Romantic Equestria: Praise the Sun

by Sean Shamrock

First published

After being cast into Equestria by a mysterious figure on a bridge you find yourself thrust into Celestia's castle as you try to adjust to your new life.

You where an average human working for the mayor in a dead end desk job. Your life felt bland and boring as everyday was the same routine. One night on your way home a terrible storm strikes your town and in the midst of the storm you see a figure jump off a bridge. After following the shadow you find yourself in a castle infirmary with a very beautiful princess taking care of you all while while fighting feelings she developed for you. Little does she know that Love at First Sight can't be fought.

Cover Art Provided By: The Paragon

It's Light Will Guide You to Happiness

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It was a cloudy day in March as you sat at your desk filling out paperwork for the coming election. When you first got the job being a Mayor's Aid seemed perfect and the paycheck that came with it only furthered this idea. However, the job quickly got boring the closer to the election it got. The mayor has had you pulling all nighters with her for the past few days hours of insufficient sleep, and gallons of coffee were starting to take its toll on your body. After you finished the paperwork you looked at the clock and decided to lay your head down and take a quick nap. As you cleared off your desk you closed your eyes and quickly fell asleep. You awake several hours later slightly refreshed as you look at the clock. You had slept well into the late hours of the night without evening realizing it. Standing up you stretched and groaned before grabbing your coat and briefcase and heading out the door. The smell of rain filled the outside hair as thunder boomed in the distance, this prompted you to quickly climb into your car and pull out of the parking lot and head home. Several minutes passed before rain began to pour down in heavy torrents as the mist made the rode nearly invisible even after you turned on your brights. Worried you slow your car down and flipped on your caution lights and pulled over to the side of the road. You pull out your phone and text your roommates letting them know you're gonna be staying on the side of the road till the rain stops. You closed your phone and reclined your seat and relaxed as rain assaulted your car.

A few hours passed as you looked out your window, the rain had died down some to the point where you could see a bridge in front of you. You breathed a sigh of relief as something disturbing caught your eye. In the distance you saw the silhouette of something standing on the ledge of the bridge as you squinted your eyes the silhouette turned into a person and began to lean forward off the bridge. You quickly opened your door and began sprinting towards the person. You hopped over the side of the bridge hoping to save the person. As you crashed into the water your body began to tingle as a large green pulsating hole opened on the lake floor. The hole began to suck you into it as you tried to swim away. The hole finally swallowed you as your had become weightless. All around you was swirls of random colors and shapes. Confused and terrified you bag to frantically look for a way out. Your eyes soon close as oxygen leaves your body and you pass out causing your world and mind to go black.

Your eyes slowly opened as you looked around a small white room. You try to move but a hoof presses against your chest. “Whoa there human it’s not safe for you to move yet, you had a nasty fall and we need to make sure you are ok.” The mature yet comforting voice said as you turn your head to see a large white creature that resembled an Alicorn just like the one in the fantasy stories your mother read you when you were little. Her mane consisted of dark pink, light blue, purple, and a light green and always seemed like it was made of water.” I’m surprised you're not dead after what happened. My guards said you smashed through the stained glass windows and three pillars. Your bones are surprisingly strong.” She said giggling as you tried to form a sentence but to no avail. “Oh no don’t talk just rest. When your better you can tell me everything about your world.” Celestia said leaving the room with a smile as she went into her chambers and wrote a letter to Twilight telling her that another human has shown up in Equestria and that Celestia herself would be in charge of helping him recover, but she is free to come and visit. Celestia sent the note as she laid in her bed and sighed a sigh of relief.

“Thankfully he is stable and OK, at this rate we are gonna have to open up an embassy for the humans that are thrown into this world. What worries me is they aren’t voluntarily coming here. They always seem to fall out of the sky or wash up on a nearby shore. Something crazy is going on here. However, the quick and healthy recovery of that human is my top priority.” Celestia said sighing as Luna walked into her chambers.

