Four of a Kind

by LegionofPony

First published

After months of dating, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle invite their coltfriends Button Mash and Tender Taps to the Cutie-Mark Crusader's Clubhouse for a rather intimate tour – of both the building...and themselves.

After months of dating, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle finally invite their coltfriends Button Mash and Tender Taps to the Cutie-Mark Crusader's Clubhouse for a guided tour...during their estrus, after planning it together for months among themselves. Needless to say, exactly what is expected to happen, happens.


Contains: M/F + M/F foursome, anatomically correct ponies (including teats and clitoral winking, and penile flaring), clueless first time: cunnilingus, fellatio, first-time vaginal sex (again, consensual foalcon) including deflourations, (comparatively) large insertion, very deep penetration, being watched having sex with some involvement of other parties, internal cumshots, belly bulge, unintentional breeding and impregnations, obligatory horrible gaming-related puns, and lots of snuggles and love.



Written and edited by me, LegionofPony.

Special thank you to Koekelbag for his proofreading and editing of this story, as well as giving me a few ideas throughout the editing process to improve the story.

Cover art is a snipped version of the image that I was told inspired this story's idea, and was created by 'shutterflyeqd' of Derpiboo.

This story was commissioned by Corey19. Thank you again, very much, for your patronage.

Stacking the Deck

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"So, is everythin' ready?" Apple Bloom asked, looking to her friend as they stood outside their clubhouse, awaiting their guests.

"Yep!" Sweetie replied enthusiastically, going over the check-list she had levitated in her minty-green magic.

"Ya made sure yer Moon Tea's gonna wear off at th' right time? Wouldn't wanna mess that timin' up. Wouldn't wanna be feelin’ like ya don't want it after all this plannin’."


"Ya had a good meal? We ain't leavin' here 'til tomorrow mornin' iffin all goes well.”

"Yes, Apple Bloom..."

"Ya told yer beau Button Mash ta meet ya here?"

"Yes, Apple Bloom, yes, I did everything we planned. Especially inviting my coltfriend Button."

"Great!" Apple Bloom said, noting Sweetie's slightly annoyed expression and tone, then dismissing it as just part of their shared 'condition'; "Sorry, Ah jus' want this ta go as smoothly as possible. It's just a right stroke'a luck that Scootaloo's away with Rainbow Dash visitin' th' Wonderbolts HQ up in Cloudsdale. We may not get th' Clubhouse all to our lonesome like this again for a right long time. Especially not with th'...circumstances...just right like they are right now..."

"Yes Apple Bloom, you said this like ten times already! Everything will go fine if you just stop worrying about it!" Sweetie said, placing a white-coated foreleg around her lemon-yellow-coated friend's withers, earning a gentle shudder from her and seeing her cherry-red mane gently sway with that motion. "You know they'll agree to it."

"Ah know, Ah know they will Sweetie Belle, we're four of a kind af'er all. It's jus'...Ahm nervous, 'at's all. It's mah first time doin' anythin'' Ah want everythin' goin' perfect."

"Yeah, it' first time too."

"Ah hope th' boys don't get too rough. Ah want it so bad, but..."

Sweetie kept a comforting hoof on Apple Bloom, giving her a smile. "I'm sure it'll be fine. We just need to set out the rules before we start. So you did invite your coltfriend Tender Taps? If so, I hope he lives up to his name today."

"Yeah, Ah invited him, didn't tell him what for though, as planned. What, ya thought Button Mash would be playin' all th' 'games' with both'a us all on his lonesome? Ah know he's a strong Earth Pony, but Ah donno if he has that kinda endurance!"

Sweetie laughed a short, high-pitched laugh, before nodding. "I think you're right. Especially with what we have planned."

Their conversation was interrupted by the distant clop of hooves on dirt, their ears perking up upon seeing a pony approaching from the dirt path leading to their clubhouse. His coat was a dark amber, his mane a tangelo-orange with a streak of lighter orange. As they saw him get closer, they saw he wore the red and yellow hat with the green propeller that always seemed to be moving slightly. Eventually he reached the two young mares, giving a wave of his hoof.

"Hi you two!" the colt said in his usual, excited tone, waving at the two fillies equally as excitedly as his voice was, "You wanted me to come here? Sweetie said we were going to be playing a game?! What is it!? Maretroid? Castleva-neigh-a?"

"Hi Button Mash!" Sweetie said, going up and giving her coltfriend a hug, pushing into it a little more than usual as well as grinding her chest against his briefly. In his excitement, he didn't really notice.

"So, so, what're we playing?!" Button asked persistently in his scratchy, prepubescent voice that had yet to deepen despite him starting puberty already, his tail swishing excitedly. He loved video games, and the prospect of getting to play them with his fillyfriend was something he looked very much forward to every time it was offered.

"Well, it's gonna be a game you've never played before I'm sure..." Sweetie purred, looking deeply into his amaranth-and-amber-orange eyes, "...matter of fact, it's called—"

Just as Sweetie was about to reveal just what the game was going to be and ruin the surprise, their ears perked up to the padding of hooves in a trotting gait they all three heard approaching.

"S-sorry I'm late! I had to stay over for dance practice, and..." stammered out the voice of another young stallion, his voice heard before he was seen clearly. As he came into focus, the trio saw he had a coat of brilliant orange, his mane a mulberry-purple of two tones.

"Howdy Tender Taps! Glad y'all could make it!" Apple Bloom called out, though she did little to hide the longing in her voice.

"Hey love," Tender replied as he closed in on his mare-friend, giving her a deep kiss on the lips in greeting, "so what's this about? You said you wanted to show me something? Oh, hi Button Mash!"

Button Mash returned the wave and a hoof-bump to his long-time friend, them knowing each other since they were year-old foals, and being friends for nearly as long. "Hey, any idea why we're here? I thought we were going to play some video games!" Button asked him, bouncing impatiently.

Apple Bloom glanced over to Sweetie Belle, getting a subtle nod, the signal that it was time to put their long-planned event into action. "Well, yeah, we both wanted to show and share something very important to us to you two: The Cutie Mark Crusader Clubhouse!" Sweetie announced, flamboyantly displaying with her hooves the simple wooden shack that the Cutie Mark Crusaders were only too happy to call their own.

Both colts were a bit confused, but waited to see what else was in store. "Wow, it's...nice." Tender said, rubbing the back of his head.

"Yeah, great." Button offered with the same lack of enthusiasm Tender displayed, though both at least tried to fake interest. After all, what could be so exciting about an old wooden shack deep in an apple orchard, they wondered.

"Well, this here's where Sweetie, Scootaloo an' Ah planned out how we were gonna get our Cutie Marks, an' where we still consider our headquarters," Apple Bloom announced, stepping forward towards the door and nodding for the others to come forth, "and it's with great pleasure that Sweetie an' Ah give you a grand tour!"

Again, the colts' 'enthusiasm' was displayed with confused looks. " invited us out here to show us your clubhouse?"

"...and not to play video games?" Button followed up.

"Well don't you worry dear Sir Gribblith of Candoria, there are plenty of games and adventures to be had within my walls!" Sweetie exclaimed excitedly, almost too excitedly, as to give away the tease. Her tail flagged over her back suddenly as she thought of what was likely to come, before quickly rectifying it by forcing her uncooperative appendage between her legs, blushing heavily, "I-I mean, these four walls! Yeah..."

The colts, clueless as ever, simply stared...though with more interest at Sweetie, with flagging her tail being an instinctive invitation to...

Something. Something was tugging at the back of their minds. A mare doing that with her tail meant something, and something seemingly very important, but neither colt had a clue what it meant. Their body, on the other hoof, and something deep in their psyche knew exactly what its meaning was.

"U-uh, anyhoo, les go!" Apple Bloom said, knocking any semblance of thought on the matter from the young colts' minds, before inviting the boys into the clubhouse.

"So this is where we used to think up great ideas for getting our Cutie Marks..." Sweetie said in a tone like a tour guide moments after entering, indicating a bulls-eye rug on the floor with a light-bulb above it.

"' this here's where we eat..." Apple Bloom said, adapting Sweetie's tone as she indicated a small, currently empty dinette table.

"...and here's our map wall..." Sweetie said excitedly, indicating the wall with their hoof-drawn map of Ponyville.

"...and this here is our bed, where we took a nap af'r a long day of crusadin', an' we even still use it sometimes!" Apple Bloom finished, indicating a large, standard-sized bed tucked in a corner that even still could likely comfortably hold four foals at once.

Needless to say, the colts were confused still, but simply hid it behind neutral smiles.

"So, what do y'all think?" Apple Bloom asked, shaking the colts from their individual reverie, looking expectantly at them.

"It's um..." Button said, looking to Tender for help.

"Yeah, it's's nice." Tender said, helping bridge Button's speech.

"...and now, for the moment you've all been waiting for..." Sweetie said, pointing to the corner which had a small TV and a couple of video game systems, "...the entertainment corner!"

Button's eyes brightened like it was Hearth's Warming, the sight of that setup telling him Sweetie's promise was true. Not that he'd had any doubt, of course. "Can we play?!" he asked, eagerness oozing from his voice, his tail swishing happily. Video games were his passion, what he lived for. Well, that and the new addition of his filly-friend Sweetie of course.

Sweetie rolled her eyes and chuckled, mussing his mane a bit. She knew how much her coltfriend liked playing video games, and she was only too happy in indulging him by buying the game system and TV mostly for him when she thought of this idea. It'd be perfect to pass time, after all. "Yes, we can play. I even got 'Pony Fighter 3! You and I can fight first, then AB and Tender can."

Button was virtually glowing at this moment. As he settled down in front of the TV and picked up the controller, he was pleasantly surprised as Sweetie sat down next to him, pressing her side to his as she picked up the other controller in her light-green magical grasp.

As the menu theme played out and the character selection screen popped up, Sweetie again nuzzled against Button's shoulder as he chose Neighyu, and the less-experienced Sweetie chose the far slower, but stronger, Zangrief.

What followed was a first round with Button defeating Sweetie horribly, his experience evident as he performed a perfect K-O on her, Sweetie simply mashing the buttons and hoping to get a hit off while Button expertly chained his combos and special moves. As the second round started, Sweetie grinned evilly. She trailed her curly tail up Button's side, making him flinch as she did. "Sweetie, stop!" Button exclaimed as he felt her tail trail over his sensitive and quite ticklish flank, then along his croup, thinking she was simply trying to distract him...before she met it with his own tail.

Button zoned out in the game as he felt Sweetie's tail intertwining with his own while she kept nuzzling into his neck, wrapping her tail around his in an ultimate sign of closeness, one of the most intimate things a pony could do with another short of kissing...or sex. Button felt his heart pounding, this only being the second time Sweetie had ever done something like this. The other time was after their first kiss, when she first told him she loved him in the playground after school when everypony had gone home already, and he'd said he loved her too and asked her right then to be his fillyfriend.

Quickly, Sweetie took up the advantage provided by her actions, scoring a 10-hit combo on Button as she finally got a feel for the controls. "Hey! No fair!" Button exclaimed, zooming back in on the game when he heard the pained grunts of his character as half of his health bar was being drained. Sweetie simply stuck out her tongue at him and grinned victoriously, though she indeed kept her tail wrapped tightly around his.

As she watched Sweetie teasing Button, Apple Bloom was doing some teasing of her own, though not so subtly. She wasn't known for her subterfuge after all, indeed very direct in her desires and needs like her sister Applejack. As such she quickly trailed a series of soft kisses up Tender's neck, with Tender shuddering under her advances. Quickly, she reached his muzzle, lifting a hoof to softly direct his gaze to hers. Without a word, Apple Bloom met her lips with those of her coltfriend, giving a soft, pleased moan. He realized her moan sounded a little too pleased for such a simple action, though he too was enjoying the gentle sensation of her soft, warm, if lightly-chapped, lips on his own, giving a soft 'mmm' of his own in return.

