Once in the dark...

by Phosys

First published

How attached to this world are you truthfully? Most can't answer this question 100%, but Kyle can. He's not, this world is a prison filled with pain and torture. So, how does one finally escape such a complete prison? Well there's only one way...

How attached to this world are you truthfully? Most can't answer this question 100%, but Kyle can. He's not, this world is a prison filled with pain and torture. So, how does one finally escape such a complete prison? Well there's only one way... Or so he thought.

... time seems to end

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Slowly it grew colder as the intense pain Kyle felt in his abdomen finally drifted to nothing and his senses blurred. He could still just barely hear Twilights voice screaming his name as she laid her head down on his chest, her tears staining his shirt. Finally, darkness faded everything to nothing for what felt like but a moment, then a bright light and a feeling of warmth that he still can't find the words to explain overtook him, but you know what, let's actually start from my beginning here. Let's go back a little while, to when he was still just as confused as you are right now.

He laid upon his mother's couch remembering the day he had just had and trying to not scream. He pulled the small blanket up around him and whimpered to himself, "why does she continue to tell me that I'm useless. Why, the one day that I thought that she might be proud of me, did she actually punch me." The bruise on his face throbbed a bit as the memory of her punching him in the car after his graduation returned. In the partial darkness of the living room, brightened by not but the static of the tv, he sighed and sat up. He looked around and his eyes came to the safe that had recently broken. his mind began to teeter as his depression brought him to the very edge. He stood up, walked slowly to the safe and quietly opened it. In the safe was a few pieces of expensive jewelry and his mothers small 9mm pistol, fully loaded. He grabbed the gun and wandered slowly back to the couch, leaving the safe completely open. He sat there with the gun in his hands simply looking at it for a while wondering just what he wanted to do. After nearly half an hour of staring at the gun and listening to the sound of static, he chambered a round and slowly brought the gun to his mouth. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath through his nose and jumped off the edge his depression had taken him to. There was no pain, demons, angels, gods or monsters. There was simply darkness.

He awoke as he felt the sun on his back. He quickly noticed that he was laying on dirt and grass. Opening his eyes confusion set in as he stood up and found himself in a forest of some sort. "Maybe last night was just a dream and I ended up sleep walking." Kyle said to himself quietly, trying to make sense of things. "Yeah, that's what happened, because I didn't feel anything at the end." He took a deep breath and looked around a bit. "Now I just have to find out where the hell I am," he said once again to himself. He stretched, loosening his muscles up and began walking to the west opposite the rising sun.

Surprisingly, it only took a few minutes for him to hear voices. "Hello," a feminine voice said. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frighten your birds. I'm just here to check up on the music and it's sounding beautiful," she continued. He walked towards the voice, expecting some sort of answer, however for a short while there was only silence. "I'm Twilight Sparkle," she said. Huh weird name, he thought. After a short pause she continued once more, "what's your name?" He heard a small squeak as a response. "Didn't quite get that." she said. He heard another squeak as he exited the forest and got caught on branch, tearing his shirt.

"Ah, hell! I liked this shirt," he said looking at the tear. Suddenly he heard them scream and he looked up and instead of people he saw multi colored, humanoid, horses and a purple lizard creature. He laughed once and passed out.

Once more he started to wake up, but this time felt like he was on a bed. He sat up with his eyes closed and stretched with a yawn. "Now that was a strange dream," He said as he opened his eyes once more seeing the humanoid equines. "Or not," he continued as his confusion grew.

"Hello, I'm Twilight Sparkle," she said. Twilight looked to be about 5'5", had a purple coat, dark purple eyes, a long indigo mane and tail with a dark pink stripe in it and she wore a light blue button up shirt with a dark purple skirt embellished with some sort of pink star marking.

"And I'm Fluttershy," she also said. Fluttershy was about 5'2", with a yellow coat, light blue-green eyes, a very long light pink mane and tail, and she wore a white tank top with a green skirt embellished with butterflies. However, that wasn't what really got to him.

"You.... you have a horn.... and.... and you have... wings..." Confusion grew and grew until he convinced himself that he was dreaming and smacked himself as hard as he could. The pain throbbed where he hit and proved him wrong.

"Why did you hit yourself!?" Fluttershy screamed as she rushed him. "Twilight, can you get some ice for me please." She said as she cuddled his head close to her chest, which he now noticed was a bit on the big side, possibly double-d.

"No problem Fluttershy." Twilight said as she left the room quickly.

