Romantic Equestria: In the Orchards at Dawn

by Sean Shamrock

First published

After a camping trip goes horribly wrong you find yourself thrust into Equestria where things soon go from weird to crazy.

You where never one for big cities and big crowds. Your happiness could be found among nature and by yourself. However, things go from great to horrible as you are chased through the forest by a unknown specter before ending up in Equestria. Now it's up to you to take your new world with stride and find out weather or not you really want to return home or instead remain her as a farmhand. Love soon rears its head and creates a new set of problems.

Cover Art Provided by Hearless Soul

An Apple in the Dark

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The sun rose over the mountains as the cool fall breeze came whistling through the orange and brown trees. Birds landed for tree to tree singing their song of peace if nothing could interrupt their simple lives. You trekked through the forest trail with a large backpack loaded with camping supplies. Pots and pans clinked and clanked against each other as you began to ascend the trail. As a child nature always fascinated you, so much to where you would spend hours reading up on the different trees, plants, and animals from around the world. You begged and pleaded with your parents to let you go camping but to their professions they never had the time to take you. Finally, on your eighteenth birthday you decided to get a job and begin saving up. After six months of working every chance you got, you had finally amassed enough money to buy the gear you required to regularly camp in the forests around your new home.

Your parents knew how much you liked camping so with the money they had left they bought you a nice cottage outside of town. The cabin was in between the forest and the city, as if acting as your own personal escape from the stress of civilization. At first you questioned how and why your parents had decided to do this. However, those questions were soon pushed to the back of your head and replaced by thoughts of braving the forest and spending hours upon days camping in the wild. As you were lost in thought the sound of a snapping twig had snapped you back to reality and after another hour of walking you had finally reached your favorite spot. The grass was lush and green as the waterfall could be both seen and heard. You stopped and closed your eyes taking in the soothing sound of the water.

The sun raised higher in the sky as stood up and wiped the sweat from your brow. Chopping firewood was a chore for you, even with your medium sized build you found it hard to get the right momentum needed to split the wood. As you collected the wood and blaced it in your tent dark cloud began to form in the sky. You quickly moved all your supplies into your rather large tent. Within a few minutes thunder boomed and lightning flashed as rain came down in a heavy blanket. “Well, so much for a hot meal.” You said pulling out beef jerky and a bottle of water before pulling out a book and a pen. “Well, it wouldn’t hurt to do a little journal entry.” You said to yourself as you began to recall the events of today and transfer them into words on paper.

Hours go by as the rain continued to assault the ground reducing the once lush green grass into a muddy mess. You began to feel tired causing your eye to begin slowly drooping closed. You stretched out and closed your eye trying to steal some sleep before morning. As you began to doze off the melodic sound of a woman's voice filled your ears. At first you assumed it to be just a figment of your imagination. The singing got louder and closer as you began to panic not knowing what was awaiting you outside your tent. Your mind flashed back to a book you read on Native American spirits. The singing grew louder as it devolved into manic crying and screaming, almost as if the woman's voice was that of someone who died tragically in the forest. A flash of lightning light up the outside revealing for a split second the shadow of a women standing outside your tent.

Your heartbeat began to increase as your skin went pale and goosebumps riddled your body before the jarring sound of silence began to unsettle you more then the shadow women. Swallowing your fear you slowly unzipped your tent climbing out with your flashlight and searching around your tent. Nothing but darkness and the soft rumbling of thunder in the distance. The silence became more unnerving as you kept spinning in circles looking around with your light. The silence was soon broken by something even more unsettling. The faint sound of singing could be heard behind you, only this time it sounded like that of a little girl singing in a language you couldn’t understand. Paralyzed with fear you stood in your camping spot closing your eyes and silently wishing that this had all been some nightmare. “Alright I’m gonna count to three and when I open my eyes I’ll be in my tent arm and comfortable. One...two...three.” On the count of three you opened your eyes to the same sight as before only this time the singing was drawing near and sounded like multiple people singing. You were about to make a run for it when you felt a presence behind you. You took deep breathes before turning around only to be face to face with darkness.

