Enter the Night

by Dusk Melody

First published

It had been a very long day for Princess Luna. Now the BDSM party thrown by Caffeinated the zebra was winding down, what better way for the Goddess of the Night to unwind than by joining in the fun herself?

It had been a very long day for Princess Luna. Now the BDSM party thrown by Caffeinated the zebra was winding down, what better way for the Goddess of the Night to unwind than by joining in the fun herself?

Caffeinated had long fantasised about this in his dreams, and Luna was determined to make this particular dream a reality.

A side story to Wildfire 2: Releasing the Flame, this takes place at the very end of chapter 5 and bridges the gap between it and chapter 6.

Contains: Consensual BDSM, Male Dom, M/F/F, Spankings and lots of love and cuddles.

A Zebra's Dream

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Tempest started her bank to the left, “Stay on my tail Wily. I have the house in sight.”

Wildfire grinned like a maniac. Her wings were on fire with pain, but she had pushed that out of her mind long ago. The scent of Stormy’s tail was all that mattered and pain was just pain, “I’d follow that tail anywhere.”

“It has been a fun and interesting tour,” Luna added to the conversation.

“Stick this landing and I may let you clean my tail.” Tempest watched the grin on Wildfire’s face manage to get wider. “Coming in for a landing”

‘You got this Wily. That tail is all mine.’ Wildfire turns her flight to hover, “Gotcha Honey.”

“Nice hover,” the pride was evident in Tempest’s voice. “Five feet to grass.”

Airmail landed on the balcony with Luna and giggled, “The couch is empty.”

Wildfire completed her landing but with the galoshes on, all surfaces felt the same. The tail she was following moved away and the diminutive pegasus chased after.

Tempest stopped at the shower, “Please get me cleaned up. I want to see if Dusk is awake yet.”

Wildfire ran her nose through the black tail and took some in her mouth to savour the tangy, salty taste. She let go, “He should be by now. I want to know if he liked his hooves.” Giggling, the mare knew time was of the essence and used the shower and hooves to scrub clean the tail she was worshiping.

Tempest smiled at the attention, “You did a good job on those hooves. I’ll let you do mine the next time I have to dress up.”

Luna looked, “I see, so he should be awake then.” She followed Airmail down the stairs to the main level.

Wildfire scrubbed away at the tail, “I’d love to if the Mistress won’t mind.”

“The ‘Mistress’ won’t mind,” Tempest smiled, “Once she takes your galoshes off.”

Wildfire’s voice lost some of its happiness, “If she ever takes them off.”

Tempest pulled her tail out of Wildfire’s hooves when she turned and gave her new lover a hug. “Do you think punishment should last forever?”

“I…I don’t know.” Wildfire scuffed a hoof on the cement. “All of this is still too new to me.”

“Welcome to love, Wildfire.” Tempest added a kiss, “Now get my tail dry so we can get inside and tease the Prince.”

Wildfire perked up, “I got this.”

~ ~ ~

The pair inside found Dusk in the dining room area. “Ahh, Dusk, fully recovered I see,” intoned Luna and then with a smile added, “I do like your new look.”

The stallion stuck his tongue out at his mom, “Yeah, I reckon I’ll make Vocal jealous.”

“Care for a drink, Luna?” Airmail asked.

The alicorn nodded, “I’d love a glass of my ‘shine.”

“I’ll be right back,” but before she turned to leave the pegasus added, “And Dusk, good work.”

The Prince swelled with pride, “Like it? This is my new look!”

Airmail called back over her shoulder, “I was talking about your performance, but you do look cute.”

Luna chuckled, “I didn’t think I would be able to see you blush under all that blush.” She watched her son blush even harder.

Trails nuzzled the stallion, “If you tone it down to my level, I’d think no less of you.”

“Not that you need to tone it down of course,” Sunshine added.

“Tone it down?” Dusk put a hoof to his chest, “I love it!”

Mapper entered the room, “Luna, welcome back, did you enjoy the night time tour of our fair city?”

Luna watched as the unicorn was concentrating hard to carry a glass of shine with her magenta magic. She quickly took control of the glass, “It was a very illuminating flight in many ways.” The Princess took a long drink from the glass. “I have learned that your Junior Pet has more nerve than I do.”

Mapper made a dismissive wave with her hoof, “She has blind trust.”

Luna nodded, “Yes, that too. In fact, I spoke with Airmail about that very subject.”

Dusk interjected his comment into the conversation, “What did Wily do?”

Mapper nodded, “I’m sure Tempest and Airmail will want a word with me. Airmail said as much when she gave me your drink, and I think I now understand why.”

Luna turned to her son, “She flew through suspension bridge cables only eight feet apart. I flew under the bridge.”

Dusk whistled, “That is awesome.”

“Was Airmail your wing mare or did she follow them through?” Mapper asked.

Luna responded, “She went under the bridge with me.” She lifted her head, “Was she humouring me?”

“Not at all, Luna.” Mapper reassured her. “Tempest is the precision flyer. Airmail’s precision lies…elsewhere.”

~ ~ ~

Wildfire finished drying the tail and ran her nose through it, “All done and smelling fresh.”

Tempest turned again to give the mare a kiss, “Thank you love. Now to see if Dusk liked his makeover.”

Wildfire returned the kiss, “After you Honey.”

Tempest led the way through the patio door and soon found Dusk deep in conversation. She whispered to her companion, “He is still wearing all the make up to include your hoof polish.”

“Awesome!” Wildfire cried out unknowingly drawing attention to herself.

Snowfall and Thespian moved into the dining room to replenish the deserts. Tempest and Wildfire followed them in.

Dusk looked his Canterlot friend over and she did look happy. “Thank you Wily for your cool hoof work.”

Wildfire was feeling giddy, “Thank you D, I licked it on myself!”

Mapper’s cool voice interrupted her giddiness, “You did what, Pet?”

“I painted!” Wildfire exclaimed, “Yeah, I painted your hooves myself Dusk. I did.”

Mapper giggled, “She is a sneaky Pet.”

“But I couldn’t handle the brush properly,” the pegasus tried to explain, “And I behaved on the flight, Mistress.”

Mapper’s cool tone returned, “Did I ask you about your flight?”

Wildfire deflated, and her ears drooped, “No Mistress.”

The pink unicorn moved over and gave Wildfire a kiss on the lips, “Thank you for sharing, Pet. You’re still on free time.”

Her ears perked back up, “Th…thank you, Mistress.”

The other herd members had joined them in the dining room which prompted Tempest to speak up. “It was a glorious night for flying. The city lights were our backdrop. We flew the length of the Narrows Bridge and then,” with a dramatic pause she thrust her hoof forward, “We flew through the wires!”

Caffeinated chuckled, “Always the show pony Stormy. Who flew through with you?”

“Not I,” responded Luna.

“Nor me,” added Airmail.

“But Wildfire did,” Luna smiled at the beaming pegasus, “and admirably so.”

Dusk had to put his two bits in, “You two wussed out? Really mom.”

Airmail shrugged her shoulders, “Someone had to be there to pick up the pieces.”

Luna added, “Let’s say I had no desire to test my immortality.” She then raspberries her son.

Tempest smiled, “Just let me know when, and I’ll take you through.”

Luna tilted her head, “Thank you Tempest, but no. Watching you and Wildfire was enough for me.”

Tempest laughed, “I was talking to the frisky stallion, Luna. It is good when a pony knows their limits.”

Not to be put down Dusk responded, “I’ll have you know I’ll take a flight next time I’m here.”

“Look forward to it,” Tempest responded, “Don’t you Wily?”

“Sure thing Honey,” the once again cheerful pegasus responded, “I’m up for a repeat.”

A sly smile crossed Luna’s muzzle, “Son, if you stick to their flight as well as Wildfire did, I’ll do your chores for a month.”

“Would that be from start to finish?” Tempest questioned.

Luna nodded, “Yes, the whole route.”

“Wily, do you want to play in the sand with Dusk?” Tempest questioned.

“No way!” Wildfire broke down in giggles, “I know where he’s been.”

Requiem chimed in, “You all had a beach party and didn’t invite us?”

Tempest smiled at the earth pony, “It was a flying club thing,” and then she saw Tinkerer and added, “for mares.”

“I’ll have you know I’m a mare,” stated Requiem, “and I fly just fine thank you.”

Airmail joined Tempest in the only response they could think of which was a tilt their heads at that bold statement.

