Ancient History

by Hardcover

First published

Discord and Celestia fight a fatal attraction over 1000 years strong.

Chaos and order - Discord and Celestia represent opposite ends of a spectrum of ideals. Yet when they're together, the philosophy and politics falls away. It doesn't matter if they're in the middle of a war with one another. The rest of the world can be put aside for a few hours of clandestine peace.

But Celestia and Luna have a duty to their kingdom, and Discord can't stop being the spirit of chaos if he tried. What happened a thousand years ago, as they say, is history.

Of course Celestia is eager to reform Discord at the first chance. And of course Discord is eager to rekindle the romance they once shared. But in a new Equestria so different from the kingdom of old, Celestia's duties are greater than ever, and Discord will always struggle to fit in. Their differences, their past conflicts, their very history is between them.

But could they ever keep themselves from each other?

Stepanda requested a Dislestia fic. Since this is my number one favorite ship, I really wanted to go all-out with it. Contains: Comic continuity, specifically the "Reflections" arc, sappy romance, rough sex

Act 1

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Canterlot mountain loomed high in the distant twilight. On one side of the verdant valley lay fields of lush grass and wildflowers, budding dirt roads criscrossing through the hills on their way to the Everfree Forest and the royal palace its branches contained, small bridges passing politely over brooklets. On the other lay a checkered pattern of purple and yellow that coated the earth like a blanket. Instead of trees there were houses of cards, cotton candy clouds rained chocolate milk, and small dogs floated through the air in porcelain teacups.

A clear line of influence separated the two. Hovering over the grass flew Princess Celestia and Luna, the great alicorn wings beating to keep them aloft, their jewelry glinting in the fading light as they glared at their foe. Across from them hovered Discord, his snakelike body worming through the air in a dizzying twist as he smirked at the two.

"Enough games, Discord," Luna barked at him. "You can't run forever!" She pointed her horn at him, shooting a deep blue laser at him. Yet it was all too easy for him to uncoil and dodge the blast.

"Are you kidding? I don't even have to run," Discord said. With a snap of his talons, another acre of land beneath the alicorns transformed into a layer of red and green stripes.

"You certainly cannot fight us," Celestia retorted. She fired a golden laser at him, but Discord simply stuck out his paw, blocking the magic with his palm like he was bored.

"Just because I'm outnumbered? Give me some credit," he grinned at them. "But I suppose you're right. I'm not much of a fighter am I?" Discord said with a flex of his arm, letting his bicep droop like a heavy rubber tube.

"Then flee like a coward, while you have the chance," Luna hissed.

Discord leaned toward them with a fiendish smile. "Then come and catch me."

He shot off into the air like a rocket, even leaving a trail of fire and smoke behind him. Celestia and Luna raced after him. He twisted and spiraled, dodging blasts of their lasers deftly. Discord would turn in flight to point finger-guns at the princesses, and with each bang, he changed their shoes into beach sandals, their crowns into dunce caps, and their jeweled collars into necklaces with giant, heavy stones.

Immediately, the sisters plummeted to the checkered ground with a thud. Discord hovered overtop them, snickering at the sight of the two lying in a heap. "My, it seems like things are off to a rocky start, aren't they?" His hands clapped over his stomach and eyes as he rolled in midair, howling with laughter.

"Very funny, Discord," Celestia spat.

"Oh come now, Celestia don't be so uptight. I'm just trying to get my rocks off!" Again, Discord convulsed with a fit of laughter.

Celestia growled. She jerked her neck to aim her horn at him, and as Discord laughed on, she managed to hit him square in the chest with a golden blast that blew him back. His body skidded into the dirt, tearing up the checkered pattern of the ground.

The princesses slipped their heads from out of the necklaces and removed the hats, flying over him. He was dazed, and he picked his head up, smoke still trailing up from his chest.

But before they could finish him off, Discord only grumbled, "Everyone's a critic." And with a quick snap of his fingers, he was gone.

Luna huffed in frustration, but Celestia sighed in relief. "This is pointless! He eludes us every time!" the younger sister waved her hooves in the air, kicking her sandals off.

"It is as you said, he cannot run forever. Soon, we will have the power to stop him. For now, we must only defy him wherever he appears," Celestia replied calmly.

Luna nodded begrudgingly. "This spirit of chaos, he treats the land like a game board, nay, reality itself. I cannot comprehend how a creature could be so cruel."

"I am certain he thinks us just as sick, for being so orderly," Celestia said.

Luna raised an eyebrow. "You sympathize with the creature."

The sun princess simply shook her head. "No. His will would rob our ponies of all their happiness for himself. But if we are to fight madness, we must come to understand madness."

Luna rolled her eyes. "You're starting to sound like Starswirl."

Celestia gave her sister a playfull cuff with her wing. "And you're starting to sound like mother. Come, let us undo Discord's spells. If we are quick, we may be back to the castle in time to raise the moon."

Luna nodded solemnly. They split up, letting their horns bathe the land, the air, and everything tainted by Discord's magic in a light glow. By the time the first stars were out to shine, the valley was once again lush and fertile, bathed in a dusky hue and limned in silver. The sisters left the land, and its peace was preserved.

Celestia always awoke early from her slumbers, while the moon was still up. Tonight, she was well-rested, yawning and stretching, languidly dressing herself in gold before leaving her bedchambers.

She met with Luna on the same balcony at the height of the tallest tower in the Castle of the Two Sisters each night. There, the smaller alicorn awaited her, her stern eyes fixated on the moon.

"How is the night, my sister?" Celestia greeted her.

Luna kept her face toward the glare of the moonlight. "Still, my sister."

Celestia nodded. "You must be tired. Especially after the fight with Discord."

"On the contrary, I find that the excitement of it all still has not left me. I wonder how you can sleep while he is still out there, surely wreaking havoc on our lands."

Celestia wrapped a parental wing around Luna. "Because even Discord must sleep. Try not to worry. We will free Equestria from his tyranny soon, and our ponies can then rest easy. And so can you."

"About that," Luna said. "Starswirl wishes to speak with you. He has much to explain about his discoveries regarding chaotic magic. He attempted to explain it all to me, but I hardly have a mind to listen to him go on. If you don't lend him your ear, I believe he'll explode."

Celestia had to chuckle. "He is a dear old stallion. You didn't give him a moment of your attention? There's hardly anything to do at night."

Luna's feathers ruffled at the comment. "He seems to think he's 'cracked it.' He plans to turn Discord's own magic against him somehow. Honestly, I don't have high hopes for his ideas."

"Starswirl would not be our royal wizard if his hairbrained ideas did not produce fruit. If he thinks he's close, then the hour of victory will be upon us soon," Celestia said.

"Good," Luna said flatly. "The sooner we are rid of Discord forever, the better. It will be a pleasure to scatter his ashes to the winds."

Celestia reeled a bit at her harsh words. "Luna, how could you say that? Discord is a villain, but even he has proven he is above killing. What sort of rulers would we be if we resorted to destroying our opposition so utterly?"

Luna finally turned to Celestia, the moon's glare in her eyes. "How could you defend him? He is a menace, Celestia. A wicked spirit. Equestria cannot rest while he still draws breath. To destroy him is to save our ponies, and to spare them is to continue to put them at risk. As rulers, we are charged with making these unpleasant decisions, but we should not avoid the best solutions because they are unpleasant."

Celestia closed her eyes, shaking her head solemnly. "No. Discord is a problem, but he is still a living being. All living things have good inside of them. I believe that someday he could be turned to good. Maybe not a noble, law-abiding citizen, but helpful all the same. Could you imagine what he could do for others with the power he wields? Our ponies could know an unprecedented era of prosperity if we could only convince him to see what we can offer him. It would be worth the years and effort spent to keep him in captivity."

"I can hardly believe my ears," Luna said. "You are too idealistic, Celestia. Discord is not a pony like you or me. He is a spirit. He is beyond kindness, incapable of honesty, devoid of any sort of love. All he knows is mayhem, and he rejoices in it, especially in the suffering of others. Could you imagine what he would do to you if you gave him the chance?"

Celestia's ears flattened. "Discord is hard-hearted, but he would never hurt-"

"Do not speak as if you know him," Luna said fiercely. "No pony does. That is entirely the point. He is unpredictable, uncontrollable, and totally unreasonable. I could not fathom what he would do to you if you offered him an ounce of compassion. So be sure that you do not."

Now Celestia drew herself up tall. "And you do not speak to me in such a way. I would never put the well being of my kingdom in jeopardy for the chance to spare Discord."

"Our kingdom," Luna corrected her.

There was a long silence. The two sisters locked eyes for a moment before turning away. The silence grew to fill the night air around them, and finally Celestia gave a tired sigh. "This night has drawn on for quite some time. You should have lowered the moon hours ago. It is summer."

"You were sleeping."

Luna closed her eyes, her horn radiating light. Gently, slowly, the moon slid down over the horizon, the last silver sliver disappearing completely into blackness. Celestia, in turn, ignited her horn, her wings expanding as she soared into the sky, and with her, the first golden glimmers of sunlight shone over the mountains.

Beneath the rainbow of colors and clouds, Celestia landed. "Rest, dear sister. You have earned it."

Luna didn't speak as she withdrew to her room. But Celestia retreated as well, flying high into the sky, off toward the Canterlot mountain. The rocky peaks were yet uninhabited, but there was a tranquil beauty about the falls and mossy cliffs that drew her. Her argument with Luna still simmered in her mind, but the closer she came, the quicker it all melted away. Her own private paradise, where she could cease to be Princess, and simply be Celestia.

"You're late," Discord said. He had perched himself near a spring on a narrow cliff, sitting in a leather armchair next to the waterfall, smoking a bubble pipe and reading the morning paper, each black-and-white picture of himself.

"My apologies," Celestia said as she landed. "Luna extended the night again. I must speak to her about being more prompt with time and the heavens. The ponies are going to become confused."

"And what's wrong with letting the night drag on a little longer?" Discord said, raising his eyebrow and lowering his gaze over a pair of reading glasses. "All sorts of fun, exciting things can happen at night. You've never wanted a night to drag on forever?"

Celestia shook her head with an amused smile. "You would take her side. Day and night should be a rhythm to which the world turns."

"It's a shame. Only you could take something as grand as control of the heavens and make it routine."

Discord stood, the chair, paper, pipe, and glasses disappearing as he plodded on the grass next to Celestia. He headed down the cliffside, and she fell into step beside him.

She let her wings stretch a bit, playfully pushing Discord against the cliff face as she sighed. "This mountain is so lovely. It's simply too beautiful to disturb. It's like a dream."

"Careful now," Discord said, elbowing her back. "Dreams are Luna's territory."

Celestia rolled her eyes. "Yes, as is our ultimatum concerning you. She actually wants to have you cremated."

"Heavens," Discord said with genuine shock.

"I know! It's simply barbaric."

"I know you two don't like my idea of fun, but it's not like I've hurt anypony! I detest these 'fights' we always seem to find ourselves in," he said, air quoting. "They're simply barbaric."

"I think you'd say they're 'not your style?'" Celestia said.

"Precisely. You know what they say. It's all fun and games until somepony gets hurt," he replied. Discord stopped suddenly. He stared at the cliff wall for a second, his eyes squinting, before he poofed a paintbrush into his hand. With a deep dark black, he painted a semicircle onto the rocks. "We should pass through here," he offered.

Discord and Celestia stepped into the dark, arched tunnel, light on both ends preventing them from being completely drowned in darkness. Celestia habitually lit her horn anyway. She shook her head, hardly missing a beat in the conversation. "I'm sorry. We're not supposed to talk about the war while we're together."

"We are on vacation, after all," Discord said. "But I wouldn't expect you to bottle up matters with your sister. It's better to get them off your chest."

"This is quite a brief vacation," Celestia commented.

"So keep the sun up while your sister sleeps. It's what she did to you."

"You know I can't do that." Celestia took another deep breath. "I'll only say one more thing on the matter. I do wish we didn't have to fight."

Discord groaned. "Don't try to sweet talk me, Princess. You can take the draconequus out of chaos, but you can't take chaos out of the draconequus."

"That doesn't make sense."

"Exactly." He crossed his arms at her. "But honestly, that's like me telling you to give up your kingdom so that we can spend time together."

"I don't think it's quite the same. I have a responsibility to my ponies."

"And I have a responsibility to chaos. After all, somepony has to keep things interesting around here. Everything's the same, day in and day out! I don't know how you stand it."

"I just worry about what will happen," Celestia said.

"You worry too much," Discord said.

The tunnel ended on the other side of the mountain, where another spring was situated. This one was much larger than the last, with a sandy rim around the edges giving a gradual slope into the crystal blue waters.

"Oh, how lovely," Celestia said. "How did you know this was here?"

"Because I'm me," was his only explanation, Discord rubbing his knuckles on his chest with pride.

"You truly are something else," Celestia said with awe. "I'm speechless."

"Well, I only have one word." Discord snapped his fingers, acquiring a pair of tropical swim trunks and shades, while Celestia's garments changed to a polka dotted bikini. "Canonball!"

Celestia examined her new outfit while Discord got a running start. He jumped right into the water, curling into a ball and making quite a splash. Celestia shielded herself with a wing. When his head broke the surface again, she raised an eyebrow. "I don't understand what you've put me in at all. It doesn't seem practical."

"Of course not," Discord replied. He lowered his shades and winked at her. "But it does look very fetching on you."

Celestia smiled. She tied her mane back and dove in, making sure to splash Discord good. For a while, the two only played in the spring, splashing and dunking one another, doing lazy laps, daring one another to dive over the edge to the waterfall below. They laughed enough for a whole day.

After some time, the two floated languidly next to each other, Discord reclining on a floating ring with his arms behind his head, and Celestia simply spread out on her back, her wings splayed, hooves on her stomach. She stared up at the sky. "I haven't been swimming in ages," she said. "There are a few natural pools in the Everfree Forest, but they're so overgrown. Luna and I haven't had time to travel to a beach since we took our thrones."

"I'm glad I could help you steal away then," Discord said. He smiled to himself. "I imagine you like to sunbathe?"

She frowned at him. "Do you think you're clever?"

"Oh, don't be that way." He snapped his fingers, and on the sandy shore a blanket, beach umbrella, and picnic basket appeared. The two climbed out of the water, and Discord made a point to shake himself dry on Celestia.

She laid herself down on the blanket, sinking her head into the ground, letting out a deep breath as she began to relax. Her eyes closed, but she continued to speak. "We're really not so different, you and me," she said.

The afternoon sun was at the right angle to shine down on Celestia's pristine body. Her white coat shimmered with lingering wetness, her body soft and supple. Discord's eyes lingered on her, tracing down her mane to the exposed parts of her back between her wings, and lower still to her wide hips. The swimsuit covered her bottom well, but Discord still devoured it with his gaze, her fit flanks and shapely thighs, the outlines of her form curving from one part to the next so gracefully.

"Oh?" he asked. He stared on unblinkingly, but Celestia was more than comfortable enough with him. He undid the strings of her bikini top, the humor of the useless article having worn off, leaving her bare back exposed to him, her shoulders and chest both dainty and tantalizing. From the picnic basket he retrieved a bottle of lotion. Squirting a hefty dose onto his palms, he rubbed them together before laying them on her shoulders.

Celestia nodded lightly. "We're immortal beings. We represent ideals as much as we're ponies. We have strict duties to those ideals."

"We both enjoy goofing off," Discord added. Celestia smiled, but she hummed as his palms rubbed over her shoulders. Discord couldn't deny how satisfying it was to dig his fingers into her back, to massage her tired, stressed muscles, to feel the beautiful mare beneath him relax under his touch. No pony had fingers like he did, and he worked her shoulders, moving down to the spaces between her wings, his slick palms easing the tension in her spine as he kneaded into her. Soon Celestia had unwound completely.

"I suppose I can't argue," Celestia said softly, even her voice at ease. "Mmm, heavens, you're good at this."

Discord didn't respond. He continued to work her body over, paying attention to her signals diligently, raking along her ribs with his fingers and using his palms to press into the meat of her lower back. Her body was soothing and warm to the touch, and he could feel the very core of her seeming to yield to him. As good as she felt, it was a pleasure of its own to run his fingers through her soft fur, to see her flesh move under his hands.

"Enjoying yourself?" Discord said, working to keep his voice even.

"You have no idea," Celestia sighed.