“Don’t look behind you, just run and never look back.” A soft voice whispered in your ear as your heart began beating at an inhuman pace. Taking the advice you cut your losses and began to dart away from your tent running and leaping like a Gazelle being chased by Lions. As you continued to run the thunderstorm soon returned as your visibility began to fade. As heavy rainfall began to pelt you and the forest trail the distinct sound of something chasing you could be heard in the distance. You doubled your speed and ran faster before tripping and falling off a cliff into the water below. Your mind went blank and your body locked up upon impact with the water knocking you into unconscious as your body began to drift downstream.

Your eyes slowly opened and adjusted to the lethally bright shining sun around you the sounds of waves crashing had filled your ears. Groggy and in pain you begin to sit up and look around. To your surprise the area that you had washed up on was unknown to you. You struggled to your feet before limping down a trail that led to a nearby farm. In the distance you could here shouting which began to fill you with happiness mustering what strength you had left you lifted your head up and took a deep breathe. “Hello can someone please help me!” You yelled as loud as you could causing the shouting to stop. You continued to limp down the trail as your vision had begun to get blurry. The last thing you see before passing out was something orange and yellow moving towards you.

As eyes began to open your brain soon began to fire off the needed impulses to run the body. You sat up and looked around the unfamiliar room you are in. Everything had this cozy southern wood cabin feel to it. The only thing that seemed to out of place was how everything was relatively smaller compared to you. Even the bed you were laying on seemed as if it was intended for something much smaller than a human. You laid back down and shook of the questions as the sound of hooves could be heard in the hall. “I must be going crazy.” You said to yourself as you tried to wrap your head around the sound. “There's no possible way that's a human making that sound...right?” You asked yourself unsure of what was real and what was fake. Your eyes slowly drifted to the door as a creature you could only describe as a small yellow horse with long red hair and a bow looking up at you before gasping and running off.

“Who or more importantly what the hell was that and where am I?” You asked yourself out loud as more hooves could be heard approaching the door.

“He’s awake Applejack, ah saw him look at me.” The smaller hose said walking into the room.

“Now, Applebloom remember what big make told you about humans?” The larger orange horse said looking at me.

Applebloom sighs in frustration remembering her brother's words and reciting them: “Applebloom humans are unique some are good and some are bad but all have the ability to change, so next time you come across a human be cautious.” She said taking a breathe. “But ah was bein cautious I stayed in the doorway when he woke up and then ah ran to get you.” Applebloom whined before huffing and walking away.

“Ah swear that little filly is gonna be one heck of an adult.” Applejack said walking up to your bedside. “Hows yer head feeling sugarcube?”You looked at her with a loss for words, your brain still trying to process what is going on. After a few minutes you calmly speak to her.

“Where am I?” You asked as Applejack chuckled.”

“Why this here is Sweet Apple Acres the best Apple farm this side of Equestria.” Applejack said in a proud voice as you process the information.

“Ok well an even bigger question: Who are?” You ask as Applejack sits on the bed with you.

“I’m Applejack, Ponyville resident and element of honesty.” She says removing her hat out of respect and greets you.

“Ok another question...who am I?” You ask unable to recall any information from before your fall.

“Ho boy I’m gonna need Twilight for this one. Stay here ah’ll be back in an hour.” Applejack said running off as Applebloom snuck into the room and hopped on the bed next to you.

“Hi I’m Applebloom.” She said excitedly as she stood on your chest looking at you with a large grin.

“H-Hi Applebloom its nice to meet you.” You said leaning back trying to put distance between your faces.

“So, what's it like being a human? Oh what are these little squid things on yer arms? Why do you walk on your legs?” Applebloom asked in rapid succession as she lifted up different parts of your body.

“You sighs and sit up setting her in your lap.“Ok Applebloom if i tell you will you calm down?” You ask as she nods and slams her flank down onto your lap smiling wide. “You see Applebloom in my world these things are called hands and we humans use them for all kinds of things from something as simple as picking up food to something complicated like playing piano or using a computer. They also help us hold and move objects both big and small and even be used for self defense.” You say as Applebloom eye grow wide with sparkles as her smile soon grows.

“Really that's so cool tell me more, please.” Applebloom says holding out the “ea” in please as you rubbed her head.

“Slow your roll there little one I’m getting to it. As for what its like to be a human well to put it simple as possible. We live our lives from birth to death trying to make a life for ourselves, build a family, become rich, become popular, etc. Some humans devote years off their life to these goals.