Luna held a hoof to her mouth to hide a wide smile, “She is especially proficient at power dives.”

Dusk stepped forward, “I’ll have you know mom, I’m going to accept this challenge.”

Luan finishes her drink, “You’ll change your tune when you see the wires.”

Tempest extended a wing to Dusk’s shoulder. “Practice with bamboo poles. A bruised wing is better than a severed wing.”

Wildfire pressed against Tempest’s side, “I knew I’d be alright because I was following you Honey.”

Tempest withdrew her extended wing and draped it over her lover following up with a kiss.

Airmail walked over to the pair, “I want in on this action.”

Wildfire broke the kiss with Tempest, “I suppose you can have a kiss Pretty.” Which she followed up with a kiss to Airmail.

“Wildfire has graced me with a kiss!” Airmail looked ready to swoon and showed her lack of attention in drama class. “I’m such a lucky mare.”

Wildfire giggled, “If you’re lucky than I’m doubly lucky.”

Airmail and Tempest shared a look and they moved in for a three-way kiss and tangle of tongues.

Caffeinated started to untie Thespian as did the others for their partners. The stallion looked to his guests. “Luna, Dusk, you’re both welcome to spend the night. There are the club rooms downstairs and four bedrooms upstairs. Sleeping arrangements are rather loose here.”

“Thank you Caffeinated,” responded Luna, “but I think I’ll avail myself of the club room. I did have a rather good time there earlier.”

Dusk’s face lit up with understanding, “So that is what the score cards Sonic mentioned were about. Nice one mom.”

Mapper moved next to Luna. “I think my Pets, along with myself, will join you in the club room, Mistress Luna. Of course that means you’ll have to suffer with Airy and Stormy.”

Luna failed to suppress the giggle, “As you wish Mistress Mapper. Somehow I’ll mange to survive.”

“Crashing in the club room sounds like a good idea to me too,” Dusk added.

Sonic extended a hoof to Dusk’s shoulder, “Please join us in a bedroom. Unless you’re rather sleep on a pad instead of a cloud mattress?”

Dusk looked at his friend, “Wait, you have cloud… I’m so there! Oh, by the way mom, what was your score?”

Luna sniffed, “I’ll have you know it was quite impressive, thank you.”

Mapper’s Canterlot accent interjected itself, “I’ll have you know, dear Luna, that you did fall short in one category.”

Luna looked at the unicorn, “Really? Do tell.”

Mapper maintained her noble bearing, “We failed to put you to sleep like a lullaby to a foal.” She gave a nod over towards the Prince who was good enough to blush, “but you also bettered him in another category.”

Luna shrugged her shoulders, “I do have an alicorn’s stamina.”

“That may be so,” continued Mapper, “but we outnumbered you seven to one.”

“You did indeed,” Luna giggled, “and it was amazing!” She turned to the three mares in a snuggle-fest. “Airmail?” Once they came up for air she continued, “I believe we had a bet, did we not?”

Airmail’s eyes went wide that Luna would remember the bet at this time, but she was prepared. The pegasus walked over to a side table with a box and removed the object inside to present to Luna. It was a half-pound chocolate, chocolate fudge cookie with ‘Imported from Ponyville’ above the ‘Sugar Cube Bakeries’ label. “You may be familiar with this and I can state for a fact it is quite tasty.”

“Ahh, yes,” Luna licked her lips, “I’m most familiar with this brand. You’ll have to take my word on my stake should I lose. One of Tia’s personal cakes.”

Mapper was watching Serenity gather the ropes for cleaning when she spun around and stared at Airmail. “What could have caused you to bet that cookie?”

Luna smiled, “I believe Airmail described it to Tempest as…” she tapped her chin, “Oh yes,” turning to the zebra, “giving Caffeinated a wet dream.”

Caffeinated had been smoothing out his wife’s matted fur when he looked at the mares, “Did she now?”

Thespian started giggling like a little filly, as the rest of the room went silent.

Luna strutted over to Caffeinated one hoof in front of the other and past him. She flicked her tail under his nose and spoke with a purr, “I’m afraid I’ve been a bad filly. I’d recommend a sound spanking from a strong zebra.”

Caffeinated’s jaw dropped as he disbelieved what his ears heard, “Ah…I…Ah…” His wife ran her head under his chin though the starry tail to reboot her stallion. Caffeinated blinked a few times and closed his mouth to swallow before continuing, “There are others more qualified to swing a paddle.”

The stallion club cheered their alpha on while Mapper lent her own comment, “Are you saying all my training has gone to waste?”

Luna turn to face the zebra again, “Nonsense Caffeinated. I’ve seen your dreams, remember?” She smiled, “You might want to restrain me so I don’t fly away.”

The red of Caffeinated’s blush could be seen through the orange fur. Thespian nuzzled his ear and whispered, “So there is more than me in your dreams, love?” She followed up with a slow lick.

Dusk’s eyes went wide unsure what to think about his mom seducing his friend.

The zebra turned to his wife and whispered back, “Yes.” He followed up with a kiss, “I think that it is one too many chats with Dusk, and my own irreverence.”

Thespian returned the kiss and let it linger, “I’ve not complained about your paddle abilities.”

Luna turned away from the zebra and wiggled her hips, “I’m ready for my discipline.” She let that sink in and followed up with, “Master.”

The herd cheered their leader on and Luna could see under the stallion her words were having the desired effect. Caffeinated stood taller and allowed a calm to wash over him, “I’m many things, but your master I am not.”

Luna blinked. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. “You’re the Master of this house.”

Caffeinated moved forward till he was alongside the Princess, “You are not of this house.”

Luna thought quickly for a response, “I’ve wronged your herd.”

Caffeinated continued to move forward and began his turn to face Luna, “Who have you wronged?”

“Wildfire!” was the alicorn’s quick response.

“Wildfire is not of my herd,” was the zebra’s reply.

Wildfire’s jaw dropped open but before she could protest Airmail pulled her into a tight embrace, and whispered in her ear. “Stay calm love for it is only the truth until the herd votes you in.”

Luna swallowed, “I’ve wronged Airmail and Tempest.

Caffeinated moved nose to nose with Luna, “You are a very bad pony.” He dropped to a deep bow, chin on the floor. “Will the Goddess of the Night, the Mare of the Moon, and the Harbinger of my dreams allow this earth pony to lay hoof upon her body?”

A soft sigh escaped Luna as she looked at the stallion before her. It was the request an executioner would have made before taking the life of a royal. Was she really willing to surrender to a pony? Her past flashed past her, and she bowed low chin to the floor, “You are my instrument of punishment. I bow before you and give you domain over my body. You know my deeds.” She spread her wings wide, “Purify me.”

The zebra stood and looked down on the one he revered. The Mare of Legends. “Mapper, I will need your assistance.” Caffeinated stepped around the mare, but used a forehoof to brush a wingtip. “Follow.”

Luna rose up and followed the stallion. She ignored the questioning look on her son’s face. This was no longer about Caffeinated, this was about her.

Once the two disappeared down the steps the herd gathered together. Sonic was the first to be heard, “Mapper, what’s going on. By Luna’s left ear I thought we were going to have a fun bit of spanking, but this shit turned serious.”

Belle also chimed in, “I haven’t seen that serious a look on Caffy in like forever.”

Mapper said nothing but looked to Airmail. The blue pegasus squirmed and then confessed. “Luna let it out that she had seen Caffy’s dreams. Of him disciplining her and rutting her till she passed out.” Airmail paused to swallow, “So I said that would never happen in real life, and Luna replied she could make him cum in under ten minutes.” The pegasus shrugged her shoulders, “I thought Caffy had better stamina than that and said she couldn’t. My prized cookie against one of Princess Celestia’s cakes.”

The herd would bet on anything and Trumpet started taking them. “My money is on Caffy,” Mapper said as she turned. “Come Senior Pet, free time is over for you.” Serenity followed Mapper down the stairs.

“I’m betting on my husband too,” added Thespian as she followed Mapper.

Dusk moved up to Trumpet, “I want in on this action.”

Trumpet looked up from his tally sheet to the Prince. “Okay, there’s three lines. First will Caffy get Luna to use her safe word? Second is will Caffy bu…ah…have intercourse with your mom.” Trumpet snorted, “That just sounded wrong on too many levels, but not a first for me. Oh, third will Caffy cum before or after the ten minute mark from last knot.”