There was no denying it anymore. Discord could feel arousal pump through his very blood. Now that he had his hands all over Celestia, it only made him want more of her, to feel her incredible body even more intimately. But he could see the effect he had on her as well. Her tail, just above her swimsuit, swished a bit, and her legs seem to spread. But when her tail wasn't moving, it seemed to flag ever so slightly. Discord may not have been a pony, but he knew enough about them to know the signs of arousal, and he knew enough about females to know that a massage was essentially foreplay for them.

Every breath from Celestia was slow. Discord could see even her brow had relaxed. And as badly as his body told him that he needed her, it was clear that all Celestia needed was some time to unwind. She had spent half their time just talking about how stressed she was. Even if he believed fooling around would be a great source of relief for her, he knew that females didn't think the way that males did.

"This is divine," Celestia said. "Thank you. You're a good friend, Discord."

"My pleasure," he said. And despite the double entendre, he was sincere. So he kept his hands working over her hips, never straying down to her cutie mark. He was still dying to let his hands explore, but her words rang in his ears. He let out his own deep breaths, letting himself relax. "You're a good friend too."


"Mm," he confirmed, slowly stroking her back. "I believe you're the only pony who willingly spends time with me. I enjoy company from time to time."

"No pony should be alone," Celestia said. "Even you. Perhaps especially you." Discord couldn't ask what she meant. She stretched, and he removed his hands from her. She opened her eyes, blinking at the sun, and frowned. "I should get back. Luna will be awake, and she's likely wondering where I've gone."

"Tell her you were negotiating with the enemy," Discord said.

"She'd have my head after yours," Celestia said. She rose to her hooves, and smiled at Discord, looking him in the eyes. "Thank you. This was wonderful. I owe you."

Discord smiled back, lowering his shades. "I'll hold you to that."

With a snap of his fingers, Discord redressed the princess. She trotted to the edge of the spring, and with a smile, waved goodbye with her wing before taking off. If she noticed the obvious tent he had pitched in his swim trunks, she was too polite to show it. He waved back, and she took off.

Discord groaned, flopping down onto the sand. "Mares," he grumbled. He was frustrated, but all the same, he somehow felt relaxed too. He had hardly thought about chaos in hours, he had been so wrapped up in his conversation with Celestia.

He let his mind lay blank, staring up at the same sky that had enchanted her all afternoon. But before long, he muttered to himself, "I should change some of these rivers to applesauce." And in a moment, he was off to do just that.

Princess Celestia alighted on the soft grass of her castle's garden. The Palace of the Two Sisters had a courtyard organized by tall hedges, and she noted their usefulness when it came to hiding and sneaking around. As much as she didn't want to hide, she thought that she should have a maze constructed out of them for such purposes someday.

She cast her gaze about the greenery, but all she saw were hedges, rose bushes, and the late afternoon sun. She exhaled with relief. It appeared she wasn't missed.

"There you are!" an elderly gray stallion dressed in a ridiculous blue hat and robe spangled with stars and golden bells announced his presence as she nearly trampled him. Starswirl the Bearded was hard to miss with his ridiculous attire and even more epic beard that stretched down to the bottom of his chest. How he had gotten the drop on Celestia, she had no idea. But, as she had come to expect, her eccentric teacher and court wizard was far too lost in his own ideas to notice the obvious fact that Celestia had been playing hooky. "Perfect timing. I've been working at cracking Discord's magic, and I think I've got just the thing to put a stop to him!"

"Yes, Luna mentioned you had something you were excited about," Celestia nodded at the quirky unicorn, falling into step and resuming her regal air.

"Is that all she told you?" he asked, raising a bushy eyebrow.

"I'm afraid so."

"Fah! That mare couldn't sit through a lecture if her kingdom depended on it!" Celestia winced at the harsh criticism of her sister. Even if Luna much preferred action to words, she wasn't stupid. Starswirl continued. "It's just as well. Luna can sit in on the briefing so I know you both will understand my plan. It's pure genius, if I do say so myself!"

"Starswirl, how did you ever become such a humble stallion?" Celestia asked in a dry tone.

"Don't get sassy with me, missy," he said in a tone that Celestia hadn't heard often since she was a filly.

The Palace didn't have much of a war room, given the Princesses' distaste for such conflict, but a large table with a map of Equestria unfurled over the heavy broad surface would suffice. The room itself was small, perched near Starswirl's laboratory and furnished with bookcases that mostly served as overflow for his study and lab. Celestia and Luna agreed that it was a good decision to place the war room so near to his lab. It made Starswirl fancy himself a general, and they knew any stallion would jump at the chance to service his ego by taking on such a responsibility, freeing them from the duty.

Luna was already seated at the table, idly moving some of the miniatures along the map in a mock battle with her magic, resting her head in her hoof. She straightened up quickly, some of the figurines falling over as she did so. Starswirl hardly noticed, but Celestia raised a knowing brow. Luna only gritted her teeth.

"Now, Your Highnesses, as I was saying," Starswirl took his seat, not even waiting to launch into his discovery. "I've been researching Discord's magic, looking for a way to break it."

"Discord can alter the very fabric of reality. How can any magic stop that?" Celestia asked.

"He cannot do anything," Luna pointed out. "Or else he would have won by now."

"Quite right you are Luna," Starswirl said. He began to stroke his beard astutely as he explained. "All magic has some sort of classification, an element - a color, if you will. Discord's magic is chaotic in nature, which naturally prevents him from using it to create order. He can't, for example, create something out of nothing, unless it's for humorous effect."

"But that is so subjective! It makes no sense!" Luna protested, waving her hooves around.

"Precisely," Starswirl replied. "But even that, in a way, is very telling about the nature of his power. He cannot do complicated spells like you two. He cannot maintain the order of this world, he can only throw it out of balance. Your powers are naturally opposed in that sense, doomed to a conflict of destiny."

Celestia disagreed, but chose not to voice her thoughts. Instead, she only asked, "So what is your discovery?"

"As I've said, I've been seeking a way to break his magic. Doing so would require its opposite, its complementary color, if you will. Naturally, this would be the magic of harmony, but without some sort of spirit of harmony to observe, it is difficult to imagine what harmonious magic would look like. Until I realized it was right in front of me all along." Starswirl opened up his hooves widely in front of him, his golden eyes glimmering. "Harmony is not a magic that can be inherent to any one being! It is the magic between beings, the power that brings ponies together, the magic that fuels the very cycles of our world! And you two are its spirits!"

"This is where you lost me last time," Luna said. Celestia could only wonder at what he was talking about.

"But don't you see, Your Highness?" Starswirl asked, his excitement building. "You two are alicorns! Ageless ponies gifted with power over the very fabric of our world! What could be more harmonious than the cycle of night and day, and the bond between two sisters? Once I realized that, I began to observe your relationship more closely."

"How closely?" Celestia asked keenly.

Starswirl avoided her pointed question. "Close enough to distill the magic of harmony to its very core!" From his robe, he dramatically levitated out six colored gems, swirling them in a circle as he spoke, his voice thundering like the royal herald. "Behold! These gemstones are the distilled essence of harmony! The very qualities that bind ponies together! Honesty! Loyalty! Generosity! Kindness! Laughter! And last, Magic! Together, I call them the Elements of Harmony!"

Even without Starswirl's grand introduction, the sister's could sense the massive amounts of power bundled into the tiny collection of perfectly polished gemstones. They leaned forward, taking in their faint gleam. "What are we to do with these?" Luna asked.

"They cannot be wielded by a single pony. Only ponies whose bond is strong enough to represent the magic within them can harness their power. But you two, you sisters, I believe you have what it takes. Together, the two of you can use these to stop Discord once and for all!"

Luna's eyes gleamed with hope, but Celestia gulped. In a small voice, she asked, "What will happen to Discord if we use these Elements against him?"

Starswirl's excitement faded as he slumped into his chair. He scratched at his beard and answered, "Well... I'm not sure. Seeing as how they are reverse-engineered from chaotic magic, and Discord is a chaotic being... It's certain that their power can break his for good, that these Elements can bring harmony to even his chaotic soul. They may very well turn him good."

Celestia's eyes flashed with hope, but Luna seemed less than impressed. However, even Celestia knew there was more. "But...?" she probed.

"But..." Starswirl postured with more beard-scratching. "They may do any number of things to him. Take away his magic, turn him into a pony... perhaps even kill him."

A heavy silence hung in the air. Celestia spoke firmly. "No. Discord must be stopped, but to kill him... I will not risk it."

"I was worried you would say that," Luna replied. She stood up from her seat, closing the distance to her sister. "Do not let your kindness become weakness. Discord must be stopped. You said so yourself. And here we have the chance to do just that. Do not forget that until we do that, Equestria cannot advance, cannot prosper. Discord controls this world and makes our country and its citizens his playthings. If you are a Princess of Equestria, there must be no hesitation. We must not allow them to suffer when we can act."

Celestia felt like her head was swimming, Luna's strong words in her ears drowning out her thoughts. "But... but-" she looked up at Luna with pleading eyes. "To kill him?"

For once, Luna's gaze softened. "It is not something I advocate lightly. I promise you that. But there is only a chance that the Elements will kill him, as Starswirl said. They very well may change him, may make him good. I do not understand why you show such sympathy toward him, but if your heart must be soft on him, isn't that chance also worth taking? To gain Discord as an ally?"

The princess's memories drifted back to earlier that day, to the sun on her back and his hands on her body, their playful banter filling the easy silence. She wished in that moment that they could spend time together as anything but enemies. She nodded. "You are right. I cannot let my fear get in the way of this chance for the greater good, to save him."

Luna nodded back. "Then let us not delay. I will search for him in my night, and find him by moonlight. Then, we end this at first light."

The night did come, and it brought Celestia no end of anxiety. From the first silver drop of moonlight, she tossed restlessly in her bed. Her thoughts warred in her brain, and all the possible outcomes that could stem from her one choice overwhelmed her. To resist the plan was to betray her feelings to her sister and Starswirl, and invite disaster for her family and her kingdom. But to go and fight the next morning was to invite disaster on one of the few close friends she could claim.

Even the silence of her room was oppressive. Not even the night air, still in the warm summer, could provide even a single gust of wind to drown out her mind and give her rest. This, she knew, was the price she paid for keeping secrets. Without Starswirl or Luna to share the burden of her worries, she could only carry them by herself, and even her sheets felt cool. It was at times like this that Celestia felt more alone than ever.

Her ears raised when she heard a small clatter. She looked toward her window to see what looked like the top rung of a ladder. A few moments later, Discord appeared, his dark hair done in a combed mop, and he even wore a garish, ugly sweater. "Hey Celestia," he announced himself as he stood at the top. "Do you think this reference is too dated?"

"Discord!" Celestia was panicking at the sight of him. "What are you doing here? You need to go before a guard sees you! Or worse, Luna!"

"Oh, calm down," Discord said, stepping into the room and removing the hair like it was a wig, tossing it out the window. "I was planning on kidnapping you anyway. There's a glade in the Everfree Forest that's teeming with fireflies. I thought you might like to catch them so we could roast marshmallows over them."

Celestia huffed an exasperated sigh. "Now is not the time for that. Things are getting serious, Discord!"

Discord took pause. "You're genuinely upset, aren't you?" He took a seat at the edge of her bed, beginning to awkwardly wriggle out of the sweater. "So what's wrong?"

"I... don't know if I can tell you."

Discord tossed the garment aside casually. "Oh, it's about the war, is it? I thought it was something really serious."

Celestia snapped at him. "It is serious, Discord! We..." She took a deep breath. But when she looked up at his goofy face, she knew she wouldn't sleep well at all if she didn't warn him, or give him a chance to surrender. "Starswirl's made a weapon against you. Created from your own magic."

"A weapon? Born of chaotic magic?" Discord only slithered closer to her, touching the tips of his paw and talons together excitedly. "Do tell me more. This sounds fascinating."

Celestia was becoming exasperated with his nonchalance. "Starswirl seems very confident it will be the end of you. Do you understand?"

"Oh, I understand," Discord said. He leaned back on the bed, reclining on her pillows. "If it's born of chaotic magic, then you don't really know what it'll do to me. All the more reason to try it out, eh? It's bound to be crazy."

"Did you hear me?" Celestia pled with him. "If we use the Elements of Harmony, you'll lose the war."

"For now, perhaps," he said with an offhanded wave.

"You could lose your powers."

"I don't need magic to cause chaos."

"You could be turned good."

"I wasn't aware I was ever evil. Last I checked, chaotic/good was a very feasible alignment."

"You could die!"

Discord was quiet. He turned his head to meet Celestia's concerned gaze, begging him to listen. The room was silent as he processed the information. "I see," was all he said for a while.

"Discord..." Celestia said, inching closer to him. "You must flee. Luna won't trust you enough to accept your surrender. She would only hold you prisoner for eternity, and I would have no grounds to stop her. Perhaps someday, you could return, but if you value your life, you will go."

Discord nodded, still thinking deeply. "And is that what you want?"


"Do you want me to leave?" he turned back toward her.

"No, of course not! I've always enjoyed our time together, even if you have proved a headache for my reign."

"Then do you want me to become good?"

Now Celestia had to pause. For years now, she had dreamed of a way to enjoy Discord's company without suffering his conflict. She looked at her hooves. "It's difficult to say... I don't want to have to fight you, but I don't want to change you, either. At the very least, you amuse me. I won't let you die, though."

Discord shook his head. "You don't know that's going to happen." He poofed off the bed to appear in the air above her, pantomiming boxing punches. "I'm certainly not going to surrender. A magical jail cell would be no fun at all. No, tomorrow we'll meet at the appointed time and trade our blows. Sure, I'll probably lose, if you're not bluffing that is. But after that, I guess we all get to see what really happens. Perhaps losing could be the best thing in the world for me. I like to keep my options open."

Celestia's mouth hung agape momentairily. "Why aren't you worried? Even if it's a slight chance, it could still happen!"

Discord floated down above her. "Allow me to answer your question with a question: why are you worried? It's only a slight chance, after all."

"I don't want to lose you!" she admitted. "You're... a good friend, Discord."

The draconequus grinned his trickster grin. He stroked Celestia's mane in a rare moment of tenderness, even with his fiendish, toothy smile. "And you're a good friend as well, Celestia. But I understand the odds and risks. I accept them. Do you?"

"I don't want to," she replied.

Discord clicked his tongue as he landed beside her. "Just like a Princess. You want to have it all, don't you?"

Normally, the taunt would have annoyed her. But instead, she just looked down at him. "And what do you want?"

He raised a brow. "Do you mean in the 'this could be your last night on earth' sense?"

"I... I suppose."

Discord stroked his beard thoughtfully. "I suppose I'd want to go out with a bang. Some sort of party."

"That sounds like you," Celestia chuckled. "What sort of a party would it be?"

"Something wild, naturally. Mares dancing provocatively, baring it all, flowing drink, croutons galore. Something to get the blood flowing, you know?"

Again, Celestia released an exhausted sigh. "You would certainly be caught. But to even think of such a thing at a time like this..." she shook her head. "You are such a male."

"Guilty," Discord said. But, seeing his opportunity, his brain hatching some of his most delicious ideas yet, he grinned wickedly at Celestia. "But I suppose some fun with the Princess could be a suitable alternative."

Celestia's face flushed redder than her morning sun. "Discord!"

"What?" he shrugged. "I said I wanted to go out with a bang. What did you think I meant? It could be my last night, after all."

"I- I would-" Celestia stammered, her thoughts and feelings completely derailed by the suggestion. "Why would you even think I would agree to such a thing?"

"Oh, you can't even take pity on a friend facing his end?" Discord said, sitting up, his hands at his hips. "Honestly, I knew you were pure as the driven snow, Celestia, but I didn't know you were this bad. I figured you could handle at least the mere suggestion. Unless you find the thought that repulsive."

Whether her face burned with embarrassment or fury was difficult to say. "How did you think I would react?"

"I knew you'd be shocked. We've been very polite with one another, and it was bold. But come now, we're both adults. We've both had our late nights in the sack, eh?"

"Maybe a lecherous snake like you," Celestia hissed. "But I don't know what you're talking about."

Discord's eyes widened to the size of saucers. "Oh."

"What?" Celestia demanded.

"I- I didn't know. I figured after a few centuries you would have... well, you know." Now it was Discord's turn to blush as he began to gesture to explain himself.

"Know what?" Celestia pressed.

"You know! Gotten frisky with a guard or something! It only took me 'til junior prom with Amalthea, and I couldn't even get the condom on right..." he muttered.

"Well... I haven't." Celestia said sternly.