“How old do humans get?” Applebloom asked relaxing and resting her head on her hooves leaning against your stomach.

“Well, some can live to be as old as a hundred and ten years old.” Applebloom looks astounded. “Bust your average human dies at around the sixty to eighty age range. Very few humans actually make it to one hundred.” Applebloom gives you a sad look.

“How old are you?” You pause and try to think as you draw a large blank.

. “I-I can’t remember. My skin is tight and soft so I’m gonna assume I’m between seventeen and twenty one.” You say trying to remember as Applebloom yawns. “Here wanna lay with me?” She smiles and slides under your arm nuzzling into your side. “Your an awesome big brother just like Big Mac.” She said as you blushed at ther sweet sentiment.

“You got it all wrong Applebloom I can’t be your brother I barely know anyone here let alone you, secondly i don’t think your mom or dad would appreciate you adding someone to your family without consulting them, and lastly your big sister and big brother would kill me.” You stated as you began to slightly panic before hearing a familiar voice.

“Why would we kill you sugarcube? Heck you're the only one that can keep Applebloom out of trouble with those stories of the human world. As for a mother and father well we don’t live with them its just Me, Big Mac Granny Smith, and of course Applebloom, so as long as you're willin to help out around the farm once you’ve recovered then your more then welcome to stay her.” You look at the Purple horse next to Applejack. She was the same height with Dark Blue hair with a dark purple and pink stripe going through her bangs. You noticed that her tail also managed to match her mane in both length and color. Your eyes traced her body as you met her large purple eyes.

“Ahem, hello? Earth to human, are you ok?” Twilight asked as you shook your head back into reality.

“Oh ya sorry just had a brain blank. It usually happens to humans after a large amount of physical trauma to the head.” You said taking Twilight by surprise as she smiled and stepped over to your bedside as she scanned you with magic from her horn.

“Your surprisingly calm considering a horse is using magic on you.” Applejack said sitting down.

“Ya well I’m in a world where horses can talk, and I survived a large this point nothing is a surprise to me.” You said flatly as Applejack giggled cutely.

“Fair enough ah guess. So, human what do you think of Applebloom?” Applejack said as you look down and smile rubbing her head.

“She is a good kid, curious as all hell but a sweetheart nonetheless.” You say as Applejack and Twilight smile.

“Well, since you know you're not the first human to come to Equestria so far five other humans have came here each one pure of heart and each one ended up rejecting their chance to go back home.” Twilight says as you give a look of curiosity.

“No offense but what here could make a human wanna stay? Don’t get me wrong this place seems nice but didn’t the other humans get home sick?” Twilight blushes and smiles.

“The one thing that could make anyone human, pony, griffon, dragon, etc. Want to stay here, Love.” The five humans hee have fallen in love with ponies and made Equestria.” You look at Twilight and smile.

“I take it you are one of those ponies?” She blushes and nods.

“Yes he was the first human to come to this world and from the moment he arrived he was kind and thoughtful and we soon discovered our shared intellect in a wide variety of topics. Our friends Pinkie Pie and Rarity also married humans that came to this world.” You look at Applejack and Twilight amazed.

“So, not a single one has chosen to go back home?” Twilight nods and pulls out a book from her saddle bag.

“Mhmm not a single one has wanted to leave. Even our own Princess has had several human callers. However, after some...intimate accidents they were sent back to their world but we don’t count them as visitors. We only count the humans that stay. Who knows maybe you’ll join the herd or you may be the first to go home. I guess time will tell. For now read that book I gave you. It contains the rules of this world. I will see you tomorrow.” Twilight says flexing her wings before teleporting away with a pink flash of light.

So, five humans fell in love and married ponies huh? That sounds like its one hell of an experience.” You say yawning as Applejack nods and turns off the light leaving the room walking down the back to her room as she sighs plopping down on her bed.

“Dear Celestia I hope that my card is up next to be punched. I wouldn't mind a nice human husband. After all every stallion and mare I’ve tried to get to know has always ended in disappointment.” Applejack said looking out the window at the window hoping that somewhere somepony was looking at the same moon and wishing they could be something else.

“Love can’t be forced Aj your time will come eventually, ya just gotta be patient.” Big Mac said stepping into her room and leaving her a slice of Apple pie and a glass of milk.