“Why do you care? After all these humans always seem so meek and pathetic. The fact that they have courted several ponies here in Equestria just means that they have no pride in their home world and would rather submit to the rules of somepony else's.” Luna said with a scorned look as she looked in the direction of your hospital room. “If you ask me they should be used as slaves instead of citizens of our world.” Celestia stood from her bed and delivered Luna a disappointed look.

“Shame on you sister these humans are not meek or pathetic. The fact that they are so willing to become part of our world means there is a terrible one and our world serve as better alternative for the chance at a different life. Now if they showed up her with weapons, armor, and stuff of that nature then I would be inclined to believe you. However, every human that has come here has not only been unarmed but also they haven’t tried to go back even after being offered the option. Sister I ask you to have more compassion for them. They are living things just like you and me.” Celestia said putting her hoof down and scorning Luna as she huffs and storms out of the room as Celestia gets back into bed and begins to read a book that Twilight had written for her about humans. Twilight was surprised when her mentor first asked for such a book. She had always thought some like Princess Celestia would have vast knowledge of humans since she was several thousand years old. Not wanting to disappoint her mentor Twilight and her friends had written several books about humans from their culture all the way to their physiology, and even one romance novel Rarity wrote.

Celestia continued as her mind began to drift and think about the human world. She closed her eyes and smiled as she quickly fell asleep. The morning came quick as Celestia rose out of her bed and yawned before getting ready for her day. Meanwhile, in your room the nurse was changing your IV drip and checking up on your charts as your eyes opened once again.

“Ugh, where am I? Who was the alicorn checking on me yesterday?” You asked as the nurse looked at you shocked and quickly ran out of the room. “What did I say? You asked again before forced yourself to sit up. Once you were vertical you reached over to the pitcher of water and filled up the cup next to the pitcher. The water satisfyingly runs down your throat as you let out a sigh of relief.

“Oh fantastic you're awake.” Celestia said walking into the room as you looked at her with confusion.

“Where am I and why am I in a hospital, and more importantly why am I surrounded by talking ponies?” You asked hoping for answers as Celestia sighed and walked over to your bedside.

“Your in Equestria.a world where Ponies, Griffons, Dragons, and many other creatures live and thrive. As for me I am Princess Celestia the ruler of Equestria, and my guards found you laying in the middle of my castle after causing substantial damage with your impact.” She said as you look at her with a look of guilt.

“I’m sorry all I can remember is trying to save someone who jumped off a bridge and next think I knew I was seeing colors and shapes and then nothing. When I opened my eyes I was here I apologize for destroying some of your castle Princess.” You said unintentionally playing along with what she said as she looked at you and giggled.

“No need to apologize human you can work for me to pay for the bits required to fix all of it. After all I need someone close to my height to help with everyday things, Think of it as being a Volunteer Servant.” She said before walking at of the room and smiling at you.

“What the hell just happened? This must be some sort of dream. You look around the room and search the walls. “C’Mon clock if there are no clocks then it’s a dream.” You continue look around and just when you think it is a dream you hear a ticking and look above you. On the wall behind you was a large white clock. “Shit this isn't a dream, I’m actually in a magical land of talking fantasy creatures.” You sigh and fall back into your bed and groan. “This can’t get any worse.” You said as you closed your eyes and tried to relax.

“Ok my plan is working, all I gotta do is just follow the book Rarity wrote for me and that human will be all mine.” Celestia said as Luna walked beside her.

“Sister what are you talking about? What book are you talking about?” Luna asked as Celestia handed her the book as she skimmed a few pages in the middle of the book as a bright red blush came across her face prompting her to close it quickly with wide eyes.

“See isn’t it lovely. Twilight said as long as I follow the instructions in all the books her friends gave me, then that human will wan serve by my side forever.” Celestia said as her mind raced about the thought of having a human around the castle as her servant. Luna and Celestia go about their day doing their royal duties all while Celestia reads more of the book during her moments of free time. “Oh what’s this?” Celestia said as her cheeks flushed at the part was reading. “Oh my why do I feel hot all of a sudden.” She said looking around before rushing to her chambers and locking the door behind her. She continued to read more as the area between her legs began to drip causing her to look down. “Oh dear rarity sure knows how to write.” She said closing the books as she used her magic to lift a scroll holder over to her she began to lick it slowly as her hoof rubbed between her legs.