Dusk asked, “What is last knot?”

“Caffy always says last knot when he ties a pony up,” Trumpet responded. “That is the cue for Mapper to inspect.”

Dusk thought for a moment, “No, yes, and before. Why don’t you have when my mom will cum?”

Trumpet laughed, “That was when he said follow.”

~ ~ ~

Caffeinated walked into the Dungeon and onto the main floor. As soon as he heard the hooves behind him change surfaces he said, “Wait.” The zebra continued on to the toy boxes with a smile.

Mapper and Serenity entered and moved past Luna to the toy boxes. Thespian moved up alongside the alicorn. She whispered, “If I may ask, how far you wish to take this?”

Luna didn’t take her eyes from the zebra, “As far as I’ve seen in his dream. I do have a bet to win Thespian, and he has had some very naughty dreams.”

Thespian continued to keep her voice low, “I know, that you know, we are a herd. He will ask me, and I will say yes. I do hope he will live up to your dreams.”

The alicorn watched Caffeinated retrieve some large eye bolts and was now putting them into slots in the floor. A light shudder ran through her body at the thought of how they’d be used. Luna turned to look at the mare beside her, “I wouldn’t presume to do this without your express permission Thespian. I’m a guest in your house after all.”

Thespian had to control herself when Luna’s wing flicked out to touch her flank. “You are much, much more than that.” Watching her husband work she added, “There can be no jealousy in a herd, yet we do have our own code of honour. Please don’t worry that you may step too far.” She nuzzled the mare. “It is exciting to watch the master work and I too will enjoy the show. From a very special point of view.”

Luna returned the nuzzle as she watched Caffeinated move to put the next ring in the floor. “Then I hope you do enjoy the show.” A suppressed giggle followed, “And your zebra isn’t as strong as my sister.”

Thespian responded, “How much of that strength is from her earth pony magic?”

Luna watched the zebra put in the last bolt, “Even I don’t know. Just that Tia packs a wallop when she wants to.” She felt Thespian walk away as Caffeinated moved to the centre of the room. He sat down with the rings to his right. The zebra reached out with a forehoof and lightly tapped the floor in front of him twice. Luna moved forward to stand before the zebra head down. His hoof moved forward again and did a little twirl. Obediently Luna did a slow three hundred sixty degree spin.

Once she was finished Caffeinated stood up. “Wings out horizontal to the floor.” Luna quickly responded stretching her wings wide. The zebra walked around the alicorn’s left side. He dragged his left forehoof along her body to measure ducking under the out stretched wing. Once he was behind Luna she lifted her tail high without prompting.

From there he moved back to the front along the alicorn’s right side. Caffeinated touched her with a hoof at each location he planned on placing a pearl. He could feel her excitement with each touch. Again he ducked under the outstretched wing. Satisfied, the zebra turned to run a hoof along the underside of the leading wing edge estimating where each knot would go.

Task completed the zebra returned to his seat in front of Luna. “You may fold your wings.” Without taking his eyes off the Princess he called out, “Mapper, one fifty foot three quarter inch, two twenty five foot half inch, one twenty five foot quarter inch, two twelve and a half foot quarter inch, four large cuffs with D Rings.” He watched Luna shiver as he called out for the rope.

Even looking down she could hear the other ponies moving around in a circle. She saw the ropes levitate in the hazel field of Serenity to Caffeinated’s left arranged just how he called them. It was hard to suppress the anticipation of what was about to happen. ‘I wonder how he will match up to Tia’s skill with the rope.’ She watched the zebra reach for the short thin rope and ran it though his hoof so she could see the full length. Holding the two ends the zebra again ran the rope to its mid-point. That is when Luna noticed the rope had a green thread at the centre which was the same colour thread used to keep the ends from fraying.

She watched the zebra tie the rope into intricate loops and quickly realized he was building a bridle from scratch. “Very nice.”

Caffeinated stopped what he was doing. “If I want any sound out of you I will let you know when and what sounds I’m expecting.” He continued to work on the bridle.

Luna bristled at the comment. The audacity of some pony telling her, Princess of the Night, to be quiet. She stamped a hoof in frustration. She put herself in this position. All of this was indeed, about her.

Others around the circle noticed the hoof stomp, but Caffeinated gave no sign that he did so. The bridle finished, the stallion stood up and looped a part over Luna’s horn and then forced the rope bit over her nose and in the mouth. He quickly secured the bridle behind the alicorn’s head leaving the excess rope as reins. “You may respond with the word ‘yes’ or the word ‘no’ to my questions. Do you understand?”

Luna quickly responded, “Yes, my Lo…” A hoof pushed her mouth closed.

“You have failed,” commented Caffeinated. “I’m willing to give second chances as you are new to our herd’s methods. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” replied Luna.

Caffeinated sat back down and pulled the thick rope to him. As with the first he showed its length to Luna, and that the rope was clean and free of any debris. He found the midpoint and looped the rope over Luna’s head to her shoulders. Then he tied his first pearl.

Luna watched Caffeinated’s rope work. It was hard to refrain from comment. The knots flowed beautifully as he added one pearl after another. She was so busy watching that she nearly failed to heed the next command. Her wings again snapped out at a forty five degree angle.

Caffeinated smiled at the alicorn’s slow response. She wouldn’t be the first pony caught up in the lure of the rope. He threaded the rope between her front legs and ducked under the wing. The rope than made its way between her back legs and up. He carefully spread the rope with his hooves and pulled her tail through the gap with his mouth. Last he tied it to the rope looped over her shoulder and snugged it up. He inspected her as he walked back to the front pleased that each knot was right where he planned them to be. “Do you have to relieve yourself?”

The centre line rope had a knot just above her breasts pushing on her bladder. A reminder that she had several drinks tonight. “Yes.”

The zebra took the reins in his mouth and led her to a side room. Inside it was a toilet. After backing Luna into the very wide stall he moved the rope and knots from her anus and clitoral hood. “You may relieve yourself.”

Luna had a sudden case of stage fright. There was a stallion whose hooves were just inches away. He was watching and waiting for her to use the toilet. It felt like an eternity to her before she can relax enough to let her stream flow, and flow, and flow some more.

Witnessing the last drop, Caffeinated asked, “Anything else to relieve?”

“No,” Luna responded, thankful for that lest she banished herself for embarrassment of having a bowel movement in front of this stallion.

Caffeinated used a towel to wipe the mare dry and repositioned the knots. “You are a naughty pony. That should have been done before you thought to start this session.”

“I’m sorry tha…” Luna’s voice cuts off as a hoof slams into her cutie mark.

“That was a statement, not a question.” Caffeinated took up the reins and led Luna out of the room.

Luna followed the stallion tugged along by the reins. She found it hard to believe how scatter brained she was acting. Once through the door she got a better view of the audience. Even though she had witnessed her son being rutted in front of the herd, she wasn’t so sure she’d be able to do the same. Especially in front of Dusk. This wasn’t quite the same as him walking in on her and Octavia. Caffeinated parked her where she had started and wasted no time building the tortoise shell around her.

Caffeinated worked methodically looping the rope between pearls underneath and over and around the back rope. As he worked the diamonds spread and the knots sunk deeper through fur to flesh as the bindings grew tighter.

Luna centred herself on the rope. All else faded away. She could better understand the pride Thespian and Tinkerer held parading in their harnesses. One knot slid under her hood while another sunk into her anus. A moan escaped her mouth.

“Such a talkative mare,” the stallion commented. He moved around verifying every knot is where he wanted it. Satisfied, he moved to the front again and gathers the long thin rope. After showing the rope to Luna he moved around behind her.

Luna took a peek but couldn’t see her son. She could hear him though. All the ponies were sharing conversation like this was just another day. Then she felt the rope go around her waist and hooves on her breasts. The tortoise shell had spread them apart and squeezed them from top and bottom. Now Caffeinated was focused just on her breasts. A hoof flicked the bitten nipple which made her two step in pain.

“Fidgety too,” Caffeinated snickered. If he was asked what bondage he enjoyed most, he’d be hard pressed to answer anything other than all. Breast bondage though was a true test of a mare. Easy going on, but as time passed even a soft kiss can induce pain. The zebra used the extra rope to wrap a cage around the ethereal tail. “Head up high.” Luna did so but not enough for his tastes. He pulled the tail forward and reached with his teeth to grasp the mane and pull it back. After he tied the tail to the bridle he let go and watched Luna’s head move forward and back till a nice equilibrium was established with the tail.