“Can you guarantee that Big Mac?” Applejack asked eating the pie in whole bite.

“Eeeyup.” He said walking back downstairs to his room. Applejack laid in bed and thought about her brother's words.

The next day came as the sun shone brightly through the windows eclipsing your face. The heat soon woke you as you squinted and closed the curtains as you sat in bed. You stretched and moved your legs as your body felt normal again. Your eyes scanned the room as you spot the book twilight left you. Wanting to be polite and respectful of the ponies culture and way of life you stood and walked over and sat at the desk and began to read. You soon found yourself fascinated with Equestria and its past. As you read Applejack comes strolling in yawning.

“Morning human, you ready to start pulling your weight around he farm?” You look over at her setting he book down and thinking for a few seconds.

“My body feels like its healed so I don’t see why not, what will we be doing?” You ask as you stand up and stretch walking towards her as the two of you walk downstairs and outside.

“Well, Flannel you're taller than us you're gonna help us pick apples from the tree. Granted you won't be able to clear a whole tree with one kick like us but the help is definitely appreciated. Now, c’mon I’ll show you which orchard we are doing today.” Applejack said as you followed her down rows of trees. The sunlight broke through the trees in small patches illuminating Applejack each time you two would pass through them. Your mind began to trail off as you stared at Applejack. Up until now you really haven’t given the appearance of ponies much thought but the more you study Applejack's body the more you find yourself warming up inside. Applejack was beautiful and the more she spoke, walked, and held herself made this opinion even stronger.

“Well, here we are.” Applejack said snapping you back into reality. “This is the north orchard so grab a trough or two and begin filling them.” She commanded as you nodded and began to pick the apples.

“Hey wait, why did you call me Flannel just now?” You asked confused by the odd name as Applejack chuckled.

“Well you can’t remember your name so i figured I’d give you a nickname based on something that stands out about you. In this case that red flannel shirt you're wearing stands out a lot so I figured that would work.” She blushes and looks away. “I can change it if you want.” You smile and laugh.

“Actually no Flannel has a nice ring to it, so from now one I’ll be Flannel.” You said picking Apples as Applejack blushed harder at the compliment. Silence soon followed as you both worked your way down the row at a medium pace. The sun hung in the sky as Applebloom and Big Mac came walking up to the two of you. You hopped down from the step stool and walked over to them as Applejack followed.

“Its lunch time y’all, Granny smith made some sandwiches for you guys. She would have made you something special but she didn’t know what humans eat so she made grilled cheese.” Applebloom said as you took the sandwich from the plate and grabbed a bottle of water from Big Macs saddle bag.

“Actually tell Granny Smith that she was spot on, humans actually love grilled cheese. Well, yes do some can't enjoy it cause they are allergic but thankfully I’m not.” You say eating as everyone sits down and eats their food as well.

“So, Flannel what was dating like for you in the human world?” Applejack asked suddenly taking you and her siblings by surprise.

“Well...I...umm see with humans it’s weird, first you gotta find someone you're attracted to and spark up a conversation. Then you have to find out there likes and dislikes as well as their personality to see if you two are compatible. Once that's done you spend a few weeks as friends and then you ask them out. If they say yes then you take them to a restaurant, theater, museum, etc. Finally, after enough dates if they are the one for you then you marry them and spend your life with them.” You explained as Applejack blushed the whole time as Big Mac simply nodded.

“Wow so complicated, is it always like that with humans?” Applejack asked as you chuckle.

“Heavens no, some relationships start when they first meet, we call this phenomenon “Love at First Site” and it often happens more times than the traditional dating pattern. Hell some even get married within a few weeks of meeting. It all depends on how the partners feel about each other.” You say stretching and drinking your water.

“So, I humans only date other humans?” Applejack asked as you paused and looked at her gulping your water down.

“Well, I, sure some humans are different but our society chooses to shun them because some of it is dangerous to others and the people themselves. If your gonna ask how the humans here fell for ponies I’ll tell you why. Some humans gauge a relationship on looks, personality, lifestyles, or sometimes all three. Some humans only care about personality meaning that those personalities enraptured the humans and a bond was formed. Humans are both simple and complex Applejack.” You said as Applejack's blush deepened as the three of you looked at her.