She let out soft moans ash she worked her hoof faster while sucking on the glass tube. She smiled and used the magic to lower down to her plot as she slowly pushed it inside moaning louder. “Oh fuck you humans are so big.” She said as she began to work the tube back and forth at a quick pace. Her moans became drew near and louder as she laid her head back. “That's it human fuck your new Princess nice and hard.” She said in between moans as she speeds up her magic as the tube was fully inside her ripping plot. “Oh that's it human right there, oh you're gonna make me cum.” she yelled out as Luna and Twilight approached her door. “Yes, Yes, Yes harder human harder.” They heard from behind the door before blushing and backing away from the door slowly. “Yes, I’m almost there I’m almost there!” She yells out before twitching as she cummed all over the bed and let the tub fall out as she laid back and panted.

“Where they ?” Twilight asked Luna in shock as she leaves a nearby room.

“No I checked the infirmary and he is still there. This explains why my sister wants him as a servant, I swear humans have been nothing but trouble since they started appearing here. Oh no offense Twilight I forgot you married one of them.” Luna said as Twilight studied your body.

“None taken but his body is still in terrible shape. These bones won't heal for a while.” Twilight said before leaving the room with Luna. You awoke shortly after they left and climbed out of bed and hobbled out of your room holding onto your IV drip stand for balance as you walked around the castle. You looked around at the breathtaking architecture while contemplating what will happen to you. You didn’t like the idea of being a servant to anyone but simultaneously you realize you do owe the Princess after all she did save your life. You shrugged of the thought and decided to take everything one day at a time to avoid stressing yourself out and making your condition worse. After your walk around the castle you headed back to your room and climbed back into your bed and fell asleep.

Princess Celestia was working on some documents to send to the Crystal Empire regarding some increased security requests on the borders of the town as she looked up and out into the night sky and sighed sadly before leaving and heading to your room. She walked in quietly to see you on your side. “Human I don't know if you're awake or asleep but this is a good enough time to say somethings that are on my mind. Ya see, it’s been so long since a stallion has paid me any mind that wasn’t out of fear or respect of my position of power. Some days being a Princess is a struggle to the point where i sometimes just stay in bed and don’t move and pretend to be sick. Gentlecolt callers come occasionally for a one night stand but there is no passion behind it, not to mention they only do it cause I’m the princess. Few see me as just Celestia. Who knows maybe I’m being silly and just need to get over this slump.” She said slightly choking up not knowing if you're actually hearing any of this.

However, to her surprise you where as awake as possible but you didn’t have the guts to let her no. So, you decided to listen instead. “Wow I never thought being a princess could be that lonely for someone.” You thought to yourself as Celestia began to speak again.

“My sister seems to think your species is a nuisance race, but hopefully she will come to her senses and see the light. That being aid I can’t take watching you just lay in this bed day in and day out.” She said infusing your drip bag with magic as the new substance began repairing your bones and healing your bruises. “Hopefully you will be awake tomorrow so you can start your services.” She said leaving the room and closing the door as you rolled over onto your back and looked up at the ceiling.

“How can she be lonely? She has her sister, her people, her guards, and this Twilight pony that came into my room with Luna when they thought I was asleep. Still, I kinda feel bad for Celestia, maybe I shouldn’t fight the idea of being her servant. After all she would have company and I can’t bring myself to leave someone alone whether they are a Pony, Human, Dragon whatever they are no one should be alone. Hell lord knows I was alone apart from the mayor and my roommates, yeah ya know what I’ll try out being a servant and see how it goes, If I hate I can just ask to be sent home to my world.” You said as you closed your eyes falling asleep for real this time.

The next morning you woke up to a uniform and armor laying at the foot of your bed. You smile and get out of bed and get dressed. The clothes surprisingly fit like glove which made everything easier for you. Meanwhile, Celestia sits in her room with a checklist she made after finishing Rarity's book. “Ok so my next step is to do things like normal. If there can be something between us the opportunity will present itself now that I set the groundwork with what I told him last night.’ She says as she hears a knock at her door. “Come in.” She said as you opened the door and walked inside closing the door behind you. You put your forearm across your chest and bow.