Luna couldn’t help but look at her audience now. The zebra moved to the front and she folded up her wings on his command. Caffeinated then took her reins and paraded her around the room. She saw each pony as he leads her by them. Knew that she was fully exposed to each after she passed them. ‘I’m on full display just like his dreams.’ Luna desperately wanted to touch herself for relief, but there was none in site. The comments of appreciation were not helping her any as the heat inside built.

Sonic lent towards the Prince and said loudly, “By Luna’s left nipple that is an ass worthy of worship.”

Dusk watched Luna take another stuttering step at the comment and his thoughts went into free fall, ‘Damn mom, that’s hot…and I’m weird.’

After returning to her place, Luna watched Caffeinated show the rope and she spread her wings out level to the ground on his command. The stallion moved past her head and out of view. She felt his hooves on her wing and the rope pass through her feathers. The alicorn began to shiver at the thought of her wings being taken away. A hoof scuffed the floor.

Dusk expressed his thoughts out loud to his companions, “Mom hates it when Aunt Tia takes her wings.”

When he finished that wing to his satisfaction the zebra moved back to the front. He laid his muzzle next to hers and whispered, “You may speak your safe word.”

Luna continued to paw at the floor, “M-moon.”

Caffeinated stepped back. “I will bind your wings and you will thank me for it, correct?”

Luna fidgeted in place, “Y-yes.”

“Scuffing up my floor will be added to your list of offences. He noted she stopped. Caffeinated remembered when Mapper bound Tempest’s wings. That didn’t end well at all. Still he wasn’t one to stop in the middle of something. The zebra showed the rope to Luna and moved past her to lace up the other wing. Caffeinated ran the rope through the feathers around the flesh and with a simple knot left a loop in front of the leading edge. He continued this down the wing spacing the loops to use all the rope by the time he reached the fragile metacarpals.

Caffeinated returned to the front of Luna and held up the last thin rope for her to see. “Mapper, an assist please.” Mapper nodded to her wife. Serenity lit her horn and enveloped the zebra in her hazel aura, lifting him to Luna’s wingtips.

Luna watched the zebra rise and pulled her tail down to tilt her head back to watch. Caffeinated started weaving the loops that ran along her wings together binding them in place. Panic took hold of Luna and the desire to simply return to the palace was strong. His slow methodical approach to binding was driving both her desire and fear. As the zebra moved down her wings, Serenity shifted his position, and allowed Luna to view a very aroused Caffeinated. Fear gave into desire.

As he worked his way down Luna lost sight of him. Then a soft field of magic pushed at the back of her head to be replace by a not so soft zebra ass and ball sack just above her horn. Luna shuddered with an orgasm as the imagery was more than she could take. Pain brought fear back to the forefront as the bindings at the base of her wings tried to draw them together. When the weight of the zebra left her head she wanted to tilt up to see but the magic field prevented her. The thought of how awkward it would have been to impale Caffeinated made her giggle.

Serenity placed the zebra back on the ground in front of the alicorn. Caffeinated had heard Thespian giggle at the oddest times. She said it was a copping mechanism against fear. While he tied up Luna he could sense her running through a gamut of emotions. Caffeinated tied up the trail ends of the rope used to bind her wings together to the bridle where the rope bit was. That should be enough to restrict her movement of her head to the left or right. He then went to each hoof and attached the cuffs. While Luna had stopped scuffing, her hooves were not still. The zebra smiled as he would soon fix that.

Caffeinated reappeared in front of her after attaching the cuffs. He took the reins in his mouth and led her to the rings. While walking she saw his ears do an intricate dance. Luna knew he was communicating something, but she hadn’t broken the code yet. She was positioned to face the door. While some ponies had moved since her parade, her son was still there with the stallion’s club. Luna smirked as she saw how aroused he was by the site of his own mom. While Caffeinated ducked back under to attach the cuffs to the rings another set of hoof steps approached her from behind. Luna was certain it was a mare and a frown crossed her muzzle as she would have guessed it was Mapper. ‘If Caffeinated thinks he can switch positions with that mare the game will end now!’

Caffeinated sat down in front of Luna holding a cylinder in his mouth. He took the gold object with silver inlay and diamonds in his hooves. The look of fear on her face let him know that Luna knew exactly what it was. “Last knot.”

Luna scanned the audience to look anywhere but at the inhibiter Caffeinated held. When he called out ‘last knot’ a pegasus to her front started a stop watch held in his wing. ‘It is true this herd will bet on anything. If they are betting on me to use my safe word they will be disappointed.’ She heard the mare behind her retreat and was relieved that Caffeinated hadn’t chickened out. When Caffeinated reared up on his hind legs holding the cylinder high in his forehooves all of her attention riveted back on him. She felt his hooves touching her horn and sensed the ring sliding down. Not quite big enough to reach the base he gave it a small twist to ensure it was well seated. Luna assessed the power and guessed it was a level seven inhibitor. She was comforted that she could shatter it, but that was abated with fear that she would disappoint her host doing so.

Caffeinated left Luna with her mix of emotions visible in her eyes and walked over to the toy box. Mapper already had his bag ready. He picked it up in his mouth and carried it back. The zebra deposited the bag well under Luna’s chin so she wouldn’t be able to see the contents. “No blindfold for you. I want you to see the audience’s reaction. Have you been a bad pony?”

Luna could lift her head, but her tail kept her from lowering it. She scanned the room and saw ponies’ eager with anticipation. She had to look down to see Caffeinated. He sat there in complete calm. This was the Caffeinated she saw in his dreams. The one that would dominate her. “Yes.”

Caffeinated started rummaging in the bag. There was a lot of unnecessary stuff in there, but Mapper loved mind games and the sounds he was making were perfect for that.

Luna listened to the noises the zebra was making. Around her ponies watched with anticipation. Luna prided herself on the ability to read lips but this herd kept their conversations low and hid their mouths behind hooves. The sound of metal on metal drew her attention back to what was happening under her chin. ‘What could be metal in that bag? Could it be a spatula?’ The thought of being spanked by such a device sent shivers down her spine. There were additional sounds of wood and leather. Too many possibilities to contemplate.

The sounds around her changed as eyes lit up with anticipation. She felt the zebra move past her shoulder. The pegasus was making his rounds most likely taking further bets. This was a strange bunch her son and introduced to her. Most of all, to them she was just another pony to have fun with and enjoy. It was refreshing. Luna felt Caffeinated brush past her flank. Whatever it was that he chose she would soon experience it.

Something totally unexpected happened. Something very soft twirled around her nipples. So unexpected Luna let out a squeal. A hoof, which must have been covered in a glove, spanked her ass.

“Silence,” was Caffeinated’s one-word command. He held the feather in his mouth and continued to tease Luna’s breasts. With his head between her hind legs he could feel the alicorn’s arousal on his neck. He pulled back and ran the feather around the ropes over her sex and under her tail gaining another squeal from Luna. Again he spanked her ass with his gloved hoof, “Silence.”

Luna struggled to resist the feather by thinking of Equestrian Tax Codes. Then a hoof started poking and prodding the knots over sensitive flesh. The feather kept up its constant attack. A moan made it past her lips, but more than that, “Oh, so close.” A sound smack to each to each of her cutie marks.

Caffeinated raised his head to look past the alicorn. “Prince Dusk, does the word silence have a different meaning in Canterlot, or is you mother always so chatty?”

Dusk was caught up in his own little fantasy but had enough presence to answer, “Mom’s always been chatty, Caffeinated.” Dusk then leaned over to put his mouth near Trails’ ear, “I shouldn’t find this so hot.”

Trails in turn licked the Princes’ ear, “I find Caffy hot.” He felt his friend nod in reply.

Luna watch her son with his stallion friends. Their hooves running freely along each other’s undercarriage. She wanted to vanish from embarrassment. This was not the discipline she was expecting from Caffeinated’s dreams. This was torture in its kindest form.

Caffeinated could see and feel Luna once again resisting his effort so he stood up and brush along her flank as he made his way to her front.

Luna felt him brush by her flank. His mane along the secondary feathers. Shoulder on shoulder. She relaxed as this portion of the session was finally over. Then a wet feather invaded her ear and she screamed. She wanted to escape, to fly, to run. Flexing her wings brought pain from the bindings, her hooves had nowhere to go. The feather’s assault was relentless and she screamed again. When it finally withdrew Luna was left panting.