"You need to be nicer to yourself. I mean, please," Fluttershy continued as she rocked back and forth.

"This isn't a dream is it?" He asked no one in particular. Just as Twilight walked in with the pack of ice.

"No, it isn't," She answered as she brought the ice to Fluttershy. Fluttershy took the ice and stood up pressing the ice against the cheek he hit. "What and who are you?" Twilight asked him.

"M... my name's Kyle," he answered as he took the ice from Fluttershy and held it close. "I'm... human. Jeez... this is so... so confusing," he continued. "Where am I?" he finally asked.

"You're in my cottage, on the outskirts of Ponyville," Fluttershy answered him.

"Pony... Ponyville? Ok, so is this a small island or something?" he quizzed.

"No, this is a town in Equestria," Twilight answered, confused by his question. "Why?" she asked him.

"I'm not even on Earth am I?" He questioned even further.

"Is that where you're from, Earth?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yes, I'm from the planet Earth, America to be a little more specific," Kyle answered.

"You're from another world!? How did you get here?" Twilight quizzed, her expression mirroring his confusion.

"That's just it... I don't know. The last thing I remember was taking my own life, but I think that was a dream. Although I'm not so sure anymore," He answered looking down as the pain from his cheek dissipated. Both Twilight and Fluttershy gasped at his statement.

"How... how could you even think that?" Twilight asked as tears leaked down her cheeks and Fluttershy blubbered quietly.

He looked up and moved the ice pack to the bruise on the other side of his face, "well it's not like anyone would care," he answered.

"Wh... what ab... about your fa... family or yo.... your friends?" Fluttershy asked as she sniveled.

"I didn't have any friends and...." he took a breath as he moved the ice away from the bruise, "you see this bruise, my mom did this to me. Being called useless, disgusting or many other insults was a daily occurrence and being hit was at least once a week. I'm an only child and I've never met my father, he left before I was born," He continued and their tears increased as they looked at him with concern. He moved the ice pack back and said somewhat quietly, "please, I can't deal with pity. It makes me feel even more worthless."

Suddenly they both gave him a group hug and said, "we'll care." Their tears staining his ripped green shirt. Twilight stated, "no parent should beat their child and no one should have to deal with abuse, physical or mental. It's just... wrong." Then, for the first time in years, Kyle bawled.

After around ten minutes of them all crying together, he finally hugged them back. "I don't know why I told you both these things... I... I never told anyone..." Kyle stated as his tears began to dry up. "It's weird you aren't even human and... I feel as if I can trust you... I feel as if you really mean that you care... even though we just met," he continued. "I guess I just get along better with humanoid equines than I do with people. Thank you," he said with a bit of a sad laugh. The close contact allowed him to realize that Twilight was a C-cup.

They pulled away from him and Fluttershy got tissues from her nightstand. She handed them out to everyone as Twilight stated, "we're ponies. She's a pegasus and I'm a unicorn." Then, they cleaned up their faces.

"So... um what's going to happen now?" he asked.

"Well, for now I'll take you back to where I'm staying and we'll send a letter to Princess Celestia. After that, I have to do somethings," Twilight said. "That is if you're ok to walk," She continued.

"Yeah, I'll be fine," he answered and stood up. He stood at 5'8", had shoulder length black hair, had blue eyes, wore a blank green t-shirt with black jeans and plain white socks. "Where are my shoes?" he asked, then he saw them near the end of the bed. "Never mind," he continued as he slipped on his black shoes.

"I think I'll go with, just to make sure you're ok. If that's fine with you?" Fluttershy stated.

Kyle looked to Twilight, then she answered, "yes that's fine." They walked out of the room and then Kyle noticed that their was a lot of animals in this house, even a large bear. The only reason he didn't panic was that they were all sleeping. He saw that some of them were injured and guessed that she was some kind of vet or caretaker. They left the house and he followed them to the town. After a decent walk they finally stopped at the Golden Oaks Library. "We're here," Twilight said as Kyle stared at the building.

"You live in a tree. A house made out of a tree, a literal tree-house," he stated. "I feel like I shouldn't be that surprised, but I am," he continued with a shake of his head. The mares giggled a bit as Twilight opened the door and let them in, following shortly behind as she shut the door once more.

"Ok, where are the lights," Twilight said to herself as she began to look around.

Suddenly the lights flashed on and their was a big scream of "Surprise!!" from all of the ponies there. Once again Kyle let out one laugh and passed out.