“Reporting for duty my Princess.” You said in a loud confident voice that made her body tingle slightly. You raised your head and looked at the list on her wall. “Is that my To-Do list?” You asked as she quickly grabbed it and made it disappear with her magic.

“Oh no my young servant just some royal business. No your first duty is to accompany me to the Crystal Empire. You do know how to use a spear yes?” She asked as you looked confused.

“Umm, actually Princess I’ve never even held a weapon in my life.” She sighs and looks at you with a smile.

“It’s alright you will learn soon enough.” She said as she commands you to follow her to her carriage. Taking a seat you looked outside the window at Equestria as the carriage took off into the sky. Amazed you look at the clouds as Cloudsdale becomes visible. All the while Celestia smiles and giggle at your astonished look. “So human what was your old world like?” She asked as you turned to her and thought about home.

“Well back home I was the Mayor's Aid and what I did was handle all the Mayor's dirty work including paperwork, bills, etc.” She giggled and looked at you with a soft gaze.

“I know what a Mayor’s Aid is human, it's basically what I have you doing only here by my side you have far more leeway than in your world.” She said as you thought about and shrugged.

“Fair point, anyway apart from that I also lived with two other friends to help make ends meet and other than work I didn’t do much else. I was always too tired to do anything fun. Not to mention my roommates were only friends because I worked for the Mayor and used mainly as a status symbol for them.” You say coldly as Celestia looks upset at this new information.

“Twilight's books told me that some humans were unkind to each other but I had no idea that they would do such a thing. Well don’t worry you won’t be used as a symbol here. We ponies have honor and respect for other species, or at least some of us try to. With creatures like Changelings it’s hard to trust something that can take the full form of anything it wishes.” Celestia said as you nodded in agreement.

“So why are we going to this Crystal Empire place?” You asked as Celestia looked at the scroll she was sent.

“We are going to inspect its defenses, but I’ll explain more later. Continue to talk about yourself you have peaked my interests.” Celestia said with a smile and a soft blush. You notice and clear your throat blushing back.

“Well working for the Mayor of my home gave me free time to paint and read mostly. On my days off I would have a few drinks and go fishing or even sometimes catch a movie.” That comment caused her ears to perk up.

“By yourself? Did you not have a date or something like that?” She said as you laugh and rub the back of your neck nervously.

“Not exactly people weren’t exactly interested in me in my world. As for a girlfriend well never had one, there was one girl and she used me cause the thought I was rich due to my job and when she discovered the truth she cut and run.” You said sadly as Celest motioned you to sit over next to her. You stood up and slide over as she rested her head against yours. The warmth from her body soon made it’s way to you as you smiled and rubbed her neck. “What is she trying? Is she seriously trying to make a move or is this just what a servant does in this world?” You asked yourself as you sighed and looked out the window.

“Oh my he is so warm and his fingers feel amazing. Still, this poor human has a jaded past like the others. There word must be a truly horrible place to live. Am I wrong for this?” She asked herself. You began to rub her ears and hide as she blushed harder. “Maybe I have a chance to make both our lives better. If I’m gonna do that though I gotta play this smart to make sure nothing forced. I want the relationship to develop in a healthy way. Listen to me I sound just like a filly getting her first boyfriend. It’s funny ever since humans first came to Equestria I’ve been acting this way a lot but something about seeing him in my castle and needing to be taken care of just sent those feelings over the edge. Maybe that whole Love at First Sight thing Cadence told me about is true.” She said smiling and leaning into your hand.

“What am I gonna do. What if I end up falling in love with an Alicorn of all things, I mean could that be possible we are physically different, not to mention I say something wrong I could end up with a horn in my chest.” You thought to yourself as you shook those thoughts away. “No this may be just I need to start over I mean she is beautiful and she is kind for a princess.” You smile and begin to doze off and fall asleep. Hearing your snores Celestia looks up and smiles.