“You ok sis? You look redder than Big Mac.” Applebloom asked as Applejack quickly nodded before running off into the house and into her room.

“Was it something I said?” You asked as Big mac and Applebloom shrugged before you and Big Mac returned to work. As the day continued on.

Meanwhile, Applejack laid up in her room trying to process the information you gave her. She tosses and turns trying to deal with her new and increasing feelings. She looked out the window at you and Big Mac working as she smiled with half lidded eyes. “C’mon Aj get a hold of yourself he is just a human, he is probably gonna be the first one to leave and return home. No need to dwell on what could never be.” Applejack said to herself as she laid back in bed. “He said some humans look for personality over everything maybe if I try I can get him to reconsider staying. After all not only would having him at the farm be good for business but more importantly it would give him time to get used to ponies and maybe then he will show interest in me.” Applejack said as she sighed and rubbed her hoof on her head. “C’mon Applejack stop acting like a filly with their first crutch. You have to be strong and handle this like an adult if it’s meant to be then it will happen, if not then get over it and move on.” She concluded as she took a deep breath and headed out towards the north orchard. As soon as she arrived she ran quickly to her trees and begin to buck not once acknowledging you, even when you tried to engage in conversation her answers were short and simple.

“Applejack did I say something to offend you? Cause if i did i wanna apologize that wasn’t my intention.” You finally say as she sighs and climbs down walking over to you.

“Sugarcube nothing's your fault but there is something that has been troubling me. I actually kinda wanted to ask you this” She takes a deep breathe before swallowing her fear and speaking. “Ever since you came here you have fascinated me in so many ways. So, since the other ponies have humans in their lives I wanted to try it and see if it was my turn. I’m sorry this makes you sound like some kind of science project or tool for my benefit but all I want is to try the traditional things you talked about. I wanna do this for myself so I can know for sure whether I can like you for you or if my feelings are only because you're a human.” You hop down and smile as Applejack spills her guts to you and envelope her in a tight hug as she gasps and soon hugs back nuzzling her muzzle into your neck.

“Applejack if you are asking me out then of course I’m gonna say yes. Hell you and your family are the ones who saved me and gave me shelter so this is the least I could do to say thank you.” Applejack looks over at you and smiles before running into the house cheering causing you to laugh. “So, far has been more interesting than my world, plus everyone here is so nice...well so far. I would have to see the other ponies but if humans aren’t a rare anomaly anymore then maybe things really will be different. I should go talk to Twilight.” You said as you cleaned yourself up and headed inside. Thankfully in the back of the Equestria history book was a map to Twilight's castle. You left a quick note for Applejack before leaving and heading into town. As you walked through the dirt paths ponies from all over waved and greeted you, some looked away an scoffed, and some avoided you completely. “Ya this is actually pretty normal this place isn’t that bad.” You said turning a corner and headed towards a large white castle and stood out front and called out for Twilight as you were teleported to the balcony with her.

“Oh hello to what do I owe the visit?” Twilight asked as you sat down regaining your composure after the shock from teleportation.

“So, I have some questions about Applejack. See she asked me how humans form relationships and ever since that talk she was acting weird. So, I confronted her about and she told me that she wanted to go out and see if their could be more between me and her other than friends or at the very least a hired farm hand. Is it normal for ponies to act like that?

“Sounds like she has feelings for you but wants to see if those feelings are real. I was the same before I met my husband but after a few dates me and him bonded more. As compared to Rarity and Pinkie whose relationships were closer to love at first site. How do you feel about Applejack?” Twilight asked as you blush slightly.

“Well, it told her yes I would go out with her as a thank you for her taking care of me but as for having true feelings for her I’m not sure. By my worlds standards she is a animal and that is frowned upon heavily in my world but another part of me realizes that this isn’t earth so something could be there but my old world mindset is preventing me from exploring the possibility.” You said feeling terrible for leading Applejack on. Twilight's horn glows as it envelopes your head in a ball of warm pink mist. Your mind begins to flush as you shake your head in confusion. “What the hell did you just do to me?” You said angrily as Twilight sighed.

“Relax I balanced out your left and right side of your brain so that you can have a clear head and make a proper decision.” She said as you slowly calmed down and began to contemplate the Pros and Cons of both worlds within an hour your choice becomes clear. Your mind focuses on Applejack you take a deep breathe and look at Twilight.