Well now you know

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Kyle quietly made his way to Fluttershy's cottage. He got some stares, but was used to far worse than that on earth and their stares had grown more curious than anything over the passed couple weeks. Rainbow Dash made her way to him and began walking beside him and looking at his face. "Hey... dude, I'm sorry that Gilda ended up punching you in the face. I didn't realize she was that bad," she said with a guilty tone.

"Don't worry about it too much. Believe it or not that was rather light compared to what I was used too," Kyle answered with a shrug. "Although, that whole event helped me feel a lot more wanted and cared for. So thanks for sticking up for me and Shy," he continued. Rainbow smiled and passed by him.

"Totally, welcome," she said. Turning towards him she asked him, "so where ya' headed?"

"Fluttershy's, I promised to help today," he answered. "How about you, what's on your schedule?" he asked her.

"Later on I'm going to do some more practicing. Gotta' keep it up to get into the Wonderbolts. I mean, I won't have an issue or anything. Come on, I'm awesome," she answered as she took to the air, still facing him.

Kyle laughed a bit saying happily, "yes Dash, yes you are. What makes you even more awesome is how you treat your friends."

"Yep, evenifit'salittlehard," Pinkie quickly spouted as she popped up next to them from seemingly nowhere, startling Kyle.

"Jeez... I don't think I'll ever get used to that," he said with a deep breath. "Anyways, what brings you here Pinkie?" he asked as he a Dash shifted their attention to the bouncing mare and he fought to keep his attention on her face.

"I was going to find out some more about you, like your favorite foods, sweets, games, colors, your birthday..." Pinkie started as Kyle stopped her with a finger over her mouth while shushing her.

He giggled as he answered her, "favorite food is avocado, favorite sweet would have to be cupcakes, favorite game is a game from my world called Culdcept, favorite color is green and my birthday is or was rather on January 13th. I don't know if the months and days work the same here or not. Anyways, why do you need all this information?"

"So that I can give you a welcome to Ponyville party and I know everypony's birthday in Ponyville," she answered with a massive smile.

"You have got to be exaggerating just a little on that," he stated with a chuckle.

"Nope," she answered as she started spouting off birthdays of everypony they passed.

After about ten minutes of her listing off birthdays he finally stopped her and said, "alright... alright, I believe you. You don't have to give me a welcome to Ponyville party though, wasn't I at Twilight's,"

"First off that was Twilight's party and no you weren't. You passed out right Rainbow," Pinkie said with a grin. However, the only answer she got from Rainbow Dash was a light snore as she napped while still flying backwards. They giggled at their sleeping friend.

"While you are right on that, I still don't think you should do the party. You shouldn't spend that much money on someone like me," he said to her.

She gave him a very close look while saying, "what do you mean somepony like you? Fluttershy is right you're very mean to yourself. I do this because I want to see my friends smile, that includes you."

"Well, I don't want to see you end up broke or homeless," he shot back.

Finally, Rainbow Dash woke up saying, "what are ya' 'lergic to parties or something, is that why you passed out?"

He looked at her very confused, "what, that's not even possible. I'm allergic to shellfish, bees," he started as Pinkie handed him a cupcake. "Thank you, and peanuts," he finished as he took a big bite and swallowed. Then he looked from the cupcake to Pinkie as his eyes widened in fear and his throat closed up.

Pinkies panicked immediately and yelled to Rainbow Dash, "he needs the hospital now!" Just as he went limp and fell to the ground clutching his throat. Rainbow nodded and took off with Kyle.

Twilight sat at her desk reading a particularly in-depth book on magical theory when, suddenly, Pinkie rushed in with tears streaming down her face. She was blubbering very fast and Twilight couldn't understand a word she said. "Ok, Pinkie, why don't you slow down a bit and start from the beginning. What happened?" Twilight asked.

Still crying Pinkie nodded and started again, "I fed Kyle peanuts."

"Ok, and this is bad?" Twilight quizzed, clearly confused.

"He's highly allergic to them!" Pinkie answered as more and more tears found their way down her face.

"Oh Celestia, is he ok?" Twilight asked.

"I... I sent Rainbow to take him to the hospital..." Pinkie said through her sniffling.

"Let's go." Twilight said as she put her book down and made her way towards the door.

Meanwhile at the hospital, Kyle's allergies had finally been gotten under control. Taking deep breaths he looked over at Rainbow Dash and, in a very scratchy voice, he said, "thank you." He took more deep breaths.

Dash looked at him with a sad smile, "no thanks needed." The door opened and Twilight ran up to him, giving him a big hug.