Trying to ignore the make-out session going on beside them, Sweetie struggled to focus on the game, having beat Button in the second round and leaving this the final battle for victory: round three. "I'm gonna get you Button!" Sweetie teased, though her tone was anything but competitive. Matter of fact, if Button wasn't mistaken, it sounded downright seductive.

"W-what?" he asked, sure he'd misheard her.

"I said, I'm gonna get you!" Sweetie repeated, in a lightly-competitive tone this time, throwing Button off his game. Trying to focus on the screen as Sweetie and him traded blow for blow now, Button couldn't help but wonder if he'd imagined Sweetie's seductive tone the first time, before hearing the pained grunts of his character taking another half-dozen blows from a well-placed combo.

Meanwhile, Apple Bloom had pressed her tongue into Tender's mouth, meeting no resistance and getting a small moan from him as the two were now laying on the seating cushions on the floor, Apple Bloom's hooves behind Tender's back, and Tender's in kind behind hers, holding each other close in an embrace. The wet smacks of their lips were quite audible in the small building, even over the game's volume. The two lovers, however, weren't too focused on how loud they were being, instead focused on the warmth of the other's muzzle on their own, the slippery sliding of their tongues within their love's mouths, the warmth and softness of their partner's fur against them in the cooling air of evening; the pleasant tingles caused by the other rolling through them.

Sweetie meanwhile had gotten even closer to Button, laying her head on his shoulder as her magic controlled her avatar, sighing contentedly as she rubbed her cheek against him. Button was trying so hard to win, his competitive side trying to achieve a victory, but it was not meant to be. Sweetie landed the final blow, to the booming announcer's call of 'K-O!', and Button watched his character fall to the ground flat on its back. Somehow, he simply didn't care. For the first time ever, he wasn't the least bit upset over losing. Well, maybe a little upset.

"You cheated..." Button said in a soft, half-hearted tone, but Sweetie simply smiled in return.

"How is showing my young stallion a little attention cheating?" Sweetie asked innocently, and Button could virtually see the halo hanging above her head.

Button simply rolled his eyes, before setting down his controller, Sweetie following suit, as they looked over to Apple Bloom and Tender. "Wow, looks like they're having fun."

The other couple was quite occupied with their partner, the wet smacks of lips meeting now joined by the pleased moans both masculine and feminine, hooves wondering lower to the other's flanks and softly rubbing over their Cutie Marks, their moans and kisses only deepening at that.

"Yeah," Sweetie started, before turning to face Button, a sultry smile on her face, "care to 'have some fun' with me too?"

Button looked like a rabbit caught in a carriage’s path. The furthest he and Sweetie had ever gone was an occasional kiss on the lips and some cuddling. Button had never wanted to impose, so they'd never gone past that. Now, however, was different.

Sweetie was suggesting it.

"So...?" Sweetie asked, giving a glance over to the other ponies, hearing them giving unrestrained 'mmm's of pleasure, with that in turn raising her own desires. She gave Button a gentle, loving nuzzle into his neck, before facing him muzzle to muzzle, her light-green eyes meeting his of amber.

Button, before Sweetie could really react, had met her lips in a deep kiss, showing his once-restrained desires to Sweetie. Sweetie was caught off guard, still for a moment. Button started to panic, his thoughts wild; <Oh no! Did I come on too strong?! Did—>

Sweetie pushed back into the kiss, giving quite a pleased little moan in response, pushing back a little more roughly than Button had anticipated. He realized that she wanted this as much as he did.

Button pressed back a little harder into the kiss, bringing himself around to face his filly and her doing the same. Their tails never separated during the positional transition, not for a moment. He then placed a hoof around her withers, pressing his chest to hers as they kissed even still, giving a quiet moan as he did. Button knew that his chest felt really good when he rubbed or otherwise stimulated it, sometimes leading to...certain uncontrollable biological reactions. The scent of male and female musk grew stronger in the air, only adding to the reactions growing in Button.

A reaction Button was fighting to restrain. It wouldn't do much good his colthood getting all stiff now, now would it. <Sweetie would probably blush and look away, or...something else bad...> Button thought, but that line of thinking was all but abolished as he felt Sweetie's hoof land on his chest. It wasn't to push him away however.

She started to rub his chest.

The earlier feeling of tension in his sheath was only exacerbated by that erotic gesture. Surely Sweetie didn't know what she was doing! "Uhm...Sweetie? That's really...sensitive." Button said, and Sweetie could see the struggled restraint in his eyes. Sweetie didn't respond, only keeping up her gentle rubbing on his chest.

Meanwhile, Apple Bloom was actively rubbing her chest against Tender's and, given how Tender's crotch was pressed against her, Apple Bloom could very clearly feel the reaction in his sheath. She felt it bulging, before feeling something warm and semi-firm pressing into her belly. Tender didn't seem to notice, too busy trying to pin her tongue with his own. Button's words, however, seemed to strike a chord with him as he'd spoken them.

As Tender noticed his peeking 'condition' pressing into his filly-friend's belly, he quickly broke the kiss, looking away with a heavy blush of both pleasure and embarrassment now on his face. He could only hope she hadn't noticed.

"Right, it's startin' t' get dark now." Apple Bloom said, getting a nod from her trio of companions. As they looked out the window, they saw the sun was setting, a vista of pinks and oranges decorating the horizon over the pink-blooming apple trees, and Button then realized something.

"So, uh, if we're having a sleepover, where are we sleeping? Do you have any sleeping bags we could use?" he asked Apple Bloom, knowing there was only one bed in the room and was more than willing to just let the fillies have it like a gentlecolt should.

"Yeah, where are we sleeping?" Tender added, looking to the room's only bed before then looking to Apple Bloom as well.

"Well, I was thinkin' we could jus' share the bed. T'gether." Apple Bloom responded, looking over to Sweetie, who shrugged.

Both colts visibly squirmed.

"Well, uh, It's just that...we're colts and you're fillies. We're not supposed to share beds." Button said, blushing a bit at the implications. After all, the only time stallions and mares shared beds were when they were married, or were going to be...

"Oh come on. We're all gettin' tired an' Ah can't jus' have mah guest an' coltfriend sleepin' on th' floor now can Ah?" Apple Bloom asked, before suddenly her expression changed drastically. Her eyes lidded, her steps became more pronounced as her flanks swayed more as she walked to Tender. "C'mon Tender, wanna come lay on the bed with me?" Apple Bloom asked Tender in a sultry voice, before tapping her front hoof three times rapidly on the floor. That was the signal.

"Yeah Button, wanna try it out? It's super comfy..." Sweetie asked Button in kind, walking by him and brushing her side to his, her tail trailing along his side and making him gently shudder in response.

"Uh..." Button said, before feeling a pleasant tingle go through him as he felt her tail travel over his stifle, tracing his blank flank.

"C'mon..." Apple Bloom cooed, nudging Sweetie Belle who then adapted the same inviting expression, "...come lay with us."

As the two mares then went and laid on the bed together, the two colts were awestruck, not sure how to react to the tones the fillies were using, nor the implications of them. As the pieces fell into place as they both realized how often Apple Bloom and Sweetie had to excuse themselves to the outhouse during their time together, how close and physical they'd been with them all day – almost never out of physical contact with their lover, and certainly not out of the room – and with how much their tails were swishing, the two colts felt their bodies stiffen.

"Are" Button stammered out, not sure how to say it without being awkward.

Fortunately for him, Tender was more direct. "Are you two experiencing your...heat?" he asked, using a tone that suggested he didn't really know what he was asking.

Sweetie once more looked to Apple Bloom, with her looking back, then nodded. "Well, yes." Apple Bloom said frankly, "Sweetie an' Ah are both 'in heat'."

"...and we need your help getting rid of it." Sweetie finished.

Both colts looked like they'd seen a ghost.

Dealing Two Kings

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Both colts looked like they'd faint as both fillies spoke the key words, telling them that they were in estrus. Realizing the physical signs of their estrus and their pheromones that had been flooding the room with their fertile scent for some time now, both colts had been too distracted to notice it before. As their nostrils flared on instinct, taking in the scent of two ready-to-breed fillies as their attention was brought to it, their mating instincts were set alight by the pheromones their filly-friends let off.

"W-WHAT?! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US THAT SOONER!? OH NO, WE GOTTA GO TENDER, WE GOTTA GO OR..." Button said in a panic, remembering vividly the thorough warnings he'd heard to try and avoid mares in heat, lest a stallion or colt 'give in to their urges and mount her', but was never told why that was a bad thing, or even what 'mounting' was or did....nor what their 'urges' were.

This was the first heat season Tender had been in where he'd actually started being physically affected by the musky scent that was always present around mares this time of year: what he'd learned was the scent of a 'fertile mare', and also quickly learned the effects it had on certain parts of his anatomy. A certain involuntary effect he didn't want happening in front of two of his best friends, or filly friend. A certain effect he could already feel stirring in his sheath.

"Now now Tender, why ever would ya wanna go?" Apple Bloom asked, reaching out and trailing her hoof over Tender's chest, earning a shudder from him.

"B-because if we don't go now, we'll..."

"Y'all will what?"


"What? Ya'll will get a boner, like ya already have?"

Tender's face was flushed with red as Apple Bloom said that, with half of his shaft hanging from his sheath already. "Y-yeah..." he conceded, looking away in shame as he now struggled to keep the rest of himself sheathed, the touches on his sexually-sensitive chest not helping. Sweetie was meanwhile giving the same treatment to Button, but he seemed even more reluctant.

"Ain't nothin' wrong with that..." Apple Bloom comforted, her rubs starting to trail lower, along his flank and towards his stifles, "It's only natural." She had reached his stifle before he backed away, to her disappointment.

"Yeah Button," Sweetie added in, rubbing along Button's underbarrel with a hoof and earning a quiet moan and shudder from him, "wanna take this a little further?"

"S-Sweetie...I...I can't. You're in heat, you're not acting like yourself! Plus, if we 'do sex', something bad might happen. I mean, there's gotta be a reason why stallions and mares act all weird when 'sex' is mentioned!" Button countered, but Sweetie could hear in his voice that it was only a half-hearted ‘I cant’.

"Y-yeah, what he said..." Tender said, but both fillies could tell his rejection was also only just a 'no'. They could tell he really wanted to say 'yes', but that his nervousness wasn't letting him.

Apple Bloom sighed. This wasn't what she'd planned on happening at all. She'd planned on Tender quickly mounting her when she asked him to, before starting to thrust, passionately 'making sex' with her and that in turn helping her heat, as she'd heard from the fillies at school. This wasn't that. "Ok, look. Ahm gonna come clean..." she said, looking to Sweetie, who nodded, "Sweetie an' Ah 'ave been plannin' this since we talked to some fillies in th' schoolyard who seemed t' be acting real uncomfortable and smelled kinda funny, like us now. They said that our firs' heats'd be comin' soon, an' that with how much time we spend t'gether, that they'd likely be synced. So, we decided we wanted to keep them 'under control'. T'gether. With y'all havin' th' sex with us."

Both colts looked stunned. "W-wait, you're saying you planned on us being here and...'sexing' with you?" Button asked, still looking into Sweetie's eyes and looking faint because of the fact that his mare-friend wanted to have 'sex' with him her first time. In her first heat.

Apple Bloom nodded. "Eeyup."

At this news, that this was all planned just for them, Button and Tender seemed to change their views a bit. "Y-you're sure about this, spending your first times with us? This is...a pretty big step from just kissing and cuddling I think." Button asked, getting a nod from Sweetie, and Tender's unspoken question was responded to with a nod as well by Apple Bloom.

"We love ya, and want t' share this with ya two. T' make our first heat an' first time th' most memorable possible. With both y'all." Apple Bloom said, wrapping a hoof around Tender's, looking deeply into his deep purple eyes. "Wouldn't have mah first be with anypony else th'n ya Tender. Mah love."