Discord nodded. "I'm sorry. I didn't know," he replied.

Celestia exhaled again, her burning embarrassment subsiding. "It's alright. Let's just... enjoy each other's company for now. While we can."


Discord poofed himself up a large cat bed on top of Celestia's sheets and made a show of curling up into it while Celestia watched with a raised brow. He watched her carefully, but she only shook her head, resisting a smile. "I don't find you repulsive, by the way," she mentioned.

"Well of course not. Me, with my chiseled physique and perfectly manicured facial hair?" he said, flexing a noodly arm and stroking his beard in turn. "Perish the thought."

Celestia's good mood was slowly returning to her. "Although I do find it hard to imagine you with a mare."

"Mares like a guy with a sense of humor, you know," Discord replied. "But I know what you mean."

"Nothing against you," she said.

"Oh, don't worry. It's been a while, but I think I'd still know how to give a mare a good time. The ones before were surprisingly impressed with my skills in the bedroom," he boasted, shooting a suggestive glance at Celestia.

Celestia was no fool. Discord had made it more than clear that he was interested in her, and it was obvious now that he was trying to seduce her. The circumstances of tomorrow only clouded her thoughts worse. Every comment he made only made her feel flushed and tied her tongue with embarrassment. "Discord, I'm flattered that you're interested in me. I really am. And as much as I would like to do something nice for you tonight, I am a Princess. I have my image and my subjects to consider. And Luna would be furious if she were to find out..."

Discord merely raised a paw. "I understand. If I win this war, one of the first things I'd change would be all these expectations of propriety. But I suppose I wouldn't find you so... oddly fascinating if you were more like me. In the end, I suppose we have to stick to our roots."

"I'm sorry," Celestia said, reaching a hoof out to touch his talons.

He shrugged. "No need to apologize. It wouldn't be fun if I forced you, or guilt-tripped you. I'm happy that I could see you again, and that you tried to warn me. I always wondered if I could really trust you or not. And sure enough, you're just as sweet and pure as you look. Almost too much so," he said with a pointed smirk.

"You're not disappointed?" Celestia asked.

"That would require me to have an expectation, my dear. And I'm not much for planning. If this is what you want, then that's fine with me." Discord snapped his fingers, appearing to wear a bright pink shirt and a green mud mask over his face. "A slumber party with Princess Celestia could be all sorts of fun. We can do each other's mane and eat pizza and talk about colts."

Celestia rolled her eyes, watching Discord make a show of painting his nails. "It rather defeats the purpose if you're a colt yourself, you know."

Discord inspected his pink talons without turning to her. "Doesn't that mean you can ask me all the questions you'd be too ashamed to ask otherwise?"

He did have a point. And after previous conversation, she was curious. "Do mares... like it?" she asked suddenly, yet quietly. Discord froze, his disguise poofing.

Discord knew exactly what she was asking. He laid on his back, looking up at her ceiling while he answered. "Well, yes, frankly. It takes two to tango, and they wouldn't agree to it if they didn't like it, I suppose."

"Does it... feel good?"

Discord chuckled. "Yes. Yes, it certainly does," he answered fondly.

Celestia was quiet for a long time, and Discord let her sort her thoughts. The inner turmoil was plain on her face, but she finally spoke up again, "Is there anything... we could try without... going 'all the way?'"

Discord raised his eyebrows at her. "What about your subjects? Your title? Your sister?" he asked.

Celestia groaned. "I know. I shouldn't, but..."

"You're curious," he said simply. She nodded. "It's normal," he assured her, rolling over to his stomach.

"I always have to be perfect. I always have to put my needs after those of my country's," Celestia admitted, guilt forming on her face just for saying such words. "I don't want to be selfish, but... every other mare gets to enjoy a stallion every once in a while. I want to know what I'm missing... Just for one night."

"And you want me to be that lucky stallion?" Discord asked incredulously.

Celestia offered a small smile. "I trust you more than anyone, I think. You don't care about anything enough to lie to me."

"That's not entirely accurate," he said, and Celestia felt her face flush when she understood his meaning.

"And you said you knew what you were doing..."

"I promise you, it would be quite a treat."

She turned to him with a grateful smile. "But are you sure about me? I am everything you stand against."

"It's just one night," he said nonchalantly. "Besides, if you're going to get down and dirty, it's better to be with someone you know."

"Truly? Why is that?" Celestia asked.

Discord grinned. "Because then you know better how to please them. And I think I know just the thing."

Celestia nodded with a gulp, steeling her nerves. "Alright. But we're not going to do anything too serious, right?"

Discord slithered up to her, until he was overtop her, his face hanging right in front of hers. "Why don't we start with a kiss, and see how serious you're feeling, hm?"

Discord waited for Celestia's timid nod, her bright eyes sparkling excitedly in the dim light, and he watched her lids draw them closed as he moved into her. Taking the back of her head gently in his paw, he gave her a chance to exhale, slowly, before he brought her to him, their lips meeting softly.

It was quiet between the two of them, warm and getting warmer. Celestia let herself fold into Discord's embrace, his beard tickling her chin as she felt her worries fly far away. Discord held her close and kissed her well, letting his lips hang on hers, giving her all the time she needed to savor the moment.

He eventually released her, quite pleased himself, but he waited to gauge Celestia's response. She exhaled, exhilarated. "My..."

"You like?" he teased.

Celestia nodded.

"Shall we continue?"

Celestia nodded.

Discord gripped her tighter and kissed her again, pressing into her, his lips bold against hers. He nibbled on her lip, his fang gently nipping into her soft skin, his kisses pushing her down onto the pillows. When her head landed on the cushion, Discord's forked tongue slipped past her teeth to brush against hers, and Celestia responded with a muffled moan. They kissed harder, Celestia returning Discord's enthusiasm, until the two were making out, passionate exchanges and hot breaths filling the still air of the room.

Even as the tension between them grew, Discord only broke the kiss to plant more along her neck, nibbling at the soft, smooth coat and traveling down to her shoulders and collarbone. Celestia felt breathless, even as her spine shivered. "Discord... I didn't expect you to be so commanding."

"Oh, Celestia," Discord said, placing a smooch on her tummy before looking up at her with lusty, gleaming eyes. "Wait until you see what I can really do with my tongue." His position, just above her thighs, was enough for her to get the picture, but the sight of that long tongue sliding out and dangling above her nethers sold her on the idea.

But Celestia's eternal modesty was a tough nut to crack. She held her hooves protectively over her body, clamping her thighs closed instinctively. "I really shouldn't..."

As frustrating as the back-and-forth was with Celestia, Discord knew that you had to be patient with some mares. "If that'th what you want," he said, tongue still hanging out before he returned it to his mouth. He began to slide out from his position overtop her.

"It's not that I don't... ugh!" Celestia huffed in aggravation. She blushed bright red even as she crossed her arms. "You won't think any less of me?"

"You're already the most predictable, un-chaotic mare in the world. I don't know how you could sink any lower," Discord answered.

Celestia used her magic to throw a pillow at him, and Discord could only laugh. But even as she averted her eyes, Discord saw her inhibitions fading. "Just... don't laugh," she said.

Discord watched with rapt attention as Celestia spread her milky white legs. Between her soft, plush thighs lay her pristine marehood. Her lower lips were neat and clean, just plump enough to cover her entrance, yet with her parted legs, that pink stripe and modest button were exposed, already glistening with clear, sticky juices that betrayed her desire. Discord's aloof façade broke for a moment, in awe that he was staring at what no pony dared to mention, and was not only privy to its sight, but that he would be soon be having his way with nothing short of the divine Princess pussy. "My..." he exhaled, then gulping hard. "Have you ever shown this to a stallion?"

"Not anyone," Celestia admitted.

"Well, then allow me to be the first to say that it looks positively..." Here, Discord paused to lick his lips. "Delicious."

Celestia's eyes widened. "Discord! Wait-!"

But it was too late. Celestia's words were cut off with a gasp as Discord plunged his muzzle between her thighs. His nose pressed into her folds, and he kissed the lips firmly, collecting some of the juice while summoning more. He took a deep whiff of her scent, as fresh and clean as he expected, with only a hint of salty musk, before sighing. "Now that's a smell I've missed," he said, his eyes rolling in their sockets.

Celestia's face only grew hotter. "You are such a pervert!" she shouted, unrestrained for once in her life.

Discord grinned at her. "I don't see you complaining." He returned his lips to her nethers, kissing them more romantically, feeling the heat pouring off of them. He had been with a needy mare in his day, but Celestia took the cake for the desperate throbbing he could feel in her lower lips. Her arousal was already spiking, juice flowing freely, and when the droplets began to stain his beard, he let his tongue out of his mouth and took a slow, long lick up her slot.

Celestia's legs jolted, her eyes widened, and she gasped again. That long, slender tongue parting her folds every so gently, it's wet heat sliding along her sensitive flesh, like a spark of magic. It never seemed to end, and by the time the forked tip caressed her burning clitoris, she couldn't hold back her moan. "Ohh! Ohh... my..."

Her syrupy wetness collected on Discord's tongue, and he savored the salty, musky juice like honey, letting it spread on his palate before swallowing, smacking his lips for good measure. "Mmm, you are a yummy mare, Celestia."

Celestia was quickly finding her drive to remain pure vanishing. "Well, don't stop!" she said, snapping her head up.

Discord was surprised by her shift in tone, but pleased at how quickly she had changed her tune. "As you wish, Princess." He dove back between her legs, lapping at the exterior of her folds, wetting her lips with the mixture of his saliva and her wetness.

Celestia gasped at the barrage of pleasure, but was even more surprised to feel Discord's serpentine tail wrapping around her belly, his red scales warm on her fur. She felt him squeeze, lifting her rump off the bed and into the air, positioning her marehood directly in front of his muzzle so that he could feast on her more easily. "Discord, what are you- Ahh!"

Her head tossed back into the pillows and her wings flared as Discord stuck his tongue in her, slipping between her lips and letting the appendage slither deep into her passage. Even with his thin tongue, he could feel how tight she was, fresh and unused, burning with need for a stallion. He tasted her, ate her out like a buffet, spreading his maw wide to lick deep within her, hitting her most sensitive spots that she hadn't even known existed.

"Discord! Ohh, Discord!" she moaned to the ceiling. Already, she could feel heat and pressure building deep in her loins, alight with a pleasure she wouldn't have been capable of imagining mere minutes before. Discord's tongue wormed inside her a thrashing tentacle that scrambled her marehood just as well as it did her thoughts. But what really took the sensation above and beyond was how his tongue worked in concert with his lips, nipping and stroking at her clitoris while he explored her depths. He gave it his all to thoroughly satisfy her, and it was obvious in the way her limbs trembled that he was doing a good job.

Discord didn't mind taking his time either. For the horny draconequus, that beautiful muff was a buffet, and he enjoyed every bit of it. The taste of her wet flesh was a treat he hadn't enjoyed in far too long, and the sound of her gasps and moans was music to his ears; the sound of an uptight pony giving herself to her wild, chaotic impulses. Plus, even if all of this was nothing short of rapturous for Celestia, it was merely foreplay for him. If his tongue was blowing her mind now, he couldn't wait to see her face when he was fucking her brains out. The promise of plunging himself balls-deep into Princess Celestia herself was worth hours of sloppy cunnilingus.

And sloppy it grew. Celestia's wetness stained his muzzle, soaked his beard, coated his lips and tongue, filling his mouth with the flavor of her arousal. The wet sounds of the Spirit of Chaos eating pussy filled the room with Celestia's voice, growing louder and louder as she neared her climax.

The alicorn's eyes shot open, and her pupils narrowed. "Discord! Something's happening!"

Discord raised his hand, showing a dummy shaped like him perched on his arm like a ventriloquist. While his lips and tongue slurped at Celestia's marehood, he made it say, "That's an orgasm, my dear. Just sit back, enjoy, and scream to the heavens."

Celestia couldn't help but do just that. "Oh! Oh, Discord! Yes! Yes! YES!"

Celestia's hips bucked as the first climactic spasm took her. Her eyes were wide and her mouth gaping as rapture ripped through her body. Her marehood clenched on Discord's tongue, yielding a gush of fresh juice for him to enjoy, soaking his beard and muzzle in her release. The princess was rendered speechless, her body wracked by the throes of her ecstasy, her hips and legs jerking while her back arched, every moment seemingly more intense than the last. Discord helped her ride out the finish, lightly stimulating her with small licks and kisses, watching her powerlessness in the face of the new world he had brought her into.

When the high had ended, Celestia was left breathless. She put her hoof over her chest to steady herself, shaking like an autumn leaf. Discord released her from the grip of his tail, letting her sink into her mattress as shudders continued to ripple through her body periodically, forcing tiny gasps from her. Discord could only grin.

"Well, Your Highness? What do you think of my skills in the bedroom now?" he asked, knowing full well what her answer would be.

Celestia took a moment to raise her head, her thoughts still hazy from the buzz of pleasure coursing through her. "I... sorely underestimated you, Discord," she admitted.

The compliment went straight to Discord's ego. "And just you wait. If you thought that was mind-blowing, wait until I've screwed you so thoroughly you forget how to raise the sun. All night long, indeed," he said, drawing a talon under her chin, gazing lecherously into her eyes.

Some of Celestia's modesty remained well intact. "Oh, my," she said, sinking deeper into the bed. "I... I don't know if I'm ready for that," she hesitated. "But... I'd like to... feel you."

Discord raised a brow. "Just what do you have in mind?"

Celestia smiled shyly, but sat up. "Why don't you lay down, and... spread your legs."

"Ooh, you want to see the goods, eh?" Discord said, waggling his eyebrows at her. He laid down on his back and spread his legs, but overtop his groin was a silver serving platter, with a concealing dish covering his genitals. "Feast your eyes, Princess," he said as he removed it.

Celestia had never seen a stallion out of his sheath before, but she had a good idea of what they were supposed to look like. This was nothing like what she imagined. Discord's shaft was almost completely blue - a bold, obnoxious azure that slowly faded toward a violet near his base. He wasn't shaped anything like a stallion either, possessing a sort of mushroom head instead of a flare, and a row of tiny ridges along the underside instead of a mid ring, not to mention a thick base that was almost a full-blown knot. His balls sat below in a fuzzy brown sack, about the size of a pair of plums.

"So? What do we think?" Discord asked.

"It's..." Celestia was intimidated by its strange form, but there was another aspect that intimidated her just as much. "...Very big..." She drew herself a little closer to it, and while at a glance, it didn't appear quite as large as a stallion's due to its odd shape, it was clear that Discord's member would fill the Princess's entire muzzle and then some, not to mention the hefty girth of the piece.

Discord's ego was soaring by now. "It wasn't just my skills the mares were impressed with, I can assure you."

Celestia looked away from the hardened member to Discord's face. "It looks very nice, but... I don't think I'm ready yet. To have a stallion... take me like that."

Discord couldn't be surprised, hearing that from Celestia of all ponies. "So what would you like?"

She thought for a moment, quietly considering her words. "I... still want you to be my first, but... could we merely... be together? Like on the mountain?"

Discord smiled warmly. "Say no more. Why don't you climb on top of me, take me in at your own pace, and we'll see how you feel?"

Celestia nodded, rising to her hooves to step over his body. Her flowing mane hung down like a curtain between them and the window, and her lavender eyes gazed deep into his red ones. Her muzzle was inches away from Discord's own, yet her rump was even closer to the tip of his erection. She could feel her well-eaten marehood throb for him, to be filled by that glorious stallionhood, and she was certain he wanted her just as badly, if not more.

"Slowly now," Discord advised her. "We have all the time in the world."

He couldn't have been more wrong, but his words felt true to Celestia. She nodded, and slowly bent her hindlegs, bringing herself to him. She gasped slightly when she felt his hard tip on her soft lips, pausing only to align her entrance with him. Discord bit his lip in anticipation, suspended in agony while Celestia took her sweet time. But soon, he was poised at her marehood, and she made the descent. Discord slipped inside her wet folds all too easily, and both groaned.

"That's it," Discord encouraged her, even as he squirmed in pleasure. "Nice and easy."

The ride down the draconequus member was a long and wonderful journey. Every inch was harder and thicker than the last, opening her wide, quenching her burning need. Likewise, her heat, her wetness, the soft caress of her nethers were even more a treat on Discord's pride than they were on his tongue. All he wanted was to shove himself into her, plant his flag and conquer her until she was hoarse with moans and praises for him, but he bit his tongue and reined in the thoughts stemming from his lower regions, letting Celestia take control.