"Thank Faust you're alright," she said as she cried a bit.

"I will be. I need to start carrying around Epipens again," he said, his voice sounding a little better, but still hoarse. Then he noticed that Pinkie was standing by the door, looking down at the ground. "Hey Pinkie why don't you get over here," he said. Pinkie, still keeping her view away from him nodded and walked closer to him. "Don't you dare blame yourself for this. I ate the cupcake, I didn't tell anyone about my allergies and I didn't have my Epipens. This is not your fault. Now come give me a hug and we'll plan my welcome party," he said with a light chuckle. She looked at him and smiled as tears fell like a waterfall down her face. Twilight backed up as Pinkie gave him a bone crushing hug.

"Thank you," she whispered to him as her tears stained his shirt.

Panic and fear

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Another week passed while his friends took care of some problems for the Princesses and Kyle sat on a bench in the park slowly eating a sandwich and enjoying the calm breeze. He heard the gentle flap of wings and looked up to see Fluttershy landing next to him. "Hello, Kyle. Can I sit with you? I mean... if that's ok," she said to him.

"Yeah, that's fine. Take a seat. You want a tomato and cheese sandwich?" he asked her as he thought to himself, 'she has really pretty wings.'

She took a seat and nodded. He got one from his bag and handed it to her. She answered his kindness with, "thank you." She paused and he looked forward, while she took a delicate bite and chewed slowly. Afterwards she looked at Kyle and asked him quietly, "what happened when you first saw us and at Twilight's party; those were both panic attacks weren't they."

Kyle looked back at her and saw something he hadn't seen ever, understanding. He chewed on his lip and took a breath. Then, he answered her, "y... yes, I have some... issues with big crowds." He looked down and took a bite of his food. She took a bite as well as a soft silence coated the two.

After some time when they had both finished their food Fluttershy took a breath and scooted a little closer to him. "I've never met somepony who had the same debilitating shyness that I have. I... I don't know why, but it makes me feel a little happier, a little less alone," she whispered.

"Like there's someone out there that feels your pain and can help you carry your burden up the steep mountain of life," he whispered back.

She put a hand on his shoulder and he looked at her. The two of them smiled and giggled. "Maybe... maybe we could help each other. Maybe, give each other support?" Fluttershy asked politely.

"That... that sounds wonderful actually," he answered, putting out his hand. "Ok, so if you are having issues with anyone or anything, feel free to come to me and I will do the same," he continued.

Fluttershy thought for a moment and added, "and no secrets, between us. Ev... even if the issue is... is between us." She took his hand and they shook on it.

"Deal," he said with a smile. They released hands and looked in front of them once more and saw a pink mare bouncing happily towards them. "Here comes Pinkie," he said with a chuckle. Then, an idea came to him. "Hey, when she gets here just let me talk, I think I have something that might be funny. Don't know why, I'm terrible with jokes," he asked her. She smiled and nodded, curious as to what he would say.

"Hey, Kyle and Flutters," she bubbled.

"Ah, good day, Pinkamena our humble Purveyor of Playtime, Bringer of the Boisterous and Wooer of Wile. How might we help you this fine afternoon," Kyle announced, fighting a laugh. Pinkie however had no such conflict and the bubbly mare busted out laughing, while Fluttershy lightly giggled next to him. Finally, he let out a chortle and said, "good, I wasn't sure if that was actually going to work."

"Ooo, that was a nice giggle. Thanks Kyle." Pinkie said as she smiled at the two of them.

"So, what's up Pinkie?" Kyle asked as stood up with his bag and helped Fluttershy to her hooves.

"Just coming to see some of my two bestest friends," Pinkie said with a smile. "How about you two, what are you up to?" Pinkie beamed.

"I was just having lunch and Fluttershy decided to join me. We had a talk and that's about it, I actually don't even know what to do next," Kyle said as Fluttershy nodded, then, stretched out her wings a bit. "Yep, very pretty wings," Kyle whispered without realizing.

"What?" Fluttershy asked. Kyle tensed up a little realizing that now he had to tell her, he didn't want to break a promise. To many had done that to him.

"He said, he thinks your wings are very pretty," Pinkie answered for him while beaming innocently.

Kyle's chuckled uncomfortably as he nodded with a blush. Fluttershy smiled and looked down blushing as well while she while she quietly breathed out, "Th... Thank you."

"Oh, I have something that you both can do!" Pinkie burst out, causing the others to jump a little. "Come on, follow me," she continued as she bounced back the way she came. Kyle took a breath, getting rid of the blush and shrugged as they both followed the joy filled pink mare.