Sweetie followed suit, taking Button's chocolate-brown hoof into her own. "Button, I would like to share my first time with you too. I know you're worried but I promise, I want this. Would you be willing to 'sex' with me, and help stop this burning feeling?"

After a few moments, looks of deep thought on their faces, both boys simply nodded.

"Great!" Sweetie said, before wrapping a hoof around Button's crest, "Let's get started?" She then quickly brought him into a kiss.

"So, um, we're just gonna do it right here? Together?" Tender asked, looking a bit shy. Sure he was close friends with Button and Sweetie Belle... but having sex alongside them just seemed like that may be crossing an unspoken boundary.

"Well, we could take turns havin' t' clubhouse, but Ah think it's alright iffin we just share it, an' th' bed, all at once. Right Sweetie? Button?"

Both, still kissing, simply nodded.

"Well, 'at settles 'at Ah suppose." Apple Bloom said, looking from the kissing couple back to her own lover.

Button moaned deeply as the sensation and taste of Sweetie's soft, sweet lips washed over him, Sweetie's and Apple Bloom's pheromones both increasing his sensitivity and setting him on edge. His colthood was now at full erection, hanging limply for the moment at seven inches, a rather impressive length and girth for his age. The feeling of Sweetie kissing him, the tongue licking over his lips before sliding past them and meeting his own, made his member flex and audibly slap against his underbarrel, a quiet moan issuing from him at the tingles rolling down his back.

Sweetie meanwhile felt a small stream of her liquid arousal drooling down her back leg as her tail flagged up on reflex, her clit winking to the wall behind her. She'd never felt so needy before as she Prance-kissed him, her whole body begging her to be bred by the stallion in front of her, to give herself to him...but before all that, she had some other things she wanted to try out first. Things she'd been told that stallions and mares really liked; that some of the schoolkids had already tried with each other.

Button felt his heart pounding in his chest, the anticipation to what he'd been promised pumping adrenaline through him...but also nervousness as well. All he'd ever done before sexually is masturbated a few times by himself and, despite knowing the basics of sex and that it felt really good from other accounts, had no idea what to expect personally. As she broke their kiss moments later, Sweetie guided Button over to the bed, him only too eagerly following.

Apple Bloom meanwhile felt her own heart pounding in her chest in anticipation and nervousness as she gave Tender a deep kiss, moaning softly at the pleasant sensations being amplified by her estrus-induced hypersensitivity, her tail slowly flagging up on instinct. Tender felt the pleasure of his lover's lips on his own again and pushed into them eagerly, the feeling of the warm, lightly-chapped lips of Apple Bloom on his own something he'd never refuse. She too guided Tender over to the bed, stumbling a bit while trying to walk and kiss at the same time.

Safely making it there, Tender lay down on the bed, his own six-inch erection of average thickness quite prominently laying along his belly and chest, Apple Bloom soon breaking the kiss and looking down. "Ya look great down's nice 'n' big..." Apple Bloom said, looking at his colthood. His sheath was orange just like his coat, his penis itself a healthy pink, lightly mottled with blackish-purple skin. They'd learned from the other fillies that this mottling was normal; that some colt's or stallion's penis were simply pink, and some had these splotches that seemingly made each stallion's or colt's unique, just like their coat, mane color and Cutie Mark.

As Sweetie looked down at Button's own hard-on, she saw that his indeed was only pink, no mottling whatsoever on it. Smiling, Sweetie ran a hoof over it, earning a heavy shiver from Button. "S-Sweetie..." Button whispered, a strong tingle of sensation, feeling far better than when he'd occasionally rubbed himself, going through him. His hips shifted into her hoof on instinct, grinding his hardened mast over her hoof, and she only too eagerly rubbed back.

"Mmm...I like your 'joystick'..." Sweetie said, barely restraining a giggle, " ready to play a very special kind of game with it? I see you've already selected 'hard mode'!"

Apple Bloom meanwhile had sat at the end of the bed while Tender lay on his back, her muzzle buried into his crotch, sniffing and licking randomly at whatever she could, trying to experience everything she could about him all at once. She slowly dragged her tongue up his orange-furred sheath, trailing up all the way up to his medial ring, before tracing down the other side and onto his average-sized testes, taking one between her lips. Apple Bloom’s licks were sloppy with inexperience, but Tender was still laying there moaning at the utterly new yet wonderfully intense sensations, his back left leg twitching.

Button's hips were also humping gently but erratically, Sweetie’s actions leaving him not entirely sure what to do as his body buzzed with the lovely feelings his filly-friend was giving him, letting his body instead work on his hard-wired instinct.

Apple Bloom meanwhile had started to lick Tender's own colthood, dragging her tongue up the underside of it, and at the feeling of his medial ring under her tongue, Tender gave an especially sharp hump in reaction to such a sensitive area being stimulated. "A-Ah! R-Right there!" Tender nearly begged, the colt vocalizing his desire for once. Apple Bloom simply grinned and nodded as she started to circle the sensitive ring with the tip of her tongue, making Tender clench his jaw at the wonderful sensations now going through him.

Sweetie had also reached the top portion of Button's shaft, then looking him dead in the eyes as she reached his glans. Button's head jerked back and a long, pleasured moan issued forth from him as she licked all along the ridged edge of that most sensitive part of him a bit too eagerly, but he didn't seem to mind. Button had never seen something so sexy as he was seeing now, Sweetie opening her mouth wide to accept his thick Earth-pony flare between her lips and into her muzzle; never feeling something as enjoyable as feeling her tongue circling and tracing each and every ridge along its edge. "Oh-mi-gosh! T-This is better than winning Coltra on hard mode with starter weapons!" he exclaimed, getting a chuckle from Sweetie, who was now fully enjoying his masculine flavor, that stimulus making her slit start drooling its thick, fertility-telling fluids onto the floor, her clit winking regularly now.

Apple Bloom also started to slather Tender's tip with loving licks and kisses, feeling her own vulva winking beneath her flagged tail. With her first taste of male, she felt her breeding instincts rising in intensity, the musky, virile scent of her coltfriend this close to her while in heat making her whole body grow even more warm and prickly with desire, the warmth in her lower belly growing especially hot. She started to softly bob her muzzle up and down on him, taking his whole flare and a bit of his shaft into herself, Tender meanwhile watching in rapt awe at the sight, loving the sensations it caused just as much.

"Come on Button. Let's see if your 'joystick' features plug and play." Sweetie said, looked over at Apple Bloom and gave her a wink of the eye, to which Bloom responded in kind, before both slid their muzzles down more onto their beaus at once, their tongues licking along the undersides of their colthoods all the way from their medial rings to their flares. Sweetie grinned at the bitter-sweet fluid flooding her mouth as Button shot large globs of pre-cum into her mouth, her gladly gulping each one down, her tail starting to swish as her arousal grew ever higher from the flavor. She continued slowly, unsurely sliding down his shaft, her lips touching his medial ring as she swiftly took him more fully into her muzzle. Button's eyes glossed at the sensation, letting out a strangled gasp as he felt his member surrounded with warm, wet flesh, his hips giving a hard, reflexive thrust up, making his medial ring pass into her maw as well.

Apple Bloom had meanwhile started bobbing slowly on Tender again, his hooves resting on her head and softly rubbing her ears in return, something he'd past learned that she loved a lot. Apple Bloom virtually purred at the ear-rubbing, pushing her head up into his hooves to encourage more of those lovely tingles rolling up and down her spine, which he only too gladly did while she still continued to bob on him.

Button simply watched with jaw agape as Sweetie took so much of him into her muzzle, expecting her to choke. "C-careful..." he warned despite the building fog in his head, his voice cracking, and she slowly nodded as she kept him in her muzzle. She indeed was careful not to take him too deep, lest she did choke.

Apple Bloom was meanwhile going to town on Tender, the colt's mouth wide open and eyes sealed shut at the intense pleasure going through him, so much stimulation for his first time that the inevitable was starting only a minute in. "A-Apple...I-I''s...coming out soon!" he struggled to warn, feeling his loins tightening up, preparing to give one last great hump as he flared up in her mouth – before everything stopped.

As she felt him flaring up, realizing she'd been going too hard on him in her nearly-delirious state, Apple Bloom pulled up and removed Tender's cock from her mouth, having a bit of trouble with the fully-swollen flare coming out, as nature had designed it. "Nuh-uh," she chided softly, giving one last teasing lick to his swollen glans, "yah ain't 'gettin' off' a'fore me."

"Getting off...of what?" Tender asked.

"Ah dunno...that's what Dinky said a mare gettin' relief was called: 'gettin' off'."


Sweetie meanwhile tempered her own enthusiasm as she felt the inexperienced Button starting to flare up as well, feeling his pulses increasing in tempo and remembering well what the fillies has said that meant and pulling off him, to a disappointed grunt from him. "Yeah...I kinda wanna get something back too before we 'sex'...if that's alright?" she asked, looking to Button desperately, "I really need it, and I heard from Dinky that a pony using their muzzle back there is one of the only ways to get rid of this...horrible burning for a while."

As she then turned to him and flagged her two-tone tail aside, Button saw just the extent of Sweetie's need, as well as getting a powerful whiff of her pheromones as she did. Sweetie's deep-grey and swollen pussy was drooling with thick, viscous fluid onto the floor, her clit winking near-constantly as she faced away from her stallion, showing him a flash of the pink of her entrance. That instinctive invitation to breed set Button only that much higher in his desires.

"Yeah sexy, Ah could use some return lovin' too." Apple Bloom stated, turning and flagging her own tail aside, showing her own swollen, soaked deep-yellow-brown filly-hood to her coltfriend, her own clit winking in invitation; "Mind returnin' th' favor?"

"So...uh...what do I do?" Button asked, finding himself staring at that soaked, winking gem beneath his marefriend's tail. He truly had no idea what to do, but was sure Sweetie did. After all, she'd set this up.

"Well, you could try licking it like I did your willy?" Sweetie asked, virtually prancing in place at the feelings in her lower body, "I mean, it felt good for you, right?"

Button scrunched his muzzle, and Tender did as well. "Eeeew,'s all wet and...what if it doesn't taste good?" Button asked, though he felt on some level that he wanted to try some of her fluids. Her filly-hood certainly smelled really good to him.

"Well I licked yours, and I liked it!" Sweetie exclaimed, "Besides, it's only fair, right?"

"Yeah, ya won't know 'til ya try it, yeah?" Apple Bloom insisted, her small, heart-shaped clit winking more constantly, a small squirt of her fluids coming out with each one, "Please?"

Nodding, Button and Tender approached their mare-friends' well-presented behinds, each taking in a big whiff of their fertile scents and feeling a shudder go through their bodies. "Well, go on." Apple Bloom insisted, her clit winking in response as she felt the cool exhale from Tender on her slit, making her give a small gasp at the sensation.

"Lick me."

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"L-Lick you? Down there?!" Tender asked, looking more than a little reticent as his filly-friend Apple Bloom had asked him to 'return the favor' of licking and suckling his penis.

"Did Ah stutter?" Apple Bloom asked, giving an unimpressed look, "Ah didn't complain when Ah was lickin' all over yer willy, was Ah? And Ah know for dern sure ya weren't..."

"Well no, but..."

"But wut?"

"But it looks all...wet, and kinda..."

"Kinda wut?"

"It looks...kinda weird. Plus it's...moving."

Apple Bloom huffed. "Mah fillyhood ain't weird..." she groused, the burn in her belly only being eked along by having a stallion near her rear. "Look, Ah need yer help gettin' rid'a this burnin'. Th' fillies in school said th' only way t' get rid'a this is fer ya t' have th' sex, er have another pony lick ya down there. 'Sides, th' fillies said colts are supposed t' like it when ya 'wink' your fillyhood like 'at."


"Look, Ah ain't gonna force ya, but...please? Ah really need somethin' down there." Apple Bloom said, her ears folded back and giving her best impression of a puppy, complete with wide eyes and pout. A look Tender couldn't say no to.