“I wanna try things out with Applejack and see where this goes. If it goes great I’ll stay if not I want you to wipe my mind of this place and send me home.” You said as Twilight nods and turns around and looks at the doorway into the castle.

“You can come out now Applejack.” She said as Applejack stepped out onto the balcony and smiled at you as you smiled back confused. Applejack walks up to you as you hug and look into her eyes.

“Ya know Applejack you didn’t have to hide. I’d rather you hear the truth from me instead of Twilight.” You said as Applejack nodded as you looked at Twilight. “Know any good places I could take her?” Twilight thought before drawing you a map and handed it to you with a wink. You happily took the map as you and Applejack left the castle and strolled into town picking up food for your date. After filling your baskets the two of you follow the map to a hill overlooking a field as the sun began to set. You Smile at her and set up as the two of you relax and talk about your pasts.

The sun begins to fall behind the horizon as you continue to talk and laugh about your lives. Your choice became easier as you found yourself falling in love with everything about Applejack and you hoped the same was happening to her. Your mind was telling you to push more and test the limits of what's ok. You tap on Applejack as she turns around and then gasps eyes wide the second your lips touched hers. You broke the kiss to see Applejack face red as the sky behind you. “I-I’m sorry I just wanted to do that since we first met but my mind was battling it too much. Applejack this traditional relationship won’t work. I don’t wanna spend nights worrying about a stallion stealing you from me. I love you Applejack you captivated me from day one and I-” You are cut off by Applejack tackling you to the ground returning the kiss this time you wrapped your arms around her neck and pushed into the kiss. Applejack pressed her tongue into your mouth as you embraced her slid yours around hers. Her tongue was that of warm velvet as the taste of apples fills your mouth. Her thing tongue had no issues wrapping arounds yours as they danced and swirled around each other before breaking the kiss leaving a small strand of saliva connecting your tongues.

“I love you to Flannel.” She said as a shock hit your brain causing you to yelp in pain. “Are you ok?” Applejack asked as you nodded and pulled her close stroking her mane and holding her close to your chest.

“My name is coming back to me my name is.” You give her your name as she smiles and looks up at you. “If you wanna call me Flannel still you can.” You said sharing a laugh as you pack up the stuff and carry her home. Feeling safe she nuzzles into you taking in your scent as she sighs happily and grind her legs together slightly. As you to returned to the farm you took Applejack straight up to your room as the two of you layed in bed and slept the night away.

The next morning you woke up to a wet warm feeling between your legs, you curiously opened your eyes to see a hump moving under your bed as your body tingled with pleasure. You rip the blanket off to find Applejack bobbing her head quickly on your shaft not yet aware you are awake she sucks deeper and faster. You lay back and keep quiet trying to wrap your head around the situation. It wasn’t a bad one nor were you mad at Applejacks advances. You instinctively reached out and held her head as her eyes shot open and looked into yours as her face blushed red once again. You smiled and gave her a nod as she smiled and went back to bobbing as you stroked her head more. Moaning at your touch sh alternated between sucking your shaft and licking it up and down. As you layed back and moaned more your feet began to shake and tingle as Applejack pushes all the way down causing her to muzzle hit your pelvis. At that point you held her head there as you groaned loudly letting ropes of semen fill her mouth. She tried her best to drink it down and after a few seconds she comes up and pants softly before swallowing what's left. She looked at you with half lidded eyes as you turned her around and brought her rear close to your face.

“Whoa there cowboy you can have dessert later.” She said shaking her flank as you grabbed and squeezed her toned cheeks.

“Sorry Aj but I don’t like waiting for my dessert. Besides, something this delicious looking should be the main course.” You say smiling before spreading her plot with your hands as you began to lick up and down slowly. Applejack moans out loudly at the sensation as you lick more and rub her flank giving it a soft smack.

“Oh fuck now I see why my friends married humans. You're so much better then stallions.” Applejack said as you smiled and licked deeper as you moved your fingers in and out quickly, the pleasure soon overcame Applejack as she leaned forward swallowing your shaft and bobbing her head quickly. The room became hot as the two of you pleasured each other roughly as your hands and chin became coated in her juices. She moaned out louder and trembled as your fingers curled inside her squeezing her walls. “More, please give me more.” She moaned out as he lolled out her tongue and began drooling. You swirl your tongue and lick as fast as possible before a warm torrent of liquid hit your mouth while Applejack screamed out your name. “Oh f-fuck me, please.” She begged as you smiled and whipped your mouth standing up and pulling her close to you.