The two gasped again when Celestia reached his base, enveloping him as completely as he filled her. She looked down at him, a light and bright joy rising in her, contagious as the soft smile spread from her to him. All she could feel was Discord, and it was all she needed. And at long last, Discord had Celestia all to himself, just as he wanted, and he would trade his horns to keep her.

Celestia laid on his chest, and Discord wrapped his arms around her. They said nothing, and they barely moved. The princess buried her head into his neck, letting his warmth surround her and fill her, every throb of his member as tender as his heartbeat. Discord stroked her mane, taking in her soft, sweet scent in deep, calming breaths. The intimacy of the moment was not lost on him, but resisting the urge to thrust his hips was not easy. His member was harder than ever, and after what felt like ages spent in soft, romantic stillness, he was certain he would be the first creature ever to die of sheer horniness. But the last thing he wanted would be to ruin things with Celestia, so he held his hips like a gentlecolt.

A part of Celestia wanted to cry, but she held her tears. She could feel now, just as surely as she felt him within her, that there was good in Discord. Certainly the Elements of Harmony would feel it too.

The princess had always had a faultless sense of time, but even she was surprised when she knew morning was coming. It seemed to approach so fast, yet she had no idea how long she and Discord had lain together. She had a sinking feeling it had been longer than she thought.

"Discord... I need to raise the sun..." she spoke up at last.

He only nodded solemnly. "So ends our night of fun... At least until next time," he said. He reached up and gave Celestia another soft kiss, which she returned as she got to her hooves, exhaling sharply as she felt Discord's stallionhood leave her empty. She went to her balcony, her legs wobbling and marehood still wet and warm, but when she lowered her tail she looked as pristine as ever.

Celestia, sighed, closed her eyes, and sighed. Her horn flared, and in moments, her face was limned in gold, a bud of sunlight growing on the horizon. Another beautiful day.

When she turned back to her room, she saw Discord nursing his balls with his paws, his erection still fierce and throbbing in the open air. "Are you... alright?" she asked.

He nodded with a grimace. "Just a little sore without any release."

She winced. "I'm so sorry."

"It's nothing," he said. "But you owe me a blowjob next time," he said, his wicked grin returning.

Celestia only rolled her eyes, but she knew 'next time' wasn't guaranteed. "Alright. If that's what you want, next time you can do as you like with me. I'll... even swallow." She couldn't imagine what a stallion's seed tasted like, let alone Discord's, but she had gathered that stallions liked the act quite a bit for some reason.

Discord's eyebrows raised so high he had to catch them and replace them on his forehead. "My, my, Celestia! That's quite an enticing offer. It'll certainly give me a lot to think about during my next 'me time' session,' he said, succeeding in making Celestia flush at the suggestion.

"Just..." she fought to regain her composure, "Promise you won't tell anypony. Especially Luna. Please?"

"A gentlecolt doesn't kiss and tell. And haven't I been a gentlecolt?" Discord said, looking at her with large, sweet eyes.

She nodded. "Yes. And I'm grateful for it... once again, you've been... such a dear friend to me. A... blowjob could only begin to express my gratitude. I'll treasure this night for a lifetime, I think."

Discord stood, towering over her, but his eyes glowed down on her, in a unique moment of sincerity. "And I will as well. Make no mistake of that."

Celestia nodded. She struggled to say her next words, knowing what would happen next. "...Luna will be looking for me soon... you should go..."

Discord nodded back, still smiling warmly at her. "Yes, I think I should. Quite a busy schedule for the day. I've got my little friend to deal with, chaos to unleash, and a couple of stuck-up princesses to fight. It seems I'm swamped."

He floated out Celestia's balcony toward the countryside, and Celestia followed him out. While he was still within reach, she stopped him. "Discord! One last thing..."

The draconequus twisted around midair to look at her. "Yes?"

Celestia summoned the last of her courage. "If this doesn't go well... I'm sorry."

Discord tucked her under the chin. "I know." Then, planting one last firm kiss on her lips, making Celestia's wings flutter and her back arch, he gave a final bow and poofed off.

In his topsy-turvy home, Discord perched himself on the couch on the ceiling. It certainly had been a night to remember, but he was still stiff with the lingering effects. It was as if he could still feel Celestia's warmth, enveloping him, her sun rays illuminating his very core. But he could worry about the twittermites in his heart later; he had been more than patient with his lover, but he would go sane if he had to wait one more moment to beat off. He snapped his fingers for a deluxe box of tissues, jumbo bottle of lube, his favorite issue of Teats, and sighed as he leaned back and began to take care of the morning's business.

Celestia returned to the throne room, and with every step that took her there, she felt less like Discord's secret lover and more like the Princess of the Sun. By the time she took her royal seat beside her sister, she was ready to do whatever it took to protect her country, and could think only of her citizens. Yet, she couldn't help but feel the wet spot beneath her from where she had been tied to Discord. She ignored her body's desires, just as she ignored the desires of her heart. Being a princess was about self-sacrifice.

That afternoon, Celestia and Luna challenged Discord at the original site of his warping of Equestria, Elements of Harmony in tow, and neither even so much as acknowledged the events prior.

The rest, as they say, is history.

Act 2

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Princess Celestia stirred the peas on her plate, carefully keeping them in motion while avoiding her potatoes. It was a delicate game, one that required dexterity and patience. Celestia had centuries of practice.

The Canterlot ponies seated at her table swapped stories of their business ventures, playing their own game of one-up-ponyship as they bragged about the private cruises they had taken or the trends they had started. It was a delicate game in its own right, but one Celestia was not interested in playing. As the Princess, they couldn't compete with her.

Her face masked her boredom perfectly; she seemed as graceful and lovely as ever. It wasn't that she disliked the elite of Canterlot, or didn't think the seasonal City Business Luncheon was important; she was simply preoccupied reminiscing about the days when she and her sister's castle wasn't the center of a major city. It certainly was a lot easier to take things at their own pace in the Everfree Forest. If these ponies knew the sort of things she'd gotten away with in that castle, they would choke on their salad forks. She smiled, one of the few expressions she passively allowed to break her mask. Those had certainly been the days.

She wandered back in her memories. After Luna was banished, she had really let her mane down. It seemed like Starswirl scolded her on a daily basis, for just about everything one could imagine; sleeping in, playing hooky to explore the forest, playing hooky to get frisky with guards, fighting monsters, exploring alternate dimensions in mirrors, falling in love... She could hardly believe she had once been such a timid, innocent mare. Countless threats, endless responsibilities, and a hoofful of very important stallions had changed that.

"What do you think, Princess?" Zesty Gourmand, the veritable queen of the restaurant business in Canterlot, asked her in her heavily self-important tone.

Princess Celestia froze. She was usually so careful about avoiding this sort of thing, but her trip down memory lane had been extra vivid this afternoon. But she didn't panic. As a politician with a millennia of experience, she was an expert in giving ponies exactly the vague answer they wanted to her.

She opened her mouth, but another sight caught her tongue. Zesty's teacup had suddenly sprouted a pair of yellow and red eyes, and the handle detached, looking like a clawed hand. No pony noticed, as all eyes were on Celestia.

The princess faltered in her speech, trying not to give it away. "Well... I, uh, think that it's a very complicated matter, but I'm... I'm grateful to have you all here with me to discuss it," she said. She watched as the clawed hand took a dab of butter and spread it over the handles of Zesty's silverware and glass.

"See? As I suspected, the princess understands my point," Zesty replied as she reached for her spoon. She had barely lifted it a few inches before it slipped out of her hoof and into her soup, splashing enough to stain her chef's coat and face with tomato bisque.

She blinked a few times in utter shock. Celestia stifled a laugh. The other guests stared on in horror. Finally, Zesty began to apologize. "My... sincerest apologies, Princess, my spoon just... slipped." She began to wipe herself with her napkin.

Celestia could already see the same spirit possessing other table items, buttering everypony's flatware in the same way. "It is quite alright. I've been told the royal silverware is... slippery," Celestia replied, biting her lip as she waited for the payoff.

Prince Blueblood spoke next. "I understand, Zesty. Manners are a product of good breeding, rather than education," he boasted. He picked up his teacup, only to spill it directly into his lap, yelping like a filly as his crotch sizzled.

The other ponies wondered what was going on, trying to pick up their own silverware, only to find themselves slipping and dropping them everywhere. Soon the table was quite a mess of fumbling ponies flinging soup and salad this way and that, apologizing to each other with every mishap.

"What in Equestria is going on?" Blueblood wondered with anger.

It took all of Celestia's composure to fight down her giggles. "Perhaps- perhaps we should take a break," she suggested.

Celestia excused herself quickly, as did the other ponies. She retreated to the hallway, and finding she was alone, except for a guard or two, she could contain her laughter no longer. She was hysterical, in tears at the sight of the stuffy ponies struggling for a simple sip of soup.

"Oh, heavens! That was good!" she said.

"The old butterhooves trick - it never fails!" said a deep voice behind her.

She turned to face Discord, wiping his claws with a dinner napkin and examining his nails. She wiped her own eyes and said, "You really have impeccable timing. That was one of the most boring luncheons I've had in a long time."

"Oh, Celestia, if I know anything about comedy, it's timing," Discord replied with a stage bow.

Celestia shook her head, still grinning. She paced down the hall, and Discord fell into float beside her. "I don't know how I managed to survive so many centuries of that without you to break up the atmosphere. Your antics really are a lifesaver."

"Well, since I'm not allowed to make the anthills shoot fire every forty seconds anymore, I have to get my kicks somehow," he said, floating on his back as if he was swimming.

"Things have been much better. I'm very grateful for what restraint you do exercise," she agreed.

"It almost feels like the old days, doesn't it?" Discord said. The briefest moments of silence hung in the air at the mention of the old days. Discord continued. "We're even on the same mountain that we used to play hooky on before. I thought that was a nice touch."

"I was worried you feel like I was trying to cover up our old haunt," she responded.

Discord waved his paw dismissively. "Pffft. You built your capitol city on top of our old mountain. If anything it's a monument."

Celestia smiled up at him. "Any opportunity to take credit for something, I see?"

"Don't act like you didn't miss me for that whole millennia," he replied. He landed, walking on his hands, waving his tail about as he spoke as if gesturing with it. "Since we've brought it up, what do you say about sneaking away for a stroll now? That luncheon isn't going to get any more entertaining after that stunt, and I'm certain the falls will be just as lovely now as they were then."

Celestia shook her head. "I'm afraid I can't. It really is an important luncheon, Discord. We have to prepare for the business trends of tomorrow if Equestria's prosperity today is to grow."

Discord wiggled his foot in a "blah blah blah" sort of motion, which looked very odd to Celestia. "Alright, alright. I see that old age has taken all the fun out of you."

"I suppose it has," Celestia replied with a prim turn of her nose. "And of course, that means that I can't have anypony disrupting the Grand Galloping Gala this year like I allowed for last year, now can I? Oh well. I suppose I'll have to find some other draconequus to invite."

Discord righted himself. "Unless the universe spontaneously decides otherwise, I'm the only draconequus around last time I checked. It seems you're stuck with me."

Celestia smiled coyly. "So it seems. But don't feel like you have to prepare a routine for the occasion. I want you to be able to come and enjoy the Gala as a guest, just like anypony else."

"That's sweet. You think I prepare my antics," Discord said, clasping his claws. "On the contrary, I think I'll just wing it. Plans and chaos only go together when they're the diabolical kind, and I've been off that stuff for a while now."

"Excellent. I'll send the official invite today to Fluttershy's. Oh, and this time, don't worry so much about your plus one. There's nothing wrong with a stallion going stag."

Discord stopped in front of Celestia. "Actually, I was thinking you would be my plus one. It doesn't have to be serious or anything, of course. We can go as friends, but I figured after all this time, and now that I'm good and all, there's no real need to hide our friendship, is there?"

The surprise was clear on Celestia's face. "You want me to be your.... date?"

Discord was unfazed. "Of course. You've already asked me to be your entertainment, so it seems only natural. Plus, this way, we could really end the night's festivities with a bang," he said with a suggestive waggle of his eyebrows.

For once, Celestia found that a diplomatic answer was hard to spit out. "Well... um... while that does sound... very tempting, I think I might... need a night to think about it... Excuse me."

Celestia beat a hasty retreat to her tea room, not too far from her royal suite. She closed the door hastily, and when she was finally alone, she wiped her brow and exhaled.

"That sort of answer might satisfy your brown-nosers, but I'm no dupe," Discord said, appearing before her with crossed arms. "A simple 'no thank you' would have sufficed."

Celestia should have known. She paced around her tea parlour anxiously. "I'm sorry, Discord, but please try to understand. Equestria is bigger than ever, which means that there are countless more eyes watching me constantly than ever before. Can you imagine the rumors that would spread if I took you to the Gala as my date? Even if we only went as friends, there would be much talk in the morning."

"You know, I would have thought in this day and age, stallions and mares could be friends without everypony making a big deal out if it," Discord said offhandedly. "But I suppose that last remark was a bit off-color. I would be perfectly delighted to accompany you to the Gala and stay clothed the entire time."

"It's not just that," Celestia said. She paced around the table again, again searching for the right, diplomatic words. "Don't you think you'd be happier with another mare? You and Fluttershy are so close."

"We are," Discord said. "Fluttershy, against all odds, seems to understand me in a way other ponies don't."

Celestia nodded. "To be frank... Since you spend so much time together, I just assumed..."

"That we were sleeping together?" Discord said, taken aback. "Don't get me wrong, I've tried to get under that strawberry tail like a hound. But Fluttershy says she isn't interested in having that kind of relationship with me. And now that we've been 'just friends' for a while, frankly, I'm starting to enjoy spending time with a mare without being attracted to her."

"I thought you two would do well together," Celestia nodded with a warm smile. "Especially since I anticipated you might be a bit... bitter after what happened."

"Oh, I was," Discord said. "Hence the whole, 'returning evil' thing, and the 'betraying you for Tirek' thing," he said with air quotes. "But really, it was just as much my fault for taking a gamble like that with the Elements. As you can see, I'm much happier on this side of the moral fence. I think I just needed to get some of the pent-up anger out of my system."

Celestia lowered her head. "It was understandable that you were angry... But I am glad you're with us now, for real. It was... more painful than I'd care to admit, having to fight you all over again."

Discord was quiet for a moment. "But I am good now. So..." he steeled himself with a breath. "What is the problem? Would you really pick your image over your old friend?"

Celestia looked into his eyes. "You are a dear, old friend Discord... but..."

He could see the answer in her eyes. "Things have changed between us, haven't they?"

"No! Of course not!" Celestia denied it quickly.

"But they have," Discord said, putting the pieces of the puzzle together as he stroked his beard. "A long time has passed. The spark has... gone out, hasn't it?"

"It's not like that. It's... complicated," she struggled to explain.

"Don't give me that line," Discord said, again crossing his arms.

"Well, what did you expect, Discord?" Celestia said, raising her voice suddenly. "I've spent most of the last thousand years completely alone! We imprisoned you, and Luna betrayed me, and when Starswirl went... it was either move on, or wallow in guilt and grief and loneliness forever!"

"So you moved on," Discord said flatly.

"Yes!" Celestia said. "I started taking my duties more seriously. I started a city, I wrote books, I met stallions, and I even let them bed me."

"Oh, I'm aware of your extradimensional romance," Discord said tauntingly. "'Good' Sombra, wasn't it? Fluttershy said he was quite charming. A perfect match for you."

"I loved him!" Celestia roared at Discord. "I loved him with everything I had, and he loved me back! Don't you dare speak of him like that!"

Discord was taken aback. "I never expected you to go a thousand years and save yourself only for me. But as much as I hate to be blunt, they aren't here anymore, Celestia. I am. Why can't we simply pick up where we left off?"

Celestia could barely contain her raw feelings. "Because you weren't here, Discord! You could have surrendered! You could have turned good a thousand years ago, and I wouldn't have had to fend for myself! But you chose to oppose us, and you left me no choice."

"Oh, I was there, Celestia," Discord said with venom. "You might not have realized, but I was still in that stone statue. Unable to move or speak or feel any part of my body, but I could see. I could see, Celestia. I could see every stuck-up noble and hear every pedantic conversation. I didn't have a choice to look away whenever some idiotic guard had a quickie with some maid in the hedge maze under my statue. I've heard the same cheesy lines from a thousand ponies to their Gala dates, and every time they seem to think they're so original. And I watched you, too, Celestia. I saw you when you wandered alone and I saw you followed endlessly by a whole court of ponies fawning over you. I saw you flirt with those same guards, and I saw you cry at my feet. But you had all but forgotten about old Discord by the time your favorite pupil had arrived, didn't you? Did you even plan to release me, or did the idea only occur to you after I freed myself?"