"Alright, alright...I guess it's only fair since you...licked me too." Tender conceded, before he then lay down behind her, seeing her fillyhood slowly winking to him, each making a small amount of her profuse, pungent fluids pool beneath her on the floor. As she lay with her chest on the bed and her forehooves folded beneath her, she spread her legs wide in invitation, her small heart-shaped clit winking slowly from its upward-facing cleft at the bottom, exposing a small bit of her pink entrance to the colt.

Sweetie and Button meanwhile only watched in silence as Apple Bloom presented to herself to her beau, glancing over at Button and seeing he held much the same expression, but instead of looking at Tender's still-hard penis, he was looking at Apple Bloom's well-presented crotch.

"Here, come lay on the bed. I'm sure it'll be easier for me to reach you like that." Tender said. As she did just that, he stood so that he was standing at the end of the bed, his still sensitive, swollen, and saliva-moistened penis hanging stiffly between his legs. Once she was in her position, his muzzle nudged Apple Bloom's half–flagged tail aside and nuzzled experimentally against her swollen young slit as he again took in her fertile, strongly musky-earthy scent, feeling his member throb as he breathed it in right from the source.

Apple Bloom sighed in approval as his muzzle started softly nudging against her needing flesh, that simple touch having sent light bursts of pleasure through her already. Tender debated what to do next but found his answer when he felt a wetness on his muzzle and found that Apple Bloom was pressing her hips back against him, the initial touch clearly making her want more. He gave an experimental lick, earning a quiet, brief squeal from Apple Bloom. "Are you alright?" he asked, not able to gauge whether it was from pain...or something else.

"Well yeah. That felt...real nice. Like ya put somethin' cool on a real hot part'a me." Apple Bloom comforted, pushing her crotch towards him encouragingly, "Go on, keep goin'...please? Just, uh, don' go inside my 'pussy' yet. Ah still got mah 'cherry'."

"You have a 'cherry' in a 'pussy'? What does a cat have to do with anything?" Tender asked as he stopped exploring, confused, "While we're at it, what's food got to do with what we're doing either!?"

Apple Bloom sighed unhappily at the loss of sensation but decided to explain what she'd said as best as she could. "Well, Dinky said that all mares 'er fillies have a 'cherry' at th' entrance ta their 'pussy', an' that when ya have sex th' first time, it...'breaks'' can really hurt and ya might bleed for a li'l' while, but then after that it only feels real great every time ya have sex after."

Tender's eyes went wide, as did Button's. "Wait, a cherry is in your marehood, and it breaks and hurts and you'll bleed?! I thought you said sex only felt good!" Tender asked in a scared tone while utterly baffled at what had just come out of his mouth, Button looking at Sweetie as if asking if it were true.

"Well, yes, that's what she said, but she also said that if your stallion 'makes you wet enough by using their mouth', it won't feel as bad when you're 'de-flowered'..." Sweetie explained, "...and that it only hurts for a little bit. I don't know if she was being serious about that or not, but she sounded really serious..."

All ponies were confused, but Apple Bloom had had enough waiting, having gotten a taste of pleasure and wanting more. She pushed her crotch back onto Tender's muzzle, some of her fluids getting on his lips this time. He initially was surprised, jerking his head away in surprise to the soft, wet thing pushing on him, but found he was pleasantly surprised as his tongue met the fluid.

Tender licked his lips on reflex when he pulled away from his fillyfriend's sudden action, tasting a hint of apples as he cleaned Bloom's juices off his muzzle. "It tastes...good?" he asked himself more than anypony else, finding that he rather liked it. That he wanted more. "So, I just lick you down here?" he asked, getting a soft nod.

"Yeh, it felt pretty nice when ya touched me b'fore, an' that felt real good," Apple Bloom said, then saw as Tender smiled to her before proceeding to dive right in again, making her moan as he started sloppily licking along her small flower, further tasting his first mare. He found that he rather liked her fillyhood despite its alien appearance to him, the flavor and scent coming from it digging deep into his instincts, him finding he was loving the soft flesh winking against his lips, as well as definitely wanting more of that delicious ambrosia. The adorable moans Apple Bloom was making certainly was a plus too, as well as knowing he was making his best friend feel really good.

"A-aaaah! Yes!" Apple Bloom moaned out as she visibly tensed up when Tender started to lick harder against her winking, messy pussy-lips, rewarding her coltfriend with a shudder and a hard moan as his tongue unintentionally brushed over her clitoris.

"Wow, is it really that good?" Sweetie asked, with Button and her watching as her best friend was pleasured, and his best friend was making a filly squeal with his tongue.

"Oh Celestia yes!" Apple Bloom cried out, though whether or not it was an answer to her friend's question, or if it was because Tender had started focusing on her rapidly-unfolding clit, was up for interpretation. Apple Bloom couldn't help it as her back legs started lightly kicking and trembling, her head pressed into the bed as she felt intense tingles rolling throughout her body. What felt even more incredible, however, was that each time her clit winked, Tender's tongue was there to meet it, sending even more intense tingles throughout her as he slathered her pleasure nub in loving licks.

"T-There! Lick that part that's goin' in and out! S-so gooooooood!" Apple Bloom cried out with pleasure surging through her young body, unable to feel anything but the tingling pleasure all throughout her as her coltfriend's inexperienced tongue continued licking all over her outer lips and clit. "D–Don't stop...please..." she whined out as she dug at the bed in front of her hard with her forehooves, struggling to cope with the sheer pleasure of her first eating-out.

Apple Bloom's heat-addled body couldn't care less about the skill of the young stallion, with his tongue merely flopping around and even still managing to find the sensitive spots his mare had; he was wholly inexperienced but making up for it in his enthusiasm. Her body cared only about the fact that she was being tended to and had something pleasuring her, and found muscles in her lower belly that she didn't even know she had eagerly clenching down as though that object were inside of her and she was trying to prevent it from getting away or something.

"Wow, it looks like she's really enjoying that." Sweetie said, seeing Apple Bloom's extremely pleasured expression, getting a nod from Button; "Say, you think we could try that?"

Button smiled and nodded as Sweetie then lay down on her back, unlike the 'natural' way Apple Bloom was positioned, seeing Apple Bloom's expression one of unquestionable bliss, her mouth opened wide and her eyes shut. As she watched her friend's well-pleasured expression, Sweetie quickly found that Button had positioned himself beside his lapping friend, the wet sounds coming from beside them and the steady stream of moans from Apple Bloom making Sweetie feel a twinge of nerves again beside her eagerness. "Be gentle at first, OK?" Sweetie asked nervously, getting a nod from Button.

"Sure Sweetie, I promise I'll go easy mode on you!" Button said, giving her a soft smile despite his own nervousness. As he looked between his filly-friend's legs and saw her 'pussy' kind of blinking at him, he was confused. "Wait, what's your 'pussy' doing? It looks kind-of like it's...blinking at me?"

"I'm sorry! It started doing that when I first went into heat and I can't stop it! Dinky says it's to 'attract a stallion' and that stallions really like it when mares do it. I'm sorry if you don't, I really can't stop it..." Sweetie stammered before biting her tongue to stop herself from rambling on.

"You can say that again...I really do like it when you do that!" Button said, watching the nearly hypnotic folding and unfolding of her nub going in and out of her slit, that triggering something deep inside of his psyche; that instinctive invitation from a mare for him to mate them reaching deep into a primitive place in his mind that he'd never been brought to before; the instinct to breed. "So, I just...lick?" he asked, suddenly finding himself wanting to be closer to that part of his marefriend's anatomy. Much closer.

Sweetie nodded. "Yeah. From what Apple Bloom's saying, that little nub-part being licked feels really good. Right Apple Bloom?"

Apple Bloom only moaned deeply in response, unable to do much else as she felt a tightness forming in her lower belly, her previously-unknown muscles starting to squeeze more frequently. "T-Tender! S-Something's gonna h-ha-aaaaaaah!" Apple Bloom moaned out as Tender amateurishly licked her clit for a moment more after tending to her lower lips for a while, Apple Bloom crying out as her pleasure suddenly and sharply spiked when he hit that 'winking' spot again. Muscles she didn't even know she had before he'd licked her started to clamp down rhythmically, sendin waves of intense pleasure surging throughout her.

When Tender licked along his mare-friend's slit more, he felt an incredible surge of wetness on his tongue and lower muzzle as he heard her cry out again, but this time with a completely different tone. Apple Bloom arched her back and started to instinctively grind against her coltfriend's muzzle as he brought her to her first-ever climax, with him feeling her clit winking rapidly on his tongue as she cried out in pleasure, trembling and giving loud whinnies as she came. He felt a splash of wetness on his face and muzzle, quickly followed by another as Apple Bloom gushed her virgin release.

Tender jerked back some at the feeling of wetness squirting onto his muzzle, feeling as Apple Bloom squirmed and ground her winking crotch against him, her back legs shaking and her head now tilted back in the air as she rode out her intense first orgasm, trembling all the while.

Eventually however, like all good things, Apple Bloom's orgasm slowly faded even as she tried to eke out more pleasure by grinding against Tender's trapped muzzle. Her arched back eventually lay flat on the mattress again as she collapsed and panted for breath, having been unable to even breathe during her intense climax.

"A-Apple Bloom, are you OK?! What happened?!" Tender asked, looking utterly mortified as he moved to look unto her face, "Are you hurt?!

Apple Bloom simply looked up at him with pleasured eyes while still gently panting, before reaching up and meeting her lips to his, tasting herself for the first time. She found that whatever it was tasted rather earthy, slightly musky, but with a hint of sweetness and, oddly, apple as well. "Mmm...Ah dunno what ya did, but that felt be'er th'n anythin' mah hoof could do..." Apple Bloom slurred, a dreamy expression on her face, "Sweetie...ya gotta try that. That must'a been that 'orgasm' thang th' fillies talked about..."

"It looked like it felt really good!" Sweetie said, Apple Bloom's face still holding the look of a very pleasured filly, Tender's face soaked with filly-honey like that of young stallion who had just pleasured his mare's should be.

"Yeah, it felt real amazin' too! Ah felt like mah lower belly was really SQUEEZIN' fer some reason, an' all th' while Ah felt this super good feelin' goin' all through me. It was...tingly like gettin' struck by lightnin'...but in'a good way!" Apple Bloom said, trying her best to describe the experience she just had.

"Wow...I did you?" Tender said, a bit amazed he was capable of doing such a thing.

"Mmhm, ya did mah amazin' Shug..." Apple Bloom cooed, kissing Tender again on the lips – before jumping upon hearing a high-pitched squeal from beside her on the bed.

"Oh-mi-gosh Buttoooooooooon~!" Sweetie squealed out again as Button continued to lick her slit, just the same way he'd seen Apple Bloom being pleasured. His technique also lacked efficiency, but if the squeals and shudders coming from Sweetie were any scale to be measured by, he was certainly weighing in just fine for her. Sweetie couldn't stop herself as her hips ground against his muzzle with each lick, her very sweet, very profuse fluids drooling down Button's chin and into her tail.

It was just a soft lick but Sweetie had reacted strongly, pushing against Button's muzzle and letting out a soft but high-pitched squeak. Button felt deep inside that everything was as it should be right now and surrendered himself entirely to the moment, simply pleasuring his mate and warming her up for what was to come. He continued to softly lick at his little mare’s lower lips, savoring the surprisingly sweet, floral-and-mare flavor of Sweetie's needing fillyhood. She was dripping her fluid steadily now as Button continued slowly licking her entrance, licking up as much of as he could.

"Wow, he's really gettin' into it..." Apple Bloom said, watching Sweetie's cheeks turn a hot pink, her constantly squirming or fidgeting slightly in her pleasure, "' don't it feel good Sweetie?"

Button paused to catch his breath a short time later, giving Sweetie a chance to respond. "W-woah...that f-feels...amazing!" Sweetie said in response, before looking to her friend; "It's like, w-when he's licking me, I don't b-burn as b-b-bad!"

