Love always wins, right?

by lilyfee1

First published

War broke out and hattred fills the air but will it destroy all the love that is? that could be?

War broke out and hattred fills the air but will it destroy all the love that is? that could be?

My first Story is getting romantic but mostly its getting sad from the time

It's about the past of Discord and Celestia and why he turned out to be the Spirit of Chaos.

Prolog: The Royals and their Problems

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The Royals and their Problems
The Kingdom of Equestria is huge it reaches to the tall Snowy Mountains, but bejond that are the Wastelands. Home to dangerous creatures and Monsters e.g: Dragons, Centaurs and Changelings and much more but the most hatred ones where the Draconequui.

They were heartless, strong creatures, mixed out of different kinds of animanls. Their instinct and favorite ‘hobby’ is how they called it, is to kill and misery the lives of many other creatures. But they wanted more, they wanted to overthrow the King and the Queen of Eqestria. So the Draconequi army marched to the Snowy Mountains in front of them their King D.Dragon.

That emidently cought intrest of the guards from the Royal Family of Equestria. King Moonshadow and Queen Solar were alarmed and decided to counter attack

“Are you sure it’s a good Idea ? I actually don’t want a War” Solar said with regret in her voice.

“Its need, they want war and they gonna get it, no matter what we do they will attack us back “ the King replied with anger.

“very well, good luck then my husband” she said with sadness”.

When the Army was ready the King left leaving his Woman home to raise their children and rule over equestrian if he doesn’t come back.

Chapter 1 : The War

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As the army of King Moonshadow reached the Snowy Mountains, they already saw the Dracanequus Army approching over the mountains.

"How much did you Count ?" the King asked a guard Standing next to him.

"2.000" he fast replied.

"and how much are we?" his voice still filled with hatred and Anger.

"2.500, my King, are you sure we could win?" he asked with a hint of fear.

"We do our best, and this will end today" the King replied, turning around and Walking to the front of his Army.

When the Dracanequui were getting near the king screamed "FOR EQUESRIA !" his Canterlot voice surly activated. They ran into the fight. Just a few minutes later they were in the middle of a bloodbath fight. Both sides were losing many subjekts.

King D.Dragon lost sight of his aful enemy King Moonshadow, but quickly found him as he was Shooting a powerfull Beam right into his chest. He didn't scream out of pain he just turned to face Moonshadow and attacked him with one of his claws, hitting him in the Face. D.Dragon was losing much blood from the beam. he fast pulled the Equestrian King to him with his tail and bit him in the Neck. the king screamed out of pain and fell unconscious to the ground laying there not breathing. D.Dragon collabs next to him, he lost too much blood to overlive it. At the end, the battlefield was covered with dead Bodies, some Royal Guards did came out alive searching for injured. They dragged the injured ones home and leaving the battelfield. No Dracanequus came out alive they clearly out numberd them. or so everyone tought.........

Chapter 2 : The Escape I Discord

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Fast, fast don't look behind and don't stop running I tought to myself. Every Draconequus was at the battel and this would be my only chance to escape from the Wastelands but mostly from my parents.

My father was the King and my mother the Queen, I would have been the future King. You may wonder why I try to escape from that? Well my parents aren’t very kind they push me around if I would be mud and they don’t even care If something happened to me, they just see me as a disappointment, because im not a very strong Draconequus.

So I try to get out. I nearly reached the end of the Wastelands, but I couldn’t hold it any longer I looked back to leave all this behind me. A few hours after I crossed the border of the Wastelands to Equestria, I found a forest it looked dangerous so I was sure nopony would find me in there. It was a beginning of a new life, I was sure of that.

I lived there for 1 month and I got pretty lonely, after all there was nobody to talk to, I was sad that I was so alone but I needed to keep that away after all I couldn’t go back now. So I decieded to find some food in the forest. I couldn’t just walk into the nearby town, if someone would see me I would be in very much in trouble.

Chapter 3 : In the Woods I Discord

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I walked through the woods, the air was getting stuffy and the night slowly overcame the land.
I found a clearing, there were white and red tulips all over the place, but the most interesting there was a beautiful mare standing right in front of me. Her skin was white as clouds and her mane reminded me of Cotton Candy, the Idea of Cotton Candy Clouds came into my mind but was washed away when she grabbed a flower with her magic.
Wait magic? She is a Unicorn and has wings, she must been an Alicorn. Heh funny I never tought I would see one in my live, after all they were pretty rare.
She puts the flower in her saddleback, then she slowly turned around, when she saw me her happy smiling face turned into a more scared one.

“I-I-Im sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you” I stuttered.

“What are you?” she asked me, with a soft voice, not like the other ponys that I met she was just calmer.

“I am a Draconequus …. I better leave now” I backed away slowly, turning around and disappeared in the forest.

I lifted my head to look back, she was starting to fly away, flipping her pure white wings and heading to the town on the huge mountain.
I didn’t know the name of the town, must have slipped my mind, but that doesn’t really mater does it ? In the town lived lots of ponys, they would just run away and scream at the sight of me. I couldn’t blame them after all, I looked like a Monster.

Chapter 4: Heading Home I Celestia

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As she arrived at the castle her thoughts were mixed.

What is he doing in the forest? What creature is he? A Draconequus, but what is that? And what’s his name? Oh no I didn’t even asked him that! How rude of me, I should probeply head back there tomorrow and ask him, but first I’m going to the Library, maybe I can find something there about a Draconequus.

When she arrived at the castle she immediately walked towards the Library, while her Mother came to meet her.

“Hallo Celestia, how are you doing, and where are you heading? It’s very late already, you should get some rest” Solar said in a soft voice and giving her a halfhearted smile. She was still a little struck from the death of her husband, after all it was just a few days ago.

“I’m doing fine, I was about to go to the Library” Celestia replied.

“Oh really what’s the matter?” her Mother asked curios.

“Nothing, Mum can I ask you something?”

“Sure always”

“When you met someone that looks kind of strange, maybe a bit scary but doesn’t hurt you and maybe is even friendly what would you do?” Celestia asked with a little bit fear that her mother might not understand it right.

“I would try to befriend him or her, after I made sure they are friendly, since the look of a creature doesn’t have to reflect the character. Why? Did you meet someone?”

“No; I was just curious, thanks mother”

“No problem, don’t stay to long up” Solar said and continued to walk.

As Celestia reached the door she opend it with her magic and began to walk into the Library. The huge room was filled with thousands of books. She Spend long time for searching the right book.

Got it, now lets see if I can find something.

She graps the book with the Title ‘Mysterious Creatures’ and flipped It open with her magic.

“D-D…..Dra……here Draconequus…….hm a dangerous creature with a mind only to kill and plague the life of others,……heartless, cruel and evil” She reads quiet.
“But he didn’t seem so evil to me, maybe he’s different from the others” She wondered. She yawned.

I should get some rest like mother told me

She got on her hoves and walked to her Bedroom. She entered and walked towards her bed, collabsing on it and drifting into a deep sleep, exhausted from her long day.

The sunshine shone through the windows. Celestia awoke from the light and got up from her bed. She walked to the Dining Room and ate her breakfast, after that she asked her mother if she could go out again, her mother told her to stay safe and waved her good bye.

She flew over the forest after some time she found the place where she first saw the creature. She landed and looked around hoping that the Draconquus from yesterday was still there. Yet she found nothing and decided to wait, she laid herself in the grass and admired the beauty of the forest.