After a little walking they found themselves at Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie just bounced right in as Kyle and Fluttershy happily followed her in without a second thought. For a split second it was dark before all the lights went on and a loud 'surprise!' was shouted by everyone present. Immediately Kyle began panicking and stumbled backwards, but Fluttershy put a hand on his back and said quietly, "it's ok. It'll be fine, they're here as friends. Shh... hush now, it's fine... it's fine." That quiet, calm, motherly voice of hers bringing him away from his panic attack.

"Ok..." he started pausing for a short breath, "I'm.. I'm fi... fine now." Twilight brought over a glass of water to him. "Thank you, thank both of you," he breathed out before guzzling the water down. "Sorry, everyone," he said once he had control. "Ok, let's have some fun now," he finished as the ponies went about partying.

An hour or so later, Kyle found himself set up against the wall with a cup of punch watching the ponies play. He took a drink as a certain cotton candy maned pony stopped next to him.

"Why aren't you over having lots and lots and lots and lots of fun with everypony else?" she asked. Her innocence showed through in her question. However there was something behind it, but he didn't know what.

He finished his sip and looked down at the glass twirling the juice. "I still don't know why I feel like I can't lie to any of you. Not even a little one, like; it's nothing or I'm ok," he admitted, pausing before looking at Pinkie and continuing, "I'm terrified. I don't know what to do or how to talk to anyone. I mean, hell, before I got here any party I was invited to, I ended up being the brunt of everyone's jokes and something like having a garbage bag full of manure was dropped on my head happened. I..."

"Come on let's go have some fun," Pinkie broke in, pulling Kyle towards some of the games and kept asking ponies to teach me how to play each of them. All while Pinkie kept up with keeping me occupied with a smile on my face.

Dragon's Breath

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Kyle awoke to the sound of hooves going back and forth at an anxious pace downstairs and a dank odor choking him. He stood up from his bed as quickly as his coughing and burning eyes allowed him. He, then, made his way down the steps just to see Twilight reading a scroll with a panicked look. He coughed once more and asked her, "what's going on Twilight?"

She set the note down and looked up sadly. "It seems as if we have a dragon sleeping..." she tried saying, but, she just ended up coughing laboriously.

"From the look on your face, this is a big problem. Can you tell me why?" Kyle asked striving to combat his own coughing. He walked up to her inquisitively and began to pat her on her back.

"Thank you Kyle," she stated softly as she took a slow, deep, breath. "The dragon may end up sleeping here in Equestria for at least a century, and this would release enough smog and smoke to coat the entirety of this beautiful nation. Celestia does not believe that we can survive here, should he decide to stay," she continued as a tear leaked out. She wiped it away hurriedly and put on her war face. "Time to take action." She and Spike ran out the door, promptly leaving Kyle alone. He sighed the frog in his throat away for now and went back upstairs to don his shoes. Going back down he followed Twilight out and saw her returning. He raised an eyebrow and tried to question her, sadly this just ended in, "sorry, no time," and her racing back into her home.

"Well, ok then," he said to himself. He saw Fluttershy shivering a bit and made his way over to her, "are you ok?" he asked her quietly.

"N.. no... we.... we have to... to get the drago.. the drag... the dragon to leave... somehow..." she whispered out, her mane cluttering her face as she contemplated the ground below her.

Kyle took a breath, and gripped her chin softly. "We made a promise to support each other in our endeavors, so that is exactly what I am going to do," he said, looking into her eyes. "So, what do you need to do this?" he finished with an inquiry.

"Y... you cou... could convince our fr... friends to leave me here..." she sputtered, trying to free her chin from his grasp.

Unwilling to let go, he marginally tightened his hold of her. "I don't think I can do that, however, I can go with you if need be," he answered just as their friends returned.

"No Kyle, you shouldn't go. It's to danger..." Twighlight stated, before being interrupted as Kyle released Fluttershy.

"Nope, I'm going. No fighting it. You girls are the best friends I have ever had, and if I let you go and you get hurt, I would never forgive myself," Kyle quickly declared, leaving no room for argument. The mares looked at him, their mouths gaping in bewilderment of his statement. "So, are we all ready to go?" he quizzed, crossing his arms in front of his chest. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash howled with amusement, as Applejack approached him.

"Are ya' sure about this sugar cube? It'll be more dangerous than Granny Smith with no sleep and three growlers a' apple stout," she pointed out.