"Eeyup, sounds 'bout right. Feels even better after ya 'orgasm', cuz it stops burnin' much, at least fer a while."

"Speaking of...Button, can you please continue?"

Button nodded, before noticing a drop of Sweetie’s nectar hanging off her clit's cleft, shining softly in the fading light of the sun. With only some hesitation, Button took Sweetie's pleasure button into his mouth and suckled on the small nub, tasting the sweetness of Sweetie and earning a gasp of surprise from the filly as well at the suddenness of the action and the huge burst of pleasure it caused her.

Apple Bloom watched Sweetie's reaction to the sudden blaze of pleasure, watching as Button's actions made Sweetie squirm a lot on the bed, her rump arching up to him as she clearly tried to cope with the intense pleasure such stimulation was giving her. Apple Bloom knew that her heat-driven sensitivity likely amplified the pleasure beyond what she'd ever felt before from her hoof, seeing how Button's tongue was making her only able to pant now, apparently unable to form words.

Sweetie felt her clit trying to wink in her stallion's mouth, feeling his tongue lapping sloppily on it but satisfyingly all the same, but was almost thankful as Button pulled off of her winking clitoris. She wasn't sure if she could take much more of the intense tingles it was giving her. As Button pulled off the small nub, he instead spread Sweetie's swollen petal softly with one of his hooves, causing her to sigh at the feelings it caused.

The flavor and scent of his little mare's desire overtook Button’s senses as the sound of her soft but long moans titillated his ears, making him more than eager to keep going and keep pleasing his mare.

Sweetie lasted minutes into the heaven that was Button's service on her slit, the once-leisurely pace of licks and teases slowly escalating to a series of gentle prods or swirls as he grew bolder, making the snow-white filly blissfully content as her needs were being tended to.

Sweetie held on as long as she could through the swiftly-building pleasure as Button's tongue lapped over her lower lips and clit. She always felt like she on the precipice of release, but never quite plunged over; like it was all reaching its crescendo, but it would always fade back again right on the edge.

"B-Button, I don't know if...I can do the 'orgasm' t-thing!" Sweetie said after her twelfth edging, all the while feeling her need for release building and building to nearly unbearable.

"Button, try pressing her O-button rapidly!" Tender suggested with a smirk, Button getting the hint as she winked again, flicking him with a small amount of her fluids.

As Button nodded then focused his efforts on her slit's cleft as his tongue wormed into her clit's sanctuary. Sweetie’s head pulled back as she let out a loud squeal after a few more licks directly on her clit as it winked, splashing her fluids against Button’s face as her mind promptly exploded into orgasmic bliss. Her passage repeatedly clenched on the source of her pleasure, locking his tongue inside her as she floated in the intense waves of pleasure after so long being unintentionally edged, her body trying to milk it for what it could not produce. Sweetie couldn't help but rub herself against his muzzle throughout, trying instinctively to pull him deeper and get more pleasure, but his tongue's and muzzle's short lengths prevented such.

Sweetie then felt her orgasm spike higher still, another massive burst of sensation flowing through her as Button's hoof moved to rub her winking clit as his tongue lapped over her permeated pussy fur, making her bite her lip as she once again saw flashes of black as the feelings seemingly renewed themselves. It was another full twenty seconds blissful release before Sweetie finally came to, with Button having removed his tongue from her and instead licking her dripping petals, her afterglow from two back-to-back orgasms starting and making her tensed muscles relax.

"Mmm, Button, that was great!" Sweetie said after recovering for a couple minutes of panting and resting, hearing Apple Bloom and Tender once more going at each other, exchanging yelps and moans of pleasure, "Apple Bloom was right. That feels really strong and tingly, like getting hit by a big lightning bolt of...of..." She lacked the word to describe it, so only pleasurably shivered instead.

Apple Bloom simply grinned at Sweetie as she stopped licking Tender's lips to speak. "Told ya." she said, feeling a wave of heat going through her as she found her heat coming back just as intensely as before she'd climaxed.

"So, uh...what do ya think of havin' th' sex with me now Tender?" Apple Bloom asked, her tail still hiked high as she looked at her beau's still-erect penis, seeing its flare fairly swollen already as she turned and presented herself to him again, her clit slowly winking in invitation.

Sweetie was still feeling pretty nice in her afterglow, yet she still felt the prickle of her heat, only slightly less intense and still there, and knew she was ready for the next step.

Real sex.

"Yeah Button, wanna try real sex this time?" Sweetie said, turning and offering her own rear to her coltfriend, tail flagged over her back and clit winking.

The two colts' cocks simply throbbed urgently at the proposition as they approached their respective mates.

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As he arrived behind his filly-friend Apple Bloom, looking at her winking, soaked fillyhood after being asked to 'have sex' with her, Tender couldn't help but feel nervous. "So...I just...climb on your back, right?" he asked, staring at her winking nub as though hypnotized by it.

"Well, yeah, we could do it standin' of th' fillies who said they did this before said she lay on th' bed on her chest and lef' her legs off an' spread, then th' colt...mounted her like that. She said it was easier on her cuz she didn't 'ave t' support him too, an' she could focus on th' feelings more instead'a worryin' 'bout them fallin' over durin'..." Apple Bloom said, before looking back to her transfixed stallion, knowing he was likely looking at her spread marehood. "That sound good?"

"Uh, yeah...sure..." Tender said, still in shock that this was actually happening. Apple Bloom had asked him to have sex with her, in the same room as their best friends! Tender watched as Apple Bloom mounted the bed, positioning herself just as she'd said; her forehooves were folded under her chest, her rump high in the air and her tail partially flagged to the side. With a gulp he stood, before approaching his presenting marefriend.

Apple Bloom felt her blush increase at Tender approaching her, but didn't resist, if anything spreading her legs a little wider, spreading her flower if only slightly, her tail twitching a little higher too. She could smell the fairly strong, masculine scent coming from Tender – starting to feel the dull burning sensation starting between her legs and a slight itch forming as well, her body detecting the pheromones from Tender, her need growing stronger in anticipation; her skin was getting hyper-sensitive, making the small touch Tender's muzzle made on her flank feel like electricity surging through her, her fillyhood's lips starting to swell and getting wetter. She had an intense urge to be mounted, her body demanding to be sated by her young stallion.

Tender observed these changes in his fillyfriend, getting a perfect view of her swelling and moistening vulva with her laying on her belly on the bed and exposing herself to him, her tail to the side and giving him a perfect view of all she had to offer him as she looked back to him. Tender felt his fully–hard member slap against his underside involuntarily and found he had approached her rear and sniffed deep. He instantly felt light-headed as her pheromones assaulted his mind again, her earthy-musky scent making him feel quite randy and his instincts making him want to jump on her back and rut her until he was sure she was properly bred, even if he consciously had no idea what those powerful urges were.

Tender placed a hoof on Apple Bloom's haunches, making her look back at him with arousal in her eyes as her tail flipped aside and flagged completely over her back on reflex to his touch on her rump. When an eager whicker escaped her at the sensation of his hoof on her croup, he watched her eyes expand in surprise, with neither apparently having expected quite that kind of reaction! Tender felt a blush starting to form on his face at her primal sound, but didn't stop his motions.

Apple Bloom quickly noticed the sight of the breeding rod between Tender's legs, feeling a sudden burst of heat from her rear end as her eyes locked on it, her tail now flicking rapidly. She wanted it. Managing to pry her eyes away from his penis, Apple Bloom met Tender's eyes instead – and in them, she read a barely-subdued lust.

“So…uh…” Apple Bloom managed to stutter out, her eyes once more locked onto Tender's length, rewarded by a visible throb for the attention she gave it. She was so torn at the moment, her instincts demanding she have sex with her love, but she herself was still unsure of if she was ready for this or not; if she was ready to take their relationship down such an irreversible path.

"So, you think they're gonna go through with it?" Sweetie whispered to Button, seeing the nervous look on Apple Bloom's face despite her obviously presenting herself to Tender and him with his chin on her rump, a precursor to mounting.

"I dunno...but it's making me wanna 'do it'." Button said, his own shaft still rock hard, with Sweetie giving him a grin.

"Lemme see if I can help with that...wanna 'plug and play' again?" Sweetie asked mischievously, before getting a nod and rolling Button over onto his back on the bed, kissing him deeply before her lips kissed down his neck and showed no signs of stopping as she reached his lower chest soon after.

Tender sighed, his rock-hard cock craving more attention, especially after him not being given an orgasm after being right on the cusp. His soft, masculine odor wafted again into Apple Bloom's nose, making her instincts strengthen their grip on her as she reached over and rubbed her muzzle against his. They just sat there for a minute, trying to decide what to do, until Tender finally spoke up, “We don’t have to if you're not ready.” Tender was fighting the urge to just mount and have at her, barely containing the animal lust that her heated scent had brought out in him, though his love and respect for her won over instinct.

Apple Bloom was still deep in thought, although her breeding instincts were making it rather hard to think with such an attractive and virile stallion right beside her, still deciding whether or not she should just apologize and leave, when a soft pair of lips on hers. She pressed back against them on reflex, her increased sensitivity making it feel like heaven as she felt Tender's tongue pressed against her teeth. His tongue met no resistance as it soon moved past them and into her mouth, with him quickly finding her tongue with his own and causing her to moan at the sensation.

Their kiss didn’t break for a number of minutes, Apple Bloom and Tender's lust relieving itself if only slightly as they started to grind against each other while their tongues sparred, their pheromone-induced sensitivity amplifying every touch. The wet sounds of Sweetie licking Button's colthood again, and soon a yelp and moan from Button, only encouraged them on.

When they finally did break the kiss with a huge exhalation from both, Tender and Apple Bloom's looked over to see Sweetie's muzzle buried between Button's legs again, her own hoof and magic rubbing at her winking crotch. Button looked like he was in bliss as Sweetie slathered his whole length in licks and kisses, his hips shifting on reflex to the warmth of her breath and mouth over his saliva-moistened shaft.

“Tender? Are ya sure Ah'm…we're ready fer this?” Apple Bloom asked, meeting eyes with her coltfriend again – but soon found herself unable to.

"I guess..I...uh..." Tender said, before suddenly finding he'd mounted Apple Bloom without him even realizing it.

“Well, I guess he is!" Sweetie quipped, before returning to her ministrations on her coltfriend's member, much to his delight. Apple Bloom sighed as her nerves finally faded upon having a stallion now mounted on her, her hormones and love for him making it almost impossible to resist anymore. She needed him inside her.

“Ah...Ah want it naaaow!” Apple Bloom said suddenly, Tender feeling her rapidly winking against his shaft, with his stallionhood being pointed downwards between her vulva's lips and then her teats. Her winking herself against him was such a primitive gesture, but she knew deep down that it would show her need for him better than any words ever could, the most simple but effective way of a mare telling her stallion of choice 'I need you to come breed me' besides actually putting it in herself.

Tender gave a quiet breeding whinny as he felt her winking; tempted to just follow his instincts and rut her hard, to unknowingly plant his seed in her and give her body the foal it so wanted, but he somehow managed to restrain himself even after he was mounted on her and her winking invited him to mate her. As she shifted her hips along him slightly, Tender softly gasped and lightly bucked his hips against her. The sudden warmth and wetness of her over-sensitive marehood, her plump lower lips hotdogging his length between them, sent a significant burst of pleasure through him as she did.

Apple Bloom, finding she quite loved the sensation, continued to grind him between her pussy and teats for quite some time, feeling his member throb with each few and feeling his hips grinding him against her in turn, feeling a wetness forming on her lower barrel from his pre-cum.