"I didn't know what to do with you!" Celestia answered. "Even if I wanted to free you, how could I justify putting my country at risk like that? You wanted to plunge Equestria into chaos! How could I be sure you wouldn't do it all over again if you were released? And when you did get free, that's exactly what you did!"

"Well, pardon me if being trapped in a garden ornament for a thousand years soured my opinion of you!" Discord roared back, pounding his claws on the table. Celestia took a step back, and both realized how badly things had escalated. Discord stood himself up and smoothed his mane out again, regaining his composure. "But... I was wrong then. And it took Fluttershy for me to realize what was right in front of me all along: it's better to be friends with you than enemies. I've moved on from the past. Why can't you?"

Celestia looked into Discord's eyes, but years of history and frustration welled up within her. "That's just it, Discord. I did move on. To other loves. And I think of them every day. I couldn't help it if I tried. Do you really want me to move on from that? To forget them?"

"No, of course not..." Discord said softly, but he could feel he was losing the struggle.

Celestia paced around the room, looking out a window at the beautiful Canterlot mountainside. "I miss them, Discord. I missed you too. I'm so happy to have you back, and that we don't have to be enemies. But... the 'good old days' are in the past. And if there's anything I learned from Starswirl, it's that you can't reclaim the past. I think... we both need to move on."

Discord's ears drooped and his face fell. "I see..."

Celestia tried to offer him a smile, turning back to him. "But I would still like to see you at the Gala. If it's not too much to ask."

Discord returned the effort with a smile of his own. "I would be glad to attend."

Celestia nodded, stepping past him toward the door. "Excellent... I know things are difficult now, but I'm sure they'll get better."

"After the stunts I'll pull at the Gala, I'm sure they will," he agreed.

She offered a genuine smile to him. "Discord... you still are a truly dear friend."

He nodded. "I know. You are as well, Princess."

Celestia excused herself to rejoin the luncheon, and Discord decided to roam about the castle for a while longer before returning to Ponyville. He decided to take another stroll through that all-too familiar hedge maze. It was bigger than he thought after spending a thousand years in one corner of it, but there were surprisingly few ponies making their way through. It was a good spot to be alone.

He paused only when he found his old pedestal. It stood bare in the garden, even the plaque had been removed. He could only wonder why Celestia had decided to keep the pedestal.

His thoughts were interrupted by a voice behind him, which annoyed him greatly, because that was usually the sort of thing he did to ponies. "What is it they say about returning to the scene of the crime?"

Discord turned to face Princess Luna. Much like Celestia, she had hardly changed in the past millennia herself. Even the fierce glare of her eyes was the same. "I'm afraid you may have your analogies mixed, Princess. And aren't you usually asleep at this hour?" he asked.

"I can sense my sister's feelings quite keenly. Your shouting woke me," she answered coolly.

"Oh, is that all? Well, my sincerest apologies," Discord said, almost too politely. "I can assure you that things are quite alright between us. She's invited me to the Gala, even."

"I am aware," Luna said. "She seems to enjoy your shenanigans to no end."

"In a way, she always has," Discord jabbed.

Luna was not one to play games, though. "Do not taunt me, Discord. I can see that you have changed. Fluttershy's influence on you is clear. But you and I both know you haven't changed that much."

"What are you talking about, Luna? Am I not one of the good guys now? Do you still suspect me of villainy after that big light show with Tirek?"

"Not villainy, but treachery all the same." Luna drew close to Discord, getting into his space. "Celestia told me of your history together, your almost-romance. And I am not foolish enough to believe that you do not still lust after her."

Discord frowned. "Do you take issue with all stallions that want to bang your sister? Because if that's the case, then do I have some letters to the naughty-magazine editor for you to-"

"Silence!" Luna interrupted. "I will have none of your insipid humor! There may have been a time when Celestia felt for you, but it has passed. Do not pursue her, and reopen old wounds. If you do, I will make you pay for every tear she sheds."

Discord raised an eyebrow. "For such a brute, your vocabulary has always been impeccable. And like it or not, Celestia and I are friends, and we always have been. But have you considered that, as they say, it takes two to tango?"

Luna smiled confidently. "Celestia may have turned to you in a moment of weakness, but she is older and wiser now. I think you'll find she'll not respond to your advances as she once did. Or perhaps you've already discovered this. Is that what your fight was about?"

Discord struggled to keep steam from blowing out his ears. But he kept his cool. "Celestia may be older and wiser, but she's also grown far more confident in herself. She seemed so delighted to hear I'd be attending the Gala again. I can only imagine how the evening will end. Dinner, dancing, making her laugh... slipping away to her bedroom..." Discord teased.

Luna's temper broke as quickly as she had built it. "If you so much as lay a paw on her, I will crush you!" she roared, jabbing him in the chest with her hoof.

Discord froze. "A moment." He pulled a pocketwatch out of a hidden pocket in his fur and turned the dial, stopping time briefly while he studied Luna's fury-riddled face. "She doesn't know?" he realized aloud. "My, my, Celestia, you are quite the keeper of secrets. I'm almost tempted to tell her how much she enjoyed our first time bumping uglies just to spite her. But I suppose Celestia has her reasons." Discord turned the dial again, resuming the moment.

Luna glared at him. "What sort of chicanery is this?"

"Never mind. You've made your threat, but I suppose the ball rests in Celestia's court. And since you seem so confident that she wouldn't truly want anything beyond our friendship, then I suppose you have nothing to worry about, hm?" Discord said.

Luna was keenly suspicious, but said, "I suppose I don't, but that doesn't mean I won't have my eye on you, Discord. Everypony else may be enamored with your antics, but I am not so easily won."

"Clearly," Discord said. "But as riveting as this conversation is, I would hate to be late for tea with Fluttershy, and it is getting to be that time. So I'll have to bid you ta-ta for now." Discord made a show of bouncing on his tail before poofing off into thin air.

Luna could only grind her teeth. "Why couldn't my sister make friends with a nice zebra or something?" she muttered before retreating to the palace.

Once Celestia was alone in her dining hall, accompanied only by the cleaning staff, she finally allowed herself a heavy exhale of release. It had been quite the afternoon.

"Excuse me," she said quietly to a maid, who turned to her princess attentively. "You wouldn't happen to know if there's still some cake leftover from Twilight's birthday party, would you?"

The maid gave a knowing smile. "I'll be right back with a piece, Your Highness."

"You're a lifesaver," Celestia thanked her. The maid returned shortly with a slice of plum cake with purple frosting, three layers high. Celestia could already feel her mouth watering.

When she took the first bite of homemade buttercream icing, she had to suppress a moan. She could almost feel the stress wash off her back, her wings fluttering even. Almost. Dealing with Canterlot's elite was challenging enough, but attempting to finish the meeting with the weight of Discord's words on her mind had been an ordeal. She felt like she had ruined something between them. Everything had been going so well, and time spent with Discord after his reformation was more than enjoyable. But now, so much past had been unearthed, things she had thought were well buried. Sombra, the Elements, their last night together...

The door open suddenly, and Celestia's first instinct was to hide the cake and wipe her mouth. But it was only Luna. "Cake already, sister?"

Another moment of relief. "What are you doing awake, Luna? Is everything alright?"

Luna approached her sister's seat, taking a vacant one beside her. "Yes, yes. Call it a midmorning snack." To a butler, she said, "I think I'll have a piece too." She was quickly furnished with her own slice. "Plums, eh? At least it won't be too sweet."

"I think I've earned it, after today," Celestia said.

"Yes. I'm aware of your spat with Discord," Luna said bluntly before taking a bite. "I see the Cakes have lived up to their namesake once more."

"It was silly, really," Celestia said, picking through another bite, gazing at her plate.

"Discord has not lost interest in you, but is unaware of the many things that have transpired that would make any romance, with him or otherwise, complicated at best?" Luna said simply.

Celestia blinked. "Well... Essentially, yes."

"I pay more attention to you than you might think," Luna said.

Celestia waited until the castle staff had filed out of the room. "It isn't that I dislike Discord. Or even that I'm not attracted to him..." Celestia said softly, knowing the walls might still have ears. "But things were somewhat simpler before. Our country was smaller, and we were both so young."

"Indeed. But frankly, I don't understand the appeal of Discord. I thought Sombra was terribly handsome. I might even say I was jealous when I first saw him," Luna said bluntly.

Celestia grinned. "He was handsome. And so very romantic," she said.

Luna grinned back. "Do you remember our first guard captain after we banished Discord? Pale Star? I do believe he was what the mares now call a 'hunk.'"

Celestia's eyes lit up with the memory. "Oh, yes! I used to draw hearts with our initials in them in my notebooks."

Luna reminisced as she ate her cake. "He had such a strength about him, such a commanding voice. He was just as confident in the bedroom as well."

Celestia nearly choked on her cake. "Luna! You and Pale Star?"

"He was my first! I didn't want to tell you!" Luna defended. "Why are you so surprised? Did you make love with him as well?"

"No. I thought it would be terribly inappropriate to be with a guard or servant, at least until you were gone," Celestia said. "We were so silly back then, weren't we?"

"We were young," Luna said dismissively. "You were concerned with your image, and I was concerned with living in the shadow of that image. But I can't tell you how relieved I was to hear that you, too, had played the tramp during my banishment as I had prior."

"Tramp!?" Celestia hissed, batting Luna with a wing, who couldn't resist laughing. "I think we could fill an entire barracks with the amount of guards you've slept with!" she accused.

"Fitting. Those guards could protect the small village's worth of stallions you've lifted your tail for, sister. You have had much more time for frivolity, after all," Luna teased.

Celestia lifted a chunk of cake with her magic and flung it at Luna, who blocked it with a wing. The battle ended there, as both sisters suffered a fit of giggles before peace returned. "Words cannot express how happy I am to have you back, Luna," Celestia said.

"I know. You tell me once a week. I love you too, sister," Luna said flatly, still smiling at the corners of her mouth. "Since we've brought it up, I must know: was Sombra a good lover?"

Celestia smiled, again looking at the remains of her cake. "He was romantic and gentle, but certainly capable of being a stallion when it counted."

"That is good. And here, I was worried that all of your lovers were the kind to recite poetry during the act and cry afterward," Luna teased once more.

"And one might say that all of yours have more balls than brains," Celestia retorted.

"Don't be crude, sister," Luna said. "But if I am going to give myself to a stallion, I'd prefer he be a stallion. Cadance agrees with me. Nothing like a big, strong male to make you feel like a mare."

"We are all aware of your fondness for Applejack's brother."

"Now there's an aptly named stallion," Luna said with a coy smile.

"Luna! You didn't!"

"It took some time to break past his shy, quiet demeanor, but once we were alone, he was more than eager. I'd say he was the best I've had yet."

Celestia shook her head. "You are incorrigible."

"And what of you, sister?" Luna asked. "Was Sombra your most enjoyable lover?"

Celestia tapped her chin with the handle of her fork. "That is a good question. I never thought about it before, but if I had to pick..." She sifted through all her past partners for a long moment. "Oh! I remember one! There was this guard..." Celestia's face was already melting into a dreamy expression.

"What was his name?"

Celestia smirked at Luna. "Longspear."

Now it was Luna's turn to gasp and bat Celestia with a wing. "Sister! This must be a jest!"

"Not in the slightest. And my, was he magnificent. Always a perfect gentlecolt, so loyal and thoughtful. But when I named him my personal guard, and he began to sleep in my chambers, well... let's just say I got much less sleep in those days. At least until he married a blacksmith."

Luna smiled kindly at her sister. "I think I should have liked to meet him."

"You would have liked him. For who he was."

There was a moment of silence, but the air was easy between the sisters. "It is hard to believe that Discord is among your past flames."

Celestia knew Luna would bring him back up eventually, but she set her plate down calmly. "He is wild, but he is not evil. It was a distinction I knew long ago, and how I knew he could be redeemed."

Luna nodded. "I am sad to think that you kept secrets from me, but I suppose we both did in those days... I believe, in the end, you made the right decisions."

"You still do not like him," Celestia pointed out flatly.

"My duties are of a very different nature than yours, and the last thing I need are distractions. But I resent his feelings toward you as well. He cares only to slake his own lusts, and does not consider all that you have endured."

Celestia stared pensively at her plate. "I don't think that's quite true. The friendship we once had... ironically, it kept me sane and happy during that dark time. I think he simply wants to make me happy like that again. And perhaps to go back to a time when we had not dealt such blows to each other."

"History is etched in stone, sister," Luna said. "I am grateful that he eases your burdens and makes you smile. But you should not open your heart to him. I fear it would only cause you more pain."

It was a long moment before Celestia nodded. "Yes. I think you are right, sister. He is a good friend, and there was a time that I loved him. But I think that time has passed."

Luna let out a sigh of relief. "I am sorry to burden you with my opinion in such a matter."

"Not at all," Celestia shook her head politely. "If there is anypony who has a right to speak about what stallions I let into my life, it is my favorite sister."

"Your only sister," Luna reminded her.

Celestia stood from her chair. "Yes. Now, I must attend a charity auction in the gallery. You should get back to bed."

Luna smirked. "Perhaps I shall do as you once did and ask a guard to protect me."

Celestia smirked back. "I think we should have an inspection of the entire royal guard soon. It has been some time since we've evaluated them."

"I agree heartily."

"Fluttershy, could you fetch that specialty beard shampoo for me?" Discord asked.

Her bathroom was a little crowded with the two of them getting ready for the Gala. She was brushing her mane at the mirror while Discord was using her shower. Her tub consisted only of a barrel for the natural appeal, so without a curtain she could easily give it to him.

He applied a dollop to his beard and eyebrows and began to wash them carefully, the suds washing them sparkling clean. "And you're sure you don't feel bad that I asked Celestia to be my plus one first?" Discord asked.

"Oh, not at all. I know how much you two enjoy each other's company," Fluttershy said, turning from the mirror to smile kindly at him. "And after I took Tree Hugger last year, I wouldn't really have a right to be upset."

Discord dipped his head under the stream of water from the spigot, letting it splash over his face rather dramatically. "She won't be upset about not receiving an invitation?"

"Oh, no. She's taking a sabbatical to a naturalist resort, so she wouldn't be able to make it anyway. It's the perfect opportunity to go with you," Fluttershy responded.

"Now, where is that body wash?" he asked.

Fluttershy searched among the clutter of bottles and grooming tools. "Sorry. My bathroom is cluttered enough with mare's products, let alone all the new stallion products for tonight... Oh, here it is. Smooth for stallions." She opened the cap to sample the scent. "Mmm, sandalwood."

"I should apologize for that. I don't mean to colonize your bathroom like this," he said, working up a lather in his paw.

"On the contrary," Fluttershy said, examining her mane before applying a few squirts of floral spray to it. "Getting ready for an event can be more fun than the event itself. It's the only way I can ever build up the confidence to appear at places like the Gala. Plus, I've never gotten ready with a stallion before. I had no idea you were so meticulous about your grooming, Discord," she said, placing a ring of flowers on her head like a tiara. She turned around to face him. "What do you think?"

"Positively graceful," he said in kind. "And of course I'm meticulous. Ladies love a well-groomed stud. And on that note, if you'll pardon me for a moment." He snapped his fingers, summoning a black censor bar between his legs as his claws ventured lower to wash his male parts.

Fluttershy only blushed slightly. "I wasn't aware you were looking to take somepony home tonight, at least after what happened with Celestia."

"That's precisely why I am," he answered. "Celestia made it perfectly clear that she's not interested in any sort of physical relationship with me, so instead of sulking about it, I think it would be best to use this opportunity to move on like she has and try to get laid for once. It has been a thousand-year dry spell for me, after all."

Fluttershy nodded meekly as Discord rinsed himself off. "Well, I think it's great that you're respecting Celestia's wishes, and that you're not letting circumstances interfere with the satisfaction of your needs."

Discord turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist, the censor bar disappearing behind it. "Your support is much appreciated. As is your help getting ready. I'll need to look my best if I'm going to be getting lucky tonight." He stepped out and took his turn in front of the mirror.

Fluttershy hesitated, her smile affected. "It's just that.. are you sure that 'getting lucky' with some strange pony will really help?"