She moaned softly as you grinded your shaft in between her cheeks before pushing slowly into her plot. Her soft warm walls felt like the finest silk was being wrapped around your entire body. “Oh god how are you so big?” She moaned as you hold her and bottomed out. Her mouth hung open as she leaned forward on the bad as her ass remind in the air while her tail flicked back and forth. You take a deep breathe and begin to softly thrust in and out as she bit her lip and moaned you god feel her walls tightening around you more. You gripped her barrel and began to thrust faster and harder as Applejacks moans grew louder and more constant. “Yes dear Celestia yes please don’t stop.” Wanting to give her more pleasure you lifted her off the bed and begun to hammer hard and quick causing Applejack to yelp and moan louder and her eyes roll back into her head.

“Oh Applejack this is amazing I’ve never felt this much pleasure before.” You moan out a Applejacks speech becomes unintelligible. The room filled with a symphony of loud moans and screams coupled with wet flesh slapping against flesh. Feeling daring you set her down and reached over and grabbed her ponytail pulling hard as you hammered into her rocking and creaking the bed.

“Oh yes that's it tame this pony, make me yours!” she moaned out as you began to feel a pressure build up a the base of your shaft. Knowing what would come next you pulled harder and slapped her ass before pushing your shaft in as far is it could go. Applejack began to moan and scream your name one last time at the feeling of your warm load filling her to her brim. Spent, you pull out and lay on the bed panting heavily. Applejack crawled over to you and nuzzled close to you laying her head on her chest as you hold her hoof and kiss her head. “That...was...amazing. Thank you so much for this.” You smile and relax holding her closer as the two of you fall asleep together.

The next morning the two of you awoke to a beautiful sunny day. Relaxed and recharged you sit up and stretch as Applejack wraps her hooves around your chest and kisses your cheek. You rub her face and kiss back as she returns to her room so the two of you can start the day. As you get dressed you think about last night and smile brightly as you head down to orchard and began working. The day went on like normal except for the occasional break you and Applejack would take to buck in the barn. Your life was beginning to feel like it was back on earth only happier. Your job was amazing you had an amazing mare by your side and soon you would have your own house for just the two of you. However, deep down some part of you wanted more than just sex and I love yous. Wanting to quell this feeling you have, you decided to go pay rarity a visit and talk to her about matching rings. Naturally rarity as giddy and excited about the idea of you finally courting Applejack.

She agreed and told you she would bring it by the farm in a day or two. Excited you eagerly ran back to the farm only to bump into Twilight. You helped her up and apologized before telling her the good news. “So I take it that means you're staying here?” Twilight asked as you nodded and showed her your receipt from Rarity’s. She smiled and looked up at you.

“In two days Applejack and I will be married and my new life can start.” You said before running off to the farm waving goodbye to Twilight. She smiled and rolled her eyes waving back. You quickly got back to the orchard and kept the secret from Applejack for a surprise. In what seemed like an eternity of waiting Rarity finally delivered the ring and your plan was ready to begin. The birds chirped as you rushed down to the orchard and began to working sneakily putting the ring inside an already hollowed out apple. You took a deep breath and looked at Applejack.

“Hey Aj can you come here? Something is wrong with this apple.” Applejack rolls her and smiles trotting over to you and looking at the apple in your hand.

“It looks like a normal Apple to me, why do you ask?” You look at her and smile holding the top of the apple.

“Well it looked off, but it makes me wanna ask you another question.” You said getting down on a knee and pulling the apple apart to show a gold hoof band with rubies in the band. Applejack looks down and tears up covering her mouth. “Applejack will you marry me?” You asked and without a moment of hesitation Applejack tackles you to the ground kissing you before nodding. You pull her into another kiss as you slip the band on and look into her beautiful green eyes. “I love you Applejack.” You said with a smile as she looked down at you still crying.

“I love you to.” She said as you embraced her and relaxed in the orchard as a cool breeze blew through the trees. You don’t know what the future holds, but all you do know is that your home know with the mare of your dreams.