The aroma of Apple Bloom's need made Tender's lust burn hot as Celestia’s sun as they did this, Tender gasping again as he felt Apple Bloom reach his medial ring. "A-Apple' hot down there..." Tender said, it feeling like a hot, wet furnace grinding against his cock, the feeling of her clit winking against his colthood turning him on beyond belief; as though her pussy was giving him kisses in its own unique way. Every wink, Apple Bloom would give a soft gasp or whimper, a strong tingle of sensation riding her spine as her sensitive nub tapped his hard and equally-sensitive flesh, before she couldn't take the teasing anymore.

"Please...Ah need it...inside..." Apple Bloom begged, both foals then moving their hips so they could line up, though quickly finding it was harder than it looked, "' when ya feel ready ta finish, stay in meh...the fillies said that what comes outta the colt after havin' 'th' sex' is what stops yer heat."

"Uh...Sweetie, can I get a little help please?" Tender asked after missing for a while and sensing Apple Bloom's impatience growing. With Tender's tail flagged aside as well in his arousal and revealing everything to her, Sweetie looked a little longer and enjoyed the view of his swollen testes, cute little tailhole, and perineum a bit before she gently grabbed his cock in her magic and lined it up, before continuing to jack Button' lower shaft off with her magic while giving his flare a slow blowjob.

As he felt that inferno-like heat radiating from Apple Bloom and the wetness of her fluids on his flare, Tender could barely restrain himself, with everything about this situation making his instincts scream just how right this was to him, his hips trembling as he felt the intense urge to thrust forward, but he restrained himself. "I'm...gonna go in really slow..." he told Apple Bloom, getting a nod from her.

"Ah...Ah need it...please..." Apple Bloom begged, her usually confidant personality turned submissive by her needs. As Tender gently bit her crest however, she moaned heavily, her back arching higher, with that being a stallion's instinctive way of telling his mare to hold still; to be bred by him.

Seeing no benefit by holding out any longer, Tender softly shifted his hips forward, gasping as he felt her well-lubed petals part and earning a gasp from her as well. She was even hotter on the inside and, despite only the very tip of his flare being inside of her, it felt amazing. "S-So hot..." he whispered, unsteadily thrusting his hips forward, before hearing a soft whimper from Apple Bloom as he stretched her out for the first time.

Tender took Apple Bloom's virginity in one gentle thrust, with her so wet from her heat and his earlier licking that it didn't hurt at all, the penetration instead making her moan out in blazing pleasure as Tender's six-inch colthood shortly after hilted in her very slick passage effortlessly. Each pony was so caught up in the intense sensations now rushing through themselves for the first time that they forgot that they were being watched.

"Wow, they really did it!" Sweetie exclaimed, disbelief and a hint of arousal in her voice as she spoke. Unlike what the other school fillies said, she didn't see any blood coming from Apple Bloom, and she seemed anything but in pain..."I guess the other fillies weren't right about that...are you OK AB?"

"Ah...Ah'm..." Apple Bloom said, her mind feeling fuzzy as she felt herself being spread. It was strange really, with her feeling her insides being pried open like that, but it didn't hurt at all; instead, it felt simply divine. "Ahm beyond jus' dandy! Holy hay it feels good!" she replied, grinning back at Tender, before shifting her hips against him, "C'mon now, ride me cowpony!"

Tender wanted to give his mare and himself a moment to breathe after hilting in her, taking in the sensations as he felt her tight, velvety passage grip his flare in a vice-like grasp, but he heard Apple Bloom's request and tried to pull back...but she was simply too tight still. "I can't, you' need to relax!" he said, getting a sheepish look from her. When she indeed had relaxed and loosened enough for him to move, Tender started his pace at a slow, unsteady pace, his back legs trembling slightly as he reached deeper within her with each, the sheer temperature of her core making him sweat.

"It...It feels like yer goin'...all th' way in mah belly..." Apple Bloom cooed, with the feeling of being stretched, of something going so deep within that secret, hidden place between her hips, making even his sloppy thrusts feel all too right to her heat-stricken body, "Ah...Ah want it all, an' as hard as ya can gimme it!" she moaned out, and Tender was only too happy to oblige.

As she watched her best friend and her beau rutting right in front of them, Sweetie had meanwhile edged Button again, leaving him right on the cusp of another orgasm before stopping, his flare swollen hugely. "Why can't I have an orgasm tooooo?" Button whined, before watching as Sweetie lay across from Apple Bloom in the same position she did, with them facing each other. Button soon got up and went behind her on her instruction, then watched as her two-toned tail flipped over her back and revealed her soaked, deep-grey vulva to him, a wink giving a peek of her deep pink entrance to him.

"Because you've got to earn it. Get on my back and start having the sex with me!" Sweetie said, giving a sadistic grin, which swiftly switched to an expression of bliss as she felt his underbarrel grinding against her croup as he indeed mounted her as soon as she'd offered, a sure tell to her instincts that a stallion was mounting her. In response, her legs locked into place and spread slightly, giving her stallion the best target she could.

Button unsteadily thrust, trying to find his target blindly, before a while later finally felt a warmth he instinctively sought, pushing his hips forward—

"Aaah! Not there!" Sweetie yelped, snapping Button out of his revere, before he felt her magic tingling on his member and moving it, "That's my butthole silly, not my fillyhood! Here, lemme help." Sweetie said, quickly casting a simple sanitizing spell on Button's flare.

"Oh, I'm sorr—iieeee-oooh..." Button moaned out as he felt Sweetie's very warm, heat-swollen petals press to his flare, the sensation making his hips want to push forward hard, but Sweetie's magical hold on him prevented it.

"Slowly Button, please..." Sweetie asked, before releasing her hold on him, " least at first."

Button and Sweetie watched as Tender, meanwhile, was plowing Apple Bloom into the mattress, earning a soft yelp with each rough, deep, full-length thrust he gave her, his flare tapping her cervix each time he fully slammed into her and feeling utterly incredible to her. He held her crest between his teeth and gently tugged with each forward thrust, giving his thrusts that much more force and making his balls slap audibly against her soaked ass each time, each echoing in the small building. She sure didn't seem to be complaining though, pushing back against each thrust, encouraging him as deep as he could possibly go. Both were beyond words at this point, Apple Bloom's muzzle buried into the mattress and her ass held high, both ponies simply working on instinct to breed and the desire to pleasure their mates.

"Slowly please..." Sweetie reminded Button as she watched the frantic rutting of her friends and the rapid creaking of the bed underneath them, the loud, wet slapping of flesh on flesh – and the assorted cries, squeals, and moans from them as well – turning her on even further. Meanwhile, she felt as Button pressed just his tip past her lips.

Button decided to give Sweetie what he knew both she and he truly wanted. He penetrated Sweetie in one smooth move, leaning over her as he started to slowly enter her. He heard a pained hiss from her as he introduced himself into her virgin passage, her sheer wetness however letting him slip into her hot core very easily. "O-ow..." Sweetie whimpered as she felt an uncomfortable stretching inside, but no true pain; "I think you just popped my cherry..." Sweetie said, not knowing that he was simply fairly thick for her first time, her hymen simply pushed aside undamaged.

"A-Ah! E-Eeyup! Ah...aaaah...l-lost....mah...t-too!" Apple Bloom said between each bed-rocking thrust from Tender, barely able to think let alone speak during such a wonderful pounding.

"I'm sorry..." Button said, feeling terrible at hurting her even as he felt just how hot her inner flesh was, "Do you want me to pull out?"

As he asked that, Sweetie's entire being was screaming at her to not let this stallion escape her. "No!" she half-shouted, getting the attention of all three ponies, before blushing a bit, "I I just...just leave it in, I need a second to...get used to you. The fillies at school said it always hurts at least a little at first, until your body gets ready..."

Soon, Sweetie felt the discomfort lessening already, being overtaken by a pleasant, mind-fogging sensation as her walls loosened and form-fitted to the welcomed intruder, feeling less like she was being uncomfortably forced open and now was being more comfortably spread. " can keep going." Sweetie said a few moments later, and as Button pushed into her more, he felt her hot, slick canal and inner muscles clenching down hard on his member as he slowly slid further into her fertile passage.

"'re...really warm and soft inside!'s tight too...feels...s-so good on my willy." Button said, his hooves gripping a little tighter around Sweetie's barrel at the feelings of his cock being totally engulfed within her, her nearly-hot passage swallowing each inch he gave her.

"Mmm, and you feel really big and hard to me..." Sweetie replied dreamily, feeling as he went deeper and deeper within her, her body all too eagerly spreading for him, "...absolutely peeeeeerfect." Sweetie relaxed completely into the mattress, feeling utterly safe beneath Button, feeling as more and more of his stallionhood slowly filled her up, chasing away the unpleasant tingles and replacing them with a calming, filling sensation; the nagging thoughts of getting him to mount and breed her fading away into enjoying that he finally had.

As Button felt his sensitive stallionhood being gripped by Sweetie's very warm, velveteen walls as he got deeper, he continued to thrust deeply but slowly, the pace much softer and much more loving than the absolute rutting that Apple Bloom seemed to want from Tender. Button was careful to listen to Sweetie's reactions, doing whatever she seemed to like judging by the sounds or motions she'd make.

Button kept the slow pace for what felt like an eternity for both while Sweetie felt her passage constantly squeezing around him as his cock occasionally throbbed in her, causing a jolt of pleasure to flow through both of them each time either happened. When his flare passed over her G-spot, Sweetie shuddered hard, her pleasure spiking almost unbearably high for a moment.

"T-There...feels amazing..." Sweetie grunted out, feeling a pulse of pleasure each time his ring grazed over her clit or his flare hit that lovely spot.

Button thrust a few more times against that sensitive spot when he'd noticed her reaction, making Sweetie start to tremble as the pleasure became almost too much to handle, causing her to bite onto the blanket, letting out cute, high-pitched whines on occasion, her whole body trembling in reaction. She started chewing on it to help her cope with the almost orgasmic pleasure that was making every muscle tense up, her entire body shuddering constantly beneath her wonderful stallion.

It wasn’t long until Button felt the tightness in his pelvis growing again, heralding his climax. He stopped nibbling Sweetie's crest as he instead increased his grip on her sides and lowered his head beside her at the sensation, humping into her hard for the last of their breeding as he finally let his instincts take over, a familiar tightness growing in his pelvis. "Sweetie, something's comiiiiiing!" Button moaned out, his hips lurching forwards as he forced himself as far as he could reach into Sweetie as his instincts demanded, before yanking himself out just as quickly to repeat it all again.

Meanwhile, it wasn't long after the two-minute mark of starting that Tender's medial ring found Apple Bloom's winking nub a final time, with that finally all she could take. Apple Bloom cried out as she came hard, her foal-tunnel rippling and spasming as it started trying to milk Tender's cock of its seed, with her almost blinded by her pleasure. Her vision blurred slightly as that wonderful orgasm shot through her entire being and made her whole body tingle, feeling her clit constantly winking against him, her hips rocking against him in her throes of climax.

"In me! In me!" Sweetie wailed to Button, feeling everything coming to a head to her, her whole body tensing up beneath her stallion.

While Apple Bloom came again with a cry and a whimper, the sudden clenching and milking on his cock almost made Tender climax, fully flared and pulsing within her. His Earth Pony endurance made it so he was able to stave off his orgasm during hers; he was on the edge of his release the whole time, however, as he felt her passage tightly spasm around him, kneading him from base to swelling flare.

When Apple Bloom loosened up a little and stopped trembling hard beneath him some seconds later, Tender started humping gently but deeply into her throughout her afterglow and earned soft, ragged moans of pleasure as his member once again massaged and soothed her burning core, making her body's needs lessened just from him being inside her, but she still felt incomplete. Like she was missing something very important. She felt...empty deep inside her belly.

As Apple Bloom came off her orgasm, she realized that instead of helping her heat, her climax had only made the burning need inside her increase to an almost intolerable level, making her whine out her need as she became desperate now and literally begged to be bred – "Tender, for Celestia's sake put your 'colt stuff' inside'a me already! Please! Make mah heat stop...Ah...can't take it anymore!"