The zebra moved back into her range of vision. The feather held in a never-ending grin. He bopped her once on the nose than ran it along her lips. She resisted tasting the moisture left behind. Caffeinated raised his head and left the feather in her bridle like a trophy. He then kissed her now moist lips, and lowered his head back to the bag.

“You may now make all the noise you want,” said the zebra beneath her chin.

“Yes, Master,” Luna replied.

Caffeinated smirked, “But you’re going to pay for that one.”

Luna gave quick response, “Sorry, My Lord.”

“Better, but still not the sounds I want to hear.” Caffeinated lifted his head holding the tawse in his mouth.

Polite clapping was heard from the gathered ponies as more conversation followed. Thespian goes into giggle mode and squirms. Those near her offer hugs that she accepts.

The zebra moved past Luna brushing her sides as he went. Once behind her he could see the tense muscles waiting for the first stroke. Caffeinated briefly wondered if his dreams included all of his nature, or if Luna had selective memory of the parts she wanted to experience. There was no point in wasting a good swat on a prepared candidate. He took the tawse in his hoof and looked at the diamond between two knots exposing her swollen labia. He thrust his tongue deep inside and the squeal was a noise welcomed to his ears.

Luan had experienced the tawse before and she was prepared for the wide leather strap. She stood regally to show these ponies what she was made of. She was not prepared for the probing tongue and questing lips. Luna screamed in ecstasy. Caffeinated had held her close to the edge but now he pushed her past the point of no return. The alicorn orgasmed hard around the tongue deep inside her. He continued to drink of her essence building her to another climax. Then the tongue was gone and her ass intercepted the arc of the tawse. “Guaaha.”

Each mare had her own taste and Luna was no exception, but she was as equally delicious. After he ran her through the orgasm the zebra built her to the next. With a flip of the hoof he pulled back and grabbed the tawse out of air. This was an alicorn not one of the tribe so he swung with all of his might. He watched the leather flex on impact and felt it in his mouth. He saw the rippling of flesh as he pulled back letting go. His hoof caught the tawse. “Scuff my floor!” Again he grabbed it in his mouth swinging hard for the other cheek. “Talk back to me!”

Luna’s orgasmic pleasure gave way to the pleasure of endorphins. Earth pony strength was universal and only the wide stance of her chained to the floor kept the alicorn upright. Groans and grunts are all she could articulate. Luna wanted to respond to his list of crimes but he was too fast for her to form a coherent sentence.

Caffeinated continued his assault while Luna filled his ears with groans and whimpers. “You failed Wildfire!”

“I didn’t know!” screamed Luna.

At the count of twenty Caffeinated paused to rub the red flesh with a gloved hoof. “That’s not an excuse.”

It had been a long time since Luna let herself feel such pain. She fought back the tears, “I know My Lord.”

Caffeinated brushed along her side as he walked back to the front. Dropping the tawse in the bag the pulled out another item to show to Luna. A wooden handle with several thin leather straps attached. Each strap ended in a knot.

Thespian repeated what was common knowledge to most of the ponies there. “I made that for him! For the love of me I don’t know why I did.”

Luna regained her composure as the pain faded to a dull ache. The zebra again moved behind her to rub her sore ass with a gloved hoof. She could no longer guess what he might do next.

While Caffeinated rubbed he commented, “You are the Princess of the Night. No darkness should hide the deeds of ponies from you.”

Luna had no excuses. “I failed My Lord!” Her voice ended on a high note with the first taste of the fail on her tender flesh. The strands curled around flesh and the knots left their imprint. Between her legs, over her cutie mark. Through her neither lips framed by the diamond of rope. Indeed, the rope provided very little protection from the whip in his experienced mouth. “Punish me for my failures, My Lord,” she gritted out through clenched teeth.

“Will you be diligent in the future,” asked Caffeinated without pause in the whipping.

“I will My Lord,” Luna gasped out.

The whip continued to fall, “Make me believe,” demanded the zebra.

“I will be diligent, My Lord!” the alicorn shouted.

At the count of thirty the whipping stopped, “I believe you,” Caffeinated responded as he again rubbed with a soft hoof upon our inflamed ass.

Luna failed to hold back the tears. That was one of the most through beatings she has ever had, “Thank you My Lord.”

Caffeinated returned to the front and dropped the whip in the bag and pulled out a solid wooden hairbrush. He moved to her side and reared up with a forehoof supporting himself on her shoulder. The other hoof held the brush and he began to work it through her mane. “That takes care of your transgressions in the present, but that isn’t the end of the list, is it?”

Luna sighed at the brushing. It was something Octavia would do to ease her stress of the day. The question though was not something she wanted to dwell on. Her past was nothing to be proud of and she had hoped it wouldn’t find its way back to the present. Her voice a mere whisper, “No, My Lord.”

Airmail leaned against Mapper, “Does that count?” she asked pointing a hoof.

“No,” replied Mapper, “a little leakage doesn’t count.”

Caffeinated continued to brush the ethereal mane. “I’ll not punish you for the past. For the ponies that were disappointed by your failure. For the lives lost in your honour.” He could feel the alicorn shiver under his hoof knowing his words were hitting the mark. “You have returned to us. Will you stand up for the ponies that need you? Will you stop the abuse?”

Luna found herself again on the brink. She was thankful that he didn’t bring up ‘her’ name, but his words stung like the whip he used. “We try My Lord, but it…it isn’t enough.”

Caffeinated dropped down taking the brush back in his mouth. He moved it through the fur on her side and flank. Once behind her he reared up again putting a hoof on her tender ass and taking the brush in the other. He worked the soft bristles through the rope to her tail. “I’ve listened to your son. Canterlot is not the city of dreams. It has fallen far Luna. Ponies will rise up at your command. Will you not write the wrongs?”

Luna stood there with tears. He didn’t understand. He couldn’t understand. “I’m not able, My Lord.” She felt him fall away as the brushing stopped. Then she learned the other side of the brush is not so soft, and let out a yelp.

Caffeinated put all of his force into the brush strokes. “Will you stand up to the nobles?”

Luna stuttered through the intense pain, “We t-try. It f-fails.”

The zebra knew he has crossed a line. The frustration of his tribe swelled within him. “Will you stand up to your sister?”

Luna cried out, “I cannot! I will not!”

Caffeinated let the brush sail from his grasp over the heads of a few ponies towards the toy box. He lays his head on her rump, “Will you not fight for your son and those who are oppressed?”

Luna was still in shock from the pain and the turmoil of her own inner demons. “I…I c-can’t stand against her. N-never again.”

Caffeinated tore the glove from his hoof and smacked her ass hard. “Don’t face her alone. Bring the other Princesses and evidence.”

“It will not matter,” Luna stated through sniffles.

The zebra smacked her ass again, but not as hard. “You don’t need to fight your sister. You need her on your side. Will you try?”

Luna sniffed. What was one more failure in her life? “I will try.”

“That is all we’ve ever wanted. A thousand years ago and today.” He lifted his head and moved back to the front. “I forgive you and you can be a good pony now.” Caffeinated kisses her lips. “I’m not the monster you fear, nor can I do this any longer. Will you forgive me?”

“I can forgive you,” Luna returned the kiss.

Caffeinated undid the wing bindings from the bridle. “Mapper, some assistance please.” Once again Serenity lit her horn and lifted the zebra over Luna. He worked his way up the wings undoing the binding. “Level your wings please.”

Luna felt the relief of her wings no longer pulled together. She fluttered the feathers as she lowered them parallel to the floor with a sigh.

Serenity deposited Caffeinated at one wing tip. The zebra worked his way in removing the rope. He crossed her front to have Luna nuzzle his flank. He quickly repeated the process on the other wing. “You may fold them now.” As she did so he walked up to her side and reared up placing his hooves on her back. He took hold of the rope, “Would you like to keep these ropes on?” He gave them a twist.

“Ahhhhh!” was Luna’s only response as the knots dug deep.

“Was that a yes, Luna? Or a, I need to think about it?” as he twisted them again.

“Yes,” the alicorn gasped, “please leave the ropes on.”

Caffeinated laughed as he got down and ducked under to remove the cuffs. Once finished he moved to her front, “You’re on Free Time Luna for as long as you wish.”

Luna brought her hooves closer together in a more comfortable stance, “Thank you, My Lord.”

