaxed after her treatment in the spa. The massage ponies knew what they were doing. She had tension removed from her shoulders she didn't even know she had.

Now she was off again down the street looking for anything to do. She scanned over buildings and a local park, there was too much to choose from so Fluttershy decided to go where her she felt was right. But as she passed dark alley way, she caught a glimpse of a glowing red light.

It could of been just some sort of light for a secret club, but Fluttershy felt drawn to it almost like it was calling to her. She stepped back into the alley and followed the light all the way to a dead end.

But something was odd about the dead end, it had a door. Or some sort of locker. The red light pulsed on the top of the locker, there was something inside it, Fluttershy just knew it. She opened the door and gasped at what she found.

Inside was another weapon, this one was long and mostly cylindrical, it had a pallet of orange, white and black, a handle with a large trigger like, just like the BFG, and glowing blue lights. It also had four blue cylinder pieces loaded in some sort of carriage. This weapon was like the BFG.

Fluttershy beamed at the sight, her corrupted mind came back and it wanted. NO. Needed this weapon and that's what Fluttershy did. She picked up the weapon and closed the locker door. Marvelling at its decal, Fluttershy held the weapon up, she noticed a small screen attached to it's side. Looking through it she found that she could see things from a distance, up close. "Let's see what you can do" Fluttershy grinned.

Pulling the trigger, the weapon fired out three blue/purple energy bombs at once, they flew out the alley way and over to a nearby building. Crashing through the windows, the bombs exploded with white light, shattering the windows and destroying everything inside the building.

Fluttershy's malefic smile returned with full force "Oh I love this thing"

Fluttershy looked into the open area where the cylinders were, only three remained. "Hmm this thing only holds four shots at a time" Fluttershy pondered.

"Well I'll see if I can find more ammo later...after I destroy some more building of course MUAHAHAHAHA!"


Several large buildings now lay in ruins. Thanks to Fluttershy. Ponies were panicking again and their screams only reared the demented pegasus to go on. "I am BACK baby! MUAHAHAHAHA!" she laughed.

*Click* "Ah fuck! It's out now!" Fluttershy cursed. She pulled out the empty cylinders, which she found to be connected together, and dropped them. "What do I do now? Wait...Huh?" Fluttershy looked at her hoof and found that she had another four piece cylinder set. 'But I dropped it?' she thought.

She looked to the ground and she found the empty shells were still lying there. Fluttershy, very confused, place the new shells into the slot and watched as they span for a second and the lights appeared on their surface once they did.

"I get more ammo just by removing the empty one?! YESSSSSS!" she hissed with pleasure.

Now the city was doomed.

Fluttershy cackled as she fired over and over at buildings and statues, basically anything that was a miscellaneous item. She destroyed it. She was having the time of her life, nothing was stopping her, nopony tried to. All they did was scream or flee in distress.

Fluttershy loved the sound of their distress.


Twilight burst through the doors of the throne room in Canterlot. She was in a hurry, she needed to inform Celestia.

"Celestia, Celestia!" she cried out.

"Yes what is the matter, Twilight?" Celestia asked as she placed down a stack of papers.

"It's happened again" was all that Twilight said.

Celestia gasped "You don't mean?"

Twilight nodded.

"We need to get there fast!"

"Apparently she found a new weapon and its power is no less than the first." Twilight stated.

"We must be cautious Twilight. We don't know what it could do to us." Celestia responded.

The two princesses, boarded a carriage and flew to Manehattan.


"Yes YES. I am your Master. Fear my great power!" Fluttershy laughed as she hovered above the burning remains of several buildings.

"I am Invincible!" Fluttershy fired the weapon again and watched as another building tumbled to the ground.

"I'm afraid you are not!" a voice called from below.

"Who said that!" Fluttershy snapped

"Down here." the voice said.

Fluttershy looked towards the ground and noticed who defied her. It was another bipedal, this one wore a brownish outfit with boots, he had a chiselled face with piercing eyes, short blondish hair and held a weapon similar to Fluttershy's, only smaller.

"Who are you?" Fluttershy questioned the bipedal.

"The names Axton. I see that you had some fun with my Norfleet" the bipedal named Axton said.

"Norfleet? That's what this is called?" Fluttershy gestured to the weapon.

Axton nodded. "Yep, its a very rare weapon that took me ages to acquire. Now, I know you had fun playing with it but I need it back. I have a giant Thresher to take down and that weapon will be a big help." Axton explained.

"B-But I love it" Fluttershy hugged the Norfleet.

"I can see that, but it's not yours to take. Don't you know stealing is wrong?"

Fluttershy remembered from before and sighed "OK.... here" Fluttershy gave the Norfleet back to Axton.

"Thank you miss..." Axton asked for a name.

Fluttershy caught on "Oh yeah Fluttershy"

Axton smiled "Well Fluttershy, you did quite a number to this place. For a little pony, you're quite the Badass"

Fluttershy blushed "Thank you for the compliment"

Axton thought for a moment. He went to his pocket and fished out a card, he scribbled some writing down and handed the card to Fluttershy. "Here take this"

Fluttershy looked at the card, she read a set of numbers. "What's this for?" she asked.

Axton was about to explain but then remembered something else. He pulled out a strange device from his other pocket and gave it to the pegasus.

Axton explained the items "Use that device to call me and that code right there is so you will get a hold of me. If you ever want to use weapons like this Norfleet again, call that number and I'll hook you up"

Fluttershy grinned "Sure thing"

Axton waved goodbye and teleported away with another device on his arm.

At that moment Celestia and Twilight arrived.

"Fluttershy! You've gone and done it again what do yo have to say for yourself?! Celestia shouted in anger, Twilight also showing her rage.

Fluttershy hid the items behind her back and smiled sweetly.

"I'm sorry"