Tender tightened his forehooves around her sides in response, and, after Apple Bloom stated her need for him to finish for her, Tender let his haunches hump into her of their own accord as he let his breeding instinct fully take over, feeling his cock starting to wildly throb in her.

Tender's short and deep thrusts caused Apple Bloom to almost scream at the intensity of pleasure she got from the increased pace and stimulation, each one like a mini-orgasm in her overstimulated state, her next orgasm welling up quickly as she was now being properly rutted by her stallion. Her instincts screamed for his seed as his swollen flare bumped up against something deep inside of her again each time his balls slapped against her butt, her whole body trembling and tensing up in anticipation.

Tender felt a familiar tightening in his pelvis and throbbing in his balls, barely managing to shout a final warning through his cloud of pleasure; “I’m...soon! S-stay in?!”

“Ah want it all in meh! Make th' burnin' stop, please!” Apple Bloom screamed back, wanting to feel her stallion give her the relief she needed, knowing on an instinctive level that him finishing within her would do just that.

As Tender made his final rough thrusts into Apple Bloom's begging body, his member barely leaving her an inch now as he felt himself on the precipice, he felt her squeezing along his whole length with her infernal inner walls. He finally couldn’t hold himself back anymore, feeling his tail starting to flag up and down as his pulses grew ever stronger and his head started to swell.

"I...I can't hold it anymore!" Tender cried out as he finally clenched his haunches tight with one final deep hump into his mare, before letting out a guttural groan as he felt his glans flare fully. He felt Apple Bloom's walls squeeze tighter around him as his lower head mushroomed out greatly within her, before an intense wave of pleasure overwhelmed him, soon after feeling something shoot from him and into her, each pleasurable contraction giving an audible splurt as a shot of his seed rocketed out.

Apple Bloom felt Tender's flared head spread her inmost walls so much wider, followed by a powerful throb from his member as he pressed balls-deep into her again, then a burst of warmth deep inside her as he throbbed and throbbed again within her, each jerk of his penis loosing another burst of that soothing goo into her. "A-Ah...! T-Tender...A-AAAAAAH!" Apple Bloom moaned out, all she was able to given the barrage of sensations rolling through her; the utter relief she was feeling inside, feeling like he was pouring a cold pitcher of water over her after she'd galloped a summer mile, each throb and gush inside of her rewarded by a tight squeeze of her passage along his whole length and a quieter 'ah' to join it.

"Mmmmmm-Bloooooom..." Tender moaned out, then loosed a deep moan of pleasure as he stayed as deep as possible within her, clenching Apple Bloom's stifles tighter against his as many more ropes of his semen followed the first, painting her fertile innards a creamy white as the sticky, life-giving substance coated them, with him all the while feeling an unbelievably strong surge of pleasure with each rapid shot he pulsed into her.

Apple Bloom then felt the force of Tender's thrusts against her sensitive walls as he started to roughly thrust into her, instinctively hilting himself inside her with each entry as his flared head pressed his seed as deep as possible into her. The feeling of his cum going so far inside satisfied her very deeply on a wholly new level, making her feel like setting this all up was definitely the right choice.

"T-Tender...yer...d-doing me..." Apple Bloom said in a dreamy tone, the creamy, soothing warm feeling of her stallion's 'colt stuff' being gushed into her, relaxing her breeding instincts further even as she tensed up again. With the filling, calming feeling growing evermore in her belly and spreading deeper with each throb of his cock, Apple Bloom was set off by the warm gooey feeling deep in her belly and his colthood pulsing in her cavern, another nerve-wracking wave of orgasmic pleasure flooding through her as her passage started to milk Tender's spurting rod on reflex and bring his sperm deep into her womb, her second intense climax hitting her very hard as she arched her back up against Tender's underbarrel on reflex to make the ejaculate go that much deeper.

As he watched his friend reaching his own climax buried within his mare, and Apple Bloom orgasming as well, Button then pressed his stifles flush against Sweetie's and tensed up as he felt his glans flare again, feeling her marehood grow tighter around him as he swelled in her, ensuring she'd take all he had to give. His humps grew shallow and rapid, shaky, his body's instinct taking over for him at this most important of times. Within seconds, Button started cumming inside his mare with a deep groan, letting instinct guide him as he continued to hump deep into Sweetie, whitewashing her innermost wall and fertile womb with his seed.

"B-Buttooooon~!" Sweetie moaned out as Button's cock twitched deep inside of her when he pressed himself very deep into her that last time, the thickness of his flare now feeling much deeper and larger in her belly than before, and soon after felt another hard throb as his 'orgasm' squirted into her, then was pressed deeper still as he humped into her. Whatever he was squirting in her felt wonderfully warm, thick, and filling, swiftly replacing the void that was once there.

As she felt that deeply satisfyingly warm fullness shoot deep inside her, Sweetie cried out as another intense orgasm overtook her on reflex to the sensation of a stallion's seed entering her fertile body, her high-pitched cry of pleasure meeting and merging with Button's own. Sweetie milked Button's member as it unloaded his virile cum deep into her, with each of Button's pulses met with a firm squeeze of her muscles kneading it from him. Sweetie's passage was trying to pull his seed deeper into her to where it belonged, but instead a few of the later bursts he loosed backwashed out, Sweetie's small womb already totally full.

As they all four came together, Sweetie and Apple Bloom looked at each other with lidded eyes and blissful expression, sharing this moment with each other as well as their stallionfriends, before leaning their heads forward those final inches and meeting their lips on impulse. They made out slowly as their coltfriends claimed their wombs as their own, all four ponies in sheer bliss even as the colts' members slowly stopped pulsing within them, the huge gushes of semen becoming trickles, before then stopping completely. Both young stallions held still, flared deep within their mares' still-kneading pussies, Sweetie's and Apple Bloom's bodies pulling their stallions' seed deep within them where it was needed, into their fertile wombs.

All four ponies slumped to the bed after such an exhausting display, Button and Tender laying atop their mate, all four panting softly and riding their afterglow. Button and Tender were feeling completely drained but in a good way, still feeling the occasional contraction or wink of their mares' clit or vagina along their members as they remained hilted and flared inside of their filled mares, their instincts demanding they keep their seed as deep within them for as long as possible, assuring they got pregnant with their foal. Either pony gave a soft moan or shudder as they felt it, while Apple Bloom and Sweetie felt completely satisfied, the burning inside of them diminished to a barely noticeable tingle in their belly, otherwise feeling full and sated.

"W-wow Tender...Ah..." Apple Bloom said, though quickly found she had no words to describe what she'd just felt, or was still feeling; how Tender had made her whole body, though especially her legs, feel like jelly, as well as making her feel utterly happy in a deep, instinctive way she'd never felt before. How she still felt his penis within her, spreading her open, his 'colt-stuff' squirted far into her and cooling the burning of her heat.

Sweetie felt the same speechlessness as her own young stallion was still buried balls-deep in her, flared fully and still gently dry-pulsing on occasion. "Button...I love you." Sweetie said, all her fried mind could come up with as she rode her afterglow out, still softly pinned beneath her loving coltfriend.

"I...I love you too Sweetie, but...why did you and Apple Bloom kiss?" Button asked a few moments later, after he'd recovered, "I mean, I'm not mad, just curious. I thought only mommies and daddies, or stallionfriends and marefriends, kissed on the lips like that."

Both Apple Bloom and Sweetie blushed heavily, both not even having thought about that at all in the moment and simply having done it. "Well, Ah don't rightly know y'two..." Apple Bloom said, before giving a dissatisfied whimper as Tender's member slid out of her with a wet schlick, a thick warmth soon trickling down her clit and dripping on the ground, "'s just...we kinda jus'...did it."

"Well, it was really hot!" Button blurted out, before giving a nervous chuckle as everypony looked at him, "What? It was..."

"Yeah, I gotta side with Button here. Watching you two kiss while I was squirting...I think that's why I put so much in you!" Tender said, nuzzling Apple Bloom's cheek as he'd now dismounted her and lay beside her on the bed.

"Well, if y'two are OK with it...maybe Sweetie an' Ah'll do it some more next time?" Apple Bloom asked, watching Sweetie's own face showing a flash of disappointment as Button slid out of and dismounted her as well with another loud schlick.

"Next time?" Button and Tender asked at the same time, looking a little nervous.

"Well yeh. Accordin' to Dinky, Sweetie 'n' Ah will likely be in heat fer the rest'a th' week prolly. Whaddya say we all meet up her again every day an' make it stop?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Yeah, what do you think? Maybe we could even see what it's like to be mounted by each others' coltfriends, huh Apple Bloom?" Sweetie asked, getting an approving look from Apple Bloom.

Both colts simply gulped, but nodded. "Yeah, maybe..." Tender said, "...if it's OK with everypony, of course."

"Can we go to sleep now and talk about it later please? It's way past sundown and..." Button said, interrupted by his own yawn, "...and after that 'sex' stuff, I'm feeling really drained."

"Y'know we're gonna have t' do this again tomorrow, right? It felt too dern good NOT ta..." Apple Bloom said, getting an agreeing nod from the other three.

"Yeah, it was...thanks Button. You were great." Sweetie said, giving Button a soft kiss on the lips, him reciprocating only too happily.

"Y'were too Tender...Ah love ya." Apple Bloom said as she too gave her coltfriend a small kiss of his own, giving his lip a gentle nip as they parted with a wink from her, "C'mon, le's get t' bed. We got a long day t'morrow. Ah jus' know our heat'll start up again overnight. Dinky said th' first time with a colt won't stop yer heat, at least is didn't for her. Y'gotta do it again and again, til th' burnin' stops fer good..."

"Yeah, but that's tomorrow...let's go to sleep." Tender said, waving Apple Bloom over and wrapping her in a hug.

The other foals seemed to agree and, without another word, all four cuddled up on the cum-stained bed, Sweetie held in her loving coltfriend's forelegs, and Apple Bloom in Tender's. Before long, the exhausted foals were fast asleep, unaware of the possible implications of what they'd just done as each couple wrapped their tails together in a loving twist.

None of the foals, however, had heard the fifth voice that had moaned alongside them from outside of the clubhouse's front door, nor would they notice the large wet-spot outside the front door, nor the orange pegasus feather and fur left behind.

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"...and that, fillies and colts, is how equine reproduction works, from the beginning of a mare's estrus and ova development, the usual process of coitus and how stallions and their sperm are involved in the fertilization process, all the way until a mare's delivery of the fully-developed foal." Cheerilee said, a gentle blush on her face as it had been since the beginning of the lesson, as well as seeing how uneasy many of the foals in the room were at the uncomfortably personal topic.

Cheerilee didn't particularly like teaching foals about the birds and the bees, but knew that if they didn't know the risks of having unprotected sex during their first heats, no matter how overwhelmingly tempting it was, than they may well be having foals they were not ready for. "Any questions?"

"Uh...yeah, what did ya say th' early signs of pregnancy were?" Apple Bloom asked nervously, looking a little bit more pale than usual.

"Well, they can be a lot of things Apple Bloom, though most typically they're steady weight gain, unusual cravings, morning or late-night sickness. Or, if a mare is a few months along already, possibly a gentle bulging or swelling can be felt in their lower belly, if they're showing big, and that will steadily grow bigger the further the foal develops. Of course, there could be no signs at all until they for sure start showing at around six to eight months along." Cheerilee responded.

"Oh...uh, thanks." Apple Bloom said seriously, before her vision trailed off, ending up landing on her coltfriend Tender Taps, who looked equally as serious and contemplative at that lesson; both remembering that Sweetie and herself had had sex together with their respective coltfriends just over two months ago, and they were both in full heat during it. Both now aware of just what may have become of them breeding during estrus; learning that a stallion ejaculating inside a mare during her heat was exactly how foals were conceived.

"So it's possible to get pregnant, even if it's only your first heat?!" Dinky Hooves asked, looking panicked, "I heard you can't!"