“He still isn’t used to traveling like this, well that's fine. I’ll let him sleep.” She said as she looks out the window. In the reflection of the window she sees your hand and fingers twitch. She squeezes her legs together. “C’Mon Celestia not now masturbating was OK but you can’t just use him like that. Even if he is your servant.” She said as she remembered Rarity's book causing her to get become more wet. Suddenly an Idea popped into her head. “Wait if use magic to with his hand I can do this without him knowing.” She says spreading her legs and levitating your hand over to her plot and pushing your finger down while leaving three up as she slowly glides the three into her hot wet plot moaning almost instantly. She covers s her mouth and closes her eyes breathing heavily as your fingers slide in and out quickly. Meanwhile, you sleep peacefully unaware of what your hand is being used for. Celestia stops and sighs before letting your fingers go.

“No this isn’t right I’m a princess and I need to show self control. That time will come when he is good and ready.” She said returning your and to its place and closing her legs. Several hours passed as she saw the castle in the distance and reached over waking you up. “Wake up human we are here, remember to be on your guard. You stretched and nodded as you put on your helmet and grabbed your spear and followed Celestia into the castle.

“Whoa this place is huge!” You said out loud as Celestia and Cadence smiled as you quickly regained your stoic appearance and bowed before her.

“No need to be so formal human this may be a serious visit but I’m far from strict. So Celestia tells me you are her new personal guard and servant. How lucky she is to have such an attractive man by her side. Tell me Celestia have you considered courting him? Twilight tells me humans are a beast in bed.” She said with a laugh as You and Celestia blushed slightly. Cadence noticed the display and smiled softly. “After this we should stop by the Crystalline Heart and see what the heart says.” Cadence said before she sat down with the two of you and began to discuss defensive tactics and reinforcement placements. You were never one for tactics and strategy so stuff like this had begun to fly over your head prompting you to simply look and nod in agreement.

Your mind trailed of during the meeting as you stared at Celestia and smiled. “Maybe pursuing a relationship with her won’t be as bad as I thought.” You thought to yourself as you continued to look at her. Cadence clears her throat looking at you as you quickly look around blush brightly as she giggled. “Fuck did she see what I was doing?” You thought to yourself as you looked at your reflection and thought about your possible new life. “Maybe...just maybe a relationship with the princess won’t be so bad.” You stand up and bow to Cadence and Celestia. “Princess if you’ll excuse me I need to go get some air, I seem to be feeling a little light headed.” The princesses nod as you quickly rush out of the room to the balcony.

“He is a real oddity Celestia, so how did he find you?” Cadence asked rolling up the map and poured some tea for the two of them. “I was being serious about you courting him ya know. I’m the Princess of Love I can tell when two ponies have feelings for each other. Granted he is a human but same concept.” Celestia sipped her tea and sighed.

“I would love that Cadence but he seems to stuck on his human convictions. He is battling with the possibility of him having feelings for a Pony Princess. “

It’s so weird, ever since he showed up I haven’t been myself I’ve been feeling and acting like a filly again with him around.” Cadence stands up and walked past you and stopped at the window overlooking the same balcony you were standing on.

“Celestia what's happening is normal especially since it has been several hundred years since you've shown interest in anyone and something about this human brings out a you that hasn’t been seen in a long time. This is proof of true love. Not to mention during the whole meeting he wouldn’t take his eyes off of you.” Celestia blushes and looks out the window with Cadence. “I promise once the Crystalline Heart shows him what his heart actually wants he will be willing and able to shed off his human ideals that hold him back completely.” She smiled and sighed looking at you through the window.

“Cadence can I ask you something private? There was something I did on the way here that makes me question my intentions.” Cadence sits down and smiles.

“What is it Princess?” she replied as Celestia sighed and looked away.

“The night of his first day in Equestria I found myself locked in my room pleasuring myself and moaning out for him. Not to mention I tried to use his fingers while he was asleep in the carriage.” Cadence blushes and clears her throat. “What if these feelings I have towards him are only sexual and I’m lying to myself about loving him and he has true feelings for me? I don’t wanna hurt his feelings.” Cadence smiled placing her hoof around Celestia's neck.