"It will help my tissue supply, I can assure you that much," he replied, leaning into the mirror as he combed his mane and beard.

Fluttershy blushed again, smiling nervously. "And that's all well and good. At least, if this is only about your physical needs..."

Discord cast a sidelong glance at her, raising an eyebrow. "What are you saying?"

"Well, are you sure that you're not trying to replace Celestia with somepony else?"

Discord leaned back from the mirror. "Are you suggesting I'm on the rebound?"

Fluttershy took a pumice stone to her hooves so she wouldn't have to look Discord in the face while she spoke. "From what you told me, you two have a lot of history together, and you've been waiting a very, very long time to be in a position to finally be with her without anything in between you. It's understandable that you'd be disappointed."

Discord scoffed, snatching up some deodorant and swiping it in his armpits as he replied. "I'm still a stallion. How do you know I'm not just horny?"

Fluttershy inspected her hooves. "I understand that you are. But if you could pick anypony to satisfy your needs, would you just go with anypony? Or would you prefer Celestia?"

Discord put his hands on his hips. "Of course I'd prefer Celestia. She's so different from me that she's exciting and a challenge, yet we seem to have so much in common. Not to mention all our unfinished business."

"Exactly," Fluttershy said, stepping up to him, her head craning to meet his gaze. "Even if you could settle for somepony else, it wouldn't fix the problem that what you really want is Celestia."

"But she doesn't want me," Discord pointed out, his tone heavy. "She said that too much has happened. She moved on to other stallions and left me behind. She has too much history." Discord turned back to the mirror, looking forlornly at his reflection. "The old days are gone, Fluttershy. The moment passed. It passed a long time ago."

The steam hung heavy about the two of them, and for a long moment, Fluttershy couldn't answer. She didn't know how. Discord rarely exposed his true feelings, even to her, and she was heartbroken to hear his voice. But she couldn't bear to leave him in such a state. So she stepped forward.

"That may be, Discord. But that doesn't mean you can't make new moments," she said softly.

Discord turned his head to look at her. "What do you mean?"

She thought carefully before she spoke. "It sounds like you and Celestia have been through a lot. She's lost so many friends, stallions, and even her sister. And you've never really fit in anywhere until recently. I know the past can be hard to deal with, and sometimes things change, and they can never be the same again... But I don't think either of you need the old days. I think things are much better now. I think you two need somepony to share all the new days."

Discord returned to his reflection, staring intensely at his own eyes. "But... what if I can't make her happy like those other stallions did? What if she still misses Sombra, even when she's with me?"

Fluttershy placed a hoof on his back, looking into the mirror with him. "She might. But then you can be there for her when she needs you. You're the only one who can. You're part of her past, but you can be a part of her future, too."

A light flooded Discord's eyes. He looked at himself once more, and Fluttershy could see his spirit rising. "Maybe you're right. Celestia is my friend. Maybe that's all we'll ever be. But I know I can make her happy, so I shouldn't let anything stop me from doing just that!"

Fluttershy nodded excitedly. "And tonight is the perfect night to tell her how you really feel. Not just that you want her. That you want to make her happy, no matter what it takes!"

"Yes! Oh, if I do it just right... tonight could be grand!" Discord said. He aimed a confident grin at Fluttershy. "But if I'm going to get through to her, I'll really need to look my best!"

"Of course!" Fluttershy said, offering him a bottle of cologne. "A little musk, a new tie, and she'll hardly recognize you!"

Discord dabbed his neck with it as he stepped out into the bedroom. With a snap of his fingers, he summoned his bright orange suit in the air before him. "We'll dance, I'll make her laugh, and when the moment is right..." Discord dropped his towel with his back to Fluttershy, leaping into his suit to put it on in one motion. He straightened the jacket as he turned around. "How do I look?"

"Like a million bits!" Fluttershy answered with a bright smile.

Discord admired his reflection in her vanity. "Thank you, Fluttershy." He turned around to her. "I don't think I could do this without you."

Fluttershy slipped into her own leafy-green dress, stepping up beside him. "You're a good friend, Discord. It's the least I could do."

Discord smiled down at her. "Well, we wouldn't want to be late, would we?" He offered an elbow to her politely.

She took it. "We've got a big night ahead of us."

"Then let's not let it pass us by!" he replied. With a snap of his fingers and a poof, the two were gone to the Gala.

Princess Celestia sighed, standing with Luna at the top of the staircase, her same position at the Gala as every year. She had been steadily keeping her eye on the grand clock behind her throughout the evening. Midnight couldn't come soon enough, when she could politely excuse herself without much seeming too eager to escape. She couldn't believe it was only ten thirty. It felt like she had been on that staircase for ages.

She was eager for Discord to arrive to break up the endless chain of ponies lining up on the staircase to speak with her. She had started the trend of these "mini-audiences" years ago to avoid having a crowd of ponies follow her around the Gala all night, but the line grew longer each year, until it came to the point that she could hardly leave her post to enjoy any of the Gala.

The stallion speaking to her now was attempting to drop subtle hints promoting his business, but she couldn't remember if he worked in finances or tea, and she couldn't see his cutie mark beneath his suit to tell. She only nodded politely and smiled. How any of these ponies expected to stick out to her among the hundred or more she spoke to tonight was beyond her.

"That all sounds very lovely," Celestia said warmly. "And thank you so much for attending the Gala."

"Erm, well... you're very welcome, Princess," the stallion said. He didn't want to end his audience just yet, but the next mare was getting pushy with him.

"You are formidable, sister, to endure this all night," Luna murmured to her.

"You should escape while you have the chance," Celestia replied. "It's me they want to talk to."

Luna squinted toward the door. "I should think not. There is more trouble approaching."

Celestia spotted Discord and Fluttershy entering as well. Fluttershy's dress was as beautiful as she was, but that garish orange suit and hat were impossible to miss. He seemed to be in a good mood as well, wearing the same self-satisfied smile as the rest of the debutantes in attendance.

He and Fluttershy bowed graciously when they came to the Princesses, Discord hardly paying attention to all the ponies he was cutting in line. They wouldn't dare upset the Spirit of Chaos anyway. "My, my, Your Royal Highnesses. Might I say you are looking positively radiant tonight."

"Thank you for having us," Fluttershy greeted the Princesses sweetly.

Celestia and Luna bowed in their own gowns as well. "It is so good to see the both of you here," Celestia said. "But I'm afraid I don't have much time to show either of you around the party. But I do hope you have a good time at the Gala."

"Well, I'm certain things will improve. I have quite the show planned," Discord said with a mischievous grin.

"A show?" Luna said suspiciously. "We can permit a few harmless pranks here or there, but I am not certain we, as monarchs, can allow you to disrupt the proceedings-"

"We can't wait for it to start," Celestia interrupted her. Luna glared fiercely at her sister.

Discord's grin stretched from ear to ear. "Perfect. Then lot's not keep you waiting, shall we?"

Discord poofed himself to the center of the dance floor. With another snap of his fingers, he raised a round section of the floor up a few feet so that he was above everypony, visible to the entire Gala. A silver pole rose from the center of his platform to the ceiling.

The room was silent as the grave. Luna was paralyzed with horror as she realized what was about to happen. Celestia could barely contain her anticipation.

Discord took a moment to smile at the crowd. "Hit it!" he cued.

A low electronic note signaled the start of the song. "It's getting steamy," a voice announced.

A heavy dance beat kicked in and Discord began to sway his hips. He stretched his arms behind his head, slowly up the pole. The gathered elite were beginning to look very uncomfortable.

Luna grabbed Fluttershy by her neckline. "You! Did you know about this?" she demanded.

"I knew he would be up to something, but I didn't expect this..." she answered, nervously attempting to look away, but rather unable to avert her eyes from the sight unfolding.

As Discord slowly began to undo the buttons of his jacket and shirt, it was a feeling all assembled shared, as if looking at a carriage wreck. Each flick of his fingers revealed more and more of his body until a snap showed off the extent of his long, slender chest.

Luna turned to Celestia. "Sister, we must do something! I know that public image is your area of expertise, but this is beyond the pale!"

"I'm just as surprised as anypony else. Plus, how do you plan to stop him? He's Discord," Celestia responded, staring on, visibly amused.

Discord had flung his upper garments into the crowd to be caught by nopony, and was now lying on his stage belly-down, flirting with the nearest mare by touching her nose. He quickly sprang up, moving with the beat, and swung around the pole for a moment, gripping it between his legs seductively.

The music only got louder, and everypony's eyes got wider as he hooked his thumbs into his pants. With a flick, he undid the button. Slowly, he slid them down, revealing his only remaining garment: a tight, black, elastic thong that did nothing to leave his bulge to the imagination.

"We're all doomed," Luna said grimly.

The spectacle continued as Discord danced around his stage, showing off his body and swinging his tail in a circle. But the audience members farther away weren't safe from his antics. He poofed himself to a table, swaying his hips in the face of a stuffy mare, before popping over to another table to grind his backside on a seated stallion like a lap dance.

His next appearance was in front of Luna herself. He leaned back in mid-air, pumping his hips so that she was treated to a faceful of Discord's leather-clad bulge. She recoiled with a gasp, retreating back and nearly knocking a flower vase off its pedestal. Celestia could hardly contain her snickers.

For the finale, Discord reappeared on his stage. He gripped the pole again, pressing himself into it, and to the horror of the watching ponies, hooked his claws into the waistband of his sole covering. He removed it, twirling the thong on his tail as he wrapped his legs around the pole, obscuring himself. He swung up and up in a circle, high up toward the vaulted ceiling until the details of his body were too small to make out. As he began his descent, the music built to a crescendo. When he swiveled to the bottom of the pole at last, he flung the underwear off his tail into the distance and dismounted with his hands behind his head and a bright flash of light.

It faded, and he was gone. The thong landed on Luna's horn.

A long, uncomfortable silence filled the Gala hall. No pony really knew how to react to what had just happened.

Celestia looked at the garment hanging in front of her sister's face. She burst into a fit of laughter. She couldn't contain it any longer. She laughed so hard she fell to the ground. Tears were in her eyes as she pointed at Luna. She even snorted.

"Well, if that is the extent of tonight's tomfoolery, then I elect to retire. I bid you a good night, sister," she said, removing the thong and throwing it at the grounded Celestia.

Celestia struggled to her hooves. "Yes... I think I'll do the same," she said, fighting fits of giggles. "I don't think I can take much more tonight."

Celestia ascended to her room, and sure enough, Discord was waiting there for her. By now, she had come to expect it.

"You said it would be quite a show. You didn't disappoint," she said to him.

"I'm an entertainer at heart," Discord said, reclining on her bed. "If there's anything I know, it's presentation."

Another bout of giggles struck Celestia. "Did you see the looks on their faces?"

Discord giggled to himself as well. "I thought Luna was going to have a heart attack."

"Oh, she was so mad!" Celestia said. She sat on the bed next to Discord, and the two shared a final laugh about the moment together that lasted for a long while.

When they recovered, Discord said, "I hope I didn't cause any trouble for you, with the public or with Luna."

Celestia dismissed the thought with a wave of her hoof. "Luna and I will be just fine. As for the public, I had no idea you planned such a thing, and of course I will take pains to ensure that there will be no stripping next year."

"Don't make promises you can't keep," Discord said, tapping her nose.

Celestia smiled at him. "Thank you again for coming. I was looking forward to your arrival all night. It wasn't what I expected, but I can't say I'm disappointed."

"I'm glad I could cheer you up," he said.

A moment of silence entered between them. Any longer, and Discord would be overstepping the boundaries Celestia had set between them. She tried to find a way to dismiss him without offending him, and he searched for the words to stay.

"It is getting late," Celestia pointed out.

"The Gala continues well into the night," he retorted. She faltered, and he spoke again. "I'm glad I could make you happy. That I could do something right for once."

"Oh, Discord. You always make me happy. You always have," she said kindly.

"Hopefully, I always will," he replied softly.

Celestia was taken aback, sensing where this was going. "What do you mean?"

"I still remember what you said last time we spoke. And I wanted to say that I understand how you feel. I really do." He looked into Celestia's eyes. "If there's anypony else who understands loneliness and regret, well... it's me."

"This again?" Celestia said. She stood from the bed. "I do like you, Discord. But you must move on from what we had. Even if we did... things would never be the same," she said, hanging her head.

"That's just it, my dear," Discord replied, standing behind her. "I don't want things to be the same as they were."

Celestia turned to look at him, confused.

"We were enemies then. We had to keep secrets. You still haven't told Luna about that night, have you?"

"I..." Celestia hesitated. "I couldn't. What I did then was foolish, and immature, and impulsive-"

"And it was exactly what you needed," Discord said. "A night's comfort that meant the world to you. I know it did. It meant the world to me too. If it weren't for that night, well... I don't think I ever would have been able to accept the kindness Fluttershy showed me. The same kind spirit I saw in you, who would worry for your mortal enemy."

"For my dearest friend," Celestia corrected him. "And it is not as if I regret that night..."

"I know. But we aren't enemies anymore," he said. He approached her and stroked her cheek with a paw. "I know the past thousand years have been difficult for you. Every companion, every spot of hope and light in your life was brief. Even the love of your life couldn't last. I know I could never replace Sombra, but..." he tilted his head at her, his expression softening. Celestia's eyes watered at the very mention of his name. "Maybe the next thousand years don't have to be so lonely. You have Luna, and Twilight... and if you still are in want of a stallion in your life... I will always be there for you. As your friend... or your lover."

Celestia stared into his eyes for a very long time, her mind fraught with racing thoughts, her heart pounding. But she wasn't the same, emotional young mare she was.

She smiled, lowering her gaze. "Maybe you're right..." she said. "Having you back, seeing that... silly performance of yours... I haven't felt that happy in a long time."

"I knew it would tickle your funny bone," Discord added.

Her eyes were bright when they met his again. "I like having you around. And when we made love that night... it was so special. All these years, I've lost so much. But I've gained so much of it back. My sister, my country, my pupils... You're the last piece. My first love."

"So, what do you say?" Discord said, extending a claw to her. "Shall we try again? A fresh start?"

Celestia nodded. "Yes. Let's." She narrowed her eyes seductively at him. "We do have all night ahead of us. And you already gave me quite a dance..."

Discord's eyes lit up now. "Ooh, Celestia. Are we so eager to get to the naughty business?"

"It's been a while for both of us, I think." She walked past him toward the bed, drawing her tail under his nose, giving him a splendid view of her rump. "And I know how badly you've wanted this."

"You have no idea," he replied, excitement visibly building in him.

She chuckled softly to herself. "You've been more than patient with me, waiting all this time until I was ready. I'm sorry if I've been a tease."

"You certainly have been, Princess. But don't fret. I intend to recoup your debt to me tonight," he said, stepping closer to Celestia, taking her chin in his paw.

Celestia's faced flushed slightly. "I... suppose it's only fair. What did you have in mind?"

Discord's face erupted into a positively devilish grin. "Well, for starters... I believe you owe me a hell of a blowjob."

Her eyes widened for a moment in shock. Then she scowled at him. But, with a sigh, she couldn't help but shake her head. "You are such a male."

"Guilty," he replied.

Celestia nodded her head toward the bed. "Well?"

Discord jumped into the bed all too quickly, reclining on Celestia's many pillows and spreading his legs eagerly. "Celestia, you certainly have grown into quite the dirty mare," he teased. She climbed up onto the bed with him, situating herself between his legs. "And you're sure you don't mind?" he asked.

She looked down at his package, already gently beginning to nuzzle his furry balls with her nose. "Not at all. I do owe you. And after everything that's happened, I think a good blowjob is the least I could do to make it up to you." With that, Celestia opened her mouth and closed her eyes, wrapping her lips around one of Discord's plump nuts and sucking gently. Her mouth was warm on his sack, and he could feel her tongue lapping at the sensitive flesh.

Discord's eyes rolled and his body shuddered as the night of pleasure began. "Well, my plums certainly appreciate the effort," he said, squirming as she released one orb with a pop, only to begin lavishing the other one. Celestia wasn't shy in the slightest, wetting each of his fruits completely, then making sure to cover every inch of his sack in between in licks, her delicate tongue teasing his sheath and coating the underside of his nuts in turn.

It wasn't long before Discord's erection emerged, just as long and impressive as she remembered. Her eyes traveled up the blue spire with hunger in them. "My, that didn't take long. Feeling needy, my dear friend?" she teased.

"Don't keep me waiting, Celestia. That wouldn't be very polite of a princess, would it?" he replied.