"Well, yes. The first time a mare or filly mate with a stallion or virile colt and he ejaculates within her, it makes pregnancy possible if sperm are introduced into or even around the vagina during her estrus, no matter if it's her first time having sex or her one hundredth. Each subsequent time with the same or another colt or stallion ejaculating within the mare and adding more sperm also increases the chances of the pregnancy taking if an ova is ready to be fertilized in the Fallopian tubes, or if one will be within the sperms' three to five day lifespan." Cheerilee responded, not unaware of the implications of her asking such.

She also mentally noted to move the class back a few months at the start of next mating season, if fillies were clearly going into heat much earlier than she'd thought.

Dinky's light-purple face developed a strong tint of green. "I-I'm going to be sick!" she said, before darting from her chair to the outhouse.

"Um...any other questions? Anypony?" Cheerilee asked, though she noticed that many of the fillies and colts were getting equally nervous expressions on their face, and that she may very well need to discuss such with the fillies' parents in the future.

After a while of silence, Cheerilee nodded, "Very well. If there are no more questions, please, for your safety and future, remember to use physical, medical, herbal, or magical protection if you choose to have sex with a colt or filly you love while in estrus, and only have sex with ponies you trust."

"Um, do you know anypony in specific we can ask for that locally?" a filly asked.

Nodding, Cheerilee continued. "Yes. You can get free condoms or contraceptive spells from Ponyville General Hospital, and many other trustworthy unicorns who know contraceptive spells can teach the simple spell to those of you who are unicorns, or cast it on those of you who aren't. Our very own Princess Twilight Sparkle has volunteered her services to give anypony, any age, who needs the spell a free casting, which will last an entire mating season and can be easily removed later if desired, or a five-minute casting lesson for unicorns."

Her tone then grew very serious. "Remember fillies and colts, don't risk creating or having a foal that you're not ready for, especially with so many simple ways to prevent it. Class is now dismissed for the Summer Estrus Break, see you in autumn!"

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Tender Taps and Button Mash all met up by the swings after class let out, both fillies looking faint and both colts looking ready to bolt at the slightest provocation. They'd noticed that Sweetie and Apple Bloom were putting on some pounds lately, as well as noticing them getting up to vomit during some of their 'sex sleepovers', none of which had happened before they had had sex and possibly been bred that night. Apple Bloom had also developed a strange fascination with putting chocolate sauce on sauerkraut...

"So..." Tender said after a few minutes of silent contemplation among the group, looking to Apple Bloom; " you're..."

"Ah...Ah dunno. Ah been feelin' a bit sick lately, but Ah just chalked that up to bein' nervous over this year's final exam. Ah been havin' trouble with th' arithmetic parts...but now, af'er learnin' 'bout how foals're' what we did a couple months ago while Sweetie an' Ah were in our estrus. Tender, we did it a least three times ev'ry day durin'' each time ya ejaculated inside mah vaginner an' womb, puttin' all yer sperms in meh."

" you think..." Button asked, placing a hoof on Sweetie's shoulder and shaking her gently to get her out of her stupor.

"H-Huh? Oh." Sweetie said, shaking her head softly to get out of her thoughts, her voice rising slightly in pitch with each word she spoke, "I...I dunno. I mean, if I am...with your foal...I've always kinda wanted to be a mama,'s so soon. I'm not even out of school yet!"

"I...I know Sweetie. I promise that if you are, I'll be with you the whole way, Pinkie promise." Button said, doing the motions of the Pinkie Promise, a type of promise nopony dared to break.

"Me too Apple Bloom. I love you, and, if I gave you a foal, I'd be honored to help you during the pregnancy and to help raise him or her; to be the father they deserve and the stallion you do. Pinkie Promise." Tender said, doing his own Pinkie Promise.

"Wow, look at y'two bein' all mature." Apple Bloom said, admiration in her voice, "Most colts'd run to th' hills at th' thought of bein' a daddy so soon."

"Apple Bloom, I promise I won't. I love you, just as I will our...potential colt or filly."

"Sweetie, I'll be with you too, all the way."

Sweetie couldn't help but break down at the implications, shoulders shuddering as she sobbed, Button quickly wrapping her in a comforting hug.

"Y'know we gotta tell our parents what we did an' how we may be preggers still...right?"


Apple Bloom and her sister Applejack, Button Mash, Sweetie Belle and her sister and partial-guardian Rarity, and Tender Taps sat at the hospital a few weeks later, awaiting Apple Bloom's and Sweetie's pregnancy test results. Tender and Button were wilting under the combined glares of Rarity and Applejack, while Sweetie and Apple Bloom sat there silently, awaiting their fate.

"Rarity, stop. I told you, it was Apple Bloom and my idea to..." Sweetie started, before Rarity held her hoof up.

"Sweetie, no. This ruffian should have known better than to mount you like that his seed inside you when it could sprout! Surely he should have known what would come of it!" Rarity said, before continuing to glare at Button.

"No, Rarity, we didn't know what would happen! I burned so much...and Dinky..."

"Oh, I'm sure Derpy Hooves gave Dinky quite the talking to about the fact that that little filly is now carrying a filly of her own because of her hormonal carelessness! Derpy is quite forgiving it would seem though, even happy she's going to be a grandmare to a foal of an unknown sire. Apparently Dinky had"

"That's because Dinky didn't know where foals came from either, and she did too tell her mom whose foal it was! It was Shady Daze's. But she only wanted relief from her heat too, just like most of the fillies at school!"

"Well on this matter, all Ah gotta say t' you, Tender," Applejack cut in, looking at Tender with a much softer glare than Rarity was giving Button; " that if ya got mah li'l' sis' preggers, ya are takin' responsibility, y'hear?"

"Yes ma'am. I already Pinkie promised her I'd stay with her if she's with my foal, and even if she isn't."

"Me too with Sweetie!"

"Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle? The tests are ready." Nurse Redheart called out, with both named foals, their coltfriends, and their guardians rising and heading into the doctor's office.

All six ponies filed into the small doctor office, looking to the golden-brown-coated doctor who held two pregnancy tests in his magic. "Apple Bloom?" he asked, with the named filly looking up to him, "Would you like to be alone for the results?"

"Na, jus'...please tell meh it straight. Am Ah, or not?"

"Very well. Apple Bloom, the test came back positive. You're about two months pregnant." the doctor said, showing her her positive pregnancy test.

Apple Bloom felt her stomach twist, closing her eyes and trying to keep calm. "A-ahlright." she said, a twinge of panic in her voice as it was proven true; that she truly was with Tender's foal.

Apple Bloom realized that she hadn't gotten pregnant during her first heat; it must have been when her estrus came back with a vengeance the next month when Sweetie's strangely hadn't. When Tender had mounted her and rutted her from morning until evening, leaving her feeling comfortably bloated with just how much of his colt-goo he'd left deep inside of her during her half-dozen fillings that day, then Celestia knows how many more the next, before her burn mysteriously disappeared on the third day.

Sweetie and Button had been there too, cumming to each other again and again, Apple Bloom's fertile scent riling Button into a rut as he once more pounded Sweetie into the mattress. Surely a time the foals would never forget, and now for a very good reason.

Applejack glared at Tender, but he remained as strong as a colt could in that situation. He knew that he would remain loyal to Apple Bloom, and Apple Bloom knew that as well, and that's all that mattered to him.

"Sweetie Belle? Would you like to be alone for your results?"


"OK. Sweetie Belle, you also tested positive. You're also pregnant, and roughly three months along." As he said that, she realized she'd gotten pregnant during her first heat.

"I'm keeping it." Sweetie instantly replied, looking over to Rarity, meanwhile thinking that she must have gotten pregnant that first time in the clubhouse; that her first time had born fruit with the stallion she loved.

"Sweetie! I thought that you—"

"NO! Rarity, Button and I made this foal from of our love for each other, and I'm not getting rid of it just because it will change my life from what you expected it to be!" Sweetie said, stomping a hoof adamantly, "I'm keeping it!"

"Very well, we'll...we'll discuss this later." Rarity said, a bit taken aback by Sweetie's outburst.

"There is n~o discussion! I'm ke~eping it!" Sweetie half-shouted, not budging a bit even if her voice cracked a couple of times, but from her age, not her resolve.

"Apple Bloom, what 'bout you? Ya gonna keep yer foal? Ah gotta say, Ah'd love to be 'Auntie Applejack' to a foal, an' Ahm sure yer bro Big Mac would be a happy uncle too, an’ of course Granny Smith’d love a great-grandbaby,'s all up to you an' yer coltfriend; iffin you an' Tender here are ready fer that responsibility." Applejack asked her little sister, who was subconsciously rubbing a hoof over her lower belly now; knowing it was her life-filled womb now, a little foal slowly growing within her now.

"Ah...Ah am." Apple Bloom replied simply, nodding as she looked to Tender Taps and wrapping her free forehoof around one of his, "Ah've always wanted t' be a mama one' Ah know Tender will be there for meh as mah stallion, e'ry step of the way."

"I will be, I promise." Tender said, taking Apple Bloom's hoof; "Mom already said she was OK with this all, even if I need to marry you. She approves."

"I'll be with you too Sweetie, all the way." Button said with a smile, rubbing noses with Sweetie while she still glared at Rarity, "My mom says she thinks you'll make a beautiful mother to our foal, and a bride to me."

"Well, we'll have to...discuss this all more later, together, but..." Rarity said, seemingly rattled by Sweetie's glare.

"We all got us a long road ahead'a us, that's fer sure..." Applejack said, "...but somehow, Ah think it'll all work out."


Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle eventually got the blessing of their guardians to carry full-term, Sweetie having more trouble convincing Rarity and her parents when they learned it was indeed twins, while Applejack and Big Macintosh freely consented, indeed encouraging Apple Bloom every step of the way. The pregnancies were more difficult than it would be with a full-grown mare, especially given how they were only just adolescents, and especially for Sweetie being gravid with two, but they persevered though the whole pregnancies, their coltfriends never leaving their sides throughout it as they'd promised.

After just over eleven months of carrying their twins, with Button and herself slowly, happily, watching her belly swelling with two new lives – and her twin-filled belly ending up looking almost as large as she was – Sweetie went into labor and was rushed to the hospital.

After a somewhat difficult delivery, given her smaller size and going into labor four times, once for each twin and afterbirth, she'd successfully given birth to a larger, healthy Earth Pony colt and a smaller but equally healthy Unicorn filly. Button was there for her throughout it all and never left her side.

Despite being fraternal twins, they both looked extremely similar save their genders, tribes, and sizes; both had a gamboge-gray coat, their mane a mix of grayish-scarlet and dark tangelo, from their father, with a streak of light mulberry and pale raspberry-red in their mane and tails, the same colors as their mother's. The smaller filly's mane was curlier like Sweetie's while the larger colt's was straight like Button's, their eyes a matching grayish-green.

Button couldn't help it when tears came to his eyes as he held his son in his hooves, Sweetie holding their daughter, naming their colt Smash Monitor and their filly Sweet Note.

Within weeks of Sweetie giving birth, Apple Bloom went into labor herself. Given she was larger built and a bit more physically matured, her labor was easier even with her larger earth pony foal, though its result was the same as Sweetie's. Tender Taps was there beside Apple Bloom, supporting and encouraging her, as she birthed their colt. His mane was a three-tone reddish-magenta and two tones of mulberry, his coat a light gamboge orange similar to his Aunt Applejack's. As he opened his eyes for the first time while Tender was holding him, he saw that he was looking into grayish vermilion eyes, his heart nearly stopping at how beautiful they were to him. They both thought that the name Fuji Apple fit well to the newborn foal, thus giving their son the name.

As they lay Apple Bloom's foal down at her teats for his first meal, Apple Bloom and Sweetie, Tender Taps and Button Mash, all knew that this was only the start of their happy new lives with their lovers and foals. For now instead of four of a kind, they were instead seven.