The zebra smiled, “Please Luna, just Caffy is fine. There is no pony worthy to be your Lord or Master.”

Luna returned the smile, “As you wish Caffy.” The alicorn laid on the floor to collect herself. The pain in her ass would last for a good while. “I do think your dreams though speak otherwise.”

Caffeinated shakes his head, “My dreams are my own dear Luna. I can master the alicorn of my dreams, but you are never to be mastered.” He lowers his head and voice, “Least of all by your fears.”

She reached up to pull him into a hug, her voice low, “Were it so easy.” Louder Luna asked, “So, did that match your dreams?”
The zebra nuzzled her and stood back up. “As close as mortal flesh can, I believe.”

Luna nodded, “I’ll settle for that. This was quite the experience for me. Most intense.” She scanned the ponies around them. “Airmail, who won?”

Airmail shrugged her shoulders. “Mapper ruled that the pre-cum at seven minutes and thirty two seconds didn’t count as ejaculation. Nine minute has passed since last knot.”

“Well then,” commented Luna as she rolled to her back. Come here Caffy and let me give you a blow job.”

The zebra stood there stunned, “What?”

Luna beckoned with a hoof. “Come now, let me suck you off.”

“Wewe ni Mungu wa Usiku na si baadhi ya kawaida uasherati mitaani!” Caffeinated shouted. He then turned his back to her and marched towards the exit.

Luna blinked. This wasn’t how this was supposed to go. “Caffy wait.” The zebra didn’t stop. He had called her a common street whore. “Caffeinated, please wait.” Still the zebra continued to leave. Luna snapped as she rolled back up onto her hooves. “We, Princess Luna command thee to halt!” The zebra stopped in mid step.

Luna closed her eyes now that he had stopped. “We have wronged thee, and thou grievance with us is most fair.” Luna opened her eyes, “We would beseech thee to consider forgiveness for the actions we have taken.”

Caffeinated turned around to face the Goddess of the Moon. “Do you wish this to continue?”

“Yeah verily,” Luna replied, “We would seek to deepen the bond between us.”

“We are herd,” Caffeinated responded. “You must ask.”

Luna nodded, “We ask…I would like the honour of you mounting me, Caffeinated.”

“Thespian,” inquired the zebra of his wife, “May I service another mare?”

“As long as I get to watch,” responded the mare, “yes.”

Caffeinated approached the Princess, “How small of an audience do you wish.”

Luna smiled, “You are herd, so all of you are welcome to stay. Thespian, you may participate as you wish.”

Mapper shouts out, “Get your popcorn while it’s hot. Serenity, pony up to the bar. It’s Showtime!”

Caffeinated kissed Luna, “I do get by with a little help from my friends.”

“So I see,” Luna said with a smile. “If you could be gentle. My flanks are a little sore.”

“Can you pretend your hooves are still tied, or should I retie them?” asked the zebra.

Luna trotted to the rings and with her magic reattached the cuffs. “There you go.”

Caffeinated kissed her again and then along the bridle and down her neck. “I will concede that your horn has many uses.”

Thespian moved to Luna’s front and kissed her, “Has my husband lived up to his role?”

“I’ll voice no complaints,” Luna said as she kissed her back.

Thespian gave her one more kiss and then ducked under Luna’s legs.

Caffeinated moved down her flank. “You do have beautiful wings. I could see how uncertain you were when I bound them together.”

“I know,” Luna said as she flutters the feathers. “It’s always been a fear of mine.”

“You did well to not let that fear master you.” He chewed on her cutie mark. “This is in all of my dreams.”

Luna winced from the pain that was there being added to by the zebra’s teeth. “Yes, I remember. You came so close to getting my safe word when you spoke of Wildfire.”

Caffeinated realised the pain he was causing and stopped chewing as he reared up to loosen the ropes. “I think Airmail and Tempest, along with the herd will help to sort her out. Still you were in charge and I thought the punishment given fit the crime.”

“Indeed,” said Luna, “though I don’t know what stung worse. The lashes or the words.”

With the ropes loosened Caffeinated came back down on his hooves. Thespian reached around to pull the ropes to one side inducing more pain as they moved over fresh welts. “There is no way I was going to squeeze myself between those ropes.”

Luna nodded, “I understand. I can take it my friend.”

Underneath Thespian suckled on a nipple getting a cooing response from the mare above her. “She still good on the bindings, love.”

“My test to see if Thespian has been bound to long,” stated the zebra. “When it really hurts I know it is time to let her out.”

“Your rope work is splendid, Caffeinated,” commented the alicorn.

“Well Luna, let’s see if I can be splendid at anything else?” Caffeinated reared up placing his forehooves just behind the wing joint and shuffled forward. He entered the alicorn in one smooth motion into her warm depths.

Luna knew Caffeinated was a good sized stallion and the weight on her back felt comfortable. His entry was swift with none of the poking and prodding in quest for the opening. It had been a long while since she last entertained a stallion. The weight increased as she shuffled forward until his hooves touched hers. Well braced by the bindings Luna pushed back against his thrusts and worked her inner magic to bring Caffeinated to a climax he’d never forget.

Caffeinated’s original plan of bringing Luna up and back down before finishing her off had fled. She was so tight that he had to drag himself out and knew he wouldn’t last much longer. Instead he kept a single minded focus of in and out harder and faster till the pleasure carried him away.

Thespian revelled underneath the two. With Luna’s slit spread wide it was easy to lap at her clitoris, and each thrust forward brought her husband’s testicles to her waiting tongue. She saw the signs that her stallion would soon climax, and the sneaky mare over her was too busy pushing him to that for her own pleasure. ‘That won’t do at all.’ Thespian moved forward and eyed the unbitten nipple and bit.

“Buuuck!” shouted Luna with her concentration shattered. Pleasure overwhelmed her senses. “Buck me!” The stallion surged forward his forelegs pulled back on the wings. Luna was adrift in ecstasy, but a small part of her consciousness realised this was an orgasm she would not soon forget.

Thespian moved her head back to the juncture just in time. She watched Caffeinated surge forward and stay with his thigh muscles twitching. Luna’s taunt belly above her and ridged legs to either side. The blue / grey mare was in heaven. Muzzle deep in the all you could drink fountain bar.

Sonic leaned over to his wife, “I’m going to be in need of a serious rutting tonight.” Trails replied with a kiss.

Poor Dusk had made a mess on the Dungeon floor. “I don’t think I’ll be able to look at my mom in the same way.”

Omega nuzzled the Prince. “Well I think that’s only fair after the show you gave her.”

Dusk nodded in return unable to take his eyes off the scene. Then Omega bit his ear which caused him to look up. He saw the herd gathering near the toy boxes and passing out score cards. He got up to join them in this fun activity.

Caffeinated rested across Luna’s back as he panted hard. The feel of his wife’s tongue was rather soothing.

Luna relaxed under the pony’s weight and could hear and feel the sensuous tongue working between her legs. “Th-thank you Caffy. That was wonderful.”

“Thank you Goddess of my Dreams,” Caffeinated said between breaths, “Love, I’m going to be extra frisky tonight.”

Thespian laughed, “You won’t get any complaints from me, but I think you both need to turn around.”

The zebra backed up and pulled his softening member from the alicorn. Luna used her magic to release the cuffs and the two of the turned as Thespian stood up on the other side of Luna. “I think you two should both get Tony’s,” the mare giggled.

Luna gave out a shaky laugh as she looked over the herd with elevens held up but for one pink unicorn holding a nine. She wanted to question that when the zebra nudged her shoulder.

“That would be my fault,” stated Caffeinated. “I failed to get you to use your safe word.”

“And she’s still coherent,” added Mapper getting of a general round of laughter.

Caffeinated readjusted the tortoise shell bindings and tightened the knots. “I’m going to remove the breast bindings and tail sleeve.”

“I’m feeling tender down there.” Luna laughed, “Then it could be how often I’ve been bitten. I do want to wear the rest for now.”

Thespian nuzzled Luna. “Not sure how that happened. Thank you Luna, for proving he is still young.” The mare trotted off to join the rest of the herd.

Caffeinated smiled, “That is good as I was going to leave the harness and bridle anyways.”

“Do I look good in a bridle?” Luna asked.

“You are the Goddess of my Dreams.” He finished his repair of the knots and twisted the harness for extra measure.

“Yeeeesssss,” squeaked the alicorn. “You are good at this.” Once Caffeinated was off her back she turned and gave him a kiss. “Thank you, you were a wonderful Dom.”