“Princess just wait and let the Crystalline Heart tell you the fate of you and the human. Speaking of which did he give you his name?” She asked as they walked towards the balcony.

“No he hasn’t I’ve been calling him human. I’ve been waiting for him to tell me it.” She said as she cleared her throat startling you. “Come human Cadence wants us to use the Heart to answer some questions she has.” You nodded before putting your helmet back on and followed the princesses to a large heart made from pure crystal.

“Place both of your hooves and hands on the heart and close your eyes.” She said as you nodded and followed her instructions to the letter. Within minutes the heart began to spin quickly before a large pink light burst from the center of the heart filling the room with a pink tinge. Cadence smiled as the heart lowered and stopped glowing. “Good news you to that color means there is love in your hearts. It just needs to be kindled and fed. Human if you could please give Celestia your name.” She said as you smiled at her and whispered your name in her ear as she blushed deeply and giggled.

“Can I call you Gold as a nickname?” She asked as you nodded and looked into her eyes.

“Yes Celestia but why Gold why not just use my name?” You asked confused as she leaned in close.

“Because your heart is a heart of gold stronger than any armor.” She said as you blushed and swallowed your fear. Celestia's eyes widened as your lips gently pressed against hers. Tears filled her eyes as she slowly closed them and leaned into the kiss. Your mind went numb as the new sensation felt right, almost as if this was supposed to happen. This was where your life was going you took her hoof and took her into a guest room in the castle. The two of you sit on the bed and smile at each other.

“I love you Celestia arrest me if its too soon to say but the whole time we have been here I’ve been fighting these feelings. You using my hand for pleasure made me question my life even more. The feeling felt great like I didn't want it to end.” You sigh and rub her face as she blushes a deep red.

“Y-You knew?” She asked embarrassed as you rubbed her leg as she let out a gentle gasp.

“No need to be embarrassed Princess, I’m your servant stuff like lending you my body parts for your pleasure is part of my job description. In my world we have a phenomenon called “Love at First Sight” and I swear on everything that makes me human when I first saw you that night when you spilled your gets to me I fell in love with you within seconds. I was just scared to pursue these feelings since I’m a human and you are a powerful pony princess and you would have laughed at me and banished me or something like that. Now I can confess these feeling to yo-” Your speech was cut off by Celestia as she tackled you onto the bed and began to kiss deeply as her soft warm tongue traced your teeth causing her to shudder at the sensation. Her tongue was like that of the softest silk yet as flexible as rubber. You ran your hands through her mane as your body tingled at the feeling.

Your mind flooded and hazed with pleasure as you wrapped your tongue around hers. Making out wildly your hands race down her body before you stop and begin to massage and squeeze her flanks.

You and Celestia break the kiss and pant as she moans under your touch. “Someone is getting handsy.” She said with a sultry giggle and half lidded eyes. “I like handsy.” She said placing her hooves around you as you rip off your armor and pull down your pants slowly as she pushes you back on the bed. Her horn glows as she used her magic to remove your pants and pull out your shaft. She stopped and stared wide eyed and mouth agape. “Oh my Cadence was right, humans are massive. Let’s hope it all can fit.” She said before wrapping her lips around the tip and gently bobbed her head.

You let out a sharp moan as she smiled and took more of you into her mouth and slightly gagged as your shaft pushed past her mouth. She quickly lifts her head up and begins licking your shaft up and down. “Oh my I could feel it in the middle of my throat... I need more.” She said as you gently grabbed her horn and head and pushed it all the way down causing her to tremble and nearly cum onto the floor. She opened her eyes and looked into yours as she bobbed her head quicker and moaning at the feeling of her throat being ravaged by you. You looked into her breathtakingly beautiful eyes and rub her head more.