Kyle cleared his throat, smiled, and answered, "Nothins' more terrifyin' than that hun." Applejack sighed, and smiled. "So, are we going to stop wasting time and head out to extricate Equestria from this chilling dread?" he inquired, with a sticky cough. Then, they were on their way. Unfortunately, when they finally reached the mountain Kyle realized how steep it really was. Applejack and Rainbow had a short conversation that he couldn't exactly hear, and to be honest he was more focused on how Fluttershy had completely stopped moving. "Flutters' what's wrong?" he asked, and placed his hand on her shoulder. She bolted with a start, as her wings and legs locked up, and her breath billowed out harshly. Ok I can do this, I promised, he thought. "Hey you girls go on, I've got her. I would've had to take a different path anyways, I really can't climb something this steep," He pointed out, and tried to get Fluttershy to relax a bit.

"Th... thank you K... Kyle," Fluttershy stammered faintly, and she took a deep breath.

"No prob'. Now, I want you to climb up on my back," he muttered shyly, and bent with his knees, his arms crossed behind him to hold her up.

"N... no, you don't ha... have to do that," she answered, a blush plastered obviously on her face. Kyle took a breath, and motioned for her to climb on. "Ok." she quietly muttered, and climbed upon Kyle's back.

Kyle stood up with a brief grunt, and made his way towards Twilight. "I'm sorry, but, I'm going to need the map," he voiced. Twilight nodded, and handed him the map. The other mares made their way up the cliff, while Kyle toted Fluttershy up a less steep path.

A little less than an hour later Kyle, still carrying Fluttershy, finally reunited with the group. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, and sighed. Kyle let Fluttershy down, as she had finally calmed down, and they continued forward. However suddenly they came up to a drop-off. Twilight, Kyle and the others made it across with no problems, but Fluttershy was having a panic attack once more. Rainbow Dash grunted, and declared with an irked tone, "you could just fly across, you have wings remember." Fluttershy nodded, and gulped. She spread her wings out, began to flap them, floated up slightly, and the dragon snored loudly, letting out a huge puff of soot and smoke. Fluttershy's wings and limbs stiffened close to her body and she fell to the ground, shivering with trepidation. Pinkie smiled and did a little skit about a hop, a skip, and a jump. Back and forth she crossed to the opposite sides of the precipice, while Fluttershy watched her and gained some confidence. She made her way to the crag, and tried a hop, a skip, and a jump.

"That's great just don't lo..." Twilight started, but Kyle quickly covered her mouth, and cut her off. He shook his head, as Fluttershy finally made her way across.

Pinkie Pie giggled, and said excitedly, "I knew you could do it." She hugged her happily, and Fluttershy tittered. Kyle released Twilight, and got a short glare from her. He snickered as they resumed their forward momentum.

Soon they neared the end of their journey, when Twilight breathed out, "now we are in an avalanche zone so we need to be very, very quiet."

Kyle heard this, his eyes bulged out, and he screamed out, "a what!!" The cliff, and the ground, shook perilously, releasing its load unto the friends below. They dodged back and forth, as they attempted to avoid the falling stones and rubble. Rainbow had to rescue Kyle from his doom twice, and Applejack had to save Twilight.

"Is everypony alright?" Applejack probed.

"I am thanks to you," Twilight answered to her.

"Yeah, thank you Rainbow, and sorry for my panic earlier," Kyle stated to Rainbow Dash, and the group.

"It'll be fine, we just have to," Twilight sighed and broke up her statement, "climb up it." She looked up at the large pile of dirt and rubble. Kyle coughed and looked down.

"It's ok, if you hadn't done it... I probably would of screamed." Fluttershy muttered to him, in an attempt to cheer him up a bit. He smiled weakly, and sighed, as they continued forward.

After hours of climbing they finally made it to the cave where the smog was billowing out from. Twilight explained what her plan for the dragon was, however, they had one tiny problem. Fluttershy was unable, and unwilling to enter a cave with a full grown dragon in it. Kyle took a breath, and declared, "I'll talk to her, please just see what you girls can do." He quizzed Flutters about why she feared dragons, and when she finished telling him why, he more than understood, "I can understand truthfully, but..." he got interrupted as Rainbow Dash and the other mares smashed into him, from his left side. Pain pulsed through his arm and an ear-piercing, thunderous, snap was heard. Kyle screamed out, and breathed heavily, as he held his left arm close to him. He heard Fluttershy scream furiously, but could not make out the words as the pain coursed through his body. Then, darkness took him once again.