Caffeinated bowed low. “You have been a wonderful guest.”

“Silly, there is no need to bow,” giggled Luna.

“I can bow when I wish dear Luna,” remarked the zebra. “Besides there are parts of a pony you can better see from down her than one would normally see.”

Luna laughed, “Haven’t you seen enough of me?”

Caffeinated stood and smiled, “Not even in my dreams.”

“Then I should come back and show you more.” Luna moved over to the rest of the herd with Caffeinated. “I think I’ll relax in the mare’s room and enjoy a well-rewarded drink.”

Caffeinated noticed Thespians messy face and laughed. “I’ll bid you a good night then Luna. I have a muzzle clean up in aisle mare to take care of.”

Luna looked over at Thespian and the matted fur around her face. “You do enjoy that. I’ll see you again in the morning.”

Other ponies said their good nights to which Luna returned them. When Dusk approached, “Mom, I’m glad you enjoyed yourself tonight.”

“Thank you, son.” Luna released a soft sigh, “This does bring home how much I miss my wife not being here.”

“I understand, mom,” Dusk said with a smile. “I’m going to give Vocal a call in the morning.” He turned and trotted off through the door held by Omega.

Luna found herself in the room with five other ponies. “We will join you in the mare’s room if that is alright with you Princess?” asked Mapper.

Luna raised her nose a bit higher, “It is good then that we seek company for the night.” The six mares broke out in giggles. “Airmail, how fared our bet?”

Airmail rolled her eyes, “Somehow Tinkerer claims he accidently reset the stop watch. You’ve earn the cookie and the boon though, and I’ll be happy to receive the cake when you can bring it. Maybe next month for gaming night? It’s in two weeks.”

“Thank you Airmail; we can all share the cookie. So,” Luna questioned, “What sort of games do you play?”

“I like the grand strategy games,” answered Airmail, “and it may be of no surprise that I like first pony shooter games.”

“I prefer games of chance,” added Mapper.

Tempest responded, “I like to play cards, like bridge or canasta.”

Luna looked at the other two, “What about you two?” It was then that Luna remembered that Serenity was still wearing the ball gag from earlier.

Mapper spoke up, “Serenity helps Thespian as hostess, or she plays with the foals.”

Wildfire felt Airmail’s wing nudge her, “I like to play Mortal Kombat,” the diminutive pegasus answered.

Luna was surprised by Wildfire’s answer, but didn’t show it. “I like gaming console games and Octavia really likes racing games. I might be able to make room in my royal schedule for an appearance next month.” She joined the others in laughter as they left the Dungeon.

~ ~ ~

Mapper held the door open in her magic as they entered the Mare’s Room. “I’m happy you’re all spending the night with me,” Luna said as she took a cloud filled futon. She noted there was a stack of empty clean ones in the room.

“Junior Pet will be filling them tomorrow. If you like there are cloud beds upstairs,” added Mapper.

Serenity moved to the bar taking her roll of hostess and made drinks for the group.

“Thank you for the offer,” responded Luna, “but I find this room to be very relaxing.” Luna giggled, “I wouldn’t mind seeing my flying buddy again once I’ve recovered.”

Tempest laughed, “Want to barrow a maid’s outfit and serve Requiem breakfast in bed?”

Luna nodded, “I don’t see why not, but then, do you just want to see me in a maid’s dress?”

The others only smiled in reply.

After Serenity served drinks, Mapper spoke up, “Very well played Luna. It looks like everypony got something out of it, but not as much as much as somepony may have wanted.”

Luna looked the mare over, “Are you upset I didn’t safe word out?”

Mapper shook her head, “No, Caffy wasn’t the pony to take you there. I think Thespian humours him by using hers. Still, he did come close though, didn’t he? He can spank the mind as well as he can spank the ass.”

Luna gave off a soft sigh, “Oh, Mapper, he came close alright. His words about Wildfire stung worse than his hoof.”

Wildfire, rested between Airmail and Tempest, faced in Luna’s direction. Her scent was quite powerful. “What did he mean by that?”

Mapper continued, “I thought it was the mention of your sister…” she paused to allow Wildfire her time.

“Yes Mapper, that too stung,” Luna looked over to the yellow pegasus, “Wildfire, he meant that had I delved a little deeper, and done my job properly, that I would have noticed what they were up to sooner.”

“That wasn’t your fault though,” Wildfire retorted, “They hid what they did very well.”

Tempest spoke up, “Wily, when you were a firefighter, were you in charge?” She saw the relief on Luna’s face for the distraction.

“No,” Wildfire replied, “I had supervisors. I was a reserve firefighter.”

Tempest continued, “So if a pony made a mistake was the supervisor held responsible or the pony under the supervisor?”

Wildfire thought it over for a moment before she answered, “The supervisor was ultimately responsible as they were in charge of the job and training. But we were expected to be responsible for our own actions. We couldn’t be watched all the time.”

Tempest agreed, “So, Luna was responsible as the Princess. Amethyst was responsible for her position, and couldn’t be watched all the time. Caffy thinks that no one really watched Amethyst and that is the fault of the supervisor.”

Lune spoke up softly, “And he was right, wasn’t he?”

Wildfire shrugged her shoulders, “He might’ve been right, but that doesn’t mean I blame you for it, Mistress Luna.”

Airmail spoke up, “Didn’t you forgive Luna, Wily?”

Wildfire nodded, “Of course I did. I can’t make her forgive herself though.”

“I know Wily.” Airmail returned nuzzling the mare, “and that isn’t our job.”

Mapper picked up the conversation, “It wasn’t Caffy’s job either. Thirty-five years ago he would have tried to get you to revolt again. Then you weren’t back yet. Now he better understands, but he still isn’t in your sister’s court.”

“No, I get the idea he isn’t too keen on Tia,” Luna replied with a smile.

Tempest interjected, “It isn’t that, sure Caffy isn’t Celestia’s biggest fan, but Thespian’s family is. They were none too happy that you returned.”

“Not many ponies were Tempest,” Luna said with a hoof to her chest, “Until I found Tavi, I would have been more than happy being sent back to the moon.”

Mapper stamped a hoof on the floor, “The point of all this is we can’t please every pony, nor can we truly displease every pony. Learn from the past and don’t relive it. Embrace your failures and commit them no more.” The pink unicorn laughs, “If only I would listen to my own lessons.”

“A good point,” Luna added, “if only we had hindsight before it was needed.”

After a pause of reflection Airmail asked, “What was it like on the moon? Were you awake the whole time?”

Luna’s eyes took on a distant look. “I was awake every second. Think of a prisoner beating on the door of a cell, but no guards ever coming to see what the noise was.” Luna refocused her look on Airmail. “Whatever you may make of that, coming home was worse, far worse.”

Airmail nodded, “I guess I was hoping that you’d sleep for the thousand years. Most ponies didn’t care one way or the other about your return. Sure you had both supporters and detractors when you first came back. I’d like to think you have less detractors now.”

“As would I, Airmail,” responded Luna. “There were quite a few nobles that wanted to send me straight back, and I would have let them too, only my sister intervened.”

“I don’t think our little group is enough to hide you away, Luna,” Mapper added, “but you will be welcome to this refuge. Caffy does have the right of it. Your fight is in Canterlot, not here.”

Luna nodded, “Ah yes, Canterlot. I think whether or not Tia likes it, there will be changes made.”

Tempest voiced her opinion, “Why do you assume she won’t like the changes? Maybe she is just unwilling to be the one that makes those changes.”

“We may be Princesses, but we don’t hold all the power,” Luna responded, “There are many noble families almost as old as us who hold much sway. Political egos must be stroked to get anything done, and Tia is a master at that dance.”

“How much more can your reputation be tarnished?” Airmail asked.

“Mine?” Luna laughs, “Not much more than it already is.” Luna readjusts her position on the futon.

Airmail waves a hoof to make a point. “You try to pass changes and your sister resists. You push the change with the common ponies.” She looked Luna in the eye, “You do have more on your side than you may realize. Anyway, Celestia still resists, but she will eventually bow to the will of public opinion. It is out of her hooves and the changes are made. She tried to stop them so saves face with the nobles. It is you that takes the hit and ponies will either curse you or rejoice in your name.”

Mapper added, “Not much different than is it now.”

Luan gives it thought as she fidgeted some more. “No, not much difference at all. I like it. Maybe I should hire you all as my royal advisers.”