“Oh Celestia you're amazing at this, my mind is going numb from the sensation.” You said as she lifts her rump gently placing her plot on your lips. You smiled and spread her flanks and licked her plot quickly as she moaned on your shaft and bobbed faster. “My god she tastes like heaven at this ate I don't wanna stop eating.” You thought to yourself before slipping your finger inside her and began to eat deeply. Celestia pops up and throws her head back moaning your name loudly and panting before sucking faster as your heartbeat could be felt through your shaft. Your eyes closed as pressure built up in the base as you removed your mouth from her plot and continued to finger. “Celestia I’m gonna cum!” You groaned out as she smiled and worked her head faster.

Celestia pushed your shaft as far into her mouth as it would go as you groaned and squeezed your toes to your feet as ropes of cum spewed into her mouth inflating her cheeks and leaking through the sides of her mouth. She lifts her head up and swallows before panting louder. “Oh fuck I can’t take it anymore I need you inside me please.” She said moaning and begging for you. You smile and switch positions. She lies on her back and spreads her legs as you gently push your tip into her. You steady yourself and push your shaft all the way in with on thrust as Celestia let out a loud feral scream of pleasure. You gripped her sides and began to thrust slowly as you leaned down and kissed and bit her neck.

“Oh Gold yes your so fucking big who needs stallions and dragons.” She moaned out as Cadence walked by the door and stopped as she heard the moans and screams. “Oh yes Gold give it to me harder make me your pony, fill me with your love, and fuck me till I can’t move!” She moaned out as you nodded and began to pound has hard and fast as possible as the tip of your shaft could be seen bulging in her stomach slightly.

“Hehe I knew this would happen. Fuck her good gold.” Cadence said returning to Shining Armor for some fun of her own. You take your thumb and stroked it quickly against her clit as her body shook and twitched as you pounded faster and moaned out.
“Celestia I’m gonna cum!” Hearing this Celestia jolted up as she pushed you back and begin to wildly ride you never once losing momentum. “Oh yes that's it fill me to the brim Gold!” She screamed out as she slammed her ass down repeatedly against you as you closed your eyes and let out a loud groan and squeezed her ass and filled her plot with ropes of hot semen causing Celestia to join in the moans/ “Oh fuck yes!” She said before leaning forward and slumps onto your chest panting. “ I” She said in between pants as you kiss her deeply before smiling.

“I love you to Celestia, I’ve never been sure of anything more than what I’m about to ask you. Princess Celestia I wanna be more than a servant. I wanna be there for you every day and night. I wanna be by your side when you wake up, when you go to sleep, when you have to make tough decisions, and whatever else is thrown at us. Celestia will you marry me?” You said as silence filled the room before Celestia kissed you once again with tear filled eyes.

“I would love nothing more Gold I would be happy to be your wife.” She said as you pulled the blanket over the two of you as you cuddled and fell asleep. Your new life was finally starting you went from neglected Mayor's assistant to husband of a powerful pony princess.

Several weeks later…

“Do you take Princess Celestia to be your wife and adopt the mantle of Prince as well as remain by her side throughout thick and thin?” The priest said as you nodded and looked at your wife.

“I do for now and forever.” You said as you look out to see Twilight and her friends as they smiled and clapped.

“And do you Princess Celestia take Gold to be your husband and prince for now for the rest of eternity?” Celestia looks at you and smiles.

“Yes I do now and forever.” She said as you slid the ring into her horn as she used her magic to put your ring on your finger.

“By the power invested in me I know pronounce you man and wife you may kiss your bride.” The priest said as the two of you lock lips and kissed deeply eliciting loud cheers and claps from the audience. You took Celestia's hoof as the two of yo climbed into the carriage and flew off to start your honeymoon. Without wasting any time Celestia opened your pants and pulled out your shaft.

“Just a little taste before we get down to the kinky stuff tonight.” She said taking you into her mouth and bobbing her head. Celestia not wanting to stop sucked you dry several times on the way to the castle as you laid back and panted smiling.

“Oh Celestia I love you and I can’t wait to see what our future h-holds.” You said stuttering on the last word as cum sprayed all over Celestia's face as she panted and licked it off of herself swallowing it.

“I love you to Gold.” She said as the sun set and the carriage approached the castle.