"Of course not," she answered. She delivered a long, slow lick up Discord's shaft. Her warm and wet tongue traveled up the ridges of his knot, pressing into every sensitive ridge, moving up toward the tip, and finally flicking over the underside of his head, eliciting another shiver from him. In her best regal voice, Celestia said, "Discord, in light of your recent services to the Gala, and past services to my royal marehood, as Princess of Equestria I am proud to reward you with the highest honor available to me-" her eyes glinted lustily. "-A most hearty and thorough cocksucking."

With that, Celestia opened her maw, swallowing the entirety of Discord's long, thick shaft in one loud, wet slurp.

Celestia's eyes bulged as she struggled to deepthroat his great dick and wrap her lips around his knot, but Discord's eyes bulged just as much as he felt himself buried to the hilt in the warm, tight throat of the princess. He let out a loud, long groan of release. "Ohhh- fuck yes..." he said, sinking into Celestia's grip.

If there was any doubt in his mind about Celestia's shy, pure demeanor, it was quickly shattered. Once she had adjusted to the unexpected size of Discord's stallionhood, she wasted no time drawing her lips all the way up to the tip and shoving herself back down again. She pursed her lips around his knot, her hooves fondling his nuts, and swirled her tongue around the shaft as she rose and descended again. Celestia quickly picked up the pace, varying her technique, sucking strongly as she withdrew and twisting her head as she went down on him. The room was filled with sounds of her slurping on his fat cock like it was her favorite meal. The concentration in her expression, her eyes closed and brow furrowed, showed that she didn't do halfway when it came to sucking off a stallion.

Discord was in heaven. The sight of her jaw spreading wide to accommodate his girth, the chorus of wet gags, every pass of her tongue over his ridges and every squeeze of her throat around his throbbing tip left him utterly breathless. He couldn't help but grip her mane in his claws, not even pushing her, but rather holding on for dear life as she took him to new heights with every twist of her head.

Celestia struggled to breathe with that thick monster invading her throat, but after a thousand years of practice, she knew how to handle a large stallion when she needed to. Discord's reactions made it all the more enjoyable for her. His gasping breaths cut short by moans, his twitching legs, the way his back would arch when she squeezed her lips around his knot - it was all a treat to see Discord finally at her mercy for once. But she could tell by his great stiffness that he wouldn't last much longer.

He couldn't help it. It had been a very, very long time since he had gotten such attention from anypony, let alone a blowjob only a true goddess could perform. His words only came to him when she withdrew to his tip for a moment to suck on it and swirl her tongue around the crown for a few moments, spreading his precum over her tongue. "Celestia! I- I'm going to-!"

Discord was cut off by another hard, fast descent by Celestia. She absolutely buried herself in his crotch, his knot starting to modestly expand and swell in her cheeks as she sent him over the edge. The princess could feel every throb deep in her neck, and she kept her tongue dancing around his meat, milking him as she looked up at him with a fierce gaze. Discord couldn't stop himself when he saw those lavender eyes fixed on him, her muzzle stained with saliva and her mouth gaping open to fit his cock down her throat. Her expression said it all: "Don't hold back on me Discord. Give me every last drop."

"I'm cumming!" he grunted with gritted teeth. Each throb came faster and faster, his head swimming until it hit him all at once. His hips bucked into her face, his grip on her mane tightened, and he called out in ecstasy as he unloaded. His eyes crossed, and he bit his lip as pulse after pulse after pulse of hot, fresh cream spewed down Celestia's eager maw, and the sensation of her throat accepting his load, gently stroking his cock as she swallowed his spunk only prolonged his climax until his balls felt absolutely spent.

When it was over, Celestia withdrew slowly, her muzzle only slightly stained with his fluid. She swallowed one last time to clear her mouth of the remainder of his release, and smiled at him. "Well? After waiting so long for it, I'm curious to see if I lived up to the anticipation."

Discord's eyes swirled in in their sockets. "More than satisfying. Where... where did you learn to do that?"

Celestia was clearly pleased with herself. "It doesn't matter if you're a lowly guard or a pure and perfect gentlecolt like Sombra was. Every stallion likes getting head."

He let out a long sigh. "And how was your first taste of draconequus jizz?" he asked with a grin.

She returned the cheeky smile. "I expected something strange, like whipped cream."

"And that's why it's most surprising when it's not."

"I... actually think I enjoyed it," Celestia admitted. "It's been a very long time since I've swallowed a stallion's seed. I rather missed it. And you certainly gave me a mouthful and then some."

Discord waggled his eyebrows at her. "Then how would you like a second helping?"

"I thought the deal was only one blowjob," she said coyly.

"And if I sweetened the pot with a repeat of my last performance on that delicious behind of yours?" he returned.

"You drive a hard bargain, Discord," she admitted.

Discord quickly slithered beneath her, making Celestia jump in surprise as she suddenly found herself straddling his body. His cock was starting to recover, hardening as he gazed up at her backside. With his head poised between her thighs, and his member rising to meet Celestia's lips once more, Discord noticed now, more than ever, how much Celestia had changed in the past millennia.

"My, my, Celestia... we've really been enjoying our cake, haven't we?"

She gasped and snapped her head around. "Discord!"

He silenced her by firmly planting his muzzle into her sweet nethers and lavishing her clit with his forked tongue, collecting her musky juices with one stroke. Her gasp earned a laugh from him.

"You think you're so funny..." she said with a furrowed brow. She returned the favor, interrupting his laughter by returning her muzzle to his well-wetted cock, taking him deep in her throat once more at this new angle. Discord shuddered once more, but wasn't about to be outdone. Gripping her thick cheeks in his claws, he spread Celestia's wide ass and dove into her nethers as well.

It was a taste Discord didn't anticipate missing so much. Her flesh seemed like a ripe peach to him, so juicy and sweet, even if her flavor was raunchy and sour. Slipping his tongue between those divine white folds was a rush all over again, plumbing her depths and feeling her quiver for his efforts. Her marehood throbbed and winked, and her breath came short with bouts of pleasure that rippled through her. The view of her hindquarters was still as pristine and pure as it had been, but the way she ground her flanks back into him, the way her ass filled his claws and her entire body seemed to beg for more was proof of how she had grown into a truly tempting mare.

But unlike before, Celestia was not a passive audience to Discord's skills. Instead, she seemed just as eager to prove her own talent in the bedroom. Even after having Discord's dick shoved balls-deep into her muzzle for several minutes, she wasn't any worse for wear when it came to sucking him off now. The change in angle seemed to make it easier for her, the slight curve of his member following the natural contours of her throat, and even if her tongue couldn't stroke his more sensitive areas, she had all the more room to wrap it around his tip, lavishing his cockhead in long moments of pleasure before she buried her muzzle into his nutsack, nudging and fondling his orbs while she was down there.

The flow of pleasure went back and forth, both inspiring and interfering with each other's ability to perform. They could feel the energy of release slowly building in the other, paying attention to the way legs twitched, tails swished, and hips thrust for more, and yet their own bodies were becoming harder to control precisely as their nerves were flooded with more and more ecstasy. Discord could only resort to lapping and kissing at Celestia's clit messily, spreading her juices around his face and her flanks, trying his best to keep his legs down so he wouldn't skull-fuck Celestia into a fine paste. Meanwhile, Celestia was tempted to suffocate the draconequus beneath her royal rear, her g-spot burning for the touch of that long, long tongue deep within her.

Discord was the first to come up for air. "I have to say, when I made that comment about us getting frisky after the Gala, I didn't expect you to be this enthusiastic."

A loud slurp and pop sounded as Celestia withdrew to answer. "Oh? Is it too much for you. We could stop if you can't handle it."

Discord's eyes gleamed as he grinned. "Of course you realize, this means war." He dove right back in, earning a loud moan from Celestia as she returned to his shaft as well, not one to be outdone.

Now that it was a race, the two redoubled their efforts. The sounds of slurping and sucking doubled as well, both of them pulling out all their tricks and hitting every sweet spot in an attempt to make their partner blow first. But they couldn't deny how much fun the friendly competition was, feeling the other tremble at their touch, knowing they were filling the other with the very same pleasure that wracked their own bodies.

Discord knew now was the time to stop being gentle with Celestia. He had built her up just enough, and now he plunged his tongue deep into her hot depths, locating that familiar button deep within her, her slick flesh burning against his tongue. When the tip of his tongue pressed against it, he was rewarded with a wave of tangy juice and a sharp moan of pleasure that reverberated throughout his cock. But even after his first orgasm, Celestia seemed an expert in wrenching another from him, sucking his dick with that same intensity as before and then some, not holding anything back from her lover. Despite all the signs that Discord was quickly bringing her to a strong orgasm, from her winking clit pressing into his chin to her tail flagging sky high, Discord's own tightening balls and throbbing cock had him feeling like he just might lose their little race.

Celestia put all her focus into pleasuring Discord. It didn't take her long to figure out just how sensitive his ridges and knot could be, even if wrapping her lips around the bulging flesh was challenging, and she fought through the own fire gathering in her abdomen to slobber on his great stallionhood, knowing with every throb of his meat that her efforts were paying off. His tongue reached to her very core, threatening to incapacitate her with a rush of electric release at any moment, but that only strengthened her resolve to do the same for him. Her hooves rolled his balls beneath her while her tongue slathered every inch of his dick it could reach, her lips pursing around his head and knot all at once as she jammed the length into her throat repeatedly, making use of her whole mouth and throat by twisting with every motion.

But finally, she felt Discord's tongue prevailing. His lips kissing at her burning clitoris and his tongue stroking every inch of sensitive flesh within her became too much to handle. His hips bucked into her face, and she knew he was close, but her lungs and womb burned with energy. She released him with a slurp, her voice breaking into an ecstatic cry. "Yes! Discord! Yes! I'm-"

Her voice was cut off by the first spurt of thick cum erupting from his cerulean cockhead, accompanied by a muffled grunt of release from the draconequus, forming a pearly arc in the air before coming down to splatter Celestia's face and muzzle. As soon as she felt the first hot rope land between her eyes, her gut twisted and her pussy clenched on his tongue, a rush of heat and lightning and juice signaling the arrival of her own climax. She cried out in a ragged voice, her own eyes rolling into her head. She couldn't have dropped her head to swallow Discord's load if she wanted to for want of tossing it with her arching back. Instead, she could only ride the waves of their mutual climax, letting his essence rain down on her face and mane, coating her in slick draconequus cream with every shuddering pulse of his well-serviced stallionhood.

When it was over, Discord's face was a sticky mess of mare juices, but it was nothing compared to the messy mosaic of cum and mare that was Celestia's face. The two could only lie there, catching their breath, trying to recover from their powerful climaxes.

Celestia laughed, and Discord followed suit until their bodies shook against each other.

The princess turned her head to look at her lover. "You've made quite the mess, Discord," she said.

It was clear by Discord's expression that he very much liked the look. "Chaos is nothing if not messy," he replied.

The two chuckled again. "That was... a lot of fun, Discord," Celestia admitted.

"Why should the fun end so soon?" he asked.

"Can you go for another? I feel like I could do this all night at this rate," Celestia asked.

"Celestia my dear, you'll likely have to pry me off of you in the morning," he replied.

Celestia slid off of him, crawling toward the pillows. Discord righted himself and laid next to her, wrapping her hooves around his body even as his chest rose and fell with heavy breaths. His shaft was limp, but had not yet completely retreated to its sheath. She nuzzled into his chest, smearing only a little cum into his fur. "I want you, Discord. I... I don't want to make love, to just feel you, like last time. I want you to mount me."

Discord raised an eyebrow. "Oh? No soft, tender romance for the princess?" he teased.

She shook her head. "Passion can be romantic. I've loved stallions who were sweet and passionate, but you've always been a wild one. I want that. You bragged so much about how you drove mares crazy, but you held back for my sake. But not now. I want you to do to me what you wanted to all those years ago. I want you to fuck me. I don't want you to hold back anymore. I want you to hump my brains out."

Discord took Celestia's cheek in his claw and pressed his lips to hers, suddenly and firmly. He tasted his own seed on her lips, bitter yet sweet, and he even let his tongue roam and entwine with hers. She kissed him back just as firmly, just as sweetly, enjoying any and every moment a part of herself could mix with his.

When the kiss broke, Discord looked at her. "Now you're speaking my language. But I promise to do the gentlecolt thing and put your brains right back where they belong in the morning."

Celestia smiled at the quip and turned around. She laid her chest on the already-tousled sheets and raised her thick rump into the air, lifting her tail as high as she could. Discord was treated to the heavenly sight of Princess Celestia's marehood, made all the more enticing by the exclusive presentation he knew only a lucky few males had ever received before. Her flowing pastel tail framed her rear so perfectly, her tight butthole perched right between the canyon of her grand ass, the trail leading down her perfect nethers. The flesh was so engorged with her arousal, plump, dripping visible strings of female juice, steam practically rising from the slick bits of pink he could see within whenever her hot button exposed itself in each wink.

"Well?" Celestia said, turning her head to give him the most enticing 'come hither' look he had ever seen, made all the sweeter by the mess of cum still coating her face from their last round.

Discord couldn't have mounted her quicker. His cock sprung to attention, almost agonizingly stiff after being roused for a third round, but that aching throb would soon be quenched in the very finest mare alive. He hunched over her body, his claws gripping her rear for dear life as his instincts over took him. He thrust against her rear a few times before he pierced her, his huge dick sliding into her all too easily with her great wetness, and soon he was sheathed completely in her juicy heat, while she felt her still-buzzing core suddenly split wide and stuffed full.

The two gasped as he entered her, only savoring the moment briefly. Their heads were devoid of thought. Celestia could only beg with her body, adjusting and raising her rump up higher for him, while his claws sank into the soft flesh of her rear, getting a tight grip for what was to come.

Their cries were the first noise from above that could be heard downstairs as Discord made good on his word and absolutely began to screw Celestia up, down, and sideways.

Discord's hips were a blur as he thrust himself into Celestia's tight depths as hard and fast as he could. Nothing could have made him slow down, either. The satisfaction of feeling his stallionhood at last buried into the absolute paradise that was Celestia's pussy was greater than even he could have ever imagined. It wasn't just the feeling of accomplishment, of having "corrupted" the princess and brought her down to his dirty, sexy level. It was the physical sensations of her body, the way she clenched around him, squeezing his dick and stroking every ridge and curve, the way her rump felt on his hips, the way her juices flowed around his girth, seeping around the knot he shoved into her to prepare the way for a full night of fucking, and even the way her warm, soft belly felt on his balls when his sack slapped her flesh. But the absolute pinnacle, the very cherry on top of the perfect cake that was Celestia's rump, was that she wanted it. She wanted every thrust and then some, and every part of her made her great desire for him perfectly clear.

And once she got her first taste of him, Celestia only wanted more. Her mouth gaped open and she couldn't have swallowed her moans as she felt that godly, incredible cock stuff her full to bursting, stretching her wide in the very best possible way. She had once been curious and even a little intimidated by his strange anatomy, but now that she let him put it to use, she understood completely. His head made for an easier, but not thin, entrance, while his ridges stroked and tugged at her most sensitive parts and especially her already-alight clitoris with every thrust, and when he shoved the bulge of knot into her each time, she felt as if she could feel that thick knot in her throat all over again it filled her so full. And if that wasn't good enough, his sheer size only sweetened the deal even more, and in an instant she believed every boast he had ever made about driving mares wild in the bedroom. Even the feeling of his balls against her, so heavy and weighty as if filled with potent, virile seed, was intoxicating. And then there was his claws, digging into her rump with so much need, his husky voice surrounding her with the signals of his great pleasure and burning her ears for more, and just about everything else about him. He was so goofy, yet so confident, so unpredictable, yet so wild, so crude, and yet somehow so utterly sexy to her. It was one thing to feel the satisfaction of generosity, finally granting him the fantasy she knew he had held for much longer than a mere millennia. It was quite another to feel him granting a fantasy of her own. One where she could truly let her mane down, take off her tiara, lift her tail for a strong, handsome stud and get fucked raw like a real, proper, mare.

The barriers, notions of propriety, and the entirety of history itself was long gone by now. Celestia gasped and moaned hotly into the sheets, her hooves digging at the cloth for purchase as Discord hunched over her, pounding her pussy with everything he had, his own grunts of pleasure drowned out only by the sounds of hips smacking flanks and thick cock slamming wetly into tight pussy.

"Ah! Discord! Ahh, yes! Just like that!" Celestia cried out in encouragement.