Mapper laughs, “I don’t think you can afford our salaries, but as your would be adviser I suggest you get out of that harness.”

Luna looks back at Mapper, “I rather like the feel of the ropes.”

Mapper shakes her head, “Yes, I can tell by how you fidget, and besides it would make waking up for a midnight pee a rather messy prospect.”

“I have taken your words under advisement, and find them to be true.” Luna giggles as she lights her horn and undoes the tortoise shell bindings leaving the rope in a corner of the room. “Unless my advisor has further words I’ll leave the bridle on.”

“Fine by me, your highness,” responded Mapper with a smile. “Now for some herd business. Wildfire, will you follow an order from Princess Luna?”

Wildfire snapped her head up from her nuzzling of Airmail, “Yes! I would, anypony would.”

“Why?” asked Mapper.

Wildfire thought the answer was obvious, “Because she is a Princess and she has authority.”

Mapper shook her head, “You have failed, Pet. Reflect on the day and try to answer again.”

Wildfire tried to figure out where she went wrong but came up empty, “Ah, well, that, and I trust that her order wouldn’t do me any harm to carry it out.”

Mapper nodded, “Trust is very important, Pet. You should be able to know if an order will save your life or another’s and be willing to carry it out. Still your answer is wrong for my question.”

Wildfire’s ears drooped, “I’m sorry Mistress.”

Airmail wrapped her lover up in a hug with wing and leg. She whispered in her ear loud enough to be heard by all, “Didn’t Mapper tell you earlier today to obey Mistress Luna as if it were herself?”

Wildfire exclaimed, “That’s right! And I would too.”

“Then, my dear Pet,” Mapper said, “your answer should have been, ‘I obey Mistress Luna because she has the authority of Mistress Mapper.”

Wildfire with her ears still down, “I have failed you Mistress.”

“You have, Pet,” Mapper agreed as she looked around and spotted the prize they were going to share. “No cookie for you.” Mapper giggled, “Junior Pet, I revoke Mistress Luna’s right to order you as if she were me. Do you understand?”

Wildfire’s ears perked up. She was still trying to wrap her head around how much different punishment was here. “I do Mistress.”

Mapper’s tone took on an indifference, “Junior Pet you are on Free Time. If Luna should ask you to do something and it is something you’d like to do, may you do so?”

Wildfire smiled with understanding, “Yes, because it is a request, not an order, and it is something that I would like to do.”

“We should test this then.” Mapper turned to Luna and puckered her lips while she pointed at Wildfire.

“Wildfire,” Luna asked, “would you please give me a kiss?”

“Yuppers,” said the cheerful Wildfire. She stood up between her lovers and made her way over to Luna by the sound of her voice and sense of smell. When Wildfire leaned in for the kiss, Luna met her half way.

Mapper pointed to her hoof and then to her mouth.

Luna broke the kiss. “Thank you Wildfire, that was most pleasant. Maybe you’d do me the honour of cleaning my hoof?”

Wildfire began to knell but then stood back up. “I’m sorry Mistress Luna, but I cannot. Mistress Mapper has forbidden me to do that while I wear these.” Wildfire lifted a hoof to show her galoshes.

Mapper smiled, “Junior Pet, please go to the Wet Room. Do you remember where that is?”

Wildfire turned to Mapper’s voice, “Yes, Mistress.”

“Good pet,” Mapper continued, “when you are in there remove the galoshes and clean your hooves as they must be quite smelly by now. Leave the galoshes outside the wet room and then return here. You may go.”

“Yes Mistress,” with her wings as guides Wildfire left the room and closed the door behind her.

Mapper looked over at the bar where her wife stood ready to replenish any drinks. “Are you still cold Senior Pet?” Serenity shook her head. “Will you bite anyone without permission?” Again Serenity shook her head. Mapper waved her to come close and when she did the pink unicorn removed the coat and ball gag before she embraced the unicorn in a hug. “It would be a good time to start sharing that cookie.”

Airmail laughed, “Only if Luna gets first bite, after all she won it.”

Luna smiled, “Yes, let’s share.”

Mapper looked at the two pegasi side by side. “What are your plans for Wildfire?”

Airmail started off, “She is moving in with us and I want her to learn independence.”

Tempest followed up, “She wants a job, and I have contacts so that shouldn’t be any problem. With a wing mate she can do most any pegasi jobs.”

“She really wants a foal,” Airmail stated.

“She really, really wants a foal,” Tempest added.

Mapper responded, “Are you two up for that? You really don’t have the space.”

“A foal?” Luna questioned.

Tempest answered Mapper, “We were considering getting a bigger place anyways.”

Airmail answered with a smile,” Yes, Luna, a foal.”

Luna kept her voice steady, “Is this her idea, or is it something they cooked up to control her?

Airmail responded, “Not from what I can tell and I did dig.”

Tempest nodded, “I also looked into it. It is a strong desire and well before the time of her accident.”

“Next herd meeting we will have a vote for her to join the greater herd.” Airmail offered. “Then she will have any of the herd stallions to choose from.”

Tempest agreed, “She already has Tinkerer in mind for that and she likes Belle.”

Luna nodded, “Then I wish her good luck in this endeavour.”

Mapper pawed at the floor, “Would you want this bigger place to hold all of us?”

Tempest tilted her head, “Mapper, we don’t live together now, and I don’t think we want to make you move in to foal sit.”

Mapper nuzzled her wife. “You may speak freely.”

Serenity kissed her Mistress and then held her head high. “I too would like a foal, but a sitter has been an issue for me.”

Airmail was in shock, “Okay, that was a bombshell.”

Tempest was no less shocked, “So, a united mare’s herd is something you’d agree to Mapper?”

Mapper nuzzled Serenity and responded, “If we can put behind us that which separated us, and ensure the foals would be well taken care of then yes, I would like for our mini-herd to be reunited.”

Airmail spoke up, “Even if she does want a foal, we’re not sure when.”

Serenity smiled, “I can wait. Trumpet already knows my desire.”

Mapper added, “So we let it ride. We can reunite, and Wily can find her job. If she still wants a foal, we go from there.”

Airmail was quite pleased by this day, “Yeah, it will be nice to be back together.” The door opened and cut off anything else she might have said.

Wildfire entered the room and announced, “All clean, Mistress.”

Mapper looked at the smiling face and smiled herself, “Come here for inspection.”

Wildfire moved forward to stand in front of Mapper.

Mapper took a forehoof in hers and carefully inspected the hoof before she sniffed deeply. She then, very slowly, licked the hoof with a swirling tongue.

Wildfire shuddered at the touch and let out an audible moan of pleasure.

“Mistress Luna,” Mapper inquired, “You view is better than mine. Did she just wet herself?”

Yes, Mistress Mapper,” Luna responded, “Very much so.” Mapper nodded to her so Luna asked, “Wildfire, would you please clean my hooves?”

“Yes, I would love to,” Wildfire responded quickly before she sobered up, “If you have nothing else for me to do Mistress Mapper?”

Mapper was reminded how cute this mare was, “You may use your Free Time as you wish Junior Pet, but do keep that tail pointed my way.”

Wildfire moved over and knelt before Luna. She felt the alicorn extend a forehoof under her chin. She takes the offered hoof in her mouth like a foal on Hearth’s Warming Eve.

Mapper watched while she lavished attention on Serenity. Airmail and Tempest snuggled closer together and enjoyed the show.

Mapper yawned and snuggled against her wife, “Remember Junior Pet, no cookie.” With a smile the pink unicorn closed her eyes.

Wildfire flicked an ear in recognition of the command, but her attention was focused on the hoof before her.

Wildfire started on the second hoof when Luna yawned. She saw that Mapper was fast asleep and it appeared Serenity was sleeping too. “It is okay if you stop, Wildfire.”

Wildfire lifted her mouth from the hoof. “You can rest Mistress Luna. I can finish these up.”

“Wily,” Airmail interceded, “I don’t think Luna has any pony to snuggle with.”

“Oh,” realisation struck Wildfire, “Oh! Mistress Luna, would you like a snuggle?”

Luna nodded, “I would love one, thank you.”

Wildfire moved to lay next to the alicorn nuzzling her coat. In turn Luna draped a wing over the pegasus. Luna looked at Airmail and Tempest as they drifted off to sleep in each other’s hooves. It hadn't been the best of her days, but it most certainly has ended well.