As much as pleasure consumed him, Discord couldn't be restrained from banter. "Is this how the Princess of the Sun- Nng!- Carries herself when it comes to stallions? She lifts her tail like a whore in heat?"

Celestia fought to voice her reply through her hazy brain. "Only when- ohhh, only when they're as hung as you are, you crazy beast!"

Discord smacked her ass when he heard her words and said, "Well if it's big, fat draconequus dick you want, then this is going to be your best night ever!" He gripped the base of her tail in his paw and began to ride her all the harder, his cock pistoning down into her moist depths, shoving her deeper and deeper into the mattress.

In a way, the exchange of wits had always been a form of foreplay for the two of them, and Celestia couldn't imagine keeping silent during sex with somepony like Discord. "I'll hold you to that. I won't have you going soft on me until we're- Mmm- finished!"

Discord delivered another rough spank to her bottom. "With an ass like yours, dear Princess, how could I? Oooh, yes..."

"Just- don't stop!" Celestia cried. "I'm- Ohh, Discord! I'm cumming! Ohh!" Discord's pounding cock rubbing her in all the right places was more than enough to send her over the edge, leaving her legs wobbling and pussy dripping for more.

"The first of many, I'm sure, my dear," he replied. Waves of his own pleasure brought on anew by Celestia's surging cunt rippled through him, but Discord wasn't about to spoil the fun so soon, doing everything he could to hold back until he couldn't any longer.

After two climaxes, his endurance was as solid as his steel-hard cock. He rode her for what seemed like ages, and every moment of it the two offered up moans, grunts, and cries up to the sky. The sheets became stained with juices and sweat, bunched and piled in a mess by their writhing bodies. Celestia's mane and tail were tangled and matted with sweat and Discord's cum, and even Discord's face was dripping with sweat, but he couldn't stop pumping into Celestia's pussy, each thrust seemingly sweeter than the last. The night wore on, Celestia gripped by more climaxes than she wanted to count, but she kept her flanks raised for Discord, always yearning for the next high, for the next surge of satisfaction delivered by the feeling of his meaty dick plunging into her.

"Celestia!" Discord called at last. "I- I can't-!"

"Yes, Discord! Yes! Fill me! Breed me! Jizz in me you horny draconequus!" Celestia cried out to him.

Her words toppled him over the edge once more. With one final, firm thrust, Discord buried himself to the knotted hilt, truly balls-deep in Celestia. The throbs came to him again, and Celestia could feel them more powerfully than ever, his head crammed up against her g-spot, and his short, agonizing thrusts hammered it until she fell with him. He filled her completely, she squeezed around him, and they roared in pleasure as he emptied himself in her. His fat balls pumped out wave after wave of warm, gooey spunk, and Celestia's legs spasmed with intense pleasure as she felt that warmth spread within her, filling her abdomen, her body, seeming to spread all the way through her head and hooves until she was sure that her body couldn't contain another drop and she felt his fresh semen seeping over her thighs and onto the sheets below.

The two toppled over in a tired heap. Discord was still buried within his mare, his knot swollen, but not great enough to lock him to her. They breathed heavily, and when his faculties returned to him, Discord yanked himself out with a pop and splatter of white seed, earning another grunt from each of them.

They had naturally fallen in a spooning position, Discord's face buried in Celestia's flowing mane while she kept her back and rump pressed firmly into his warm, slender body. "That... that was something," were the only words Celestia could find.

Discord maintained a bit more of his articulation. "Then it seems you have a new favorite dessert instead of cake."

"Which is?" Celestia asked flatly.

"The creampie, of course."

Celestia could only manage the weakest of laughs, but it was just as genuine as Discord's self-satisfied chuckle. He stroked her mane gently, and she pressed her head back into his neck. "This... this is so nice. I can't remember the last time I've laughed this much... I'm just having so much... well, fun!" she said, another contagious chuckle rippling out of her.

"You're telling me," Discord said with his own laugh. "But I think, perhaps, that sex is all the more fun when it's with a good friend."

"Agreed," Celestia nodded. "And how much more when that friend is somepony like you," she added softly.

"Somepony you love?" Discord murmured into her ear before nipping it gently.

Celestia felt a quite smile spread over her face. "Yes. Somepony I love very dearly..."

"Yes... Perhaps, when you love somepony, everything becomes better with them. Whether it's a simple walk, doing nothing, or fucking them silly," he said, nipping her again a little more with his fang.

Her back arched at the prick to her ear. "Especially being fucked silly," she said. She craned her head up, meeting Discord's situated above her, and delivered a soft kiss to his lips. The two closed their eyes as he returned it, sharing a brief moment of stillness with only each other.

When it broke, Celestia sighed with total contentment. "Mmm, Discord... are you ready for another round?"

His yellow eyes glinted with that mischievous light. "Of course. And perhaps, if you're up to it, we could do something really naughty for this one."

"Oh? What did you have in mind?" Celestia asked calmly, pressing herself more into his warm body.

His paw slid over her body, from her elegant neck, to her slender shoulders, to her soft belly and settled on her thick flanks. "Have you ever done anal before?"

Celestia gasped. "Discord!"


Somehow, Discord had still managed to find a way to make her blush. "Well... no. None of the other stallions asked, and I... suppose I was never too tempted to try it."

"And?" he prompted.

Celestia considered it for a moment, but found herself smiling. "You know what? Why not?" She looked up at Discord again, meeting his grin with her own. "Let's do it, Discord. Fuck my ass to your heart's content."

His grin spread cruelly from ear to ear. "Goodie."

Celestia's eyes widened as she felt his hard head jab at her asshole, shocked even more when it felt slick enough to enter, whether with their juices or some trick by Discord. A sudden clench prevented him, but he rested against her rear, lightly throbbing against her backdoor. He stroked her face gently, still spooning her. "There, there. Easy now," he soothed her. "Getting it in is the hardest part."

Celestia nodded. "I know, I know... she took a moment to take a deep breath, consciously relaxing her muscles. "Alright. Just... gently," she asked.

"Like a newborn foal," he replied in her ear. Celestia was only momentarily distracted by the strange analogy before she felt him pushing into her again. It was hard to resist the impulse to tense up when a sharp breath filled her, but as soon as she relaxed even a little bit, Discord's lube did the rest. His head slid into her very smoothly, a sensation Celestia found herself liking very much.

"More?" he asked.

"Yes," she nodded. "All the way."

Discord thrust slowly into her, his slick shaft sliding into her inch by inch. The friction of his flesh against her tight, tight ring made her spine shiver unlike anything else, and she let out a long exhale as he took her backside all the way to his balls. She couldn't feel the deepest depths of her anal passages quite as well as she could in her sensitive pussy, but as his girth grew with every new inch he introduced to her bottom, she knew that being stretched was much more intense like this than before. When he popped that still-swollen knot through her ring, she practically melted.

"We like?" Discord said, taking note of her fluttering eyelids.

"Yes," Celestia answered dreamily. "We like very much."

"Good. Because now the real fun starts.

Discord began to pump himself into her, and each motion left her breathless. She had never felt a stallion so deep. Yet with Discord's immense length, she felt like the head of his cock was truly stabbing into her guts, such was the sensation of each thrust forcefully rippling through her body. Not that she minded. There was something about having Discord, the naughtiest stallion she knew, so deep within her, and in such a naughty place as well, that left her marehood absolutely soaking wet, and her asshole begging for more.

Celestia spread her legs, and Discord propped himself up on his elbow, maintaining their spooning position as Celestia gave him all the room he needed to really fuck her. And once she did, his eyes were left rolling again with a whole new world of pleasure. Her asshole was another level of tightness in itself, gripping and squeezing every inch that entered her before the flesh was plunged into burning hot depths just begging to be wrecked by a big blue dick. He started to thrust harder and faster, the thrill of fucking none other than Princess Celestia in the ass leaving him a slave to his lusts. Soon, the room again was once again filled with the sounds of his hips slapping her buttcheeks, and now his balls were treated to the soaking wet kiss of her pussy with every thrust.

Once he began to really fuck her, the noises echoed throughout the room. Their moans, their bodies meeting, even the bed creaking. Before, Celestia's hooves created enough of a base to keep her steady, but on her side, her royal bed began to squeak as Discord rocked it and Celestia with every thrust.

Squeak, Squeak, Squeak, Squeak

"Ohhh, Discord," Celestia moaned, tossing her head and wrapping a foreleg around his neck. She spread her legs even wider, stretching up to the ceiling, giving him total freedom and space to pound her ass. "You didn't tell me your specialty was fucking a mare's rump."

"A trick I've been dying to use on you for a very long time. I'm glad to see you plumped up for the part," he said, clapping his claw to her ass loudly, spreading her cheeks more for his pumping cock.

Celestia gasped. "Mmm, if I'd have known cake would give me more cushion for your dick, I would have snuck a lot more from the kitchens."

Discord chuckled, but the dirty talk encouraged him to pick up the pace. Every thrust was one sensation, one tight, hot stroke of her asshole on his stiff stallionhood. Plunging to the hilt in her rear, feeling her depths clench and quake around his meat was total ecstasy for him. For Celestia, is was better than she thought it would be, and getting better every thrust. She could feel Discord so much better, and every thrust felt harder and more commanding, like she was finally getting the rough, dirty fucking she had been craving for so long. And with his body pressed into her, his claws stroking her and spanking her ass, her clit winking like mad, she knew that this would be a favorite position of hers for a long time.

The couple rode on, the mess of sweat and fluids growing as the pace picked up and the noises grew louder. Discord's grunts of pleasure and effort matched Celestia's swelling cries of lust, but both were drowned out only by the sound of the creaking bed beneath them, now moving visibly with every thrust.


They hardly noticed it, the two were so overwhelmed by pleasure. But somepony else did. And when that pony pounded on the door, they too failed to hear it over the cacophony of sex.

KnockKnockKnock. "Sister? Are you in there?"

Celestia's head reeled every time Discord shoved his knot into her asshole. "Yes! Ohh, yes! Just like that! Mmm, yes! Fuck my ass, you dirty draconequus!"

KNOCKKNOCKKNOCK. "Sister! What is going on!"

The two couldn't have missed the sound of Luna's voice, now a strong mixture of concern and anger. Yet Discord wasn't about to stop his conquest of Celestia's plot for anything, and even when Celestia's eyes shot wide with fear, being stuffed full of his giant dick made it hard for her to protest.

"Just- ahh- Having some alone time, sister!" she called out to the door.

The slaps of Discord's hips on Celestia's ass were distinct as his follow-up. "The Princess is a little busy at the moment. You'll have to come again later."

Celestia glared at Discord only momentarily, but a new wave of pleasure from his pistoning cock silenced any protest as her eyes rolled and her head reeled.

"Is- is that Discord with you?" Luna called out. KNOCKKNOCKKNOCK! "Celestia! I demand that you stop this at once and open this door!"

Discord wasn't having it. He picked up the pace, absolutely ramming his girthy stallionhood into her asshole, destroying whatever shred of concern she had over the situation for good.


"Ahh, yes! That's it! I'm going to cum! Hump my ass you stud of a draconequus!" she cried out with abandon. "Pump my butt full of jizz! Give me every inch you hung, horny beast!" Celestia cried out with abandon, totally unable to contain herself.

The thought of Celestia's praise reaching an audience, plus the intense, tight, hot grip of her asshole on his cock brought him to the edge. He slammed himself into her as hard and fast as he could, his balls slapping her pussy and her body shaking as hard as the bed with every thrust. Celestia herself had never been fucked even remotely this hard before in her life, and she could feel a truly earth-shattering orgasm coming on.

"Celestia! Discord!" Luna called again.

Discord grunted and groaned, but wasn't about to be outdone in dirty talk. With his climax building, he gave his reply through gritted teeth. "Yes, take it all, Princess! Take every last inch until you can't sit on that throne! When I'm done with you, the only thing you'll be able to think about anymore is me fucking you because my dick will have reached all the way up to scramble your brains!"


The noises of the bed stopped when Discord planted his knot into Celestia's asshole and the two screamed in glorious agony. Discord's seed flooded Celestia's butt, making her feel more full than even before, but Celestia's own body was wracked by powerful spasms as her pussy erupted as well, squirting a jet of fluid across the room and all the way to the door. Discord continued to thrust into her, his knot popping loudly in and out of her whenever he managed to coordinate himself for another shove, but his hot, throbbing spear pumped wave after wave of hot cream into her rump, seemingly endless, as their bodies writhed and shuddered together, their voices finally broken by the height of a climax that rendered their minds dull, their bodies dirty and sweaty, and their world still at last.

Silence prevailed when they collapsed, Discord still deep inside Celestia's rear. Luna's pounding on the door had ceased. It was a long moment before they could speak.

"She is.. going to be... very angry with me," Celestia said.

"I'm sure she'll understand," Discord said. "I'm sure we'll be laughing about this whole thing in no time."

Celestia was already laughing, chuckling sweetly. "I wish I could have seen the look on her face."

Discord, too, laughed at the thought. "Oh, what I wouldn't give for that photograph."

"At least I won't have to explain us to her," Celestia replied.

Discord stroked her mane softly, and Celestia pushed her head into his claw. Her face and mane were a wreck of sweat and cum, her thighs sticky with Discord's last load, and now her asscheeks would suffer the same fate. "I'm a total mess," she said with a smile.

"Ours is a messy love," Discord quipped.

With another chuckle, Celestia nuzzled her head into his chest. "I think that's what I love about you."

Discord sat up on his paw. "Then how about another round? I'm sure we could really get messy this time."

Celestia looked up at him. "I was thinking the same thing."

With another kiss, Discord yanked himself out of Celestia's rear with only a slight gasp and a not-so-slight gush of his seed. Yet he sat up and took a position behind her, Celestia still laying on her side. His claws traced over her body warmly, and she gazed just as warmly into his eyes as she spread her legs for him once more.

Discord shoved himself into Celestia's marehood once more, and the two were at it again, Celestia's bedroom once again filled with grunts and moans and the telltale creak of a bed filled with horny lovers...

Discord blinked with the sunrise in his eyes. He was confused when he felt Celestia beside him, stirring just as he was. He had no idea how much sleep they had managed to snag, not to mention how long they had been going at it, but it was clear it wasn't enough. Celestia looked tired, and to say that their manes were a mess would be an understatement, but each couldn't help but wake up with a satisfied grin.

"You owe me, sister."

Discord turned his head to see Luna staring at them from Celestia's balcony, her horn de-flaring after raising the sun. She stood among the wreckage of sheets, pillows, and suspicious stains from last night, but looked as collected as ever.

Celestia sat up a bit, stretching slightly. The two lovers were covered by a lone sheet, the rest having fallen off the bed over the course of the night. Her body was still nestled into Discord's arm. "Thank you, sister. I truly appreciate it."

Discord sat up fully in bed, poofing up a mug of coffee for himself. He took a deep sip and gave a sigh before speaking to Luna. "Sorry about all that last night. I suppose we got a bit carried away," he said, clearly quite the opposite of sorry.

Luna didn't seem upset at all. "I understand. I may have misjudged you Discord, but if one thing was made clear to me last night, it's that you seem to make my sister happy. If you are enough for her, then that is enough for me."

Discord was confused. Luna was a bit too calm for this. But Celestia just snuggled into her draconequus. "He does make me happy. And I can't tell me how relieved I am that you approve."

Luna nodded at her sister, but turned back to Discord. "And my sister makes you happy as well?"

Discord laid back with his arms behind his head, grinning ear to ear. "Quite, if last night was any indication. I am quite the happy draconequus."

"I don't expect everything to go smoothly between the three of us," Celestia said to Luna. "And heaven knows I'll have to handle announcing a relationship with Discord to the public very carefully. But in time, I'm sure you and the ponies will grow to like him just as I have."

Luna wore a devilish grin now, a cruel glint in her eyes. "Oh, I don't think you have to worry about telling Equestria." On a tray prepared with breakfast set on Celestia's bedside table, Luna had also brought them a copy of The Canterlot Times. She levitated the front page into Celestia's lap. The two read the headline.

Celestia's Sexy Soiree: Discord Rocks the Gala and the Princess's Bed.

Celestia's eyes were wide with horror. She couldn't speak, but only let her mouth gape open.

"Enjoy your morning, you two!" Luna chirped as she bounced off, her smile all too bright.

Celestia looked up at Discord. "Maybe we were... a bit too loud," she said, her cheeks flushing bright red.

Discord burst into a fit of laughter. Celestia hit him with a pillow.